#( hc | kade r. )
I´m glad you liked my idea for the cat verse, so I bring you this:
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(L) Miko with Cody (+ Raf, and even Jack if she's in the cuddly mood) vs (R) Miko most of the time, being her gremlin self
Also, worthy mention: Miko when she's about to inflict the Fear of Primus on her enemies (aka: the poor bastards who dared to look at her friend's wrong for more than two seconds long)
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Bonus: Miko + Raf and/or Jack chilling (cuddle time). I mean, the scene was kind of cute but idk if any of them could be servals
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Your hc? I love them...Cody being the smallest of the group and just him being so spoiled by Miko? Dream come true....
Cody needs to be fluffy, no matter what....although, I think that he could grow bigger than Miko when he gets older. What do you think, he outgrows Miko, or we let him smol for the rest of eternity?
Bro... I'm now wondering if those are your cats 🤔 AND I LOVE THIS PICTURES DEPICTING THE CAT KIDDOS! They're so cute and I can totally see them doing that!!
And about when Cody gets older, is canon that he gets taller than Kade in his 20's so I could say that yea, he would get taller and fluffier than Miko, maybe even bigger than Jack ahouqjoidwj
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Kade re: the Hunt
The big reason Kade fought joining the Hunt for so long is because he refuses to lose what little control he has over his life and because he’s scared of hurting the people he cares for.
Kade hasn’t had much control over his life, especially after his father and older brother died. He has untreated PTSD after the events of his brother’s death and being stalked by the same monster that killed his dad and brother. Even after leaving his hometown, he’s struggled with his mental health, especially in regards to nightmares, hypervigilance, anxiety, and the feeling of being watched/hunted. Refusing to become a hunter, refusing to let himself be controlled by a force outside of himself, is one of the few ways he has of feeling in control of himself. The closest he’s come to becoming a hunter was between the ages of 15-20, after running away but before meeting Fiona. The only reason he didn’t at the time was because he was more concerned about running than hunting.
He’s also scared of hurting the people he cares for. Kade struggles with connecting to people and making lasting relationships, but he’s incredibly loyal to the people he does care for. He’d do anything for his little sister Marcie, Fiona, Andrea, and later Elijah. The thought of losing himself and becoming a monster, the thought that he could tear apart the people he loves (the same way the monsters tore apart his dad, brother and almost killed him), scares him enough for him to actively fight against the Hunt. (Having Fiona to ground him and becoming so closely aligned with the Eye via the Usher Foundation helps too. The Eye is a much more passive power, and I think it would help Kade reign himself in.)
What finally tips him over the edge is a trip home and his finally killing the creature that terrorized him for years. Killing it not only gave Kade a sense of control; it gave him a sense of power, which is something he’d spent years searching for. In MAG195, Jon says, “That’s very much The Hunt’s thing, isn’t it? You kill, and then you become?” and that’s definitely true in regards to Kade. He still goes back to the Usher Foundation, but he’s not the same person. He pulls away from his friends, cares less for them, becomes sharper and meaner. By the time the apocalypse rolls around, Kade is entirely a Hunter and has his own Hunt domain. (A domain that is intertwined with his sister’s Lonely domain, much in the same way that their trauma is intertwined.)
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
For the first 5 months of Elijah working at the Foundation, he and Kade were not on good terms. (Though not for lack of trying on Elijah’s part.) Kade is very distrusting and slow to warm up to people. For those months, Kade was cool and polite while making it clear he didn’t know or trust Elijah.
At about 5 months in, Kade and Elijah had a run in with Virva that landed them in the hospital. Both of them have huge trauma regarding hospitals, and both of them hate being in there for any amount of time. That shared hatred opened Kade up to Elijah, and they began bonding after that. It takes time, but Kade eventually comes to see Elijah as a younger brother (despite Kade’s grumbling and refusing to admit it); Elijah looks up to Kade as a cool older brother/friend.
On a side note, Kade and Elijah had to stay in the hospital overnight for observation, and Fiona, Andrea, and Castillo had to tag team the pair to keep them from losing their shit and straight up walking out.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
I’m listening to MAG 32 and thinking about Fiona almost became a Hive. After being rejected by their family after coming at as nonbinary and lesbian and beginning their transition, they moved across the country for nursing school. They weren’t coping well with their depression, and they were completely alone: no friends, no family, nothing. They were so desperate for affection and love, and that (along with their background in working with Infection Control) made them so susceptible to the Corruption and the Hive specifically.
Meeting Kade saved their life, a fact that Fiona fully acknowledges despite Kade’s protesting. (Which makes the fact they couldn’t save Kade from the Hunt more devastating to them.) Them running into each other was a chance. Kade was already going after the Hive, Fiona got in the way, the Hive almost killed both Fiona and Kade, and they managed to lure it out of the hospital. Fiona was the one who ended up killing the thing (drowned the Hive in a retention pond near the hospital) when it was distracted by Kade. Both of them have scars from the encounter, particularly on their hands and arms.
After killing the Hive, hospital admin, the CDC and the Usher Foundation got involved. Fiona and Kade were checked out, patched up, and cleared. The director of the Foundation, Dr. Hayes, approached them both and offered them positions at the Foundation and, more importantly, answers to the questions they had. Fiona and Kade had bonded quite a bit by then, and they both refused the offer. They recovered together, and a year and a half later, they’d both recovered enough to reconsider Dr. Hayes’ offer. That’s how they ended up with the Foundation and the Archives specifically. Castillo had been the Archivist for a while now and needed some new assistants, especially ones who’d proven themselves competent and quick on their feet. About a year after that, Andrea began working at the Archives. It was the three of them and Castillo for the next five and a half years until Elijah started working for the Archives.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
Andrea, Fiona, Kade
Kade and Fiona are disaster that bonded over shared trauma via flesh hive at a young age. (20 and 24 respectively.) They’re in a queerplatonic relationship (QPR) and share one (1) brain cell. Fiona usually has it.
Occasionally, something will happen (typically Kade or Andrea becoming seriously sick or injured) and Fiona will absolutely lose their shit and drop the brain cell. When that happens, Kade will immediately catch the brain cell and use it to keep Fiona from committing murder, arson, or something equally serious. Andrea is always close at hand when these things happen. She’ll help Kade talk Fiona down as needed, but after nearly ten years of a very close relationship, he can usually handle the situation.
On an added note, Fiona and Kade are often mistaken for girlfriend and boyfriend. Fiona is a lesbian and Kade is aromantic. They are not and have never been romantic partners. Both of them and Andrea (Fiona’s actual girlfriend) think it’s hilarious and have an ongoing tally of how many times this has happened to them.
Kade’s and Andrea’s relationship started off a bit rocky, but they’re good friends now. They’re not in a QPR, but they have talked about the possibility and occasionally revisit the idea. Fiona is aware of this and supports their decision. Fiona and Andrea have lived together for about three years, and it’s not uncommon for Kade to show up at their place in the middle of the night to crash on their couch.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
The Archive team & ages. (+extra)
Elijah is 24. Kade is 28. Andrea is 31. Fiona is 32. Castillo is 44.
Castillo has a degree in psychiatry. Before he joined the Foundation, he worked in a research gig for 6-7 years. He’s been working at the Foundation for 7-8 years and working in the Archives in some way for most of those.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Sexuality + Gender
ANDREA: Biromantic bisexual. Trans woman, she/her.
CASTILLO: Cishet male, he/him.
ELIJAH: Nonbinary mlm (amab). He/they. Recently came out. Still exploring his gender presentation.
FIONA: Transfem nonbinary lesbian. They/them. Butch.
KADE: Aromantic pansexual. Trans man, he/him. Prefers not to use labels.
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infinitelydiverse · 4 years
Kade doesn’t like his voice, especially around people he’s not sure of. He gets self conscious and worries his voice is too high to pass as masculine. He’s also self conscious about his accent. He grew up in a very small rural community in the Blue Ridge Mountains near the Tennessee / North Carolina border. Even after leaving the area over ten years ago, he still has a noticeable accent and hates it, mostly due to the harassment he received because of it and the stereotypes associated with it. He’s no stranger to defending himself verbally or stating his opinions when inclined to do so, but he saves the small talk and chatter for people he’s more comfortable with. 
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