#( m. wishlist )
tamedgod · 1 year
wild west au where haru uses guns like this ;
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rwibbonz · 3 months
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westerosiqueens · 1 month
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Would anyone be interested in plotting something with Aemond in his new GOT era verse? I need to write it up but if you're interested hmu and I'll tell you about it!
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sniffanimal · 12 days
me, taking out my earrings: wow I wore these for hours and they didn't start burning! I must not have a problem with the metal!
my earlobes, seconds before bleeding: you would think that wouldn't you
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johannawrites · 8 months
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Jeremy Allen White and Addison Timlin as Ben and Kat in Chasing You (2017)
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penguin--person · 3 months
played isat for the first time!!!:) i like it, its nice :]
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tamedgod · 2 years
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   overwatch verse wishlist;
          (i am also open to any other ideas, as well as ocs!)
Developed friendships with other Overwatch members; these can be further explored post her joining Blackwatch as her mental health declines, as well as post fall of Overwatch when she rejects the recall, and has isolated from said friends.
Literally all the Blackwatch interactions I can get my hands on — particularly with Jesse/Cole. With Haru’s hesitations about how the team operates and having the curtain pulled back, I just think the two of them might have similar ideals, and get along well.
In the same Blackwatch vein, I want ALL the interactions with Moira. Before joining Blackwatch, Haru really admired her work (questionable ethics aside) mainly due to the advances Moira was making so quickly with her medical studies. In a way, Haru shares her method of thinking in that “we aren’t entitled to patience” when it comes to helping those around them. This and Haru’s eventual (reluctant) agreement to be experimented on in the name of helping those around her, I feel like there’s so much to unpack with Moira. Maybe even too much.
Post fall of Overwatch, Haru travels the world. She starts small by sticking with Angela/Mercy, so interactions post Petras Act and post Haru’s brother’s death are greatly wanted while she processes her grief. I wanted her and Angela to have had some kind of falling out as well, which is why Haru eventually breaks off to travel alone.
Haru traveling comes with loads of possibilities, especially to meet literally any other member of anything ever. She has less experience in robotics/helping omnics but I would love love love for her to meet Zenyatta or Ram or just have more interactions with them/omnics in general. She would travel to the irradiated outback to help those in Junkertown, leading her to meet Junker Queen or Hog and Junkrat. She could go to Korea, meet Hana and the others on the mech team, then onto Russia to meet Zarya and better understand how they are working to solve their own crises. Haru wants to better understand all sides, especially since she’s terrible at picking sides in morally grey dilemmas such as the omnic crisis. All she wants to do is help, so she could meet anyone during her traveling period.
In an angst situation I’d love to write the fallout of her brother’s death? One of the few times she’d be openly emotional in front of people, where she unleashes hell on Jack and Gabriel (and Xiao) for what happened. She’d be kind of an open wound, and behave like an animal backed into a corner, but sometimes I just wanna write angsty shit what can I say
I’m on the fence about Talon, bc on the one hand she would know who some folks are just from working with Overwatch/Blackwatch in the past, and post fall of Overwatch she’d do everything she could to avoid them (to the point of mostly remaining off grid), especially knowing Xiao is amongst their ranks. She grows a very neutral nature after the Petras Act passes, burned out from everything that happened, and with her file having been one that had been taken by Talon in the past (see my ow verse info here), she isn’t keen on them having the upper hand on her. On the other hand, I’d be interested in interactions regarding either being invited to join Talon (based on Xiao vouching for her, and her work with Moira and Gabriel/Reaper in the past) or having them keep tabs on her (double whammy since that’s part of why Xiao joined Talon in the first place).
Based on talks with @femtaile​ recently, I would also be interested in writing interactions / her reaction to finding out Widow was the one who killed her brother. There’s a lot of avenues that interaction could take, but I won’t know which one Haru will take until we get there.
Someone convincing her to answer the recall...? 👀
Early interactions with Overwatch members, with how reluctant he was to even join (and only doing so on Haru’s behalf). At that time he’d have a huge chip on his shoulder and feel he had something to prove. Could also write about being an informant for Overwatch and the organization’s interactions with his family’s enterprise.
More Blackwatch interactions… Xiao would have opened up greatly in terms of personality and really being himself while with Blackwatch. I think he and Genji would get along at that time in a weird destructive way, and he and Jesse/Cole would be INSEPARABLE. I do think though that when Blackwatch starts going downhill, esp when Haru deteriorates and after the group is made public, that he and Jesse/Cole would start to fight and their friendship would decline severely. There may even be a total fallout.
ROLE MODEL INTERACTIONS WITH GABRIEL/REAPER. Xiao idolized him as a role model and father figure since meeting him, and it only worsened with joining Blackwatch. Being unable to face Haru post her brother’s death, Xiao follows in Gabriel/Reaper’s footsteps when joining Talon post fall.
Interactions with Moira… even if he’s not a big fan. His experimental “death touch” ability changed a lot for him, but in sticking with Talon and considering it becomes sort of a curse to him, I feel he’d have regular interactions with Moira in regards to how his body and abilities progress. He’s also the one who officially introduced Haru to Moira, so I feel like that would be an interesting meet and greet.
Post fall, Xiao’s father and CEO of Long Enterprises has a sudden passing. His older brother, Jun, takes over all behind the scenes work for the company, while Xiao backs off from agent work to become the public face of his family’s corporation. In doing so, he falls more into a middle man role for Talon, allocating funds, weapons, resources to the group as a whole. I’d be interested in interacting with Doomfist for this especially, considering Xiao’s only requirement for this bargain was help in finding Haru (to coerce her to join Talon bc he’s selfish as fuck).
Found (dysfunctional) family???? Definitely definitely has a brother-sister vibe with Sombra, but also he’d be a good guy to Sigma, being honest. I feel like he’d be very protective of the old man. Awkward interactions with Moira for all his physicals, losing the rose colored glasses when it comes to Gabriel/Reaper… there’s a lot of potential here.
In saying that, there’s also the potential to flip Xiao from Talon. I think interactions with recalled members of Overwatch, esp if they were friends with Haru, would be interesting because Xiao is very much just going through the motions when it comes to Talon. He felt obligated to take a role in his family’s company when his father died, and obligated further to work with Talon considering all he sacrificed while with Blackwatch, as well as his idolization of Gabriel/Reaper. But with a hell of an offer, I believe he’d do a double cross… leading to all sorts of other avenues.
Everyone is his ex. That’s it, that’s the idea. Everyone with working eyes knows Xiao is in love with Haru, and yet he will date/sleep with any and everyone else to distract himself from her. Bonus points if someone he’s involved with or been involved with gets involved with Haru. Soap opera kinda shit.
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stormyoceans · 8 months
2. single parent x special agent
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title: shelter
main cast: jimmy jitaraphol, sea tawinan, chun pachchun, milk pansa
pairings: jimmysea
summary: jimmy, an accountant and a single father, finds himself in danger after unwittingly stumbling upon a high-profile money laundering operation and witnessing a meeting between the CEO of the company he works for and the notorious boss of a ruthless criminal organization. fearing for his life and the safety of his young son, chun, jimmy reluctantly agrees to testify against the criminals, officially entering the witness protection program.
under a new identity, jimmy and chun are relocated to a small, picturesque town nestled in the countryside, where they’re supposed to live in anonymity until the day of the trial. assigned to protect them are special agents sea and milk, who move in the house next door to pose as friendly neighbors while secretly monitoring any potential threats. adjusting to this new life, however, isn’t easy: jimmy is determined to keep providing a semblance of normalcy for his son and this often makes him butt heads with sea, whose priority is only their safety, not the quality of their lives.
as the trial date approaches, tensions rise, and the criminal organization becomes aware of jimmy’s whereabouts. they send people to dispose of him and in the fight that follows, sea is able to bring jimmy and chun to safety, but they get separated from milk, who starts to think there might be a corrupted agent in their department.
while the witness protection office tries to find them before it’s too late, the criminal organization’s relentless pursuit forces jimmy, chun, and sea to go on the run, seeking refuge in remote locations and constantly changing their identities. as they navigate through this perilous journey, the bond between jimmy and sea deepens, and the line between duty and desire becomes increasingly blurred.
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bury-me-low · 7 months
@caeruleums liked for a random nsfw starter. chosen: ava wolfe & regina flores.
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“this is a cherry bomb cocktail – velvety, energizing and perhaps a bit of an aphrodisiac if you want it to be.. on the house, of course.” regina had been eyeing the blonde ever since she’d walked in and, whilst always a risk, decided to show her interest as things got slightly quieter. it thrilled her, even more so when she ghosted her fingers against the other woman’s whilst setting down the drink in front of her, deliberately brushing her middle finger over the wedding ring to get her idea across. she then leaned forward onto the bar, voice lowering to be heard only by the woman opposite of her. “pop the cherry if you’re enjoying this, or leave it if you don’t.” pushing back, regina then popped a cherry between her own lips with a subtle wink before moving on to other customers, giving the other woman some time to think or act on it.
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elecctricsugars · 6 days
@go-punk-pumpkin-spice liked for a starter
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"... A little... birdie-" Oompa Loompa, actually, "told me you wanted to invite me on a vacation... I believe your exact words were 'Come on, we can have some serious fun!'"
He's not banking on there being kisses or cuddles during this trip but he's hoping. Honestly, he's still getting used to his own longings for things like that. It had been so long since he'd been held... or fallen asleep next to someone in a context that wasn't just a sweaty sailor on a rickety bunk below his own.
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demonir · 3 months
when my best friend gifted me a game I've wanted to play since before release years ago and I obsessively replayed the demo for it for hours and hours and then he just gifts it to me for my birthday augghgnghgnghghg
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enchantedxhearts · 6 months
I really, really need a verse for Cora (and Regina and Zelena and Rumple) where she chose differently that night, decided to take the risk and make the leap of faith, kept her heart and ran away with Rumple, so Regina and Zelena (because of course they would find her and take her in and Rumple would love her as his own and Zelena would feel so much better about her magic abilities and even the turning green part because she would view that as something that connects her with her father in all but biology) would grow up much happier and absolutely bathed in their parents' affection (Rumple is a big contributer here, of course, but Cora loves her family with passion equal to her power thirst in canon)...
And yes, even fewer people are brave or foolish enough to try and mess with the Dark One these days, because as if the Dark One himself isn't bad enough (he, at least, could let you go... or at least keep you alive, depending on the severity of your misdeed), the Dark Family? his wife? their daughters, especially the elder one?
They'll grind you into dust if you so much as think of laying a finger on the Dark One or one of the other members of their small family.
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darabeatha · 6 months
Mmmmhmm..... Romantic tension...
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cosmicangsts · 7 months
someone call this man out on the fact that he can ' t see crap & badger him into getting contact lenses please
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blazeball · 10 months
ok ok ok. the casting of frank stone sounds really good. like it has potentioal
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tamedgod · 1 year
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on a higher note i want a plot where xiao dates (your muse) but like most of his relationships it's toxic and terrible and ends in a break up and then later on (your muse) and haru start getting romantically friendly and just... the rivalry... the history... the potential polyship........
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