#( asuna yuuki | answered )
tragedicna · 1 year
@eraba-reta-unmei  /  you can't . . .
you can't expect me to just sit here and let you handle it.
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            ❝  i'm not expecting you to  ,  i'm asking you to  .  ❞  ———  she can handle this situation just fine  ,  it's not the worst she's gone through  .  asuna didn't want to ask the other woman to join her  ,  she can't risk it  .  if someone was to die  ,  asuna didn't want someone who was just a bystander up until a few minutes ago to be the casualty of something that may be fruitless  .  lifting her sword  ,  ❝  listen . . . just go find a hiding spot  ,  if i don't come back in ten minutes  ,  just run back to town  ,  ❞  asuna says  .  ten minutes is being OPTIMISTIC . . . but she didn't want miya to be waiting too long  ,  that may put her at risk  .
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@worldly-diversity asked: "You're the strongest person I know." || Kirito to Asuna 404 Meme not Found
"Hyah!" The familiar voice broke out. The noise of a sword and then a creature falling to the ground to its death. The same sound of the beast shattering into an infinite number of pieces as the health bar reached its lowest point screeching into the ears of the two. The last one that was in the area until more spawned in, for the time being, leaving an awkward noise of silence that had rang throughout the area.
With a quiet breath, Asuna found herself moving to sheath her weapon, putting a hand up to her head as she did so. It had been quite a long night, and overall, she found herself moreso exhausted than anything else. Trying to figure out the answer to the puzzle offered to them, unsure of what exactly needed to be done, yet it seemed as if options were running low. There were only a few more things they could try to get something... Anything to happen in this area.
'You're the strongest person I know.'
She found herself blinking when she realized that had been said to her, causing her to turn her head back toward the other with a small huff and smile along with it. "You're one to talk, don't you think? It's like you haven't broken a sweat after all of that." After all, given everything that'd gone through together, she could definitely say the same thing right back to him.
"Come on, let's get to a safe area and log off. I'm sure you need something to eat in the real world after spending so long in the game today."
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askasuna · 2 years
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Welcome to the first blog of Ask Asuna!
Hello! Glad to meet you! As you all have known, I'm Yuuki Asuna from Sword Art Online. I'm one of the few survivors who made it alive out of the death game, and I'm currently busy trying to help Kirito-kun with the whole situation with Underworld. It's truly confusing and I hope things will go well......
But enough about the rants. I've decided to make a blog to anyone who's curious about me or my friends. A lot of people have heard about my experience in SAO apparently so I guess I can't keep it as secretive anymore 😅 but I'll try my best to answer any questions you may have!
But! Before you proceed, I do have roles and boundaries that I think it's necessary for you to follow before you move on to anything else. With that being said, let's get straight to the rules!
Please don't be a jerk. All I'm asking for you is to be kind and have common sense. If you refuse to comply, then I would have to block you
Do not submit anything NSFW or you'll be blocked. I'm a person who deserve respect and I would appreciate it that you actually treat me like a person and not an object, thank you
This blog is for fun purposes. If I see people commenting negative stuff, I will delete the comment and block for my own mental health
I'm actually Asuna irl, and I have psychosis. Please do not reality check me or you'll be blocked
Love mail is open, but I won't necessarily respond to them as I actually have a boyfriend but you can still send love mail though!
I'm willing to collaborate with another SAO blog if you're interested. However, rules here still applies
That's pretty much it! I'll add more to the rules if I see fit, and hopefully I'll see some questions coming in soon!
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shima-draws · 3 years
Tbh the last SAO thing I watched was Mother’s Rosario and it made me tear up a little bit
Mother’s Rosario is such a good arc and so heart wrenching 🥺 The scene where all of the fairy races show up to see Yuuki off never fails to make me cry like a little baby
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sushigirlali · 6 years
Favorite Female Characters Meme
Tagged by @leofgyth ❤️💙
Rules: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
1. Leia Organa (Star Wars)
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2. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) 
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3. Kagome Higurashi (inuyasha)
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4. Aeryn Sun (Farscape)
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5. Ellie (The Last of Us)
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6. Raven (DC)
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7. Rei Hino (Sailor Moon)
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8. Chloe Frazer (Uncharted)
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9. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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10. Okoye (Marvel)
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11. Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)
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Tagging: @casleyislove / @tothemoonandback08 / @grlie-girl / @atchamberlin / @reyl-hoe / @amandaanime99 / @mrsmancuspia / @rad-braybury / @persimonne / @orkindofamazing / @millyslitterbox
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I have two questions right now: 1. Do you prefer be in sao or in the reality? 2.Do you ever play undertale? (And sorry for my poor English n.n;)
1. I prefer to be in SAO. It’s just in-game I have my daughter, my husband, my friends, freedom. It’s amazing to just be able to do whatever I want knowing that my mother won’t yell at me. Of course, I love my family irl, too, but in-game beats it any day.
2. I’ve heard a lot about it and I’m definitely going to play it. I have it installed on my PC I just have to find time to play it :)
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
I'll Always Be Yours (Part 5)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Fifth Song: Dahan (Gently)
You stop trying to fight your stubborn heart. Just wanting to live a lonely life without her.
A/N: Officially completed and I'm starting on my Wanda fic now!!
Might take weeks to finish that one though...
Oh well.
Dialogues that are in parenthesis are spoken in Japanese.
Warning: Angst
No more tears
I won't force it anymore
You are my love
Until eternity
No more listening
My mind is confused
I hope you know
You are the one I love
You hum as you draw. It took you a week until you can finally draw your sketches again. Another week to pick up a paintbrush and actually paint.
It’s been four months since then. Your only missing at least two more paintings so you could open another art exhibit. You hum as you take a sip of your coffee.
“Shouldn’t you stop?” You raise an eyebrow at Silvia.
“That’s your third cup already and it’s only 11 am.” You shrug at her and continue sketching.
“Will the last one be Natasha?” You stop and contemplate Miyuki’s words. You haven’t sketched her since you broke down.
“Most probably.” You’ll probably use one of your older sketches. The ones where the woman you draw was the one you knew. Not Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow and Avenger but just Natalia, the little girl who turned into a gorgeous woman. Natalia whom you loved with your every being.
“Maybe sell it this time?” You frown at Silvia. “You rejected the last offer for the portrait!” You shrug. “It was 20 million!” Miyuki whistles at you and you smile.
“I still don’t want anyone to monopolize her.” Silvia sighs in defeat and Miyuki consoles her.
You start painting her portrait again and you can’t help but smile. You just hope that wherever she is. Whomever she was with. That you’re still holding onto your promise with her. You’ll always be waiting for her. Loving her. You stretch your body as you pause for the day. You really did meant forever.
“Silvia?” Silvia opens your door and peeks inside.
“Can you contact Professor Asuna? See if there’s any willing gallery that I can rent for a week?”
“Okay. Got it.”
“Thanks, even though you’re only my bodyguard.”
“It’s called assisting. I do that too.”
“I know!” You chuckle as she closes the door. You open your phone and lay down on the floor. You begin watching videos of the love of your life.
“Natasha.” Nat ignores Clint and stares at her portrait. “Hey.”
“There’s a kid that wants to interview you?” Natasha sighs and turns around.
“About the painting, I think.”
“In front of Mona Lisa.”
Natasha approaches the kid who smiles at her.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Colette. A big fan of Master Y/N.”
“Have you met her?” Natasha sits besides the kid and they both look at Mona Lisa.
“Yes. Many times. Through her exhibitions. Never got to buy any of original painting though, just the postcards one.”
“What do you want from me?”
“Just answers.”
“To what?”
“Do you and Master Y/N know each other?”
“Knew.” Natasha answers with a sigh. “Before I became an Avenger, I knew her.” Colette hums.
“To what extent?”
“Your relationship? Friends? Lovers? Enemies?”
“Lovers.” Natasha says with a sad smile.
“Ah. I knew it.”
“What do you mean?” Colette shrugs and smiles.
“Do you know that she still loves you?” Natasha gulps and looks at Colette. Colette smiles and gives Natasha an envelope. “It’s all just postcards but you can compare them to your portrait here. The strokes and the color aren’t matching. She must’ve spent days on your portraits and only hours on the landscapes. Granted they’re the ones she sells all the time.”
“She never sells my portraits?” Colette chuckles.
“Never. She said to a buyer once that she doesn’t want anyone to monopolize you. That you’re better taken care of if you’re seen by the world.” Colette bids her goodbye and Natasha looks at the miniature version of your paintings, she goes back to her portrait and her heart stops. Colette was right.
You do still love her. She can’t stop her smile and Clint smiles at her.
“You okay?” Natasha smiles.
“I’m good.”
And if it’s not for me
The love that you offer
Then I won’t hope anymore
To be kissed again
You sigh as Silvia and Miyuki cuddle each other while you were behind them. You insisted on this arrangement so you could deny that you know them. You pay attention to the screen and flinches when Steve appears. He says that warning that every movie theater does before showing the movie itself. You sigh and you look and see that the two are looking at you. You chuck them a piece of your popcorn and they look at the screen.
“The movie was so good!” You yawn as Silvia gushes about the movie.
“Yeah!” Miyuki agrees as you stretch your body.
“Boss? You going back?”
“Yep. You two go on a date or something.”
“You sure?”
“Yep. I’ll go take a nap before painting.”
“How many more days till you finish it?” You grin at them.
“Probably just one more.”
You wake up and see Natasha’s portrait staring down at you. You yawn and smile. Your phone rings and you see that it’s Asuna.
(“You ready for it?”)
(“Yup. I’m just going to have the final one in center.”) Asuna hums.
(“Another portrait of her?”) You look at it and smile.
(“Always.”) After you hang up, you send an email to Tony Stark, confirming his invitation to your new exhibition.
Slowly release
My heart can't resist
Because once you left
It’s been Extremely difficult
You put on your suit and hum at yourself. You clean up nice.
“Is that an appreciative hum for my fashion sense or are you just being narcissistic?” Silvia asks and you roll your eyes. You get out of your room and Asuna smiles at you.
(“Finally. After hours.”)
(“Only an hour. Don’t compare me to you.”) Asuna gasps and Miyuki snickers.
(“Hush, you. Now, come on.”) You smile as you all leave the Ryokan and into your gallery. You laugh as you look around and your new paintings are displayed.
(“Asuna! Thank you! This is amazing!”)
(“On such short notice too.”)
(“Anything for the master. As long as you save me one painting.”)
(“Pick one.”)
(“Wait, seriously?”)
(“Yeah? There are a lot more than the usual so pick one.”)
(“This one then.”) She presents the portrait and you raise an eyebrow.
(“Anything except that one.”) They laugh and you shake your head.
(“This one then.”)
(“Ah. Your hometown?”) Asuna hums and you nod at her.
(“It’s yours. I’ll tell Norah not to auction that one.”)
(“Thank you, Y/N.”) She hugs you and you smile.
(“Okay, then! Two more hours till we open the doors!”) Miyuki shouts and you smile.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Of course.”
“It’s your call.” Natasha hums as she approaches the gallery with Tony.
You smile as visitors gush about your paintings. Exhibitions are still the one thing that you do make an appearance at. You were about to be approached when you see her. Natasha… she’s alone and looking at her portrait. Your heart beats faster and everything seemed to close in on you. FUCK. She’s here. DAMN IT!
“Boss?” Silvia calls out but you don’t hear her. “Y/N?” She shakes you and you finally look at her. “What’s wrong?”
“Air.” You simply answer and Silvia nods. She escorts you out of the gallery and Miyuki follows after.
You clutch your chest as you try to breathe normally.
“In and out, Y/N.” Silvia guides you through your sudden attack.
“Did something trigger it?”
“Not something.” You answer with hoarse voice then drink the water that Silvia gave you. “Someone.”
“Natasha?” You nod in confirmation. “Damn it.” You stop Silvia from going back inside.
“Don’t kick her out. Don’t be rude.”
“I’ll leave. I’ll come back tomorrow.” They nod and you sigh. “Tell them that I got sick or something. Just go.”
“You’ll be okay by yourself?” You nod and bid them goodbye. You walk back to the Ryokan to clear your head.
Natasha looks at the stage where Asuna got a hold of the mic.
(“I’m sorry to announce that Master Y/N cannot be here tonight.”) She hears disappointed murmurs go through the crowd. (“It seems that she suddenly got sick and had to leave early. She did say though that she’ll try her best to be here tomorrow.”) Asuna gives back the mic to the Dj and goes among the crowd again.
Natasha tries to find her and sees that Tony actually got to her first.
“Excuse me, Miss-?”
“Ah. Yuuki. Asuna Yuuki.” Natasha shakes her hand and they nod.
“What exactly happened to Master Y/N?”
“I don’t exactly know. Her bodyguards just told me that she got sick and left early.”
“Is she okay? Did something bad happen? Where is she-?” Tony gets ahold of her arm.
“Okay. Sorry for the sudden barrage miss Yuuki. We’ll be going now.” Tony drags Natasha away from Asuna.
I will not allow it anymore
You hurt me
That again and forget
Our past
Can't you hear
My chest throbbed
It's getting away from you
My feelings
You take a deep breath and fix your suit.
(“You ready, Y/N?”)You nod at Asuna and she opens the doors to your gallery once again. People immediately flock to you. They’re asking how you’re feeling. Some about the paintings. Some about the portrait.
“PEOPLE!” Silvia’s booming voice freeze them and she drags you away from them. (“Stop mobbing the master! She’ll talk to you if she’s feeling any better! Understood?”) They nod simultaneously and Miyuki gives you a glass of water.
“You okay?” You nod and drink the glass in one go.
“You sure about that?” You nod again and give the empty glass back to Miyuki.
“I’m fine now.” You tell them and go to a visitor.
You’ve managed to avoid both Tony and Natasha as you talk to everyone else and it’s the last day of your exhibition.
“Miss Y/LN.” You hum as Tony approaches you. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“You’re with miss Romanoff.”
“Ah… do you not like her?” You scoff.
“It’s nothing.”
“She didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You sigh and wave your hand.
“As I promised, a million dollars.” He gives you a check and you shake your head.
“No. The exhibition is free for all. Keep it.”
“You sure?” You nod. “Then I’ll just have to bid all of your paintings.” You chuckle.
“And where will you put them?”
“Avengers’ Compound and Stark Industries.” You hum. He bids his goodbye and you smile.
You laugh as Tony bid 5 million on the last painting that Norah auctioned… he just spent 125 million dollars on all of your paintings.
“How about the portrait? A special gift for someone who just got you 125 million?” You go to the stage and Norah gives you the mic.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. But that portrait will be donated, not bought.”
“Come on, Y/LN!” Silvia growls and you put up your hand to stop her. “125 million! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“It means everything Mr. Stark. But that woman in those portraits also meant everything to me.” You get off the stage and get something from Miyuki.
“Instead of that, please accept this.” You give him the canvas that is covered.
“And this is?”
“A painting for her. I know she’s with you.”
“She had to leave early tonight because of an emergency mission.” You smile.
“And you can just half all of your bids, I don’t mind.”
“No. You earned those 125 million. Pepper will be happy with these pieces.” You hum.
“Mr. Stark.”
“Please tell her not to come looking for me again.” You bid him goodbye and leave.
Tony tried to find you again but he huffs in frustration. You were too good at hiding your own trail. He hoped to find you before Natasha gets back from her mission but as he hears the Quinjet land softly, he knew that he failed. He runs a hand through his hair and look at your paintings.
You really were a master.
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himeedere · 8 years
Got any Kirito x Asuna fanfic recommendations?
OH BOY DO I!! My two and a half years of reading SAO fics are finally paying off! Gonna put this under a cut bc it’s gonna be long, sorry bout that.
(Personal favorites will be marked with a *)
Rings Of Love : Asuna found her thumb slowly circling a spot on her ring finger. A spot that was missing something very dear. 
Rose : He thinks he should stop this but he doesn’t anyway. He does, however, offer her a bunch of roses. * (HEARTBREAKING ANGST but it’s so good)
A Touch Of Longing : Sometimes, she just wanted to scream, just a little bit, and on even rarer occasions she wanted to rewind time and do it all over again. Maybe not finish the game this time. Stay a little longer this time…
Moments : A compilation of short drabbles about Kirito and Asuna during some of the simplest of times, which also prove to be some of the most important. * (This one is 60 chapters long but absolutely adorable)
Enchanted : The events following the scene in the hospital where Kirito and Asuna reunite. *
Living For You : Who knew that the real world alone could be more challenging than a virtual death game? Read as Kazuto Kirigaya and Asuna Yuuki brave their futures, together. * (Yeah this one is a bit melodramatic but I really like it. Honestly, check out all of this author’s stories, they’re really great)
Ordinal Scale Buried Amnesia : CONTAINS ORDINAL SCALE MOVIE SPOILERS. What if Asuna had not been able to regain her memories of old Aincrad, and how will it affect her relationship with Kirito? One-shot, plenty of Kirisuna fluff. * (First post-movie fic I found and it’s great. Same author as Living For You)
Once More, With Feeling : Kazuto is finally ready to marry Asuna. Again (but for real this time). Everything goes to plan. Almost. (Once again, a bit melodramatic but I enjoyed it)
Bed Time Story : Based on the following prompt by otpprompts on Tumblr. “Imagine your OTP trying to read their kid a bedtime story but their kid doesn’t like any of the books so your OTP ends up telling their kid the story of how they met.” But a bit different than that.
Come Down From That Ledge : “No one would care.” She repeated out loud, looking down at the waters below. “Would you believe me if I said I would?” a voice sounded behind her, scaring her so badly she nearly fell off in fright. “No.” she stated simply as she turned her head to meet the eyes of the speaker. It was a boy near her age, maybe a year younger. He was probably attending her school even. * 
Not Gonna Lose You : Asuna wakes from a nightmare and Kirito comforts her. They reflect on their time in SAO. One-shot
Pink Sunsets :  She was the Vice Commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath and he admired her from afar. She was in love with someone else but he couldn’t deny what he felt. (Probably won’t be finished but I loved it)
Clocks : TW: mentions of sexual assault and suicide. Asuna often hides behind her smile and it’s almost impossible to know just how broken she is inside. * (This fic messed me up when I first read it, it’s one of my favorites of all time)
These Words On My Skin : I…literally have no idea where this came from, but I guess I ended up writing a drabble for SAO. So, yeah, here’s some random soulmate AU drabbles! * (PLEASE READ THIS IT’S THE BEST)
Hollow : CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR PLOTS NOT YET COVERED IN THE ANIME Headcanon - in which both Asuna and Kazuto wake up from the Underworld, and Asuna must confront the love of her life, who has forgotten about her and is an empty canvas
Things You Said At One AM : (This one doesnt have a summery bc it was a prompt response but trust me its cute)
Amnesiac : Kirito races to Asuna’s hospital bed, desperate to see the women he loves finally awake. Upon arrival. he’s greeted with the three words that could destroy a person’s soul.
Tender Feeling : Oneshot. Though he can’t help being concerned at times, Kazuto wouldn’t change the experience of expecting a child for anything. KiriSuna fluff.
Fractured : Oneshot. After being freed from ALO Asuna has yet to fully recover from her experience with Sugou, and Kazuto is the only one that can help her overcome it. Kirisuna, lemon. * (HOLY CRAP THIS IS MY FAVORITE SMUT FIC EVER)
Glassmask : You are so sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a face that isn’t yours. 
UnYielding Heart : Fate. What exactly is Fate? It is the loving brush of a familiar hand? Is it the joining of two souls in marriage; fictitious or otherwise? The reassuring kiss of a lover during terror-filled nights? One thing was certain; he was going to succeed, and her unyielding heart would be his sword, and her faith his shield.
Tangled In You : Chapter 7.5 of my story Big Brother. Lemon. Kirisuna. * (It is part of another fic but the smut stands alone for the most part. Basically they do the do for the first time while intoxicated)
Instinctual Reactions : Asuna and Kirito share their first time together in the real world.
A Good Warrior Always Goes Into Battle Prepared : Set during episode 11, the two awkward virgins Asuna and Kirito consummate their marriage. * 
Remedy : Asuna just can’t seem to break the habit of calling Kazuto by his username irl. *
The One For Me : “I… I just want to make sure I’m the one you care for the most.” With all the girls after Kazuto, Asuna wonders if she really is that special to him. AsunaKirito, lemon.
Bamboo :  Kirito and Asuna have been desperately looking forward to a weekend alone, booking a getaway at a hot springs resort. Everything looks according to plan until their group of friends decide they want to tag along as well.
I hope I didn’t go too overboard! Enjoy them!! Thank you for the ask! Chances are I’ll find more and update this list!
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esdeem · 4 years
👋👋 Which piece of media has the most enjoyable ships in your opinion? And if you had to only pick a single ship to make/consume content of, which would it be?
That’s a hard one to answer... I think I’m going to remove the fandom piece of it as best I can... if we’re talking what’s canon or at least strongly implied to be canon, I think She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is the first one that springs to mind. Everything the show set up made sense and a lot of them were really sweet, and there was a lot of range in terms of character contrasts, which are always fun to see.
If you’re talking the range of ships that COULD be possible, I’d say Breath of the Wild. Since the game never explicitly makes anything canon, there’s a ton of possibilities and most of them are interesting. I’m the kind of person who usually gets locked into one pairing, but for whatever reason I like a ton of different ships in BotW and there’s only a couple that I wouldn’t read about.
As for which ship I’d consume and make content of, the copout answer would be my original characters. But excluding that, it’s probably pretty obvious: Asuna and Yuuki. I think they’re adorable, and they provide a strong support system for each other. Plus you can play it a number of different ways (cute, angsty, comfortable, etc.) with AUs and the like. 
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toxictraitor · 7 years
pass the happy along! when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send this to the last 10 people in your activity feed :)
It’s been so long since I’ve been tagged, hehehe, thanks.
Ummm... Let’s see...
1. My partner. I smile every time we talk.
2. My kitties, Jasper and Mr. Kitty.
3. Yu-Gi-Oh, honestly.
4. Love Live, I’m in idol hell.
5. Food.
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incorrectsaoquotes · 6 years
asuna: what kind of donut would you all be
lisbeth: gay
sinon: poisonous
kirito: the one that ends up in the trash
asuna: those are not normal answers
(submitted by himokko413)
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kyloren · 5 years
Top 5 anime ships?
ooooooooh boy, my shōnen taste is jumping out
SasuSaku: Uchiha Sasuke/Haruno Sakura
Edwin: Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell
Soma: Soul Eater Evans/Maka Albarn
Kirigaya Kazuto/Yuuki Asuna
Lelouch vi Britannia/Kōzuki Kallen
honourable mentions: Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye | Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi | Takasu Ryuuji/Aisaka Taiga | Lelouch vi Britannia/Shirley Fenette & Lelouch vi Britannia/C.C. | 🤔 I feel I’m forgetting some, but ~oh, well~ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
put “top 5” anything in my ask and I will answer ♡
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leafbladie · 6 years
Tagged by @polly-chan
rules: choose three fandom (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
 I choose:
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- Sword Art Online
- Undertale
 The first character you loved
I’m assuming this means platonically
- Homura Akemi (PMMM): I have a thing for calm stoic badasses, so of course the first one to show up got me. Even better was the reveal of a tragic past.
- Sinon/Shino Asada (SAO): I never really loved any character in SAO. However, similar to Homura, calm stoic badass with a hint of tragic past got me good.
- Toriel Dreemurr (UT): She feels very much like a mother. While I rushed through Undertale a bit, it still hurt me to leave her behind.
 The character you never expected to love so much:
A lot of my favorite things usually defy my expectations by making characters I think I’d hate actually lovable, so there’s a lot of choices 🤣
- Kyoko Sakura (PMMM): Thought she was just gonna be an angry girl who gets pissed off and eats a lot. Boy was I glad to be proven wrong.
- None that I can think of for SAO. They all went over with me about as well (or unwell) as I expected.
- Papyrus (UT): Thought they were too dumb when I first met them. However, as time went on, I came to realize he had his appeal, and that I actually related to him in a few ways.
 The character you relate to the most:
- Mami Tomoe (PMMM): I too relate to feeling the need to push yourself to be the best, and then completely destroying your social life because of it. Now if only I could be as fabulous as her.
- Kirito/Kazuto Kirigaya (SAO): I send a shiver down my spine saying this, but I can’t deny it. I’m not social, I’m fascinated by the online world, and I just want to relax most of the time.
- Alphys (UT): Like her I can relate to constantly feeling like a fuck-up and wondering if I’m coming on too strong to people. I also sometimes have trouble holding back when I get into my passions. Of course, not as extreme as her, but I won’t back down when someone insults one of my favorite characters.
 The character you’d slap:
- Homura Akemi (PMMM): I love her, but she deserves it after Rebellion (Kyubey would be first, but it wouldn’t hurt him, so why bother?).
- Sugou Nobuyuki (SAO): He’s just completely detestable on every level. I’d probably punch him honestly.
- Jerry (UT): What can I say, he’s Jerry. In all seriousness, all of the characters are redeemable in some manner without violence, so don’t really feel motivated to slap them.
 Three favorite characters in order of preference:
- Homura Akemi, Madoka Kaname, Mami Tomoe
- Sinon/Shino Asada, LLENN/Kohiruimaki Karen, Asuna Yuuki
- Mettaton, Sans, Undyne
 A character that you liked at first, but not anymore:
Just a big fat no for this category. It’s hard for me to fall out of love for a character. Usually someone else has to make me realize they’re not that well written, or something similar.
 Three OTPs:
- MadoHomu (if Homura fixes herself), KyoSaya, Mami x anyone (my feelings on each of her pairings with the other girls are roughly equal)
- Kirisuna, YuukiYuuki, LLENN x Pitohui
- Charisk, Alphyne, Agoriel
 This was fun! I tag anyone who wants to do this after seeing my own post.
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shima-draws · 4 years
🏳🌈 asuna and alice (if you are still doing it)
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All hail Underworld’s resident Queens
[[Send me 🏳️‍🌈 and a character for my LGBT headcanon and a doodle!]]
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel
Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel
Game Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel là dòng game Role Playing
Giới thiệu Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel
Enter Sword Art Online and experience a tale of noble souls… SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION RISING STEEL is SAO’s newest anime RPG. The Alicization story arc from the Sword Art Online anime series comes to life as you enter Underworld. Join Kirito, Eugeo, and friends in their quest to save Alice and all of Underworld from new and dangerous threats. This anime RPG lets you explore a new anime storyline that expands the world of Sword Art Online. Meet SAO characters from every story arc, like Asuna, Sinon and Leafa, as well as new characters from the Alicization anime and unique to Rising Steel. This JRPG adventure, set in the virtual world of Sword Art Online, combines stunning new anime-like motion with a unique Spirit Battle System. Turn-based games gain an original strategic twist, where you sap the enemy spirit to defend against their attacks or gather spirit for your team. Cross swords with the Integrity Knights and battle monsters from the Dark Territory! Unleash sword skills and powerful attacks to take down the mightiest of foes in anime-style battles! JRPG – AN SAO ALICIZATION STORY • A JRPG adventure where Kirito and Eugeo explore the Underworld to rescue Alice • Battle familiar foes such as the Goblin Ugachi, Pontifex Quinella, and Emperor Vector • Explore exclusive content unique to SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION RISING STEEL TURN-BASED ANIME RPG BATTLES! • Anime turn-based RPG gameplay featuring an original Spirit-based system • Link Assault, Break, or Charge Sword Skills to effectively attack the enemy • Wield iconic swords from the anime, such as the Blue Rose Sword, Fragrant Olive Sword, and Elucidator! BATTLE USING POWERFUL INCARNATE SKILLS • Turn-based JRPG battles where you charge up your gauge to devastate foes with powerful Incarnate Skills • Link Sword Skills in a Switch Combination for even more damage • Bring anime moves to life and deal the finishing blow with the ultimate Final Attack from your SAO party! COLLECT SAO ALICIZATION CHARACTERS • Collect anime characters from the SAO Alicization Story arc • Create a party with Integrity Knights such as Eydis, Swordcraft Academy pages Ronie and Tiese and many more anime characters SWORD ART ONLINE’S WORLDS COME TOGETHER • Anime & manga characters from Sword Art Online, Alfheim Online, & Gun Gale Online enter Alicization • From Asuna, Klien, Sinon, Agil, to Yuuki, many fan-favorites join this epic anime RPG adventure • Join SAO characters you know and love to form the ultimate assault team SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION RISING STEEL brings the SAO manga novels, anime series and original content into one epic anime RPG adventure! The fate of the virtual world rests in your hands. LINK START!!! ■ Official Website https://ab.sao-game.jp/en ■ Official Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SAO.risingsteel ■ Official Twitter https://twitter.com/SAO_risingsteel This app is distributed with formal permission from the rights holder. SUPPORT: https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/contact/faq_list/1986 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Website: https://bandainamcoent.co.jp/english/ By downloading or installing this app, you agree to the BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Terms of Service. Terms of Service: https://legal.bandainamcoent.co.jp/terms/ Privacy Policy: https://legal.bandainamcoent.co.jp/privacy/ Note: This game contains some items available for in-app purchase that can enhance gameplay and speed up your progress. In-app purchases can be disabled in your device settings, see https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1626831?hl=en for more details. ©2017 REKI KAWAHARA/KADOKAWA CORPORATION AMW/SAO-A Project ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Minor Bug Fixes
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Hi everyone, it's me. After I read the new Tumblr guidelines I'm worried about my blog getting deleted or flagged. If that does happen I want to say that truly this blog is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me, and I will forever be thankful for the people I've met through this blog. All my followers - you've really changef my life, no exaggeration.
If you have ever liked or reblogged one of my posts, thank you, that's really sweet of you to do.
If you've sent me an asks (on anon or not), you've given me a huge smile and I'e thought about it all day.
If you sent me a message, hey, thanks, I love talking to you all. If I haven't answered you than message me again, I've had issues with messages and I definitely want to talk to you!
My blog may not have anything done to it, but if something happens please know you've made me so much more happy and confident, and honestly you've changed my life.
I love you all!
Asuna Yuuki xox
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