#( feat. charles melton. )
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By India McTaggart and Tracey Kandohla
21 April 2024
The first statue of Queen Elizabeth II since her death has been unveiled to the approving barks of nearly 50 corgis.
The permanent memorial to Britain’s longest-reigning monarch – complete with her own immortalised dogs – has been hailed as a fitting tribute for the “mother of our nation.”
The eye-catching 7ft bronze statue went on display on what would have been the late monarch’s 98th birthday, with a group of her favourite dogs stealing the show.
It takes pride of place outside the library in the market town of Oakham, in Rutland, Britain’s smallest county.
It depicts a youthful Queen Elizabeth – who stood at just 5ft 4in – standing at 7ft in regal robes with three loyal corgi companions at her feet, one peeking out from the creases.
It serves as a permanent reminder of her 70-year reign and her enduring affection for the Pembroke Welsh breed.
Sculptor Hywel Pratley believes the memorial will become a hit not only with royal fans, but that it will attract social media users wanting a selfie beside the late monarch and her dogs.
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Speaking before the unveiling in front of a 400-person crowd and with a host of local dignitaries attending, he said:
“The plinth is designed to be sat on and I can see the statue becoming popular with the Instagram generation, and why not?
It will make a perfect backdrop for pictures and people will be able to reach up and pat a dog or if small enough even sit in its back.”
Mr Pratley, 51, who is half Welsh and lives in Chelmsford, Essex, told how he chose to add the corgis for a “bit of fun and to tap into the late Queen’s humanity and address her friendliness.”
He explained he made the statue larger than life because a “life-size Queen Elizabeth is too small. She deserves more.”
The £125,000 statue was commissioned by Dr Sarah Furness, the Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, following the Queen’s death in September 2022.
Addressing the crowds in the spring sunshine, she said:
“We are witnessing a piece of history today with the first statue of Queen Elizabeth to be commissioned since her death and who gave us 70 years of exemplary service.
Rutland may be a small county, but the response to this had been huge with contributions from local businesses and individuals of varying sizes.”
As she spoke, barks from 46 dogs from the Welsh Corgi League rang out, and she said, smiling: “You can hear them!”
She added: “The statue is for everyone.”
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Before his cancer battle had been known and made public, King Charles III had been invited to unveil the statue.
It is not known if Palace officials had agreed to the request.
Instead, the honour fell to Alicia Kearns, the Tory MP for Rutland and Melton, before being blessed by Debbie Sellins, the Bishop of Peterborough.
One resident, Hilda Townsend, said: “It is just wonderful. We are the tiniest county, but the first to honour the late majesty in such a big way. It is a very fitting tribute.”
Her husband, John, added: “It is absolutely amazing and, as Rutlanders, makes us extremely proud.”
The unveiling of two of the three bronze corgis was given to two young children who had won a local school art competition.
In an emotional speech, Ms Kearns, 31, said:
“It is an incredible statue of our beloved Queen, who showed unwavering commitment.
We hope we can reflect on her legacy of compassion, strength and leadership. The statue was no mean feat and is for all of Rutland and all of our country, and to come together in joy. Rutland leads and others will follow.”
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The MP revealed that the King would be visiting the statue.
Crowds of local residents mingled with visitors from further afield, some waving Union flags, with children sporting gold paper crowns on their heads.
She told spectators: “I am proud to play my very small part in helping to celebrate her reign,” pointing to the statue and saying: “She belongs to all of you.”
Following the unveiling, a lone bagpiper played a lament to the late Queen and the National Anthem was played, with crowds joining in.
Dozens of corgis, some wearing red, white and blue, then posed beside the new monument with their owners and officials before parading along the packed streets to Oakham Castle for a meet-and-greet session with the public.
Among the corgi owners was Katrina Emptage from Lincoln, with her two-year-old pet, Mable.
She said: “The statue is absolutely amazing and I’m delighted to be here to see it and be part of the corgi parade. It is very special.”
The late Queen held a life-long, deep affection for the breed after she fell in love with the dogs as a child.
She owned more than 30 over the years, many of which were direct descendants of the first, Susan, which was given to her as an 18th birthday present by her parents in 1944.
Speaking of his inspiration, Mr Pratley said:
“I very quickly thought that I would like to have a corgi nestling in her robes by her feet because what a great symbol it is, artistically, of her being mother of a nation.”
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icedsodapop · 9 months
However, one particular kind of actor always gets this honor: white. Whether it’s Austin Butler or Timothée Chalamet, young white male actors become household names faster than non-white actors. After the success of Barry Jenkins’s Moonlight, I expected Ashton Sanders’s career to skyrocket due to his performance in the film. And yet, that wasn’t the case. That is also not the case for breakout performer Charles Melton in Todd Hayens’s latest melodrama, May December. Acting with titans like Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman is no small feat. Melton not only holds his own but outshines in his role as Joe Yoo, the victim of Moore’s Gracie. On its own, Melton’s performance should be enough to launch his career into great heights similar to that of Elordi’s. However, compared to the future projects adorning Elordi’s IMDb page, Melton has only one: K-Pop Lost in America.
There’s a different standard for non-white actors, because even after they “prove” themselves, they must continue to set the standard higher to get half of the opportunities white actors amass by simply existing and displaying a certain conventional standard of beauty in the lottery of genetics. It’s a frustrating precedent that seems never to end. Talented young actors of color are sidelined for white actors with arguably less skilled backgrounds to take the spotlight.
While only his first after his career in Riverdale, Melton’s performance suggests he’s equipped for larger roles—roles that can showcase his range as an actor. Unlike Melton, there’s no sense of gravitas or nuance to his presence onscreen, and it only seems to raise his profile. Elordi also has the luxury of voicing his disappointment at the films that got him to where he is simply because they were teen films aimed at a female audience. In a recent interview with GQ, Elordi claims the Kissing Booth films are “ridiculous” projections of fantasy, revealing, “I didn’t want to make those movies before I made those movies.” Had Melton shared similar sentiments about his role in the teen series Riverdale, he probably would’ve been seen as ungrateful. Instead, he walked the thin line quite humbly when talking about his roots in the entertainment industry. He may genuinely feel that way about his work on Riverdale, but he also knows there’s a double standard for an actor like him.
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bleachersgirl · 11 months
maybe we won’t grow old and maybe then we’ll never die !!!!!!!
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riverdaleedited · 4 months
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pynkhues · 8 months
Thoughts on the Oscar noms? I’m pretty happy with them personally, some very classy choices. On Margot Robbie’s exclusion, I don’t think her performance in Barbie was better than any of the other actresses in the best actress category, it is an absolutely stacked list. I can’t pick a winner at all and I don’t know who would get bumped in favour of her.
My controversial opinion is that I really don't think Barbie should've been nominated for any acting awards, so I'm less mad about Margot missing out and more bugged that Ryan and America were, haha. Especially Ryan tbh - Best Supporting Actor has been stacked this year, and I could probably name ten actors off the top of my head who I think deserve the spot more. Best Supporting Actress has been less competitive, and I do like America so I'm happy for her even though I would've rather she was nommed for Dumb Money than this which was a similar, but slightly more interesting role (albeit in a very flawed film).
But yeah! Overall, I'm pretty happy. I still haven't seen a lot of the movies - there's been a real delay with them coming out in Australia this year which is kind of interesting in terms of regressions in theatrical distribution - but of the ones I have, I'd probably say that those Barbie acting nominations and Maestro's Best Picture + Original Screenplay nominations are the only ones that really pull me up.
Barbie I think is absolutely a technical feat and should be rewarded as such, but I don't think it deserves any Above the Line noms in such a strong year, and Maestro I thought was a disaster that's only gotten the awards attention it has due to strong performances and sublime cinematography. It had nothing to say about Leonard Bernstein, about music, about sexuality, relationships or family. I thought it was staggeringly hollow tbh, and that the screenplay in particular was very weak, so that nomination made me side eye a bit.
I'm bummed Asteroid City got paid dust, and I'm sure after I watch All of Us Strangers and May December that I'll be as mad about Andrew Scott and Charles Melton's snubs as everyone else, haha, but yeah! Overall, pretty happy! What a year for cinema!
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exitiumhq · 5 months
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✧ ━ ACCEPTED ━ ✧  welcome to new orleans, sung-jun abe & ruslan jamakovic! be sure to send in your account within twenty-four hours or your role will be reopened. don’t forget to look over our checklist and make yourself comfortable. charles melton & can yaman are now taken
[ charles melton | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome SUNG-JUN "JUNO" ABE to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 26 year old KITSUNE, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be COCKY, but that’s all a façade to cover up their DETERMINED nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to BAD BOYS by CURTIS GOLDEN (FEAT. NESTO), which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( lol wild guess ) (Nagisa Abe WC)
[ can yaman | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome RUSLAN JAMAKOVIC to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 34 year old WEREWOLF, who is one of the RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be STUBBORN, but that’s all a façade to cover up their SELF-DISCIPLINED nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to YOU PROOF by MORGAN WALLEN, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( WHY DID NOBODY STOP ME )
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charlcsog · 3 years
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liked by shannonpurser and 97,524 others
Umma, Happy Mother’s Day 💛 I love you 사랑해
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itstbellisario · 6 years
i didn’t plan it.
The past week had not been the best for Troian and she knew that people would have understood if she hadn’t come tonight, but being alone while all of her friends were out having fun didn’t sound appealing to her. Troian also really wanted to help celebrate Lili so she stuck with her original plan and decided to attend the party. Troian tamed her natural curls into looser ones and then let Cami do her makeup because if she was going to go out she wanted to look decent. She had squeezed herself into the little red dress she had picked for the occasion and soon they were out the door. 
Upon arriving at the party Troian made her rounds to congratulate the happy couple and make small talk with people she didn’t get to see too often. Troian was torn between wanting to celebrate her friends and wanting to be anywhere but here so after her mingling, she found herself by the bar. She was on her third drink when she spotted Charles a few feet away. Troian wasn’t a lightweight, but she hardly ever had more than a drink or two so she was already beginning to feel a little tipsy as she made her way over to him. “Hey there, Melatonin,” she teased with a small smile, taking a sip of her drink. It was no secret that they had been getting closer in the past week. He had been a really good friend to her while she was going through this break up and she was thankful for that. @charlesmeltno
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allthingsroleplay · 3 years
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wanted on 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚 ♔ 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒅  //
charles melton wanted for slow burn with big eye roll energy!! https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1043&hl= super open columbia grads wanted for complicated friend group bound for implosion!! (tw: missing person, infidelity) https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1307&hl= seven dancers with the new york city ballet open for site sub-plot feat. cattiness, competition, and mysterious donors!!  https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?act=ST&f=108&t=1306 zoey deutch (and halston sage!!) wanted for second family scandal to new york’s favorite polished politician!! https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1230
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rpgadverts · 3 years
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wanted on 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚 ♔ 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒅  //
charles melton wanted for slow burn with big eye roll energy!! https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1043&hl= super open columbia grads wanted for complicated friend group bound for implosion!! (tw: missing person, infidelity) https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1307&hl= seven dancers with the new york city ballet open for site sub-plot feat. cattiness, competition, and mysterious donors!!  https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?act=ST&f=108&t=1306 zoey deutch (and halston sage!!) wanted for second family scandal to new york’s favorite polished politician!! https://sleepy.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=1230
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riverdalefan6602 · 4 years
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anaweirhq · 4 years
what are some wanted faces that'll fit warriors?
Any faces will do, as since their magic is part of their biology, anyone of any shape or size can do the exact feats another Warrior can do.  Faces I would particularly like to see/recommend, at this particular moment: Joe Manganiello, Chance Perdomo, Dominic Sherwood, Rami Malek, Aaron Tveit, Reese King, Shawn Ashmore, Kid Cudi, Ki Hong Lee, Wentworth Miller, Charles Melton, Michael Evans Behling, Alexander Ludwig. 
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jethomme · 6 years
Los Angeles Times gets headline right, the story wrong
The deep story lies in what characterizes higher education today and how, through suspect achievement tests like the SAT and ACT, and inflated grades, students arrive on campus to be funneled through to graduating a specialist without the liberal (meaning broad and deep) educational background their predecessors from 1900 through 1970 experienced.  The SAT and ACT alone favor parents wealthy enough to spend from $500 (bare minimum) to $5-8,000 and more on test preparers who will use workable strategies to boost test scores, not I.Q. or aptitude, test scores, and it’s all legal if grotesquely unfair to the majority of poor to middle class students--the MAJORITY of students!  In Colombia students are rising up
“...calling for the recognition of higher education as a universal, inalienable right, for greater autonomy and self-government for students, professors, and administrators and for the production of scientific, humanistic, and artistic knowledge, with the aim of overcoming the legacy of decades of violent conflict and reducing aberrant levels of inequality.”  Perhaps American higher education should set such a standard rather than producing a nation of student debtors worthy of a novel by Charles Dickens.
With regard to the universities caught up in the latest scandal:  USC, UCLA, Stanford, Yale, and several more, they were easily duped, just as most large institutions would be.  Notice that these schools are, with exception, all private universities.  Also appreciate that each thus far has identified solely department malefactor/criminals guilty of participating in racketeering.  Recently, a sports writer for the Los Angeles Times, Dylan Hernandez, in an expansive mood described the actions of a few USC athletic department members as showing the “depths of the school’s decline.”  The University of Southern California is hardly in decline notwithstanding the criminality of two wanton physicians and rogue coaches and families. In the #MeToo era we have learned that misogyny riddles the whole culture, rich to poor, irrespective of race, that cheating characterizes too great a portion of collegiate and professional operations.   
A handful of super rich malefactors involved in a legitimate racketeering operation is a juicy “social impact” story but hardly qualifies as a having a major impact nationally given the inequities characterizing SAT and ACT test preparation described above, truly a pay-to-play exercise that favors the upper middle classes to the rich, for it is they who can afford to pay test preparers and testing coaches the thousands of dollars necessary to raise the scores of beneficiaries enough to qualify for entrance to university.
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More on USC, some wish to lay all the blame on athletic director Lynn Swann on up to the President of the University, an interim president.  None of the higher ups in this case, nor on the others, Mike Garrett, Pat Haden, in past and recent past should be singled out.  In this case a top Athletic Department administrator, Donna Heinel, operated from the "top" down including water polo coach Jovan Vavic who apparently was funneling cash to assistant coaches who possibly were not paid well enough.  Nevertheless, Vavic produced 16 championships between women's and men's water polo--16!  This is surely one of the great NCAA feats of all time in any sport.  He did it with help.  How much did he take personally, not yet known.  As for Reggie Bush, that's on the Bush family and Reggie.  This writer never liked Pete Carroll's libertine approach to discipline even as he can appreciate Carrol’s abilities.  One shouldn’t lay the Bush fiasco on Carroll and his staff.  Then there's Tony Bland who worked with a member of De'Anthony Melton's family unbeknownst to USC basketball coach Andy Enfield. 
At some point trust is the only quality you have to work with in an open, pleasant, productive working environment.  You must be able to trust all members of the team, including sports administration, parents, assistant coaches, athletes, matriculators (we suppose the rich ones particularly).  An over reaction which now riddles American culture might produce a Draconian reaction which dampens esprit de'corps and may stifle the kind of healthy internal environment that makes the whole thing work well. 
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blackcinderella1 · 2 years
Riverdale 6x10 “Folk Heroes”
To get the town of Riverdale out from under Percival’s (guest star Chris O’Shea) grip, Archie (KJ Apa), Jughead (Cole Sprouse) and Betty (Lili Reinhart) devise a plan to turn Archie into a modern-day folk hero by performing a series of impossible feats. Meanwhile, Percival takes aim at Veronica (Camila Mendes), Toni (Vanessa Morgan) and Tabitha (Erinn Westbrook), pitting them and their businesses against one another. Finally, after falling ill, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) makes a surprising discovery about herself. Mädchen Amick, Charles Melton and Drew Ray Tanner also star.
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rosewoodmeadow · 3 years
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Welcome to Mount Meadow, Mae! Before you get stuck in, make sure to check out our new members’ checklist. Once this is complete, you have 24 hours to send in your account. We’re so happy that you’re here!
Name: Mae
Preferred Pronoun: She/Her.
Celebrity Name: Camila Carraro Mendes
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: June 29th 1994 (27)
Profession: Actress
Housing District: Rose Bay Retreats
Personality: The sweetest goofball you'll ever meet, open-minded and adventurous, she cares a lot for her close friends and considers them her second family. She can be really upset if you hurt her on purpose or go behind her back as she's not the type to easily forgive.
Relationship/Family: dated Charles Melton, currently single
MANDATORY Why Mount Meadow and what brought you to town?: I chose Mount Meadow to kick back and relax while taking a long deserved break from shooting and escaping from the nosy paparazzi. And the calming vibe that it gives off was another reason to head there.
In addition to answering the above question, so we can get to know your celebrity better, create a playlist of 3-5 songs that relates to or describes your celebrity!
She Is Fire - Moana A, Koda Kids
Friends - Chase Atlantic
Baila Conmigo - Selena Gomez, Rauw Alejandro
Only You - Cheat Codes feat. Little Mix
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift (Taylor's Vers.)
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hcllorhighwater · 3 years
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