#( &. musings | nyx. )
animezinglife · 4 months
Lucien: [minding his own business, making little foxes out of fire to make Nyx smile and laugh] Feyre: Feyre: Rhys, I want another. Rhys [realizing what/who inspired this]: what the fuck
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windsweptinred · 7 months
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The Goddess Nyx and the Muse Urania
''Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."
The Old Astronomer and His Pupil by Sarah Williams
Nyx, the Greek Goddess of primordial Night, dark mother of mysteries, dressed in stars, subduer of gods and men, who even mighty Zeus himself stood in awe of.
Urania, Goddess of astronomy, astrology and philosophy. Her gaze ever fixed on the the infinite universe. Muse to those who seek to divine the stars, expand the mind, and unravel the mysteries of the heavens.
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justsescape · 6 months
Can a cow be too fat?
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Nyx had become a proverbial mountain of fat; her body filled the capacity of an airplane hangar. Rolling waves of skin resembled the dimples and folds of raw pancake batter as they piled themselves atop the concrete. Breasts -- each large enough to rival entire biplanes -- lurched themselves over the only thing bigger than them: her gut. Its rumbling was like thunder. Perhaps she had buried a couple of buildings underneath its weight.
"BWOOOOOOUUUURRRRRRRP-HYIUCK!" Nyx's head emerged from her body the same way someone's would if they were buried in sand at the beach. Every gaseous expulsion left the flabby flesh surrounding it rippling like a pond. "HIC! HIC-URP-HIC!"
Lips, dripping with drool, opened and closed rhythmically almost as if she was chewing gum -- not that she was chewing anything at all. At least, not yet. Her dull, hazy gaze craned upward toward a distant feeding tube connected to the ceiling. Unable to lift her tree-trunk arms, all Nyx could do to vocalize her appetite was belch, hiccup, or moo. Sometimes, all three at once.
The call was heard. The pipe descended. Nyx's gaping mouth wrapped thoughtlessly around it. Gulp... gulp... gulp... Drooping nipples lazily produced milk that ran like little streams down the folds of her lard-laden body. Her fat had long since found its way into her lactation: it wasn't so much milk that she was making as much as it was heavy cream. It clumped up in the countless crevices that wrapped around her entire gluttonous frame.
From Nyx's limited perspective, the world was but a pale, endless horizon of lard below, and a cold, metal ceiling above. The feeding tube delivered euphoric sensations. It was her escape. The bigger she grew, the more she pressed into the walls. The more she pressed into the walls, the less they could do to confine her. The less confined she was, the more she could grow. The cycle repeated. Fat was freedom.
Nyx swelled like a balloon connected to a garden hose.
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starcunin · 26 days
i’m starting to think it might be physically impossible for me to write short replies xD this boi got too much goin’ on in that depraved head of his.
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crimsonbonds · 3 months
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unreasonably and desperately obsessed with this woman Like ACTUALLYYYYYYYY . Nyx i would do fucking ANYTHING for YOUUUUUUUUUU PleaseEEEEE (my fiancee's oc, she/they/he)
also the 6 billion art style variations in the like. Year ive been drawing her is so funny. Weird stuff going on over here art wise im having a time
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sparkledcrowns · 2 months
☆゚*·゚THE WORLD WAS a completely different state than it was just a few weeks ago. damon wasn't necessarily a fan of being in a new court. this meant that he needed to learn a whole new route around, and a whole new set of people. his regular routine wouldn't be the same anymore and damon wasn't sure that he liked it. breathing deeply, he found himself standing outside, almost glancing through the skies to try and magnify each location. "i wish it was easy to learn a new city. but it takes time, and i worry that i don't have the time," damon explained, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "new people, new locations, takes trust and time."
@stxrslisten - for nyx
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heavenbled · 2 months
character profile ; voidwalker. (original character, destiny based.)
name ; kaifeng andar. species ; awoken, unknown what generation. seems to be slightly mutated with reptile-like features. pronouns ; he/him/they/them. gender ; nonbinary. sexuality ; pansexual, preference towards men. class/subclass ; void warlock - voidwalker. ghost ; wen-yan (they/them) age ; going onto second century alive as a lightbearer. appears to be in mid 30s.
physical description ; kaifeng is a tall and slender person of about 6'7" height without armor, 6'9" with. though, he's most usually seen with a heel of some sort when in civvies, so typically it adds on a few inches (nighthawk's given them shit for it). they have a deep mauve purple complexion, with tiny white freckles dotted across their body ; notably they are spaced out and few in general, but some are more clustered around their arms.
their eyes are a bio-luminescent white, but unlike the 'usual' (for lack of better words) eyes of the awoken, his pupils are reptilian. almost draconic. kai's hair is depigmented and completely stark white at natural state, however they have a ritual, every week or two to dye it jet black. almost slightly too black for natural black hair. and it goes all the way down to his calves, tips ending just above ankles ; typically they're seen either in a giant bun for helmet wear, or two twintails that cycle between brains and loose ponytail.
they are usually seen in their shadow armor and twin dragon bond. or if in civvies, usually something spacelike, starry, purple/black, etc. his markings are a deep purple that accent cheeks, eyebrows, and eyes, to which they usually even further accent with sharp eyeliner.
due to their light and the way the void interacts with them, kai's fingers and hands have been dyed a dark purple. he usually dons gloves when outside of armor.
light abilities ; kaifeng has a very capricious and unpredictable relationship with their light, as the beginning of their revival was the worst awful time to him to get it under control. due to the nature of his previous life and things that nyx haneul yuan lived with, the void interacts with kai most typically in hallucinations and visions. they experience vivid to small ones : auditory, tactile, and visual alike. it was antagonistic to them for a long time, leading to several breaks from reality and quite a lot of paranoia. however, as kai began to work with the void and figure out how to truly master his light, it became slightly more benevolent. still mostly neutral. helps quite a lot with reflexes in combat.
they do not use any other subclass other than void.
brief history & personality ; oh to awake in a world so foreign to you and everyone else you dare mention it to ; a world where things were dark, upside down, light scarce and nothing dared to make sense. the ascendant plane, he would come to learn the name eventually. he he was awoken to a cold and unfamiliar world, faced with the bones of people they might have once known in a life he had absolutely no recollection of. to an easygoing and friendly little drone who called themselves wen-yan, who had absolutely no recollection of kaifeng's revival in the first place. and the bones of a wish dragon, an ahamkara, facing him and glowing and even speaking to him. he had to bring it with them, of course, how could he not?
and so from the beginning it was arduous and lonely for them, hiding their features and keeping that secret away in fear for what a public reaction would bring. there was a fear about facing the public and being amongst people that was so innate, so buried deep within their soul without the slightest idea as to why, or how to quell it. being a lightbearer is a blessing and a curse. he had truly thought he was cursed for the longest amount of time, and in that did he begin hiding his true identity and abilities to begin living as a civilian among civilians.
nestled in the last city he played this game, living a reclusive life mirroring the solitude that nyx had been forced and held away in before his death. the irony between enforcing old habits the body remembers, but the mind and the person do not ; for they are different people when one is bathed in the light, but yet all the same. kaifeng would always live this double life with himself, they would always feel as if there's just something off about them metaphysically, spiritually, everything in between. his very existence had felt as if something had been etched into the fabric of the universe itself, writing itself over several timelines already. like a saved game file.
surely there had to be corruption in that, in of itself? what did it take, as much as that new save file gave?
in time he would come to love, and eventually settle down with a civilian by the name of hala. the sunshine to their moonlight, the two became inseparable and in time, loved each other as fiercely as the roaring of the sun. as the ebb and flow of the moon. kai felt as though it would've been eternal, even if he'd done all he could to convince himself hala would one day have to pass on, as all things in life eventually did. it cemented this sort of idea to him, that they were just an ugly, dead thing - now cursed to overwrite the ways of the universe time and time again at the cost of material, and immaterial. that of which he could not yet see.
it's approaching from the horizon in where hala starts feeling fatigued, and not quite himself anymore, that kai is faced with the difference of their lives once again. only this time, they can't fight it or deliberately try to overwrite their will in the stars ; of all things to fail at when it seemed to be the very reason for his existence. but there is something healthy there, in that hala teaches him to find the light in the dark. no matter how bleak things seemed. they learn to find contentment in the present time, not the past nor the future.
and then the red war happens. the red legion invades and suddenly the world is ending. they had nowhere to go, and hala had been just two degrees short of being able to parkour about the city, and escape into the wilds for survival. kaifeng had been inexperienced with their control over the light in all the years they've spent ignoring it, and had been an utter mess in the heat of battle. one thing was a clear lesson from that day, from that entire scene and consequently, war : he had not been enough.
it's at this point, during the hardest parts of the war that he escapes to the farm. and it's there that they run into a lightbearer, a guardian, who meets him like they were two neutron stars colliding. the consequences of a wish, the consequences of intense devotion between two twins, that they had been ripped apart so brutally in a life long gone. a shapeshifting guardian, known by most as the nighthawk - but to them, as sao and neptune.
fast forward past the war a little : through kai's slow integration into guardian society and tower life, do they begin the process to mastering their light control and combat skills. at first it's slow moving and they are much too ill-prepared to deal with their void. but eventually, they find purpose in the fight and the reasons why guardians do the things that they do. a bit of motivation, a bit of a pep-talk from nighthawk as his senior lightbearer, and eventually they're moving out into the solar system to face battle head-on. to rise up to the mantle and hold the responsibility that came with calling himself a guardian.
just so happens that one of his battles turns out to be the path of becoming a shadow. this will be a separate post, as well as how lightfall and the final shape affects them.
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ancientgreekyuri · 11 months
I should add "controversial milf defender" to my about
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professionhero · 1 year
What’s your biggest regret?
(Again going to answer all three)
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Glaive Nyx:
Nyx takes in a deep breath. This was a question he asked himself daily, "I wish I could say something heroic, like I wish I stayed and fought for my home...that's not the case though..."
He bit his lips together chewing for a moment before letting out a big sigh, "I regret freezing."
He puts a hand on his bouncing leg to get it to stop, talking about this made him anxious, "I regret not moving to do something when I had a chance. Guess that's why I run in full throttle now. I don't ever want to freeze again."
Hidden King Nyx(Insomnia):
"There's a guy I dated when I first got here. Took me to a lot of places I shouldn't have gone...fucked me up pretty bad..." He crosses his arms over his chest defensively, "Did a lot of things for that man I shouldn't have. Put up with a lot...I deserved better...still have a hard time accepting that."
King Nyx(Galahd):
"I get that question a lot from my sister. She's always pestering me about it. Lena fears embarrassing me and our family." Nyx gives a small smile, "She really shouldn't, she's a great representative for our people. Couldn't ask for a better princess."
"Anyways, not what you wanted to know." He let's out a soft breathy chuckle, "Uh...I suppose I regret not spending more time with my dad before he was taken from us. I was at that age where I was too cool to hangout with the family, ya know? Thankfully I didn't have like one of those 'I hate you dad' moments...was just me being a little shit...then..."
He falls quiet for a moment thinking it over, "...well...he saved my life and lost his...so I guess there's that too...next question?"
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"Hey Ryoji. When I summon Thanatos, does that mean technically I'm summoning you to my side?" (from one curious Kotone) - @epitomees
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"Yes, Thanatos is my true form. I used to hate it, but if I can use that form to protect you... Well, nothing would make me happier. So please, feel free to summon me whenever you want, Kotone-chan."
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per-oceanum · 7 months
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McStolen from @heavens-sin
. . . Listen I don't even know what to put in this other than: Morally Gray as hell w/ a side of loving science. & Roy & Nyx. Yeah. Okay. I have so many more muses than this but this is a hilarious group I'm ngl
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As an Artemis devotee, I'm curious 💜
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windsweptinred · 1 year
My current WIP, The Goddess Nyx and the Muse Urania. (Press pic for better quality... Why do you do this Tumblr 🙄).
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Nyx, the Greek Goddess of primordial Night, dark mother of mysteries, dressed in stars, subduer of gods and men, who even mighty Zeus himself stood in awe of.
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Urania, Goddess of astronomy, astrology and philosophy. Her gaze ever fixed on the the infinite universe. Muse to those who seek to divine the stars, expand the mind, and unravel the mysteries of the heavens.
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(I'm actually looking for a poem, lyrics or a quote to be added to this piece. Something about the night, star gazing and exploration... Our love of the stars. If you have any recommendations, please do throw them my way! I'm hunting but I haven't found something just right yet.)
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starcunin · 20 days
i’m around, just writing so i’m absent lol. but i definitely want to use my tav oc more, except i write her as a recruitable companion. chaotic evil cambion, can be recruited at the goblin camp. her sideblog is @h8fuckk !!
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gardengnomehome · 9 months
Finding your deities in the little things is so rewarding.
I see Artemis in the hummingbirds and the hawks
I see Dionysus in the liquor ads in the gas station window
I find Nyx in the blue and gold of little pictures on Pinterest and swirling stars
I find Freyr in gold and green and that tamed wilderness of a deer in a field of wheat
I hear Loki in Prince songs and Ariadne in Taylor Swift
There’s so many little things that remind me of them and show me that I’m not alone and sometimes it just hits me how amazing that is.
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ohmylcve · 1 month
closed starter for @muse-legion ! based on a mix of: dancing with our hands tied and the 1 from this post.
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"never though i'd meet you here." she said with a soft chuckle, taking quite a while to look them in the eye. it had been years since they didn't meet... but that didn't actually mean that they never crossed nyx's mind - they did, and quite in a frequent "you were the one who was saying all of these were cheesy and quite unnecessary, weren't you?"
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