#( i did say i would probably incorporate what happens into his boxer verse if i liked it )
razorfst · 2 years
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Andrei normally keeps to himself, especially after how he grew up with just his dad. However, after his success at the Olympics with winning a gold medal for Romania and his rise in professional boxing, it was hard to continue to do that. Not that he was entirely upset about it at times. It was nice being invited to things, being able to promote his fights, being accepted. Over time he found himself being met with open arms into the boxing community, it is slow but it happens the more he wins and shows he belongs there. It comes to a peak after he wins his gold medal at the Olympics, the redemption he’d been looking for in his family name. There wasn’t anything he thought that could bring him down, shooting for the title belts soon after. Slowly, he was building up as a number one contender one belt at a time. And it was when his first title bout came that he found himself at a party a month before as part of a press stunt to hype up the fight. Little did he know that during all this time someone carried a rather large grudge against his father. Of course he knew there were people upset with Costin ever since he lost the gold medal match all those years ago, he just assumed they left it at that or acted like they were nothing as they so often did when he was growing up. However, someone took that a step further. 
Being left unattended after a few pictures with his opponent, everyone assumed he would be fine. His father opting to stay at home as events like these weren’t his type of thing. His possible voice of reason, the only one able to hold him back from making rash decisions that could backfire. It was then a man who had such a grudge against his father, losing all his money when he bet on that unfortunate fight, came into the party. Unaware of who he was, Andrei went about his business with a drink in hand before finishing it off and giving it to a waiter walking by as the man approached. At first it appeared to be a normal conversation, just someone who was a fan of boxing and kept up with his career. When the conversation seemed to run its course, he was turning to leave when the man spoke up again. “Are you going to choke like your father? A pathetic boxer he was, I don’t see how someone like that can train you to be better. Is that why you don’t have a mother? She saw that on the wall immediately after he lost? I can’t blame her for leaving, anyone would. You both deserve it.” Those words, they made Andrei freeze and his body tense. 
Without thinking once the last word left his lips, seeing nothing but red, he whipped around and hit the man with a left hook to the cheek. It made the man stumble back but it also gave him the distance he needed to take out a metal baton and flick it open out of Andrei’s sight. When he came towards him, planning on sending a flurry of combinations towards the man, it was then he hit Andrei with the baton. At first it was on his upper arm, making him wince in pain and momentarily let down his guard. The next thing he knew, the baton came swinging down on his head and sent him to the ground. Bracing himself on a nearby seat as the world swam around him, another swing came down on his right hand and he felt an intense pain shoot through it. Immediately he drew his hand into his body while the man was finally taken down by others. Soon after he was rushed to the hospital where it was discovered he had suffered a concussion and a broken right hand. It meant he would have to sit out six months to heal and do physical therapy before he could even fight again.
Just when things were looking up fully, nothing bad to look to, his goals were put on hold as he was once reminded who he was and where he came from. It was a time period that put him a bit into darkened mind set, almost like he was before the gold medal. The quiet, solemn man with the world against him, having nothing to lose. His one saving grace, the fact contracts were signed and the fight had to happen. It was agreed the bout would occur when Andrei was fully healthy again and the two boxers could have a proper fight.
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