#( carrd is SO fancy )
cosmcther · 3 months
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big life changes are happening rn and i just went full-time at my job to sustain those big life changes, so not even god knows if i'd have the time anytime soon, but like... kinda wouldnt mind coming back to rosalina's blog. that drabble was fun. got goddess magic on the brain. i'll probably be dead for a couple more months but ough. i think that corpse just moved. bitch might have a pulse.
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shellswritesstuff · 3 months
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡welcome sinners and simps alike! ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
im shellie (she/her) 22, and pls make yourself at home. this is an (18+) intended blog, minors dni. i looooove fandom and gushing about fictional universes and loves. pls feel free to dm me!! 
asks are ... OPEN. ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ masterlist here! (link))
**misc. writings are on ao3 @ attiuswrites, i also run @utaprifordays **
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momentsofamberclarity · 7 months
don't make me tap the fucking sign
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
made a toyhouse, no idea how it works over there. i'm just using it for a fandom OC storage box and reference collection dropzone but you can go look at it if you want to
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natbplease · 6 months
if i finish this paper today im gonna finally cash in on that thing ive been wanting to do for ages (cd carrd)
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deathbind · 6 months
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VEIL NAME: Serot Binu Napaut SPIRIT NAME: Refhremmit SOBRIQUET(S): The Saint Eternal; the Deathless Saint; Beetle Lord TITLE(S): Hegemon of the Anactaci; Spiritual Advisor to the Monarch of Meket RACE: Human NATIONALITY: Meketi ETHNICITY: Meketi RELIGION: Soshist BORN: -351 DR / REBORN: 1490 DR GENDER: Demi man (he / they) ORIENTATION: Panromantic pansexual
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STATS*. *as of lvl 12
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LINEAGE: Reborn BACKGROUND: Spirit Medium CLASS: Ghul Lord; will eventually respec to Anactaci (Aritas) DARK GIFT: Echoing Soul FEAT(S): Linguist (Meketi, Midani, Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal)
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ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good MBTI: ENFJ (Protagonist) ENNEAGRAM: 1w9 (Idealist) TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic FLAME: Sun
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FACE: Rectangular in shape with a defined jaw and overbite HAIR: Raven black with strands of silver; loosely curling, typically cut short EYES: Honey brown in color; round and wide, framed by straight lashes SKIN: Bronze toned, embellished with laugh lines and crow's feet SCAR(S): A moderately thick scar cutting through the right side of his lips; a slash across his chest down to the abdomen TATTOO(S): A rayed eye on the forehead (originally indigo, now luminous gold); a luminous golden band around the left ring finger; an indigo lotus on the throat; an indigo scarab on either palm; three indigo lines between the right eye and ear HEIGHT: 5'7" BUILD: Decidedly average, perhaps verging on trim; the build of a scholar, not warrior MISCELLANEOUS: A line of luminous golden runes across his throat where a knife might run if it was slit FACECLAIM: Rami Malek
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I'll put links to write-ups on Serot's other lifetimes here once I write them up.
OVER A THOUSAND YEARS AGO, a famine swept the young nation of Meket. Kheprer, strange beetles from the Negative Energy Plane, had somehow crossed over. They burrowed into the rich, black soil and sucked the very life from it. Though they moved slowly, they were indomitable, and their corruption was nearly impossible to cleanse. Crops failed, livestock withered, and people starved. Some said it was a punishment from the One Above for the death of the One Below. Other said it was a punishment from the One Below for going astray. Others still labeled it a conspiracy of this group or that. Whatever their origin, one thing was clear: they would quickly be Meket's ruin.
Serot was no more than a boy when they appeared. He belonged to a massive family, even by Meketi standards. Twenty siblings, forty-nine maternal relations, and nineteen paternal — all living as closely as possible. He loved it. But, the famine made it nearly impossible for them to feed everyone. No one wanted to part, but the alternative was starvation. The youngest children were fostered by relations or close neighbors. Those old enough to care for themselves found they must do so, though family made arrangements where possible.
Serot fell into the latter category. He was twelve years old when he found himself apprenticed to a ghul lord. As the death toll rose past what Meket could manage, so too did the restless dead. There were none better equipped to address this problem than ghul lords, whose number were then too few to meet demand. A few particularly skilled individuals were even able to ward off the kheprer (though nothing could be done once they had struck). His mistress was one such individual. He traveled with her across the country, learning the craft through practical application.
Whether by raw talent, firm dedication, or a combination of both, he proved uncommonly adroit. He innovated as he learned, thinking always of a way to end the famine and return to his family. Within eight years, he had managed it. The kheprer were creatures of negative energy. Manipulating that energy allowed him to command them. There was a limit to how many he could command and how he could direct them — he was yet young, after all — but it was the turning point.
Monarch Meresankh took notice. All resources were placed at his disposal to rid Meket of this menace. His first act was to trace the origin of these creatures as near as he could. They had burst from the earth in a small farming village, overwhelming the inhabitants and reducing it to a ghost town in a matter of days. No one had been brave enough to enter since. Serot set about investigating the ruins and questioning the dead. But, he did so with uncommon compassion. He squared away any unfinished business or promised to. He prepared their bodies and buried them with respect. He gave them peace in their deathly torment.
It was this that caught the eye of Refhremmit. The spirit of that small land was the only being left to mourn them. Though sickly themself with the kheprer's rot, they honored the dead who, in life, had honored them. They communicated with Serot at first indirectly. They led him to particular places, sent him signs, gave him tests, watched him. Satisfied as to his character, they finally entered his dreams. An agreement was made. If he would lead the kheprer there, Refhremmit would lend their power to bind them. There was no guarantee it would work, but it was their only chance.
Serot then set out to gather every willing ghul lord. Together, they shepherded the kheprer toward the town, and there they were bound. Not gone but finally contained. Priests came behind to cleanse the land and get food growing again. It would take time to heal from the damage, but at least it had become possible. Serot was appointed the Spiritual Advisor to Monarch of Meket, and became a living legend.
His experiences during the famine and its aftermath had shaped him, however. Particularly the loss of his family who, by the time he was able to return, were dead or scattered. He founded the Anactaci: an order of priestly necromancers who would shepherd the dead, comfort the living, and commune with all souls and spirits. He broke ground on the first and grandest City of Eternity, which would house the dead, over the ruins of Refhremmit's town, and the kheprer were set as eternal tomb guardians.
But, the deeper Serot delved into this work, the more his health suffered. It was not merely stress that affected him but the Plane of Death itself. The more he called on it, the more it drained his life. All the more when Meresankh made an ill-fated choice, and Serot bound their souls in an attempt to save them. Refhremmit helped him counter this by deepening their bond, twining them closer til they were almost indistinguishable, but even that could only do so much. Finally, Refhremmit proposed that Serot should truly join with them. Let their spirits merge. Let Serot be freed from earthly trials. Together, they would guard the Cities of Eternity and shepherd souls onto the afterlife. This would mean his death, but he was already dying. What sweeter rest than that in the arms of one who loved you well? In a ritual combining both marital and funerary rites, he gave himself to Refhremmit.
The outcome was not what they had anticipated. Rather than merge, they were tethered. Serot's soul was unable to pass on; one half was tied to Meresankh and the other to Refhremmit. Thus he has been reincarnated repeatedly throughout the ensuing centuries. He has been every combination of gender identity, social class, profession, fortune imaginable. Sometimes famous, sometimes obscure, sometimes tragic, sometimes triumphant: the only true constant has been Refhremmit.
As Refhremmit has accompanied all of his lives, so have they accompanied all of his deaths. At last, they exerted all of their power over the bond to affect the cycle of reincarnation. It could not be broken but Serot could be reborn. In the body from his first life (with only a few alterations) and all the grave goods Refhremmit deemed necessary, he awoke blinking beneath the Faerûnian sun.
Alas there is always a catch. He remembers he is from Meket on the continent of Zakhara. He remembers he is (was?) a member of the Anactaci. He remembers a cool voice calling him Serot. All else is hazy. He was nabbed by the Nautiloid shortly after and infested with a tadpole. As he seeks to unravel the mystery of the Absolute, he must likewise unravel the mystery of his identity.
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divescustos · 10 months
is he completely set up? no. am i suffering from a need to just get writing? yes.
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hirudou · 1 year
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cermit absolutely called it
check out my squid guys, he's cool as hell haha
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rootsofdread · 1 year
OH!! BTW everyone, i made a carrd for this blog! it's basically the same information as my pinned post with a bit extra (nothing 100% necessary to read), but my pinned will be updated when requests are opened to reflect some of it. so you guys can check it out if you want to!
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ratgingi · 1 year
ouuuu i just realized i gotta update my carrd ouuuuuu i dont WANNAAAAAAAA
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theyvefallen-arch · 2 years
wren. so I think I’m gonna stop using google docs. OR I’m gonna use carrd and google docs... 
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donutdollie · 1 year
I HAVE DONE IT. THE CARRD IS DONE. please do take the time to check it out as i've not only redone the rules and majorly expanded on margot's about page BUT ALL THE VERSES I HAVE EVEN AN INKLING ABOUT ARE PUT DOWN. some are as little as 'oh, i think she would be from here or do this' but almost all of them have far more to a large amount of detail!
(i will say, i'm not sure how well the verse page formatting will work on mobile as the titles are in one column and decription is in the other BUT the verse tags are right below each description and clearly id which verse it is, so it is.... readable? if mobile stacks the columns.)
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benetnvsch · 1 year
Finally made myself a Carrd (half bc I feel left out bc everyone else has cool ones and half just to see if I could LMAO) and all of all things it's merlin themed -
I planned on making it themed to characters I've been more recently Brainrotting over but put in a place holder merlin icon just while I was setting things up and then?? I grew attached and planned the whole theme around him smh this is what he would have wanted I walked right into it huh </3
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svyatoiy-arch · 2 years
update! i have made some changes to alina's canon ─ according to @greeksmyth and i's lore the sun summoner is nature's response to shadow summoners, an attempt to create balance where there was none. after taking down the fold alina's powers do not spread and she remains the sole sun summoner. additionally she is capable of making sun summoners ( transferring / sharing her powers ) much like how the darkling is able to make nichevoya, however it is a difficult feat and it will take centuries before she learns how ( if she ever does... )
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skyheld · 4 months
I ran out of juice to finish Shianni's page, but this is what I've done today:
updated the muses page, so there's a little bit of info on each muse + preferred pronouns and content warnings, and there are direct links to different verses for those who have them. So all of the information for the BG3 verses will be on a separate page, and there's no need to read their DA pages to understand the character.
written a small BG3 verse for Merrill as well.
restructured the muse info pages a little so it's easier to get a quick idea of the characters without reading the whole thing.
added links to some important headcanons on the muse pages
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slimmestslime · 7 months
new pinned + an actual taglist AND link page.. without use of a stinky carrd... two and a half birds with one stone. also im not retagging ~1k posts so thats why theres a splinter between new and old tags. so hwatever
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