#'yup perfect timing Emmett'
emmetrain · 1 year
Proton leans in from behind and drops a small model of one of the Magnet Train's carts into Emmett's hands. A little something to show his appreciation.
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Emmet had come to expect many things. How his weird habits would not only be tolerated but appreciated. How someone could not only look at him, but see him too. And how he could feel... safe, so safe with someone that it felt like sunny days would never be over. Still, out of all things he was starting to grow used to and cherish, gifts had been a real challenge.
Eyes widened at the item dropped to his hands. Gears whirring up. Maglev? Maglev. A model train version that could not be bought around Unova. ...
"Fuck off." A real classy answer, before bursting into hysterical giggles. "No!!! I am Emmet! I have searched everywhere to get this--it was never-- Prrroton!!!" Emmet had to hug, but also there was no power on earth that could separate him from his magnet train now. So, off to biting the poor maglev as he folded his arms around Proton.
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"fffanks!!!" Oh, this was the best!!! Perfect! Emmet gave his biggest, bone-crushing hug (which was not a lot, considering his limited strength), he took the maglev under his chin, pressing to his neck as he took a pen and Proton's hand, guiding him to draw the straight lines.
"The Magnet Train of Kanto and Johto is a maglev!! A train with a superconducting magnet hovering above a magnetized rail." Emmet, satisfied with figure 1.a, continued onto the second one, with a circle in middle and straight lines curling around it before heading straight again. "The train is suspended due to the Meissner effect. This effect more or less says that magnetic fields can not penetrate the superconducting material, instead forcing the field to curve around the superconductor, effectively acting as a force against the field lines!!!"
The diagram of Meissner effect was finished now, so Emmet took Proton's hand to kiss, before tilting his head and offering a small, goofy grin--the gift still tucked between his neck and chin. "The magnetic field which is repelled around the boundary causes the super conducting magnet to produce current to flow around the super conductor, which causes a magnetic field of its own, holding the maglev train up!! Isn't it amazing?"
Oh, and a third figure now. Emmet picked up the pen to draw this himself. This time, it was a cartoon heart, with the lines shooting through it. Their initials on each side of the lines. "And this the Proton effect. Yup. Science says so."
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victorluvsalice · 3 years
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It’s Day 2 of our trip through Emmett, Nikal, Julia, and Einstein Brown’s Newcrest Adventures! Day 2 was three things in the game -- Sunday, the beginning of Spring, and pop-up holiday New Skill Day! Perfect thing to come up when one of your Sims has a New Year’s resolution to learn some new skills, huh? In fact, Emmett went above and beyond -- having developed an interest in painting, he earned another skill point in that to fulfill his resolution, and later got another point in Fitness while out on a jog with Einstein to fulfill the actual holiday! (Because it only counts skills you haven’t progressed very far in, you see. . .)
In addition to all this skilling, though, there was also the matter of practicing some magic! Both Emmett and Nikal weren’t far away from becoming Adept Spellcasters, so I had Emmett practice some practical spells in the kitchen (puddles and mysterious floating glasses to Scruberoo, a broken dishwasher to Repairio), while Nikal used her recently-obtained ingredients to try her hand at making a Potion of Plentiful Needs! As you can tell from that beautiful dark blue liquid in the cauldron, it came out perfectly -- good enough that Nikal did indeed make Adept! As her thing is potion-making, I had her choose the “Blender Arm” (speeds up crafting) and “Frugal Combination” (chance that not all ingredients will be used on a potion) perks. That should make alchemy that much easier in the future!
So yes, good start to the day. Was the rest of it just as good?
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
Hc’s for Jasper Hale (or all of them I don’t mind) with a chaotic mate? Like where the reader is always doing something stupid and is like “Hey come watch me skateboard down the stairs”
a/n: Of course I can! Thank you so much for requesting! Also, for everyone reading this, I do take requests for the Volturi kings (Aro, Caius, Marcus) and Jane, so if would like me to write something for them, send a request!
another a/n: I got my first vaccine dose yesterday afternoon, and my left arm, which is the arm I got the shot in, is sore, so there might be some spelling mistakes.
The Cullens With a Chaotic Mate
Carlisle Cullen
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Carlisle goes directly into dad mode.
Whenever you two are sitting together, and you get up, he sighs and goes, “My love, where are you going this time?”
Though he hates invading your privacy, if he’s almost positive you’re going to do something out of line, he asks Edward to read your mind to see what you’re about to do, and Edward’ll report back to him.
If you were going to go take a run in the forest, you always have to have someone with you.
Usually, Carlisle goes with you, but if he’s too occupied, he’ll ask Rosalie or Alice to go with you.
You’re closer to Rosalie and Alice the most, hence why they go with you when Carlisle cannot.
If you do end up hurting yourself in the forest, or whatever you had done to injure yourself, and you’re walking back, Carlisle is standing at the front door, arms crossed with a small smile playing on his face.
Like a dissatisfied father that can’t possibly get mad at their kid.
While he’s patching you up in his office, the conversation almost always plays out the exact same.
“Say it, I know you’re thinking it.”
“I told you so.”
“There it is.”
Jasper Hale
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Jasper will literally transform into Bella.
Always in panic mode.
He always tries to be with you, so you can’t do anything ridiculous.
“Jas, I can go to the bathroom alone, I’m not a child.”
“I know, darlin’, I’m just standing in the hallway.”
He never trusts Emmett to be alone with you.
Who know what kinda stuff you two will get into? You’re just as chaotic as the other.
He loves going to school with you, you two are in the same exact classes together.
It’s easier for him to keep an eye on you.
If you’re being a bit too excited, like you’re about to do something big, Jasper will use his gift on you, calming you down.
He hates bursting your bubble, but sometimes you get a bit too rambunctious.
You do put a smile on his face, though. He loves you too much to ruin all of your fun.
Jasper does join on your chaotic deeds sometimes. Your happiness while doing it, and your adrenaline rush, goes directly to him.
Alice Cullen
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Alice would lowkey love it.
She’s planned, you’re chaotic, sounds like a perfect mix to her.
Opposites attract, right?
Besides, she can see the future, she can see if your behaviour will get you in trouble or not.
If your decision will end up in you getting in trouble, Alice will let you know.
If you get in trouble, say with the principal, Alice will be waiting in the foyer, sitting on one of the chairs.
After you get out of the office, after the principal scolded you for the hundredth time that week, and a detention slip for the upcoming Saturday, Alice will greet you and walk with you out of the school.
“So…you saw this coming, huh?”
“I have detention on Saturday.”
“So do I.”
Alice literally got herself in trouble so you two could have detention together.
Rosalie Hale
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Rosalie’s like Carlisle; goes straight into mother mode. Only ‘stricter’ and less ‘carefree’ as Carlisle.
If you do something crazy, and it was major, she’d scold you.
You usually have to refrain yourself from laughing; Emmett usually makes fun of her behind her back.
“You shouldn’t— oh, this is funny to you?”
“No ma’am.”
“Mhmm. Are you going to do what you did again?”
“No ma’am.”
Rosalie does feel a little bad after, though. She thinks she might’ve went too far on you.
You guys are soulmates after all.
She makes it up by doing something fun with you.
Shopping, running in the forest, watching a movie series, you name it.
She does remind you that she loves your spontaneous behaviour, she just wishes that you’d be more careful, that’s all.
Emmett Cullen
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Emmett absolutely adores that you’re chaotic.
He’s ready to join you in whatever crazy thing you’re about to do next.
“Whatcha thinking about doing next?”
“Running on the roof.”
“You’re an absolute genius.”
“Emmett, Y/n, absolutely not.” - Edward.
Edward always has to stop the both of you.
Edward is like the glue in your friendship, without him, you and Emmett would probably be in court right now.
Or worse, in front of the Volturi.
However, you and Emmett love wrestling in the forest. (Like the scene in Eclipse).
Jasper usually refs the matches, while the rest of the Cullens watch, and sometimes join with their own mates.
Emmett loves that someone can keep up with him; it gives him a challenge.
Edward Cullen
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Like Jasper, Edward would be panicked almost all the time.
Though, he’d be more calm about it.
Telling you to not do what you’re about to do.
“Y/n, I know what you’re thinking.”
“Yeah, it’s a good idea, right?”
“Absolutely not. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Emo Edward would probably be like:
“You are my life, I can’t live without you. And the thought of you dying, it’s makes my un-beating heart race and crack with every moment you are endangering yourself.”
You recommend him ask Carlisle for a therapist.
“C’mon, Edward, live a little!”
“I’m dead, Y/n.”
He’d rather play the piano with you, or play cards, or chess. Something calm and collected that can’t hurt you.
Esme Cullen
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Esme is used to spontaneous people, having been around for over 100 years, but the thought of you, her mate, completely throws her off the edge.
Always tries to distract you from your crazy ideas, like wanting to teach you how to cook something neat, or showing you her interior design ideas.
You can’t say no to Esme, who can?
She’s similar to Edward in a way, she’s just more relaxed about you wanting to do something crazy.
If you wanna do something that could possibly book you a trial with the Volturi, she’d plan a movie night with Alice, so that everyone would have to watch the movie.
That includes yourself.
You’d think about doing what you were gonna do after the movie ends, to which Edward, who had heard your thoughts, proudly states,
“Oh, we’re watching everyone’s favourite films, in order to please everyone.”
That means 1 film per person.
You end up not minding, happy to spend time with your family, and being able to cuddle with Esme.
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quarthly · 3 years
Twilight characters as random animals that I think are oddly fitting
(Also yes, I am roasting the animals as well)
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Edward: He would be a Cheetah. Now I know, seems like a cop out just because of his speed but hear me out. Cheetahs are, at face value, pretty cool. They used to be my favorite animal as a child, but then I grew up.
Cheetahs, through no fault of their own, are severely inbred. Now thats mainly because of poaching, but the cheetas anxiety also comes into play. In captivity, cheetahs are usually given emotional support dogs. I will admit it is cute but it negatively affects the population. Excluding one in the wild, cheetas can be to anxious to breed and thats not good for conservation efforts.
Cheetahs can hit up to 80 miles per hour in a couple of seconds. They are designed for fast running and agility. Their claws are similar to that of a dogs for better traction and they have elongated spines for longer strides. They have a thin build, long legs and a long tail for balance.
This has downsides though. Many times after making a kill, it will get stolen for them by larger predators. Thats right, they get absolutely bodied by the other animals. I should probably make these shorter but I'm on a rant now, so I guess this will be semi educational.
Throughout the series, we see Edward over estimated his abilities and value, constantly getting bodied by others. He's essentially a perfect mormon, though thats on S'meyers. He constantly judges others, dehumanizing them to their baser flaws, without doing any self reflecting. Him viewing himself as a monster doesn't really count to me. While he definitely hates himself, the only thing he is truly demonizing is being a vampire.
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Bella: Picking up from Edwards, Bella is a Chocolate Labrador. Yes, she is his therapy dog. I feel like this is really fitting for her. I know Golden retriever would make more sense, as thats the most common breed for service animals. However, I kind of focused on her appearance. Only at first though! I just know that Edward raved about her human qualities and that would pass over as animals as well. Her chocolate eyes and brown fur, very average and boring. Thats essentially Bella. Even Edward wasn't into her until he got a wiff. Labradors a very loyal dogs and while they have more personality than Bella, I just couldn't shake it. Their also very stupid. Ok that's kind of mean, they're not stupid but when it comes to love, then yeah they are stupid.
I used to have a lab, loved him to death, but god he was something else. Very much danger prone, from their own stupidity or their lack of survival instincts. I know that labs are almost aquatic. They love water, swimming, all that jazz. We can just say that bella has a few screws loose in her dna and is just "not like other labs."
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Rosalie: Now she was hard. There are quite a few animals that I think would fit for her. I'll list the other ones, but that one I went with is the Swan. Like Edward, seems a little on the nose, but I have my reasoning.
I was going to pick a predator for her, as she is shown to be very vengeful and viscous. I would have pick some type of cat, most likely a purebred, from a rich family. It could still work, but the swan just speaks to me on this one.
Swan's are known for being beautiful, graceful, and are pictured as the symbol of love. They are also very vain. Edward constantly brings up Rosalies vanity. She was constantly valued for her beauty as a human, so of course that crossed over in the transformation. She was raised to be married into wealth, she was used as a bargaining chip to increase the family's standing.
Rose has a very strong character and makes her opinions known. She's assertive and aggressive at times. She's not afraid to get dirty.
Swans mate for life and like geese, are known for being great parents. I was also going to choose geese as an option for the maternal instincts. I was wary at first because swans can be really aggressive. Like actually, you think geece are bad? Yikes bestie...
I was conflicted because swans are known for drowning dogs and sometimes people. However, I can actually see Rose drowning Bella. It's not that unbelievable lmao.
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Emmett: Now this one is just ironic. I only associate him with bears. Its inevitable, but picking a Grizzly or Black bear is too obvious. So I went a slightly different route...
So I was going to pick the Sun bear just because of looks alone. Like, I'm not exaggerating, it looks like someone wearing a bear costume. I don't think it fits him but I know for a fact that he would dress up as a sun bear and sneak into a zoo to see if anyone would notice. I'll put a pic of it here
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Like look at this thing. I have no words...
Anyway, what I picked was a Sloth Bear. Now Sloth bears are mostly nocturnal, which either way works consider vamps don't sleep. Their diet is also odd but honestly so is the cullens. They're native to the Indian subcontinent, and are known for being aggressive towards humans. Its said that for the most part they're pretty calm, so I think its just fear of humans that make them act aggressively. Honestly, that's a good thing because they are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red list.
They have some similarities with sloths, which is where they get the name. They have long claws and unusual teeth. They are known to hang upside down from tree branches, and is described as having a messy appearance. Honestly, Emmitt has a messy personality. Sorry bestie but you're a lot of work.
Now heres the biggest reason for choosing this bear. Aside from Baloo from the jungle book being a sloth bear, they are known to run fades with Tigers. Honestly, how fucking badass is that!? Now I don't think there are recorded instances of a Sloth bear killing a Tiger, but when push comes to shove, they can hold their own and I find that incredibly impressive.
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Carlisle: This one was somehow the easiest as well as the toughest. I know Owl seems like the obvious choice, and I can see it. However, I believe Carlisle values emotional intelligence as much or if not more than academic intelligence. He is so charismatic and values other's above himself. He might not be as Saint like as Edward thinks, but he does try and I think he genuinely cares about others. For that reason alone, I choose a Elephant.
Elephant's are very social animals and are extremely intelligent. I could rave about them for ages, I love them so much.
Now elephants live in a familial unit and are usually matriarchal. Bulls usually are on the outer edges of the herd or form little groups with other males. Honestly, they're not that bad aside from when their in musk.
In the group of males, the elder ones will teach the younger where to get the best food, water, how to use things as tools, and every other thing that will increase their odds of survival. This is really cute to me tbh, they do this because the females usually choose the older males because they've proved that they are intelligent and strong, that they have survived and will continue to for awhile. Teaching the younger males these things are to make the odds of them getting chosen to mate more likely. The whole unit just reminds me of a father that has to deal with rowdy teens.
Carlisle likes to take in strays, he might not have a herd but he will make one and teach them to thrive. That's how he envisions it anyway. He just has a found family and is trying his best.
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Esme: Now this might seem like an insult, but I promise it's not! This is in no way misogynistic. I love cattle and ever since I took animal science in highschool, I have appreciated these grass puppies like they deserve. Call me Castro because I love cows.
Yup! I chose a Cow for her. Specifically a beef cow. That might sound weird but its because beef cows have higher maternal instinct than dairy cows. I'm thinking Scottish Highland based on vibes alone.
They are nicknamed the Gentle Giants of Scotland. Super maternal and sweet and ugh look how cute they are!
Esme came from a abusive marriage and had just lost her child, she was depressed and desperate. Her changing was, in a way, salvation. She just fits in. She adopts all these strays along with him and will protect them to the death. She might be gentle by nature, but don't fuck with her family. She lost her first one and she isn't going to lose this one.
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Alice: She's an odd one. There are so many possibilities and maybe I'm biased, but I feel like she would be a Crow.
Ok listen, I'm definitely biased but it just feels right. Crows get a bad rap, they are so cool! They are so intelligent and have the ability to actually sit and think about the past, prest, and future. I forget what its called, but this was only seem in humans! Maybe other apes, I can't remember exactly, but either way its awesome. They do live in groups, or murders, and remember people and faces. They remember locations and are able to pass down information through generations. They essentially have their own language! They are able to use tools too!
Alice's story is really sad. When we first meets her, it revolves around the death of her mother and her institutionalized. She was essentially tortured and forgot everything from her past. All she had was the future and even that wasn't constant. Crows a often viewed as omens, they are associated with death. I personally believe that instead of being the cause, they just know something is going to happen. They are very inquisitive and can be creative.
If you befriend a murder of crows, sometimes, depends or the group, they will bring gifts. Its can range from food to shiny metals and colorful plastic. Hell, I think I've seen a post of one stealing things from people just to gift it to their human.
Alice's love language is gifts. Even if they are focused around fashion, she still goes out of her way to get something that will look good and at least be a little comfortable. By that I mean she tends to forget peoples comfort zones, but she means well.
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Jasper: Honestly not to sure what to put for him. I know a predator would be more fitting, but for some reason I can see a donkey working. I know, seems like I'm clowning on the confederate. Fair, but I'm serious about the donkey thing. Honestly, it would be perfect if it wasn't a herbivore. Porcupine would also work.
Being a predator would make more sense. Given his backstory and his characterization, it wouldn't make sense for him to be a prey animal. Usually I wouldn't count this, but given his gore filled past and trouble with the diet, it seemed fitting.
I see him as a Big Cat. Honestly, vamps in general just give cat vibes. Jasper though especially have some cat like qualities, which originates from hunting and being a soldier.
I specifically see him as a Mountain Lion. Aside from him being blonde, he just has the predatory stealth to him. In midnight sun, we see him use his gift to make the nomads overlook him. He's honestly really powerful.
Mountain lions are known for being stealthy with an air of grace and power to them. They are stong animals. And I mean strong. They can jump 40-45 feet.
They're very elusive and quite. They stalk their prey and tend to attack from behind but don't think they won't hold their ground if need be.
Jasper was changed during the Civil War and forced to fight in the Newborn wars. He was a soldier as a human and as a vampire. He's able to feel and manipulate others emotions. He's covered in scars and is very intimidating.
He still struggles with the diet and honestly I hate how the others handle it. Like they have no room to talk. I don't want to defend the confederate but it just pisses me off. He has to deal with his hunger on top of everyone else's. Like damn, besties always on edge! Everyone doubts him which I don't think helps any.
Also, Mountain lions and Cheetahs can purr!
@aquanova99 I'll do a Volturi one too. That one will be fun lmao
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trshpando · 4 years
Rewriting Twilight (2009) cause I’m bored
- I may or may not be looking into this as a modern thing bc fuck the 2000s lmfaoooo so let’s say... 2017? that works right ?
- Okay, starting off, can we pLEASE give Renee a better reason for ABANDONING HER TEENAGE DAUGHTER? literally just the while leaving to be on the road thing just, pisses me off so badly
- okay okay okay hold on if i have to go into that route to fit with the story🙄 can we at least do it so that renee and phil take bella to forks instead of just being like “yup here’s your plane ticket see ya whenever” like renee at least takes bella and helps her settle in, even if she and charlie aren’t on the best of terms they’ll get along for their daughter
- growing up, charlie was way more involved with bella. she would spent several weeks during summer with him in forks, and the occasional time in several other places given that charlie got the time off
- while in forks, bella and charlie would spend time with the blacks; billy, rebecca, rachel, and jacob. she and the twins were closer than she and jacob ever would be, but the four of them were always disappointed when bella had to return to arizona
- bella and renee were like a perfect lil mother-daughter duo up until bella realized how lonely her mother was and encouraged her to date. although she was the one to encourage her, there was an immediate shift in their relationship
- when bella moved to forks, she hadn’t seen charlie for years—having decided herself to just, stop visiting. the few days renee was spending in forks with her were very much, as the kids say, awkward as fuck
- the boys in the high school weren’t just, so attracted to her? like have you been a new kid in a school? you’re the interest for like a week or two and then everybody is like eh whatever
- she still met mike, jessica, and angela and whoever the other guy is, um his name isn’t on the wiki so pardon me and they are absolute best friends, minus mike who 100% has a crush on her from the moment he sees her
- jessica, angela and bella totally have girl nights and you cannot tell me otherwise i mean theyre 17 ofc theyre gonna have girl nights and hangouts all the time
- jessica and angela help bella settle into the school, angela actually asks for bellas help for tips for the newspaper from time to time
- bella and edward are intrigued with one another but after that one day in science (biology? idk science class let’s go) bella thought he was kind of a massive dick and didn’t want anything to do with him, especially after jessica mentioned that he was totally closed off from everyone except his family
- okay fr cullen time
- i 100% am keeping the stories of emmett rosalie esme and carlisle cause yes
- one thing i do want to change, my girl rosalie is poc<3 fuck that white cullen vampire bullshit
- jasper was nOT a confederate soldier, fUCK THAT he was drafted, upset about it, but he still tried his best to make his country proud—which maria took advantage of.
- alice is poc too<3 we love poc women in this home<3<3
- (im only saying poc the rest is up to you<3>)
- can we pUHLEASE have the cullens act like regular people? instead of “oh those foster siblings and their love lives, oh dr cullen adopt me pls” can it be like, yeah carlisle and esme are foster parents and the only ones they’ve really “adopted” are edward and alice. rosalie and jasper are twins, and they just kind of have permission to live with the cullens and then emmett comes from let’s say an abusive home and the cullens were like wow fuck that shit we give you shelter AND THATS LESS WEIRD THAN FOSTER SIBLING LOVE
- okay back to regular programming
- edward still saves bella from getting crushed, and bella tries to talk to him about it but after edward is rude once again bella just says fuck you and bounces off
- jessica angela and bella say fuck boys and decide to do a girls group to prom bc my girls are besties
- edward knows that bella is his mate but he is pushing her away bc of her being human and he’s hurting bc of it
- despite his protests, alice befriends bella on her own and becomes close to her, with bella even inviting alice to join her and the girls to girls night — alice 100% tries to invite rosalie, but she only goes when she has nothing to do
- victoria james and laurent are still 100% tracking the cullens
- jessica angela bella alice and rosalie all go dress shopping. rosalie goes for the dresses while alice goes to watch over bella for edward. bella still detaches from the group, and gets harassed by that group but ITS ROSALIE THAT SAVES HER bc fuck if she’s gonna let another woman go through what she went through
- it’s through alice and rosalie that bella realizes the truth about the cullens (with the help jacob and his lil group making comments about the cullens)
- alice invites bella over to the house a lot, mostly trying to get edward to get close to her but it mainly just became a thing of bella getting close to literally everyone but edward bc he’s a pussy and doesnt wanna be near her out of fear of hurting her
- it isn’t until the baseball game (which rosalie thoughtfully invited bella to) and james victoria and laurent attack that edward finally admits that he is attracted to bella but at this point she’s like yeah that’s cool but you’ve been nothing but rude to me so
- as much as it pains him, he settles on just being friends with her
- the same tricky james story is the same. he tricks her to the ballet studio and tries to kill her blah blah blah
- edward tries to suck the venom out of bella’s system and nearly kills her in the process; rosalie and carlisle practically have to drag edward off of her, with rosalie taking him out of the building while carlisle takes care of bella
- everything is happily ever after, bella is in the hospital but edward isn’t there. he can’t trust himself around bella anymore, nor does he want to be near her after having almost killed her, though she doesn’t blame him cause he was really just trying to save her life
- bella still goes to prom, but it’s as a group instead; her, jessica, angela, mike, eric, and tyler (the guy that almost killed her with his car lmao) all go as a group.
- the cullens be there too with edward watching over bella but the moment she tries to talk to him, edward bounces.
- victoria still watches over, a plan already set in motion to kill bella as revenge for the cullens killing james
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Struck By Lightning (Marty McFly x Reader)
Characters: Marty McFly, Doc Brown
Fandom: Back to the Future
Tags: Time travel, friends to lovers
Warnings: Spoilers for the movies!
Word Count: 4k words
Requested by @kikikittykis: Hi I want to request a Marty Mcfly x Female reader ficlet where the reader is from Marty’s time and she can Time Travel because she has powers or something maybe she could be related to Doc. But they both get stuck in 1955 but she stays in the shadows to let Marty fix the timeline since he’s the one that got them stuck there. Maybe she has to use the DeLorean with Marty on the way back because her powers are malfunctioning. Thank you if you have the time to complete this request
A/N: I made up some new stuff for time travel, so for the sake of enjoying reading this just ignore how absolutely crazy and not scientifically accurate it is 😂 This is my first Marty and BTTF ficlet and it might have been a bit complicated, so I’m a little insecure about it. I hope you all still like it! 😙
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Marty McFly x Female Reader
You paced up and down, nails drumming against the little box that you held in your hands. The town square was lonely at that late hour, and only the lights of the posts kept you company in your anguish.
Trying to distract yourself while you waited, you stared at the box in your hands. It was somewhat small, as it only occupied a little more than both of your hands put together as you cradled it in them. It was made of small metal planks reinforced with oak wood, hiding a complex unit of wires connected to the core of electricity. On one side there was a small screen with a keypad filled with numbers. At the top of it was a round red button, shining and enticing. The outside of the box was covered by a thin layer of black rubber.
Knowing every centimeter of the box by heart, you impatiently clicked your tongue. Where was he? He was always late. For someone that had time traveled several times, Marty had no actual sense of time. You were pretty sure that his watches always broke too.
When you heard the sound of skateboard wheels gracing the pavement, you turned around and sighed in relief. It was hard to contain the nerves that upset your stomach, but they subsided slightly at the sight of your best friend.
“Y/N” Marty said, kicking down on his skateboard to stop it and throw it up in the air, where he easily caught it with one hand. You rolled your eyes with a smile at the cool movement.
“I bought you a new watch, McFly” You only replied, to which he grinned in response.
“What’s going on?” He asked you, walking closer. “You sure have your uncle’s sense of mystery”
The nerves stirred in your stomach again when you remembered that time your uncle Emmett gathered you and Marty for the great reveal of his time machine. The DeLorean was the most incredible thing you had ever seen, and it only became greater during your time travels. The thought of it made you jittery again.  
“Um…” You shook your head, trying to focus on the reason why you called him. “See this little box?”
Marty nodded, holding his hand out to take it, but you protectively moved it away from him. He frowned at the gesture, but you explained before he could complain.
“You need to be careful!” You warned him. “This right here is my first invention: a time machine”
You proudly grinned at him, but he only squinted in confusion. It took Marty several seconds to say anything else as you stood there before him, beaming at your reveal.
“Wait a minute… wait a minute, Y/N” He fidgeted, wildly gesticulating with his hands. “Are you telling me you build a time machine from that tiny box?”
“Yes! You see…” You started pointing to the different parts that made the box. “It carries a circuit of electricity in it that shocks the mechanism, giving it enough force to make time travel possible”
“Is that like Doc’s flux capacitor?”
“In a way”
“That’s heavy…” Marty uttered, fixing his blue eyes on the box that you so gingerly held in your hands. “Does Doc know?”
“No, I haven’t told him yet”
“Why didn’t ask him to help you?”
“Because he would!” You exclaimed anxiously. “I wanted to do this myself”
Marty fondly smiled at you, nodding his head in understanding.
Much like your uncle Emmett, you had grown fascinated by science. You studied and learned to idolize great people like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Isaac Newton and Thomas Edison. It had always been something you shared with your uncle, which reinforced your bond as he was the only family you had left. This connection only grew after he introduced you to the DeLorean and you joined him and Marty on their time travel shenanigans. Even now that he had a family of his own, him and Clara as well as your cousins Jules and Verne welcomed you and often invited you for dinner.
“Well, let’s go back” Marty said after a moment of silence, taking your wrist. “Let’s show Doc what you invented, he’ll be so happy!”
“Not yet, that’s why I called you” You bashfully averted your gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “I wanted to try it first… and I didn’t want to do it alone”
He paused, and his fingers loosened their grip around your wrist. Returning to that fond smile, Marty nodded again, this time in determination.
“Great, let’s do it!” He clapped in anticipation. “How does it work?”
Your face lit up in excitement as you held the box up to demonstrate.
“You see this big red button at the top?” He hummed in affirmation, and so you continued. “You press this to activate the circuits and introduce the digits on the counter”
“Is that it?” Marty gawked at you in astonishment.
“Yup! Then you only point it at whoever is going to travel and voila!”  
“Wow… that’s really heavy, Y/N” You recognized the pride in his eyes as he looked at you, impressed that you had done it on your own. “It’s so simple too!”
“Thanks” You nudged him with a smile, which he gladly reciprocated.
“So where are we…?” He interrupted himself, grinning. “When are we going?”
“I think we should go one minute back in time…” Trying to get over the nerves in your stomach, you took a deep breath. “Do we concur?”
“Right on” Marty leaned a hand over the big red button and stared at you.
Before doing anything else, you inserted the digits that should allow you to travel one back in time. Then, you proceeded. Shaking from head to toe, you hesitantly lay your hand over Marty’s. Between the two, you pressed down and pushed the button. With the device pointed at both of you, it was only a matter of time until you confirmed if it worked or not. As you waited, you shut your eyes tight in nervous anticipation.
A strange magical force seemed to surround you, but you didn’t dare to open your eyes yet. Marty’s arm wrapped around you, protectively and uneasy. Only when you heard him gasp, did you dare to open your eyes.
At first glance, you didn’t notice any changes. You were still at the Hill Valley square, and it was night still. Before you celebrated your success, however, you needed to confirm it. A quick glance at your wrist watch told you that the hour hadn’t changed.
“There’s something different…” Marty whispered, letting go of you.
Internally agreeing with him, you took a quick look around you. The streets seemed different. There was something strange about Hill Valley all of a sudden.
Just as your friend was about to take a step, you held on to him in realization.
“Marty!” You tugged at his jean jacket. “Is this…?”
“1955…” He completed, looking around him. After all, he had spent enough time on that year to realize it was so.
The untouched ledge of the clock tower was clue enough, but so were the closed shops that surrounded you and even the old-fashioned cars parked in the streets.
Disappointed, you peered down to the device in your hands. You had miscalculated. There was a big mistake somewhere in your invention, a great margin of error. How could you have traveled so far back in time when you had only set it for one minute?
“Well…” Marty piped up, noticing your mood. “It worked!”
“No, it didn’t…” You sighed, repressing the urge to hurl the device at the floor. “We’re in 1955, not one minute back in 1985”
“Don’t you see, Y/N?” Marty gently took you by the shoulders. “You still invented a time machine, Doc would be proud!”
You showed a sad smile, partly agreeing with him. Your uncle Emmett would be proud, and he would offer to help you fix the problems. If only you could show him a perfect time machine that didn’t have such a big margin of error.
“Now, let’s go back” Your friend patted your shoulder before letting go of you.
Once again, his hand leaned against the button. Yours hovered above it as a terrible hunch reached your gut. If it had thrown you so far back in time, who was to say that you would be returned to 1985 safe and sound? Nonetheless, you pressed your hand over Marty’s and pushed the button together again.
“Uh… Y/N?” He uttered, looking into your eyes. “Nothing happened”
He was right. As you feared, that magical force didn’t surround you this time. You felt absolutely nothing, and so you urgently pressed the button again. It was for naught.
“Marty…” You stared at him with pleading eyes, feeling utterly helpless and miserable. “I’m sorry”
“No… no way…” He nervously passed his hands through his hair. “Not again, Y/N…”
Why was Marty McFly cursed to get stuck in a time away from his own? Was it his friendship with the Brown family that condemned him to such a fate? Just when his adventures with your uncle seemed over, you walked in. Y/N Brown, failed scientist and crappy time traveler.
“I’m a failure…” You hung your head low as tears arrived to your eyes.
“Hey, no” Marty tenderly took your hands in his. “It’s okay, Y/N, we can fix it”
“How?” You exclaimed, quivering with sobs as you forced yourself to look up into his kind blue eyes. “We have no resources here, and even if we did there are no guarantees that I would be able to fix this stupid device!”
Marty frowned. His eyes grew sad as he saw you start crying. Not knowing what to do to comfort you, since he was feeling just as lost, he only rubbed his thumbs against the back of your hands and squeezed your palms.
“There’s gotta be a way” He tried, shrugging to lessen the tension. “We got stuck here once, maybe we can…”
You sniffed through your nose, attentive to his words. However, when he stopped talking, you watched him in alarm. Marty had grown distant, absently letting go of you and taking a few hesitant steps back.
“Marty?” You muttered, not losing sight of him. “Where are you going?”
“There’s a DeLorean here” Marty was about to start walking, but you pulled at his jacket again.
“You’re right!” A spark of hope ignited in your chest, although it vanished soon. “But need I remind you our other selves are here too?”
“Alright, but…” He licked his lips, and you could almost see the wheels in his head turning. “What if we take the DeLorean when we… they… are not looking?”
“They won’t leave the car…” You objected, biting your lip. “Besides, if we took it from our other selves it would cause an abysmal paradox!”
“There must be something we can do!” Marty threw his arms into the air.
“Yes, let’s think for a moment…” You paced up and down, going over all your scientific knowledge. Your time traveling device worked in a similar way to your uncle’s DeLorean. There had to be a way.
You mentally sought inspiration, going over what you did with Marty in 1955. It took your uncle Emmett some time to figure out how to send you back to the future without plutonium, but…
“Eureka!” You exclaimed, startling Marty a little. “The thunderstorm!”
His eyes went from the night sky to the little box you clung on to. When they returned to yours, his expression lightened up at the sight of your recovered excitement. On the 12th November you could harness the storm’s electricity to power your time traveling device.
“That isn’t until…” Given that his watch still didn’t work, he took your wrist to look at yours and see the date. “Next Saturday”
“Well, we can hang out for a bit, it’ll be fine…” You sighed in exhaustion, already knowing you had to go through that all over again. “I’ll be easy, we just need to be careful not to…”
“Not to run into our other selves and disrupt the space time-continuum?” Marty completed for you.
His sarcasm suddenly made you feel even more tired. Of course you wouldn’t be that easy. Not only did you had to avoid running into the other Y/N and Marty, you also had to make sure not to get in the way of Marty’s parents falling in love as well as Marty’s successful travel back to 1985 the other time.
Exhausted, you hid your face in his shoulder. When he kindly wrapped his arms around you, at least you were glad you hadn’t done it alone.
You had discussed your plan many times. Unfortunately, you couldn’t talk to your uncle as he was already dealing with the other Marty and Y/N from the other timeline. Likewise, you couldn’t let any of them see you or disrupt their endeavor if you wanted to guarantee your own wellbeing.
Given that thunderstorms were unpredictable and the only spot where you knew a lightning would certainly strike was occupied, it was hard to tell what to do. Although reluctantly, you had admitted that your best chance was catching a lightning that would power your device and send you back to your time. Chances were slim, and you felt at the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Even as you walked, your eyes were glued to the clock tower, minutes away from being destroyed. Hill Valley citizens were completely oblivious to the thunderstorm, as well as they were oblivious to the activities that were taking place. There were two time travels to happen that night: one had already been successful, the other… well, it was yet to see.
“Y/N” Marty stopped walking to put your hands on your upper arms. “Don’t worry, it will be alright”
“But what if I’m wrong?” You averted your gaze, fiddling with your thumbs. “What if it doesn’t work and we’re stuck here forever? Or… or…”
“You’re just as smart as Doc is” He reassured you, showcasing absolute determination in his expression. “I believe in you, you’ll get us back”
“I just…” Instead of looking at him, you glanced at the other Marty in the distance. “I’m scared”
“I’m a bit scared too…” Marty pushed you against him in a much needed hug. “But I know you’re right, this will work”
His warmth embrace comforted you in the chilly night, as your hair moved with the breeze just like his was. His bangs tickled your cheeks, but you didn’t move.
“Breathe” He playfully told you, making you realize your shoulders were tense and you were definitely holding your breath. “We’ve done this before, we can do it again”
You let out a shaky exhale, nuzzling his shoulder. While you still felt bad that you had gotten him into that mess, it was a relief that he was by your side. Marty made everything feel alright. Just as you started to calm down, you noticed something and grew tense once more.
“No… Marty, what are you doing?”
“No, not you… him” You pointed at the other Marty, who was stepping away from your uncle’s younger version. “I don’t remember you doing that…”
“That’s why” Your Marty lifted his arm, pointing a finger at a figure that walked your way and that had gathered the other Marty’s attention.
Biff headed your way, no doubt enticed by your feminine figure. You rolled your eyes at him even as he approached. Marty, on the other hand, stiffened and refused to move an inch.
“I don’t think he recognized us”
“Do you think he confused me with Lorraine?”
“Maybe… although you don’t have to be my mum to have that pig’s attention” You caught a hint of jealous protectiveness in his voice, but ignored it.
Biff was walking closer, and with that so was the other Marty, alarmed by Biff’s presence. You had time traveled so many times that all those different events were overlapping.
“We have to do something before he sees us!” You urged your friend. “And before my uncle and the other you walk over here!”
“Hey!” The other Marty called, leaving the DeLorean for a moment.
“Quick, Y/N, what do we-?” You cut Marty’s words as you moved on an instinct.
There was only one way you could think of that would have everyone’s attentions off you. You took Marty by the lapels of his jean jacket and pushed him against the streetlight behind him. Immediately after, you smashed your lips against his. That way, the intimate nature of the moment would drive them away as well as hide your faces for them to recognize.
Frozen by shock, Marty held his hands up in the air. When he realized that he was supposed to sell the moment, he cautiously put them on your hips. It was surprisingly comforting and pleasant given the stressful situation.
Without breaking the kiss, you opened your eyes to glance at them. Biff had faced his back to you, waving his hand in the air in annoyance. Luckily, he didn’t bother the other Marty as he returned with your uncle and the other you.
The kissing sound seemed to echo on the streets as you and Marty separated. Your faces remained close, mere inches away from each other, so close in fact that your noses touched. For a moment, the two of you could only stare into each other’s eyes as you breathed heavily. That had been… interesting.
“That was close…” Marty gulped as he glanced from your lips to your eyes.
“Sorry…” You gasped, letting go of him and taking a step back. It took his hands a second to lift off your hips and let you move. “It’s the first thing that came to mind”
“I mean… it worked” He chuckled, which distracted you a little from the blush on his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry…” You felt terrible, having embarrassed him and made him uncomfortable.
Marty was your best friend and you hoped he didn’t take this the wrong way. You had only done it to save yourselves, to… to avoid a catastrophic and earth-shattering paradox! You told yourself that, but found it hard to ignore how it had sent tingles down your spine and how you had been glad to have an excuse to do it.
“No, it’s fine…” Marty reassured you, distracting you from your thoughts. “It’s fine…”
His voice broke, and you knew that was a sign that he was nervous. You had definitely made him uncomfortable. Trying to forget about it all, you distanced yourself from him with the pretense that it was best to walk away from Biff, the other Marty and your uncle.
“Um…” You forced yourself to steer your thoughts back to the task at hand. “We need to…”
“Right” Marty nodded and awkwardly cleared his throat. “Yeah, the uh… the lightning”
Mortified by what just happened, you continued walking as you were before it. You had to find a place where you wouldn’t be seen, as that Marty, Y/N and Doc were still in the town square and there was another version of them at the entrance of Lyon States before it was built.
Just when you were distancing yourself from the town and reaching a more isolated spot, the storm broke out. Your stomach churned in anticipation, knowing this was your only chance to go back to the future.
Then all of a sudden, you knew. Call it destiny, or call it a stupid and irrational hunch. Whatever the case, you could feel it in your bones as you peered up at the dark night sky: a lightning bolt was about to strike. You had to catch it, and so you ran for it.
“Y/N!” Marty shouted when he realized what you were doing, and followed after you.
You prayed to all those scientists your uncle taught you about and that you had grown to admire as much as he did, nearly as much as you admired your uncle Emmett. Shutting your eyes tight, you hoped that the lightning bolt hit exactly the box and not you, and that you could turn the gadget in time to point it at Marty.
The lightning struck, making you flinch and cringe in anticipation. Just as it touched the box and the powerful electric force vibrated against your hands, you felt Marty hold on to it and tilt it up. Then everything happened very fast, as the familiar sound of your device surrounded you.
The force of Marty’s movement, however, had thrown you back. You felt yourself falling backwards albeit with one of his arms wrapped around you. There was a commotion of yelps and groans between the two of you as you landed on your backs, holding on to each other.
As the magical force that surrounded you faded away, reality settled back in. The night was cold and the air was humid. You didn’t know if it was the cold or the wet pavement underneath you, but you felt yourself shaking.
The box buzzed in your hands before dying down. When it did, you weakly glanced around you. Everything seemed in order, just like you remembered it. It seemed like you were at home in 1985.
“Y/N!” Marty, who had landed next to you, rushed to kneel by your side. “You okay?”
Out of breath, you found it impossible to respond. You only looked at him, struggling to breathe. Everything hurt, and it was hard to talk and even moved. For the time being, you focused on calming your accelerated breath and racing heart.
“Hey, talk to me” Carelessly throwing the time traveling device away to keep your hands free, he held them in concern. “How are you feeling?”
“Like…” You gulped, slowly recovering the ability to speak. “Like I was just struck by lightning”
Marty laughed, dropping his head forward in relief. Without dropping your hands, he tugged at them to pull you to your feet. Your brain felt slow and foggy, and you swayed as soon as you had to hold your own weight. Luckily, Marty realized your weakness and tightly held on to you, letting you lean against him.
You took a deep breath, trying to settle your dizziness. Honestly, you just were glad you had been cautious enough to cover the outsides of the box with rubber… it might have saved your life.
“Hey” Marty gently folded a finger under your chin, slowly lifting it up so you looked at him. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah…” You smiled, although you clung on to his shoulders for support. “Now I know why Uncle Emmett always says time travel is dangerous”
You expected Marty to laugh again, but he didn’t. Trying to focus your eyes, you peered up at him. He was staring at you. As you stared back at him, you knew. Somehow, even though neither of you said a word, you knew. You knew that something had struck you along with that lightning: a realization. You were struck with the realization that the kiss had been more than just pretend. So much more than that.
Finally, Marty laughed. You did too, letting out a chuckle of happiness and relief. At least your little adventure wasn’t in vain.. it made you realize Marty was much more than just your best friend.
“Uh… we better get back” He said, lovingly rubbing your arm. “Before anything else happens”
“Yeah, we’ve got plenty of time” You grinned at him. “Now, in the present”
Marty smiled and slowly separated from you, as though he was as willing as leaving that endearing closeness as you were. Sneaking playful yet timid glances at each other, the two of you started walking.
Your hands brushed together with how close you were again as you headed back home. A smile had taken over your features, and it only grew when Marty’s fingers gently tugged at yours. Without losing another precious second, you took his hand too.
“We have one hell of a story to tell Doc” Marty muttered, smiling as much as you were.
“Yeah, I don’t know what will surprise him more” You held your intertwined hands up, making Marty laugh.
Not only had you invented a working time machine that, while flawed, had successfully sent you back in time. You had also returned safely to your year without your uncle’s intervention and while avoiding several of your other selves without getting in their way. As well as that, you had realized you had fallen in love with your best friend, and it had been shocking an unexpected. Just like being struck by lightning.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ / @fortheloveofbenyandtom​ / @caswinchester2000​ / @bravelittlesunflower​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, send me an ask!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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twilightsagasworld · 4 years
Jasper Hale x (gen z) Reader One-shot
Requested by @writingwieny​
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“Up, down, left, left , up-” “What on earth are you doing (y/n)?” I stopped in my tracks. Edward stood in my doorway, a puzzled look on his face. I shrugged, pointing to the smartphone that was on a shelf,  “I’m trying to work on this dance for TikTok, it’s really complicated and-” I stopped seeing that Edward was still  confused, “TikTok?” he shoved his hands into his jean pockets, walking further into the room, I nodded, “Yeah! It’s this new app that allows creators to post short videos of whatever they want” Edward nods, “and the popular thing right now are dances, so-” he cut me off, “So you’re trying to get in on it, right?” I nod with a smile, Edward pursed his lips seemingly satisfied and excused himself, I stared after him, “Edweirdo” I grinned at my nickname for him before I closed my door and started my routine again.
Or I tried to.
Not a moment later the door burst open again and in walked Alice, Jasper, Renesmee and Bella. “Did Edward snitch?” I put my hands on my hips, one eyebrow arched, Alice clasped her hands together, a radiant smile on her face, she wiggled her eyebrows at me, “Duh, of course he did silly! Why else would we be here”  Renesmee grinned beside Bella, and Jasper just came over and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek making me return it happily. Bella cleared her throat, eyes darting to my phone, “So, uhm...” “Do you guys want to join me?”  I might as well put the offer on the table, Renesmee and Alice reacted simultaneously, “Yeah!”, I grinned, “Awesome, Bella?”  Bella’s eyes went wide and she threw her hands up, “No thanks (y/n), dancing isn’t my thing”, Alice sighed, “Bella is good at a lot of things, but dancing is dangerous” Bella bit her lip, “Thanks Alice” , sarcasm was heavily noted. I shot a look at Jasper,  asking if he was interested, Jasper kindly declined, “I’ll supervise”, I knew better than to force Jasper into something so I ruffled his hair, making him nip my arm lightly, I laughed, “Alright Jas, whatever you say”.
I held out my phone, “Let’s get started grandma’s”, I motioned for them to stand on either side of me, the phone was back against the shelf, and a video started to play, “Okay, we just have to follow the girl’’s moves, easy-peasy”, Alice and Renesmee nodded, Bella made herself comfortable next to Jasper on the couch in the corner as we began.
A lot of starting over happened and jokes were made. Renesmee kept forgetting to move her hips and Alice didn’t really mess up, but I couldn’t help but bust out laughing each time I saw Bella’s and Jasper’s faces, Bella was focused on the video while subtly trying to copy the moves and Jasper, well, Jasper just had a permanent smile etched onto his face, while his feet tapped to the rythm of the music softly. It was sweet in a way.
But, we finally perfected the dance, and I posted it to TikTok. Alice and Renesmee were talking about downloading the app too and I encouraged it enthusiastically. I gave a thumbs up,“You guys will totally pass the vibe check!”, I received confused looks from everyone in the room and I sighed exasperated, “You mean to tell me, you guys” I gestured with a hand to everyone, “Don’t know what a vibe check is?”, Bella let out a “Nope”, popping the ‘P’. I stared at them in disbelief, before snapping my fingers in a zig-zag motion, “Looks like I’m going to have to give you a gen-Z rundown”. I started listing popular phrases and words and explained what they meant. By the end of it everyone was well educated on the ‘Gen-z vocabulary’. 
Renesmee and Alice thought it would be a great idea to gather the whole family in the living room to discuss what they had learned and Jasper and I followed behind, hand in hand down the stairs, taking our time, I leaned in towards Jasper and whispered softly that I kind of regretted telling them about everything and Jasper huffed out a quiet chuckle, “Too late now darlin’”, I groaned, “I suppose..Honestly, this is not a vibe”, we met the others in the living room and found a spot to sit, Emmett greeted Jasper with a fist pump as Alice and Renesmee started their speech. Carlisle and Esme nodded accordingly. I just rested my head on Jasper’s shoulder as he made small circles on my palm with his thumb. I planted a kiss to his shoulder which made him turn his head down to me with a toothy grin. I drowned out Alice and Renesmee’s voices and closed my gold coloured eyes. I made a mental note to plot against Edward for snitching on me. I peaked at him and caught his smirk, I glared at him, stupid shiny volvo owner, Edward glanced my way and I just stuck out my tongue. 
Carlisle’s voice drew my attention, “So, (y/n), I have a question, if you don’t mind”, I shook my head, “Yes?”, Carlisle nodded, “Well, what does ‘gen-z’ mean? I haven’t heard it before”, I sat up slowly, still holding Jasper’s hand as I explained, “Well, gen-z is short for generation-z, so take me for example, I was born in 2000, making me a gen-z, and every 10 or so years there’s a category for people born in those years, like, if someone was born between 1989 and 1999 they’re called Millennial’s, understand?” I hope I explained it well enough, but Carlisle seemed to get it, “Very well then, I think the family will be using you as a dictionary for a while” there was a chorus of agreement, “I don’t mind, I’ll teach you all about the hottest trends and celebrities!” Emmett let out a loud “Whoop!” and rubbed his hands together, “Master (y/n) in da house!” I laughed at Emmett’s antics. 
I just hoped I wasn’t going to regret anything too much. But knowing Emmett, I’ll probably regret it within the week. At least I had Jasper to keep me from ripping Emmett’s head off. 
I was not wrong. Within a week Emmett had blurted out every Tiktok Quote imaginable. One such case was when I was at the kitchen counter editing a recent TikTok of mine. Emmett snuck up from behind me and very, very loudly yelled, “SLEEP LIKE NO ONE’S WATCHING!”, I almost crushed my phone. I glared at him, “Emmett, what the hell dude?!”  I held a hand over my chest, “If I had a heartbeat I’d have had a heart attack you nunce” I punched his gut but it obviously did nothing. Emmett laughed. When I registered what he yelled I gave him a look, “And that doesn’t even make sense, what’d you use that TikTok quote for?”, Emmett shrugged, “Heck, I don’t know, but I saw it on a video Alice was watching” “Oh my- Emmett, you can’t just randomly blurt out Tiktok quotes, it has to have- Oh hey Rosalie” I waved as she walked into the kitchen, probably to come see where her husband was, “Hi, (y/n)” Emmett gave her a big kiss and when they broke away Rosalie smiled, but Emmett had to ruin the moment, “This was the moment where everyone knew that she was that bitch, and will always be that bitch”. Rosalie clearly didn’t understand so I jumped in, “He means to say that you’re the best and will always be the best, it’s a-” “TikTok thing, yeah I know, Renesmee and Alice keep watching those weird videos on their phones, I geuss my monkey man here joined them” she smirked up at Emmett, “You know me babe” I shook my head, they’re a strange couple, but it’s nice. Which got me thinking, “Hey, where’s Jasper? I haven’’t seen him since this morning” I missed my mate’s company, there isn’t a moment that goes by that I don’t want him near me. I think Rosalie wanted to answer but Carlisle and Esme joined us, “Jasper is hunting with Edward, they decided to go a bit further into the mountains for mountain lions” I thanked Carlisle, “Fire” I replied, but the present Cullen’s gave me concerned looks, Carlisle and Esme glanced at each other, I cuaght on and groaned, “It means cool, okay, thanks, it’s a TikTok- oh whatever” I excused myself and went to wait on the balcony for Jasper, “I need my unproblematic man!”. Bella probably rolled her eyes when she heard that, it’s one of the things she’s good at, rolling them eyes.
When Jasper and Edward returned I immediately tackled Jasper to the forest floor, his arms held me close, “Hey you, yeah you, I love you” I said muffled into his chest, Jasper chuckled sweetly, “Darlin’ I’ll love you for a thousand years...Also, did you succeed in not ripping Emmett’s head off?” Jasper helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist as we went back inside, I smile goofily up at him, like a child who was busy being praised, “Yup, it was hard, but I only punched him!” Jasper planted a kiss on my head and I knew he could feel all my love and affections. 
“Yo, (y/n)! Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!” 
Jasper looked down at me but I just shrugged, “Hey, that’s your brother”, Jasper cringed, “He’s adopted”
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jlalafics · 4 years
Modern Au dabble where Everlark connect on the roof of one of their houses and then cute kiss leading into ya know? Thanks! You and your books are amazing! -Zeffie ♥️♥️
Hey love! Thanks for this amazing prompt. I hope you wanted this ficlet with a good amount of spice...
Enjoy @hungergamesfangirl02 (Zeffie)!
The moment she steps onto the roof, Peeta spots her.
She is circling the space with her roommates; the sharp-tongued woman with blunt bangs and crimson lowlights and the blue-eyed blonde wearing a crown of flowers. His roommate, Gale, had a one-night thing with the blonde. Peeta can still remember the muttered moaning of her name through the thin walls of their apartment: Madge…Madge…Madge…
Peeta drinks from his red cup, trying to quietly observe the girl in the middle. She’s wearing a cropped jean jacket and a shift burgundy dress with embroidered straps. The ankle boots lengthen her rich-colored legs and he wonders, albeit briefly, what he would see if a sudden gust of wind were to sweep through.
However, it’s summer in the city.
Balmy and warm, the sun just going down and it’s practically another day.
“Peeta!” He turns, spotting Finnick, his other roommate, and Annie, Finnick’s girlfriend. It’s his friend’s birthday and a possible engagement party. Annie doesn’t know, but Peeta and Finnick just picked up the ring from the jeweler this afternoon. “Why are you hiding in the corner?”
“You know that I’m not the party type,” he tells them with a smile. Peeta eyes his friend. “So…anything interesting going on?”
“Not quite,” Finnick responds, throwing an arm around Annie’s shoulders. “Maybe a little later.”
Peeta nods, trying to suppress his smile. It’s not often that his friend is uncertain; he’s known Finnick since they were in diapers and his bronze-haired friend has always moved forward, unafraid of what was ahead of him.
However, when it comes to Annie, the man is total mush.
“You need to circulate,” Annie tells him, her green eyes full of kind concern. “It’s been a year since Delly.”
“Who’s Delly?” comes a brash voice.
They all turn to find the woman with red hair standing before them.
And, right next to her is—
“Katniss!” Annie is rushing towards the pretty girl to give her a hug. Then she goes to Miss Blunt Bangs, embracing her as well. “Johanna!”
They all pull apart and Annie introduces them to Finnick and Peeta.
“I’ve seen you before on campus,” Finnick says to Katniss—Peeta is already in love just hearing her name. “You’re a voice major, right?”
Katniss nods. “Yup, but more song writing and composition than singing.”
“Well, you should talk to Peeta here.” Finnick waves at hand at him, clover eyes sparkling. He knows Peeta well enough to identify when he’s interested in something…or someone. “He’s exceptionally talented when it comes to playing. I don’t think there’s an instrument that he hasn’t experimented with.”
Katniss turns, grey almond-eyes on him. “I’ve seen you around before.”
“I don’t go to Juilliard,” Peeta stammers out.
“No!” She grins and he finds himself smiling back at the way her face completely blooms with loveliness. “I’ve seen you sitting on this roof. You play out here sometimes.”
“Yeah, Katniss has been mini-spying on you,” Johanna informs him.
“Really?” He eyes her and Katniss’ cheeks color—geez, now she’s even more gorgeous. “I’m flattered.”
“I actually live over there—” Katniss points to the adjacent building. It’s at few floors higher, but just enough for someone to look over and see clearly onto their roof. “—sometimes I go up to write or to look at the stars.”
“Don’t lie to the man,” her friend retorts, earning a glare. “At least tell him that you’re a little hot for him holding a guitar.”
“Johanna—” Annie thankfully interrupts. “Thresh has been looking for you.”
“I gave him a blowjob last month and he’s been hitting me up ever since,” she replies. Looking over at Katniss, Johanna winks. “Have fun with your mystery man.”
The two girls walk off, leaving Finnick, Peeta, and Katniss standing together.
“Oh!” Finnick looks around. “I think I better make sure that we still have enough ice and prepare for my birthday speech.” He pats Peeta on the back. “Have fun.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen a more obvious setup,” Katniss tells him when they’re finally alone.
“They mean well,” Peeta replies. “At least, Annie and Finnick do. Johanna is a bit of a mystery.” He looks over to the bar. “Did you want a drink?”
“Sure.” They head to the bar; Peeta tries to keep cool as Katniss joins his side. Their hands are a muscle movement away from touching and he stiffens his hand. “I’d love a Corona and lime.”
“Very summer of you,” he replies before requesting it from the bartender. “How do you know Annie?”
The bartender places the tall neck bottle, placing the lime wedge at the opening, before handing it to Katniss.
They find their way to a spot at the far corner of the party and settle down together on a lone bench. Finnick is talking to the DJ and he sees Annie talking to Madge, whose arm is around Gale’s waist. Johanna has found Thresh and they are dancing, both decently tearing up the floor.
It’s the perfect summer night.
“She works with Johanna,” Katniss explains. “I think they’re EAs for the two CEOs, so they’re always working together. I’ve known Johanna my whole life. When I found out I got into Juilliard, I didn’t hesitate to ask her to come with me. She didn’t hesitate to say yes. Her home life was less than ideal.”
“That sucks.” Real smooth, idiot. His tongue is so tied around her, but Peeta takes a breath and searches for another topic. “How about you? What’s your family life like?”
“I have one sister. Sweetest girl you’ll ever know.” Her smile goes soft and sad, lost in thought. “My Dad passed away when I was five.”
“I’m sorry.”
His hand goes unconsciously to hers resting between them. Peeta motions to pull away, but her fingers entwine with his.
Their eyes meet, silently agreeing that it feels right.
“It’s fine. He was sick for a long time,” Katniss explains. “When I was 12, my mom met Haymitch and we all kind of loved him from the start. They got married when I was 13 and have been thoroughly happy ever since.” She moves closer. “And you? Tell me about your family.”
“My Dad’s a businessman,” he starts. “Have you heard of Mellark Bakery?”
“Yeah, they have that huge factory across the bridge,” Katniss replies. “Your Dad work there?”
Peeta holds out his free hand, wondering if he should have open this can of worms. However, if this is going anywhere (is it too early to propose?), he should probably tell her about his family.
“Nice to meet you. Peeta Mellark.”
Katniss let out a laugh, putting down her Corona to shake his hand.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was meeting with a son of industry!”
“My Dad is actually pretty cool,” he tells her. “He’s always been very encouraging and supportive of me and my older brothers, Emmett and Noel. Emmett is an artist and Noel is a chef.”
“And your mother?”
“Pretty opposite.” Katniss squeezes his hand, listening intently. “She’s a society woman. Very beautiful, but very cold.”
“Oh, she is going to hate me,” Katniss replies.
Peeta grins at her words. “Already planning to meet the parents?”
“Of course. We’ve connected, you know?” she proclaims. “Now that I’ve seen you up close, there’s no going back.”
“And your family?” he counters. “Would they like me?”
“They’re going to love you,” she says, her grey eyes on him. “You seem so easy to care for.”
Peeta looks at his feet, overcome by her words. “How do you know?”
“Last month, I was coming home from school and you were walking out of your building. There was a little old woman coming out of her taxi and she seemed to be struggling to even open the door. So, you opened the door for her, and you helped her set up her walker on the sidewalk. Then, you paid for her cab and helped her inside your building. Nobody does shit like that anymore. Everyone always seems to be looking out for themselves, nowadays.”
“Mags has lived here the longest, so she’s kind of building royalty,” Peeta explains. “Also, her husband died a while back and she has no kids. The people in this building are her family and we take care of one another.”
“I like that,” Katniss tells him.
“I like you,” he blurts out. “I mean, if it hasn’t been obvious enough.”
Katniss doesn’t respond, but she shifts a little bit closer to him as she stares into his eyes.
“Do you want to get out of here?”
Peeta is intrigued by her abruptness. “What did you have in mind?”
She pulls him by his hand to stand up. He rises and their chests brush against one another. It is brief, but it is enough to light a fire in his belly at the feel of peaked nipples against his thin flannel button-down.
“We’re going stargazing.”
“For some reason, Johanna has a deal with the maintenance crew in the building,” Katniss recounts as they step onto the roof of her apartment complex. “No one else but myself, Johanna, and Madge are allowed up here.” She leads him over to a set of lounge chairs. “I don’t really know what kind of deal she cut, and I’ve never bothered to ask.”
“That’s probably for the best,” he tells her. “Are you allowed to bring people up here?”
“I’m pretty sure that Johanna and Madge have brought guys up here before.” Katniss turns to him, her eyes glowing under the light of the moon. “You are the only person that I’ve ever brought here…the only person I want to bring here.”
Peeta isn’t sure if it is the moon…or the Corona…or the heat of the night…but something dances inside his chest, telling him to go to her. Her eyes are on him, hunger so intense in them that there is nothing he could do but go to her. Katniss follows suit, marching towards him with determination.
A groan escapes her lips at the feel of him hard against her pelvis. “Peeta, please…”
They meet in the middle of the roof, breaths heavy and Katniss reaches to cup his cheek. His arm rounds her slender waist, pulling her close to let her feel what she does to him.
“What would you like?” he asks, voice roughened with need. His free hand moves along the lines of her body and she whines, pressing closer to him. “Tell me what you want, Katniss.”
“I want you to kiss me.” Katniss’ mouth grazes against him and he nearly crumbles at the feel of heat between her legs. “Then, I want you to fuck me until we both see stars.”
His mouth is on hers, slotting them together. He sucks harshly at her upper lip as her hands reach for him, holding his face in place as she bites at his lower lip. They both moan into one another, tasting lime and alcohol and the fire between them.
Katniss moves them towards one of the chairs, her hands traveling down and reaching to the buttons of his shirt as her tongue sweeps into his mouth. His own hands move to yank at her jean jacket until she shrugs it off.
“Touch me, Peeta,” she says into his mouth. His shirt has been tossed to the ground and her hands roam unabashedly against his heated skin.
Peeta reaches for the hem of her dress and Katniss complies, lifting her arms up so he could pull the dress over her head. Once it is off, he steps back and looks at the beautiful woman under the summer moon.
Every inch of her skin is caramel and Peeta licks his lips ravenously as his eyes rove over lush breasts with rosy nipples…the graceful dip of her waist…full hips…and nude mesh panties that cover a thatch of dark hair.
“You are beautiful,” he rasps.
Katniss slowly sits down on the lounger, resting back. Her chest heaves, nipples pointed in the warm air, as she waits expectantly for him.
Peeta kneels before her. Carefully, he takes her boots and places them next to the lounger. Then, he is at her center, mouthing her through the mesh and sampling the honey pleasure of her core. Her hands go to his hair, fingers running through his hair and nails scratching at his scalp as he sucks and tongues her through the scrap of nothing.
“Fuck! Peeta!” Her wails are like gold and he moans, vibrating against her cunt. “More, please!” He moves the scrap of cloth away from her quim and plunges his tongue inside her. “Oh my God!”
Part of him is thankful for the party next door, the vibration of music sheathing her cries in the air. Peeta loves the sound of her, unabashed in showing him how good she feels. Katniss pushes herself against his tongue, legs wrapping around his head as she humps his face.
He is drenched in her; his new favorite drink for a summer’s night.
Peeta’s hands move to his jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them quickly.
Pulling away, Katniss whines at the motion until she sees his pants undone. Her eyes, already smoky, have gone obsidian at the sight and he pushes his briefs down, his erection jutting out.
She sits up, one hand pressed to the seat as the other reaches to his length, wrapping her fingers around him. Her thumb moves to the mushroomed head, spreading the precum and he almost seizes at the sensation.
“You’ve given me what I want,” she tells him, her hand stroking him slowly. “What do you want?”
“I want to show you the stars,” Peeta replies, his hand reaching to her panties and she lifts her hips, letting him slide them off until it joins their pile of discarded clothing. He stands before her, reaching for the waist of his jeans and boxers before pulling them off in one motion. His shoes and socks followed, joining her boots.
He stands before her, naked and obviously wanting.
Katniss lays back, pushing herself up onto her elbows, admiring the sight before her.
“I did watch you from here,” she says, her voice strained. “You’d fiddle with your guitar and I’d fiddle myself.”
The image of Katniss, hands on herself…fingers dipping into that dripping cunt is just too much.
Peeta falls to his knees, yanking her down until ass is at the edge of the chair, the backs of her legs pressing along his front.
Then, in one motion, he thrusts roughly into her sodden quim.
The moment Peeta slides into her, her whole body growls.
He can feel her contracting around him and he begins to move, savoring the feeling of being surrounded by her slick. Peeta leans down and their lips meet, her body practically folding in half so he can taste her.
Katniss moans into their kiss, tasting her essence against his tongue as they move against one another. The chair creaks under the pressure of their fucking and he can’t imagine that it feels very comfortable.
He attempts to lift her in-between thrusts, but Katniss frantically shakes her head.
“No, just like this,” she gasps into his sweaty skin. Her legs spread away to wrap around his waist. “Won’t be long now…”
She feels too good, silk and sopping around his cock. Her grip on him is the perfect pressure and as he thrusts, Katniss arches up, bottoming out.
“Holy fuck, you’re amazing,” he groans. “There is no way in hell that I’m letting you go now.”
Hell, Peeta is already convinced that this woman with the dark waves and smoky eyes is the woman that he’s going to marry. In his mind’s eye, he already imagines her in a white dress…carrying her over the threshold of her dream home…of fucking her against every wall of the house…of filling her to the brim until she’s swollen with his child.
“Don’t let me go,” Katniss cries out, her insides beginning to flutter around him, and he juts his cock shallowly knowing that he’s going to spill inside her at any moment. “I wanted you since the moment I saw you…fuck….oh…” Her muscles pulsate around him and her pelvis rises to meet his thrusts.
Her cries are swallowed into the starry sky above them and Peeta watches her in the beauty of her climax. Her hair flows behind her, her skin glistening, and she’s smiles up, her eyes full of love.
She’s watching him, jaw clenched, as the sky above is suddenly illuminated by fireworks, creating a halo around him.
Peeta comes undone, filling her, his pelvis pressing to hers until he is spent.
After, he lays, pillowed against her chest, her hand smoothing down his mussed hair.
“I see stars…” she whispers against him.
“Annie must have said yes,” he explains. “I picked up the ring with Finnick today.”
Katniss snorts. “When Finnick does something, he goes hard.”
“So do I,” he tells her.
She kisses the top of his head. “What do you mean by that?”
“You’ll see.”
They are married three months later.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
whumptober time
I’ve always been a joiner, so following in @volturialice & @flowerslut’s footsteps (and holy hell, those ladies are bringing it), I figured I’d toss my hat in the ring. Not sure if I’ll get many done, but I can only try! And what better way to try that to start with a spontaneous MCU crossover. 
Day 08: Where Did Everybody Go?
“Don’t Say Goodbye” | Abandoned | Isolation
Rating: T for swearing
Words: 2,482
Summary: Twilight X MCU crossover. The Snap doesn’t just kill humans. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Notes: Takes place a couple of weeks after the Eclipse Battle/ at the end of Infinity War. Yup, now Twilight happens in 2018. I should just call this ‘Jar of Hearts’ but that feels a big grisly. Ideally, I’ll be writing three more parts to this for Whumptober or for Jalice Week (depending on prompts). 
It was a normal night for them. There was nothing to indicate anything was wrong. The boys had gone hunting together, deep into the Olympic Ranges for predators.
If he had to remember one thing about that hunt, it was how … pleasant it was. They’d all caught what they had hoped for (with a helpful map from Alice). There were no disagreements, no mood-swings, no storming off for hours. And with brothers like his, to avoid all three of those things was a fucking miracle.
When he looks back, he tries to work out when it started. They were running back, mud-splattered and bloody; for once, they weren’t so late they couldn’t clean up before school.
It’s Edward first - just ahead of him to the left. Eddie leaps over a fallen tree and he … stumbles, only just keeping his balance.
He’s laughing at Edward’s stumble - perfect balance and all that - but Jasper isn’t. In fact, both Edward and Jasper have this look of increasing horror on their faces, and it’s only when Jasper grabs Edward  and Jasper’s hand goes through Edward’s shoulder because Edward is turning into dust and that is not fucking right.
He’s never heard Edward sound so much like the seventeen year old boy he was, and he reaches for his oldest - and his youngest - brother, but by the time his hands are grasping out for Edward’s, Edward is gone. There’s nothing left of him, no clothes or cellphone or bones or hair or anything. It’s not even proper ash, but dust that mingles with the dirt on the ground, and there’s nothing. Nothing. He might as well have never been there.
He’s not entirely sure if he’s feeling his own horror, his own terror, and grief, or if Jasper is projecting. Neither of them know what to do, to scoop what is left of Edward into their pockets, and flee home or to get help or to… what.
But then Jasper is running again, and he follows, desperation streaming off Jasper so strongly that Emmett can almost feel his own dead heart pounding.
Is it disease? Are there vampires diseases?
It can’t be age, Jasper and Carlisle are older, the Denali girls older still…
His phone trills in his pocket but he keeps running and Jasper keeps running, and they aren’t getting there fast enough.
Jasper keeps running until he crumples into dust, his golden eyes wide, and the one word on his lips lost as he disintegrates.
He backs away from Jasper’s resting place, like the dust is contagious - and maybe it is - maybe whatever happened to Edward spread to Jasper when he touched him.
Instead, he runs. He tears through the forest, a soundless rhythm in his head Rosie-Rosie-Rosie-Rosie and the kind of swirling, twisting worry like human nausea in his stomach as he bursts through trees and underbrush.
He’s ten miles out when he hears the screaming.
It doesn’t stop as he somehow moves faster, and bursts through the property line, to the backdoor of the house, which he half rips off the frame as he charges into the house.
The screaming - the wailing - is Alice, on her hands and knees in the sitting room. There’s dust on her face and hands, and she’s not all there, her eyes wide and glassy, as she rocks back and forth.
There’s a weight in his stomach, one that gets heavier every second Rosalie doesn’t appear, that Esme isn’t trying to calm Alice. Instead, he skids to a stop and drops to his knees in front of her, tugging her into his arms, pointedly ignoring the dust that sticks to his jeans, that he sends floating up into the air.
This is an Alice he doesn’t know, just like he knows a Rose that no one else does. The one that Jasper has alluded to, once or twice, in confidence. That it might have always looked like Alice was the one piecing Jasper back together, pulling him along in her grand plans, but it was never as simple or easy as that. Jasper held her together, she put him together. A balancing act.
Just the way that people assumed that he was the one that healed Rosalie of all her demons, when in truth he was just there, letting her know that whatever ‘okay’ looked like for Rosalie was for her - and only her - to decide. And that he’s always been the luckiest son of a bitch in existence to be apart of her version of ‘okay’.
Rose would have lost it with Alice by now. There’s no way Rosalie would have tolerated this level of noise.
Rose isn’t coming.
He holds his sister tight, and mutters reassurances in her hair. They stay like that for awhile until Alice just lets out a sob, and looks up at him, blinking slowly.
“He said he’d never leave me,” she says in a wobbly voice. “He promised me.”
“It wasn’t by choice,” Emmett rushes to tell her. “You were his last thought; he tried so hard to get home before he…”
Alice wipes her eyes, but she still doesn’t look like Alice. She looks lost and breakable, and she sits back, noticing the pile of dust they’re both sitting amongst.
“She… she was so mad,” Alice babbles suddenly, grabbing his hand. “If anyone could have stopped it, could have reversed it by… by sheer will, it was Rosalie, Em. She didn’t go alone, I had her.”
He’s sitting amongst his wife’s… ashes-dust-remains. It’s on his hands and legs and face, and he can see it clinging to Alice’s hair, and he kind of wants to match her wailing because there has never been an Emmett without a Rosalie, not in any history that counts, and without Rose, he has no plan, no direction, no purpose. The world has tilted off its axis, and he wants to go and bury his face in her clothes upstairs, clothes that smell like roses-lemons-cars until the tearing feeling in his chest just stops.
“Esme came running,” Alice continued, staring off into space. “She didn’t make it down the stairs. She didn’t even notice until she was practically gone.”
They sit in silence for a moment, or maybe longer, until the day has begun. The sky has lightened, and they are still alone in a quiet house. No radio, no conversation, no bickering, nothing.
“Did you see this?” he asks finally, and feels cruel asking.
“No.” She sniffles, and he thinks how cruel it was to take Jasper and leave Alice. “It happened so fast; I saw Edward when Rose started to…” She took a deep breath. “I felt Jasper go.” She shudders and there’s a hitch in her breath, and he really doesn’t want her to start crying again.
“We should call Carlisle,” he says, and she nods but pauses.
“Call his phone, not the hospital. No one will answer,” she whispers, but there’s a look in her eyes he doesn’t like and he doesn’t want to ask, either…
“I can’t see him answering, Em,” she whispers.
He takes a deep breath and dials the number.
It rings.
It keeps ringing.
It’s a nervous sounding woman’s voice, and for a moment, he can’t find the words.
“I don’t know whose phone this is,” the woman continues, her voice shaking.
“It’s Emmett Cullen. I need to speak to my father - Dr Carlisle Cullen,” he manages, but Alice is already shaking her head.
“Emmett, it’s Nurse Fletcher,” and he has no idea who that is, truly. “Your father… he’s gone, Emmett.” The woman sounds traumatised, and he understands. “Half the hospital just… disappeared, there was nothing anyone could have done…”
He throws his phone against the wall, and it smashes through the drywall as it shatters, and Esme’s not even here to yell at him.
Somehow, Alice gets him to his feet, and drags him into Forks. Something about people coming looking for them and they need to go to the school, where everyone who is still here is gathering. They’re both covered in the dust of their family (Edward and Rose, mostly, and he wonders if bringing Alice a handful of her husband’s remains would have been the right thing to do. They’d left Esme where she fell, a waterfall of dirt on the stairs.)
There aren’t many people at the school when they arrive, and people are staring. He gets it; Alice looks like she just crawled out of an empty grave (Rose’s; Rose sticking to her face and hair and hands and knees…) and he’s splattered with mud and probably blood that he didn’t think to clean up before they left but together they are a suitably haunted, stricken pair of siblings.
A couple of Bella’s friends are at the impromptu gathering; the Hispanic girl is clinging to a man who has to be her father, fresh tear tracks on her face. A blonde girl is sitting with a blanket around her, almost bisected perfectly down her body with the dust of someone - a classmate, a family member, a passerby. Just dozens of people standing around, confused and grieving.
But Alice stops when she sees one figure, stooped and already exhausted.
Charlie Swan catches her in a hug as she approaches him a little faster than she should, and he wants to pull her back because now parts of Rosalie are sticking to Charlie’s clothes and from the look on Charlie’s face and on Alice’s, the dust on Charlie belonged to Bella.
He wants to chuckle, at the picture of Rose’s face if she was told her ashes would be mixed up with Bella’s forever now, or at least until Charlie does some laundry.
“She was in bed, sleeping,” Charlie says. “I thought it was a prank, at first.” His eyes are shiny and he takes a shuddering breath and looks closer at the pair of them. “Who…”
Alice seems to shrink into herself, and just shakes her head. “It’s just me and Emmett now,” she mutters. “Jasper’s gone and Rosalie’s gone, and Esme and Carlisle and Edward and now Bella.” There’s a tinge of hysteria to her words, and Emmett pulls his sister closer because he doesn’t want what’s left of Forks to watch if he has to try and calm her down from another round of hysteria.
“It’ll be okay,” he manages. “We’ll call Denali and see how Tanya’s doing. Cousins,” he offers to Charlie, who looks relieved. “We’ll check in on a few people,” he continues, hoping to distract Alice, who keeps repeating their names under her breath. “Peter and Charlotte, Maria, Garrett, Randall…”
“Good. You kids can stay with me while you track down some family if you need to,” Charlie offers but Alice manages to pull herself together.
“No, we’ll be fine,” she assures him. “Emmett’s old enough and … we’ll be fine. We just need to know what happened.”
“We don’t know much yet, but as soon as I do, I’ll call,” Charlie promises. “I’ll put your names on the … Survivors list, you two go on home and take a shower, make sure you’ve got enough food and gas in the car. And you call if you need anything.”
“Carlisle’s phone,” he says immediately. “Nurse Fletcher at the hospital has it, but we … can’t go there.”
Charlie seems to understand by totally misunderstanding why they can’t go to the hospital and promises to see what he can do.
And then there’s nothing else for them to do but go home. Go home and wash off the dust, and scoop what’s left into Esme’s vases (urns, now). Alice folds their dirty clothes and puts them in a box without a word, and he watches her collect dust from the trim on the coffee table, from the gaps between the floorboards, with a tiny paintbrush so that every grain of his beautiful wife is collected.
Then he takes her to where Jasper fell and she doesn’t say anything. There’s no way to tell what dust and dirt is Jasper and what is the forest, and there’s nothing here for her to gather in her hands and hold tight. They sit for awhile, just staring at the spot.
“If Maria survived, it’s going to be bad,” she manages as the light begins to fade. “And if the Volturi…”
They walk home at a human pace, and they both start to notice things that they missed before; the stillness of the forest, suddenly amiss half its animals. The sparseness of the trees, of the ground. As they make it home, the day sinking into night, he notices half of Esme’s gardens just gone, as if waiting for someone to plant them fresh, when they were in full bloom less than a day ago.
There’s a small figure waiting on the back porch, in dirty denim cut-offs. He looks smaller than last time they saw him, only weeks ago.
Seth Clearwater swallows hard when he sees them, and they can tell by the look on his face that whatever, whoever is left on the Res, it certainly isn’t his family and friends, and Emmett is overwhelmingly sad for the kid that had to come to his natural enemies for safe haven.
“The pack,” Seth begins. “It’s only me, and Colin, and Brady left. And at home, it’s only me.”
Alice moves too fast, and pulls him into a tight hug, and Seth hugs her back, despite the stench.
“I figured you might know something about what’s happened,” Seth continues, and he’s trying so hard not to cry, he’s giving Emmett a headache. “I left Colin and Brady back to protect the Res, and came to find help.”
He wants so badly to promise this kid it’s going to fine, that they’ll find a Tardis, a time-turner, a fucking goddess of time and rewind everything to stop this from happening but his wife is nothing but dirt, and his sister looks like a broken marionette, and there’s a wolf pup looking so desperate and hopeful that the words die on his tongue.
Alice smiles at him, kindly, for for a second she looks like herself. That lost, glassy look she’s worn all day has faded back inside her, and he hopes it stays there.
“Come in, Seth,” she says, and motions that they both follow her in through the door he broke that morning. “I think we’ve got food.”
Emmett takes off his boots before he goes inside (just like Esme always nagged for him to and he never remembered), and he wonders if the others are up there, laughing their asses off that the House of Cullen has crumbled and all that’s left is a broken psychic, an underage shapeshifter, and the guy with his wife in a jar.
He thinks it might even be funny to someone.
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followthru4 · 6 years
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The Newcrest Titans secured a strong win versus the Windenburg Falcons, 104-90. Rhys was the Titans leading scorer with 27 points, 12 rebounds, and 4 assists. His best friend, Orlando, finished the game with 20 points, 6 rebounds, and 6 assists. The team now sat with a record of 12 wins and 0 losses, making them first place in their division and conference. With only 4 games left on the season, they were the talk around town as the favorite to win the championship. Following the game, Coach  Amador lectured his guys on remaining poised during the season.
Coach Amador: “Fellas, great team win tonight. Everyone brought their A game and it showed! I asked for us to be humble and we did. Thank You. Now I know its a Friday night, however please head straight to your dorms and stay in. I do not want any of our players running the streets. We’ll have practice bright and early tomorrow at 7am. Do not be late.”
“Yes Coach!” The team proclaimed in unison.
Walking through the hall with his Beats headphones blasting Rexx Life Raj, Rhys was in an upbeat mood following his good game and team’s win. It was always a great night after defeating the opposition so easily like his squad had done a few hours ago. Had it been a lost, his mood would be the complete opposite. Replaying his points scored, and coach’s advice in his head, he spots Orlando and Emmett in the hallway.
Rhys (in his head): Why are they both wearing our team jackets?
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Orlando: “So that’s why we should just step bro.”
Emmett: “I don’t know man, coach said it’s lock down tonight.”
Orlando: “Ahh, come on! Don’t be a L seven on me tonight.” He said as he noticed Rhys coming down the hall. “Aye, yo Rhys!”
Rhys: “What’s up ya’ll. You two dating now or something? What’s up with the matching attire?” He asked with a chuckle.
Emmett: “This genius is up to another one of his master plans.” He said fingering quotations as he said master plans.
Rhys: “Oh yeah, what is it this time fam?”
Orlando: “Glad you asked.” He said with a smirk. “Join us, tonight we’re going to a penthouse party in San My.”
Rhys: “What?! Fool you’re crazy. San My is a solid hour, hour and a half away. Besides, coach said it’s lock down tonight.”
Emmett: “See, that’s what I said!”
Orlando: “Ya’ll some squares all of a sudden? Look, we just destroyed Windenburg, and its Friday night. Live a little fellas. Besides, we’ll be back in time for practice, so it doesn’t matter. Let’s go! The more time we spend standing here, the less time we got in the city.”
Emmett followed Orlando’s lead while Rhys stood in the hallway contemplating his best friend’s words. He knew it was absolutely not the brightest idea to go to the city after his coach ordered the team to stay put in their dorms, however he definitely didn’t want word getting around that he was some nerd or square dude who passed up on lit parties in the city. Rhys took a deep breath, as if it were his last, and proceeded to his dorm to change his attire.
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It took the guys exactly 45 minutes to get to San My. Emmett drove a 2014 Ford Mustang and showed off his GTS engine, going on average 92 miles per hour the entire way there. It was shocking not a single cop noticed the speeds in which Emmett raced down the highway. Rhys was exuberant to be out of the car, as he felt he might not make it to the city alive. Orlando on the other hand loved it. He always was one to enjoy adrenaline rushes and living life on the edge. He blasted hip-hop music the whole ride, yelling every lyric like the songs were written by him. It reminded Rhys how he became friends with Orlando in the first place. He, simply put, just didn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone. Rhys often wished he had that kind of spirit, however his best friend gave him the balance he was desiring in that.
Once inside the penthouse the guys made their way downstairs to the party. It was a large pool area with dark lighting and scenic views of the city lights. Neither of them had ever seen the city this close and personal before. They instantly felt like kings. As they headed in the direction of the DJ booth they found a couch area and decided to park it there. They didn’t know everyone in the party, so this spot was perfect for viewing and keeping a look out on the entire place.
Orlando: “We made it fellas, and those ladies twerking over there look DTF.”
The guys laugh at Orlando’s comical statement while observing his description. Two young girls were in fact twerking away to the beats of the infamous DJ Onix. He was a regular throughout nightclubs in San My, so seeing him at this private party definitely made the guys feel like royalty.
All through the night folks were having a good time. There was no drama, no mess, and no party goers got sloppy or wasted drunk. Rhys was enjoying his time with his crew, forgetting all about how they snuck out of their dorms against their coach’s word, when his eyes noticed a familiar face.
Emmett: “You got to admit my pass to you cutting to the basket was sweet. I put that thang right in the perfect place for your dunk though!” He said with excitement, reliving the moment with jubilation in his voice.
Orlando: “Hell yeah you did! It made Widenburg’s coach call a timeout and chew his guys out.” They laughed at the memory and noticed Rhys wasn’t chiming in.
Emmett: “Ain’t that right, Rhys?” He said nudging his pal.
Rhys: “Huh? Uh, yeah. Yup, fo’ sho!” He forced a response and chuckled.
Orlando: “Man, he don’t know what we’re talking about. Rhys, who got you shook bro?” He said laughing.
Emmett made eye contact with Rhys and followed his eyes. Once he knew what Rhys was looking at, he took control.
Emmett: “Aye, yo, Sage!”
Rhys: “Bro, what you doin?!? He asked surprised and somewhat irritated.
Emmett: “Chill, I got you bro.” He replied with a smirk.
Rhys: “Nah bro, for real, you don’t need to do this.”He was more nervous to speak to Sage than upset at Emmett for calling her over.
Sage walked over to the group of guys with a bright smile. Rhys couldn’t tell if it was the moon shining through the penthouse windows or her grin that shed a spotlight on their night. His heart skipped a few beats as he caught a quick sniff of her scent. Lavender, with a hint of shea butter and vanilla. It appeared she was keen with her appearance and health.
Emmett: “How you doin’ little sis?” He said giving her a hug.
Rhys (in his head): Little sis?! What the fuck?!
Emmett: “This is my homeboy Orlando.” He said pointing to his right. “And my good friend Rhys, I don’t think you two have ever met.” He added, with mischief in his voice.
Sage: “Hey Orlando. I heard you had 20 points tonight. Good job!”
Orlando: “Okay little sis, keeping up with the squad I see. Thank You.”
Sage smiled at the compliment and then turned to Rhys. “Hi Rhys.”She said with a calm and soothing tone. It was like music to Rhys’ ears to hear her say his name. It was definitely something he could get used to.
All Rhys could do was smile and throw up a hand to wave. Orlando had never seen his best friend so awestruck by anyone in their entire life. Not even the time they met Michael Jordan at a basketball camp their freshman year of high school.
Emmett was equally surprised and gave Rhys a quick nudge as to snap him back to reality.
Rhys: “Hey.” He was able to let out after encouragement from Emmett.
Sage: “What are you boys doing here? Does coach know about this?”She asked, knowing her brother and that most likely they snuck out.
Emmett: “Ah, don’t worry about all that. I should be asking you the same thing. What are you doing here freshman?”
Sage: “I was invited by my friend.”She said turning around and looking in her home girl’s direction. “She really wanted to come, but didn’t have a plus one.”
Emmett: “Well just be careful out here tonight, and don’t drink too much.”
Sage: “Okay, dad.” She said rolling her eyes. “Bye guys, nice to meet you.”She said locking eyes with Rhys.
He froze with her eyes locked on his. It was as if time stood still and it was just her and him. He imagined all the discussions they could have with one another if they weren’t at this party. He would ask her to dance, convince her to ditch her friend, and just converse with her all night. He wanted more of Sage, not physically, but spiritually. That’s when he knew she was the one.
Orlando: “I mean if I knew he was going to freeze up like a little school boy at the sight of your sister, I would of left his ass in Newcrest.” He said teasing Rhys.
Rhys: “Whatever fool, I heard you that time. I’m not frozen, just...She’s just...”
Emmett: “Go ‘head bro, you’ve got my blessing.” He said feeling the energy from Rhys and knowing he had nothing to worry about. He had never allowed any of his friends to talk to his baby sister, and there had been many growing up. Now she’s a young adult, and in college, so he felt it was time to release his big brother reigns and allow her to do her own thing. Besides, what better way to keep dibs on her than to allow one of his closest friends to court her?
Rhys: “You sure bro?” He said, eyes wide, and bushy tailed.
Emmett: “Yeah my man.” He replied with a smile. “She likes comedy movies and cheeseburgers. Thank me later.”
Orlando laughed at Emmett’s subtle advice. “Aye, come with me to the bar. I need a damn shot after all this cupcake talk.”
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Emmett and Orlando left Rhys and walked over to the bar. Meanwhile, Sage had made her way back to Janae. Rhys noticed they were hysterically laughing about something and hoped they weren’t bagging on him and his boys. He swallowed his nervousness, slid a piece of gum into his mouth, and mustered up the courage to ask Sage for her time.
To his surprise she agreed, but took a few minutes to say goodbye to Janae first.
Sage: “I’ll text you when I’m back at the dorm. Hell, I might even just come to your room and wake you up.” She said with a grin.
Janae: “Please don’t, just text me bitch. Be safe.” She replied with spunk as she waved and walked away.
Sage and Rhys took a seat on a nearby couch and began their first one on one conversation. Rhys had waited for this moment since their first session in Business Communications.
Rhys: “This party is pretty lit, and this house, my god.”
Sage: “I know right.”She said surprised that he began their first conversation without being all cheesy or directly hitting on her. “And this view, I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Rhys: “Me....either.” He said pausing between his words as he was referring to her looks and not the skyscrapers against the city skies.
Sage: “So, how was your game tonight?” She asked, knowing how he did but not wanting to mention that on their first encounter.
Rhys: “I played well.” He replied, wondering how she knew Orlando’s stats and not his. “I had 27 points, wanted 30, but maybe next game.”
Sage: “Ooh, Mr. Big Baller I see.” She gassed him up with a smile.
The two continued their conversations for the rest of the night. They discussed his interest in basketball, along with his production on the team. They also conversed about their Business Communications class, and how easy it appeared it would be. She shared with Rhys her interest in cheeseburgers, just like Emmett said, and comedy movies. Rhys was on cloud nine in her presence and didn’t want any of it to end. Sage ended up riding back to the city with the boys. She and Rhys sat in the back seat together, but remained respectful of each other’s space. Rhys didn’t want to rush, or give her the impression he only wanted one thing. He was looking to build a true friendship, and make her his girl, forever.
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currently accepting: send me a url and i'll write some positivity for it!! @mchumsindie 
MAN i hope you guys weren’t hoping that my monster long love posts were going to end anytime soon, because jfc i could write an entire book about mae my bae. let me not like EMBARRASS MYSELF too much and restrain myself to a couple of paragraphs here. SO MAE AND I MET actually a while ago where i played my muse emmett for the first time ever, and tbh we didn’t actually talk while we were in that group together?? WHAT A SHAME??? but then we reconnected via a different group and you know when you just meet someone and from like the first post you’re like YUP THIS IS GONNA FUCK ME up, welp, that was mae. she hit me in the face with a ship that i had never even thought was feasible and actually changed the sexuality of two of my characters thanks to the perfection of her kurt and atticus muses. let it be known that she is the sole reason for my s.tone.field obsession because then she brought in her emma fc and SUCCESSFULLY RUINED MY LIFE, LMFAO.
mae’s writing and ships are the kind where you are 600% obsessed with them. i think we have like two main otps ( seven million minor otps tho ) and i literally crave them always. like i am unashamedly and completely obsessed with her ocs and even get protective over them? like HEY DON’T DO THAT TO MY SON/DAUGHTER THANKS? mae is also the queen of angst which means we get along swimmingly well since i am an angst obsessed person. every time we talk it feels like i’m constantly throwing a new way to demolish our ships AND I LOVE IT because that’s the kind of thing that makes me happy. she has seriously ruined my life with our ships to the point where i’m like WHY DOES THIS NOT EXIST AS A MOVIE THAT I CAN WATCH because seriously, her characters are so good that she needs to write for tv or movies or something like that.
mae deserves a medal for the amount of my constant whining that she puts up with, but really that’s a testament to how she’s the kind of friend who will always listen to your problems and then make a joke and as you’re laughing, you’re like, why was i pissed off again?? she has the greatest sense of humor and i know that even if she’s off and working at one of her big fancy jobs, if you need her, she’s always there. i’d say her biggest fault is the fact that she doesn’t check her snapchat enough?? yep, that’s mae’s one big FATAL FLAW. check your snapchat pls.
mae is also hugely supportive as a person and like, the level of useless stuff i’ve shared with her is borderline ridiculous. if you need someone to just talk to about your life or your day or something that’s bugging you, she is always very attentive and will check in just to make sure you haven’t set a building on fire or something crazy like that. she’s also really good at distracting people from things that upset them, USUALLY WITH ONE OF THE ABOVE FEELS. her sense of humor is beyond compare, and you can really tell that with how snarky and witty her muses are. she’s seriously lorelai gilmore levels of funny and i am constantly loling in real life because of some of the things she says. also her style is a+ and if you need tips on how to rock a blazer like here is your go to. 
tldr; i adore mae with my whole soul and if she’s not in your orbit you really need to get on that tbh. ALSO there’s the potential that she’s moving to my neck of the woods aka do it and we’ll destroy the world or something.
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sleepy-whore · 4 years
Cookies ch.1
Two eggs
A pinch of salt
One cup of butter
Three cups of flour
A dash of baking soda
One cup of white sugar
One cup of brown sugar
A dash of baking powder
Two cups of chocolate chips
A few drops of vanilla extract
***bake for ten minutes
I put the trays in the oven and shut the door. I have the recipe memorised, but I had to double check to see if I set the timer. There have been a few instances in the past where I had forgotten, only to have an entire batch become inedible. 
Halfway through the baking process my uncle comes into the kitchen, “How much longer? They smell good”.
I look back at the timer, “About five more minutes or so. These are for the neighbors, I don’t want you eating them all”.
He shrugged, “Alright, alright. I promise I’ll only eat a few”. 
I narrowed my eyes at my uncle, “A few means three or less, Uncle Scott”.
“You’ve got my word”. 
Usually, I believe my uncle. He’s a very trustworthy man, but his appetite gets the best of him at times. He eats. Alot. Because of that, he’s the one that does a majority of the cooking around the house, but he cannot bake for the life of him. But I think it’s a fair trade off, he does the main meals and I do the desserts.
A couple weeks ago there was talk around the town that there was a new family moving to Forks. Forks is a small town, and the newcomers gave everyone something to gossip about. Not too many people come here for a fresh start. 
My Uncle and I live in the woods, a little ways away from the town. He built the cabin that we live in himself. He’s very handy, but I prefer not to tell him that too much as he’s got a bit of an ego. He’s a carpenter. Anytime one of the houses in Forks needs a repair (which is quite often due to the weather) someone just gives him a call and he’s off to work. 
The timer for the cookies went off. I slipped on my oven mitts and put the trays on top of the stove to cool off. My uncle heard the timer as well and tried grabbing one of the cookies. I attempted to stop him, I really did, but it was too late. He had burnt his hand and rushed over to the sink to run his hand under cold water. 
“Tsk, tsk,” I teased, “you should know better than that by now” .
He huffed and continued to tend to his hand.
Once the cookies were cooled down enough I transferred them to a tupperware container and headed out the door. As I was leaving I called out, “I’ll be back later!”
“Just don’t stay out too late!” my uncle yelled from the living room with his recovered hand and plate of three cookies.
I put the tub of cookies in the basket and hopped on my lilac bike. The new neighbors aren’t supposed to live too far away, just about three miles give or take. Still, the closest neighbors that I have ever had. I’ve seen the house a few times over the years on my walks around the forest  and this will be the first time I’ll see someone living in it. It’s such a beautiful home, I always thought it deserved a nice family to go with it.  
Making sure not to smush the cookies, I peddled along the gravel road until I came across the house. The garage doors were open and I saw some sports cars, but not a moving van in sight. Maybe the van already came early? They only moved in here a few days ago. 
I parked my bike against a tree, grabbed the cookies, and made my way towards the front door. I hesitated, thinking of ways to introduce myself before I pressed the doorbell. A woman with honey brown hair and kind eyes opened the door. 
“Hi, I’m Kathy. I’m your neighbor”
The woman smiled, “Hello Kathy! It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Esme, please come inside”. I stepped in the house and was amazed at how light and airy the interior was.
“I brought over some cookies to welcome you to the neighborhood- well, it’s not much of a neighborhood.” I handed the container to Esme and she smiled. 
“That’s very kind of you. Can I offer you something to drink? Coffee? Tea?”
“Oh, um, tea please.” Coffee gives me headaches.
I followed her into the kitchen and sat on a barstool at the counter. She put the cookies down and prepared a kettle of water on the stove. While the water warmed she opened up a cupboard full of china and started to gently arrange the cookies on a display platter. I was surprised by how quickly it seemed that everything was already unpacked. As far as I could tell, there were no open boxes or tape laying around the house.
 I saw something move behind me and turned in the chair to meet a short girl around my age. She beamed, “Hi, I’m Alice! I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but you must be Kathy.”
 “Yup, I’m Kathy. Well, my full name is Katherine, but I prefer Kathy”. 
“That’s a pretty name” she swiveled herself onto the stool next to me.
“Oh, thank you! So is ‘Alice’. It has a nice ring to it”
Esme placed a mug of tea on the counter in front of me. I gave her my thanks and took a small sip. 
“You go to Forks, right? How is the school there?” Alice asked.
“It’s alright. I’ll be a junior once summer break is over. Most of the teachers are passionate about their jobs and the kids there like to stay in their own cliques. You might get some attention though, since you’re new to town”.
“Good to know,” she nodded, “my siblings usually like to keep to themselves in school”.
“Your siblings?” I repeated.
“Oh yes. Jasper, Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie.”
“Wow, you have a big family”
Esme joined in on our conversation, “My husband Carlilse and I adopted”
At that moment a pale blond man, who I’m assuming is Carlisle, walked into the kitchen. 
“I see we have company, and that my wife already beat me to introductions. Nonetheless, I’m Carlisle. Carlisle Cullen.” he made his way over to Esme and lovingly put his hand around her waist. “Rosalie, Edward, come and say hello” he called out. 
Seconds later a blonde girl around my height walked into the room followed by a boy with an auburn tint in his disheveled hair. They both made their first impressions, however Rosalie seemed a bit guarded in her actions. She had a perfect posture and kept her arms crossed. 
“It’s nice to meet you all,” I spoke through the slight tension in the room, “Rosalie, I love your outfit. You have a nice taste in fashion”.
“Thanks” she replied coolly. 
“You think Rosalie’s fashion is nice?” Alice scoffed at her sister, “The next time you come over I’ll show you what real fashion looks like”. 
“Whatever, Alice” Rosalie said as she left the room.
“Oh, uhm, alright” I had no idea how to respond to a comment like that. I took a few more sips of my tea.
“Hey Alice, I thought you said you had a few more siblings?” I continued.
Edward spoke up, “Jasper and Emmett are... running errands right now. They’ll be back later”
“Ah. I see”. I looked around the kitchen to see if there was a clock. I had been at the neighbors hours for quite some time already and I promised my Uncle Scott I wouldn’t be out too late. 
Edward seemed to notice me looking around, “It’s about five fourty”.
“Oh, thank you. I really should get going. I don’t want to ride my bike in the dark. Thank you for the tea Esme, and it was great to talk!”
Esme and Carlisle walked me to the door and Alice flashed me another smile. 
“Take care now” Carlisle said as I got on my bike. I gave one last wave goodbye before pedaling back to my cabin. 
I opened the door with my key and walked through the front door. The t.v. was showing the news and my uncle was in the kitchen again, this time making dinner. 
“Hey Kathy. Steak, broccoli, and potatoes for me; fried tofu, broccoli, and carrots for you. How are the neighbors?” 
“They’re nice,” I said as I washed my hands. I set the table and got us both a glass of water. “It’s a big family, there’s the husband Carlisle, his wife Esme, and their four or five adopted kids. I didn’t get to meet all of the kids, but the ones that I did meet seem to be around my age” 
“Phew that’s a big lot of them” my uncle said as he sat down at the table with me.
We ate the rest of our dinner in a comfortable silence. After helping wash up with the dishes I headed upstairs into my bedroom. I needed some alone time. It was a draining to meet so many new people all at once. I sat at my desk and gathered together my pencils and notepad. I drew the outside greenery from what I could see through the window. The rest of the night was nice and quiet. 
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anavoliselenu · 4 years
freedom chapter 3
"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."-Soren Kierkegaard
I tried fumbling with my tie for the tenth time and was unsuccessful once again. Carlisle had taught me how to knot a tie when I was four, and I had never forgotten. Now my mind was just too full and too crazy for simple motor functions. It was even hard to breathe.
I stared at myself in the mirror of the bathroom and tried to exhale the stress out of my shoulders. It didn't work.
We had been in Italy for about fifteen hours now and it was still sinking in that my life back on the island was over. My freedom was gone. On top of that, I had to attend my great-grandfather's funeral today, and re-meet my family for the first time in four years. To say it like that, it only made me more insane.
My sleep deprivation, coupled with the time difference, and the impending sorrow of the day was making me slightly irritable.
Selena and I occupied a large hotel room in a modern, posh establishment, right in the heart of Rome. Alec was, of course, with the family a floor below who were happy to see him, as he told it. He came to see us early this morning with all the details.
Everyone was sad, but fine. He said they looked tired.
I didn't know if we should be springing my arrival on them like this, but Carlisle thought it might be better to just get it out in the open. After the funeral, I would be able to talk with them. I had no idea what I was going to say. I was going to take it one step at a time.
But first, I had to get through this fucking funeral.
I had been to maybe one hundred in my lifetime. With the sort of existence we lived, it was a given that people were going to die. We usually went to funerals out of respect. A friend or colleague dies, you go see his burial. It was simple. But nothing would be able to prepare me for this day.
How was I supposed to react to this? My grandfather, the man I looked up to most—the man who raised me to be who I am today—was dead. I never in my life thought I would say that. Hell, it was almost predetermined that I was going to die before him. I should have died before him. According to everyone but a select few, I had died before him.
The core of our family was gone. I knew we were strong enough not to crumble, but it was still slightly strange. It was almost like sailing in pitch black darkness without a lighthouse. Who would I call when I was pissed at Carlisle? Who was going to give me straightforward, honest answers to my questions? Who was going to kick my ass when I was fucking up? That was always Nicola's job.
Granted, I hadn't spoken to the man in years, but that couldn't be helped. It was just nice to know that he was out there if I needed him. Now he was gone.
I took a deep breath to steady myself and attempted again to work my tie into the appropriate position. I didn't accomplish my goal and ended up looking more disheveled.
Like the angel that she was, Selena glided into the bathroom and took over for me, nimbly fixing my tie without a word.
We had gone shopping last night, and Rome boasted some of the best fashion in the world. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Selena would actually take advantage of it. She was in a simple black dress with capped sleeves that was hugging her body and really high black heels. She picked it all out herself. Her hair was down, over her shoulders and her face was soft with minimal makeup.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing. I just can't help looking at you."
Selena smiled, showing a perfect row of teeth, "You're getting very good with your words. I think this new, more vocal Justin is a keeper."
"The more vocal Justin is bound to get in more trouble."
"That's true."
Standing in front of me was a woman, not the girl I met four years ago and I loved her now more than I did then. Of course, that brought up the question of marriage. Isn't that what people did when they were in love? According to societal standards, I was supposed to have a ring on my finger and 2.5 kids by now. I was behind.
I really did plan on marrying Selena one day. It was different now that I was older and could realize that marriage wasn't the end of the world. I wasn't sure exactly how I was supposed to be a good husband, though. Selena was the only person that made me doubt myself and the thought of being her spouse just complicated things in my head. To be honest, it wasn't the marriage itself that bothered me as much as the actual wedding did.
Fucking suits, fucking white dresses, fucking cake, fucking first dances, fucking wedding…
My stomach churned just thinking about it.
But I did understand her point of view. Most women thought about that stuff, right? They wanted the big wedding with the flower girls and soft strings playing in the background, and a nice reception.
I don't know why I had such an aversion to that stuff, but I couldn't help it. I guess I was just programmed that way. I would suck it up for Selena. Did she want all that? I was afraid to ask.
"It's so weird seeing you in real clothes," I stated and wanted to mentally slap myself. I was working on being more romantic. Out of all the things I could say to her, that was it?
Stupid, Justin!
She snorted in laughter. "I was going to say the same thing to you. This suit is nice."
"Armani, of course."
"Of course." She finished with my tie and fixed my jacket, "You look incredibly dapper and handsome."
After all that time on the beach, wearing bathing suits and shorts, seeing myself in a suit was kind of a shock. My black get-up was nicely pressed and had the smell of new fabric. I hadn't worn something like this in years, and I tried to roll my shoulders around, getting the feel for it.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked unexpectedly.
"Sure," Her face started to move towards mine.
Our lips met and as they always did, connected with a spark that I would never tire of feeling. My hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. Today was a day for soft kisses and the sexual fire stayed at bay because we both knew we didn't have time for anything more. When she moaned and her hands traveled up my chest, I pulled away.
She was gloriously breathless, as was I.
"You still make me melt." Selena whispered, "I can't help it."
"Good," I smirked, "You're falling for my plan nicely."
"I've already fallen." Selena kissed me once again before pulling away completely, "How are you doing?" She asked, looking at me in the mirror.
"I'm waiting for it to hit me. Shouldn't I cry?" I reached for the bag on the counter and took a couple anti-anxiety pills.
She shrugged. "Some people don't. I remember when we went to Grandma Swan's funeral, Charlie didn't produce one tear. He cried more when he closed his finger in the car door."
"Nicola wouldn't want me to cry. He'd tell me to celebrate his fucking life because he was better than God." I chuckled at the memory of him actually uttering that phrase a couple of times.
"Is it going to be a big funeral?"
"Probably. Everyone loved him, even his enemies; they couldn't help it. He lives in this town about an hour outside of the city called Montecello. He was the mayor for years and built that area. They're all rich because of him. I heard they had a small ceremony in Sicily yesterday, though."
"That's where he was originally from?"
I nodded. "He said he would never go back there, even if we dragged him. In Sicily, he grew up poor as shit and hated it. After he made all of his money in Chicago and retired, he moved to Montecello, but he traveled everywhere."
"I only knew him for a short time, but he made me feel like family. I'm sorry you lost him." She ran her hand up my arm and gave it a squeeze.
"He was a good man to his family."
My phone in my jacket pocket vibrated and I picked it up, seeing a text message from Carlisle. They were leaving now and there was a car waiting for Selena and I downstairs.
"Is it time to go?" she asked.
"Yup. Let's get this over with." I fixed the small piece of hair that was astray and had been annoying the hell out of me since I got out of the shower, making myself perfect.
We took the elevator down to the first floor. The ride was excruciatingly slow, but when the doors finally opened, I didn't even want to get out. Selena had to take my hand and drag me across the marble floor of the hotel lobby, which was buzzing with people.
We got into the backseat of a town car that was waiting where Carlisle said it would be. It pulled out into the streets.
It was a warm and sunny February day. I rolled the windows down to let the air flow through the car, and Selena kept a tight hold on my hand for the whole ride. As we went further into the countryside, childhood memories began to flood back into my mind.
I spent every summer here until I was twenty-one, and I even completed a semester at the local university in business school. Nicola took all of us in and taught us what he knew, but I don't think Jasper and Emmett looked up to him like I did. He was my mentor, whereas they were more in line with Carlisle's methods.
The rolling hills just made me remember him more. There were days when I spent hours running through those hills. I'd be so tired, Nicola had to push me home.
"This place is stunning," Selena said from next to me, her face almost pressed against the glass of the window.
"I know. I have a house about two hours from the coast if you ever want to come back."
"You have a house here?" She looked at me with wide eyes.
"Well, it's in the opposite direction, but yes."
"I never knew that."
"I'm sure I told you."
"No, I would remember that. I would demand to visit a place like this."
"Well then, we'll have to come back," I promised, "during a happier time."
"We should have come here to hide out." She gazed at the knolls of the countryside again.
"I wish."
The drive took longer than I remembered, but I soon saw the small town of Montecello begin to appear around us.
It was one of those places that was left untouched by modernity and kept the unique, Italian feel about it. All the elderly women still told fables and made rich marinara sauces that burned your tongue but you'd be willing to die for. To someone looking in from the outside, the small bubble that the city lived in could only come out of a movie.
Today, even though the sun was shining, you could definitely tell that an emotional depression had hit the town. All the windows were covered in black, the shops were closed, and the streets were bare of people. Nicola Rossini's funeral was something that called for complete attention. Nothing was going to disrupt this day.
The one thing that I could count on was that the massive, Catholic church would be the only place with any kind of activity. The parking lot was so full that we had to park a couple blocks away. It seemed like people from all over had come for this.
Selena and I purposefully arrived late so that we didn't attract any attention.
I helped her over the cobblestoned streets on our way to the church. I could hear music without even opening the door and saw that people were already forming a processional to make the long walk to the gravesite after the funeral.
In the vestibule of the church, large vases of flowers overflowed the tables, and the red carpet under my feet dented softly as I walked towards the large oak doors of the sanctuary.
"Wait, Justin." Selena pulled me back. "We have to sign this." She pointed to a guestbook near the door.
"Oh." I looked at the thick book, which had pages upon pages of people's messy scribbling. Some were in Italian and some were in English.
"What should I say?" she asked me.
"I don't know," I answered truthfully. Never once, during all the funerals that I attended, had I signed a guestbook.
She thought for a long second, biting her lip softly, before taking the pen and quickly writing something that I couldn't make out over her shoulder. She turned the page and handed me the pen.
"Can I read what you wrote?" I asked.
"No," she shook her head, "it's embarrassing."
I was really curious, but spent my time thinking about what to say instead of arguing. It took me a couple of seconds before I figured it out. I remembered Nicola's toast that he would always say at birthdays or weddings or family gatherings. It was simple, but got the point across.
I wrote it in Italian.
Avere una famiglia significa avere qualcuno da amare, avere una casa significa avere un posto dove andare, averli entrambi è una benedizione.
Having someone to love is family, having somewhere to go is home, having both is a blessing.
Even though Nicola was the most ruthless man I knew, he loved his family and wasn't afraid to show it.
I drew the Bieber family crest under the quote—which consisted of an eagle, perched on a crescent moon, and signed it: E.A.C.—Justin Anthony Bieber.
"Okay, we can go in now." I put the pen down next to the book.
Selena fixed my tie one more time before I opened the door. The sanctuary was packed to the walls. There were seats available in the back, but many of the old, devout Catholics liked to stand out of respect. Selena and I took a seat in the very last pew.
There was a priest up front, talking in rapid Italian and crossing himself multiple times. Everyone was in black and sniffles filled the air around us. A large, closed casket was behind the podium, swarming with flowers and wreaths. There was a choir who sang the traditional funeral songs, but I wasn't listening. I was searching the crowd for my family.
There were probably about three hundred people packed into the small church, so it wasn't easy, but I found them when I saw Alec's blue eyes suspiciously looking behind him from the front row. He spotted me and mouthed some words. I couldn't make them out.
I snapped my fingers in the air, and he abruptly turned around.
I let my eyes travel down the same pew he was in and saw that he was seated next to a rigid Carlisle. Next to him, I saw the shaking shoulders and auburn hair of my mother. I had to catch my breath at even the site of the back of her head. I didn't know why, but I suddenly got kind of lightheaded.
I shook my head to clear it and searched for everyone else.
Alice was sitting next to Esme, with a big ass black hat that was almost the size of Saturn. She had her arm around Esme, and it looked like they were both crying. Jasper sat next to her and the first thing I noticed that his hair was cut shorter, almost like it was in high school. Then there was Rosalie who was, of course, not paying attention. She was fixing her hair. I figured after all this time, she would have grown up some. Obviously not. Emmett was next and his massive body took up the space of two, but his suit was tailored perfectly, which was always an issue I had with him. He never cared about how his clothes fit, and it pissed me off. I see that he had taken my advice to heart now.
I was surprised to see his large arm comforting the tiny body of none other than Cici.
My grandmother is here? What the hell's really going on?
It must be some practical joke. I was further thrown into confusion when I saw her crying.
"This is the most peculiar funeral I've ever been to," I whispered to Selena who was examining the family as well.
"Everyone seems so filled with emotion."
"Nicola affected people that way."
The service dragged on for another two hours. Carlisle made a speech, the mayor made a speech, friends made speeches, and other people just cried. All the Catholic traditions were kept, and the Bible scriptures that people read sounded like they were from the heart. I had never seen so much sobbing. Selena even choked out a couple of tears, but wiped them away quickly.
I was oddly detached from it all. Shouldn't I be feeling some form of sorrow? I felt fine. I had no tears to produce and was actually kind of bored. Maybe I needed to be closer.
When the priest finally wrapped things up, I was exhausted.
Starting from the front pew, everyone stood up and walked up to the casket, dropping a flower at the foot of the podium. My family was first, and Emmett had to practically carry Cici up there. One by one, they came up the aisle of the church, headed towards the doors.
Of course, Selena and I just had to sit in the spot where they could see us the best. They were preoccupied with getting out of the church quickly to notice, but it was a close call. We had to duck out heads secretively so that they didn't know who we were. They came so close that I could smell Esme's perfume and actually felt the fabric of Rose's dress when it brushed up against me.
Alec was the last in the group and slapped the back of my head in jest on his way out. He was going to get his ass kicked for that.
Slowly, everyone else in the church did the same thing and dropped a flower at the front of the church. The pews began to evaporate of people, and they all went outside into the sun to wait for the casket to start making its journey to the cemetery. The altar boys were waiting to carry it and had their heads bowed in reverence.
Selena and I were literally the last two people in the church, waiting until the casket was carried out before moving. We didn't have any flowers to give.
We stayed in the back of the immense group that started making its way down the streets.
"I can't believe we were that close to them," I said quietly as I put on my sunglasses.
"I thought they could see us for sure."
"They were kind of preoccupied, but I could actually smell them."
"I know." Selena took my hand.
"What did you write in his guestbook?"
"Nothing special. I only met him once and just thanked him for being so welcoming to me."
"He told me that he thought you were one hell of a woman."
She laughed quietly, "I wished I knew him better. How are you holding up?" That was about the fifth time she asked me that today. It was starting to get on my nerves, but I would never tell her.
"I'm fine," I replied honestly. "I can't wait for this day to be over though. Then we can start moving forward."
"You haven't cried yet," she pointed out.
"Did you expect me to?"
"Well… no, but maybe you should. It might be healthy to cry."
"I'll be okay."
The man in front of us whipped his head around and glared at me. His southern Italian accent was thick as he spewed, "You need to shut up. I have listened to you talk for the last two minutes and it's getting on my nerves."
"Fuck you," I snapped. "Walk faster if you don't want to listen to my conversation. No one asked for your comments."
"Nicola would be ashamed in the both of you."
"Fuck. You." I said slowly.
"I'm so sorry, sir." Selena interjected, squeezing my hand tightly.
"Don't apologize to him." I told her.
"This is a funeral. Have some respect." He squinted angrily.
"So says that man who showed up drunk." I could smell the wine on his breath from here and he was wobbling a little.
"It helps me cope." He choked out as if he was about to cry.
A lady, who must have been his wife, turned him around and they walked up ahead.
It was quiet the rest of the way to the cemetery. I just listened to the sound of hundreds of feet crunching on the pavement. Like a herd of cattle, we shuffled through town with heads bowed and sniffing was the dominant sound. All this emotion was making me highly uncomfortable. Everyone was bumping into me and I had to stop myself from yelling. Thankfully, people began to trail off down side streets and into their houses as we passed them. The group got smaller with each step.
The Montecello cemetery was so big that it covered a couple acres on the far side of the town and white headstones stretched back forever. There were large iron gates that climbed upwards at the entrance and everyone stopped. Only family was allowed at the burial, per Nicola's request. He once told me that he didn't want outsiders there at his weakest moment.
The gates were closed with a clang and by this time, there were only about fifty people waiting at the entrance. Selena and I had to watch as Carlisle and everyone else in the family kept walking down the path of the cemetery towards the back.
I shuddered at the eerie feeling that crept up my spine.
"We can't go in?" Selena asked.
"No. That would be too close. I'm supposed to be dead, remember?"
I checked my watch and noticed that it was actually time to go. Selena and I walked back to the car and whisked up the street, out of town.
Nicola lived in a large, sprawling estate on the outskirts. It was the biggest mansion I had ever seen in my life, which actually comprised of a couple houses all strung together. Nothing had ever compared to it I think he owned something like six hundred acres. I wasn't sure about the square footage of the house itself, but I'm sure I wouldn't believe the number anyway.
I could see what Carlisle was talking about when he said the place was somewhat destroyed. The outside was still standing but looked like someone had tried to light it on fire. There were deep scorch marks all over the façade but the beauty of the mansion could still be seen.
"Oh my God," Selena breathed in wonder as we pulled into the back driveway. "This is ridiculously beautiful."
"I know. He never skimped on money. He loved to spend. He built this thing, but I don't think he ever stayed more than a couple months here."
"What reason would one man have to own all of this?"
"It's a kind of 'my dick is bigger than yours' type thing." I helped her out of the car, which was now parked.
"Men are weird." She scrunched up her nose.
"Yes, we are."
Don't ask me how he got there because I didn't know, but as soon as I opened the back door, Carlisle was pulling us up the stairs of the house. We passed cleaning crews who were picking up the wreckage of the house. The inside was chaotic with mess and it hurt me to see the piano, which I had played on as a child, destroyed to splintering wood.
"Everyone else will be here shortly. I said I had to leave early to settle things with the will." Carlisle spoke quickly and quietly after shutting the door to a large office-type room on the third floor.
"Do they suspect anything?" Selena asked.
"No, thank God. I don't know how I've kept this up for so long. I take it you've seen them already?"
I nodded. "Even Cici."
"Surprisingly, she's quite torn up. Who would've known?" He looked out of the window. "They're here. I'll bring Esme in last so you can talk to everyone else first. She's going to be the tough one to win over."
I stood up straighter, preparing myself for the bombardment of awkwardness that was sure to come. Selena and I didn't say anything until Carlisle shut the door on his way out.
"Do you have a speech prepared or something?" She asked me.
"No, I figured I would just let them talk first. Maybe they'll think I'm some kind of magic trick."
"Well, unlike you, I'm alive and have to think of something to say. I just don't know how they'll react."
I almost stopped breathing when I heard footsteps in the hallway a couple minutes later. Selena and I looked at each other with anxious eyes. She shuffled up next to me.
This is it.
"Carlisle, what is this?" Alice's squeaky voice asked. "I have to help Esme get things ready for dinner."
"I need you to see someone first," he said.
"When are we going back home?" Emmett croaked. I could tell that he had been crying.
"In a couple of days," he replied shortly. "Come inside."
The door opened and Alice was the first one to come in, tripping over herself. Jasper reached out to catch her before she fell.
"Oh, my. I'm all clumsy today." She smoothed out her clothes.
The world slowed down to a snail's pace. The first eyes I saw were Rosalie's. Everyone else's followed. They stopped moving when they realized that there were two people were standing in front of them… and one was supposed to be dead.
There was a mixture of fear and confusion in all their faces. Alec brought up the rear, but stayed in the corner, not daring to speak. They all looked the same; iridescently pale, beautiful in their own way with strong faces and distinguished stances.
I let out a deep breath at the sight of my brothers. We were finally all in the same room, and I felt stronger just being in their presence. It was no secret that we all worked better as a single unit. Being without them was weakening. I felt like I had my strength back somehow.
No one moved. All their mouths were opened and I almost saw the blood drain from their skin.
"Carlisle, what's going on?" Emmett asked, his voice low and strangled.
"So…I think we need to talk," he said.
"Is there a ghost in this house?" Emmett's mouth hung open. "I think there is because you're supposed to be dead!" He pointed at me.
"Well… I'm not." I shrugged.
"No shit." Jasper stepped forward. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I came for the funeral."
"You came for the funeral?" Emmett mocked me. "Is that all you have to say after two fucking years in the grave?"
"What did you expect me to say?" I was already getting too defensive. I really wanted to try and keep the peace, but…well, I've never been good at backing down when someone shouts at me. It's a curse.
"Okay, let's calm down." Carlisle stood in between us.
"What's going on?" Rose blinked rapidly. "I think I see him, but that can't be him…"
"Oh, it's him," Emmett scoffed. "That fucker faked his death. Classic Nicola move." He started to pat himself down for what I assumed was a cigarette or maybe a gun.
"Selena, did you know about this?" Alice asked her.
She nodded. "We've been hiding away for the past couple of years."
"I don't understand," Rose stated.
"We were hiding," I repeated. "I was being hunted, so my wonderful and gracious father decided to ship me off to Brazil. Selena's been with me for the past two years since she got out of jail."
There was a lot of talking all at once. Actually, it was more like shouting. Everyone had something to say, except Alice and Selena. They just stood there, looking at each other while the commotion exploded around them.
The main person who was trying to yell at me was Emmett. I didn't really understand what he was saying through the cigarette in his mouth, but it was evident from his red face, he was not pleased. Jasper was trying to get answers out of me, which I didn't really have. Rose was, of course, just talking shit. Alec and Carlisle were trying to keep everyone calm. It wasn't working.
"You knew, didn't you?" Jasper turned on Carlisle. "How could you not tell us?"
"I was protecting you all. Your brother was in a bad situation; what would you have me do?"
"I expected you to trust us enough to say something," Emmett yelled. "This is bullshit. Our whole family was hurting because of this and you knew the whole time."
"I had to make a choice."
Emmett pointed at me. "You could have called, wrote, something. I couldn't eat for months after…" He let out a deep breath.
"Even though I didn't agree with how Carlisle handled the situation with Selena, I didn't have a say in the matter. Talk to him!" I barked.
"You should have told us!" Emmett took a step towards me.
"It wasn't my job to inform you about what was going on. I had to make sure Selena and I were safe."
"Justin, you're excuses are shit." Jasper suddenly shoved me…hard.
My stance wasn't prepared and I fell over the desk, landing on the floor with a thud.
Selena was at my side in a second, "Are you alright, Justin?"
"Selena, give me your purse." I growled.
"Why? What are you going to do?" She asked worriedly.
I snatched it out of her hands and grabbed the handy pocketknife that she was never without. I took off my jacket and prepared for battle.
"Stay on the floor because I don't want you to get involved in this." I instructed.
I shot up from the ground and didn't even think as I switched the blade open with a flick of my wrist. I charged Jasper and he maneuvered easily away from me, but I was quick on his tail and chased him around the room, ready to stab the shit out of the bastard.
"Don't run from me!" I almost caught him, "We're not kids, Jasper."
"You're lucky I don't have anything to beat you with." He ridiculed me, "Just wait until I have a fucking bat in my hands."
"Justin, stop this." Carlisle shouted.
Jasper jumped over the table, with surprising agility, and stared me down, "Are you going to stab me, brother?"
"You bet your ass I am." I gripped the switchblade tighter in my hands, determined not to just throw the thing.
"Can't we be civilized?" Emmett pushed Jasper into the far corner, "We need to have a conversation, not kill each other."
Selena's small hands quickly took the knife out of my grasp and quickly disabled it, "Don't ever take my switchblade again. You have too many anger issues to use something like this. You could have stabbed everyone in the room."
"He fucking pushed me." I ran my now free fingers through my hair, willing myself to calm down.
"From your own words, we're not kids, Justin!" Jasper bellowed from across the room.
Selena put her hands on my chest and the touch immediately worked wonders, cooling my fiery anger, "Not here. Now's not the time. You can kill him later."
"Promise?" I darkly chuckled at the prospect of me choking the hell out of my brother.
"I promise. Everyone needs to talk first. Please calm down." She softly placed her lips at the base of my neck. She quickly handed me two anxiety pills that I dry swallowed.
The room was starting to cool and I could tell that Jasper wanted to say something, but Alice was talking quickly and quietly, trying to calm him as Selena was doing with me.
"I was doing what I thought was best," Carlisle told us all, "I knew it was going to cause this divide, but it had to be done."
"And you kept this from Esme?" Rose asked, disgusted. "I can't believe you."
"Okay, let's just breathe," Alec said, trying to be the peacemaker.
No one spoke, but we glared at each other with deadly eyes. Emmett and Jasper, especially, were starting holes into my suit. They should be directing their anger at Carlisle. He was the leader of this family. I fought him as much as I could, but when he commanded you to do something, you can't say no. It was how it had always worked. I could fight as much as I wanted, but at the end of the day, Carlisle had the final say.
"I did what I did to protect this family," Carlisle said without a hint of regret. "I know it hurt us all, but I had to protect Justin."
"It's always about Justin," Jasper squinted. "We were a family. You shattered us."
There was more silence. I really didn't have anything to say to them at the moment. If they wanted to bitch at me for something I couldn't control, let them.
"And what do you have to say for yourself?" Rose asked Selena rudely.
Selena calmly glowered at Rosalie with intense eyes "Don't start with me. Just don't. Out of all the people in this room, I should be the one shouting and yelling at the top of my lungs, but I'm not."
"I was your friend, Selena. You should have told me where you were or what was going on."
"My friend? You didn't visit me at all for that last year. None of you, for that matter, came to see me while I was rotting away for your fucking sins. I've forgiven everyone, but that doesn't mean I have to forget." Selena's voice was hard with pent-up anger that was bubbling towards the surface.
Alice, Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie all had to bow their heads in shame for that. I didn't know much about what happened when Selena was in jail because she rarely talked about it, but she was pissed at how abandoned she felt by everyone. They left her, just like I had, but they hadn't received her rage yet.
"You have the nerve to stand there and judge Justin for not calling or telling you he was okay? Where was my fucking call?" she said crossly. "I sat in that jail and could have ratted you all out, but I didn't because I care about this family. I really do, no matter how stupid that may be."
They didn't have anything to say.
"Get the fuck over it. The only one who has the right to be angry here is Esme. That's a different story on its own, but you know Carlisle would have done the same for any of you. He was protecting Justin."
"Selena…" Rose began.
"Shut up!" She shouted.
It was now my turn to calm her and I softly undid her fingers from around the knife, which was shaking in her hands. I put it in my pocket for safekeeping.
"We thought he died," Emmett said softly, still not looking at Selena. "We thought we lost him."
"You have no idea what I lost. I needed a family after…" Selena bit her lip, willing herself not to go further, but I could tell what she wanted to say. "We all hurt, but we need each other now. Obviously things aren't going as well as they should be. Nicola is dead and he wouldn't want to see us like this. We don't need to be fighting right now."
The first one to actually take a real breath was Alice as her eyes shifted to Selena. She took off and made it across the room in a second, grabbing Selena's body and pulling it towards her.
"I really missed you and I'm sorry for not visiting. I know that's no excuse, but I was scared, Selena. We all were. I can't believe this. It's so good to see you." She said all in one exhale.
"Hi, Alice." Selena embraced her back. They held onto each other tightly for a couple of seconds. "I've missed you too."
"You just left. We never even got to say goodbye." Alice pulled back, wiping her face.
Selena nodded. "Alec didn't give me much time before he kidnapped me and took me to Brazil."
"Alec knew about this too?" Jasper spun around. "I thought you were in fucking boarding school?"
Alec pointed at Carlisle as a response.
"This is ridiculous." Emmett stubbed out his cigarette on the wall.
"Are you guys back for good? Why are you here?" Alice asked.
"Carlisle called." Selena shrugged as if that answered everything. "He said we needed to be together."
Alice looked at me over Selena's shoulder. "It's nice to see you."
"You too, Alice." I nodded. She was actually one of the few people I could stand in the world.
"Can I hug you?" She asked.
I chuckled, "Yes."
She ran towards me and her arms were like vice grips on my body as she squeezed the life out of me. It was almost painful. I hugged her back.
The anger from everyone started to dissolve and after Alice let me go, I was suddenly in the arms of my oldest brother.
"You sick son of a bitch." He lifted me off of the ground. "I always knew you weren't dead."
"Oh, really?" I rasped out.
"Yeah," Emmett set me down, "you wouldn't go down like that. I'm still pissed at you, but I'm happier that you're back."
"I would have called if I could," I admitted.
He clapped my shoulder. "I can forgive you because truth be told; I know I would have done the same thing. Oh, and look…tailored suit."
"I saw that. It looks nice." I checked the label in the back.
Jasper took his place and eyed me suspiciously. "Is it really you?"
I showed him my palm with the deep, healed cut that was made when I turned thirteen by the same dagger that made the identical scar on his own palm.
"I'm not so easy to convince as Emmett is. You don't have my forgiveness just yet." He shook my hand like this was a business proposition.
"I wasn't looking for your forgiveness," I said.
"I know." He shrugged. "Just give me some time to think about this. It's been so long without you, I forgot what it was like to have three brothers instead of two.
"I know what you mean."
"We're just shocked." Rose surprisingly embraced me without an acidic tone. "How did you expect us to react?"
I didn't have an answer for her.
"I'm glad you're back, Justin. It's been hell without you."
Alice was bouncing and clapping her hands wildly. "This day started off so sad, but now look. We're all back together. Back from the dead, and back from… Well, wherever the hell Selena was."
"How about we sit down and talk?" Carlisle suggested, pointing to the chairs around the room.
It took about an hour for me to really explain in detail what had happened when Jacob was first coming for my blood.
They knew that Carlisle shipped me off to Switzerland since I was in contact with them for about two years. They heard my screams and shouts when Selena wasn't released from prison and up until that point, all the gaps in my story were filled.
It got rather complicated when I came back here to get Selena. I was actually in Chicago for about a week. No one knew that besides Carlisle. He was trying to calm me down, but nothing really worked. I was still planning on releasing Selena from jail. When it was clear that I wasn't going to deter my plans, I was forced out of the country. I don't even remember it. One minute, I was in his office, and the next I was on a plane to Brazil.
That was why I was mad at Carlisle now. He drugged me, against my will, and placed me somewhere I didn't want to be. Of course, I couldn't go back at that point because if I went to jail, there wouldn't be a better solution for Selena. She wasn't going to get out until her time was up and for me to get myself arrested for faking my own death, it would have caused more damage than good. I just had to wait.
Selena took over the tale from when she got to the island, but after that point, there wasn't anything exciting to say.
"We have been hiding out with Alec until things blew over," Selena concluded the story. "Justin is the only one who gets to talk to Carlisle and it's only for five minutes every couple of months. I haven't even spoken to Charlie in two years."
"I still can't believe that you kept this from us," Emmett said to Carlisle. "Did you think we would tell anyone?"
"No, but I couldn't chance it. Every person who knew was at risk and my plan still didn't work. They were ambushed too."
"Really?" Jasper asked in surprise. "By the same fucking guys?"
"I would assume so. They stormed the island and we were totally unprepared." I shrugged.
"Well, shit," he leaned back in his seat, "this is serious."
"Now you see why I did what I did. I was protecting all of us because they were going to kill Justin. They'll still want to kill him." Carlisle sighed, "My family is never going to be safe. I'm working on finding out who they are and who hired them."
"They're based out of a company in Texas." I repeated the information that I got from Ben before I killed him.
They looked at me with slightly surprised faces.
"Just because I lived on an island doesn't mean I wasn't working." I sighed, "If someone attacks my family, you better believe I'm going to find out who it is."
"We can defend ourselves." Alec puffed out his chest.
"But only together. We're not too successful separated," I disclosed. "And I think people know that."
"Well, it's not like anything's different in Chicago," Emmett said. "Everyone still wants a piece of us."
"Aro's still there?" Selena asked.
"Unfortunately. The old bastard is trying his hardest to keep up, but he's failing miserably."
I was about to say something, but my ears picked up the soft padding of heels on the carpet in the hallway.
"Carlisle? Where are you?" Esme's voice asked in her sweet tone. "Actually, where is anybody? I've been cooking for two hours and making sure the people coming over are alright. I figured you all needed some time alone but this is ridiculous."
"Oh, shit." Jasper got up from his chair too quickly and stumbled backwards to the floor.
Carlisle was whipping his head around from me to the door, trying to judge what exactly he should do.
"I'm not going anywhere," I answered his silent question for him.
"I forgot all about her," Rose said to Emmett. "She's going to burn us alive."
Just then, the door cracked open a sliver. Esme poked her head in with a sad smile. "What's everyone doing up here?"
"Um, nothing, sweetheart." Carlisle got up from his seat and blocked her from the view of the room.
"What's going on? It looks like a family meeting."
"We were just trying to figure a few things out before we go back home."
Esme sidestepped him and looked around the seemingly unthreatening room. Her eyes landed on mine as if they were magnets, trained to seek me out.
A strange thing happened in which she kind of went blank as if…she had seen a ghost. That was the best way to describe it. Within a second, a thousand emotions passed over her face.
Those were the ones I could pick up on easily.
"Hi, Ma," I said, my voice only rising to a whisper.
Esme started to sway on her feet and Carlisle caught her before she fell to the ground.
"We are living in the excesses of freedom. Just take a look at 42nd Street and Broadway."-William Durant
All things Twilight related belong to Stephanie Meyer.
Carlisle lifted Esme up and quickly left the room, not even bothering to shut the door behind him.
"This is going to be hell." Jasper straightened himself out after getting off of the floor. "She is going to shit her pants."
"After she kills you guys." Emmett pointed to Justin, Alec, and I.
"Esme's the one I'm worried about the most," I admitted.
"She has the right to be mad, though," Alice said. "Mostly at Carlisle, but still…"
"How do you think she'll handle it?" Alec wrung his hands together.
"She just fucking fainted. What do you think?" Rose got up from her seat and walked around the room in frustration.
Everyone kept the conversations around the table going, catching up and trying to figure out what we had missed in each other's lives. I think they realized that things were getting too hard for Justin to stay alive, and they understood why he had to be hidden. It was harder for me to justify disappearing into thin air after I got out of prison, but they knew how much I loved Justin. Alice and Rose would have done the same thing. I could tell just from the look of approval in their eyes when I explained it to them.
Nothing of importance had happened since we'd been gone. Justin kept tabs on everyone back in Chicago throughout the years so we were still in the loop, but it was nice to hear it from them. We missed not only Alice and Jasper's wedding, but also Rose and Emmett's. Of course, Alice had pictures and wasn't afraid to pull them out for viewing.
We told them what we did on the island, and they just kept staring at us like we weren't really here. I had made a promise to myself a long time ago that I wasn't going to be mad at them forever. I would say my peace and be done with it. I had said a lot earlier, but I wasn't finished yet.
It did feel good to see everyone again, though. There was that awkward hour of testing each other, where we just talked about the weather and shit. There wasn't much to say after the initial introductions then Emmett cracked a dirty joke and we all laughed—except Justin who just produced a lopsided smile.
Nothing had changed.
While Emmett, Justin, and Jasper talked about things within the family, I got up from my seat and went to the window. Cars were pulling up in the driveway, and Alice told me that they were having a small gathering here. A lot of people were expected to show up, but it wasn't supposed to be a sad thing. Nicola wouldn't have wanted that.
I had been watching Justin all day, trying to judge if he would crack any time soon. I knew he wouldn't cry, but I expected… something. He had barely uttered a word about the funeral, and I was starting to get worried. I knew he had to have some kind of feelings on the subject. He would tell me later.
"Selena, how are you doing, really?" Alice said from behind me.
I sat on the windowsill. "I'm good."
"Happy to be back?" She smiled brightly.
"I am and happy to see you."
Her face fell a little and she sat next to me. "I, um, really did want to go visit you… that last year. I just couldn't. My dad died, on my birthday no less, and I was pretty shaken up."
"I didn't know that." My forehead scrunched as I tried to remember. "What happened?"
"He got hit by a car. He and his girlfriend died, so I was kind of a mess for a long time. I wasn't even thinking about you and for that, I'm sorry. I know it's not really an excuse…"
"No, no, Alice. I understand." I took her hand.
"I didn't even realize that we weren't visiting. Did we really leave you?"
"Everyone except Alec and Esme," I said. "I got used to it after a while."
"I'm sorry. And then after you got out, we all thought you went back home until Charlie came to Chicago. He was screaming at Carlisle for days. No one knew where you were. We should have gone looking for you, but Carlisle said it wouldn't do any good. I was so stupid."
"It's okay, Alice. I'm not mad."
"You're not?" She raised her head. "Really?"
"No, I let go of my anger a long time ago. Well, I do get mad sometimes when I think about everything, but I don't hold a grudge," I confessed. "It's not worth it."
"You're so mature." She giggled. "What happened to the freshman who didn't want to go out with me on her birthday? She was just a little girl."
"God, that was so long ago. We were so young." I laughed.
"We're still young," she corrected me.
"So, what are you doing now?" I asked her.
"Well, I went to fashion school, but decided I didn't want to design my own line."
"Really? Why not?"
"I don't know. I don't think I have the patience for something like that and no one would get my style." She shrugged. "I work for WGN now. It's the big Chicago TV station. I'm the head of the wardrobe department. I get them all prettied up for the camera."
"That sounds like something you would do."
"It's so much fun. I love it." She beamed proudly. "What about you?"
"Well, I got a degree in English in jail, and then when I went to Brazil, I took a few classes at the university there. I'm going to look for something in Chicago, maybe at a newspaper or publishing firm."
"You'd be good at that, definitely."
"Um, Alice?" I leaned in. "What's wrong with Rosalie?"
We both shot looks at her. She was in a corner of the room with crossed arms and a bouncing leg, as if she would rather be anywhere but here.
"She's really mad at the world right now." Alice rolled her eyes. "Normal drama. You do realize that we are her only female friends, right?"
"I'm shocked," I replied sarcastically. "Rose doesn't get along with women?"
"She's just one of those chicks, I guess. But after you got out of jail, she really missed you and you just never came home. She's pissed."
"Rose doesn't have the right to be pissed." I squinted in her direction. She still wasn't paying attention.
"You know it always has to be about her."
I still thought of Rose as a sister, but it was sometimes hard to get along with her when she went into her bitchy modes.
"Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this," Alice whispered, "but they're trying to get pregnant."
"Yeah, it's not really working, though. She's lost like four so far. The doctors say she has a T shaped uterus. The sperm has to go over…" Alice started making hand gestures.
"I get it," I stopped her.
"They've tried everything, but it's just not working. She doesn't want to adopt or use a surrogate though." Alice sighed. "She can get pretty moody. You just learn to roll with it."
"That must be hard for her." I softened a little when I thought about what Rose was going through. Losing Elizabeth was the hardest thing I'd ever had to experience. I could only imagine how it felt to lose as many as Rose had. She must be torn up inside, but would never show that to anyone.
"She still missed you, though. She always talks about you." Alice patted my knee.
"Yeah. She really liked that Thanksgiving we had when she almost burned the house down trying to make the vodka sauce. She laughs at that all the time."
"I missed you guys a lot. Even when Rose was a super bitch, she was a good friend."
"We missed you too," Alice hugged me tightly, "and Justin of course."
"He won't admit it, but he wanted to come back, I think. He wants to get knee deep in blood again."
"They can never stay away." She looked me up and down. "You look really good. Like, really good, Selena!"
"Thank you." I stared down at myself. "Just regular me."
"Hot You is more like it. I approve of this whole thing you have going on here. The shoes are divine."
"I bought them myself. I knew you'd be proud." I changed the subject. "Tell me about your wedding."
"Oh, it was beautiful. Surprisingly, it was kind of small. Only the family, but it was fun." She showed me her ring, which was way too big for her finger, but perfect for Alice.
"Wow," I commented. "You two look so happy."
"We are."
"No babies yet?"
"Oh, God, no." She shuddered. "Not for another five years, at least. That's the plan. We're not ready."
I nodded in understanding.
"And what about you and Justin? No wedding yet?"
"Soon, hopefully."
"He loves you. I can tell just by the way he acts around you. It's overwhelming."
I opened my mouth to speak, but stopped suddenly. A certain chill filled the air instantly, and everyone stopped talking at the sound of loud footsteps.
"I want to see him for myself!" Esme's voice carried from the hallway. "Justin!"
"Oh, boy," Alice said.
The doors were thrust open dramatically and a furious looking Esme stood, actually shaking. There were angry tear tracks down her cheeks and her auburn hair was in complete disarray. It was the worst I had ever seen her.
"You better be dead!" She stomped towards him. "He's not dead. Why is he not dead?"
"Hi, Ma." Justin waved hesitantly.
"I… I… I can't breathe." She clutched the chair in front of her.
"It's really me."
I should have seen it coming because Esme and I were so much alike. First came the rage, and then the compassion. She slapped him so hard that his head jerked back and a deafening sound echoed throughout the room. His cheek turned a bright pink, but he just cracked his neck and stood straighter.
Then she hugged him. From the look of Justin's face, it was almost as painful as the slap. She was probably breaking ribs.
"Why are you here?" She pulled back, wiping tears. "How are you here?"
"I was being hidden. I couldn't come home."
"Did you miss me?" she asked.
"Of course I did."
"You couldn't call and tell your mother that you were alive? Do you know how much I've cried?"
"I just couldn't. It was for your own good." Justin hung his head. "I'm sorry."
Esme was one of the only people he would apologize to. Even on this occasion, his voice was so low that it was hard to hear.
Esme ran her hand over the spot where she hit him and felt his face. She didn't say anything for a long minute, just looking at him.
"How could this be happening?" she whispered quietly.
"People wanted me dead and I wasn't ready to go yet. I had too many things to fight for. I had to lay low for a while, but now I'm here. I had to come home," he said. "It's really me."
Carlisle cleared his throat. "Esme, dear, I think we should talk about this in private."
"Carlisle, our son is home," She cried happily, turning around. "Look at him."
He smiled tightly. "I see that."
It took her a second, but I could've sworn I heard the click in her brain. "Why don't you look as surprised as I do?"
"Answer my question." She cut him off before he said anything more. "Tell me you didn't know about this."
He didn't reply.
"Everyone out!" Esme shouted. "I want everyone out, now!"
There was a shuffling of feet as Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Alice left the room quickly. I was getting up to leave and, of course, tripped over the carpet, but caught myself before I did a complete faceplant.
Esme spun around so quickly that I thought her head was going to do a full three-sixty. "Selena, is that you?"
I felt the heat in my cheeks. "Hi, Esme."
"What are you doing here?" The confusion of her face was evident; she was going to start demanding answers soon.
"I… came with Justin."
"You've been with Justin?" she asked slowly.
"Esme, I know you have questions, but let's just sit down and talk about this." Carlisle pulled her toward a chair. She had gone almost catatonic.
"You knew, didn't you?" she asked him. "You knew the whole time that he was alive."
"Yes, I did know but…"
"How could you do that?" Esme's face turned red with anger.
"I was trying to keep our son safe and he needed to be hidden without anyone knowing."
"I'm his mother. You watched me cry myself to sleep for months and you couldn't say anything?"
"I'm sorry, Esme. I was doing what was best for the family."
"For the family?" She spoke in a hushed voice that was eerily dangerous. "My family, Carlisle. You aren't the only one who calls shots around here."
"Aro was out for blood. Justin had to be moved quickly and quietly. I'm sorry for not telling you. It killed me every day just thinking about it, but I did what I thought was best."
"That's what scares me, Carlisle. Did it ever occur to you that I was going to get hurt in this scheme of yours?"
"Obviously not. You lied to me in the worst way. I can never trust you again." She struggled to take off her wedding ring but when it was free from her finger, she threw it at Carlisle. It hit his nose and then fell to the floor with a small clattering. "I want a divorce."
"Esme, listen to me…"
"No, you listen!" she snapped. "I couldn't eat for months. I was so sick that I barely moved out of bed. I lost my fucking hair because I was so stressed and you didn't say a word. For two years, I've thought about him every single day and now he just shows up out of the blue?"
"There's no excuse for what I did," he confessed, "but you're being irrational."
She slapped him, so hard that I cringed at the sound. Then she pushed up from the table and started to pace, just like Justin did.
"I can't believe you, Carlisle! I'm your wife. We've been together since I was twenty years old and you couldn't trust me enough to tell me that our son was still alive?"
"I can't even look at you right now." She turned to Justin, "I need your gun. I know you have it on you."
"Ma, I'm not giving you a gun."
Esme went to him and started patting down his suit, "Give me something so I can kill this man."
Justin took her hands and held them tightly, "You have to listen to him. He has an explanation and I know you're hurt, but…"
"You couldn't call? You must have known what this would do to me." She interrupted and her voice was starting to crack again.
"I know, but if I hadn't done what I did, I would probably be dead for real."
"Who else knew about this?" she asked Carlisle.
No one said anything.
She grabbed Alec by the back of the shirt. He was literally crawling out of the door. "Where were you because I know there's more to this story?"
"I… I was… with him." He pointed at Justin.
"So, you knew?"
"Yes, but…"
"I don't want to hear it!"
She pushed him out of the door, and he stumbled into the hallway.
"Esme, let us explain," Carlisle said.
"Explain what? How I was lied to? Made a fool of? You don't get to explain yourself."
And then she turned to me.
"And what about you?"
"I was with Justin," I said tepidly.
"I really did expect more from you, Selena. I loved you like my own daughter. I know you're not a mother, but you should have said something to me. You of all people should know what it's like to lose a child."
I took in a short gasp of air at her words and my eyes immediately started to blur.
"That is completely uncalled for," Justin snapped and stood in front of me.
Esme didn't even look at us as she stamped out of the door and slammed it shut behind her. The windows shook from her fury.
I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks, and the air was sucked out of my lungs. No matter how much I tried to breathe, it just wouldn't work. I doubled over in my chair and felt someone's hand on my back, trying to soothe me. I must have looked a mess.
"Selena, are you okay? What's going on?" Justin asked me hurriedly.
"I'm fine." I pushed him off. "I'm fine."
I wobbled up from my chair and followed Esme out of the door.
"What the hell does that mean?" I shouted down the hall.
She stopped at the door she was about to go into and turned around. "I wasn't stupid, Selena. I knew what was going on."
"And you didn't say anything?"
"What did you want me to say?"
"I don't know, anything! I had a hole in my heart for a year after I lost her. I still have a hole that will never go away. All those times you came to see me and saw my red eyes, you couldn't have said anything?"
"I figured you didn't want me to…"
That's what I realized that even though Esme was there for me physically, it was almost worst as if she hadn't been there at all. She knew and never said a word.
"I was trying not to bring it up, but that's not the point. After what you felt for losing that baby, whom you didn't even know I might add, did you ever think that I felt the same thing for losing Justin?"
"That was a low blow, Esme and you know it." I stopped myself from crying.
"And not calling me wasn't? I spent two years sobbing over my son, thinking that he was dead, and no one told me a thing. I think I have the right to be pissed."
"Of course you do, but you don't need to take it out on me. I'm sorry that you didn't know, but Carlisle thought it was best. You'll have to ask him about his reasoning because I don't know. It wasn't my responsibility."
"Maybe it's best that you didn't have that baby because you obviously don't have the maternal instincts to care for one." She wiped her face angrily.
"Ma, stop it!" Justin commanded, "Don't you ever talk to her like that again…"
"Or what, Justin?" She challenged, "What are you going to do? I'm already dead inside so I don't care. I can't trust any of you ever again." Esme backed into the room and shut the door in my face. Carlisle pushed past me and went inside.
I collapsed against the opposite wall and slid down to the floor. I forced myself not to cry. This wasn't about me, but what she said hurt. I knew what it was like to lose a child; she was right. But was it my responsibility to inform her that Justin was alive? No.
"Selena, she had no right to say that." Justin crouched next to me.
"I can't believe she said those things." I was almost in a daze and my head started to swirl.
"Nothing was your fault...the baby, me being dead; nothing was your fault. Don't take blame for anything that happened. This is all on Carlisle and me, understand?"
I nodded.
"I'm going to go talk with her." He got up from the floor with a purpose and went into the room.
I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but there were a lot of voices.
"Come on, Selena. Let's get you somewhere more comfortable." Emmett lifted me up out of nowhere and cradled me in his arms as we walked further down the hallway.
I was suddenly tired and as much as I tried to keep my eyes open, it just wasn't happening. I went to sleep as soon as I felt a soft pillow under my head.
The next two days flew by. Everyone got reacquainted, and we tried not to think about the time we had spent apart. Even Rose warmed up to me somewhat, but it was still like walking on eggshells with her. I didn't see much of Esme or Carlisle, though. They stayed holed up in a room, talking or yelling at each other. Justin told her everything, but it didn't seem to change her attitude toward the whole situation. I didn't expect it would.
She was hurt, she was lied to, and she was pissed. Justin said to just let them work it out.
I was still mad at her, but got over it quickly. I knew she didn't mean what she said. Well, maybe she did, but Justin made sure that I knew nothing was my fault. He would repeat it any chance he got. That made me feel better. I just stayed away from Esme, but I figured we shouldn't be talking right now.
People stopped by to give their well wishes to the family. Most of the massive Bieber clan left the day after the funeral, so I never really got to see anyone. They brought flowers and food. We took them all graciously and sent thanks. By the time we got ready to leave, the place was overflowing with gifts. The housekeepers were having a hell of a time sorting them all out.
"I can't believe we're really going back," I said as I packed the small amount of things that Justin and I had brought with us. We were in our hotel on our last night in Rome. Tomorrow, we would make the journey back to Chicago.
"This is just very… awkward." He smoked his cigarette at the window. "What am I going to do back there?"
"Whatever Carlisle wants you to do."
"That's just it; I'm tired of following him around like some puppy dog. His time is up."
"Don't think like that, Justin. He does what he thinks is best."
"And he gets us in a hell of a lot of trouble. Esme won't even look at him. She said he has to move out when we get back to Chicago."
"She still wants a divorce?"
"Well, she would rather he be dead, but she'll take a divorce."
"That's… sad." I never thought Carlisle and Esme would be at this point. They almost never even fought. I guess it was understandable, though.
Justin blew out a plume of smoke into the chilly night air. "I have no idea what the situation over there is, but I have a bad feeling."
"Carlisle will know what to do."
"He's not God, Selena. He makes mistakes too."
"I know, but I trust him."
"More than you should." Justin looked at me seriously. "He's running us into the ground. Our whole family is falling apart because of him."
"Don't say that."
"Why? It's true. His methods don't work; that's been proven time and time again. He's caused too much of a mess to clean up and he doesn't even know how to fix it."
"What are you talking about?" I sat on the bed.
"Emmett told me that it's changing in Chicago. The Cullens are still on top, but people aren't scared of us like they should be. He's fucking it all up. This is not what Nicola worked so hard for."
"And you could do better?"
"Of course I could do better, Selena," Justin said as if I had offended him. "He's weak. He lets his friendships rule his decisions and that's not right. Shoot first, ask questions later."
"That's one way, but I'm sure Carlisle…"
"Stop defending him," he cut me off.
"I'm just saying. His job is hard and he's cracking."
Justin stubbed out his cigarette. "What's my legacy going to be?"
"You're a little too young to be thinking about a legacy, aren't you?"
"I'm ancient in this game. Shinobu started when he was twenty-five, and James fucking Denali was twenty-one. Who knows when I'll get my chance?"
"Aren't you still in training?" I asked.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but the time for training is over." He plopped down on the bed next to me, stretching his legs out. "This is real, Selena."
"Just don't start any war." I rested my head on his shoulder. "Where are we going to live?"
"I built a house," he said, like it was normal.
"You built a house?" I asked slowly.
"Well, not me. I had a house built for us."
"Where?" I raised my head.
"In the same neighborhood as everyone else." He shrugged. "It's pretty big and it's nice, I guess."
"How long has this been going on?"
"For about a year. I started it just in case."
I was actually kind of speechless, even though I shouldn't have been. This was just the type of thing that Justin would do.
"What does it look like?" I asked him.
"I can't tell you." He grinned. "You'll just have to wait until we get there."
Neither of us slept that night. I think we were both too anxious, but by the time the sun came up, I wasn't even tired.
We waited in the room until Carlisle called us. Justin and I rode the elevator down with our minimal amount of stuff and met the family in the lobby. Esme was there but didn't speak or even look at anyone. Her eyes were puffy from crying, and her face was unhealthily pale. The only one who was absent was Cici. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her since being here.
There were 'good mornings' from everyone else and smiles at the prospect of going home.
Justin spoke with Carlisle in the back, talking for almost the whole flight. I sat next to Emmett would challenged me to a game of Scrabble. Of course, I couldn't pass that up and spent a long time trying to obliterate him with large words. Thankfully, he wasn't as good as Justin, so I beat him all four times we played.
We had a layover in New York and when the plane took off again, Emmett's seat was replaced with Carlisle.
"I think we should talk." He fixed his jacket and crossed his legs, preparing for what I assumed was a speech.
"First of all, I'm sorry," he said. "I am very sorry for… everything. You lost your life and your family and your education all because of us. It wasn't right of me to put all of that on your shoulders."
"No, it wasn't." I didn't bother sugarcoating it.
"I know you probably hated me for a long time and I understand that…"
"I don't hate you, Carlisle. I did, but I don't now."
"You should hate me. I betrayed you, Selena. I should have fought harder, but I was just so focused on Justin. I'm sorry."
"You have to stop apologizing."
"I will never stop apologizing to you for what you did." He looked at me so tenderly that I had to occupy my eyes with something else. The carpet suddenly became interesting.
"I just want to put it all behind me. I'm looking forward now."
"Well, you'll be happy to know that your record is expunged. Your criminal record is swiped clean."
"How did you do that?" I raised my head.
He shrugged. "I'm Carlisle Bieber. I also set you up with… physical compensation for your troubles."
"I don't want your money. It's not all about money."
"I felt like you should have it. I don't know how else to repay you."
"I see." I paused, "Well, thank you."
"If there's anything you need or anything I can do for you, please ask me." He leaned towards me and took my hands in his. "Lo sono sempre in debito, Isabella."
I'm forever in your debt.
"Grazie." I smiled tightly.
He kissed my cheek before getting up from his seat and walking down the plane.
I felt eyes on me and looked over to see Esme glaring in my direction. She lowered her head back into a magazine.
We landed in a private airfield right outside of Chicago, and I let out a deep sigh of relief that we had finally made it. I was surprised at how warm it was. There was snow on the ground, but the air was calm and mild in temperature. I almost had to take my coat off.
There were cars waiting for us and Justin opened the door of the last one in line. I slid into the backseat.
"There was no one to check you at the airport," I commented as we pulled out.
"They're watching me." He pointed across the street at a car that was waiting. They started to follow us as the car picked up speed.
"I think I can see it." I pointed out of the window to a giant white, stone house that could have probably accommodated a small country.
"Yup, that's it. Eight thousand square feet of pristine, Italian marble."
"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I almost couldn't speak.
We drove onto the expansive cobblestone driveway of our new home.
"Do you like it?" Justin asked as he helped me out of the car.
"I'm speechless. I have no I idea where to look first," I said truthfully.
There were trucks outside, and I saw men unloading furniture into the house.
"It's not fully done yet, but it should be in a couple of hours," Justin told me. "They're putting the final touches on it now."
The whole compound was in the European architectural style with beautiful arches and huge, open windows that reflected the sunlight. It looked like a giant Spanish villa with connecting sections of the house that was held together with a red tiled roof and a massive green lawn. To the side of the house was a garage that looked like it could hold at least ten cars, which wouldn't be much of a shock if anyone knew Justin.
"Did you build all this?" I asked.
"I designed it, yes. I just wanted to make this our home," he whispered in my ear.
"It's perfect and I haven't even seen the inside yet." I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
"They started it over a year ago but I've made them start over about five times until it was to my specifications. Carlisle's been keeping an eye on the construction. Would you like to go inside?"
I nodded dumbly.
Everything was made of a gleaming, shiny neutral colored marble that was actually blinding. A massive round, hardwood table sat in the middle of the room under a hanging chandelier that I had to crane my neck to see because it was lifted so high up on the ceiling. To my left was the family room and to my right was the dining room, both accessible by large arch walkways. There were dual winding staircases that were made out of a dark wood and had a wrought iron railing, which led up to the second floor.
I didn't even know what to do.
"Do you like it?" Justin asked hesitantly.
"Its… a lot, but yes."
"I tried to tone it down a little." His shoes clicked on the floor as he walked around it. Men were sawing and clambering around the house, making a hell of a lot of noise.
"What are they doing?"
"Putting in light fixtures and finishing up the small things like sinks, outlets, and the air conditioning."
"Thank you so much for this. I really don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. I did this for you."
"This is our house?" I asked with a smile. "We're going to be living here?"
"Yes. I was serious about that promise I made you. I want a future together."
"Wow, this is hitting me like a freight train." I let out a deep breath.
"If you don't like it we can…"
"No, absolutely not. I love it." I kissed him shortly and sweetly.
"Come on, let's see the rest." Justin took my hand.
We first went through the archway on the left into the family room that was floored with a thick, white carpet. The soft couches and chairs were all a dark, chocolate brown. They looked large enough to swallow me whole.
There was a gigantic white fireplace that I couldn't wait to use when it got colder. I saw an ebony baby grand piano sitting in front of the window in the corner. I ran my fingers over the new keys.
"I put in all the latest technology," Justin gestured expansively. "And everything is new. I couldn't see myself living in a house that someone else already owned. Closets are stocked with clothes, rooms have furniture, and everything's ready for us to move in."
Next was the kitchen. The counters were made of granite with a speckling of bright pink and black throughout.
"We have all brand new, stainless steel appliances," he continued.
I opened the cabinets to see blenders, baking sheets, mixers, and every other kitchen appliance ever made. The drawers held silverware and cooking utensils. The granite island in the middle of the kitchen looked like it could hold a huge Thanksgiving feast, and I couldn't wait until the time when I could hold my own dinners here.
There was a large window that let me look out over the backyard, but I couldn't even think about seeing that right now.
"This is too much. I still can't believe that this is my house," I said in awe.
"This isn't even half of it."
The archway to the right of the foyer held the formal dining room that was complete with a dark, cherry table that had twenty chairs situated around it and an oriental rug, which had intricate designs.
"I imported this table from Italy," Justin said proudly as we walked around the dining room. He turned on the light and another chandelier illuminated the room in a soft glow. There was china cabinet on the far wall that held beautiful crystal and sparkling plates.
"You're just gloating now," I laughed. "Is this still a 'my dick is bigger than yours' thing?"
"Of course it is. Once I got started, I couldn't stop. I kind of went overboard with everything," he chuckled.
"Please don't tell me that you bought a spaceship or something."
"Almost. If you want one, it'll be here in the morning."
He led me to the laundry room, which could have been its own guest bedroom if we wanted it to be. There were stairs that led to the carpeted basement and we went downstairs to see a "man palace" as Justin called it. There were weights and exercise equipment, along with a monstrous flat screen with recliners situated in a separate room.
There was a whole kitchen downstairs with a pool table and gaming equipment.
As we made it back up to the first floor, a muscular, tanned man was coming through the opened front door.
"Oh, Mr. Bieber. I wasn't expecting you back until tomorrow," he stuttered.
"There was a change of plans. I left a message on your phone," Justin replied.
"I'm so sorry. I haven't checked it all day, I've been so busy finishing up," he wiped his hand on his jeans and held it out for Justin to shake.
"It's no problem. I like what you're doing here."
"We tried to get it right this time."
"This is my wife, Selena." Justin pushed me forward. I had been Justin's "wife" now for a couple years so that name didn't shock me."Selena, this is the man who built the house, Mr. Lynn."
"It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "This is beautiful. It really is. You did an amazing job."
"We got our asses kicked a couple of times until we got it right, but I'm very proud. I think this is the biggest one we've ever done."
Justin and Mr. Lynn talked for a little while longer as I walked the first floor again, just taking everything in. I didn't dare got upstairs because I might pass out. Somehow, even though this house was massive and overwhelming, Justin knew I would love it. This was our home.
"Jesus, this place is huge!" Alec's booming voice made me jump slightly.
"I know. Your brother got a little crazy."
"It's impressive."
"What are you doing here?" I asked him as we went into the kitchen. I was suddenly very hungry and, of course, found the fridge stocked with anything I could ever want. I started pulling out stuff to make a sandwich.
"I came to ask you something." He sat on a chair at the table.
"Okay. Shoot."
"Um, I like being back and all, it's great, but... can I stay here with you and Justin?"
"Carlisle and Esme are going through kind of a rough patch, as you could imagine. I can already tell that I won't be able to stay there with them fighting the way they are. It's driving me crazy."
"It's fine with me, but you know you have to ask Justin."
"I thought maybe I could just move in and we spring it on him. He won't even know I'm here."
"I don't think so. You have to ask him first..."
"Ask me what?" Justin came into the kitchen.
"Alec wants to live here," I said.
"Absolutely not." He didn't even think about it. "Hell no. You have places to go now."
"But I feel more comfortable with you guys. Please..." Alec begged. "I promise I'll keep everything clean and I'll be super quiet."
"I said no. Go stay with Emmett of Jasper. They'll gladly take you."
"I don't want to stay with them."
"Well, go get an apartment in the city."
"I would love that, but I don't have any money. It's not like I can dip into my trust fund. I'm too young," Alec argued.
"Then go get a job." Justin leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. "You're not staying here."
"Let him stay," I whispered to Justin. "He can't live with Carlisle and Esme right now. Where else is he going to go?"
"I don't care. Anywhere. I just want alone time with you."
"I said I'd be quiet." Alec said.
Justin pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed, "Okay, fine, but I have a few rules."
"I'm listening." Alec sat up straighter.
"Curfew is midnight..."
"Two," he challenged.
"Midnight! Not a minute after. No friends over, no loud music, you keep your room clean, and you stay out of my things."
"Lock me up, why don't you?"
"And you have to go to school," Justin finished.
"Yes. You're eighteen. Eighteen year olds go to college."
"I've never been to school before."
"You're smart enough to figure it out."
"What about records? I don't have any." Alec shrugged. "I can't register for school without papers."
"When have you ever had to worry about something like that?" I asked. "This could be good for you. You can meet new people and get an education."
"Do I have to?"
"If you want to live here, then yes."
"Fine." Alec pushed up from the table. "But I get to pick my own room." He hurried out of the kitchen, and I heard his feet on the stairs.
"I thought we were through with him," Justin sighed.
"He likes you best. He's not going anywhere." I cut the sandwich I made in half and handed him a piece.
"He needs to grow up sometime."
"We baby him too much for that." I shrugged. "He's still younger than a lot of normal eighteen year olds."
"I know, but he can't hang on us forever."
"Give him a year," I compromised, taking a small bite of my sandwich.
"A year." He nodded. "That sounds reasonable."
"How's everything with the house?"
"Good. They'll be gone within the next hour, and it will be finished."
"I'm really excited for some reason."
"This is a new chapter for us. I hope you're ready."
"I'm definitely ready."
Mr. Lynn rushed into the kitchen. "Mr. Bieber, we need you for something."
"Okay, I'm coming." Justin put his sandwich down and followed after him.
I was about to take another delicious bite when I heard the doorbell ring. At first, I didn't know what it was and it took me a second to realize that the chime was to my house. I went to the front door and opened it to see a young couple standing there with bright smiles.
"Neighbor!" The lady jumped up and down. She had blond hair and must have been around thirty. "I can't believe it. We saw the trucks delivering things last week. They've been building this place forever. Hi!"
"Hi," I was in no way going to match her enthusiasm. It wasn't in me. I just smiled politely.
"I'm Carrie Sed and this is my husband Barry." She pointed to the man standing next to her. He looked just as happy as she did and almost had the same features: blond hair, nice face, but short in stature.
Carrie and Barry?
"Hi, I'm Barry." He shook my hand so overzealously I vibrated from the motion.
"We just had to come over and meet you." Carrie twirled around. "Finally, some neighbors."
"Do you live close by?" I asked.
"Two houses down," Barry answered. "We've been married for about three months, but moved in a year ago, right before they starting building this place. It's amazing."
"I would invite you in, but it's kind of a mess with the construction and everything."
"No, it's no problem at all. We just wanted to say hi. Oh, and I brought you a pie." Carrie handed me something wrapped in tin foil. "It's apple."
"Well, thank you. That's very nice." I was kind of surprised at how overly happy she was.
"We can be best friends and have girl talk all the time." She beamed.
"Oh, right. Of course." I didn't have it in me to tell her that I wasn't "that girl". Maybe I could try.
I didn't even hear Justin behind me until he opened the door a little wider.
"Hi, I'm Justin. Selena's husband." He shook Barry's hand.
"Nice to meet you. This is my wife, Carrie."
"Hi," she waved, "we just came by to say hello. It's been too long since we had someone new on the block, especially a young couple."
Justin smiled painfully, masking his discomfort. He obviously wasn't into this, but I could see he was trying.
"I made you a pie." Carrie pointed to the thing I was holding. It smelled horrible.
"It's apple," I said to Justin. "We can eat it later."
He gave me a "hell no" look, but nodded.
"What should I major in? There're so many options." Alec came into the doorway.
"Oh, this must be your son." Barry almost yelled with enthusiasm. "This is great. A whole family for us to get to know."
"They're too young," Carrie replied skeptically.
"We adopted," Justin said quickly. "This is Alec."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Alec nodded.
"You too," Carrie answered. "We won't take up anymore of your time. We just wanted to say hi. I'm sure we'll have you over soon."
"We'll be looking forward to it," I replied with as much joy as I could muster.
"One more thing actually," Barry said. "I don't think we caught your last name."
"No, you didn't," Justin replied. That was all he said.
We stood around in awkward silence for a second before I decided to fill it. "Well, it was nice meeting you two."
"Okay, bye!" They almost skipped off of the front steps, hand in hand, as they walked back down the driveway.
I shut the door and let my face fall into something other than a smile. My cheeks hurt.
"Weirdos," Alec muttered and bounded up the stairs.
"We have neighbors, Selena." Justin leaned against the door. "Peppy, cookie-cutter, happy neighbors."
"Maybe they're not that bad," I said hopefully. "They seemed nice enough."
I went into the kitchen and opened up the "pie" Carrie had made. It was burned black and had gooey apple filling coming out of the sides. Justin snatched it up and threw the thing away.
"Hey, what if I wanted to eat that?" I complained. "We should at least try it."
"And die? I don't think so."
"Could you at least try to be nice to them?"
"I did a pretty good job for the two minutes that I was standing there."
"You did." I bit my lip. "Why did you tell them that Alec was our son?"
"I didn't. They assumed and I didn't correct them. It will explain why he's always here and I won't have to go into the family story if anyone asks. It's simpler that way."
"I guess."
"Besides, it's not any of their business."
I guess living the suburbs was going to be something I had to get used to.
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myxcenterxstage · 5 years
“You made some for me to eat, too? Thank you!” -- modern Dundy!
[ inbox surprises that I love!! ]
“Of course I did, you sweet butter-biscuit!” Priscilla winked at him, followed by playfully nudging him with her elbow as she carefully carried the fresh-from-the-oven centerpiece of Lancashire hotpot. “You’re more than welcome — perfect timing too! My cousin Emmett finally digitalized Grandmama Cecelia’s old recipe book so we don’t have to fight over who last borrowed it anymore.” She laughed heartily, smiling at him, “ — Ah, I forgot a hotplate. Could you be so kind as to grab one for me from the countertop?”
Setting the industrious pot on the table, she removed her oven mitts and gave an approving nod at the final result.
“Yup, just like how Granny used to make it. Do you know she prepares the potatoes more like a gratin dauphinois? and mmm-mm! As a little girl when she’d cook three of these pots for family gatherings, I tell you, but supper’s end - there wasn’t even any to take home as leftovers!”
The delicious aroma of seasoned vegetables, lamb, and buttery potatoes wafted across the apartment.
“Take a seat, help yourself to a glass of wine, and bon appetite! — While I go and get the side dishes!” she giggled, returning to the kitchen to empty the string greens from its pan into a serving dish, and topping it off with some herb garnish. Glancing over her shoulder, she smirked: “That said - I don’t want to return to an empty pot simply because I turn my back for just a few minutes!”
0 notes
💘 Ume/Joey
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where they first met and how - Umeko and Joey met outside of the flowershop they both work at! From there their relationship became that of co-workers. Umeko needing money as she had just finished college in the states and not 100% comfortable with going back home.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved - Umeko and Joey slowly got into their flirting phase, and I’m pretty sure Joey had feelings pretty quickly once he hung around Umeko more. Ume however was a bit slower as she worries and isn’t as secure about such feelings like Joey is. Granted she isn’t as bad as she was in high school so dating doesn’t take too long for their flirting to drag out to be unbearable.
who fell for who first ( if applicable ) - JOEY! Granted that boy is full of love.
where their first date was and what it was like - Their first actual date without Kian or Cass tagging along would have to be when Joey at the last minute invited her to grab a bite to eat. It was around closing time when Umeko was a little homesick. Joey suggested a place that had some boba tea. It was really sweet of him.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) - Joey more often then not springs up with dates and ideas for them. Nothing fancy often a text, or just coming over to Umeko’s home. Dates ranges to restaurants, parks, arcades, and any cool attractions that he wants someone to go with him. Sometimes Umeko will say something sounds interesting and Joey will just be like “Cool! We’ll do it tomorrow!!”
who proposes first - Umeko; while Joey is often talking about how much he loves her and wants to marry Umeko it’d be her to genuinely pop the question. Like they are at work making daisy rings. And Umeko slips one on his finger and is like; “I’ll give you a proper ring, but for now can you accept it.” Joey would laugh and then it would hit him hard. Then soft smooches right after.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away - They don’t have a reason to hide, and these two are pretty open. Everyone knew at the shop they’d end up dating.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) - Now for an actual ring proposal Joey would plan it to make it as perfect as possible. It’ll be a day filled with fun stuff for the two of them. It’ll be somewhere simple, and nice like a botanical garden or a butterfly sanctuary. Its SOFF OKAY??
if they adopt any pets together - I feel like after Kuma and Bruce they would get a few more pets. With living in an actual house and having two kiddos and their partner Emmett it’d get a bit crazier. Maybe another cat, and a few more dogs. It’s a lively little home.
who’s more dominant - Umeko is not that Joey minds.
where their first kiss was and what it was like  - Outside of Umeko’s apartment door when they finished a really cute dinner date. It’d be a little peck on the lips and Jo whining he doesn’t want to leave. But Umeko shushes him between giggles and gets him to head home.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) - THEY HAVE MATCHING MUGS DEFINITELY. IF THEY WENT TO DISNEY MAYBE A CUTE MATCHING COUPLES SHIRT. Nothing too dumb maybe just a unisex shirt they both wear around together.
how into pda they are - Very! Joey brings out that side of her!
who holds the umbrella when it rains - Joey is the taller one so it works. But Umeko will initially hold it so she can worry over Joey who is soaked for some reason.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ) - A cafe and a diner near the shop knows their orders by heart at this point.
who’s more protective - They both are in their own right! Joey doesn’t like her parents/family speaking ill of Ume and will defend her with all his heart. Umeko would go into rage if anyone dared made Joey upset.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ) - It took a while since Umeko wasn’t really sure if Joey ever wanted that. But he does it just takes a while. It isn’t really necessary for their relationship, but they both enjoy the quiet/fun intimate moments it creates.
if they argue about anything - Sometimes. Like the time they argued about Umeko’s family. But for small things too as Umeko does feel like she’s mothering a big kid. Which can be stressful. But they make up rather quickly.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) - Umeko. RIP Joey.
who steals whose clothes and how often - Umeko will steal Joey’s bigger flannels and t-shirts. Jo could probably rock one of ume’s shirts and it might turn into a crop top by accident. Ume doesn’t mind.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) - Depends on their mood. Umeko might be big spoon some nights or the little spoon. Joey likes when she jetpacks him. But other nights Umeko will rest her head on Joey’s chest. Only on really bad nights where Umeko has to wake him up from his dreams does he rest his head on her chest.
what their favourite nonsexual activity is - Gardening of course!
how long they stay mad at each other - Joey doesn’t like to stay mad long when it comes to Umeko, and Umeko hates being mad at Joey but will stay mad for a longer time then he does. In the end they make up.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are - Joey probably has gone to the tea side thanks for Umeko and just goes for a black tea with cream and sugar. He might double cream and sugar his coffee too. But Umeko sticks to a small amount of sugar in her own tea.
if they ever have any children together - Yup! They have two kids, Arisu and Hachi. maybe more
if they have any special pet names for each other - Nah? Umeko calls him Jojo or Jo, while Joey just calls her Ume. Maybe Joey might call her pet names which makes her laugh and cringe a little. “My honeybun!” “Joey please we’re in public;;;”
if they ever split up and / or get back together - Nah.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ) - They can keep things clean when it comes down to it. Joey is Joey, but he likes a clean space like anyone else and helping out makes Umeko happy. They have a lot of florals and some odd conversation pieces they found whilst thrifting. They probably use a few odd mugs for smaller plants around the house.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like - A tad sad since Umeko would be leaving the next day to get ready for new years with her family. It doesn’t get any easier, and Umeko really wants to take Joey with her one day.
what their names are in each other’s phones - For Umeko Joey’s name is written as ( Joey💖☀️💖) As for Joey Umeko’s name is written as ( 🌺🌼💖 Umeko !! 💖🌼🌺)
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) - thrifting I can see would be the newest tradition. Probably they go on date walks with Kuma every Friday when the weather is permitting.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first -  Joey will fall asleep first usually, unless Umeko is crazy tuckered out. But Umeko rises first almost always as she is used to doing so.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon - It switches! Umeko is often little spoon though as Joey has the height advantage.
who hogs the bathroom - MMM over time there is no hogging they’ll both be doing their business in the bathroom. However Umeko does take a tad longer as she enjoys taking baths.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside - Umeko will merder or carry the little spiders away. Depends on the size of the spider. Or Joey is begging her to let them go free.
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