#'you've said quite enough' oh buddy no she did not! and be grateful for that!!
leatherbookmark · 2 years
i sincerely thank jane austen for introducing me to the shrimpiest emotion that is “darcy love what the fuck kinda proposal is this”. i have not known joy until that moment. he’s so fucking stressed. he’s squirming. he sat down on that fucking chair and inside my heart and soul i cheered like a football fan when he stood up after 5 seconds. it takes him like 4 times to finally start talking and for what? for what? to tell lizzie her family is cringe above everything else and he did his best to purge the Affection for her out of himself. absolute king. darcy girls i understand you completely. this man is a fucking gem. a diamond, a diamond of diamonds amongst men. a tragedy and comedy in one. and also colin firth. utterly fucking wonderful
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struggling-author · 4 years
an Azulaang Family short story
The sun was starting to set on the Fire Nation capital, but the streets were still buzzing with life. A little girl could be seen chasing her brother down the streets, towards the waterfront, laughing all along the way. Trailing behind them were their two parents as well as their older sister, Ursa. Ever the elegant and courteous princess, she rolled her eyes at the younger children's antics, though she too wore a wide smile on her face.
Usually, their father would be right up ahead with them, chasing his children down with the threat of tickles and other oh so horrible forms of torture, but on this day he was content just walking in the back with their mother on his arm. Their children all knew why, of course. They had heard the story many times, and they were sure they'd hear it again before the day was over.
Walking along the streets with her husband, Azula still couldn't quite fathom that this was her life now. She remembered a time when these people, celebrating all around her, would kneel and cower in fear at her presence. She remembered another time, when they scowled and booed at the sight of her, some even going as far as grabbing cabbages off a nearby stand to throw at her. And even when that subsided, she remembered the shocked gasps and quiet whispers when the Avatar first kissed her in public. Things were so different now. The pair had been far from an unusual occurrence, even in the poorer parts of town, when they'd lived in the palace, and even now, after moving to Air-Temple Island, they made sure to visit at least once a year. Partially, that was due to her husband's apparent need to prove to her and the world that he wasn't ashamed of her, and while she'd always been vocally against it, deep down she was eternally grateful.
"Look, it's the Avatar!" A little kid shouted. "And princess Azula!" another followed, pointing in their direction.
Heads turned, and some people gave friendly nods or waved their hats at the couple, before continuing with their celebrations. A few kids swarmed around them, and Azula was glad to have her husband there pulling most of the attention, or she would for sure have lost her mind.
She felt something tugging at her sleeve and turned around to find a little girl staring up at her.
"Look, princess Azula!" She said, pumping her tiny fist in the air and igniting a flame abound the size of a matchstick.
"Impressive." She commented, and the girl's eyes lit up with joy.
"When I'm older, I wanna be just as great of a firebender as you!"
Azula gave a light chuckle.
"I'm sure you will be," and bending down to whisper in her ear she added, "maybe even a little better."
When they finally made it out of the crowd, Aang lead her into a more quiet back road, where they could enjoy being alone for a while. Their children were old enough now not to run off and get lost if they were left unsupervised for more than a minute, so they could afford to take a little detour.
As they walked along the street, Azula laid her head on her husband's shoulder, and as she did, Aang felt like, just for a moment, the weight of the world had been lifted off them, and he saw only her.
"This is the same street we walked along 17 years ago, remember?" Aang mused.
"Hmm... the crowd was all over us for a whole nother reason that day." She remembered the food stains that had covered her favorite dress. "You pulled me into this street to escape, but the night was basically ruined. You looked so sad like you were the one they'd thrown the stuff at, but you still carefully bent every single stain off my dress, until it looked as good as new."
Aang, who'd closed his eyes to bask in the last rays of sunlight, let them shoot open again.
"You're wearing it today!" He said, having just realized it.
She smiled as she stepped back and gave him a little half twirl to show it off.
"You're as beautiful as the day I fell in love with you." Aang said, mesmerized.
Azula beamed at his flattery. Returning to her place at his side, she continued her story.
"You said we should just go home after that, but you sounded so disappointed about it. I knew how much you'd been looking forward to this day though, so instead I dragged you over to the fortress wall overlooking the port. We got there just in time to see the fireworks."
Aang had taken her hand now, as they kept walking.
"I never understood why they'd made losing the war a Fire Nation national holiday, but that day, I finally did. Everything I had now, my whole life, that I never even knew I wanted... none of that could’ve happened under my father’s rule, not even if we’d won the war.“ She gave a brief pause, turning to face her husband. ”That day, I finally let myself fall in love with you“
When they got to the fortress wall, their children were already waiting for them. Ursa just sat there enjoying the view, while Zuki used her glider to fly across the water and Kuzon kept jumping up and down at the wall like he wanted to join her. After a particularly ambitious jump, he almost fell over and into the water, but luckily his father was there to catch him midair.
"Careful buddy, we don't wanna fall now, do we?"
"No," He said shaking his head "sorry Daddy."
Aang gave him a smile. "It's alright. Now go hug Mommy."
And when he ran up to her and was lifted into her arms, Zuki also came to a landing next to them.
”Me next!“ She shouted, looking up at her mother, and received a gentle pat on her little head.
"You too?" the Avatar asked his eldest daughter, still sitting off to the side.
"I think I'm good.“ She answered. "So are you gonna tell us your sappy love story again?"
"You know what?" Aang said as he looked at his wife, smiling and playing with their two happy children. "I don't need to. I live a new love story with her every day."
At that, his daughter burst out laughing, punching him ever so lightly in the arm.
"Oh my god, Dad. That was the cheesiest thing you've ever said! And the bar is already so high!"
Aang just laughed as well, putting an arm around his daughter, as his wife and other children came to sit beside them.
Sitting together on the little fortress wall, just like Aang and Azula had done years ago, they watched the fireworks go off in the distance.
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
Author's note: This is a continuation of Wacky Drabbles #5 no prompt just dinner conversation...
Just Desserts
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Drake and Kate emerge from the laundry room a few minutes later. Wearing his damp bluejeans, Drake feels uncomfortable but at least he's dressed. Kate takes his hand and tugs, when he hesitates she whispers to him. “I promise to make it up to you later, now come on let's get this dinner over with.”
Drake whispers back with a grin, “I hope you're talking about dessert.”
Kate winks at him, “Yes, and I don’t mean apple pie.”
As they walk into the kitchen, Lorraine glances up from the plate she's loading up with pasta for herself. “What's that about pie? Not until you eat dinner first. You know the rules.”
Kate grins up at Drake and rolls her eyes. “You heard the Lady, no dessert until you've finished dinner.”
Drake winks back at her as he grabs his plate. “Well then it's a good thing I'm hungry.”
Stepping in behind Kate in line at the counter, Drake purposely stands a little too close. Kate sucks in a breath as she feels her body react involuntarily to his breath on the back of her neck. She's glad her blouse has long sleeves to hide the goosebumps rising on her skin. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she throws a little shade to tease him.
“Back it up buddy, besides you still smell like goose.”
Drake takes a step back raising his eyebrows, trading her shade for snark. “Ouch. Fine next time I'll just let the honking goose ruin everyone's evening.”
Carol laughs, “No..no. Believe me I'm very grateful for your help with shutting him up.”
After scooping spaghetti and meatballs onto his plate, Drake grins as he sits down across the table from Kate. “See? My partner in Clem's rescue appreciates me, goose smell or not.”
Lorraine shakes her head, “Ok everyone let's all behave and enjoy our dinner.”
Kate quirks an eyebrow at Drake from across the table, he smirks back at her as she puts salad into her bowl. Let the games begin.
They all eat in silence for a few minutes and then Lorraine speaks up, “Oh Carol, didn't you bring wine home to go with dinner?”
When Carol gets up from the table to retrieve the two bottles of wine from the counter, Drake and Kate exchange a look across the table.
They've held onto their secret long enough. Kate drops a hint, “I suppose we do have something to celebrate. Drake isn't much of a wine drinker, but he's welcome to have a glass for me.”
Everyone turns to look at Lorraine when she drops her fork, “Katherine, since when do you not drink wi-…Oh my goodness, you're not serious?”
Kate nods, her eyes shining with happiness. “We are.”
Carol opens the bottle of white wine with a pop of the cork. “So you've already been to the Doctor?”
Lorraine holds out her wine glass for Carol to fill. Drake holds his out as well as he answers. “No, but we have an appointment scheduled for when we go back to Valtoria.”
“Valtoria? I thought your country was called Cordonia.” Lorraine says looking over to Drake.
“Oh it is. Valtoria is the name of our Duchy.” Kate answers for him.
Lorraine twirls spaghetti around her fork. “I still can't believe my little Kath- ..Kate is a Duchess. You've come a long way from the girl I knew, making mud pies in the backyard, all pigtails and missing her front teeth.”
Carol chuckles from the other end of the table, “And I can't believe Lorraine is going to be a grandmother.”
Lorraine frowns at Carol, “Oh hush you, not that I doubt that Kate's pregnant, but I choose to live in denial until I see baby pictures. I'm too young to be a grandmother.”
Drake spears a meatball with his fork, “That's what my Mom said wh- ..”
Lorraine interrupts him, “Hold on a minute. You told his Mother first?”
“I thought you were in denial Mom. No we haven't told her yet. His sister surprised her with a little boy of her own.” Kate chuckles.
Drake, who has his mouthful, nods in agreement. Pointing his fork at Kate.
“Ok well, as long as you told me about your baby first, that's all that matters.” Lorraine says, picking up her wine glass.
Carol turns the conversation off of babies for a moment, “So Kate, where did you first meet your dashing Duke?”
Glancing across the table at her husband, Kate wonders which part to answer first. The Duke part or the Drake part.
Drake answers for her, “Actually we met in New York city, at my best friend's bachelor party. We walked into Kate's bar, and after that all matter of chaos happened.”
Kate nearly chokes on her spaghetti. “If you mean me returning to Cordonia with you guys, well you can blame Maxwell for that.”
Drake picks up his wine glass, giving Kate a wink before bringing it to his lips. “Neither I nor Cordonia were ready for the likes of Kate.”
“I literally came in like a wrecking ball.” Kate laughs. “Breaking and stealing hearts as I went.”
Chasing the pasta around her plate, Lorraine nods. “I believe it. Kate's a firecracker when she wants to be.”
“As for the Duke part, I met him at the altar. He married a Duchess to gain his title.” Kate says.
Carol raises her eyebrows, “And how did you become a Duchess?”
“By turning down a King's proposal.” Drake answers, “He kind of gave her the Duchy as a consolation prize.”
“So you could have been Queen?” Lorraine asks incredulously.
Kate looks across the table at Drake, “I didn't want to be Queen, because I was in love with someone else.”
“Sucks to be him, but it was definitely a win win for me.” Drake says, looking up from his plate to give Kate a smoldering glance, his eyes dark.
Kate feels the heat rush to her cheeks and to her core simultaneously, ok now I'm ready for dessert. Sitting back in her chair, Kate pretends to stifle a yawn behind her napkin. “I'm so sorry. I guess I'm still on Cordonian time.”
Drake looks back down with a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. Picking up his glass of wine he tips it back and finishes it. Laying his utensils across his plate, he looks over to Lorraine with a satisfied smile. “Thank-you for dinner it was quite delicious. I miss sitting down with family like this. Between our weeks in Texas with my Mom on her ranch and this night with your hospitality we've been spoiled during our time in the U.S.”
“You spent weeks in Texas? And you give me a day?” Lorraine asks, her tone harsh.
Kate tips her head back and closes her eyes, wishing she had a glass of wine of her own right about now. When was she going to stop questioning everything we’ve done as if we were hiding things from her. She's so darn hung up on everyone's business. No wonder I couldn't wait to get out on my own after Dad left.
Drake can't help but notice Kate's frustration with her Mom's defensive nature. He glances at Carol, who just rolls her eyes at him. Time to shut down this dinner and move on. Folding his arms across his chest he turns back toward Lorraine with a stern frown.
“Yes, we were in Texas for my sister's wedding. Between the bachelor and bachelorette parties, the cattle sale and the wedding planning it took longer than we expected. Things weren't exactly under our control. This time around Kate and I were chosen to attend an Environmental Summit in Seattle as diplomats representing our country, and it was only a three day trip. We chose to spend our last day with you because Kate wanted to catch you up on the significant changes in her life. We're sorry we couldn't invite you to our wedding, Lorraine. Our engagement only lasted a month and with assassins threatening us from all sides it wasn't exactly a stress free time. We were lucky to survive the whole thing, so get off your fucking high horse and give us a break.”
Lorraine goes pale, eyes wide in shock at being put in her place. Carol raises her eyebrows, sucking in a breath. She speaks up, attempting to cut the sudden tension in the room.
“Alrighty then, shall we have pie?”
After everyone gets up from the table, bringing their dishes to the counter, Lorraine gently pulls Kate aside into the hallway.
With her eyes cast low she whispers. “I'm sorry Katherine. Please forgive me.”
Pulling her Mom into a hug, Kate whispers back. “I forgive you. I'm sorry for excluding you from such a big chapter of my life. I won't do it again.”
“I'm going to be a grandmother. I really am proud of you, you know that right?” Lorraine whispers, her eyes wet with happy tears.
Stepping back, Kate wipes tears of her own, nodding. “I know.”
“Please tell Drake I'm sorry. Since your father left I…” her face falls, unable to finish her sentence, she looks down at the floor.
“It's ok Mom, I understand.” Kate reaches out and rubs her arms, giving her a smile of encouragement. “Now come on let's get some pie before Drake and Carol eat it all.”
Lorraine chuckles, wiping her eyes again. “Just give me a moment to compose myself, Ok? I’ll meet you in the kitchen in a few minutes.”
Kate pulls her Mom into another hug, and then lets her go. “Ok.”
Lorraine turns down the hall and disappears into the powder room, and Kate sucks in a deep breath and returns to the kitchen.
Drake looks up from helping Carol load the dishwasher when Kate comes back in the room. Kate walks over and steps into his arms. Drake mumbles into her hair by her ear. “I..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break your Mom.”
Kate steps back, slapping him on the arm. “Ow! I said I was sorry.” Drake rubs at his arm. “Don't forget that Bertrand shot me during the bachelor party.”
Carol laughs as she closes the dishwasher. “Oh my goodness you two are something else.”
Kate slips her arms around Drake's waist, he wraps his arms around her again and kisses her on top of the head. Kate chuckles as she closes her eyes and rests her cheek against his shoulder. “Oh you have no idea.”
Lorraine quietly steps into the kitchen, she clears her throat to get everyone's attention. “Um, it's getting late. So why don't we change for bed and then we'll take pie into the living room and relax a little before we retire for the night.”
Kate and Drake exchange a glance. “We don't have a change of clothes, our luggage is back in Seattle.” Kate replies.
“I’m sure we can find some sort of sleepwear for you Kate, but for Drake probably not.” Lorraine says apologetically.
Drake shrugs, “I don't usually wear pyjamas anyway.”
“You'll want your clothes laundered for tomorrow though, because you know, Clem.” Kate says.
“If you'd like, we could do the same for your clothes too Kate if you’d like.” Carol offers.
Kate looks down at her clothes, her blouse was dry clean only, but her skirt and undergarments were certainly washable. “Ok, I'll get my clothes washed too.”
Lorraine claps her hands, “Oh splendid! Alright then. I'll let you two have the master bedroom for the night. Drake you know where the laundry room is, Kate come with me and we'll find you something comfy to lounge in.”
Drake's mouth drops open as Kate, Lorraine and Carol leave him alone and go get changed for bed.
Continues here
Wacky Drabblers: @jessiembruno @brightpinkpeppercorn @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @bobasheebaby @burnsoslow @emceesynonymroll @bbrandy2002
@qween-corgis @jlpplays1
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