#(/lh. I love all the asks I've gotten!!)
anathemafiction · 4 months
about two years ago, i remember someone asking you about dragon age, and you mentioned Solas as one of the ROs- it made me curious and after it popped up in my mind again a few weeks ago, i got DA:I and began to romance Solas, full of hope and joy....(/lh for the following) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE😭😭😭😭I BLAME YOU FOR PLANTING THIS SEED IN MY NAIVE MIND😭😭😭😭MY HEART IS IN SHAMBLES ON THE FLOOR BEING STOMPED ON BY A CERTAIN WOLF😭😭WHYYY ANATHEMA WHY DID YOU DIRECT ME TO THIS😭😭😭😭 HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HEAL😭😭😭(again all of this is meant lightheartedly you ofc hold no blame, and while i am sobbing and staring at my wall i loved the game and gut wrenching angst so thanks for the rec <3!!)
Anon 😂 I never thought the egg man was still breaking people's hearts in the year of our lord 2024, but you proved me wrong. 😭😭 This is one of the funniest asks I've ever gotten. 
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dreamstormdragon · 2 months
03 Leatherhead for the ask game, if you're interested! :3
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This was the first version of Leatherhead I've ever seen and while I love ALL versions... Yeah, no this one's the best one, I take no arguments or exceptions lmao.
I'm legit pissed we were robbed of a Rise LH because I feel, in general as a whole he's not utilized ENOUGH.
Especially 03 LH.
This boy, is literally the turtles big brother? He shares a direct origin with them, with the Utroms!
Like, seriously you know what? We got to see Turtle Tots, where was my "Baby LH?" I doubt he mutated to an adult already.
I really wish we had gotten a chance to see his life actually growing up with them, as family because I can only imagine.
The way he re-finds himself, after that loss, thanks to the guys and especially with how fast they went,
"BIG BROTHER? BIG BROTHER?! OURS NOW!" collecting sibling figures like pokemon trainers on route 1. I love how, the writers leaned wholly into his role both as a combatant and an intellectual. He's not afraid to defend himself... or acknowledge, there's even limitations to his own prowess.
I always loved reptiles as a kid, like I was the kid who was always tuned into animal planet and stuff, so getting into this show, ALREADY LOVING REPTILES? And then THIS GUY APPEARS?
Big crocodile man?
Plus, my first introduction to TMNT was Good Genes which featured him quite heavily, so he's always been a favorite of mine, due to that memory. His bond with the guys, especially Donnie is just so darn sweet and seriously, we needed just more of this guy in general. I love how Master Splinter just readily accepts him as another kid, his boys brouught home for him.
"Ah yes, my sixth son, the crocodile. 4 turtle sons, a caveman son and a crocodile son."
As a whole I just adore this guy!!!
Also, I HATE HIS BACK TO THE SEWERS DESIGNS massive downgrade L level downgrade. DEAR GOD
We don't accept it. That design didn't happen lmao
ALso, Fast Forward season 2 was supposed to show that he lived that long? That he was STILL AROUND? (And given the oldest on record was a whopping 122 years old? I think a mutant with access to tech to keep himself healthy, would absolutely be still around. Frankly, I'm stunned FF season 1 didn't have him as at least a DECENT ADULT for Cody to be around. (Then again if Leatherhead saw Darius Dunn HOLY SHIT he'd be dead...)
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fair-city-reporter · 23 days
Commemorating the Anniversary
Well, this blog was made just in time for the Wordgirl Anniversary - even if it was almost entirely by accident. The series premiered 17 years ago (excluding the shorts-) on September 3, 2007 and while I hardly remember the original shorts - let alone the first episodes, I returned to it just now and with the anniversary at the eyes of its adoring fans.
If anything, Wordgirl changed me in a way I can't describe. Everything started with Randy Cunningham, and the return to my beloved Secret Quartet but now Wordgirl has become a show dear to my heart. Not only is it an educational program with an amazing cast of characters - but because there's so much more it could be. Wordgirl has a lot of deeper episodes, shining brightly against its usual more comedic, lighthearted approach.
I can't thank enough how much being part of the community, being part of the fandom, has made me a lot happier. I've yet to see much toxicity and let's hope it stays that way but to move onto something fun for this post - I'm going to be posting headcanons and lore ideas here, the same way I did when I first joined Randy Cunningham.
I hope you enjoy the show!
💫 Becky Botsford 'presents' herself as Afro-Latina, much like the rest of her adoptive family. Though she is alien, I have this distinct feeling there's some cloaking thing going on (because I am also very much for a separate headcanon I will talk about shortly-)
💫 She met Violet Heaslip when they were still in preschool and became inseparable ever since.
💫 Due to the connections with Superman, Becky can heal faster than the average human; she can still scar, of course but she won't easily be killed by normal means. What this means for when it comes to Lexonite - we'll get to that later!
💫 Her first crush wasn't Scoops! It was Violet, but Becky didn't seem to pick up on it - as she didn't have a concept of the word back then, at least not fully, and well - she dismissed it for something else. Personally, I don't think she cares about giving her sexuality a label. It just exists!
💫 She craves validation but she doesn't want to be arrogant. I know canon seems to treat this a little weirdly; though I like to see it as her wanting to be seen, as more than just Wordgirl and after all - heroes should get their recognition for protecting their city which is more than can be said for Fair City!
💫 I love the idea that the Botsford's always suspected there was something special about Becky, but they never brought it up - not wanting her to feel cornered.
💫 Becky and Violet are often partners in projects. Where Violet's more artistic, Becky works on making sure it's presentable and other notecards where her writing excels.
💫 Fair City cannot possibly be that dumb, but then again - it is an educational show. Even then, they make me mad though I can rant about that in a meta post; for now, here''s the headcanon: featured words have to happen in the episode, and so there's a bit of 'programming' where they need to ask in order for Wordgirl to define it!
💫 Divorced McAllister parents moment!
💫 Literally most of the cast is neurodivergent. I don't make the rules (except I do /lh-). This is canon now!
💫 You cannot sit here and tell me that Lexicon doesn't know Becky went missing from the planet. So either they know and don't care; or they know... and she's just too far away for them to reach her. (or there's the angstier approach where something happened to the planet, but that isn't supported by canon so-)
💫 Not all of the characters can break the fourth wall. This is something only attributed to Becky and some of the leads; others can talk with the Narrator, but they don't have direct communication with the viewers, or anything like that!
💫 Adoptive villain family supporter here-
I have a lot more, but these are the ones I'm starting with, because I am very lazy- and well, this post has gotten incredibly big. Also additional headcanon that since the series is educational, other planets exist based on school subjects! Loosely supported by the appearance of Kid Math, though honestly he should've had more episodes-
Lore thoughts will be posted separately as I realize this has gotten incredibly big, but I am just bouncing off of the walls - Wordgirl is my pride and joy right now, even if I love to angst anything I get my paws on! Without much further ado though, I leave you!
Happy Wordgirl anniversary, to the many years to come - and well, to the prosperity of this blog because I am very much not done yet!
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batter-sempai · 5 days
Hello hello! ...Dorry for my last ask. Got a bit overexcited and brainspewed all over your inbox.
Guess who's gotten into Ultrakill thanks to you! I'm definately not complaining, that's for sure.
So... I have decided to spice things up with a bit of a Ultrakill ramble instead of my usual Papyrus Nonsense (Does this mean I'm no longer the Pap Anon? The sacrifices I make for new blorbos... /lh)
One thing that I noticed was that I couldn't find a single role reversal fic. Which is fair. The Idoits (aka Gab and V1) are Too Damn Similar to just swap without making it the practically exact same story. So.... I came up with an idea. What if the setting was a "holy crusade" type of story? The angels culling humanity on the surface instead of machines in Hell? And the machines (either previously made for OG purpose or made specifically to fight the angels) have been sent out by humanity in defense? I just think it would be neat.
Side ramble from story ideas since that's the only one I've got, but something that interests me is... how do the machines WORK? I know there's.meant to be suspension of disbelief and all that but I want to Know. Do they have little suction holes all over their plating to suck in the blood? Does the blood work like with humans, only they lack the ability to regenerate that blood? Or is it that the blood works more like oil for a car? And the concept. Oh wow the concept. Imagine being in a weapon design commitee or whatever they have and some saying "you know what would be really messed up?" and everybody just nodding along and saying what a good idea that was?
Wow this is getting long. Going to cut myself off here but tldr thank you for the Thoughts.
- No Longer Just Pap Anon
Hehe hello there Pap Anon. :D I’m so happy I got you into Ultrakill. I’ll reply to your other asks too, I’m sorry it took so long. ;_;
I guess you’re both the Pap and Ultrakill anon now? Nice. ^^
Now that I think about it, what would a combination of both games be called? Underkill? Ultratale? Both sound pretty great.
Yessss I love how similar Gabriel and V1 are, while having the opposite goals. Both of them are, or now were, pawns to a higher force (the humans and the angel Council) and tend to act on instinct. Their dynamic is fascinating to me.
Ooh! I love the idea for this AU so much. :o Maybe in this world, humanity didn’t destroy itself with war and making the war machines, and managed to live on somewhat peacefully. But the Council didn’t like that and sent an army of angels, including Gabriel, to purge the humans. Would be very messed up if the angels sent down had to consume blood to survive too. Humanity’s last-ditch effort to survive was to send machines to fight the angels, and V1 being the last and most powerful weapon they made. V1 and Gabriel meet and fight like they do in the game, only on Earth instead of in Hell. ^^
On the topic of how the machines work, the game says that all machines who aren’t V1 have a “separate blood refueling process”, though it’s never specified what it is. V1 is unique that he’s the only machine that can absorb blood through his metal plating. So maybe V1 has very tiny suction holes on his plating to absorb blood. But the other machines might have to stop and siphon the blood into them somehow. I like to think they have some kind of blood vacuum, but I still need to give it more thought.
Also I think blood is actual fuel for them, due to the tagline “blood is fuel”. It’s mostly like gas for cars, they need it to keep moving. I've seen some people depict machines as having tubes as veins for blood in their bodies, or having parts that look like metallic human organs, which are amazing ideas, but I don't know how canon that is.
Here’s a screencap I took from the game explaining V1’s refueling process.
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And honestly, the humans should have seen this coming. Imagine making powerful machines that NEED blood to survive and not expecting anything to go wrong. Then again, I guess humanity in real life isn’t any less foolish sometimes. But hopefully we won’t make something as awful as blood machines.
It’s okay ^^ Thank you so much for the ask.
I guess I can be both a Papyrus theory and Ultrakill theory blog too, because this was really fun to type out.
Also, here’s a screencap I took in Roblox of Papyrus and Gabriel. Hope you enjoy it Pap/Ultrakill Anon. ^^
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re-colligere · 6 days
I NEEED to know if Angus and Roz have any interactions and what maybe their relationship/dynamic could be.
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First of all I'm kinda obsessed with this genre of asks that I've gotten, specifically about Roz and Hellforge's dynamic. I love them, don't get me wrong! I just feel a lil bad because I really. Haven't thought much about them interacting outside of the whole enemies thing. They absolutely cross paths at some point, probably with Verte and Terror in tandem.
Cards on the table this is partly because uhh. I consider Angus a little bit underdeveloped with his motives and backstory more than anyone else right now so, still kinda finding a good stepping point for him before I can consider what kind of relationships he'd have with the rest of the cast. I'm sorry mr Helled Forge I will do better orz /lh
With that said, they could possibly be rivals, probably deeper on Angus's side than Ernest because of. personal matters. Reasons that Ernest wouldn't even be remotely aware of. Angus be beefin...but to be fair Ernest doesn't really consider anyone rivals (everyone's much better than him! Who would consider him an equal?) So he does respect Angus to an extent but he still considers Angus an enemy.
They have not teamed up against a common enemy yet, since they've never met each other before Operation A113 was set into motion. Not a lot of common ground to find in each other right now, and Angus picks his allies very, very carefully. So unless they could see eye to eye at some point, it'll be highly unlikely they team up.
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autumngremlin · 26 days
Quotes and blips I've gotten from Jack (whether it's channeling or based on a DR)
The Jack I channel is an entire collective of all the places I have him scripted in
"*annoyed sigh* Yellow? **AGGRESSIVE AIRHORN** ... Fucking christ, that's the fifth one this week." - Him answering a scam call in one of my drs
"Don't point that at me🤨" - Directed at me when I pointed a straw full of tapioca pearls at him (I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS THERE OKAY-)
"Your cat has a staring problem." He said this jokingly when Malcolm was still alive
Lyrics. So. Many. Lyrics. Im convinced he likes getting songs stuck in my head at this point
*insert playfully teasing comment*
"You already know I'm yours." I got that after seeing a quote on here saying: Weren't we made for each other?
"Because I love you, stupid" in a I thought I made this obvious/lh fashion. Not sure what made him say this-? I was just eating lunch while at work and it was apparently National Girlfriend's Day when it happened🧍
Short list since I ask him if he's okay with sharing stuff and bc I've been busy
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musesofthesun · 4 months
Fill in this form to let your RP partners your preferences in terms of writing. Knowing your partners better makes figuring out the kind of interaction you can have with each other easier! Repost, don't reblog.
name: it's'a me, Ender! or Pons, as i'm known by a few ppl as
pronouns: she/her! idm they/them if ur fumbling tho. i have memory issues too guys dw /lh
preference of communication: tumblr IMs / discord! or any asks off anon that i can answer privately. pls just talk to me yk communication is Important!
name of muse(s): here's my muse list! but the one at the forefront of my brain is yui from yo.mawari: midnight sh.adows
rp experience / how long: since i was like 10? i think? and it was on google hangouts
best experience: my girls tilli and eve are in the top list. but tbh i love a lot of plots that I've gotten to do!
rp pet peeves / deal breakers: be transparent with me! just talk to me! a lot of bad stuff has happened to me when lack of communication gets involved. i don't mind if you're slow and need to think, that's fine! :] i just need to know you'll communicate with me on plots, etc. o yea also respect other ppl or I'm gripping u. I'm like pretty chill otherwise
fluff, angst, or smut: i do love both fluff/angst, hurt/comfort is my favie genre! i don't rlly feel like writing smut bc of Incidents of the Past. but otherwise i love a lotta writing genres
plots or memes: both! i love a good plot and i love slice of life. memes to kickstart a plot are great too
long or short replies: both! medium length sometimes. unless my partner has a preference then i go with whatever the vibe is
best time to write: apparently at evening/midnight. i don't have much energy for writing during the day yet. I'm trying tho
are you like your muse: an entire server kin assigned me se.rial deisgn.ation n and that's all I'm gonna say /j. but forreal, sometimes i am and sometimes I'm not. i put a lil bit of myself into everything yk!
tagged by: The Hatted Enigmatic Oracle
tagging: @starmuscd always. @devouraes @autonomousxselves @quillheel @velvrose @cookieofearthbread @lurxof--thxmaw @1mpulsee @adoranoia @gracie-ful-indulgence @sciatherics @novaragno @ramblexn + anyone who sees this BWAHAHA /pos
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csashton · 2 years
Does He Know? - LH x (fem)Reader
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Summary: reader and lewis had a relationship, she has a baby - he finds out.
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton/(fem)Reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, childbirth, babies
Word count: 2171
my master list 🖤
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“Does he know about the baby?”
“Why would he?” You mutter into the phone as you get her bottle ready. “It’s not like he answered any of my phone calls, texts or even emails after I found out I was pregnant.”
A sad sigh answers you,  she had heard this argument throughout your pregnancy. It wasn't any different now that she was born.
“Babe, you need to tell him. She’s five months old already, you can’t avoid it forever.” You can’t stop the eye-roll that follows, plopping down on the couch to feed your baby girl. “The most he’ll do is pay child support, I've got a wonderful job. I don't want or need his money. He doesn’t want a baby, Em. You’ve seen his instagram - he’s out living his life. He’s got another world championship to win.”
“You either tell him, or it’s going to get leaked to the press the first time you go out. Is that how you want him to find out?” She argues, “Look I have to go back to work, but let me know if you need anything. Please talk to him. I love you.”
Before you can even respond, the dial tone meets your ear. “Viv, she doesn’t understand, does she?” you question, tossing your phone to the side as you look down at the sleepy baby in your arms.
Fifteen months ago you’d called off your three-year relationship with Lewis. It was rocky for the last few months until you decided to call it quits. He wanted to focus on racing, you wanted to focus on building your life and family together. It hurt for a while, but you realized that you both were at very different points in your life. You had different priorities. 
It was pretty cliche how you got pregnant. You had spent one last night with him, the night before the movers were scheduled to show up. The shared apartment scattered in boxes full of memories of the last few years. Six weeks later you were frantic, calling your best friend Em saying you hadn’t gotten your period. After many positive tests and mental breakdowns, you were sure you were pregnant, single, and on your own. Em tried back in the early days, every day, to convince you to tell Lewis. It didn’t feel like the right thing to do. You’d sent him a few messages to let him know you needed to talk, but he wasn’t interested. After a few weeks, you gave up, not wanting to distract him from all his preparations for the upcoming season.
The last you heard from him was when he posted an Instagram story, asking everyone to give you privacy during the breakup. It made you going off of social media for the entirety of your pregnancy so much easier. No one questioned you or why you were gone.
Toward the end of your pregnancy, you’d sent Em to pick up groceries or had them delivered. You didn’t want to risk going out in public, your relationship with Lewis had been very public. The last thing you needed was for it to get leaked.
The weather was beautiful in Monaco. Once Vivian had finished her bottle, you strapped her into her wearable carrier. A floppy sun hat and some comfy shoes later - you were stepping out the door to soak in the sunshine. After a few hours of walking around down by the water, and a quick stop at your favorite cafe, you were headed home. As you made your way back inside, you see a thread of texts from Em and a few missed calls.
“Oh my god this is such a mess, holy shit. Look at this.”
You lay Vivian on her playmat and click on the link as you sit down next to her. The bold tabloid title of “Lewis Hamilton’s EX  -  Baby Hamilton?” with a picture of you and Viv strapped to your chest down by the water. 
The feeling of your heart dropping to the floor is the first thing you notice, the second is a wave of nausea. You were sure the floppy hat and sunglasses would be enough to deter them. They hadn’t found you when you first moved here, how did they find you now?
“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” your voice cracks as you text her back.
“Em, I was wearing a hat and sunglasses, they’ve not found me before. How’d they find me now? Oh god, I’m SO fucked.”
After a few minutes, which feel like hours, your phone starts to ring with Em’s face popping up. You’ve got tears in your eyes when you answer.
“Oh god, Em. What am I going to do?” You ask as you watch her face morph into sadness, then into a guilty look. “Listen, babe. Please don’t be mad.” Her voice is wobbly as she speaks, and you can see that she’s in the bathroom at work.
“Em, please tell me you didn’t plan this?” Your voice is hoarse as you lean back against the couch, putting your free hand on your forehead. “Oh my god, no. I wouldn’t do that to you. I would never do that to Viv.” Her voice is laced with anger for a moment and you hear her take a deep breath. “Lewis called me, said you still had him blocked. I gave him our address.” She speaks so rapidly that it takes you a minute to realize what she’s said.
“You did what?” The level of your voice startles Vivian, who starts crying. “God, please don’t hate me. He was panicking, and he’s in town. His PR sent him the post. They’re scrambling.” she explains. You groan, tipping your head back onto the couch. “I hate you, Em. So much.” you grumbled, “But I also love you, and I know you’re trying to do what’s best.”
When you look back at the phone, she’s giving you a watery smile. “I love you too, and baby Viv. I’ll see you when I get home, and I’m sorry.” You give her a soft smile before you hang up, tossing your phone onto the couch to pick up Vivian to console her. It takes longer than it should, but you finally get her settled and asleep against your chest. You’re surprised the rapid beating of your heart doesn’t wake her.
Now you’re stuck, waiting for Lewis and probably his whole PR team to show up at your door to tell you how stupid you are. The clock on the wall ticks by slowly, until an hour later when a knock sounds at the door. Vivan shifts against your chest, settling back as you stand to walk to the door.
“Uh, hey.” You whisper as you pull the door open, your eyes trained away from his face as your heart climbs to your throat. “Come in.” you add on when he doesn’t respond, but you can feel the anger radiating off his body. He's pacing the living area when you turn around, his hands on his head.
“Is she mine?” His voice is raw when he speaks, not bothering to look at you. “Yeah, her name is Vivian. She’s five months old.” you answer, cradling her head to your chest with your hand as you rock back and forth to keep her asleep. “You went through a whole pregnancy and birth...” he starts, cutting himself off as he paces again. He's still pacing as you walk by, taking a seat on the couch. “You had a whole pregnancy and birth, and hid it from me?” he asks, eyes shining as he turns to look at you. Your heart breaks in your chest as you stare back at him.
“Only Em knew.” you admit, “Not even my parents until her birth, my mom was with me at the hospital. I stayed off social media, stayed out of the public eye.” You’re not even sure he’s heard you with how quiet you were.
“I’m her father, and you didn’t think to tell me?” his voice raises which causes Vivian to stir.
“Look, Lewis. We’d broken up. You told me you weren’t ready for a family with me, you wanted to focus on winning another title. What was I supposed to do?” you stressed, “I tried calling and texting in the beginning, I told you we needed to talk. You ignored me.” your voice was bitter when you spoke, eyes narrowed. “Then the season started. I wasn’t about to distract you, I know how important your focus was. What were you going to do? Give it all up to come play father?”
You watched as he pressed his lips in a thin line and started pacing again, his hands were shaking at his sides. “I deserved to know. I could’ve helped you, I could’ve been there for you.”
You shrugged, “I’ve been fine on my own. She’s been fine. I can pay my bills and care for her, that’s all I care about. She’s my whole world.” He stops pacing to stare at you for a moment, then moves to sit on the couch with you.
“But you don’t have to do it alone, you shouldn’t have to do it alone.” he breathes out, rubbing his face with his hands. “Why now? Why wait until now to do this?” he asks, resting his face in his hands.
“I didn’t plan this, if that’s what you’re asking.” you bite out at him,
"I went out for a walk today, I figured my sunglasses and hat would be fine. When I moved here no one found me, so I thought I’d be safe.” you explain, leaning back to close your eyes. “But I guess not, and now I’ve fucked up your focus for the season. I’m sure this is a PR nightmare too - I’m so sorry Lewis.”
He sits quietly for a long while, you’re not sure how long but it feels like hours. You hear him let out a breath before he pats his hand on your knee, resting it there. “What’s her name?” he asks, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it. His hand comes up to trace across her back. “Vivian.” you whisper, pulling her off your chest so he can take a look at her. “She’s got your eyes, and nose.”
“She’s beautiful.” His voice is teary, and his hand trembles as he reaches out to touch her cheek. “Do you want to hold her?” you ask, nervous that he’ll avoid it.
His head snaps up to look at you before he looks back down at Viv, who’s squirming in your arms. He nods, leaning back on the couch so you can place her into his arms. She settles with her face resting against his chest, a quick snuffle coming from her before she’s out again. You watch him for a few minutes before you decide to get up and make her next bottle. “Do you want me to take a picture?” you question, he doesn’t even look up from her face as he hands you his phone. After you snap a few pictures, you hand it back and sit on the couch.
“So what does this mean?” Even you can hear the nerves in your voice as you ask, bringing your thumb up to bite at the nail. He sighs, stroking his finger down her cheek as he thinks. “I want to be involved, if that’s what you’re asking. I’ve already missed so much.” You smile sadly at him, nodding.
“I’m sorry, Lewis.” He shrugs gently so as to not disturb her. “I get why you did it, you were doing what’s best for you and Viv. Also what you thought was best for me, even if you were wrong.” The bitter and angry tone left his voice. “I can fly you out when I want to see her, and I’ll help pay for her things. We can work on our relationship, if we’re going to co-parent we need to be able to communicate.”
It took a lot of trial and error, but two months later the two of you were easily communicating and co-parenting. You were getting along better than before, better than the last few months of your relationship even. He’d posted the pictures on instagram about a month after he met her, sending the internet into a frenzy. You’d stayed off social media for your own sanity and according to Em, you’d made the right decision. 
Lewis had been wonderful, it took him a while to come to terms with everything. But after that, he was sending bouquets of flowers weekly for “his girls”. He’d made a statement in one of his post race interviews that he would not be speaking about his family, or his daughter. He was doing his best to protect your privacy, and you were greatly appreciative. It really seemed like things were getting better. 
Maybe someday you’d be together again, but for now, this was perfect. 
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penncilkid · 10 months
Hello all, I am here to formally celebrate:
The 2nd Stagnant Channel Anniversary!
To those unaware: Hi, I'm PK. I have a channel featuring narrative audio roleplay, and today mark's two years since I uploaded my first video! It feels surreal knowing I've stuck with it as long as I have and to see how much it's grown since that first video. I've met so many people thanks to this channel and feel I've grown exponentially as a storyteller. To anyone here who's supported the channel, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
That aside, I wanted to try and do something fun here since I've gotten some interaction with Noderum Records and such already. Consider this an ask game of sorts, one created to try and get me rambling about the channel in one way or another today (/lh). With that:
If you send "[Insert Name Of A Speaker] + Soundtrack", I will give you a song off of their playlist.
Curious about the worldbuilding of Noderum Records? Hit me with an ask! If you're more familiar with the world and want to be specific with questions, feel free. If you're not, let it be known I have cupids, vampires, and werewolves/shifters if you want a jumping off point.
Looking for a place to start listening? Send me ask with a few of your favorite character/story tropes and I'll make a suggestion. (Bonus if you give me Redacted characters and/or storylines you enjoy. I have given a few suggestions that way as well /lh)
Do you have a question about my process, behind the scenes, or for me in general? I'd love to hear it.
Or if you have your own question/comment/etc., feel free to just send that too!
That's all I can think of right now so again, thank you to anyone who might send in an ask and for all the support so far!
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abcwordsurge · 7 months
So if illiyork were in a coffee shop au. For no reason at all of course. Would it be NY falls in love w cute barista after going for the first time, enemies to lovers new barista IL fucks up regular NY's drink, orrrrr regular ny and barista il slowly get together as ny starts flirting w him seemingly out of nowhere (outside influence made him realize his feelings)
Again, nooooooooo reason just curious
;3 *wink wonk*
this is the least suspicious ask I've gotten ever /s /lh
eeee actually all three of these ideas make me kick my feet and squeal, these two are so cute together in every scenario <3
if I HAD to choose? enemies to lovers. I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, and I feel like these two would have really intense fights over coffee and I would be so here for that
and ofc this is all hypothetical, I'm sure *wink*
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honorary-fool · 7 months
for the character ask thing: venti >:3
First impression: "Oh he's cool, I see why people like him."
At the time, I'd only recently gotten into genshin and it was because of Albedo, so I was still learning about the others. I saw how many really liked Venti, but actually seeing him in-game for the first time was like 'yeah I see it.'
Impression now: "I love you come back you MOTHERFUCKER- " /lh
The end of the Prologue got me Hooked and his story quest even More. He's so,,,,, explodes
Favorite moment: My immediate thought was the whole Incident with Signora
Gotta love blorbos in situations <3
He's had a lotta cool moments though- the Irodori Festival w/ Kujou Sara is still a li'l silly to me.
This is subject to change once I finally watch a recording of the first Windblume Festival.
Idea for a story: I had to dig for this one 'cus I forgot, but I wrote down an idea for one of those "song fic" sorta things with Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens, like stuff with him and the Nameless Bard?
also: I know I've had a corruption AU one in the works and rewritten a few times, and it does involve him a lot, if that counts? It's not centered around him/he's not the corrupted one, but like... Still
there's probably others, I just can't remember them or where I put them right now
Unpopular opinion: I don't exactly know how [un]popular this one is 'cus I don't touch on the side of the fandom that focuses more on the Cataclysm/Khanrei'ah but like.
"Oh he has the highest kill count for sure" You think the god of Freedom. Freedom. Would willingly destroy a godless nation?
Has he fought? Of course, he was there for the revolt, I think he helped out with the aristocracy with Ursa the Drake's rampage, there was the whole thing with Durin, the Archon War..
Has he killed? Also yeah, see above.
Idk it leaves a sour taste in my mouth at the thought of him willingly slaying the Khanrei'ahns and stealing their freedom to not worship a god, their freedom to just live and exist as a perfectly functioning godless nation.
Favorite relationship: I gotta be so honest for a solid 5 minutes I thought of ships but relationships could mean anything. That being said, his & Zhongli's history with each other is very interesting to me
but adding ships anyway bc fuck it :3
canon x canon- him xiao & lumine <3
canon x oc- genshin carmen for sure #biased /lh ; also my qpp's genshin oc w/ him, and also fable :3 I care them so hard dude I adore them
Favorite headcanon: ...shit^2 ummmm...good question, I have two for this one.
1) he retains his wings in his more common form. They don't look the same, they're like shrunken down a little, and don't have the golden bits. Like a little bigger than windglider wings.
2) Astraphobia on account of association with Decarabian.
okay I lied, #3, hc of him being pan &/or polyamorous. Freedom to love all genders & more than one person <3
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inverted-flowers · 11 months
Secret Life Tarot Reading no. 5!
It's Tango's turn!
So this reading has been done after episode 3s have gone out while the previous ones (Joel, Martyn, Grian, Impulse) were done after ep 2s. Oh and I've decided to put the cards I draw in a colored font now too instead of italics!
Also just a reminder that you don't really need to know anything about Tarot Cards here. Just understand that I'm using them to predict how Secret Life is going to go for its lovely players that we all know and love. I guess it'd be good to mention that I'm interpreting the meaning of the cards I draw to fit a Minecraft smp (of all things good lord what am i doing pft /lh). I could very easily interpret the cards one way and the cards mean it in a different way. Or they could just be wrong who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First Card - Start
To describe the start of this season (which has definitely now passed) I drew the Seven of Cups in reverse. This card represents chaos and indicision, which, if you've seen Tango's 1st episode... kinda makes sense? I'll be honest I've seen his pov so far but I have a terrible memory. I do remember him struggling to find someone to settle down with in the first episode. The first ep is always pretty chaotic but with the lack of natural regen it's been even more so.
I'll be honest this might've just been a bad pull. My fingers get tingly when I hover over the cards almost like a metal detector. I'm not super good with following that though but that's exactly why I need this practice! I really struggled to pull this first card because the tingling was super strong and it was a bit overwhelming. I have learned though and I'm thinking next time this happens I'll just shuffle again :D
Second Card - Individual
This card is meant to describe how Tango will play! For this I drew the Ten of Wands. Honestly I looked at this and my first thought was that my deck didn't get the message that we're talking about Secret Life and not Decked Out 2 lmao. This card talks about responsibility; that one has had made great accomplishments that they now need to maintain. But then I remembered the whole schtick he's doing with the heart foundation and it made more sense. (Ifykyk. Not spoiling ;3) Tango might struggle with the upkeep of it. It is a very new way to play the game afterall!
Third Card - Social
This card is to describe how things will be going for Tango on the social side of things here. I drew The Magician which funnily enough dropped into my lap while I was shuffling! (If you saw my post just before this one it was after that.) This card is talking about ingenuity and combining strengths which... I mean this sounds again like the Heart Foundation thing! It's a new way to play the game and with all of them working together? I think we've really hit the nail on the head here! I can't really say a whole lot since I don't wanna spoil things. So far though I feel like this reading is saying what they've done (and are doing) is a strong or at least an innovative play so that's good!
Fourth Card - Big Impact
This card is supposed to tell us about what makes the biggest impact for Tango this season. For this I drew The Hanged Man. Now I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that I don't feel comfortable giving interpretations that feel more about the cc's feelings. It feels wrong because- well for one, it's not really what we're talking about is it? We're making predictions on how a game is going to go. But mostly it's just... not exactly good to do a tarot reading on someone without their consent. It's an invasion of privacy. Which- again, not what we're doing. So I'd like to ask you guys who read these to also avoid using my readings in this way. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this card represents inner reflection and the need for a break. (See why I went on that tangent now?) Regardless of what may immediately come to mind I do genuinely feel like this card is talking about the gameplay! This card is talking about needing to postpone decision making to further think and reflect on a situation. It's really pushing the idea that Tango's going to need to pause and think things through; to not make rash decisions. This probably means that the thing most impactful for his season is a rash descion he makes that he should've thought more about than he does.
Fifth Card - End
Finally I drew the Ace of Pentacles in reverse to describe how Secret Life ends for Tango. This one I feel really follows with our previous card but I think that's more for the final thoughts and theories section >:3 This card talks about a loss of opportunity. For the end of a traffic life season I can think of several different ways this manifests. It would probably be what truly does him in because... well this certainly doesn't seem like winner's end card does it?
My final thoughts and theories:
As much as this reading seems to praise Tango's strategy (if I'm interpreting this right) it's not exactly predicting a bright future for him huh? What Love Island has going is a new and innovative way to lay the chess pieces. But for Tango, in accordance to this reading, it won't be enough. It seems to say he's going to make a poor decision- one that he should've taken the time to think out better. That, with the end card saying he'll have a loss of opportunities... Well I've got a few theories! One option is the ever obvious he takes on a hard task and is then unable to complete it. This would in one way or another result in his elimination either directly taking his last life or by getting him low enough. You could also go a similar route and say he dies trying to complete said hard task due to a lack of opportunity pushing him to take a more dangerous route with it. Honestly with that one it might even just be a normal task.
Another idea is that the Heart Foundation gets a lot of pressure and it uh.. puts a crack in their walls? Man it's hard not to spoil that... Anyway- this could make Tango feel less secure and make him more likely to make a hasty descion. What that descion could be is up for debate (for now ;) ) but a couple ideas are that he leaves his faction (seems p unlikely to me) or makes a bad deal.
Ooh I'm so excited! I'd love to hear what other people think on these. If you've got any other ideas on what my readings could mean I'm all ears lol. 'Til next time!
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Plss talk about smokeydonuts if you can 🙏🙏🙏
:o I wasn't expecting an ask like this /pos
(note it's about three in the morning going on four as I type this so it's prolly gonna be scattered lol)
It's definitely been like... a growing appreciation for the pairing, not only from the episodes themselves but from the fan creators (shoutouts to necr0dancin and requyem btw. ALSO shoutouts to DonutKittyBowBow on AO3, go read their Stars, Roots, and Trick-or-Treating series if you haven't, it's great)
The thing about John and Jack is that they're both just guys. Like in the sense of Candybats being two dumbass young adults in young love, Smokydonuts is two dumbass grown adults managing to find love in each other, if that makes sense.
Personally I like seeing them develop into a romantic relationship over the series rather than already being A Thing, but I'm down for already established stuff too
Jack is definitely the more outwardly affectionate of the two, but even then I imagine the ways they show affection are much more discrete, simple gestures and the like. It makes the softer more domestic moments all the sweeter :>
Also the angst potential is immaculate. Even ignoring the funny cult stuff, John is most likely a widow. He could have SO many hangups about how he feels like he's "betraying" that old relationship as he comes to realize just how much he loves Jack! Jack helping him move past his grief!! Like y'all!!
And this is something I pointed out like right after Deadly Smiles aired, but there is such a gold mine of potential shenanigans of John's daughter thinking John and Jack are already dating and I am so sad nobody's tapped into it (in a similar vein, the cult burning down John's house literally gives an excuse for him to live with Jack. Come on people /lh)
Also like. I think another reason the pairing's grown on me is that Tender Treats really made me love Jack dksjfs -- he's a goofball that is fully capable of kicking ass, and he just cares a lot! When I was doing a SM rewatch and got to the Newgrounds ending for Deadly Smiles, you can see Jack is concerned that John is uh. Getting a bit too invested into the cult investigation, but despite that goes along with it bc he knows how important it is, yet still manages to pull John's mind off it for just a little bit because Jack knows he needs a break
In general they just balance each other out excellently -- John is gruff and keeps his cards close to his chest, while Jack is more open and lighthearted. And because of the fact they're almost always together, they have one of the most fleshed out dynamics in the entire show
Maybe this is another reason I like the ship - we get to see John finally show his hand so to speak, something we've only gotten hints of with the photos of his daughter, and I love seeing the stoic characters open up
I uh. Didn't mean for this to be so long, and tbh I still feel like I'm forgetting something, hah. If you want more just shoot another ask! Maybe I could share some headcanons too, I've been thinking a bit on them and John's kid being a little family
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redstringraven · 6 months
oop forgot to say
25 & 16 was for nyxram
>:D aaa, thank you so much!!! appreciate it! 💜
edgy/misc OC ask meme
16) what is your OC's pain tolerance like?
i imagine it's disturbingly high... to what's, like, probably an unhealthy amount. triceratons are tanks as a whole already*--due to their size, thick skin, and high-temperature tolerance--and here you have one who likely finds more nostalgia in certain pains than she does foods, smells or music (she didn't even grow up with access to music, so). yeah, nyxram is definitely one of those people where like. if you shoot her, you better know it's going to kill her. otherwise all you'll have managed to do is irritate her at best and piss her off at worst. she's not going to go down unless she's either dead or her body just physically gives out on her. which, again: not easy to do with triceratons in general. ...nyx could be standing in the meeting room bleeding from her side and be more concerned with excusing herself so she doesn't stain the floor or equipment than, y'know. the fact she has an open wound in her side. *they're hella nerfed in-series imo, and i'm gonna blame that on zanramon because he's there; don't @ me (lh)
25) what is your favorite thing about your OC?
gosh... i have a few, but for brevity i think i'll say: i love that she's a morally-gray character and also that because of the background i've given her, it's given me an opportunity to play with different approaches to triceraton combat and weaponized tech. like, post-rebellion nyx struggles with falling into old habits or old ways of thinking; she finds herself eavesdropping on her squad or traximus when she's quietly seeking '''moral guidance'''. she's a person who grew up in extreme isolation with, essentially, two serial-killers-for-hire as parents/teachers, raised and forged to kill. she had enough of a compass to realize she wanted out of that life, but now that she's out? she's having to learn, relearn, and unlearn all sorts of things. and there're times she falters; close as they've gotten, she and traximus butt heads about plenty of things. trax often wants to do things right. nyx often wants to get them done. it can be a lot of fun to think about how she might have moments of pause and internal struggle when it comes to choosing to listen to traximus or a squad member over something and trust their judgement, or if she chooses to solve the problem in a way she knows "worked" for her in the past. she hasn't been 'fixed' or made 'right' now that the external conflict of the old republic and rebellion has passed. the internal conflict is still very much there, and it's an interesting thing to get to explore. as for the combat/tech elements, i'm still trying to re-design nyx's suit to better reflect her as an assassin while also leaning a bit more into a scifi greek/roman-inspired look instead of something more based in the triceraton soldier's uniform, personalized tech included. i also want her to have a very distinct way she holds herself when ""working"" that makes her appear even more alien compared to the postures of triceraton soldiers. like, the ones we see in-series hold themselves similarly to how soldiers as we know them might--straight posture, kinda stiff, upright, grounded footing, etc. but when i picture nyxram, i tend to see her with her weight more on her toes/balls of her feet, and her posture slightly hunched with a wider stance. ...more 'dinosaur' or bird-like elements to her gait, presence, and overall silhouette, making her intimidating in a new and different way. "i've never seen a triceraton move like that", other races might mutter. ...some triceratons, too.
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minmin-pal · 1 year
you don't have to send a reply or even an answer really, i know it's close to the time so please feel free to ignore this and give yourself some time or just do something else you'd like other than answering a tumblr ask lmao/lh/gen
welcome back to custard/mikey/mustard/🍮 speedrunning asks in 2 hours go!
'Trying to become happy by doing assassinations' caught me off guard but yay I've already properly fixed and added the stuff you said to my watch guide, i appreciate the 'using the wrong pronouns for extra concealing' lol, ty jjba veteran for ur wisdom :pray: /gen
i've gotten so used to expecting them to come back too lol, but yes alright, thank you for the advice :D maybe i can somehow make it thru jjba with even a quarter of my feelings intact? (I'm not confident in that either ::/j/lh)
and woah I'm glad you were able to enjoy naruto! and yeah truee the possessed fox mode(?) thing always looked so cool and reminding is understandable lol, and now that you mention it he really would've been that one friend everyone would have in elem lmao. his cheery, rebellious to teachers and pulls pranks, he definitely would've been a popular kid or something during elem (is elem the same as primary school? ;;)
ngl i'd maybe say the reason gaara was more appealing than sasuke is maybe he was actually a nice character?/lh also younger gaara was very adorable to watch but yeah sasuke was just being a tad bit of an asshat lol
and ohh, people's opinions on tsunade is often positive leaning but it's neat to hear your thoughts on jiraiya and orochimaru are often like switched, if that makes sense? it's fun to see other opinions finally exist lmao, jiraiya was weird as heck but he had that character appeal going on somehow lol/pos
the 'hercules-corona borealis great wall' new term i never knew existed, ty for this brain food :pray:
and ah, somehow that single image you inserted of the dude drawn in the first style explains it (art looks nice though, muscles so cool omg/lh/pos)
I'm getting the same feeling that aot will end in the same-ish manner that killer in love did, just completely turn everything on the viewers heads and make us all feel emotionally exposed or smth lol, i'm gonna have to put on some protective gear before restarting the anime ;;
oh wait there's a csm part 2? I haven't heard much about it though it makes sense if his still working on it, and yep csm has already been added to my to-read list and csm2 is joining >:)
oyasumi punpun sounds very cute, i will be checking that out now, i need to feel feelings again after speedrunning killer in love lol/hj/lh
"boy's abyss" added to the collection (i will actually finish this list I swear lmao/gen) help naur "you didn't dislike kokoa, and that's really telling of you as a person" had me worried if it was bad for a few seconds TT/lh
and yeah I'm really glad they made her kinda of a victim too, really pulled the story together especially in the 'backstory leading to her walking off into the distance' ending (and yeah don't worry about any of it being too short or anything, it's understandable so pls don't strain urself :D/lh)
oh yeah, seeing a character make the same decisions or do the same thing as you and it's being shown/viewed(?) as a bad thing, is definitely an eye-opener moment
i don't know all the details and this might seem unwarranted but you were both human and I'm sorry they left you so suddenly (i'm not trying to come as all like- dunno pompous or anything i swear ;;) not trying to argue since it might've been the healthy decision for them and i can respect that, i'm sorry you had to be left alone so suddenly though/gen (i hope this didn't come off badly ;;/lh)
we're speedruninngg :run:
and yay, yeah i really did it like it, thank you again for getting me to read it/gen the wholw story and it's art in general was very lovely:]<3
(mustard is my new, nEW name that will appear on my birth certificate lmao, also how did i not think of that sooner it was literally staring me in the face lol)
i'm answering the first of the 'thank you and nice to meet you' post thing and i reached where you said you were physically running out of time and i am also running out of time physically, the irony is making me cackle lol/hj/lh
it makes me a bit sad too, but i'm really glad i did meet you (as much as meeting you counts to stumbling across your blog?) i might not have said this enough times, but reading you rant off on random tangents and just talking about silly random stuff that you liked and things that mattered to you was genuinely a very fun experience that i won't be forgetting./gen
mayb the afterlife or void or whatever turns out to be meeting you there, does have wifi, i mean you can never be too sure right lmao? I can imagine it might just be 2 bars or something tho lol/lh
bye bye to you too min, and yeah no worries, the end poem has a special place for me so i don't consider it corny at all that you brought up, not gonna lie the first time i read your response seeing the response just made me bawl harder lol,
you like showing me stuff and i like watching you show me stuff, it's very fun would reccomended:D/lh reccomended:D/lh
don't be sorry, you don't need to be/lh/gen
thank you for that, (am i allowed to save it?/genq/nf) making you tear up was the goal muahaha >:)/hj/lh
even if it's not new, i stand by "all min art is good art", thank you. genuinely for everything min. this has been a very nice few 47(?) days of knowing you and i'll always check back on here, i know you said promises don't count to dead people, but welp unfortunately one of us will still be alive and chilling so that promise is gonna get fulfilled >:) my evil masterplan all along, it's gonna take you so long to scroll down thru my jjba review part 1 ask with the shitty wifi in the afterlife/again, whichever ends up waiting
i'll take care of little dustball min >:) could go to a cat cafe, i heard you liked cats./lh
It nice meeting you min, thank you for everything genuinely, it's been nice.
love you stranger :D
gonna go offline permanently in 5 mins (plus i will be deleting a lot of posts- just cus i dont want to be known for some of these) so i cant go too indepth
im really happy we spoke. i sometimes would worry that people who found me off my more. sad stuff would never know me much and im happy u let me . not be so depressing and let me rant about fuckin g jojos bizarre adventure to you
thanks mustard custard mikey and see u in the next ecosystem
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Whenever something about Earthspark pops up, everyone immediately flies over to your account
You're telling me, anon....
I've gotten at least a dozen or more asks today, and every time I finish answering one, two or three more have popped up. I love answering them, I love hearing everyone's thoughts, but I can't type that fast 😳
(this is all /lh, don't worry about sending in too many! I just pick a few to answer if I don't know how to answer some. ^^ )
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