#( the golden wood | lothlorien )
whiteladyofithilien · 9 months
White Ladies
Okay so I find it fascinating how Faramir first uses the title "white lady" to refer to Galadriel of Lorien and then later gives it to Eowyn. To me it seems to signify that he holds her in an equal esteem to the Lady of the Golden Wood. Which just wow.
And in a way Eowyn is to Galadriel what Faramir is to Aragorn. Not in a sense of lineage but as Faramir is described as less lofty but no less noble so too one could compare Eowyn to Galadriel. Less ancient and remote but no less fair or brave or worthy of admiration. Faramir sees Eowyn as both a warrior heroine worthy of being the blissful queen of a realm but also as a flesh and blood woman with hurts and sorrows and desires.
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foerodens · 2 years
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One of my favourite photos from last year happened quite spontaneously when I noticed a little bit of fog around here and decided to drive up the mountain a few km to a pond which I visit occasionally, which has some older trees around it. I took photos of those too but then, walking the path next to the water, I turned around and a liiiittle bit of indirect sunlight came through the fog and turned the autumn leaves bright yellow, including the ones on the path.
I went back to the same location 3 days later and almost all the leaves had fallen down or turned into a messy brown, so I was really lucky to capture this moment.
Photo: Foe Rodens.
The photo is available in my Redbubble and my Society6 shop.
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theworldsoftolkein · 3 months
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retrorevelations · 2 years
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Here, have something pretty.
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abbee-normal · 1 year
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I have always loved the dreamy quality of the Golden Wood
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
'Here are all enemies of the one Enemy, and yet I must walk blind, while the sun is merry in the woodland under leaves of gold!'
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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thatfanficstuff · 6 months
Color My World - Haldir (LOTR)
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Pairing: Haldir x soulmate!reader
warnings: nothing beyond canon
The forest of Lothlorien loomed before a weary band of travelers, known to some as the Fellowship. Their steps were heavy with exhaustion, a mantle of grief weighing them down. Their companion, the wizard Gandalf, had fallen mere hours before. But they didn’t have time to stop, to allow their hearts a moment to heal. The orcs would come and the group needed to be safely within the depths of the forest before they did.
You walked beside Frodo in the middle of the group, your eyes darting between taking in the beauty around you and keeping an eye on your companions. Sunlight filtered through the leafy canopy above you, bathing the world in golden rays. Even the bark of the trees glittered faintly with hints of gold. You could only imagine how stunning it would be if you had already met your soulmate. All the muted, faded colors you saw would be bright and vivid. You never wished for it more than at moments like this.
“Can you feel the trees watching us?” Frodo’s voice, barely above a murmur, broke the fragile silence.
You placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. “There have been eyes on us since we stepped foot in the forest, little hobbit.”
He looked up in surprise and you squeezed gently as you gave him a soft smile. “No worries. All be fine.”
“Thank you for being here,” he said, his tone hovering between gratitude and fear.
“We all have our purposes in this life, Frodo Baggins. Mine is make sure you complete yours.”
As you continued, you ignored Gimli’s talk of elven sorceresses and enchantments. You were too focused on the force gathering along the edges of your senses. The elves had sent a welcoming party. Of a sort.
Suddenly and almost silently, the Fellowship was surrounded. Elves with arrows drawn in you and your companions faces. With an arched brow you stepped in front of Frodo and pushed the arrow aside that was nearly brushing your nose. Ridiculous. Arrows did much more damage if they had a little room to move.
“The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark,” a rich voice said as the most beautiful man you’d ever seen addressed Aragorn. The elf observed your group, taking each of you in. When his gaze met your own, he lingered ever so slightly before turning back to the king. “Why do you enter the woods of the Lady of Light?”
The quiet words stoked something deep inside you, a yearning that had followed you your whole life. A cascade of vibrant color burst forth with the marchwarden at its center. Greens deepened into a multitude of shades. The golden undertones of the trees shimmered with new life.
As he and Aragorn spoke, every syllable from his lips only brought more beauty to your world. And every word bound your soul more tightly to his. You wove your fingers together, a poor effort at self-restraint as you couldn’t seem to tear your gaze from his profile. You’d heard so many stories of this elf and now, seeing him in person, he was everything you could ever desire in a mate. And he was far too important for someone like you. Finally, you tore your eyes away as he turned to lead the Fellowship deeper into the trees.
You weren’t certain how far you walked or how many stairs you climbed before you were greeted by the ethereal presence of Celeborn and Galadriel. You half listened to the conversation about the fate of your wizard as your attention kept flicking over to Haldir who stood to the side looking straight ahead. It felt odd that you were so connected to him and he didn’t even know you existed. That he knew nothing of your bond. It was for the best, you knew that, but it didn’t make your heart hurt any less.
Feeling eyes on you, you turned your head to find Galadriel looking at you though she spoke to the Fellowship as a whole. You bit back a gasp as you heard her lyrical voice in your head. “Within these woods, bonds deeper than the roots of the mallorn trees are forged. You have felt the stirring of such a bond, child of the outside world. Your connection with Haldir is stronger than you know. An intertwining of souls, a sharing of strengths. Together, you harbor magic that will aid you on your quest.”
“Magic?” you thought back.
Rather than answering, the corner of her lips curled into a knowing smile and she gave you a small nod. “When you need it the most, it will be there,” she said aloud. Your companions frowned in confusion but you ignored their questions as Haldir showed all of you to where you would be spending the evening.  
You managed to leave the elves without Haldir finding out who you were to him. Your friends found it odd that you refused to speak louder than a whisper until you were well on your way down the river but you simply waved off their questions. It was better this way. No matter how utterly alone you suddenly felt.
Days turned into weeks. Frodo and Sam had gone off on their own. Boromir had fallen. Gandalf had returned. And now you stood with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli at Helm’s Deep alongside an army made up mostly of old men and boys. Hope was fleeting that most of you would make it through the night. Gandalf had told you to look for him at the dawn but that was many hours away.
You stood on the wall watching a storm roll in while the others prepared themselves for battle. You’d taken care of that hours ago. A horn blasting drew your attention. Elven archers marched toward the keep. You grinned, feeling hope for the first time in days. The smile fell as you saw who was leading them. Haldir. He wasn’t supposed to be here. It was too dangerous. He was supposed to be safe in Lothlorien.
You watched Aragorn greet him, Legolas by his side. Haldir glanced up when they finished, his gaze finding yours. He studied your face for a moment before nodding a greeting. You nodded in return then slipped away into the crowd, making sure the rabble were as prepared as possible for the coming attack.
While Aragorn moved through the ranks of elves on the wall, you stood with Legolas and Gimli. The hordes of orcs and Uruk-hai approached, banging weapons on the ground as they came. You rested a hand on the dwarf’s shoulder trying to calm him as he bounced around. “Steady on,” you told him as you prepared your bow.
And then they came in a flood of anger and teeth. Chaos reigned around you as you slashed and dodged. Rain fell in heavy drops as lightning flashed in the sky and thunder roared. You focused solely on the opponents around you until King Theoden called for a retreat to the inner walls. Aragorn grabbed your arm and pulled you along as he yelled for the men to fall back. When he turned and yelled Haldir’s name, you turned with him.
Haldir acknowledged the order a breath before he was surrounded by iron and hate. A blade stabbed toward him even as he cut the wielder down.
Heat surged through your veins as fear swamped you. You unleashed your fury with a cry torn from the very depths of your soul. The world seemed to slow as a shimmering shield surrounded your soulmate, deflecting the blade that would have run him through. His eyes found yours, wide with astonishment.
You ignored Aragorn calling your name as newfound strength flowed through you. You weaved through the melee, each step bringing you closer to Haldir’s side. Finally, you reached him and helped dispatch the orcs that swarmed him. When there was an opening for you to move, you grabbed the breastplate of his armor and pulled him toward the stairs. “Move, Marchwarden.”
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The battle was over after a last minute save from the Rohirrim and the Ents. As soon as you had a moment to breathe a breath you weren’t convinced would be your last, Haldir grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side where you could have some semblance of privacy.
His hands cradled your face as his thumbs traced your cheeks. He looked you over with wonder.
“Why did you say nothing when first we met?” he asked. “Why keep your connection to me hidden?”
You grasped his wrists in your hands. “If the bond was complete, formed on both sides, what would happen to you if I died on this quest?”
The silence stretched as he studied you. “A partial truth at best, hiril vuin.” (my lady)
You sighed and looked away from him, unable to meet his eye as you confessed. “I did not wish to be a burden upon you. I feared the revelation would be a disappointment.”
He ran his thumbs along your skin again to bring your attention back to him. “You are the furthest cry from a disappointment. Your courage, your strength, your heart…they are gifts more precious than the rarest jewels of my people.”
You searched for any signs of deception from him. Finding none, a smile crossed your face. He mirrored it before leaning forward to press his lips to yours. It took only a moment before you returned the gesture with equal fervor.
For a moment, you could forget about your quest.  Forget about the death that surrounded you. Because here in the midst of so many endings, was your beginning and you intended to hold onto it with all of your heart.
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saephrond · 15 days
@angbands-last-hero | gallorith
Saephrond had long cherished the friendship he shared with Gallorith of Lothlorien. Gallorith had often sent him delicate blends of tea, accompanied by thoughtful letters signed in pressed flowers from his beautiful gardens. These teas, infused with rare flora, found Saephrond wherever he had gone. It was a wonder how Gallorith managed to find him, but Saeph appreciated his quirks. As he sipped a brew from the most recent parcel, an idea took root in his heart. He would return the gesture by crafting his own tea of mixed herbs from some of his favourite regions, and hand-delivering a few bundles of flowers from the Shire. Surely, Gallorith would have much use for blooms that were foreign to Rhovanion. It was the least Saeph could do. And he'd not pass up the chance to visit his friends. Nor, little Miss Rosie. He began his journey in the Shire, where his hobbit friends gathered around him, curious about his travels. As he wandered through their gardens, he gathered the finest marigolds and sunflowers - telling them of the beauty Lothlorien held and the peace their flowers would bring to its soil. And in the hills beyond the Delving Fields, Saeph picked wild flowers and fresh wild mint, known for its soothing properties and fresh taste - a perfect first ingredient to his tea. With plenty a pick, he bade farewell to the Shire folk and traveled on to Rivendell. There, among the elegant arches and waterfalls, he found delicate elanor blossoms and sprigs of lavender, which would imbue the tea with a calming essence. He hurried along, so as not to meet the Lord of Imladris this time, for time was not in favour of keeping the plants fresh. The final stop was the rugged, windswept paths of the Misty Mountains. The climb was difficult, and the snow beasts relentless. But in the high, rocky crevices, he found wild thyme and mountain sage. These particular herbs would lend the tea strength. And with his basket now abundant with flowers and herbs, he started for Lothlorien, where the soft yellow treetops greeted him. The air was cool and moved about him in a gentle breeze, carrying with it the bristles of dandelions and the quiet hum of song.
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How he'd missed the Golden Wood.
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marietheran · 6 months
LotR reread - book 2, chapter 6 - Lothlórien
I was never that great a fan of dwarves, but all those moments of cultural significance Tolkien gives Gimli are something*・✧
And I love the fact that he gets to see his people's ancestral realm, despite it all, and even be something of a guide to the rest of the fellowship at times.
That was in the previous chapters, but kudos to Gandalf for frequently consulting Gimli even though he ultimately had the greater knowledge of Moria
"Though Orcs will often pursue foes for many leagues into the plain, if they have a fallen captain to avenge" implies an interesting sort of semi-loyalty, even when not pressed by the person commanding it.
Mysterious Allusions to Aragorn/Arwen Counter: 2.875 (why must there be so many that might be more general, but...?)
I have decided that the bad reputation Lothlorien has among some Gondorians is, more or less, due to the fact that once in a while a young scholar will realise the Lady of the Golden Wood was there for most of history, and set out to interview her, be rather indelicate about it (this is her family, after all!) and get summarily thrown out.
"But from the West has come no word/ And on the Hither Shore/ No tidings Elven-folk have heard/ Of Amroth evermore"
Elves can forget! "That is but part for I have forgotten much". I don't know if it's common fanon that they can't, but I have met with it, and it's not true.
The description of the night spent among the trees, and the elves speaking in whispers while Frodo is half-asleep... something about it moves me.
A Lorien elf with gold hair... hmm, clearly it isn't nonexisten among the elves of Middle-earth. Lothlorien did have a population that included some Noldor (including maybe some more part-Vanyar than just Galadriel), but this seems more like it might be a silvan elf.
Aragorn's handling of the blindfold situation does cast him in a very good light.
Frodo seems to be able to look at the world with elvish eyes, here in Lorien, maybe, everything seeming both new and ancient...
"...but whereas the light perceives the very heart if the darkness its own secret has not been discovered." vs. "And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."?
Allusions to Aragorn/Arwen Counter at 3.875. Admittedly, "Arwen, beloved" is more than an allusion, but it's in elvish so no one understands it at first.
"And taking Frodo's hand in his, he left the hill of Cerin Amroth and came there never again as living man." *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I'm beginning to fall in love with Aragorn again.
That last quote is weirdly phrased though... does it imply he came there not as a living man? or is it just a poetic expression?
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carlandrea · 2 years
The Case for the Silvan Mellyrn
I have a post about this in the newsletter tag, but, in fellowship of the ring, Haldir says this:
Alas for Lothlórien that I love! It would be a poor life in a land where no mallorn grew. But if there are mallorn-trees beyond the Great Sea, none have reported it.'
which is odd, because according to Tolkien Gateway, the Mellyrn were brought to Lothlorien by Galadriel from Valinor (via numenor, apparently), which Haldir would presumably know.
And Treebeard calls Lothlorien by an ancient name, Laurelindórenan, which means the valley of singing gold, which, according to Tolkien Gateway, was a Silvan name
The land in which they dwelt (the forest east of the Hithaeglir, above Fangorn and below Mirkwood) became known in the Silvan tongue as Lórinand, or Laurelindórenan.
It would not make sense for this to be the name of the golden wood before the golden trees. Tolkien appears to have adressed this, (at least, according to Christopher) saying:
In a manuscript composed by Tolkien sometime after The Lord of the Rings, Lórinand is said to be a Nandorin name, meaning "valley of gold" (containing the "Elvish word meaning 'golden light'").[1]
However, Christopher Tolkien notes that in a later manuscript the name Lórinand was reconceptualized as "a transformation, after the introduction of the mallorns, of a yet older name Lindórinand"
It is not entirely clear on Tolkien Gateway what Lindórinand means? Maybe someone can help me with that
So the mellyrn are, in one iteration of the canon, introduced to Lothlorien through Valinor. In another, however, and my case is that this is the version of the canon to which The Lord of the Rings belongs, they were always there.
And then if the mellyrn are, in fact, Silvan, than it also makes sense that Legolas would be so excited about seeing them. They're a legend to his people, not an echo of Valinor via Numenor.
'Here is Nimrodel!' said Legolas. 'Of this stream the Silvan Elves made many songs long ago, and still we sing them in the North, remembering the rainbow on its falls, and the golden flowers that floated in its foam.
It definitely seems like the golden flowers predate the separation of the silvan elves from mirkwood from the silvan elves in lothlorien. I like this version of the canon a lot better I think. Not everything beautiful needs to come from Valinor—I like the idea that the world simply has things which are enchanted and beautiful.
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lesbiansforboromir · 7 months
Galadriel has a LAW about dwarves wearing blindfolds??? Her guards killed Rohan people? Dwarves?
I already hated her because her colonialism (that Kingdom wasn't even hers, it has a lot of Silvans anyway, she wasn't even related to Amroth. My elf queen is Nimrodel thank you very much)
Now to be fair it is Celeborn who has the laws surrounding dwarves being banned from Lothlorien. Gimli's being offered a blindfold was already a concession from their usually entirely hardline 'no dwarves in Lothlorien' policy. Galadriel does not actually rule Lothlorien, she holds power through her husband but she herself only has the power of 'being wise and respected and magically gifted', actual political power is Celeborns. Elves are patriarchal.
But yes, in general, Lothlorien is xenophobic and isolationist and the rohirrim have long remembered reasons for distrusting the elves of the golden wood. As does Gondor for that matter! Although Faramir only talks about men who seek the place out 'coming back changed and miserable or not coming back at all'.
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sidhewrites · 2 years
Today’s heartbreaking entry brings us to our next THREE songs in the lotr musical - a special gift to ease our pain maybe?
The first is Lament for Moria, a stunningly emotional song from Gimli joined by Gandalf. Despite its short length, the lyrics capture the awe that Moria must have once inspired. Spotify / Youtube.
I would love to have more songs in this musical from the dwarves, as there is a distinct sound to it compared to the Elves and Hobbits, but we’ll just have to settle with this one beautiful piece.
The second song is The Golden Wood, another one of my favorites (yes I have been saying that about every single song so far) — a short instrumental piece played when the party walks through Lothlorien, surrounded by laughter bd unseen elves. (Spotify/YouTube)
Finally one of the first songs I ever heard in the LOTR musical, Lothlorien — a big, stunning piece that absolutely deserves to be seen performed, featuring scarf dancing elves, beautiful minimalistic set design, and my favorite costume of the show. Galadriel is clearly meant to be a centerpiece of the musical, and the team behind the show knew how to make it happen with costume, music, and choreography. (Abridged version available to watch here. Unabridged audio only: Spotify / YouTube)
Legolas sings to the party about the history of Lothlorien, singing praises to Galadriel and leading up to one of the strongest singers in the show making her entrance. Galadriel’s signing is tender and ethereal and invokes so much love and wonder as she sings about her forest. We also get some Elvish, which I’m afraid I’ve never been good at translating, but I always love hearing how the composers mix the various languages of Middle Earth into these songs.
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loremastering · 7 months
Relationships (Daerhovan)
Note: Some names belong to another person on tumblr or lord of the rings online. Any who are so will be marked with a * beside their url, but not mentioned so this doesn’t appear in their feed.
Updated 2/27/2024
Main bio 
Losdirith: Father. Named Halordin by. Deceased. Perished in a rock fall caused by goblins while patrolling the outskirts of Lothlorien. Doesn’t remember too much, only faint glimpses here and there. Daerhovan was only five when he died. Wishes he could have gotten to know him more, as he was greatly loved by his father.
Gaelwen: Mother. Named Telphindor by. Unconditionally loves, but can’t let go of the time she shut him in as a child, for extreme fear of losing him as she lost her eldest son and husband. Gaelwen wouldn’t let Daerhovan go no farther than twenty yards from the tree their flet was in. Insisted on supervising him at all times. Thought he would go mad. Although this lasted for several years, the restrictions placed upon him by Gaelwen eventually grew less and less, with help from the coaxing of his elder twin sisters. Now in his adult hood he still visits her occasionally. 
Feels confused with his feelings towards his Naneth. Wants to be angry with for the extreme measures, despite her good intentions, to keep him safe. But his forgiving nature tells him other’s have had it harsher and that he shouldn’t be mad. Complicated. 
Haldor: Elder brother. Deceased. Also perished in that rock fall that killed his Ada. Wishes he could have gotten to know more. 
*Lossenduin: Elder sister. Twin to Losseneth. A march warden of The Golden Wood. Leads her own patrol to oversee the road to the Great River. Occasionally visits Thinglad to hear reports on the activities nearby. Stern and proud, but she loves her little brother and cannot be parted from her twin for too long. Daerhovan envied her often when he was younger, as she was allowed to roam beyond the borders. (@sewer-princess)
*Losseneth: Elder sister. Twin to Lossenduin. Brings messages to the march wardens from home. Loves reading about old tales and meditating within the circles of remembrance scattered across Lothlorien. He won’t admit it, but she is Daerhovan’s favorite. In his younger days Losseneth would take pity on her little brother and try to comfort him without being overbearing. Fondest memories of her are cuddling in hammocks under the stars while she read to him.
Lerdil: Brother-in-law. Husband of Lossenduin. A lore-master of herbs and healing, and quite proficient in it too. Likes a lot. Often went to him for tips and study. 
Amdirvar: Son of Lossenduin and Arasdil. Nephew. Quick to anger and quite proud, but fiercely loyal to his family and Galadriel and Celeborn. A march warden and soldier. Was the elven equivalent of a teenager when Daerhovan was a kid, and often found Gaelwen’s son annoying. As Daerhovan grew, was less annoyed with, but finds his uncle weird. Loves him none the less, and Daer loves him back. The two often take walks with one another, trying to teach the other about beast or weapon lore. (Daerhovan only later realized that having a nephew who’s older than you is super weird among the mortal races.) 
*Ilost: An enigmatic ellon whom he’s met various times in Eriador, and traveled with for a time. Thought of him as a good friend that he grew to love platonically, though a kiss made him confused, especially as he was still with another in a romantic way. Distanced himself from Ilost after, but thought of him from time to time. Reunited with in the Dale Lands while traveling with Nimardril. Greatly pleased to see an old friend, though he didn’t recognize him at first in Ilost’s disguise. Getting to know him better as they travel once again. The old fluttering of the heart from before awakening that grew larger the more they traveled together again. Has joined with Ilost since then. Doesn’t quite know his feelings for him save attraction in general, but is willing to let true love grow, if it can. (@sewer-princess)
*Mallovorel: A best friend. But also like a sister to him. He see’s in the Malladhrim elf a lot of himself, and often seeks her out. Loves. A lore-master like himself too, and often takes walks with, talking about life or the things and experiences they’ve had, or about their philosophies of life.   @theoldsongsandtales
*Amruchil: Mallvorel and Maeglir’s son. Considers him a nephew. God-father of. (?) In the child’s early years he would teach Amru about the natural world and it’s wonders (and dangers of course). Would take him out on trips, much to the father’s chagrin. Backed off as he grew when Maeglir thought he was influencing Amru negatively. After his parents sailed west, Daerhovan grew even closer to his god-son who like him, desired to stay in Middle Earth @theoldsongsandtales
Verya: Out of all the numerous animal companions he would have in his life, Verya will forever have a special place in his heart.A mountain lynx he found orphaned in the White Mountains. Her mother had been killed by a rival lynx, and her siblings had died of starvation. She was hours away from death herself, but was found in time by Daerhovan and nursed back to health. (he debated about letting nature take it’s course, as he’s always believed should happen, but sometimes he breaks his own rules). While she grew and recovered to full strength, would wander away for so long that Daerhovan was convinced she left forever, but would always come back. One day it was his task to take down the new Great Goblin of Goblin-Town. During the tail end of the fight, was disarmed and incapacitated, unable to defend himself, Daerhovan braced for the death blow, until Verya unexpectedly leapt from the shadows and sank her teeth into the goblin’s throat. Their relationship has been a strong mutualism bond from then on. Heartbroken when she died of old aged eventually. 
Rinion: A little white lynx cub found abandoned by his mother in the Ered Luin. Again, Daerhovan resisted the urge to let nature take it’s course, and adopted the little cub. Loves almost as much as Verya, and the elder lynx seems to consider the cub her own. 
Valadhiel: A grey charger horse acquired from Rohan. Was lended to him while he passed through the region during the War of the Ring, with a payment to return the horse to Harwick once Sauron was defeated. Daerhovan however bonded with the animal, as he does. Vala has been with him through thick and thin, and he would not be parted from the mare. He pleaded his case to the newly crowned Eomer-King, who, despite some hesitation, paid the original owner a hefty sum of money to compensate for the loss of his horse. And was gifted a new one. The owner didn't mind one bit at least. 
Nimardril: A sweet but tenacious elleth he met in Bree. Helped to distract her from her divorce by traveling with her. Felt he had an instant connection to her that not even a severely awkward encounter with her uncle couldn’t break. Greatly enjoys her company. Got to know her better during their travels through the vales. Saddened to see her go a little bit after they met with Ilost. 
Cwenthryd: A stern, proud woman of Rohan. Confides in her a lot, as she seems to have the answers to every problem, and takes everything in stride. They often joke that they’re secretly related somehow, as she tends to act like his mom sometimes. Trusts completely. 
*Crea: A ranger of the north who Daerhovan likes a lot as a friend. Enjoys roaming Evendim with her and talking about the history of the Dunedain. Worries for her when she’s out and about, even though he knows she’s more than capable. @dunadaan 
Orthir: The chief Scholar of the Tree’s in Lothlorien. Daerhovan learned much about nature, flora, and botany from him. Holds the elf in high respect. Will always pay a visit whenever he stops by Lothlorien. (lotro npc)
*Namadith: A dwarrowdam whom Daerhovan considers a great friend nowdays. Fond of teasing her, but at the end of the day loves nothing more than to bask in her company.  @asgardian--angels
*Maironendil: A rather strange elf. Senses an air of darkness about the ellon, but ignores his better intuition most of the time and thinks of as a best friend nonetheless. Has had some, uh, interesting encounters with. @asgardian--angels
*Vaharion: Another long time friend. Trusts completely and seeks him out. Often goes on far ranging and high stakes adventures with. @landrovaling 
*Eolcin: A woman Daerhovan has gone on adventures with on occasion.Most of the time their relationship seems to be fueled by teasing and pretending to be exasperated at one another. Feels protective of, even though he knows Eolcin can take care of  herself just fine. @theoldsongsandtales
*Meneladir: Got to know Nimardril’s cousin and Celebithil’s son through a mission to Angmar together. Experienced a lot of trials and tribulation with him, and found himself drawn to the ellon for his cheerfulness despite a grim situation. Considers him a good friend and brother in arms. Harbored a tiny crush on, but quickly quashed it after the mission. @elgaladwen
*Elgaladwen: Doesn’t know much about, but he’s happy that she and her husband seem to like his books on the flora of Middle-Earth. Most of the time. Would like to get to know more. @elgaladwen
*Gallorith: Husband to Elgaladwen. Finds him easy going and a calming presence to be around in. Would like to get to know more. @sewer-princess
*Eruingil: A ranger he met sometime ago, but is beginning to grow fond of. Would like to get to know more. @simbilmyne
*Elirianen: A trusted elven friend. Has helped her out in multiple skirmishes. Likes. @pursuer-of-hope
Gelirn, Leodain, Elentauriel, Ellathos, Ayarmeniel, Aipiolohte, 
- Missed -
Badari, Rubeniel, The Olk clan.
Maeglir: Husband to Mallovorel. A high noldorin elf of Valinor. Was very intimidated by at first, but with his adopted sister’s help, managed to warm up to the noldo, and they had a warm, easy relationship most of the time. Their friendship became more rocky as Maeglir thought Daerhovan was influencing his son in a bad way. And even after they made their peace, something changed.
Badari: A dwarrowdam and Daerhovan’s former partner. Their relationship was forged in war and tribulation. With the end of the world as they knew it seemingly nigh, they experienced a whirlwind romance that Daerhovan was perhaps selfishly eager to experience before he lost the chance, thanks to Sauron’s probable reign. Then Sauron fell, and while they stayed together for a time, they eventually went their separate ways thanks to differing tasks and family matters. While Daerhovan wandered, began to realize he perhaps didn’t love Badari as he thought he should. Tried to make it work again, but the spark was gone. The two eventually and to his relief, amicably, went their separate ways for good. He wishes her nothing but happiness and a partner who is not so different and more compatible for her.
Ogborg, Celebithiel.
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theworldsoftolkein · 10 months
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Lothlorien - The Golden Wood
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lightthewaybackhome · 2 years
If Men have dealings with the Mistress of Magic who dwells in the Golden Wood, then they may look for strange things to follow. For it is perilous for mortal man to walk out of the world of this Sun, and few of old came thence unchanged, 'tis said.
Faramir, The Two Towers, JRR Tolkien
Having studied a bit of Tolkien's love of the Perilous Realm of Faerie, this line just stands out. Men view Lothlorien as dangerous, and yet, it is one of the most beautiful scenes in the book, the most magical, and the company is able complete their mission by the help of the gifts they received there. It's that perfect contrast between what we fear and the reality. It's also a perfect handling of Faerie, which is as dangerous as it is beautiful.
It makes me want to reread The Smith of Wootton Major, which also has this otherworldly, brilliant Faerieland.
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aesthetic by @sorisooyaa
Follow From: @eunoiaastralwings
Other RP Blogs: @luthriel-tinuviel | @illicit-unknown-shadows | @son-of-the-moon-and-sun | @tears-of-burden
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AU/Canon Divergence Friendly- RULES
Feel free to reach out – with an idea of your own
ARTWORKS: Loréwen and Quilda | Mírë, Loréwen and Quilda | Elvëion x Quilda | Quilda | Quilda magic | Glorfindel x Quilda | Quilda in the forest | Elvëion x Quilda
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Ataresse: Quildalótien
                          - q. quiet flower
Amilesse: Olótiel
                          - q. daughter of Cluster of Blossoms
Sindarin: Dínenloth
                        - s. quiet flower
Nicknames: Petal, Quilda, Dínen, Blossom
Gender: Female
Visual Age: 25
Order of birth: Only child, but adopts her friends as siblings is possessively overprotective of them. Really sees @son-of-the-moon-and-sun (oc - Arien and Tillion's son) as an older brother.
Social Class: Wealthy, Princess Valinor. Survived citizen of Gondolin. Healer. Eventual protector of Lothlorien.
Titles: Princess, Protector of Lothlorien, Ex-betrothed of Turkafinwë (Celegorm), Future Lady of the House of the Golden Flower (in canon and in Gondolin).
Weapons: none - but able to do archery and a bit of sword fighting.
Magical Ability(s): healer of all creatures and nature. She also has the ability to grow wings if she wants to – any type. Ability to survive the harshest conditions – different animal and flower spirits combined. Has the ability to turn regular animals to strong (mythical) creatures.
Proficiency: Healing. The ability to turn regular animals to because powerful and strong.
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Height: 6’7
Build: Lean, Lithe
Race/Ethnicity: Valar’s daughter
Hair Color: Platinum silver, blue-silver tinted towards the end
Hair Style: Half up, Half down - likes to tie hair with ribbons or left long
Eye Color: Deep seafoam
Eye Shape: Almond
Skin: Fair, sensitive
Hands: small, thin fingers, squoval nails - unhealthily scratched because of her nervousness in Middle Earth and sometimes cracked nails too.
Scar: Scars from Celegorm's abuse and self-inflicted scars on hands and arms in Middle Earth. Some on her neck from his abuse too.
Types of Clothes: Gowns mostly made of velvet, but likes to wear high-low trouser dresses too.
How do they wear their clothes: Neatly and very put together
What are their feet like: Clean slippers or soft boots, sometimes likes to walk barefoot alone in the woods.
Mannerisms: Scratching her hands when nervous, always has a guilty conscience, too kind for her own good.
Important/Usual Accessories: flower bracelets - she used to love making flower bracelets and crowns for her parents too.
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Alignment: (chaotic) Lawful Good
Occupation: healer - then eventual protector of Lothlorien.
Canon Love Interest: Glorfindel
RP Love Interests: Elvëion
Multiship: Yes
Sexuality: Pansexual
Likes: Art, reading, writing, affection, romance plays, music, Valinor
Dislikes: Yelling, arguing, hitting, being mistreated.
Fears: Middle Earth and oath-blinded Celegorm, Giant spiders, orcs and being alone.
Favorite Colors: Purple, Pastel soft colors, loves anything silver-colored too.
Literature: Romance novels
Hobbies: sewing, healing, reading, gardening.
Favorite Childhood Memory: She's a late bloomer with her powers so the first time she activated her powers - to save a young Tyelkormo.
Least Favorite Childhood Memory: Nightmares - they were small visions of future but unclear.
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Personal Triggers: Unnecessarily drawn weapons, screaming, abuse, yelling, sudden movements
What words or phrases do they over use: “’tis I” or “what’re you doing, your royal hunting highness?” (in Valinor - teasingly to Tyelkormo). “It was my fault” or “I’m at fault” or “I did not mean to” (in middle earth).
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic in Valinor (flirty, cheerful and bright), very pessimistic in Middle Earth - and optimistic again when she is in Gondolin, but pessimistic again after its ruin. Slowly optimistic again early into the 3rd age.
Love Language: Acts of service, quality time and physical touch (in that order).
Strongest Character Trait: Her abilities as a healer, forgiveness (sometimes can be a weak trait as she continuously forgave Celegorm's abuse).
Weakest Character Trait: Timid, naïve
Greatest Fear: Middle Earth or oath-blinded Celegorm or being abused someone else.
Overrated Virtue: Temperance and solemnity
If they could change one thing about themselves: Her naïveness and fear of Celegorm in Middle Earth - wishes she had the power to stand up for herself and protect herself again.
(Turkafinwë x Quilda) You Broke Me First by Tate McRae, Secrets and Lies by Ruelle, Love the Way You Lie by Eminem ft. Rihanna.
(Glorfindel/Potential RP love interest too x Quilda) You don't know by Katelyn Tarver, In Silence by Janet Suhh, The One That got Away by Katy Perry (cover by Brielle Von Hugel), Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray, Angel baby by Troye Sivan, It’s You (Destined to You OST) by Park Won, Enchanted by Talyor Swift, Dandelions by Ruth B.
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Quildalótien is the daughter of Oromë and Vána - she had magic of her own where she's able to grow forests like her mother and tame animals like her father. She’s a healer to
She meets Celegorm at an young age because of her father, they bond and she somewhat falls in love with him, even though he's an elf.
Quildalótien is a late bloomer in her magic – she was only able to activate them when she well into her teenage years when Tyelkormo was in danger and she saved him from a fatal fall. It was then they started courting.
She was the happiest when she got her powers. She has the ability to heal creatures and people incredibly fast and the animals respected her immensely she is able to give them powers too (like Huan was made by Oromë), she has a bit of Vána's powers too. She also has the ability to grow wings if she wants to – any type.
They had gotten engaged just before the silmarils had been stolen or the darkening happened.
But later when Celegorm has taken the oath, he leaves after a fight with her. She's desperate enough to follow after him ignoring the calls of her parents.
During the time she chooses to go with Celegorm that's when her parents are disapproving – Oromë even goes as far as threatening to disown her hoping she would change her mind.
But she doesn't – because of it Manwë strips her off her powers and she has no way of defending herself which makes her more dependent on Celegorm and easier for him to manipulate her. She may or may not get her powers back.
When she finds herself again Vána is in depression when she leaves and she grows no flowers until she feels her daughter as regained her powers and found herself again Oromë also in regret and pain.
But when she sees that Celegorm has changed and no longer the elf to once loved she flees. But Celegorm captures and manipulates her to stay. She joins Celegorm but doesn't take part in any of the kinslayings - she thinks she's in love with and so descides to stay with even though he's continously breaking her heart.
Celegorm is abusive towards her - even raises his hand against her. However she's still not swearing to the oath but still wanting to be beside him - "Do not except me to protect you silly girl - if you don't plan on binding yourself to this oath." - he's tries to manipulate her to take the oath telling her he loves her. But of course, that's all a lie she discovers when he's lusting after Lúthien.
After Celegorm's death she flees and tries find a place for herself. She ends up in the borders of Gondolin battered and bruised getting attacked by orcs but she's saved and get taken into Gondolin – in canon she gets saved by Glorfindel.
In canon, she's too afraid to love again - but seeing her love of flowers and everything Glorfindel falls in love with her. He gets some sort of conection with her because he's the lord of the hoise of the golden flower. It takes her a long while to open up to when and statlrt courting, she finds herself again through him and gains her powers back again. Jokingly, but with the a little truth – she's referred as the future lady of the house of the Golden flower. But when Gondolin is attacked and she loses Glorfindel again, she's depressed again. But she still has her powers, with the help of Glorfindel she has gotten better at archery and swords fights, received combat training from him too. She joins in the war against Moregoth and later leaves to the elf realms (in rp too), where she is in Lothlorien with Lady Galadriel and becomes a protector Lothlorien. Later (in canon) when she's in Rivendell, she reunites with Glorfindel, they find their lost love and get married.
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