#( OffStage —OOC )
eorzeashan · 7 months
anyways if tunglr goes down you guys can find me here
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puckishpixie · 11 months
((PSSST!! Do you like the game No Straight Roads?
Are you a fan of the pop punk genre?
Do you find yourself enjoying tragic protagonists who refuse to face their trauma, and instead pursue a pipe dream to keep themselves sane instead of having to deal with the worst thing that ever happened to them?
Then give this a like or a reblog and I’d be happy to interact with you!))
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dancin-demon · 2 years
//It has been ages since I've been on this account
I'm not coming back to this blog, heck I'm planning out a new batim/batdr blog as I type this
I’m here simply to apologize if i ever said anything rude to any of yall? I know i was a cringey asshole back then.
With that said and done, see ya folks!
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boarchasers · 1 year
((I was going through my Boar-Chaser archive blog trying to work out when Trond and Joldi got married.
Haaki’s character development over the last ten years: is he less petty? Less sulky? Less of a drama-flouncer? Nope! Little did you know, his entire character arc, all that fuss with the Dark Brotherhood and Hlenil and the pirates, has been about teaching him to understand innuendo and nothing else.))
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bardsmelody · 1 year
shifts through the brush ... hello
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agaypanic · 8 months
former theater kid as well !! maybe a story about regina with a gf in theater club ?
My Little Star (Regina George X Theater Kid!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Your girlfriend comes to see you in your last high school show.
A/N: depending on which regina you’re envisioning with this, au where everyone has smartphones. post!mean girls regina bc then i wont feel too bad if she seems too ooc. ive been thinking a lot about romeo and juliet lately so the play is romeo and juliet teehee
If you had told your younger self that at the end of your senior year, you’d be the leading star in your final show and be dating Regina George, she would’ve thought you were insane.
Yet here you were, getting ready for the opening night of Romeo and Juliet while your girlfriend spam-texted you words of encouragement.
Regina <3
You’re gonna do so good, I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!
I was gonna keep it a surprise until after the show, but I got your favorite 
*Sent 1 Attachment*
Unlocking your phone to respond, you were greeted with a picture of Regina sitting in the auditorium holding a large bouquet of your favorite flowers. She had a great big smile on her face, her eyes squinting from it. 
Your breath hitched. You knew Regina loved you, but the picture radiated her feelings of pride for you. It made you want to run out and smother her in affection.
Instead, you texted her back.
OMG you’re literally the sweetest Regina!!
I’ll be looking for you in the audience lol
Regina <3
I’m sitting in the very center, so hopefully I’m easy to spot
Especially with this giant ass bouquet
You laughed at the message and soon got a tap on your shoulder from one of your friends, telling you places were in five minutes.
I have to go, we’re gonna start soon
But I’ll be looking for you :)) 
You waited until you saw a response from Regina before putting your phone in your bag.
Regina <3
Laughing at her stream of messages, you put your phone away and rushed out to your place. As much as you revel in the fact that you had a leading role, you were already waiting for the show to be over so you could see Regina.
If you had to choose one, the death scene was probably your favorite. It was dramatic, which was always fun, and you got to stab yourself with a retractable blade.
“What’s here? A cup, closed in my true love’s hand?” You took the empty cup out of Romeo’s, whose real name was Jared, stiff hand, inspecting it. “Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end: O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after?” You dropped the cup in distress, wondering what to do. Then your eyes fell on Jared’s lips, and you had a revelation. “I will kiss thy lips; Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, to make die with a restorative.”
You held his face gently in your hands and leaned down to kiss him. Every time you went through a kiss scene with Jared, you pretended it was Regina you were kissing. The passion seemed more authentic that way.
You pulled away, staring down at Jared.
“Thy lips are warm.” You said brokenheartedly. You were just barely too late. If only he had waited a while longer to drink the poison so you’d be awake to stop him.
“Lead, boy: which way?” You heard from offstage. 
“Yea, noise?” You looked toward the direction of the noise’s source in a panic. “Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger!”
You grabbed Romeo’s dagger and raised it to the audience. And that’s when you caught a glimpse of Regina. Despite the room being dark and her being far away, you could feel her excitement as she watched. You had to stop yourself from smiling.
“This is thy sheath,” You say before shoving the dagger into your heart. You gasp a little and look up. To the audience, you could’ve been looking up to the heavens in your last moments. But you were doing your best to stare into Regina’s eyes that were fixated on you. “There rust, and let me die.”
With that, you fell on top of Jared’s body, doing your best not to crush him as you ‘died.’
The scene continued from there, and you did your best not to move. Your back was killing you from the long show, but eventually, it ended. When you came out for bows, you heard a particularly loud cheer, and you didn’t have to guess who it was. It made you smile even more, so much that your cheeks started getting sore.
When the bows were over, and the cast and crew were finding their friends and family in the audience, you ran to Regina. It was a bit difficult weaving through the crowd, especially in your costume, but eventually, you reached the blonde, who had her arms opened wide and ready to catch you.
“You were amazing!” Regina all but shouted in your ear as she hugged you, squeezing you tightly. “Absolutely showstopping. One day, you’ll be a famous actress.”
“You think too highly of me, Regina.” You said with a giggle, and you were sure that your reddening cheeks were showing through your heavy stage makeup.
You grabbed your girlfriend’s face and kissed her. It was a million times better than pretending you were kissing her instead of Jared when you were on stage. Regina’s hands dropped to your hips, pulling you close against her. When you let out a little moan, you knew you should pull away before you felt like you couldn’t turn back.
“These are for you,” Regina said before biting her slightly swollen lip, giving you the giant bouquet she had gotten for you. One thing about Regina was that she was never cheap.
“I love them.” You smiled, giving her a few pecks.
“Anything for you, my little star.” The nickname made you giddy, made you feel like you were the only ones in this gigantic room. “Now how about you go change, we get some food, and then you sleep over at my house?”
“That sounds perfect.” You kissed Regina again; it was like you were addicted to her lips. “I should go now. If I kiss you anymore, I’ll probably never leave.”
“I definitely wouldn’t complain,” Regina smirked, but agreed that you should go change. She turned you around by the shoulders and gave you a quick pat on the butt to send you on your way, laughing at the way you squealed in surprise.
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Hmm? Oh!
Well, hello one and all to the Tent of Telepathy! I'm your adorable host, Mabel Pines!
*The audience cheers.*
Oh, please, you're all too kind!
*An audience member calls* We love you Mabel!
Aw, you're too sweet. And please, call me Belle. Everyone around me does, anyways!
Mabel. Keep it down.
And this buzzkill- I mean, fine young fellow right here is my twin brother, Mason! Say hi, Mason!
...Do you have to be so obnoxious?
Say. Hi.
*He sighs. The audience waits with bated breath. He runs a hand through his hair and then grins brightly.*
Hello, folks! My sister and I are ecstatic to have you with us tonight! I hope you can't wait because we've got one hell of a show for you.
*The audience goes wild.*
Now, I know you've been here before. So of you I even know personally! Hi Cynthia.
*Someone, presumably Cynthia, faints.*
But for those of you new here, there's a box in the back where you can put in suggestions and comments for us to read.
We'll be reading them on stage, so don't put anything too weird, okay guys? Wouldn't wanna embarrass poor little me, right?
And remember - we love hearing from you but-
Don't waste our time.
Ooc: So I went to bed and then realized I hadn't put up an intro so yeah. That last line was done on mobile. Ten minutes just for that. Fun.
Hello everyone, I'm the mod @abyssal-author-and-artist, he/him or it/its for me. My friends are bad influences so this is my fifth rp blog or something. To round out the Reverse Falls universe and all.
Both of them will have two moods - a stage persona and a more honest one where they're little annoyances who will insult you for fun. Mabel tends to be more in her stage persona while Mason sorta just hates being here and will roast you for existing - though both will do both and I will take requests if you want one of them to act either upbeat or pissed at everything.
Please don't take it too hard if I insult you in character - I'm just trying to be in character and there's no hard feelings there, I swear!
My asks are open! Ask them anything (check DNI for exceptions).
Tags: #belle of the ball - Mabel's stage persona #mabel's coffee - Mabel's offstage personality #lonely star - Mabel's most honest personality #ringleader - Mason's stage persona #why did you disturb me - Mason's offstage personality #little dipper - Mason's most honest personality #pay no attention to the man behind the curtain - ooc posting #audience requests - asks
DNI - No shippy asks - they're still children guys. (And yes, that includes insinuating relationships with ocs) No homophobia/transphobia/racism/etc GoFundMe asks will be deleted - this just isn't the place. I'm sorry. I will expand this as needed. Don't make me have to.
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moon-thething · 1 year
HeyHey, can u do a fic where reader is pretty rich, And notices how bad butters parents treat him and like, purchases him and adopts him and Becomes the perfect parent figure to him that he never had ! :3
I also requested the garnet + child!reader headcanons, and I'm sorry for the confusion, lol- but that was also really great and exactly what I wanted! :D
(n can I be 💤 anon? I love the way u write sm I'm definitely gonna request more ^^)
Hello 💤 anon :) I'm glad you liked the garnet + child fic and I hope you will like this one
I'm sorry that I couldn't respond to your request sooner!
Romantic or platonic?: Platonic/romantic
Readers gender: gender neutral
Type: Fluff
Key words: L/n: last name
Warnings: probably ooc characters
You lived in the town of South Park for quite some time, the mayor doing anything for you to stay since you were the only thing going good for them
Since no celebrity wanted to visit their town at least they had you to donate to schools, donate to hospitals etc.
But one day, you were supposed to give some sort of speech to the fourth graders, requested by the principal and mayor, and so you of course appeared and were in the back going over your lines
You were going over your lines, cringing every time your voice cracked and forgetting the things you originally wrote on the paper. Suddenly you felt a slight tug at your leg. You looked down to see a kid with blonde hair and a scar over his left eye
He seemed so innocent and by the two seconds you looked at each other not talking, you wondered on how he even got the scar
"Heya there Mx. L/n." The kid said, you smiled warmly and ducked down to his height
"Well aren't you cute!" You chuckled, pinching the kids cheek as he laughed with joy, "what brings you backstage?" You asked, taking a peek through the closed curtains to see parents and children sitting and waiting for you to come out. But oddly, three front seats were empty, how strange
"Oh, I.. just wanted to ask-"
"Butters! What are you doing?!" A voice yelled out, your head shot up to see a man with his hands on his hips looking disapprovingly towards the child in front of you. A blond woman standing right next to him with her arms crossed
"Were so sorry Mx. L/n, this won't happen again." The, what you were assuming, father said, pushing the boy towards his mother
"No it's fine-"
"How could you do that?! You are grounded s soon as we get home." The mother whisper shouted as she tugged at the boys ear, pulling him offstage. The father soon followed as you stared at the scene whit knitted eyebrows
From that day on you would see the boy getting scolded by his parents practically anywhere you went!
You went to the store to buy groceries to fill up your fridge? You saw the boy getting scolded by his dad as he stared at the floor shamefully, children his age snickering behind him
You would just be walking down the street and spot the boy looking out of his window with a sad expression as his mother ushered his friends away, saying he was grounded for the most stupidest things imaginable
You would be sitting at the park and see him getting dragged away from his friends by his dad. Being pulled by the ear as his dad practically yelled at him
When you would go on late night walks you could hear the familiar voice of either his father or mother yelling at him to stay in his room
You felt bad for the kid, you really did. But you knew you couldn't do anything about it... Unless
You walked down the street, two bodyguard's following. One bodyguard held a suitcase while the other was ready for a fight. Every step you took you glared at the house you constantly saw the boy in, either looking out of his window or getting dragged in by his parents
You and your bodyguard's quickly arrived as you lifted your fist up. Knocking on the door you heard yelling from the inside, a male voice
"Butters, could you open the door?" The muffled voice said, at least that's what you think you heard
"Okay dad." The muffle voice of the boy said as you heard light footsteps approach the door. The door handle fiddled for a while before it completely opened
The boy stood on his tippy toes, holding onto the handle as he stared at you in shock
"Who is it?" The father said, his voice much clearer now
"Uh.. it's Mx. L/n." The boy said, tilting his head slightly as if talking to his dad, but his eyes were still glued on you
"What?!" The dad yelled, you could hear shuffling and footsteps running towards the door before the father came into view
"Oh, Mx. L/n! How great for you to show up, come in." The father said, moving out of the way as he motioned for you to come in
You looked back at your bodyguard's, jerking your head, they nodded and walked in first, you following behind them.
"Yes, what can I get you? Would you like some coffee? Or do you prefer tea-"
"We would like to make an offering." You said, taking a glance towards the young boy that stood at the doorway, "but I suggest you take the boy to his room first." You said, the younger boys eyes widened in fear as you suddenly felt bad
"Right away. Butters, get back in your room this instance young man!" He yelled, the boy nodded before rushing up to his room, "What is this offer?" He asked
Before you could speak a person emerged from the kitchen, it was the boys mother
"Oh dear- what is going on?" She asked, looking towards her husband
"Don't worry ma'am, we're just here to make an offering. I suggest you sit down as well." One of your bodyguard's said, the woman nodded and sat down next to her husband
"We would like to buy your son." You spoke, your tone cold. The parents eyes widened as they glanced at each other and then back at you
"we couldn't possibly-"
"we are offering $40 000 cash." You said, and on que your bodyguard's opened the suitcase and showed it to the parents
That's all it took for them to give in. You, being the nice person you are,gave the boy two days to pack and say goodbye to his parents
The boy was frightened and in his mind he thought it would be like something he saw on tv. You would torture him and use his body for experiment, but he was delighted to see that you actually treated him well
It took him a while to get used to but eventually he called your mansion a home
Although he wouldn't call you mom/dad/parent for the next 6 months you were still happy
The first few weeks he was living in your house you made sure to spoil him rotten. You would buy him all kinds of gifts, clothes and made sure to buy him enough materials for arts and crafts
You spend more time with him, arranging movie nights, baking cookies together, drawing together, you even improved his superhero costume! Although you can say you still enjoyed the original
When you didn't have time for him you would buy him a toy or two to make up for it, although you've gotta be honest. You had some instances where you made the mades do homework with him, play with him or take him to school/his friends house, but you still made up for the lost time by either buying him something or taking him somewhere
Butters especially enjoyed when you went somewhere, you could just take him to the park and just sit on the bench as you watched him play but he still loves that you're there. Y'know, the small things
I can imagine every time he gets home from school or gets back from a sleepover or whatnot he would tell you everything that happened
You would just laugh as he acted out the scenes, but you have to admit you would get a bit worried when he talked about a school fight he saw or something similar
But you enjoyed every second you spent with him. And you do not regret buying him one bit, even if that sentence sounds wrong we are not going to question it
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umactuallyirl · 5 months
[She sits in the auditorium, in the lighting booth.
She stretches a bit, trying to focus on whatever was happening, but she was tired.]
(ooc: hiya! Take as long as you need to answer this, no pressure! /gen)
(Hey, sorry! Idk what happened to the other one I just stopped seeing reblogs.)
[Peter sat anxiously offstage as he watched one of the other understudy’s practicing their monologue, which he was supposed to but in and interrupt. At the appropriate time, Peter walked out into the stage.]
“Hey Lorie! Still can’t find your grill brush, but I’ve got the next best thing! A chai iced tea, from- Beanies… um- why is there an ad for our local coffee shop in the middle of a broadway award winning show?”
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// hi!!! decided to make an actually normal rui blog!
info abt rui then uh:
-has pink hair thanks to @/mizuki-tenma-official & @/fantasista-tsukasa-official
im a BIG polyshow/mizurui/ruikasa/shizurui (i blame @/kamishiro-rui-phoenix-wonderland’s mod/pos)/mizuruikasa/shizuruimizu fan so those ships are ok!!
also if any angst pops up the warnings will be tagged ‘tw [thing]’
ic: directors call
ooc: offstage
uh. mod runs @akiyama-mizuki-official @undead-rui-official @25-ji-rui-official @vinyl-official @rui-kamishiro-rp-blog-but-angst @fallen-angel-mizuki-official @vampire-rui-official @pirate-mizuki-official & is mod tsukasa for @tenma-siblings-official lol. i have a LOT of blogs haha- read the pinned posts in those blogs for mod info (main is @egret-orchids)
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eorzeashan · 27 days
my thoughts on keanu revan are that they should've kept the mask on the whole time. then this wouldn't have been a problem. but noo
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puckishpixie · 11 months
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pluckyingenue · 3 years
((Would anyone like a Rosalie starter?))
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nimbasah · 4 years
(So I uh just accidentally sent my boss a copy of an RP I was editing from my word files to post here instead of the meeting notes.... yeah....) 
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bardsmelody · 2 years
update! i got pretty sick this weekend and was forced to stay in bed. thankfully i feel MUCH better and can get to writing (finally) soon
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multiicolor · 3 years
  nvm no dnd today bc im Depressed, but uhh i wanna do smth so when in doubt- inbox call!
  just like this and i’ll raid ur meme tag! just specify muse(s) pwease 
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