#( dash games. ) i guess like anyone you’ve got your own scores to settle too
c4rdsharp · 2 years
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smart until infected with stupid.
You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
tagged by : i stole this on the dash from @neotheaterz ( <3 ) tagging : @closedcoffins, @empiriical / @rhpsdys ( whichever you prefer! ), @longerhuman, @itorisen
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nanodayoloswag · 6 years
DiΨster Dash
[Okay so a note before we get into this. It's a bit of an odd concept. But if you're okay with odd concepts then read on!]
Saiki Kuniharu and Saiki Kurumi weren’t sure what to expect when their first child was born. But, very assuredly, they were not expecting his first words to come only a few days after his birth. And even more assuredly they had not expected them to be, “Damn it, Kuusuke.”
It wasn’t said in the manner of a child that was throwing around words he’d heard by chance. These words came with a spiteful venom to them. This baby, this little tiny baby that was brand new to the world had a score to settle... with himself, apparently.
“Maybe we’re just looking too much into this mama.” Kuniharu finally concluded. 
“Do you think, papa?” 
“He’s just a baby. And it doesn’t make sense that he’s mad at himself for any reason, right? Unless he needs a diaper change or something.” 
“I don’t.” Talking aloud at this age felt oddly inconvenient and convenient at the same time. On the one hand, communication was possible. On the other, he really didn’t want to bother. He just glared ahead at his parents’ amazement that he could properly respond to them. What an absolute pain.
And now he had to wait. Not that he wasn’t used to waiting. He’d played that game for a very long time already. But this was frustratingly absurd. That guy... To go this far... 
Well, the baby had to admit he was at some fault too. He’d had no choice but to trust that guy with his devices, after all. In that regard, he’d let his guard down. Out of everything that guy could have done, this was something he couldn’t even fathom in his wildest dreams. And there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.
Somewhere, from the void of nonexistence, he knew his brother was laughing. He could almost hear that annoying laughter, followed up by, ‘So what will you do now?’ as though it were just some simple game. 
What would he do now? He would sock a newborn baby to the moon when he arrived in a couple of years, that’s what he would do. 
To the moon? Is that what He’d thought a couple of years back? Haha, no. The moment he heard his brother’s mocking voice in his head a few days after he had arrived, he was ready to chuck him into the sun. 
Aaaah! That’s how this works! So! Saiki Kusuo was finally born! Were you waiting long, Kuusuke? 
His parents had been slightly concerned with the way their two year old just glared at his newborn brother from the moment he first saw him. But they thought nothing of it in the end. He glared at everyone. They figured it was just his way of getting to know people. Idiots. 
At the least, however, he didn’t need to worry about speaking aloud to him. For a while, his mother wasn’t going to let baby Kusuo be separated from her. That would mean that two year old Kuusuke wouldn’t be able to ask him anything privately for a while. While usually inconvenient, at the moment telepathy seemed like a godsend. He could talk to his brother from his own room without anyone being the wiser. 
And so that is how they began conversing in the middle of the night, Kusuo in his sleeping mother’s arms, Kuusuke staring blankly at the ceiling as he lay in his bed.
Hahahaaa. You’ve been pretty unhappy, huh? I’m surprised! 
 Why did you do this? 
 You really don’t know? Come on. You’ve got a more keen intellect now. Surely after all this time, you’ve figured it out.
Maybe he had. But maybe it was just so absurd that he didn’t want to believe it.
This isn’t what I wanted. 
 Oooh? From my understanding, this is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it? Just what is wrong with this? Isn’t this the best outcome? I’ve taken your burden away from you. And nothing can set you back. No volcano, no meteor, no other random dire event. You’re free. You’re free to live the life you’ve always wanted now.
 This guy was the same as ever. He could read the two year old clearly, and yet he still toyed with him. None of that was the reason the older brother was so bothered by what had happened. What the reason itself was, well. He wasn’t going to admit that aloud, or even via direct thought. But Kusuo knew either way. He knew whether he wanted to or not. You uprooted our entire lives just for this game. 
 This isn’t a game. This was supposed to be a gift. Haha! But I suppose we can make a game of it for old times’ sake! Alright! Let’s see if you can beat me now. You might’ve been quiet as Kusuo. But as soon as I can wander without mama worrying too much, I’m going to be loud. I’m going to do whatever I want with this world. It’ll be fun!~ Think you can stop me? If you can, I’ll set things back to the way they were. 
 Hasn’t this gone a little too far for that? 
 Aaaah, aaaah! Every plan needs some form of contingency. Don’t worry about it! You should just put your best into winning. You’re going to really have to give it your all this time. After all, in a sense, you’re finally up against yourself. 
 Good. Maybe you’ll actually give me a challenge for once. 
 Hahaha, how harsh. I guess it’s decided then, huh? Well. Good Luck, Kuusuke. 
 Right, you’ll need it. 
 He wasn’t nearly as confident as he made himself sound with that, and it was bothering to know that his brother was well aware of that kind of wavering. But it was fine. It was fine to let that guy believe in the edge he had for now. He had that mad scientist’s old skills now too. That probably technically made him the mad scientist here, but he wasn’t going to give into the mad part quite yet. After all, he wouldn’t have suddenly decided to do something like this. Probably. 
Still, now there was work to do. He’d better get started. 
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averil-of-fairlea · 8 years
The Game Plan
From the Drabble Games:  "Move away from the door and let me at him.” requested by @auggusst​
Also based on: Imagine getting into an argument with Fili and Kili helping the two of you make up.
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The clash had been a few weeks in the making. For you, it was only a matter of which straw you would consider “the last.”
You had successfully ignored Fili’s muttered, offhand comments about your combat skills. He never identified you by name, of course, nor did he gripe about any specific flaw - probably because there were none. He knew deep down that you were just as skilled as he in wielding a blade.
Nevertheless, after each of two encounters - one with Orcs, one with bandits - he bellyached, “that was a close one, no thanks to some people.”
Fili didn’t have to say your name. ‘Some people’ meant you.
What you couldn’t figure out was the reason behind his disdain.
You had started off getting on well with all the company, just as your mentor Gandalf said you would. You, along with the Hobbit, were considered necessary helpers, but outsiders all the same. After showing your skills with a dagger, and fighting alongside your new traveling companions as if you’d always been with them, you quickly gained even Thorin’s trust.
You didn’t try to show off or challenge anyone. Although you’d seen little battle up until that point, you gave off the impression of a more experienced warrior. And instead of joining in on some of their off-color jokes and hilarious tall tales in an effort to fit in, you stayed true to who you were, keeping your contributions to conversations brief but meaningful.
Fili and Kili took special note of this.
They started riding or walking alongside you more and more, one on each side holding on their ponies’ reins and chatting about the upcoming challenges of reclaiming their homeland, asking about your training and your thoughts about how to take down a dragon. Fili had discussed with Thorin several detailed plans of attack and was proud to share.
“I only focus on the challenge right before me, not the ones I can’t yet see,” you told him.
“What about preparation?” Fili had asked. “You can’t wait to have a plan until the dragon’s in your face.”
“Plans won’t kill Smaug,” you said.
“She’s got you there, brother!” Kili said, smiling that beautifully silly smile that was all sparkly teeth and twinkling eyes. You felt a flutter every time he did it.
“You thought my plan was brilliant,” Fili reminded him.
“Aye, until I heard hers.”
“She has no plan!”
“I’m just saying, shouldn’t we see exactly what we’re dealing with before we decide on some rigid strategy?” you asked.
“Another good point, Fee.”
“We’re dealing with a dragon!” Fili said, his face turning so red you thought his head would pop off his neck.
“Not yet we aren’t,” you whispered, shushing the group. You mounted your pony and quietly approached Thorin, pointing to a small band of wargs and their riders in the distance, doing a poor job of hiding behind a tree cluster.
The company took the threats down, but Fili gave you the side-eye immediately after, as Kili patted your back and congratulated you on your kills - two more than his brother.
Kili was not only fascinated by your philosophy on fighting, but by all of you. Soon it was just Kili walking or riding by your side, asking your thoughts on this thing or that thing, smiling in response even when your answer wasn’t funny or lighthearted. And you smiled back, your belly flutters becoming more frantic than ever.
“How about a game of darts?”
You really didn’t want to play. The opportunity to sit down and enjoy an ale, indoors, while nibbling day-old bread and a hard cheese wedge topped throwing darts any day. But when Kili bolted up at his brother’s suggestion and reached for your hand, like a gentleman requesting a dance, suddenly a game of darts seemed like the best pastime in the world.
You hoped the heat in your face wasn’t too obvious as you walked hand-in-hand with Kili to the corner of the tavern where the dart board was set up. Fili gathered the darts.
“Here are yours.” Fil stuck them in your hand.
“Ow!” you screeched.
“Sorry.” He gave some to Kili. “And here are yours.”
Fili then wedged between you and Kili, and, with one dart in his hand, squinted at the board and aimed.
“Shouldn’t we decide who goes first and who’s going to keep score?” you asked.
“I thought you didn’t do plans. Those sound like plans.” He released the dart and hit just outside the bullseye. 
“They sound like deciding the order of play and scoring.”
“Ah, we’ll just wing it, since you’re so fond of that,” Fili said. He studied the next dart in his hand..
“This one's dull. May I?” Fili reached for the darts in your hand, but you pulled back, engaging in a tug-o-war with him, because that was the LAST STRAW.
“Get off!” you growled.
“Stop it!” Kil dropped his darts and stuck his hands between the two of you, struggling to separate you. “You’re behaving like children!”
“Just one dart, lassie!” Fili grunted.
“How about in your eye, laddie?” you offered, still resisting.
“I said, stop it!” Kili cried.
Fili pulled hard, slipping a dart from your palm and leaving a small cut on your hand.
It didn’t hurt, but that wasn’t the point. You, Kili and Fili gasped as you stared at the red nick on your hand. Then you looked up and narrowed your eyes at Fili, who had started to back up, mumbling something in Khuzdul.
“Why you….”
Fili took off before you could come up with a proper insult. He clamored past the tables, upsetting a few upright chairs as he dashed around the corner of the tavern, to the alcove leading to the stairs. You tried to stay on his heels.
“What in thunder is going on?” Dwalin shouted, sitting with Thorin at their small table. He put down his drink and prepared to stand.
“There had better be a good explanation for this foolishness!” Thorin added.
“There is, Uncle….I think!” Kili called. “Stay there, I’ve got it handled!”
You saw Fili disappear behind a door across from the stairwell, which Kili blocked, pressing his back to the door and outstretching both arms. Most of the company, save for Dwalin and Thorin - who stayed in their seats, alternately nursing their ales and snarling at the scene - started to form behind you.
“Move away from the door and let me at him,” you demanded.
Kili shook his head. “You’ve still got a dart in your hand.”
“And what of it?”
“I can’t have you slicing and dicing my brother, amrâl- I, I mean…”
“He. Cut. My. Hand!” you interrupted, holding up your palm.
“It was an accident!” Fili’s voice was muffled behind the door.
“You two have to talk about whatever is really going on here,” Kili said. “Talk, not fight.”
“Fine!” you said, kicking the bottom of the door. “Come out here and face me like a real prince!”
“I delegate Prince Kili to face you in my stead.”
“Delegate yourself!” you roared. “Out!”
It was definitely not easy for Fili to admit that he’d felt a twinge of hurt when Kili agreed with your wait-and-see approach to fighting Smaug, and that you found a way not only to get along with Thorin but almost instantly earn his uncle’s respect. That wasn’t something his own kin could always count on.
But, over freshly poured ale, sitting across from you - with Kili between the two of you - he humbly made his confessions.
“Kili and I look after each other. Always have,” Fili said, fiddling with this mug handle. “He hangs on every word I say.”
“Not true!” Kili protested.
“All right, maybe not every word,” Fili conceded, “but he trusts me, right Kee?”
Kili nodded. “Completely.”
“Then you came along and…” Fili stared at the rim of his mug, searching for the right words. “I’ve never seen things outside of what my brother or uncle or any of the other Dwarves have come up with. You have good ideas…better ideas. They make sense. “
“I have different ideas, Fili,” you corrected him. “Not necessarily better. We can learn from each other.”
Fili gave you a small, appreciative smile as he went on to apologize for his attitude and the accidental broken skin.  It helped that the other company members had left the tavern to take stock of supplies and to water the ponies. Fili might not have been able to make his confession with his uncle staring blue swords at him across the room.
When Fili finished, you took a deep breath and played with the bandage around your hand, neatly wrapped, courtesy of Oin.
“Kili, may I have a moment with Fili?” you asked.
“Of course.” Kili pushed back his chair, smiled his sweet smile, and started to walk off. Just as you opened your mouth to speak, Kili returned, swiping the darts from the middle of the table.
“Oops. Forgot the weapons,” he said.
You exchanged a look with Fili and let out some much-needed laughter.
“Oh, Mahal,” he sighed as he settled down. “I feel like like an idiot. A childish idiot.”
“It takes two,” you said. “So I guess I’m a childish idiot, too.”
“Nonsense. You’re a clever and skilled member of our company. I just got my breeches in a bunch seeing you getting on so well with my family, that’s all. We’re a tight group. We don’t let people in easily.”
You had sensed that from the moment Gandalf had introduced you to the line of Durin. They’d stood shoulder-to-shoulder, creating a living, breathing shield as the wizard went on and on about your loyalty and abilities. 
“I’m glad to call you my friends,” you said.
“Not friends. Family. Especially if my brother has his way.”
You couldn’t have hidden your smile if a mourning veil had suddenly fallen over your face.
“There it is,” Fili said, pointing. “The smile that blocks the sun. You only have it around him, or when he’s mentioned, apparently.”
Still smiling, you waved him off. “Now that’s nonsense.”
“You are a bad liar, friend. We’ll have to work on your game face.”
So, your feelings for Kili were obvious, and according to his brother, he had them for you, too. You were simultaneously embarrassed and relieved. Maybe you could find a way to spend some alone time with Kili to confirm it.
You suddenly heard frustrated groans behind you.Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Kili trying his hand at throwing darts. Most bounced off the board and hit the ground.
“Speaking of games,” you said, turning back to Fili, “shall we show him how it’s done?”
Fili perked up. “Will there be more bloodshed?”
You shrugged and grinned. “Probably.”
Fili stood, smirked, and walked around to your chair, pulling it away from the table for you.
“Sounds like a plan,” he said.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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shopkeeper my beloved.
hey hottie, so know right off the bat that you're so smart and so sexy and everyone should be aware of this. i love that you know what you want in life and so would any adventurer who met you. there's this casual sort of respect people default to when they meet you (or they should) because you seem like you know what you're talking about even when you don't. keep moving towards the goals you have set for yourself, you will reap the rewards of your efforts in due time. i know you are a business oriented individual or at least are an incredibly hard worker that's trying to make a name for themselves, but know that sometimes business and pleasure can coincide and overlap. don't overwork yourself, okay? and maybe give that cute adventurer who keeps coming in to see you a discount here and now. it might lead to something ;)
tagged by : @batinstincts ( thank you! ) tagging : all of you on my dash who has yet to do it. yes, YOU.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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made yourself immortal, but at what cost?
the years pass. people come. people go. you've had people ask you from time to time if you regret it, if you regret making yourself able to reject death at every turn. you just blink, and ask them why they want to know. it always makes them turn away the conversation. that isn't to say you regret it. but sometimes, it's lonely. sometimes, knowing that you'll outlive the entire world, it's a weight on your shoulders. not to mention what you had to do in order to become this way. but you don't talk about that. all that people need to know is that at the end of the day, everything must end. you just made sure you'll see that everything does before you.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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god - hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die it and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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the betrayal.
you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
tagged by : @rhpsdys ( thank you! )
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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winter and death.
you’re known for your self-discipline and rigidity. although you may be perceived as cold and intimidating by those who don’t directly worship you, you’re actually quite fair and polite. your followers pray to you for a safe winter and peaceful death.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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animal intuition.
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
tagged by : @zorkaya ( thank you! ) tagging : whomever wishes to steal from me to do it! tag me!
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | overthinker | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | perfectionist | pessimistic | naive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading / collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | yoga | gaming | surfing
tagged by : @longerhuman ( thank you! ) tagging : whomever has yet to do this!
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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the killer.
you got fucked up something awful. sorry. i dont know why or when it got so bad for you, but now that heat feels so true to you that it’s hard to imagine a you without it. there’s nothing grand about the damage you do. it isn’t the kind that people write stories about. for this reason, it’ll be a while before anyone stops you, if they ever come around to it. it’s all the more likely that you’ll have to dig your own way out of this pit. one day you won’t even remember how blood tasted. the rage won’t keep you warm forever, killer!
tagged by : no one. i stole it from @longerhuman​ <3 tagging : the person reading this. YOU.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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key words: intelligent, old soul, complex.
you are an extremely thoughtful individual with a creative mind and loving heart. being around you is like sinking into a warm bath. there's something truly wise about the advice you give others, and being in your presence leaves others feeling warm, reassured, and inspired. compatible with: coffee, candle smoke, freshly baked bread.
tagged by : no one tagging : absolutely any and all of you who want to!
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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the almost kiss.
you're unsure about things, always hesitating. why is that? maybe there's something to lose for you, but maybe (just maybe) the risk is worth it. you're the moment when the main characters lean in, lips parted and almost touching. but it's not the actual kiss everyone loves, it's the anticipation. when they look into each other's eyes before their lids flutter close. and there's a lot of frustration when things are interrupted. trust me though, you're a lot more memorable than the actual kiss. you're nervous, but at the end of the day all you want is to be loved.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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your soul is . . . Volatile.
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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the welcome mat
How long have you been stained? I bet you can’t even remember the shoe that left it there, I bet there have been too many visitors to keep count. You watch people welcome themselves into your home, listen as they smash things against the walls and throw things to the floor. As they leave, you smile, say “thanks for stopping by!” and sit still as they wipe the blood off their shoes. You’ve gotten very good at that. Smiling when you want to scream. How long before your teeth are not enough to keep the sound inside? How long until it is their blood that is tracked across your home? I bet you’ll remember when and where you got this stain. I bet it’ll taste oh so sweet.
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