#( character ; clare edwards )
maiasmuses · 2 months
Clare had literally nothing to do except read over the book stuck in limbo that her boss had assigned to her, but that seemed to make it more difficult for her to focus on the draft. She was currently standing in the kitchen, leaning back against the counter, the stapled packet in her hands, as she waited for the coffee maker to brew. She rolled her eyes in annoyance at the convoluted text and called out, bunching the pages in her hands, "Hey Eli?" She tossed the so-called book onto the counter. "Coffee's almost done." Clare turned back towards the cabinets to pull out two mismatched mugs.
( @hisgoldsworths )
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muzzycreamy · 1 year
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Having some beers after work at Central Command ~ 🌙✨
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ac1nums-moved · 7 months
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@shadowbrn, drew torres required an incorrect quotes featuring clare edwards.
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degrassi-ship-war · 1 year
Degrassi Character Tournament
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karihighman · 1 year
who is a character that someone hating is an instant red flag for you?
I’ll go first. The category is: misunderstood, feisty female characters who sometimes have turbulent pasts or make mistakes (but are loveable and trying to find their own ways in the world)
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Rune Saint-John- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Ianthe Tridenarius- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Nico di Angelo- Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Thomas Lightwood- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
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degrassi-daily · 1 year
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top 5 dynamics per character: → clare edwards
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shakespearenews · 5 months
Part 2, as written, is the longer of the plays and can be the more satisfying: more poetic and reflective, less of a rowdy action movie in embryo. That isn’t the case on this occasion, where cuts suggest a desire to speed through to the ending, and the female characters — Doll Tearsheet (Tafline Steen) and Mistress Quickly (Clare Perkins) — seem sidelined in particular.
You come to miss, too, the feral presence of Hotspur (Samuel Edward-Cook), Hal’s rival whose death brings Part 1 to its climax. (The charismatic Edward-Cook doubles as Falstaff’s swaggering sidekick, Pistol.)
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oblivious-melodies · 4 months
Based on the Jane Austen ask, which of the major characters (Artemisia, Ambrose, Felix, Hyder, Harry, Mariah, Amity, Jacob, etc.) are readers? And who would be their favourite authors and/or books?
Ooh lovely question! I had to have a proper think about this, and of course it's all hypothetical ahah. Artemisia and Ambrose are difficult because they'll be different people based on the choices you make in-game, but as mentioned, Arty totally fits the brief for an Austen reader of her period. Along those lines, I think she'd also be very interested by the novels of Frances Burney, and perhaps on her more adventurous days, something a little more out-there like Ann Radcliffe or Walter Scott (simply as their appeal was so wide - The Phantom of Castle Glenochrie was meant to parody this sort of literature!). Ambrose I can see very much enjoying Mackenzie's Man of Feeling, and sentimental/Romantic forerunners in the form of Laurence Sterne and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Keats wasn't particularly well-read in his own time, but I think Ambrose would be a fan :)
Speaking of poetry, Mariah is singled out as not being a novel reader. I think first-generation Romantics along the lines of Charlotte Turner Smith, William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge would really appeal to her. I can see Felix, the firebrand that he is, having perhaps the most radical tastes of all - Byron and Shelley (again, the latter wasn't really a big hit in his time) for sure, but perhaps also more nakedly political writers such as John Thelwall and Thomas Paine. Hyder is far more establishment-leaning and would tend towards eighteenth-century Augustan works - Thomas Gray, Samuel Johnson, and perhaps Pope, but on his less vulgar days - I'm thinking Iliad rather than Dunciad. On the whole I think he'd be much more interested in some non-fiction such as Edward Gibbon or David Hume.
Harry strikes me as a very well-read individual - as mentioned, I think he wouldn't be opposed to Austen in the least, but certainly would get involved with metropolitan journalism and criticism. William Hazlitt, Charles Lamb, and The Spectator would also be very up his street. He also favours the abolition of slavery and so the likes of William Cowper and Thomas Clarkson might appeal to him. Amity, we know, is a big reader, and I think she would love almost any form of travel literature, especially of the more salacious sort. The Chickwell book she reads is based on Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's travels in the Ottoman Empire, and likewise other books regarding female travel and mobility (Germaine de Stael, Aphra Behn, or Eliza Haywood perhaps) would also entertain her. Jacob however is more practical than intellectual. Poetry with a rural/natural theme - perhaps Thompson's Seasons, or the works of labouring-class writers like Robbie Burns, John Clare, or Stephen Duck, might appeal to his sensibilities.
I almost wish you'd waited a little longer to send this, as in my opinion, some of the characters with the most interesting tastes are yet to come :)
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pirate-poet · 1 year
salt & honey masterpost
JANUARY – 1888
salt & honey is a crossover fic that puts characters from the Master and Commander media into the Sunless Sea/Fallen London universe. The Surprise is a steamship, the sea is the zee, Stephen is imprisoned at the Isle of Cats instead of Mahon...well. Please heed the warnings on this one, it's angst-heavy!
LINK and the fic is COMPLETE!
bonus content below the cut(currently the map, twenty title poems, mentioned music, more to be added including full poem list and calendar)
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(edited sunless sea map)
A note on the poetry: some of these are very topically relevant to the fic to the point that I was yelling to my alpha readers about how perfect they were! Some are very not topically relevant but still good poems. I highly recommend them all! I took great pains to make sure that each poem was written before the time of the fic so the characters could, theoretically, have read them. Also I'm going by Ao3 chapter numbers, not how they would be numbered without the introduction and interlude.
Ch 2 title: Edward Lear's "The Jumblies Ch 3 title: Emily Dickinson's "A little bread - A crust - A crumb" Ch 4 title: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "Jenny" Ch 5 title: Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam A. H. H. Canto 11" Ch 6 title: Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "The Pains of Sleep" Ch 7 title: William Blake's "The Garden of Love" Ch 8 title: Adam Lindsay Gordon's "The Swimmer" Ch 9 title: William Butler Yeats' "Byzantium" Ch 10 title: Robert Browning's "Prospice" Ch 11 title: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "Insomnia" Ch 12 title: Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam A. H. H. Canto 24" Ch 13 title: Gerard Manley Hopkins' "I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day" Ch 14 title: Christina Rosetti's "Promises like Pie-crust" Ch 15 title: George Barlow's "The Immortal and The Mortal" Ch 16 title: John Keats' "Ode on Indolence" Ch 17 title: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "Jenny" Ch 18 title: Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam A. H. H. Canto 3" Ch 19 title: William Blake's "Holy Thursday" Ch 20 title: Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam A. H. H. Canto 4" (for some reason this one is hard to find just as a poem so have a shmoop link) Ch 21 title: John Clare's "A Vision"
Music I mentioned: Surprisingly I didn't mention a lot, which is strange because I am a classical musician(hobbyist). The issue I have with mentioning music, though, is I have NO idea what was popular at the time and finding out is harder than finding out when a poem was published. Oh well, maybe I should be more chill about historical accuracy in the alternate history fiction universe.
Ch 26: Dvorak's Humoresque (i stand by Jack's pun. it's fiddly) Ch 29: Paganini's duet
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maiasmuses · 2 months
Clare had woken up to an email she had been dreading. It was supposed to be her birthday in two days, but the world had basically shut down three days ago over the new plague. The restaurant she had booked several weeks ago had sent her an apologetic email to let her know that they wouldn't be able to host her gathering and had refunded her deposit. She knew it had been coming, but was still disappointed.
Clare hadn't immediately cried, instead she left Eli to sleep in their bed and started taking out her emotions on their kitchen. She stood at the sink, brutally scrubbing at a pot that did nothing to her except contain crusty remnants of last night's meals. She hunched over slightly, digging the sponge into grime, her other hand gripping the handle so tight that her knuckles turned white. She huffed dramatically, biting down on her bottom lip. "Come. Off," she growled.
( @hisgoldsworths )
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only the option with the lowest percentage will be eliminated! propaganda under the cut (and more is always welcome!):
tim drake and stephanie brown:
Tim and Steph are a thing for most of their history. Then stuff happens and they break up and soon after that Tim is confirmed to be bi and starts dating Bernard (former random side character who nobody thought would ever be relevant again)
lisa cuddy and gregory house:
The show spends 7 seasons hinting that House is going to end up with Cuddy, and then writes her out in season 7. In the finale, he has a flashback of people who impacted his life and she doesn’t even show If House and Wilson can’t be together, then House and Cuddy should
nell serrano and edward:
Not Dead Yet? More like Not Together Yet
ash ketchum and misty:
They’re basically set up as a kind of enemies to friends story and they make recurring jokes about how she clearly has a big crush on him, but nothing ever happens My childhood, i shipped them when I was 10
matthew and mary crawley:
They spend multiple seasons full of tension to get their happy ever after. There are so many tropes used between these two. They finally get their shit together and get married, and then have a beautiful child together. Matthew is so happy about his child being born that he doesn't pay attention to the road and fucking DIES IN A CAR CRASH. And that's how their story ends. It makes me so livid every time I think about it lol they really killed him off like that right after and I mean RIGHT AFTER his child is born. It's so foul and every man that they set Mary up with after that doesn't feel nearly the same
maka albarn and soul evans:
Throughout the series, they have a deep friendship with each other which is consistently extremely important to the story's narrative. In order for them to be able to fight, they must get along and resonate with each other, and due to the mechanics of their world, fighting independently of each other is extremely difficult. In multiple instances, they are shown to be willing to put themselves in harm's way to extreme degrees to keep each other safe. They are even shown to live together. They are The Singular Straight Ship I have ever shipped and I love them. Also they are really cool and Soul can turn into an awesome scythe weapon that like only Maka can wield. And they fight really awesomely together.
grace blackthorn and christopher lightwood:
Okay so basically in Shadowhunters there was this family tree, and on it it stated that Christopher and Grace got married and had a kid. And in the book series they were just good friends. Cassandra Clare (the author) has said it’s inaccurate. But like cmon you said they were going to get married 😭😭
kipo oak and benson mekler:
It only lasts a few episodes, but this is a very clear INTENTIONAL straight bait from the writers, as it's a female main character with a male major supporting character, and Benson even takes Kipo to a carnival, which Kipo interprets as a date, until she confesses attraction to him, where he tells her he's gay and just wants to be friends.
cali and flynn:
It starts off as a one-sided crush on Flynn’s side, and later becomes mutual when Cali develops feelings for him in the Skylanders IDW spin-off comics, their romantic tension lasts for most of the franchise (five games, a chapter of a spin-off comic, and a few bits and pieces in the spin-off books and mobile games), so far they’ve never gotten together as the franchise is currently still in hiatus mode (says this while on extreme copium) I think we need to appreciate the tropes in Calynn: Opposites Attract, Tough Girl x Himbo, Smart x Dumb, “You’re stupid, I like that in a man” vibes all over this ship! Seven year old me didn’t see Cali calling Flynn her guy in the sky whilst Flynn looked at her with heart eyes to lose to some other pairing!
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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winnie-the-monster · 4 months
Hi to my fellow jeia shipper :) Since we both also like Degrassi, I was wondering who some of your favorite Degrassi characters and ships are!
Favorite characters(in no particular order):
Emma Nelson
Sean Cameron
Holly j Sinclare
Jt York
Clare Edwards
Eli Goldsworthy
Jay Hogart
Maya Matlin
Favorite ships:
Alex and Paige
Jay and Manny
Jt and Liberty
Fiona and Imogen
Zig and Maya
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degrassi-ship-war · 1 year
Degrassi Character Tournament
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colins-bridgerton · 8 months
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characters of color meme
2/10 racebend characters 
ariela barer as clare edwards
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emmalovesfitzloved · 10 months
Tell me a few things you love about Wessa!
Ahhh another ask from my fav Shadowhunter blogger! Wohoo! These are the first two things that comes to my head. But there are MORE ;)
Their dark academia aesthetic
The Dark academia aesthetic of their relationship. Now while this may come across as superficial, its more then just "loving books". It's the chaise and adventure they find in books that they then live by in their real lives. How they challenge each other in a conversation and insider jokes they share tethered in the novels they consume. Let the other rant about their favourite things and celebrate novels that invite the reader into more journeys beyond just their own. And the way they talk about characters, morals and plots as experiences and people they know almost intimately. How their choice of words matters, and they are economical about their feelings. Dark over light academia bc London is a dank dark city ahaha. And they feel well deep rather than feather light.
Their timeless love
Somewhat still related to novels, but I feel like what Cassandra Clare did with Wessa was the melting pot of all our favourite literary tropes/heroines in classical literature. Which gives it a sense of timelessness and makes them feel like they are 'endgame'.
I wrote previously that Tessa is the perfect blend between Jane Eyre and Elizabeth Bennet. She retains Jane Eyre’s contemplativeness, slight shyness, physical features, dry sarcasm and strong sense of self-actualisation. But also Elizabeth’s wildness, snappiness, boldness, passionate love and will for happiness, all without the arrogance that came with Austen’s heroine.
Meanwhile Will's darker side reminds me of Mr. Darcy in how he pushes those he loves away. John Thornton from North and South who is set in his ways slightly stalkerish (i'm a sucker for the stalker trope sorry not sorry) Will retains the mystery of Edward Rochester, where there is more depth to him that meets the eye and heck even Tessa says at one point that his mood swings remind him of the treacherous Heathcliff. Most of all he reminds me of Alexander from The Bronze Horseman (which only came out in the 90's but technically it came out before TID and is already considered a classic). Alexander and Will overlap in how they sacrifice their love and longing for a greater peace (War and to not upset a family) all for the love of their other one. They are deeply flawed and challenge the reader on their tolerance for forgiveness .
“I love you. I’m blind for you, wild for you. Sick with you. I told you that our first night together when I asked you to marry me, I am telling you now. Everything that’s happened to us, everything, is because I crossed the street for you. I worship you. You know that through and through…” (The Bronze Horseman)
“Alexander, you broke my heart. But for carrying me on your back, for pulling my dying sled, for giving me your last bread, for the body you destroyed for me, for the son you have given me, for the twenty-nine days we lived like Red Birds of Paradise, for all our Naples sands and Napa wines, for all the days you have been my first and last breath, for Orbeli- I will forgive you. ” (The Summer Garden).
And you find you can, because their love and longing for their partner is almost holy and like a religion to them. Those we love the most, hurt us the most, but in turn, they are also those who deserve the most grace and Mercy. If not for them, then for who?
"You are not the last dream of my soul. You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming. You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth." (Clockwork Prince).
This, coupled with the stakes of their relationship then as a unite (and also separately) echos a timber that reminds me of the setting we find in 19th century Russian literature (but with an HEA tysm CC my heart can't take it). This tragic longing we see in Anna Karenina where any choice Tessa makes she looses something in the same breath. The high apocalyptic war torn feel of War and Peace alongside the feeling of doom you get right at Chapter 1 in Clockwork Angel like we did in Crime and Punishment, when Raskolnikov kills a man, and it's all downhill from there.
CC wrote these two with the aim that they remain true to the history of their time, but blended it in with fresh modern air for us to be able to relate to and TRULY succeed. Who knew a historical romance about two book lovers could escalate so highly in the ranks? Now while they are so high up in the ranks of GOAT-ed couples in literature, they aren't without their flaws. Mainly not bc of the narrative or the character's choices but more to do with CC's discontinuation of their story linearly past TID. But that's a different ask for another time and tbh, that's where I seek out lovely fanfictions like the ones you create in order to fill in the blind spots CC didn't fill.
Thank you for this ask! I hope this was worth the read ILY @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone♡
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Artistic Credit: Cassandra Jean
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