#( hogwarts verse. )
rene-hl-trashcan · 17 days
I've been travelling a lot so can't really afford the time to play the game/take screenshots these past few weeks.
Didn't mean that my exhausted brain wouldn't go all no thoughts, just brainrot tho :
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Glad this is outta my system now 😌
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starwrittenfates · 1 month
@sevhalfbloodp4 continued from HERE
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With this reply, green eyes watched him carefully, sensing more to this than he was letting her know. Perhaps she could take a wild guess that he was being picked on again, and by who else than at least two to three certain Gryffindor's she had in mind. However, Lily knew better than to ask Severus about it. Instead, she would ask the other boys later.
"I see." She replied with a smile. "But why do you need to study more? You're probably already one of the top students in all your classes. There's no doubt you're incredibly intelligent. It's not as if you can't handle whatever Professor Slughorn throws at you."
Lily had to get him out of here and away from the others as much as she could. He couldn't stay in the library forever, and nor did she want to herself. "Oh, I know! Why don't we go to Hogsmeade together? I need to grab some supplies anyway."
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episkey-rpg · 6 days
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Narcissa Malfoy
Narcissa is the daughter of Cygnus Black and Druella Rosier. She is known to be Decisive, Perceptive, Protective, Manipulative, Possessive, and Prejudice. She was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
SHORT BIO: Narcissa always knew she deserved more in life than the family she was born into. So, when Lucius offered her everything she desired in exchange for being his wife she agreed, it was just a bonus that she also loved the man. 
Narcissa’s face claim is Sroise Rowan (younger) and Helen McCrory (older). This role has been closed.
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mugglebrn · 6 months
SHE'S ABSOLUTELY SURROUNDED BY TOWERS OF BOOKS; TOMES ON ARITHMANCY AND CURSE-BREAKING AND TRANSFIGURATION PILED HIGH AROUND HER. Hermione works on one, eyes flitting across the page as she drinks in the information, teeth sunk into her lower lip with thought.
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Thought that is insufferably interrupted as @dcmoniism slides in on the seat beside her. "Go away, Nott. I'm busy," she scolds, focusing on gliding her pen (because quills really are utterly impractical) across the pages of her notebook with notes to brush up on later.
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artfucksmylife · 1 year
According to @elias-bouchard-apologist I am supposed to post this, so here you go:
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Based on this
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flur-ink · 8 months
🌱sᴘɪᴅᴇʀᴠᴇʀsᴇ ᴀᴜ🕷️
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Filler post, ignore the terrible anatomy I drew this before I started studying it 😭
But anyways, that's a random idea I had, I don’t have a spidersona but I thought it would be fun to turn modern Lucy into a cool green spiderwoman !! I took inspo from the metallic green jumping spider, it just suits her too much
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lightcreators · 1 month
@sevhalfbloodp4 continue from here
Severus's dark eyes flicked over the boy, and he could not help the smirk which curled at the corners of his lips. Draco may have fooled everyone else, especially Potter, hell, even himself, but Severus had a gift for seeing through people, and he was not fooled, not even in the slightest, no matter how hard his god son attempted to protest.
"You...are at your wits end..." he said, in a slow drawl. "I beg of of you, to let me assist you...do you have any idea how far I've gone to ensure your safety? I have taken...the unbreakable...vow.."
You are at your wits ends. Alright, this was exactly the sentence he emotionally, mentally, physically KNEW exactly, inside every degree of his soul, than he didn't wanted to hear, especially not from Snape. There always had been consciousness he had been carefully watched by his eyes, which could be deeply problematic concerning his little meddling business … What if, within their double act together, in their separate and different union to protect Potter, he considered that he was going a little too far on the traitor's plank ? Well, actually, he was an traitor --- but it wasn't an knoweldge he wanted concerned villains to know. For one second, as remembrance it concerned Snape and not someone else, he forced himself, deeply within desire of immediate answer of his features, to bring frontal dark glance. I beg of you, to let me assist you. That would have been perfect if Potter wasn't the one insisting within the world of shadows to do the exact same thing, in which he pulled illusions further and rejected what necessery help he needed … ❝  I need to ensure your safety too, just in case you forget. ❞  Immediate bounce back enjoyed that sentence as good manner to an slight discreation. He didn't wanted someone else to be sacrified than him, and nothing could save him than taking somehow, somewhere the responsability about how he was condamned in long term to death … ❝  I just have trouble sleeping, it's not a big deal, really, I'm very, very fine. ❞  He attempted in a rough way.
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citruswriter · 3 months
Omegaverse Ranks
For whenever I decide to write omegaverse shit.
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The Traditional
Alpha - Dominant. The leader.
Beta - Mostly dominant. Second-in-command. The supporter.
Omega - Submissive. The lowest rank. Usually weaker.
Luna - A mate. Usually used for the more submissive mate.
Extended - My version
The Leaders
Alpha - Socially dominant, physically dominant.
Gamma - Socially submissive, physically dominant.
The Second in Commands
Beta - Socially Dominant, physically dominant.
Delta - Socially submissive, physically dominant.
The Bottoms
Omega - Socially submissive, physically submissive.
Sigma - Socially dominant, physically submissive.
The Hybrids
Epsilon - Alpha/Gamma & Beta/Delta hybrid. Socially dominant, physically dominant.
Upsilon - Alpha/Gamma & Beta/Delta hybrid. Socially submissive, physically dominant.
Iota - Beta/Delta & Omega/Sigma hybrid. Socially dominant, physically submissive.
The Exempt
Phi - Healers. Socially submissive, usually physically submissive.
Zeta - No pheromones & can't be affected by others pheromones. Don't usually partner but when they do ~ socially submissive, usually physically dominant.
Theta - Has a mutated beta gene. Calming scent knocks others out. Socially dominant, usually physically dominant.
Kappa - Has a mutated omega gene. Overpowering scent, usually overstimulating. Socially submissive, physically submissive.
Mate Terms
Sola - Gets others pregnant, has ruts.
Luna - Gets pregnant, has heats.
Stella - Gets pregnant, has ruts.
Nova - Gets others pregnant, has heats.
Astra - Can't get pregnant, has heats and/or ruts.
Aurora - Can't get pregnant, doesn't have heats/ruts.
Just a heads up, I don't write mpreg. I'll write it if it's a transguy/masc or male/masc intersex person. I'm sorry. I also don't usually write wlw/mlm smut but I'll write tension. I'm saying this bc I ✨suck✨ at writing it. I also don't write submissive males. Again, I'm sorry. But I'm an utter bottom and suck at writing femdoms. Ya'll have my heart tho. Also yes I'll write the ranks for all sorts of animals. If I don't feel comfortable writing for a certain animal then I'll let you know.
Also if ya'll want me to expand on my omegaverse shit at all, just ask and I will.
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queen-of-stoneharts · 2 months
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"Sweetheart, you okay? You look.... scattered a bit. Do you need a helping hand? Maybe two? Get it?"
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runyou-clever-boy · 1 month
"I dare you to kiss @mage-of-black-robes "
Send "I dare you to kiss..." with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss that person on the lips.
A simple game of truth or dare, only Zacharias has landed with the impossible task of performing in front of everyone. Sad to see the bottle spin on him, the Hufflepuff sighed, accepting his fate and laid eyes on Raistlin. They shared a few classes but mainly only talked out of formality, Zacharias knew very little about them just that the Slytherin was a wiz in class. 
“Alright let’s get this over with,” Zach huffed, crawling across the circle on his hands on knees towards where Raistlin was sitting. Maybe he should have never joined the DA, then he wouldn’t be in this mess. Oh well - Zacharias took hold of the Slytherin’s side of their face and planted a kiss no longer than five seconds.
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smileflowcr · 3 months
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Tiene el presentimiento que sus polluelos están sufriendo(?)
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mikrokosmcs · 3 months
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¿Realmente  vale  la  pena  todo  esto?  ¿Realmente  su  vida  estudiantil  tendría  que  reducirse  a  ser  niñera?  Está  perdiendo  el  pelo(?)
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ephemerasnape · 7 months
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Victor Rookwood's BRUTAL Poetic Roast of his Mirrorverse Doppleganger ☠️🎩
Loser Lookgood image by @shingodzilla98 who does a lot of neat stuff with mods.
"Neat stuff" that makes team hat and team villain cry... 😭😭😭
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starwrittenfates · 6 months
@messrsmcrauders said: “I say this a lot, but, look, they’re not good enough for you.” {for Lily from Severus 👀}
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She can tell he's trying to help make her feel better. And it's working. Lily wipes away the tears falling from her eyes, a small smile coming back to her face. She can't help but rest her head on his shoulder, finding comfort in her best friend while shedding her vulnerabilities and insecurities to him. "Thank you, Sev. For always being a great friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Actually, Lily already knows the answer to that and she doesn't like it. After all, Severus had been the one to introduce her to the Wizarding world, informing her she was magical. If she didn't have him in her life, her childhood would have been lonely and confusing trying to navigate in a new place without him. "But in all honestly, I don't think this person even knows I like them. Granted, I should probably tell them, but...I can't. Do you have anyone you like too, Sev?"
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mugglebrn · 7 months
@mallfoii cont. from here
"SO I SHOULD BE WORRIED FOR WHEN THIS PROBATION PERIOD OF YOURS LIFTS AND YOU'RE FREE TO HEX AT WILL?" she asks, following him out of the greenhouse and down towards the lake. For a place so beautiful and peaceful, it had always surprised Hermione how quiet it remained, with very few students choosing to take the stroll. She thought that perhaps the giant squid's reputation preceded it, scaring away any younger students who'd heard tale of it dragging teenagers from the shoreline to feast on. The lighthearted scare was so amusing that not even she had ever piped up in her best know-it-all tone to inform them that actually, the squid was known to be very friendly with an appetite for nothing more than fish.
And she's thankful for never correcting the misinformation as they stroll across the field to the lake, uninterrupted or spotted by any other students (though upcoming dinnertime also likely had something to do with it).
Hermione settles onto the transfigured blanket, slipping off her mary janes and white socks so that she can sink her feet into the water, flinching a little as her body acclimatises to the cold. "And that's what you want to do? Have dinner?" her tone is as skeptical as it is curious. She's unable to deny the way her mind had wandered since this thing between them started. And how the only thing that had been preventing her from taking it further was the lack of privacy each situation found them in. This would be the first time they were truly alone, without risk of somebody walking in on them.
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And she thinks she's ready for more. With him. "We're just going to chat... and eat?" Hermione doesn't know if she's killing the romance (wait, when had she started thinking in terms of romance with this?) by wanting to know specifics, but she really did prefer to be prepared. Call her a control freak, but she really would like to know in advance if they were going to have sex tonight.
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yakuly · 8 months
Expresso Hogwarts
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Projeto: Bookverso
O que é o Bookverso?
O projeto Bookverso, surgiu são histórias de alguns grupos no universo de alguns livros... Eles vêm em formato de Headcanons, Reactions e histórias entrelaçadas (entre seus membros). Aproveite!
BTS x Harry Potter
Uma série de histórias sobre os estudantes da escola de magia Hogwarts. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jung jungkook...
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Seokjin x Grifinória | Yoongi x Sonserina
Hoseok x Lufa-Lufa | Namjoon x Corvinal
Jimin x Sonserina | Taehyung x Corvinal
Jungkook x Grifinória
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