#( unidentified caller | anon )
5mind · 2 months
🎥 For Red One?
Send 🎥 for a random scene of my muse’s life
The blade of the red android's arm moved back and forth across the width of the tree. Red One readjusted their precarious footing on the heavily damaged rooftop. A particularly tall tree had toppled over, broken in two different locations along its trunk, during a recent thunderstorm. Something about wood decay, the man who'd let the unit up onto the roof had speculated.
Of course, Red One wasn't the only one up there. Pink Four was working at the branches to make the upper part of the tree easier for removal. On ground level, Green Five and Blue Two made sure to support the lower half of the tree until it could be lowered to the ground.
And Yellow Three? Yellow's just somewhere else entirely helping with clean up somewhere else along with the other two heroes of Bayfloat.
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groveofsouls · 1 month
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that might not be the word; lonely beyond usual measure, certainly. with her goes the lightness in his own body. it feels odd ( almost inappropriate, somehow ) to sit on his throne and know hers is to stay empty until her return. their room feels impersonal as if not lived in at all, the bed too wide. too cold. despite best efforts and allowing gardeners that have passed to keep their best memories and tend to the gardens in her absence, there’s simply no way to preserve the level of life and colour that she brings.  cerberus tries to help, each time. he always goes with hades to greet her on the first day back, and always walks with them on the last day when she has to leave so the eventual return to duty doesn’t feel quite so dreary. it’s always easy to tell when she’s gone because the king returns carrying him in one of his smaller forms, and disappears for hours until his presence is required beyond waiting. he gets snappy sometimes, faster to irk and the shadows under his eyes darken. though no less fair, technically, many of his decisions do tend towards harsher than when she’s around. and however rare the occasion may be, sometimes he seeks out comfort in wandering. however genuine he may be in those events, he’s always ready for his queen to return.                               so yes, difficult may be the exact word for it.
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everardentarchived · 2 years
tag dump two !!
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Never Not - Park Jinyoung
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Pairing: idol!Jinyoung x gender neutral reader
Summary: Your bad day is turned around when your childhood best friend, Jinyoung, returns to your hometown and takes you on a tour of your favourite memories together.
Genre: angst, fluff, friends to lovers
Warnings: suggested sexual experience
Word Count: 4.3k
Requested by: Anon
A/N: Hi guysssss. I took a small break from tumblr bc I got super busy with work. I haven’t written something like this in a while, but I actually loved how it turned out. I recommend listening to Never Not by Lauv to get into the mood <33
Effort was hard to make these days. Even the way you walked had an unmistakable slouch. Your exhaustive strides were just a shallow reminder that there used to be a hop in your step. Five more minutes and you were free from the shackles of work. Free to figure out what to make for dinner, and appease the gurgles of your stomach.The seconds on the point of sale system didn't seem to move fast enough as you folded the customer's final item and shoved it into a bag.
When you were a kid, no one told you how exhausting being an adult was, and thus it became something to look forward to. You were so caught up on getting that first kiss, sneaking out to go to parties, seeing people that your parents didn't approve of, that you didn't realize that life didn't slow down from there. It was like you blinked, and you were no longer 16. Instead, you were twenty-something perpetually feeling like life was just an endless pit of "what ifs" and building up the courage to make something of yourself. Another mindless "Have a good day." escaped your lips as you bid a customer bye for the nth time that day. You wondered how many of your years would waste away telling others to have a good day, when you yourself hadn't had one in a while.
You pressed your fingers against your temple to sooth a small growing headache. Working in retail for as long as you had, you knew that the s-curved line of people didn't stop for your discomfort. With a fake smile on your face, you welcomed the next few customers as your eyes wandered around the store looking for the person who was going to take over for the next hour. Fifteen minutes past the hour, your replacement finally came. Externally, you wanted to scream and ask them what took you so long? but you knew that would only make you as good as the worst customer. Graciously, you nodded at them, before walking away to the back room to fetch your things and head out.
You stood against the wall at the bus shelter shivering from the cool summer breeze that was disguising just how rapidly autumn was truly coming. Today probably wasn't the best day to forget your coat.  You rubbed your arms for warmth, taking micro footsteps in place.  The pain in your feet made you romanticize the comfort of the sturdy old bus seats as a place of rest. You felt your phone in your pocket vibrate, but you let it ring out. You were determined to get a seat on this bus. A deep sigh escaped you as you surveyed the density of the crowd on the platform- the ride home was definitely going to be longer than usual. When the bus arrived, you queued behind a long line of people. Your phone rang a second time, at this point the crowd was getting larger and you knew you weren't going to get a seat on this bus.
"Hello?" you pressed your phone to your ear. Sometimes your mother used phone booths to reach you, so you expected her voice to be on the other end of the line. "I'm offended I had to call you twice for you to pick up."  The voice was much deeper, and the delivery much more lighthearted than anything that would've came out of your mother.  The absence of a greeting was distinct and direct, but no matter, you knew exactly who this was.
You felt the tenseness of your shoulders drop with just the sound of this voice. "If I had definitely known it was you, I wouldn't have picked up, Mr. Private caller." you jest with the phone  pressed between your ear and the crook of your shoulder.
"You know, I was gonna suggest that I pick you up, but just for that comment, I change my mind."
You poke your tongue at your cheek, coyly. For all the changes that occurred in your life, for some reason you could depend on Jinyoung's quick wit and humour to hit the spot even after all this time.
"That's fine, I just finished work so I was thinking of just going home anyways."  You had no idea he was even back in South Korea. Last you heard, he was on tour somewhere in North America. More than that, you couldn't even remember when the last time you actually talked was. You were curious about what he was up to these days, but you you knew any hint of urgency in your voice would lead to incessant teasing on his part. The line progressed slightly, but you still didn't feel any closer to the entrance of the bus.
  "I'm about to get on a bus home." 
"Well, don't get on." 
"If I don't get on then you're gonna have to repay me for the fare I paid to even get here." You eyed the bus reaching its capacity, and stepped aside. You twisted your fingers in hope that he was being 100% serious, otherwise you were going to have to wait out for the 6:30pm bus.
"I can't believe the cost of your attention is only $2. Do better." the voice quipped. 
"Okay, Jinyoung I guess I'll just get on, then." you threatened, although you had no intention of boarding the departing bus.
"Fine, fine. I'll pay for your fare. Just wait for me."
The sky had darkened tenfold since you hung up from Jinyoung's impromptu call. The streetlights glowed gold against the lavender backdrop of the sky. You sat on the bus shelter bench, swinging your feet back and forth as you waited for him. If he took even a minute longer, you vowed to somehow become the president of the Park Jinyoung hate club. Of course, you wouldn't actually, but the idea became more appealing the longer you waited. 
You weren't one to go on spontaneous outings- at least not since your teenage years. Recently, you followed the strict routine of work, home, sleep, and to stray from it seemed pointless. But the fact that he even thought of you when he came back home to South Korea was still not something you could wrap your head around.
In the distance, a glow of headlights appeared, stopping perfectly adjacent to your bus stop. The window rolled down, and there appeared Jinyoung's face in all its glory. To say all the words in your vocabulary disappeared would be an understatement. A part of you doubted he would even follow through. Without missing a beat, he returned a look to you. "You just gonna stare at me, or are you gonna get in the car?"
Your backpack was sitting atop your lap, bouncing with the movement of the car. Jinyoung hung one hand over the steering wheel. The orange and purple of the sky twisting, and creating a brand new colour that only seemed to grace the skies at this hour. The music was unidentifiable, but the volume was low enough that you didn't even bother trying to figure it out.
"So what'd you do today?" he asked. 
"I worked, I told you that." you replied, matter-of-factly.
"And how was it?"
"I honestly can't tell the difference between this week and last week. Or even last month. Same old, same old. Annoying customers, stale lunch, forgot my jacket at home even though it's 15 fucking degrees outside." 
"Do you still work at that clothing store you started at when we were 20?"
  Your eyes shifted, following the ever-changing scenery of the highway. No idea where he was bringing you, and yet you were brought to comfort by Jinyoung's habits.  You knew he didn't have a drug deal, or a random party planned.  Jinyoung was always the type to be home before midnight. He was a self-proclaimed goody-two-shoes, but you weren't completely fooled. You knew he could bend the rules if it seemed to serve him.
  "That exact same one."
 "Anything else?"
  You looked at him, the shock settling in that he was really right next to you-- no longer just a figure on a billboard that you used to know. The changes of his physicality were subtle; his face was more defined, but his cheeks still carried the baby fat that had been there since childhood. The shadow of his facial hair loomed on his smooth skin. The mole on the top of his lip, not necessarily gone, but faded. He looked older, but the aura of his presence remained the same.
"And then I was dumb enough to get into a car with a stranger because he said he'd give me $2."
Jinyoung side eyed you, causing you to erupt in laughter. His glare was also unchanging. "Stranger? Your memory's fading already?" He shook his head disappointedly. "I thought you still had a few good years left."
  "Oh yeahhhhhh. Sorry Jinyoungie. Didn't recognize you with all the fame." you pinched and pulled on his ear- both things a relic of your grade school years. When you were kids, you never let him forget the age gap. Granted, it was only 3 days, but that gave you the freedom to refer to him however you pleased, while he was stuck with the honorifics.
As you let go, the curve of his ear flushed red. "OWW.” he cried, swatting your hand away. “You’re lucky I’m driving otherwise I would pull your hair.”
Being raised with Jinyoung meant that you were inseparable but kind of in the worst way. If Jinyoung got  a good mark on a test, his parents would immediately flaunt it to yours. If you wanted to sneak out, he was on your tail telling you to go back home. And if he knew you liked someone, then that person would know soon enough by the words of Jinyoung. All of that warranted ear pulling, and if you did something in retaliation he would pull your hair.
He was one of the few people in your life, who encapsulated a certain time of your life.  The time in your life when you were young, and the world felt so big and everything was possible.
  The car rocked back and forth as it shifted into the elevated ramp of a parking lot. Your eyes widened as you realized where you were.  He lingered in his seat before popping his seatbelt off and exiting the car. You followed him, swinging the passenger door open.
  "So you randomly called me because you wanted to hang out at the...convenience store?" you gestured to the old, orangey building. The bricks were chipped, and the fluorescent lights illuminated the outside through the big glass window.  You remember the days when you and Jinyoung would sit on the parking blocks and split a bag of chips until you were chased off the property by the owner. He pulled on the store door, pressing his back to it and letting you enter first. 
"Well, I wasn't going to come here until you started yanking my ears. That's when I knew you were hungry."
Without stopping, you weaved through the store until you reached aisle 3- the snack aisle had become a home to you and Jinyoung when you were growing up. In grade school, you were both fearful of what was beyond the boundaries of your home and school so you indulged in after school snacks at the convenience to talk about the latest happenings in your life. As you aged, it became the place of solace after exams, or the meetup location for last minute plans.
  He picked up a package of gummy worms, and shook them in your face. "Do you remember what happened the last time we ate theseeee?" Jinyoung smirked. For a moment, you were taken aback by how much he had grown. In your teens, you and Jinyoung met eye to eye. Now, you felt like you had to look up at him in order to be taken seriously.
  You crossed your arms, "Yeah, we ate them in the parking lot and you made me confess who I had a crush on." 
"Chan, right?" 
You nodded, with a sulk as you reminisced. "That wasn't fair."
 "Why? Do you still have a crush on him?" 
"I haven't thought about him in so long. You really think I'd have a lingering crush on a guy I haven't seen in years?"
Jinyoung shrugged, and shifted his feet. "You had a huge crush on him, though. You even stared at him like this." He rested his palm to his cheek, letting out a deep sigh while trying to maintain an enamoured expression. You snorted, hitting him on the chest. "You'd write his name all over your notebooks AND you bullied me into giving you one of my new ones." he added.
You let out a belly laugh. "And then I wrote his name all over that one too."
Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "They were premium quality notebooks. My aunt sent me them from the states!"
 "You had a kabillion of them. Besides, you pestered me for-like-ever to know who I liked, but you never even told me who you had a crush on." You grabbed the bag of gummy worms from his hand and placed it in your shopping basket. Your attention shifted, as you realized you should be in search of your favourite chocolates. You knew that you were far too old to be eating junk food for dinner, but there was something familiar about being hyped up on food that you knew would rot your insides. Your eyes landed on the top row of the wall, and before you could grab your favourite chocolates, Jinyoung stripped it from the wall and dropped it into the basket. He piled on a bag of sour cream and onion chips, and then you both ventured to the drink refrigerators.
  Both of you stared deeply at your drink options. On each level of the fridge, stood several different colourful drinks. If you knew Jinyoung, then you knew he would pick a Coke- it was something he swore by in your younger years. You hummed, mentally deciding between an iced tea or a vitamin water.  You weren't sure why it bothered you when Jinyoung picked up a Sprite, but you tried to hide your dismay. With an ice tea in hand, and a basket full of both of your favourite things, you made your way to the cashier.
  At the last moment, Jinyoung placed a bright yellow umbrella on the checkout counter. He looked down at you, surely, “You never know when it’s gonna rain.”
The following car ride to your next destination only lasted about 3 minutes before he parked on the side of the road and dragged you down the street, with the plastic bag full of your foods in hand. 
"I should've known you were going to bring me here." you said, strolling down the familiar gravel pathway towards your elementary school. All colour in the sky had disappeared now, finding it hard to see anything but the outline of each other and some features.
  Both of you settled on the grass field, onlooking the tall school building that was the foundation of your formal years. As soon as you opened the bag of chips, you found yourselves deep in conversation, talking about what life had been for him the last few years. You couldn't help but be in awe when he explained the rush he got when he got on stage, and how he got anxiety when he thought he wasn’t doing his best.  The candidacy of his thoughts drew you in and you were surprised that he trusted you with his secrets. 
All these years, you had always wondered what he was up to, if he was living a life far better than the one he left at home.  To everyone else, he was this huge pop star that had travelled the world 3 times over, but to you, he was your best friend who left home at 16. You had seen him through the bad hair phases, the adolescent temper tantrums, the voice cracks, and the questionable fashion choices both your parents had put you in.
  He leaned back on his arms as he gazed at the school. "Are you afraid of change?" You were silent for a moment as you thought. "On a scale of 1-10?" you rocked your head back and forth. "It's a 15."
Jinyoung raised his eyebrows. You held your legs to your chest, and looked at him. "Why?"
He opened his mouth, but quickly closed it and looked smugly in the other direction. "Heyyy." you poked him repeatedly. "You can't just ask me that and not tell me why."
He enclosed his hand around your finger, forcing your poking to come to a halt. It felt like he was studying your face. Never in your life had you ever felt like you were under the scope of Jinyoung's gaze. The darkness of the sky acted as a mask, hiding your blushing face.
"It was the last thing I asked you before I left." he admitted. "I asked you that when things were about to change big time for us… I always wondered if you resented me for leaving you behind."
  The last day before Jinyoung left to become a full-time trainee, you two snuck on to this very same field. Both of you ran across the grass, picking up dandelions; believing that if you gathered enough and blew on them, that they would fuel your wishes.
  “You thought I could resent you?” He nodded. “Well, for starters, I hate your guts.” You replied sarcastically, causing him to look at the ground with embarrassment and your face softened at the sight of it.
  “You know what I wished for on all of those dandelions, Jinyoung?”
 “Not to fail the math exam.” Even in a soft moment, he couldn’t help but be sly. “No!” You exclaimed. 
“Well, you should’ve. You got a 48.” He sensed your killer look on him. “So what’d you wish for?”
You played with your fingers. You thought you’d take this secret to the grave. “I wished that you’d be successful in whatever you chose to do.” His eyes enlarged, alarmed at your confession. “but maybe I should’ve wished for the math thing.”
  Jinyoung giggled, inching closer to you so your legs were pressed against each other. 
“What did you wish for?” You asked. He smiled with the side of his mouth, shaking his head. 
“I wished that I’d always find my way back home.” “Oh goddd.” You gagged. “you’re so corny.”
 “What about you, huh? You used your wish on me!” he bellowed, his voice echoing against the school playground. 
“Hey, I might just be the reason why you’re famous.” You fought back.
You flipped your phone over, 7:53, the brightness of it only barely illuminating the dark. You thought about what you would be doing at this moment if you weren’t here, if he hadn’t picked you up.  Mmm probably falling asleep to a tv show. Probably dreading tomorrow. Probably not as happy.
"But what did I say? You know… the first time you asked me that question?” You couldn’t even begin to imagine how 16-year-old you answered.
  "You said you were excited to see who we were going to become.” The words of your younger self were so hopeful, yet your current self felt hopeless. Your expression sank, and Jinyoung offered a small smile to revive it. He felt guilty having asked you the question in the first place.
You sat in silence for a bit, dwelling on the excitement for life that you once had. Where was it? And how could you get it back?
“I feel like I’ve let myself down. I don’t even know who I am now.”
Jinyoung blinked slowly, watching his childhood best friend crumble. He rested a hand on your shoulder.  "I just look at you, and in so many ways you're the same. I still know what makes you laugh, and the way you say things. I can still pick out your favourite snacks, and know you’re gonna pull my ears when I do something to piss you off.” he yanked on yours softly. "Everything about you feels just how I left you. I feel my youth when I'm with you. But at the same time I’m comforted by how much you’ve changed.”
“I don’t think I’ve changed much.”
“You don’t see it, do you?” You shook your head no. “Do you remember how scared you were to even leave the house when we were kids? Now you live on your own. You never took anything seriously back then, but you’re now one of the hardest working people I know…” his voice softened. “And you let yourself be vulnerable with me when it used to take hours to drag it out of you.” You laid on his shoulder, and he rested his head on top of yours, snuggling closer. “You fear change, yet you’re changing right before your own eyes. And maybe one day, I’ll come back here, and I won’t even be able to recognize who you’ve become.” You sniffled, the idea of Jinyoung not remembering you broke your heart. You held your chest. “But if that day does come, it’ll be okay. Because I know that the person that you’ve become will have it all figured out.  I’ll always be rooting for every single version of yourself even if it doesn’t include me.” You sobbed quietly, interlocking your fingers with his. He held your hand tightly, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. For once, there was an action not done out of habit or relic. It was an action evoked just for this moment, and it was a change that you didn’t mind.
Jinyoung held your hand, leading you down a narrow road a few minutes away. The sound of crickets, barking dogs, and distant vehicles could be heard as you stood in the middle of the road of your childhood neighbourhood.
  You hadn’t been here since you moved in 2016. You looked up at the large modern house that sat on what used to be two lots. Yours and Jinyoung’s childhood homes were purchased by a wealthy business man and demolished to build the business man’s dream home. You stared at the foreign house that sat on the place of your childhood dreams and frustrations.
  Jinyoung placed his hands on your shoulders and stopped you at the exact halfway point between what was once his house and your house. You rubbed your arms as a gust of wind rushed by. Without thinking, Jinyoung slipped off his hoodie and placed it on top of your shoulders.
“I remember racing you down this street.” You piped up, pointing down the end of the road. Jinyoung always won that race. No one was faster than him on this street.
“I remember finding that stray puppy and fighting over who got to keep it.” He responded.
“It should’ve been me.” You bickered. Jinyoung laughed, amused at how you were always one to hold a grudge.
“Do you remember that day when it started raining soooo hard and we had to walk shoulder to shoulder under my umbrella?”
You nodded. “Ya, that was the same day with the gummy worms, you dummy.”
“So do you remember what happened right here?” He pointed at the exact spot you were standing. You racked your head for a memory, but nothing stood out to you clearly. You shook your head no. “We always said bye to one another here...but…?” you trailed off.
He took a step forward, both of you standing directly under the streetlight now. You watched his face light up as he likely played the moment back in his head. “So that day, standing under my umbrella, we were about to go our separate ways. You turned into me.”
He took another step closer, popping open the bright yellow convenience store umbrella and holding it over your heads.
You could see it now. It was drizzling so hard, even your hair wasn’t protected from getting soaked.   You wrapped your hands around the handle, just like how you did back then. Chest to chest, huddled under the umbrella. Jinyoung locked eyes with you, your heart beat faster.
“And you looked at me, and I swear I was going to say everything I wanted to tell you right then and there.” Your mouth opened in shock. “This was the place where I almost told you I loved you.”
You studied the eyes of the boy you watched grow up. He looked scared, but sure. There was no doubt in your mind that Jinyoung meant what he said. He lowered the umbrella, not letting his gaze veer from you.
  Your life was just a build up of what if’s and trying to gain the courage to make something of yourself… but you didn’t want that anymore. With your heart beating out of control, you leaned into him, taking the risk and kissing his lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist, deepening the heat of the kiss.
A round of thunder boomed above you, and little by little, raindrops began to pour from the sky.
You and Jinyoung separated to look up at the sky. “I did say, you never know when it’s gonna rain.”
You both ran for the car, shoulder to shoulder, under the umbrella. From your heads to your toes, you were soaked in the rain, but neither of you cared. You silently thanked the world for every bad thing that happened to you today that led to this.
You blinked your eyes awake, surveying the damp clothes strewn across your living room floor, and the heat of the bare body laying next to you on the couch. You stared at your sleepy childhood best friend, a smile spreading across your lips. This was a change you were ready for. 
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tunglo · 3 years
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Wasting time on Fanlore today and saw this interview transcript. (transcript of a May 15, 1980 radio interview from a station (KTR) in Kirkland, Washington for the show "Turn It Up.") The guy has always been way too much! 
It’s so cool how much effort and devotion fans gave to stuff back in the day. But, on the other hand, it must have been hard to be anon about it when you had to send / receive physical mail, etc. Just, omg, all the stories of people who had their post opened and stuff under the Postal Act. D: Respect, fans of old...
unidentified fan caller: "I know you're a longtime science fiction fan. I was wondering if you had read any of the fan fiction that's been published about STAR WARS?"
Mark Hamill: Oh, everything that they send, even if it takes six months, gets to me, and I've read fiction that has been created by people that have been moved enough by the film to... you know. George has created this history, this populated environment... One of my favorite stories is the story where I got to go to bed with the Princess, 'cause it doesn't happen in the movie. It was a real sexy story — I was really excited by that. But there was another story about how Han Solo met Chewie in flight training school. The fans themselves have enriched George's storyline, populated it with their own ideas. But any of those fan magazines they do send, I read 'em. I'm sort of backlogged on sending out the thank you notes. Actually, I'm glad you asked that because it gives me an opportunity to thank every body for that kind of stuff. We do read all our mail."
unidentified fan caller: "Well, that's great because several of the authors are right here in this building."
Mark Hamill: "Really? Which ones do you write for?"
unidentified fan caller: "Primarily for SKYWALKER, and GUARDIAN, and PEGASUS, etc..."
Mark Hamill: "Oh, Pegasus I got, definitely, in fact I took a page out of Pegasus, and it was up on my mirror in my dressing room for the entire filming of the picture. So a a little piece of you was over there."
unidentified fan caller: "Well, that's wonderful. I'll be sure to tell the editors."
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cecilspeaks · 7 years
Episode 119 - eGemony, Part 3: "Love, Among Other Things, Is All You Need"
The captain has turned off the seatbelt signs, and –has- turned on the ceaseless anxiety signs. Feel free to brood about the cabin.
Welcome to Night Vale.
Welcome, listeners. We have a new sponsor. Our show is now sponsored by – love. Uh definitely consider love when wanting to buy things, because… love conquers all, makes the world go round, and is all you need. This has been a message from love, conqueror of our former sponsor, money. It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru. [awkward chuckle]
OK, I have returned from the distant cavelands of the Baristas, an arduous journey made easier by it being pretty much downhill for the whole mile and a half. While I was there, I learned that the dreaded eGemony corporate prize contest and sweepstakes buzz marketing street team long ago became baristas. Distributing Night Vale’s case of Canadian Club to the citizens of Night Vale itself, meaning that Night Vale has been consuming its own soul, thus making us an ouroboros of our own selves. I returned because I knew that the best way to fight against eGemony’s attempts to drink Night Vale’s soul – was science. And I’m very into science. Or at least I’m very into someone who is very into science.
Once a year, all the scientists in the world gather in Luzerne, Switzerland, to calibrate their instruments to the length of Carlos’ hair. That appraisal is occurring right now, so of course, Carlos isn’t in town. Um, I’m on my own. Because the cause of science is important, but so is defending Night Vale, and one of the best parts about being in a couple is that when each of you is good at one thing, it’s like the couple is good at two things. This message was brought to you by – love. It turns out. Huh.
More of my plans to defeat eGemony as I desperately figure out what they are. But first, some local news.
Night Vale Community College announced its new slate of winter semester continuing education course. Introduction to Gibbering, Conversational Gibbering, Intermediate Gibbering, Advanced Gibbering, and Ikebana – the Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement.
Community college professor Adriano Copiello, who teaches French Gibbering said, "Ouvrez vos livres à page 3 et criez avant de vous faire bouffer" (Open your books to page 3 and scream before getting devoured)*. Professor Copiello, once considered a failure in his field, has developed what he calls a “charisma ray”, and now everyone thinks he’s A-OK, an exciting thinker and excellent dancer, and an entirely inadequate human being. When asked for comment, Professor Copiello responded by listing everything he could think of that was not a type of gum. By the time he finished, his charisma ray had worn off, and everyone realized Professor Copiello is in fact a terrible person, who attemps to court the friendship of students whose attractive naïveté is subverted, ironically, by how they gradually accumulate the tools of critical analysis in his classes. Meaning they apply what he himself taught them to judge him harshly, ultimately growing to resent his falseness, thus leaving his charisma ray utterly useless in the face of a culturally awakened classroom. Professor Copiello denied this by stringing together a bunch of French verbs related to the behaviors of aquatic animals. Those interested in continuing education should read a book for once.
OK, so earlier this morning, I walked across the street to get a two-pound bag of kiwis at Ralph’s, and had the most remarkable experience. Well, first I passed the same barista I always pass along the way, the one at the abattoire. But this time she gave me a friendly wink of recognition. And then another barista, the one in the produce aisle, he scalded my face with steam and said my mother was soo pungent, people thought she was an unroasted Sumerian bean, and I have never felt so welcome.
But the amazing thing was when I tried to pay for my fruit, the cashier said: “Don’t you love kiwis?” And I said I did and he said: “I love them too, and I love working here. So take the kiwis! Your love is your payment.” So I took the kiwis and later shared them with my brother-in-law, Steve Carlsberg, who said: “I love these!” Then he added: “I love you, brother!” and I nodded.
It seems that Night Vale is now a love-based economy. Oh, wait. This just in. Ralph’s would like to explain that the cashier made a mistake. It’s perfectly fine that he loves working there, and that I love the kiwis, but I do still have to pay for them. That makes more sense. But I’m a little disappointed. Still, because of the incredibly effective new sponsorship of our program, love is definitely in the air in Night Vale.
At Dark Owl Records, there is now a loudspeaker outside and store owner Michelle Nguyen is publicly playing the records she loves the most. Something she has never done. These albums aren’t vinyl but discs made of chalkboard slate, being spun underneath a needle and amplified through an outdoor speaker system. People who were strangers only moments ago are gazing into each other’s eyes with looks of admiration and hunger. That made it awkward to spy on them. Not impossible, of course, just awkward. Which has caused several members of the Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency, who sit outside our homes in dark sedans, to step out of their cars and offer hugs to anyone who would like to have a hug placed on their permanent record.
There are reports of unidentified citizens running by fountains, waving flowers and balloons and handing out otters. The Sheriff’s Secret Police have replaced their patrol car sirens with Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You”. The hooded figures who stand in and around the forbidden Dog Park are still terrifying to look at, or even think about. But one of them is waving. That’s probably the most expressive form of love that they have.
Love is everywhere. But also there has been a subtle shift. As love has become more prevalent, its value has decreased significantly. The angel who is definitely former billionaire Marcus Vanston, who is now named Erika, said that they have drawn on a cocktail napkin an economic model for supplizied feelings, where those with the most feelings will them trickle down the love to those with the least.
Even here in our radio studio, I am feeling such love for you, right now. Listener, I love – this microphone. Aand this cable. And the mixing board! I love these blinking phone lines, oh! You know, maybe we should take some calls. Um hi, this is Cecil, you’re on the air.
Anonymous caller: I love you.
Cecil: Awww, I love you too! Next caller, you’re on the air with Cecil Palmer.
Same anon caller: I love you.
Cecil: Did you just call from the other line?
Anon caller: Oh uh, no. [lowers voice] I hmm, I love you.
Cecil: Ah, my mistake. You know, I love our community. Our Mayor, our angels, and even – our weather.
Anon caller: [whispers] I love you!
["Turn Into It" by Jamey Browning]
Listeners, I would like to thank our newest sponsors, love, for bringing us today’s show. But in all of my loving clamor, I lost sight of what was truly at stake. Our newest intern, Blake, brought back a familiar guest into our studio, thus reminding me of it. Blake then tried to use the three-hole punch without reading the safety manual first. Oh, quick aside: to the family of intern Blake, he was a reckless intern, and he will be missed.
But now, we welcome back to the radio station, Hugh Jackman of eGemony. Hugh, I’ve done some investigative journalism, and I’m going to have to ask you the tough questions. First, I know that you’re here to claim the case of Canadian Club, right?
Hugh Jackman: Oh no, don’t worry about that.
Cecil: Well I am worried about that, among the many different things I worry about. You were coming back to get the case, you wanted me to look under my desk and…
Hugh: Not anymore, that’s OK.
Cecil: But the Barista King said...
Hugh: Cecil, I know about the baristas. I know about how Night Vale drank its own soul.
Cecil: Oh. So does that mean that eGenomy is going to, I dunno, just leave us alone then?
Hugh: Funny you should say that. When I followed you to the baristas…
Cecil: You followed me?
Hugh: Sure. [chuckles] I was the one with the Admiral Tippet sideburns!
Cecil: Oh my god that was you? Those were so good!
Hugh: [laughs] Thank you, that took me hours to grow them. Anyway, after all that I was planning on telling my team leaders at eGemony we were too late and to abandon our plans.
Cecil: Whew! Well that’s good.
Hugh: And to buy all of Night Vale to help with eGemony’s debt acquisition.
Cecil: Oh, well that’s bad.
Hugh: There’s a glitch. I’ve fallen in love.
Cecil: Pardon?
Hugh: eGemony has highly secure communications, corporate demands that we only send messages on postcards from lakeside resorts…Oh, I shouldn’t have said that out loud. Siri, remind me to prostrate myself before HR at 4 PM today. [Siri sound] Anyway, I was at the post office standing in line behind – well, it was the strangest thing, you’ll never guess, I was standing in line behind…
Cecil: A dog with a man’s head, yeah, that guy’s always there.
Hugh: Um, spoiler! We don’t have quite so many folks like that back at the office, and it made me pay closer attention to – everything around me. The first thing I noticed was this particular post office was selling stamps. Then I noticed the stamps had no denomination on them, just the word “FOREVER”. I’ve worked in retail before, put myself through high school operating (--) [0:15:34] that sold decorative soaps and customers there, as you might well guess, can be mean or even cruel, saying things like, “Do you have anything vanilla-scented” or um, they’d also say things like, “I’d like to buy some soap.” It was awful! So I am always extraordinarily polite to clerks, sometimes even flirtatious. And when I got to the head of the line at the post office, I winked at the clerk, and seven of her eight eyes winked back, and then I said: “Forever stamps? That’s quite a promise.” And you know what she said?
Cecil: No.
Hugh: Nothing. It turns out she was a spider and didn’t care what I thought, but Cecil, it was the way she didn’t care! I had a (Mackinac) Island postcard to mail, and it was important because it’s my report back about how we’re going subsume Night Vale.
Cecil: OK, see this is what I was getting at.
Hugh: And I realized that she probably sent a dozen (Mackinac) Island postcards that day and mine was no different. She asked me if anything in my envelope was liquid, hazardous, insidious, shameful, or emotionally fragile and I said: “No more so than my heart.” And then a mosquito hawk got caught in her web and she raced over to wrap it into webbing and then dissolved its body with her venom so she could later drink its liquid corpse like a child with a juice box.
Cecil: Awwwwww!
Hugh: I know, it was so sweet! Now, I am not a poetic man, Cecil, but I was inspired. Have you noticed that love seems to be in the air right now? Like that Mariah Carey song: “I had a vision of love and it was this crazy dream where I was in a park, and trees were made entirely out of recycled aluminum cans, and you were there but you looked just like me, only with a nose bleed.”
Cecil: Oh, I love that song! My husband and I danced to that at our wedding!
Hugh: Anyway, I was close enough to smell her perfume and, well, I asked if I could have a book of the “Forever” stamps, and she asked which kind. And I said: [flirtily] “The Wonder Woman stamps”, and she said that they were out of them, so I said because I’ve worked in retail before, and I try to feel like all of us are in this together, that I was feeling shortchanged by the whole “Forever” business then. And I said it with a frown on my lips, but a smile in my eyes. Like this? See?
Cecil: Uh yes, please stop.
Hugh: Cecil, she handed me back my change and said: “Next human entity in line.” And I [voice breaks] love her, I love Night Vale, so I’m staying here until she loves me too.
Cecil: Wait, what?!
Hugh: See, Night Vale is in my heart now, and it’s in eGemony’s heart. We want to pivet our company mission, see. We don’t want to drink Night Vale’s soul, we want to cross-pollenate our startup model with Night Vale’s greatest asset: love. We want to take all of this love, such [chuckling] great content by the way, and program it into an app that users can just access from anywhere. I can get our street teams on this right now, to inspire the dreamfluencers to talk about love, it’s your station’s new sponsor, right? So let’s (value add) social media platform to..
Cecil: Oh look, it’s right here! It was under my desk after all.
Hugh: Sorry what?
Cecil: The case of whiskey. Yup, here it is! Look at it.
Hugh: I don’t understand…
Cecil: Open it.
Hugh: It’s a cardboard box with the Canadian Club logo on the side. There’s bottles of Canadian Club here, but I don’t get it, the town and the former street team drank this long ago. How was it under your desk?
Cecil: Um, have you ever heard of – science?
Hugh: I’ve watched a TED Talk, I know everything about science.
Cecil: Well there’s this thought experiment where a cat is in a box, but it’s unknown whether the cat is alive and peacefully sleeping, or in fact, alive and just clawing and vomiting on everything because, well, it’s a cat. Since both things could be true, both things are true.
Hugh: This isn’t sounding familiar.
Cecil: Well, your husband clearly isn’t a scientist.
Hugh: But how is it even possible?
Cecil: Hey, with love and science, anything is possible! Now go drink your whiskey.
Hugh: I… guess I completed my goals here then, and this fulfills my obligation to my lawyer, and I won’t be staying Night Vale to pursue my true love.
Cecil: Awwwwww. You need help carrying that to your car? Our newest intern, (Makani), can help you. Hey (Makani)!
Hugh: Is this for real? Wow! You’d think fulfilling a quest of 40 years like that would be an incredible feeling but – this is slightly disappointing.
Cecil: Mm. The realest thing is disappointment. Bye now!
OK, listeners. Mr Jackman is gone. So I can tell you how I managed this. I bought a new case of Canadian Club at the Ralph’s by using – money. [chuckles] Yeah, please welcome back a classic sponsor to the show – money. Money – it fixes all your problems. There are no drawbacks to acquiring it or using it to change the destiny of others. [very fast] Corruption, organized crime and economic inequality may occur. Ask your doctor if you can afford even a routine checkup.
So listeners, that’s all for our show tonight. Oh! I have just gotten a text from Lucerne and yes, all of the scientific instruments in the world are set properly. And all measuring will occur with precise – precision. Because of my husband, who is coming home. And he’s bringing fancy Swiss chocolate, the kind with a little flex of salmon skin? Awwwww! That’s so sweet!
OK, I know money is sponsoring this show, but just for a moment, I have to put a word in for love. Love – is pretty good! OK, done. Money – it momentarily defers desolation.
Stay tuned next for our exciting new game show, “What’s in the box? No, what’s in the f[bleep]ing box?”
And as always, Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: For softer bones and a tenuous smile, drink malk. Got malk? It’s here. Drink it. [sped up voice] Drink it! Drink this myilk, mm, maalmk. [sped up voice] Drink it!
* Thanks to everyone who helped me out. It seems like there might be (intentional?) mispronunciation of words, but the translation above makes the most sense. 
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tonydadisbestdad · 7 years
Dad to the Rescue
Peter ParkerxReader
Dad!Tony Stark
Word Count: 2,870
Request from Anon: Tony’s daughter is kidnapped, and Peter hears about it. Tony tells him to stay out of it, but Peter has to save her! Peter finds her, but gets caught too, which leads Tony to save them both!
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It all happened so fast. There were too many people. It was all a scrambled mess. You just wanted to see the ball drop in Time Square with your friends. Not from a t.v., not from a private viewing spot, but from the ground. You wanted that experience, you wanted to feel like you were normal for once.
Much to your surprise, he agreed. So, you did everything right, in disguise of course. You showed up early, you found a good spot to see everything, you were so excited. It was just you, your friends, and well Happy of course, you couldn’t get away with him not being there.
You were three seconds away from Happy New Year, there was a sting in your neck, the world spun as you started to fall back. You felt arms grab you, as you slowly turned to look at Happy, you realized the man holding you up wasn’t him. You tried to call out for your friends who were yelling about New Year, or for Happy, but you found yourself unable to speak. You couldn’t even see Happy, last thing you could remember was hoping he was okay.
Peter couldn’t believe he’d heard what what he just did. “What?” He asked the unidentified caller on the other end of the line.
“You heard, Spider-Man,” The computerized voice said. “You have one hour, or she dies, and remember no suit.”
The call disconnected.
He pulled his phone back and stared at it in horror.
It took only a moment for the panic to set in. Whoever this was, there was no way they actually had you. It had to be a trap. That didn’t stop him quickly changing into his suit, throwing his his clothes in his backpack and climbing out the window. “Karen, call Mr. Stark.”
“Right away,” she responded, and immediately it started to ring.
He swung from one building to the next as he waited for you to answer Mr. Stark to answer. He didn’t want to call you just in case you really were taken, he didn’t want whoever took you to think he didn’t believe him.
Tony was surprised when he saw that Peter was calling him, so he stepped away from his annual New Year party to answer. “Hey kid, Happy New Year,” he greeted.
“M-Mr. Stark, where’s Y/N?” Peter asked, quickly. He barely dodged a couple kids banging pots and pans on the sidewalk when he swung a little too low to the ground. He wasn’t focused much on his web slinging, since he was so worried.
Tony frowned, a sense of dread settled in his stomach. “She’s with Happy and her friends watching the ball drop in the square.”
“Are you sure?” Peter asked, he knew he sounded desperate.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Tony started, “call Y/N.”
She immediately started to call you. Obviously, ignoring your dad’s calls was never a thing.
He could easily force the call to be answered, and usually he wouldn’t, but under extreme circumstances he would. After the third ring, he told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to do just that.
“Sir, her phone won’t accept the push through,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed him.
Tony really didn’t like that, the only way that was possible is if your battery was removed, something that’s not easy to do, or if it was destroyed. “Peter, what’s going on?” He demanded, more than asked.
“I-I don’t know,” Peter told him quickly. “I-I got this call and-and something’s wrong. I gotta-”
Tony had an incoming call from Happy and didn’t hesitate to accept it.
“Tony,” Happy said, quickly. “I-I don’t- I don’t know what happened. E-everything was fine,” He was just managing to drag himself out of the alleyway he’d been dumped in. He rubbed at his neck. “Then, everything just went black. I-I don’t have a visual on Y/N’s tracer.”
Peter could hear Happy just fine, his stomach tightened, just like Tony’s did.
“I gotta go get her back, Mr. Stark,” Peter said quickly.
“No, Peter, you tell me everything that happened. Happy, get back to the tower. F.R.I.D.A.Y. get everyone out, now.” Tony directed.
“Yes sir,” Happy and F.R.I.D.A.Y. both agreed.
Peter however, didn’t. He was still swinging, not to the tower, but to where whoever this was wanted him to go. He took a deep breath. “This person called me, they were using a voice changer. They said they had Y/N, told me if I wanted to get her back that I had to meet with them, without the suit. Sir, they-they threatened to kill her if I don’t get there within the hour. I /have/ to.”
“No, Parker, you get your ass here, now.” tony stated. “This isn’t a game, we’ll get her back, after we come up with a plan, understand? You can’t just go, especially alone, there’s no guarantee-”
“There’s nothing else we can do, I have to show up alone or she’s going to die!”
“Dammit Peter! Listen to me!” Tony raged. He was a mess. He couldn’t believe this happened. He should have never agreed to letting you do something so dangerous like be in Times Square at the busiest time of the year.
“I’m sorry, but no,” Peter told him. “We have no guarantee that if we do come up with a different plan that it won’t make things worse! I’m going. Karen end call,” He commanded.
Tony couldn’t believe it, here, you were in such a dangerous situation and Peter wasn’t thinking rationally. He tried to get Peter back on the line but Peter was close to his destination and quickly dropped into an alley to change. He went to where he was told to go.
Peter woke with a jump. His head was pounding, like his senses had been extra overloaded. The light above his head was too bright, he had to close his eyes. He tried to move but found himself restrained. He didn’t know how someone had managed to pull one over on him this bad, but he was going to make sure whoever did this paid.
Then he remembered the real reason he was here. He quickly looked to both his sides, hoping wherever he was, you’d be there too. With all his bad luck he was surprised that whoever had abducted the two of you put you in the same room.
Your head was drooped forward, and you were also restrained, just not as much as Peter was. Whoever they were dealing with knew Peter would be able to get out restraint’s like yours.
“Y/N,” Peter whispered, hoping you were okay. “Y/N,” he said, just a bit louder. He could hear your heart beating, so at least he knew you were alive.
“Comfortable Mr. Parker?” That same voice from the phone asked.
Peter looked around quickly. He spotted a camera in one of the corners of the room. He glared hard at it. “What do you want?”
“All in due time, Mr. Parker.” The voice said through the speaker.
Peter really regretted not taking your dad’s help.
Tony tracked Peter’s suit, and of course he was in the very opposite direction of the tower. He moved as quickly as he could to get there, but he must have been too late. Once he located Peter’s suit, he pulled up any surveillance video’s he could from the surrounding area. He was going to find the two of you. His own life depended on it.
You didn’t know what was going on when you woke. Your head felt stuffed and your limbs heavy and stiff. The last thing you remembered was your friends and plenty of other people screaming about New Year. So what happened? Why were you so out of it? You pulled your head up and pried your eyes open. It took a few tries, but when you finally managed to, panic set in.
This wasn’t happening to you.
“Y/N,” Peter said, slightly eager, he was so glad you were awake. “Thank God, are you alright?”
You were surprised to see Peter strapped to a chair of his own beside you. “P-Peter,” You couldn’t stop the whimper from coming out. “W-what’s going on?” Tears rose to your eyes. If Peter was here too, that meant whoever did this could pull something over on Spider-Man.
“I don’t know, b-but we’re gonna be okay, okay?” He reassured, he knew your dad would find the two of you.
You gave a timid nod, you wanted to believe him. You believed your dad would find you, but you hoped he had some semblance of clue and would do so quickly.
“Finally ready to join us, Miss Stark?” The voice asked.
You looked around quickly, and figured it out just like Peter had. “What do you wa-nt? Please, just let us g-o.” You knew it wouldn’t work, but you had to try.
The person chuckled. “I wish to see both of you dead.”
You looked to Peter, panic in even more in your eyes now. You could see just a hint in Peter’s now, too.
“Wh-why would you want to kill us?” You asked, quickly. “Y-you know who my dad is, h-he’ll give you whatever you want, just /please/.” You begged.
When the door to the room opened the hall was dark, much like this room was, minus the light right above Peter. A figured that was very well cloaked stepped into the room. “Why dear,” the person spoke, their voice still computerized. “I wish to see your father fall.”
You closed your eyes. You couldn’t believe this was happening. “Th-Then why is Peter here?” You asked, as the figured stepped over to a table across from you and Peter.
“Two birds with one stone. Now, which of you wishes to die first?” They asked, turning around, holding a large needle.
“Don’t you dare touch her,” Peter said. “If you have a problem with Spider-Man kill me, fine, but don’t you dare touch her. Mr. Stark would do anything to get her back, just make that your bargaining chip.” He didn’t know what else he could do to save you. Even if he died first, there was no guarantee your dad would make it in time to save you.
“Peter no,” You said, releasing a sob. “I-I ca-n’t lose you.”
Your abductor tsked. “Isn’t that sweet. You don’t understand, it’s not that I want him to stop being Iron Man, I want nothing more than for him to suffer.” They swept forward, towards the two of you.
“Kill me first,” You demanded, if you were both going to die, like hell were you going to watch Peter die first. You weren’t going to let that be your last memory of him.
“No,” Peter stated, looking at you. He knew you were under a lot of stress right now, so was he, but he couldn’t allow that. He needed you to stay alive for as long as possible if there was any chance. He tried to convey that with a look.
You knew what he was trying to say, you closed your eyes tight, another sob escaping you. “I-I love you, Peter.” You confessed, looking at him.
“Enough,” the figure said, sweeping forward. They pulled back to stab the needle into Peter’s neck.
“I love you, too,” Peter said, quickly, before his inevitable end.
Both of you squeezed your eyes shut, but then there was a blast that had you both looking towards where the figure used to be standing. Then you both looked back to where they were, in a pile of rubble from the wall they had crashed into. Then another blast followed, just for good measure. A team swept in as you and Peter looked towards your father.
Tony didn’t hesitate to step out of the suit.
You sobbed as you were released from your restraints. You spring right into his arms.
He held you as tight as possible. He wasn’t letting you out of his sight again.
Peter stood as well once he was released, except he stayed where he was. He felt horrible. He was also just almost killed. He couldn’t even meet your dad’s eyes.
“Get over here, Underoos,” Tony demanded, his one arm released you and waved Peter in.
Peter was more surprised but this than he was when he first got the call from the person that was being drug out in handcuffs. But he had disobeyed your dad’s order’s enough for one night, so he stepped into both of you.
Tony wrapped his arm around him tightly. As mad as he was, he could deal with that later, right now he was just glad you were both alright.
Tony got both you and Peter back to the tower. He didn’t want to send Peter home at this time, because of May. He texted her that he needed Peter’s help with something really early, so not to worry her. Since, it was almost morning, he figured it would just be better to let Peter crash at there so they could talk after the two of you got some rest.
You had a lot on your mind when you walked into the tower, the first was that you needed to hug Happy. The second, was a shower. The third, was needing to talk to Peter. Of course, sleep was all you wanted, but you had to make sure Happy was okay, and to wash away your late night disaster. You hugged Happy extra tight, before going off to shower.
Tony offered Peter to as well, and gave him something to wear. Peter accepted and by the time he was done he went out to the couch to get some sleep and was surprised to find you there.
You had just hugged your dad goodnight, and promised you were going to go right to bed. Of course, you stopped and flopped on the couch instead. Talking to Peter was more important right now.
Peter sat down next to you. “H-Hey,” he greeted quietly.
“Hi,” you said, scooching a bit closer to him. “So, um… I’m sure you’re tired too, but I-I just can’t go to sleep without talking first…”
Peter sighed, he sent a glance your way, he was struggling to look at you. He had almost lost you, all because he was being irrational and didn’t listen to your dad. He gave a small nod.
“E-earlier w-when you said you love me too, did you mean it? Or did you just say it back because we were about to die?” You had to force it out.
The brunette looked at you, he ran a hand through his still damp hair. “W-what?” He asked, he couldn’t believe this is what you were asking him.
“I’m putting all the other stuff aside Peter, it’s not that important to me, and frankly I’d like to move on from it. What I can’t just move on from is this… I-I meant it earlier, I know it definitely wasn’t the best time to tell you, but I have feelings for you. I just want to know how you meant it when you said it back…”
Peter’s Adam’s apple bobbed. He didn’t want this to be how it happened either. “Y-yeah, I meant it,” he admitted. “I just, I didn’t want to freak you out before if I told you I liked you. This isn’t really the best environment to be dating in…”
You gave a small nod. There was a flicker of hope, but his last words made it dull, but you’d be damned if you gave up that easily. “I wish it didn’t take all this for us to finally admit it to each other.”
“Me either,” Peter agreed. “I’m sorry.”
“I guess you think we shouldn’t bother giving this a try, since you think it’s not a good environment?” You asked, not letting the small bit of hope go? You looked at him with that hope.
He couldn’t say no to that look, he hesitantly reached out and stroked your cheek. His mind was already made up, it had been for some time. That if he ever really got a chance to be with you, even if things were bad, he’d give his all to try for you. “What if I didn’t think that?” He asked.
You nuzzled your cheek into his palm and kept your eyes locked with his. “Then I think we’d be really dumb to not take advantage of this.”
Peter smiled lightly at you. “Will you please be my girlfriend?” He asked, quietly.
You gave a small happy nod.
He didn’t stop himself from pulling you in and kissing you. It was sweet, and wonderful, and so full of feelings you both shared for one another that you couldn’t have hid them if you wanted to. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Peter,” You replied, before pulling him down into the couch with you. Your dad could be mad later, but as of right now, you had almost lost him and he you tonight. You both needed to be safe in each other’s arms.
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5mind · 2 months
I like that you don't seem to bend your characters and their personalities to cater to anybody. They act like how they're going to act regardless of how the other person's character feels about them. Not everyone plays that aspect well and consistently and I applaud you for that.
Anonymously send me your favorite detail about how I play my character. I will publish and respond OOC.
oh huh! thank you !!! genuinely glad to hear that even though I do think sometimes I feel have to interfere (usually as an outside influence rather than directly changing the character) to actually keep my characters in the situation but i guess thats less bending the character and more just Creating Situations
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5mind · 5 months
💞 + Antares buddy……….what that tail do? Besides the stinging and the slicing and the slaughtering ofc.
In the spirit of Sexual Sunday, feel free to send 💞 + any dirty questions you may have for them on anon, and they HAVE to answer honestly!
"What else does a tail even need to do??? Aside from all that and grabbing stuff..."
"I mean, I can switch out what's at the end of it but I don't own any ...attachments.. you might be interested in today..."
"Ah, wait- you into choking , anon?"
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5mind · 5 months
Scandalous rumor:
Fivey actually hates Tokusatsu
Send me a very scandalous rumor about my muse to see how they would react.
"Excuse me?"
"Why would-!!! Why would you even think that? Who is saying this? Where are they?!"
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5mind · 2 years
Honestly? I would totally give Fivey a lil kissy if it was possible :)
"And why would it not be possible?"
"Wait. Do you mean me or just one of my units..?"
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5mind · 2 years
Johnny 5 from the movie Short Circuit for the romantic candidate meme
Suggest romantic candidates for my muse.
it doesn't have to be definite but lets see some ideas. extra points for a dynamic
" We do not know who that is but from a quick search, he seems like a nice young machine. I suppose???"
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5mind · 2 years
Ok ok ok... But how would the units react to being kissed?
Like, suddenly? By whom???
Tbh they'd all react roughly the same - stunned silence. The units that are not being kissed are dropping everything they're doing.
But again, highly depends on the context.
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5mind · 3 months
You're behaving rather nonchalant for a fellow who's been caught right out. What if I were to tell you that I had... other damning photographs. If photographs of you watching Cocomelon don't get a rise out of you, how about photos of you performing more... illegal activities. How about that. Does that scare you, eh? Bug man? Or will you not be worried because that last one was just photoshopped? Hm?
"Oh..oh no... how scary! Whatever shall I do?" He's audibly trying so hard not to laugh.
"You think I haven't been on the news? I mean, in the background mostly, sure but I'm not hiding anything." He does have what he considers a secret identity and it is not the one that wears a helmet.
"But sure, go ahead, give me free publicity. Maybe then I can go freelance or something."
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groveofsouls · 1 year
tag dump one ft. general tags!!
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