#( if this ain't them in a nutshell )
nights-at-crystarium · 3 months
While I'm ancient-trio-posting, wanna hear a bit about their dynamic?
Hythlodaeus and Hades are old friends, roommates, even. A genuinely mature, established couple. I haven't really thought too far back in time yet, so maybe childhood friends to lovers because no one else in my story has this trope yet. I leave it open-ended for now. What matters is that they're very chill and stable together.
Azem, not-yet-Azem but a mere apprentice of Venat, has a certain secret, harmless to the world, but potentially ranging from laughable, cringy, personally embarrassing to legally punishable, should it be brought in front of the Convocation, like all lies it's doomed to be revealed in time, he already hangs out with one of the Big People and there are talks about Venat's retirement, our little not-yet-Azem feels like he might get recommended, and must find help with his silly secret before that.
Hythlodaeus, Chief of the Bureau of the Architect, has ever been kind and patient with not-yet-Azem's concept submissions, and generally seems like a reliable and open-minded person, so our guy asks for his advice on the matter. Of course he isn't let down, the nitty gritty of it I'll leave for later. The important part: he and Hyth grow closer, and Hades, already being joined at the hip with Hyth, is in on the secret as well. It's just a vulnerability that I use as a means to win over Hades's heart. Be genuine, beg for his help, rely on him, and he's yours.
Venat retires, the new Azem takes the seat, his secret's safe/resolved (forget about it, it's played its role of the glue for our trio), things are chill for a while, the trio grows into a proper throuple, Hades is recommended for the seat of Emet-Selch by both his lovers, but by Azem most ardently (and selfishly: he feels like a white crow among the Convocation and wants another freak on the team. Hades finds it sweet though).
The status quo moves to the known canon where Azem travels a lot, sometimes summons his buddies to his side, he tends to disappear from Amaurot for weeks and months on end, Hyth and Hades are left to themselves, seemingly things are the same as they've always been, but the joy of reuniting with their wayward lover, and the pining when he's gone, is bigger in Hades than Hyth. Of course they, the two mature people holding hands from the beginning of times, don't discuss this.
Azem may not even realize what he's doing- well, ain't that most azems in a nutshell. He just exists, loves his partners, shines for them with equal warmth like sun. It's not that Hyth doesn't like being sunkissed, no, it's Hades who gets a bit too excited, tries to mask that however he can, perhaps HythHades pretend that nothing's changed, but, yknow, subtle cracks. Hades's heart grows more fond due to the time and distance that separate them so often. Of course he's terrified and he sees what this does to the balance of their poly, it's not welcome, but it won't go away.
Enter Hyth's self-esteem issues, and how neatly that weaves into his following sacrifice to bring forth Zodiark. Even though Azem's nowhere to be seen, it's fine, he'll return, it's just a tantrum, the Convocation will forgive him, Hades will be left in good hands, he and Azem seem to be happier without Hyth anyway. (no, no, no, no-) Of course, the latter's left unsaid, only a smile on display and vague words of affirmation for the shellshocked Hades.
Through the sacrifice Hyth drives up his value. He's forever important to Hades now, forever on his mind, his guiding star. I view Hyth's selfless act as selfish too (just as Raha's but he isn't relevant here), a desperate act of a soul not only loving, but desperate for love. Hyth gets what he wanted. In a fucked up way, he's happier as a part of the moon. He never has to contend with the sun again.
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knightwithakay · 1 month
swordfighting observations
when I had only been doing HEMA for a little while, I turned to a friend and said: "this is going to ruin fictional swordfighting for me, isn't it?" and he said, immediately: "yep."
THAT SAID, a lot of live fencing still happens too quickly for me to really track and process what is and isn't happening. so the one fictional swordfighting thing I've always wondered about is the only one I'll speak to here, and that is
hey guys, I'm always thinking at this point. hot stuff, but couldn't you just like...move the sword as soon as it's clear brute force ain't gonna do it?
So I will be talking about the longsword concepts of binding and winding and also some anecdotal observation of my year and change learning both longsword and greatsword.
Obligatory caveat that I'm specifically speaking to concepts as I've learned em as German KDF longsword fencing, or as montante fencing, and I don't do shit with one-handed weapons.
First up: Binding. In longsword, your priorities are as follows: 1) keep the other person from hitting you 2) hit the other person, in that order. In the course of 1, it is pretty frequent that your swords will hit each other and hold. This is called the bind. I'm told that with sharp swords the bind is actually fairly literal; when two sharpened edges, potentially with burs and other rough spots, come into contact, they do lock into place rather than sliding around.
You can have a strong bind, when the lowest and more powerful part of your blade is in contact with the upper portion of your enemy's; a weak bind, when your upper sword is trying to exert pressure on their lower sword; or a neutral bind, where you both meet in the middle, as our lovebirds are doing.
Keeping the bind is actually pretty desirable sometimes, for a very straightforward reason: you know immediately where your enemy's sword is if you're in contact with it, and you have some leverage over it. Being in physical contact with the sword as it moves is much more immediate feedback that trying to visually track and defend against it. So the idea of these two homoerotic duelers maintaining contact long enough to quip is not actually that crazy.
Just sticking there and leaning at each other, however, is. Enter winding! In a nutshell, winding is the act of keeping your sword in the bind but positioning it such that you have an advantage. This can look like moving from a neutral bind to a strong bind, moving the tip of their sword from a threatening position to one where they can't reach you, or getting into a place where you can stab them in the face from the bind or even hit them with the pommel (classic). Physically, you're shifting the placement and direction of the sword, moving from guard to guard (from low on your hip to above your head, or switching side of the body) to try and find the advantage while maintaining pressure on their sword.
With two people who know what they're doing, winding can be very fluid and almost dance-like, as both fencers react to the other person, maintain contact, and fight for control through a series of different positions.
So! In summary, I want to see fewer fictional duelists wrenching their arms and shoulders by struggling to physically shove someone via sword, and more elaborate and flashy maneuvers as they negotiate via swordplay who's on top.
Because the weapon I prefer and click with more is a giant fuckin sword, I am not very good with binding. This was actually the first instance I noted of my greatsword stuff influencing my longsword stuff; when meeting another sword, I have a tendency to try and swing straight through it instead of arresting momentum to meet in the bind. With a montante, this is very easily done, because of the greater weight and momentum, and in fact a big component of the style; you're meant to be constantly in motion to maintain momentum, and you knock weapons away and then swing back around for the second hit. Trying to suddenly stop a montante is how you hurt yourself.
With a longsword, this has mixed results. Benefits: most longsword fencers aren't expecting me to do that, because it's the type of shit a beefy fella very confident in his strength would do, and I am only slightly more intimidating than a pasta noodle. So it sometimes tricks them into trying to react to a bind that doesn't come, and sometimes places my sword out of reach before they know what's happening, and if I am correctly maintaining my own momentum and being smart I can get the hit. Cons: it moves my sword out of position, and when I'm not presenting a threat I get hit. Additionally, if I meet one of those aforementioned beefy fellas and try this I may just get stopped cold, and then I have to wind. Figuring out how to implement this more purposefully than instinctively is on my to-do list as soon as it's cool enough to put on all of my padded sparring gear again.
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hugsarethugs · 7 months
(pov i hate coloring-) SO sum scene context in a nutshell: Dice and the cups are in town running some errands when they run into Chalice, her being up to her usual cons. She decides to tag along with them an gets introduced to Dice. The Cups talk about how Chalice has been teaching them the ways of her lil dance routine which makes Dice laugh, he says their lil dance ain't goin to get them anywhere an they should work on singing instead to con people.
Him and Chalice get into an argument on which is better an who has the better charming skills yada yada...
In the argument Chalice makes a comment like: "Don't listen to a guy who can't keep his make-up from smudging" or something like that- Dice's reaction:
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they have a charm off and everyone gets ✨arrested✨
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daemon-in-my-head · 5 months
Also as much as I love Durgetash, it genuinely ain't about the smut or romance for me (go figure).
I'm solely intrigued by 2 people who realistically shouldn't be able to have any connection deeper than bare surface level going far enough as to defy their gods for each other.
And I can't help but ponder how much of that was just plain manipulative behaviour on both their sides. Cuz like, Gortash, 10/10 manipulative as fuck, but Durge does have that streak as well and considering how well the temple has been doing, they've been at it and they're playing in major politics themselves as well.
And if they're already manipulating and stringing along the patriars, what's to stop them from using the new money banite that just popped up and clings to them for one reason or another.
I wholeheartedly do not believe, at the bare minimum at first, that either of these people had anything 'nice' in mind when hanging out with each other. And now I need to know if and when that view changed and to what extent.
That's my obsession in a nutshell ig.
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witheredoffherwitch · 5 months
Not here to start anything but did you not reach out to the person who was the victim of racism here to see her opinion on it? Because she's been quite vocal and clear that things with Em are patched.
Hi nonnie,
I am taking your ask because this ABSOLUTELY needs to be addressed. Your question is a prime example of why I made that post in the first place. So many of you are completely missing the point: this is not just about "fanfic drama" between two people anymore. The main post that detailed all the leaked text messages is WILD to me, because while they revealed some nasty mean girl behaviour from some, it also showed a blatant display of participation and encouragement in bullying, harassment, and racism from everyone involved. And yet, the most disturbing part is the reaction from your community. It's beyond baffling atp!
To answer your question in a nutshell, I joined this fandom after all that drama went down. When those texts came out, I was honestly confused and had to reach out to my own desi community to figure out what was going on. Turns out at the time, Shruie mentioned getting racist attacks but Bel had everyone convinced she was lying - and since Shruie was a considerably smaller blog, she was ostracized and her concerns were brushed off as mere ploy to get attention and sympathy. And now, with the recent revelation of Bel's use of rat emojis, do you see why that part is crucial here? Can you grasp why even the slightest knowledge of Bel's despicable behaviour is significant here? And, do you comprehend how the lack of condemnation only perpetuates a culture of racist hatred towards this person of colour? It's time to confront and acknowledge these issues head-on.
This drama happened back in July of LAST YEAR (?) and now it's being leaked? And you expect us to just forgive and forget because they made up with one person involved? Sorry, I'm not buying it. They only reached out to the victim because they had a falling out with the main perpetrator. If they truly take responsibility for their actions, then GOOD! But excuse me for being wary of this community who will coddle these grown ass women to tell them repeatedly how they are an “integral part of this fandom” or how they “meant well” while making these mistakes over and over again.
Some of us don't see this as just a petty fanfic squabble anymore. And if you still don't see it, then I don't expect you ever will. Your biases blind you - and frankly, I no longer have any interest in trying to make you see. This ain't my first rodeo with people who want to jump on the anti-racism train but are actually part of the problem. My post was meant to call out the toxic behavior that has gone unchecked for too long. Grace, @the-heartlines said it perfectly, so I'm linking her post here for those who need it spelled out more eloquently. This isn't about the fanfic community - because let's be real, I'm not even a part of it. You're all too focused on maintaining your little popularity contests and chasing upvotes to see how your own biases affect your actions. My words are for the rest of the fandom, who can see through the facade and finally speak out against this BS.
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alasoi · 2 months
which one of your monster snipers is the safest to be around
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↑ their dynamic in a nutshell ↑
Are you asking about the two large monsters or are you including the others? 
Well, first let’s discuss the two large ones. *Monstrous Anomaly Sniper is called MAS02/MAS2 and the Eyeless Monstrous Anomaly Sniper is called MASo* 
MAS2 is more offensive and moves faster. MASo moves slower and doesn’t seem as threatening but do not underestimate it.
When encountering MAS2, you get a fast ending. However, MASo can be a different case. It stands still and waits when prey comes close enough for it to grasp at. It smells dead (surprise surprise), so hungry carnivores are usually the ones who get eaten. The fact is MASo does NOT need to eat… The food will stay inside/drop from its open tummy anyway. 
All that said, MASo is *Slightly* safer to be around if you keep a good distance and have a good hiding place – it won’t waste his energy on you (no promises). It's technically a walking corpse so who knows.
Even MAS2 ain't brave enough to fight MASo, though it dares to threaten and snap at MASo for merely existing in its vicinity. 
If we include the other monsters and the like, the safest to be around is Obsidian Sniper – he only defends himself, so if you don’t show any signs of trying to harm him, he won’t do anything to you. He’s had to deal with harassment from other humans, so he’s more comfortable strolling around at night. 
Technically the other monster snipers (of which most of em are called reptile snipers) aren’t typically the most dangerous, but it depends. Just be still and let them approach you, so don’t touch them in case it's a timid individual. If it's a territorial individual, you better not approach it, it might tell you to leave by flicking its tongue rapidly and standing tensely.  
And uh for Lizard Sniper… it's hard to tell how dangerous he is but I don't think you want him to steal your wallet and spend all your money as a prank now do you?
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Obsidian needs some peace
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templeofalice · 2 days
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Day 1.... The first Alice song you ever heard - We Die Young
Day 2... The song with your favorite lyrics - All I Am
On your toes or on your heel, there's a line drawn on the floor
Day 3... Your favorite from Dirt - Down In A Hole
Day 4... The song that made you a fan - Would?
Day 5... A song you don't like much - Frogs
Day 6... Your favorite music video - Private Hell
Day 7... Your favorite song from Facelift - It Ain't Like That
Day 8... Your favorite song covered by Alice in Chains - Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath
Day 9... A song you know all the words to - most of them
Day 10... A song that makes you happy - Got Me Wrong
Day 11... Your favorite song from Tripod - Grind
Day 12... A song you didn't like at first but now you love it - Sludge Factory (but I only like the Unplugged version)
Day 13... A song from your favorite album - When The Sun Rose Again
Day 14... A song that makes you sad - Don't Follow
Day 15... Your favorite random AIC moment - Nona Weisbaum 😂
Day 16... A song from the first album you ever bought - Bleed The Freak
Day 17... Your favorite single - Down In A Hole
Day 18... Your favorite song from Jar Of Flies - No Excuses
Day 19... The song with your favorite riff - Nutshell
Day 20... Your favorite Alice song of all time - A Looking In View
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hi, hi! I've been a longtime follower of your blog, but this is my first time sending in an ask because of anxiety. You're the most consistent blog that keeps up to date with Viv and her work. As someone who first saw Viv through the Die Young animation, and watched the HH pilot when it was first released, I grew disillusioned as s1 of Helluva Boss slowly aired. It was mostly because I didn't really enjoy the Stolitz ship and I believe the Erin Frost drama had come out (god bless Erin - she, Ken and everyone else deserved so much better). Plus the world-building and character development was just so off.
I know people have said this before: the concept Viv has is good, but the execution sucks. There's a vision but the product is so damn juvenile. I'm ace, and I became attached to Alastor due to him being ace as well, but we all know how Viv responded when the ship wars were happening. I couldn't stand the constant sex jokes or swearing in HB since when was it required for an "adult" show to have that?
Thank you for the episode leaks. Only got to see ep 1 before they were removed. The only thing that made me laugh out loud was the Niffty gag where she stared dead into the camera. I also liked Adam a bit? Sure the "original dick" thing went on way too long, but he was funny too. I surprising enjoyed his song - the lil fist bump he did with Lute was cute, and I like Lute but knowing Viv's record... eh. There was this cool shot where Adam flew up and Lute and those golden angels go behind him and spread their wings making Adam look like the biblically accurate angel. Except Adam himself ruins the effect because what the ever-loving heck is he wearing? I hate it.
In terms of shipping, I wasn't into the Huskerdust interactions. Angel wasn't flirting, that was sexual harassment. In the pilot it was okay because their interaction was brief and Husk pushed Angel off. Chaggie was... something. I genuinely feel that Chaggie could've worked had they not been established as a couple in the first place. The reason why Charlastor (and I guess Charlentious?) happened is because they had chemistry and their interactions could be read as a romantic interest. Since Chaggie was already established, there was an expectation for them to have those, but they weren't delivered and we know well that they weren't supposed to be a thing in the first place. Have Vaggie still be her bff and bodyguard, but show those moments where she genuinely cares for Charlie's well-being that indicates she's in love with her, yet Charlie is completely oblivious to everything. Actually, reverse harem Charlie sounds pretty funny to me.
Btw, armchair psychology anon, as a person studying psychology in my final year of college, dw about people taking issues with your speculations. NPD and other personality disorders are ego-syntonic, which means that the individual's behaviours line up with their beliefs, hence why PDs are only diagnosed during adulthood once brain maturation and personality development is reached. The only exception to this is ASPD (which NPD shares a category with called Cluster B along with histrionic and BPD) as you can diagnose a child with conduct disorder that can become ASPD when they're adults. Cluster B PDs are terribly demonised by media and the public despite the volume of research (I blame misunderstanding and ignorance). Viv could have it or could not; it's just that she shows signs of having it, and that's it. Even if she doesn't, she's still an awful person. Idk what happened in her childhood or some point in her life for her to become like this, but it doesn't excuse treating people like crap - oh wait, ain't this her characters in a nutshell?
That's all I gotta say for now. I hope it's okay to send more like this in the future; I'd love to be a specific anon but idk what's already taken lol. Take care, Chai, and I hope you have a good day/evening.
By all means, send as many as you've got! Because this was a delight to read.
Let me know when you come up with a name. I'll give you a placeholder one for now.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
The medium is the message
With a Droughtlander even more dry than we were used to, we still manage to get back to some inglorious basics. With even more drama and tattle - oh! - on the menu, I suppose this time it was my brain that refused somehow to process further details. And blissfully prompted me to a five-hour totally unplanned siesta: now my circadian rhythm is completely upside down - don't care.
In a nutshell: in these strange lands, no news is never good news, something I find extraordinary, to say the least. And if we have no news, we're making them, aren't we?
Digitalization and the omnipresence of Internet in our lives gave us a tremendous tool, readily available at the end of our fingertips. All it takes is a subscription and we're all turning, as by magic, into potential news outlets. As Spiderman once taught us, 'with great power comes great responsibility'. Something that should make us think twice. It doesn't always work. That is a shame.
That a very basic Internet basement troll suddenly proclaims and promotes herself as a celeb journo of sorts should be - and, thankfully, isn't - of no consequence to the world's balance. The fact that the crowd she attracts seems to live suspended to her every pronunciamiento is still as new and as mind-bogglingly pathetic to me as it was the very first time I saw it in print. With bias galore (I am being merciful, here) and no editorial policy whatsoever, other than me, me, me: look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair, she somehow managed to maintain, for a very long time, a relevant presence. Ozymandias she ain't, though. Her repertoire is very limited, yet perfectly calibrated to a thirsty, easily entertained and uneducated mob.
That a compact group of desperate housewives suddenly found a daily interest in bashing every breath and every move of a (let's be fair) lesser known male celeb is, yet again, a thing of wonder. This time, it's all about camaraderie and endless fun, without giving a hoot about consequences. 'We keep it to ourselves'. I am rolling my eyes very hard at you, here: no, you don't, while knowing perfectly well it is taken into account by someone, somewhere. All you want is to find power in numbers, and when you fail to do so, you double down on vulgarity and silliness.
That an arrogant dimwit walks down the pixelated avenidas of these lands, asking the same question over and over and over again, simply makes me laugh and ask her (over and over and over again) in return: and you're still as stupid today as yesterday, right? But compared to the above, this is light (and poor) entertainment.
By now, I took the whole grand tour and sometimes I wonder what the hell I am doing here and why I am still around. In my world, such people exist (pretending the contrary would be a pious lie), but they come in more sophisticated and articulate varieties. These? Pfff, seriously? Amateur league.
If this was only about mathematically determining, with infinitesimal accuracy, if Desi loves Lucy and more, this whole hullaballoo would have been over for a long while, once the people here made up their minds one way or another. I know that. You know that. TPTB know that. Desi knows that, bless his heart. Lucy knows that (yes, even remote, dignified Lucy). With the talk of the town over, our virtual drones would patrol a consensual landscape of fanfic and biblical exegesis of Herself's voluminous (some would add cumbersome, oh the blasphemy!) body of work, with the gifted, very gifted sketch and the docile distribution of press releases thrown in the mix for good measure.
It's more than that and you all know it. As for me, I am here to bring some sanity, a sprinkle of empathy and that different angle this place missed.
Count on that. I am not going anywhere. Let me be the fly in your ointment. But be assured: never without good reason.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
Lost boys in a nutshell: Fellow queers save town from from group of eboys vampires
Pretty accurate interpretation, yes 👍🏻👌🏻 except them ain't E-Boys...
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Thems are bloody, brilliant, smokin' hot, bikin' MEN 😍😫
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Will what pokemon do you think 10 would have 👀
i'm about to be so self-indulgent (and show my whole ass with my only knowing off-hand pokemon from gens pre-6)
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Roselia: OKAY. look. at first, i was like, no, i'm not giving him the literal rose pokemon, that's too obvious, but. well. how can you build ten without rose. integral to who he is AND canonically he is weird enough to have replaced her once with a cat also named rose. so. he'd definitely be weird enough to dedicate an entire team slot to a pokemon related to her name. there's also the fact that roselia is not actually, by title, the rose pokemon, it's the thorn pokemon, it is both beautiful, with an incredibly calming presence and scent, and covered in poisonous thorns. felt fitting.
Vaporeon: by law all doctor teams need an eevee or eeveelution on there somewhere, and I thought actually having one evolved fit Ten more, less in the sense that he's come into his own and more for the sense that he doesn't want to change. it terrifies him. and why vaporeon? well. did you know that in terms of human/pokemon breeding, vaporeon is-
Gothitelle: Gothitelle my beloved. Here are some relevant pokedex passages.
It can see the future from the movement of the stars. When it learns its Trainer’s life span, it cries in sadness.
Gothitelle unleashes psychic energy and shows opponents dreams of the universe’s end. These dreams are apparently ethereal and beautiful.
I was reading those and thinking about the fact we have that Ten was probably the shortest lived regeneration, and there's such a contrast there between the end of the universe itself (which he also went to see himself lol) and the brief blip of his "life span", as it were, in comparison to that. Also, Gothitelle's hidden ability is Shadow Tag, which prevents opponents from leaving battle. and. (gestures at all the times ten made things so much worse because he couldn't let things go)
Joltik: SHUSH i swear its not just here because i love joltik. although i do. look at that little face. adorable. but also. Joltik: The Attaching Pokemon, with pokedex entries that literally all revolve around it clinging onto other pokemon to get the energy it needs to keep itself alive. perfect pokemon for mr "if i'm not in a weird codepedent friendship right now i'll kill myself".
Absol: I think Absol could really be a shoe-in for any Doctor team. It's position as the Disaster pokemon is just. really obvious. And the fact that it doesn't actually bring disaster, just senses it and tries to come and warn people, gaining itself a reputation as a harbinger is even more so. And for me, I also remember vaguely a little fact about Absol in competitive. It has fairly good attack, not great but good enough to rank it, if not for the fact that it's defense is so mediocre in comparison. But, this could be a fine set-up for a sort of glass cannon build. Just one small problem. Absol has never been fast enough to pull it off in a way that makes it viable in higher tiers. And ain't that just the doctor in a nutshell, harbinger of disaster, coming to warn everyone, always too late, the guy with a time machine and never enough time.
Entei: And finally. You gotta have a legendary in a slot somewhere. I debated back and forth on if this should be Entei or Raikou. I knew I wanted it to be one of the 2nd gen legendary trio because their pokedex entries and everything about them is about how they run. they're always running. they're a bitch and a half to catch in-game because they'll flee every other turn if you don't tie them down. Raikou was in the running for being the thunder pokemon, thee oncoming storm, but in the end, I went with Entei, thinking of Pompeii.
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spicy-lemnade · 2 months
Casavir Headcanon in the nutshell
(Low res pic, I just want small pic, okay?)
How everyone headcanon (or written) him:
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"My lady." guy
a sorely gentleman (stereotype)
"My lady"
white knight (stereotype)
dragonborn must be his true love or something like that
"I must maintain my vow😞, though I regret taking it"😢😩
Is actually (secretly) horny. uwu
"My lady?"
also deep bass boosted voice
By "taking a vow" very seriously, it means include he should care about his "celibacy"? Just because he's very religious guy??
cares about your boundaries (positive, actually)
my lady....
Praying the divines / Tyr all day
traits? what positive traits? (it's nothing of a value, according to them)
Also Casavir: "met many a fine lass on his travels, but none were sufficiently enticing to churn his core" (literally overused sentences in every fanfics they've written in every fandom)
Here's some verbatim for you all to understand: "he met many pretty women, but none of them are pleasurable enough for him like how dragonborn do." (not), it's very lazy writing.
my lady
my lady
How I headcanon him:
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"It's been 18 years, Bishop. You haven't pay for your crime...and your bills, you've been wasting their ale back from Neverwinter."
old ass
soft ass
sassy ass
goth ass BITCHES
was tired of Bishop's bullshit, but well.. not anymore...
"Knows what he was doing"
but if you ask, he ain't subtle. Well sometimes subtle about it, he'll speak like riddles, just like how you met one of the Stormcock soldier in Sovngarde
remind practical and observant...like how he observed Bishop's behavior and tendencies
Your tired granddad(dy) (ignore this)
is actually introvert nerd
"My lady, I guess..."
"Or my sire, perhaps?"
prefer not to label himself and you do as well respect that
definitely into deathcore
Unironically listening to "I am... All of Me." by Crush 40 from Shadow the Hedgehog ("Hey isn't this for-" SHUT THE FUCK UP)
sure, he doesn't like swearing but he will do it if he feels like it. He's not gonna freak out about it if he hears someone swearing, don't push your luck
he kinda looks like: "Cry all you want while I, as the new gen once called "the Chad", stay stoic as the paladin should do", when he doesn't make any expression that much (he will not say that tho)
His rivalry with Bishop is just as old and boring as your favorite game. Give him a fucking break, he just wants to move on ffs. I don't care about the canon, it's just a fucking game.
He's all in forgiveness, but "never forget for what they've done and hurt you"
He realized he doesn't know who they were fighting over, amnesia perhaps? Or just plain memory loss since he could recall it sometimes but he doesn't know who that is...
has depression, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and terrible anxiety (or generalised anxiety disorder due to his past)
In fact, he IS The Gentleman.
I can go all I wanted to say if I ever wanted to, he deserves better.
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tobymybaby · 2 months
that i thought about it...
The way the fandom mischaracterizes Devon in the devreed ship into a sadist psycho kinda make Julius x Reed look like a saint in comparsion(sorta)
(I like Reevon/Devreed but i don't like how the fandom mischaracterizes them)
Like yeah, Julius x reed is bully x victim in a nutshell but the fandom portraying reevon with someone killing their bully because their "protective" ain't better either
What your thoughts on it?
My thoughts,
Mischaraterizing Devon and making him "protective" makes Devon sound like more like he's yandere and it sure isn't better than shipping Bully x Victim both are not healthy
I could imagine Devon being protective not by killing Julius but rather standing up to Julius when he bullying Reed and his friends (he'd probably get his ass kicked because he's a twig tho)
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Tellin' Ain't Teachin!
Demoing the steps isn't the same thing as teaching.
When we talk about the fact that the SME ought not be the teacher, and why teaching isn't just standing up in front of a classroom and TELLING them how to do it, this is the kind of thing we mean in a nutshell.
Tellin' ain't teachin'.
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nohaijiachi · 2 years
Man, I think another thing that buggers me is that, Mohg gets all this flak for his actions, which... Alright. I DO understand why people would be uncomfortable with his character due to implications which COULD lead that route.
And yet Seluvis doesn't nearly get quite as much hate, even though he's VERY blatant about what he's up to with his puppets.
Crap, Gehrman from Bloodborne seems to get more hate than Seluvis all for his doll comment...
To be entirely fair Mohg is very much a more 'important' and prominent character than Seluvis, being one of the shard-bearers and a boss we get to fight, so on the one hand yes, of course more people will have stronger negative feelings about him than Seluvis, a character than depending on the way one is to play the game they might only meet once, if at all--
On the other hand I have very little doubt the amount of vitriol directed at Mohg VS. Seluvis is very much also a gut reaction to the icky feelings caused by the idea of something sexual being done to a child-like character.
(Even though again, there is no canon basis to make the assumption anything sexual does happen, and not only me, but a lot of other people I've spoken with have also reported not even considering the sexual angle at all... Which tbh is kinda funny because kidnapping Miquella and subjecting him to blood rituals being carried very likely without Miquella's consent is still very much very fucked up? But I'm ready to bet that if this interpretation of the text was outright spelled by the canon we'd have a lot fewer people hating so fervently on Mohg lol)
So yes, I also perfectly understand people's discomfort with the character, but the blatant double standards still very much grind my gears, because as I wrote in the post, all the demigods have done/are doing fucked-up shit. That's just Fromsoft writing in a nutshell; you never get perfectly clear cut bad/good characters, but rather complex individuals with their own motivations and reasons of acting in a certain way. Moral grayness is very much the name of the game.
I'd be much less irritated if people were honest and simply admitted that their own interpretation of the lore makes them dislike Mohg and leave it at that, instead of consistently acting like Mohg being a rapist is a 100% canon and thus he deserves all of the bad things that have been done to him, which, sorry I'm repeating myself here--- BUT the entire concept is bullshit and very much erases what makes Mohg interesting: the way his actions are so very clearly shaped by his past and what has been done to him, just as much as the other Demigods' past shape their characters as we meet them in the game. Not a justification, but an explanation... And yet Mohg gets uniquely singled out, his character flattened down to a boring, no-shades-of-gray villain, when he is -at least for me- one of the most fascinating characters in the entire game.
I don't care if people consider him a 'villain', what he's doing ain't a nice thing by any stretch of the imagination, but to erase the complexity of his character is just so, so, so endlessly irritating to me >:V
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inevitably-johnlocked · 10 months
Hello Steph! I wanted someone to talk to so I figured I could talk to you for a sec. So, I'm currently living in my own for the first time in my 25 years of my life. I not only live by myself, but I've also moved far away from home. I'm basically stranded in a place that's very different from where I lived and I'm completely unaware of my surroundings. I also have my first full time job, so I work a lot. I'm lonely because I have no friends here since the job I'm doing doesn't have other employees apart from my boss who also works with me. So basically, my boss and her circle are all the people I know. The house is pretty much empty and cold and generally since I moved, which is like 3 months now, I've been struck with a series of unfortunate events. I mean from the moment I set foot here. So all this hace gutted me and made me feel even worse. I've cried more times than I can count and geberally I feel miserable. Apart from the workload which is A LOT, I don't really have a problem with the job but with life here in general. I don't know what to do. I was counting the days to Christmas break so I could leave and go home, but I've also been struggling with my family because it seems that every time I feel bad, they make me feel even worse. I think I've become oversensitive here, but with everything that's happened so far I feel overwhelmed and overstimulated all the time. So my emotions are all over the place. Even the simplest task could seem like a lot right now. Like, my sister asked me for something, and I asked her questions and she just kept telling at me that I'm useless. Which yeah, I agree, but on the other hand, I'm barely getting by at this point. And it's even worse since I'm a teacher, and I have to be cheerful and show like nothings happening, everything's fine, not to mention the emotional toll all this has on me. Anyway, the bottom line is, I feel shit, everything is going from bad to worse and I've reached a point where I have no idea if I have a safe space. I don't like it here, but also, I don't think I like it back home as well. Sorry all this may not even make sense, but I wanted someone to listen (or read more appropriately), because I'm losing my mind right now. Anyway, thanks for listening Steph.
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Ooof I'm so sorry you're having a rough go, and just... it's a terrible time of the year for many of us, so please know that you're not alone. I wish I could offer more than my words to you. Change is scary (which is why I tend to stay at jobs a LONG time) and it's especially overwhelming and scary when you're somewhere new. I feel you on the loneliness (I don't have many RL friends either, and the ones I do, they live far away from me) so most of my social circle is just my coworkers.
And to have family that just ain't vibing, UGH, I am SO sorry that your sister (and family if I'm understanding correctly?) is being a twat. Jesus. You're not being oversensitive, you're being you, and you've a LOT happen to you in a short amount of time. You're a strong person for even just putting on the mask everyday (oof if THAT didn't hit home for me too, ugh).
Lovely, I know you're having a hard go right now, and everything seems hopeless. I was in a similar predicament in my late 20s as well after my dad died – my mom fucking went mask off emotionally abusive narcissist and fucked us over, I was forced to move to a new city and start a new job, and my family didn't believe my mom was an asshole until it happened to one of them so yeah (this is just the nutshell version, it's so much worse), I feel you when you say "I don't think I have a safe space anymore". It's hard, but it does get better. I'm nearly 15 years older now since then, and it's a long road, but you'll find the support system and the "safe place" you desire. Me, it's my own home, where all my happy things are. My support system is my sister, my aunts, and my friends 2 hours away, and my therapist (which I highly recommend, they can help you work through a lot of these feelings).
It won't necessarily get easier, but it will get better *HUGS* I know right now everything seems lost, and I REALLY wish I could come over there and hug you and give you chocolate, I really do. I just wish I knew the right words to say, but please know you're ALWAYS welcome to vent in my inbox. I'm sorry I can't offer much more than that, but I hope you'll be alright.
*HUGS* Please take care of yourself, and you're always okay to be here <3
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