#(  also  Thank  you  to  everyone  who  voted  to  help  me  land  on  this  ily  )
cttncndys · 3 years
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                                   𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒...
welcome  to  impulse  records  ,  just  be  sure  to  read  the  ᶠⁱⁿᵉ  ᵖʳⁱⁿᵗ  before  signing  anything  .  each  year  impulse  signs  with  an  exclusive  number  of  bands  and  solo  artists  to  make  their  dreams  —  or  worst  nightmares  —  come  true  .  of  course  ,  when  if  you  do  fail  there  are  horror  stories  of  shredded  contracts  ,  terminated  deals  ,  less  than  stellar  touring  arrangements  ,  and  being  locked  out  of  the  building  completely  .  but  above  all  else  impulse  records  churns  out  chart  topping  artists  in  varying  genres  year  after  year  .  with  artists  under  their  label  smashing  records  and  continuing  to  solidify  themselves  as  icons  in  the  music  industry  since  1978  it’s  no  wonder  why  people  go  to  any  length  to  get  signed  .  although  ,  for  even  a  fraction  of  success  they’ll  be  pitted  against  themselves  and  each  other  .  impulse  records  is  a  beast  and  will  either  be  your  big  break  —  or  the  thing  that  breaks  you  .  here’s  one  last  welcome  from  the  team  here  at  impulse  ,  we’ll  see  how  long  you  last  .
impulse  records  is  an  original  character  discord  verse  that  revolves  around  the  lives  of  musicians  signed  under  the  iconic  record  label  impulse  records  .  the  company  is  rumored  to  do  sketchy  things  like  create  fake  relationships  among  band  members  ,  create  rumors  among  members  to  encourage  healthy  competition  ,  and  even  fire  and  replace  band  members  .  but  those  of  course  are  ‘  just  rumors  ’  .  the  verse  will  come  with  many  events  ,  plot  drops  ,  tasks  and  much  more  to  move  the  plot  along  and  help  development  of  the  characters  . 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬  :
we  (  cttncndys  &  you  )  must  be  mutuals
due  to  expected  mature  themes  all  muns  should  be  18+  and  all  muses  should  fall  between  the  ages  of  20-28
i  won’t  accept  fcs  who  wish  not  to  be  used  ,  deceased  fcs  ,  or  overly  problematic  fcs  .  you  can  come  to  me  with  a  fc  if  you’re  unsure  but  at  this  point  i’m  sure  we’re  all  aware  of  what’s  what  .
godmodding  ,  gatekeeping  ,  and  /  or  ooc  drama  will  not  be  tolerated  .
activity  will  be  fairly  lax  because  i  am  aware  we  all  have  lives  outside  of  rp  but  if  you  join  please  do  so  with  the  intent  of  being  active  in  mind  for  the  sake  of  longevity  .
this  list  isn’t  exhaustive  &  all  other  basic  rules  not  listed  still  apply  .  
this  group  is  heavily  centered  around  character  development  so  i  highly  encourage  you  bring  a  fresh  muse  .
this  group  will  be  kept  fairly  small  (  5  -  8  muns  depending  on  interest  )  but  each  application  received  will  be  considered  equally  .
all  apps  should  be  sent  to  my  sumbit  ,  although  only  the  app  is  required  feel  free  to  include  bullet  points  ,  a  playlist  ,  a  pinterest  board  ,  anything  your  heart  desires  to  help  me  get  a  better  feel  for  your  muse  ,  but  bare  in  mind  this  is  completely  optional  .
lastly  ,  have  fun  .  <3
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :
note  :  below  you’ll  find  a  list  of  bands  /  solo  artists  to  help  you  complete  the  application  .  although  the  bands  have  small  blurbs  detailing  how  each   group  is  formed  this  is  just  to  give  a  vague  idea  of  what  muse  would  fit  each  group  ,  and  any  official  backstory  is  up  to  mun  discretion  .
*  (  faceclaim  ,  age  ,  pronouns  ,  gender  )  impulse  records  is  pleased  to  announce  the  official  signing  of  first  last  the  role  in  band  /  solo  artist  to  our  prestigious  roster  .  you  probably  know  them  for  scandal.  they’ve  grown  in  recognition  due  to  positive  trait  or  actually  it  might  be  because  of  negative  trait  ,  what  a  classic  zodiac  sign  .  their  fans  tend  to  associate  them  with  3  -  5  aesthetics  .  oh  ,  impulse  records  is  going  to  eat  them  alive  .  (  ooc  name  /  alias  ,  age  ,  pronouns  ,  tmz  )
fcs  applied  for: taken  fcs:  mishti  rahman  ,  charles  melton  ,  kiana  lede  ,  luke  hemmings  ,  &  ross  lynch
𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬  :
𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐥 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  all  -  male  band  you’d  know  they  mad  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  have  been  friends  since  their  college  days  all  had  set  career  paths  .  but  of  course  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  after  the  band  for  a  mutual  friend’s  engagement  withdrew  last  minute  ,  the  boys  who  had  all  expressed  musical  talents  separately  were  asked  to  perform  .  from  that  point  forward  ,  they  performed  small  gigs  here  and  there  to  score  some  extra  cash  .  it  wasn’t  until  they  were  offered  a  hefty  sum  of  cash  that  they  decided  to  pursue  music  full  time  and  ditch  their  days  jobs  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed.  
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count  :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  all  -  female  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  have  been  friends  since  they  were  in  diapers  had  always  dreamed  of  starting  a  band  with  one  another  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  in  middle  school  the  girls  came  close  to  it  ,  but   after  a  rather  unfortunate  wardrobe  malfunction  at  a  middle  school  talent  show  nearly  axed  their  dream  completely  .  it  wouldn’t  be  until  high  school  that  they  group  rekindled  their  musical  talents  to  yet  another  talent  show  that  went  much  smoother  the  second  time  around  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know they  made  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  attended  the  same  high  school  says  they  never  even  spoke  to  another  until  meeting  again  at  their  community  college  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  , the  group  has  an  interesting  origin  story  .  after  all  being  placed  in  the  same  introduction  to  music  theory  class  ,  and  being  told  by  their  professor  they  had  an  “  interesting  sound  ”  ,  the  trio  paired  up  out  of  pure  spite  .  they  played  countless  open  mic  nights  at  their  college  ,  and  the  surrounding  area  ,  until  they  finally  got  their  big  break  at  a  “  battle  of  the  bands  ”  competition  hosted  by  none  other  than  their  music  theory  professor  .  not  too  long  after  the  trio  dropped  out  .  they  have  been  mostly  inseparable  since  ,  if  you  ignore  the  petty  twitter  drama  between  deja  and  cash  that  is  .   and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  more  recently  .  the  trio  who  met  when  they  all  attended  the  same  summer  camp  in  high  school  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  the  group  all  had  a  shared  hatred  for  a  specific  camp  counselor  ,  and  came  together  to  pull  an  elaborate  prank  on  them  .  as  fate  would  have  it  ,  the  trio  found  out  they  all  attended  the  same  high  school  ,  and  from  that  moment  forward  have  been  inseparable  .  they  began  making  music  together  their  last  year  of  camp  and  begrudgingly  won  first  place  ,  an  honor  bestowed  upon  them  by  a  not  too  forgiving  camp  counselor  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  /  lead  guitarist  :  00.  vocalist  /  rhythm  guitarist  :  00. vocalist  /  drummer  :  00.  
𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐲 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  college  days  .  the  quartet  who  met  at  a  charity  date  auction  for  their  college  have  quite  the  history  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  the  band  has  had  a  rocky  start  given  the  problems  with  jealousy  in  the  group  and  their  trouble  with  seeing  each  other  as  anything  but  rivals  first  and  foremost  ,  despite  constant  mediation  from  managers  and  the  like  .  the  band  has  managed  to  keep  a  friendly  facade  long  enough  to  keep  a  record  deal  but  tensions  constantly  threaten  to  spill  day  by  day  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  of  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  00.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  drummer: 00.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  high  school  days  .  the  quartet  says  that  they  had  almost  nothing  in  common  except  their  passion  for  music  ,  and  even  attribute  it  to  their  success  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  ,  the  group  have  become  inseparable  as  friends  over  time  ,  as  shown  by  their  behind  the  scene  videos  on  tours  and  concerts  alike  ,  and  for  even  further  evidence  the  four  even  went  as  far  as  too  buy  a  house  and  move  in  together  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  01.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  drummer: 00.
𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 —  if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  college  days  .  the  group  who  actually  met  in  the  waiting  room  of  the  dean’s  office  have  little  in  common  with  one  another  apart  from  their  love  of  music  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  the  group  has  constantly  had  to  see  each  other  as  competition  ,  vying  for  music  scholarships  and  recording  booth  time  since  their  band  came  to  fruition  ,  there  is  little  that  has  been  done  about  trying  to  salvage  group  dynamics  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  00.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  bassist: 00.  drummer: 00.  keyboardist: 00.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 — if  you’ve  only  been  a  passive  fan  of  the  band  you’d  know  they  made  their  debut  way  back  in  their  middle  school  days.  originally  a  family  band  ,  when  the  eldest  members  decided  to  leave  the  youngest  to  her  own  devices  ,  the  band  became  a  passion  project  for  a  vivacious  middle  schooler  .  but  of  course  as  any  die  hard  fan  could  tell  you  the  current  group  who  only  formed  due  to  friends  of  parents  hoping  music  would  give  their  antisocial  preteens  a  connection  to  something  bigger  than  themselves  and  interact  with  anything  outside  of  their  rooms  .  since  then  the  group  has  grown  to  be  inseparable  and  embrace  the  parts  of  them  that  made  them  unique  in  middle  school  .  and  although  there  has  been  plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years  among  fans  on  whether  any  of  the  members  are  dating  ,  nothing  has  been  publicly  confirmed  .
dynamic  :  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp.  insp. app  count :  vocalist  :  00.  lead  guitarist  :  00.  rhythm  guitarist:  00.  bassist: 00.  drummer: 00.  keyboardist: 00.
𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬  :
app  count  :  00.
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
Το Βόρειο Αστέρι μου - Lucifer x Diavolo
AO3 Link
Το Βόρειο Αστέρι μου: Greek for ‘My Polar Star’
Word Count: 1859
A/N: I don’t know what this is. All I know is that @simpingw0lfi3​​​​​​​ refused to do it, so I did. Of course, please don’t expect this to be perfect because... it really isn’t. 
Vote of thanks: @akaiiro-yume​​​​​ for checking and correcting all the grammatical fuck ups I did, making sure I didn’t stop writing this halfway and going through any mental breakdown I might have had instead for me. And, of course, @some-ikemen-snob​​​​​ for making sure this SCREAMED Lucifer energy this way and that. only for now, but ily both.
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Devildom 14th February, 20XX Saturday, 7:57 PM
Dear Diary,
      I suppose I've never written a journal entry such as this in the past, for I haven't found either the desire or the will to task myself with writing my thoughts down in a manner wherein I speak to an inanimate object. That said, I have been told writing is, in a manner of speaking, therapeutic, and I believe I could do with some of that right now. It would be false to assume I don’t still harbour any inhibitions towards using my time in this manner, especially when I'd much rather be by Diavolo’s side. The very same Diavolo who, as a matter of fact, happens to be the subject of this writing session today. Strangely enough, and if I recall correctly, he was also the one who introduced - which is putting it rather mildly - me to the “art” of journal entries. I admit, I haven’t given this activity the kind of gravity which was probably expected out of me, but then again, today is a little different from the rest. I'm not entirely certain as to where to begin, but I do believe I have been told in situations like these, one should do whatever... feels right.
      Diavolo is... well, where do I even begin? He is the future of Devildom, as a few might call it - myself included. While he does appear to be quite the cheerful and at times careless lord, it’d be a lie to deny that he is just as wise and compassionate underneath that wave of buoyancy radiating off of him. Honest to a fault, but with his moral compass always pointing towards the best interest of those around him. I’ll admit, sometimes it proves to be rather difficult to believe that he indeed is a demon. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to compare him to the Polaris considering he does quite radiate the charisma from himself, shining admirably amidst a dark sea of onlookers. While in name he rules over all the demons in the land of Devildom, the right set of eyes won’t take too long to deduce the eloquence with which his fingers reach out to the soul of every single resident of the land, holding them together better than gravity ever bound humans to the earth. 
      Saying that is all there is to him would be a lie whiter than the wet snow, making its way to the tips of my fingers and sliding off gently onto this page. That, of course, doesn’t mean describing how I feel towards him is no herculean task. There are some cases when a language -  no matter the plethora of vocabulary it offers - just isn’t sufficient enough, and this certainly is one of those cases. For the time being, let’s just owe my lack of articulacy to the bond of mutual respect and trust Diavolo and I share, built over centuries upon centuries, braving the ravages of time, and even perhaps the less than pleasing antics my brothers tend to pull. But while the impression the ruler of all demons and I tend to emit may seem to be distanced by a careful degree of professionalism, I don’t believe anybody knows that that might not be the case. Even Diavolo himself. Doesn’t come as a surprise, really, for they simply can’t know.
      Why do I believe that to not be the case, then? Well, I would wonder why I felt so strongly about it had I not known the reason myself. The very same reason which is now a secret so surreptitious that I can’t help but consider burning this piece of paper once I finish writing to ensure it is never revealed to another set of eyes. Such dastardly is the nature of this emotion, tricking one into its delusive warmth, encompassing them with the belief that nothing truly is impossible, that what they feel might just be true and meaningful enough to be returned by the other they feel for, only to cackle with glee and turn away when the reality doesn’t match the fantasy it was believed to turn out to be. The very same emotion which in layman’s terms is apparently called... love.
      I’m not entirely certain I understand the extent of its exquisite existence myself, to be truthful. All I know is no matter how intensely I try to shut the door on its escaping fumes, it turns futile the second I lay my eyes on the man in question. While the rest of the known universe sees an omnipotent leader binding everyone together, making them sing the same tune in harmony, I see what I can only consider an anchor, grounding me, making it so that I can’t ever fall into the abyss of the darkness that breathes inside of me and float away. He is the quintessence of the best of what the world has to offer, with his golden eyes sparkling like stardust, weaving their ever-lasting magic into the hearts of whoever they come across - be it human, or demon, or angel - wrapping them in their never-ending warmth, letting them sink into the depths of benevolence they promise. His hair are the cerise of a raging inferno, sheltering beneath their canopy a quick, sensible, erudite mind. His smile is but a warm culmination of everything optimistic and positive, like a flame inviting moths to it, reaching out to give their innermost yearnings a hand to grab on to and never let go. Simply divine. And this is where the paths diverge, I suppose.
      They see a to-be Demon King, I see Diavolo.
      But alas, love is a fickle mistress. Getting too lost in the charm of her alluring arms will only result in a doom of them wrapping around your neck, enticing, until you realise their hold is tightening. Not to hold on, but to suffocate. I might have gotten so lost in that fiery gaze that I didn’t notice it start to crawl along my skin, leaving a charred, burnt path in its wake. The very anchor which I believed to be the one to ground me and hold me close etched itself deeper into the oceanic floor of delirium, drowning me. The threads of his stardust wrapped themselves around me and clutched hard enough to strangle. Before I knew it, the symphony of something meaningful became the cacophony of a nightmare.
      This red thread strung through itself earlier today the series of events I’d rather forget. I’ve known how I feel towards Diavolo for a while now, and I had been searching for an opportunity to come clean and let him know about it for the last few days. Not to say I hadn’t gotten said opportunities at all, but one could owe it to me being too prideful to admit I was finally opening up to the idea of accepting feelings and... emotions. Around that time was when Solomon let slip a few details about the significance of Valentine’s day in the human world as an annual occurrence to celebrate romantic love, friendship, and admiration, and with enough persistence, Asmodeus managed to convince Diavolo to declare the day as an official holiday. Just a few hours ago I walked along the empty hallways to Diavolo’s office, knowing him, Barbatos and I to be the only ones in the building, still choosing work over any form of inactivity. By then, I had talked myself into finally telling the most powerful of all demons about the feelings I harboured towards him. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I was indeed a tad hopeful, wishing for the feelings to be returned. Once I reached the door to his private office, my hand settled above the smooth hardwood to give it a knock. And that’s when I noticed that the door was already slightly ajar. I heard a voice inside, other than Diavolo’s, and I took the liberty to glance inside, only for my hopes to come crashing down when the realisation struck me: I shouldn’t have done that.
      Inside his office, Diavolo sat in his seat with his mouth pressed against another, a hand trailing across the small face with dark green locks framing it with elegance while the other held on to the person’s waist, pulling him closer. My eyes widened when the smaller man of the two let out a muffled whimper, perched on Diavolo’s lap. Barbatos. I felt my heart squeeze out a pained croak at the sight, and even though every single nerve in my body begged me to move away and forget I ever saw anything, my legs didn’t move. They stayed glued to their spot on the floor even as I felt it crumble beneath my feet, just the way my eyes stayed on Diavolo. My lip trembled with a longing I never thought I’d experience when Barbatos intertwined his fingers with Diavolo’s, smiling into the kiss they shared, like the perfect harmony which was always meant to be. It was when Diavolo broke the kiss, eyes meeting the other’s and whispers of love and confessions floating across the room until they settled on my ears, that I finally felt the mask crack. The facade I had worked on for centuries to lay the foundation of crumbled as my fists clenched, letting myself have a moment of weakness when a lone tear of frustration, delay, anger, and self loathing dripped down my cheek. I looked up at the ceiling, a voiceless laugh tumbling across my lips at the cognisance that the Polaris I was reaching out for, shining proud in the middle of a dark, cloudless sky, was beyond my reach, and... never supposed to be mine. How far I could stretch, how willing were my fingers to make one last attempt to touch it’s light and bask in it - all of that didn’t matter anymore.
      I exhaled a shaky breath, blinking once as I tucked away whatever it is I was going to tell Diavolo in some corner of my mind, crushing the key with a hard snap of my fingers. My eyes found Barbatos again, glazing over with a heartfelt wish for him to find his happiness, at least. It was with one last aching smile towards Diavolo and a euphoric laugh spilling from Barbatos’ lips that I turned on my heel, shaking my head at the fate I was handed. Needless to say, I hold no malice towards either of them - they’re both precious to me, as much as I dislike admitting it.
      I believe I have shared more than what was required, and I shall burn this piece of paper lest anyone finds it. One might call it wishful thinking on my part, but I do pray that watching the last signs of anything I harbour towards the one who wasn’t meant to be mine from the start burn as the embers of the fire consume it whole makes me put a lid on my feelings once and for all, for they were never supposed matter. They weren’t supposed to exist to begin with.
      After all, only a prince deserves a fairy-tale with a happy ending, and I am no prince.
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