#( proceeds to write multiple paragraphs of scene describing and one of actual smut smh
riftvice · 1 year
In - Midas and chaos 😈
❛[   ☣ NSFW PROMPTS ≻ accepting ! NOTES: In - Our muses involved in penetrative sex
`ISOLATION HAD ITS TIMES WHEN DESIRED. Not asocial, but after the day spent surrounded by buzzing mouths and BUSY BODIES, The Agent found themselves hungry for local behind closed doors and hushed halls. (THOUGH, IT WAS NOT A SOLO ONE THEY WERE WISHING FOR). A knot they were becoming more accustomed to had begun to twist within their core, and they had attempted subtlety to let the other know intents blossoming within voidial mind-- - ones that did not require a lab or anything beyond the two of them. (AT THE SAME TIME, SUBTLETY AND CHAOS WERE NOT QUITE SYNONYMS).
`BUT THE DIE HAD BEEN CASTED IN MOTION. The scientist found the couch to be of choice as they sat upon it, merely for proximities sake-- - mask already sans spot upon facade // OOZE A SLOWER RIPPLING THAN NORMAL (SLIGHT CURL OF EDGES WHERE A MOUTH MIGHT BE ON A MORE REALITY COMPLIANT BEING). Tendril peeled its way off of suits backing, daring to wrap around arm of Midas to tempt him closer (PERHAPS A BIT OF NEEDINESS FROM CHAOS, BUT THEY WOULD DENY IF SAID).
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` “&– - Care to indulge me a bit?” Voice tuned with a purr to it, adjusting position a bit as other joined them- either side of the creatures legs met with familiar knees. Tendril unwound slowly to change focus, deft in its action of undoing Midas' belt and sliding between rim of pants (HANDS LEFT FREE TO REST ON PARTNERS HIPS). The craft appendage slipping clothing and slithering around member-- - teasing along the hardened length; TESTING, GUAGING (EVEN IN THIS A TOUCH OF THE EXPERIMENTER AND EXAMINER CAME TO LIFE). Hips lifting a tad at the mere contact of gilded hands around their own clothing seams, exposing the inky ooze tainted with the reddish flush of the beings reactionary instincts. Canvas stricken by the brighter crimson display of their INHUMAN organs.
`EVEN THE BRILLIANT COULD BECOME AS BASIC AS BEAST FROM TIME TO TIME. Pelvis shifting to brush slit against Midas' sex, silent request in its form-- - Chaos' own length below their internal organ straying to wander down to brush along the mans backside. Merely a slight SUGGESTION OF IT // BUT NOT QUITE TAKING THAT INTIATIVE THEMSELVES YET (WHILE MORE COMFORTABLE WITH THEIR WANTS, NOT FULLY BOLD YET). Tendril unwound itself from where it had been. Instead occupied by the feeling of the inhuman sensation of ooze being stretched almost like FLESH by insertion, the area of a slightly different composition then the rest of the beings matter-- - unhindered moan leaving the mawless being. Gloved phalanges TIGHTENING EVER SO SLIGHTLY around hips, small tug to bring proximity even closer. A slow INTENTIONAL ride up against the action-- - demanding more without a word needing spoken. // @muutos
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