#( tl;dr: i lov them )
bibibbon · 3 months
as one of the three mustard fans i feel obligated to yap about him to anyone who will listen.
in the grand scheme of things he’s not particularly important, but the few scenes he’s in definitely are.
he brings up something that many people forgot while watching the show.
that even in a world where people can turn their skin into steel or shoot acid from their hands, a bullet is a bullet.
that no matter how powerful your quirk is, if you get shot in the head you’re gonna fucking die 😭 i mean unless you have a regeneration quirk but those are pretty rare and if someone unloads a revolver into your skull i doubt your quirk would be able to keep up with the damage.
it shows people that a villain doesn’t need a powerful quirk to be dangerous. someone who’s competent with a gun or a knife can be just as dangerous as someone like dabi.
he’s also extremely intelligent. being able to tell where people are based on the movement of the gas isn’t something inherently related to his quirk, it’s a learned skill. he’s also very skilled with his gun, he was able to destroy tetsutetsu’s mask with one point blank shot. as well as being able to hit the same spot multiple times to break through tetsutetsu’s hardening.
when kendo says that mustard carries a gun around because he “can’t win a fight on his own merits” as much as i love her, she’s really stupid for that.
snipe’s whole thing is guns. his quirk has nothing to do with guns inherently, he just chose to use them. and support gear is a massive industry in this universe.
and no one talks about why this middle schooler has a gun and is hanging out with the LOV. that’s not exactly normal middle schooler behavior.
i have some theories so bear with me while i ramble about him.
so obviously he has a villainous quirk. his gas can kill people if they’re exposed to a concentrated amount of it for long enough. and he can’t control where the gas goes, only how much he releases.
(this is more of a headcannon but i like it too much to not share it. his father can create small amounts of purple mist around his body, and his mother sweats bleach. but one of his grandparents could create an ammonia based gas. and what happens when you mix ammonia and bleach? you get mustard gas. ik it’s kinda dumb but i like it.)
i believe that he had a hard time controlling his quirk as a child. with strong emotions causing him to activate his quirk.
in this universe there’s definitely schools/institutions for kids with dangerous quirks. so his parents probably shipped off to one of those institutions so they didn’t have to deal with him.
i feel like he resents the UA students because if an employer sees they went to UA, they have a way higher chance of getting the job.
but when they see that he went to an institution for kids with dangerous quirks, he could be rejected on the spot.
tl;dr i love mustard someone please sedate me
Since you posted this ask to me Iam assuming that Iam one of the three mustard fans and Iam honoured to be recognised as such.
As you know I have talked about mustard before and the potential his storyline has here.
Your whole rant makes me think that mustard in canon is basically the vision people have for fanon villain izuku and I love it.
Mustard brings up a good point which is that people rely on their quirks too much because someone with a uselss or a weak quirk can still be dangerous and powerful by honing in their other skills. Heroes who rely on their quirks primarily and nothing else are the ones that get injured and hurt the most because even if you have a powerful quirk it's not guaranteed to help you in every situation. Sometimes quirks cant always go up against technology as we see in the vigilante arc technology can very much overpower strong quirks whether you like it or not.
Oh I actually do like your headcanon. Personally I have always interpreted mustard as having an anaesthetic type quirk something similar to midnight. I wish the series delved into midnight and mustard interactions especially because mustard is too young to go to jail as people in Japan can only be punished for their crimes when they're above the age of 14.
Reputations and public image are very important things in MHA whether you're a hero or not. Mustard going to that type of institution is interesting although I don't think there are any in canon. I have interpreted it as mustard having something similar to toga where they both suffered from horrible quirk counselling and were told to control themselves not taught how and an incident happend and they ended up here. However everything that comes to mustard to me is 10 times more interesting simply because of how young he really is and how vague everything about him is
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moog-enthusiast · 1 year
photobomb offers a combination of many wonderful tropes that i enjoy. it combines childhood friends to lovers and enemies to lovers, (though enemies is used very loosely, keep in mind). they were each others first friends, and then first enemies, and in my mind at least- first to reconcile with one another. they’re both lonely people who care deeply about their relationships, and both particularly insecure in them despite having different outlooks- with aubrey being more angry outwardly, and basils meek anxious running away.
aubrey loved cutesy cheerful things growing up, and likely still does as a teen, even if she tries to cover it up! basil likes to share his interest with others, and aubrey likes the attention and the help, and it bounces off of each other.
Basils “softness” can help Aubrey feel safe enough to let her own softness and emotion deep through too. Aubrey’s tough outlook on the other hand, is beneficial to basil as well, being that she could be an excellent help to getting basil to stand up for himself and get a little more confidence to say no and stand off.
they also have matching color-schemes which is just very cute to me…
even in headspace it’s obvious how much they cared for each other. in realworld too, basil was the first person aubrey looked for after the incident. basil was her comfort person, and she wanted him to be the first to join her again. if it weren’t for the miscommunications and basils savior complex surrounding sunny, then i have no doubt they’d be leaning on each other throughout those four years!
when things get rough, the bullying isn’t truly from aubrey herself either. she still cares about basil, and while she does wrongly act as a bystander, she never approaches basil, and tries to leave him alone via distancing herself. basil broke that distance to try and talk to her again out of his own desperation, only to be met by the pushback of the hooligans, trying to get him away from aubrey knowing she was pissed at him.
after the lake incident—(which was an accident) — she immediately feels guilty for acting on a whim, and feels even worse in neutral endings!
tl;dr —> they lov each other
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
It is a fair question tho, how many people did Himiko kill? Personally, I dont even think her kill count was even in the double digits when we even met her.
The timeline of events surrounding her are vague, but she really couldn't have had her Saito mental breakdown more than a few months before canon, and there's only so many people you can suck dray in about a year and a half.
It's interesting to speculate, but I'm a fan of her having not killed anyone before the LoV, as that makes for a more interesting bit of character interpretation.
We have no idea.
You're correct; her attacking Saito had to be only a few months at most before Midoriya met All Might, meaning that she joins the League after about 14 to 17 months on the run. Saito's fate is also never stated.
We know she's comfortable killing because she kills those CRC guys without hesitation, but while Shigaraki deletes Jakku and everyone in it and Dabi flambes some dudes in an alley, most of the League are never shown actually killing people. This is almost certainly for pacing; actually watching them go apeshit on some people before joining the League would be a drag.
We know that there was a string of bloodletting murders after the attacked Saito, and Toga is a person of interest in them, and never confirmed or denied responsibility when Curious confronted her about it
This picture is interesting because of the blood pattern
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Dude looks like he hit that wall at terminal velocity more than he got stabbed; look at the splatter from impact. There's also no entry wound on his front. While he could've been stabbed in the back, he'd still have to be bleeding pretty bad and hit the wall pretty hard to get that spread. While the blood loss is easy to explain--the knife has to come out for him to have actually hit the wall like that, which would make him bleed a lot--the impact is still strange.
The descriptions of 'string of murders' is also interesting, it could imply there weren't that many of them.
I don't think it's possible to put a number on Toga's kills, unless she survives this arc (fingers crossed) and gives the number herself. I'd also like to point out that despite Stain already having an established reputation as the Hero Killer, he doesn't come up at all in the news until the Sports Festival.
tl;dr: it's totally valid to headcanon her as having killed nobody, and it's totally valid to headcanon her as having the biggest bodycount. We simply don't know.
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super-paper · 2 years
Not "AFO being the final boss undoes all of Tomura's development," or "the body snatching plot line was a last minute decision," but a secret third fourth fifth sixth and seventh thing....
3. ("Weekly manga is an inherently flawed storytelling medium when it comes to telling cohesive stories, and authors are often required to stretch their main plot points thin over hundreds of chapters/several years. When you sit down to analyze or critique MHA, I sincerely feel you need to take the restriction of its medium/genre as well as the restrictions on the artist into consideration. One must also consider that this is a story that has been written over the course of a decade-- A certain degree of "mutation" between the story's beginning and its ending is both acceptable & anticipated within this medium.")
4. ("That being said, Hori does consistently do a much better job of telling a coherent story with consistent themes than people give him credit for, and credit should be given where it's due-- while there are some poorly/hastily implemented narrative elements and plot points where it can be argued that Hori decided to change gears, they are not the story-breaking sins that people make them out to be. And ultimately, Tomura's possession does work as a natural progression of the story Hori is attempting to tell and as something that builds off and solidifies the themes established throughout MHA.")
5. ("Tomura's arc is that of a victim trapped in the cycle of abuse told through a lens of fantasy. He was always a victim of AFO and always someone who had his identity abused out of him, and the body-snatch plotline is just a variation of telling that story in a way that leaves no room for argument. Tomura's arc and Izuku's arc also foil and build off each other, and a lot of the misunderstandings I've seen re: MHA's trajectory come from fans who either disregard Izuku's arc in favor of fixating on Tomura's arc (or vice versa) instead of reading these arcs as two parts of a whole-- both arcs grapple with "identity" and how you define yourself vs how others try to define you, the romanticization of self-destructive traits and how it's necessary to have good social support and people who are willing to step in and stop you from hurting yourself, systemic and individual dehumanization, adults failing to protect them when they need it, valid anger and an intolerance for injustice being taken advantage of a twisted into something intensely self-destructive, etc. Ignoring Izuku's arc and how it both reflects and intertwines with Tomura's (& vice versa) means missing out on understanding the core of both characters and what their respective roles in this narrative is. TL;DR Tomura being a victim in need of saving and Izuku being the one in a position to save him is something that has been cooking since Tomura's debut at USJ *more on this later*")
6. ("Hori started off not wanting to give his villains any humanizing qualities because he wanted them to remain "scary" to his readers-- but it's fairly clear that he developed a sense of appreciation and sympathy for his villains as his story progressed and his ability as a writer developed. As a direct result of this, his story eventually grew beyond treating the LOV as hollow tools to "scare" the readers. Hori grew, and so did MHA. The trajectory of the story changing to reflect Hori's growth should not be treated as a bad thing bc, again, this change/growth does not actually violate the initial premise of MHA in an unforgiveable way-- it actually services the natural progression of the story and its characters.")
7. ("Saving Tomura and the LOV is the ultimate goal of the series, and that goal is built off of literally everything Hori has established up to this point. You will never find inner peace or enjoy the manga's good qualities if you keep agonizing over what could have been. Reacting to the manga as a whole on a week-to-week basis will only skew your understanding of the story as a whole. Et cetera Et cetera Et cetera.")
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
So does that mean Geten is Redestro's adopted kid now since it has been confirmed he raised him
not to knock any sandcastles over, but imo Re-Destro is as much as a father to Geten as Endeavor (pre-Kamino) is to his kids 😔🙏 i realize that it is tempting to think of a tiny Geten toddling after single father Re-Destro, but... then i would compare Re-Destro to All for One, in terms of picking up lost children off the streets and honing them into weapons for their cause.
(which actually makes a wonderful parallel to poke at in dfohiko twins verse! wow, can you imagine Rikiya being proud about having 'personally raised' Geten? but because he's unfortunately a product of his upbringing, he actually just followed in the steps of AFO, and became not a dad, but a father figure to try and impress?)
((he brags about having an adopted son to Toshinori when they have a reunion, and Toshinori restrains himself from pulling out his phone and showing off pictures of his new adopted son))
but let's look at the evidence for canon!
first and foremost, the line that 'confirms' that Re-Destro raised Geten.
"The few remaining [Himura branch] families and their members scattered, including myself. Which is when Re-Destro came upon me and brought me into the fold." (c387, Geten)
no age range indicated, unfortunately. if i threw a dart, though, between Dabi (age 23-24) and Rei (age... 44. not canon, but if it was younger, we'd probably be holding multiple knives to Endeavor's throat), i'd put Geten around mid-30s. just old enough to know he should flee and ditch the Himura name.
the phrase "into the fold" is, uh, not very familial. which leads me to my second quote.
"Elevating one's [Quirk] ability will be the only way to really live! Beyond that sheer strength... life has no value!" (c230, Geten)
this does not sound like a young man who had an easy upbringing! you say 'adopted,' i say 'recruited.' unlike with Sorahiko and Toshinori, i don't think Geten was staying in Re-Destro's spare bedroom, or even personally trained by him.
based off what Geten absorbed of the MLA's philosophies, i think Re-Destro chucked him into the MLA-equivalent of Bible camp and offhandedly directed Geten to become stronger in order to meet him again.
tl;dr I totally believe Geten wasn't brought to Re-Destro's attention until the MLA heard of the LoV, at which point they believed his ice (previously WAYYY too flashy to be of use for the MLA) could counteract Dabi's flames.
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cat-eclipse-m · 8 months
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going on a hiatus!!!
BUT MIEK YYY!??!?!?!;
schoolwork is getting to me and i need to finish them and take it seriously. i am seeing a therapist and i need more medication. i am relatively busy every week. i also have a commission to do for my friend that i literally havent gotten halfway thru yet. i also want to have more free time for a school art competition im interested in, and have more free time for myself to do me things in general.
TL,DR; i want more free time to do school and fun stuff.
after school activities (MON+WED//UNCONFIRMED)
orchestra 2 hrs (FRI)
chess club 2 hrs (SAT)
the only free days i have so far are tues/thurs/sun but im not allowed to be on my computer on weekdays
im coming back REAL soon, i'll pop in every week or so to post some random art things, but my TRUE return will be around the 1st of Feb in my area.
im sorry guys i rly lov tumblr but im not equipped to keep pumping out daily artwork on a strict time schedule. i apologise and will be back asap <333
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I've been following you for a while and I really admire your strength and will to get better! It is so, so difficult to even get to this part, you can be so proud of yourself even tho it's still more than difficult to get through the getting better phase. (note: better does mean whatever this means for you and not necessarily becoming a functioning member of capitalism) I am rooting for you and sending warm hugs!
That said: Your bf doesn't seem to be mature enough to be in a relationship at all, independent from your struggles. Because he is not willing to get better and he seems to be completely inconsiderate towards you and I bet this is a problem he'd have with another person, too. So this is not on you! I know it is not my place to say anything here, but I don't even know you or him but always feel disappointed in him when you talk about him. And if he doesn't make you feel good about yourself and doesn't support your healing journey as he should, then I don't know if he deserves to be part of that journey... And I think you need to think about if he really does help you on that journey or if he's (even unintentionally) hindering you. That doesn't mean he doesn't love you or you him, but gotta be real here: sometimes love is not enough, when a person (him in this case) still has a ton of growing up and self-discovering to do.
Thank youuuu I really appreciate this 💕💕💕 (lov for the wide definition of getting better as well)
It's difficult because in many other situations he is super considerate and happy to help out. I also often come here to vent and less so to gush about him so that might skew with how he seems.
We asked him to call me at a certain time with his decision and it worked, and we had a good conversation about it all. I definitely want to have conversations around issues before drawing my conclusions too strongly.
I know myself and I can easily get upset or overwhelmed and I don't want to make decisions based on those feelings, it's better to talk it over when I'm calmer and then I can figure out how I actually feel about the whole situation (instead of going by the initial 🚨🚨WAAAAH🚨🚨 induced by overwhelm and flashbacks )
We talked about his comments on my housekeeping recently and it ended up clearing a lot of stuff up and it's not really an issue anymore, so I do sort of trust we can talk through other issues as well!
His parents' house is on the verge of being a hoarder home and unfortunately getting increasingly full and dirty and offers to help out aren't accepted by his mother, his dad is ill and cannot help - it's just a complex situation he can't fix and neither can I. The atmosphere can be really bad and tense and it's not a place he can grow in and I'm getting so uncomfy there that I've asked to spend more time at my place instead. It's hard to overemphasise how choking that place is, he can barely even make a cup of coffee in peace... he's thought about therapy but thinks there's little point in it while he lives there. I don't entirely agree ( I mean a therapist could help him cope) but I do agree that moving out will probably improve his mental health in the long term and will give him room to grow.
Bf is on a waiting list for his own place with some support, he should be nearing the end of the waiting list in the next few months. I expect that moving out will help him and us a LOT. No longer having 24/7 hovering and not being in a dirty overfilled home... him living alone will also be a bit of a struggle at the beginning I think but ultimately it'll make things better for everyone.
TL;DR is like. I can react really strongly emotionally due to ptsd and other stuff, and in those moments I need to pull the hand brake and not act on those emotions in that moment.
When I've calmed down, we can successfully talk through things and figure them out. And he is moving out in the foreseeable future, where he will have more room to grow as a person.
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euclydya · 1 year
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me whwn j use this as an excuse 2 gush abr my so.s thanksJGJDKSAKSKCKCKS OK:
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Belase wheree r the fics . the. the. Where ar etheh WHERE ARE THEY DO I AHVE TO FUCKJGN WRITE THEM MY DAMN SELF BC I FUCKING WILL but they will be extremely ooc bc system bias. </3 qiqkskskddkxk
ANYWAYS!!!!!!! I THINK THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF US AND WHAT RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE W EACH OTHER ARE ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. LIKE "WE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT" BUT WE LAUGH ABT IT IT'S GENUINELY ENTERTAINING JFJSMDKFFK BECAUSE. *yes* I'm still kinda like "hey self destruct but in a fun way 😀👍!! :D!!!!!" and Vol's still like "No. Stop that." But it's also like. It's not one-sided "Manic dude is trying to hit on the No Fun Super Serious guy" trope or whatever no lmao we Do genuinely. Love each other adn I'm! Gay. Vol is my. Silly rabbit. <3 JDJSKASKDKFK
*Also wlw/mlm solidarity except it's like... nblnb/mlm solidarity. We r both nblnb/mlm... probably? kinda? on some days? I don't think we have genders usually. This goes fr all the Skills but like. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯!! aHdjJFDJDJFJ we're t4t but in *what* way? Good luck figuring that out! JFJDJDKFKF
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me wwehn that's. my OTHER hsuband.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE. ARE. RHE FICS! HELLO!!!!!!!!! H3LLO????!! HEWWO FOR THE LVOE OF GOD HELLO,
idk waht the fuck our relationship is honestly but it's Good And Fun and that's all that matters <3. I jsutuejsjakskdkf. Hehwjaakdd. shehehdhdshhahdeeeeeee. <= me when i think abt encyclo for .5 seconds . <3. im normal!
AND ACTUALLY I've searched through Fayde a lot for both me, Vol, AND encyclo and canonically. I don't think Encyclo has. Any interactions??????? With any of the others??? def not me or Vol though. well. actually no Technically. Ok there's a bit where Vol's like "Ok you know these guys? U can't trust them. They're *compromised.* .... Except this fucjing loser *points 2 Encyclo* he's normal like me :)" but I don't Remember if Encyclo talks during that scene SIDENOTE VOL CANONICALLY CALLS ENCYCLO "PILLAR-BOOKHEAD" HIIII. HIIIIII THAT'S SO FUNNY VOL UR SO BAD WITH NICKNAMES. <3 FJSJAKAKSKDJF
but yeah no 90% of Encyclopedia's dialogue is just Knowledge And Fun Facts. im getting off topic dhejakakakskxjskd but tl;dr. I Lov U Encyclopedia *ggives him a smooch. on hte cheek.*
wait again I forgot abt the Final Dream sequence. Im not lookinf thru fayde for those bits bc 1. It Hurts. Owwie. and 2. That's spoilers we aren't there yet in the game but. what we've seen it's just.... Everyone's having a breakdown abt not being able to do their jobs right and then Encyclo's like. ".... :D I'm trying my best w this pop quiz, dude. Sorry your brain's still a plate of spaghetti LMAOOOO NOT MY FAULT" IT'S *SO* FUNNY AND THAT MIGHT BE THE CLOSEST HE HAS TO ANY INTERACTIONS W ANY OTHER SKILL BUT IDK JFKSKDFJ
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SOOOOOOO. FIRST OFF right off the bat u remember the uh. this:
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that was abt vol lmao [IM HAVE PERMISSION 2 SHARE THIS they dozed off but rhey were gonna write this section initially ajsjdj]
idk what the fuck theu have going on w each other but I'm like Ooo. Oooooooo 👀. 👀👀👀👀👀 JENDKSKFCKDK they're so funny . wheres r the fics dammit [lighthearted]
encyclo & i also lov drama lots but primarily they're w vol and that's chill. good 4 them tbh vol is gr8 JEJSAKSKFJ <= is biased. extremely so
again also wlw/mlm solidarity except it's also nblnb/mlm solidarity but also hOld on the cat just blepped at me oh my god. <3 lov him so much he's floffy. uh. oh right Whatever they r they're trans rights. if ur w Drama ur immediately t4t thank u 4 coming 2 my ted talk
THE BIGGER POLYCULE? just. rhe rest of the skills. except Half Light bc HL is a child.
we r all have smth casually Goig On that's One thing fandom def got right from what we've seen HFHDSKFKFIA and we have collectivelt adopted HL as our child/sibling in some cases. Idk HL just goes around & is like "ur my parent now :)" to others and we can't say no bc then it'll kill us over it. but I digress JFDJDKFKFK tl;dr found family as hell. but the pairings talked abt here r like. The Main Polycule i guess? Idk. HFHDJDJF
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bibibbon · 3 months
lately i’ve seen some ppl talking abt how the scene where shiggy and compress cut off overhauls arms is pointless.
i 100% don’t think so because it shows that the lov have motivations outside of destruction and dismantling society.
(you could say that their personal motivations already show that but they all relate to destruction or dismantling society in one way or another.)
ppl say that it was just to get overhaul out of the way and yeah maybe it was but my point still stands.
they intercepted the convoy not to try and take overhaul or anything like that, but simply for revenge.
(yes ik they killed a pro hero but that was just a symptom of their goal, and im more specifically talking abt the taking of overhauls arms anyway.)
the need for justice or revenge is probably one of the most human things someone can experience.
the feeling of being wronged and no one doing anything about it so you feel the need to take things into your own hands. it’s something that everyone has or will probably experience at least once in their life.
compress takes overhauls left arm as revenge for taking his own. and shigaraki takes his right arm as revenge for killing magne.
the hero’s and basically anyone who’s not in the league don’t know how much they care about one another.
they’re a family, a very strange family, but a family nonetheless.
but no one understands that, they don’t understand why they go to such lengths to save each other. because they don’t think villains are capable of feelings other than hate and anger.
so that scene shows that they cared enough about someone to get revenge on her killer. that they didn’t just see her as a random co-worker. she was their big sis, she was their friend.
tl;dr the scene (probably unintentionally knowing isayama) very subtly show the lov’s humanity. it also makes me wanna cry and throw up aggressively.
anyway thanks for listening to my rant
I can't help but think that a reason as to why overhaul was taken out by the leauge was also to get him out of the plot so he wouldn't be too op but I do actually agree and see your point.
No I don't think that the scene was useless but I do actually have some problems with the build up to that scene.
Overhaul losing his arms is ironic especially after he made compress lose an arm. Compress and the league got revenge and like you fantastically worded revenge and anger are very human emotions. The problem I have is that there isn't much material we have on magne. Her death didn't evoke much on the readers and it wasn't a huge talking point within the league. I get the point that her death was supposed to serve but I just wish that we have more material of her before she died.
Magne's death is also supposed to be the first death we see on screen so it does end up being a bit underwhelming since we're still so distant from the character.
Sure there is like one scene that shows that the league were close with magne which is when toga and twice correct overhaul when he misgenders her but then again my point stands that we needed more material before and after her death to really drive the point home.
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The overhaul arc is the first true dark arc of MHA. This is the first arc where shigaraki asserts his role as leader and the parallels between overhaul and shigaraki drive that clear. At the end shigaraki is presented to be the much more caring leader whereas overhaul would do anything for his goal shigaraki actually cares for his team.
Shigarakis actions do matter because by doing what he did he shows the leauge that he cares for them and that anyone that harms them would be punished. This helps shigaraki build trust with the league, trust that he maybe lost after the training camp arc and magne's death.
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Ironically this scene manages to humanise the lov in more ways than one. Yes, the league of villains are humanised by their feelings of anger and wanting to get revenge for what happend to compress and magne but we as the audience are also aware of just how much of a bad person overhaul is. We as the audience are aware of what Eri had to go through and we're also aware of overhauls hypocrisy so we look at the scene in a way which the leauge are serving both revenge and justice and we also end up feeling satisfied and joyful when we see what the league does to overhaul rendering him completely useless.
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aemoglobin · 1 year
rose’s kpop update for may
ended up returning one of my FML albums because i got two of the same version from Targey- i didn’t realize the albums were going to be stored by version type and i didn’t want dupes (i could go into way too much detail about this part but tl;dr it was my mistake to assume the tech guys know anything about how kpop album versions work). i’m a little sad bc i got Fighting ver, which was my least fave concept, and there are NO more FML albums at my work. so fml for real lol i really wanted the pink album (forgor what it’s called). but i’ll live! 2 albums per comeback is my limit!! i won’t exceed it!!
i did buy a carat version since we had *checks my work device* 55 of this album version in the back, and the concept is soooooooooo good. i lov wedding concepts..and the pcs are so soft and dreamy....grips them tightly in my fist. i seriously wanted to buy a few more since we still have so many in stock, but like. i have to control myself. and there’s no point in buying more than one since there’s no way to tell which member’s album you’re getting. i got wonwoo’s album and that’s like, okay, i don’t know this guy from adam, but i got a woozi pc from the regular pcs SO!!! it’s a win!! my first bias pc......and he looks so cute......his butch lesbian wedding vibes lol sorry i can’t get over how cute he is
so since i returned one album i decided i’d preorder the g-idle album. unfortunately Targey doesn’t offer individual albums like B&N does, but they’re also like $7 cheaper per album (that’s before my discount, too!), so!!!!! since i like all the concepts for this comeback i’ll be happy with whatever i get. hope i get cat version because,,,, it’s cat...the concept pics for butterfly version fuck supremely though so like, if i get that one i’ll be fine too!!! 
B&N does have one advantage over Targey and it’s that they carry oneus albums SO.....since i like what i’ve seen for pygmalion........i’m probably gonna preorder it. i’m waiting until the last minute for this one though bc i need to see what my finances look like for the month first lol 
and speaking of B&N.................i really want to go to my local one and see what albums they still have in stock. because last time i went they had the monsta x album i’ve been searching for and i didn’t have enough extra money to get it but i still WANT it so bad lol. and if they have the fml version i’m looking for, well......no, i said i wouldn’t, so i won’t. i’ll just have to live vicariously through other people’s unboxing videos. like i have been for the past four months. i’ll be fine. i can do it. i can get one kpop album from B&N as a treat (girl who has been buying treats all year to get by). i’m aiming for either an album i don’t have or a different version of an album i already have. we’ll see what they have!!
ANYWAYS. i’m holding off on preordering from ktown for the time being because i might be moving soon and i don’t want packages to get lost in transit :/ not that i have extra money for shipping stuff but like. if i DID,,,
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nxthero · 2 years
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         I’m gonna break this up into tl;dr sections to hopefully make the read easier because I got super inspired and rambled about several different things, but they all center around Daeris and her emotions / emotional health.
         Daeris is desensitized, but not a stone-cold assassin.
         Daeris's biggest failing as an assassin is her inability to kill off her emotions. She was trained from early childhood by her caretakers in the Dark Brotherhood to be a perfect weapon in both body and mind, but while she found success in the former, the latter was a failure. Daeris feels emotions intensely. She wishes she could be the perfect machine that everyone wants her to be, but no matter how hard she tries, she cannot do so. Not completely.
         This unhealthy mindset forced upon her has only made her emotional turmoil worse. Daeris is, with the exception of her conscience, the perfect assassin. At a young age, she became desensitized to death and the act of killing. She has learned how to put her emotions aside for as long as she needs to get the job done, but being desensitized to her own actions as she does the deed doesn’t mean that she does not feel the emotional consequences later on.   And oh boy, does she.  It’s even worse because she was taught that she shouldn’t have remorse and that it was a sign of weakness, so she never learned how to express it or cope with it in a healthy manner.
         Daeris’s relationship with her own emotions is extremely unhealthy.
         There is a pent-up hurricane of emotions within her that she does not know how to release. It manifests in night terrors, depression, self-loathing, insomnia, and other PTSD-like symptoms that she does not understand. She’s developed a hypersexual, pleasure and adrenaline-seeking lifestyle as an unhealthy coping mechanism in response because she cannot make any of these negative symptoms go away; she’s found she can only stave them off for a short while, and the best way to do so is to overload her senses with cheap thrills.
         Daeris KNOWS that her emotional state is super unhealthy, but she feels so entrapped that she cannot imagine a healthy future for herself. Thus she perpetuates her own cycle of self-loathing.
         In a way, she does have a surface-level understanding of where it’s coming from. She’s self-aware enough to recognize what she is and what she’s doing. If she had been able to make the choice herself, she would have never become an assassin. If she could leave, she would, but what else is out there for her? This is the only family she’s ever known. This is the path her own mother set her on. She stays faithful to the Brotherhood, doing these horrid things and inflicting more self-hatred upon herself, all in hope that one day she will get to put the blade down. That one day her mother will keep her promise and pull Daeris away from the Brotherhood to fulfill whatever secretive purpose she had in store for her daughter. But the more realistic part of her knows that, even when the day comes that she joins Nocturnal at her side, she’ll never be able to put the blade down. Why would Nocturnal make her into a weapon if she didn’t plan on using her, after all? It’s hopeless and she knows it, but she has to keep herself going because she feels she can’t change things otherwise.
         In spite of everything, there’s still a lot of good left in Daeris. But thanks to Imposter Syndrome (or something similar to it), she struggles recognizing her good qualities as genuine parts of herself.
         Daeris’s strong emotions may be a weakness in her profession, but they are also a strength she does not realize she has, and she could flourish if she would give in and accept that part of herself. She is deeply empathetic and has an incredibly loving nature. Even tainted by the darkness in her veins and the blood on her hands, that part of her remains, desperately waiting for a chance to move away from the dark path she’s on and heal.
         She is kind. She is compassionate. She loves people. But she is also an assassin. A murderer. And it has an effect on her that’s similar to Imposter Syndrome. There is such a drastic contrast between the two sides of Daeris that she cannot reason within herself that it’s possible for both versions of herself to exist at the same time. Though her better qualities are as much a part of her as her darker ones are, because these darker qualities exist in an environment where they are encouraged and as such dominate her life, it makes the better qualities feel fake. She is kind and loving, but she feels like it’s a fraud; that truly she is incapable of being like that as the real her is horrible. When she has good experiences, she feels like a monster playing pretend. She feels like she’s akin to the Big Bad Wolf disguised as the grandmother in the tale of Red Riding Hood, for lack of a better comparison. Like all the happiness that comes to her is fake, or that she does not deserve any of it.
         Honestly? Her morality could swing either way in most verses, and it wholly depends on the influences she interacts with.
         A strong example of Daeris finally accepting the good in herself and choosing to follow a better path is her ESO verse played out in it’s full, developed storyline. Even then the darkness in her nature is strong, and it always will be, but the true change is that she also accepts the good things. She sees herself as a complete person instead of a fragmented being at war with herself. And she can thrive amidst the heavy losses she has suffered, whereas a younger Daeris who had not experienced that level of self-realization would not have been able to handle what happened and would self-destruct. On the other hand, since most of her verses do not have this kind of development pre-built into them, she is also susceptible to giving in completely to the darker aspects; of truly becoming a powerful Daedric Lord who pursues self-interests above all else, which is exactly what her mother is grooming her to be. I love Daeris’s development in ESO and her reaching that point in her actualization will always be the best outcome for her (and her canon outcome), but from a writing standpoint, I am also interested in what would happen if the pendulum swings the other way. And that’s what really excites me about Daeris: getting to watch her adapt and change and discover things about herself, whether for better or worse.
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 5 years
Celestia and Ko :3
Send Me Your Ships
who hogs the duvet?   They don’t really have that traditional couple problem, luckily. Unluckily, Nagito does tend to kick the blanket off in his sleep and start shivering because he’s cold now, so Celestia has to tuck him in again if she wants any peace. How annoying.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going?   That’d be Nagito. Celestia acts really aloof about it, even going so far as to imply that he’s being kind of clingy, but she probably enjoys feeling cared for. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts?   They’re both pretty creative, although Nagito tends to go more extravagant just because he can. Celestia wants a castle in France, she gets a castle in France. 
who gets up first in the morning?   Celestia. She has to do her makeup, put together her outfit and everything. Eventually her complete disaster boyfriend will roll out of bed and sleepily brush his teeth. It’s no wonder he’s usually late for things in the morning. 
who suggests new things in bed?   Celestia, because Nagito is too chicken. He’s usually for it, though. 
who cries at movies?   Depends on the movie, but Nagito. He’s more sensitive, and less reserved about showing his feelings. Also, listen, dog deaths really get to him.
who gives unprompted massages?   Celestia does. Nagito likes to pretend he isn’t in pain when he is, what with being ill and all. Sometimes it almost seems like he forgets that part of Celestia’s talent is seeing right through people. Anyway, she has very good hands. (There’s a gambling pun in here somewhere, find it yourself.)
who fusses over the other when they’re sick?   GOD, Nagito. It’s kind of annoying. The second she gets so much as a cold, he’s in nurse mode. It’s only because he cares, though. And…because with his luck, he’s seen a lot of commonplace illnesses turn terrible, fast. He’s like a human WebMD, you’re always dying. So. Best to just let him play it out.
who gets jealous easiest?   Well, it depends on what kind of jealousy we’re talking about. Nagito gets more discouraged and dejected, whereas Celeste is more outwardly possessive. (Nagito thinks it’s cute, but he wouldn’t dare say so out loud. In public.)
who has the most embarrassing taste in music?   I’m gonna say Celestia. Her taste in music isn’t embarrassing or anything (probably), but Nagito doesn’t have enough pride to feel embarrassment, so.
who collects something unusual?   Nagito collects random things luck brings his way, Celestia collects random winnings from various gambles. They should compare some time. 
who takes the longest to get ready?   Celestia, obviously. She has more of a Look™. Nagito tends to just wear the same jacket and sometimes change his shirt, and his hair hasn’t seen a brush in three years. Not that that’s going to last long under her watch.
who is the most tidy and organised?   Nagito is pedantic about keeping things clean, even if they seem disorganised. You can practically eat off his floor, even with a dog around. That said, he never puts things away the same way twice, and all his shelves look more disorderly than they really are. Celestia’s probably better at making things neat. 
who gets most excited about the holidays?   Nagito is the holiday fanatic. He loves the atmosphere, the joy and the hope that comes with bringing people together. It’s really hard to be around that kind of energy and feel nothing for it all.
who is the big spoon/little spoon?   Nagito kind of defaults to big spoon position, but he secretly wants to be the little spoon. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?   Celestia. Nagito doesn’t care for winning or losing, and in fact, kind of expects to be beaten. Meanwhile, he finds her competitive nature endearing. He’d definitely hold her things while she kicked some noob’s ass. 
who starts the most arguments?   Celestia, because Nagito’s too much of a whimp to fight over the things that bother him. Though, they don’t really fight much at all. In fact, in an ironic twist of fate, they fight over the fact that Nagito won’t fight more than anything, because Celestia thinks he rolls over and takes too much from the world. (She’s right.)
who suggests that they buy a pet?   They already have pets of their own. I can’t wait until they introduce them. 
what couple traditions they have?   Their teatime becomes really important for them. It’s something grounding and stable, that pulls them out of back-to-back tough days, and forced them to relax a little. No matter what else happens, it’s something to rely on. Also, they like people watching (and shit talking those they both hate in french, right in front of them. It’s great.)
what tv shows they watch together?   T r a s h. No, really. Shitty, terrible daytime television neither one of them likes, because they know inevitably they’ll wind up going out, making out, or trying to play a game with both a cat and a dog getting in the way, so what’s the point of getting into a show? (Once in a blue moon they’ll get to watch a full episode of something, just to mock it.)
what other couple they hang out with?   Very few, just because very few people interest them. They’d stick within their own school and circle of friends, I don’t forsee either of them going out of their way to befriend an outsider.
how they spend time together as a couple?   Usually, quietly. They like to discuss a lot of really big ideas to no real end, try and get to know the way the other thinks. Debate positions neither of them feel strongly about, just for the fun of it. They occasionally duke it out with their respective talents, and no matter how much Nagito insists hers is superior, it always ends in an unbreakable stalemate. 
who made the first move?   Celestia. It could only ever have been her.
who brings flowers home?   Nagito does, frequently. Aww.
who is the best cook?   One time, Nagito accidentally started a fire by boiling water. Make of that what you will. 
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ectology · 2 years
seconding (thirding??) these last few anons. like the art and characters are so good but the plot.. its like someone trying and bake a cake and its going fine mostly and then they use salt instead of sugar and slowly you realize its actually one of those vaguely disturbing cooking videos where by the end you just have to log off. sorry thats so specific alksjhdf
💀💀💀 no ok that's literally a perfect metaphor. it starts off pretty solid and just starts going downhill the longer it goes on lmao. fr horikoshi's character writing is decent; he's good at coming up with character concepts and he does a great job writing their relationships realistically. that's about all he does well though lol
like ok, he sets up this narrative about the structure of hero society being inherently flawed and yet does absolutely nothing to change the status quo. he sets up the villains as sympathetic (re: dabi's childhood of severe abuse, shigaraki accidentally killing his family via quirk manifestation and then being groomed by AFO for 15 years and rewarded/encouraged to murder, toga being rejected for a quirk she can't control, twice being ostracized for mental illness, etc.), but then randomly decides that they're TOO sympathetic and retcons their stories, trying to pass them off as "bad eggs" from the start (re: dabi for some reason trying to murder shouto who was a BABY 😭, shigaraki apparently enjoying accidentally killing his family, etc.). i just don't buy that they were all "evil all along"?? what was even the point of creating sympathetic characters who were failed by their society if you're going to go back and blame it on those characters anyway?
also, the ENTIRE endeavor situation is ASS... like. again he sets up this narrative of a top hero who's an abuser and therefore ends up alienating his family and creating a villain. but actually everything is fine and his family forgives him now because he said sorry??? so fucking stupid. not to mention the fact that after dabi outs endeavor's abuse, he literally faces zero consequences. NONE. the public is sort of iffy about him now but that's it, he doesn't have his hero status revoked, he doesn't go to jail, and in fact his family specifically comes together to support him. like okay way to literally prove dabi's point
EDIT: OKAY ALSOOOO the fact that hawks, a character who is ALSO a victim of childhood abuse and grooming, is an endeavor apologist... what in the hell. that’s just so insane to me. shouldn’t him finding out his childhood hero who saved him from his abusive father is in fact, also an abusive father, result in some kind of feeling of betrayal?? wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to testify AGAINST endeavor and instead highlight the flaws in society that allow someone like endeavor to stay in power? especially after infiltrating the LOV and seeing firsthand that villains are human too??? WHATEVER.
idk tl;dr: horikoshi isn't capable of sustaining a long-term story and he should have hired a writer to help him because he's completely lost the plot and lost track of his own characters. its a fucking circus
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hoe-doroki · 3 years
Was talking to the lovely @spacelabrathor about bkdk and she asked who realizes their feelings first?
Katsuki realizes them first.
Not to say that it happens soon, of course--neither of these boys are allowed the liberty of being in their feelings enough for that to happen. But perhaps after the LoV is defeated and U.A. is safe and our boys can get on with, idk, getting a standard education, they're able to deal a little more.
Neither of them particularly well.
Deku gets a lot of credit for being emotionally mature or at least in tune with his emotions than he really deserves. Yes, Izuku can tap into those fat tear ducts in a way actors everywhere are jealous of and he has Big Feelings that he verbalizes against his foes. But y'all. That boy has never canonically given himself a moment to process anything.
I could get into a whole meta analysis with it, but just think about it. When Deku finds out that All Might is fated to die, he immediately denies it. He chooses to believe that his own power can stop it, even though All Might is already, well, sickly at best. He has shown very little feeling towards Katsuki's past bullying, outside of some rational fear at the very beginning of the series. When All Might retires, Deku sobs, but doesn't prove to show any further harbored emotional reaction afterwards--Katsuki does. Deku's received so many injuries and faced so many people who genuinely wanted to kill him, and he does nothing but continue to run towards it, putting no weight on anything besides the fact that he has a generational duty, and needs to grow stronger.
It all speaks to the fact that he received very traumatic information when he was young (that he was quirkless) and ever since has been masking similar trauma with denial, fantasy, and a punchy can-do attitude.
Dude has not processed anything.
Meanwhile, Katsuki, our resident candidate for repressed gay of the year, is the one who is making strides with emotional processing. Furthermore, he's one more likely to keep going down that road, as people quickly identify him as a person in need of assistance developing emotionally, and he will likely be pushed towards that help. Instead of Deku, who people already believe is processing things better than he is because he's good at masking and 'passes' as someone emotionally mature.
In chapter 284 (no spoilers), we see the progress that Katsuki has made in how he processes the world in front of him (most especially Deku), and in 319 and its subsequent chapters, we see that Katsuki is able to manipulate Deku in ways that show how well he understands Deku's emotions while Deku is at his strongest stage of denial and masking.
Katsuki is already doing the emotional work. He's already thinking a lot about Deku, and his opinion continues to grow and change and improve towards him, while Deku's opinion towards Katsuki, honestly, hasn't changed much since Deku vs. Kacchan Pt. 2. It is my belief that Katsuki is strongly queer coded (outside of any ship; thought this when I first watched, LONG before I shipped bkdk), and I wouldn't be surprised if he discovered his queerness before he was able to identify or admit feelings for anyone in particular. I would like to think that a lot of peace would come to him then and a lot of pieces would begin to fall into place.
And when that time came, if Katsuki came to Deku with his truth, I do not doubt that Katsuki would recognize the growth that Deku would still need in the long run, because by then, he's the one who knows Deku best. Perhaps even better than Deku knows himself. And then he'd be the one able to help. As he has been, to be honest, the whole series long.
Tl;dr: Deku is emotionally mature passing and Katsuki is the one actually approaching emotional maturity and so he finds his feelings first BOOM.
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jecook · 3 years
There's been this ongoing dialogue with BNHA fans about how certain fanon tropes are seemingly amoral, especially the idea of changing, erasing, healing to a level where they become invisible, or otherwise removing scars and/or trauma is a moral failing of those engaging with certain headcanons, art, fics, etc.
This conversation arises especially with the villain characters, as many AUs are about if their trauma never happened. Other stories and theories revolve around the main LOV getting rewound to be kids again so they can grow up without going through the horrific childhoods they have had. More have Shigaraki or Dabi have their scars get completely healed with no trace. Some art and fics have Dabi's burn scars replaced with tattoos. These things are all part of a larger narrative of fans of these character wanting the character to have a better, less painful alternative to the horror that they have been through, wanting the characters to not have to live in pain daily. Of course, much of BNHA is about scars and trauma. Getting rid of these things does indeed erase a large part of what Horikoshi addresses in the narrative, and many people feel that headcanons and fanon of this type also do a disservice to real people with scarring and real people who have gone through abuse and trauma. Their experiences can't be magically erased, although a lot of media often makes it seem like disabilities, scars, and trauma in fantasy and scifi deserves to be healed, given a completely new start, even though that isn't possible for those people in actuality.
So is it wrong to have these headcanons/fanon? In short, no. Seriously, no. I approach this with the exact same logic as a lot of the same rhetoric as being able to write dark content--this fan content will not change the direction that the canon narrative is going in, it is just something that these people want to explore for their owns reasons. It is nice to imagine characters if they had gotten to live better lives and it makes sense to wish for this idealistic life, and that's okay. It's aesthetically cool to imagine Dabi with intricate tattoo work instead of tattoos. Yes, it is good to consider the larger concepts behind how these things can have serious implications in published work, but I firmly believe that most fanfiction inhabits less of a literary zone and more of a fan wish fulfillment zone, which is awesome! Good, that's what many people want in their fiction oftentimes!
If someone's enjoyment of BNHA hinges on how scars, trauma, and disabilities are represented honestly, then great! Ignore the rest of the stuff by scrolling past, filtering it out, not clicking on that twitter thread, unfollowing, or blocking.
Personally, I understand fan content disregarding what you like best about a work. There's tropes popular in BNHA fanon that I don't engage with because it leaves out what I like best. That isn't a moral failing on the part of those creators, it's just a difference in what time of fan content you enjoy.
Tl;dr: please stop moralizing so much fanon content. If you believe that people should be free to enjoy and explore what appeals to them, sometimes that means just letting people enjoy a wholesome, idealistic version of the story. And that's okay.
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ackrmxn · 3 years
DFO is the only acceptable reasonable excuse why Izuku’s dad has been MIA (considering that he is alive) because: 
It gives him an excuse why he hasn’t been in his life ever since he was (or even before he was) 4 years old. That’s also why Izuku has no memory of him as he was very young when he left them.
It gives him an excuse why he isn’t shown to be “worried” about his son, who has been involved with a lot of dangerous events ever since entering high school, because we know that AFO has been keeping tabs on Deku + he could’ve been watching him from the shadows.
He is said to be a businessman who works overseas. Inko and Izuku seems to live a comfortable life even with Inko being a housewife. I mean, have you seen Izuku’s All Might Collection? Merch is really expensive. Izuku entering a prestigious high school? (This post elaborated on the expenses of the Midoriya household and what that means in a Japanese household’s POV.) So by deduction, if Inko’s not mentioned to be rich (what I mean by rich is that her family is the one supporting them, and I am greatly convinced that if such were the case, they’d be living with Inko’s side of the family than just the two of them), and if Inko is a housewife, then the only logical reason why they can afford their expenses and Izuku’s merch collection is that Hisashi Midoriya have been sending support to his family.
Given no. 3 and no. 1, it shows that Hisashi still cares for his family or if not, he assumes responsibility and that’s why he has been sending them financial support, even if he is “out of the picture.”
 Also, this theory may seem far-stretched but hear me out: 
the youngest Izuku that we’ve met was when he was in kindergarten, around 4 years old (s1e01). By then, his dad has been out of the picture.
The youngest Tenko Shimura (now Tomura Shigaraki) that we met was when he was 5 years old (chapter 235), before he met AFO.
Currently, Izuku’s 16 and Shigaraki’s 20.
The doctor gave away Shigaraki’s age in Chapter 221 during the MVA arc. Given the short time-skip, the Paranormal Liberation War started not long after third semester (started in January). This just a bunch of supporting evidence and me enjoying tracking the timeline. You don’t have to read it. Read the next bold text if you want to skip through this timeline.
• Chapter 253 – start of third term (early January) • Chapter 254 – still the same day, the hint about the hospital was given by Kurogiri to Present Mic and Eraser Head • Chapter 257 – end of March, the Paranormal Liberation War began. • Chapter 258 – we were given a flashback. One week after the tip about the hospital (still in January), it was narrated how Hawks memorized how the Paranormal Liberation Front was organized.  The day the PLF was formed was the day Hawks asked Dabi to be introduced to the LoV gang (Chapter 240). This is before Christmas and Shigaraki’s still conscious. Given how the doctor said that the surgery that’ll make Shigaraki be stronger will take around 4 months (Chapter 246), it means that Shigaraki would likely begin his surgery around the latter half of December or by January.  • Chapter 259 – the doctor said that Shigaraki would be ready over a month. Given that 4 months is needed to complete the surgery, it is by April or early May that Shigaraki should be ready. 
Long story short, Izuku’s birthday (July 15) and Shigaraki’s (April 4) wasn’t in the time frame when we were given the fact that Izuku’s currently 16, while Shigaraki is 20, their age wasn’t affected, making it that Shigaraki is older than Izuku by about 4 years and 3 months.
TL,DR: Supporting the DFO Theory, what if Hisashi Midoriya left his wife and son when he found and decided to raise Tenko Shimura as his successor? Tenko would be 5 then and Izuku 1 or a little younger. That’s why Izuku has no memory of his father, he left when he was really young. HIsashi Midoriya left his family when he found the kid he would raise to be AFO’s successor. 
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