#( mark of a man | headcanons | dugan )
salvagedsouls · 2 years
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for better or worse, dugan loves all of vincent price's works. yes, that's right, every single one. later projects that make repeated reference to price are a good way to catch his attention on new things. and yes, yes he does have a marathon semi-regularly.
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shieldedsouls · 3 years
What Is Your Character’s Love Language?
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
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To reiterate, Peggy and Dugan marry in 1952. They’re good at staying on the same page, or getting to it quickly when they aren’t. Part of that is spending the first handful of years being very careful about not having children ( mostly because Peggy didn’t yet feel ready, even with Ellie around ), but the eventual goal is to have a healthy family of their own. So have some fun facts about the kids:
15 August 1957, Peggy and Dugan’s first son Thomas Michael Dugan born
first name comes from Jarvis’s middle, without whom Peggy might well not have survived to reach a point of being ready for marriage
Edwin made quite the scene when first told; it was beautiful, and both Ana and Peg tease him about it all the time
middle name is both in honor of the memory of her brother as well as use of a family name
9 March 1960, Peggy and Dugan’s second son James Buchanan Dugan born
They argued about names for a long time; weeks. Part of the problem was she was sure they were having a daughter, and he was sure the baby would be a boy, so eventually they settled the fight with a bet.
he won ( obviously ) and named the baby after Bucky
10 January 1964, Peggy and Dugan’s youngest son Andrew Grant Dugan born
After their second son had been named after Bucky, the middle name ‘Grant’ was their way of honoring Steve as well without bringing about a ton of harping from anyone else
‘Andrew’ is another family name from Peggy’s side
2 December 1966, Peggy and Dugan’s daughter Ceridwen Grace Dugan born
‘Ceridwen’ ( shortened to ‘Cari’ ) was directly inspired by the same trend Dugan’s mother had used on himself and his siblings
they agreed because it was a name easy to make nicknames from
‘Grace’ mostly came from the delight of finally also getting a girl, but also in honor of her older half-sister Ellie, who was 30 at that point
Surprisingly, Dugan is the one who first brought up not having more kids afterward. A lot of talking led to eventually agreeing on the matter, and Peggy admits later in life that it was a good idea to stop when they did
Ellie, Dugan’s first daughter and half-sister to the four, had her daughter 18 May 1963
Madeline winds up growing up with her aunt and uncles, and the group remain tight-knit come hell or high water
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
no header because wow that’d be a pain pretty much no matter how i do it
doing a by-muse reminder for pride ♥
angie is demiromantic and homoflexible ( heavily heavily prefers women )
bucky is demiromantic and bisexual ( slight preference for men )
dugan is biromantic and bisexual ( preference for women )
james is demiromantic and demisexual 
maria is biromantic and bisexual ( slight preference for men )
peggy is biromantic and bisexual 
sam is biromantic and demi- and bisexual 
sharon is demi- and biromantic and homoflexible  
steve is biromantic and bisexual
tony is bi- and demiromantic and bisexual ( slight preference for women )
thor is panromantic and pansexual 
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
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family mattters: dum dum dugan, part one
under the cut are the members of dugan’s immediate family. each will have an icon, their fc, and full name listed. additional information will include: birthdates, marriage dates, and line of relation. blurbs will vary in length. does not include in-laws, nieces, or nephews.
note: all listed are relevant npcs, and potential guest muses.
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fc: christian slater name: roy august dugan nickname(s): pop / (behind his back): rat, augh, various swears and displeased sounds height: 5′10 dob: 21 january 1883 dod: 19 november 1947 unknown relation: father married: 20 may 1910 to alice anne meredith blurb: oldest of three. only boy. chainsmoker. poacher. heavy drinker. cheats at cards. cynic. always right no matter what, never to blame. stalker. played nice til alice married him. controlling. will burn a book before he reads it. penny-pincher. never late to church. slow to anger, slower to calm back down; always on simmer. manipulator. happiest when hunting. no one is off-limits to him. only hunts alone. vitriolic with neighbours. yells whether angry or not. keeps the only keys in the house.
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fc: eleanor tomlinson name: alis alice anne dugan nee meredith nickname(s): allie, merry anne, mamma, angel alice height: 5′8 dob: 22 april 1893 dod: 22 april 1927 relation: mother married: 20 may 1910 to roy august dugan blurb: youngest of five girls. loves the color green. naive. loyal to a fault. her children are the light of her life. never looks worse than tired ( in public ). believes in equal raising and equal opportunity. adoring mother. pleaser. soft-hearted. always has something to share with someone else, no matter what. repeated victim of marital rape. loves big families. allergic to cats but loves them anyway too. comes from a tall family.
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fc: todd lowe name: matthew patrick gerald dugan nickname(s): matt height: 6′ dob: 10 march 1911 relation: brother; first-born; oldest boy ( 1st of 10 ) married:  15 june 1935 to annabelle clay blurb: strong silent type. selectively mute until about age 6. good with numbers. has four daughters and three sons. never touches alcohol. family first. enjoys wood-working. always helps set up and take down ( first to arrive and last to leave ). prefers long-sleeves. feeds the strays. won’t leave someone behind. gets the wheels going.
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fc: domhnall gleeson name: thomas gideon dugan nickname(s): tommy height: 6′2 dob: 5 february 1913 relation: brother; younger ( 3rd of 10 ) married: 14 july 1934 to natalie tylers blurb: perfect handwriting. nimble fingers. favourite colour is blue. enjoys beaches. perfect forger. decent card-player, specifically rummy. well-behaved mostly. always carries a pack of smokes, rarely uses it. has two daughters and two sons. always humming some tune or another. drinks socially, occasionally. loves to organise.
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fc: rupert grint name: robert cadogan dugan nickname(s): bobby, rob, rc height: 6′ dob: 29 october 1914 relation: brother; younger ( 4th of 10 ) married: 28 july 1933 to patricia day blurb: has three daughters and loves them more than the world. thinks big dogs are the best. knows every magic trick in the books, and plenty off the books. rubbish at dancing but likes to go anyway. refers to his wife and daughters as ‘the best treasures of my life’. hates to read, loves hearing stories. winds up in law enforcement and largely enjoys it.
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fc: kj apa name: john emrys dugan nickname(s): johnny, jd, jed height: 6′2 dob: 17 september 1915 married: 19 june 1936 to sierra swanson in minnesota relation: brother; younger; 1st twin ( 5th of 10 ) blurb: natural gymnast. always grinning. only cheats when playing cards with his twin. always has a plan. has four sons and one daughter. loves dancing. only fights for real when someone else is in danger. left-handed. knows how to draw perfect shapes, including circles. worms his way into eventually teaching maths.
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fc: kj apa name: nicolas glynn dugan nickname(s): nick, nicky, nico height: 6′2 dob: 17 september 1915 married: 22 june 1935 to cheyenne miller in minnesota relation: brother; younger; 2nd twin ( 6th of 10 ) blurb: always has a plan b. climber. learned to be a gymnast. literally always has an ace up his sleeve. tussles with his twin are the best. picks up a handful of magic tricks. has four sons and five daughters. can pick any lock. escape artist. ambidextrous. often found doing extra work on nearby farms for extra cash.
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fc: jessica chastain name:  dorothea marion johnston nee dugan nickname(s): dotty, dorothy, may dot, dea height: 5′11 dob: 26 september 1919 relation: sister; younger; oldest girl ( 7th of 10 ) married: 27 november 1937 to ryan johnston blurb: has two sons. unfortunately perfect memory. can make clothing look practically new. becomes a nurse. unofficially was in charge of first aid while in the circus. always can spare a smile. started the now sibling-wide habit of writing to everyone and keeping regular contact. brilliant cook but can’t bake to save her life. has a mean left hook. only reads what she can learn activities from. grounded.
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fc: julie mcniven name:  vivian mae meyers nee dugan nickname(s): vi, violet height: 5′10 dob: 31 july 1920 relation: sister; younger ( 8th of 10 ) married: 28 august 1942 to taron meyers blurb: seamstress. can work disasters into miracles. likes to quilt in downtime. dislikes dum dum’s taste for cigars yet always sends him a box of his favourites for christmas. has five daughters and one son. always has room for holiday cheer. listens to the radio before going to bed.
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fc: cameron monaghan name:  michael gwylim dugan nickname(s): mike, mikey height: 6′3 dob: 5 june 1921 relation: brother; youngest boy ( 9th of 10 ) married: 14 august 1954 to madeline roux in pennsylvania blurb: never misses with blade or arrow. always wins staring contests. has one son and two daughters. stands against what’s wrong. learns french and pieces of mandarin from his wife. freckles but never burns. pain scale not to be trusted. never too hot or too cold no matter the weather.
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fc: bella thorne name:  elaine lee drake nee dugan nickname(s): lainey, elee, ellie height: 5′10 dob: 8 june 1923 relation: sister; last-born; youngest girl ( 10th of 10 ) married:  28 april 1950 to samuel drake in kansas blurb: animal-lover. works best with horses and canines. works well with all ages. won’t start a fight but will end it. has two daughters and four sons. hates wearing shoes. acrobat by instinct and practice. knows how to throw knives. teaches all her children how to hunt with a bow. learns to cook well from her husband. likes to keep busy. loves the spotlight.
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
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werewolf verse: random trivia
just a little collection of Fun Facts™ about dugan and his wolfy fun times <3
at regular full-grown height and unshifted, dugan stands at 6′5 ( 1.95m )
at partial/bipedal shift, he goes anywhere from 8′4′ ( 2.54m ) to 9′1 ( 2.77m ), and maxes at a whopping goddamn 9′8 ( 2.95m ) during and immediately framing the full moon
full shift he’s still pretty fucking tall at 7′11 ( 2.41m ) from ground to shoulder while on all-fours. seriously what the fuck man.
dugan’s fur color is very ginger, just as his regular hair is. very very ginger. think fox coloring kind of ginger. it’s honestly ridiculous especially with how absolutely ginormous he is when shifted
you think regular verse dugan is a garbage disposal for food?? lmao think again the wolf is always fucking eating something trying to keep up with his metabolism and size, seriously how in the hell has he not starved?? he’s worse than a teenager smh
t o e b e a n s
seriously tho they are massive and if he likes you he’ll happily let you touch them
he likes to use shedded fur to do things like stuff teddies for his daughter. yes he makes sure it’s clean, he’s not an idiot. but it makes things Super Soft™ and she seems to adore the efforts so that’s what really matters here
honestly you could probably literally make a whole new wolf with the amount he sheds for fucks sake
cleaning his fur is an absolute bitch it’s so thick, but god is the Floof hilarious when he goes through water and shakes it all off
his howls are deep, and he can do both comforting resonation and bone-chilling, pants-shittingly terrifying. usually he sticks to softer howls tho if he can unless absolutely necessary or something requires going batshit
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
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some fun facts about dugan regarding family, home life, and growing up !! 
his mother was the Light of their Lives. pop was,,, not.
the girls feared him, the boys hated him, and alcohol was not the worst of his vices
rydal stryker, ringleader of stryker’s spectacular, became a second home that all the dugan children stayed in for years, and was honestly much healthier for all of them. enough so that one by one they settle across the usa, taking up varying occupations, and many starting families of their own
i cannot state this enough but dugan ends up with forty-five niblings ( nieces and nephews ), quite a few who are also ginger just like he and his siblings are
he and his siblings stay close-knit enough that even after years, whether still in the circus or not, they find ways to write to each other regularly and figure out getting together for holidays
even with having ellie and settling after the war, he and lydia never actually marry. they don’t see much reason to and are perfectly content how they are
however it is a big surprise to him when a letter arrives addressed to her and turns out to be quite the inheritance, despite her having not spoken to her father in decades. most of it was immediately set aside for ellie’s future, but they kept some to make sure they could keep the property they’d settled in and wouldn’t be too concerned about financials
lydia was largely in charge of that section of their lives as well, until she was hit with a bad case of pneumonia and dugan was trying every little thing he could to give her more time to rest
he likes to think it gave her more time with him and ellie
dugan rather stubbornly ( and impressively ) keeps just the mustache for years and years, but as he gets older he finally lets a beard grow in rather than shaving all the time
it stays ginger for quite a long while as well, but he’s honestly not crushed when it finally starts going white because everyone, especially little kids, look at him like a very tall santa. thanks claymation christmas classics.
perhaps somewhat surprisingly, peg actually prefers the full facial hair over just the mustache, and there’s definitely a conversation of her admitting she’d probably think he just looks weird if he went clean-shaven for some reason
because of how everything plays out and age differences, ellie’s daughter madeline ( dugan and peg’s 1st grandchild ) is around the same age as their own kids, so the boys and their youngest daughter are a fairly tight-knit bunch! it’s not unusual to see all of them together for family events and going out places, though peg sometimes struggles to balance her work life and home life like she wants to
dugan and peg talked about it a lot before making any decisions, but she does find ways to make space for the children as they grow, should they want to join SHIELD but making it very clear there’s no obligation to
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
some general timeline fun facts :D
The Barnes family is not only widespread but also relatively well-known ( yes outside of Bucky’s personal fame )!
Bucky’s uncle Silvano ( and later cousin Jay ) own/run an incredibly successful import business and are known for their heavy influences in the fashion industry. The company can often be found helping out stage productions, and later movie productions. It’s based in Italy and as of 2015 has offices in New York, Hollywood, Tokyo, and several scattered across Europe and parts of Asia.
His nephew-in-law Mason Mayor is also an importer of various materials and is in the masonry trade ( yes for the pun )
His niece Cordelia Russi owns 4 upper-end salons, and has been looking into the idea of expanding further
His grandniece Mira Russi married into the hotel business, and currently owns several franchises throughout New York, plus two in Pennsylvania and one in Connecticut
His cousin Jay also assisted in funding SHIELD in its infancy, even getting some unofficial say in running a branch that is based near him in Italy
Several of his relatives are patrons of the arts
His aunt Cordelia is old blood from Italy, bringing a lot of social and powerful connections to family endeavors that really help early on for most of the family throughout decades
Several are also teachers or former teachers and connected well to their students
Sam has always liked both teaching and learning
has done substitute teaching over the years, both part- and fulltime
has taught most grades at least once
prefers the elementary kids for manners and the high schoolers for joking around
Dugan can and will eat any food you give him. He really likes food.
he does hold a grudge against things that are made sugar free, fat free, etc. that normally don’t come that way
yes he can really tell the difference
Dugan ( and by extension of marriage, Peggy ) wind up with 24 nieces and 21 nephews from his 9 other siblings.
the ginger gene stays strong in the family, including the interracial couples’ children, through to grandchildren.
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
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         dugan stays in europe post-war until early 1947, at which point he finally returns to the states and circus. another year is spent on the circuit, but illness on his daughter’s part demands settling in one place so she can rest and heal better. he, lydia, and ellie stop in virginia, finding a place just outside of woodbridge.
            by the time ellie recovers, roots have been planted and the unconventional little family stays where they are. house work gets done, walls are painted or wallpapered, bare walls slowly filled with bookcases slowly filled with stuff. within a year and a half, dugan has two additional rooms added to the original floor plan and the kitchen almost entirely redone. lydia learns to cover up her tattoos enough that the county allows her to start teaching, ellie gets enrolled and starts making friends, and dum dum makes a decent living as a roaming repairman and laborer.
          he keeps up correspondence with his siblings and the other howlies and peggy, and around the holiday season he always sends at least a card to the family bucky used to chatter his ear off about. make sure everyone is still doing okay, that he was more than willing to travel to go see them, updates about his daughter.
                               it’s not much to some people, but it’s home.
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
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family matters: dum dum dugan, part two
under the cut are lydia and ellie, girlfriend and daughter to dugan, respectively. ellie’s daughter is included here as well. each will have an icon, their fc, and full name listed. additional information will include: birthdates, marriage dates, and line of relation. blurbs will vary in length. does not include in-laws, nieces, or nephews.
note: all listed are relevant npcs, and potential guest muses. note two: ellie has a main fc and younger fc.
WARNINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING: mention and discussion of pregnancy, death
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fc: rachel weisz name: lydia hermione dali dob: 4 november 1909 dod: 15 march 1951 relation: longtime girlfriend, mother of ellie blurb: resident tattooed lady. sings soft but sweet and her voice has good range to rival practiced singers. goes with the flow. enigmatic. runaway heiress. claims stryker as her father. hates tight-fitting clothes, wearing shoes, and pinning her hair. only likes light shades of blue. good at drawing, so-so at reading. collects memories. fears war. enjoys cards. excellent with numbers and memorization. hated that her eyes are brown until dugan got so drunk one night that he spent literal hours comparing them to beautiful things and declaring at the end her eyes were the best of them all. keeps a portrait of their daughter in her locket, one of her only pieces of jewelry she walked into the circus life with. the other portrait is of her mother. likes alcohol and cigarettes but hates cigars. sends care packages from the whole circus family when she can, and the first one dugan receives after he’s freed from azzano has a photograph of her and ellie.
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fc: bryce dallas howard younger fc: lucy boynton name: eleanor grace dolly dugan dob: 11 nov 1936 dod:         relation: daughter blurb: ‘dolly’ is a re-spelling of lydia’s last name ( by lydia’s design, dugan only gave input for the first name and he’s been ecstatic ever since finding out about the pregnancy ). often referred to as ‘ellie’ with a running joke about being the tiniest elephant of any circus. about 5 and a ½ when dugan enlists in the army. loving mother. wanted a big family of her own. husband raymond williams passed in vietnam. enjoys the circus but doesn’t miss living with one.
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fc: summer fontana name: madeline joyce dugan-williams dob: 18 may 1963 dod:          relation: granddaughter blurb: cheery. prefers color pencils. loves the outside. hates wearing shoes. popcorn fiend. talent for dancing. likes to collect bird feathers. a hugger. considers dugan her personal jungle-gym. always puts chips on her sandwiches before eating them.
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
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         unless plotted otherwise for specific verses, peggy and dugan end up marrying in 1952. it is a slow burn, slower fall relationship that builds mainly because they stay in contact with each other. once he returns to the states that contact increases to a point they’re regularly seeing each other, and though she initially hesitates when he first asks her out, she trusts him enough to say yes.
                                                 the rest, as they say, is history.
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shieldedsouls · 3 years
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dugan has a million stories when it comes to family. one of the hazards of having so many siblings, especially after joining up with a circus. and he’ll share with anyone he counts as friend enough to hear it, in particular his own child(ren), simply because he adores his family too much to keep it to himself. however, there are two notable exceptions: his parents. he’s not unwilling to talk about his mother, but he holds memory of her very close, and after losing her it became a lot more difficult to share that out.
as far as roy is concerned though, dugan will behave as if the man doesn’t exist and never did. he doesn’t hide that they all left after his mamma’s funeral, but that’s the only hint about the man. dugan and the rest of his siblings were all heavily impacted by roy being around, they all handle it differently, and for him personally it’s easiest to not bring it up. when asked about it once all dugan had to say was that it wasn’t “worth the time to think about” and that was that.
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
tag dump nine ft. headcanons and thread tags !!
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