#( lookit you rising from the dead! you know it's all good babe i hope you're doing sweell. feel free to hit this goob up whenever )
⁇ & ✘ % $ ( I know I'm still being dead but I cannot pass up this opportunity : D )
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[ sms : ghost drool ] : i abet you think ur slick huh dontchu bc you’re who the fuck knows whsere but yyou’d be wrONG. i’m like an elephant kid i never forget. herms is gonna huear about hist!
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[ sms : ghost drool ] : drinks on me tonight, bud. you ain’t so bad after all. 
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[ sms : ghost drool ] : should have taken a page out of your dad’s book and ditched your ass sooner.
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[ sms : ghost drool ] : you ever been in an orgy, kid? inebriated or other wise. if you haven’t, we’re gonna’ have to go about changing that real soon. what’re half uncles for?
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[ sms : ghost drool ] :  img103843020.jpg attached[ sms : ghost drool ] : Tell it to me honest. These chaps make my ass look big or what?[ sms : ghost drool ] : fOR FUCKS SAKE YOU BETTER FUCKIN PRETEND YOU SAW ZILCH KID[ sms : ghost drool ] : BUT WHile we’re at it i mean[ sms : ghost drool ] : what do you think??
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