#(๐Ÿ’› online friends/direct conversations; this is not about that)
effervescentandpuzzlingself ยท 11 months
Dear Reader,
I believe this might be my last online letter for the month. The upcoming days and months promise to be hectic. Please pray for my sanity! LOL!
On October 16, 2023, I had a fun conversation with Jan. She shared updates about her progressing relationship with Anton and how she's gradually becoming part of his family. When she inquired about my love life, I reminisced about the last relationship where I truly felt I belonged. Jan brought up the guy I dated in June. While it was a decent experience, it didn't evolve into something deeper. She seemed a bit disappointed about that. When she asked if I had reached out to him post-separation, I explained my stance on maintaining boundaries. I emphasized the importance of self-worth and setting standards in relationships. I didn't want our relationship to be a "friends-with-benefits" situation, and he knew how concerned I was about it heading in that direction. He knew but... Anyway, it's OK. I just hope he finds happiness and satisfaction.
Honestly, while I might joke about wanting a relationship, I'm content being single until I find someone who genuinely respects and cares for me. Mutual respect is really important.
That's it, Reader. I just needed to tell you about this before I forget, with so many events happening in my life. I think my next agenda is Halloween. HAHA! My friends and I are all so excited. Oh yeah, I still need to ace an exam. My gosh! LMAO! Bye for now!
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