#(( Francis getting to deal with this side of Jack now- ))
kingluffy5 · 8 months
Playing Detectives Pt 5 (Wednesday x Male Reader)
When Wednesday went to the school dance with Tyler, Y/N realized how he truly felt about his partner, meanwhile he and Eugene staked out the cave and caught someone burning and evidence there was something inside, and Eugene got attacked by the monster.
I had been spending the last couple of nights hanging around Eugene’s hospital bed, he’s going to make it, but he’s still really badly hurt. I usually stay until the nurses kick me out, I’m on a first name basis with most of the hospital staff at this point. Me and Wends talked for a little bit, she offered me her deepest sympathies over Eugene since we are roommates which is her way of hugging me and telling me everything will be all right.
However this weekend I wouldn’t be able to hang out in Eugene’s room because I have to deal with another one of this school’s annoying functions, Parent’s Weekend, don’t get me wrong I love my family, it’s just that some of them are a bit on the weirder side, plus my cousin Gojo will just flirt with all the girls and my cousin Oliver will just flirt with all the guys.
The run down on the family tree is that there is my grandfather Tim Barron, he had my dad Oscar, my uncle Austin, my uncle Eddie, my uncle Francis, my uncle Richard, my uncle Joseph, my aunt Jane, and my uncle Toji. Tim’s brother is Issac Barron. My dad married my mom Maxine, they had my oldest brother Arthur, the dead one, my oldest sister Ruby, my sister Elizabeth, then there’s my brothers Jason and Jack and my sister Amelia. My uncle Francis had my cousins Skyler, Oliver and Gwen. Then my uncle Toji had my cousins Maki and Gojo.
Other than my parents none of my uncles or my aunt really had successful marriages but aunt Jane is dating someone she thinks is nice right now.
Now even though it is called Parent’s Weekend all of them are coming. So this weekend I have to deal with the stress of my entire family being in one school, Eugene’s injuries, my emerging feelings for Wednesday, her family being in the same school, and solving a murder investigation that also involves our destiny to determine the fate of the school involving a clash with a murderous four hundred year old pilgrim. There is also something I’ve been wondering about, the night Rowan died when Wednesday touched my hand she had a vision, then the night of the Rave’N she was worried about me going out and running the risk of dealing with the monster, so now I just want to know what she saw in her vision of me.
— — —
Me, Jack, Jason, Ameila are all standing out by the gates waiting for our various family members to arrive. Most of them arrive in various limos but uncle Francis, Skyler, and Oliver all pull up on motorcycles doing their best to make in entrance. We greet our various family members and before I know it I’m face to face with my parents.
“Son.” My dad says deadpan.
“Father, Mother.” I return.
We stand there a few seconds before breaking out into laughter and hugging.
“How have you been?” My mom asks me.
“Fantastic, solving a murder investigation that involves a monster and Jericho’s founder Joseph Crackstone.” I reply.
“That’s my boy.” Dad says proudly wrapping and arm around my shoulder before turning to my siblings.
“Hey, assface.” I hear and as I turn I’m met with my sister Ruby.
“Shit brains.” I greet before once again laughing and hugging my relatives.
“Hey Y/N.” My sister Elizabeth greets.
“Hi.” Hi say hugging her.
We all start to head into the quad to hear Weems’ speech. Nevermore’s a haven blah blah blah. Stuff like that. The only part I paid attention to was when she said that Eugene is on the mend.
“That’s your roommate right?” My cousin Maki asked me.
“Yeah.” I say before walking off the second the speech is done.
I head over to Wednesday and Enid, I know Enid’s got it rough with her mother since she isn’t able to wolf out like the rest of her family so I try to be there for her when I can, but the fact that my family has contributed this much to overpopulation means I don’t have a lot of free time during Parent’s Weekend to comfort her about her situation.
“That is not your fault okay, the monster hasn’t attacked anyone in the past week, maybe you finally scared it off.” Enid said to Wends.
“Yeah it’s not your fault Wends, it’s mine.” I say trying to comfort her.
“Maybe the monster went into hiding to avoid this weekend.”
“Y/N, are you really choosing to talk up a couple of girls rather than be with your own family, I know you’ve always been popular with them but still.” My uncle Francis asks me walking over with my grandpa.
“Where are my manners, Wednesday and Enid, this is my uncle Francis Barron and my grandfather Tim Barron, grandpa, uncle, this is Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair.” I introduce
“Addams, are you Gomez’s kid?” Francis asks her.
“Yes, speaking of which I knew I should’ve worn my plague mask.”
“Well look at my family talk about toxic pack mentality, I give my mom thirty seconds before judgey claws come out, let’s get this over with.”
We all walk over to each of our respective families.
— — —
What is one of the arguably weirdest moments of the weekend so far is when my dad and Wednesday’s dad reunited.
The two ran up to each other, hugged, then did a secret handshake that only belongs in bad teen movies from the 80s. I talked with my family about the case and Eugene, leaving out anything about my feelings for Wednesday, but of course leave it up to Jack and Jason to ruin a good thing.
“Did he tell you guys about his hot goth girlfriend yet?”
“You know he’s got a girlfriend now right?”
“It can’t have been just me who thought he was aroace right?”
That kind of stuff.
Some of my family is talking with Wednesday’s, my brothers are talking with her’s, my dad and some of my uncles are talking with her dad, and my mom and aunt are talking with her mom.
“Would you look at that, our families is getting along so well” I point out.
“I know, it’s awful.” She replies.
— — —
Wednesday’s family went to go to family therapy while I continued to hang out with mine, some of us went into Jericho to hang out, we went into the Weathervane to grab some coffee and I noticed the Sheriff sitting down. He looks up and notices all of us, he had particular trouble dealing with my cousins Gojo and Oliver, they were the ones who most often broke the law.
“No, no, you two can not be back again, not again.”
“Well hello Sheriff Galpin, what can we do for you?” Gojo greeted him.
“Hey, it’s alright I’m helping him with the murder investigation, he’s cool, Sheriff you don’t have to worry my family is only in town for the weekend.” I defuse.
“That’s still one weekend longer than I have the patience for.”
“So do you have the DNA test back yet?” I ask.
“No, hold on this might be it, hello, you got the test?” He says answering a phone call. “Ah shit.” He says before walking out.
“Woah, dad what happened?” Tyler asked him.
“You know the local coroner? He just blew his brains out.”
Later we see Wednesday and her family storming out of Kinbott’s office and Bianca and her mom come in and start talking, I feel like they both want their privacy so I stay with my family while we hang out.
— — —
I manage to get some alone time when I head to the bee hives. It’s there that me and Wednesday run into each other.
“So, how was family therapy?”
“Awful, my mother still refuses to tell me the truth about Garret Gates, the man my father is accused of murdering.” She vents.
“That sucks, I sorry you have to deal with that.”
“Are we going to beat around the bush forever or are we going to finally talk about what happened last weekend?” She asked me.
“Which part, a lot happened?” I asked for clarification.
She then pulled me into the shed for some reason.
“You know even if someone was watching they probably only started getting suspicious now.”
“How could you not tell me you’re having panic attacks?”
“I didn’t know my mental health is any of your concern, what does it matter anyway?”
“If you have a panic attack in the middle of us dealing with the monster then it could put you at risk, and I don’t want to lose one of the only bearable people in this place.”
“As touching as that was, you don’t need to worry I’ll be fine.” I say before leaving the shed.
We gather some honey and head over to Eugene’s room to talk to him, this is Wends’ first time seeing him after the attack. Turns out she had Thing keep an eye on him.
“He didn’t deserve this, I should be in that bed.”
“Don’t say that Wends, it’s not your fault.” I say trying to comfort her.
We then feel hands on our shoulders and we turn around quickly to be met by Eugene’s parents, Sue and Janet, turns out he was talking about us all the time. We decided to leave as they deserved to have time with their son.
— — —
We’re now at lunch in Nevermore sitting with our families. Apparently Wednesday saw her mom visit Garret Gates’ grave earlier. My family and Wednesday’s are still joking around with each other. Enid and Ajax have seemed to patch things up since the Rave’N, Enid is still dealing with her mom’s disappointment in her lack of wolfness.
Suddenly the Sheriff is bursting in avoiding principal Weems’ questions and heading straight for Mr. Addams.
“You’re under arrest for the murder of Garret Gates, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will appointed for you.”
Everyone sits there shocked at the scene unfolding before us.
— — —
Enid vented to me about how her mom wants to send her to lycanthropy camps to help her wolf out which is beyond messed up, Wednesday visited her father and is now convinced of his innocence, of course I believe her, she’s usually right about these sorts of things.
Later that night I’m woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. “Hello.”
“Y/N.” I hear the familiar deadpan voice on the other end.
“Wends, what’s up, I thought you didn’t have a phone.”
“I don’t, I need you to come down to the police station.”
“I’ll tell you when you get here.”
I sneak out and head to the station where I find Wednesday, and her parents in a couple of cells, she explains the story of how they got arrested to me and to say I was shocked and disturbed would be an understatement.
“To prove your fathers innocence you dug up a grave and stole the corpse’s finger to prove they had died before your father killed him?” I ask just to check.
“That is correct.” Wednesday confirms.
“And you didn’t invite me!” I shout, this could’ve been a very fun night of digging up graves and foiling conspiracies.
We end up going over our plan and the next morning Me and Wednesday’s brother Pugsley, bailed them out, it was then that me Wednesday, and Mrs. Addams go to Mayor Walkers office to talk to him about our theory.
He confirms that Garrett died of nightshade poisoning after his father gave him some to spike the punch at the Rave’N 30 years ago but he accidentally got some in his system. I swear that dance is cursed.
We manage to blackmail him into dropping all charges against Wednesday’s father. While we were at it I wanted to ask for a pet camel provided by the town but Wednesday said that was stupid.
— — —
Wednesday finally managed to start opening up to her mother about her powers and Mrs. Addams explains some of the aspects of their powers and their ancestors. Mr. Addams and the Sheriff managed to work things out as well. Enid finally stood up to her mom and her dad praised her, I always liked that guy. I have no idea what was going on with Bianca and her mom. My family congratulated me on freeing Mr. Addams and all of our families left, after they left Wednesday realized something shocking. Which is why we are barging into Weems’ office right now.
“You’re a shape shifter.”
“That’s a fascinating theory.”
“I curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when I tell him.”
This causes Weems to admit to impersonating Rowan after he died and lying to the Sheriff, and that she had Rowan’s family support, that Rowan was driven insane and that his death managed to allow them to stop him or the school from being in hot water.
“I’m doing what I did to protect the school and shield the students from harm.”
“Tell that to Eugene, how are you protecting him?” I ask her.
We then hear shouting outside and look out the window to see fire burning on the lawn saying fire will rain.
— — —
I asked Wednesday to meet me in my dorm before we head to bed.
“Nice pets.” she compliments.
“Thanks, so there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” I tell her.
“Go on.”
“With everything going on, the chances of either of us getting hurt or dying is only getting higher so there’s something I should probably tell you.”
Wednesday looks a little nervous when I say that but manages to speak up. “Spit it out then, what is it?”
“I like you Wednesday, as in more than friends or partners.” I say, a look of shock spreads across her face. “I know you probably don’t feel the same way and that you’d probably think of this as a distraction from the case but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you never knew and I-” Before I can ramble on any more Wednesday closes the distance between us by kissing me.
We stay that way for a few seconds before she pulls back.
“I can’t deny my own personal feelings for you, we seem to be compatible in many different ways, we understand each other and are able to be around each other without vomiting, which can’t be said for most of the school.” She says, I laugh at the last part. “As annoying as your brothers are, I … care about you enough to look past them.”
We then kiss again for a few more seconds before Wednesday leaves and I spend the entire night wondering what just happened.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
tell me moar about vince
yur wish is my command v-v
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Vincent is the adopted child of a pretty powerful local crime lord named Elroy Slaughter, who took her in in the midst of the European refugee crisis. Growing up, Vince was surrounded by a lot of underground criminal cutthroats, the politics of which were extremely stress inducing- at 13 she was clinically depressed and suffering from early symptoms of OCD. Elroy eventually drifted away as a parental figure and Vincent was more or less left alone to herself with only her tutors to really talk to. At some point Jack was hired as her bodyguard and the two became friends! And one day Vince convinced him to run away together; which they did, but unfortunately for Vince, Jack is legally Antumbra property and the organization tracked him down and took him away. So she was homeless, and left alone again.
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She found herself working as an illegal debt collector for some unsavory persons when she met Francis! Frank was fresh out of the hospital suffering from severe memory loss and trying to earn money just to eat, so the chimera spent a lot of time out on the street taking whatever jobs she could as a ten year old lol- and while Vince was concerned at first about Francis’s situation, she kept Frank around after Frank prevented her from killing herself so…it became a “i still have to be alive for SOME reason…and that reason is to take care of this child!! Haha!!!” and well.
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Yeah that didn’t pan out…after y’know, everything, Carmine more or less found her and was like “WOW LOL. YOU’RE A FUCKING MESS, wanna work for me?” because well, Vince may be a fuckup but she’s good at what she does and was at absolute rock bottom after Francis sent her to the hospital. Car got her off heroin and instead supplied her with free xanax and oxy as a leash of sorts, so now Vince works for Carmine!!. There’s more to it than that, but thats Carmine’s business, not Vince’s lol
During her stint with Francis, she met Jack again. And while they managed to rekindle their friendship, both had changed; Vincent falling further and further into her addiction while Jack refocused on his duties for Antumbra. Jack actually babysat Francis a couple times!! But Vince and Jack’s relationship didn’t really last either, when they both ended up on opposite sides of a job and Jack chose his job over her so…whew
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But yeah thats her history!!
Vincent is just…a mess. The queen of ruining her own life. She only feels like she has some control over her life when she does drugs and self-harms unfortunately, and juggles…a lot, emotionally. She’s a good person, deep down!!...maybe!!! She still cares about Francis but honestly doesn’t have the mental patience to deal with Frank as she is now so they fight a lot, made worse by the fact that they’re now coworkers. Francis is very "you should kill yourself...NOW!!!" at Vince and Vince makes fun of Frank and tries to get under her skin wnv she can
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Other stuff…hmm….
Powers!! Vince has ice generation powers that she doesn’t have the greatest control over, as well as some accelerated healing due to her nature as a mutant.
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Despite her weird on/off relationship with Jack, the two still hang out and the romantic/sexual tension is lowkey crazy. They sometimes go on ‘dates’ to the local aquarium and natural history museums (Vince likes to point at dino skeletons like “omg JJ those’re yur grandparents lol”). They were the only ones each other had for a while, growing up together as mutant transgender kids in a very volatile situation (aftermath of the Urban Civil War and refugee crisis) so even though they often fight and argue and kinda-not-really try to kill each other, they DO still like. YEARN FOR HOW IT USED TO BE BETWEEN THEM…
and shes a person in the NEC who knows somebody who knows somebody ya know what im sayin??? if anyone needs anything, Vincent is usually the one to talk to despite being seen as a bit of an annoyance and a HazardTM ("sir that lady has cost us 2$ million in damages alone plz stop hiring her-"). but she gets the job done!!!
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yesfxckyxu · 2 years
“ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”  
Jack’s mind had wandered far into the crevices of many thoughts. Things that may or may not happen, having caused the young man to become quiet despite being in company with Francis. 
A sound of a deep bass inside his ears, or maybe that is just tinnitus. He doesn’t know. Jack kept on his feet, staring at his drink in hand, staring at how the liquid shimmers in the light - how the wrinkles of the surface move. The ice clicking together, almost rhythmic. If not... entrancing. 
The sound of Francis’ words causing Jack to blink slowly, eyes moving upward in a slow but fluid movement. Catching interest, but Jack doesn’t see Francis. He just sees the image. An image that could be false, right? Or is it really Francis? Jack adjusts his tongue in his mouth, wondering now if his mouth has run dry. 
He can’t tell. 
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“Sorry... got lost in thought.” Words said slowly, thoughtfully... 
“... Do you ever wonder about what is and isn’t real, some days? Or that we’re all just toys to an unseen force?” 
After all, he’s not the main character. But he knows he’s being watched. Watched but not seen, heard but not. 
When will Jack become real to those that play with him? 
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yandere-dark-cupid · 2 years
I don't know if you do reactions, but how do you think demon King Todoroki, Francis, Alfred, Eyeless Jack, and Striker would react to maid darling getting harassed by a very flirty Butler. If you don't do reactions, Just ignore this ask.
Oooh What a mix.
Warning ⚠⚠⚠: mentions of sexual harassment, torture, gore, and unhealthy behavior.
Yandere Demon King Shoto ( bnha ): ❄🔥👑
👑: Now Shoto as a demon king is equally respectable and intimidating. And with his subjects he's fair but stern, and can be harsh when the situation calls for it. However with you, he's a bit more lenient with you.
❄: So just Imagine his reaction when you ran up to the head of your staff unit about how handsy the new Butler has gotten with you despite telling him to piss off in the most passive aggressive way possible. Well for starters, he's rather upset and hurt you didn't go to him for such a a serious matter. Then he get livid at the fact that the Butler got very comfortable with you, especially with out your consent. The normal calm and cool duel King is not so cool anymore. Well on the inside that is. Very cold and stotic about the whole situation on the outside, but it feels like he's about to combust from the inside based on how angry he is. However he remains as calm and collective as he usually is and swiftly handles the situation quietly. He goes to you first to both clarify and confirm the situation.
🔥: After constant pressuring and being back into a corner, you eventually broke down and confessed to said sexual harassment allegations. Stating that it has been going on for a little while and that you aren't the only one that's suffering from such treatment. Shoto will just wrap his tail around yours and comfort you to the best of his abilities. When you've emotionally tired yourself out and fell asleep, she sneak away and head to the head of your unit. He'll tell them that he'll handle your situation from here. He'll as make a mental note to punish your boss/ the head of your unit too. Because they most likely knew this was going on behind closed doors and this could potentially hurt you too, and it did. Something he can't let go of and let go unpunished. But for now he'll just deal with the slime ball first, then the " oblivious " boss later.
🔥: Shoto sent him on trip with a couple of his advisors. Stating that he's there to cater to their needs while they're out doing some business outside the Kingdom. When in reality, those " advisors " are paid bandits to torture him. His only order to them is to keep him alive and throw him in the deep frosty waters that surrounds his Kingdom.
❄: Fun fact about Shoto's Kingdom in hell. His Kingdom is surrounded by deep bodies of water on all sides. And creatures called the Qalupalkis resides in said waters. So if you were to slip up and fall into said waters, that's automatic sudden death. That being said; once the bandits Shoto commissioned are done torturing the Butler, they'll throw the very much alive but beaten Butler into the icy tranches that surrounds Shoto's Kingdom.
👑: Once Shoto gets word, he's already sent you and some other staff that was effected by the Butler on a week paided leave ( Don't tell anyone this but you got paid a little extra. ). For now on, Shoto doesn't only have a closer eye on you but the male staff are also under surveillance too.
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Yandere Demon King Francis ( hetalia ): 👑💜🍷
👑: Francis is a very flamboyant and sly demon king. He lives a life of luxury and comfort. And he wants the same for you.
💜: He's besides himself when he hears that the new staff butler has been getting awfully touchy with you despite you telling him to stop. Obviously he's upset about this fact. Just how long has this been going on! It'll take a little while for him to pull himself together and think about this.
💜: Francis will gently confront you about this matter, and once it gets confirmed that you are indeed suffering by the hands of the new male staff member he'll put you on paided ( may I add you'll be getting payed double ) leave and tell you to take a mini vacation ( with his guards on secretly accompanying you of course. ). When you leave, he'll plan out what should be done with the Butler that violated you.
🍷: Francis gets the bright idea to hand the handsy Butler over to a croven of Cannibalistic succubi. He'll just stage it and make it look like a complete " unfortunate " accident. Similar how Shoto handled this, Francis will just send the Butler away to another Kingdom. The differences being that the Butler will have his soul contract signed over to another upper class demon and that Francis " accidentally " gave the Butler the wrong direction to said upper class demon. Ooops. When in reality, Francis has specifically told the coven of succubi that a nice meal will be coming their way. His only request being to send back a vile of the butler's blood and his uniform ( Francis wouldn't want such a good uniform to go to waste. ).
🍷: When Francis gets said things he's requested, he'll feel as though he's done his good deed for the month. Some of his subjects have a satisfied stomach and his darling will no longer have to worry about the now deceased Butler. Francis's deadly sin may be Lust, but he does indeed love you greatly. He wouldn't want his beloved to feel unsafe and/ or uncomfortable.
👑: When you get back from you vacation, Francis will make sure you're relaxed and comfortable. Some may point this out and call it favoritism, but he'll just say he's just making sure his staff is ok. I mean, what kind of master would he be if he can even provide the most basic care and hospitality to his workers? For now on, Francis will be come even more sweet towards you to the point it's gonna get sickening. His presence will consitantly linger around you, to the point it's suffocating. Clingy..........
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Yandere Demon King Alfred ( hetalia ): 👑💙🍔
👑: Alfred is a chaotic demon king and is very well known. He's very gluttonous and greedy, and can be quite wrathful when provoked. The only being that seems to satisfy his constant hunger and greedy tendencies is you. Pity....
💙: Not going to lie, it'll take a little while for Alfred to know that you're being harassed. He's a busy man. With him being well known and a prominent figure in the demonic monarch society, he can't constantly watch over you. Which he thinks is sad and disheartening. But when he does find out from the ones he's hired to watch you, boooooy he's pissed. It's wise for anyone in close to Alfred step 10 meters away from him. Because he'll blow a destructive temper tantrum. But when he finally cools down; he pulls himself together, fixes himself, and begins to scheme.
💙: Alfred will just randomly walk up to you while you're working and ask if the new Butler is being strange with the other staff. And he'll keep asking until he gets his answer. Alfred is well aware he can be rather annoying, and if he pushed hard enough you'll break. That being said you tell him that the new butler has been getting a little too comfortable with you and some of the other staff ( you didn't want to deal with him and become victim to his annoyance ). And that is all he needed. Alfred just cheerfully thank you for you cooperation and leaves you to finish your you Castle duties. But when Alfred leaves out of everyone's view, his once optimistic expression is replaced with a cold one. Time to interact his scheme.
🍔: What is Alfred is scheme you may ask? Well, it involves 2 main key things. Ants and honey. Lots of it. Fun fact about Alfred's Kingdom, It's a big manufacturer of Turquoise prim honey. Now Alfred isn't the biggest Fan of said honey. Sure; it's used as an ingredient in some of the sweets he consumes, but he ain't to crazy about it. But who would have known that it could be very useful at times. Like now! Another fun fact ( or not so fun fact. ) about Alfred's Kingdom, it has a little bit of an ant problem. The scarlet crescent ant is used for chewing on tough wooden surfaces, and they're pretty big. Like 3 inches big. They love turquoise prim honey. And if you you're not careful, they could hurt you. And in some rare cases, the scarlet bastards can be fatal. Something Alfred is aiming for. The good thing is that the little creatures only come out during the full moon. This is bad because Alfred doesn't want to play the waiting game. But he'll play it if it means that he can get his satisfied results in the end. But for now, he'll just move you to a unit that's closer to him and just have all female staff that's seemingly humble.
🍔: So some weeks has passed, and Alfred has completely made it seem like he has no interest. Giving the allusion that he's paying little to no mind to the Butler. But in reality, he's counting down the final hours of the butler's now wasted life. Until the right time came. It was beginning to get dark out and he had already positioned everything. Alfred had one of the staff members slip a paralysis potion in the Butler's drink. When the Butler's body finally gave out, Alfred had some of the staff members strip the Butler naked and placed him in a large barrel of turquoise prim honey, with only his head sticking out ( Alfred payed them and threatened them to keep their mouths shut about this ). They will then load his unconscious body on a truck. The truck will pull off and Alfred will fly closely behind. The truck stopped at on open clearing. The only thing there was grass and and hills of dirt. Ant hills. They went towards the biggest hill. The men Alfred hired carried the barrel and grabbed some shovels, and then they went to digging. They took the butler's unconscious body out of the barrel, placed him in the hole, and dug it back up; only leaving the Butler's head sticking out of the ground ( keep in mind the Butler is very much conscious while this is happening. ). The moon light hit the ground, the scarlet crescent ants began to come out of the ground; smelling the sweet smell of the T.P honey. Perfect timing. Alfred signaled the men to head off, only leaving him and the very much terrified Butler. Alfred stayed with the Butler all night just to see him get eaten alive by the ants around him.........
👑: When Alfred got back to the castle in the early hours of the morning, he used his all seeing eye to check up on you. You were peacefully sleeping. Cute. Later on in the week he'll drop in and check up on you just to see if your fitting in with your new unit. Good to hear that you're fitting in nicely. But don't think because you're being mostly isolated from the male staff doesn't mean that Alfred won't keep an eye on you. In fact, he doubles down on surveillance..............
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Yandere Demon King Striker ( Helluva Boss ): 👑🐍🤠
👑: Striker is a stern demon king, but not a tyrant compared to some of the characters in the Helluva Boss/ Hazbin hotel universe. With the authority he holds he has eyes and ears everywhere in his kingdom, so it wouldn't take long for him to find out what's been happening to you behind the scenes.
🐍: Like I said, it wouldn't take him long to find out. With how the maids and butlers he paid extra to watch over you, He would know before the head of your servant unit knew. And Striker is... enraged. He would need to go to his own personal shooting range to calm down and think of what move he'll do. Once he's calmed down he'll go back to the castle.
🐍: Unlike the three Kings that's above him, he doesn't have to confront you. Not like he needs to already. What Striker would do instead is go to the other victims, since apparently you aren't the only one that's being harassed. Note that this is going to be very important later. Once it's confirmed by the other victims, he'll pay them a hefty bit and go on about his day. Planning of course.......
🤠: Ironically enough, sexual assault isn't a high crime in Striker's Kingdom. It's a bit low. The only way to get it a higher penalty is if their were more victims. Even then that won't give the Butler the amount of jail time Striker wanted. But to be honest, he also had different plans for the Butler. He was thinking the Death penalty is a good way to pay for what he's done, along with some torture of course. The plan has for the little shit is simple. Be framed for a crime he didn't commit. So this was how he's going to exposure it. Stricker will have 3 lower ranked monarchs killed and pin it on the Butler. Not only that, but he'll also frame the Butler for stealing from him. Making it look like he was trying to flee when he's been caught for his " crimes ".
🤠: The plan was Executed a bit slow, it took a whole month for it to fully unravel. But never the less it gave Stricker his desired results. Stricker hired 2 assassins to kill the 3 monarchs ( he didn't like those pompous assholes anyway ). Making sure they put the Butler's DNA on the weapons. Then he himself will gathered some of his and his castle's valuable Items and hide them near the Butler's room. You may be wondering. How did he manage to collect said DNA? He's a King and is skilled in the Art of , so he has his ways. Once that have been done, he'll just play the waiting game for a little while. He would make sure that the assassins lead a semi- hidden Blood trail that led to the Butler. And like expected, the Butler was caught for his false crimes
🤠: During the investigation , they found Stricker's items and some of the Castle's items near the suspects room. Hmm, that's suspicious. Maybe they were going to be used to be sold for a hefty bit, so the criminal can have some money while on the run. Stricker also made sure to Apologize to the respected families of the unfortunate victims that fell at the hands of his butler. He payed them and told them that he has everything under control, and that the convict will pay greatly. For not only stealing the King's valuables, but kill 3 monarchs will surely lead you to the Death penalty. But first, the convict will be tortured under the sun. His wings will be stripped away and his horns will be sawed off. Those 2 things will be used as trophies and reminders to not cross him. They'll be malled on his wall in his office as decor.
🤠: Once That's been done, Striker will pull out 2 gold coins ( those are also the coins the Butler " Stole " from him. ). Each coin have 2 ways on how he's going to die, and Stricker is giving him the liberty to choose which coin he wants. The Butler choose the coin in Stricker's left hand. Heads means Death by firing squad, Tails meaning Death by hanging. Stricker flipped the Coin........ And it landed on heads. Death by firing squad.
🤠: On the Day of the Execution , Stricker descised himself as one of the Executors. Once the shots has been fired, Stricker was the one to see deliver the final blow. Much to his satisfaction....
👑: Once everything has quieted down and eased up, He'll move you to a unit close to his quarters and where he's usually at. So he can watch you with his Own eyes. At this point, He'll just begin to take you with him out side the Kingdom were he himself can watch you. Since clearly in his eyes, the Staff that he payed wasn't doing a good enough job.........
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Yandere Demon King Eyeless Jack ( Creepypasta ): 👑🔵🗡
👑: E.J is an...... Interesting Demon King to put it simply. He sense that you're his mate. But because how how smart he is, he won't take you like some of the others would. No, that would scare you. E.J wants a.. somewhat willing darling. So for now, he'll just observe from a distance.
🔵: Like Striker, it wouldn't take long for him to find out. The only thing that sets him apart from the envious snake demon is that He observes you personally ( with out you knowing that is. ). And there is something about a certain thing ( or someone ) when it gets personal. Therefore his reaction is anything but positive. The Bastard responsible for causing you such turmoil invoked a tight lipped rage. Something only the wise and cautious knows not to do. But I guess the Butler wasn't wise and wasn't cautious enough. Like I said, E.J is smart. So He'll deal with you first.
🔵: Also like Striker, He doesn't need your confirmation to know that your suffering. He knows it by the way you act, your behavior, and how you deal with it. He knows that your in anguish position. So he'll remove you from it. Put you somewhere where you won't have to deal with the rotten piece of shit. Then pulling a few strings to make sure you're ok. Once he's finished with you, he'll make his move on the Butler.
🗡: E.J has a simple yet plan effective plan. He'll make everyone forget about him, so that when E.J gets to him.. No one won't even know. That's phase 1 of his plan, I'll get to phase 2 later on. So he'll begin having someone slip memory lose potions in everyone's ( except him obviously ) food portions. It started of small, putting little portions here and there. But as the weeks went on, those portions got bigger and bigger. Until as expected, he was forgotten. Phase 1 has been completed. On to phase 2--
🗡: Phase 2 is where it really begins to kick in. The Butler will be led into a false security before being lead into a room. E.J's torture room. He doesn't use it much often. He's not a cruel demon most of the time, he'd rather get get it over with then to torture his prey. But this.... This is one of a special cause. He'll have the Butler strapped down to a table. His tools right beside him. Then he'll begin to skin him alive. Once the Butler is nothing but flesh, meat, and horns; E.J will begin to take his organs out. He'll keep his kidneys for himself and pickle the other organs. Maybe auction them off to other gluttonous demons that have a taste for flesh too. When he's done and cleaned up. He'll go up to his chambers, and watch you from his all seeing eye.....
👑: E.J has nothing to worry about when it comes to suspension, since the Butler is forgotten now. E.J won't kidnap you, he knows that your previous situation wasn't your fault. However, you will be watched more than you already have been before. You'll be kept closer and you'll feel a smothering presence. And you have a feeling on who it is..............
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Hello Angels 😊. Back with another one. And I really liked the request this Angel sent me. I liked it. Something I won't really expect. Well until next time my little tainted Angels, see you soon 💜❤💜~
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
Newly Added Fics 5/16
Hello everyone, sorry again for the slight hiatus! I’ve replied to all the messages in my inbox (at least the ones that were sent to me before this past friday), so if you asked me something before that, be sure to check out my replies!
As usual, I’ve emboldened the fics I really liked and italicized the ones that are incomplete.
Looks Like Love by luvkurai [words: 5,987] — (AU)
After his sister's wedding, Will kisses his childhood housekeeper (and first love).
Betrothed by slashyrogue [words: 3,932] — (AU)
In one month he would marry a total stranger.
Titan Arum by ProxyOne [words: 64,614] — (AU)
Will is a botanist, working in the greenhouse of the local Botanical Gardens. He is getting his life back on track after his divorce, but he can't help but notice someone who keeps coming back to his greenhouse to draw, day after day. A man who seems to have been paying very close attention to him...
Find Me In The Dark by Rising_Phoenix [words: 40,131] — (AU)
After a fateful accident, the marriage of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter has reached its end. Grief and the inability to stop them from falling apart has brought an irreconcilable distance between the formerly deeply devoted couple. While Hannibal is apathetic towards his husband, ignores him, and is withdrawn, Will has started an affair with fellow teacher Francis and drowns his desperation in more and more alcohol. 
Light of All Lights by whiskeyandspite [words: 20,377] — (AU)
Dracula-like fic without any of the vampires
The Stage Just For You by CarnivalMirai [words: 6,494] — (AU + Age Gap)
Will has landed himself the role of Odette for world-famous choreographer Hannibal Lecter's rendition of The Swan Lake.
There Will Be Bells by Entropyrose [words: 36,639] — (A/B/O)
In Georgian England, male omegas are very rare diamonds. Baron and Baroness Graham have a plan to build their wealth and social status by offering their son Will's hand in marriage to a mysterious older Duke, an Alpha named Lord Hannibal Lecter. Will's personal feelings need not apply.
Alpha Mart by slashyrogue [words: 63,164] — (A/B/O)
Will needs an alpha. After years of fake knots, half-assed suppressants, and his own damn hand during heats he’s reached the end of his rope. He doesn’t do dating so he decides to waste his life savings and hype with the current trend. Alpha Mart.
Enchanted By Your Name by CarnivalMirai [words: 9,207] — (A/B/O + PWP)
“Now, my husband would prefer it if I got the job done quickly.” He says, slashing down the back of each gag as he passes each man, watching as the silk falls gracefully to the floor. “However, I want to have some fun. Considering you’ve troubled my husband so much… it’s only fair, right?” One of the men whimpered fearfully. Or: The name "Will Graham" is a name you'll only ever hear once.
I've Been Building Black Ships by cloudsarefluffy [words: 8,116] — (A/B/O + AU)
Alpha Hannibal moves to the States with his sister Mischa after being overtly done with the fancy life of a count, and his blind omega neighbor gives him an insight into love that he never quite expected.
A Rare Find by hit_the_books [words: 5,379] — (A/B/O + AU)
Life as an omega bookseller can be quite lonely. However, as the owner of Graham’s Books, Will Graham is reasonably content. That is until he meets—long-time customer and crush—Doctor Hannibal Lecter in person for the first time. Attraction blossoming between them both, Will agrees to a dinner date with the good doctor.
We All Have a Hunger by 1ntothew1ld [words: 12,260] — (A/B/O + Age Gap)
Hannibal will ensure a properly slow and painful death for an alpha who allowed a beautiful young omega to go to waste as this one has. Too skinny for his own good, a stuttering and humble mess. The likes of the omega in front of him belonged at Opera houses and in million-dollar mansions, not scrounging for his next meal. Meek and afraid in some disheveled row house. When he finally looked back up the alpha had to conceal the utter punch to the stomach that meager glance was, blue eyes full of innocence but also hunger.
The Doctor Is In by Kummerspeck7 — (A/B/O + PWP)
Will nearly scoffed. "You can't expect me to believe you'd want anything other than a delicate flower to adorn your side, keep your ostentatious home, bare you the exact number of children you want--No more, no less-- all while being available at your whims." "Not at all." Hannibal disagreed. "I would no more put a wilting flower in my home than in a bouquet given as a gift. Tell me, Will, is that how you are treated? Forbidden from work, cloistered inside and used at Mr Brown's discretion?" "My Alpha's discretion." Hannibal looked pointedly at the curve of Will's neck, free from a single scar. "Not yet he isn't."
Teenage Wildlife by writtenbyizzy [words: 10,163] — (Age Gap + Sugar Daddy)
While reluctantly prowling Grindr for a sugar daddy to pay for his dog Bean's vet bills Will comes across Hannibal, and gets far more than he bargained for.
Just As Poised As I Remember by CarnivalMirai [words: 5,721] — (Age Gap + School)
When Will was in high school he had an incredibly handsome psychology teacher-- tall and sharp with a thick European accent. And now, a decade later, said psychology teacher-turned psychiatrist... just swiped right on him.
We Can Chase the Dark Together by K_R_Closson [words: 16,615] — (Fantasy)
Will tips him and Hannibal off the cliff. Instead of hitting the water, he wakes up in his bed, several years in the past. His first, and only, priority is to find Hannibal again.
We Killed a Dragon Last Night by inameitlater [words: 88,150] — (Fantasy)
Will remembers falling. He wakes up months before Jack got him to work for him. Months before he met Hannibal for the first time. Free from his past he decides to change events and meet Hannibal again.
My Only Constant Is You by TheSilverQueen [words: 25,369] — (Fantasy)
Hannibal Lecter is an immortal who can never die. Will Graham is a time traveler who can never stay in one place. Perhaps that is why they are perfect for each other.
Motinos Kalba by Lyla_Joy [words: 6,040] — (Fluff)
Five times Hannibal Lecter spoke Lithuanian on accident and one time he meant too.
You Make Me Feel (Good) by sourweather [words: 7,190] — (Fluff)
Will Graham has sensory issues. The world gets too loud, he gets overstimulated easily, but most of all he hates being touched. He never expected someone to work so hard to make him comfortable, to be so patient with him.
Pick Me Up by sourweather [words: 6,053] — (Fluff)
Will doesn't go to bars much. He doesn't end up needing a ride home much. But when he does get drunk, he always wants to ask Hannibal to pick him up.
Hard to Get by JSinister32 [words: 5,561] — (Jealousy)
Will and Hannibal had been broken up for six months. When confessions are made during a work function, can they find it within themselves to forgive?
Polar Opposites by Lyla_Joy [words: 19,513] — (Kidnapping)
“Says the cannibalistic serial killer who knocked me out and is now holding me hostage,” sassed Will. The Ripper didn’t smile but his eyes crinkled in the corner. “Please call me Hannibal.”
Fate Is A Keen-Eyed Hound by LydiaFearing [words: 5,890] — (Mischa)
Hannibal may be a successful, charming psychiatrist but Mischa worries that her brother is lonely so she gifts him a puppy. Hannibal reluctantly falls for his little dog but wants to get involved with time-consuming FBI work and not just anyone can be allowed to look after his pet. Luckily, Alana can recommend a boarding kennel in Wolf Trap.
The Significant Other: The Will and Hannibal Edition by house_of_lantis [words: 18,431] — (Murder Husbands)
After their terrible and abrupt break up, Will and Hannibal attempt to maneuver through their social circles, side step ongoing gossip, and deal with the fact that Will knows the truth of Hannibal. Through impossible odds, Will and Hannibal do find their way to each other again.
Dancing with the Beast by proser [words: 86,347] — (Murder Husbands)
In order to catch a mediocre serial killer, Will must pose as Hannibal's date for a series of pretentious social events. Hannibal is dramatic and jealous as ever, and Will is having a great time without the encephalitis. Of course, it's a love story.
Arriving at the Crossroads by HigherMagic [words: 7,558] — (Mpreg)
"You haven't been my psychiatrist for a long time," Will echoes. "But you've been my friend. You've helped me. With…" He gestures vaguely to his head. "When my brain was on fire. On consults. When it's dark and I need a guiding light." "It pleases me very greatly to be a source of comfort and reassurance for you, Will," Hannibal says. "I have wanted to be that for you, for a long time."
The Hanged Man by justhavesex [words: 13,076] — (Mpreg)
Will Graham had never wanted children before, but he had never considered it to be a consequence of his omegan brain not finding anyone worthy, but the moment he had met Hannibal Lecter he had been filled with want. In which a dinner party one-night stand results in a pregnancy that changes Will's entire life.
I Don't Even Like Lana Del Rey by perpetuallycaffeinated [words: 4,328] — (PWP)
The tension and low thrum of arousal were making Will speak impulsively. He knew this, but he’d just finished his drink. There was nothing he could use to stop the question, blunt and presumptuous and rude. “So, what, you’re my daddy?”
A Bad Combination In The Dark by perpetuallycaffeinated [words: 1,957] — (PWP)
When a nerve wracked Will Graham accidentally cuts his hand on Dr. Lecter's letter opener, things quickly get out of control.
The Best Bait by sourweather [words: 3,327] — (PWP)
Will is a good fisherman, he knows which bait to use for his catch. Will seduces Hannibal at a party by being sexy.
Whimsy by justheretoreadhannibalfics [words: 3,001] — (School)
Doctor Hannibal Lecter is standing in as a teacher while Professor Graham is out of town on a case. The students start to kind of like him, and become very invested in his love life.
Callipygian by ProxyOne [words: 2,260] — (Season 1)
Hannibal has a lot of sketches of Will, which he normally keeps safely away. One day though, Will shows up unexpectedly and Hannibal is caught unawares, and unprepared.
L'appel Du Vide by sourweather [words: 5,413] — (Season 1)
Will is hiding things from his coworkers. From himself. But Doctor Lecter knows.
Friends Don't Frame Friends: A Lesson for a Clueless Cannibal by LadyFelixTristis [words: 5,041] — (Season 1)
Ear? What ear? Will Graham doesn’t try to thwart Hannibal Lecter’s plans for him. He just does. By accident. And then on purpose.
For All My Pride, You Were the Fall of Me by nobetterlove [words: 13,212] — (Season 2)
After being released from the BSHCI, Will grabs the dogs he can't live without and leaves without a trace
Letters to God by CarnivalMirai [words: 4,698] — (Season 3+)
Will writes letters to Hannibal every day after his incarceration. But they never make it.
Blankets, Coffee Cups, and Christmas Morning by sourweather [words: 6,352] — (Season 3+)
Hannibal wants to enjoy the domesticity. The love, the closeness, the being Known. But something about his life with Will makes him want to lash out.
All These Fictionary Tales by ProxyOne [words: 18,492] — (Season 3+)
After the fall, Hannibal is presumed dead. Will has been declared dead. But Will isn't willing to believe that Hannibal would just abandon him like that 
Seduction by BloodunderMoonlight [words: 7,086] — (Season 3+)
“For fuck’s sake, Hannibal.” Will glared at him, brimming with wrath he had only seen behind Will’s gun. He had no doubt Will would draw out a knife from beneath the duvet or pillows, but clearly words were enough to make him gobsmacked—“Are you a fucking virgin or monk? If all these can’t get you to bed then I don’t know what can.” Hannibal stood gaping at Will.
Blood, Cedar and Dog Hair by sourweather [words: 3,351] — (Season 3+)
Something terrible happens while Hannibal is in prison. Something he never prepared for.
Hidden Potential by sourweather [words: 20,789] — (Soulmates)
The first time you make eye contact with your soul mate, you see a vision of their greatest accomplishment. They call it your Peak. Unfortunately for Will Graham, his soul mate's Peak is a vision of blood and horror. Fortunately for Hannibal Lecter, his soul mate's is too.
Karoliai by slashyrogue [words: 4,577] — (Sugar Daddy)
Will works at a jewelry store. He has worked there for three months and sold less than any other person there. His boss tells him to sell something by the end of the day or he may not have a job tomorrow. If there was one thing Will hated more than having to talk people into buying jewelry they didn’t need, it was trying to do it two days before Valentine’s Day.
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
Leverage AU
This is a scene from my Leverage AU. Let me know if you wanna see more!
TW: bullet wound
Jack slammed the door after the gunshot fired. He did his best not to react as he locked the thing from the outside. He looked up and Katherine was smiling. Their mark was locked up and the feds were on their way. It was the perfect time to escape. “Come on, charmer, let’s go,” she insisted, walking towards the rest of the team that was running away from the ship they’d just been trapped in.
Spot put his hands on Race’s and Albert’s chests to stop them as Jack watched Katherine join them. The mastermind took a deep breath, reaching for his side and looking down at his hand to see the blood. He then casually began to walk towards those people that he adored so much. Spot looked at him. “Ain’t that many ways outta here, Jack.”
With a quick laugh from Katherine, Jack knew they’d be safe. “When I come to rescue all of your asses, I do it right,” she insisted, pointing up at the helicopter that was coming to land from above them. Albert smiled and began to walk towards it in relief, but then a voice spoke up.
“FBI! Freeze!”
“Nice work, Jack,” someone smirked. “Look at you go. Taking down a corrupt mayor and his partner and bringing your team right to me, keeping up your end of the deal.”
With a small scowl, Jack turned to see a familiar face. “Yeah, Morris,” he shrugged, hand still on his side beneath his jacket. No one could see the bullet wound. “They're locked up in the ship.”
The man, insurance agent Morris Delancey, nodded at the FBI agent behind him. “Arrest them.” Race hid behind Spot for a minute. Katherine stared at Jack in shock and Spot geared up for a fight.
But Jack laughed. “Oh,” he called out. “Y-you thought I was actually going to let you take my team, huh?” he asked. Then he handcuffed himself to the railing.
“James Francis, what the hell are you doing?” Katherine hissed.
“I would like to know that answer to that too,” Delancey stated. “We had a deal, Jack. You bring me your mark and you go free. They come with me. They’re thieves—“
Another small chuckle escaped Jack. “I don’t think you get it, Delancey. There’s a fire in the FBI evidence room,” he smirked. “All the evidence gathered on Ford and Devereaux is gone. And now, all you have is me.” Jack bent a bit forward as the pain started getting worse.
Race shook his head. “No,” he insisted. “No, you don’t get to do this! You don’t get to decide this for us!” Spot tried to pull him back but Race ripped away from him.
Shaking his head, Delancey scowled. “Arrest Kelly. The rest of them go free.”
“No, Jack!”
“Come here, come here,” Jack insisted. They did. “You four people are the only family I have. I admire you more than anyone I’ve ever met. So I will serve my time and you will let it be, do you understand?” Albert scowled a bit, Katherine stared and Spot waited. He wasn’t about to argue. Jack nodded at him. “Get them out of here.”
Spot nodded, taking Race’s hand, but Race yanked away from him. “No! You don’t get ta leave me here! You pulled me off the streets n’… n’…” the blond boy shook his head and Jack’s heart broke. Race was a good thief. He had no idea how to handle feelings, especially not when they involved abandonment.
The Mastermind swallowed hard. “Go, kid. Now!” Jack ordered.
But Race’s eyes drifted down to Jack’s side. “Shit… shit… he’s bleeding! Jack!”
Biting down on his lip as Albert began running at Jack’s cry. Spot took Race by the waist. “We have to go, Racer, we have to go,” he insisted, pulling Race away. The blond boy grabbed Jack's hand. Jack gave his fingers a squeeze before letting him slip away.
Without another second of thought, Katherine rushed up to Jack and slapped him when Morris called for medical. “You call me, begging me to come back, telling me you need me, just so you can do this?“ Some agents came and started to uncuffed Jack from the railing just to cuff his hands in front of him, giving Jack the moment he needed to lean forward and kiss the woman desperately. Katherine melted.
When Jack pulled away, he smiled sadly. “Take care of them,” he whispered.
Katherine nodded, unable to argue anymore, and rushed away.
Morris walked up to Jack. “Who are you, Kelly?”
Jack looked up at him. He looked around and watched as the helicopter took off. He looked back at Morris. “I’m a thief…” he breathed, watching as his family got taken to safety. It was only then that he could close his eyes and let the darkness take him.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Whiskey Straight - The Foil (4)
Jack Daniels x F!Reader
The masked men, who still haven't identified themselves, have you. They have questions and you're forced to admit things out loud that you hadn't been wanting to even admit to yourself.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Light kidnapping vibes (reader is blindfolded and tied to a chair at one point,) interrogation setting, SMUT: unprotected p in v, memories of unwanted sexual advances (if you made it through the last chapter, it's just reader trying to get over/deal with it.) If I've missed anything, please let me know. I care about you all and want you mentally safe <3
Series Masterlist  -  Prologue  -  One  -   Two  -  Three  -  Four  -   Five  -  Six  -   Seven
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via GIPHY (Credit to Artsplained on GIPHY)
The thick, dark hood over your head kept you from seeing anything as you were led forward by a strong hand on your arm. It muffled the sounds around you but the echo of footsteps bounced around in the small space. You could only guess you were being led down twisting, barren hallways as two sets of shoes clacked against the floor.
You had tried asking questions when you woke, the hood already placed over your face. Your head felt heavy and lethargic, your chin rested against your chest. As you remembered everything that led to your situation, specifically the hard hit to your head, you were surprised to not be in any pain. You tried to lift your hands to remove the fabric covering your face, but they were tied down. It took you a moment to take stock of your body: You were sitting in a chair and some kind of straps held your arms in place. They were pliable, so likely made of fabric or leather as opposed to metal. Your feet weren’t secured, but as you shuffled them around, you could feel nothing but the legs of your chair and the floor beneath you.
You started to shout, asking where you were, demanding to be let go, but all your pleas were met with silence. By the time you heard a door open and footsteps approach you, your voice was hoarse. Still, none of your questions were answered as you were released from the chair and led from the room.
You were halted, the hand on your arm tightening as you stopped. You heard a door open in front of you and the hood was pulled from your head. You couldn’t adjust to the brightness of the halfway before , you were pushed forward into the darkened room.
“No, no, no!” You panicked, turning to find the door slamming shut behind you. There was no handle. You started to press your palms along the seam of the door, frantically searching for a way to open it. You whimpered, scratching at the door, when the lights behind you clicked on with a loud pop. You turned, backing yourself against the wall to take in the room.
Large and empty aside from the metal stool placed in the middle, the room appeared to be made of concrete. The lights came from the corners of the ceiling, pointing down on the stool like spotlights. One of the far walls housed a large mirror. You didn’t need to check it to figure it was a two-way mirror and you were being watched. Still, you approached the mirror cautiously, hoping to see through to the other side. You wanted a hint as to where you were and who was holding you here.
“Sit down.” A loud, robotic voice echoed through the room, making you jump. You hadn’t even made it to the mirror, and you scurried to back yourself against the wall once more. You leaned against it trying to be as small as possible.
“I said sit down.” The voice returned. You stared at the stool, taking slow steps towards it.A plain metal stool, it reminded you of the kind from science labs back in high school, or maybe in a doctor’s office. You touched it gently, making sure it wasn’t boobytrapped in any way before sitting down, facing the mirror.
You waited for further instruction, your breath coming in short, panicked pants. You blocked the bright lights from your eyes with a shaking hand.
“Who do you work for?”
“U-uh,” you stuttered out of fear. “It’s a sm-small office downtown.”
“Who do you work for?” The voice repeated.
“Stern and Carpenter.” You answered, giving the name of the company this time.
“Who do you work for?” You were asked a third time.
“I don’t know what you want!” You wailed. “I work an office job, data entry! I’m just a secretary!”
“Sure, Mrs. Daniels.”
You froze, breath catching in your chest as they used your real name. They knew who you were. Not Trisha Strickland, no code name or cover story. They knew you.
“What was a secretary doing in the woods with an international terrorist? Taking dictation?” The voice questioned. “How long have you been part of The Vulture’s faction?”
“F-faction?! I don’t know anything about a faction!” You gasped, shaking your head. “I-I’ve only known Phil for a few weeks, maybe a month and a half. I don’t know any Jackal.”
“Phil,” the voice pronounced the name slowly, dragging it out as if it was testing the way it sounded. “Is that who he said he was?”
“Y-yes. Phil Strickland. I barely know him!” You explained, unable to stop the hysterical tone to your voice.
“That’s not what it looked like when we found you.” You could hear the mocking tone of the voice, even through the robotic crackles.
You bit back a sob, hanging your head as you remembered Phil forcing himself onto you just before the men in masks had appeared.
“How did you meet him?”
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you thought back over the past month. You explained the first time meeting him. How he had dropped the briefcase at your table and rushed off almost immediately afterwards. You explained not wanting anything to do with him - you left out how that had changed over the past month. You told them how you broke open the briefcase, finding the gun and the documents and cash, how you wanted to get rid of it but didn’t want anything falling into the hands of someone on the streets.
You were interrupted, the voice asking why you continued to see him after you realized he was dangerous.
“He said he needed my help.” You sighed with a small shrug.
“Not because you were attracted to him?” The voice accused.
Your jaw dropped, insulted and shocked. “No!”
“You weren’t attracted to him at all?”
“No!” You repeated, shaking your head emphatically. “He’s not my type, and I’m happily married!” The words rolled off your tongue easily, you’d been telling them to yourself long enough now. Your hands fidgeted in your lap as you thought about the way working with Phil had made you feel. You felt important, you felt seen.
“Maybe a little.” You admitted sadly, your stomach churning at the admission. It wasn’t Phil’s looks or his charm or even his car that attracted you to him, it was the way he treated you. That he would compliment you easily and often, constantly thanking you for your help. You grew attracted to the attention he gave you. “B-but it wasn’t like that-”
“Is cheating on your husband common for you?” The voice accused.
“What?!” You gasped. “No! I’d never!”
“So this was the first time then?”
“I wasn’t cheating!” You wailed, wanting them to believe you desperately. You may have done bad things, but you hadn’t cheated on Jack. Phil had forced himself onto you, and you had tried to stop it. The memory made the stomach bile creep up your throat.
“Tell me about your husband, Mrs. Daniels.” They demanded.
Your brow furrowed in confusion as you stared at your own greening reflection in the mirror. “Jack? What do you want to know about Jack?” You waited, but they didn’t clarify. “What can I say about him?” You wondered aloud with a shrug. “He works for Statesman Distillery, runs the division...”
“So sex with him isn’t doing it for you anymore?”
Your jaw dropped once more. “That’s none of your fucking business!” You hissed. “What kind of question is that?!”
“You’re in a lot of trouble, Mrs. Daniels. I suggest you cooperate.” The voice glowered. “If we want to know about the most intimate details of your life, you had better tell us if you want to get out of here.”
You choked back another sob at the threat. The thought of never leaving this facility, of never seeing Jack again - you’d never get to make up for the month of bad decisions, never get to hold him or kiss him again. Would they tell him what happened, or would he go on never knowing what happened to you? You fought back the tears, not wanting whoever this bastard was to see you cry.
“Jack is a good man.” You whispered, closing your eyes. It was true, and you felt like you were reminding yourself just as much as you were telling them.
“But he doesn’t exactly ‘take you to church’ anymore-” The voice cut off abruptly. You were glad for it, the guilt and anger bubbling within you.
“Why did you go to Francis’ hideout.” They asked.
“Francis Steinruck, legal name of The Vulture. Also goes by Phil Strickland.”
“Francis Steinruck.” You repeated quietly to yourself, the name tasting bitter on your tongue. You’d been so stupid to believe him. “He wanted me to go with him to Paris. For a mission. He needed a cover and he wanted me to… pose as his wife.”
The silence was deafening. Saying it out loud, you felt like an absolute moron, falling for all of his attention and flattery.
“And you agreed?” The flat voice nearly sounded in disbelief, not that you could blame it.
You nodded pathetically, unable to look up and face your reflection.
You shrugged before dropping your hands back into your lap. “I don’t know.” You admitted, nearly laughing at yourself. “I… I guess I just needed something. Something... more?”
“What did you need, Mrs. Daniels?”
You shook your head, giving another small shrug. “To feel alive? I just wanted to do... something outrageous. Something that was just for me… And it felt really good to be needed. Wanted.” You admitted with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling and blinking back the tears. These were all the thoughts you’d had since meeting Phil, but saying them outloud was just tearing open wounds you’d been ignoring in your life.
“He trusted me. When I talked, it felt like he was listening. He noticed things… He made me feel special.” You paused, taking a steadying breath. “I-I’m not getting any younger, you know?” You laughed bitterly, looking at yourself in the mirror. The tears threatening to break, the dark shadows under your eyes. It was all too apparent as you looked at yourself.
“There’s so much more out there in this life and I didn’t want to miss it. I wanted to be able to look back one day and say ‘yeah, I lived that life. I was wild once! I was reckless and did something exciting!’” You sniffled, not able to stop a few tears from spilling over, letting some of your deepest insecurities come to light.
They said nothing. You didn’t know if they were judging you or felt sorry for you. Both options made anger flare up inside you.
“I don’t give a shit,” you mumbled, wiping your face before feeling more confident as you defended yourself. “I don’t care if you understand or not, okay? I made a decision for myself, and maybe it wasn’t a good decision, and maybe I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t know. The point is I made it for myself, and you don’t have to understand that. I have to answer to myself, and to my husband, but certainly not to you.”
“This Phil… did you sleep with him?”
You sighed, feeling defeat spread through your body. You were exhausted and scared and wanted to go home. You didn’t think you could argue with the faceless voice anymore. “No.”
“You mean you did not have sexual relations with him?”
You huffed, halfway to a laugh as you shook your head. “If you’re going to ask me every goddamn question twice, this is going to take a really long time and I have to get home.” You snarled, standing from the stool.
“You’re not going anywhere.” The voice scolded you as you started to approach the door.
“Just get me out of here!” You screamed, hands flailing at your sides helplessly as the rawness in your throat flared up once more.
“Answer the question.”
“I already answered your fucking question!” You snapped. You couldn’t handle it anymore. The judgement from the people watching and questioning you, your own guilt and anger inside you. You grabbed the stool, swinging it with all your strength into the mirror. It barely cracked, a small spider web pattern spreading from where you connected.
“I did. Not. Sleep. With. Phil!” You screamed, bashing the stool into the mirror with every syllable. “I did not plan to sleep with Phil, I did not want to sleep with Phil!” You shrieked, nearly hysterical as you kept swinging the stool. The mirror broke more and more, your own reflection morphing into a jaded puzzle of yourself, but the mirror never shattered completely.
“Calm down!” The voice demanded, but you ignored it. They called for you to calm down over and over, but you swung the stool until your arms hurt. You swung and swung, screaming until you felt the last ounce of energy you had leave your body.
You stared at the cracks in the mirror, realizing it was never going to break. You panted, chest heaving as you caught your breath from the break down, stumbling back a few steps.
“One more question, Mrs. Daniels.” The voice prompted, sounding as calm as ever. “Do you still love your husband?”
The question made you drop the stool from your hold, clattering loudly to the floor.  You smiled sadly as you thought of Jack, sitting at home with his newspaper or watching a football game while he sipped from his favorite tumbler, having no idea what you had been doing or where you were now.
“Yes. I love him.” Your voice cracked, both from emotions and all the screaming you’d been doing.
The room was silent once more. You didn’t care what they thought anymore. You were just tired and wanted to go home. Curl up next to Jack and start to make your amends for your foolishness. You bent over, fixing the stool and sitting back on it, waiting for the voices to tell you what was happening next. You prayed silently to whatever power might be listening that they would let you go, that you’d get that chance to make your amends.
“There’s only one way to fix all this, Mrs. Daniels.”
You looked back at the broken mirror, the lines and shatter patterns too many to even make out your reflection anymore.
“You will work for us.”
You laughed pitifully, rubbing your forehead as you fought off the headache that was starting to form behind your eyes.
“I am offering you a choice. If you work for us, we will drop the charges and you can go back to your normal life. If not, you will go to federal prison and your husband will be left humiliated and alone. Your life as you know it will be destroyed.”
Your jaw dropped as you listened to the ultimatum. “Gee, what a choice.” You deadpanned.
“Yes or no?”
“Yes, of course I’ll do it.” You huffed in defeat, nearly wanting to laugh. It wasn’t a choice at all. “What do I have to do?”
“You will be contacted with the assignment. The code name of your contact will be Whiskey, and your code name will be Bourbon.”
You huffed, unable to stop yourself from rolling your eyes as you heard Jack’s voice in your head. “Bourbon is a whiskey, dumbass. You remember the part when I told you my husband runs a distillery, right?”
The lights clicked out suddenly, making you jump. Sassing them when they had started to show mercy may have been a bad idea.
“You’ll receive our call.” The voice echoed in the darkness. “Goodbye Mrs. Daniels.”
The door behind you opened, and you spun to see a man silhouetted against the light of the hallway. The door stayed open as he stalked towards you.
“Please, I didn’t mean it!” You defended, holding your hands up in front of you in surrender.
The man said nothing. He placed the dark sack over your head and grabbed you once again by the arm, pulling you out of the room.
You weren’t led back to the room you’d been in before, taking different twists and turns through the facility. You weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not. They had said they would let you go, to have you work for them, but that was before you mouthed off.
A door ahead of you opened and you could tell you were outside. Gone was the echoing of shoes, clicking off the pristine floors and bouncing off the walls. The crunch of gravel was under your feet, the sound of trees rustling in the breeze. Out was good… right?
A new sound just in front of you made you jump and as you were pushed forward to climb into a vehicle, you realized it had been a van door sliding open. The moment it closed, the van was moving. You fell to your side, catching yourself with your elbow against the scratchy carpeted flooring. With no one holding you and nothing binding your hands, you were tempted to remove the hood but you didn’t want to know what would happen if you saw something you weren’t supposed to. You stayed quiet and still, mentally pleading for them to let you go.
You weren’t sure how long you drove before the van screeched to a halt - literally screeched, throwing you forward with the momentum. Before you could even think to right yourself, you were grabbed and pulled out of the van. The hood was ripped off and something shoved in your hands.
Your purse.
You were next to your car, where you had parked it when Phil- or Francis, or whoever he was - had picked you up that night. Oh god, was it even the same night?
The van was gone before you even had your bearings about you, no chance at trying to catch the license plate or any distinguishing features. You stood in the deserted street, almost not believing that they’d let you go.
With shaky hands, you opened your purse and dug out your car keys. You dropped them twice while trying to unlock the door. When you finally did, you climbed inside and locked the door right behind you. Feeling even the tiniest amount of safety, locked inside your car, you finally cried. You wrapped your arms around yourself, sobbing as all the emotions from the night hit you. The terror, the disgust, the guilt- it all hit you like a tsunami as you finally broke. 
You wailed, angry with Phil, angry with yourself, gripping at the steering wheel as your knuckles turned white. Pulling at your hair until it hurt. Part of you wanted to hurt, you deserved it after everything you’d done.
You weren’t sure how long you sat in your car, under the overpass, crying, screaming, cursing - eventually you felt numb. Sore, exhausted and numb. It started to feel like the last day had been a movie, something you’d watched someone else live out, not lived it for yourself. You wiped your eyes, seeing it was a little after 11 at night. The last time you’d looked at the clock, it had been around 4 when Phil had picked you up from this very spot. Was it really only 7 hours later? It felt like a lifetime.
You took several long breaths, trying to calm yourself as you started the car. You felt in no way like you were up to driving but you had to get home somehow. You took your time, driving slowly and taking side roads to avoid having to navigate too much traffic.
The porch light was still on when you pulled up to the house, Jack’s Bronco parked in the driveway. A dim light was on in the den, the colours of the TV shining onto the curtains. You parked, wondering if he was awake, waiting and worried, or if he had dozed off.
You took a moment to try to make yourself look semi-presentable. Your red rimmed eyes and heavy bags were a lost cause, but you smoothed down your hair to look somewhat decent, straightening your clothes. There was no way he wouldn’t know something had happened. You thought of the threat that robotic voice had uttered - you will go to federal prison and your husband will be left humiliated and alone - and you knew you had to lie yet again.
You swallowed around the lump in your throat as you unlocked the front door, trying to calm the shaking of your hands as you entered your own home. It was quiet inside, the noise from the TV turned down low. You cleared your throat, wincing at the pain shooting through it before you called out to Jack, your voice as level as you could force it.
There was no answer as you kicked off your shoes, not bothering to right them from wherever they fell. You dragged your hand along the wall for balance as you made your way to the den, your legs shaky after everything you’d been through.
Lit by the lamp to his side and the flashes from the TV, Jack sat in his favorite armchair fast asleep. His head was flopped back against the chair, mouth open as he snored softly. The sight sent waves of regret through you. You might have cried if there were any tears left in you. You crossed the room, crawling into Jack’s lap.
Jack woke with a start as you curled up on his lap, grumbling to himself as he slowly figured out what was going on. You buried your head in his shoulder, curling your fists into his shirt as his arms came up to wrap around you.
“Hey there, darlin’.” He greeted happily, his voice slow and sweet like honey as he woke, his accent thick with sleep. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He chuckled.
You didn’t answer, clinging to him as you tried to find it in you to beg for forgiveness for something you couldn’t even begin to explain to him.
“Sweetheart?” Jack asked, giving your arm a slight shake when you didn’t answer. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m sorry.” You stuttered, whispering to hide the strain in your voice.
“For what? What happened?” Jack shifted under you, sitting upright as his tone flooded with concern. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, face still hidden in the crook of his neck.
“Darlin’ look at me, please?” He asked, cupping your cheek as he tried to coax you out of hiding. You took a deep breath and let him pull your face into his view.
“What happened?” He asked calmly, but you could see the concern swirling in his amber eyes. He stroked your cheek as he waited for you to answer.
“Nothing,” you lied, shaking your head.
“Don’t look like nothin’. Talk to me?” The sweeter he was with you, the worse you felt.
“It’s stupid.” You denied once more.
“Rough day?” He guessed, and you were relieved for the out. You nodded as he brushed a large hand over your hair, smoothing it down. “I’m sorry.”
He pulled you into a soft kiss. It felt so different from the last set of lips that had been on yours. Welcome, warm, soft. You melted into the kiss, relishing the love and care behind it. You held him close as he tried to pull away, chasing his lips with your own. He let you lead the kiss, let you take what you needed in your emotional state. The more you kissed him, the more his mustache tickled your lip and his hands massaged your back and shoulders, the more you realized you needed him.
You adjusted yourself in his lap until you were straddling him, your thighs pressed tight to his in the chair. He hummed happily, his hand sliding down your back to rest on your waist. You licked the seam of his lips, pressing your chest to his as he opened his mouth.
He moaned softly as your tongues danced, cupping your cheek as his other hand teased along the hem of your shirt. You wanted to feel him, skin on skin, and you started unbuttoning his shirt. He took the cue to slip his fingers up the back of your shirt, callused fingers dragging over you. It made you gasp, the warm loving touch helping to erase the past several hours. You splayed your hands over his chest, feeling his warmth, the way his chest rose and fell as his breath sped up. It wasn’t enough.
“Need you, Jack.” You whimpered, foregoing the remaining buttons of his shirt to focus on the button of his jeans instead.
“You have me.” He promised, his voice low and husky as he pulled your shirt up. You didn’t lift your arms until his jeans were undone, sitting loose on his hips. Your shirt was discarded carelessly on the floor before Jack surged forward, kissing between your breasts as he palmed them through your bra. You tangled your hands in his hair, letting your head fall back as he focused on you, arching into his touch as your breathing sped up.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” He prompted before closing his teeth over the fabric of your bra, pulling it away before letting it snap back into place.
“Upstairs. Need you to fuck me.” You told him, nearly begging. “Need you inside of me.”
Jack groaned, long and low as he took in your request. His hands scooped under your ass, the only warning you had before he stood. You locked your legs around him, one arm around his shoulders as the other stayed in his hair.
He carried you into your bedroom with ease, despite your lips along his collarbone and you writhing in his arms. He set you on the bed, kissing you passionately as his hands slid up your back to unclasp your bra. You pulled at his shirt, not caring if the buttons opened or broke off. You needed it gone. Your breaths mingled in the space between your lips, panting as the heat grew between you.
He pulled your bra down your arms, dropping it to the floor before sliding his shirt off to join it. You pushed his jeans down his hips, pulling his briefs with them. He helped you, pushing them until they were too low, kicking them off his calves. He removed his lips from yours, kissing down your chest as he worked on your pants.
“Please,” you mewled, gripping his shoulders as you lifted your hips.
“I got you.” He responded, breath ragged as he pulled the last pieces of fabric out of the way.
He wrapped his arms around you, lifting you without warning to set you in the middle of the bed. You gasped, caught off guard, and tried to pull him up to kiss you again. The more he kissed you, the more you forgot about Phil. About feeling alone and unseen. The more you could think about nothing but Jack Daniels, the man you should have been thinking about this whole time.
You felt his thick fingers slide along the crease of your hip before dipping into your folds. You moaned, shaking your head.
“Need you now.” You urged against his lips.
“Okay. Okay.” He panted his understanding as his hand left you. You felt him adjust himself, the blunt head of his cock replacing his fingers at your core. You shuddered, dropping your legs open further for him.
“Please, Jack please.” You babbled, letting your head fall back into the mattress.
He shushed you, positioning himself at your entrance. “You sure you’re ready?”
“Yes, god please, Jack.” You nearly sobbed, canting your hips against him.
You gasped as he finally pushed forward, your breath catching as he stretched you. He groaned, letting his head fall against your shoulder as he entered you slowly. You felt his whole body shudder against you as he bottomed out, his short, quick breaths flitting across your skin as he struggled to control himself.
You gripped at his back, feeling the muscles taut under his skin, pleading with him to move. He obliged with a grunt, pulling out before snapping his hips against you. You cried out, back arching up off the mattress as he set a rapid pace, pumping into you steadily.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you sighed, repeating it like a mantra as your nails dug into the skin of his shoulder.
“Like that? That what you need?” He panted, lifting his head to stare down at you. His eyes were black with lust, hair matted to his forehead with sweat, jaw clenched.
You continued your mantra as his answer, wrapping your legs around him to push him deeper with your heels against his thighs.
He cursed under his breath, nose nudging against your before he took your lips again. All teeth and tongue as he fucked into you. The kiss didn’t last long, both of you struggling for breath.
“M-more.” You stuttered. You wanted him to fuck you. Hard and fast. Use you.
He grunted, increasing his pace. He choked on his words, losing his wits as he cursed, panted your name, ranted how good you felt. You were no better off, only able to ask him for more, more, more as he pounded into you.
He pulled you upwards suddenly, making you gasp in surprise as he sat back on his haunches with you in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your back, using his hands on your shoulders to push you down onto him as he thrust upwards. The new angle made your head spin, his pubic bone grinding against your clit as you cried out for him.
“Wha’d’ya need?” He demanded through clenched teeth. “Need’ya to cum. So fuckin’ close.”
“Don’t stop, god don’t stop.” You plead, wrapping your arms around him and holding him as close as physically possible. Your sweat-slicked chests rubbed together, your nipples hardening at the friction.
You felt Jack’s pace stutter as he got closer and closer to his orgasm. He snaked a hand between you, pinching your clit. Your whole body seized up, a gut-wrenching moan ripping itself from your chest as you came around him. His body shook under you as he rutted into you, your walls holding him tight. You heard him growl as the warmth of his seed filled you.
You collapsed into him, body turning boneless as you came down from your peak, your walls still fluttering around him, throbbing with every beat of your heart as you shakily gulped down all the air you could.
You felt the tremors shaking Jack’s body as his pleasure faded. He carefully lowered you back to the bed, cradling you in his arms before pulling out of you with a drawn-out grunt. He rolled to the side, falling onto his back as he caught his breath. You felt his cum leaking out of you, dripping down onto the blanket beneath you.
Neither of you spoke or moved, simply trying to catch your breaths as your bodies hit you with faint aftershocks of your orgasms. Your mind was finally quiet - the guilt, the anger, the stress all replaced with the only thing you could think of: Jack.
You jumped when his hand caressed your cheek, not having realized your eyes had drifted closed.
“Y’Okay?” He asked, his eyes sparkling with love and care even in the dim room. You nodded, resting your hand on top of his.
“Feelin’ better?”
You nodded again.
“Good.” He smiled tiredly before leaning over you, kissing you so gently you almost questioned if his lips were even touching yours. “Stay here.” He ordered once his lips left yours.
He got out of bed, grousing quietly as he moved. You didn’t think you could disobey him even if you wanted to. There was no way you could move.
He returned with a washcloth, gently parting your legs to clean you. You moaned softly as your muscles protested the movement. The cloth was warm and his touch gentle and soothing to your aching, swollen flesh. When he was satisfied, he tossed the cloth in the direction of the various discarded clothes littering the floor to be dealt with in the morning. Climbing back up the bed, he carefully pulled you to him, holding you close with your head nestled on his chest.
His heartbeat, slowly returning to a normal pace, beat steadily in your ear. His smell was all around you, he was all you could feel. His voice rumbled through his chest, speaking a soft good night as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You mumbled your response, too tired, too spent to articulate. You were passed out mere moments later.
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
What would you say would be the great but rarely used, mentioned (?) Will's quotes about Hannibal that show his depth of feeling for him and show that Will does love Hannibal. I know the most frequently used ones, but what do you think are the underappreciated moments?
What a great question! Here are the ones I recall and that I rarely see mentioned. If anyone who’s reading this can think of more, please share them too! 
You’re supposed to be my paddle. It’s said at the very start of S1, and it shows the trust Will already puts into Hannibal, which is amazing, considering how hostile he is to people in general and especially to psychiatrists.
I don't know what's worse. Believing I did it or believing you did it... and did this to me. I felt so betrayed by you … I trusted you. I needed to trust you. Will is playing on Hannibal’s emotions here, but I think what he says is absolute truth. He sounds so wistful and sad - he really feels all this. It’s not the idea of Hannibal being a murderer that hit him hard, it’s that Hannibal betrayed him.
You've never condemned me. Not even under oath. You've always been my friend. Same here: he’s playing Hannibal, but what he says rings true. There is once again wistfulness in Will’s voice - Hannibal was his friend and it meant the world to him, but now he doesn’t know what to think. He doesn’t understand why Hannibal is trying to help him after putting him in prison.
I have to deal with you. And my feelings about you. Sounds so deeply personal and romantic, in my opinion.
I envy you your hate. Makes it much easier when you know how to feel. Will confessing to Peter that he can’t hate Hannibal no matter what he did, and hence he can’t bring himself to kill him even now.
Where else would I go? This is so striking - Will confessing that Hannibal is the only person he can confide to, his safety net and in a way,  his home.
Will: I tried to murder Dr. Lecter.
Margot: Did he have it coming?
Will: What do you think?
Margot: Can't say that I know.
Will: Neither can I. - This is a lot, coming from Will. Hannibal betrayed him, killed Abigail, murdered who knows how many innocent people, including Beverly, and yet Will isn’t sure Hannibal deserved having Matthew sent after him.
Hannibal is good enough for you. Considering the context and the emphasis he makes when he spits these words at Alana, he’s jealous, and this jealousy is about Hannibal and his affections. 
Could you be happy there? This is what Will asks when Hannibal tells him that if he’s ever arrested, he’ll be living in his Mind Palace. It’s such a simple but powerful question because Will knows Hannibal might end up arrested because of him, and he’s worried about his happiness. He needs to hear that Hannibal won’t be miserable. 
Hannibal: You would deny me my life.
Will: Not your life, no. - Will is no longer capable of killing Hannibal, and it’s important for him to make Hannibal understand this. 
We have a mutually unspoken pact to ignore the worst of one another in order to continue enjoying the best. - Almost a love confession, the same one as “Because he was my friend and because I wanted to run away with him.”
Now, the entire brilliant Primavera is a big and loud love letter from Will to Hannibal. Here are my favorite quotes (I’m changing pronouns in Will’s discussions with fake!Abigail because he’s talking to himself there).
He left me to die... But I didn't. He was supposed to take me with him. We were all supposed to leave together. He made a place for us. Why did I lie to him? The wrong thing being the right thing to do was too ugly a thought. He gave me a chance to take it all back, and I just kept lying. He wants me to find him. After everything he's done, I would still go to him? Yes. - You can see his mental struggle, him being torn between love, guilt, and resentment. 
This is what Hannibal sees when he steps inside the frescoed walls of his own mind ...But this isn't Hannibal, it's just where he begins. Beyond this, far and complex, light and dark, is the vast structure of his mind. A thousand rooms, miles of corridors. Everything he remembers, wonderfully and fearfully reconstructed. Hannibal is well armed against the physical world, but there are places within himself he can't safely go. But I can. If I find them. And that's how I'll find him. - Will is so incredibly reverent and admiring here, I love it.
I do feel closer to Hannibal here. God only knows where I would be without him ... I still want to go with him? Yes. - This says everything: Will acknowledges how crucial Hannibal is for him, how he can’t imagine himself without him now, and how much he craves his presence.
Will: You couldn't catch him when he was just a kid, what makes you think you're going to catch him now?
Pazzi: You.
A small, polite scoff from Will, unable to take his eyes off the small stairwell to the catacombs.
Will: What makes you think I want to catch him? ...  You don’t know whose side I’m on. - Will openly admitting to a police officer that he’s siding with Hannibal.
Hannibal... I forgive you. - One of the most heartfelt things Will has ever said to him.
Chiyoh: How do you know Hannibal?
Will: One could argue, intimately. - This come across as Will flaunting their relationship to Chiyoh, who he perceives as a possible threat.
A part of me will always want to [slip away with Hannibal]. - I’m forever amazed at the things Will keeps saying to Jack.
Please. You need to get over yourself, whatever self this is, Bedelia. You expect us to believe you somehow got lost in the hot darkness of Hannibal Lecter's mind? - I seriously can’t believe Will said this. Could he sound any more jealous?
You helped Mason Verger find us. - I love how he refers to them as a team in front of Alana, even though Hannibal literally tried to saw his head open when they were found. Sounds like Will is resentful of the fact that they were interrupted o_O 
I have to see Hannibal. Very simple words said to Jack in E8, but their meaning and the way Will phrased it... Will doesn’t need Hannibal’s help with the case, we know it because we saw him easily reconstruct the crime hours before that. But he’s not even really hiding it well! He doesn’t say, “I have to discuss this with Hannibal,” he says, “I have to see him.” There is a palpable difference between the two.
All conversations with Bedelia, but especially this jealous gem:
Poor Dr. Du Maurier, swallowed whole. Suffering inside Hannibal Lecter's bowels for what must have felt like an eternity. You didn't lose yourself, Bedelia, you just crawled so far up his ass you couldn't be bothered ... Have you been to see him? 
In the next conversation again:
Will: Have you had any contact with him? -  Jealous Will is the best.
I'm not fortune's fool. I'm yours. Will looks at Hannibal, clearly expecting him to react to his teasing, and then he’s so affronted when Hannibal ignores him.
The divine punishment of the sinner mirrors the sin being punished. Chilton languished unrecognized until Hannibal the Cannibal. He wanted the world to know his face. (And now he doesn’t have any). - This sounds like Chilton was Will’s courting gift to Hannibal. Instead of choosing more valid reasons for his actions, he focused on Chilton’s desire for popularity and him mocking Hannibal. 
Hannibal said those words. To me. - Will is so proud to be seen as worthy by Hannibal, and he can’t help but throw it into Francis’ face.
Hannibal: Save yourself, kill them all?
Will: I don't know if I can save myself. And maybe that’s just fine. - To me, this sounds like Will confesses he doesn’t know if he can “kill them all”, meaning Hannibal first and foremost, and that at this point, he doesn’t even mind. The long stare their exchange afterward speaks volumes about their feelings.
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deafwestnewsies · 3 years
be my first last kiss
You can plan on a change in the weather or time, but you'd never planned on him changing his mind.
jack kelly x davey jacobs
read it on my ao3!
Earnest to goodness, Jack Kelly was going to murder Racetrack Higgins.
No, Anthony Higgins, this was the sort of thing that makes you pull out the tarnished christian name of a friend (or so you thought) you’ve known since he was toppling over on baby-fattened legs. Anthony Higgins would die by the sword of Jack Kelly.
He just had to get this godforsaken Youtube video filmed first.
You’re doing this for the cash, Jack grumbled to himself as he passed through the metal doors of a nondescript building on the Lower East Side- it was the kind of place being slowly taken over by hip and fun corporations promising Asian-fusion bars and eco-friendly thrift stores while edging out the relic businesses built on the backs of immigrant dreams. Jack couldn’t stand areas like this, the air thick with wasted luxury, so he rarely left the barrio. Why would he? Spot Conlon slept in the bedroom next to his. Katherine Plumber and Sarah Jacobs ran the bookstore that bought his baked goods and sold them for decent money. Medda lived down the street with her plethora of children, and Racetrack still beat the known path, doing tricks on the street corner for spare change and internet views. Davey- David. David Jacobs wasn’t there. It was right where Jack wanted to be.
Much unlike the dim studio where he now shuffled his feet, waiting for the perky young PA with bright red streaks in her hair to come back with further information about the video he would be shooting. Jack wasn’t a stranger to this small production company; He participated in a few Youtube videos back before they had millions of subscribers, he played truth or dare with lots of liquor and a complete stranger, he confessed about the first time he fell in love so it could be put to pathetic music.
Cash where you could get it, right?
“Kelly, right?” Cherry Streaks was back with a vengeance.
“Jack, actually,” he corrected.
“So you’re going to stand over there where the little blue X marks the spot and wait until the producer, Adam, starts asking you a few questions. The first one might be a test for our boom guy. Answer honestly, we can pretty much tell when you’re making up a story by this point. After that, the main part of the video will begin. Got it?” She was pointing wildly with a Number 2 pencil that had previously been stuck through her ponytail, and she smelled faintly of jasmine. Jack felt dizzy.
“Wait, I thought this was one of those ‘Choose who’s the best kisser out of ten strangers’ type of deal?” I mean, that’s what Race told me- oh God. Oh Santa Maria. Oh Saint Francis.
The young woman smiled like she was keeping an excellent secret. “Have fun, Jack Kelly.”
Walking off at her ominous dismissal, Jack stood where he was directed. The fluorescent lighting made him sweat under the knowledge that he had virtually no idea what he was doing there, Race had lied to him so that he would participate in some sort of sick, horrible scheme, and for all he knew, behind door number three could be his third grade teacher with a baseball bat and a basic multiplication grudge.
“Jack! It’s nice to see you again.”
Romeo was walking towards him with that easy gait Jack had memorized so long ago- Romeo had shot the original videos on an Amazon tripod and the unfounded hope of human connection, and now he owned the entire shebang. Jack dropped his tense shoulders to give him a warm smile. “Romeo. Boy, am I glad to see a friendly face.” Jack lowered his voice to a stage whisper. “You’ve got a production assistant who actually does work, so I’m assuming we’ve died and you earned a really nice deal in Heaven?”
Romeo barked out a laugh. “If I’ve died, do not resuscitate. I’ll never be able to look at another bodega meatball sub after cooking food bought in a real grocery store.”
“Rub it in, why don’tcha?” Jack punched the shorter man on the shoulder. “Listen, Romeo, you gotta tell me what I’m in for, a buddy totally sold me out for the cash and I have no clue what this project is gonna be like.”
Before Romeo could respond, a tall, lofty man behind the camera cleared his throat. “Darling? We’re ready to begin when you are.”
“Jack, meet Specs. Or Adam, but we all know how well nicknames stick. Specs, this is the old friend I was telling you about.” Romeo ended right above Specs’ elbow, and it was all Jack could do not to laugh.
The man fixed his thoughtful gaze on him. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack. You’ve got a real presence on the camera. Have you ever considered acting?”
“I’m afraid I’m, uh,” Jack flexed a paint-stained hand. “Strictly canvas, as they say.”
Nodding as if that was a phrase people commonly used and not something Jack invented on the fly, Specs then clapped his hands together. “Folks, let’s film this sonofabitch.”
“I’m Jack, and I’m a twenty-four year old artist living in New York City.”
“Have you ever been in a relationship?” Specs questioned from behind the camera.
Jack blinked in surprise. “Sure. One throughout high school, another in college and a little bit beyond. I wouldn’t call myself a heartbreaker or anything.”
“Do you stay friends with your exes?”
“One of ‘em, yea. It was more of an amicable thing, you know. She ended up being a lesbian. And I am… not.” His clumsy fingers tugged at a constricting collar.
“And the other?”
“Just because I’m not a heartbreaker doesn’t mean I can’t be a real asshole sometimes,” Jack nervously chuckled. (Davey had laid out rose petals, for God’s sake. Rose petals.)
“Was this girl the high school girlfriend, or the college one?”
“Boy,” Jack quickly corrected. “Man. I guess. He was in college- four and a half years.” (It took him four days to clear away the rotting flowers, the bleeding color slowly seeping into his carpet. Katherine found him delirious with whiskey on the bathroom floor; Sarah couldn’t bear to walk through his front door.)
“How’d you meet him?”
(He twisted in his high-backed blue chair. “It’s habláis in el presente.”) “Freshman year of high school actually. Spanish class. Funny story, actually, that other girl I dated? His sister. Broke her heart for his. He was so mad at me that we didn’t talk for like, months after.”
“It was six and a half months, actually.”
Of things Jack was expecting to see today, Spiderman was more likely than David. A flash mob singing death metal, maybe. Pigs flying through the polluted air.
“I was told to come in. I now see why.” David’s eyes narrowed behind his thin wire frames, different from the heavy Ray-Bans that he had dedicated himself to sophomore year of high school. Jack hated that he looked older, wiser, and all around… better.
Specs cleared his throat before the bewildered set of men (one more angry than the other, both desperately avoiding eye contact) could demand what sort of sick joke this was. “Can you introduce yourself?”
They broke up on a Tuesday, an insignificant, momentary Tuesday. Fourteen months ago. (Yes, fourteen months, like their terrible split was a baby that Jack was nurturing bit by bit. He refused to round down- fourteen months ago, he left David Jacobs.) So when David ran his thumb across his jawline, a nervous tick older than his younger brother, Jack couldn’t fathom why he felt so relieved. Some things never did change. “David. Jacobs.” David’s jaw flexed as he looked into the camera. “I dated Jack for almost five years.”
“Tell us about your other relationships.”
“Unfortunately, I spent the better part of high school and college pining after a total cocksock. Not a whole lot of time for casual dating in between.”
A deep silence permeated the studio as two boom mic operators swapped awkward glances. Jack didn’t attempt to defend himself- he was sort of a cocksock. David Jacobs had asked him to uproot what little life he had in New York and move to Santa Fe for a prestigious, so-accolated-you-could-cry medical school, and Jack Kelly broke up with him over containers of kung pao chicken and scattered rose petals. He was a cocksock, a dickhead, and complete asshole. An ex-boyfriend of mass proportions.
“Okay, so.” Specs was wiping at his glasses with the tail of his shirt. Jack wanted to snap them in half. “Today’s video is entitled ‘Exes kiss for the first time since their breakup’. If you need more explanation…”
“I think we’ve got it.” David snapped, clenching his fists rapidly.
Jack stepped half an inch closer to David and began murmuring under his breath. “Davey, if you don’t want-”
“Don’t call me Davey.” His eyes were alight with flame- Jack’s chest caught fire.
Of all the things that felt domestic when dating Davey Jacobs, kissing him never managed to become routine. Davey kissed like he earnestly meant it. The gears in his brilliant mind would grind to a halt so he could dedicate himself to the lilting curve of Jack’s mouth, a gentle sweep of warmth when the artist’s mouth was otherwise preoccupied with his needless words, and the world would spin on a delicate axis. (Jack’s shoulders rose to meet Davey, the physical ache of being someone’s other half drawing him forward. Davey had avoided him for so long, Jack living on a diet of lingering stares and a brief touch of the hand, that kissing him felt like a dying man knelt at a replenished well. How did they exist for so long without this innate knowledge of the universe? Could he stand to go on a single second longer without the praise of Davey Jacob’s lips?) Of all the things Jack missed about spending his life with Davey Jacobs, kissing him was certainly one of them.
There was a moment where the pads of Jack’s fingertips brushed the nape of David’s neck, a habit borne from the small noise it would draw from the back of his throat, and the steely corporate floor felt more like the worn carpet in the old thirty-second street apartment. Jack could feel his thready pulse with the gentle press of a thumb.
Davey was a fan of the dramatics- he would pull away from a passionate kiss in the middle of a busy New York street to stare into Jack’s eyes, foreheads gently touching and cheeks furiously blushing. Now, he simply drew back. Took a step away. Swiped at his lips with the back of his hand.
Jack felt like he was falling. (“If you ever break up with me,” Jack began. He laughed at Davey’s unexpected shudder, the honest and visceral kind. “Make it quick.”
“What about when you break up with me?” Davey peered over his glasses.
Crinkling his nose, Jack quickly answered before the other boy could detail any breakup preferences. “I’m not an idiot, Dave. ‘M not going anywhere.”)
He stared at the limp fifty dollars in his hand. Romeo had apologized, explaining that the people who had organized this got half the cut, and handed them both an envelope- Jack, one with “Tony Higgins” that he planned to run through his shredder, and David, one with “Sarah Jacobs,” which made Jack gawk in disbelief.
Jack didn’t want to walk away; David’s feet were shuffling against the worn pavement.
“It’s funny,” David started. “I listened to a lot of Taylor Swift to get over you.”
He winced. “Sorry?”
“Please. I know she’s been your top artist since 2013.”
(Katherine walked through a worryingly unlocked apartment door. “Is that... Begin Again? Jack, what the fuck are you doing?” She had seconds to worry about the cluster of wilted flower petals her heel had put a hole through before Sarah pointed at the pair of legs sticking out of the bathroom’s entrance.) “Yeah, okay. Fair. But… funny? Did I miss a joke?”
David closed his eyes to roll them, as he so often did when he was trying to be polite, and it hurt to be on the receiving end. “We just had our last kiss. You know, like-”
“I’m Joe Jonas?” Jack interrupted, bewildered. The semi-glare he received in return was all he needed to know- “Right. Dickhead. Listen, Dave- David, why didn’t you tell me you were back in town?”
There was a brief moment where something unrecognizable flashed over David’s face- pity? Regret? Dejection? It was quickly replaced by a soft smile tugging at the edge of his lips, his eyes glazed over with a practiced professionalism. “I’ll see you around, Jack. Have a good day.”
David turned and walked down the street, and Jack just missed the passing moment he chose to look back.
Comment on EXES KISS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THEIR BREAKUP by IncredibleKinsey: those two dudes are all mad and then just make out like that????? yeah okay call me when the wedding happens
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shini--chan · 4 years
I liked your wrong flag hc's, but what if the s/o wore their (Allies) flag this time. How would they react?
The reaction could be more different :P .
Yandere Allies
Yandere America
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“Looking good, babe”, Alfred would purr upon seeing you, hands immediately going for your waist as he wouldn’t be able to resist touching your tempting figure.
America would be very pleased to see you in Stars and Stripes – he would take it as a sign that you’ve fully accepting being his. It might even go so far that he would overlook any of your recent, or even present grievances in order to immerse himself in the fantasy of you now being fully his.
Beware, if you don’t put your foot down then he’ll go ahead and replace your whole wardrobe with Stars & Stripes themed clothing. While taking some sense into him, you’ll have to be careful because he’ll lay out a lot of verbal traps and he’ll rub the fact that you’ve accepted him as your lover in your face to get his way.
Speaking of that, he’ll bring up that delusion of his over and over again until you start believing it yourself.
After the first time you would have put that flag shirt on, he would be far nicer and more considerate towards you. However, it is a fine line. While you would have secured yourself a safe haven through that move, it doesn’t mean you should try to test him. It means that he’ll just give you a bit more leeway before he would crack down on your bad behaviour.
 Yandere Canada
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A pair of soft lips pressed themselves against the side of your neck. Strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, Matthew gently caressing the red-white fabric. He hummed with content as he buried his face in your shoulder and pressed you firmly against you, all while the soft waves of blond locks tickled your jawline.
Canada would be very pleased by your choice of fashion. While he is good with words, he usually prefers to be silent, so he’ll rather express his delight in physical actions. He’ll be more affectionate than usual and if you cooperate, then you’ll both be able to convince yourself that the relationship you have is of the normal and domestic.
It might be so blissfully that you’d fully give him into him.
 Yandere China
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Yao’s amber eyes travelled over your form, studied the red fabric encasing you. It seemed like you had finally taken his advice to heart and adorn yourself with the colour that suited you best. It was only after a few seconds that he noticed the gold stars situated near you left shoulder.
It made his heart swell with delight and a rare smile flutter over his face.
China wouldn’t express his approval verbal and if then only in vague terms. In his mind, it should be logical to you what he wishes of you and what appeases him. Yao’s style of communication is subtle, inverted and layered. If you haven’t learned that and learned if specific style of language and evolved to mimic it yourself, then tough luck.
Although, should you revert to dressing normally and never display his flag on your body ever again, he might be disgruntled enough to express his distaste more directly.
 Yandere England
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A dark grin spread out on Arthur’s face when he caught you swaggering around in the Union Jack, displaying it so proudly that you only could be teasing him.
“When did you become such a temptress, darling?”, he asked huskily as he approached you, a lion striding towards its cornered prey.
Congratulations, you just successfully have given him a throw back to his Empire days. That darker side of him would willing rear its terrifying head – and you’ll have to deal with the inevitable consequences of the fall out of arousing that beast. If anything, the sight of you decorated in his colours would evoke all his dark satisfaction. It would give him a sense of victory to see you marked as his through his flag. That you willingly proclaim to the world that you belong to him…
He might even proceed to claim you in wholly other way.
 Yandere France
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“Oh, ma Cherie. You look like the Venus herself had set foot amongst mortal”, he would swoon then moment you would walk into his line of sight with the Tricolore. The glitter in his eyes said it all. Now you really understood why eyes are also called the windows of the soul.
At this point, you wouldn’t he able to really tell it he was being sincere or not. On one hand, just wearing a cheaply made shirt that had the colours of the French flag wouldn’t be very spectacular. If anything, Francis averagely had higher standards and demanded you conform to them by wearing more elegant clothing.
On the other hand, France is very patriotic and self-loving and seeing you appeasing him like that could really make him lose any logic and sense with the euphoria. He would act very irrational and that simple act would serve to entrench him further in his delusions.
 Yandere Russia
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“I see you’ve finally developed a better taste”, Ivan remarked gruffly. You tensed ever so slightly as he settled his hands on your shoulder and gently massaged them. “You look lovely.”
On some part, he’ll express his delight, but only mildly. Ivan would elect to keep the magnitude of his emotions to himself. Not because he isn’t pleased by his actions, rather because he would be suspicious.
What are your motives? What are you trying to achieve? Do you really think he is foolish enough to fall for such an obvious ploy?
Even if you’d be genuine, Russia would still have his paranoia haunting. Of course, he wouldn’t voice his sentiments – that would be giving you an edge, a warning that your plan wouldn’t be working – rather he’ll sit back and observe you. If you persisted with his good behaviour, then he’d let his guard down and become sweeter.
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gods-and-pawns · 4 years
It was a pleasant spring evening, the two doctors walked side by side in silence. The wind felt cold at times, despite shaking like a leaf one of the researchers resisted the urge to get closer to the other, just looking down at the ground as they walked.
“...Clef?” Kondraki finally spoke up, looking concerned at his date-mate. “Are you okay? You seem very upset at the news.”
“It’s...” The blonde sighed heavily, running one hand through their hair. “...complicated, Ally...”
The butterfly eventually stopped in his track, looking intently at Clef, who stopped too and turned to him in confusion.
“...Is it about Bright?”
Alto froze up, their stomach tying into a tight knot. “Can we keep walking? I don’t want to talk about it where people could hear.”
Kondraki hesitated but still nodded, following his partner along the sidewalk. Eventually, they exited Site-17 altogether, going for a walk in the neighbouring forest, the gravel road crunching beneath their feet.
“...Well?” The director eventually spoke up again.
“Right...” Clef fidgeted with their hands, which were shoved deep in the pockets of their pants. “Bright...well...”
“You two are very close.” The brunette interrupted when his partner was seeming to be struggling with his wording. “But I never suspected you’d be upset about him finding somebody... Do you have feelings for him?”
Alto sighed heavily. “Like I said. It’s complicated. Jack and I...we used to date a long time ago. We broke up when things got serious and I thought I’d be over him but-”
“You still have feelings for him?”
Clef could only nod at the question, too worried to look at their boyfriend.
Hearing the tone of their partner’s voice made Alto stop mentally, they reached out their hand and grabbed Konny’s, pressing themselves close to his side. “Don’t give me that tone, big guy.” They muttered against his shoulder, intertwining their fingers together. “I still have feelings for Bright, but I have feelings for you also.”
Kondraki looked down at them as they walked, turning his gaze back to the gravel road, frowning. “You know I’d want you to be happy.”
“And I am happy with you. So calm your tits, we’re not breaking up. I’ll deal with my feelings for Jack, but I’m not leaving you.”
The brunette sighed heavily. “Yeah, sure... You know, we could try this whole polyamory thing Jack and Jeremy have going on if you want to.”
“We can talk about it some other time.” Clef reached out with their free hand and patted his chest. “You’ve only had your pan-realisation recently, I don’t want to push ya. Plus, I have no problem staying monogamous with you.”
“Yeah, sure...”
“Now, want to go back?”
Kondraki hummed. “Actually, I’d like to keep walking for a while.”
“Sure. Just hold me, this wind is fucking cold.”
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batgurl1989 · 4 years
Running With The Wolf Chapter 3
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Summary: You and Geralt get into Novigrad, and go to visit your friends.
Word Count: 2500
Warning: Spoilers for Witcher 3 video game
A/N: It’s a little longer than what I normally write, I hope it doesn’t bore you. If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know :)
Chapter One  Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five
Taglist: @rmtndew​ @princesssterek​ @djinny-djin-djin​ @cynic-spirit​ @henrynerdfan​
Chapter Three
When you arrived at the Glory Gate the next morning it was still early. The markets hadn’t opened yet, but there was still a line up to get inside the city. Soldiers were slowly letting people through, searching them before they were granted entrance into Novigrad. You crossed your arms, hugging yourself tight. Geralt had suggested you leave the horses outside the city, and had paid someone to look after them, but right now you wished you could distract yourself with Marabelle’s mane or the reins.  
“Calm down. If you keep looking like that, the guards will definitely get suspicious.” Luck was not on your side, and Geralt noticed. He nudged you with his elbow, trying to get you to loosen up before the soldiers looked your way. “The letter will get us in. You will be fine.”
“They have Dimeritium handcuffs sitting right there on the table. They are clearly expecting to find some people who know magic.” You kept your voice low, but you knew the panic you felt could be heard. “I can’t do much once those handcuffs are on me.”
“They won’t be.” Geralt’s voice dripped with promise. Your eyes snapped up to look at him, when you noticed the letter sticking out his crossed arms. He wiggled it enough for you to see the seal on it. The Eternal Fire.
“How did you convince Hierarch Hemmelfart to give you that?” You fought to keep your voice down, enough people were looking your way because of the Witcher you stood beside. You didn’t need to draw more attention.
“Does it matter?” Geralt challenged. Looking down at you, he raised his eyebrow. After mulling it over in your head, you shrugged and let it go.
As you stepped up to the table, the guards gave Geralt a once over, lingering on his white hair and golden eyes. Your heartbeat jack-hammered in your ribs, but on the outside, you looked to remain calm. The two running the table shared a look, their hands going to their swords on their hips. Before they could draw them, however, Geralt handed them the sealed letter without a word. The gold filigree around the seal caught their attention, and they relaxed their sword hands.
“Go on through.” The one soldier said gruffly as his eyes skimmed the letter. Geralt held out his hand to take the letter back, causing the guard to laugh and toss it over the bridge into the river surrounding Novigrad. “I don’t think so. You may have been allowed into Novigrad this time, but I want to make sure there isn’t a next time. Your kind spread diseases, dissension, and desertion.”
You felt a flash of anger rip through you, the heat of it reddening your cheeks. You were about to throw caution to the wind and step forward to defend Geralt and put this guard in his place, but Geralt gently grabbed your wrist, keeping you at his side. Huffing out your rage, you bit your tongue and remained quiet as you and the Witcher crossed the bridge.
“I can’t believe how ignorant these people can be!” You burst out once you were safely out of hearing range. The streets were still fairly empty, just a few beggars out early to catch the people on their way to the market. “’Spread diseases’! UGH!”
“There isn’t much thought put into the insults anymore, and there are none left I haven’t heard.” Geralt shrugged, seeming to not be phased by the insult. He gestured down the street leading to the Chameleon, and you headed in that direction, your anger boiling down to a simmer.
The tavern was open, as always, but it was mostly just drunks from the night before sleeping it off on the tables. Zoltan was behind the bar, humming while wiping down dishes. He didn’t seem to hear you come in, but when Geralt made for the stairs to go look for Dandelion, a dagger flew across the room and embedded itself in the wall in front of Geralt’s face.
“You think to sneak by without so much as a hello?” Zoltan grumbled as he wandered over to you. He frowned at Geralt as he pulled the dagger from the wall. “Dandelion is not going to be happy about the hole.”
“Then you shouldn’t have put it there.” Geralt raised his eyebrow. He wasn’t about to go down for something he didn’t do. Witchers were said to not feel anything, but they didn’t enjoy getting tangled in the lies of others.
“Hi Zoltan.” You stepped up the Dwarf, placing a kiss on his cheek. That seemed to break the ice, and the frown left his face. The hole was a thing of the past, and looking around, you noticed that it wasn’t the only hole in the wall anyway.
“Ah, sweet Younin, it’s always a pleasure to be graced with your presence.” Zoltan smiled warmly at you, his eyes travelling over you. “You look to be in one piece even though you are traveling with this one.”
“She has been more of a troublemaker than me this time.” Geralt grinned, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. That piqued Zoltan’s interest, and the Dwarf turned to you with new interest lighting his face.
“Hardly.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. That didn’t seem to satisfy Zoltan, who raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Both he and Geralt knew what you could be like, and that unlike Triss and Yenn, your powers were more adrenaline based. Chaos drove you a little harder than it did other members of the Lodge. “I may have suggested we take out a group of bandits last night. It was not a big deal. They barely put up a fight.”
Geralt’s eyes gleamed with what was left unsaid. That the fight had depleted your magic stores, and that had you been alone, you wouldn’t have survived. You had to look away from him, otherwise the worry that you had fought off last night would creep in again, and that was the last thing you needed before heading out into the wilds with the Witcher. You spent the short ride to Novigrad testing your magic, and you could barely create a spark at this point.
“Is Dandelion here?” You changed the subject, concentrating on Zoltan.
“I wish I had better news.” Zoltan said the words you and Geralt were dreading to hear. Geralt stood up straight, all relaxation leaving his body. You took a deep breath, torn between fear for your friend and frustration that he kept getting into these situations. “He went and got himself into some trouble with the King of Beggars.”
“How did he manage that?” You were shocked. From your time in the city, you always knew Francis Bedlam to be generally fair in all his dealings. He had offered the mages in Novigrad a place to hide when the witch hunters were on the prowl, and his vast network of spies had come in handy for a fair price.
“The way Dandelion explains it, it was a case of mistaken identity.” Zoltan rolled his eyes. After years of playing songs about the Witcher, those who were close to the bard knew he had a tendency to twist tales to be in his favour. “He was defending Priscilla’s honour, and the bloke he was defending it to wound up dead in the alley behind the tavern where the altercation took place. Now Bedlam has him locked up in the Putrid Grove until the “real” murderer can be found. The way I understand it, the bloke was one of Bedlam’s top spies.”
“Looks like, once again, I show up at the right time. We need to head to the Grove.” Geralt sighed, heading for the door. He paused in the doorway, looking over his shoulder at you. “Unless you want to stay here with Zoltan and be regaled with stories of Gwent matches.”
“I should probably come with you. I’ve had plenty of dealings with Bedlam, and he likes me.” You patted Zoltan’s shoulder, pausing before passing him. “But when I return, I would love to play a few rounds of Gwent with you. I’ve really built up my deck since we last played.”
“Aye, lass, I will hold you to that!” Zoltan seemed in mildly better spirits when you left the Chameleon.
“He likes you?” Geralt questioned as you stepped out onto the street to join him. He had his arms crossed, and when you looked closer, his nostrils were flared. It took you a moment to realize he was talking about Francis Bedlam and not Zoltan.
“Geralt, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you were jealous.” You smirked, taking the lead on the way to the Putrid Grove in the Lacehalls district. It wasn’t far, but it was easy to miss if you didn’t know what you were looking for, and harder to get into if you didn’t know the password. You hoped that they would just recognize your face and let you in, otherwise you would be hunting for a beggar to get the password. Not the easiest of tasks, as most of the time they just took the money and claimed ignorance about the Grove.
“Didn’t you hear? Witchers don’t have feelings.” Geralt joked as he followed you.
He stayed a several paces behind you the whole way to the wooden door leading to the Putrid Grove, but always kept you in sight. It would be better if a Witcher and a Sorceress weren’t seen together trying to find the King of Beggars’ den. You shook your hair out of the tight bun it had been in for travelling, trying to look more like what you did when you lived in Novigrad. Geralt growled low, eyeing you, before he knocked hard with his fist on the door.
The slot opened, and two eyes stared out at both of you. You watched the eyes flick over you and Geralt as recognition set in. The slot slid closed, and the door flew opened.
“Younin! Welcome back!” A mountain of a man scooped you up in a bear hug as soon as you stepped through the door. You patted his shoulder affectionately, a gesture not lost on Geralt who was suddenly on high alert.
“Thank you, Roger. It’s always good to see you.” You said when the man finally lowered you. You reached back to touch Geralt’s arm, hoping to silently reassure him, without giving away that you two were on friendlier terms than what was previously thought. “I’m sure you remember Geralt of Rivia.”
“Aye. It’s hard to forget a Witcher. Especially one as famous as you are.” Roger turned to Geralt, a friendly smile on his face. He offered Geralt his hand, and the Witcher shook it after a brief hesitation. “We’ve also been expecting you since we have your friend locked up.”
“Would it be possible to get an audience with Francis this morning? I know it’s early, but gossip flies at all hours of the day, so he must be awake.” You plastered on the friendliest look you could. “Also, I am sure the King would love to know who actually killed his man.”
“You got that right.” The King of Beggars stepped around the corner. You looked at him in surprise, not thinking he would meet you at the gate. Usually, you had to go to him, not the other way around. “I heard Roger’s excitement clear across the Grove and figured I should investigate.”
“Francis.” Your voice came out a little warmer than you intended given the man you were travelling with. You felt Geralt shift closer, a certain possessiveness rolling off him. “It’s always good to see you, unfortunate the reason though.”
“Indeed.” The King of Beggars looked between you and the Witcher thoughtfully before his eyes landed fully on Geralt. “But we do have a few leads if you want to follow up with them. I can have Roger write them down for you.”
“What about—” You started to ask, your worry for Dandelion overpowering your need to be polite.
“Your friend is being well taken care of I assure you.” Francis turned to you, a flirtatious smile on his face. You felt a blush paint your cheek bones suddenly. You had forgotten what it was like to have his sights set on you, and the charm he could suddenly turn on. “However, if the lady wishes to see for herself, I cannot deny her.”
“I think we will.” Geralt interjected. You hide your smile behind a hand, pretending to yawn. It was amusing to see him so worked up over a few looks. Francis Bedlam didn’t seem phased by Geralt’s reaction, and turned to lead you to where the Dandelion was being kept.
“Geralt!” Dandelion called out around a mouth full of bread. The breakfast sitting in front of him was better than most, and the room he was kept in was clean and warm. “And you brought Younin!”
“Hello Dandelion. I see you got yourself into some trouble again.” You sat across from, picking up a slice of apple from his plate.
“I wouldn’t be a proper Bard if I didn’t find myself in some sort of trouble every now and then.” Dandelion wiped his hands on his tunic before reaching across the table to grasp both of yours dramatically. “But you must believe me! I would never murder anyone. Ask Geralt, I don’t have it in me to do such a thing.”
“The sight of blood does make you nervous.” Geralt took a seat beside you, his thigh brushing against yours. Dandelion noticed how close you two were sitting, leaning back in his chair with a smug look. “I knew all that talk about following the Path and needing no one was false. You scoundrel. You better treat her right.”
“Unlike you, I actually would kill for her.” Geralt lowered his voice so that Bedlam’s men stationed outside the door wouldn’t hear. Your stomach flipped at his admission, having never heard him speak so confidently about his feelings for you before.
“I would gladly cross swords with any who threaten my Priscilla.” Dandelion stood up grandly sweeping out his arms. Luckily Geralt had the sense to reach across the table and yank back into his seat. “But I swear this was barely an insult, and all we did was cross words. I did not kill him.”
“Listen, I don’t care what happened. I care where it happened.” Geralt cut Dandelion off before the Bard could continue. “I need to examine the alley, and the longer it takes to get there, the more the evidence is contaminated.”
Dandelion told you as much as he knew, and the rest you got from Roger and the King of Beggars. Geralt seemed to breath a sigh relief once you were out of the Putrid Grove and away from Francis and his smiles. You watched as he shifted into Witcher mode, heading out to find clues about the murder, hoping there was still enough there to go on.
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A Punchable Face That I Want to Kiss, Ch. 9
<- Chapter 8 || Sequel: A Lipless Face That I Want to Marry
Summary: The goddamned Red Dragon. 
2,384 words
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The smell was what hit you first. It entered your nostrils, filled your lungs like smoke, and shivered down your spine. The charcoal of burned flesh. If not for the bitter mingling of burned hair and gasoline, it might have smelled like steak on the grill. The thought turned your stomach. You gave yourself a moment to get used to it, to calm your breathing, before pulling back the curtain.
It was shocking. Horrifying beyond anything you could have prepared for.
He lay unmoving in the hydrotherapy tub in the ICU, burned over ninety percent of his body. You knew it would be bad, but you thought you had already cried your eyes dry when you were first told what had happened, and you stood in the hospital waiting room for hours begging every receptionist and nurse to tell you if he was going to live.
When they finally let you see him, you knew you had to be brave. Breaking down would only make it harder on him. Whatever you do, don’t react.
“Hey there,” you greeted him cheerfully like nothing was wrong. Don’t react. Monitors beeped steadily, and a strong antiseptic smell overpowered the smell of burning. His eyes lifted sluggishly, unfocused. Don’t... Your head swam, and you had to squeeze your eyes shut with all your might to force back the tears biting behind the lids. It felt like the air had been knocked from your lungs, and it was all you could do not to fall to your knees crying.
“Hard… to look at… huh?” he croaked after a while. You gasped at the sound of it, so pained that he had given up on forming proper words halfway through the question and ended it with a grunt. His voice was as charred as his flesh.
There was no skin left. None, except a few patches below the waist, cooling in the tub in an effort to preserve them. His hair was singed off down to the muscle, and the red remains of his scalp were blackened, cracked open and oozing in places. White teeth stood out in sharp contrast in his lipless mouth, like a skull. His lips were gone. Ripped off his face even before being burned alive by a serial killer who thought he was a fucking William Blake painting. A serial killer Will Graham had thrown in Frederick’s path, just to see what would happen.
Little fly, Thy summer’s play My thoughtless hand Has brush’d away
You opened your eyes, surrendering to the tears that poured out unimpeded.
“I don’t know what to say,” you breathed, trying to collect your thoughts. You stepped up to the edge of tub and looked him directly in the eye, making a point of showing that his appearance wasn’t why you had to close your eyes. He had bigger things to worry about than what he looked like right now, but you were sure he was going to be acutely insecure about it. With his contact lens removed, his one dead eye completed the living-corpse effect, but you weren’t repulsed. “I was trying to think of something to say to you—something I could say that would make things better. Because I don’t want to ask a stupid question like ‘how are you feeling?’… or make cliché promises like it’s going to be OK. I tried to think of what I would want someone to say to me if I was the one lying there, but there’s nothing. Nothing I can say will magically make anything better, and I...”
The urge to hold him overwhelmed you. You wanted so badly to kiss him, but you couldn’t even touch him—not an inch of his scorched body—without hurting him more. Choked sobs broke through the tight constriction of your throat, and you gave up trying to speak, kneeling instead by the side of the water tank, your head leaning against its cold metal walls. It was all you could do, the closest you could get.
The last thing you wanted was to make him have to comfort you, but that was exactly what you did; Chilton started whispering sweet consolations to you, though every syllable was an effort, and without lips to press together he had great difficulty forming many sounds, and could no longer pronounce the letters b or p at all. You struggled to make out the words, but you understood the meaning behind them.
You just wanted to touch him again, and he felt the same way.
“Put your hand near mine,” he suggested, slow and raspy.
Carefully, you placed your palm down on the smooth white rim of the tub, avoiding medical tubing and wires, next to his. His wrist was restrained in a soft bandage to keep his arm from sliding off the edge and to keep the IV needles in place.
With painful effort, he stretched his fingers out. Even moving an inch hurt, the skin crisp and easily broken, but he gently touched the back of your hand. He released his muscles and let his hand relax on top of yours. A sigh of relief puffed from his chest. It was exhausting, but worth it.
You still wore your engagement ring, but his had to be cut off of him. A nurse had handed it back to you in pieces, the gold warped from the heat.
Chilton was furious with his situation. He was furious with Will Graham—his initial diagnosis of intelligent psychopath seemingly more accurate by the day. He was furious with Hannibal Lecter, with Jack Crawford, and with himself. Every part of his body screamed in pain the drugs could barely dull. He was grateful for one thing, however.
He was glad Dolarhyde had taken him in his car, and not at home. The goddamned Red Dragon. Francis Dolarhyde tortured him and killed two of his best bodyguards, but his modus operandi was murdering whole families. If Chilton had considered the risk, he would have never agreed to that interview. It was supposed to be publicity for his newest book, The Dragon Slayer. He pictured the headline: “Hero psychiatrist once again aids in the capture of serial killer.” If anything had happened to you, he wouldn’t have survived. He wouldn’t have wanted to.
God, he wished he could touch you. Wished you could comfort him. Wished he could feel anything besides pain. Would he ever kiss you again? Would whatever they could reconstruct of his face be something you would ever want to kiss? You stood by him through so much, but he could never ask you to walk through this hell with him.
Two familiar voices spoke in hushed whispers outside the thin curtain. No. The hairs on the back of your neck bristled like an angry dog. Those were not the people you wanted to see right now.
“He’s trashed. You ought to get ready for this,” said the deeper of the voices, as if you couldn’t hear him.
Will Graham and Jack Crawford pulled back the curtain divider and entered the room, and you immediately leaped to your feet and rounded on them. You'd been holding in a scream since you saw Frederick burned, and now you unleashed it on them in full force.
“You bastards. You fucking bastards!”
Will’s eyes fell on Chilton, and regarded him with a disturbed, yet wholly unsurprised expression, like someone who set a mouse trap and now had to deal with the bloated carcass.
“Frederick, it’s Will Graham,” he said, ignoring you. “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
He wasn’t.
“He knows who you are,” you hissed through bared teeth. You would have screamed at him, physically pushed him out of the room, but you heard Frederick rasping, tongue moving behind his teeth as he tried to talk, his eyes locked on Will. You stood aside and let him speak for himself.
“You… set me… up. You knew it… You put your hand on me in the picture… like a pet.”
Will translated his broken speech for Crawford, and asked if he saw anything in the Red Dragon’s lair.
A blind black woman.
“Reba,” Crawford said. “The Dragon said her name when he called Lecter.”
With a lead to follow, the pair turned to leave.
“That’s it? That’s all you came here for, huh? You get your answers? Was it worth it?” you laughed bitterly. “Why the hell didn’t you protect him?!” you roared at Crawford, snarling savagely. “You gave Will a SWAT team when both of them were in that fucking article! Why wasn’t anybody watching him?”
Crawford shifted uncomfortably, unable to show the guilt he deeply felt while there was still a killer to catch. “We believed that the Dragon would—”
“Yeah, you believed he’d target Will, right?” you interrupted. “Because that’s what Will told you? You are at best a criminally negligent idiot being led around by the nose by psychopaths, and at worst, you are complicit in enabling them!” The fierce tears streaming down your face warned him better than to argue. You turned your fury back to Will where it truly belonged. “You! Stay the hell away from us. If you come near him again, I swear I’ll—” you spat, but stopped your threat short. You wanted to rip him limb from limb. You did. But saying you’ll kill someone was more than empty words around people like this. And the truth was, you didn’t have that in you. Not like Will did.
So you let them walk out without taking any revenge, or even promising to.
As soon as the curtain swished shut behind them, you wanted to fall to your knees again, but your anger hadn’t yet burned itself out. You turned on Frederick. “Stop getting involved with them! You keep trying to swim with the sharks, but you’re not a shark, Frederick—you’re chum on the water!” Your chest heaved with emotion and your voice was too hoarse to continue without a fresh round of tears.
Chilton wouldn’t dignify that analogy with a response, but grumpily turned his head away to stare at the opposite wall. At least you imagined it was grumpily—he was unable to cross his arms over his chest with annoyance, or leer haughtily through his brow which was singed to the bone, or curl his torn-off lips into a scowl, or even produce an offended growl from his raw throat, and yet you could see him doing all of it clearly in your head.
He was still your Frederick. He hadn’t changed. He never did. No matter what horrific punishment he suffered for his hubris, he would pick himself back up and continue to stick his nose where it didn’t belong until the fates knocked him down again. You admired that most about him—surviving the worst odds again and again, and keeping his ego intact. It was what first made you fall for him, all those years ago.
It never was pity at all, was it? It was always his strength that drew you in.
“I don’t… want you to get hurt again,” you explained, calmer, softer, your voice a trembling mess. “It’s a miracle you survived this, and I…” You wondered how much more could his body take before there was nothing left to recover—before he was nothing but a mass of scar tissue and empty space where bones and organs once were. But you couldn’t tell him that. He had to focus on healing now, not long-term outcomes. “I don’t want to lose you.”
He survived, but with massive trauma. It had to all add up. His blind eye, lost facial bones and teeth, missing organs, and now the majority of skin would be scar tissue and grafts. How many medications and risks of complications were stacking up? How many years were taken off his life? If he went septic before the grafts were completed he could he still die here in the ICU. If he made it out, he might still never move without pain again.
His maxillary prosthetic would get sore after wearing it for too long, but the sagging of his cheek and eyelid without it was also uncomfortable. It was difficult for him to reach things above his head because of the way stretching pulled at his abdominal scar. And those were small compared to this.
What would his life be now?
“You don’t have to stay… out of loyalty,” he wheezed, sensing the way your eyes drifted over his broken body.
“It’s alright,” you smiled through tears, the salt getting in your mouth, “I cleared my schedule. I’ve got nowhere else to be but here.”
“You know… what I mean…”
“Are you suggesting we call off the engagement because you can’t fuck for awhile?”
He made an attempt at a laugh that sounded like choking, then fixed you with a desperate gaze. “This is… not what you signed up for...” He knew he would never be the man you had wanted to marry again. He couldn’t ask you to help him through a long recovery, to look at the nightmare he had become and pretend to still love him.
“How uncharacteristically selfless of you, Dr. Chilton,” you teased, “but I just told you I don’t want to lose you. Asshole.”
His one good eye searched your face through a layer of tears that clung to its surface, but you couldn’t tell if he was smiling or frowning.
There was so little left of his face that was recognizable, but around the gaping hole of teeth the cheeks were still Chilton’s cheeks, the shape of his nose still Chilton’s nose. His one good eye was still the color of water at Chesapeake Beach.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so the only thing you should worry about is living long enough to make that happen. I’m never going to leave you, however bad things get. I love you, dummy. Always.”
Slowly, he released a breath he’d been holding since he was fished out of that fountain. The side of his mouth that always tugged up into a crooked smile when he was winning twitched. A contented, charred noise hummed in his throat. “You thought of something to say… to make it… a little better.”
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hannibal-obsessed · 4 years
Why Not Spend Your Lock-Down with Dr. Hannibal Lecter?
By Shannon L. Christie
You are cordially invited to spend your lock-down, dining in the company of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter is one of thee most iconic fictional literary villains, created in the 20th Century; Hollywood films has cemented his iconic status and his transformation into the 21st Century, via network television, has been carefully crafted under the watchful eye of executive producer, Martha De Laurentiis.
Hannibal Lecter sprang from the mind of novelist Thomas Harris; Lecter has been in our lives for almost 40 years; introduced with the publication of Red Dragon in October 1981; he has never left our consciousness for too long.
So where does one start?
Do you read the 4 novels, watch the 5 movies or the TV Series?
Do I start at the beginning with Harris's novel, Red Dragon?
There are several ways to feast upon Hannibal Lecter: read Harris' novels first: watch the movies and then dine on the TV Series; read the novels, watch the corresponding movies and then the TV Series; watch the TV Series and then go back, watch the movies and read the novels. Whatever way you decide, you will not be disappointed at the end of your feast!
The following menu outline would be my suggestion for how to feast upon the sumptuous offerings of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
In this course we are served small bit-sized morsels of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Red Dragon: Thomas Harris, 1981
Will Graham, a former FBI Special Agent with an instinct for profiling, is sucked back into consulting for the FBI on their latest serial murder case; involving the Tooth Fairy. Will's been living a quiet life in Florida with his wife and son, when his former boss, Jack Crawford visits, enticing Graham back into the game. In order to get that old scent back; Graham needs to get into the mindset of a killer, so he visits Dr. Hannibal Lecter at The Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where Lecter is serving 9 consecutive life terms for murder. Graham was the FBI Agent who finally caught Hannibal and it almost cost him his life and sanity.
Interesting Fact: Harris attended portions of Ted Bundy's trial for the Chi Omega Murders in Florida. The Prosecutors in the Bundy trial used bite marks left on one of his victims as evidence. Dolarhyde left bite marks on Mrs. Leeds, which allowed forensics to create dental impressions, creating a sample of Dolarhyde's teeth.
Manhunter: Directed by Michael Mann, 1986
Manhunter was written and directed by Michael Mann; starring William Petersen (Will Graham), Dennis Farina (Jack Crawford), Tom Noonan (Francis Dollarhyde, film spelling/Red Dragon/Tooth Fairy), Joan Allen (Reba McClane) Brian Cox (Hannibal Lecktor, film spelling).
Manhunter is now considered a cult classic; at the time of it's original release it fared poorly at the box office and met with mixed reviews. It's cult status may be partially due to the continuing saga of Hannibal Lecter and William Petersen's success in CSI. The film touches on many of the important elements of the novel and also misses on quite a few. What is Dolarhyde's motive? The movie is dated with a definite 80's Michael Mann vibe; in spite of that it is definitely worth a watch for Noonan's performance.
Interesting Fact: Film Producer Dino De Laurentiis purchased the movie rights to the novel Red Dragon in 1983.
Red Dragon: Directed by Brett Ratner, 2002
This is where I'll skip ahead and talk about Manhunter's remake, Red Dragon. You can either choose to watch Red Dragon here or move it to after Hannibal to watch in order of release – entirely up to you.
Dino De Laurentiis passed on the movie rights to The Silence of the Lamb, due to the poor showing of Manhunter at the box office. So when The Silence of the Lambs was critically acclaimed by the critics; a huge box office success; winning the top 5 categories at the 1992 Oscars; Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay – Dino wanted another serving of Hannibal Lecter.
When Harris released his third Lecter novel, simply titled Hannibal, Dino De Laurentiis picked up the rights and saw this as an opportunity to remake Manhunter, this time using the book title, Red Dragon, especially considering the success of Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter. In fact, Red Dragon was released in theatres a year after Hannibal.
Lecter's role was beefed up with a few added scenes; Lecter enjoying the symphony with the exception of the violinist; experiencing one of Lecter's sinfully delicious dinner parties of the music council with the violinist as the main course; seeing the tete-a-tete played out between Lecter and Graham (Edward Norton) that nearly cost them both their lives.
Dolarhyde's (Ralph Fiennes) abusive childhood is explored, the motivation for his heinous crimes against families. We see more of the relationship between Dolarhyde and Reba (Emily Watson) and Dolarhyde's struggle to keep the monster at bay. Ted Tally wrote the screenplay (he wrote The Silence of the Lambs screenplay and passed on the Hannibal screenplay); he has a great sense of what is essential to the narration of a well conceived movie, without loosing too much of the original story told by Thomas Harris.
I am partial to Red Dragon over Manhunter for that reason; I love Ralph Feinnes portrayal of Dolarhyde; he's creepy without being overtly creepy like Noonan is in Manhunter. Anthony Hopkins plays Hannibal Lecter beautifully as he always does. There are a few flaws in this version though, namely Edward Norton's portrayal of Will Graham. I love Norton – I just think he was wrong for the part and the bleached blonde hair drove me mad. I also have issue with Harvey Keitel as Jack Crawford, I just didn't get an FBI Special Agent in charge of the Behavioral Science Unit vibe from him. Keitel is the guy you bring in to rough up your suspect. On the plus side, the crime scenes are more graphic than in Manhunter, which I feel is essential to understanding the severity of the need to capture this fiend, because now he has a taste for it and he will not stop!
Interesting Fact: Dino De Laurentiis had to make a deal with MGM, so the shot of The Baltimore State Hospital building used in The Silence of the Lambs, could be used in Red Dragon, as the building had been demolished.
In this course we are treated to petite, rich tasty morsels of Hannibal Lecter,
both of the hot and cold variety.
The Silence of the Lambs: Thomas Harris, 1988
The follow up novel to Red Dragon, Harris' third novel, Lecter was not a character Harris intended to use; he just showed up one day as Harris wrote. The Silence of the Lambs was the story of a young female FBI agent in training; female agents were a relatively new concept at Quantico. J. Edgar Hoover had died in 1972 and the FBI slowly started to drag itself into the modern age and out of the Mafia/Prohibition dark ages that it was founded on. Harris' story of Clarice Starling was an exploration of an agent in training along with a manhunt, headed by Jack Crawford, for a serial killer, only known as “Buffalo Bill”; who abducted girls, held them hostage for a few days; shot them in the heads, dumped their bodies in rivers; having partially skinned them post mortem. The FBI is stumped, they have no motive, no pattern and no connections between the victims. What should they do? Crawford sends Clarice Starling, an agent in training to interview Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
The Silence of the Lambs: Directed by Jonathan Demme, 1991
As I previously mentioned, Dino de Laurentiis passed on acquiring the movie rights for The Silence of the Lambs; the rights ended up in the hands of Demme and Orion Films, without a fee paid to De Laurentiis. The screenplay was written by Ted Tally, who managed to highlight all the important aspects of the novel, creating a balanced story. The movie starred Jodie Foster (Clarice Starling), Glenn Scott (Jack Crawford), Anthony Heald (Dr, Frederick Chilton), Ted Levine (Jame Gumb/Buffalo Bill) and Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter),
Interesting Fact: Anthony Hopkins on screen performance of Hannibal Lecter, consisting of only sixteen minutes earned him an Oscar for Best Actor in 1992.
This course is a hearty and meaty dish of Hannibal Lecter, served with delicate red sauce.
Hannibal: Thomas Harris, 1999
Would Harris write another Lecter novel? As we eagerly waited to see – making us wait 10 long years, Harris' reward was Hannibal; a story centred around Dr. Hannibal Lecter. I think many people weren't prepared for the monster to be uncaged. It was bloodier and gorier than the previous two films and quite sadistic. Manhunter and The Silence of the Lambs were considered psychological thrillers with a dollop of horror. Hannibal was a full on horror novel with a dollop of psychological thriller. Dr. Hannibal Lecter was free of his cage, just in-time for the new millennium and some readers were not happy.
When the novel, Hannibal, was released, many critics and readers were appalled by the goriness of it (we are talking about a man who kills people and eats them). I guess once the layers of the onion were peeled away; culture, music, art, culinary skills, courteousness – they were horrified by the monster at the centre – that was the point. Serial killers show society a veneer of acceptable personality traits; they keep the monster hidden away, until he breaks through and comes out to play. In that sense, the novel Hannibal, is spot on. He's your neighbour, your friend, your husband, your father, your brother and sometimes your son (The majority of serial killers are male, sorry guys). He wears a symbolic mask in public, to prevent you from guessing how sick and perverted he truly is.
Harris' novel, Hannibal, was the perfect GOTCHA moment! Harris had led us into a false sense of security; either intentionally or unintentionally, with Lecter's intro in Red Dragon; sure he tells Francis Dolarhyde to kill Graham's family – In The Silence of the Lamb; Lecter is so helpful trying to advance Clarice Starling's career; sure he kills several people while escaping from custody; we'll just chalk that up to acceptable carnage.
We start to rationalize that Lecter can't be all bad; he must have some redeeming qualities: he's a man of sophisticated tastes; he's knowledgeable; an incredible chef; a great musician and artist. We don't even mind knowing that he dined on Dr. Chilton, upon his escape; possibly thinking Chilton had it coming.
Harris let us peek briefly behind the curtain in Red Dragon and The Silence of the Lambs and perhaps Harris was dismayed to learn that upon the popularity of Hopkins portrayal of Hannibal Lecter; he'd become a pop culture icon and somewhat of a hero. Hannibal shattered that illusion.
We find Clarice Starling, 10 years later, working as an FBI Special Agent, in a stagnate career. She can't advance; being blocked by Paul Krendler.
Hannibal has been living in Florence as the curator of the Palazzo Capponi as Dr. Norman Fell (the real Dr. Fell disappeared under mysterious circumstances). Florence, Italy, the ideal spot for Lecter, a true Renaissance man. We discover there has been a string of murders by the fiend, know as Il Mostro.
Meanwhile, Mason Verger, Lecter's 4th victim, is on the hunt for Dr. Lecter, who left Mason disfigured, although technically by Mason's own hand. Verger has offered a $3,000,000 reward for information leading to the capture of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Interesting Fact: Thomas Harris attended the trial of The Monster of Florence, Pietro Pacciani, in 1994, incorporating some of the aspects of the crimes into his Hannibal novel and hinting that Hannibal himself was Il Mostro (The Monster of Florence).
Hannibal: Directed by Ridley Scott, 2001
If some readers were unhappy with the novel, there were those unhappy about the production of a movie in the same vain. Ted Tally didn't want to write the screenplay, Foster didn't want to reprise her role as Starling and Demme wasn't interested in directing. The consensus was it was too graphic and gory and they wanted no part of it; a complete turnaround; they initially were chomping at the bit to be involved in the follow-up to The Silence of the Lambs.
Interesting Fact: Dino De Laurentiis was under the impression that given a good story even he could play Clarice Starling.
The extra dinner course you never needed; you were already full.
Hannibal Rising: Thomas Harris, 2006
From all accounts that I've read, Harris was gently coerced into writing Hannibal Rising. Dino De Laurentiis wanted an origin story to turn into a film and he'd do it with or without Harris. Harris eventually caved and produced the fourth Lecter novel, Hannibal Rising.
Harris uses the hardships of WWII as the starting backdrop for the development of young Lecter's transformation into “Hannibal the Cannibal”. This is perhaps a story that never needed to be told. We were given glimpses in the novel Hannibal that never made it into the movie and perhaps that was a mistake; not seeing the humanity in Hannibal before events unfolded to create a monster and he is a monster, however refined his tastes are. It would have made a good contrast to the harshness of Lecter's grotesque and sadistic actions in Hannibal; that's where a good screenplay, might have made a difference. Francis Dolarhyde, Jame Gumb and Hannibal Lecter weren't born evil, they were shaped and moulded by their harsh experiences as young, innocent, impressionable children. Monsters aren't born, they are made – the moral of the stories. The difference being Hannibal always took responsibility for his actions, never placing the blame at someone else’s feet.
Hannibal Rising: Directed by Peter Webber, 2007
This time Harris would be involved, writing the screenplay for the Hannibal Rising movie. While I enjoyed Gaspard Ulliel as a young Hannibal, I felt that the story was unnecessary.
And just when you thought that was all and Hannibal Lecter's story had been narrated from beginning to end; Lecter was resurrected in 2013 for Bryan Fuller's TV Series, titled Hannibal, for three seasons on NBC.
A delicate balance of psychiatry, culinary skills, food porn, relationships, sex, beauty, horror
and murder tableaus, like the layers of a sinful Double Chocolate Torte.
Hannibal TV Series: Developed by Bryan Fuller, 2013-2015
I know what you're going to say; there's no way I'm watching a Hannibal TV show without Hopkins on NBC! Whether your a Cox fan or a Hopkins fan; they both played the part in their own style and both performances are top notch. Hopkins had a little more to sink his teeth into with The Silence of the Lambs; as the screen time was slightly longer than in Manhunter.
I was stubborn too! I didn't watch Hannibal during the originally airing for season one or two. I remember catching a glimpse of an episode as I was on my way out to photograph a band; I was a live music photographer for around three years, so many of my Friday nights were spent in Toronto. It was the episode with the horse and the coffin-birth, which ultimately left an impression. So in January 2015 I binge watched season one and two (26 episodes) in only two days; I couldn't stop watching!
There's been a string of missing girls attributed to one person, known as “The Minnesota Shrike” and the FBI are struggling for leads. Upon the eighth girls disappearance, Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) walks into Will Graham's (Hugh Dancy) classroom to request his help. Graham has the unique ability to empathize with narcissits and sociopaths and as he states, it has less to do with a personality disorder and more to do with an active imagination. Dr. Bloom expresses her concerns to Jack Crawford about using Will Graham for his special gifts and recommends keeping an eye on him; suggesting a colleague of hers, Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Bryan Fuller's adaption uses Red Dragon as the main source material, with additional material from Hannibal and Hannibal Rising; expanding characters stories and switching some genders to give it a less male dominated cast. Characters like Margot Verger, who were left out of the Hannibal movie are slotted back in to give the Mason Verger story more substance. Cordell, Verger's valet and cook, is far cheekier in the TV series. Dr. Alan Bloom is transformed into Dr. Alana Bloom and Freddy Lounds, once played by the amazing Philip Seymour Hoffman becomes Freddie Lounds played by Lara Jean Chorostecki, who plays her less sleazy and yet still despicable.
Interesting Fact: Bryan Fuller incorporated some of the forward written by Harris in Red Dragon about his experience writing the novel.
Whipped Fresh Creme & a Cherry On-top!
Hannibal Fan Fiction
Season 3 of Hannibal ends on a cliff hanger and unfortunately NBC cancelled the show without a resolution. Not to worry, there is a buffet of Hannibal Fan Fiction out there for you to sink your teeth into. Hannibal fan fiction spans the spectrum of General Audience to NC-17 to pornographic; there is something to suit everyone's taste. If you don't find anything pleasing; you can always write your own fan fiction!
Interesting Fact: Some of the cast members have read Hannibal fan fiction.
Hannibal Fan Art
The amazing thing about the Hannibal fandom, whether you're old school or new school; there is incredible artwork to explore created by incredibly talented artists.
Interesting Fact: Bryan Fuller and the De Laurentiis Company are not dicks about copyright infringement, when it comes to fan art and fan fiction.
Hannibal Conventions
Red Dragon Con by Starfury: An all Hannibal Con in London, England.
Fannibal Fest: An all Hannibal Con with location tours in Toronto, Canada.
Sofa-Con by Fannibal Fest: Due to the lock-down situation around the world because of Covid-19 all conventions were cancelled in 2020. Fannibal Fest set of some Zoom meetings with guests that starred or worked on Hannibal.
There are several Hannibal fandom groups all over different parts of the world; who meat-up to dine and discuss their favourite topic, Hannibal. I am part of a GTA Fannibal group that centres around Toronto, Canada and we’ve met several times.
So, as we finish our dining experience with Dr. Hannibal Lecter; we'll eagerly anticipate another invitation to Lecter's dinner table, as a guest or if you're unspeakably rude, perhaps you'll be the main course; either way I'll meet or eat you there!
Shannon L. Christie
aka Hannibal_Obsessed
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Hello! Here is this!
I will definitely be making tweaks and adding songs! This is not final, I'm an indecisive mess sjjdjd
Track list and related plot points:
We're Gonna Be Friends- oh, this one is really fun because of all the parallels! It's applicable to Patton and Virgil, of course, but also Logan and Virgil later on and Remus and Roman as well.
Comfort Crowd- this is a classic Patton song! I feel like Virgil and Patton hung out a lot because being together just made them feel better about everything, and this song definitely reflects that from Patton's pov.
Hug All Ur Friends- this one reminds me of V and Pat's friendship from V's point of view!
Two Birds- okay this is where it starts to hurt- this can be applied to Virgil continuing life while Patton's stops moving forward. This song and the next is where the playlist moves from era 1 to era 2. Some lines of this track also apply to Logan leaving his family behind.
Empty Bed- this one is Patton's perspective of leaving Virgil behind, although there won't be any ghosts or afterlife-y themes in this AU.
Downhill- this one is back with Virgil trying to deal with Patton's death. The lines "I went downhill at such steep incline/That my rearview mirror showed me only the sky" are especially poigniant, as they reflect Patton's death via car accident.
Dread in my Heart- the next few songs go between Logan and Virgil- this one is about the former, struggling to be optimistic about his new living situation and plans while haunted by guilt about leaving his younger brothers.
Body- more Virgil grieving oops
a conversation about identity- Logan feeling anxious and aimless, even while overworking himself in online school as he tries to forget about his past.
Francis Forever- more grieving time!
Ghosting- this is where the plot kicks back in. Virgil starts hanging around the house while Logan's living there, and L literally and figuratively lets him in. Now he's trying to get used to the house without Patton- and Logan in his place.
I Can't Handle Change- this one explores both of them in different verses! I think the first two really relate to Virgil, especially with the house, the rest of the verses are Logan but can be applied to both.
Bugbear- this one I could go into pretty line-for-line, but overall it represents Logan's mental state about school with Virgil added to the equation- specifically the lines "I feel so brain dead next to you/It's not like you intended to/Hurt me or make me feel that way" in relation to his Totally Not Falling In Love Disease and not quite understanding it.
Line Without a Hook- this is a bit of a fast-forward, but it's the first mutual love song of the playlist! It fits their relationship really well!
16/04/16 (Jack's Song)- this song signifies Virgil finally reaching a bit of acceptance over Patton's death and being able to remember him without it hurting. This is the Our Boy Is Healing song! Sure hope nothing goes to shit or anything after this!
Be Nice To Me- this one takes place a little while after Logan brings the twins home. The change is weighing on Virgil, and they're struck again by how different Logan is from Patton. Logan's spending a lot of time and energy with his little brothers, and the extra stress is making him irritable and tired, which in turn forces Virgil to face a lot of his internalized anger, current and past.
Good For You- the quintessential Everything Goes To Shit song! The relationship between him and his mother is very similar to Evan's, so it's mostly the mother's verses that apply, but the overwhelming energy of the song is definitely something Virgil starts to feel.
Out Like a Light- okay I'm gonna be honest with you right now. This one's mostly about the Vibes. There's a bit of a gap here, but mostly what happens here is Virgil realizes that none of it is Logan's fault- in fact, Lo's done so much for him the whole time they've known each other, and V would be lost without him. We're back to the They're In Love Your Honor songs jdjdjd
A Wistful Waltz- They're In Love Your Honor
Talk to Me- it's a pretty safe bet that I'm going to leave this as the last song, even if I add some more in between. As you may have noticed, this au is very Analogical centric, and this song kind of represents the safety they find in each other throughout their struggles. It's cheesy and I love it, okay? Cope jsjdjsnd
Taglist that I forgot before jdjdjd:
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viktcrr · 4 years
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「maxence danet-fauvel & nonbinary」⇾ samuels, viktor, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he/they are a capricorn and 24 years old. he/they are studying visual arts, living in noland and can be observant, ingenious, reticent & dependent. when i see him/them i am reminded of a sculptor’s hands clay-ridden, the insistent hum of tv static, and a crying preacher inside a dusty funeral home.  ⇽「james & 21 & est & they/them.」
hllo !!! i’m james n here’s one of my big idiot muses <3 he’s not actually dumb he’s :/ a bit evil. bt thts okay hes still <3 beloved <3 LKDSFHLSADLKGFSHLKD anyways!
old tvs and their static, worn tapes, horror movie screams, spilled ink, a sculptor’s hands, clay-stained, chicken scratch handwriting, messy notes, messy hair, scoffs and eye-rolls, bruised knuckles, sore throats, funeral homes and a crying preacher, shattered ceramics, knife fights, high ledges, vertically-striped pants, red lights, the moon shrouded in clouds, cigarette butts, graveyards and half-empty wine bottles, sitting there for hours and talking to nothing, about nothing, a god complex, gold rings adorning both hands, barbwire baseball bats, having never played baseball in your life, deep eyebags and broken mirrors, a permanent chip on one’s shoulder, yearning, longing, wishing.
basic info.
full name: viktor phillip samuels
nickname(s): icky vicky :/
b.o.d. - jan 2nd
label(s): the black hole, the crepehanger, the impious, the opaque, the tempest, etc.
height: 6′1″
hometown: rochester, new york
sexuality: pansexual uwu
inspired by: beetlejuice (beetlejuice), sid (toy story), jack sparrow (pirates of the caribbean), francis wilkerson (malcolm in the middle), azula (avatar: the last airbender), vicky (the fairly oddparents), stu macher / billy loomis (scream), marshall lee (adventure time), bojack horseman (bojack horseman), any it’s always sunny character :/
born to mama and papa (preacher) samuels in rochester, new york - fifteen minutes after his twin sister, tatiana samuels. years later, rosa samuels joined the gang.
was an awkward, quiet kid growing up, he didn’t interact well with others and preferred being left alone to dig up worms and draw on the walls of their childhood home. the only exception was his twin, really.
as he got older he grew out of this, but instead became like … sort of an asshole? maybe to compensate for years of childhood awkwardness. he’s the sort of person who will bite the hand that feeds him & developed into a full time nuisance by middle school, unlike tatiana who was much more subtle about her conniving manners.
always has been a fan of ‘darker’ materials. grim & creepy morbid shit. probably the biggest tim burton fan, ever since he was a kid … not a good look for a preacher’s son, but he never really felt ‘in’ with the rest of his family to begin with. classic black sheep syndrome.
drew disturbing pictures as a kid that probably prompted one or two or five phone calls home to assure everything was fine.
just really had a knack for art at a young age, from drawing to painting to playing with clay. it’s always been his Thing and probably is the only thing he’s good at.
being twins with tatiana was hard. they were near opposite besides both being quite mean-spirited. tatiana handled being in public better, left a better image behind - but viktor had talent, more than she did. they loved each other deeply - y’know, those unbreakable twin bonds as cliche as it sounds - but found each other as competition for their parents’ attention. a rivalry for affection.
in high school is when viktor really started to act out. it started extreme, like losing his virginity in their church and vandalism around the neighborhoods. faked being possessed in the middle of sunday service & almost had an exorcism performed on him.
his only redeemable trait was like … just his sheer talent in the arts. was in a 3D art AP course and specialized in sculptures. he could pretty much create anything he wanted with enough dedication.
because he was the problem child, the one who deserved to be disciplined for all his antics, tatiana could sneak away and get away with whatever she wanted much easier. on the bright-side, for her, i guess.
not a very motivated person - wasn’t planning on going to college, much less going to radcliffe but his parents literally wrote & sent his college application for him because they weren’t going to house a deadbeat but had too much heart to kick him out onto the streets. cool!
he’s actually pretty smart but he just doesn’t apply himself. has a minor in english because he didn’t care for an extra course-load, but he’s good at writing & analyzing literature. is going to use it to write and illustrate his own series of children books with a style similar to tim burton’s. not for the kids, but because he likes to leave a trail of terror in whatever he does.
has been experimenting with himself since high school but college is where he really had started to crack down on himself. was out as pansexual & nonbinary by his sophomore year of college just … not to his parents, who don’t really need to know.
if you asked him if he believed in twins having a psychic connection with each other - he’d tell you he wouldn’t know. it felt believable at times, but sometimes he had no idea what was going on inside of tatiana’as head. on the other hand - viktor had always felt oddly transparent to her, like she knew all of his moves before he did. the only person who could predict him accurately.
when tatiana disappeared, viktor knew something was up. it was a twist in his gut, pure instinct that something wasn’t right. and it wasn’t right - and when she was proclaimed missing, they couldn’t find her.
and when tatiana died - viktor knew. it felt wrong, something cut so severely in him he could pinpoint her death to the second. he didn’t know how, or why, but he knew it. knew it before anybody else had.
afterwards he went on a sort of bender. he’d begun to struggle with a mild drug addiction late senior year of high school / early college, but he was managing it up until this point.
his mental health had also sunk to an all-time low, when it’d never been great to begin with. (manic & depressive episodes. once fixated on a sculpting project for six months and then knocked it off the table and destroyed it as soon as he finished it for no apparent reason.)
tatiana’s body wasn’t found immediately, and when it was … viktor went off the rails. ended up overdosing & being hospitalized. spent six months in & out of psychiatric care after that.
came back to radcliffe to finish his senior year because … for the reasons above, he hadn’t been able to complete it. just wants to get his credits and get out of here.
is still dealing with a lot of trauma & grief, especially since the one year anniversary of tatiana’s death was this month (january) - causes him to spiral and be unpredictable in regards of his mental health. he stopped taking his medication, so. :/ some days are alright, other days are pretty bad.
UPDATE: now that summer’s come n go ... viktor hs been thru <3 a lot <3 recently. switched therapists (his :/ last one got her license revoked) & started new medications, went to a treatment center briefly ‘cos .. he wasn’t doing too well :/ bt now he’s back baybey! trying to be better n trying to be sober but ... :/
the human embodiment of a gremlin that was fed after midnight. a goblin, if you will. one of those cats with a narrow head and really big ears … that’s them!
a big horror & halloween enthusiast. loves the old campy horror movies & probably has an abundance of masks from different movies. dresses like a grimy millennial beetlejuice more than they should because they just … love those black & white vertical-striped pants.
can appreciate the lore & cryptids at radcliffe and likes to feed into the fear that surrounds them. is probably the cause of a few ‘anomalies’ and ‘paranormal sightings’ because they’re just … a jerk.
fashion alternates between e-boy (they would be tiktok famous if they were 17 & didn’t think that a majorly minor based app was weird.), millennial beetlejuice, and goth in a crop top & sweatpants. big fan of crop tops and a big fan of sweatpants.
they can be really fucking mean? petty, aggressive, a major instigator. will literally spit in your face for little to no reason, you could just look at them the wrong way. the kind of person who will stick their gum into someone else’s hair. other than that? they’re like … sort of okay. they’re not always mean, just a dick about 90% of the time lmao
like okay yeah they’ll call someone a stinky bitch for no reason except they feel like it and believes it. it’s fine, they’re fine, we’re fine.
despite the fact that they’re probably getting into a fight whenever, considers themself to be a lover and not a fighter but that’a primarily because they fuck a lot. uses it as a coping mechanism, like they’re this big fancy carnival show that’s like ‘come one, come all! fuck the dead girl’s twin brother!’ and it’s … a Lot. might have a problem with hypsersexuality but they’re not fully aware of it.
the preacher’s whore son, basically :)
pansexual & nonbinary, switches between he & they pronouns often and without a pattern, but they have such a fragile grip on their identity that you could call them ‘dog-faced bitch’ and they’d turn around like. sup.
vastly impulsive … like i said, they destroy their own creations for the fun of it. spends all teir money on useless shit, will cheat on someone because they feel like it & likes the thrill, screams into the night sky frequently like a cat in heat.
will also spend months creating useless shit for no reason too. spent six of them sculpting a hollowed out tree the size of them & then took a sledgehammer to it.
they’re very super dramatic. would play the organ at church when nobody was looking after them and service was about to start. would just churn out these super haunting, creepy melodies like they were phantom of the opera. would do the same exact thing at home on their keyboard with the pipe organ setting whenever they got grounded until their parents took it away HBDSJFNGKH
will absolutely not talk about their ‘time away’ because it’s not anyone’s business, not even their own younger sister. still refuses to talk about tatiana’s death, or their mental health, or their addiction (fallen back into it but it hasn’t gotten severe … yet :/), or anything involving their own emotions.
will just change the topic abruptly, no warning. asks about the jonas brothers instead and they fucking hate the jonas brothers.
that being said they’re absolutely not over tatiana’s death & it’s to the point of obsession over it. like there’s some kind of secret that needs to be uncovered, even though there just. isn’t. tatiana was their rock and they were pretty much dependent on her. kept them grounded. could control them when nobody else could, got into their head easier than others. it’s sort of like rosa lost two siblings that day because viktor hasn’t been the same since.
emotionally unavailable while also crying twice a day. cries during their brawls but still wins. is stony-faced when they tell you they cheated on you with your much hotter best friend.
will tell you straight up what they want from you, no bullshit & no beating around the bush. just blunt. if they want to fuck, nothing else, then that’s it. if they feel deviation or developing feelings then they’ll ghost in less than a second. is awful like that but feels no shame.
but also emotional as shit and it’s confusing. will cry on a whim and then flip you off if you try to console them or ask them what’s up. will bite you.
they go to therapy but they just fuck around and wastes their therapists’ time … also is fucking their therapist, but that’s neither here nor there. so they’re not really getting the help they need.
likes to be intimidating but not … with their body or anything because they’re a TWIG but uses their love & knowledge of horror and creepy shit to their advantage. has an abundance of fake blood. has channeled the energy of jack nicholson and used it on tatiana’s boyfriends before (also is a big fan of sfx makeup & has dabbled in it)
probably chases kids around with a chainsaw without the chain on halloween every year.
generally never doing good, both mental health wise & morally. would probably steal candy from a baby for funsies.
i don’t know if there’s a good to them somewhere deep down, but they don’t see any issues with themself either. nothing really breaks through to them anymore because the only person who ever made them stop and think about their actions was tatiana, and well, y’know. :/
an introverted reclusive type who doesn’t like most people or going out, but does so anyway if it means a quick high & a cheap thrill.
pretty observant and likes to analyze people even though they’re often like … partially wrong. judgmental because they like to make people feel bad, not because they’re a righteous mighty person. because they’re not. so like, a hypocrite!
wanted connections.
a roommate… but it’s an absolute nightmare to live with him.
enemies… because viktor would have a lot of them…
familiar faces… people who knew tatiana or of her / were her friends. maybe even those who dated her, and who viktor would’ve tried to intimidate / scare at any given chance :/
pitiful glances… people who take pity on viktor and he hates it sooo much.
hooligan gremlin kids… just a friend group of grown ass adults who do drugs and fuck shit up around town like they’re edgy teenagers.
high school girlfriend… probably the one he lost his virginity to inside his family church :/
childhood acquaintances… people who knew him from his youth.
exes… good & bad terms, but mostly bad terms because viktor is an actual demon. probably cheated on them.
soft… i don’t know if he’s soft towards anyone and/or is capable of it but we can try. we can try.
unrequited… either viktor just doesn’t like them or he’s holding back because he’s :/ got issues with relationships & is self-sabotaging as one does
enemies with Tension… of the … spicy kind if you know what i mean. wink.
friends… old friends, new friends, bad friends, good friends, close friends, frenemies, etc. i don’t know how many he had but if your muse likes to cause a ruckus and fuck shit up then viktor’s your man.
hook-ups… current or old. friends with benefits, one night stands, anything and everything because he fucks around a lot.
ride or die… friendship but make it extreme.
bad influence… he’s just toxic to be around and brings out the worst in people :/
bad egg… he’s gotten into a few fights :/ maybe you witnessed it. maybe you were in it.
literally anything i wld love all sorts of plots.
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