#( my baby... nothing stops him from living in my head rent free )
yeyinde · 1 month
(sighs dreamily) i loooove the way you write fucked up and gross simon. the size kink and somno drabbles have been living rent free in my mind for almost two weeks now. the recent stalker piece was also so deliciously terrifying, i actually had a dream/nightmare today that was a mixture of stalker!ghost and not-dog!soap 😭
are you planning on writing any more for either of those?
ahhh thank you!!!! this had me wondering how i could maybe blend the two and this happened.
stalking. HEAVILY implied noncon somno. size difference.
Simon decides your dog, your baby, needs a man in the house. and since you like to call yourself his 'mama,’ then it’s only right that he becomes the daddy both of you need.
Your dog does not like strangers.
He's a rescue and the sort of life he lived until now, until you, is mostly a mystery. You found him on a rainy day, panting under your awning - a gnarled mess of matted fur glued to bone. Too skinny to survive another winter. You took him in right away and gained his trust. His love. But whatever he had left to spare (lots, it seems) is strictly reserved for you. Everyone else is a threat, a worry. Even the vets he's known since you found him all those years ago still get the same wary glances, the same growls then they lean in too close to whisper something in your ear.
He's just—special. The sweetest thing ever when it's just you. Your baby. People joke—slightly nervous—that he treats you like his mother. Following you closely with his big, glossy eyes tilted up to stare at you. Loving. Cuddly. Rests his big head on your lap at night with a great, big sigh. Tired from a long, hard day of protecting his house from squirrels and the stray delivery driver.
But when it comes to others—anyone, really—he’s aggressive. Territorial. All the vets and trainers say that it's his breed. That he just needs to be trained. Exposure therapy. Behavioural. And it works for all of two weeks before he's back to his stubborn self. Snapping at anyone who gets too close to you.
You post warnings on your fence. Your front door. Take precautions when you walk him. Warn anyone who gets close that he doesn't like anyone. Full stop. No exceptions. And it works. Helps ease the stress. He still goes to therapy. To training lessons. But he's smart enough to trick them into thinking he's learning.
And it's fine. People can't get too close to you. To his house. His territory.
Or so you thought.
But he's been acting strange lately.
You caught him barking at something through the fence a few months ago; spittle flying from his muzzle as his lips peeled back, snarling and vicious. If the fence wasn't reinforced, you think he would have broken it down to get at whatever was behind it.
It continued like this for a few days. Each time you went to check and see what was there, all you find is littered cigarettes. The teenage son of your neighbour, you think. He likes to hide in the dense woods so his parents can't find him. You'll talk to him about it later. Ask if he can do it a little further away from the fence so he isn’t disturbing Baby. 
As the days grow, his growls and snarls diminish before stopping outright. In the interim, your unease grows.
It's small—at first. 
He wants to be outside more. Always whining at the back door, scratching at it with his paw. When you let him out, he runs right to that spot by the fence. Sits down, and just stares. When you go out to look, there's nothing there. Just a dark, sprawling coppice. Cigarettes on the ground. But something catches his attention. Keeps it. Holds it.
He leads you to that spot sometimes, too. Nudges you with his big, furry head to your thighs. Shepherding you to the fence, and then sits back, clearly preening. Proud.
"You're mama’s silly boy, aren't you?" you coo, scratching his ears. It must be the neighbour. Maybe a stray deer wandered by. You catch a flash through the tree line. Twin puddles of black peering through the tangled weeds. Your dog perks up, looking towards it. A deer, you think. A stray buck. You huff, patting his head. "Made a new friend, huh?"
But you can't shake the feeling that something else is out there. That something is staring at you.
Nothing, you tell yourself, fighting off a shiver. It's fine. Fine. He sneaks off at night sometimes. You hear him playing in the hallway. Wandering around the house. The tack-tack-tack of his nails against the hardwood as he walks back to your bedroom lulls you back to sleep. You feel the bed dip. Something warm against your back. You sigh, melting into the sheets—
There's nothing to worry about.
He'll protect you.
But the next morning, you find him locked outside. The patio door shut. The deck is dried from the sun, but his fur is wet. It rained last night. You drifted in and out to the patter of it on your window. The soothing weight of his body curling around you—
He must have gotten out in the morning. Rolled around in the grass. But when you put him in the tub later to scrub the rainwater off of his cost, his belly is dry.
It's nothing. He was in bed with you last night. It's fine. Fine. Everything is easy to explain away as coincidence. Nothing usual. The feeling of being watched. The missing food from your fridge. The creaks of the old house at night. Things shifting around—keys missing only to turn up somewhere else. Rodents chewing through your landline. 
The panties you shed, tossing into a corner before getting into the shower going missing—
They’re just—lost in the wash. You must have thrown the leftover food away when you cleaned earlier and forgot. The lingering scent of cigarettes. Smoke in your bed. The cloying scent of loam, humus. Fresh dirt. The stains on your bed. The strange smear in the gusset of your panties when you peel them apart.
Something thick, firm between your thighs—
Fine. You tell yourself. Everything is fine. At best, it's a gas leak. At worst—well.
Baby will protect you. 
But the next day, he brings his favourite toy to the back door, asking to be let out, and this isn't—
It's not normal.
He's possessive over his toys. Keeps them on his daybed and refuses to let anyone touch them. Only you. He doesn't bring the. Outside, either.
But when you peer outside a few minutes later, the toy is lying by that spot near the fence. He's sitting down, tail wagging. Happy. Excited. It continues like this for the next few days. He brings his toys to the fence, coming in later, licking his lips. When you brush his teeth at night, you smell something gamey on his breath. Meaty. 
Getting out of bed a few hours later and playing in the hallway. Going to sleep with you at night, but somehow getting out in the early hours of the morning, waiting for you on the patio when you remember the huff of his breath over your neck less than an hour ago—
No. You're just—
Getting the time wrong. It's fine. He'll protect you. He doesn't like anyone but you.
You hear footsteps in the hallway at night next to the click-clack of his nails. When you jump out of bed to check, it's just him. Sitting by the back door, head craned over his shoulder when he heard you coming. His favourite toy is sitting on the ground in front of him. You fight a shiver. The feeling of eyes burning into you churns your stomach.
"I'm going crazy, sweetheart," you coo, but feel the threads of your sanity begin to snap one by one. "But you'll keep me safe, right?"
His tail wags. You pretend not to notice the gap in the patio door. Opened just a crack. You shut it, forcibly telling yourself to remember to close it next time and fight the memories of locking it before settling on the couch to watch old re-runs. You drag him back to bed, burrowing your head into his fur, listening to the thud-thud-thud of his heart in your ear. 
When you dream that night, it's of a big, scarred hand making its way between your thighs. A rasping, masculine voice in your ear commanding you to be good—
You wake up with your thighs sticky, wet. Your cunt pulsing. There's an ache there; a sting. It twinges when you move, tapering into a sore throb as you swing your legs over the side of the bed, woken up by the strange dream—fingers between your thighs, a head resting on your belly, calling you a good girl—and a noise.
A low murmur comes from the living room. You wince with the first several steps, forcing yourself to ignore the uncomfortable feeling between your thighs. The wetness that drips down your leg, some of it already dried, sticking to your skin. It’s fine. You just had a—
A wet dream.
—everything is fine. Fine. Your heart lurches. Lodges in your throat. Each beat feels like a fist against your tissue trying to break down the prison of your flesh to flee. 
You slowly inch toward the hallway, the sound, making excuses for the fear that curdles in your belly. The itch in the back of your head that calls you stupid. Demands you go back to bed. To sleep. You’ll wake up in the morning to Baby slobbering over your chest, drooling as the time ticks away in a slow crawl towards his usual breakfast. 
It’s tempting. The sleep congealing in the corners of your eyes, weighing heavy—molasses-thick—over your sense of awareness: cobwebbed in that strange, uncanny realm of sleep and wakefulness; hypnagogia turning shadows on the walls into human shapes. The whisper of wind into the brassy drawl of a voice. 
Through it all, the prickle rears. Says something isn't right. Hasn't been right for a while now. It's fine. Everything is—
It doesn't make sense at first. Your brain tries to wrap around the images your eyes feed it. Untangling the dizzying sense of confusion that runs along your hindbrain like a jagged knife; grazing tissue, scraping over nerves. The picture comes together quickly. There's no misinterpreting the shapes.
A man is lounging on your couch. Legs kicked up on the coffee table, ankles crossed. The remote is held in one hand as he lazily flicks through the channels on your television screen. The picture of ease. So relaxed, so comfortable in your space, that you begin to feel a little bit like an intruder. A voyeur peering between the curtains.
This feeling is reinforced when you peel your eyes away from the horrifying mask on the man's face—a black balaclava—and find your dog lounging beside him. Resting with his head over this stranger's thick thighs. His head perks up when you approach, tail wagging, but he doesn't get up from his spot. Content to bask in the half-hearted attention the man doles, a hand buried in his fur. Dragging over his ears. Down his back. Monotonous flicks of his thick wrist, nearly the same width as the barrel of a baseball bat.
And that just trembles down your spine in the worst way.
He's the same height as you are sitting down. Takes up two cushions on the couch with his absurd bulk. Massive, you think. And then it all rushes through you. The knife slips into your cognisance.
There's a man in your house. Petting your dog,
your dog who tries to bite the same vet he's had for years. Who trusts, who likes, no one but you—
You make a noise. Something strangled in the back of your throat. Muffed, unable to escape through the clot of your heart getting there first. It tangles around your pericardium and is too late to take back. To swallow down. 
It doesn’t matter, though. 
The man has been watching from the beginning. 
Dark eyes (a dark, black flash between the leaves—) drill into you. Staring. That familiar, unease feeling is back again, creeping up your spine. It's been him the whole time, you know. The thing behind the fence. Must be. The same brand of cigarettes you found on the opposite side is sitting on your coffee table, right beside his feet.
His chest expands with his inhale. You smell stale smoke. Something wild. The scent of the forest after a summer's rain shower.
"Finally up, are you? Thought you were gonna sleep all day." His voice is deep. Brassy. The growling roll of an approaching thundercloud. You shiver. Jerk back, but—
Baby growls.
He's never done that before. Never barked. Never snarled. Never nipped.
But right now, his teeth peel back, muzzle wrinkling as he lifts his lips. And you know it's playful. Seen this look on his face when you throw the ball across the yard. It's just him being his silly self. He won't attack you. Won't maul you. 
The man lifts his hand and your dog limbers up. Shakes. He jumps off the couch and trots toward you. Nothing is threatening in the way he moves. It's the same lumbering gait, the same happy wag to his tail, but he moves himself around you. Stands between you and the only escape.
"Taught 'im a few tricks," the man drawls conversationally—like he wasn't a stranger in your house. "Got a good boy on your 'ands. Jus' needed a bit o'trainin'—”
He snaps his fingers and Baby moves. Bumps his head into the back of your thighs. Pushing you. Nudging you toward the man. It’s so horrifying familiar that you find yourself moving without a thought. Following along. 
"He jus' needed a man in the house, didn't he? A father figure—" 
You're going to be sick. Think you would have been already if your heart wasn't lodged tight in your throat, keeping everything down. 
The man lifts his hand. Curls his fingers. 
"C'mon, mommy," he taunts, voice a derisive roll. "Come sit on Daddy's lap. It's movie night tonight."
Baby pushes you forward happily, tail wagging, wagging—
Happier than you’ve ever seen him as this stranger reaches out, grabbing your waist and hauling you onto his lap. You think about fighting immediately, struggling to get out of his hold, but he moves back and the unmistakable, blunt press of a gun sends shivers rolling down your spine. You still instantly. Back drawing tight. Fear is a wet, hot pulse behind your ribs. 
“Don’t fight it, birdie—” You feel the warm, damp press of his mask against the shell of your ear. The ridges of his lips move beneath the fabric as he speaks. 
You hear him inhale, drawing in the scent of your shampoo—your fear: an oily thick miasma pooling behind your ears, against your nape—and feel tears pool against your lashline when a surge of familiarity wells up at the solid, firm weight of his chest against your spine. His thigh slips between yours, spreading them wide over the arch of his muscle. Limp, dizzy, you fall back into his chest when he pulls you in, slotting a burly arm over your ribcage. Locked in tight. A shackle. 
“Ain’t go’ nothin’ t’worry about,” he continues, hips shifting. Moving. And—
It’s a not gun. You know it isn’t. When you whimper, it throbs—
There’s the echo of a groan in his voice when he huffs, lips pursing into a kiss. “Nothin’ at all. C’mon, Baby—” 
And Baby obeys eagerly, jumping up on the couch beside him. His snout is warm, wet, when he presses it to your arm, sniffing. Please, you think, staring into his eyes as tears swell, pooling down your cheeks. Please—
But the man lifts his arm, and Baby circles the cushion before falling against his side with a deep, content sigh. Hope is snuffed out of your chest in an instant. The man’s hand falls to his head, rubbing his skull affectionately. 
“Good boy.” Baby perks. His happiness is a palpable thing that swells around you as he melts, eyes slipping closed. “Gonna be a good boy while mum an’ dad spend some time together, ain't you, boy?”
His arm tightens around your waist. Chin notches over your shoulder as he shifts back, legs kicking out to spread your thighs further apart.
"Now," he drawls, hand sliding down to the mess between your thighs. You shiver against him, toying with the idea of running, fleeing—but he must know. Senses it, maybe. He lifts his hips, pressing the gun into your spine. A threat. A warning. But with the way he swallows you up—broad chest closing in on you, trapping you on all sides—you know it's futile.
He has you.
Your submission makes him purr.
"Baby's sleepin', so now let daddy take care'o mommy—"
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sageworld · 1 year
Christmas Kids • Rafe Cameron. (part I)
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“the christmas kids were nothing but a gift,
and love is a tower where all of us can live.”
he was really sweet in the beginning but then, something changed.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: unprotected sex (p in v), oral (m receiving), semi-public sex, use of the word “daddy”, underage drinking
christmas kids masterlist; here
rafe cameron. he was your everything, your high school sweetheart, your first, the love of your life & now your fiancé. your skin was glowing as you all toasted your champagne glasses.
“to my soon to be wife.” rafe cheered as you all clinked glasses. everything was perfect, your closest friends and family all in attendance. rafe had rented out the country clubs haul as a surprise to you. you smiled as you took a sip from your glass.
you danced the night away, loving the attention you were getting, your friends gushing to you about how you found the perfect man, the congratulations from his friends and of course the attention from rafe.
“you look beautiful tonight.” rafe compliments as you two slow dance together. you don’t respond, just cradle you face into his neck giving a soft kiss.
“i can’t believe we’re engaged.” you’re still in a small shock, you knew it was coming but certainly not tonight. “i know but here we are kitty.” kitty, that was a nickname rafe had given you way back from high school that had just stuck for whatever reason.
you and rafe had met your freshman year, he was a junior. you just caught his eye and he caught yours, instantly becoming inseparable. now rafe was nearing 21 while you were 18, fresh out of high school.
you smiled down at your ring , you knew rafe’s family had money to burn but you couldn’t help but wonder how much they must’ve spent on your ring that your friends had all complimented.
you continue to cradle your face in his neck, peppering soft open mouthed kisses. “such a darling girl.” rafe compliments you, hands going down to your lower back.
it’s all but 15 minutes later, you find yourself sneaking into the empty men’s bathroom with rafe. the two urinals to the left of the room and one stall directly across.
you moan into the kiss as rafe locks the stall door behind you, you both so needy for eachother as his hands explore your body while your hands hold his face.
“i fucking love you.” rafe groans “i love you too.” yours hands fall from his face and begin to unbuckle his pants. he smiles as you crouch down on your heels, not letting your knees touch the dirty floor. “we have to be quick.” rafe reminds, anyone could walk in at any second or people will realize the couple of the hour is missing.
“hasn’t stopped us before.” you’re mischievousness all said in the smirk on your face as you pull down his pants and boxers. “god, this is the reason why i chose you.” rafe taunts jokingly. “and this-.” you grab the base of his thick cock. “is why i said yes.” you giggle before putting the tip in your mouth, suckling on it.
you moan around him as you take him as deep as you can, helping yourself by jerking him off with one hand while using the other to reach into your panties and rub your clit.
“you are so fucking sexy.” rafe groans, mouth open as he looks down at you, taking on hand to the back of you head to guide you.
if anyone walked in the sounds alone would give it away, your gags, the sound of saliva dripping out of your mouth: the sound of your throat being completely abused by rafe.
“take ‘em out for me, baby.” rafe groans before taking his free hand to roughly pull down the spaghetti straps that belong to your baby pink mini dress. he grabs and pulls at the newly freed flesh, hyper fixating on your nipple, pulling at it.
“fuuuck.” rafe brings his finger up to his mouth, licking it before returning it back to your nipple, rubbing it. the pleasure is so intense between that and you fingering your self. “i’d love to cum all over this pretty face but id rather do it in your little pussy, baby.” rafe says, stopping you and pulling you up to stand at attention.
you bite your lip, smile on your rafe as he turns you around, bending you over and pulling your panties down to your ankles. “ready?” rafe asks & smacks your ass when you shake it as a way to say yes.
you were grateful for your heels giving you the extra height, knowing you guys wouldn’t have been able to do this without it.
you both gasp as he enters you, and his thrusts aren’t kind. they’re rough, demanding nothing but your guys’ highs as he has one death grip on your hip and one in your hair.
“feel good baby?” rafe taunts, seeing you already go dumb on his dick. “does my baby like her daddy’s dick?”
“feels… feels sooo…feels sooo good.” you moan out. “mmm, i bet. you know what would make it feel even better kitty,?” “hmmm?” you hum in response. “if you touched yourself, touch your pretty pussy baby.”
you do as instructed, rubbing to match his fast pace. “good girl.” rafe smiles bending over so your backs on his stomach. “now use your other hand and play with those titties baby.”
the view rafe’s getting must’ve given him enough to send him over, pounding into you as fast as he possibly can.
“fuck, i’m gonna cum kitty.” rafe groans “gonna fill up this pretty pussy.
“m-mee-ahh!” you squeak as you tried to warn rafe. he groans as he fills your little warm squirts coming up as he fills you up with his cum. “t-oo, me too.” you finish your sentence a bit late.
you both moan as he pulls his now semi hard dick out slowly, watching all the fluids dribble down your legs. “whoops.” rafe smiles as you giggle, pinching your nipple. “my precious kitty.” kissing the back of your head.
you two stumble and rush to gather back to a somewhat presentable state. “let me see baby” rafe says turning you to face him, fixing the hair on the side of your face that we’re once so neatly placed. “pretty as ever.” he smiles, peppering a kiss to your forehead. “let’s get going and hope they didn’t notice we were gone for too long.” he grabs your hand to direct you out the stall.
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the rest of the night went smooth. aside from the comments topper and kelce made on yours and rafe’s disappearance.
you giggle as rafe carry’s you braid style over the threshold of your guys’ house. it wasn’t long ago the two of you decided it was fitting time to move in, considering rafe was making a generous and steady income from the family company.
it was truly a lovely home, one you intended to stay in forever. the high ceilings, the foyer with the long descending staircase, the professional kitchen with three ovens, the pool and jacuzzi, the list went on and on.
you knew lots of girls would kill for your life, 18 & you’re future as a housewife was practically ensured with the million dollar estate and new engagement. a lot of girls were envious, something they’d always been to you and that had only grew more once you and rafe had started dating years ago.
bzz bzzz bzzz
rafe’s phone buzzed as he laid you down on your leather couch. as he checked you saw the look in his eye. the look he’d worn on his face more than a few times. the look of worry that you didn’t smell another woman’s perfume on him, the look that he wore praying you didn’t notice the red lipstick on his collar when he got home late from work he’d tell you.
he quickly declined the call, putting his phone face down on the glass table. “who’s that?” you raise up on your elbows. “just top, he probably wants to know if i’m gonna go to the club tomorrow.” he smiles laying down on top of you. “well, why didn’t you answer?” you lay back down. “well, excuse me mrs.cameron for wanting time with my new wife.” “fiancé.” you correct, feeling your mood souring.
“my kitty, no attitude tonight. let’s celebrate us, we can do whatever you want. relax, watch a movie, cuddle…go in the jacuzzi.” rafe offers smiling knowing you never turn down the jacuzzi.
you ponder, you did just get a whole haul worth of bikinis & you had a red one you’d been dying to wear for him. “hmm fine, let me go get changed.”
you dress & adjust the straps to the barley there bikini that fit more like sting on your hips. you make your way down stairs and out of the house. you smile in the dark lighting. rafe already in the spa, a bottle of champagne opened & two glasses still bubbling.
“come in kitty.” he stands, holding your hand as you go up the four steps and into the hot water. “you know i’ll never love anyone else as much as i love you right?” rafe mumbles into your neck as he pulls you into his lap. “i know, rafey. i love you too.” you smile, pecking his lips.
rafe hands you a glass before taking the other in his own. “to our new life.” he clinks your glasses.
“to our new life.”
after a late delivery chapter one is up, feed back is always welcomed and appreciated!
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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you lose your way | chan x gn!reader angst + fluff | just take my hand
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chan didn't think he deserved your love at all. he thought he was destined to be alone forever but then het met you and he saw a bright future ahead of him, one that he never imagined. he felt completely and utterly comfortable being with you but the awful insecurity of not being enough or not doing showing the love he thinks you deserve haunted him. it felt like a shadow above him that followed at all times when he was at work, thinking that you got home from your job and you were all alone. 
why couldn't he be the boyfriend you deserved? why couldn't he just put in the effort and be there for you? always stuck somewhere else. with every comeback, every promotion, every song, every dance you were lingering on his mind there all alone. he was so exhausted every time he set foot in your shared apartment and he did not expect you to wait up for him but you always did. 
at one point he even felt like he had to end things because this wasn't healthy for either of you but what would he do without you? no motivation, no reason to continue a path that he didn't want to even think of. he felt trapped like he knew you were doing this out of kindness but why would you do that for nothing in return? the last time he kissed you properly was like a month ago.
maybe this was a signal for him to stop, to actually look around him and think of what he was doing. yet he always went back to work, he just couldn't be stopped from recording another track, writing lyrics (mostly about you) and practicing even more than what his body could take. 
"chris?" your voice got him out of his daydream/nightmare and he looked at you. you knew the password for his studio so he wasn't surprised about that but you looked like you just got out of work. "it's kinda late i'm sorry if i'm bothering but i wanted to know if you wanted to go home with me?".
"i don't know if i can love." he sighed as he looked back at his laptop again, writer's block was his biggest enemy. he knew he had the hability to put on some heart wrecking lyrics yet nothing was coming to mind. again another signal to stop maybe. "you can go home if you want and you don't have to stay up, i know you're tired."
"i don't mind waiting for you, you always carry me to bed anyways." you said, giving him a little smile as you sat down next to him. "can we talk baby?" you asked and if he wasn't scared before, he surely was now.
he expected this conversation to lead to the worst. he expected for you to leave him right then and there, after all he did not put effort at all into your relationship even if you were all he could think about. even if you lived in his mind rent free 24/7, he knew he would never be the boyfriend you were meant to have.
"yeah of course." he said as he looked at you, you grabbed his hands and that's where he felt everything was gonna go down. 
"you know you can talk to me, right? it's been a long time since we've had a proper conversation. i don't mind it really, i know you're busy but if it's too much you can always talk to me. i'll always have your back and i'll always hold your hand when you need me the most christopher." you said in a serious tone but with the kindest way. he couldn't help but feel the tears cloud his vision as he heard your words. "i believe in you and i love you. i know this is your way of proving your worth but you're much more than your job."
he wiped his eyes as he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of you. he felt like he was gonna choke on his tears anytime soon but he took a deep breath and looked at you again, nodding. 
"i know. it's just been a lot lately and i know you deserve better." he said and you shook your head. "i know you're gonna say you're fine with it but how can you be fine with me not being there for you?"
"it's your job chris, i understand. you love it here and i love that you're passionate about it." you clearly said as you played with his hands and gave him another warm smile. "what kind of significant other would i be if i didn't let you enjoy what you have? it was your dream to be here." 
"but is it too much? i feel like i don't show you the love you deserve. i feel like i'm all you don't deserve." he said letting his feelings out once and for all. 
"there's no love i deserve that's not yours. i just want what you give me at the end of the day." you said, kissing his cheek and hugging him so he could let all the tears he needed out. "i know you're lost but i'm not letting go. i'm never gonna let go of you 'cause you're the only one."
the words pierced through his heart as he sighed and let all the tears fall from his eyes when you embraced him. he didn't feel okay, he knew he wasn't okay but something about you saying you're gonna be there for him forever just eased his heart. it eased his pain and sorrow as didn't want to let go of the hug because it was all he needed at the end of the day. for you to be there for him in such a way, meant the world to him.
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starneteyam · 2 years
hiii, luv <3 hru?
i saw that your requests were open and i have a scenario that has been living in my head rent free. i will totally understand if you don't like it or it's not your style of writing, so please take it more as a suggestion!
you know that moment in the beginning of avatar 2 where neteyam gets injured after following lo'ak into the middle of the attack and it makes jake super worried? can you write a drabble of something like, after neteyam gets his injuries treated, he goes after reader who was also on the mission, but in a different area, so she doesn't know what happened to him to check up on her and then the moment she sees him hurt she gets super troubled and distressed, but he calms her up and they have a super cute moment after. pure fluff: just him venting about the pressure of being the perfect son, his worries towards his family and she reassuring him that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time and that he’ll always be safe with her… that kind of thing. maybe that’s the first time they ever said ‘i see you’ to each other ? idk, it’s up to you <3
i’ve been missing my baby boy sm lately so i’ve been daydreaming a lot :( thank you in advance and i hope you have a great day !! i love your content <3
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! Omaticaya! reader
🖇️ warn. None, best friends to lovers
🎥 In which Neteyam gets injured during an attack on the Sky people, and you worry about him
A/N Tysm for requesting!! I love this scenario it’s so cute :( I kind of ate this oneshot ngl 😜
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Even though Neteyam was your best friend, he was very affectionate with you. He liked resting his head on your shoulder, and he loved the way you comforted him. Something about you made him so calm, and you made all his worries go away with a single smile. He was basically glued to your hip, and nobody would see you without the other.
But as you grew, the Sky People started becoming more aggressive and frequent with their attacks, and Neteyam was becoming older, which meant he would start going out into battle with his father, along with Lo’ak. You would be situated in a different group, in charge of grabbing any medicine you could loot from the cargo. You hated the fact that you had to wish Neteyam safety as you watched him fly into danger and possible death, but you knew he was only doing overwatch work, which meant he wouldn’t be in the battle field. He would come back without a scratch, every single time.
That was, until today. Lo’ak decided it would be a great idea to go down to ground and “help out”, and being his older brother, Neteyam followed. After a missile striked near where the two of them were, he got blown back and injured, getting cuts and bruises scattered all over his body, losing consciousness for a few seconds. You had seen the missile, furrowing your eyebrows as you watched it hit the ground. Your heart burned anytime any of your people got hurt, and you just hoped nobody who you knew had gotten hurt, or worse.
After flying back to the caves, of course, he got an earful from his father, who was very clearly disappointed in him. ‘I tried to stop him,’ Neteyam wanted to argue, but he bit his tongue and stayed quiet. His father dismissed him with a huff, and Kiri led Neteyam to her grandmother to get himself treated. You, on the other hand, was still at the train tracks, looking carefully for any medicine or herbs you could fine, taking hours.
You finally flew back to the caves, groaning, as your legs were sore and your feet were scratched. You turned your head, cracking some joints as you entered the first aid tent, seeing nobody inside. It was already dark out, and you could hear nothing but the sound of ikrans crying around you. You sat on the floor, unpacking your looted items, drained. “You’re back.” You heard a voice from behind you, and it was as if all the tiredness just suddenly went away, a smile creeping onto your face as you immediately recognized the voice, your heart skipping a beat.
You turned around, and your smile soon disappeared as quick as it came. “Neteyam!” You gasped, looking at his body full of cuts and scratches, his ribs covered with bruises. You stepped forward, your hand hovering his injuries as the other cupped your open mouth. “What happened?” You asked, your hand grabbing his wrist as you looked up at him. He looked down at your worried expression and frowned.
“Lo’ak.” He replied shortly, his voice soft and quiet. Your ears turned downwards as you heard his voice full of hurt. “You need to be more careful, Neteyam. Are you alright?” You rambled, not knowing wether to be angry or concerned. “What if you had gotten killed? I would’ve- I…” Your breaths were patterned, and he immediately reassured you by cupping the side of your face with his palm, forcing you to look at him. “I’m alright.” He told you sternly, and you let out a shaky breath, closing your mouth and nodding firmly.
He sighed as he leaned into the crook of your neck, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he fit you like a puzzle piece, melting into you. This is what Neteyam had been longing for. You hugged him back, one hand on the back of his head as you lightly pet him. “It was that missile, no?” You asked quietly in his ear, and he said nothing but nodded.
You stayed silent for a few heartbeats, letting him relax into your touch. “It wasn’t your fault.” You told him, knowing he needed to hear it. He pulled away, scoffing as he walked past you. “Tell that to my father.” He mumbled, plopping onto the floor. You let out a tiny sigh. Jake was too harsh on Neteyam, everybody knew that. You couldn’t imagine the pressure Neteyam held. If Lo’ak, or even his other siblings were to get themselves killed, you knew Neteyam would blame himself—and you feared that the most.
You sat on the floor next to him, and as if you were a magnet, he leaned into you, resting his head on your shoulder. “It is Lo’ak’s fault, I told him to stop, to come back! He never listens, and he never apologizes.” He complained, looking at the floor as he played with his fingers, frustrated. You stayed quiet as you listened to him ramble, knowing he just needed to rant. He talked on and on for what felt like hours, and you just sat there, listening, playing with his fingers and hair as you did. You would do anything for him.
“Neteyam.” You called to him, interrupting him as you scooted in front of him, grabbing both his hands. “It was not your fault.” You pronounced each word carefully as you shook both hands, and he frowned, looking away as he shrugged his shoulders. “I know, but-”
You interrupted him again, this time, hand on his jaw so he would stop looking away, and look at you and you only. “Not but, Neteyam. It was not your fault Lo’ak decided to wander off, and I’m more worried about you!” You huffed, frustrated. “You’re terribly injured and you nearly got killed!” You brought your hands to his face, softly brushing your thumbs across his cheeks as your searched his face. “I worry for you, Neteyam. I care for you.” Your words got quieter as the words you always wanted to say now sat on the tip of your tongue.
You closed your mouth, sighing through your nose before opening your mouth to speak again. “Your father may not see it, but I do.” Your mouth opened and closed as you hesitated to say the words. He looked at you expectantly, leaning into your palm. “I see you, Neteyam.” You said quietly and slowly, making sure the words sunk into his heart.
The words flowed out of your mouth, and you saw Neteyam’s expression change to a relieved one. Without warning, he leaned in, eyes fluttering shut as he pushed his lips against yours, a hand on the ground as he did so. It was a deep, slow kiss, your breath getting lost in his mouth as he moved his lips rhythmically, moving in sync with yours. It was as if a dam had been broken, all of your feelings flowing into that one kiss. He pushed against you eagerly, almost knocking you back.
You longed for this moment since forever, and so has he. All the days you had spent, hugging each other with care or looking at each other with eyes that would never look at anybody else the same — all of it being released. After one final, deep kiss, he pulled away, eyes flickering from your lips to your doe eyes, still feeling the ghost of his lips on yours. Your breath tickled his skin, a shiver being sent down his spine. He let out a small laugh, as if only now realizing he had finally kissed you, and you smiled back. “And I see you—only you.” He told you.
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sissylittlefeather · 3 months
Let's Forget About the Stars: Chapter 6
A/N: Not sure if very many people are reading this, but here I am still writing it because Elvis and Dove live rent free in my brain forever. If you are reading it, thank you so much. Please don't give up them.
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), hand job, ejaculation
Word count: ~2.6k
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What he doesn't know, what no one knows, though, is that the Colonel has decided his next move. And it's a move that will shake the Presley family to its core.
As Christmas approaches, Elvis and Dove spend most of their time cuddled up together on the couch in the TV room, taking breaks periodically to make music together at the piano. Gladys and Vernon leave them mostly to themselves, especially in the TV room since they don't seem to be able to keep their hands and lips off of each other. Elvis knows in the back of his mind that he needs to make some time to buy a ring, but since she's moved in they've been together almost all the time. They get along well for the most part, but they do have some growing pains that naturally come with cohabitation. Their first argument is so mundane that it's almost comical.
One morning as she's getting ready, Dove knocks a container of pomade onto the ground. She huffs and picks it up, slamming it on the counter. Elvis is not far behind her brushing his teeth. He watches the scene, finishes, and then looks at her in the mirror as she swipes on eyeliner.
"Dovey, what was that all about?" She stops with one eye finished.
"What was what all about?"
"You huffing and picking up my pomade." She sighs.
"Nothing. It's nothing."
"It doesn't sound like n-"
"Your stuff is everywhere in this bathroom!" She turns to look up into his shocked face.
"Yeah? I live here."
"So? Put it in drawers like a normal person!"
"I think 'normal' is relative, baby." He tries to keep his voice even, despite her frenzy.
"I just don't understand why everything has to be everywhere." She makes an attempt to calm down.
"If I can't see it, I forget it's there."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Maybe, but that's how it is!"
"Elvis, that's ridiculous! Can we please put this stuff in drawers?!" She takes his toothpaste and puts it in the drawer. His eyebrows knit together and he takes it out again. She huffs and puts it back in the drawer. He goes to pull it back out and she grabs it.
"Now wait a minute, honey. This is my house."
"Your house?! You asked me to move in here with you!"
"Yeah that was before I knew you would be trying to enforce all this woman nonsense-"
"WHAT?! I'M NOT CHANGIN' THIS!" She scoffs loudly, rolling her eyes and walking into the bedroom. "DON'T YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME LITTLE GIRL!"
"I'M NOT A LITTLE GIRL." She turns and yells at him, completely taking him aback. He stands stunned, fuming.
"Don't you talk to me like that."
"Don't you yell at me." They stand in opposition, both of their chests heaving with the intensity of the moment. Elvis notices that Dove still only has one eye finished, but he doesn't mention it.
"Honey, I'll yell at you if I damn well please."
"THEN I WILL ROLL MY EYES IF I DAMN WELL PLEASE." Elvis scowls and walks downstairs towards the front door. He grabs his coat and opens it. Dove hollers from the landing. "Where are you going?!"
"TO COOL OFF." And then he's gone. Dove sobs loudly and then stomps back into their bedroom, slamming the door. Gladys peeks out of her room and shakes her head. Vernon looks at her with his eyebrows raised. She clicks her tongue.
"They should've been married first."
"They'll be alright." He walks up beside her and wraps his arm around her shoulders.
Dove throws herself on the bed and cries, ruining the eye makeup on the one eye she managed to finish. What a silly thing for them to fight over! She sits up and looks at the bathroom, deciding he can keep whatever he wants on the counter as long as he comes home. She crawls under the covers on the bed and rocks herself gently. Why did he have to leave?
Elvis drives his car down to Beale Street and whips into a parking spot. He notices Joe, the club owner from the place he first met Dove, taking some trash out in front of his bar. He jogs across the street over to him.
"Hi, Joe."
"Well, hi there. I haven't seen you around here much recently."
"No, I've been busy with shows and..." He trails off. Joe looks at him with a knowing twinkle in his eye.
"How is Dove?" Elvis looks up at him surprised. "I've been around long enough to recognize love when I see it."
"We just had our first fight." Elvis isn't sure why he's telling Joe this, but something about the older man feels comforting, like he might know what to do. Joe exhales and clicks his tongue.
"That's tough. What about?"
"Somethin' stupid."
"That sounds right. Who was in the wrong?" Elvis wants to immediately say that she was, but he thinks a minute.
"I'm not sure."
"That means it's you." Elvis hangs his head. He knows Joe is right. Dove just wants to be able to do her makeup without knocking his stuff off the counter. That doesn't seem like such an unreasonable request. "You love this girl?"
"More than anything." Elvis looks up, determined to make this right.
"Then I think you know what you need to do." He looks at Joe blankly. "Go home! Bring her something nice to show that you're sorry. And actually be sorry."
"Somethin' nice. Okay." Elvis searches his mind for what he should bring. "Thanks, Joe."
Dove cries herself to sleep in the bed, under the covers fully dressed. Elvis opens and closes the door carefully.
"Dovey?" He calls out gently. When she doesn't respond, he makes his way up to their bedroom worried that she's gone. He pushes the door open and sees her in the bed asleep. His heart swells at the picture of her in front of him. She is the love of his life. He'll put everything he owns in a drawer if it means being with her. That gives him an idea. He looks toward the bathroom and then back at her in the bed. If he works fast, he might be able to finish before she wakes up.
When Dove does finally stir and wake up, Elvis cuddles around her more tightly. She rolls over and for a second forgets that she's mad at him, snuggling into his chest. He kisses her forehead gently.
"Dovey?" She pulls away and looks up at him with her eyebrows knit together.
"You're back."
"I am. I brought you somethin'."
"I don't want-"
"Will you just look first? Please?" He takes her and pulls her out of the bed to stand up. He gestures to the bathroom proudly. He's cleaned the counter, putting everything in the drawers, and a huge bouquet of flowers sits there in a vase.
"Oh, Jumbee." He smiles, satisfied with his work.
"C'mere." He takes her hand and guides her into the bathroom, where she notices an envelope at the bottom of the vase. She opens it carefully and finds a necklace and a card that reads I'm sorry, honey. I love you. -EP. The necklace is a small silver E on a chain.
"Oh, Elvis, it's beautiful!" He beams.
"Look." He holds a necklace up off his neck with a small D charm hanging from it. "Baby, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'll try to be better next time. You're the love of my life, okay? Please forgive me?"
He looks down at her with those sleepy, innocent blue eyes and she can't help but fall in love with him all over again.
"Of course, Jumbee. I love you so much." Elvis breathes a sigh of relief.
"I love you too, Dovey." He wraps her in a tight hug and they hold each other for a while. He backs up and kisses her forehead, then her cheek, down to her lips. It doesn't take long for the passion to heat them both from the inside out. Next thing they know, their tongues are dancing wildly as their hands run uninhibited across each others' bodies. He walks her backwards to the bed and then lays her gently on top of it, his hand going first to her hip and then to her center. She moans softly as he reaches behind her to unzip her skirt. As soon as he's got it off, he pulls her panties down and settles between her legs. She opens herself for him and he groans with the sight of her, wishing desperately that he could push his cock into her and feel her around him. Soon, he tells himself, diving in to move his tongue on her clit. She moans and arches her back as he works. He slides first one and then two fingers up inside her, groaning at her tightness.
"Oh, God, Elvis it's so good." She whimpers as he licks her harder, feeling her walls pulse with her impending orgasm.
"Let go for me, baby. I wanna feel you come." The vibration against her moves her even closer to the edge. She inhales sharply as she dances on the brim of her orgasm.
"Fuck, don't stop!" She runs her fingers in his hair and grinds her pussy into his face. He moans again and then tightens his tongue, licking directly over her sensitive button. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
She cries out as her climax slams into her from every angle, burning out to her fingertips and back again. He smiles as he feels her tighten around his fingers and pulse with her release.
But he doesn't stop. He just keeps right on moving his mouth on her clit. She whimpers and squirms and taps the top of his head, but he doesn't pull back. Instead, she feels a second orgasm building in her hips as he continues to work.
"Oh, God, yes!" She moans as he licks over and around her vigorously. Before much longer, she falls over into the waves of another climax, sweating and moaning. Finally, he pulls back and wipes his face with his hand.
"Do you forgive me, baby?"
"Yes. Yes, oh God yes." He smiles and moves back up to kiss her lips. She pulls his mouth to hers, opening it to allow his tongue to explore hers. She reaches down and palms him gently through his pants. He's so hard that it almost hurts and the feeling of her hand stroking his shaft is almost too much to bear. His hips buck as he shudders. She unzips his pants and frees his dick, wrapping her hand around it. She begins to move up and down slowly, gathering the precum on his head to rub her thumb on his head. He groans and rolls his eyes back, whispering.
"Baby, I'm not gonna last much longer." She pumps him a little harder and he whimpers.
"Thats my goal. Come for me, baby." She whispers it in his ear as she pumps him, feeling him twitch in her hand. He rocks his hips into her palm and after a few more seconds, he cries out, exploding onto her hand.
"Yes, Dovey, fuck!" His hips buck weakly as he comes down from his orgasm. He breathes for a bit before rolling out of the bed to get her a towel. When he returns, she cleans her hand off and he snuggles around her. "I really am sorry."
"I know, Jumbee. That was our first fight. I'm sure we'll have more, but I'll never stop loving you." He smiles and kisses her cheek.
"I won't either. I love you with my whole heart, Dovey baby. I'll never leave like that again."
"I love you." They snuggle into each other and relax.
They spend the next few hours in bed cuddled up like this, neither of them in a hurry to do much else that day.
They have a few more fights as they adjust to living together, but he never leaves again. Instead, they talk and laugh or cry and always figure out a way to solve the problem. Overall, they're incandescently happy together and everyone in the house knows it.
So when the announcement comes on December 16th that Elvis will be drafted into the army, it hits the entire household like a punch in the gut. Gladys refuses to believe it's actually happening and Dove cries quietly in the shower. Elvis is dumbfounded. He knew he had registered for the draft, but he never dreamed it would actually happen.
On December 20th, the Colonel shows up at the same time as the official draft notice. You would think he had won the lottery as he chews his cigar and gloats.
"Now, my boy, I'm sure they will allow you to film your next picture before you have to leave, but you will be leaving." He chirps as Gladys wails in the background. The reality of her son leaving for Europe for two years is breaking her. Dove tries desperately to comfort her, but she's incapable of stopping her own tears.
Two years.
They'll be separated for two years.
Elvis swallows hard and looks over at the two women he loves the most. He looks back at the Colonel.
"I know I'll have to go. I'll be a soldier. But this isn't going to accomplish what you think it will."
"My boy, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking..." He fades out as Elvis turns and walks over to Dove. Gladys calms down long enough to watch what's happening.
And then he drops to one knee, taking Dove's hand and kissing it softly. He looks up into her face and speaks.
"Dovey, I have loved you since the moment I saw you. I've been waiting, like a fool, to do this at just the right time. But I don't think we're gonna find a better time than this." The whole room collectively holds their breath for different reasons. Dove's heart is pounding so hard in her chest that she's afraid it might just jump out of her body. Elvis closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and then dives in. "Eleanor Morningstar, my Dovey, would you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?"
Dove inhales sharply and feels new tears gather in her eyes for a completely different reason. Gladys puts her hand over her mouth and the Colonel scoffs. Elvis stares up at Dove with his blue eyes pleading and sweet.
"Yes. Yes, Elvis, of course I will!" He jumps to his feet and wraps her in a hug, spinning her around the room. When he finally sets her back down, he peppers her face with kisses. She giggles and wraps her arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry I don't have a ring yet. We can go pick one out today." She nods and laughs and he picks her up again. He sets her back down, kissing her deeply and then pushes his forehead to hers. Then, he pulls away and turns back to the Colonel with her hand in his. "We will be married before I leave."
"My boy, you have made a grave mistake. I cannot help you fix this. Whatever happens is your own mess. I will see you in California for filming in the spring. Merry Christmas." He turns and walks out of the house. As soon as he's gone, Elvis turns back to Dove and wraps her in a warm hug.
Gladys and Vernon join the celebration, glad to see the two young people so happy. Gladys is relieved to know that they will be married soon. Still, the stress of Elvis's impending departure has done its damage and she sighs with exhaustion. Tomorrow, there is work to be done, but tonight she needs rest. Surely that will help her feel better.
Don't give up on this one, please!
@wildhorseinkansas @ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
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swxrxgini · 4 months
Childhood friends to lovers troupe with Aditya is living in my head rent free, perhaps, you could offer some hcs for it please 🥹
Brain empty, only Aditya
| : Aamras and friends
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Receiver.... Author's note: "Dear, Thank you so much for requesting this!! I loved it so much and it's honestly so damn cute!!"
Receiver.... Synopsis: "Aditya and you, friends since young, fall in love. HCs about being childhood friends and falling in love with Aditya Kashyap!!"
Receiver.... Warnings: "nothing really? Fluff, childhood shenanigans? Might not be correct to the movie cause I watched it very long ago, forgive my mistakes!! Geet and Aditya are only friends here! Mentions of Maths. Mentions of suicide, Geet gets with your brother (i made him up)"
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◊ Oh my god!! Imagine you and Aditya as friends and sitting in the sun eating raw mangoes?? So cute! You both probably met due to your parents being friends or you both were close in school and you got your parents to be friends as well! Or maybe you were neighbors who went to same school?
◊ You and him grew up so close, slacking off in computer lab as you both watched stupid shit, passing notes in class, trying to help each other memorize the multiplication table up until 30, then memorize square and square roots until 30 and cube and the cube roots until 25. You both got close thanks to torturing Maths.
◊ But that was until the marriage affair of his parents, where he took the deal a bit too hard to his heart. And then his father's death happened after you both grew up, his business going in the dumps.
◊ After the years, he slowly started to become more and more reclusive and depressed, contemplating. One day while after a meeting, you both meet up, but he seemed out of it and you both climbed a train despite the reluctance, meeting a very bubbly girl, Geet Dhillon. You three talked a bit, and you and Geet managed to shake him out of his suicidal thoughts.
◊ In the middle of the night, Aditya gets off, ans you follow him, since you felt weird leaving the boy alone, Geet followed you both asking you both to get on the train, but she herself missed the train...She gets Aditya and you to drive her to the next station, but ends up missing it again...
◊ Geet then demanded to have you both take her home and you both agreed. You grinned as you and her quickly bonded, but Aditya took a bit of time, but it was fine since they became friends. two girlies with a boy tired of the girlies's bullshit. :)
◊ She opened up to you both about her boyfriend whom she wanted to marry, but couldn't because of her parents and the religious differences. While Aditya spoke of how his then girlfriend (whom you were a bit suspicious of) left him to marry someone else, and you hummed nodding how you broke up with your toxic ex boyfriend who was mentally ruining you.
◊ You and Geet were basically besties at that point, with Aditya being both of your guardians probably. You and her tried your best to bring Aditya back to his old fun self, with the power of self-love, friendship and what not.
◊ You, Geet and Aditya became a trio for a while, doing stupid shit together while Aditya simply tried to stop you both from getting in trouble, you three got close. Geet but noticed the chemistry between you two, the longing stare of yours towards him and him staring at you as if you were diamond and gold.
◊ She actually helped Aditya ask you out, asking you if you wanted to go to a restaurant, bu bailed last minute, not only that it's her Aditya goes to for dating advice. You three were closest and it became the friendship of "third wheeling friend becomes baby of the couple in the group", so there's that.
◊ She even tells you both about her plans to run away to be with Anshuman, because she was upset she wasn't gonna be able to marry him.
◊ Her relatives were very happy, you brought her back and had you both stay. And then while they were planning her marriage date, she came to you both, telling you both that she was eloping and was bidding farewell to you two, you both argued with her for a while, before you three were caught mid act by her sister and had to eventually run away..
◊ As she convinced you both to run away with her leaving her family, leaving her family with the idea of Geet being attracted to both boys and girls which was slightly embarrassing for both of you. You both and her had to eventually part ways since she wanted to leave to her boyfriend in Manali, Himachal Pradesh..
◊ You and him let her go her way to her so called boyfriend while you both also became slightly distanced, but stayed close nonetheless. You helped him take breaks, though rarely, you both spent time out in restaurants, mostly spending time at street food vendours or chowpatis.
◊ He started to be less depressed and more the same Aditya you knew before as a child, all the more while you both fell in love, you both missed Geet but didn't get into any type of contact with her afterwards.
◊ He would happily take you shopping whenever you want, whenever you wanted, he was always happy to spoil with his business growing good. He definitely took some lessons from you and Geet aabout sunshine and bright outlook on life which helped him a bit.
◊ Thought a bit reluctant, as you encouraged him, he also bonded with his mother who eloped with another man in the affair or something. It was awkward, but fine, whatever Aditya wanted, you were fine with it.
◊ You and him would often go to shops to drink aamras, mango joosh. Because it's a delicacy and why not? And also childhood snacks, it's so great!!
◊ Around nine months later, Geet's family saw an ad on Adtiya's business launch event and they confronted you both in his office while you were there, demanding you both bring Geet back because she never came home and gave you both two days..
◊ You and Aditya eventually went back to Manali to learn that Geet did come there to meet her boyfriend, but Anshuman rejected her because he didn't want to marry her, you had to be held back a bit before you punched the dude..
◊ You and Aditya trace her back to Shimla and go there to look for Geet, finding her live a reclusive life, working as a teacher in her old school, you were a bit disappointed, but you and Aditya tried to help her receive the sunshine outlook on life yet again.
◊ But Anshuman wanted to start a new, while uncertain of him, you four head back to Bathinda back. Her family was still under the impression she eloped with you and Aditya and it was very weird and awkward for a bit, while Geet tried to explain her side, but was unable to do so. You felt bad and tried to get her to talk to Anshuman tomorrow morning, while Aditya and you laid in bed together, explaining how you both were leaving the next day as you nodded.
◊ As you and Aditya were leaving tomorrow while Geet talked, she didn't want to be with Anshuman longer and ran and followed you both, cause she seemed happier with you two beside her as friends, leaving Anshuman behind heartbroken while Aditya tried to stop you shove a middle finger up his face and kick or punch him for hurting such a sweet girl as Geet.
◊ Overall, very cute relationship but you share your life experiences with Geet as well as she teases you both, visiting with her husband and your brother to your two daughters, telling them about experiences, all while you and Aditya tried not to cringe out of embarrassment at the embarrassing things she told your girls.. <333
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© This writing work belongs to me, swxrxgini, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine, kiara. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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curioussubjects · 8 months
Feedback Fest 2024
Since everything I've read for the past 1.5 years has been pilots, all 10 of the fics here are Kara/Lee from Battlestar Galactica. I'm only listing one fic per author, so be sure to check individual author pages if you liked their style.
(go here over on @transformativeworks for more info!)
1. In the Whole World by pennyante (M, ~80K, WIP)
The Cylons aren't quite human, and the humans haven't quite forgiven them. Political stability is less certain than ever now that the war is over: Lee Adama finds himself up for re-election, where being defeated will mean a Gemenese theocracy puppeteered by Leoben Conoy. Meanwhile, Kara Thrace has nothing but questions about her death and destiny. The only answers available come in the form of the vision of a temple, and from her hybrid/comatose husband's cryptic ramblings about a sister artifact to the Arrow of Apollo.
There's violence in the air. Civil war looms. Can Lee and Kara save each other, and keep the fledgling colony whole?
Thoughts: The best season 4 fix-it, lives in my head rent free, rewired my brain, etc. Also I've read it, like, 3 times (and I cried).
2. We're Not Friends by ninety6tears (M, ~25K)
When two soldiers in the middle of a war can't seem to like each other, baptism by fire is apparently the natural solution. (AU in which Kara never knew Zak and first meets Lee after the fall of the colonies.)
Thoughts: I love a different first meeting AU, and this one takes pilots on a fun rivals to lovers spin that works surprisingly well. They're still very unwell about each other, though, make no mistake.
3. Artemis Rising by clairza (M, ~11K)
The next morning Lee makes a few phone calls, and when everything has been organized and his credit card has been used for the first time in three months, and he’s had the pleasure of telling his mother that no, he has plans this week, he tracks Kara down in the quad. 
She's lying on her stomach poking sticks upright in the grass. He sits down beside her, and he can see the tension in her shoulders.
“So,” he says casually, and he’s very proud of the way his voice doesn’t shake at all. “I hear the Aegean Peninsula is nice this time of year.”
“It probably is.”
“I’ve booked a unit.”
“Where are you going with this, Lee?” Thoughts: I have a huge soft spot for fluffy academy pilots and this fic absolutely delivers. Happy baby pilots go to the beach five stars no notes.
4. An Arranged Meeting by lark_ral (E, ~11K)
Summary: Even outside of wartime, you might be surprised by the pressures our service men and women are under. The most effective among them either have, or need a release valve. Thoughts: Lee and Kara are scene partners for years, then the Cylons come. Somehow less messy than the show, but still delicious.
5. Rota by leda13 (E, ~2K)
Summary: The days are arbitrary, in space. Bereft of the guide of a planet's rotation around the sun, they live in slices of time, stealing as many as they can. Thoughts: Emotional support curtain fic of pilots sneaking around.
6. Sufficient to the Day by rachelindeed (T, ~1.5K)
Summary: At the sound of Lee’s voice, she feels her stomach twist and drop. Reluctantly, she opens her eyes and sees him come to a stop an arm’s length away, settling one elbow onto the corner of the bleacher behind her. His jacket is unbuttoned, his hair mussed, jaw ghosted with stubble, and the frakking sun is rising behind him. The look on his face is casual and fond, but he breathes as if he’s been running. Thoughts: Mandatory UB morning after fix-it...sort of. I really like this one because all I wanted was for Lee to get to Kara first. Or for him to call her bluff. This fic is both. It's not a showdown on main street like I enjoy joking about, but it's quiet and it's them (so it's better!).
7. Contrecoup by Fahye (T, ~2.2K)
Contrecoup (n): A concussion or shock produced by a blow or other injury, in a part or region opposite to that at which the blow is received, often causing rupture or disorganisation of the parts affected. (One story told right-way-up, the other told upside-down, but both in the same narrative.)
We begin at a single point in time. The present goes forwards. The past goes backwards.
The story is AU-within-canon and set after episode 1x11, "Colonial Day."
Thoughts: I can't say too much because I don't want to spoil the fic. So: a bit angsty, a lot sweet, with a side of Kara's amazing problem-solving skills.
8. Lee's Emo Coffeehouse by haycorn (M, ~2.9K)
Summary: Lee has a bar, and sometimes Kara makes his life more interesting. Thoughts: I love cute modern AUs in general, and I love them even more when there's pining involved. There's not nearly enough of this type of fic for pilots, either! Many thanks to the author for their service. Would read 100K of this 'verse.
9. Breathing Room by callmeonetrack (M, ~12K)
Summary: Kara and Lee adjust to their new, very separate lives on the Pegasus. Badly.
Thoughts: My favorite Pegasus fic! Being on the Pegasus sucks, but then Lee and Kara find each other and things get better. Chef's kiss, peak pilots.
10. And I Feel Fine by hazellazer (M, ~2.4K)
“That was… that… why?”
Her hands stay firmly on his face, thumb brushing over his cheek. “I was just thinking—”
Cutting her off, he smirks. “You think?”
She swats at his arm, hard enough that it might actually bruise. “I thought you were dead, Lee.” Her gaze is harsh on his, voice rasping, before something softens. “And I should’ve done this the second I knew you weren’t.” Thoughts: Season 1, but Lee and Kara are together. It's nice, refreshing, and plain good.
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mayaflowerxs · 2 years
Synopsis: The house which you’ve grown used to being abandoned for years is finally up for sell to the newest wedded couple. Six foot, black haired and tempting eyes that refuse to look away from you, a man you will stop at nothing to get a taste of.
Warning: SMUT / Angst. Swear word usage, lots of cheating and manipulation. Both Johnny and Reader are toxic! Obsession, Baby trap. Neighbor!JohnnyxNeighbor!Reader. Reader is in College! Repost! My last time doing this, if it flops oh well. Also thank you for 800+ Followers!!🤍
Pairing: Johnny x reader
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The house next door spent another day lonely and quiet. From the day you were born to the day you entered college, the house next door was left alone with no one interested in renting nor buying it. The porch was covered in fallen leaves and dirt. The stairs were slightly broken and the doors and windows were boarded up with wood. The lawn had dry dead grass long enough that you can’t see the ground. Fence holding by its last bit of strength as it’s ready to give out any second.
It wasn’t until the day you were leaving for college, did construction workers come in and begin to replenish what was a once colorful cosy home. It was weird coming back to seeing a whole new house. Like the creepy house your friends and neighbors swore was ‘haunted’ never existed. Like the house never had discolored grey walls or broken windows with a dead lawn and a tree that tilted sideways and looked creepy at night. No, instead you came home home six months later. On vacation, and stuck behind a u-haul as the new neighbors were settling in.
When finally getting into your driveway, you get out and see multiple men in their work attires carrying loads of boxes into the new home. Not seeing who the new neighbors could be, you walk inside. Your mother noticing the look of surprise she chuckles and nods.
“We’re finally getting new neighbors.”
You don’t get to exactly meet the next door neighbors until about the third day of your vacation. Your mother who had too much free time decided she wanted to make all sorts of pastries. Just getting home after a morning spent at the gym she is quick to hand you a plate of cookies. “Oh thanks mom you shouldn’t have-“ a loud smack is set on your hand, a slight ow comes from you as she frowns. “These aren’t for you!” “Then why did you hand it to me?” “It’s for the neighbors, give these to them.” “Okay but I’ll do it after my shower-“ “Now.”
“What? Why? I’m sweaty and gross I’m sure the neighbors wouldn’t want a batch of cookies to be delivered to them by some chick that’s all…yucky.”
Rolling her eyes, she shakes her head. “Don’t be ridiculous. Now give these to them, I have to drop these off at the shelter and go to the store and buy more ingredients.” She says before grabbing her keys from her purse and walking out the house with a bag filled with goodies. “Not a single cookie should be eaten from you!” She points at you sternly while getting out of the house. Sighing you nod and go to drop your gym back. Fanning yourself, certain your face was red and covered in sweat you decide to go over and grab a bottled of water before heading on over. From what your parents have mentioned they are a newly wedded couple. Having bought the once abandoned house in hopes to start a “new chapter” in their lives.
Walking out of the house, you head on over. Porch was already decorated with welcome signs and rocking chairs. Yard held bright green grass that for sure were fake because for over ten years it’s been nothing but dead. Pressing the door bell, you hold the plate of cookies in hand and take a sip from your water using the other. Once the door opened you choke from the shock of the man that stood before you. Coughing, his eyes widen slightly. “Are you okay?” He raises his hand ready to pat your back but stopping when you raise a hand at him and nod. “I’m..okay.” You croak, you knew the couple were young just not your age young. The man standing before you was nothing less than hot. So hot you were sure men like him only existed in books. Head suddenly going blank, you quickly push the plate of cookies in his chest.
“My mother wanted you guys to have these. Um, as a welcome to moving into the neighborhood.” Cringing at how awkward you were getting, he chuckles softly and nods. Accepting the plate he smiles at you. “Well tell your mom I said thank you… what’s your name?”
About the respond you hear a voice speak in a sing song way. “Baby! Who’s at the door?” The door opening wider, a woman appears in your field of view. Eyeing you, she still holds up the small smile on her face despite the slight confusion. “Oh! And who you may be?” “I’m y/n, your neighbor. Well actually my parents. I’m only visiting,” “Oh you’re y/l/n’s kid!”
Nervously laughing you nod. “Your mother has told me so much about you. Must be exciting going to college, I still remember when it was my first day!” You wondered how old the woman before you was, how she spoke as if it’s been ancient years for her but yet looking only to be a few years older than you. “Yeah well college for you wasn’t far long, I mean you did just graduate.” He said to her. Slightly shoving him as he laughs you can’t help but stand their feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it’s the fact that happy couples make you feel uneasy? Or that these are complete strangers? Who knows but you do know is how much worse you feel standing so not great in front of them.
“Well I just came to drop off the cookies and so I’ll just get going!“ you chuckle nervously and proceed to walk off the porch. “Thank you! And maybe one day you can have dinner with us?” She says. “Uh yeah, One day.” You nod and make your way over to your house. Quickly opening and closing the door, you let out a relieved breath you didn’t know you had holding back.
A part of you hoped that would be the last time you’d ever have to interact with them despite the fact you find your neighbor tremendously hot. Internally cringing by how affected you were by him and just the memory of you acting like a fool had you wanting to crawl under the ground. Only way to get your nerves to calm down is by reassuring yourself you’d never have to talk to them.
You know until your mother invites them over for dinner.
The surprise was much worse than the first interaction with them. Coming down the stairs in your pj’s even though it was 5 in the afternoon. Just woke up from a four hour nap with pieces of hair falling out of your ponytail. Eye bags evident, fluffy slippers that showed your toes and baggy clothes that was engulfing all of you. The horror seeing the couple turn their heads from the living room. A smile on their faces as they greeted you, you on the other hand appalled and feeling utter embarrassment. Give them a subtle wave and quickly go back up the stairs.
“Dinner is almost ready!” Your mother shouts as you rush up the stairs. Almost tripping which causes you to further be embarrassed. “Okay!” You respond quickly before slamming the door behind you. Forcing back the need to scream in your pillow, you take deep breaths in and out before deciding to take a shower. Taking the time to take a warm shower. Your time in there much longer than you ever had before, given you found yourself exfoliating, shaving, putting on face masks and all sorts of hygienic products that you wouldn’t normally take the time to do. Taking so long your father had to knock on your door to come out already.
Struggling to slip on your jeans while only balancing your weight on one foot, you groan when you look at yourself in the mirror and see your hair was getting disheveled. By the time you felt somewhat okay with your appearance you walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone had already gathered around. “Finally! Thought I’d have to drag you out here.” Your mother jokes that you only force a smile and take the seat next to her.
“So Jamie you’ve meet my daughter right?” Your mother asks her. “Oh of course! And thank you for the cookies they were delicious, me and Johnny already feel so welcomed here.” Smiling warmly at her, the name rings in your head. So that’s his name.
“Jamie’s right, thank you. You shouldn’t have.” His deep voice speaks, chills run down your arms. “Nonsense! You’re our new neighbors it’s the least we could do. Right y/n?” Looking up from your plate, you nod quickly before averting your eyes.
Hearing a giggle, you look up to see Jamie already staring at you. “Y/n reminds me so much of myself back when I was her age.” Back? “Oh yeah, y/n here can be a bit clumsy and quiet.” Your mom laughs. Not liking how they seem to begin a conversation that revolved around you without actually adding you to said conversation you only give a monotonous laugh and continue eating.
“So what are you majoring y/n?” Your heart stops upon hearing Johnny’s voice. Looking up at him, you feel the air get caught in your throat seeing his brown orbs were staring deeply into yours. Attention directed at you and no one else as he awaits for your response.
“Oh well I’m taking business classes?” “That’s right, my darling here is taking such classes and who knows maybe some day she will be like her father and take over my business.” Your father speaks up for the first time since the dinner has begun. Trying not to roll your eyes you give a simple hum and begin to pick at your food. It’s always been your fathers dream to pass down his business to you. Have you take over and continue his legacy at his company. But you didn’t want that, having to spend the rest of your life cooped up in an office and having to take frustrating calls and meetings. Files that needs to be sent out and a plan needed to be constructed for every little event, no thanks.
“Not bad, I actually have my own running company.” “Really?” Your father asks Johnny. “Yeah, me and my best friend are CEO’s of the cooperation Jeong & Suh’s-“
“Wait you own Jeong & Suh’s Cooperation?” Nodding, Johnny sends your father a proud smile ignoring the fact that your father now has a growing frown on his face. Rival companies. Well more like your dad can’t seem to ever top Johnny’s and yet knowing about this fact had you so much more intrigued about the man before you.
“Wow! Impressive! How old are you if I may ask hun?” Your mom asks him, “28 ma’am.” “Oh wow not too far off from y/n she just turned 24 last month.”
“Oh! Jamie’s 25 so you two are closer in age.” Johnny says. Looking over at Jamie who only chuckles lightly, you can’t help but scoff under your breathe. Turns out you were right, Jamie isn’t old, she just thinks of you as a child.
When dinner ended your mother expected for you to walk them out with her. Giving them goodbyes as she wishes to have another dinner night sometime. “Maybe the next time can be at our house?” Johnny asks, “That sounds lovely.” Your mom claps her hands as she hugs them goodbye. Jamie turns to you as she only nods her head and gives you a tight smile. “Bye.” She simply says and walks out. Johnny on the other, you give him a genuine smile and accept his hug goodbye. “See you y/n.” Feeling the goosebumps reappear as soon as he says your name you don’t trust your voice enough and so you stuck to nodding. Waving at them him goodbye, the door closes.
“Such great people.” Your mother bloats. “Yeah, Johnny’s great.” You say while making your way up the stairs. Not noticing the quick look your mother sends you.
Your interest in Johnny quickly began to grow the more often you saw him. You noticed that every morning at 8 he leaves the house to head to the gym. An hour before you usually do. By figuring this out you have now ‘unexpectedly’ have managed to run into him every time you go to the gym. First time a surprise but Johnny doesn’t seem to mind your presence. Before you know day after day, Johnny even takes the liberty to come to you on the days you arrive early. Knowing if you do so, he will most likely come to you. Using the treadmills right next to the other and helping the other with weights. And when you do lower body workouts like squats, he’s quick to block your view of anyone. Only ever having one airpod in to make sure he hears you if you ever need him. Giving you a ride home in his truck that immediately engulfs you in his cologne.
Sometimes in the evening, he will be out on his lawn. His love for his garden, you’ve caught him multiple times watering his grass, mowing or trimming the bushes. Planting new flowers or making sure the growing ones are in good state. Taking this time to fetch for the mail and then building conversation with him. Trying your hardest to not have your mouth watering at the sight of his toned abs or his biceps flexing with each movement he made. Sweat slightly dripping down his face and falling on his chest. “Did Jamie wanted the flowers planted?” “Oh no, Jamie hates anything that had to do with gardening, she actually doesn’t know much about plants. I chose them.”
“Well that’s too bad, I would plant flowers but my parents think my flowers won’t go with the rest of the garden.” You shrug. “Really? What flowers you got in mind?” “Peony’s! So pretty.” Taking mental notes on the name, Johnny immediately recognizes them. “Well maybe they might change their minds.” Laughing you shake your head, “No way once they have their mind set on something it’s difficult to go a different route.” And you were right. Maybe it was a family thing because before you knew it, your infatuation with the man began to grow into something much more.
“Hi Johnny!” You wave as you come home after a long day at work. Deciding to make some extra cash, you now get home at 8 and just in time in seeing Johnny and Jamie getting home from a date. Jamie frowns when she sees the interaction between you two. Watching how you completely ignore her existence, “Hey y/n!” Her husband waved back with a grin. Turning back to face her he furrows his brows. “What?” Ignoring him, Jamie walks in. Trailing behind her was a confused Johnny.
Having your room be across from the couple was both a blessing and a curse. There were times where you saw sneak peaks of Johnny coming in view with nothing but shorts. When he’s just getting out the shower and the only thing he has on is a white towel and a shirt wrapped around his neck as some of the water droplets are still rolling down his golden skin. But tonight wasn’t a blessing. Water bottled awfully squeezed and crumbled as the once yelling and shouting from the couple has now seized into something much more unappealing.
Why Jamie was freaking out? Who knows, but you do know it started soon after your encounter with Johnny. And now, here you were having to deal with the loud moans and banging that can be heard from across the window. Music blasting in your ears but still they are too damn loud. Parents currently out at work which has you feeling envious of them for not having to hear this. Anger written all over your face as the bitter horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach only grows. Looking out the window to seeing only a bit of their legs getting in view of the window you manage to roll your eyes yet again for the umpteenth time.
She’s doing this on purpose.
You conclude. It must be, it was obvious she dislikes you. Ever since she found out you and Johnny hit the gym at the same time. The memory of seeing her there with him and not the usual lone man when entering the building. A scowl quickly appearing on your face when seeing her chat up a storm while her husband concentrated on his work out.
The usual high pitched, oh. Was made when she looked over and saw you there standing before them. Eyeing you down as she took in your outfit. Biker shorts with a matching crop top that revealed your chest enough that had her staring a little too long at the cleavage. How she drags him away as soon as he’s finished with a set and leaves no room for you. How if you three are in the same vicinity she blocks your view of him. Making sure to show everything off to him and exaggerates her way of exercising to look more attractive. Not being able to handle it, you gave up and chose night workouts instead.
Gardening was no longer the same. Not after the special surprise Johnny gave you.
“No way!” “Yep! And I planted them near the fence we share so that you can see them better.” Planted right below you were a row full of beautiful pink Peony’s. “You shouldn’t have Johnny!” “Well I know how much you wanted them and couldn’t and so why not plant them so the both of us can share them?” Grinning so wide your cheeks were hurting, you reach over and wrap your arms around him. “Thank you!” Hearing his chest rumble as he laughs he rubs your back. “You’re welcome-“
A loud cough was heard, pulling away you turn to see Jamie standing by the gate to their house. The frown on her face quickly wiped away as she flashes a smile and flutters her eyes. “What’s going on?” “Oh well y/n here has always wanted Peony’s and so I planted some.” “Oh…well why couldn’t she plant them at her own lawn? I mean she has enough dirt.” She shrugs innocently as she makes her way over to Johnny. Lifting her head and puckering her lips so that he got the memo to kiss her. The sourness already beginning to pool in, you look away before you blew cover of your obvious distaste towards her. “Parents didn’t allow her, don’t they look beautiful?”
She hums. “What about my Tulips?” “What about your Tulips honey?” “Don’t tell me you forgot?” She crosses her arms, “I’m sorry, I don’t remember you mentioning any Tulips-“ “Johnny yes I’ve asked you to plant me some Tulips! How could you forget.” Jamie on the verge of throwing a tantrum he coos and wraps his arms around her. “Oh I’m sorry love, I’ll go get some first thing tomorrow and we’ll plant them if you want to. Me and y/n.”
“Y/n?” She pulls away. “Well yeah, she and I like gardening and you don’t really like getting dirty-“ “You know you underestimate me too much!” She smirks at him. Raising a brow, he gives her a look. “So you’re saying?…” “Tomorrow I better have my Tulips because you and I will be planting them.” Chuckling he nods and pecks her lips. “Don’t worry y/n you don’t have to waste your time.” She assured you, sending you a prideful smile before wrapping her arm around his.
“Well we better get going, bye!” And like that, she drags the two of them inside their house.
You thought you could handle it but now, being trapped in your room with the only sound of her god awful screeches has you ripping your hair out. Standing up from your bed you lace around your room. Hands over your ears as you’re practically begging for them to fucking stop. Seeing your figure in the mirror you stop momentarily to look at the pictures hanging around the vanity. You know what you’re feeling for the man grew, and maybe not in the best way. And yet catching yourself pacing in anger for the unholy acts that are happening next door with pictures you have of him hanged around your mirror, it was certain that you have grown utterly obsessed with him.
Picking up a picture you took of him from his Instagram. Two hours of nonstop lurking through his page and any picture Jamie was in, was immediately cut out. One though, only had Jamie folded in half. Unfolding it so it showed a picture of the both of them at Disneyland, it puts you in a state of fantasy. Imagining it was you and not Jamie. Imagining it was you kissing him and you enjoying the experience of being at the happiest place on earth with him. Crumbling the paper with a tight face, you look at yourself in the mirror again.
“You’re mine Johnny Suh.” You say as you trail a finger on one of his pictures. “All mine.”
You thought you were doing a good job at hiding the sudden darkness gnawing inside you. The sudden bursts of angers when you saw them acting a couple. The kisses and the hand touching, worse the flirting. Do they have no courtesy? No manners or respect? The jealousy that has now turned into hatred for the girl. The dark intrusive thoughts of eliminating her for ever. You thought you had everything all under control but that wasn’t the case because your mother saw it all. She noticed the lingering touches, smiles, looks and laughs you give when around Johnny. She noticed the immediate brightness that engulfs you when Johnny enters the area or the hopeless look of admiration when he speaks about his passion. The heart eyes when he sends you a smile or the passionate look you send him when you have a moment alone with him. Most of all, she noticed the pictures. The letters written for him and the constant need to add Johnny in any and all conversations you had with your mother.
Your mother was the only person other than you that had noticed the growing demons rising in you, and she could only hope it wouldn’t end tragically.
“You shouldn’t be spending so much time with him.” “What? Why?” You ask her, ready to get defensive. Your mother chooses her next words wisely. “Oh well we wouldn’t want to bother them so much I mean, he’s a busy man darling. He might have to get things done.”
Not true.
Only times he needs to get things done are during 2-5 pm. At 1 he goes for errands and for three hours he’s at his company. Any time he won’t be back at 5 won’t be no later than by 8. Around the time you get home from work. Making a promise to himself he wouldn’t become a busy boss that has no time for his social life. Any other time he’s at home, he has nothing else to do.
“Well I would but last time I didn’t come out to help him garden he was sad.” You shrugged your shoulders. A small smile remembering his words.
“Really?” Your mother asks you, a bit unsure. “Of course, he says he loves our time together. But you know, I got a life too. I can’t always hang with him.” You say calmly before looking back down at your phone. You weren’t naive, you knew your little game was working. The subtle touches, laughs, twirling of the hair and the longing stare had him gulping nervously. Chuckling softly and looking away as he leans his weight on his leg.
“Well I saw Jamie has begun to garden more with Johnny. How about we let them have their moments okay?” Groaning you stand up abruptly. “God mom you are so annoying! Didn’t you say I should be making an effort to make them feel welcomed? Geez you can be so hypocritical!” Stomping up the stairs and slamming the door behind you, your mother winces at the loud sound before sighing and heading out.
Wanting to cool off you get dressed in your gym clothes. Adrenaline pumping and in need to let off some steam you grab your bag and head downstairs. Walking out the door when you hear your name being called. “Y/n?” Looking over and seeing Johnny walking out with his gym clothes and bag he sends you that familiar smile.
“Heading to the gym as well?”
“Yeah well I needed to let off some steam.” “I agree.” “Really? You too feel stressed?” “Oh always.” “Wow, you hide it pretty well then.” Winking at you, you laugh and begin to walk off the porch.
“Say, since you and I are going to the same place. Want to just come with me?” “Is Jamie coming?” “Jamie? Oh! No, she’s currently having a movie marathon. So?… I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to-“ “Stop sweating it, I’ll go for your sake.” Snorting, he nods as he watches you open the passenger door to his truck and get in.
Getting there, there weren’t anyone else but two other people. Both too preoccupied with their workout with music blaring in their ears. The routine seemed to go back to the old ways. Taking the treadmills next to each other, going to the upper body weights together and even helping each other out when needed. The stretching took a whole other turn when you felt him adding pressure. “Just relax and breathe in.” He whispered to you, keeping eye contact that ultimately sent shock waves throughout your body and most importantly down low.
So close you could feel his breathing, so close all you had to do was lean in and kiss his lips. Groaning at the stretch, Johnny seems to snap out of it and clears his throat. “Okay good, you did well.” He says quickly before pulling away and helping you get up. By the time you two were finished, Johnny chose to take a quick shower. You sat at the lockers, no other woman inside and with the soft music playing. You waited patiently for him, the loneliness had you thinking about Johnny again. Johnny and only Johnny. Thinking of the fact that he’s just in the next room. By then no one else was at the gym other than the one or two workers and both mainly at the reception.
Squeezing your legs as you began to fantasize about his body and the things he could do to you.
Snap out of it y/n. But that was far much too late. You loved Johnny, you craved him. You needed him always and forever and he’s still not yours yet, and the reminder of it only has you angered yet again. But a workout won’t cut it no, this can’t go away by jogging it off or doing fifty plus crunches no, only way it can go away is by solving the problem up front. And so, you do.
Walking out the woman’s locker room, you don’t hesitant to make your way inside the men’s lockers. Hearing the faint noise of the water running, you take slow careful steps. Beginning to undress yourself and drop them right outside his shower cubicle. Unclasping your bra and dropping them onto the floor along with your panties, free your hair from the tight ponytail and enter the shower. Gasping when he hears the shower curtain get pulled back, eyes widening when he sees you and about ready to demand you to get out but is cut off when you press him up against the cold tiled wall and kiss him.
Body presses against him, a loud groan escaping him when he feels you grope him. Large hands squeezing your waist, conflict apparent as he doesn’t know whether he should push you away or reciprocate the kiss. His wedding ring feeling cool against your skin. A burning reminder for him that’s he’s married.
But he doesn’t, he can’t. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t had lingering thoughts about you. Ever since the move his wife has been too busy at the hospital. As a registered nurse he knew it was demanding just not to this extend and yet having you as company made it better. You understood him in ways his wife didn’t, heard his rambling that his wife found annoying or the random facts she thought was weird to know. The both of them lack any common interests and you, well you were perfect. It seemed you guys could relate to many things. So much he may have gotten attached to you, but that isn’t to say the guilt still hasn’t been eating him up.
But once wouldn’t hurt right? I mean it will never happen again after today.
Picking you up with ease, you wrap your legs around his waist. Leaning you up against the cold tiled wall, water still running down the both of you as the kissing becomes heated. Pants are heard from you as he begins to leave hickies down your neck. A hand tugging his hair the harder he sucks. Biting your bottom lip in order to prevent any noises desperate to fall out of your mouth. His hands massaging every bit of you, nothing you’ve ever imagined compared to this. Feeling his dick prodding at you, you gasp at the sensitivity. Cupping his face, you direct his face back up at you. Shoving your tongue down your throat, a hand of his lifts up to wrap it around your throat. Squeezing lightly to get you to open wider for him, a string of saliva connecting the two of you when he pulls away.
“Fuck me Johnny.” You beg him, hearing a quiet grunt from him when you beginning to grind on him. “Not yet.” Feeling sexually frustrated, you’re about to protest but is left shocked when he suddenly lifts you up to his face. Legs hooked over his shoulders, poking from out of the showers, you now have an overview of the bathroom. Moaning rather loudly when he begins to eat you out, relentlessly and without care of how loud he’s being with sucking and penetrating you with his tongue. “Someone can see.” You warn him through whines, head thrown back as a hand has a tight hold on his hair. Johnny was far too gone. He didn’t care if anyone walked in and saw you bare naked, he didn’t care if anyone caught him fucking you in the shower or the possibility of him being banned forever. He was drunk on you and whatever worries his logical side of him shouted, muffled as soon as you interrupted his shower.
Gripping onto the wall, nails digging in as Johnny doesn’t pull away from you. Clit abused by his lips as he keeps rubbing figure eights. Legs squeezing around him only to be spread apart by him. A loud slap is heard throughout the showers, “Keep them open.” He tells you sternly as he goes back to eating you. Fingers shoved in you as he’s desperate to have you coming for him. Head tilted back, eyes shutting tightly as you feel the familiar tightness in your lower abdomen. “Johnny!” Your mouth falls slack, eyes looking up at you. Johnny groans at the heavenly sight of you falling apart because of his mouth. Digging his face further, wanting to suffocate himself in you. Crazy how obsessed he’s gotten with your cunt, he knew it would be heavenly to get a taste of you just didn’t know it was this amazing. Never wanting to pull away from you.
Hearing footsteps, you try to pull Johnny away from you. “Johnny someone’s here-“ Gripping your hands away from him, he keeps them still. His pace quickening, eyes closing as your climax begins to settle in. Footsteps getting louder as whoever the man was is about to make their way inside the bathroom. Squealing as he suddenly drops you, catching you before you fall he only lets one of your legs touch the floor. Large hand pushing your left leg up and over his shoulder still. Gasping loudly as he forces himself in you without warning. Hand covering your mouth as he feels a rumble in his palm from the muffled moan you let out. The man who entered had turned down the faucet, washing his face and oblivious to what was currently going on a feet away from him.
“Be quiet and keep taking me.”
Thrusts getting deeper and harder, it was hard to continue standing with your leg shaking. He was so big, too big and you’re sure you’ll be sore for a while. You weren’t used to such a big cock and having him continuously fucking into you at such a fast brutal pace, not looking guilt but instead a stupid grin on his face as he sees how affected you are because of his size.
Leaning in until his mouth is next to your ear, voice much deeper and hoarse. “Am I too big sweet thing?” A single tear falls down your face, only riling him up. Clapping noises were beginning to become audible the harder he fucked into you. Skin on skin, the squelching noises your cunt was making for him. You wonder if the man outside managed to figure out what sinful things was being caused in the small cubicle if not have seen your clothes lying right outside the shower cubicle.
The loud air dryer is heard and footsteps becoming distant. Pulling out of you, your walls clench around nothing. Dropping your leg, he forces you to face the wall. Pulling your hips, ass out as he pounds into you again. No longer caring to stay quiet, the claps get louder and louder and eventually overpowers the running water. His hand goes to grip the back of your neck as he keeps you steady. A large print on your waist as he looks down and sees his dick covered in your slick. Spitting on it and watching it thrust his saliva in you. He finds it hard to believe himself when he says this will be the only time he’d ever do such a thing to be unfaithful towards his wife.
He was right.
You couldn’t stop the proud smirk on your face. Today was the very first time being in Johnny’s room, excusing himself to go use the bathroom you run a hand through the silk sheets as you lie down. Just exactly a week ago you were forced to hear the loud obnoxious moans of his wife. Having no other choice but to hear her be pleased by him and not you. And exactly a week later, you’ll be the one to take her spot.
Undressing yourself you drop your clothes right by the foot of the bed. Making sure to kick your underwear under the bed, a little surprise for the Mrs. if she ever dares look there. Hearing the door open, footsteps walking and eventually stopping by the doorframe. Eyes immediately dilated as he comes across you and all your glory on his king sized bed. “Naughty girl.” He tsk’s and makes his way over to you. Groaning lightly when you open your legs for him and give him a view of your soppy pussy. Curling your finger to get him to come closer, he leans in and leaves a wet trail of kisses from your knees and down into your cunt. A long lick that has you throwing your head back. Hand gripping the sheets.
“Already sensitive?” He taunts you.
“You want me too.” “Oh do I now?” Nodding, you sit up and push him down the bed, throwing a leg over him as you straddle him. Hands beginning to unbuckle his belt. Pulling his jeans and briefs down until his thick girth is exposed. Red tip licking with precum, veins prominent and rock hard. Grabbing him, you lick a long strip on his underside. Keeping eye contact with him as you hear him grunt. “Your cock yearns for me Johnny. I’m not the only one whose a sex addict.” You smirk at him before spitting on his dick. Using it as lubrication, rubbing it all over him until there’s a glimmer. Puckering your lips as you take his tip. Tasting the saltiness of his precum, eyes rolling back as you take more of him in your mouth.
“What a slut.” Johnny groans,holding your hair back using it as leverage to push your head down. Bobbing your head, you play with his balls and watch his face scrunch into pure bliss. He begins to thrust his hips up until eventually he was forcing you to choke on his cock. “Take it, be grateful.” He hissed as his thrusts quickens. Feeling the band in him about to snap, he gets needier. Pants shorter and more desperate for air as the euphoric feeling is beginning to hit him like a ton of bricks. Gagging, you force yourself to take it. Wanting to be good for him, to show him you can handle his big cock. You and only you is good enough for such a big girth. You wanted Johnny to forever have to image of you sucking him like a good girl. Grunting as he releases inside your mouth, you don’t dare remove him until you swallowed all of him. Licking and sucking him clean until he wasn’t dripping anymore cum. So infatuated with his dick you continue to suck him even with how sensitive he is. Having to pry you off him by force, “So damn greedy.” He mumbles before turning the both of you around.
On your stomach, he grabs a pillow and situates it underneath your hipbone. Arching your back and sticking your ass out, he leaves a hard slap. Redness already appearing as he separated your cheeks and teases you with his dick. “So wet baby, who made you this wet?”
“You Johnny,” you whine as he proceeds to enter the tip in. Sliding it in and out of you, never going further than that. “How much do you want me?”
“So fucking much Johnny god I need your dick. Please I’m on the pill.” “Good.” Screaming when he fucks you unexpectedly, like before he’s rough. Johnny doesn’t do soft and romantic you’ve noticed, instead he likes to fuck until there’s tears falling and a dripping cunt making a mess for him. Head facing the window you manage to make out your window, the exact same one you were peeking from. Noticing this, Johnny chuckles. “Remembering the time you spied on me huh?”
“Answer me sweet thing.” He tells you sternly as he pounds into you harder. Mouth wide as you squeal from how deep he was in you. So full you felt and yet you still wanted more. All of Johnny, never wanted to stop being fucked by him. So entranced by him you’re going dumb. “Y-Yes…”
“Yeah I could see you watching me fuck my wife, god all I could think about is you being the one underneath me. Did you know that huh?” Oh god you felt yourself practically dripping for him. “I fucked her stupid thinking it was you who I was fucking, you who I made cry on my dick. Would you like that?” Nodding profoundly he snickers and pushes your head down on the mattress. Room filled with the clapping, the moans and the wet noises your pussy was making for him. “God baby, she’s crying for me.” Johnny says as he looks down and sees how wet his dick has gotten because of you. Leaning down, face right next to yours as he begins to fuck you into the mattress. A loud cry from you as he begins to hit your g spot repeatedly. “So fucking deep!” You scream as he relentlessly fucks you, working up a sweat as he concentrates in getting you to cum.
“Yeah? Were do you feel me?”
“My stomach Johnny!” “Your tummy baby? You feel me all the way up there?” Nodding, at lost for words as you roll your eyes back. “Look at that, can’t even respond to me. Fucked you so stupid.” Seeing you closing your eyes, he grips your face. “Wake up pretty thing, I’m not fucking done with you.”
Things have taken a turn drastically. Almost everyday now Johnny and you at least have sex about three times. And when the Mrs. is being a burden, Johnny tells you to meet him at his office. Demanding his secretary to not allow anyone in his office as he focuses in fucking you dumb on his desk. Not giving a damn if his paperwork ends up drenched in your slick. Not caring if his desk ends up smelling like cum or if the room is filled with sex.
Everyday he finds a way to spend time with you. Angry when you didn’t answer him right away and instead finding you sunbathing by your pool, fucking you right then and there and not caring if you managed to scare away any birds by the loud moans. During dinner with your family, he keeps his cool as he interacts with your father. Everyone especially his wife oblivious to the fact that his hand was deep under your dress and fondling with your clit.
It was getting risky. Especially as your parents noticed a change in behavior between you two. The lingering touches and the constant flirting that you argue isn’t. Not only that, but you. You were getting worse. Your obsession was only growing and now you couldn’t help but wish Johnny’s wife simply disappeared. Glaring when you catch them holding hands, angered when you see him kiss her. How dare he!
And worst?
When they made the big announcement.
“We’re trying for a baby!”
How could he do this to you?! Did all those nights mean nothing to him? The constant calls and texts, did those hold no value to him? You were the one he went to for comfort. You were the one he fucked his frustrations out, you were the one he gifted you the many many expensive things. You were treated like royalty, and yet no you’re nothing more than a damn toy for him.
“How can you do this to me!” You shout angrily at him. Since the announcement he’s made it impossible to get a hold of him. Knowing how you’d react he’s been avoiding you but not today.
“Y/n I’m really busy right now-“ “No Johnny!” You say through tears. Walking around his desk, you turn the chair so he faces you. Climbing on his lap you cup his face. “You love me.”
“I don’t love you y/n-“
“You wouldn’t fuck me all those nights if it wasn’t the case.” Shaking his head he looks away from you. Hands still resting on the arm chairs. Trying to make himself look disinterested in you which further hurts your feelings. Hurt that begins to turn into anger.
“I needed a distraction. I wasn’t in a good place with my wife and now I am. That was all, sorry if I led you to believe otherwise.” You couldn’t believe it. After everything you’ve done for him, this is how he treats you. Like dirt and trash. You love him, so why couldn’t he see that? Why couldn’t he see she was obviously not meant for him? She couldn’t possibly listen to him talking nonsense for hours on end. She couldn’t possibly handle him when he’s in need of rough hard sex. You, no you were perfect for him. Meant to be with him, to please him to love him so why couldn’t he see that?
What else could you possibly do for him to be forever yours?
“Please baby…you’re making a big mistake.” You lower your voice close to his ear. Playing with his hair and massaging it the way you know he likes it. Grinding on him slow and sensually and like you anticipated, he grows hard. Planting soft kisses from his jaw down to his collarbone that you know he can’t say no to. “Only I can please you. Can satisfy you and give you everything you ever want.” Kissing his lips, he doesn’t pull away and instead wrap his arms around your waist. Helping you continue to grind on his dick. Holding back a smile when you hear him grunt.
“I’m yours baby, only yours.” Lowering his face and nuzzling into the crook of your neck , you bite your lip when he begins to suck your neck. The very revealing top exposed your perky breasts, plump lips set kisses on them until eventually he pulls your top down. Sticking his tongue out as he proceeds to lick and suck your tits. Unbuttoning his pants, you pull it enough to take his cock out. Jerking it, rubbing the tip with your thumb as Johnny’s attack on your tits only get rougher with every stroke you make. Pulling away, you lower your shorts and underwear. Climbing back on until your sitting nicely on top of him. Moans and groans are heard throughout the office from the intrusion. “Fuck me Johnny.”
And so he does.
“Y/n I thought we talked about this!”
“No Johnny we didn’t!” “Y/n drop it!”
“I won’t!” Slamming his hands on the marbled table, he stands up and walks over to you. “Alright that’s enough-“ “Let go of me!” You force your arm out of his grasp. “You can’t just push me away Johnny! Remember it took two to have sex!”
“Don’t you think I know that! But I’ve changed!” Faking a laugh you shake your head and cross your arms. “I don’t recall that three days ago at your office.” “Y/n enough! I’m a married man! And soon I will be a father!”
“Damn right you will!”
Freezing, he stops and stares at you.
“Why do you say?”
Watching as you pull out a white piece of paper, one that came directly from the hospital. Handing it to him, he opens it and feels the color drain from his face. You couldn’t stop Johnny from leaving you. You couldn’t stop him from choosing his wife over you. And while it hurt to know you won’t even come close to taking her place, you couldn’t accept the fact that Johnny simply wasn’t yours. You were used to getting your way, to winning and achieving everything you’ve ever set your mind on even if you played dirty but that was life, nothing in life is fair. You knew you only had one choice and it could only be taken right then and there at the office. While you were on the pill, you ran out of them and soon enough the effect wore off.
“Congratulations Johnny, you’re going to be a father!” You clap your hands excitedly as you watch him read the test results. Shocked and completely lost for words, you walk up to him and kiss his cheek in which he makes no move to pull away.
“You’re what?!”
A voice exclaims behind the two of you. Door wide open as his wife finally came home from a long day at work.
Uh Oh.
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years
I thought that Pol 19 was the end of my research train, but nope, we're still going! The railway seems never-ending!
DISCLAIMER: This is not really a callout post. This is a warning to anyone who intends to download Lindasim's stuff. And a genuine one. I have nothing personal against Linda, this is only what I've found from my own deep dive into Linda's files. I have no proof that what I've found is stuff that Linda herself did, but the stuff does exist. And it's terrible.
You can find the shirt file I use for my 'research' post here. It's part of the reuploaded March 2021 set and from what I can see that entire set is a giant mess.
I discovered this weird glitchy CC from this video by @marticoresims so credit goes to them and their viewers for discovering the glitchiness of it, because I honestly don't think I'd ever have opened up this file otherwise.
I mean, it's pretty normal-looking, right? Cute, even. But it harbors a dark secret, more than just PT 19, who we met in my last research post.
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But there's a reason this image also exists. To haunt my nightmares instead of my waking moments.
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So, let's dive into this mess of a mesh file!
As always, I opened the mesh file first. And I think it's pretty obvious that this is no ordinary mesh file, because there's wayyy more than the 4 basic elements.
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Yep, as you may be able to tell from the OBJD, Age Data, and XTOL, Pollination Technician 19 has returned to haunt my every waking moment!
The real issue came to light when I checked the GMDCs.
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Do you recognise him? Because I sure do! It's my bestie, Fluffy! (You may want to watch Marticore's video to understand because he lives in my head rent-free. Lol.)
Yep, for some reason, this mesh file includes a sneaky little replacement of the adult dog body mesh. However, it's very... borked?
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Look how stretchy he is... he's still a good boy though...
I mean, I'm no dog expert, but I've owned dogs ever since I was a baby and have seen plenty of 'em. But I don't think Fluffy over here should exist anywhere except my nightmares.
Okay, so this shirt file contains a pretty scary replacement for the adult large dog body in TS2. Why should that stop me from downloading it? - some idiot in my ask box, probably, because I don't want to answer a million asks :]
Well, uh, did you miss that part about a hidden sim being in the file? We have not only a hidden broken pollination technician, now we also have gigantoborkodoggo!
So, yeah, I remember a lot of people getting excited and trying to track this shirt CC down when Marticore made her video. So I thought I'd spread the warning that even gigantoborkodoggo isn't a good reason to get Linda's leaked CC.
Because it's not just the mesh file here, but also all 40 recolors of the 'Mandarin' shirt, that are completely filled with hidden NPCs. The recolors don't have the dog replacement, though, because even the person who purposefully destroyed these files knows multiple DRs for one thing are very bad. How kind of them to think of our games 💖
If anyone knows where this giant dog mesh came from, please let me know, because I'd love to make a standalone version for April Fool's someday 👁
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void-writing · 1 year
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FINALLY got some of my drawings of my girl, Milo, lined and done in flats (with some bonus baby teetles). She has been living rent free in my head for literal months.
general rundown of her backstory (under a cut so I don't clog up people's dashes lmao):
When she was two and a half, Milo toddled her way into the Hidden City when her caretakers weren't looking as she chased after a will o' the wisp type creature. She's found by Draxum and he functionally trips into adopting her, especially after finding out she has an innate gift for the mystic arts and the ability to see the future.
She foresees The Shredder's return and resolves to do everything in her power to stop him. Hilariously, while Draxum is trying to mold her into the future general of his army that will wipe out humanity, Milo has no such aims and instead wants to protect everyone from things that can't be dealt with through ordinary methods.
Even before the turtles are mutated, Milo sees them as her little brothers. In this, she's actually the one who gives them all color names (because she's four by then and not terribly creative lmao). After the lab explodes and Splinter absconds with both her and the turtles, Milo takes on the name "Green" until she and her little brothers pick out names from Splinter's book of renaissance painters (based on "Venus de Milo" obviously, but shortened simply to "Milo"). Draxum called her "Spawn," short for "Human Spawn" because when Milo came into his care, she wasn't yet at an age where she could effectively speak (she didn't remember her original name anyway).
Since Milo had no filter, she told Splinter about her visions of The Shredder when he was brought to Draxum's lab, unknowingly giving the poor man an existential crisis (hilariously, her logic in telling him at all was mostly rooted in that Lou Jitsu is the best warrior ever, so obviously he could help fight the "Mean Metal Man." She didn't know he was Hamato or what the clan's connection to The Shredder was until later). He still has massive denial and avoidance about it and whenever Milo asks, Splinter refuses to train her because he doesn't want her to go through what he has or to feel obligated to do what all his ancestors have done before him: sacrifice themselves in the name of stopping The Shredder. Of course, Milo doesn't know about Splinter's trauma in this issue and doesn't want to sit around doing nothing when she could be preparing and ends up nicking the Ancestor Scroll from Splinter's room (he doesn't notice until "Shadow of Evil" when he goes looking for it in his room but doesn't find it).
Milo is the eldest of the Hamato siblings (including April, though the two occasionally switch off on who is technically the eldest whenever the other doesn't feel like it) and serves as team leader with Raph as her second in command. Like canon!Raph, Milo feels obligated to do whatever it takes to protect her brothers, though her previous upbringing with Draxum allows her to function better in high-stress situations than Raph.
Milo is just as strong, durable, and fast as her brothers due to Draxum using a Captain America-like serum on her when she was three in order to enhance her. It also had a negative side effect on her foresight where if she's woken in the midst of a vision, she becomes stuck in it for anywhere between hours to days, trapped between lucidity and her visions. It's like sleep paralysis but worse, and unlike her regular visions--which happen independently as she sleeps--these waking visions make her incredibly suggestive to outside input. Meaning, if someone asks a question within earshot, her power will latch onto it and run through the possible futures, thus lengthening the time she spends stuck in prophetic limbo.
Her weapon of choice is a bisento, a bladed polearm weapon, but she's proficient with a chain scythe as well and uses a mystic one that she snags from Draxum in "Mystic Mayhem." Milo's designated color is also green, though her mystic energy is yellow. This is a design choice because April seems to favor yellow somewhat, but also has a lot of green elements to her design, including her mystic abilities.
Personality-wise, Milo is jovial and optimistic despite the heavy duty she burdens herself with, and is defined by her stubborn determination and boundless love.
She loves all of her brothers equally (her favorite is Raph. yes i am projecting).
Thanks to @tmnt-oc-comp for inspiring me (and giving me the courage lmao) to finally post this! Maybe I'll even start sharing some of the fic snippets that I've made for Milo if people like her and want to hear more :))
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 1: Cassiopeia
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   My name is Stella, no last name, I was brought up as a baby in a small orphanage in Seattle, the only thing I have from my parents is the name I bear, nothing else. Sometimes I like to think that they were crazy about the stars just like me, at times when I felt very alone or when I thought that there would be no solution to my little problems of a girl alone in the world, I would console myself by looking at the shining stars in theirs.
Mrs.Adelaide, our tutor at the orphanage always told us to try to be bright and cheerful, good people attract good things, I don't know if I believe that, after 18 years of being left aside by brighter beings, I think we can't always expect things to come to us, so I always went after what I wanted. I was never treated badly, passed over today or punished at the orphanage, but the rule was clear, after a certain age leaving was the only option.
 I got a job in a bookshop in the city center when I was 16 and with the money I collected, I managed to rent a small room where I still live today. I ended up not graduating from high school, because I chose to work, so everything I learned came from the books I managed to read in my spare time at work, I won't lie, there were many and there with thousands of books at my disposal, I learned more about my passion. There are billions of stars scattered throughout the universe, several constellations and thousands more who, like me, don't have a family.
     Today was no different from any other day, cloudy and rainier than the others, but just any other day. I got up, had a quick shower, got ready and with an apple in my hand I left for work, from my little room to the bookstore takes an average of 20 minutes, 30 if I'm pressed for time, but as I'm a bit late, it took me 15 minutes. I grabbed my keys from my small purse and opened the bookshop, it's exactly 8:00 in the morning and I usually don't see any movement until 11:00, so I take the opportunity to clean and organize a few sections, but unlike the other days, a customer showed up at 9:00. The door bell rang and a tall man walked in, he had long hair and was dressed all in black, mind you, I'm not one to judge anyone by their appearance, but the guy was a bit strange, not to mention the eye-catching red lenses.
___ Good morning, can I help you? - I asked as nicely as I could. He didn't answer my greeting, which was rude of him, but just looked at me with a stoic face.
___ Would you happen to have a copy of Mystical Beasts: An Illustrated Guide - to my surprise, his tone was calm and gentle. I relaxed and went to get the book he asked for. When I handed it to him, he smiled sweetly - I've been looking for this book for so long, I'm glad to find it here, do you believe in them? - he asked casually. I never stopped to think about it.
___ Like unicorns? - I asked. He laughed.
___ More like vampires... - without wiping the smile off his face, he headed for the checkout, I followed him, collected his purchase and packed it up - Don't stay out too late, darling, Seattle is getting more and more dangerous. Have a nice day.
     You see, for someone who listens to people fascinated by invented stories and tales of totally unreal things, I didn't find any of this little conversation out of the ordinary, maybe that was my little slip. Usually Lizzie, a young teenager, comes to help me when she has some free time, she's the owner's niece, but as I think she's in exam week, I won't be seeing her here any time soon, so I spent the whole day alone. In the afternoon, the owner called, claiming to have an order scheduled for today and asked me to wait. Although I didn't like staying after hours, I agreed after hearing about the extra money, I like to think I'm not a money fanatic, but a little extra goes a long way. A little curious about these mystical beasts, I went for another copy, but to my displeasure it was the last one, so I read what looked like Indian tales, the tribe from which the stories were taken were called the Quilleute.
     Men who could turn into giant wolves after a certain age, who didn't feel cold and emitted immense heat, who like wolves only had one partner for life and this was characterized by Imprinting. The cold ones, perfect and immaculate, with eyes as red as blood and feeding on such, with their veins full of poison and skin as cold as marble. The reading was very interesting, so much so that I didn't even notice the time passing, it's now 9pm, damn it I should have closed up store an hour ago. I hurried to tidy up and called the owner to tell her that no packages had arrived. A little disappointed, she asked me to close the store and leave, but not before wishing me a good night, she hung up the phone.
     I locked the doors, put on my coat and went home. The night was beautiful, the stars big and bright, the weather cold and the moon huge. I walked calmly until I was two blocks away from the bookstore, despite the beautiful scenery and the pleasant atmosphere, I didn't feel safe there, so I pressed my steps as fast as I could, without looking like a crazy person running down the street. But when I heard fast footsteps behind me, I put all shame aside and took off running down the street, I didn't look back and when I didn't hear anything else, I dared to take a peek, and to my great relief, there was no one there, I took a step and hit something hard, the morning customer was standing in front of me, smiling sweetly. He raised his arm and touched my head.
___ I warned you to be a little more careful about being out so late - his tone was gentle, but I felt a shiver run up my spine and weaken the bones in my legs - Well, since we've met, I'd like to satisfy my hunger.
___W-We can go to a diner in the next street, it's not very luxurious but they serve very good sandwiches and...-I was shaking like a green stick and my voice came out garbled. I tried to pull away, to try and run, but he grabbed me and pulled me towards the entrance to the park. Desperation can leave you in different states, the best known being euphoria and the most feared being that which leaves you stuck. In a lame attempt to get him to let go of me, I kicked his knee, but to my surprise it wasn't his that turned, but mine.
___ Don't make unnecessary noises, I don't want to annoy you - he grabbed my throat and saw the state of my leg - You're dumber than I imagined, but I admire your courage in trying to get away from me, I like more reserved places to feed, but since you insist it should be here - he said as if he was talking casually about the weather, fangs appeared in his mouth and he threw me as if I weighed nothing into a tree trunk, I hit my head and my vision blurred - Thanks for the meal.
     As soon as his fangs were in contact with my neck, things became clear, he was one of the Cold Ones, and gradually I felt my strength going away, the cold night was becoming warmer, as my own blood dripped stickily down my torso. My whole body ached and I felt tears streaming freely down my face. The monster who was feeding happily consoled me: "Don't cry, dear, your miserable life has finally come to an end". I've never had many friends, I've never had a boyfriend, I know I like music, but I don't know exactly what my favorite genres are, I love the stars, but I've never looked at them up close or been able to identify them with the naked eye as I could in books, I haven't had a family to share my pain and happiness with, but for me, right now, the biggest regret I have is not knowing myself. He stopped and bit my arm to start a new sucking session, but something threw him off.
___ She's over there - a female voice shouted, cold hands touched my face, but I couldn't see anything, just the glitter of the stars above me - She'll die if...
___ Let the poison take her for us - a male voice, melodious and melancholy sounded, I looked for the owner with the rest of sanity that inhabited my thoughts, but logically I lost my life completely, an angel had already come to meet me and he was standing there, watching the rest of my soul drain out of me. Tall, very pale, with brown hair and his eyes, ah his eyes, golden like the purest gold, gentle and warm like a fireplace that heats up in cold times, full of life and pain, looking at him it was as if I was numb, like Cassiopeia who had been punished and condemned to be upside down, everything inside me was turned upside down by him - It's going to hurt, so be strong - he took my hand and everything that had once been silent and warm, overnight became fire.
     It felt like I was combusting, in my veins the purest acid was flowing and eating away at me as it passed through every part of my body, I screamed, my throat closed up and then another kind of despair overtook me, the kind where you ask for it to end, ask to finally die, to have an end in the face of so much pain. He held me tightly in place and whispered in my ear...
___ Close your eyes, tomorrow will be another day and you won't be alone anymore - and that comforted me, it didn't stop my pain or take away the fear that dwelled in my heart, but I believed his words and saw nothing more.
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yan-lorkai · 10 months
Ooooh bouncing off the arranged marriage househusband post, what characters would you say fit that idea best? Just any fandom you write for, to be clear.
Honestly there's tons of character that this idea could suit like Jade, Ruggie, maybe Kalim, Barbatos. But I think this fit Lucifer so much (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
Putting all this under the cut bcs I rambled quite a bit hehe, what can I say Luci is living rent free on my head
He's so busy while taking care of his brothers and doing paperwork, bettering Devildom for when you arrive. You see, I like to imagine this desperate young couple who wants to have a baby but can't and so they pray. They pray for any entity for a baby but unlucky for you Lucifer was the one who answered your parents pray before any angel could, he was the one who blessed your birth and watched you grown from far, though this little blessing isn't for free. Your parents would have you till you reach adulthood and then your hand would be given to him on the same day you came of age. Everything had been agreed upon long before you were born, sealed in a contract that could not be broken
He had a plan; Lucifer would charm you till you were a giggling mess, make fall in love with him and told you who he was and what your parents done, for you deserve to hear the truth. But you were curious and intelligent, always was and always will be, you found out about the contract he had with your parents somehow and tried to ran away, tried to pray and call for help, help from his father and his angel brothers and he didn't like it one bit.
But Lucifer understand your fear, your parents failed you and they will be punished accordingly, they could have told you how great and benevolent he was to bestow onto them a life, they could have teach you to love and respect him but instead they made you fear him
To say he's disappointed in you would be an understatement. He let you live a happy life in the human world, let you discover things you liked and see different places but in the end of the day you are his cute little spouse and to run away is just plain stupid, you are his since before you were born and you bare his marking, he always knows where you are and what you're doing.
And when he haves you?
Lucifer is respectful and handles your tempers with extreme calm, demonstrating that he is not dangerous to your safety and that you don't have to be afraid of everything and he knows that with time you will understand all of this. However, he can't stop himself from watching you wander the halls, exploring your new home and your clumsy interactions with his brothers, it's so precious that it makes him let out a long sigh and feel all warm inside, especially during the nights. You're always saying that you don't like it when he touches you or that you're not a big fan of physical contact, but as soon as you fall asleep you look for his touch, your head always fitting perfectly on his chest while Lucifer admires you and thinks like you. was made especially for him to loveThere isn't a single boring day with you around.
Even if you scream and run away again and again, the words that come out of your mouth are nothing more than lies and your actions contradict each other every time. But that's okay, Lucifer can wait a little longer for you to realize how important he is in your life, how only around him do you feel safe, appreciated, heard, loved - the point is is the supposed love inside you real? or fruit of his brand?
You were made for him, that's true. And that's one of the reasons you could never truly run away without feeling so sad without him, without the breakfasts you cooked together, without feeling his hand on yours as he taught you how to play the piano or the simple kisses that he left on your forehead when you woke up and when you went to sleep. For better or worse, Lucifer spoils you a lot, which doesn't mean you're exempt from receiving his punishments if you misbehave or join Belphie and Satan in their prank.
And truly he's generous to only want you as his little spouse. He could do so much worse, could tear limb by limb from your beautiful body, could make you watch him torturing your parents and feast on their flesh and soul. But he won't :)
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thegirlinred3567 · 2 years
you wake up in the woods cabin your boyfriend rented for you two. it was just past 8:30 when you open your eyes. in the soft bed alone, in nothing but your red thong and his black tshirt that was oversized on you. you rub your eyes and sit up hearing the tv in the living room. as you make your way out of the room you hear your boyfriend say “good mornin baby”
you smile and say “good morning”. the fireplace was lit and the heat from it filled the room. you walk over to the couch and hear him say “be a good girl and take a seat” patting his lap gently
you sit on his lap and lean your head onto his shoulder, his hands gripping your thigh and waist as he pulls you around, forcing you to straddle him. you look up into his eyes as he grips your ass “did you sleep well?” you ask, trying not to get wet as you could feel his cock press against your clit.
his hands roam your legs as his eyes wander your body “yeah i slept good, couldn’t sleep in as long as you tho” he teases as you always slept in late. you blush and burry your face in his chest , unintentionally arching your back. you hear a soft sigh as his hands find their way to your waist, his thumbs so casually slipping under the band of your thong.
he pulls your hips forward, making your grind against him before pushing them back. guiding your hips along his bulge. your thighs sense in his lap and your groan out softly into his neck “baby..” kissing his neck gently
“mmm baby girl, yes. you know exactly what i need” his words make you melt further into him ,your clit throbbing through your thin fabric. your breath heavies as you grip his wrist. leaning upright , throwing your head back as you grind harder. his bulge stiffening even harder underneath you
he finally let’s go and slides his hands under your shirt. gripping and groping your breasts. you let out a soft moan and whine. your nipples perky and stiff. sensitive to the touch
you can hear his breaths getting more and more intense, each one obviously showing that he’s holding back. he finally gives in and pulls the shirt over heard head, throwing it to the floor as he grips the back of your neck, pulling you into a deep passionate kiss.
your lips meet with his and a moan slips from your lips. he uses his free hand to slap your ass hard , mumbling into your lips “mmm should we see how wet this pussy is for me ?” before you could respond he slides his hand into your panties and down your soaking wet slit. your body shivers as he feels along you “fuck i knew you’d be wet, but damn baby. you act like i didn’t just fuck you yesterday”
whines a whimpers escape my your lips as you whine out “i -i can’t help it, you make me so horny” he chuckles and slides his finger into your throbbing hole. your body squeezing around his finger before he gently fingers you. guiding your body to an orgasm in just minutes. he starts slow but quickly speeds up to the point the where the entire room is filled with wet sloppy sounds. your moans mixing with them till finally you grip his wrist and say “okay okay, daddy! fuck please i’m i’m i’m-“ your eyes rolling back as he continues his touch fingering. your thighs shake as you cum on his fingers but he continues. your overwhelmed sensitive pussy used to his liking.
he loves to hear you whine and beg, screaming that it’s too much. after he’s heard enough whimpers he’d stop and kiss you deeply saying “that’s my girl, you took it so good for me. now catch your breath before i destroy this pussy”
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
fire, dark and fairy type for henry? :]
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HAHAAAAAAA Y E S !! I’ve been watching him post about me on here, so SURELY he wouldn’t mind talking about me with me, right~?!
🔥Fire Type🔥 ~ What’s something we do that makes the other flustered?:
Ya know, I can’t help but notice that you get reeeeaaaalllllly happy whenever I laugh, Henry. I think holding your hand does something to ya too, right? See, he can’t help but look away or pull his hat a lil’ over his face when I do. He’s just the cutest lil man 🥺🥺
Yeah, well… I’m just not used to it yet-
Ugh… well anyways, you wanna know what I do that flusters Liberty? Hmm, I guess my smile always gets her. I think it’s when I smirk specifically. I sometimes smirk without realizing it, but I will realize it when I see her blushing and looking away from me. She also gets really happy when she sees me with my Pokémon.
Correction: I get happy when I see you playing and spoiling your Pokémon! You baby that Larvitar so much, it’s so cute 🥺
🌘Dark Type🌒 ~ What do you do on a late night through the town?:
Honestly, we’ll probably just be walking our Pokémon. My lil guys (or, most of them) just LOVE nighttime walks, and Henry always joins me for them! Maybe we’ll stop in for dinner, though that can be hard when you have a whole army of pocket monsters with ya, lol.
It’s actually really convenient, since GO Rocket activity starts shutting down at around 10 PM. But you didn’t hear that from me.
🧚Fairy Type🧚 ~ What’s a moment with each other that we find magical?:
I can’t believe I’m admitting this… but I remember seeing Liberty on a picnic with her Pokémon once. I was just heading to another PokeStop to camp out at, and I saw her in the distance. A lot of her ghost Pokémon were just hanging out with her, but the baby Pokémon were chasing each other and playing. One of them lightly tripped, and Liberty went to check on them while trying to contain her laughter. I… had to walk in a different route when I saw that. I just didn’t want to interrupt.
Oh, well would you look at that. Now she’s blushing.
Well YEAH!!! You’re just gonna tell me you ascended in the cutest way ever and NOT expect me to be honored?!?! Try again, pretty boy! 🥺🥺
Man, now what’s my choice gonna be? OOH! Okay, so I remember the first time you actually fought for me instead of against me! You saw GO Rocket’s ghost dude genuinely trying to steal my Pokémon, and you came in and fought him yourself! I think you said something about my Pokémon “not being the kind Giovanni wanted at the time”, or something. But anyways, that was AMAZING! Like wow!! A chance to see how smart you are in battle WITHOUT worrying about if my Pokémon were gonna faint or not?! What a blessing! And you like, glanced back at me during that, and I swear that lives in my head rent free~
Which, actually… I’m pretty sure I thanked you for that already, but still… thank you again, dear. I really do appreciate it~
Well… it’s not like I was lying. It was just… a very convenient truth. But it’s nothing… really.
🌂Your Host, Liberty! | 🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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lauvra · 4 months
Lost/Found Notes Pt. 9. Will it ever end? 15/4/21 To be honest I really do hate your guts, it would separate me from myself to even feign civility. You wasted my time, treated me like nothing, lied about who you are and dragged me through hell. 23/4/21 The tram pulled to a stop and you must believe me, I saw, as I peered out the left side of the window, a littered newspaper blown open by the wind. The headline read "Life can change in an instant', it's midday, life, plenty of time for the sudden change but I resign myself to the edge of my bed, cursing what I deemed a personal affront by nature. It's grey, so everything else seems subsequently so. I suspect if I headed back out there, I'd become brushed with monochrome too. I wish to bargain, to trade places with the nearest town touched by light today so that I might feel again the warmth and see again the colours of our world in all their vibrance. I served a customer who responded to my small talk over the misery in such an optimistic, honest way. She said "I'm fat, so I have extra fleshy layers like a baby seal, so I despise the heat and live for this chill. Isn't it great we are all so different from one another?" I'll try to consider this woman whenever I'm tempted to complain about the weather again. 23/4/21 Our time together was a record skipping over the same spot again again again again I will never know you again 10/5/21 Sometimes when it's cold and I feel the breath shudder out of my mouth, the way yours used to, I feel you inside of me. Sometimes when I'm still and I feel my heart thump, I feel you inside of me. Sometimes through subtle gestures, I feel like I'm becoming you. 13/5/21 [The poem "Echo (All She Lost She Lost)" by Leila Chatti] 20/5/21 He said the idea of me not being okay felt like needles beneath his fingernails. Well, I'm not okay. 7/7/21 [Quote] "A writer - and, I believe generally all persons - must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all, is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art." - Jorge Luis Borges 24/7/21 You're still living rent free in the southern most broken region of my heart. Your nails pierced holes in delicate walls, my bolts all loosened to roll. Those broken boards forgot how to touch, everywhere I go I rattle with us. 26/7/21 [Quote] "There are endings so sad I want the morning light to scourge the fields. Endings that are only what the river dreams when it dries up. Endings that are constant echoes." - Richard Jackson, 'Alternate Endings' 20/8/21 I want to use words sharp enough to castrate you. 24/8/21 I'm in bed with A Lover's Discourse, I ate almost an entire bag of jelly beans. I always pile the black ones separately to enjoy one last shot of aniseed. I wrote a little tonight, it seems to get darker as time goes on. It's like there are two of me, always have been. People keep having birthdays, I resent them for it. I want to be alone, I am alone, I want to be more alone. I dislike when men look at me like I'm the answer. I can't remember anyone's names. I need to return my colleagues Cat People DVD. I think she knows I haven't watched it properly. I lived for the beginning, then skipped to the sex scenes. 25/8/21 I draw thick from hatred's magnificent pool. 8/9/21 Tree limbs like witches hands twist from the earth and line my street, I imagine as soon as I walk away they'll pluck at the powerlines overhead like chords on a Cello. 14/9/21 I walk like a pair of scissors.
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barkovsasha · 5 months
sid x gravy - president!crosby… omg I’m so intrigued tell me more!!
thank you for the ask !
and yeah, they... god, president!crosby and bodyguard!gravy is... i haven't written them for a minute but they really live rent free at all times ! this is the gifset that started it all, i was frantically trying to figure out what it made me think of and one of my friends instantly said 'president and bodyguard' and thus, the ideas came rolling in
i even have ideas for more than just the one i'm writing right now, i have how they started (what i'm writing), before they started, extra little bits along the way (which i can't spill mostly because i only have one singular thought at this moment but watch this space!)
snippet below, mainly because i cannot simply write feelings, there is always smut
President Crosby is such a distraction to him right now and Ryan sort of wants to kick himself for it. His suit jacket is unbuttoned from when he sat down but President Crosby is taking his chance with it. His palm flat against Ryan’s stomach now, fingers splayed out to touch as much of him as he can. It’s suddenly dawning on Ryan that this isn’t a usual meeting one of the guys might have with the president.
“Is this—”
Inhaling sharply, Ryan’s gaze flickers to President Crosby’s mouth and then his eyes, his own wide and searching.
“I’ve seen how you look at me when you think I’m not looking, Graves. How your gaze lingers in ways others don’t.”
Ryan’s cheeks flush darkly as he listens to what President Crosby is saying. He hadn’t realised he was being so obvious. God, no wonder the others call him out for his crush so often.
“I’ve noticed,” President Crosby continues, “because I have been looking at you, too.”
“Jesus, that’s a nice dick.”
The praise makes Ryan clench and his dick jumps, eliciting a moan from Sid. Ryan has never found himself actually picturing what Sid would sound like when he moaned, something he was too afraid to wonder. He knew it would never compare to the real thing and he was right. Never will ever sound as good as that.
“I’m gonna make you cum with your dick in my mouth, baby. Bet you’ll look so pretty trying not to fuck my throat. Trying to hold yourself back.”
He squeezes his eyes shut, the images doing nothing to stop the pre cum beading at the tip of Ryan’s cock. His head tips back as he tries to steady his breathing, trying to focus on anything else other than the situation at hand. It’s hard, especially with the fact that he can hear the exact moment Sid slips off of the sofa and down onto his knees beside Ryan.
Ryan’s eyes open with a gasp, forcing himself to watch as Sid shifts around Ryan’s parted knees, nestling himself between them. Sid looks so beautiful on his knees like this and Ryan wonders if he should say it out loud or if that would be weird. The choice is taken away from him when Sid’s hands slide up along his thighs and back down again, teasing him slightly.
“Oh God. You look — fuck — you look so good on your knees.”
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