#( chara study | elijah v. )
infinitelydiverse · 3 years
For the first 5 months of Elijah working at the Foundation, he and Kade were not on good terms. (Though not for lack of trying on Elijah’s part.) Kade is very distrusting and slow to warm up to people. For those months, Kade was cool and polite while making it clear he didn’t know or trust Elijah.
At about 5 months in, Kade and Elijah had a run in with Virva that landed them in the hospital. Both of them have huge trauma regarding hospitals, and both of them hate being in there for any amount of time. That shared hatred opened Kade up to Elijah, and they began bonding after that. It takes time, but Kade eventually comes to see Elijah as a younger brother (despite Kade’s grumbling and refusing to admit it); Elijah looks up to Kade as a cool older brother/friend.
On a side note, Kade and Elijah had to stay in the hospital overnight for observation, and Fiona, Andrea, and Castillo had to tag team the pair to keep them from losing their shit and straight up walking out.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
elijah and fiona are Not Fans of the corruption. elijah because he lost some of his hearing after a severe case of bacterial meningitis. (he uses hearing aids and sign language now.) fiona because they had an unfortunate run-in with a flesh hive during their nursing school days and almost became one, which is how they met kade.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
MILA:   mila has a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm. the sleeve is symbols related to santa muerte and brujeria. it’s her way of honoring and immortalizing a significant part of her life. ELIJAH:   elijah is fluent in sign language and trying to get more involved in deaf culture. OLIVER:   although he doesn’t believe in tarot cards as divination, oliver does think they’re useful as tools for self reflection. he learned to read them when he worked at the magic shop.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
I need to write a post going into detail about Elijah’s hearing and vision loss, the tools he uses, and how its affected his relationships with both people and technology.
Briefly: Elijah suffered sever hearing loss at a young age in both ears and uses hearing aids. They aren’t readily visible as they’re close to his hair color, and he keeps his hair long enough to cover them. He has difficulty hearing in noisy spaces and uses sign language to communicate in these instances.
Elijah was born prematurely and suffered from ROP. It was severe enough that he’s legally blind, and one of the treatments he underwent has damaged his peripheral vision. He also has poor night vision and nystagmus. He has an ID cane, a small, foldable cane that’s used to indicate he has an visual impairment. He does know how to navigate with a white cane.
Elijah often has a hard time socializing and making friends and has a tendency to be self conscious, though that diminishes somewhat as he gets older and more confident in himself. He still finds it hard to socialize with people face to face sometimes and prefers to use technology to socialize. A major part of the reasons he chose to go into computer science/IT is because he finds technology much easier to use. He still needs to take breaks, especially if he has to read for long stretches of time, but its much easier than printed books/text.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
Elijah staring someone dead in the face and insulting them in sign language or Spanish (whichever is more appropriate) when they’re being ableist or racist has totally happened before.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
what type of ghost are you?
a trick of the light. they'll call you a camera flare. a stray breeze. a betrayal of the eyes. i hope you don't mind
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
I've discussed this a little before, but Elijah lost his hearing after a fairly severe bacterial meningitis infection when he was 10. This ultimately resulted in profound sensorineural hearing loss. As an adult, he uses hearing aids and is fluent in sign language, but it took him a while to get them and become fluent. He struggles to hear with too much background noise.
Aside from his hearing loss, Elijah also deals with a few other issues from the meningitis: balance and coordination problems, chronic headaches and fatigue, being easily irritated, and difficulty retaining information.
Because of the time missed from school due to being in the hospital, his issues with hearing and memory, and the behavioral outbursts from the trauma and frustration, Elijah's parents and teachers held him back a year to give him more time to recover. He graduated high school at 19 and went into college immediately after. By that time, he learned to manage his irritability fairly well but still lashes out at people on occasion.
Part of the reason he really didn't want a typical 9-5 office job is because he was worried it wouldn't work around his bad headache and fatigue days.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
The Archive team & ages. (+extra)
Elijah is 24. Kade is 28. Andrea is 31. Fiona is 32. Castillo is 44.
Castillo has a degree in psychiatry. Before he joined the Foundation, he worked in a research gig for 6-7 years. He’s been working at the Foundation for 7-8 years and working in the Archives in some way for most of those.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Sexuality + Gender
ANDREA: Biromantic bisexual. Trans woman, she/her.
CASTILLO: Cishet male, he/him.
ELIJAH: Nonbinary mlm (amab). He/they. Recently came out. Still exploring his gender presentation.
FIONA: Transfem nonbinary lesbian. They/them. Butch.
KADE: Aromantic pansexual. Trans man, he/him. Prefers not to use labels.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
Elijah is the epitome of “high intelligence, low wisdom.” Is he a smart man? Absolutely. Does that stop him from doing dumb and impulsive shit? Absolutely not. He’s been called out on that many times, but it hasn’t stopped him yet.
He’s a bit like Steve Ro.gers pre-serum: small, stubborn, and ready to square up against anyone. The only difference is that Elijah is a huge troll and enjoys messing with his friends. He’s very good at acting innocent.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
I have come to the conclusion that Elijah would absolutely become an avatar of the eye with strong ties to the end if he isn't careful. He'd be devoured by the lonely and/or corruption. Which one depends on what point of his life he's at.
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