#( if I take lara mayhaps i will do for her as well? )
soulcluster-moved · 2 years
ship bias for hancock and leon kennedy
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
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the ot3!!! piper/hancock/preston!
perhaps it goes without saying but I ship hancock with piper and preston individually as well.
piper because her sass and tenacity jives with hancock and he appreciates her attitude about spreading the truth and how she doesnt give up.
preston because he's so good and cares so much and I think people forget that hancock also cares so much. to the point that he helped ghouls get to safety and would check up on them and he hated himself so much for not being able to do more that he tried to kill himself and became a ghoul by accident. LIKE...HANCOCK AND PRESTON ARE SAME HAT and I think it's crime that that isn't recognized more (but we know why...)
my other ship for him is hancock/not hating himself
that's actually it lol
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ngl I really ship him and Claire. Their interactions in RE2 just got me and I've been a sucker since, and think about the way they are always silently looking out for each other over the years
and in that same vein I'd absolutely ship him and Chris lol they'd really understand each other and get along. though, as a note, I'm actually not a fan of their portrayals in RE6 and Vendetta in regards to their alcoholism. It honestly felt a little trite that they were suddenly alcoholics, like a convenient plot device type thing. That's how I personally feel about it. I know they've been through a lot but it felt like it came out of nowhere in both cases, though I'm not saying they can't have vices. anyway, I think he and Chris could have a lot of good development and being there for each other and understanding what each of them goes through, mixed in with some angsty tension mayhaps
this is going outside fandom but Lara Croft because they both kick ass and take names, and lara is the type who says fuck the government I do what I want (and despite his position, Leon is that type too). she's also fought all manner of supernatural creatures and he'd hella respect that and her drive
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songofthealps · 3 years
Day 4: History Prompt
Building of the Swiss consulate in Norway, 1847
Pairing: SwissNor (Lara x Lukas) 
Other characters mentioned: Switzerland ( Vash) & Nyo! Norway (Maja)
Wordcount: 907
The year was 1847, and the Swiss consulate was going to be opening in Oslo. Both Vash and Lara had come here to see it happening, and the whole way there she had to hear about Norway. Lara was told that the two that represented it, Lukas and Maja, could be kind of quiet people. However, it was revealed to her that both of their nations seemed to have the same general interests in mind.
Vash had spent more time with the Norwegian siblings, and didn’t seem to be too phased with going, “It’s simply another meeting,” He’d sighed, peeling and orange and offering Lara a half, which she declined. “We go, we see the consulate come into being, and then we get to do as we please.” For Vash, it would be sleeping, possibly spending some time with Maja. He seemed to enjoy the quiet woman. From her understanding, he didn’t get on as well with Lukas.
Once they were there, Lara calmly walked around, enjoying Oslo. It was different than her own home, but that was half the fun of leaving it. She made her way along, looking around until her bother held out his arm to stop her.
Before them stood the Norways, both tall, a bit slender, eyes such a deep blue they were almost violet, light blonde hair. They both were dressed in rather fancy clothing, as much, if not more, than the Swiss siblings. Coming to their sides, Lara and Vash shook hands with both of them and then resumed their place on either side of the Norways. Vash by Maja, and Lara by Lukas.
It was long, but their bosses spoke of relations, a desire for commitment in the fields of human security, peacebuilding, humanitarian policy and migration. Trade with the two increasing in general, and just all around positivity. While Vash seemed invested in all that was going to come to them, and all they’d be giving, Lara was more interested in the little puff that Lukas was doodling in his notebook, it resembled a rabbit, but with leaves for ears.
Noticing Lara was watching him, and not listening to talk of their nations’ getting along well, Lukas shifted a bit so she could see what he was doing. He doodled a bit more as they were sitting, showing her various gnomes, trolls, and fairies. By the end, the two were more engrossed in that than they were in the consulate.
Not for lack of responsibility, but it wasn’t like they were declaring war on each other, just mentioning that the two nations were going to be getting along well. It was a good thing, all good news. In time, history would make the two nations much closer, with decisions made on their stance of the EU, as well as the wealth both held.
For now, the meeting was ending and he was offering her the chance to take a walk. Maja and Vash seemed to be occupied with their bosses, so it was easy for Lara and Lukas to sneak past them, and then run. Deciding to make their way through the streets of Oslo.
“I have something I’d like to show you,” Lukas eventually spoke after they’d made their great escape, running from their families and bosses.
“As long as it isn’t a meeting hall, you have my interest.” Lara’d replied.
“Not a meeting hall, nei. Not quite.”
They’d walked a bit, mostly in a comfortable silence until they started to make their way through the trees, walking for a bit until they came to the very edge of a clearing.
“This,” Lukas had stated, moving his arm to show the place in all of its grandeur. “Is the Oslofjord. What do you think?”
“Beautiful, and much different than anything I’ve ever seen,” Lara had moved a bit closer to the edge of the trees, “Vast, and very wide. I think it has a mysterious air to it, but I find it a bit.. Irresistible. My land has many lakes, many, many lakes. But nothing like a fjord.”
Lukas had hummed in response, but then kept humming, until Lara had turned to look his way.
“Lara, a query, do you believe in fairy tales?”
“Depends,” She’d pressed her finger to her lips, noting the air’s temperature seemed to change when he asked her. “I like to think they exist, yes. Why?”
“Hypothetically speaking, if I were to tell you the little creatures I was drawing were.. Real. What would you say?” The haze he’d held on her was intense, and Lara almost felt chilly.
“I’d say I believed you and leave it at that.” The reply was honest, but also simple. She didn’t back down, holding his gaze. “Why? Are they?”
And he was back to humming, whatever the tune was, she didn’t recognize it, but she did find the air was getting a bit.. Warmer.
“Care to dance?”
That broke her from her thoughts. Lukas wanted to dance, in this random place, at this random time?
“Alright, sure.”
Placing her hand in his, Lukas lead them off in a dance, one she’d come to recognize over the years as she visited Norway, with creatures humming along that she could not see. However, if she stopped, and listened closely, she’d swear she heard music. Little did she know it would be the start of beautiful relations, not just for their countries, but for them as well.
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