#( text w. lizzie. )
ruidosdebosque · 7 months
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nctjpeg · 8 months
attempting to find romance and genuine human connection as a woman in her 20’s in this era of dating is really hard and sometimes i feel like giving up and saying that “romantic love is a lie, patriarchy has made it so that half of my dating pool sees me as an object to be used and not a fully realized person so what’s the fucking point” yadda yadda blah blah blah BUT seeing my team of dude coworkers be doting husbands and fathers (and doing so consistently) is like the one thing that keeps me sane while i’m fighting for my life in the situationship trenches
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oizysian · 29 days
Word count: 1.1k
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Elizabeth Olsen was spotted, once again, on a 'date' with the mysterious Y/N. Olsen, 33, is married to Milo Greene band member Robbie Arnett, who was in Los Angeles at the time.
Olsen and Y/N were seen getting chummy at an ice cream parlor in New York City.
Not much is known about Y/N, as she seems to be very private despite being an Internet personality. She seems to get along well with the Marvel actress and her co-stars, as Y/N was also spotted hanging out with Brie Larson, better known as Captain Marvel.
I bit my lip as I read and re-read the article, again and again as if it would magically change before my eyes. Now, this was bad.
I sat in silence, staring at my phone clenched tightly in my hand. We really fucked up this time. I really fucked up this time.
Maybe if I just ignored it, it would go away, cease to exist, disappear.
My phone vibrated, a text message appearing at the top of my screen. Brie, obviously having seen the article, and god knows how many others, wanted to know what was going on. No wonder she was confused, I had been so adamant about keeping my relationship with Lizzie strictly platonic, that now that the lines were blurred, publically, I had a lot of explaining to do.
I scratched my head in frustration, hoping the sensation of my nails against my scalp would distract me from yet another mess I got myself into. Why did I have to go and screw everything up?
It's just a misunderstanding.
I finally replied to her, and it was true. It hadn't been a date and the flirting had just been innocent fun between friends. Now to explain this to everyone else.
What did it matter what the world thought anyway? Lizzie and I both knew what was going on. Rumors and gossip just came with the territory and it was something I had to get used to.
My phone went dim with inactivity and I sighed. I should be talking to Lizzie about this. She was the married one - she was the one who had the most to lose. Her marriage, her reputation was all at stake here.
The ringing of my phone caused me to nearly jump straight out of my skin. I took a deep breath and checked who it was before answering.
Shit, shit, shit, okay, I could do this.
I cleared my throat and picked up, waiting a beat before finally speaking.
"Y/N," she was crying. "We need to talk."
"Lizzie," I was panicking now. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Robbie and I had a fight."
I swallowed roughly, my stomach turning at her words. I could feel the bile of sick rising up my throat as I processed her words.
It was all my fault.
"Lizzie, I-I'm sorry." I was silent as she cried on the line. "I'm sorry."
"I told him we're just friends, but he doesn't believe me."
Of course he doesn't. He would have to be an idiot to ignore the signs of an affair, even an emotional one. But, we weren't having an affair of any kind. We were just very friendly with each other.
"I don't know what to do." I felt helpless.
"Just ... just talk to me."
"Okay." I breathed in. "I can do that. I can talk."
She let out a small, broken chuckle and I couldn't help my heart fluttering at the sound. Even at a time like this, I could still make her laugh - even if unintentionally.
"Where are you?"
"I'm home. I got home yesterday." She sniffled. "I just can't believe he won't listen to me."
"Give it time. You didn't do anything wrong." Right?
"But, it looked wrong. And now my husband doesn't trust me."
The sick that built up in my throat nearly shot out at the severity of her words. I was ruining her marriage by playing games with her. I couldn't do this. I couldn't hurt her like this.
"Lizzie ..." I could feel the tears burning the corners of my eyes, like pinpricks. "I need to go."
"What?" She sounded so small, so hurt.
"I don't think you want to ruin your marriage over someone like me."
"W-what? Y/N, no don't do this, please -!"
"Goodbye, Elizabeth. It's better this way. I promise you'll be happier."
"No, no, Y/N!"
I hung up. I couldn't bare to hear her like that, knowing it was all my fault and that I caused such trouble between her and Robbie. We were just friends. We were.
I brought up my text messages, tapping quickly on Brie's name and typing.
I'm an idiot. I was foolish to think I could be someone special to her. I was foolish to put myself in this position. I ended it. She needs her husband more than she needs me.
It sounded as if we were having an affair. God, it did look bad. I needed time to myself. I needed to get high. I had to forget everything and make all the pain and suffering go away, just for a little while.
What have you done?
I ignored the incoming call from Lizzie, letting it ring until it went to voicemail. I could do this all day if I had to.
I let her go.
My phone rang again, this time it was Brie.
"What happened?" She cut me off, getting straight to the point.
"We were seen in an ice cream shop -"
"Yeah, I know that part."
I ignored her.
"- and now Robbie thinks she's having an affair."
"Isn't she?"
"No! She-she's not! She didn't do anything wrong."
"But you did?"
"Yes." My voice was small and broken.
"What did you do that she didn't?"
"I ..." What did I do? I wasn't even sure anymore. "I made her -"
"You made her what? See that you're a great, fun person to be around? That maybe you're someone she could trust?"
"It's all 'maybes', Brie!" I was tired. So tired. "Maybe I was just a fun little distraction - who knows!"
"Y/N, you're upset. I get that. But, pushing her away isn't the answer."
"Then what is?! What could be the solution to this fucked up mess?”
"Talking things out."
"I don't want to talk. I want it to go away."
"You're an idiot if you leave it like this." She warned, and I knew she was right. But, Elizabeth's happiness meant more to me than my own.
"Then I'm an idiot."
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp @dorabledewdroop @scarlie-johalsen-blog @annie-ahmelia
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hey lizzie !!
my rq is jschlatt w/ a partner who has avoidant attachment OR a very sensitive partner (kinda like opposites attract ykwim?)
Jschlatt x sensitive reader!!
He makes sure to tone down the teasing and jokes because he knows it can get to you sometimes
He definitely talks in a softer tone of voice when you're upset or overwhelmed, he denies this change of tone
He can almost always tell when you're at your limit even if you personally don't know
He's scared to hurt you
He 100% keeps y'all's relationship private from the internet because people are mean :(
Slightly off topic but he's a big cuddle person and you can't convince me otherwise
He yells at people who say rude things to you
Probably an anger issues thing but hey it's sweet either way
Very protective
You're like the only person who's ever seen this soft side to him
Sorry if this isn't exactly what you asked for, I tend to have a hard time understanding things based on text but this is my interpretation!!
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year
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digging out the eah content i created in a frenzy during last year’s summer of obsession part 1: my personal sapphic multishipping guide (created to explain to my friends which of these dolls i think should hold hands)
(more in-depth discussion of the ships below the cut)
the polycule that will take over ever after
kitty/lizzie; kitty/maddie; maddie/lizzie
self-explanatory. frequently purchased together do not separate. bonus shoutout to maddie canonically giving kitty a little kissie on the cheek and getting off scot-free in the books though. a wonderlandiful world was a banquet to me
cedar protection squad
once again a wonderlandiful world and once upon a time i owe you my life. kitty ESP being so adamant abt not giving a shit then turning around and fucking up those boys who were mean to cedar...... i love friendship
also self-explanatory. she was a catgirl she was a wolfgirl can i make it anymore obvious. also doribuki’s phenomenal fake dating fanfic....... transformative foundational transcendental
YOU MUST UNDERSTAND. i entered eah a rapple shipper and exited the book series ready to burn at the stake for cerise/raven. book two was SO MUCH. it had everything. raven befriending cerise despite her attempts to isolate herself. texting in class. winking at each other. raven meeting the parents and hearing embarrassing baby cerise stories. cerise putting it all on the line to save raven. i’m ambivalent about shadow high but cerise gets literally one (1) mention and it’s in raven’s internal monologue wherein she equates cerise’s hood w feelings of warmth and safety. like how was that in any way necessary. i rest my case 
raven & maddie
self-explanatory as well. dabesties. the ride or dies. it means so much to me that raven always has a friend in maddie no matter how many clowns and jokers (derogatory) treat her like the antichrist. maddie the character ever
WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. the gelphie dynamic is a classic and i am EXTREMELY vulnerable to it. they are THE ship and i will pay my respects to the end of time. i am a big fan of how they trade their roles throughout the franchise and how rich the drama and history are between them. it’s pure fucking poetry.
TBH. a serve. the only thing juicier than evil queen/damsel in distress is evil queen/princess charming. big big fan of darling giving raven the five star princess treatment after a lifetime of being feared and shunned and vilified. equally big fan of raven’s momentous act of rebellion giving darling the courage to be true to herself. ALSO. the absolute archetype-subversion slay of the Pure-Hearted Hero(TM) confronting the Mistress of Evil(TM) and dropping their sword. looking through the smoke and mirrors and the will of Fate itself to see the girl who has wanted nothing but to be kind beneath. swearing their heart and soul and sword to the one true good they have found. picture it. i can almost see the 100-word drabble
now THIS is just THE fairytale couple. the evil queen, the damsel in distress and the princess charming ALL holding hands and riding off into the sunset together. dappling on its own doesn’t do it for me but raven in the mix just makes everything gel perfectly. she’s the tomato in the ratatouille the cornstarch in the spring roll water, etc etc
this is one of those ships where i read a really convincing fic and the more i thought of it the more it just made sense. like they'd read swashbucklers and tales of courtly love together. holly would 100% write a darling placeholder in her self-insert romance fanfic pre-relationship as a way to express her feelings. darling would 100% find out and gently pull her out of the pit of sheer mortification she drilled into the ground to escape. also the height difference is a thing of beauty
safe from the polycule
they have one singular episode to their name and it was enough. it was Everything. the dynamic you can extrapolate from that one single interaction is so incredibly appealing to me. duchess’s bitchiness belied by her palpable air of vulnerability coming up against poppy’s spine of steel tempered by her skill in gaining perspective. poppy can challenge duchess into being a better person and duchess can be poppy’s character flaw like idk she just has shit taste in women that was the price she had to pay to be moisturized and unbothered by destiny. i just think they have the potential to be the unexpected, inexplicable power couple of eah
do i even need to say anything they had a whole movie to make their case. they’re rapple if rapple got their shit together before armageddon, with the bonus of a potential curse-breaking true love’s kiss for the fanfic authors to thrash between their teeth. truly unlimited. also unlike rapple where raven is 100% against being a villain and therefore it’s apple who has to do the mental gymnastics to open herself to the possibility of a relationship w raven, faybelle is just chomping at the bit to make her momma proud and presents a compelling perspective for the whole “falling in love w your fated nemesis” thing
they are icons, they are legends, and they ARE the moment. these two are so chaotic individually, what with blondie’s criminal skillset and habit of menacing innocent woodland creatures and cupid’s matchmaking powers combined w her shitty aim, that putting them together can only mean good things. there’s this whole element of their shared passion as public figures who at their best seek the truth and guide others through matters of the heart respectively that’s always interesting as a point of irony/obstacle when they start catching feelings and have to decide what to do with them. their joint youtuber/podcaster slay can level nations
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jessicaloons · 5 months
Chapter 40:
And some things you just can’t speak about…
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Masterlist - Previous - Next
TW: Miscarriage
Charles POV:
I felt my phone vibrate for the third time, while trying to focus on the questions, wondering what was going on. As soon as Tom Clarkson ended the press conference I stormed outside, taking my phone out. Multiple missed calls from JK. I called him back immediately, a sickening feeling in my stomach.
"What’s going on, JK?" I asked when he picked up.
"Lizzie ran away." JK answered and I was confused.
"What do you mean, Lizzie ran away? Where are you?" I asked, panic starting to overcome me.
"I don’t know what happened. She ran off in the middle of her interview. She’s gone. All of her stuff is still here. But she’s gone. And she’s not picking up her phone either!"
"I’m coming to you…"
"I’m already here…" JK stood in front of me all of a sudden.
"But… she wouldn’t just leave?"
"Julie said that she said 'Fuck this shit. I’m done.' and then left. She’s not at her garage or hospitality. All her stuff was still there, but she’s gone."
"Why did she run away? She wouldn’t just say fuck it and leave for no reason?"
"She was in the middle of an interview and then she left…"
"I bet my ass it was a Spanish outlet." I said and JK nodded "I should’ve said something. Set the record straight. Fuck."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"She didn’t just punch Sainz for no reason, who does that anyways? He said that I should learn how to tame my bitch." I grit out and he looked at me with big eyes and a look of pure disgust on his face.
"I know… but now I need to find her!"
"Try your hotel. I think that’s the best option then." he suggested.
"Yeah… but what if…" I began.
"Don’t think like that. Go. Look for her. Call me when you’re there. If Lizzie is there, good. If not, we’ll go and find her!" JK patted my back and handed me Lizzie’s bag.
"I go and grab my stuff now, then I go to our hotel. Thanks JK, really!" I sprinted back to the Ferrari hospitality, Mia already awaiting me "Whatever it is, it has to wait, there’s an emergency."
"What happened?" Mia asked alarmed.
"Lizzie ran away… she’s gone. No one knows where she is… I need to find her." I already walked up the stairs, just grabbing my things and ready to leave when Silvia’s voice called out for Mia.
"Mia? Is Charles back from the press conference? He and Carlos need to film a video."
"Charles just left…" Mia began but got interrupted immediately.
"He left? He can’t just leave? Call him! He has to come back!" I rolled my eyes at her shrill voice.
"You don’t want him to come back, Silvia. He threw up. Twice. I’m just glad that he was thinking fast enough to hide behind a container. Just imagine if someone would’ve filmed that!" Mia lied.
"True. That would be something we don’t need right now, one of our drivers vomiting in the paddock." Silvia sighed "Alright, then I go and look for Carlos. You check in on Charles."
"I will." Mia said and walked up the stairs "Alright. Go out through the back door, no one will see you there! And text me when you’ve found Lizzie. Or if you need help finding her!"
"Thank you Mia!" I hugged her and then left through the back door like she said. I made it out of the paddock and back to the hotel without being seen by anyone. I almost sprinted out of the elevator, through the door of our hotel room.
There she sat. On the sofa. Knees hugged tight to her chest. Eyes closed. Quietly humming. Relieve flooding me, although the way she sat there, looking so small, almost made my heart break. I carefully approached her, gently touched her knee and she flinched a little, looking up.
"Hey." she whispered as I sat down next to her.
"Hey." I replied cupping her tear stained cheek "What happened?"
"It’s ridiculous. I overreacted." she mumbled but I shook my head.
"I don’t think so… it was the Spanish media. They are coming after you because you dared to touch their hero Sainz senior." I said and she chuckled bitterly.
"Yeah. But you know, without proof what he said? No one will believe me. And they won’t believe your words, because of course you would lie for me…"
"I’ll find a solution. I promise you…"
"No! You can’t do anything Charles! I don’t want you to lose your seat because of this!" she almost cried and I pulled her into my lap, leaning back.
"I won’t, trust me! I already have an idea and if it works they all see what a disgusting man he is…" I whispered and she nodded slowly.
"I want this season to be over." Lizzie sighed after a while and I kissed the crown of her head.
"Yeah… me too. It’s one to forget, to be honest. But we have to put on a brave face and show everyone who doubts us that we’re better than them, okay? Better than all of them!" I smiled encouraging at her and she nodded slowly.
"Yeah… and we’re starting out with you on pole and me right behind!"
"Hell yes."
"Charles? A word?" Mattia said right as I wanted to grab my helmet.
"What’s up?" I asked, taking a sip out of my bottle.
"I need you to stick to our plan today. You can’t get your feelings for Lizzie get the better of you. You have to defend Carlos. He made it on pole! Keep Lizzie out of his range…" he said and I rolled my eyes "I’m serious Charles!"
"Whose idea was it to start on the softs? To be able to fully attack? Right. Mine. Who said that getting in front of Lizzie at the start is the most important thing to do to help Carlos? Right. Me. I know what I have to do. No need to remind me…" I said grabbing my helmet, wanting to leave.
"I just wanted to make sure that we’re still on the same page."
"Yeah. We are. Can I go now? Thanks." I brushed past him.
"What was that about?" Andrea asked when he took my helmet from me.
"He wanted to remind me to stick to MY plan…" I sighed and Andrea rolled his eyes.
"Your plan to help Carlos win… because he can’t do it alone…" he said under his breath and I chuckled a little.
"Andrea." I chided.
"I didn’t say anything…" he grinned, following me out to my car "But if I did… it would be the truth."
"Lizzie rubs off on you." I chuckled.
"Maybe. But it’s just for the best I think." he shrugged his shoulders and I nodded.
"Yeah, it really is. Let’s go now, let’s help Carlos win this race." I sighed while Andrea rolled his eyes.
"Yay. Sounds fun… not."
"It’s scary how similar you and Lizzie are getting."
"As long as you won’t kiss me, it’s good."
"We'll see about that."
The race was long. Exhausting. After half the distance my fingers began to hurt, but I powered through. After fighting with Charles for multiple laps I finally was able to leave him behind, knowing that he sacrificed his race for Sainz. Now I had to fully focus on him in front. I wouldn’t let him take home this win. He would stay winless after today. I pushed as hard as I could and managed to finally overtake him and create a little gap between us. But he was quick to recover and the next few laps were a tight battle, with me staying in front but not with much.
"Do I have anything left?"
"Fuck. My tires are gone as well."
"Just keep pushing. 5 more laps to go."
I tried. I gave my all. My car was going around the corners with barely an inch between the walls at some parts of the track. My tires were more than gone. And when Pete finally said that it was the final lap I felt relieve flood me. One last lap. But Sainz came closer and closer with each turn. Right as I drove into turn 16 I saw him, closer as ever and I pushed hard. Through turn 17. Straight down into turn 18 and I was still slightly ahead when all of a sudden I lost all control, felt the strong pulling of the g forces in my bones, spun around and crashed right into the wall before the final corner. The impact raged like a tidal wave through my body. My mind buzzing. I was out of the race.
"Are you okay? Lizzie?"
I couldn’t answer. Hands trembling. Arms felt heavy. Neck and shoulders tense. A dull pain in the pit of my stomach, a weird pulling.
I saw marshals approaching. A searing pain shot through my hand. When I tried to unbuckle myself. Of course. My already injured hand had to bitch now even more.
"Lizzie? Are you okay?"
"Did that really happen? Did he really…?"
Radio silence. I knew what that meant. Sainz did in fact drive straight into me. Sent me off track. Won the race.
"You have to wait for the medical car." one of the marshals said but I shook my head and climbed over the wall.
"No, I don’t." I replied, out of breath. The heat. The exhaustion. The impact still in my bones. The pain in my fingers. The abdominal pain, getting worse with every step. It all was too much and I felt myself swaying. I grabbed onto the wall to steady myself and took a deep breath. Then I almost jogged towards the pit lane. Saw how the cars passed me after their out lap, returning to the pit lane as well. I had to be there before Charles got out of his car. I knew that he saw what happened. It was still on replay on all the screens. He would be seething. He would be going straight for Sainz, cameras or not. Another Marshall saw me struggling and held me upright.
"You should go to the medical centre." he suggested but I shook my head.
"I can’t. I have to go to the pits." I breathed heavily and continued "I’m fine. Really!" he let go of me reluctantly and I felt his look on me for a while. I saw how Charles parked his car and knew I had to be faster. I clenched my teeth and kept going. Right as I felt like I would faint I dropped my helmet and someone was catching me from falling.
Charles POV:
The car wasn’t even properly parked, the engine not even switched off when I unbuckled my seatbelt and threw the headrest away. Climbed out. Threw the steering wheel back in. My helmet followed. Then I looked around. Saw how Carlos jumped into the open arms of our mechanics. Saw them cheering. Celebrating. Singing. My blood began to boil. Pure rage surging through my veins. I wanted to break his bones. Every. Single. One. I stalked towards the scene when someone stopped me.
"Wrong way." Pierre held me back.
"Get out of my way."
"Charles, not here. Not for everyone to see."
"Look at him! Look at them! Look how they celebrate!" I screamed and some heads were turning our way.
"I know but…"
"You know nothing! It’s my girlfriend he sent straight into a wall! On purpose! He probably didn’t even ask if she’s okay!" more and more people where looking at us. Some guys from my team as well, all looking conflicted. Pierre still held me back "Let go of me."
"No." he pushed me away from my destination "I won’t let you do…"
"I DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU…" I began to scream when I heard a weak voice calling out for me.
"Charles…" Lizzie.
I turned around. My heart dropped. She clung to Alex, who held her upright. She was pale and sweaty. Body shaking. Her helmet on the ground, visor cracked. I ran up to her. Pulled her into me.
"Are you okay, cara mia?" I whispered and she nodded slowly.
"I’m okay. A little exhausted… I honestly didn’t think that the way would be that far. My cardio sucks." she chuckled breathlessly but I pulled away, cupping her cheeks.
"Why didn’t you wait for the medical car? Why aren’t you on the way to the medical centre?" I looked at her.
"Take a good guess…"
"Cara mia…" I began but she shook her head.
"No! You say nothing! You stay calm!" her voice was firm although I could see how hard it was for her to just stand "Please Charles, don’t do anything stupid!" she almost pleaded.
"Okay, I won’t. I promise! But can I please take you to the medical centre?" now I was the one pleading.
"I think you should first go and congratulate your team and team ma-…" she began but I scoffed.
"Congratulate them? For what? He sent you straight into a wall! He needs to be penalised…" I seethed and took her helmet that Alex handed me "Thanks mate, for helping Lizzie…"
"No worries, just get her to see a doc, she almost fainted twice on her way here." Alex said and gently patted Lizzie’s arm.
"Thanks Albono!" Lizzie smiled at him, but I could clearly see her exhaustion.
"Come on, pretty girl, let’s get you to the medical centre." I whispered following Pierre, who took my helmet out of my car, to our weighing.
I waited outside the hospital room, mind reeling. When the doctor at the track said they had to take Lizzie to the hospital I expected the worst. My heart was racing. The minutes I had to wait felt like hours when finally a nurse opened the door and let me in. Lizzie was pale but she didn’t look like she was seriously injured, but the look on the doctor’s face as he told me to wait until she would wake up made me feel uneasy. I looked around, there was a big plastic bag with her racing suit and fireproof on the chair in the corner and when I looked closer I saw something red staining the bag. I didn’t need to look again. I swallowed hard. Blood. But where did it come from? Was there something I didn’t see? Was this the reason the doctor rushed her to the hospital? Breathing got harder and I tried to calm myself down, right when Lizzie opened her eyes, frantically searching the room until they found mine and she visible relaxed.
"Hey cara mia. How are you feeling?" I asked, voice trembling a little, drawing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. She sat up a little and smiled lightly.
"I’m okay, Charles!" she said and smoothed down my ruffled hair a little, the result of my anxiety over the past hour "What happened? We were at weighing and then all is kinda blurry?"
"You fainted-…" I began when the door opened and a doctor came in.
"Hi Lizzie, how are we feeling?" he asked and Lizzie shrugged a little.
"I’m okay. A little tired. Nothing bad going on." she answered and yawned quietly.
"Were you feeling unwell before today?" the doctor asked and Lizzie shook her head.
"You felt sick for weeks, Lizzie!" I said sternly and Lizzie just sighed.
"It was a stomach bug. That’s it." she said and the doctor shook his head slightly.
"For weeks? And sometimes it was more, sometimes less?" Charles looked at the doctor.
"I see… Lizzie there is something that we need to talk about…" he began and looked at me for a moment.
"Whatever it is, you can say it in front of him, it’s fine." she said and he nodded.
"I’m sorry to inform you, but due to the high forces in the car when crashing into the wall, you had a miscarriage…" the doctor said and I could hear Lizzie inhaling sharply "We’d say you weren’t that far along maybe 8th to 9th week if we’re correct?"
I looked at Lizzie, shocked expression on her face. She was pregnant? We were having a baby?
"Miscarriage? I was… I was pregnant?" she whispered, her voice hoarse.
"You didn’t know?” the doctor asked and she shook her head slightly, then closed her eyes and pulled her hand out of my grasp and put it in her lap, fiddling with her cuticles as always when she was nervous or anxiety ridden "I’m sorry to be the bearer of this sad news. We’d like to have you over for the night to make sure you’re all good and then you can leave tomorrow."
With that he left and Lizzie sobbed quietly, tears streaming down her face, she pulled her knees up to her chest, hissing in pain but hugged them close, her head turned away from me.
"Mon amour? Lizzie? Hey! Look at me!" I whispered and sat next to her in the bed and tried to make her look at me.
"I’m sorry Charles! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I would never get in the car if I knew that I was pregnant! I would never… I’m so sorry!" she cried and I pulled her in my lap, hugging her tight "I lost our baby, Charles! I’m so sorry!"
"Stop apologising! It’s not your fault! You don’t have to be sorry for anything! Do you hear me?" I said but she was shaking and whispering how sorry she was over and over.
"Please don’t hate me for losing our baby!" she whispered after a while and my heart broke.
"Enough! You hear me, cara mia? It’s enough! Stop apologising for something that wasn’t your fault! Stop feeling guilty for something you didn’t know! Stop blaming yourself! It wasn’t your fault. And please stop thinking that I could ever hate you! I love you, Lizzie! You hear me? I. LOVE. YOU!" I said and held her close, kissed her temple, forehead, cheeks again and again "It’s okay! We’re going to be ok? Alright? Stop apologising, Lizzie! Please!"
She nodded slightly but I could hear her soft sobs for quite some time, before she finally fell asleep and just then I allowed myself to feel the same devastation. We were having a baby. I would’ve become a dad. And my beautiful Lizzie would’ve become a mum. But not anymore. And she blamed herself for it. Thought I could hate her. Her out of all people. I kissed her on the crown of her head.
"I love you, Lizzie and there’s nothing you could ever do to change that. One day you and I will have a baby and it’s going to be one of the most beautiful days of our life’s!" I whispered and after some time I fell asleep myself.
I woke up when I heard someone talk loudly in Italian in the hallway and sat up, careful not to wake up Lizzie. I got out of the bed and stretched a little before I opened the door.
"…he can’t just disappear like that!" Mattia said to Andrea who scoffed.
"What did you expect? That he would celebrate while his girlfriend fainted multiple times and has to stay at the medical centre? After crashing out? Because someone sent her straight into the wall?" he replied and Mattia rolled his eyes.
"It was a racing incident. She didn’t leave enough spa-…" Mattia began.
"Bullshit. Lizzie had the corner and he didn’t leave her enough space! And instead of backing down he drove straight into her!" I said loudly and they both turned around.
"Charles, that is not what was happening!" Mattia said "They were close the whole last lap and at this corner she should’ve left him more space."
"Why? That he can overtake her? Who does that? Who? She was in front. She had the corner. So he did the only thing he could do, he touched her, made her crash out. In the last corner." I had to suppress my anger.
"Yes, they made contact. And Carlos got a penalty. For causing a collision. The FIA dealed with it. It’s all good now…"
"It’s all good now? IT’S ALL GOOD NOW? Lizzie! She had a mi-… no. Nothing is all good now!" I almost screamed, Andrea putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Look, I’m sorry Lizzie has to be here. But as Carlos teammate I expected you to congratulate him. I expected you to celebrate with the team. It was important. It was his first win after all! He ended the domination of Red Bull. But you left without a word. You weren’t at any interview. You’ll be fined and we won’t pay for it. That is on you. But you’re going to be at the race debrief. I won’t tolerate your absence." Mattia turned around and left, without giving me the chance to say a word.
"How is she?" Andrea asked me and I felt my throat closing in. I shook my head, trying to get a word out but couldn’t. The weight of the news still heavy in my stomach.
"She’s umm- she’s okay. Under the circumstances… I mean… yeah- she… she’ll be okay." I stammered and Andrea nodded, sensing how bad I felt.
"What happened? Come on. You can tell me. It’s okay." Andrea lead me to a seating area and sat down, I did the same and leaned back, closing my eyes.
"Andrea… Lizzie- she was… we would’ve become- she lost our baby…" I whispered the last part and Andreas eyes widened in horror "She didn’t knew that she was pregnant. But the high g-forces when she crashed into that wall? It was too much. The baby… it couldn’t survive it… Lizzie had a miscarriage."
"I’m going to kill him. He stood there, celebrated like he was a king. Celebrated like he won this race through his own brilliance when it was you who defended him for such a long time to create a big, fat gap. Ferrari wanted you to sacrifice your entire race to help him win. And you did and he… he only won by pushing Lizzie off… and then he didn’t even mention you once. He didn’t acknowledge your involvement. He didn’t thank you. Nothing! Mattia didn’t as well! They didn’t mention Lizzie at all! Not saying that they were hoping she’d be fine! Nothing!" Andrea was furious and I hid my face in my hands, arms on my knees.
"I’m not leaving her alone. I don’t care about the race debrief or what Mattia will do. I don’t care about it all anymore." I whispered.
"You’re going to that race debrief and you show them all that no matter what they throw your way, you overcome it all!" Lizzie’s weak voice behind me made me flinch and I turned around.
There she stood, pale, swollen eyes, tired, in her hospital gown. Looking nothing but determined.
"Lizzie! You should stay in bed!" I got up but she took a step back, holding up her hand to stop me "Cara mia…"
"No. You go. Both of you. Carlos won today. We can’t change that. He got a penalty but still won. It’s like this. But you don’t give him, his family, Mattia or anyone else the satisfaction that you can’t handle it or something. No. You go to that debrief. You put on a smile. You congratulate him. You be the bigger person. You show your honour. And from then on you show them who you are. You do the talking on track. You destroy him. In every single race to come. You finish ahead of him at the end of the season." Lizzie sounded determined and I looked at her. She was the strongest person I’ve ever known. I nodded slowly and took a cautious step towards her and she took one towards me as well. Two more steps and I engulfed her in a tight embrace.
"I love you, cara mia. So so much!" I whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek.
"I love you too, Il predestinato! Go and show them who’s the best driver!" she replied and I looked her in the eyes for a moment before I leaned in for a kiss. Her warm lips brushed against mine and for a moment I forgot everything around us "Go now. I’m fine. JK and Julie will stop by later with some fresh clothes. I won’t be alone."
"Are you sure?" I asked her and she nodded "Okay. I’ll be back as soon as I can!" I kissed her once again. I stepped aside and Andrea hugged Lizzie.
"Mia ragazza… I’m so sorry." he whispered and Lizzie nodded a little "I make sure that Charles won’t do anything stupid… don’t worry!"
"Thank you, Andrea." Lizzie breathed out.
"You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met." Andrea said when he pulled away, kissing her cheek "Let’s go." he looked at me and I nodded, watching Lizzie returning back to her room, climbing into the bed.
"Let’s make this quick."
I walked inside. The trophy sitting int the middle of the table. Mattia and Carlos talking with his father and cousin, Riccardo, his race engineer right next to them. A whole bunch of our team still with a big smile on their face, talking animatedly about the race. I sat wordlessly down, at the end of the table, not making a sound and waited for the debrief to start. Alessandro, Callo and Mario came up to me, patting my shoulder and I looked up.
"Hey, how’s Lizzie?" Alessandro asked and I forced myself to smile a little.
"She’s okay. Not great, sure, but she’ll be fine." I replied and they both nodded, smiling.
"That’s good. Really good." Mario said, right as Andrea walked in and sat down next to me, handing me a bottle of water.
"Charles? Hey… how’s Lizzie? I heard she’s in the hospital?" Fabrizio asked, sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, they had to make some more tests, it wasn’t just a little bump after all. But she’s okay." I said again, feeling the bile rise up my throat.
"Yeah? That’s good. I’m glad to hear that." he gently patted my arm and I nodded.
"Yeah, it is." I pressed out, gulping down some water, while Andrea nudged my thigh a little, smiling at me.
"Alright everyone. There’s not much to debrief tonight. We had a fantastic weekend with the best possible result. Tyre degradation was working in our favour this weekend, but it’s still one of our main problems. Also the reliability of some components. But we know now that Red Bull is beatable. It was a tough battle, but in the end we can all celebrate Carlos’ first win now!" Mattia said and I looked first at him, then at Carlos. Big smile on his face. His father and cousin smiling at him looking all proud, his mechanics cheering, beer bottles getting passed along. Everyone started to chat. And I sat there. Looking at Mattia. Laughing and joking with Sainz senior. I felt anger rising up. This was the important debrief I had to attend. The debrief that made me leave Lizzie behind. Alone. No.
"That’s it?" I asked loudly and the room fell silent "That’s the race debrief? That’s all you have to say?"
"What else is there to say?" Mattia looked at me as I got up.
"This is why I left my girlfriend alone in the hospital after someone sent her straight into a wall?" my voice was trembling with anger but he didn’t say anything.
"Charles…" Andrea began but I shook my head, walking towards the door where Mattia stood with Carlos, his father and cousin.
"Congratulations Carlos. Congratulations Matti, it looks like you finally got your long awaited Santander win." I said, then I walked out, Andrea following me.
"Hey my pretty girl, how are you?" Charles asked when he walked inside and I shrugged my shoulders a little.
"I don’t know. It’s weird… I didn’t know that I was pregnant… I just-…" I stopped. Looking at my hands. Not sure what to say and what to feel.
"Lizzie? Hey… it’s okay. Whatever you feel is okay. You can talk to me. Or not. Whatever you need now… just don’t push me away entirely, okay?" Charles took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles, smiling at me "We’re in this together. You and me. Okay?"
"When we talked about us having kids… I didn’t thought about the when… one day sure… but now? I don’t think I would’ve been ready… it would’ve meant giving up my career? Everything I fought so hard for? It’s selfish to think like that… I know… but- but I think I’m relieved that I lost it? I’m a horrible person for thinking that way, I know! But it’s just… I don’t know… I’m sorry." I whispered, not able to look at him, knowing that he would be shocked and hurt by my words.
"Can you please look at me?" he asked me gently and I looked up "It’s not selfish to want this chance, this opportunity not to end. I know how hard it was for you to make it into Formula 1. I know the blood, sweat and tears you invested. And it doesn’t make you a horrible person… because last night? I saw how sorry you were. And how much it hurt you… you don’t have to feel sorry, okay?"
"It’s just so weird. Because although I’m relieved… I’m also sad? This little bean? That was us. You and I. And it was in me. It was a part of me, unknowingly, but still. And now it’s gone. And I’m not sure if I’m even allowed to feel sad? Because I didn’t want it in the first place?" Charles wiped away my tears and leaned his forehead against mine.
"You can feel every way you want to… you can be sad. Mad. Frustrated. Confused. Relieved. It’s okay. It’s a lot to process. But at the end of the day, it’s only important that you know that it’s all going to be okay. I’m with you. Always. And the next time a little bean is growing in your belly? Maybe then is the time for us to be happy. To be excited. But we have time. As much time as you need." he whispered and I nodded slowly.
"How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Always find the right words? Always know what to say? Always know what to do? How are you so perfect?" I smiled and he chuckled.
"It’s easy. I do it for you. And you’re perfect. You deserve only the best. That means that I have to be the best. So I’m trying my best…"
"You’re succeeding."
Charles POV:
I left Lizzie’s room when her doctor and a nurse came to do some final tests. I took the elevator downstairs. The silence in the confined room was deafening. Lizzie’s words still echoing in my mind. She felt relieved. Relieved that she lost our baby. Our baby. I took a deep breath. The bell signalling the doors opening. I looked up when a nurse wheeled in a young woman, baby in her arms. I swallowed hard, stepping aside. I watched the young mother gently stroking the cheek of her newborn. Kissing the baby’s forehead. A void inside of me opening. A cold numbness overcoming me. I didn’t know how to feel. Sad? Mad? Relieved? Confused? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? From everything a little? I flinched when the baby started to cry. I watched how the young mother cradled her little bundle of joy closer to her chest, softly cooing, trying to calm down her most prized possession. I stepped out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened and just started walking, no idea where I would go.
I found a quiet seating area and sat down. My mind reeling. I had no right to be mad at Lizzie. It was her body. Her choice. She would have to end her career. Not me. She would be the one carrying the baby for the next nine months. Not me. I understood her. Of course I did. But still. The thought of this tiny little bean. This tiny little something. A mix of us. Something we created through our love. To hear that she felt relieved that it was gone hurt for some reason. Like hell. After a while I checked the time, realising that I was sitting there for almost 20 minutes and got up, went back to Lizzie’s room. Putting on a brave smile. A reassuring one. I had to be strong now. And supportive. What happened didn’t happen to me, but to Lizzie. And I had to be strong now. For her.
"The cramping usually stops within a day, maybe two. You can take painkillers. It’s normal that there might be some light bleeding or spotting for the next 4 to 6 weeks. You should see your ob-gyn in around two weeks and they may do an ultrasound exam or other tests to make sure all the tissue has passed. Also no heavy lifting. And no sexual intercourse for the next one, better two weeks…" the nurse said and Lizzie nodded.
"Oh don’t worry, we don’t want another accident happen so soon." she joked half heartedly and I groaned. Accident.
"Can you maybe not make these kind of jokes just now…" I let out, harsher than intended, and she looked up from her bag, eyes wide.
"I’m sorry." she whispered, looking back down, her shoulders visible tensing.
"No… I’m sorry." I gently took her hand in mine but she pulled away.
"I’m ready, we can go… thank you for everything." Lizzie grabbed her bag and smiled at the nurse. I wanted to take her bag but she already started walking out the room.
"Fuck…" I muttered under my breath "Thank you!" I nodded at the nurse, following Lizzie, who was almost at the elevator "Lizzie wait…" I called after her "Hey! Cara mia, give me your bag."
"I’m fine..." she whispered, turning away.
"Lizzie, please. Give me your bag." I repeated, but she shook her head, still not looking at me.
"I’ll be in the car on the weekend. I can carry my bag." she said right as the elevator doors opened.
"I know that you can, but you don’t have to. So please, cara mia." I almost pleaded but Lizzie was stubborn and carried her bag all the way to the car and from the car back to our hotel room as well.
"I already packed your suitcase last night, I just left some clothes for the flight out… I hope what I picked was okay?" I said to her and she only nodded, grabbing the clothes and then disappeared in the bathroom. I heard the shower going and could’ve sworn that I heard Lizzie sob "Cara mia? Are you okay?" I knocked on the door.
"Yeah. I’ll hurry, don’t worry." her voice confirmed my suspicion, she was crying.
"Lizzie, can I come in?" I said gently.
"I’m okay, Charles. Just give me a minute."
I sighed and sat down on the bed, thinking about what I did.
"You can go now if you want…" Lizzie said and I flinched, she stood in front of me, fully dressed, her hair wrapped in a towel.
"Can we talk about what happened?" I tried it again but Lizzie walked away.
"There is nothing to talk and if you want to take a shower you need to hurry up, the car is here in 20 minutes." she sat down at the table and began to blow dry her hair and I sighed, knowing that I wouldn’t get her to talk. At least not now. Defeated I grabbed my stuff and want to the bathroom, not without looking at Lizzie once more. Her shoulders slumped, eyes trained down to the floor. Great fucking job, Charles.
I called Julie, silently begging that she would answer the call immediately.
"Lizzie, hey! How are you?" Julie sounded worried.
"I’m fine. Really." I said although I didn’t felt like it.
"Okay… if I can do anything, just let me know, okay?"
"Actually, there is something you can do…" I said, taking a deep breath.
"Yeah, sure, everything."
"Can you book a room for me in Japan?" I asked.
"It’s already booked… Mia sent me the details…" she sounded confused.
"No… umm- a room… for me. Just me."
"Okay… whatever you want…" Julie said after a while.
"Thank you… see you in Suzuka…" I hung up and finished my hair, pulling it up into a messy bun right when Charles came out of the bathroom, packing away his things "Ready? Joris texted me that the driver is here."
"Umm yeah. Sure. Let’s go…" Charles replied and grabbed his bag, as well as mine. I cocked an eyebrow but he shook his head "Just let me carry it, okay?"
"Okay…" I mumbled and we left the room, meeting up with Joris. I didn’t listen to anything they were saying and just wanted to get into the plane, put my head down and sleep. Or at least try to. I was never really a fan of sleeping on the plane but maybe after last night sleep would find me easily.
"Cara mia?" I heard Charles whisper and opened my eyes "We landed."
"Already?" I yawned and he nodded.
"You were gone the moment you sat down." Charles smiled and I stretched a little.
"Okay…" I got up and grabbed my bag, following Charles out of the plane and all the way through to the arrival hall, where already a bunch of fans were waiting for us, mostly Charles, but still. I smiled for as many selfies as possible, signed stuff and thanked the fans for coming although I was more than exhausted. Light cramps made me flinch a little and I felt how I had to force my smile more and more with every new selfie.
"Guys, leave Lizzie a little space to breathe. The crash is still in her bones!" Charles stepped next to me and some fans immediately took some steps back, but not all of them and with Charles now next to me, even more people swarmed us and he pulled me to his side. With Joris on my other side and some securities coming to our help, we made it outside and into our car.
"I think we really should consider hiring bodyguards for yo- for us." Charles said hastily when I glared at him.
"I was fine before you and your whole mob of fangirls came along." I said bluntly and he looked at me for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but then he shook his head and turned to Joris.
"You have a dinner later. You have to attend. Sorry…" he said and Charles groaned.
"How much time do I have?"
"Let’s say, check in, change, go? And we still might be a little late."
"Great. Just great." Charles looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders "I don’t want to leave you alone…"
"I’m fine. In fact, I’m meeting up with Julie anyways, she wants to show me some stuff for Netflix." I lied and he nodded "I’ll go straight to her room when we arrive."
"Okay… but Lizzie? Don’t overwork yourself… the doctor said to take it a little slow. Please."
"Don’t worry, I will." I replied when our car stopped and another mass of fans was waiting "Round 2 I guess."
"How did Charles react?" Julie asked when I dropped my bag on the sofa.
"Umm… he doesn’t know." I replied and she made big eyes "It’s better like this."
"Yeah maybe, but you still should tell him that! And not just let him walk into an empty hotel room…"
"I’m going to send him a text. We need a little space. He’s hurt and mad… and it’s not because I had a miscarriage… it’s because I said that I’m relieved." I almost whispered.
"But you explained him why, right? I can’t imagine Charles being mad if he knows the reasons? It’s Charles after all?" she cocked an eyebrow as I sat down on the sofa.
"Yeah but his reaction? I- I think he’s more hurt than he wants to admit. He needs time to think about it. To process it. And he can’t do that when I’m next to him all the time." I grabbed my phone and opened a text for Charles "He will understand."
"I hope you’re right…"
I groaned, turning to switch on the nightstand lamp.
"What the actual fuck…" I muttered, the hammering at my door got even more frantic "What…" I checked the time 1:17 am. I scrambled out of the bed and walked to the door, looking through the peephole. Charles. My heart hammering in my chest.
"Open the door please, cara mia!" his voice hoarse.
"Charles? What are you doing here? At this time?" I whispered when I opened the door to let him in and he pulled me into a tight embrace.
"I hate it like this. When we’re separated! I don’t sleep well when you’re not next to me… I’m sorry that I woke you up but I just couldn’t stand being away from you for just one more minute…" Charles mumbled, his hot breath tickling my ear.
He looked tired, exhausted, something I noticed this morning as well.
"I just thought that after Singapore… you were clearly mad at me when I made that stupid joke…" I began and he cupped my cheeks.
"I know and I’m sorry. It was more that I had to wrap my head around this all for a moment and you were already joking about it… and I know that it’s just a coping mechanism… but in that moment? I thought about this little bean, our little bean, and it made me sad and hurt that you were happy that it’s gone, although I completely understood why you were relieved! And I fully support you! It’s just… I don’t know? I just needed a moment to get it all sorted out. I shouldn’t have snapped at you! I know that! And I’m so, so sorry that I did! But please understand me as well. And please don’t send me away. I don’t want to sleep without you ever again. It was horrible. I felt horrible. I need you by my side… especially here…" Charles almost whispered the last words and I realised how stupid and selfish I was.
"I’m so sorry Charles! I- I honestly didn’t even think about where we are… I just wanted to give you space and-…" I began but he silenced me with a kiss.
"I don’t ever want space from you, okay? Never. We talk. We find a solution. No one leaves." he leaned his forehead against mine "And can we please go to bed now? I’m so freaking tired…"
"Okay…" I whispered pulling him with me back into bed.
"I love you, Lizzie." Charles said after a while, holding me close to his body, his hand gently tracing my spine up and down.
"I love you too…" I tilted my head up and kissed his cheek "And I’m sorry for leaving you alone here-…"
"You don’t have to apologise, cara mia. I’m just happy to have you next to me again… it’s weird, but when you’re not next to me…"
"You can’t sleep well? It’s the same for me… I’m tossing and turning, but I don’t really sleep…" I whispered and he nodded.
"Yeah… I mean when I’m in Maranello alone, I can sleep because we talk before I go to bed? But this? When we don’t talk? I hate it…" he kissed the crown of my head "But you have to believe me, Lizzie, I wasn’t mad at you, never, okay? I just… I don’t know. The doctor said that there was a baby. Our baby. And suddenly all I ever dreamed of having was just right there in front of me… and in my mind, hearing you say that you were relieved was like saying you don’t want this. Us. I know it’s not the truth! But sometimes my mind plays these kinda tricks on me and I need a moment to sort it all out in my head. But there was not one second where I was mad at you. If I was mad, then at the situation. But nothing else, okay?"
I nodded. Wiping away a stray tear.
"We’re going to be fine. It’s all going to be okay, cara mia. You and me against the world." another kiss on my head "And now we really should sleep. We have quali today. And I don’t know about you, but I really want to wipe away that grin of some certain people’s faces…"
"Yeah… me too."
"Ryan Andrew’s, CBS. Lizzie after your crash in Singapore you seemed to be a little off the whole weekend in Japan, was the crash worse than it looked like? Was it potentially not a good idea to race?"
"Of course I still felt the crash in my bones. It was a high speed corner where I crashed out. But I was and am alright. The result in Japan had nothing to do with the crash." I lied, feeling Charles eyes on me.
"Kelly Johnson, BBC Sports. Charles, in Japan the Ferrari’s looked quite strong, after Singapore another good race for your team. Do you think you can repeat that performance this weekend?" the blonde reporter in the first row asked him.
"Yeah we did quite good, we seem to understand the car better now, so I’m hoping to see some better results in the next races."
"Michael Breitner. Auto, Motor, Sport. Question for Charles. Many people expected your contract renewal to be announced in Monza… that was now two races ago. Are the contract negotiations still going on?"
"To be honest I can’t tell you much about that. Because there is not much to say at the moment. I’m focusing on this season. Then the next season. My contractual situation is not really on my mind." Charles answered with a smile and I knew how hard it must’ve been for him to sit there and look like he was believing his own words, when inside it was killing him to not know what was going on.
"Is it possible that we might see you in a different team after next year?"
"I don’t know. In Formula 1 everything is possible as we know. Everyone knows how much I love my team and that I want to win the championship with them. But at the end of the day I just want to drive and if not at Ferrari then at any other team that believes in me. But for now I can’t talk about things this far in the future when I don’t know about them myself…"
A murmur went through the room, the heads of Max, Lewis and Nico snapping to look at Charles. To say that no one expected this answer was the understatement of the year.
"To make this clear, you do think of the possibility of leaving Ferrari for another team?"
"No. I’m not thinking of leaving Ferrari. I’m saying that if Ferrari doesn’t renew my contract, then I will look for another option." the smile he forced out looked almost painful and when the press conference was over and we left, I pulled Charles with me.
"They’re persistent, no?" he chuckled bitterly and I hugged him, massaged his scalp.
"Don’t listen to their questions. They just want to get a reaction out of you." I whispered "You will get your seat. Preferably at Ferrari, I know, but at the end of the day, seat is seat, okay?"
"Yeah… you’re right."
"Now come on. Let’s finish up and then cool down in our huge bathtub…" I kissed his cheek and pulled away, before he pulled me back in and kissed me tenderly.
"Better?" I laughed when he let go of me.
I stopped the car and switched everything off, leaning my head back. Worst race ever. I opened up the visor, hoping for some cold and fresh air to stream in just to be greeted with the searing hot air of Qatar. I was never this happy that a race weekend was over. After taking a few shallow breaths, I tried to get out of the car. The struggle was real. My knees were wobbly. I clipped out the steering wheel and put it on the hood of my car, trying to pull myself up but failed miserably.
"Come here, cara mia." I heard Charles faint voice and looked up. He gently grabbed me by the waist, pulling me out of the cockpit, then sat me down on the halo, clipping my steering wheel back in place.
"Thank you, Charlie." I whispered, fighting with the straps of my helmet.
"Let me…" he said, unbuckling the clasp, pulling my helmet off "Hey pretty girl." he pulled my balaclava off next, wiping my sweaty hair out of my face.
"Hot. So freaking hot." I pressed out, pushing off of the halo, trying to cautiously slip off and take a first step, just to be caught by Charles "Fuck." I breathed out.
"You’re done…" he said, picking me up, holding me tight. He carried me bridal style into the cold hospitality, sitting me down on the floor "You’re totally overheated, Lizzie."
"My water was gone after the first couple of minutes already." I whispered, leaning my head against the cold wall.
"Here." Andrea appeared next to us, handing me a water bottle.
"I can’t. Need to go to weighing first." my voice barely above a whisper.
"It’s okay…" I heard an F1 official say and Charles unscrewed the cap of the bottle, holding it to my mouth, the moment the cold water streamed down my throat I let out a quiet moan.
"Stop making these noises for everyone to hear… only I’m allowed to hear that…" he chuckled underneath his breath and I managed a little smirk.
"Sorry…" I whispered "Is everyone okay? I’m not the only one who’s this done, or am I?"
"You’re definitely not." Pierre sank down next to leaning his head against the cold wall "Almost everyone is done for."
"Can we please never race here again." I sighed a little.
"Yeah… I would vote against it as well." Pierre whispered, his head on my shoulder.
"Me too." George plopped down on the floor in front of us, shuffling down his race suit "That’s just too much heat."
"Well… as director of the GPDA, take matters into your hands." I chuckled and he laughed.
"Later. For now I just need a moment to cool down."
"Same, same."
The room felt warm and welcoming, the yellow walls washing a sense of calm over me, only the smell of the disinfection spray didn’t fit in. When the door opened Charles squeezed my hand and smiled at me.
"Miss Doetterer. I only have good news for you. The tissue passed completely. Your blood values look good, same for everything else. Light bleeding or spotting in the next 2-3 weeks are normal, nothing to worry about." Dr. Bernard said.
"So it’s all good?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yes. It’s all good." he repeated and I took a deep breath in.
"Thanks, Dr. Bernard." Charles shook his hand and I did the same.
"I think that’s it for today. There’s only one thing left to say for me. Good luck in Mexico." Dr. Bernard smiled and we nodded, leaving his office.
"I’d say let’s grab something to eat and then head home, the car will pick us up pretty damn early." Charles opened the door for me and I slipped in "What do you want to eat?"
"I would love a pizza…" I mumbled and he chuckled.
"Pizza it is. I’m not telling JK if you’re not telling Andrea."
"That sounds like a deal!" I leaned back and watched the busy streets of Monaco, all the young families with their babies in the most beautiful and stylish strollers "I never noticed how many babies there are in Monaco." I almost whispered and Charles took my hand in his.
"One day, cara mia. Don’t worry… the time for our little family starting to grow will come." he kissed the back of my hand and I turned a little, looking at him "There’s still enough time. Maybe enough for the both of us to win a title."
"You will win a title sooner than later… me on the other hand? Not so sure, but I sure as hell keep trying."
"No no, our baby will have world champion parents." Charles sounded determined and I laughed.
"Our baby will have one definite world champion parent and one maybe world champion parent… let’s be realistic."
"I am!"
"Okay… whatever you say."
"But until then it’s quite a long way."
"The only way I’m caring about right now is the one to Antonio’s!" I pouted a little when my stomach grumbled.
"Got you. Less talking. More driving."
"Exactly." I laughed again.
"I’m just wondering… you get already really grumpy when you’re hungry just now… but when a tiny human is growing inside you?" Charles raised his eyebrows.
"Good that you’re a fast driver then…"
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Chapter 40 - some of you have guessed it 😔 I really hope I could describe the feelings and it all as natural and real as possible… the chapter feels a little rushed towards the end, but I didn’t want to put too much in it… especially now that the triple header is right around the corner and A LOT is about to happen 👀
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeholt3 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09
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mqstermindswift · 10 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✰ nicky ✰ she/her ✰ minor ✰ lover of music & t.s. ✰
↳˗ˏˋbasic infoˊˎ˗ ↴
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my spotify acc
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's sleepover
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's new year's day event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's cruel summer event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my pet
⇢ ˗ˏˋ she/her
⇢ ˗ˏˋ minor [bday on december 4] [no creeps please <3]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ greek
⇢ ˗ˏˋ timezone: EET;UTC +02:00
⇢ ˗ˏˋ sagittarius
⇢ ˗ˏˋ professional over-thinker and girl-blogger
⇢ ˗ˏˋ introvert but will never shut up if I'm comfy w/ you
⇢ ˗ˏˋ procrastinator
⇢ ˗ˏˋ the most delusional person ever[I blame love and tumblr for this]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ lover of Christmas and Halloween
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loves a good horror movie but is also a scaredy cat
⇢ ˗ˏˋ if we're mutuals, we're practically best friends[you just don't know it yet]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋartists:
taylor swift,tate mcrae,katherine li,girli,gayle,ariana grande,bailey spinn,gracie abrams,selena gomez,olivia rodrigo,melanie martinez,jordi,zolita,arctic monkeys,hey violet,sza,sabrina carpenter ,sara kays,emeline,girl in red,maisie peters,hailee steinfield,harry styles,conan gray,billie eilish
⇢ ˗ˏˋ films
movies:barbie,mean girls,little women,the princess diaries,home alone,scream,saw,harry potter,cinderella story and many other movies
shows:the summer I turned pretty,the watcher,miraculous ladybug,nickelodeon's teen shows,mcu series and many more
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ besties
@skeelly (my croissant <3)
@ur-lil-flo (flo)
@oh-whale13 (Anna <3)
@urgirlnextdoorr (effie <3)
@regisdvmb (reg <3)
@moonlightt444 (mare <3)
@firebrand-witch (val <3)
@iwrote4poem (ste <3)
@what-about-wendy (belle <3)
@chiara-swiftiedreamer13 (chiara)
@bejeweled-13 (victoria <3)
@a-beautiful-fool (lou <3)
@wordsarelife (lizzy<3)
@the0nlyallison (allison <3)
@reminiscentreader (jas <3)
@nqds (nads <3)
@urbanflorals (ems <3)
@gracedepp (alina <3)
@foaming-sea (deep <3)
@stop-ur-losing-me (kellie <3)
@isitovrnow (jas <3)
@hiyyihbae (Alex <3)(rl friend)
@deprivedofbraincellsandsleep (zia <3)
@baboland (aria <3)
@sureallavnder (Alex <3)
@doyoujustnotwantto (mihane <3)
@a-wondering-thought (sam <3)
@icantkeepmyplantsalive (Liz <3)
@never-enough-novels (avi <3)
@kozumesphone (skye <3)
ps.i love all of my moots but I'm *a bit* closer with these people
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ a/n
this is inspired by @oohhthehorror [ I love you sm]
I'm here if any of you ever need to rant or vent to someone
most likely will reply to texts rlly fast
not rlly gonna be reblogging picrew chains or similar things that take a long time to do 'cause I'm a bit unmotivated and I don't have much time[I'm so sorryyy]
thank you for reading his intro post,have a good day/night!! <3
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dni: homophobes,racists,sexists,transphobes and all the creeps
bye bye <3
92 notes · View notes
harrysmimi · 1 year
CEOrry Pt.5
Synopsis: YN and Harry attend her friends wedding. A lot of things said and confessed
Ps. This is the last part.
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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It was time for the twenty week prenatal check up and the ultra sound of course.
He was nervous. He haven't seen YN in about two weeks and half. He had to go back and forth Los Angeles and New York City for business last minute. But he had Jeremy drive YN to and from work, he has Lizzie check on her every other day or so. He didn't get to talk to her much.
Just to make sure she's doing alright.
The image of her in pain and misery is still hard to shake from his brain. He just wants to do everything possible to make sure YN isn't in any discomfort.
As new as it sounds. He cares for her. In more ways now. That is new.
She's sweet and caring. She is fiesty when she has to be, which is understandable. Being a woman is hard enough itself, though she's agree it's not an excuse for being an asshole to him.
He's seen her check up on her family as much as she could. Text her brother and dad as much as she could, especially when they're waiting for their turn at the doctors and she's got nothing better to do.
But today, it was something else.
She was going to see him at his place before they went to the doctors. He had an urgent meeting and he's been at office si ce last night, working overnight on this project with his team. He needed a nice hot shower and a change of clothes. And some food of course.
Just when he was coming downstairs, he heard YN's angry whispers from the patio. The door qas closed as she walked back and forth, bare foot, furiously yelling at someone over a phone call. He couldn't understand a word even though he could hear her clearly. She was saying something in her native language, except a few English words she used here and there.
"No, you listen to me you little bastard, you're going to give your phone to Papa at six every night. No going out, no drinking with friends, no seeing all these girls you see every other week." She was yelling at her brother she reckoned, "you're grounded until I see that degree of yours." She paused talking for a moment.
"Then I told you, do what you're interested in, you dumbo! I never forced you to study Business. I worked two jobs here just so you can go to the best college and study, I never expected this from you Veeraj! No! You're going to go take the re-exam, I want you to at least pass, my love! Then you can go ahead and do whatever you want. At least you'd try something."
Harry could see YN was on verged of breakdown. She looked so hurt and exhausted. Mentally exhausted. But she seemed to be calming herself there.
"That's okay! Everyone is not same, Vee, you gotta understand. I understand that. No one is really pressuring you to do anything you don't like. Rebelling is not going to be a answer to anything. I'm trying my best to help you out here. Just so you don't end up drowning in student loans. Now is really not the time for this. You've got to stop drinking, stop hanging out with friends who just take away from your energy. Set up boundaries for yourself. I'm not asking for you to grow up, I'm asking you to learn to take up your responsibilities. I'm going to be here to help every step of the way, whatever it is you want to do I'll find a way to support you, okay? Do you understand me?" She paused for a moment, "That's what I thought. Now I'll ask my friend to take you in for a few lessons. I want you to promise me that you'll do something to get yourself to be a better person, okay? Yeah. That's what I thought. Now go to sleep, and start fresh from tomorrow."
He found her very attractive. He kept staring up until after a few byes and I love yous YN hung up her call and sat down on the step of the patio, crying.
That's when Harry decided to step out and talk to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" He sat down next to her.
"It's nothing. I've been crying since last night." She said.
He talked to her last night and she was laughing and joking, having the time of her life making fun of him over the voice call.
"That's not true, YN. You know you can talk to me, right?" He suggested.
"I know." She nodded, "it's just my little brother. He's got weird circle friends and drinking problems. I mean he's barely twenty. It's going since he was seventeen. It got worse when I moved here for my dissertation. Our dad can look after just so much, he's sick and his work took so much toll on him. He failed three of his classes last semester. Which is a lot given his last two year record. If he fails he's got to start all over again."
"It's all my fault. I never asked him what he wanted to study before I gave my own suggestions. I shouldn't have moved here." She mumbled as she sobbed.
"Hey, no, no!" He pulled her closer to his side with his arm around her back, "you try your best, don't you? And that's what matters."
"I don't know. He's like my own baby, I've been taking care of him since I was six. I can't see him doing things which are going to make his life miserable in long run. He's not like this." She finally chose to confide in Harry there.
She isn't a saint, she got drunk too. But that was the first time. That made her more guilty for yelling at her brother like that.
"We'll get him the help he needs, yeah?" He assured her, "you don't have to beat yourself up for something you can't have control over."
"You've done enough for me, Harry, I can't bother you more." She sniffled, "he'll get throught it, he's done it once when our dad found out."
"If you think so." He sighed, "did you had your lunch?"
"Mhmm." She nod her head, "I was hungry so I ate before I came here."
"Good." He smiled, "now do you want to come inside?"
"Just five minutes?" She asked, "and did you eat?"
"I'm going to do that now." He tried to hold back his stupid grin the best he could. She cares about him enough to check up on him even though she's an emotional mess in that moment.
Another hour of wait for the monthly check up (twenty four weeks). YN was already over it today. She'd call it a day off she didn't had to go run some errands after at the bank and pick up a few things from the post office and things like those. Julia was going with her, so she didn't had to take cabs and tube and such.
She was just sat there, slumped and dazed off. Not noticing that Harry had quietly slid his hand into hers on his lap. She didn't realise until she heard another couple comment something along the lines of 'they're so adorable' now maybe it was for something else, but it caught her attention. Warmth in her hand grew slowly closing towards her heart there.
YN had so much going on in her mind, especially in that moment when she could feel the baby move.
They started moving just a week before she went to appointment solo. She couldn't bring herself to share that with Harry. She can control not sharing that. Even though she knows she shouldn't.
She can't have a say in the baby's life but she can at least have a control over this. Of course he won't touch her without her permission, or she'll kick his ass. But he won't.
YN have picked up on the baby's pattern. They were active mostly when she's feeling tired. Not to mention, the heartburn. She just wishes they're not as hairy as she was a baby. Her mum used to tell her how she couldn't even lie down when she had her. She was five and she remembered, she was just lying on her mum's lap as she asked her stupid toddler questions, her mum would answer to her the best way her five hear old self could understand. But with her brother, she could lie down and eat because her brother was a bald baby. But adorable none the less. She missed her mum.
Also she didn't wanted to share too much, before the baby was taken away from her. Well, it isn't her technically. She never wanted to give up her own child, but she did so she wasn't parentless. That was to save ber dad, who's perfectly fine and healthy.
And even though they're on time, they still have to wait at least two and half to three hours for their turn. Which is annoying on many levels.
"Hey, you're tired?" She heard Harry whisper in her ear to which she nodded. "C'mere." He draped his arm behind her on the chair, "just relax, yeah? Everything is going to be fine, I'm here."
She wanted to punch him in the face, but she understood what he was trying to say. Everything is going to be fine, she's going to be fine. So she leaned to his side just to be hit by the fragrance of his cologne in the face. But it was comforting. Weirdly enough.
"We've still got an hour and half." His voice was nothing more than a whisper, "you can take a nap, I'll wake you up, yeah?"
"I'll try." She agreed.
She could really use a nap. But in her own bed. Under her fluffy blanket, and AC on blast. Not at her place here. Back home. She's got a huge bed with comfiest mattress and bedding, she missed it now more than anything. She can cry to go back home and hug her dad.
She tried to sit there as still as she could with a baby inside her having a rave party. She watched Harry check few of his emails, they were from a same person with lists of products for a baby and a nursery. She doesn't mean to peep, she wouldn't have looked into his phone if it were related to his business. But it's not.
Now Harry thought she was fast asleep when he checked his emails until he heard a few soft sniffles from her. He peeped down to find her crying. "Hey, why you crying, darling?"
"It's nothing." She shook her head, "I just don't feel well, that's all."
"Just a few more minutes, yeah? Then we'll ask Doctor Wilson if we can do something for it. Hmm?" He suggested.
"It's okay." He hugged her close to his chest.
"Baby's got a lot of hair on their head." Dr. Wilson shared, "this sort of explains the heartburn." Harry looked back and forth between YN and the screen in front of them. "You can still feel the baby move?" To which YN nodded.
"You can?" He whispered looking at her with puppy eyes.
"Mhmm." She nodded.
"You want to know the sex of your baby, Mr. Styles?" Doctor Wilson asked.
Now that made YN's heart sink to her tummy. But was the truth. She signed up for this. Doctor Wilson was the one who have helped her with everything from day one. She knew everything about the IVF and her being the surrogate and everything. But she noticed Harry glance at her for last minute approval. She didn't know what to say.
"We'd like to wait, thank you." He smiled.
He said we.
The appointment went smooth as always, doctor Wilson gave YN some advices to help her heartburn. She then had a little bit of time with just YN because she wanted to ask her some questions, which given if both the parties were couple she wouldn't mind asking with the partner in the room.
Doctor Wilson is very thoughtful, especially when she knew YN had personally asked for a female doctor, and that YN was a bit uncomfortable with Harry in the room at the beginning of the screening to see if she can carry a fetus to full term in a healthy manner. But her one question only directed towards Harry had her puzzled with her emotions that day.
She should just really talk to Harry. Right? Or at least try? He'll understand, right?
She held off.
More so that more weeks went by, her health wasn't getting any better (the baby is very healthy) plus she's got a wedding to get through with. YN passed out three times in her bathroom, lucky she sustained no injury. She lied down on the floor carefully when she felt it coming. Her friends almost rushed her to the Emergency department the fourth time. But it was controllable. She went to see her doctor the very next day.
Harry wasn't in town again. He'd gone on another last minute call, this time it was for award ceremony for entrepreneurs and such. He was awarded with couple of awards there, it was just going to go to his every growing college in his office. YN had to go to her monthly checkup alone this time. And it was going to be only time she has to go alone.
But when he came back it was just time for Josh and Kayla's wedding. Harry was actually late, so Jeremy ended driving YN to the wedding venue two days before. He had no idea what went on.
It was the time when the bride and everyone was done getting ready, and they were taking pictures.
YN's dress was loose, she wasn't showing much even though the baby weighed half a pound more than it should be at twenty-one week. It was easier hide her belly.
Now she doesn't want to draw attention to her belly and take away from her best friend's special day. But she did snuck off to the bathroom in her own room next door to take a few of pictures on her phone, posed as where her belly is visible.
"YN you're being dramatic and extra. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." She scolded herself as she looked through the pictures, just as she was about to delete those, she heard the bride calling for her.
"YN, your alright in there?" Kayla asked, "talk to me so I know you did not pass out in there, babe."
"Yeah, I'm fine." She called out. But not until she heard, the door knob being violently being shaken from the outside.
"Unlock the bloody door YN!" He banged on the door, "open rhe fucking door damn it!"
It was Harry knocking on the door, hard. She hoped he didn't bruise his knuckles when she quickly opened the door worried. "Why are you knocking so hard? Is your hand okay?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He glared at her ignoring her concerning questions. There was a hint of worry behind his anger.
YN looked at her friend. She just threw her hands up in defence, "I didn't tell him anything. He over heard it." Kayla explained, "I'll give you two a moment." With that she fled the room. YN sighed and walked to the bed in her hotel room so she could put on her shoes.
"Why didn't you tell me YN?" He followed her.
"You were away for work. I didn't wanted to burden you with my problems." She answered and picked up her left shoe. She was going to wear her sneakers because she can't walk properly even when barefoot. She trips and falls, especially at weddings.
"I expect you to share things like with me, YN." He sighs in frustration and kneels down in front of her to help her with her shoes. "How many time have I told you that, hmm? This is ridiculous. You, you think that stupid award function is what I cared about more?" She didn't say anything. He just looked up at her when he was done putting her shoes on for her and found her looking at him with puppy eyes.
Honestly, she can fight with him right there. But it's her friend's special day she doesn't wanna ruin it.
"You wanna talk later?" He asked to which she nodded. "Yes or no?"
"Yes!" She huffed getting up and walking towards the bathroom where she left her phone.
"Hey, YN, I'm sorry. Shouldn't have talk to you like that." He tailed her around as she gathered her stuff. She grabbed a lipstick, and stuff it in the pocket of her dress.
"You tied my shoe lace too tight." She ignored him like he did not yell at her even five minutes ago. Without a question he knelt down again to retie her shoes for her.
For the rest of the ceremony, leading upto the reception party none of them talked to one another but yet managed to savour and enjoy every minute, for her friends at least.
First it was the dinner then the reception according the bride and groom's plans. It was emotional, funny and sarcastic with all of the speeches. And the drinking and dancing began again.
YN was getting overwhelmed already. Especially after her little speech. She could still see Harry there, he looked pissed. She went to get herself a glass of water by the bar.
"Hello there." Someone went to sit on the stool right next to hers. It was Doctor Micheal Jones.
"Hi..." YN was confused seeing him there.
"Been waiting to talk to ya whole night actually. How have you been?" He asked.
"I've been good, what about you?" Oh how she hated the small talk.
"I'm great." He smiled. She noticed he's got dimples too, a blond stubble and both his arms were covered in random tattoos, she could see from the rolled up sleeves.
Wait, has she got a type?
"You're from the bride or groom's side?" She asked him before he could say anything further.
"I am Heidi, Joshua's step sisters cousin." The blue eyed man explained.
"Oh, that sweet."
"And you're from bride's side I believe?" He asked.
"Oh no, I'm technically from both of their sides." She giggled, "they're both my best mates."
"YN, darling can I talk to you?" It was Harry interrupting Micheal before he could even utter a word. "Come on darling it's urgent please." He grabbed a gentle hold her hand as he helped her down the stool making sure to take her water bottle from the counter. He guided her out.
YN didn't get to take in the venue when the sun was up. But the wedding was at the Stourhead House and Gardens in the county of Wiltshire, near the Apollo Temple.
It's the exact place where Kiera Knightley's Pride and Prejudice was filmed. Kayla's a huge nerd for books, hence her PhD in English literature. YN never understood how that girl can read three to four hundred page book in a day to a day and half max. The venue was also something Kayla and Josh had little arguments over until they booked the place for the day.
"What?" YN slipped her hand out of Harry's, the metal of his rings was warm and cosy but she's mad at him for talking to her like that. They're out of the party now.
"Let's go there, it's a little loud here." He grabbed her hand again and walked towards the Apollo Temple which was barely fifteen feet away from the party. Which didn't make sense because it was still loud. They sat by the edge of the temple there. "You're feeling any better now?" He asked. Watching her lean into the pole next to her.
She looks tired and sleep deprived there. Her phone placed in between him and her with the lockscreen lit up, it was half part ten then and the the background was of the first ultrasound picture he sent her. It was the phone he gifted her, she's really using it. And the bracelet, she was wearing it. The piece of jewelry went so well with her baby blue dress, a stretchy bodice and off shoulder opaque sleeves ending just by her wrists. She wore a silver necklace with a little gold charm on it.
"Hey, come on, I'm really sorry darling." He scooted a bit closer to her, "why didn't you tell me, hmm?" He tucked the loose strand of hair behind her ear gently and she finally looked at him.
"I told you, I didn't wanted to tell you because you were away for work." She shared, "you said you have important meeting. I went to the appointment so I'm fine now."
"You also said, and I quote, I don't want to burden you with my problems, care to tell me what that means?" For the first time they're having a conversation without yelling at one another, "because I never said you're burden, did I now? I apologise if at any point I made you feel that way, I never intended to."
"You didn't, I, I, I just didn't wanted to disturb you that's all." She shook her head.
"I was done with my meeting on day one, should have told me YN." He insisted, his thumb caressing the apple on her cheek tenderly, "don't want it to happen again, but you'll tell me when it does, no matter how busy I am, yeah?"
"Yeah." She agreed.
"Have you been sleeping well?" He enquired.
"No, I can't lie down without feeling like my esophagus is burning." She shared. Truthfully. "Doctor said the baby's got way too many hair on their head. I'll give you the picture when we're back in Hampstead."
He cracked a smile, "about that..."
"I, I actually forgot what I was about to ask you." He covered up for himself. He wanted to tell her that she can be in the babies life, he can get the agreement terminated and all. But it felt weird.
He knows she wants her own kids, that's why she was hesitant at first. But telling her now would sound wrong. He doesn't know if she wants to be a parent just yet. He'll tell her when he finds a better way to approach this subject.
He also so badly wanted to tell her how he felt. He really, really liked her. Hell and heavens he thought he's borderline already in love with her there. But he just held off. At least for now. It'll be too much for both of them. He actually really wanted her to be around the baby, he's seen how she always tries to look away from the screen at the ultrasound or talk less about the bahy with the doctor. How she asked for him to send pictures of the ultra sound print they got, and now it's her lockscreen.
"do you wanna go back inside?"
"Not really, I don't like weddings." She shrugged, "I told Kayla, 'if I got MIA for after a bit, don't worry'. Do you want to go in?"
He chuckled softly. "No, I don't like weddings either."
"Awh! Why?" She cooed, "sorry, I forgot no questions."
"You've asked me way too many questions, we're way past that." He pointed out.
"And I got no answers to those questions." She added immediately.
"Touché." He looked down sheepishly. "I found out my Fiancé and partner of six years was cheating on me, the morning of the wedding."
"No, that's so fucked up!" She gasped, "I don't get it why people cheat? Like what the hell?"
Harry giggled at her very honest and blunt reaction, "it's alright, I'm over it now." He shrugged. "It was the second time actually. Being cheated on. Wanted to adopt a kid at first but a single man with a busy schedule is not anyone's first choice. Tried for about three years."
"Understandable. I'm so sorry that happened to you."
"Why do you hate weddings?" He diverted the subject to her now.
"My reason is a bit more depressing." She said with her hand into a pinch to say how much more sas her reason is with a slight wink of her eye.
"I'm sure, but I'm here to listen."
"Trauma bonding, are we now?" She nodded her head squinting her eyes, "my mother died when I was six and my little brother was just two-three weeks old. Of course there was a wedding in our house so everyone was away except me, my dad and my mum with my brother, well 'cause she was sick."
"I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"It's fine, I've had twenty years to learn and grow." She shrugged.
"Do you mind me asking what happened?"
"She had a c-section with my brother and the internal stitches ripped open because she was throwing up and coughing so much. I was there when she, uhhh, you know... My dad was out getting us dinner when all of that happened." She moved back a little bit to sit comfortably with her legs criss cross, using the pole as a back rest, her hand resting on her bump as if on autopilot.
Harry just sat there looking at her as he processed all of what she said. She was six. Watched her mother die. That explains her fear of throwing up.
"Don't look at me like that, your green eyes scary." She laughed.
"I'm just trying to process." Harry shared, "What was her name? Your mum's name, I mean."
"Sofia." YN shared.
"That's a beautiful name." Harry cooed and took a moment to mirror how she sat. "Why don't you tell me about her?"
"You want me to talk about my Mummy?" She looked at him puzzled to which he just nodded, "well I've only known her for six years. But she was a doctor like me. A little crazier 'cause my dad told me once she was going for another doctorate. I never want to touch that ever again!"
"So you come from a family of a geniuses." He commented joining her laugh.
"You can say that. She had like three cats, only one of them is still alive. He's old man now. I brought him home on my way back from school he was about three months old, so he's technically my cat. My dad was furious, but who can go against mum's. I mean who's got that kind of audacity, right?"
"Exactly!" He agreed with his own dramatics, "Mum's are the best!"
"Not all of them, my step mother is a total witch. Witch not a bitch. Can't swear like that." She shared. "My mum was the principal of my school. And everyone loved her, obviously. As they all should. That's pretty much it. What else you want to know?"
"She sounds like an amazing person." Harry said. "I'm trying to figure out something though. I wasn't a hairy baby, nor my sister or my mother or dad. How is this baby so hairy? How did doctor Wilson even see that?"
YN looked at him in disbelief, "you failed your science classes by any chance?"
"Yeah, twice but what does that have to with--" he paused, "oh, oh. I'm sorry I didn't to say it like that. I also didn't want to assume. Just looking out for you that's all as you said you can't lie down and--"
"Okay, okay calm down." She stopped him, "it's okay, it's okay."
"Did she tell you what you can do to help with the heartburn?" He asked.
"Nope. Can just hope for the best." She shook her head.
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright. F.Y.I. sir, I was a very fussy baby as well. Good luck with that."
"You're joking?"
"You're joking!"
"I am not."
"Yes you are, you cheeky, you're laughing."
Now she was laughing, "you saw how much I still cry, right?"
He sighed, "yeah."
"We should go back in, they're about to play my favourite song." YN suggested. Harry was up on his feet immediately ready to help her up.
"Yeah? How do you know that?"
"I made the playlist, duh!"
They walked to the wedding party back. Or more like, Harry followed YN like a little smitten little kitten. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing.
"Would you like to dance with me, ma'am?" Harry offered his hand with extra add on of his charm.
"I'd love to." YN placed her hand in his. Harry took the opportunity to lace his fingers through her in a delicate hold, and slid his other hand around her waist. The baby in between wasn't enough to keep a modest distance.
"This alright?" He whispered as he swayed both of them to the soft tune.
"Mhmm." She nodded.
"What is with you and that doctor?" He asked all of a sudden looking behind her.
"Who? Doctor Jones?" She asked.
"Nothing. He's just a nice dude. Why did you ask that?"
"He's been oogling at ya the whole day!" Harry scoffed.
"By the way this is my favourite song." YN tried to change the subject and it worked.
"Is that Ed Sheeran?"
"He's one of my best mates." He casually bragged.
"You're kidding?"
"You are kidding!" She gasped.
"I am not. I have his number."
"You have Ed Sheeran's number?" She sounded gobsmacked.
"Oh my god! Can you get me his signed record?" And she gasped again at her own idea.
"He's on tour right now, but I'll try." He couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, he place her hand in his on his shoulder as he reached to tuck her hair behind her ear again. "You look very pretty tonight, have I told you that?"
"I don't know." She shrugged nonchalantly, but she's screaming inside.
YN tried her best to keep her feelings in check. Like, it's not right. Today though, she did took time to really just take all the feelings in.
Oh boy, did he looked extra, extra dreamy today!
His hair grown out a tiny bit. He now styled his hair in a middle part, his stubble ever so slightly showing. His eyes looked so vibrant and relax, like there were no worries about anything behind them.
And today is about celebrating love too!
He wore a baby blue suit, with his staple white dress shirt. Which is always see through and top three buttons undone. His classic cross necklace, he switched it out to a gold one few weeks ago. And the tattoos on his pecks peeking through as always, which she believed are some kind of birds surrounded by little hairs on his chest.
It was touch of his soft thumb just under her lip which brought her back on earth. His face was just so close to her. That's when someone screamed her name.
"Oh god!" She was spooked.
"It's alright, who is that?" Harry asked looking behind her. It was one of Kayla's childhood friend, Hadleigh.
"YN!" The girl exclaimed as she approached her.
Now, Hadleigh and YN hardly talk to one another. But when they first met, they were really good friends. Until Hadleigh went ahead and shot her shot, telling YN that she had started to like her.
Well, it isn't like YN's not into girls, but she's confused if she's in girls like that in the first place. But most importantly, she wasn't looking for a partner that time (nor is she now unless it's Harry). YN's always been so focused on her career, she never gave going out or being in a relationship a shot ever. It just haven't been her cup of tea to begin with.
Plus, she didn't want to be vulnerable and open to someone.
Hadleigh of course was very understanding and respected her feelings. She got busy with her job as real estate developer. And life went on.
"Hadleigh, so nice to see you!" YN exclaimed.
"Same here," the blue eyed girl smiled as she took YN in for a hug, "I know I missed the ceremony but gosh this is amazing!"
"It is." YN had to agree, the party was lit.
"Oh, you're pregnant!" Hadleigh almost squealed.
"I, uhhh..." YN stuttered, "yeah."
"Congratulations!" She gave YN another hug.
"Thank you." YN smiled not knowing what to say, "this is Harry by the way." YN turned to Harry was stood just half a step behind her. "And Harry, this is Hadleigh. Kayla's kindergarten friend."
"Oh, nice to meet you Hadleigh." Harry approached her with a handshake.
"Nice to meet you too, Harry." Hadleigh shook hands with him. "Oh, looks like the bride is finally free. I'm gonna go talk to her before she gets busy again."
"Yeah sure." YN nodded.
"You want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked once Hadleigh was gone, YN looked exhausted.
"No, I'll just go sit somewhere." She shared.
"Come." He grabbed her hand and guided her to the now empty dining tables set to a side, he pulled a chair for her to sit facing the dance floor, he pulled a chair like he did at the ice cream place on her birthday that night. His knee touching hers.
"Is it really that obvious, I'm pregnant?" She asked, her hand on her swollen belly now really showing she is in fact very pregnant. But she's been feeling insecure lately. She had to run last minute to the tailor to get her dress readjusted, even though it was made keeping in mind she'd grow by the time of the wedding.
Well, she's almost in her third trimester (twenty eight weeks). It was obviously going to show. YN just doesn't want to admit that this time is going way too fast.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked, confused of her sudden change in mood.
"I-- she knew just by looking at me?" She wondered.
"She hugged you, darling." Harry defended her from herself, "I mean it's not a bad thing, is it?"
"No," she shook her head.
"Are they moving now?" He asked.
"Yeah, like crazy!" She sighed, "see!"
Harry carefully kept his hand where her's was, she placed hers on his. He felt a jolt which made him almost jump. "That was strong!" He commented laughing.
"Yeah." YN nodded.
It warmed her heart how he already adored the baby, they aren't even born yet.
And it also makes her heart sore thinking this is the only time she'll get with the baby. She's been contemplating to ask him if she could still see them from time to time. She would be fine if he never told them she's their mother. But it felt wrong.
After all he's just a complete stranger she met through a surrogacy agency website online, got pregnant via IVF, failed one time but worked the second, he paid her for carrying the baby. She's already grown to love the baby so much that it also felt wrong that she did it all for money at first.
She doesn't want him to think she's in with wrong intentions if she asks to see the baby in future.
Though, she's already paid one of the installments to the remaining amount he had lent her. He doesn't know about it, but his accountant and Personal Assistant does.
"You good?" Harry sounded concerned. That's when YN realised her eyes were getting watery as she thought about everything.
"Yeah. Just a little sleepy." She made an excuse, which he surprisingly belived.
"Do you really want to go back to the hotel, YN? You know we can." He suggested.
"No, I'm fine. I promise." She assured him.
They sat there in corner watching the party go on. Until Kayla came and approached YN herself, she was little tipsy but she pulled a chair next to her.
"You look tired." She spoke, "I think should really go and rest."
Harry jumped in too, "that's what I said."
"See, he agrees too." Kayla pointed out. "You need to rest!"
"I know, but I'm having fun just sitting here." YN shared. And she is indeed having fun there.
The party eventually came, newly weds were off to their honeymoon. This was all new to YN, as everything was over in merely three days.
Harry drove YN back to the hotel room. His was booked right next tk hers. They walked as it was just to the walking distance.
"This ended very quickly." She commented.
"Quickly?" Harry got confused.
"The wedding." YN shared, "it went on barely three days, it was just a bachelorette party, then going over some things the next day, then the wedding, this happened really quickly."
"That's a long time."
"No, it's not. Wedding functions usually last for weeks. Not that I like or enjoy any of those, but it was still significantly different experience." She explained.
"Yeah?" Harry sounded in amusement. They reached her room there, it was too quick for Harry's liking.
"Hmm, Indian wedding usually last for about two weeks to a month." YN shared as she opened up the door to her room.
"Have to attend an Indian wedding myself then, eh." He beamed, "I'm just next door to you, call me if you need anything, hmm?"
"I will, thank you." She nodded. "Wait... This is not my room." She checked the card key.
"Got you stuff moved here. It's a lot more comfortable." He explained.
"This is a freaking suite Harry, who's going to pay for it?!" She opened the door and was shocked to see the room.
It had light blocking curtains, a massive bed she doesn't have to now share with Julia. It had it's own sofa and coffee table by what she reckoned is a floor to ceiling glass window.
"I did." He said, "try to get some sleep now darling."
It was middle of the night and YN was craving chocolates.
Now, she can hold herself off till she can get something to eat which she is craving. It was a different kind of urge now. Especially when she couldn't eat the chocolate desserts as they had Rum in it. Kayla almost killed off the caterers for not having a Alcohol free dessert as she asked for specially for her best friend.
YN could go down to the hotel gift shop and buy a very expensive bar of chocolate but she just want to get out of her room. The bed is awfully comfy. And she couldn't sleep because every time she goes to lie down, her stomach acids want to gush out of esophagus. So she called Harry. Sent the man out to get her chocolates. And he did so. The gift shop was closed off he messaged her so he drove to a nearest shop to get her what she wanted. It looked like he bought the whole store when he got back with just more than just chocolates she asked for.
"Is this enough, darling?" He set everything on the little coffee table by the floor to ceiling window which was now closed off by light blocking curtains.
"That's too much Harry!" She walked upto him. "Just asked for a few chocolates."
"Well, I figured you might be hungry as you didn't eat much tonight." He pulled out a few bags of crisps, "usually don't condone eating junk food, but this is the best we can do at two in the morning."
"Thank you!" She cooed and hugged him tight.
Harry was taken back. Not by her hugging him but by the butterflies in his tummy. He hugged her back though. Her hugs are always warm and welcoming.
"Of course, my love." He rubbed her back gently, "why didn't you sleep?"
And she got to opening a bar of chocolate as she sat down on the sofa chair, right next to him. "I can't sleep. Everytime I try, my stomach acids want just gush out." She munched on the chocolate and yawned.
She really needs sleep, but she can't sleep sitting up. It's very dangerous. She might fall off her bed, or sleep in a position which might hurt the baby.
"Oh look," she grabbed a hold on his wrist and place it on her stomach for Harry to feel the punches. "And there goes the jab!"
"Ouch!" Harry almost felt that under his skin, "they're being a trouble maker, aren't they! Go to sleep now, will you little wrestler!"
"What the hell!" YN stopped feeling them move out of nowhere. "Did they just stopped moving?"
Harry chuckled, "they already listen to their Papa, don't they?" His thumb ran gentle strokes over the oversized shirt she wore.
"Yeah." She's in awe again. But took advantage and moved back to relax maybe take in a nap before long car ride back home the next day. Harry got up quickly and got the blanket from the bed.
"C'mere." He sat next to her again with his arm draped onto the back rest of the sofa. YN hesitantly leaned in resting her head on his shoulder as she tried to sleep.
Next morning was chaos.
YN was throwing up so their drive back was delayed. Julia was accompanying them as Harry offered. He saved her the hassle of taking a train back home. So it was now Julia and YN play arguing over some snacks they bought just before getting in the car.
Harry had a great time watching them bicker back and forth without offending one another. He'd act as if he's not paying attention when either of them tried to bring him in their pretend argument, not wanting to be the bad guy.
That was pretty much it for the day.
The very next day was when Harry resumed his duty of taking her to and from work.
He wants to make sure she's safe and sound himself. Sure he trust Jeremy with his own life. But he gets more time to spend with YN.
"Hi!" She greeted him with a warm smile on her in morning when he picked her up.
Harry took to this very lovely breakfast place, one because Lizzie is on a vacation, and two he can't cook to even save his life without burning down his kitchen. He's hungry and he knows she might have not eaten well either.
"I can't believe you out of all people are eating out today!" YN pointed out sipping on her smoothie.
"Lizzie is on a vacation." He shared.
"You didn't cook?" Harry just glanced at her sheepishly, "so you're going to eat out till she comes back?"
"I guess, or maybe I'll crash at my mum's."
She giggled, "come over tonight, I'll make you something to eat."
"You don't have to darling, you're already tired enough." He found her glaring at him, enough to be intimidating. "Alright!"
And that's what they did. Harry picked her up from work and they went straight to grocery shopping, because she didn't had much left at home and they went back to her place.
Julia was home, watching TV.
Harry had figured the blondie is fun to hang out with, she just hated him for reasons he doesn't know. Well, maybe for treating her best friend like crap that night at his bar.
"Hello mamas, how was your day?" She spoke looking behind, "oh look mister grumpy pants is here too!"
"Hello to you too, blondie." Harry waved at her.
"You're staying in tonight, J?" YN asked to which Julia nodded, "I'm making dinner."
"I was just going to order us Pizza!" Blondie gasped in excitement and followed the pair into the kitchen. Harry noticed a few boxes in the kitchen. Like someone was moving out.
"Who's moving out?" He asked.
"The newly weds." Julia shared as YN made a run to the loo. "They got their own place now."
"Awh!" Harry cooed. Both of them took out the ingredients from the bags mean while YN came back, in a civil manner. Civil manner from Julia mostly.
"Can I please have the kitchen to myself?" YN asked as she stepped back in the kitchen. She doesn't like the clutter in kitchen when she's cooking, and knowing her best friend, Blondie would definitely pick a fight with Harry.
"I'll leave." Julia saw herself out to continue watching whatever animal documentary she was watching.
"I'm staying to help." Harry announced as he rolled up sleeves of his white dress shirt. YN said nothing as she handed him an apron, knowing his short costs as much as a month worth of rent.
She started off by chopping onions and tomatoes. Harry's eyes almost started tearing up as he stood there waiting for her instructions to do something.
"Oh my god those onions!" He hissing covering his eyes and making YN laugh.
"Go sit out, I can do this." She told him.
"No, I'm fine. I'm fine." He sniffled. "What are we having though?"
"Okra, which is Bhindee, Roti, rice and Daal." She shared the menu with him.
"Never had that before." He sounded intrigued to try new food, "the most I've had is Biryani, Jeremy's wife made."
"You're missing out." She sighed dramatically.
"Guess we'll have to ask Lizzie to make new foods then." He announced. And he for sure is going to ask his cook to make some new foods.
Harry had a few things to share with her, but given her friend is in other room he figured he'll do that the next day.
Barely two and half months till baby is here, the appointments were now every other week instead of every month. He wanted to know when was she planning to put in her maternity leave.
He just wants her to be comfortable, standing for hours on hours teaching is very fucking tiring. And dealing with teenagers? That's whole new level of difficult in his opinion. Though the summer vacation have already begun, she still went to work.
The cat, Noodle just walked past his legs to YN and lingered around the kitchen as she cooked.
"Can you stir this a few times in between?" YN asked him.
"Yes!" He's been waiting for this, he took on the work. The dinner was done in no time. Even the cat was given it's dinner around the same time.
Harry had a quiet night watching a Dinasaur documentary. YN seemed very interested in that as they all sat on the floor with coffee table as their dining table.
The very next week. Kayla and Josh were back from their honeymoon as they got ready to move out.
Even Julia had found herself a place to move to so she can afford the rent. YN was going to live at Harry's place, as per the contract as she's nearing the due date.
Like promised, Harry took days off to help YN pack up her stuff. She just clothes and a few things to move, like her bed which she sold as she'd have nowhere to keep it. And that was it.
It was pretty emotional leaving the place she called home from past five years. She hoped she'd finally get to go see her dad this summer but maybe she can go during winter break.
Back at Harry's, she got the room she spent a night at once. The closet was empty for her to fill it up.
YN didn't know what was upstairs, maybe Harry didn't used that floor. His bedroom was downstairs, maybe the floor above had guest bedrooms. She remembered Lizzie saying it is a six bedroom house. There were few people working in the other spare room that day. Maybe he's getting the nursery ready.
That thought made YN's heart sink again.
She spent a couple of hours just putting her clothes away from the boxes. She didn't know she had that many clothes, and none of those fit her anyway now. So she placed all of the clothes which don't fit her and she doesn't want to wear in a separate box to donate.
She was just on her last box when Harry came in with tea and a few snacks. He knew she needed to take her vitamins and few other medications doctor have prescribed to her, she needed to eat something for that. They had a very early lunch.
"You want me to help you with those?" He asked as he placed the tray on the ottoman in the closet.
"I'm almost done. Those are for donation." YN explained.
"That's like half of your closet." He pointed out, she just sighed and continued to place last few closed in their shelves. "We'll go shopping tomorrow, yeah?"
"It's fine, I am fine with these for now." She gesture at the clothes she had.
It looked like the closet was empty. She never had a walk in closet before, it was very new to her. She had very limited space at her last place anyway.
"Come on now I got Chai and snacks. Made it just the way you showed me yesterday." He grabbed a gentle hold of her hand as he walked her out. "You want to make any modifications to this room? We should add a study table so you can work comfortably."
"I just have a week and half of work left, don't need a study table. But thank you." She tried her best to smile but all she could think about was the baby she will never see again.
"You alright?" Harry could sense she is in deep thoughts but he let her decide if she wants to share it.
"Yeah, I just need a nap." Maybe she can sleep and her worries would go away. Yeah, she can try that whilst the baby is not moving.
"Okay, but at least eat something, yeah?" He suggested, "I'll be just outside."
"Mhmm." She picked up the mug of chai. She is going to eat before she sleep though.
YN couldn't sleep. So she decided to take a warm shower, got everything ready but she got a call from her dad. She just sat there talking to him for a while.
She hadn't told her dad that the baby was her's too, and she wasn't just carrying it for a couple. Not that he would be mad, but she just wanted someone to share it with. Someone who she shared that close bond with.
They talked about her little brother's latest behaviours, how he's getting back on track and getting the help he needs. Her dad shared that he went upto him to talk about it. YN was relieved from that worry of her. Her dad also shared how her brother was interested in modeling and that he's gone to a few casting too and all that stuff. He also shared that the doctors gave him a pass that he can go work in person in a next few months given his very fast recovery.
YN was over the moon hearing that. That was the reason she took that very big decision.
She had a nice cry and stayed in her designated room all night, sulking in her bed.
At least she got some sleep.
Harry didn't bother her until the next morning when she had breakfast in her room. He went to check in on her and take her shopping like he said last night. He managed to convince her to with him. But that was it.
Harry had managed to get YN's input on the nursery, which was very slowly coming together. He didn't mind if it was finished before the baby is here, because they won't be sleeping alone for a long time. She helped him build the cot, the dresser and changing table after the room was painted.
It was all wholesome and animal themed, on her suggestion. The room was already filled with a load of sensory toys, stuffed animals and loads of story books. The half of the room was already being planned to be padded with crash pads and a pretty soft rug on top and a small play fence. Everything was baby proof in the entire house already.
He was working from home now so he could do rest of work himself. Of course he encouraged YN to help him because all she did was sulk in her room after she was done working. But now she's not working. Her summer break as teacher had begun and she'd miss the next semester due to her maternity leave.
Just two weeks and half to the due date. It was rhe thirty-ninth week, almost fortieth.
"I don't know mum." YN overhead Harry talking to his mother about something. He was on his laptop looking for something, "yup that's great idea, I'll ask the doctor." She reckoned it must be about the baby so she waddled carefully towards him.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I don't know which diapers to get. What if little bean has sensitive skin?" He whined in concern.
YN tried to hold back her laugh but failed, "get the reusable cotton ones. But yeah, you'll have to wash like a fifty of them at least twice a day."
"Is that really a good choice then?" He asked, now intrigued.
"Hmm." YN nodded. "I've usually seen grandma's making cloth diapers from used cotton clothes for babies. It's not harsh on their skin. I looked after my brother when he was a baby and my dad and grandma prohibited the use of single use diapers, unless we were going out or something. I've heard from a few friends back home that now you can buy those online too."
"Yeah?" He was impressed, "how many do you think will the baby need?"
"The more the merrier." She shrugged and started waddling back in kitchen.
There was a lot of left over noodles left in the fridge from lunch, which Lizzie left because she had leave early due to some emergencies. Or that all would go to the homeless in the community. The lady hated seeing the food go to waste.
Harry followed after her. He found her new waddle adorable. "You having dinner?"
"Yeah, you want me to heat up some for you too?" She asked as she took out the container.
"Yeah," he nodded, "do you want to watch a movie or something?" To which she surprisingly agreed.
He's been worried about her lately spending all her days in her room. Making up excuses so she can be in her room. They ate and sat watching The Witcher together on the sofa.
Harry had her tucked closer to him with his hand on the bump. Both were getting comfortable with one another. It was getting harder and harder for Harry to find a way fast enough to confess his feelings for her. He doesn't want it to be too late, but he barely knows how to. With a baby in mix.
He is in a complicated situation.
So is YN. She's grown comfortable around him. It's difficult when he's got to go for in person meeting last minute. She's gotten used to his antiques and how he bugs her every other hour to eat something or just do something with him. He's also managed to get her out for a nice walk, luring her with promises of ice cream. Which worked all the time.
She knows she's way past her infatuation, crush, and like phases with him. She's halfway sure she's in love with him. It was new.
She's only been with one person before but it only lasted for barely three months. She's been through the first few stages, but not this.
And there is a baby in the mix. Everything is happening backwards or out of order to confuse her even more.
But she's sleepy because has stopped moving for a few minutes now, or at least they've stopped kicking and punching her insides. She's learned to. She snuggled closer to Harry as her eyelids got heavier and heavier, until she was fast asleep.
It was the forty-first week. Harry and YN were out on a walk to go get ice cream. He had just gotten home from his last minute meeting. Lizzie so nicely offered to stay with her until he's back home. He hadn't even got to change as he directly to serving YN the dinner before he took her out to ice cream place.
They met his elderly neighbours who thought that he's got a wife now, they congratulated the couple as they walked past after a few minutes of talking. It was awkward, but made YN feel silly and giddy inside.
Turned out they know Harry very well, but the elderly couple seemed to be in hurry before either them could say anything. The walk to and from ice cream shop was slightly awkward. But they had to hurry back as YN was felt a sharp contraction.
Highly likely, it wasn't a Braxton Hicks thing, given the baby could arrive anytime.
YN wanted to be back in comfort of her bed in case anything happens. And Harry said he wanted to talk about something to her, maybe share something.
Maybe it was about how she'll have to leave the baby now. Maybe there were a few legal obligations. She had so many maybe's running through her mind in that moment. And Harry forgot about it in worries of what was happening.
Her contractions kept getting closer and closer rapidly every hour and half. It wasn't until her water broke. She was in bathroom luckily.
YN started panicking inside. She's not the one to scream when in pain, but she is wincing. It felt like her period cramps were on some heavy drugs and steroids.
"Hey, hey look at me." Harry tried to get her attention, "breathe with me, darling, it's okay." He did the rapid breathing exercises with her a few times before he got to getting the hospital bag. Even stuffed a spare outfit managed to get in the bag.
The drive to the car was painful and slow. There was no traffic given it was four in the morning. Harry had to drive carefully. He just hated seeing her cry in pain like that, getting flashbacks. This time the baby is healthy, YN is healthy. He parked closee to the entrance.
"Help me out please." YN mumbled.
"Yeah, yeah," Harry hurried out, but another contraction hit her. "It's okay, breathe baby." He held her hand tightly.
"It hurts, it hurts so bad!" She is crying, tears falling down her cheeks and all.
"It is going to hurt more if you keep holding your breath, darling." He rubbed his hand on her back.
She sighed, "I'm good, I'm good." Announcing she carefully stepped out of the car.
Harry followed her behind closely because she said she can walk just fine. Or waddle just fine enough. They were just halfway through the maternity department when another contraction hit her.
She stopped mumbling, grabbing onto Harry for support.
YN knew she can't handle this pain, she can only imagine how it would be pushing a heavy ass baby out through her vagina. It was going to hurt even more. A lot more. She can't do that now. Can she back off?
"We're so close love, you think you can walk?" Harry asked.
"Yes." She nodded and walked to the reception where they were checked in.
YN was asked to change into a hospital gown immediately and checked on. She was dilating on a good pace, and she was advised to move around to speed up the process even faster. She paced back and forth in the room but her pain was getting worse every passing contraction.
"You, you want to call your family and tell them?" YN suggested as she sped walked up and down in the labour and delivery room.
"I will do that later, YN," he shared, "you can ask for the epidural, you know?"
"I know, I know, just not now." She sniffled on her tears, but she broke down crying sat on the edge of hospital bed.
"Hey, c'mere." He hugged her, "everything is going just fine."
"I don't know, I don't know if I can do this." She sobbed, "I want to have a C-section. I can't do this."
"It's more risky, darling." Harry was surprised, "you can do this."
"Just talk to the doctor for me, please--" another contraction hit her right in the crotch.
And Harry did. After all it's her body, she can decide whatever. Given she's in agony and her decisions might not be right. He wouldn't invalidate her feelings like that. But Doctor Wilson adviced against her idea, unless there is an emergency, because honestly it had more risks to her. That made her real upset.
"Hey, you know there are cons to it." Harry cooed as he sat next to her, "the recovery time is longer, it's more painful, there are more chances of hemorrhage. I know you can do it."
"I don't care, I just want them to healthy."
"They're healthy, love, look you can see and hear their heartbeats there." He pointed at the heart monitor which was keeping track of the baby's heartbeat.
It was half past six in the morning, when YN finally gave in and asked for an epidural at eight centimetres dilation. Harry was asked to step out just so the room is clear and the procedure is done without any interruptions. It took them a whole hour to call him back in. Meanwhile he called his mother and asked her to come over if she could, he honestly didn't know what he could do. YN was in so much pain and it was getting just as hard on him to watch. He cried on the phone call with his mum.
But just a few minutes later YN seemed less stressed. "How are you feeling now?"
"Can't feel much waist down." She chuckled slightly, "this is why I waited so long to get the epidural."
"At the pain is less now, right?"
"You want anything?" He sniffled.
"You were crying?" She realised, "no, why are you crying Harry, the baby is fine."
"I know, I know." He nodded, "I'll get you more ice chips, yeah, just five minutes?"
Harry so badly wanted to tell her that he cares about her as well there. He is crying of two reasons, the baby is going to be here today and he just can't see her suffer like that. His mum was there by that time. She brought him coffee and said Gemma was on the way with breakfast for everyone.
Harry just couldn't bring himself to eat until way after the baby is here. But it was nice of his sister. His mum went out to get more bottles of water whilst he brought the ice chips to YN. He noticed the contraction were way harder than he last checked but she wasn't hissing in pain like before rather she lied there with her eyes closed.
"Hey YN, you want anything?" He asked again handing her cup.
"No, I'm fine. Thank you for this." She smiled.
"Those are higher than the last time I checked." He looked at the monitor again.
"It's feels like period cramps now." She shared, "it's bearable."
"That great!" He flashed his dimply smile finally. "Now, I, I-- to be honest I don't know what to do or say, so I just asked my mum to come over. She can be a great help, I, I can just call her in if you need to talk to her about anything which she can help with."
"No, you didn't had to bother her. I'm fine." A crease formed between her brows, a look of worry. He should asked his family to come visit after the baby was here, especially his mother. She bet the lady has more important work to do than be there to help her.
"It's alright, love." It was his mother. Pretty evident as Harry looks like a copy of her. "You're not a bother." She placed the water bottles on the side table. "I'm Anne, Harry's mum."
"Hello, I'm YN," she greeted her with a smile, "I feel bad now."
"It's okay, you can tell me what you need. I had two kids of my own, so I bet I can be pretty good help." Anne smiled.
She waited around the back as nurse checked on YN twice already. Harry sat next to her on the edge of her bed. His mum of course knew everything, he told her before he even told YN about it. In hope she might have a way to help him. She tried but he is just too anxious for that.
"What are you going name them?" She asked.
"Have a few names picked out, you want to help me?" He pulled out his phone and opened his notes app before she could say anything. "Let me know if you have any suggestions too." He handed her his phone. He had a list of ten names each for boy and girl and some just neutral names.
"You sure you want me to have a look?"
"Of course!" He shrugged.
Another good few hours went by, YN was starting to feel more pain but it was not something crazy. She was finally given a green flag for pushing. It wasn't as painful as she thought it would be due to the epidural she got, though she's sure it's gonna kick once it wears off. She didn't know how long she has been pushing for or now many were needed, all she thought about the baby's health. A nurse placed a clean towel over her chest.
YN panicked as the baby didn't started crying immediately, but they did once their back was rubbed. It was a loud high pitched scream cry.
"It's a girl!" Doctor Wilson announced as she placed the girl on her chest and YN stopped breathing in that moment.
That shouldn't have happened. They should have taken the baby away immediately. Now she was holding onto her, she doesn't want to let go. She started sobbing too.
"She does have a lot of hair." Harry commented, that's when YN realised she wasn't alone in the room with the new baby girl, her crying had gotten down to just few whimpers.
"Yeah!" YN cooed.
"Alright, YN a few more pushes for the afterbirth." Doctor Wilson caught her attention and someone was picking up the girl off her chest.
"No, no don't take her please." YN panicked, "please!"
"Can we please hold her longer?" Harry asked the nurse who of course agreed to it. YN held onto the girl the entire time until the pediatrician said they really have to weigh and check on the baby.
Harry stayed by her side as his mum was there whilst they checked the baby girl. YN looked at him confused. "You want some water?" He fetched her the bottle of water, "you did so amazing, she's here. It's a girl!"
"Like you wanted." YN nodded.
YN was all changed up into a clean hospital gown. She was given a very hearty meal.
The baby girl weighed nine pounds and eight ounces, no wonder why YN couldn't walk by the very end. She's definitely got a lot of hair on her head.
YN wasn't asked to feed her, hell, she haven't even got to see her again even though they're in the same room. She have been bleeding very bad so her stay at the hospital will be by the next evening. It was way past afternoon now. Harry has been going back and forth between her and the baby girl. She had asked him to talk to the pediatrician saying she's fine there as the nurse checked on her.
She doesn't even know what's her name is going to be.
"Ms. YLN, do you have family or friends we can call up for your discharge next day?" A nurse asked YN, everyone knows it's just a surrogacy case. By the talk of nurse, looked like Harry could take the baby home by tonight or even by early evening.
"Yeah, I, I'll call my friend." She nodded. The lady then proceeded to ask her questions on her pain levels, how she was feeling.
"Alright, we'll move you to the recovery room but you are advised to walk around every hour or so, for as much as you physically can." The nurse explained, "please don't push yourself to do more than you can."
"I will." YN nodded again. She tried to get off her bed and go find her phone in the mess which was the sofa chair now. It was painful, every step but she has to move around anyway, it wasn't certainly her first time out of bed after giving birth. She can say it was teeny bit less pain. She found her phone to text Julia to come over toni to the hospital. "Hello."
"Hey sexy, what's up?" Julia spoke.
"Just had the baby few hours ago." YN shared, talking as low as she could, "can I please ask you for a favour?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"I want you to come pick me up tomorrow, they want to keep me here overnight so I don't bleed out." YN shared, "and uhhhh... I'll also be needing help to get, ummm... my clothes and stuff the next morning. I, I promise I'll be out as soon as I find a flat."
"Are you kidding me?" Is the first thing Julia yelled, "isn't Harry going to be taking care of the afterbirth thing too?"
"I don't know. I forgot. I'm just feeling so alone right now. I don't want to bother him, he's with the baby and his mum." YN was trying hard not to cry. "Please come and see me?"
"I, I will as soon as I get off work, yeah?" Julia now sounded worried, "I'll ask if I can clock out early."
"Thank you!"
"Don't mention it, I'll be there. I promise!"
"Okay." She hung up the call.
"Hey, what are you doing out of bed love?" She heard Harry, "you feeling better now?"
"Yeah." She sounded walking back to the bed, "nurse said I'll be moved to the recovery room. They want to keep here for the night."
"No, what's wrong?" He followed her, baby in his arms. YN watched Anne leave whilst on a phone call, "what did they say?"
"It's nothing, I, I am bleeding too much." She shared, "I, I should probably go to the bathroom now."
"You want me to call the nurse?"
"No, I'll be fine." YN walked to the loo as fast as she could. When she came out the baby was crying and whining. The nurses were in and out of the room since they got there, she is already overwhelmed enough.
"Do you know how to swaddle her?" Harry sounded terrified, "changed her nappy, I don't know what's going on!"
"Let me see." She went ahead and put the new baby in a warm cosy swaddle.
"That's incredible!" Harry gasped, "look at her, all cosy now."
"Yeah." Baby girl is still whining. She's defin hungry. "Did she eat anything?"
"No, I wanted to ask if, if you wanted to breastfeed her. Only if you're fine." Harry shared, "the nurse is gone to bring the formula just incase."
"You'd be fine with that?"
"You sound surprised. Of course I'd be fine with that." He doesn't know what is going on. "I mean it's your choice at the end."
"I, I know--" before she could say anything further the nurse was back. But she rather ended up showing YN now to feed the baby.
That made her feel like dying now as she watched the baby nurse from her breast. She's in an awful state in that moment. But the baby had a full tummy, was burped and lied on her cot. It's exhausting being born, isn't it!
"Hey, what is going on YN?" Harry asked, finally.
"Nothing, I told you."
"It's not nothing. You're spacing out, come on talk to me darling." He cooed as he sat on the edge of her bed, "what did you mean they're going to move you to the recovery room? I don't know what is going on."
"You're not going home with her?"
"Not without you, no." He seemed more confused, "I'm more confused, YN."
"The nurse told me to call family or friends so they can take me home the next day." She shared, "I, I guess you can take her home in a few hours."
"You're coming home. Can't leave you like this here." He is now getting mad, "I told you I'm going to take care of you after the baby is here as well, didn't I? Not going to leave you alone. Little bean needs you, I need you."
"Why did she said it like that then?" She looked at him with eyes pooled up with tears.
"I'll talk to them," he assured her, "I know why she said it like that. I promise you I'm not going to leave you here. Why didn't you tell me before, hmm?"
"You were with you mother and baby, didn't wanted to bother you."
"I'm sorry you felt that way, but you're never a bother. Especially to me." He pushed her baby hair out of her face, "we'll go to the recovery room, have something to tell you."
"Okay." YN nodded, "I, I need to tell Julia, I, I called as I panicked. I'm sorry."
"It's alright." He assured her again, "you can ask your friends to come see her when we're out of here so it's more comfortable."
Harry made sure to make it clear that the baby and the mother are going to stay until she is discharged too, and that she is to be treated kindly there. He's seen a few nurses there being mean to her. Just because they knew little bean is related to her too and she was just giving away her child like that. Those nurses had a shift change anyway.
Gemma came over to see the baby too, she came with warm and healthy lunch. It was from a restaurant as she burnt the lasagna she was making on accident, hence why Anne hurried out. Least to say Gemma cried holding little bean.
"Is that hair underneath the hat?" She slightly pushed the hat back to check, "oh my god, yeah!"
"Yeah, got that from her mum." Harry bragged, YN almost choked on the water she was drinking hearing him say that.
Both of the ladies stayed till the last visiting hours. Finally there was quietness. Little bean had yet another meal, and is now laying on YN's shoulder. She's also been already holding up her head, and opening her eyes. She got those from Harry. Her fluffy cheeks had the slightest of the dimples.
It was a Styles trademark now, the dimples.
"When we get back," Harry spoke catching YN's attention, "I wanted to ask you a few things, make sure you're fine with them."
"I don't quite know how to help, this is obviously new. So I looked into it, found out about the Doula, they come in and help with the postpartum period, help take care of the baby. It'll be healthy for you and her." He tried his best to explain it in a best way possible, "I, I also know it's a huge part of the culture where you're from. We can or not go with the confinement thing, however you prefer it. So if you're fine with that, or we can figure it out as we go."
"No, no, I'd really like that." YN agreed, "frankly I don't know what to do either, I'm more tired now."
"We can stay in our little bubble until you recover and she's a bit older then, yeah?" He suggested, "and also, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while."
"Hmm, what?"
"I, I know you did not sign up for this. Was thinking of terminating the agreement you signed." He was holding onto his breath tightly, readying himself for her reaction, "I, I think she'd be more happier to have her second parent around."
"Really?" She's now crying again. The baby can call her Mumma now.
"Mhmm, I've already told my lawyer to get on it." He explained and a few more things, "we'll just have to sign the discharge papers and her birth certificate tomorrow before we take her home."
It warmed his heart to see how much little bean is loved already. The first time he got to hold her, all of the air was sucked out of his lungs. So tiny, and she felt warm against him, just how she moved her head to find a comfortable position to sleep on in his arms, hopefully feeling safe and sound.
It was a rainbows and unicorns moment for him. He thought he wouldn't be able to feel that connection with her, though she's a whole new person. He needs time to get to know her. It was all unexplainable.
It made him furious seeing how she's been treated by some of the nurses today, but it all sorted now. He dropped a quick message to his assistant to get the Doula on board. He found someone just perfect. It was an Indian lady around his mum's age with decades and decades worth of experience. It would also make YN feel at home.
Even though he stayed away from making his own conclusions, he could tell YN was slipping away in her thoughts with the baby. He's seen how bonded she already was and he'd hear her randomly talking to bump, or taking pictures in the mirrors around the house. Her initial decision of declining his offer has always been enough to remind him. She held back on so many of her opinions.
He wanted to hear them all. He figured it would be very unfair for both baby girl and YN to be away from one another.
"Is it going to be me visiting her every weekend? Or how, how do you want it to go?" YN asked.
"About that..." Harry shuffled in his seat, which has been the same since they got to the hospital, right on the edge of her bed. "Can I hold your hand for this?" And he grabbed a hold of her hand which didn't had a IV needle in it. "Don't want you slapping me across the face."
"I would never!" She gasped making him chuckle sheepishly.
"Just kidding." He took in a deep breath. "I want to make that everyday. I'm going to be so bad at this, at least for a while. But I've grown fond of you. So, so, so fond of you, couldn't realise when I fell in love with you. I want to be with you if you want that. Things are not planned but they can be figured on the way. We can do this together." He doesn't even want to think about her rejecting him.
"Wait," a blank look on her face made him more and more anxious. She's just processing he reckoned. "You're saying you like me?"
"Yeah..." He tried to process her question too, "well, it's more than that actually."
"You like me?" She asked again, emphasising the first and last word of her question.
"Let's switch that like for love, then yes. Most definitely, yes!" He said, little firmly. She just looked so flabbergasted.
"So you don't like me?" She spoke overwhelmed of everything in that moment, "wait, what? My brain just... What?" That made Harry giggle.
"Is it that hard to believe I'd ever say that?" He asked.
"Never imagined you'd say that, to me." She scoffed in disbelief, she still doubts he might be pranking her.
"And why would you say that?"
"I don't know," she sighed almost on the edge of crying, "I've been nothing but mean to you all this time, even though I didn't mean to. I'm sorry I don't mean to cry either, I don't know what is going on!" And the water works started.
"Awh, darling it's alright!" Harry cooed and immediately pulled her in a hug, he recieved one right back, "today have been so overwhelming for you, I know that but couldn't wait till tomorrow. We have to sign up the paper work and I reckoned it would be bad idea to put you in spot on the last moment, in case you have changed your mind about anything."
"No, I, I will not." She shook her head now sniffling. "Did you really mean what you said?"
"Every single word." He placed a feathery kiss on top of her head. He would be contained if she doesn't feel the same way, he at least tried.  "I love you. More than a friend, more than just being mum of our new girl."
YN squeezed him tighter. Would be too awkward to tell him she loves him too? Why would it be awkward? She would sound stupid, wouldn't she?
"I love you." She mumbled.
"I love you!" He chuckled softly squeezing her right back.
"Oh, my back hurts." She shared pulling away from their hug. Her back really did hurt, every bone in her body hurt in that moment.
"Oops, sorry," he helped her with the pillows behind her back.
The baby girl softly sighing in her sleep right next to YN's hospital bed caught his attention. Her small mouth curled up in a O as she let out a long breath.
"It's tiring being born, isn't it?" Harry pulled the cot closer so he can place a kiss on his baby's head. She squirmed raising her swaddled legs kicking him right in the face, earning a gasp from him. "Oh, now I know how your Mummy felt."
"Hey she's just a baby!" He heard YN from behind.
"Yeah you two are going to team up against me." He surrendered in defeat already. "Just want to hold her for hours."
"She'll get used to it and won't let you sleep." YN shared. He agrees. She needs space to grow, he can be smothering all the time.
"A little smothering can be excused." He shrugged giving his full attention to her now. "This is going all backwards, isn't it?" He moved closer, holding her hand close to his heart after he placed a kiss on her knuckles.
"Doesn't matter though."
"No it doesn't." He smiled at her. "It's nearly dinner time, the Doula will be here anytime now."
"You already called her?" She looked rather shocked, "whem did you do that?"
"Texted my PA, and I got a text from her when you were feeding Bean, firmly warning me from giving you anything other than water." He shared.
"She's going to be the ultimate mama bear." YN giggled.
She's seen her Nani, her mum's mum looking after her daughters and her grand daughters during their postpartum confinement. It seems to be brutal that she has to give up icecream for the next six weeks, and burgers, and pizza, and every one of her favourite junk food, nothing but warm healthy food she'll be eating. It's going to be tough, but she signed up for it when she agreed.
Of course it isn't her Nani so it's going to be different she reckoned.
"Are we going to keep calling her Bean?" She asked.
"Not quite settled on any names you picked out." He said, "which one do you like the most? You chose, Starla, Evara and Juniper."
"I don't know." She shrugged.
"Come on, help me out here." He affirmed, "you know we're in this together."
"Okay, how about you pick from Juniper or Starla?" She shortened the list for him.
"Hmm, lets see." He looked at the baby for a second and back to YN. "Looks like she's meant to be named..." She looked at him eagerly, so hoping he'd pick her favourite name, "...Juniper?"
"Yeah!" She exclaimed, beaming at him now. "Is she going to have a middle name? It's a thing here right?"
"Don't you have a middle name?"
"I don't. We use our dads, or most recently either one of our parents name on the legal documents and stuff, otherwise no middle name." She explained.
"Shes definitely going to have a middle name." He nodded, "I have it picked out already."
"You do?"
"Mhmm, it's going to be a surprise for you till the morning." He leaned in closer, hoping he could steal a kiss finally.
"Okay--" before she could say anything there was a knock on the door. It was the Doula.
"Hello, I'm Mrs. Nimrit Singh." The lady introduced herself. Right off the bat, she had a very homely vibe to her, "I am the doula you contacted."
"Oh yes, I am Harry." Harry introduce himself, "and this is YN."
"Hello beta." She greeted YN with a bright smile and a warm hug.
"Hello," YN smiled back, all of a sudden feeling her anxiety and stress about how she'd deal with everything related to her postpartum. "This is Juniper."
"She's absolutely precious!" Mrs. Singh awed at the chubby baby sleeping in her cot.
"She is." Harry agreed.
"I brought you two dinner." She said, "and I also be wanting to know when you two will be going home so I can prepare accordingly."
"Doctor Wilson said we'll be discharged by tomorrow evening." YN shared and few more things Mrs. Singh asked for.
"Okay then, I'll bring breakfast in the morning." Mrs. Singh announced, "and Harry I want you to make sure she gets enough sleep and she doesn't drink or eat anything cold, it's not healthy for her or the baby."
"I will do that." Harry nodded, "no ice cream for you then Missy."
"No!" YN whined.
"Just six weeks and you can eat whatever you want." Mrs. Singh assured her, it melted YN's heart.
"Okay." She made a puppy face.
They all ate dinner together, getting to know one another as they'll be spending next month and half to two months together. Mrs. Singh is a very lovely lady, calm and bubbly at the same time. She stood shorter, graying hair at her hairline, pretty gray eyes held so much motherly love behind them. She also wanted to in and check herself jf the house was ready enough for the baby and the mother, ready a warm bath and stuff. It was all new to Harry but YN seemed to know what she was talking about there.
Mrs. Singh bonded well with YN and Harry. Apparently fathers go through a lot too during the postpartum, so she had asked him to tell her anything which is bothering him like she's his mother.
"Mrs. Singh, our house keeper and chef Lizzie will be there by five-thirty to six tomorrow if you needed anything." Harry shared as the lady was getting ready to leave for the night. "I'll let the guard know you'll be there."
"Thank you." She smiled again. She stayed for well over three hours before she left.
"She reminded me of my Mumma." YN shared, "she talks like her. She's even got gray eyes like my Mumma."
"Yeah? That's nice, isn't it?" Harey went and sat back on his place next to her, "I quite like her too, love her jokes."
YN moved to a side to make space for him, she patted the pillow, "come on."
"You sure?"
"Mhmm." And he got in, as he pulled her closer with his arm around her shoulder.
"You know this is probably the best day of my life." He shared.
"Is it?"
"Hmm." He sounded in agreement, "just took me too long to tell you how I feel. You've been anxious all day today."
"It's nothing, I forgot about it."
"Hope you at least could experience this to the fullest." He looked down to find him already looking at him, "you know the birth and all."
"Well, it was too enjoyable getting ripped open down there, but once doctor Wilson placed her on my chest it was everything!" And she'd give everything to experience that moment over and over again.
"Felt the same way when I held her for the first time." He shared too, "she was still whimpering, but calmed down as soon as I held her."
"You're her favourite."
"Oh come on, don't be jealous." He rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Don't roll your eyes at me." She scoffed.
"Bean's mummy is my favourite too." He gave her a cheeky smile making her blush, she hugged him tight in response. "Hey, look at me please?"
"Yes?" She raised her head yet again to look at him action nonchalant, that earned a laugh from him.
"Promise me we'll give everything to make this work?" He intertwined his fingers with hers over his tummy, "if this, for any reason doesn't work out, we'd work together for Bean?"
Harry's anxiety about this has been all time high, since he came to terms with his feelings. He's been cheated on twice, went through messiest breakups, he wants Juniper to have the best life as possible. Regardless of what happens to him.
"Don't want to jinx anything. You know I've stayed away from all this for long now." He continued, "just to give this a try with you. Hopefully it works out."
"Why won't it?" She said, "I know I'm not in place to say this, but everything works out at the end and if doesn't it's fine. Well, I just need a moment to freak out a little before, you know that's just how I function. We can make this work."
"Don't know how you do this." He just shook his head in disbelief, not even twelve hours ago she has been freaking out, wanting be cut open thinking it'll be easier way out. "We can make this work, yeah."
"Yeah, that's the attitude!" She hyped him up. He knows it's her teacher side coming out.
"I didn't want it to be this way, but will you be my girlfriend, YN?" He leaned in closer to just feel her warmth.
"Mhmm." She rested her forehead on his. It was enough for him to make the first move, place his lips on hers. Butterflies made their way upto her head from her tummy making her brain grow fuzzy for a moment.
"Waited so long for this too." He mumbled before he was kissing her again, feeling her hand rest over his cheek. He eventually pulled away to let her breathe. "Think we should try and get some sleep?" He placed a delicate kiss on the tip of her nose.
Harry and YN slept all fine the entire night. In fact YN was still asleep when Bean woke up. She was given her vaccines and checked on once again. She's all healthy and fit to go to her home. They were being discharged just before breakfast.
Harry forgot the car seat at home, so he asked Jeremy to get it who so kindly agreed too. Harry got all the paper work done, his lawyer had already had the previous agreement terminated first thing this morning.
"And what will be her full name?" The nurse asked. YN looked at Harry because she doesn't know her middle name yet.
"It will be Juniper Sophia Styles." Harry spoke, "or it can be YLN-Styles, YN?"
"Oh, I," she was flabbergasted again, "I, I don't mind."
"It'll be YLN-Styles please." Harry told the nurse, even spelled out the name. Just a few signatures later they were walking out with the baby and their stuff. Harry held the bag with his arm around YN's waist as she had Bean in her arms.
They're just gonna call her Bean. It suits her more. She is a bean.
"You picked my mum's name to be her middle name?" YN asked and she waddled next to him.
It is still painful to walk okay!
"Of course I did, darling." Her agreed.
"Is that the new baby!" Jeremy gasped.
"She is!" YN cooed walking over to him.
"Oh she's precious!" Who knew Bean would melt a tough looking six and half feet bulky guy awing like a little person, but she did. "Can I hold her?"
"Of course you can!" YN handed Bean to him carefully as she helped Harry with the bags. Yep, they came with one bag but are leaving with two as the hospital gave YN some stuff which she needs, like medications, sanitary products, there was a pump and jar or formula just in case. There was a lot of stuff.
The car ride home was peaceful and calm, Bean was awake just staring at her mum sitting next to her, but she's mostly sleepy. She's all bundled up even though it's a little warmer on Mrs. Singh's advice. She needs time to adjust because it has always been warm in her mummy's belly. Her tiny hands were in tiny mittens and there was tiny beanie on her head which her Aunty Gemma knitted just for her by hand.
Jeremy drove as Harry was sat in the passenger seat.
They're going home.
YN is both anxious and excited to see what life has in store in future. At least she wouldn't have to leave her baby and act like she doesn't exist for the rest of her life. That was like the universe worth of weight lifted off her back.
N O T E :
Phewwww! It took longer than I expected to finish!
If you kept up with this story, this is the last part. There won't be more parts of these.
I might do little check-ins with them, if I get enough requests and responses. If not then I won't. I left it on an open ending.
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krystal817 · 6 months
Welcome to Camp Half Blood
Part 2
Summary: Y/n is a newly discovered demigod who finds out she is destined to be as great as her older brother… Percy Jackson.
Warnings: Briefly mentions possible lost of parent
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Today is August 17, 2017, my birthday. My name is Y/n L/n and I am 16 now and I can’t wait to go back to school to see my friends again.
I’m at my grandpa’s house for my birthday party like I usually have ever year and my 2 best friends Lizzie and Bre are with me like last year. Lizzie, Bre and I were hanging out in the car waiting to leave to bring them home and for me to go home.
Out of nowhere Adam, the dean of house 2 at Riverdale High came up my grandpa’s driveway in his car. Lizzie, Bre and I walked quickly over to see why he was here. “Y/n, can I speak to you privately for a moment” he asked. I responded “sure” and gestured for Lizzie and Bre to go away.
Adam said “you need to come with me before it’s too late.” “Where?” and he said “There’s no time for explaining.” “Then just tell me quickly” I insisted. Adam obliged “You’re a demigod.”
This took me by shock because I never thought this would happen. Then I said “ok I will come with you, but I have to make it not look suspicious so you will have to go to this address.” Y/n hands the paper with her address on it to Adam.
I continue “Come by at 9pm. It’s 8:30 now so I have time to leave here and bring my friends home and then get to my house and sneak out to come meet you.” “Alright” Adam replied.
“And don’t go to the end of the street. Just wait towards the road. It will be less obvious if I get caught while trying to leave my house” I responded. Adam said “alright” and left.
Then my mom came out and asked me who just left and I played it off “oh it was just a person that was lost but I told them the way to go.” “Ok, get in the car, we’re leaving now” she ordered.
I ran to the car and got in and sat next to Lizzie and Bre. A few moments later Lizzie texted me
Lizzie 🖤
Y did Adam need to talk to u in private?
Bc he was talking to me about my classes for next year. They needed another elective for me incase they didn’t get me into Programming or Graphic Design.
Lizzie 🖤
k bc that was weird that he came out of nowhere.
Facts like they couldn’t have waited until school started to see if I needed it in the first place.
Lizzie 🖤
And that was the end of the conversation.
Then we dropped off Lizzie first and she said “bye” and Bre and I said “bye” back. Then we dropped off Bre and we said bye to each other.
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I saw that it was 8:50 so I hoped we got back before Adam came and was going to take me to Camp Half Blood. I got home at 8:53 and was just trying to figure out a plan to leave the house when my mom came in the room and startled me.
“Geez mom you scared me” “Do you know this person who is waiting outside the house in their white van” she asked. I got up and went into the living room, looked outside the window to see Adam waiting outside my house like I asked him not to. “I will go outside because I think I know who it is” I insisted.
I went outside and down the driveway to Adam’s car and he rolled down the window and said “ready?” “No, my parents are wondering who you are and why you are outside my house so we have to tell them now. I told you to stay at the end of the street near the road.” I retorted.
Adam replied “I know, but we have to tell your parents about this before you leave. I will explain everything to them and I will let you pack your things to put in the car so I can bring you to camp.” I reluctantly said “alright” and we walked down my driveway and into my house.
While Adam and my parents were talking, I packed all of my clothes, electronics, and important items and brought them out to Adam’s car.
I went back into the house and he said “good you’re back for the parts you don’t know.” Adam then explained how camp will be, that my godly parent might not claim me right away, and that we will be making another stop along the way for another demigod. “Ok so I guess you’re the camp leader” I questioned and he replied “yes”.
My mom and dad told my sisters to come out and say goodbye to me because I won’t be coming back to the house. I told my sisters that whatever I leave behind is theirs to look through and see what they want.
I hugged my mom and dad and my mom said “wait Y/n, we need to tell you something…” “What?” I replied nervously. “You were adopted so we don’t know who your real mom and dad are” she stated hesitantly. I unexpectedly responded “ok well bye now” and me and Adam went into his car and drove away.
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As we were on the way to the next demigods house, I had to sit in the back and hide my face so nobody who knew me or Adam from school could get him in trouble.
We finally arrived to the house, but it wasn’t a house, it was an apartment building. I remembered that Julian lived in this apartment building and asked Adam “who is the other demigod?” Then he said “Julian Gonzalez.”
I froze with shock and finally found my words “that’s one of my friends.” “Wait in the car and you two can talk when he comes in. Julian is one of out late comers. For some reason we didn’t find out about him until now.” I responded “ok” and waited until they came back to the car.
Julian came straight into the car and saw me and said “omg hi and happy birthday” and I said “thanks! I can’t believe this is happening” “same and do you know if your godly parent is your dad or mom” he asked. “No, I was adopted so I guess my mom or dad died” I replied. Julian apologized “oh sorry and my dad is my godly parent” “cool” I said half heartedly.
Adam shortly thereafter finished rearranging the bags in the trunk and we started heading for Camp Half Blood.
By the time we got to camp, it was 1am and Julian fell asleep in the car and Adam noticed I was still awake. “We have a place for you both to sleep so you have to help me bring Julian and the bags there” and I obliged.
By the time we finished that, it was 1:30 and we were sleeping in the Hades cabin because Hades never had any kids. Adam said “goodnight and we will have someone show you around in the morning.” He continued “when the horn blows it’s time to wake up and there will be someone outside the cabin to bring you to breakfast.” I replied “ok and goodnight” and went to sleep.
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Authors Note:
Hey guys! I hope you liked the first part of Welcome to Camp Half Blood! Part 2 should be dropping later tonight or tomorrow morning. Who do you think shows Y/n and Julian around camp in the morning? Let me know in the comments!
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Taglist: @breeloveschris @disturbedwoodelf @luverboychris
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 147. brb x oc
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a/n: :) yaaay we should all have an aunt martha in our lives, fr fr. (reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: JUST FLUFF
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
New Year’s Eve started nicely, with the three of them returning to the fallen cabin so Bea could write her name on what was left of the wood. Rooster mentioned that it wouldn’t last too long and there was always the chance that it’d disappear by next year…but she knew how important this was for him.
When they got back to the cabin however, Beatrice noticed how Rooster would stay a bit distant and mess with his phone when she wasn’t looking. She just assumed he was talking to Mav and everyone else, sending them celebratory texts and happy holidays since they’d only be able to meet all of them after they left.
She loved the idea of spending time with her family, but she also didn’t mind…having other people? Maybe it was the little girl in her that was so used to big reunions and parties, because Beatrice liked the idea of more people around them, “Do you think they’ll have New Year’s Eve parties?” she questions him once he walks into the kitchen to sip on some coffee.
“Everyone else, do you think they’ll have parties?”
“I think some of them will,” he shrugs, “At least I know Bob is going somewhere and Jake too.”
She shrugged with a small frown, “No reason, I was just curious.I’m really happy we’ll spend the New Years together and maybe next year we can do something  with everyone again,right?” she smiles after a while, pouring herself some cocoa and bringing it up to her lips so she could sip on it silently, resting her lower back against the counter as Bradley stands next to her.
“Sure.” he shrugs, shoulders touching hers as they look ahead to where Nicole was, sitting against Jolene with her head tilted to the tv, “You miss ‘em?”
“I think I’d miss the uh…noise and celebration.’ she smiles apologetically, “Which is kinda dumb, I shouldn’t feel like that.”
“Well, you are an amazing hostess.” he adds, pursing his lips, “And everyone loves you…so. It could be why.” she just gives him a look with a shy smile, playfully elbowing his arm and making him laugh, “What? It’s true! You always deliver during the Holidays ,gorgeous. You know how much I love when you do that.”
“mmm,well,” she shrugs back at him, “I do try my best.”
“Your best always leaves everyone’s jaws hanging.”
Beatrice’s soft laugh and the subtle dip of her head forward after he says that only makes him happier, hugging her side to his and kissing her head. He sighed as he keeps her close to him, “...we can always video chat them.” she lifts her head from his shoulder and blinks up at him with her lips parted “If you want to,I’m sure they can figure something out.”
Beatrice opens her mouth then closes it, only to stare at him for a few more seconds, “But…well, would you be okay with it?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“W-Well because, this is our um…our family celebration?’ she murmurs, “And you know I thought you would like to be away from them for a little while?”
Rooster hummed with his smile widening, “C’mere you.” he opens his arms for her so she is engulfed between those huge arms of his and his lips return to her head, “They are still my friends and even if they are a pain in my ass, I like them.I can endure a few video chats, why not?” he brushes the back of her head with his fingers as he props his chin on top, “...besides, I think it’d be fun. We might get deployed soon after we get back, we need that…sociality.”
“...okay.” she looks up at him with a grin, “Okay, if you are alright with it.”
“Very.” he cups her face in his hands before he kisses the tip of her nose, pressing their foreheads together with a happy breath escaping his nose as they hear the sound of Nicole’s giggle coming from the living room,clearly enjoying the tv show she was watching right now with the dogs around her. Beatrice smiles back at him, putting her mug aside to cup her hands above his and curling her fingers around his own, “I’m okay.” he answers after a while, knowing that’s something that clearly was on her mind.
“I know you are, but still.” she whispers, “I just like seeing you so…relaxed.” he peeks one eye open at her, his smile widening, “Because you can be really into your head and ever since we got here…it’s like a weight left your shoulders,Roos.”
“I feel like it too.” 
“Is it because of Nikki?”
He lifts his head from hers to look over at Nicole, their little girl was already sitting on her own while chewing her teething ring, her hair remained in that caramel shade of brown and her eyes were as bright as Beatrice’s like a pair of precious stones. He smiles, ‘That too…I think it’s more of…I don’t know, a way to heal internally. I used to take so long in coming here, and whenever I did come I’d leave quickly because it hurt…and not it doesn’t, not that much. And I have you to thank.”
That made her blink in surprise, “Me? Why?”
“Because you are just kind.” he shrugs, “And you are open and you are sweet…and you want to know what I feel and what I’m thinking and…and you just are this beam of light that illuminates my life every single day.” he is immensely sincere when he says it, his eyes never leaving hers, “You just made me more open to a lot of things��especially my demons.”
He stops touching her cheek to drop his hand to his side, pushing himself to sit on the counter top with Beatrice following suit. Like this they could be comfortable and still look at Nicole without worries of her getting hurt or waddling awaye, “You know how hard it can be.” he mutters “To let shit go, hell I would’ve kept shit inside of me for as long as I could, then probably cry myself to sleep and ignore it for the rest of the day…you helped me break some of the ideas I had.”
“You do keep a lot of stuff in.”
“Hah, boy do I.” he laughs bitterly,”I just thought if I worked really fuckin’ hard I wouldn’t have to think about those things and well,it did help a bit sometimes. And then I met you and God I was just so smitten…and you made me feel comfortable and you made me feel safe.” he could see her posture change when he said that, “I know you say I make you feel safe but hell it’s the same with you. I don’t have to hide anything for you, you listen, you care…and you do voice your displeasures whenever you feel like doing so too. It’s healthy.”
“From the way you are saying it, the relationships before me weren’t that healthy then.”
“Not really? I just wasn’t ready then either, so it was more…of a maturity thing. We were just grown up kids in college, I mean what the hell, what did I know? My mom was sick almost every year before she passed…it was a lot for me to think about.”
Beatrice frowned, placing her hand on top of his and squeezing it gently, “I understand.” she whispers while rubbing his knuckles, “It’s just…I mean I’m honored but I…I really love you. And I love seeing you happy and seeing you okay…if I can help,I’ll try my best to.Even if you don’t want me to.”
Her husband rolled his eyes, “I mean you wanted to fight my superiors more than once.”
“And you think I won’t? I’ve seen Evelyn’s dad,she’d definitely give me the green light to beat him up if he did something to you.”
The image of Beatrice, who was 5’8” beating the crap out of Cyclone who was much taller than her was amusingly hilarious and he couldn’t even help the snort that came out of him, a snort that turned into a laugh and eventually both of them were laughing like teenagers with Beatrice hugging his arm and pressing her face to his shoulder. He even wiped the tears on his eyes after a while, “Oh God,whew that was so funny…not gonna lie, it’d be funny as fuck if I didn’t wanted to protect you from his ire.”
“Oh I could handle it.”
“Baby, no.” he taps the end of her nose, then kisses her lips with a gentle smacking sound, “You are painfully adorable. No wonder Nikki is so cute.”
“She looks more like you though.”
“A little.” 
“I’ve seen your baby pictures Brad.” she says softly, kissing his cheek, “She’s just as cute as you were.” and as if on cue, Nicole lets out a cry - not because she was hurt but more of annoyance- before looking over to her parents, her little face scrunched up, “Oh I think it’s time to change her.” she hops off the counter to look at Rooster, “You coming with?”
“Yeah,” he holds up his mug, “Just let me finish this and I’ll meet you upstairs.”
“Okay.” she smiles and then kisses his lips, giggling when he tries to deepen and backing away before he could. He keeps his eyes on Beatrice - trying his best to not look at her ass when she bends over to pick Nicole up - and then grins at Nikki, giving her a cute wave when she looks over Beatrice’s shoulder. Nicole giggles, her chubby cheeks appearing fuller and her gummy grin greeting him before the two disappear up the stairs.
Rooster waits until he hears that Beatrice is in the bedroom before he quickly pulls out his phone to check on the messages. It was risky but it’d be fun, he knew she’d like it especially because she mentioned how she’d like to see the others right now, which he didn’t mind since the New Years’ Eve is a social celebration.
He has to be quick about it though.
And he looks unimpressed.
Who changed the groupchat’s name to ‘Rooster’s Indiana Jones Adventure?’
Shells (09:10)
I dunno.
It was Shells.
Rooster (09:11)
Nvm that, listen, are you guys ready? Is everything alright? Who hasn’t said anything yet?
We’re already here. I think all of us are, we managed to get here in time.
Phoenix (09:12)
I hate this weather, it’s terrible. How do you even deal with this?
Payback (09:13)
It’s not as bas as Philly though, could be much colder. This is child’s play.
Fanboy (09:13)
You all are crazy, I can’t feel my fucking toes man. And I’m inside!!
Shells (09:14)
I’m all bundled up like a lil’ burrito so I’m all good.
Rooster (09:14)
Did you guys get everything? Bea has no idea at all.
Yes, thank you Roos. If you hadn’t talked to Martha we wouldn’t be able to pull any of this off. She’s…um…really mysterious.
Coyote (09:16)
She said my grandpa wanted to talk to me and he’s been dead for over ten years!!
Payback (09:17)
Same, she asked about my great aunt and i was like what the fuck??
Payback (09:19)
Not that it’s bad though. It’s just…different.
Rooster (09:21)
Yes,yes guys I know. I just want to know if you all got everything? This was hard to pull off and has to be perfect, you know that.
Shells (09:23)
Get your panties out of your ass,Rooster. We are all fine. We are just gonna nap till it’s late! And then we’ll go there, by the way, is the garage big enough for a minivan?
Rooster (09:25)
Yes,I checked with the people here. They all know you guys are coming over, just don’t talk to Bea about it.She needs to be surprised.
“Brad?” he looks up when he hears Beatrice calling his name, quickly typing a goodbye and shoving his phone in his pocket before he chugs what was left of his coffee - trying not to choke on the way was a great idea - and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, stepping over the sleeping dogs to the staircase.
He had to play it cool, the weather was…nice, which meant they’d get there safely. It’d be good, it’d be okay and Beatrice had no idea. They were still dressed up, he knew she’d like to even if she thought no one else was coming over and she looked so good with that skin tight long sleeved green dress that he couldn’t stop looking at her, even tilting his head ever so slightly when she leaned down to check on Jack’s sleeping form.
He snaps his eyes to her face when she slowly turns her head over her shoulder to smile at him knowingly, one of her hands propping on her hip as she cocked it to the side, “You are looking at my ass.”
He has his hand on his chin as his eyes flick downwards, “Yes.” he smirks, “You look beautiful like this.”
“Oh you know,” she laughs, running her hands down her dress and looking at her sock covered feet, her socks had little avocados on them and they matched her dress, “I thought it’d be nice, because even if it’s just us we can still dress up right?”
“Right, of course.” he smiles, flicking his gaze quickly to his watch and then back at Beatrice, “And Nikki?” his wife reaches down beyond his vision on the couch to pick Nicole up. The little girl was wearing such a cute mossy green jumper that he wasn’t sure if she was inspired by Beatrice’s outfit or Rooster’s aviator jumpsuit but she looked absolutely adorable, so much it was painful to look at. 
He pushed himself off the counter to pick Nicole up, nuzzling her cheek and neck, nomming at it playfully just so their daughter could giggle at him. Rooster laughed alongside her, bouncing her a bit on his arms and then turning to Bea, “I think we all look rather sharp.” Beatrice nods, adjusting the turtleneck sweater on his throat and running her hands down his biceps adoringly but quickly avoiding his eyes when he gave her a look, his wife just blushed a bright shade of red and looked at the living room’s windows. “It’s not snowing as much anymore.”
“it’s not.”
“I think I can even see some of the lights in the distance.”
He didn’t stop her when she walked to the windows to have a better look, instead the turned his wrist while still holding Nicole to check the time, muttering a quiet ‘nice’ before quickly slapping on a neutral face when Bea turned to face him again, her smile sweet, “Oh I just can’t wait, it’ll be so much fun won’t it,Roos?”
“Absolutely.” and she looks back out the window, her fingers pressed against the glass as she looks at the quiet surroundings with her smile present….and then she sees something strange. There are a pair of lights coming up the road, like a car’s headlights, but they weren’t running by faster, in fact the car turned to the cabin. “Um, Roos.” 
“There’s a car, um…kinda parking outside.”
“No way,” oh he was such a good actor, walking closer to the window to have a better look, “Looks like a minivan,doesn’t it?”
“It does!” she blinks more, seeing a group of people walk out and she immediately shielded Nicole from the window, stepping closer to Rooster, “Rooster,we need to-” but a sound, a very specific sound made her stop.
“Babes! Open the door for us will ya? We are freezing out here!”
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wren-of-the-woods · 9 months
This Accident and Flood of Fortune
Lizzy and William are looking forward to a quiet date watching their sisters perform in Twelfth Night — but when they discover that George Wickham is waiting in the wings, they must use Lizzy’s wits and their combined nerdery to help William get his revenge. Or: In which Lizzy comes up with a scheme, and even Shakespeare would be proud of the chaos that ensues.
This was written by @bloodsoaked-rainbows and I for @friendoftrees! It's the third installment in our Pride & Prejudice series Once Upon a Text, though it should be readable on its own. It's about 3k of silliness and can also be read on AO3 here!
Lizzy is finally going to see William again.
It has been over a week since their first date, and while they have managed to keep up their habit of texting regularly, the chaos of the holidays (and the inevitable Collins-avoiding that entailed) have kept them from being able to meet in person since that fateful day. Fortunately, their sisters have given them a way to escape their respective houses. 
The two of them are meeting at a public rendition of a Shakespeare play in which both Mary and William’s sister Georgiana will be performing. It should be highly enjoyable, or at least entertaining; it’s hard to do a performance of Twelfth Night without making somebody laugh. After the play, they plan to spend some time on their own, but at this point Lizzy thinks that she’d be satisfied to see William in any circumstances. Being stuck with her family throughout the holidays has started to make her feel mildly insane.
Her phone buzzes with yet another notification from its messages app. The Bennet Family Group Chat has been very active this morning, to no one’s surprise.
Lizzy checks the notification and rolls her eyes. 
Bennet Family Group Chat
Trouble 1: sooo lizzy are you excited for your ✨date✨
Typical Lydia behavior. The name Lizzy added as her contact has never proved to be inaccurate. Lizzy barely has time to sigh before her phone buzzes with another notification as Kitty and their mother chime in, and it hardly takes a minute for the chaos to spread to the rest of their family.
Bennet Family Group Chat
Trouble 2: OOH YEAH👀
Mama Goose: i hope you don’t scare him away to soon!
MaryBerry: *too
Mama Goose: he’s quite rich, you know
Father Goose: We know.
As usual, Jane comes to Lizzy’s rescue as the only sane one in the mess that was their group chat.
muffin: Just be nice to poor Lizzy, for heaven’s sake! She’s probably nervous enough
Lizzy: Thanks, Jane You’re my favorite Hope you and Charles have a good time at the play, too
Trouble 1: HEY favorite???? rUde
Trouble 2: :((
Lizzy: <3
Lizzy closes her phone and resolutely ignores the notifications that continue to flash across its screen. She has more important people to talk to than her family, after all. 
Lizzy gets to the theater with minimal trouble and, after she greets William with an enthusiastic hug, they go to find their seats. Jane and Charles are here as well, but they have settled in an opposite corner of the theater and are completely wrapped up in each other, so Lizzy thinks she will have William to herself today. 
“I trust you have been well since our last meeting?” asks William, completely genuine like the outdated dork he is. Lizzy cannot help but smile.
Lizzy sits down as they talk. William settles beside her. “I’ve been fine. A bit frazzled, but you already knew that from our texts.”
“I understand the feeling. I currently live with Caroline Bingley.”
Lizzy grimaces. “That must be unpleasant.”
William nods gravely. “There is little escape.”
“Oh! Fitzwilliam, dear!” calls a terribly, horribly familiar voice. “Fancy seeing you here! What a surprise.”
William sighs. “Speak of the devil.”
A dog barks as though in agreement. Lizzy turns to see Caroline Bingley, dressed to her usual ostentatious standards. In a flowery handbag, she carries the smallest, most absurd little poodle that Lizzy has seen in her entire life. Its curly white fur is shaved on most of its body coiffed neatly on top of its head and on the tip of its tail. In both places, it is finished off by a lacy pink ribbon tied in a bow. Lizzy is simultaneously awed by its absurdity and utterly unsurprised by Caroline’s idiocy. 
“Hello, Caroline,” says William tiredly. 
“I cannot wait to see our dear Georgiana perform,” says Caroline, flouncing closer.
“Nor can I,” William says unenthusiastically. 
There is an empty seat beside William. Caroline’s intentions are clear. Lizzy looks around in panic.
“How about we go sit over there, William?” she asks with false cheer, pointing at two empty seats surrounded by other strangers. “There’ll be a better view of Georgiana’s entrance, don’t you think?”
“What a fabulous idea,” William says, standing up. 
They hurriedly make their escape, leaving a somewhat confused Caroline and poodle behind. 
The play begins only a few moments later, and Lizzy sits back, enjoying the familiar opening lines of Twelfth Night as they are spoken across the stage. 
“If music be the food of love, play on,” William whispers into her ear, quoting along with the actor playing Duke Orsino. “Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, / The appetite may sicken, and so die.”
Lizzy giggles quietly. “Do you know the whole play?”
“Only most of it,” says William with a smile.
They quiet down and watch as the play begins to unfold. When Georgiana makes her entrance as a storm-disheveled Viola, William catches her eye and gives her a thumbs up. Lizzy thinks she sees Georgiana smile before she returns her attention to her role. 
Everything is going wonderfully, in short— right up until the middle of the next scene. 
When a handsome young man emerges onto the stage as Sir Andrew, Lizzy feels William go worryingly tense beside her. 
“Sir Toby Belch! How now, Sir Toby Belch?” cries the man. Lizzy thinks he is doing a rather good job of capturing the silliness of the role, but when she glances at William, he looks horrified.
“What’s wrong?” she whispers to him as Sir Andrew banters with the other characters. 
“I know that man,” William says quietly. Lizzy is rather concerned to note that his words sound more like a growl than a whisper. 
“Who? Sir Andrew?”
“His name is George Wickham.”
Lizzy’s eyes widen. She knows about William’s childhood friend and the way he had betrayed William by attempting to gain more than his fair share of William’s father’s inheritance and generally being an asshole. 
“That’s him? I thought you hadn’t seen him for years!”
“I haven’t,” says William grimly. “I have no idea why he’s here.”
“Why would he be playing Sir Andrew, of all people?” asks Lizzy as Sir Andrew — Wickham, apparently — pretends not to understand French.
William’s eyes go wide. “Fuck.”
Lizzy doesn’t think she’s ever heard her boyfriend curse in the entire time she’s known him. “What?”
“Georgiana’s been talking about a charming friend she made in theater. A friend named George.”
“Do you think he’s trying to befriend your sister to get revenge on you?”
“It’s certainly possible.”
Lizzy considers this. Onstage, Wickham and the other actors make their exit. 
“Shit,” she agrees. 
As they sit there, reeling, Georgiana enters the stage again. Her character, Viola, has now disguised herself as a man. Lizzy blinks. In this costume, Georgiana looks startlingly like her brother. 
Lizzy thinks about their new conundrum. She thinks about the play. She thinks about how the plot proceeds from here. She turns to William. 
“I have a brilliant idea.”
“This is a stupid plan,” William grumbles as Lizzy pushes him in the direction of Mary, who had managed to escape her place backstage and bring out a costume. 
“It’ll be great,” says Lizzy. “Trust me. I’ve been texting Mary and we figured the whole thing out.”
“And Mary is fine with this?” William asks doubtfully.
“Completely,” says Lizzy, conveniently failing to mention the part where she had offered a thirty-dollar Barnes & Noble gift card as a bribe.
“And the rest of the cast?”
“Absolutely on board,” says Lizzy confidently. She had promised them some of Jane’s cookies. “Just get changed and wait for the right moment.” 
“You’re going to owe me if this goes wrong,” William mutters darkly.
“And me,” Mary says, handing William the costume.
“Nothing is going to go wrong,” Lizzy says, grinning confidently.
She shoves William in the direction of the bathroom and hurries back to her seat before anyone can get suspicious about her absence. 
The play continues. Mary makes her entrance as Lady Olivia, looking commendably unruffled by the sudden change in plans backstage. They perform well, and for a few moments, Lizzy happily loses herself in the play and forgets about her nerves and her glee about her plan. 
Then things are set into motion. 
At the beginning of act two, it is revealed that Georgiana’s character, Viola, has a twin brother named Sebastian who survived the shipwreck in which everyone assumed he had met his demise. The actor who walks onstage at the beginning of the scene, conversing emphatically with his friend Antonio, is not the person who was originally cast. In fact, the actor who was going to play Sebastian has made his way into the audience, sitting next to Caroline Bingley. He is petting the poodle.
Onstage, the character is instead portrayed by a very wet William Darcy. 
“By your patience, no,” says William gravely. His voice is deep and carries well throughout the theater. “My stars shine darkly over me. The malignancy of my fate might perhaps distemper yours; therefore I shall crave of you your leave, that I may bear my evils alone. It were a bad recompense for your love, to lay any of them on you.”
William’s character has boots that are almost knee-high and a flowing white shirt with long sleeves. He has just survived a shipwreck, and as such, he is wet and disheveled. He is, in short, gorgeous. 
Lizzy hears a distant shriek that she assumes is Caroline Bingley. She feels rather similar. She realizes that she may have made a slight miscalculation. There is only one flaw in her genius plan. At the end of the play, Sebastian will marry Lady Olivia, which means that William will have to pretend to marry Mary. If he is going to look like this the whole time, Lizzy does not think she would be able to stand that. 
She watches him onstage. She thinks. She is interrupted when her phone buzzes.
Bennet Family Group Chat
Trouble 2: he’s WHAT
Mother Goose: i thought it was his sister who’s int he play
MaryBerry: *in the
Lizzy: It’s fine guys don’t worry
Lizzy: We have a plan It’s fine
muffin: What kind of plan could possibly require him to be IN THE PLAY
Lizzy: Remember when i told you about his childhood friend’s betrayal The friend is in the play He’s Sir Andrew
muffin: His childhood nemesis is Sir Andrew??
Lizzy: NO The actor
muffin: oh
Trouble 1: oOoOo
Father Goose: ???
Lizzy: Anyway y’know how in twelfth night there’re multiple duels In one of them the character Sebastian fights Wickham’s character
Trouble 1: OOOOO
Lizzy: So William is playing Sebastian now And he’ll have an excuse to beat Wickham’s ass :D
Father Goose: Excellent scheming. I approve
Lizzy: Thanks dad <3
Lizzy sighs and puts her phone away. She looks back at William. He is still as unfairly handsome as he was before. He knows all the lines and is delivering them flawlessly because he is, deep down in his heart, beneath all the brooding and handsomeness, a complete and utter nerd. After a moment, he exits the stage with Antonio and the next scene begins. 
Lizzy heaves a sigh of relief at the success of the first part of their plan. Now all William has to do is hide backstage between his scenes and keep Wickham from noticing until their plan comes to fruition. 
Ignoring the notifications still coming from her family’s group chat, she opens her Discord conversation with William. 
TheWittyFool: good job out there babe!!!! TheWittyFool: you did great <3
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I’m hiding behind a barrel right now. Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I think Mary is laughing at me. Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I am so wet
TheWittyFool: rip
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I’m remembering why I never got into theatre. Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: Oh no Georgiana is back Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: She saw me
TheWittyFool: 🫡TheWittyFool: good luck lol TheWittyFool: maybe explain that her friend is actually an asshole?
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: Now? Really?
TheWittyFool: i mean it’s better than later
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I guess Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: Wish me luck
TheWittyFool: gl :D
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: D:
Lizzy’s Discord goes silent. It shows William as offline, presumably explaining things to his sister, so she puts her phone away again. She leans back in her seat. She watches the comedy unfolding on the stage. She thinks about the fact that, despite their vastly different personalities, she and Mary actually look fairly similar to each other. 
 After a moment, she opens her phone. 
Bennet Family Group Chat
Lizzy: I have another brilliant idea
MaryBerry: Oh no.
Lizzy: :)
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” Mary sighs as she helps lace the back of Lizzy’s costume.
“I mean, you’ll get seventy dollars at Barnes & Noble out of it,” says Lizzy. “Seems like a pretty good deal to me. Besides, you can do the rest of the play in the next few performances.”
“This whole situation is absurd,” Mary continues, ignoring Lizzy. 
Lizzy ignores her in turn, flipping through the copy of Twelfth Night the actor playing Sir Toby had lent her and muttering lines to herself. When the costume is on properly, Mary sighs and leaves her be. She is typing something on her phone. Lizzy assumes the group chat is dissolving into further chaos. She does not care. 
Satisfied that she knows the part well enough, she puts the play aside and turns to peek at the performance from her place backstage. William is on the stage. It is the first scene of act four. Soon, the moment of truth will arrive. 
Indeed, after only a few minutes, Wickham makes his entrance onto the stage. Lizzy relishes the look of complete and utter shock on his face when he recognizes William. He stumbles. He opens and closes his mouth. His face goes pale. For a moment, Lizzy thinks he is going to completely abandon his part, but he recovers after a long minute of silence. 
“N- now, sir, have I met you again?” Wickham stutters after a moment. “There’s for you!”
Wickham attempts to glare at William threateningly. William is glowering at him, looking for all the world as though he actually intends to duel him to the death. 
Wickham takes a deep breath — Lizzy assumes he is trying desperately to remember his blocking — before he walks forward and slaps William in the face. 
William raises one eyebrow. He draws his fake dagger. He scowls, and then, like a striking panther, he lunges forward. 
“Why, there’s for thee,” he cries, striking Wickham in the stomach with the hilt of his dagger. “And there” —a hit to his side— “and there!”
As he delivers the final words, William gives him a blow to the shoulder that sends Wickham sprawling on the floor. 
“Are all the people mad?” growls William, and Lizzy swears she hears Wickham whimper. 
Another character, Sir Toby, intervenes in the fight. The actor appears genuinely concerned. “Hold, sir, or I’ll throw your dagger o’er the house!” 
One character delivers a line and exits the stage. Lizzy winks at him, and he stifles a laugh. 
Onstage, the actor playing Sir Toby takes William’s arm and holds him back. William is glaring daggers at Wickham, who is just now returning to his feet.
“Come on, sir, hold!” says the actor.
“Nay, let him alone,” Wickham pants, clutching his side. “I’ll go another way to work with him; I’ll have an action of battery against him, if there be any law in Illyria. Though I struck him first, yet it’s no matter for that.”
“Let go thy hand!” William snarls at the remaining actor, Sir Toby.
The character begins to protest, but before he can finish his line, William breaks free and draws his fake sword. Sir Toby says a few lines and draws his own sword, but Lizzy is no longer paying attention. Her turn has almost come.  
Taking a deep breath, she enters the stage as Olivia. 
“Hold, Toby,” she cries. “On thy life I charge thee hold!”
Everyone turns. The actors all stare at her, blinking. There are varying levels of shock on their faces. William’s eyes are very wide. 
“Madam—” says Sir Toby’s poor actor weakly.
“Will it ever be thus? Ungracious wretch,” she says, glaring directly at Wickham.
She launches into a series of insults until all the actors except William slink from the stage, then proceeds to deliver a series of loving lines to William. 
William looks just as confused as his character is supposed to be. 
“What relish is in this? How runs the stream?” he says weakly to the audience. “Or am I mad, or else is this a dream?”
They exchange a few more lines, as Lizzy’s character professes her adoration for William’s character.
“Nay, come, I prithee,” she says. “Would thou’dst be rul’d by me!”
“Madam, I will.”
“O say so, and so be!”
Lizzy walks up to William and, gently cupping his cheek, draws him into a kiss. It takes a moment for him to catch on, but soon he is kissing her back. The crowd applauds as they embrace and then walk offstage, hand in hand. Lizzy even hears a bark that sounds like a strangely approving poodle. 
The moment they leave the stage, William turns to glare at her halfheartedly. “Why didn’t you warn me?!” 
“There wasn’t time,” says Lizzy. “Also, this was funnier.”
William sighs, the effect slightly ruined by the smile he cannot quite hide. “You’re a menace.”
William shakes his head. “Do you realize that was our first kiss?”
Lizzy blinks. “Huh.” She frowns. “I guess it was.” She turns to look at him. “Is that okay?”
William considers this for a moment. “It seems rather fitting, I suppose.”
“What do you mean?”
“Our relationship started with mistaken identities and general confusion. It was only right for us to continue the trend.”
Lizzy laughs, loud and bright. Mary runs up and hushes her.
“Give me your costume and get out of here!” she says. Beside her is the actor who was supposed to play Sebastian. “You’ve had your fun and given that barbarian something to remember you by. Now let us do the play properly.”
Lizzy and William change and surrender their costumes without complaint. They leave and return to their seats as everyone resumes their proper parts and brings the play to a close. Lizzy is satisfied to note that, when he comes back onstage, Wickham is sporting the beginnings of a rather spectacular black eye.
They applaud louder than anyone else as the actors take their bows. They leave the theater before Wickham can emerge from backstage. They are not disturbed by Caroline — she seems to have fled at some point after the onstage kiss. Lizzy and William hold hands as they walk down the street, enjoying the quiet and the sunshine after the chaos that had been the last few hours. 
“That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done,” says William. “It was a terrible idea. I’m going to have to properly deal with Wickham eventually.”
“It was fun though, wasn’t it?” 
William is silent. Lizzy takes this as the agreement it is.
“You’re welcome,” she says with a grin. 
William sighs, rolls his eyes, and kisses her again. 
Together, they walk into the sunset.
(Two hours later…)
Bennet Family Group Chat
muffin: drama.mov I filmed the whole scene btw
Lizzy: wHAT
muffin: :)
*Many people are typing*
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sunjakes · 2 years
apple pie ; sim jaeyun
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pairing: jake x gn!reader genre: domestic fluff warnings: intended lowercase, established relationship, domestic domestic domestic <333333, a teensy bit of crying from both parties but theyre all happy tears i promise, jake is literally just the softest and bestest boyfriend ever i love him to death word count: 843 a/n: HAPPY IKEU DAYYYYYY 🥳🥳🥳 i hope he had the best day imaginable and has lots of fun w the boys and j-engenes in yokohama <33 this is part 3/7 of my song drabble series ^__^ figuring out my jake song was harder than it should’ve been given he’s one of my ult biases … anyways im very happy w how this one turned out <3 i hope y'all like it too !!
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recently, the days have been blurring together for long enough that the first thing you do when you wake up every day is check the date. everything had become so monotonous since your boyfriend went overseas for his tour, and you were starting to get lonely and restless. you would text, and he would video call whenever possible, but it wasn't enough. you missed each other more than anything.
waking up in the morning, you saw that you had a text from jake. without even reading what he wrote in depth, you knew what it was about. you jumped out of bed, rushing to make sure everything was ready. tidying up last minute, you fought to hold back your smile as you started to change into the clothes you had set to the side, specifically for when this day came.
you hear the hinges of the door creak as soon as you finish the last touches to your outfit, smoothing out the creases in your shirt. taking a deep breath, you head out into the main room of your shared apartment. jake’s breath catches in his throat at the sight of your figure turning the corner, and there’s a few beats of silence where you and him just stand there, staring at each other.
once reality sets in, you’re running into jake’s embrace quicker than you ever thought possible. as you feel your boyfriend’s arms wrap around your torso, you break into happy tears. you cling to each other for what feels like an eternity, his face hidden in the crown of your hair as he holds back his own emotions.
"i can't believe you're actually home..."
jake chuckles at the comment that you somehow managed to get out between your heavy sobs and presses a soft kiss to your temple. gently stroking your back, he slightly pulls away so he can gently cup your face, wiping away the tears that continuously fall through your eyelashes. as soon as you look up at him, he can feel his façade start to break, a couple tears of his own making their way down his face.
“of course i’m home, angel.. you are my home. had you come on tour with us, i think i could’ve never stopped performing. home is wherever you are, y/n.”
had you not still been in jake's hold, his words likely would've made you collapse to your knees. you look at his infatuated expression for another couple of moments before tightly wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into the deepest kiss you two have shared in months. smiling against your lips, jake kisses you back with just as much fervor, holding you as if you were milliseconds away from shattering.
you stay with him like that for what feels like a lifetime before pulling away, and jake instantly pulls you closer into another hug. he holds you tightly, swaying the two of you back and forth ever so slightly, keeping his lips pressed to your forehead in a long, loving kiss.
"words can't even begin to describe how much i missed you, baby..."
the rumbles of jake's voice resonating through your head sent chills down your spine, and you let out a quiet laugh as he gently runs his hands along your back. the hint of vanilla in his scent made you start to relax in his hold, and jake took that as a sign to slowly maneuver the two of you towards the couch.
siting down on the couch, jake gently pulls you into his lap as you cling to him. burying your face in his neck, you place feather light kisses onto the juncture between his neck and shoulder, and jake starts to gently run his fingers through your hair.
"i never wanna move from this spot ever again..."
letting out a quiet chuckle, jake manages to pull you even closer into his embrace.
"you know we'll have to move eventually, love.. this wouldn't be a comfortable position to sleep in.."
you giggle at your boyfriend's response, and he smiles, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
"i can't wait to sleep in the same bed as you again, jakey.. cuddling your pillow got old really fast.."
jake coos as you look up at him with a pout, gently cupping your cheeks. he mumbles a quick "you're so adorable.." before pressing a playful wet kiss to your lips. he laughs as you whine and wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand, starting to rub your back again as you rest your head against his shoulder.
"so, i fell for a little pillow thief, hm? well, now that i'm back home, you can just use me as your pillow instead~"
you roll your eyes and cuddle into jake further, and he looks down at you with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"stop talking and just hold me, sim, you're starting to ruin the moment.."
another quiet chuckle passes through jake's lips, and he gently rests his head against yours.
"i love you too, baby~"
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
pll rewatch 1x22
get its own post for finale reasons, the show does its first hitchcock homage, and the liars become the liars
getting ezria out of the way: even as fan of vest + tie combos ezra's outfit sucks this episode, he sucks for his useless texts, aria's tantrum at the faculty party is dumb, all of this is so stupid
ok ok the other note is that my friend remarked that when one of the liars goes "who do we know that's interested in younger girls" after the creep videos, none of them even think of ezra in that vein
which is distressingly warped even as it makes sense for these girls' worldviews: spencer does not view ian negatively until A gives them the video of him possibly killing ali, she views him positively in her flashback of kissing him
Spencer is so bad for saying that Melissa's baby might be inhuman but she is so fucking funny for saying "humor is subjective" instead of apologizing. I just really enjoy it when Spencer takes a break from being tormented to be the teenage brat she was born to be
Pam takes ten fucking years to answer Emily asking if her dad is okay and that is wild to me, Pam y'all are a military family and you should know better
why did the writers come up with this Texas plotline by the way, did they ever explain that?
Emily and Samara are exchanging the blandest emails. Why do all these girls email each other so much, the only things I emailed my high school friends about was schoolwork, otherwise it was all about texts
do you think they have negative associations with texting because of A. does only Spencer get tormented via email is she special like that.
Lucas is back! And still miffed about the danceathon ploy. I completely misremembered him already knowing Caleb before he goes on this fetch quest, but no, this is solely a "Hanna should know the truth" move
anw my take on how he tracks him down is that (1) Caleb's cheap-ass bus ride has lots of delays because that is his fucking luck (2) Lucas gets Caleb's number from Hanna's phone before passing it over to Emily
Okay, I make fun of the liars a lot for being super weird about the blind girl (who they are partially responsible for blinding), but most of the time I enjoy it, because of moments like this episode's where Jenna will be like come on bro :/ I'm just a girl who raped my step-brother via threats :/ just a girl who made a mistake and regretted it :/ why you gotta be so harsh bro :/
jenna we all saw you this season still trying to creep on toby when you were back in the same house...
this episode reveals that Spencer and I have very different notions of burner phones, because she bought this
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while I would have gone for a nokia brickphone. Then again I think Spencer and I have different budgetary considerations for burner phones. (717 is indeed an area code for southern pennsylvania btw)
The Ian plan is not bad but maybe would be better if they didn't all swivel to stare at him instead of staring at the phone, you know, the means you purchased to communicate with him
All of the liars leave when Mona shows up (w/o busing their trays! Emily and Aria, your parents raised you better than this! Spencer had no tray and Hanna was not raised better than that) and I know it's primarily because they need to plot, but Spencer also clearly finds Mona super fucking annoying and I respect that
Emily when accosted by a cop that she should really trust him goes wow, maybe he has a point, and indeed calls Garrett later. ACAB, Emily, ACAB. (Except Officer Barry Maple, who has never done anything wrong ever.)
Okay so the real reason they made Garrett her former neighbour is so they could pretend he was on this street to see family, when he was actually here to get in on Rosewood men's favorite hobby: underage girls
why does he take off Jenna's sunglasses before he kisses her, that seems unnecessary.
please remember that Garrett's actor was Paolo in The Lizzie Maguire Movie. swear he was less bland in that
The Hannily porch scene is very endearing, Hanna is so delighted at the notion that Emily might have a type
Toby gets Spencer to chill out before she goes off to do her convoluted plan, which is a good dynamic for them
Spencer calls him a "safe place to land", which will come up again, and says she wants him away from danger because of that
firstly, sweet sentiment Spencer, but I do not think asking him to keep Jenna busy is keeping him safe, he would rather wrestle Ian in the woods any day
secondly, thinking about who Spencer feels the need to protect like this - she is protective over all the liars and Toby, but is she more "don't let danger breathe on them" about Toby and Emily?
at no point does anyone mention the car that t-boned Spencer and Melissa or its driver like, was it a phantom car, are Rosewood PD falling down on even this
Veronica gets some good mom points in comforting Spencer and telling her the crash wasn't her fault and that Melissa knows she cares
S1!Spencer is all about guilt so she takes this as her cue to nobly walk to the church to get Melissa's phone, only to get fucking jumpscared for her trouble
I really love the sequence from when Ian shows up till when the liars find Spencer at the top of the tower. It escalates so well, the tension ramping up, there's a phone call that forces the liars to simply listen as Spencer begs for her life and Ian recites how he's going to construct Spencer's suicide (and would have anyone believed the remaining liars if he'd succeeded?)
Spencer Hastings while being violently thrown about: Uh, Alison didn't die of blunt force trauma, she died of suffocation. ILU Spence never change
And she really gets thrown about! Jeez, someone escort her to a hospital checkup after this, there's probably a fracture somewhere in there
Love the liars fussing over Spence while she clings onto that wooden post. They immediately go "do not worry about having killed Ian, you are so fucking valid" and Spencer has to be like "no, I know it sounds like a traumatized mind coming up with shit but there really was a random hoodie that showed up"
That pan down to the body swinging and that being what set off the bells....still sick
Officer Barry Maple cannot believe these teenage girls lied about a fucking body, cue the entire town going whisper whisper whisper because they're all at the goddamn church
Even Noel Kahn. My dude, don't you have dudebro things to do that are more fun than this.
you know I bet Paige isn't at the church I bet she's at home stressed out about swimming or whatever. this is going to be my take on Paige for a while: that she has minimal awareness of the plot drama the liars are enmeshed in. Bet she didn't even know they got interrogated about rat blood trophy.
I forgot they have "I'm Not Calling You A Liar" play us out. Perfect song choice, but amusing solely to me, because: it is the first credits song for Dragon Age 2, and a long time ago someone asked me for a Hanna Marin crackship and I proffered Hanna/Fenris. Imagine the Liars in Kirkwall....
Our final A message of the season: It's not over until I say it is. Sleep tight while you still can, bitches.
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coldercreation · 2 years
Would you mind posting an update on what snippets are in the works rn?<33 Like which are indefinitely on hold, which prompts (or like how many) you’re working on etc? Can’t wait for the next one!
Ohh hmm, let’s see!
I have a bunch of unfinished things floating about, I tend to start new ones whenever I’m stuck writing something or just get a brief idea in my head. Usually, whenever I get a prompt, I write down whatever comes to mind for that. These unfinished docs I have are anything between like a single sentence to a few thousand words.
These are all WIPs and I keep adding stuff whenever the inspiration strikes, and basically everything I write has been inspired by a bunch of different prompts! 
In no particular order:
The Sad!Kitty story.
A very AU version where Isac's meeting Lit for the first time, out on a night out. He’s just on a demon rampage bc he wants to have sex for the first time lmao this prompt was so creative and funny, love it<3
Nathan trying to celebrate an achievement only to feel dismayed bc his mum is… his mum (she’s happy for him but Nathan still ends up feeling like it isn’t a big deal after all. Too many feels to explain here lol). He protest-buys himself a chocolate cupcake and sticks a candle in it. It’s more of a feel-good one than it sounds here.
Pretty early on into their relationship, Kit comes home from work to find Nat in pre-heat and starting to nest. I have posted a text conversation from the beginning of this snippet.
Alpha!Nat AU: “Ok if you’re doing AUs, how about some twists: Nat growing up in a pack w the boys, as an alpha, with no og hurt background? What would he be like? What would the pack and the dynamic be like? Maybe his first rut w them? (—)”
Literally just a couple of lines of Nat being all blushy and thinking how Kit is so handsome, and then saying it out loud when called out for staring. 
Lizzy snippet, just them hanging out when they were still just getting to know each other. I have posted bits of this at some point too.
Nat being a good boi and doing more kneeling, but also finally getting to satisfy his curiosity for using his mouth. 
Lithan, basically the As just getting handsy with a sleepy Nat. I should start a sleepy boys being filthy soft on the couch -series at this rate hahhaah
Litzy meeting Sammy for the first time
Izzy having a panic attack over uncertainty with his birth control :( This one is just a few lines and I don’t like writing it bc I hate feeling Isac like that. The prompt asked for Isac having something rough happen & how he'd react, and I figured it’d be a good way to explore his issues with this topic. It was not a good idea I hate it why did I think I should scare him with one of his biggest fears horrible let my bunny be happy!!! 
Link visiting Nathan’s family
Link visiting Liam and Kit’s home town/families. <-This doc basically only has this one line. 
Izzy coaxing Nat into wearing some pretty underwear because he knows the As would pass out. Nat’s not personally that into wearing anything like that but he’s not against it and finds out that he’s very much into the reaction he gets lmao
More stuff with Nat’s friends
Some less specific angsty Nat snippets/notes
A filthy prompt-fill for the filthyspicy anon who wanted some spicy free use Nat. Anon you are filthy and I love you hahaha<3 
Liam getting teamed up on by everyone else until he’s all whiny and babie and loved to death. Or well, it’s mainly Kizzy bullying him while Nat is being v helpful and a good boy, and doing what he’s told to keep wriggly Liam in place. Heavily based on a prompt as well.
Izzy’s heat/preheat/nesting/instinct stuff, nothing specific in this yet, I just want to write more about it at some point
Haven’t started this but I do want to write more about the Lizzy dynamic where Isac/his O is the more dominant all the way through
Ohh and I have a couple of lines of some more Lucy and Nat just hanging out but I don’t know what to write for it so it’s just… there.
I have some more but these were the ones I could easily see just by opening my docs.
SO uh yeah. I keep trying hahahah I’m just having a hard time completing things :’) These are all technically actively in the works, so nothing is on hold, but my 'actively' has been a bit ehhh xx
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Every Now & Then I Beat The Living Shit Outta Me || William & William
@lettherebemonsters con’t from {x}
He knew never to expect the obvious....but he definitely wasn't expecting this! Thankfully his heavy dense coat was able to block a great majority of the electricity from the stun gun, giving him enough time to swing around and smack the weapon from his other's hands.
His own rage evident from the way his eyes glowed hot.
" If I had known what kind of a pathetic WEAKLING I'd end up being I'd have killed myself long ago! Instead of letting those little bastards do it to me instead!"
He grabbed his human self, opening his jaws so wide he could swallow him whole. The mangled human skull inside ruined beyond repair.....those sightless empty eye sockets now jammed full of fires and electronics.
His voice reverberating from the voice box in his chest.
" You're turning your back on our youngest. You remember what he looked like.....what that THING did to him! I bet you don't even grieve Elizabeth anymore...."
How quaint. His head was already thrown back in the throes of WILD manic CACKLES in the face of his monstrous reflection. Maybe this mechanical MORON thought they were a one to one that he would just ACCEPT a fate he handed out to him. William Richard Afton was a multitude of things: a monster, a liar, a DEMON but after he had escaped those springlocks he was no COWARD.
“Oh? The EASY way out? Of course you would want to do that instead of FACING what  you were, instead of making your PEACE with the NASTINESS inside you... If you want to KILL yourself-” he paused, WRENCHING one of his pinned arms from the cold metallic grip, plunging his hand inside of the DIGUSTING flesh Clowntrap had so FOOLISHLY laid bare to him (All that had REALLY done was expose the place he should aim for the NEXT time. This version of him himself REALLY left too many cards out on the table too early... ARROGANCE he supposed.)
“Allow ME to take a STAB at it FOR you,” he growled, his neon green painted (chipping) nails, digging into what was left of the corpse’s inside THROAT so he could lean close & continue his MALICIOUS tirade.
“... You mean the THING w e built? The thing that WE should have protected them BOTH from? The fact that Michael SHOULDN’T have been SHOULDERING the burden of our f a i l u r e as a father to even be PUT in that position! The only thing that’s happening is that YOU’RE turning your back on our OLDEST while conveniently FORGETTING we’re ALL he has LEFT in this WORLD! You DON’T get to do that & then DARE speak Lizzie’s name to me!” he snarled back, his nails clenching deeper & deeper.
The same nails that were still painted that silly shade... “Tree Frog Green” according to the glimmering text on the bottle Lizzie had EXCITEDLY rushed into his office with. He’d never LIKED neon green, it’d clashed HORRIBLY with his complexion but he had held his hands out & let Elizabeth paint them that colour all the same because it had made her HAPPY & that was all that had mattered, he had been doing what a father SHOULD do.
“Do you want him to DECIDE you’re not WORTH being his family? Do you think PUNISHING him in order to punish YOURSELF is the right FUCKING thing to do?!” he hissed, before sending a hot glob of SPIT into one of the empty eye sockets in front of him.
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bluiex · 1 year
Omg heyy!! Im was meant to be asleep early today I don’t do that. So uh here’s the religions of some of the species(or at least ones I’ll actually talk about or have their own story for) Also while doing this I realised I didn’t do how the species Flirt and now crying as I’ll start that later…(I’m sorry I wrote far more then I meant to)
Sporelings, they believe all plant life and fungus are sacred. In such, as they are unable to touch plant life without decaying them or turning the in to fungi, they don’t touch them. They believe that the fungi are the ancestors of themselves and plant life are the ancestors the fae. Tho in more recent times they have discovered that plant life are not of the fae but of humans. Fuelled by hatred of them taking over their lands they no longer try and prevent the death of the plant life that may come onto their land or way.
Gnomes, have similar beliefs as the sporelings, that the fungi are their ancestors as they follow the same patrons.(Lord of Myconids, Psilofyr and Soma, god of the RgVeda(Real gods btw))
Vex and Allays, at some point where the same, Vex were corrupted by unknown entities.(Humans. It was sooooo the humans.) At this a pair of twin Vexes, wishing to destroy the corruption in them fused with two humans they had be come close with.(Steven Universe style,  Minecraft flavour)Sadly, this wasn’t enough. The corruption had subdue slightly but was still very present. At this discovery, they told a some of the other vexes.(Oh btw, they can’t fuse unless there is some kinda of bond between the Vex and the human.) Nowadays, this is some what present in courting. The Vex hybrid will present the one they wish to court with a piece of themselves as jewellery.(It could be a finger, some hair or even a piece of their wing(tho that one hurts a lot, this one is mainly done as a wish or promise for marriage)) The human and Vex exist separately but at the same time their the same. It’s like a little voice in your head that can sometimes control you.
Fae, they’re still gunna follow the regular fae stuff such as the Seelie court 
Elves,(I am far to lazy to actually go though books and books and books of stories to find the religion of the Elves so have this one I found online. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-realm-of-mibr-jacobklassen2/a/elven-faith-article#:~:text=The%20Elven%20Faith%20worships%203,to%20one%20type%20of%20elf.)
Fairy, They don’t have a little proper religion, but they do believe gods exist But dont really care about them.
Avians, they believe in the god of the sun Helios, goddess of the moon Luna, god of the stars Astraeus, goddess of the earth Gaia and goddess of the sea Lizzie Dynamene(Aka Lizzie cause you know LDshadowlady)
Or simply saying they worship the sky they fly in, the water they drink and the earth they rest upon.
Creatures of the void, I was gunna say the watchers BUT we’re going to take everything we know about the watchers and throw it into a washing machine. Imagine this your first time hearing about the watchers but your learning about it through me actually speaking out the story-(I start in the middle and just at random points I add things and forget where I was half the time and I talk really fast so for the other people hearing me tell stories it’s like “just smile and nod”) it’s like some now that the watchers are evil that have killed people such as the great Endrians(believed to have gone extinct by those who are unaware of the watchers) and then some only know that they use to help the people of the end. No actually has the full the story it’s mostly just take what you like from the stories and follow that for your whole life.
Zombie, Their Patron is Lady Death cause You know- their undead-
It's me. I'm zombie
I LOVE ALL THEIR BELIEFS!! Avians one *chefs kiss*
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