#( 👑 simon petrikov. in character )
crowncursed · 5 months
Simon isn't listening, not with all this mess going on in his head. Golb save him.
"I am in misery"
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"I save d*ck by giving it CPR"
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sunnymused · 1 year
Simon going "so do you have a boyfriend yet? :)" is so old man coded. He would accept Marceline no matter what, but defaults to asking that like a parent who hasn't seen their kid in awhile.
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sunnymused · 1 year
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"I'm not a...." goodness he can't believe he's saying this, "monster fucker."
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sunnymused · 1 year
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sunnymused · 1 year
"I miss my wife. I miss her a lot."
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sunnymused · 1 year
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He's being trailed by penguins. They're cute but they won't leave him alone.
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sunnymused · 1 year
Don't watch movies with Simon. He will critique the movie unless he's really engaged. Finn and Marceline have had to tell him multiple times to keep it to himself, but then he'll sit there and can't make himself enjoy it. They've stopped inviting him over for movie night and find other ways to spent time together.
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sunnymused · 1 year
Simon is perpetually cold, even after the effects of the crown have long worn off. His hands, especially, are like ice. His cold tolerance is still very high, so he won't even notice until someone else complains, and he's started carrying gloves in his pockets just in case so everyone is comfortable.
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sunnymused · 1 year
"... Will Smith Fish? I don't believe this time of year is ideal for fishing, but... I'm not a fisherman myself, so perhaps I'm not the right man to ask."
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crowncursed · 1 year
"Ooh, looks like it's my luck-y day!" What a suspicious bottle. Hope it's not rat poison. Oh well, time to pop it open!
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"Finders keepers!"
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sunnymused · 1 year
"Betty was always so focused on saving me that she forgot to look after herself."
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And look what's become of her. It feels as though they're stuck in a perpetual loop; one is saved, but the other falls back into their madness as a result. Things really were simpler back when he lived his life as the Ice King... before everything got complicated.
"I'll look after her when I get her back... and finally put an end to this."
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crowncursed · 1 year
"Whoa, I think something is messed up in my brain. This doesn't look like my normal dream! Where's all the babes?"
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"That's because it's not." Simon steps forward toward... himself.
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"Hey, I know you! You're the guy who I stole those glasses from! Well, you can keep them. They make me look like a nerd."
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"Hey, what are you doing? What... what is this? Some kind of hug?"
"I spent so long trying to forget about you and... running away from my past. But I think I get it now." Ice King might not understand the significance of their meeting, but for Simon, it's closure.
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"It's... hard to accept things that are out of our control. I wish I could have done more, but... what's done is done. I have to move on with my life now. It's what Betty would have wanted." He hugs Ice King a little tighter. "And... to deal with that, I have to deal with you."
"Wow, you sure do talk a lot."
"Yeah... we do, don't we?"
Poof! Just like that... the Ice King disappears into a flurry of blue sparkles. Simon inhales softly as they become part of him, and when he exhales... he's staring up at his ceiling in bed.
And he feels... better.
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sunnymused · 1 year
He's busy daydreaming about Betty and didn't hear a word you just said.
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sunnymused · 1 year
"It's... Simon now. Just... Simon." It's as much of an introduction to them as a reminder to himself, as he adjusts his glasses and holds out to his hand.
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sunnymused · 1 year
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"Here, drink this. Regain some feeling in those fingers." He passes over a cup of something warm and vaguely pepperminty.
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crowncursed · 1 year
What's your favorite food? (for ice king and simon)
Unprompted asks // always accepting
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"Ice cream, especially the kind with the little chocolate chips! Oh man, you should have seen me the last time my girlfriend ditched me for someone younger... and... more powerful..." He pats his tummy with a little sigh. He'd really let himself go after only eating ice cream for a week, but now that he's thinking it over again... "ah, he can keep her! She wasn't my type anyway. Only kidnapped her because Princess Bubblegum was off canoodling around with Marceline."
What was the question again?
"Favorite food? Hm..." he taps his chin thoughtfully. It's... surprisingly difficult to choose something when Ooo has so much to offer. It's definitely not ice cream, although he has to admit he has had weird cravings for ice cream in the past.
"Well, my mother used to make homemade soup and bread that I enjoyed every year on my birthday. I meant to get the recipe from her before she passed away but... life had other plans for me."
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He's sure that if he really thought about it, he could recreate something similar.
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