#( v; determined to stay howlarious | werewolf!dugan » battlesthatmatter )
salvagedsouls · 1 year
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( v. staying howlarious | turnedwolf!dugan » battlesthatmatter )
he knows something is different about bucky. sure, everyone knows something is off, but they’re all putting it under ‘ tortured by hydra ’ and have decided to call it a day. dugan, however, just knows it’s something else. the sergeant is far quieter than he used to be, hangs in the captain’s shadow more than anywhere else, but he just…looks off. like he’s hurt and trying not to show it. dugan at first tries to simply offer distraction, wrapping his coat around the brunet and showing off the new photographs of lydia and ellie that came with a care package of sweets he very unevenly distributed to make sure bucky got just a little more. hell, he even handed over a couple of cigars with only minor complaint. he’d get an answer one way or another, whatever time it may take, and he’d think of plenty of ways to cajole for it. he’s nothing if not determined, honestly. he does not get it in any kind of way he expects to, however. he’d realised he had left the photographs in a pocket of his coat and headed out to where bucky was supposed to be on patrol, only to find a pile of clothes beyond their perimeter; the man had gotten as far as picking up the coat in confused worry and glancing out into the darkness of the surrounding forest, bucky’s name halfway out of his mouth when the world goes sideways. well, actually, he does, and if he hadn’t been reaching for the strap of his rifle the teeth that sank into his forearm would have torn through his throat. there’s zero time to react to what’s happened beyond registering the sickening warmth of his own blood seeping into his vest, as before he can take a defensive swing or anything the creature whines and releases his arm, making more whuffled noises. a wet nose presses to his cheek, followed by a scratchy tongue across his face, and dugan finally is able to move enough to shove away with his other arm, right one currently all but useless, and he groans as he rolls directly into the roots of a tree, heart racing as he tries to figure out what in the fuck is happening. only after he’s managed to get to a sitting position does some of the noise seem to die down, and before him is a giant wolf. okay, problem number one. big blue eyes; weird, but maybe that’s how wolves are out here, he’s not well-versed on them. shuffling anxiously the way bucky sometimes does when he thinks he’s done something wrong and is about to be reprimanded? big, big, big problem number two. he gets another whine, and dugan realises he hasn’t said a word throughout the entire last couple minutes, not even a yell after the breath had gotten knocked out of him ( not easy for a man his size ), and he chances a look away from the wolf to check his arm. there’s no way that could be good, but he’s…pretty sure it isn’t gonna kill him. probably. “ guess i shoulda checked my pockets before lettin’ you go off, ” the redhead grins, though his teeth are grit together. figuring that at this point the sergeant is unlikely to go for the throat again, dugan pulls a kerchief out of a front pocket to try and staunch some of the bleeding. amazingly, it doesn’t look that bad, though he’s sure he’s going to be aching for at least a few days, but before he can get the will to push off the ground and back to his feet, the wolf is yet again whining softly and curled up over his lap, chin resting on dugan’s shoulder. as close as bucky can get to apologising, he figures, gently bumping their heads. “ i hear you, sarge, i hear you. ”
by unfortunate accident ( dugan is far less bothered about the entire thing than bucky is ), he’s a turned werewolf and ends up as part of @battlesthatmatter's pack after the howling commandos have been formed. he takes the curveball pretty damn well as far as life-altering changes go, but it serves as very solid reason to not go home right away once the war ends. he doesn’t take the loss of bucky or rogers very well, but buries most of the pain behind his usual humor and continuing to work in europe.
important note: this is also based on bucky’s turned!wolf verse with adi,  but the interpretations will remain technically separate to be more open for interaction. this is me wanting to be clear on rogers being the pack leader and the one generally in charge until he’s lost with the valkyrie.
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
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werewolf verse: random trivia
just a little collection of Fun Facts™ about dugan and his wolfy fun times <3
at regular full-grown height and unshifted, dugan stands at 6′5 ( 1.95m )
at partial/bipedal shift, he goes anywhere from 8′4′ ( 2.54m ) to 9′1 ( 2.77m ), and maxes at a whopping goddamn 9′8 ( 2.95m ) during and immediately framing the full moon
full shift he’s still pretty fucking tall at 7′11 ( 2.41m ) from ground to shoulder while on all-fours. seriously what the fuck man.
dugan’s fur color is very ginger, just as his regular hair is. very very ginger. think fox coloring kind of ginger. it’s honestly ridiculous especially with how absolutely ginormous he is when shifted
you think regular verse dugan is a garbage disposal for food?? lmao think again the wolf is always fucking eating something trying to keep up with his metabolism and size, seriously how in the hell has he not starved?? he’s worse than a teenager smh
t o e b e a n s
seriously tho they are massive and if he likes you he’ll happily let you touch them
he likes to use shedded fur to do things like stuff teddies for his daughter. yes he makes sure it’s clean, he’s not an idiot. but it makes things Super Soft™ and she seems to adore the efforts so that’s what really matters here
honestly you could probably literally make a whole new wolf with the amount he sheds for fucks sake
cleaning his fur is an absolute bitch it’s so thick, but god is the Floof hilarious when he goes through water and shakes it all off
his howls are deep, and he can do both comforting resonation and bone-chilling, pants-shittingly terrifying. usually he sticks to softer howls tho if he can unless absolutely necessary or something requires going batshit
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
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( v; determined to stay howlarious | werewolf!dugan » battlesthatmatter ) / ( v; can’t wait to sink in | born werewolf!dugan )
             he knows something is different about bucky. sure, everyone knows something is off, but they’re all putting it under ‘ tortured by hydra ’ and have decided to call it a day. dugan, however, just knows it’s something else. the sergeant is far quieter than he used to be, hangs in the captain’s shadow more than anywhere else, but he just…looks off. like he’s hurt and trying not to show it.
                     dugan at first tries to simply offer distraction, wrapping his coat around the brunet and showing off the new photographs of lydia and ellie that came with a care package of sweets he very unevenly distributed to make sure bucky got just a little more. hell, he even handed over a couple of cigars with only minor complaint. he’d get an answer one way or another, whatever time it may take, and he’d think of plenty of ways to cajole for it. he’s nothing if not determined, honestly.
    he does not get it in any kind of way he expects to, however. he’d realised he had left the photographs in a pocket of his coat and headed out to where bucky was supposed to be on patrol, only to find a pile of clothes beyond their perimeter; the man had gotten as far as picking up the coat in confused worry and glancing out into the darkness of the surrounding forest, bucky’s name halfway out of his mouth when the world goes sideways.
    well, actually, he does, and if he hadn’t been reaching for the strap of his rifle the teeth that sank into his forearm would have torn through his throat. there’s zero time to react to what’s happened beyond registering the sickening warmth of his own blood seeping into his vest, as before he can take a defensive swing or anything the creature whines and releases his arm, making more whuffled noises. a wet nose presses to his cheek, followed by a scratchy tongue across his face, and dugan finally is able to move enough to shove away with his other arm, right one currently all but useless, and he groans as he rolls directly into the roots of a tree, heart racing as he tries to figure out what in the fuck is happening.
           only after he’s managed to get to a sitting position does some of the noise seem to die down, and before him is a giant wolf. okay, problem number one. big blue eyes; weird, but maybe that’s how wolves are out here, he’s not well-versed on them. shuffling anxiously the way bucky sometimes does when he thinks he’s done something wrong and is about to be reprimanded? big, big, big problem number two. he gets another whine, and dugan realises he hasn’t said a word throughout the entire last couple minutes, not even a yell after the breath had gotten knocked out of him ( not easy for a man his size ), and he chances a look away from the wolf to check his arm. there’s no way that could be good, but he’s…pretty sure it isn’t gonna kill him. probably.
    “ guess i shoulda checked my pockets before lettin’ you go off, ” the redhead grins, though his teeth are grit together. figuring that at this point the sergeant is unlikely to go for the throat again, dugan pulls a kerchief out of a front pocket to try and staunch some of the bleeding. amazingly, it doesn’t look that bad, though he’s sure he’s going to be aching for at least a few days, but before he can get the will to push off the ground and back to his feet, the wolf is yet again whining softly and curled up over his lap, chin resting on dugan’s shoulder. as close as bucky can get to apologising, he figures, gently bumping their heads.
                                   “ i hear you, sarge, i hear you. ”
by unfortunate accident ( dugan is far less bothered about the entire thing than bucky is ), he’s a turned werewolf and ends up as part of @battlesthatmatter​‘s pack after the howling commandos have been formed. he takes the curveball pretty damn well, as far as life-altering changes go, but it serves as very solid reason to not go home right away once the war ends. he doesn’t take the loss of bucky or rogers very well, but buries most of the pain behind his usual humour and continuing to work in europe.
important note: this is technically also based on my bucky’s turned!wolf verse but the interpretations will remain separate to be more open for interaction. i just want to be clear on rogers being the pack leader and the one generally in charge until he’s lost with the valkyrie.
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
tag dump ten ft. isms, verses, and aesthetic tags !!
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
tag dump thirteen ft. family tags & part one of ships !!
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
tag dump eighteen ft. verses part two and npcs part one !!
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