#( ☘ ic — what would you guys do without me? ).
courtclover · 1 year
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The Ace-Op leader is preoccupied, playing with his lucky pin and taking the time to polish the metal with a small cloth. After a minute, Clover lifts the pin into the sunlight and smiles when it gleams. Perfect.
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Even still. Clover returns again to rubbing the metal with the cloth. For extra measure, to ensure its constant sheen. He's even humming, smiling to himself.
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courtclover · 2 years
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“I’d like to go on record as being opposed to the use of violence for purposes of conflict resolution,” explains Clover as he lifts the standard issue rifle of the Atlas military and aims through the scope. 
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courtclover · 1 year
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"I've returned from my leave and before I go into my office and see all the reports left for me, does anybody like to fill me on anything before I read about it over morning tea. Maybe any damage reports I should know about before I see the figures and bills."
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courtclover · 2 years
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"Woah, hey! You can't be mean to me. It's March. You have to be nice to me, those are rules."
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courtclover · 2 years
“And you know what. You did such a great job.” 
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“Hey, I mean it. I’m very proud of you.” 
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courtclover · 2 years
he's just. going to lay here. dying. the cause? hasn't been kissed in the last 24 hours.
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" kissy ... "
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courtclover · 2 years
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" i'm not watching the movie if the dog dies. "
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courtclover · 2 years
“There’s a reason why I don’t particularly like swearing and it’s because I grew up hearing words like feckin’ and fecker, shite and arse, and it drove me mental.” 
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“Also, it’s just bad manners.” 
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courtclover · 2 years
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“Please don’t start conversations with ‘promise not to get mad,’ or ‘promise you won’t tell anyone’ because you’ll give me a heart attack. I will assume the worst. I will assume you’re in trouble or done something I legally shouldn’t be helping you with.” 
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courtclover · 2 years
@damnbrosius​ continued from ( 🍀 ) 
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Clover could never give voice to his troubles and inner most feelings with anyone, not because he refuses to burden anyone, but because Clover has an image to withhold. The leader of the Ace-Ops. The General’s left hand man. The Good Luck Charm. How could someone like Clover have any worries? How could someone like him have any doubts? 
However, to the Spirit of Creation. It is only another human standing in his realm.  
Only another human. 
“I take it you can see the world around you,” Clover looks up to the magnificent size of the Spirit and offers a tired smile. “Seen the conflict of the Kingdom you keep floating in the sky.”
Clover wonders what the Spirit thinks about all this; what he thinks about Clover. He wasn’t a God, unable to judge mortals, but still, it bothers Clover. What if Clover has been selfish in every choice he’s made? Claiming every choice has good intentions and the means justify the end. 
What if Clover has been lying to himself? 
“Atlas and its military has been squeezing the citizens of Mantle for everything it is and giving nothing in return. I am not trying to save this Kingdom to continue that cycle of injustice. I’m trying to save the world so that no child has to ever fear the darkness or the creatures of Grimm destroying their homes and families! And I can’t explain that to anyone! No one could possibly understand!” 
Clover breathes hard and there’s an ache in his voice, a stinging in his eyes. He looks down to his feet and shakes his head, ready to be judged by the Spirit of Creation. 
“My reputation is who I am. It doesn’t matter the reasons I do the things I do. As you are an instrument of creation, I no doubt must be an instrument of war. Of abuse. Of corruption.” 
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courtclover · 1 year
"I think you guys are cute. In like. An old guy way." (from Yang cause she supports her uncle getting it lmao)
"Thank you, Yang." Clover laughs softly. He's a bit embarrassed, shaking his head.
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"We're not old I don't think. 40s isn't old, right? The amount of trouble your uncle gets me into doesn't feel like we're old."
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courtclover · 1 year
Clover, what do you think Qrow's nieces think about you? Is it important to you that you impress them?
"What they think about me? It's hard to say. Their impression of me is based off what they know of me as being the leader of the Ace-Ops, but as the Atlas guy who has been taking their uncle out for boba dates and sitting with him on Mantle roof tops I ... I don't know."
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"As for impressing them I ... hmmm it's important to me that they are content with seeing me around their uncle."
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courtclover · 2 years
“You want to see what my teammates gave me?” ~ ✨
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Clover doesn’t wait for an answer and shows you anyway. He dumps into a sink full of water small electric toy fishes that swim all on their own. You know, the kind of toys that are designed to entertain cats. 
“Isn't it cool?!” ✨✨✨
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courtclover · 2 years
“The aquarium and the beach are both cheaper and cooler.”
“Thank you, Sun. I’ve been saying for this while, but no, I get mocked for being an old man. It’s always ‘oh Clover is an idiot, oh Clover is wrong.” 
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“Look. The younger generation agrees. It’s the perfect place to take someone. Anyone. You sit on the sand or stand in front of the tank and you can have an honest conversation with someone because you feel calm and safe. You see these beautiful creatures or horizon and you make memories. You can create such...” 
He goes on for some time.  
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courtclover · 1 year
Look at him, just sitting there, minding his own business. He hasn't had kissy in what feels like hours.Was it only ten minutes ago? Maybe. But that pout on his face says its been hours.
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Clover can feel the fiery glare of those crimson eyes on him and it's making him warm in this cheeks. The Ace-Op leader is trying his best to escape the conversation he's been roped in by a few other military huntsmen and he's trying his best to return to Qrow who seems to be annoyed he's been abandoned. They're not the only one who visit this place it seems.
It takes another minute, one to long, and Clover is back in their little corner of the cafe with the promised hot drinks in hand.
"If looks could kill, Songbird, you'd be the number one huntsman in all of Remnant."
Clover chuckles softly as he sits besides Qrow and beneath the table he takes Qrow's ringed hand to hold, lacing their chilled fingers together.
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"What's wrong? You're still sulky. I brought you something to warm you up."
Clover can still see the scowl on Qrow's face.
Gods, this man. The one time Qrow chooses to be silent when he's usually so loud with defiance and rebellion. Still. Clover smiles fondly at him and verdant eyes melt while looking at Qrow, as they always do. Aren't they a little to old to be behaving like jealous teenagers? Oh well.
Clover chuckles again before leaning in and kissing Qrow's prickly cheek. Qrow looks to him finally, meeting a grinning smile, and that's when he receives his promised kissy. Clover presses a soft kiss against those warm lips, melting together.
That's one way to warm up after patrol through the snowy streets of Mantle.
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courtclover · 1 year
"hey, don't look at me like that. i saw you checkin' her out too." wait, is he talking about Robyn or Winter?
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Clover stands there with a hand over his face, hiding the faint warm color in his cheeks. How could someone be so brash? So forward? Has Qrow not an ounce of self preservation? Dignity or grace? Must he also bring Clover down to his level?
"... you have no idea how long I've been ... and you just ... ugh!"
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Clover looks at Qrow and can't believe this man sometimes. The Ace-Op leader pines from afar, more delicate with his feelings since the Special Operative and Happy Huntress leader are both so ...
Meanwhile Qrow is just ... quicker with the draw and blunt with the truth.
"We have to work on that mouth of yours." Clover huffs.
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