#( enjoy my brain rot :) )
fandom-mess-reborn · 7 months
Not really KFP 4 spoilers but imma make a read more for this anyway-
What if Tai Lung and Shifu swapped places?
No beta we die like Tai Lung
Once Oogway told them Tai Lung was not going to be the dragon warrior, Tai Lung felt more relief than he thought he would.
He had a gut feeling that being something so important wasn't meant for him. He knew he had a temper, so having such power might not be the best for anyone. Besides, he still had all the experience and training to fight and protect the valley, not having the title wasn't going to change that.
It hurt, yes, but he knew Oogway wouldn't just say no for the sake of it. He would be fine.
Shifu refused to accept it. He nearly started yelling at his master the second those words sunk in. Tai Lung trained for years for this, Shifu taught him everything he would ever need to know and Oogway just denied him his destiny?
No. Tai Lung would be The Dragon Warrior one way or another. He wasn't going to let his efforts go to waste.
The pain Tai Lung felt when he saw how far Shifu was willing to go felt worse than all the times he had injured himself during training. And the pain only intensed as he could do nothing but stare at the still form of the immobilized man he saw as his father.
Once Shifu was taken away to prison, Tai Lung couldn't stand how lonely, cold, and quiet The Jade Palace was. So, he brought Tigress home, training her and soon also trained The Five.
While strict, he never wished to get their hopes up about the scroll. He told them he was training them for when he would eventually pass and The Valley needed them to protect it.
Oogway revealed Shifu would return and Tai Lung felt genuine fear, immediately sending word to evacuate the prison. Nothing would stand in Shifu's way, so the casualties had to be limited. And The Dragon Warrior needed to be found.
Tai Lung was speechless when Po was chosen.
He's cold and angry toward Po, unable to see how he was The Dragon Warrior... and he's scared he won't be able to see it before Shifu arrives.
After Oogway passed and left him to train Po, he slowly began to see what Oogway saw.
Once the training was complete and he saw that Shifu nearly killed the five, he retrieves the scroll for Po, which proved to be a harder task that he thought.
Everything he worked for was right there... and yet he wasn't worthy of seeing it. It felt like a punch in the gut.
Then Po revealed the scroll was blank.
Every hope Tai Lung had that Po could stop Shifu vanished, believing the scroll was 'blank' because they weren't worthy of seeing what was on it.
He orders his students to evacuate, the five having almost never heard him sound so angry.
Now... he had to face his fear.
He needed to stop Shifu. At any cost.
Seeing his father after so many years... he felt empty. Or at least he lied to himself enough to think he was...
The thunder roared softly as the snow leopard watched the lantern lights slowly fade into the dark. Shifu would be there any second now.
Tai Lung took a slow, deep breath as he closed his eye. Once he reopened them, he immediately saw the man he never wished to face.
"I have returned home, Tai Lung." Shifu said, his voice almost gentle. "This is no longer your home, Shifu." The younger male said, withholding the title of master.
The red panda only chuckled. "I hear you've become a teacher yourself... where is this Po?" A low growl came from the leopard, involuntary. "This battle is between you and me."
Shifu's face slowly changed from gentle to cold. "Is that so?"
Tai Lung growled again, his fingers flexing as his claws peaked out from his finger tips.
In a blur, the red panda attacked, Tai Lung deflecting the hit and sending him backward. Quickly recovering, Shifu slammed down, the force enough to break the steps leading to the palace.
He rushed forward again, this time landing a hit to the leopard's gut, sending flying back into the hall of the palace behind him.
"I was locked away for twenty years because of Oogway and his blindness! You let him blind you too!?" Shifu approached, glaring.
"Obeying your master is not blindness!!" Tai Lung growled.
"You *know* you're The Dragon Warrior! You and I have always known! And you throw it away because Oogway said otherwise!??"
"I was never meant to be The Dragon Warrior! That is not Oogway's fault!!" Tai Lung hissed.
"Not his fault!?' Shifu kicked Master Rhino's armor, sending it scattering across the floor as the leopard backed up. "He let you work yourself day and night!! Watched as you trained until your bones cracked!!" Shifu threw a shied at him, the sharp edge zipping past and impeding into a pillar. "He denied you your destiny!!"
An entire rack of weapons were thrown at him, each other getting easily deflected away, the last blade getting grabbed by the handle as it's blade passed Tai Lung's head, the sound of ringing metal in his ear. "My destiny was never your decision to make!"
He lunged at Shifu, the small panda dodging and landing in front of Oogway's Shrine.
Shifu laughed softly, taking the wooden staff. "It is now."
The leopard growled, attacking again. Shifu countered, managing to swipe him off balance so he landed on his back.
The split end of the staff was pressed against his wind pipe, sealing any air from reaching his lungs. "Admit it. You. Are. The Dragon Warrior!" Shifu hissed.
Tai Lung growled, trying to push the object away from his throat, holding his glare with Shifu.
Suddenly, the staff broken in two.
Tai Lung felt as if the word slowed, small pink petals blowing in around the now broken staff.
He growled, yelling in anger as it attacked Shifu, the two jumping wall to wall, pillar to pillar until they broke through the roof, thunder cracking across the dark sky.
They exchanged hits in the air, the leopard moving above Shifu and pushing him down back toward earth.
The red panda roared in anger, breaking free and sending Tai Lung flying down into the roof, breaking another whole through the wood.
Once through, Shifu kicked him in the chest and knocked him into a pillar, the air forcfully leaving Tai Lung's chest as he collapsed to the floor.
Shifu knocked over a brazier in his descent, the oil spilling onto the floor as the fire burned on it.
Unable to catch his breath again, Tai Lung could only half heartedly block strikes and Shifu grabbed two swords, the flames coating the blades and turning them red hot under the blue flame.
"Everything I did, I did for you!! You owe me everything, Tai Lung!! Your life! Your kung fu! Everything!!"
The leopard was sent flying back once again, collapsing near the pool in the center of the room.
He gasped and panted, body aching as he felt his skin and fur burn from the flames.
"You... are right. I do owe everything I am to you." Tai Lung whispered out. "All I ever did... I did to make you proud..." He slowly shifted his upper body to be able to see Shifu slowly approach.
"And even now... I can't see anyone but my father... who just wanted the best for me..." He frowned, choking back tears. "I loved you too much to see what you became... I... I'm sorry I couldn't help you like you helped me. I'm sorry..."
Shifu looked at him, his eyes softening, ears slowly going back as to looked at the injured leopard.
But as quickly as it came, the softness disappeared.
"You will make it up to me once you truely become The Dragon-"
The red panda froze, looking up to the the jaws of the golden dragon empty, the scroll gone.
Tai Lung couldn't stop the gasp that ripped from his throat as still warm metal pressed against his neck. "Where is it!?" Shifu yelled.
Tai Lung hissed. "By now? Atleast half way across China."
Shifu growled, the metal digging into his skin more.
They both looked toward the doorway, Po standing there, panting and out of breath.
"Who are you?" Shifu scoffed.
"I... am The Dragon Warrior." Po said, still trying to catch his breath.
Before Tai Lung could speak, the hilt of the sword crashed against his head and everything went dark.
Tai Lung groaned softly as he was being shaken awake.
"Master! Master Tai Lung!"
The leopard opened his eyes slowly, the black and white blur slowly morphing into the face of Po.
"Panda... are we dead?"
"No. I... I stopped Shifu."
Tai Lung sighed. "Oh... good. Good."
Po seemee to panic. "No! Don't you dare die on me!"
The leopard coughed and laughed weakly. "I'm not dying you idiot, I'm just exhausted."
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offalreblogs · 2 years
Good morning to everyone following this blog, I have nothing to give you about the city of offal, so instead have some sketches of my last DND game.
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Enjoy the mental image of a commoner beating a wererat to death with a sack of silver coins and an elf bard braining an ogre.
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silverbackwolf14 · 4 months
This has refused to leave my brain so I was forced to create it. I am so sorry.
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legobiwan · 1 year
I was rolling around this post in my brain, considering the manhole cover-shield scene and I had this...thought about a fun, semi-angsty off-screen scenario after the general hullabaloo from Bowser's incursion into Brooklyn has calmed down.
We know from the movie that Mario is injured during the final fight with Bowser, that he had a plethora of cuts and nasty bruises that would need attention. We also know from the movie that Luigi, our unhinged king, picked up a metal manhole cover to block fire.
Basic science would tell us that this manhole cover likely reached some excruciating temperatures rather quickly, and that Luigi's gloves/outfit (which, considering their junked-up van), were probably not the highest quality. Meaning, I have a feeling our green hero might have accumulated a few burn injuries and, given what we know about his character, might have neglected to say anything about this.
Anyway, cue Mario and Luigi getting ready for bed after the whole crazy day, and Luigi, who is so tired he isn't even thinking about what he's doing at this point, absently changing into his sleeping shirt. That's when Mario notices the burn marks. That's when Mario freaks out like the highly protective older brother he is.
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finally colored that Eddie scribble <3 rough day p.2!
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keiamor · 7 months
Okay but Biker!Toji x Librarian! Reader is still on my mind-
Biker! Toji with one of those massive bike where it's wide enough for you to lay down and of course fucking you atop of it.
Biker! Toji with all black outfit, rarely take off his helmet and just look sketchy as fuck everywhere he goes. The only few times he actually take it off, he just look sexy as fuck with his hair slightly damped from the sweat.
Biker! Toji who checks women out whilst waiting in traffic, nodding at those who notice only to chuckle to himself whenever they blushed.
Biker! Toji who sometimes take women on a ride around when they approach him, only for him to weave through traffic and laughing when you beg him to stop or slow down.
Biker! Toji who definitely bribes officers to get out of a ticket, either offers to show them a good time or speed off when he catches them off guard.
Now comes the juicy part—
Biker! Toji who went to print something in library, only to stumble on you who’s nose deep in your book whilst making your way back to your desk. Having to wave you down just so you can show him how to actually use the printer, you were too busy processing what you had just read to recognise that shit eating grin he have plastered across his face as you followed him to the printer. It was then when you realise the printer was jammed, sighing to yourself as you tried to figure out a solution. Needless to say, Toji watched closely as he leans against said printer, fingers tapping against the cover. “So… Is that why you became a librarian?”
You were baffled, brows frowning as you carefully not to get your fingers trapped in this shitty printer. The last thing you want is for someone to be talking to you right now, “Sorry what was that?” Given the situation, it was only natural for you to sound a little angry. Huffing slightly as you answered without looking up at him, “Don’t play dumb with me now, sweetheart. Should you really be reading those kind of books at work?”
It was then when his question clicked, the way your froze were noticeable but not as much as the redness across your face. “I—“ You were speechless, caught red handed as you were trying to defend yourself, only then do you look up at the tall man with slightly teary eyes. “You’re wrong! I was just— I was—“
“Was what? Taking inspiration and trying to recreate them? I can help with that.” Toji leaned down and whispered with the same shit eating grin on his face, what’s wrong with this guy?
As by miracle, the printer started to working again and you take that as your cue to leave. Slamming the printer drawer close, glaring at this stranger before you walked away without saying another word. All you can hear was the same man, almost yelling atop of his long to thank you only for you to glare back at him again.
Safe to say, this same very strange, annoying man kept on showing up when you’re on the clock.
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carmenberzattosgf · 9 months
thigh riding with carmy hi yes hello so yeah and haha yea lol
This. I think about this A LOT ( a lot more now thanks to the Calvin Klein ad-)
Like oh my goddd. Him in the office way after hours stressing out over paperwork that he’s put off for weeks now. You walk in ( for story purposes… you’re wearing skirt), and he’s still glued to the paper work so you start kissing on his neck and running your hands through his hair. He stops you… the first time. “Baby- I gotta finish this shit. Can you sit down and wait for a minute? I’ll be done soon and we can go home.”
And yeah. Sure. You go and sit down the in seat next to him, but only for like 5 minutes max. After that you gently lean in to whisper in his ear, knowing how to distract him. “Need you Carm. The paperwork can wait.” You then dip down to nibble at his collarbone. His hand is knuckle white around the pen he’s holding.
“Can’t be a good girl for 5 minutes can you? Fucking hell- fine. Sit on my thigh.” Oh you practically jump into his lap. Your skirt bunches around your hips when you try and straddle his waist in the chair. He stops you, though before you can wrap your legs around him. “No. My thigh. You’re going to get yourself off on my thigh while I sit here and finish this paperwork. Then maybe, maybe, I’ll fuck you when we get home. Got it?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.” So with a reddened face you straddle one of his thighs. Your skirt bunches so that your soaked underwear makes contact with the rough denim he’s wearing. You gasp at the contact, lighting starting to grind your hips.
You get desperate real fucking quick, speeding up your movements and chasing your orgasm. Carmy loses focus on his paperwork the moment he feels you start to soak through his jeans. From then on, his watching you intently as your hips move. “Atta girl, just like that.” He praises.
He can’t take his eyes off of you. Your cheeks flush and embarrassment at the situation overwhelms you; you needed him so bad that his thigh was good enough for you. You hide your face in his neck to escape his gaze and muffle your moans. It feels so good- god he feels so good. Your hips speed up as you begin to lose your self in pleasure.
That doesn’t last long. Carmy’s hand grips the hair on the nape of your neck to move your head so that your eyes meet his once again. “Keep those pretty eyes on me. Wanna see the look on your face when you come for me.”
You’re close. So unbelievably close. His hands are on your hips, assisting in your movements. “Come on baby. I’ve got you. So fucking pretty falling apart on me like this-“ and with that last bit of praise you come, keeping eye contact with him the entire time. “Good job. Such a good girl for me. Now can you sit there and be patient while I finish this?”
You lean into him, nodding into his neck in response. In all honesty you fall asleep on his shoulder while he finishes up, and like the sweet boyfriend he is, he carries you back to the car to take you home <3
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brain-rot-hour · 7 months
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They just look so comfy there
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n1ghtwr1ter · 5 months
At the end of my latest TLT reread and it’s been physically painful attempting to read the last 40+ pages of Nona. Like, the short shrift that Gideon/Kiriona gets given by the people in the story…the theoretical good guys who honestly only see her as a thing, as a means to an end with an inconvenient dead soul attached to it… It makes me want to rip my own heart out of my chest.
Nobody has cared about Gideon her whole life. Most people, in fact, if they remembered about her at all, went out of their way to tell her how much they wished she didn’t exist. In the final chapters of Gideon, she finally gets the thing she’s been desperate for her whole life: somebody telling her that they need her, they care that she exists, and they badly want her to go on doing it. This allows her to make peace with the prospect that at the ripe old age of 18, she needs to die so that that person can go on living and living and living, using the castrated remnants of her soul as fuel to do so. Not a great way to go, but at least Gideon would get to be useful to somebody, would get to be remembered for something.
And then she wakes up in the wrong body, and finds out that her sacrifice - her attempt to be useful in the most selfless way possible, in that her self will no longer exist - has been rejected. And not only that, but the person she tried to give herself to - the one who was supposed to care about her - went to extreme lengths to make completely sure that she no longer remembered about Gideon.
She literally cut Gideon out of her brain.
And now, drifting along in the worst sort of half life where she’s inhabiting her body but it’s no longer really hers, in very obvious fashion - there’s holes in it, her heart is missing, and it’s got her shitty father’s handprints all over it (not even touching how much of a violation that is), indelibly - she finally meets back up with the small group of people who could theoretically be relied upon to be glad to see her again.
But then the one who was supposed to care about her most tries to kiss her (massively OOC for Harrow), and turns out to not even be there - it’s some weird baby inhabiting her body, and doing a really shit job of it too. The rest of them won’t stop talking about how they need her to break into the Tomb - as if she was just another key, same as the ones they worked together to acquire in Canaan House, just bigger and more inconvenient - and/or how they both fucked and killed her mom, who also (surprise, surprise) wished that Gideon had never existed, but saw her as a thing that needed to be done for the good of the mission.
Ultimately, they all make it abundantly clear - Palamedes, Camilla, Pyrrha, and especially Nona, all these people who are supposed to be kind and good and right - that they would prefer she wasn’t there. That it just be her body, with no Gideon attached - at least not Gideon the way she is now, broken and rejected and miserable. They would all far have preferred that she not have her own inconvenient thoughts and feelings and desires and impulses - that she just be inanimate and let the important people, the grown ups, get things done.
They wish she didn’t exist. Same as everybody else in her life, save one, and now she’s left wondering whether Harrow really meant it at all. Because if she did, she wouldn’t have left Gideon to Kiriona’s fate.
And honestly? Really, truly? I know everybody in the fandom loves Pal and Cam and Nona and Pyrrha, but in the end I couldn’t give less of a shit about them. They are fucking side characters, and as intriguing as Nona has been from a worldbuilding standpoint, I ultimately resent having been forced to read 400+ pages of filler bullshit about fucking side characters. I am a butch, and I’m here for my sarcastic, loving, angry, vulnerable, forgiving, and yes, inconvenient sword butch. I’m here for Gideon. But Gideon has been fridged for the last two books of the series in which she is supposed to be a, if not the, main character.
And it feels like almost nobody else in the fandom feels the same way, which, fine. I’m used to that. I’m also used to being told I’m projecting; and I’m used to being told that I’m inconvenient too, in my thoughts and my opinions and the mere fact of my existence. I spent the first eighteen years of my life being told I was inconvenient. Yet another point of overidentification with Gideon.
But in case anybody still thinks that Nona proves that Gideon was an asshole all along, think about all of the above. Think about how it would make you feel to come back from not just death but from the erasure of your existence, something you chose in order to save the life of someone you loved, and be told that you’re inconvenient. Think about how you’d feel if you’d been told all your life that it would be better for everyone if you didn’t exist. And then tell me that Kiriona isn’t in the right and that I should give a rat’s ass what happens to literally anybody else.
It’s Kiriona Hours up in this House, butches. We’ve spent long enough caring about people who would prefer we weren’t around. For once in our entire lives we were told we were important; we were told we mattered; we were told we were the main character. We were going to, if not get the girl and save the world, at least get to do something real, something important, something like being the hero.
But that’s over now; we’re back to being wrong and bad and inconvenient thanks to the simple fact of our existence. So it’s time to embrace it. Let’s be a little shit. Let’s be kind of a dick. Let’s have our own agenda, let’s play our cards close to our heartless chest, let’s allow our circle of empathy to contract to ourselves and maybe one more person. That’s where I’m at right now. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
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melkintoyou · 1 year
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Strawberry Sorbet
pairing: mark x reader
genre: plug!mark, we have graduated from stoner!mark to plug!mark thanks to @markonthemoon, honestly a lot of fluff, smut, weed mentions and use
word count: 3,704
Pulling your jacket over your head, you ran to Mark’s car in your fluffy slides. You slid into the already-adjusted passenger seat to your liking and leaned in to hug him. “Greetings” you grabbed the back of his neck, letting your nails lightly graze his skin as you held him in embrace.
“You good?” He licks his lips, before taking a sip of his juice for his cotton mouth.
“Yeah, how you doing?” You both smile, instinctively. Every time you guys are together, all you can both do is smile. The shy glances exchanged, the extra effort in casual banter just to see each other laugh. You both are crushing on each other hard but neither of you want to admit it.
You met Mark a couple months ago, at a party, through a mutual friend. There was an instant connection when he joined into your discussion, abruptly. He challenged your opinion, which is something you’re not used to. “Ouch! If guys who make music are fuckboys then maybe women who are into musicians are haters!” His delivery was playful which made you want to bicker with him.
“Yo? Who invited this guy?!” You said pointing at him as everyone broke into laughter. You both introduced yourselves and continued the discussion for a while. Soon, you both settled outside, smoking a joint and he showed you the games on his phone. Ever since that night, you guys have been hanging out socially and you’ve been picking up from Mark. It has been so nice to find a plug in your social circle. It makes you less anxious not having to call random numbers and not knowing what to expect.
So tonight was no different when you got in his car to pick up some weed. As always, he had rolled you a little something in his special pink paper, with magenta hearts on it. “Let’s go smoke this and then I’ll drop you home, yeah?” He smiled, coyly before putting the car into gear and pulling out of your street.
Mark drove for a bit before parking near a canal and he passed you his lighter. “Would you be so kind and do the honours?” He teased and opened his hands in his lap. Motioning you to bring your feet to his lap so he can rub them. You lit the joint and took your first pull. “So, how was your day?” He asked and listened intently, as always. He leaned back in his seat, resting his head. The way the moon lit the outlines of his features, made him look angelic. His eyes were focused on you as his hands rubbed your feet. You told him about work and university drama and he contributed with facial expressions and giggling with you.
“Girl.” You’d say in one tone.
“Girl.” He’d say in another.
You both passed the joint between you both and talked about your day. The conversation flowed from, life to movies to music and then you both fell in a comfortable silence. Looking at the bright, silver moon reflecting on the water whilst Mark continued to rub your feet. His touch was innocent and gentle. You felt his gaze slowly shift from the water to you and your face felt hot. You wanted to turn your face and catch his big beautiful eyes but you felt so shy. Not knowing what your feelings for him meant, made your heart beat faster.
“Hey” He whispered, “look at me.” Sincerity in his voice left chills down your back.
“I’m really glad I met you. You’re my guy, my dude.” He said and you chuckled, turning your face to look at him.
“I’m really glad I met you too... dude.” You stuck out your pinky finger and Mark already knew the cue. He took your finger into his pinky and transitioned into a handshake. A month ago, Mark started giving you a little extra in the bags and he made you pinky promise not to tell anyone or that it would ruin his “street cred.” So you both came up with a handshake shared between just the two of you. That’s how life had started to feel for the past couple weeks. An inside joke shared between two souls. Were you falling for him?
“Alright!” He propped as you retrieved your feet back into your slides. “Let’s get you home, bab- dUDE” Mark panicked and cleared his throat. You opened your mouth to speak but he turned the volume of the music up and started driving once again.
“See I woke up having a bad dayy.. And I gotta get the dollar any fast way..”
He sang along to Way Back Home by Cordae and you took it as a prompt to not mention his slip up. So you sang along with him. Rolling down the window, the breeze felt nice on your skin. The warm yellow street lights lit up the blue atmosphere and it made everything feel like a Van Gogh painting. You couldn’t figure out if you had always seen life from such a romantic lens or was it just recently starting to feel more pink and purple. You looked at Mark, once again, taking in his features. Eyes trailing from his messy black hair, to his glasses, his Adam’s apple and how much you wanted to place a kiss on it to see his reaction. Your stare landed at his lips and you felt your own mouth slightly part. You thought about how his lips would feel pressed against yours in urgency. How his mouth would taste, if he would use his tongue straight away or wait a little? Would the kiss be rushed or would he take his time? Your mind went in loops and you swallowed as you felt yourself salivate at the thought. Shit. Maybe, you do like him.
Before you knew it, you were pulled outside your house once again but not a single atom in your body wanted to leave Mark. He turned to you again, smiling and opened the dashboard. Pulling out a package, he handed it to you. “Here you are.. and there’s a lil something extra. just like always but shh.” He handed you an A5 sized package. It was bigger than the usual extra but you decided to not question it. “Ok so, this is Strawberry Sorbet. I think you’re gonna like it. It’s gonna help your cramps and give you tingly feelings.. you know the kind you get when you see me?” He wiggled his eyebrows, earning a smack on the arm from you. He chucked, before continuing. “Nah but forreal, it’s really smooth as well. It’s a hybrid and kinda has like uhh.. a sweet candy-like flavour.. and DUDE. It slows down time SO much, its crazy. But uhm.. yeah, I hope you enjoy it.” He scratched the back of his head, realising that he might be talking too much but he relaxed when his eyes met your eyes, which were only focused on him. What was in the air tonight?
“Ugh dude, thank you so much. You are the best. Please let me know when you get home.” You gave him another hug, this time a bit shy-er than the first one. You felt your cheeks feel hot as Mark put his arms around you and give you a slight squeeze.
“Please, the streets should be scared that I’m not home yet.” He joked which made you roll your eyes.
“I’m being serious, Mark. Text me, okay?” You get out the car and lean in through the passenger window.
“Yes boss.” He raised his eye brow and smiled, playfully flirting with you.
“Okay, good.” And with that, he drove off. ________________________________________________________________________________
Dropping your keys in the bowl near your entrance, you walked back into your much warmer apartment, compared to the outside. You made your way to your bedroom and plopped yourself on the bed.
Wondering why the package is so big, you carefully opened it with excitement. You saw that he had your usual baggie in there but also a piece of paper. Confused, you pulled out the paper first, disregarding the weed. You hand flew to your mouth and you gasped, looking at the paper. Mark had drew an illustration of you with his copic markers. You always knew Mark was this skater guy, who liked to tag places with this friends but you never knew that he drew like this. You felt your stomach in knots as heat rose from your core, up to your cheeks, covering your entire face.
This. Fucking. Guy.
You thought to yourself and smiled. Your eyes trailed further along the paper to find a couple lines at the bottom, comparing you to a summer’s day with Mark’s own twist on it. “Nerd” You whispered to yourself, giggling. You felt your phone buzz and you jumped to pick it up. ____________________________________________
Mark 10:05 pm
home. the streets are safe now.
Y/N 10:05 pm
*attached pic* excuse me? what is thissssss?
Mark 10:06 pm
Looool Idk what you talking about :)
Y/N 10:06 pm
you nerd. I never knew you drew so well.
Mark 10:06 pm
you like it? hahaha
Y/N 10:06 pm
I love it
Y/N 10:07 pm
the poem too? where have you been hiding all this talent?
Mark 10:09 pm
Mark 10:09 pm
It make you smile?
Y/N 10:09 pm
Mark 10:10 pm
Throwing your phone, on the bed you fell back into your pillows and squealed into your hands like a love struck teenager. Ok. You definitely have feelings for him.
That night, neither of you could sleep. Mark felt nervous about his bold move and you felt giddy about your feelings. After a couple of hours of tossing and turning, your phone buzzed again. This time, it was a phone call.
“Sorry, who’s this?” You answer the phone jokingly.
“Ha Ha, very funny, asshole.” Mark dead panned, making you laugh. “Why you still up?” He asked softly.
“You can’t sleep either huh?” You could hear him smile through the phone and you bit your lip.
“So.. uhh.. you really like the drawing?”
“Dude, I love it. How do you know my face so well?” You exclaimed.
“Uhhmm.. I guess, I just know your face.. It’s a nice face.” Mark was being coy, yet again.
“Oh” You felt the shy spread from the phone and into you.
“I uh.. like your face.. I.. think uhm.. I.. like you” He mumbled, almost incoherently but you caught it. You both held your breath in anticipation of your reaction. You could feel your heart in your ears and your smile so wide, your cheeks started to hurt.
“You like me?”
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“I guess, you’re okay too Mark.” You teased him playfully.
“Woooow” He acted fake hurt.
“Come say it to my face, if you not pussy.” You suddenly felt a wave of confidence take over you.
“Oh yeah? Bet. Be there in 15.” And before you could tell him you’re joking, he hung up the phone.
Mark showed up at your door in exactly 15 minutes. You opened the door, staggering a little from being nervous. “Hi” You said with a smile.
“Hi” he walked in and you both stood there, in awkward silence. Not knowing what to say or how to stand, you both felt super nervous.
“You wanna uh.. go sit on the sofa?” You offered, walking over to the living room and Mark followed. You both sat comically far from each other, with body language stiff. Looking around the room, you tried to find something to make small talk about. As you opened your mouth to speak, so did Mark and you both cut each other off. The awkwardness was killing you. You both laughed a little.
“You go” You turn to finally face him.
“I was just gonna say um.. if you wanted to try the strain I got for you today.. but urm I mean.. we don’t have to.. only if you want to.. you know, whatever is cool with me” Mark rambled on as you nodded and got up to get the baggie.
Walking back in to the living room, he looked up at you. Eyeing you in your shorts and a baggy t- shirt. “And come sit next to me.” He patted his hand beside him and you sunk into the sofa.
Mark put his arm around you and used his other hand to lift up your chin to look at him. His eyes were soft yet intense. You had never seen this look in his face before and it made you feel dizzy.
“Hey you..” He smiled.
Mark wasted no time before taking your lips into his. All the air came out of your lungs and you melted into his touch. His lips were soft and tasted like strawberry candy. He moved his lips against yours, painfully slow before pulling back to look at you. “Hi” He pecked your lips and smiled. Leaning his head to the other side, he kissed you again, this time, a little harder. His hand moved from under your chin, to under your ear as he held your face and traced his tongue against your mouth. You opened your mouth some more, letting out a sigh into his mouth which went straight to his dick and he pushed his tongue in further, deepening the kiss. You both got lost in the kiss for a while there before pulling away and smiling at one another as if you’re already high. Even though, your lips were now disconnected. Your eyes stayed fixed on one another.
“You have really long lashes..” You said matter of factly, making Mark laugh.
“And you like me back” Nothing could stop you both from smiling like idiots at one another. It felt as if, nothing else mattered in this moment.
“I do.. I do...” You left another peck, not being able to get enough of him. Mark pulled his arm from over you to dig through his pocket. He pulled out the special pink papers and handed them to you to roll one.
The room felt like it was slowly spinning into you, a vortex of your feelings towards mark floated around you and time came to a halt. Your heart grew ten sizes that night, beating outside of your being, covering the entire room. You wanted to absorb him into your heart. The only way to express this to him was to have him inside you. Thinking about it, you felt your underwear pool and you moaned into Mark’s mouth. He squeezed your thigh tighter as a response, which brought you back to this room. On this sofa. On his lap. Tongue in his mouth. It was only then you realised, how time became warped from when you started smoking and Mark pulled you in for another kiss. Everything had been a blur since then. All you could focus on was how in such a short amount of time, this boy had become so dear to you.
Mark’s hands went to your ass to give it a handful squeeze and he got up picking you up with him. He pecked your lips once again.
“Hi baby” he smiled, taking in your features in awe.
“You okay?”
“Hi” you cheesed back at him, pecking his nose in response. “Of course.”
Mark carried you over to the bed and laid you down gently. Moving your hair out of your face, he hovered over you.
“God, you’re so beautiful” his ran his index finger along the side of your cheek.
“From the day I met you dude, I knew I was gonna like you.” He kissed you all over your face, filling the space with your giggles.
“Gonna make you my girl.” His lips, once again, crashed down into yours and he settled between your legs. You could feel him on your thigh and it drove you crazy. Adding to your arousal, he slowly grinded into you. He held your waist, before slipping his hands inside your shirt and squeezed one of your breast, lighting pinching your nipples in between his fingers. You swore you could’ve came right then. He lifted your t-shirt up to admire your body further. His eyes hung low from the weed and his mouth slightly parted. He smiled.
“Dang! They are so beautiful. Nice to meet you.” He left kisses along your breast, making you giggle and feel more comfortable.
Mid-giggle, your breath got caught in your throat when Mark licked a stripe between your chest, taking your nipple in his mouth. The shock made you arch your back and run your fingers through his hair before grabbing it. You let out a moan and felt Mark smirk against your skin.
Working his way down to your body, he took your shorts off. Coming face to face with your absolutely dampened underwear, Mark’s light hearted expression changed.
“Your panties.. are ruined” His voice, barely a whisper.
You felt a shift in the atmosphere. The air became heavy and thick with lust. You felt yourself clench around nothing when Mark pressed his thumb into your heat to check if this was real life. His eyes a little wider, and breath heavier. Mark wasted no time as he used his index finger to slide your panties to the side.
“Oh hi” his voice cracked a little, indicating that he was trying very hard to keep things light- hearted but his head was also spinning from the lust. He needed you.
“Baby?” He looked up at you with a glint in his eyes.
“Yeah?” You asked, rubbing head lovingly.
“Can I eat it baby?”
All you could do was nod and Mark didn’t need to be told twice. He dove right in with his tongue, kissing your pussy all over. He settled on the clit, making you move your thighs on his shoulders.
Mark took that as a sign to grab you harder and he moved his face in a zig-zag motion in your pussy. With every moan, Mark moaned with you.
“Does it feel good?”
He was absorbed in the act and it was now his turn to feel a vortex of his feelings slowly fade into him, from outside of him. The vibrations from his moan were only sending you over the edge and then he slipped his fingers inside you. You grabbed his hair again, letting him know he’s doing good. Mark was so focused, his eyebrows furrowed and mouth slightly open. He was studying your reactions to the different movements of his fingers. His eyes going from your face to your pussy and how it was sucking in his fingers. Mark felt entranced.
He was aching inside his sweats as he felt you cum on his tongue. Legs shaking around his head, hands grabbing at his hair for some sort of support. He took his other hand to find yours and interlocked his fingers with yours. Even though, you had came. Mark did not take a second to let you catch your breath as he carried on, making you cum twice more. He felt like he could’ve stayed in there forever. He was drunk of your taste and smell. Time was still warped for the both of you. It ceased to exist.
And when Mark was finally inside you. Both of you felt as though you have sunken into a cloud. With each thrust, you kept sinking, deeper and deeper. Going lower, and lower. The room was filled with your moans and the sound of how wet you were. You don’t think you legs ever stopped shaking from he first time, they had done that. “Oh my god, you feel so good.” Mark managed to get some words out, after a long time of scrunched up faces and moans. Mark felt like he was losing his mind. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw stars. You wrapped your legs around him and his movement staggered. “Wait.. wait.. you gonna make me cum like this.. turn over for me.” He placed a kiss on your cheek.
Now laying on your stomach, Mark slid into you once again. Immediately, realising that changing positions might have made things worse when he felt your ass cushion his thrusts, he fell onto your back and lightly bit your shoulder. Mark pounded into you with force, accepting his fate of climaxing very soon. His hand snaked onto your throat as he guided your head back so he could kiss you again. He lightly squeezed your throat as he pounded into you. Moans and curse words flew from both of your mouths and you felt him throb inside you. The movement, hitting your spot perfectly, made your legs shake once last time as you came around him and you swore Mark almost growled in your ear.
“Baby.. you’re pu..pushing me out.. ugh.. feels..s o.. good.” It wasn’t long before, he also came to his climax and pulled out, finishing all over your ass.
He collapsed on the side next to you as you both caught your breath and settled into giddy giggles again. “That felt like 10 years and 2 seconds, all at the same time.” You say, out of breath.
You were both so infatuated with one another. It was disgusting.
“Lemme get you a towel babe.” Mark groaned before getting up and walking over to the bathroom.
You admired his naked frame from the back. His muscly back and toned ass. He was sculpted by the gods and you just had this man moaning into your mouth. The thought of that made your core tingle again, confirming that this was only the first round of tonight.
“So.. Shakespeare, huh?” You called out to Mark from the bed, referring to his poem.
“Oh, he is the OG man.” You heard the water shut and he shouted back.
Walking back into the room in all his glory, now from the front. You admired him. “If you’re good, I’ll show you my stuff sometime.” He sank onto the bed and wiped your butt with the warm towel.
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sinofwriting · 1 year
ours - Daniel Ricciardo (listen, please verse)
Words: 5,479 Summary: Daniel and Sweets first time together. Warnings/Notes: Smut, oral sex (female receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk, Daniel’s really filthy mouth and thoughts, Daniel being a freak, barebacking, creampie(?), slight angst towards the end but ends in fluff, and once again Daniel's filthy mouth and thoughts. (Also the first time I’ve written full on smut in so long and it’s been this lengthy (no pun intended). Really proud of it though and hope you all enjoy.) (part of the listen, please verse but can be read separately)
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He sucks in a harsh breath, trying to breath again at the sight in front of him. It was fucking beautiful, gorgeous and before he can stop himself he opens his big mouth.
“You’ve got the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen.” Her thighs clench together, “Daniel.” She whines and he drags his eyes away and up her body. Taking in her heaving chest, bottom lip caught between her teeth and wide eyes. His own eyes however immediately fall back to in between her thighs and he can feel his dick throb.
She really did have the prettiest cunt he’d ever seen.
It was all pretty colors, a little slick clinging to her. She wasn’t completely hairless either, something that made him swallow hard. The space where her thighs and pelvis met was free of hair, along with a good majority of her pubic bone. But where she did have hair, it was trimmed. Clearly very carefully groomed and it was all in the places that he knew from a previous ex girlfriend needed a little hair to help protect everything. Though the sight of her like this had never gotten him so excited.
Daniel presses closer, face in between her thighs and he flicks his eyes up, looking at hers. “Can I?” She quickly nods, lip still caught between her teeth.
With her permission, he presses closer. Face just barely an inch away from where he wants to bury himself when he takes a deep breath through his nose and immediately fucking groans. His dick throbs again at the mouth watering scent of her.
“You’re fucking perfect, sweets. Haven’t even gotten my mouth on you yet and fuck,” he cuts himself off with another groan as the image of his mouth on her enters his mind. He was fucking thirty-two yet he felt like a teenager. About to bust just from the thought of touching a girl.
Her thighs try to press together and he grips them tighter. He’d happily let her suffocate him some other time, but not right now. Not for the first time.
“Can I taste you? Get you off with my mouth before I stretch you with my fingers?” “Yes,” she gasps, hips bucking a little. “Please, Daniel. Please.”
He wants to grin at the sound of her begging, at how eager she is. But he can’t not when he’s the same way.
He wants to dive straight in, bury himself in between her thighs and make her cum on his tongue until she’s yanking his curls so hard they're nearly torn out as she tries to get him to stop. Wants to feel her push him away and then closer, pain and pleasure mixing together so much that her body doesn’t know what it needs. He just wants.
Ducking his head, he presses a kiss to her left inner thigh before turning to do the same to the right. He then presses a kiss to her clit, shuddering at the whine that leaves her at the contact. Moving his head down a little, he pokes his tongue out tasting the small amount of slick clinging to her folds and immediately groans at the taste.
He can’t narrow down everything she tastes like, but he can taste a bit of sweat and blood, which makes him take another deep inhale, it also reminds him of some of the plain yogurt he gets every time he’s in monaco. It’s intoxicating and he moves so his left arm is pining her hips to the bed while his right hand moves so it’s fingers are exposing more of her. Spreading her open so he can taste everything she has to give.
Daniel isn’t sure how long he spends between her legs. Going between licking her open, spit and slick making her deliciously wet, to pressing his tongue to her clit, making shapes, spelling out letters and numbers till he finds what makes her legs shake and his name come out as a gasp. He tries not to let it get to him that it’s the number three that makes her gasp and try to buck her hips upwards, wanting more.
He tries, but when he does it again and she whines, he can’t help but groan, rocking his own hips into the bed before really burying his face in her. Nose bumping her clit as his tongue presses inside her.
“Daniel!” She clenches and he flicks his tongue upwards again, rocking his hips when he’s rewarded with his name as a near shout spilling from her lips again.
Pulling back, he rubs her clit with his thumb. “You gonna cum for me, sweets?” She nods, “yes, please.” He runs his pinky gently over her thigh, soothing her. “Gonna cum all over my tongue, let me taste you?” He asks as if he hasn’t spent however long doing exactly that. “Yes.” “Good girl.” And before she can react to the name, he’s back between her thighs, keeping his thumb rubbing circles on her clit even though it’s awkward and overkill with how his nose bumps into the small bud. But it earns him more slick flowing out of her and onto his tongue, which he laps up. Pressing his tongue back inside of her, he thrusts it once, then twice before feeling her body tense up.
He quickly rubs harsher circles on her clit, being rewarded with her hips trying to push up, thighs attempting to come together and her moans and groans before she finally spills over his tongue with a near scream of his name as she tugs at his curls.
He groans at the wave of cum that floods over his tongue as he pulls it out of her. He laps over her entrance trying to get every drop until she’s pushing his head away.
Lifting his head, Daniel smiles at the sight of her. Her eyes are closed, mouth open a little as she pants. Chest moving up and down rapidly. One of her arms still extended downwards from when she had her fingers twisted in his hair, the other laying flat against the bed.
The sight makes him throb a little in his joggers and he can’t resist rocking down one more time against the bed, before he pushes himself up. He quickly moves so he’s laying right beside her, wanting to reach out and gently touch her arm but doesn’t know how sensitive she is.
“That was…” she trails off, finally opening her eyes and turning her head to look at him. “So good.” “Yeah?’ He grins, hand twitching, wanting to touch her, but he redirects it to his shirt which he draws up to wipe at his face. Getting rid of any slick on his face that hasn’t yet dried. She nods, letting out a breathless sort of laugh, eyes falling to his exposed chest before they move back up when his shirt drops. “Yeah.”
Reaching up, her hands rests on the back of his neck as she presses for him to lean down, pressing their lips together as soon as he’s in reach.
She’s never tasted herself before, never done anything sexual with someone else except give a few previous boyfriends handjobs, but she doesn’t mind the taste of herself. It’s not like anything she’s ever really tasted before and she can feel blood rush to her cheeks at the thought of kissing Daniel after he’s cummed in her mouth. Wonders if he’d even want to kiss after she’s given him a blowjob. Her mind then conjures the image of him in between her legs, but this time inside of her and she can feel herself clench around nothing.
“I want more.” She murmurs, when they both pull back, foreheads pressed together, breathing in each other's air. His eyes widened slightly, “you sure? Your thighs have barely stopped shaking.” “I’m sure.” She takes a breath, “I want you in me.”
She doesn’t expect the way his eyes slam shut and the groan of her name, but it makes her confident. And she pulls him until he’s on top of her, hovering, with his arms on either side of her head, bracing his weight.
“Are you sure?” He asks again, eyes open and looking into hers. “We haven’t done anything like this before. And I don’t mind waiting for us to have sex for the first time. It’d be worth the wait.” Something in her stomach flutters at his words, at how sweet he is. “I know, but I want this.” She takes a breath. “I want you, Daniel.” He leans down, sharing a sweet kiss with her. “Okay. But I want to apologize in advance for how short this might be. I’ve been hard as a rock since we we’re on the couch.” She can’t help but laugh and he grins at the sound.
He liked being playful in bed. Liked being able to laugh during and before sex. Because sometimes sex was stupid and things happened that if you didn’t laugh about it then, it would just be awkward later.
It had taken him a while to know that pausing to laugh during sex or just laughing mid thrust was okay, didn’t mean that it wasn’t good or that the night was over. He was glad that despite how much younger and maybe inexperienced she was, that she was okay with laughing in bed.
“I know we’re both clean.” They had exchanged results just a month ago, when tension had started to really build between them. “But I still need to grab a condom.” She frowns at the idea of him getting off the bed to go over to where his bag is. Where she knows a strip of condoms is. It was barely a few feet away, but it seemed too far. “What if we went without?” His heart skips a beat, before coming back twice as fast. “You want to go bare?” “I just,” she pauses. “We’re both clean, I’m on birth control, and I can always doordash some plan b.” “I’ve, uh. I’ve never gone bare.” Hadn’t really thought about it either, other than when he was younger and it seemed like a fucking hardship to walk three feet to get a condom. But even then the thought had been fleeting, just in the moment. But the thought of it now? Of nothing separating them? Of getting to sink into her sweet, hot cunt with no condom on? It made him throb and swallow hard around the sudden lump in his throat. “It could be a first for both of us.” Her gentle voice saying those words, made him squeeze his eyes shut, hand suddenly disappearing between them to grab at the base of his cock. “Shit, sweetheart.” He hisses.
“You like that idea?” Her voice is slightly lower. “Being the first person to cum inside me?” He squeezes a little harder, “Keep talking and I’m going to bust as soon as I get inside you.” The sound of her giggling makes him open his eyes and he can’t help but smile at her. Smile at how she’s smiling at him. “That’s okay.” She mumbles, looping both her arms around his neck, dragging him a bit closer. “You can always make it up to me later.” He stares at her in disbelief, because she wasn’t lying, her eyes shining with honesty. He dips his head down, kissing her deeply. Relishing in the way she moans into it and her nails lightly drag at the skin on the nape of his neck.
“No, this is our first time. I want it to be good for you too.” “It would be Daniel. It’s you. You could do anything and it would be a good first time.” Her belief in him and her ever shining honesty makes him kiss her again. “No, sweets.” He tells her when he pulls away. “I want you cumming around my cock before I finish. For me, to make it good for me.” “Whatever you want.” “Exactly.” He says a serious expression on his face before he breaks into a laugh, happy to hear her giggle along with him.
Her giggle turns to a gasp when his fingers that had been previously wrapped around the base of his cock swipe through her folds.
“Do you have any lube? You’re wet, sweets, but I want to make sure.” She nods, stretching out to reach her left nightstand and opening the drawer and taking out a small bottle of lube. “You’ll have to get undressed first.” She tells him when he tries to reach for the bottle, but she keeps it away from him. “Oh, I see. You just want me naked.” She can’t help but laugh, nodding. “Daniel, you didn’t think that I was with you for anything other than your body, did you?” His mouth falls open a bit at her cheek as he sits back on his haunches, a hand coming up over his heart. “Wow, sweets. That is just cruel. I mean, really. I give you an earth shattering orgasm.” She laughs a little harder at that and he can’t help but grin for a second. “And this is how you treat me.” “Well, I don’t know about earth shattering.” She teases, but before he can say anything she’s quick to say. “But it was without a doubt the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”
“You’re a fucking menace, sweets.” He breathes after a moment, releasing the base of his cock once again. “And you’re still not naked.” The words and filled with want they are, make him flush.
Taking off his shirt, he can’t help but preen at how her eyes settle on his exposed abdomen. It’s awkward taking off his joggers and boxers while still being on the bed, all too aware of her eyes on him, but he manages without falling off or hitting himself or her. Pushing the clothes off the bed, he notices where her eyes are glued and can’t help but smirk, chest puffing out a little at her wide eyed expression and slight open mouth.
He knows he’s big, but not so much that it's ever hurt anyone. He’s just over eight inches hard and is thick enough that he fits comfortably in his hand, thumb only going over his fingers a bit when he holds himself.
Before he can say anything, tease her for staring, she’s reaching out for him with her hand not holding the lube and he goes. Settling between her legs in a different way than earlier. He kisses her next, soft and gentle, reassuring and all consuming.
“You still want to do this?” He murmurs when they break apart, eyes heavy and filled with lust. “Yes.” The answer comes out a little breathless and so do the words that follow. “I want you, Danny.”
The next sound that fills the room is the snick of the lube opening, as Daniel puts some on his right pointer and middle finger, carefully rubbing them together to warm it before slipping his hand between their bodies and then her thighs.
Her thighs twitch a little at the first touch to her folds, before she spreads her thighs a little further apart. Moving his fingers a little further down, he feels her clench around nothing when he presses his finger against her hole. Not pushing in, just resting.
Leaning down he presses their lips together and when she opens her mouth a little to let his tongue slide against hers, he presses his finger inside. She’s warm and wet and tight. So fucking tight despite him eating her out not even ten minutes ago and the thought of her wrapped around his cock makes him groan into the kiss, pulling back so he can look down where he’s fingering her.
It’s beautiful watching his finger move in and out, curling it upwards slightly before pressing in another. Her thighs twitch at the second finger and his eyes flicker back up to her face. There’s no pain or discomfort, not even a hint that the stretch is too much, but the way her hands are curled up in the sheets like she doesn’t know if she can touch makes him frown. Wondering what exactly the guy or guys before him have done to her in bed that now that he’s fingering her, she thinks she can’t touch him.
“Baby,” the word falls out before he can think, making him blink because that’s never been a pet name he’s used.
He likes sweetheart, darling, sometimes honey, and with her he likes calling her sweets, my girl. But baby is a new one to roll off his tongue. He shakes the thought from his head, if he wanted to, he could think about it later, not now.
He spreads his fingers, scissoring them as he gets her ready for a third finger. “Touch me.” “I,” she starts, but he curls his fingers upwards and she loses herself to the pleasure with a moan. “Touch me, sweets. I want you to touch me.”
Daniel watches as her hands clench around the sheets before they release the fabric. One of her hands goes to his back and he has a fleeting thought of both of her hands on his back, clutching at him, nails digging in so deep that they leave scratches that bleed, but it disappears when her other hand rests on his cheek. Fingertips dancing over his cheekbone.
He smiles at her, kissing her hand at the same time he pushes in a third finger. She gasps, clenching around them, eyes tightening in the corners for a few seconds, before she relaxes again.
Now with three fingers, he moves so his thumb is gently rubbing at her clit, wanting to keep slick flowing and not knowing if just his fingers inside of her will do that. The stimulation earns him a sigh and a buck of her hips.
Moving his fingers inside of her, he spreads them a bit before pulling them out and back in. He continues to do that, repeating the same motions and watching as fingers disappear inside of her only to reappear with wetness spread all over them.
“Daniel,” she moans when he goes to push his fingers back in. “Please, I want you in me.” “You don’t want to cum like this?” He rubs a circle on her clit, making her clench, but she shakes her head. “Want you in me. Want to cum around you.” He curses, mind scrambling as he pulls out his fingers, hand grappling in the sheets by her hip where there should be a condom, before his mind catches up, remembering that they decided not to use one.
He shuffles a little, before finally wrapping a hand around himself, guiding himself to her entrance before stopping. The tip just pressing against her as he leans down for a kiss. “I love you.” He murmurs. She smiles, lashes fanning out beautifully as her eyes close for a second. “I love you too.”
Pressing against her, he sucks in a harsh breath as his head pops inside of her. Her walls clinging to it.
“Shit.” He breathes, hips stuttering as he pulls back and then forward, sinking himself a little further into her. “Daniel.” His eyes that he hadn’t even realized closed, open at the sound of his name. “You alright?” He asks, seeing her face twisted a little. “Yeah.” She nods, hands clutching at his back, trying to draw him closer. “Bigger than your fingers.” He huffs out a laugh, pushing in a bit more before finally removing his hand and framing her head with his forearms. “I’d say sorry.” She shakes her head. “It’s okay. Good.” She murmurs. He makes a humming noise, trying not to think about how he already feels good to her and he’s barely inside of her.
Daniel watches her face carefully as he slowly sinks more and more into her. Nearly grabbing the lube to pour some on himself at how tight she is, but her own hips are tilting upwards, trying to get him further in. And it’s a fucking fight to not just sink all the way. Feel her completely wrapped around him.
Another twist of her features has him pausing. “You alright?” She nods, “yeah, just big.” Her hips twist a little to the right and the left as if trying to find a more comfortable position. And his eyes dart upwards to the pillows on his side of the bed.
Planting his left hand on the bed, he moves his right arm until his fingers curl around a pillow. “Lift your hips sweetheart.” She does and he quickly stuffs it underneath her. Cursing himself that he hadn’t thought to do this earlier. “Better?” He asks, seeing her face no longer twisted up and her hips bucking a little. “Much.” And she lifts her head, pressing their lips together. “Thank you.” He shakes his head, “this is supposed to be good for the both of us. I’m just doing my job, sweets.”
He starts to pull out, not expecting the way her nails dig into his back and the whine that comes from the back of her throat. It makes him throb, the arousal he had managed to push away coming to the forefront of his mind with vengeance.
“Dan,” “I know.” He mutters, not sure if he actually does. But continues to pull out until just the head of his cock is inside of her. Walls clinging to it, almost like they’re trying to coax the rest of him back inside of her.
Pushing in again, he groans, head falling at the sound of her moaning.
He continues that. Pulling nearly all the way out before pushing back in, going a little further each time. Until finally he sinks all the way inside of her.
They’re both panting, chests and stomachs sticking together a little with sweat and as he kisses her forehead he can taste the sweat starting to gather there.
“You all good?” He asks after a moment, voice tight as he tries to not start thrusting. “I think I hate your dick.” His laugh immediately fills the room, though he stops quickly at the way it moves the two. “Already? Barely been in you?” He grins at her. She pokes her bottom lip out more, enjoying how his eyes lock onto it. “Just not how I thought this would go.” “You thought about this?” His voice lower, rougher and she can feel blood rush to her face. “Yeah, I mean. Of course.” “Hmm.” He rocks his hips a little enjoying the way her mouth falls open with a gasp. “How’d you think it would go?” “Faster,” she gasps as he rolls his hips. “You wouldn’t have ate me out.” He scoffs at the idea. “You’re lucky I didn’t spend more time there. Especially with how good you taste. Might end up living there, in between your thighs, mouth pressed against your cunt.” She moans and clenches around him at the last word and his eyes shine with delight, grin turning dangerous.
“You like that, sweetheart?” He asks, starting to thrust. “Me talking about your cunt? How sweet it is? How wet and tight?” “Yes.” The sound is a mix of a gasp and a moan. “Love hearing you.” “Hearing me what?” He slows his thrusts to a filthy grind. “Love hearing you,” she pauses to moan as he presses his lips to her neck, head tilting back to give him more space. “Love you talking about my cunt.” He curses at the word coming from her lips, dick twitching, and he nips at her neck. “Filthy little thing. Wanting me to talk about your cunt.” He snaps his hips, earning a cry of pleasure from her.
“You like how my cock fills you up, stretching out your tight, hot, little cunt?” “Yes!” Her hips try to press more into him and he curses, pressing all of his weight into his left forearm as his right goes to grasp at her hip, hand gripping it tight. “Fuck, Daniel.” “Can feel you clench every time I say it. Practically strangling me.” “Daniel!” He can feel the coil in his stomach tightening and he stretches his hand out, thumb barely able to reach her clit where he starts to rub. Her eyes rolling back in her head at the sensation.
“Feel so fucking good around me.” He curses. “Best cunt I’ve ever been in.” And his hips stutter at the way she clenched around him. “Please, Daniel.” “What do you need?” “I,” she’s cut off by a whine. “I don’t know.” And there’s tears in her eyes as she feels her orgasm so close but out of reach. “Shh.” He soothes her, pressing down to kiss her. Loving how she sighs into him, mouth opening up for him. “Want me to pull out?” Her fingers dig in deep and he hisses at the sting of them. “Okay, okay. You want me to go faster?” “Yeah,” and her grip on his back loosens a bit. “Still want you to cum in me.” He groans, hips picking up speed. “Alright. I can do that, baby.”
As his thrusts pick up pace, he presses his thumb a little harder against her clit, rubbing tight circles on the little bud, resulting in whimpers and moans of his name that make him groan.
It’s a never ending loop of pleasure that makes him feel dizzy.
“Daniel,” this whine is a little more high pitched and his eyes are immediately darting to her face. “I’m gonna cum.” “Yeah?” She nods, one of her hands moving from his sweat slicked back to his neck. “Go ahead, baby. Cum for me. Cum around my cock.” He tells her. And she does. Head going back as a beautiful sound leaves her mouth. Her whole body shaking around and under him. Her nails dig into the back of his neck and his back, legs tightening so much around his waist that he can’t thrust but merely grind in her.
It doesn’t matter though because the sound of her cumming, the feeling of it triggers his own orgasm, nearly taking him by surprise and the only thing that leaves his mouth is her name.
He barely manages to pull his hand out from between them, before just about collapsing on top of her, hips still pumping into her a bit as he milks the last of both their orgasms. She makes a slight noise at his weight resting on top of her, but then hums, fingers no longer digging into his skin but running over it with gentle barely there touches.
After a moment, he manages to brace his weight on his forearms again. “Was that alright?” She nods, eyes closed and a blissful smile on her face. “Perfect.” She sighs. “It was perfect.” He ducks his head down, unable to resist kissing her. “It’ll be better next time. I’ll try to prove I can last longer than this.” Her eyes pop open, “longer?” He hums a yes, an arm moving so his hand can gently pull her thigh away from where it’s hugging it’s waist and he presses a kiss to her leg when she lets it drop from him and then the other one. “Maybe not as long as I normally do or can last, but next time will definitely be longer than this.” He tells her as he carefully pulls out of her, rubbing at her thighs when she winces, before sitting on his haunches, her hands slipping away from his body at the movement. “You’re going to kill me.” She whines, a hand going up to cover her face but he can’t reply not with what he’s looking at.
Her thighs are all spread apart, slick on the inside of them, and he can even feel it on his groin. Just knows that if he doesn’t take a shower tonight, he’ll regret it in the morning. But the real thing that’s got his attention is what’s in between her thighs. His soft dick giving a twitch and he knows if he was about ten years younger he’d already be hard again, but now it will take him at least another five minutes.
She’s all slick and shiny. Lips puffy and swollen and her clit is as well. But her hole is gaping slightly as cum, his cum, drips out of it. It makes him want to bury his head back inbetween her thighs, scoop up his cum with his tongue and fuck it back into her. The thought makes him swallow hard and shake his head. Fuck, he really was a dirty bastard.
It’s only as his dick gives another stirring interest that he forces his eyes away. “What did you say?” Daniel asks, only remembering him telling her that he’d last longer next time. “You’re going to kill me.” She repeats, though it’s muffled by her hand. He laughs, “what you’ve never had sex that lasted more than fifteen minutes before? Because trust me sweetheart, it gets good the longer you go.” He nearly winks but her widened eyes and suddenly tense body stops him. “Oh my god.” She murmurs, hand falling away from her face. And suddenly she’s scrambling to sit up, hissing at the way muscles she’s never used before burn. “What? What’s wrong?” He asks, reaching out to hold her, but she shakes her head, and his arms fall back to his sides and hurt filling him. She had never not let him touch her. “I’m so sorry, Dan. I thought I’d mentioned it or brought it up. Whatever you want to call it.” She apologizes, tears starting to gather in her eyes. “Sweetheart, it’s okay.” And he wants to reach out again, but doesn’t want to get rejected again, doesn’t know if he can handle it. “It’s not.” She shakes her head and she regrets not letting him hold her. This would be much easier if he was holding her. “I’ve never, or I had never done this before.” She tells him, but he just looks at her confused and it makes her lips pressed together. “This was my first time.” The words come out a little quiet. “I hadn’t had sex before until now.” His face goes blank at her words and she can feel herself panic a little. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I thought I’d brought it up before. I was so sure I had, because we talk about everything. I don’t know why,” she stops herself with a groan running a hand over her face. “I’m sorry.” She says again, not knowing what to do or say.
Silence fills the room and her eyes fall onto her lap where her hands rest, fingers interlacing before separating and then repeating. Her heart sits a little heavy in her chest. She doesn’t think this will ruin her and Daniel or mark the end of them. But she does think that maybe it will fracture some of his trust in her.
So in her head, she doesn’t notice his arms moving until they’re wrapped around her and pulling her into his lap and she can’t help but make a face realizing that his cum is still trickling out of her and probably trickling onto him.
“Get out of your head, sweetheart.” “Dan,” she starts, but he covers her mouth. “No. Out of your head.” His voice is a little more stern, accent a little thicker and it makes her wriggle a little in his lap. “This doesn’t change anything. We do talk about everything, there’s no blame to be had for thinking we had talked about this when we hadn’t. Besides,” he swallows. “I think earlier you did mention it, but I thought you were talking about our first time, not both yours and our first time. But it’s okay. You know why?” She shakes her head and he removes his hand from her mouth, looking into her eyes. “Because I wouldn’t change a single thing about this night, other than the pillow. I should’ve had your hips propped up from the start.” She lets out a little laugh and he smiles. “But really. I made you cum around my tongue first, got you all relaxed for me. Didn’t half ass the fingering or just stuck it in you. So, I’ve got no problems with this being your first time and ours.” “Really?” “Really.” He then grins, a little smug. “Besides, I kind of like being the only person you’ll ever have sex with.” She laughs, shaking her head. “You’re ridiculous.” But her smile turns soft and she brushes their lips together. “I like the thought of only having sex with you as well.” “Good. Because it’s just you and me for the rest of our lives.” She nods. “Just you and me.”
Tagging: @lpab @gemofthenight
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Nights Spent In; Azul Ashengrotto
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; This is for one of my first mutuals @azulashengrottospiano! I hope you enjoy this, and some domestic Azul! [and I'm keeping a screenshot of your ask ^v^]
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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Safe to say your social battery was pretty much at zero. You had fun, yes, but all you wanted to do was stay at home in some ridiculously comfortable pyjamas, eat leftovers from lunch, cuddle a bit, and maybe look through the storage container labelled Games! :D since there could be some hidden gems in there. And right now you were cuddled up under a super chunky knit blanket, snug as a bug in a rug.
You were content just putting the leftovers from lunch in the microwave, but Azul had insisted that he made the both of you dinner. You didn’t mind, since you had a nice view of him working away in the kitchen, muttering the recipe of tonight’s dinner to himself. He was even wearing the frilly apron and kitschy oven mitts.
What a dork. I love him so much. You giggled to yourself, watching Azul go about the kitchen, off in his own little world. 
Sighing, you got up — the blanket draped over your shoulders so you were still in your nice blanket burrito — and shuffled over to the Games! :D container, seeing if there was anything interesting that Azul wouldn’t just automatically win. You loved him, but if he made you go bankrupt again in this world’s version of Monopoly one more time you swore that you weren’t going to give him any kisses. You may love him, but he was not a humble winner. 
So any strategy games were completely out the window, luck based games were more on your side… hopefully luck just decided to favour you tonight. At least you had a cute chef at the least.
Hmm? What’s this? Blowing off the dust you pulled out an old edition of Snakes and Ladders. It relied only on luck, so it was perfect!
“Hey, sweetie,” you called to the kitchen.
Azul was just placing your dinner in the oven, it would take about thirty minutes to bake, so he had time to spare… and for you? He could spare all the time in the world for you. “What is it, darling?”
You held up the game under your chin and gave him your biggest smile. “Wanna play?” You waggled eyebrows for some added flair, and it made Azul chuckle.
“Fine, one round, but I won’t go easy on you,” he said, sitting down at the coffee table. He eyed the game, and squinted his eyes at the dice. A luck-based game? Playing your cards right I see.
“You never do,” you shot him a wink and rolled the dice. You moved your piece forward, not hitting any ladders.
Azul rolled his eyes, but took his turn, overtaking you by two spaces, also not hitting any ladders. “Would you rather that I did?” He looked up at you through his lashes, a small smug smile on his face. 
You hummed as you took your turn, getting a ladder and going up a row. “No, it’s more fun like this, plus you’re extra cute when you get fired up.”
Azul pushed up his glasses, trying to ignore the warmth that had seeped into his cheeks. “Flattery won’t help you, my dear, when I win.”
“We’ll see about that.~”
The rest of the game was spent in silence, the occasional tch escaping when either of you hit a snake, but the game was neck in neck. You had to roll a perfect six to win, and Azul a four, and it was his turn. The both of you had your fingers crossed.
He rolled a two, the exact number that he didn’t want. He moved his piece forward and gritted his teeth as he moved it down two rows. He sighed, handing over the die. He knew that he had most likely lost this game.
You gently took it, and rolled a six. You had won. “Looks like luck was on my side tonight,” you grinned.
Azul grumbled, but he couldn’t stay mad at you. “Would you like a prize for that?” It was part sarcasm, but also part genuine question.
You placed a kiss on his cheek. “Just spending time with you is a prize in its own right… but I won’t say no to your cooking either!”
It wasn’t really a prize, as you were already getting his cooking for dinner, but it nonetheless made Azul feel soft and warm. The two of you really should spend more nights in if they were going to be like this.
Tags: @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @inkybloom-luv, @identity-theft-101, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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misspoetree · 1 year
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+ Soft Bonus:
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Vegas Being A Terrible Flirt Edition <3
[Themed Editions: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ?]
[Character Editions: Pete Part I & II & III | Vegas Part I & II & III | Tay Part I & II | Tankhun - Part I & II | Big Part I & II | Porsche Part I & II & III | Kim | Porchay | Chan | Kinn Part I & II | Macau | Pol]
[Episode Editions & Rewatch Editions]
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
thinking about cockwarming steve whilst you tend to his bloody and bruised face like a good little nurse )):
the sharp, stinging pain as you wipe away a dab of blood from a fresh cut had steve’s hips bucking up into you, forcing himself impossibly deeper — you couldn’t tell by now if the groans he spewed out were from pleasure or pain. the sadist in you hoped the pain was what turned him on.
“baby, you gotta sit still,” you choke off a little moan, struggling to focus on tending to the wound just above his eyebrow. split open. just above a bloodshot, blackened eye. your cunt clenches around steve and he hisses, digging his fingers into your hips, large hands squishing you like you were tiny.
“fuckin’ hurts, honey,” steve groans, eyebrows furrowing and a wince escaping his puffy, swollen lips as you dab the alcohol wipe back and forth. his cock betrays his words, with the way it pulses inside of you as you touch him, gentle fingers brushing over his face in a soothing motion.
“your dick tells me otherwise,” you bristle, leaning in impossibly closer, tits in steve’s face, and he ducks down quickly to nip at the swell of your breast, eliciting a sigh in return, “head up, m’almost done.”
it’d been your idea. having him sit with his cock in you whilst you patched him up from yet another fight he’d probably lost. a little consolation prize and a good way to take his mind off of the aching pain. you didn’t expect it to turn you on so much, make you so wet. yet here you were, soaked through and dripping down his balls, tight cunt squeezing him.
the sight of steve bloodied did something to your insides, had your gut churning. he was always so pretty, but there was something about him smiling with a mouth full of crimson and a crinkled bruised eye that just did it for you. you clench again, soaked walls hugging steve’s cock and he groans, tipping his head back.
“not even doing anything an’ i’m gonna cum,” steve mutters, hips fucking up into yours just slightly, enough that his massive cock feels like it’s stuffing you further. rearranging your guts. you swear he leaves behind bruises every time he fucks you.
you throw the blood soaked alcohol pad away, swinging your arms over the back of steve’s neck, rocking a little, just to gain a bit of friction on your clit. steve buries his face into your tits, groaning, the tight heat of your pussy so close to tipping him over the edge.
you grip at the hair at the back of his head, forcing him out of your cleavage so that he can look at you. you take advantage, leaning down and slithering your tongue out to sooth at the cut on his top lip. his fingers dig into your sides again, and he nudges up to kiss you, a disgruntled noise leaving him at the stinging pain of the bruising kiss.
steve pants against your mouth, and you aren’t even doing anything. just rocking a little, so his cock can abuse your spongey spot and his thatch of pubic hair can rub your clit. but it’s enough to send him reeling.
“gonna cum in your needy little cunt,” steve’s words hit you like a freight train, the coil in your tummy snapping as you clench sporadically around him and come with a cry, leaning your forehead against his own and never breaking eye contact.
“that’s it, sweet thing. fuck,” steve’s cock pulses inside of you, and you clench around him again — he’s a goner, grip on your hips bruising as he forces you down impossibly deeper and comes with a soft grunt.
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@loveshotzz thank u for supporting my dirty thots 🤍
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fluentisonus · 3 months
guy who spends way too much time thinking about the 18th & 19th centuries trying to brainstorm career paths: what if I became a sail maker
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blushingzephyr · 1 year
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+ evidence
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