#(( can never find them all x.x ))
solvrized · 1 year
secret texts
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୨୧ ꒰ pairing ꒱ : silver x f!reader
୨୧ ꒰ context ꒱ : au silver was asking for love advice and accidentally sent the text to you
୨୧ ꒰ tags ꒱ : smut, sexting
୨୧ ꒰ author’s note ꒱ : its me again writing content for silver, aged up ofc. idk how to write out texts so pls forgive the look if it’s ugly x.x
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It was a normal night for you. You were laying in bed listening to music and studying when your phone flashed a notification.
silver: well how am i supposed to tell [y/n] when every time i see her, my brain thinks less than appropriates thoughts
y: um, i’m gonna assume this wasn’t meant for me?
silver: please forgive me [y/n]. can you pretend you didn’t read that?
y: aww silver don't apologize. i'll continue to think about it actually. so you like me huh?
silver: no... i was telling someone what someone else said about you.
y: yeah uh huh, sure you were. if that’s the case, can you tell me who said it? maybe i think less than inappropriate thoughts about them too, who knows?
silver: i seriously doubt that.
y:well we’ll never know unless you just tell me.
silver: well that’s never going to happen so let’s just leave this conversation where it is, sorry for disturbing your night prefect.
y: well, now i’m just gonna have to assume it’s you who thinks about me that way. and that has me really wet right now, believe it or not.
silver: i find that very hard to believe.
you take your pillow and set it up in front of you so that you can lean your phone it. you slide off your underwear and open you legs and position yourself in front of the camera. leaving your face out so it’s just you from the lips down, in your night jersey and your area on display.
you take your fingers and spread your lips apart so that he can see how wet you are.
y: attachment.image
y: believe me now?
he swallows hard. not expecting for this conversation to be happening and certainly not expecting to see you like this. his boner growing hard in his own pants.
silver is very much a traditional man and he never expected to be seeing this from you.
yet, he can't help his growing desire for you. not wanting to miss this opportunity, he slides his boxers down and takes a picture.
carefully checking the name to make sure he doesn’t have the same mishap.
silver: attachment.image
silver: i can't believe i'm dong this. look what what you’ve done.
y: can i tell you all the things that i want to do to you right now?
silver: please go ahead.
y: well first i’d love to see how you taste. your cock looks nice and big and i’d love to see how much of you i could fit. i’d pay attention to every breath and moan you make when my tongue glides over you so i know what to keep doing.
silver: i’d hold your head in my hands as i fuck your mouth. i’d push myself into the back of your throat making you take all of me. i’d cum in your mouth and watch you swallow every last drop.
y: my my silver, who knew you had this in you?
y: after that, i would stand up and bend over so that you could take me. you’d smack my ass really hard and you’d slam into me as i scream your name over and over.
silver: i’d grab your boobs for stability and play with them as i pound into you over and over. i wouldn’t stop until you were begging me to let you cum
y: i’d squeeze myself around you to feel you twitch inside of me
silver: and i’d make you let me fill you up so much that i’d be dripping down your leg
y: i think i'm cumming for real now
silver: yeah i’ve definitely made a mess on my bed
y: we should maybe do this in real life sometime huh?
silver: can i at least take you out on a proper date first?
y: of course. i can't wait :)
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Might be a hot take, but I’ve always thought that Johnny is Kreese’s weakness, and Daniel is Terry’s. Like, I know some people think Terry’s weakness is Kreese (and to some extent, yes), but Daniel seems to be his absolute obsession, his total undoing. Kreese at least had the best friends/comrades in arms thing, but the Daniel thing is just plain weird from any side. This once 17 year old brat has such a hold on Silver that the man threw away 30+ years of peace at the mere mention of his name. It was never about Cobra Kai. It was always about Daniel.
YES. I completely agree. And as more time has gone by since Season 4 came out, I've noticed even the more casual fans have noticed. Someone took this screenshot from YouTube, but I've seen similar comments on reddit too.
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And Kreese, being another master manipulator, knew exactly what he was doing when he brought up Daniel to Terry again in 4x01...
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There was literally no reason for Kreese to bring up Daniel LaRusso unless he knew that Terry would care. Why would Terry care. 👀
Kreese knows how to get people to come to him. How to dangle something that they want in front of them that only he can seemingly give.
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When no other tactic worked on bringing Terry back into the fold, Kreese brought out the big guns and dropped Daniel's name.
Not to take away at all from the love and friendship that Terry felt towards John. But it became nostalgia and obligation, ultimately ruining their bond.
Little side note-- the fact that we watched Kreese make others do what he says in order to get what they want for three seasons made the prison scene in 5x07 even more satisfying:
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AND the first person to play the uno reverse card and use this tactic against Kreese was Daniel. Terry's student. You gotta love it.
There's always been a little Cobra Kai in you...
I mean, we could speak at length about the parallels between Kreese and Terry and their star students Johnny and Daniel. The narrative mirrors and foils. But it's precisely their respective relationships with their students that is more compelling.
Anyway. I'm going to quickly list examples of Daniel's hold on Terry and then focus on the meat of the issue.
Terry falls apart and goes ALL IN on everything Cobra Kai only AFTER Daniel rejects his apology.
Terry gives Daniel multiple warnings to not interfere but never tries to gets rid of him like Johnny or Kreese after no warnings at all.
Terry dated a woman who looked a lot like Daniel with similar values.
Terry treats Kenny near identically to Daniel as a student but in the sincere way he wishes he had with Daniel.
Terry loses his cool when Daniel wants to surrender and walk out of his life.
Terry tells Chozen he considers Daniel his only rival. As in Equal.
I'm sure there's plenty I'm forgetting but you can find posts in the silverusso tag about all these topics and more. x.x
Now, let's get to one of the most important and defining scenes for Terry's arc. And again, it's a direct result of Kreese's manipulation:
Kreese, knowing what makes Terry tick and how to get him further on his side, comments that Daniel really knows how to hold onto a grudge. As if he doesn't. Anyway, it's twisting the knife into Terry again when he's clearly already low.
You don't think Kreese noticed how hurt Terry was at the rejection?
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He notices everything. He learned in Vietnam from his Captain how to use love against someone as a perceived weakness. Many thoughts on that.
The way in which Kreese says, "So... what now?" Tells me that he told Terry this was going to happen. You also have to remember their conversation leading up to the garden scene:
Terry was damn near close to defending Mr. Miyagi and Daniel over Kreese's own personal grudge. To the point where Terry was rolling his eyes and sighing over his friend being overdramatic about what happened in the past.
He was tired of hearing about it.
I'm sure Daniel told Terry the truth about that Halloween night. And look who Terry seems to side with...
Kreese wanted violent retribution and Terry was the one that talked him down. It was Terry's idea to apologize to Daniel and we'll just allll get along. Easy peasy. Surely, Daniel would forgive him.
But, Daniel proved Kreese right in Terry's eyes. As I'm sure Kreese hoped would happen. Couldn't have worked out better. I bet on the car ride over to Miyagi-Do, Kreese was complaining how this was a waste of time and LaRusso isn't the sweet kid you remember etc.
From that day forward, Terry is determined to prove Daniel wrong. About him, about Cobra Kai, about everything. Terry is going to make Cobra Kai work and help kids and he'll be the best sensei ever and Daniel will be sorry!
You'll be sorry you weren't a part of it!
I firmly believe that Daniel is Terry's true weakness and he didn't even realize it. But Kreese did.
And if Daniel had seen it, then he could've had Terry eating out of the palm of his hand.
The one movie quote they haven't used in the show yet is, "For person with no forgiveness in heart, living even worse punishment than death."
I'm hoping they'll use this with Daniel realizing he can help heal himself, and Terry, by forgiving him. Of course, Terry will have to do something more to redeem himself. I'm just saying.
And then maybe Terry can see that Daniel was his weakness all along, but there's still time to make him a strength.
One could argue that he already felt that way while he was being arrested. The way he was looking at Daniel... That awe. Daniel LaRusso got the best of him, again, all because he couldn't let him go.
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Here's to hoping that Season 6 ends our suffering lmao.
I mean, who else has ever given Terry Silver goosebumps?
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hunterssm00n · 6 months
Find You
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One month after the events of SOTL but before Hannibal (2001): Clarice Starling is an FBI agent on the hunt for one Doctor Hannibal Lecter, and she reflects on their strange connection. | Hannibal Lecter/Clarice Starling |
also on my ao3: here
*cw mild language*
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
I look for you in the center of the sun / I took a pill but it didn't help me numb / I see your face even when my eyes are shut / But I never really know just where to find you...
"You're dancing circles around me You're fucking crazy Oh oh, you're crazy for me Oh oh, you're crazy for me..." ~ 'Cruel World' - Lana Del Rey
"Starling. Starling. Starling. A bird with strong wings and feet, capable of flying great distances. Often bears a dark complexion with a vague, metallic sheen coating it's feathers... as if it were dipped in oil. Wouldn't you agree, Clarice?"
"Well, of that I'm not sure, sir. I don't think I've ever seen one; none that I would be able to identify, at least."
"An interesting creature - most phylum cordata usually are. Are you at all interested in the study of species?"
"Sure, I guess, but not of the animal variety, Doctor Lecter."
"Ahh, because there are different species of human, right you are. Is that why you chose to become a figure of law enforcement, Clarice? To study the sea of moral defecation around you, and to try to cleanse the world of it?"
"Mm, when you say it like that, it sounds more like you're describing a scientist, to me. Or maybe a doctor."
"But we are all scientists to our own right, aren't we, Clarice? And doctors are really just glorified scientists, schooled to understand the inner workings of something and to try to find medically accurate compensation where there is a lack. Officers of the law do this as well, but not in the biological sense - more so in the social sense. They weed out those cancerous forms that attempt to spread evil unto the world; cut them out with the steel scalpel of To protect and serve. This requires some science, Clarice. You have done your own studying of the world."
"I have. We all have, sir."
"Sir. Doctor Lecter. So polite. Society lacks manners, nowadays. It's only gonna get worse from here."
"Not a very positive outlook for the future."
"I have hopes, but not high ones for society. Can you really blame me, Clarice? What with people like Buffalo Bill wreaking havoc in different parts of this cruel world?"
"With all do respect, Doctor, one could look at your actions and say the same."
"Mmm, clever girl. Too clever. You don't agree to fight violence with violence? Survival of the fittest? You'd likely lay your body down to form a bridge for those less fortunate, Clarice, and they would end up collapsing you to climb their 'lil selves on up that laddah."
"But you can't fight fire with fire, either, sir. There has to be some sort of balance."
"And if they're not willing to compromise, Clarice? If they are not as sympathetic as you, then what?"
"I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it."
"Starling. Birds are quite impressive creatures, aren't they? The starling itself isn't widely known, but it is a clever little creature indeed. Strong little wings, sturdy feet with which to stand. It also has the ability to mimic the sounds of other animals that it hears - sometimes even the vocal sounds of humans."
"This is very interesting, Doctor Lecter, but I'd really like to get back on topic."
"Does it sound like I'm describing you, Clarice? Do you repeat the things you hear from higher-ups in the department? Has Jack Crawford made you his puppet?"
"What do you think, Doctor? You've studied me at every meeting. Do my words sound like they've been scripted? Do they sound like they would ever come out of Jack Crawford's mouth?"
"No, Agent Starling, they do not. You are indeed a creature all your own."
"So if I am a Starling, sir, what are you?"
"That depends on you, Clarice. I am either the cage keeper, or the one who opens the door and sets you free. The choice is yours."
Her face hurt; felt like it was being mushed against a hard surface. The voice broke through the darkness she had fallen into, and now she was slowly coming back to the world of consciousness, very slowly.
She groaned with the effort of opening her eyes; her head felt as heavy as a bowling ball on her thin neck as she tried to raise it. When her eyes fluttered and focused, she noticed the light brown of the smooth top of her desk to the right of her vision. Lifting her head more, she realized it had been resting on the black and white mug shot of Hannibal Lecter in an old newspaper. She'd actually fallen asleep while working. All throughout school she hadn't even done that.
"Jesus," Came a female voice from behind her - probably Ardelia wondering where the hell her partner had been.
Clarice lifted her head all the way up off the desk, wisps from her ponytail sticking to the side of her face that had been covering the newspaper. She absently wiped a hand across her cheek, wondering if it would come away with gray smudges from the newspaper that were probably printed onto her face. Being so close to Doctor Lecter's mugshot on the paper, she noticed that the two dimensionality of the black and white photo did nothing to diminish his stare. It was as if he was staring into the soul of whomever was holding the paper - like he was staring into her soul once again.
Clarice turned around in her chair to face the woman whom she roomed with, Ardelia. Ardelia had graduated the academy shortly after Clarice had, and until they could each afford their own stable homes, they decided to share an apartment to help build their individual savings. They knew each other well - they'd survived the academy as roommates and knew they could live with one another (and only wanted to kill each other on rare occasions). They were now best friends, and knew almost everything about each other, so Ardelia was probably not surprised that even on their day off, Clarice was still working.
The other woman would have only been surprised if it was any other case she was working on.
"Girl, you look rough," Ardelia commented, not unkindly. Rather than suggest food or rest (or a therapist), she knew Clarice well enough to know that those questions would not phase her. Instead she asked: "Any leads?" Clarice appreciated her for everything she said - she knew the other woman was only looking out for her.
"Um," Clarice looked down at the small drool stain slowly seeping into the paper right next to Doctor Lecter's mug shot. "Not yet, today." She rose from the chair and stretched, groaning as her neck cracked from being at the odd angle when her face rested against the desk. How long had she been like that? "Any idea what time it is?" Apparently she'd removed her watch at some point too. God, she was never this disoriented.
"A little after twelve," Ardelia had checked her own watch, peering around Clarice at the desktop. She, herself, was all dressed up - dressy casual in nice black pants and a sweeping flowery top. Clarice had known she had a date this morning - brunch at a little diner in town with another agent that had graduated from the academy.
"How'd it go this morning?" She'd been out with this guy a few times, and Clarice could sense a brewing romance.
"Great," Ardelia replied, picking up the newspaper that lay flat on the desktop, "We're gonna catch a movie later tonight too." She moved the paper closer to her eyes, then brought it back down almost as soon. "He's one hell of a creep, huh?"
Clarice nodded, remembering back to the first time she had met him; the way he calmly stood in the middle of the cell, staring through the glass like he'd been expecting someone. The way his eyes lit up when they settled on hers - like he'd been expecting her.
Ardelia gave an exaggerated shudder and set the paper back down on the desk. "How do you not have nightmares?"
Clarice glanced at the photo, shrugging non-committedly, "I guess I'm just used to it now."
The truth was, she did have nightmares - she just didn't believe that he was the source. Most of the time it was the death of her father; the lambs screaming in terror as they were lead to the slaughter. It didn't happen every night, but enough that she had become used to waking up in the middle of the night, the blankets drenched with her sweat and tears rolling down her cheeks.
The only one she'd ever told about that was Hannibal Lecter. He was the only person in her life who'd ever thought to ask such dark questions.
What she also hadn't told Ardelia was that she did dream of him. Every single night. Not all of them were nightmares, though he somehow wound up in those as well. Sometimes it was simply her walking down the long stretch of concrete in the basement of the asylum; past the jeering, howling inmates in their cells. Some of the cells had lambs in them - some of the inmates were holding little lambs, and that was why they were screaming. Clarice knew he was at the end of the hallway; she just had to walk past this chaos to get to him. Finally, as always, he was waiting there, much like he had been the very first time she'd seen him, except he was much closer to the glass this time. He was awaiting her arrival, and she was anticipating the sight of him. He would smile salaciously at her, and raise a hand to the glass, pressing his palm against it. Stepping closer to the glass, she would raise her own hand and mirror his movement, placing it over his as though there was no glass between them. They would stay like that for three seconds, looking each other right in the eye. He would smile, and she would feel her lips begin to do the same. And then she would wake up.
At the moment, that dream was the most recurring in her mind. She couldn't remember what she had just dreamt about when she'd been asleep a few moments ago, but she would bet her life he had been in it.
She had to find him.
She had to find out why he occupied her every waking thought.
"Christ, I'd never sleep again if I had to be the one to talk to him. You've got nerves of steel." Ardelia commented, kicking off her shoes. "I'm gonna jump in the shower real quick. Do you wanna come to the movie later on too? We could grab one of the other guys to come, keep you company." The woman winked at her, and Clarice rolled her eyes with a smile.
"No thanks, I'm actually gonna go out myself; run some errands, exercise a bit."
"Oh great!" Ardelia looked relieved that her friend was actually leaving the apartment for a reason other than work. Clarice felt bad that she worried her so, but she couldn't stop what she was doing. It had become a mania. She had to catch this man.
Clarice padded into her bedroom to get dressed - she wanted to put her most comfortable workout clothes on. She didn't tell Ardelia that she was still hoping to find something to point her in the right direction. She had searched high and low, found a few things along the way but nothing very significant. She couldn't let him disappear anymore than he already had.
She stripped off her clothing - just an FBI t-shirt and a pair of matching sweatpants she used for pajamas. She was pulling a long sleeved shirt over her head when she saw it - something out of the ordinary. It lay on the top of her comforter, a folded up piece of paper. It wasn't white printer paper, but a cream colored thick paper, like something artists used. Clarice swallowed hard, moving across the carpeted floor to her bed. There is no way... Or was there? There was only one person that she knew of that would leave a note for her with that kind of paper. Artists parchment.
"You sonofabitch," she whispered, reaching out and gently grasping the paper as though she feared it would crumble between her fingers. Her hand trembled slightly as she brought it up off the comforter, but not out of fear. She would never admit the emotions that stirred within her - not in a thousand years. Not even to herself. Slowly she opened the two flaps so that the page was expanded to its fullest extent. It was only folded in half once, and when she opened it she could see why. There was a graphite drawing of a woman holding a baby lamb. The amount of shading and detail that was on the page, which wasn't bigger than 8x5 inches, was incredibly impressive. Not that she was surprised. The artist once told her that his memory had been all he had during his imprisonment. She knew he had an incredible eye for memorization and detail.
What did startle her a little was that the woman in the picture was her. The likeness couldn't have been more accurate - it was like she was looking into a mirror. It momentarily stunned her as she stared into her own eyes, her own arms cradling the tiny lamb to her chest. In the drawing she had what looked to be a cloak wrapped around both of them, leaving her shoulders bare but modestly covering every other part of her.
The second clear thought was that the person who had so carefully placed the note on her bed had to have snuck in sometime within the past two hours, because that was about how long she'd been asleep for. The person who had snuck in had to have meticulously calculated when she would be alone in the apartment - was he trying to time it so that she would be asleep? Had he thought he could catch her while she'd been awake? A million different questions ran through her mind, all at once, leaving her breathless.
The third thing she noticed, the most telling feature of all, was the short inscription on the bottom left side of the page, written in thin black ink.
"Liberty for wolves is death to the lambs."
AN: I do not own the SOTL/Hannibal franchise or any of its characters. I also do not own the song ‘Cruel World’ by Lana Del Rey, or the song ‘Find You’ by Nick Jonas. The above photos are from Pinterest, and attached are the links to the original images.
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light-lanterne · 1 year
(took a ten-minute nap and had a harrowing dream :O )
tw // mentions of vampirism, murder and violence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☽ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - here's a short offering, @saffirez, @yearninginblue, @hyperfixationcentralsvoid, @holyvirgilscriptures, @catboy-cabin (i hope it's okei to tag, since this is long enough to be considered a ficlet but not a proper thing still x.x )
byler royal au (perhaps medieval, perhaps a little after) where will is a ruthless monarch. feared by many, revered by most; he is known for his beauty just as much as he is known for his iron fist and there is no one who dares oppose him for they know it's a death wish. what's more, rumours of vampirism and human sacrifice surround his name and there's a lot to support these claims but ultimately, they are just rumours no one can prove.
except... well, mike can prove them. a knight of the highest order who served will's father until his death, mike has been granted permission (and earned the right) to live in the castle's grounds and as such, he's witnessed two sides of will no one else has seen (and lived to tell the tale):
on the one side, will is actually rather sweet and gentle, his stony demeanour nothing but a facade to make up for his youth and, therefore, his perceived lack of experience (which could lead to someone trying to overthrow him). he treats everyone with kindness and respect and never raises his voice within the castle, not even in the war room.
on the other hand, however... all the rumours about him are true, as far as mike can tell. young people enter will's quarters and never come back out, the stench of blood and viscera plaguing the air as soon as the moon rises in the sky, and mike has personally witnessed suspicious-looking remains be stuffed in sacks by fearful servants, sacks that are then thrown to the pig dens shortly before dawn, evidence of the horrors disappearing in a matter of minutes.
night after night, screams of agony and misery haunt the castle's hallways and, as the people's champion, mike knows it's his duty to do something about it. tell someone about it. his words hold weight and a simple accusation on his part could be enough to get the ball rolling when it comes to ridding the kingdom of such a treacherous being.
but he can't. not when will is so full of life and joy and smiles so beautifully at him. not when will's life has been a series of mishaps he's only now getting the chance to heal from.
surely, mike's got it wrong. there's no way someone like will is responsible for what the rumours claim, right? no way he can be a cannibal or vampire or whatever else the people love to whisper about in dark taverns and empty alleyways... right? in fact, he's going to prove it! he's going to sneak into will's quarters at night and he'll find a totally reasonable explanation for everything, and then he'll be able to dispel the murmurs with a first-hand account of the truth!
and if he finds that everything that was told, everything he himself had observed, was real, then it's not his job to tell anyone.
and if he discovers that will is genuinely this monstrous being that everyone sings about to scare children at night, then it's not his fault everyone believes it to be a folk tale.
and if he suddenly finds himself being looked down at by these very dark eyes, hungry eyes, and he's suddenly forced to choose between what's right and what he wants, then it's not his fault when he follows the pull —not unlike gravity— that's urging him closer, deeper into an insanity he's now a part of purely by his own volition, the likes of which he finds unable to feel guilty about the second will shoots him a smile.
- the end -
(there are perhaps two bylers in the entirety of this hellsite who will get the reference (me being one of them), but if anyone's heard "cruelty and the beast" by cradle of filth,,, you know what vibes i'm going for ~ also, as i wrote this i suddenly came to the realisation that i essentially cleradin'd @foodiewithdahoodie's forbidden fruit au so yeah, my brain remains entirely unoriginal x.x)
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not-poignant · 1 year
Do you have any stardew mods that you absolute *must* have (for any reason) or any QoL mods you'd like to recommend?
Hi anon!
I'm not really going to do a 'must have' mod list because you don't need any mods to play Stardew Valley at all, and actually many of my farms I never played with any mods at all. So instead I'm just going to list the mods I enjoy using the most, that make my time more enjoyable within the game.
They're not must haves, and I don't actually think just about anyone should use mods before they've played the vanilla farm/style of the game a few times (because that's also the best way to see if you'll need mods in the first place. I don't need them. I just enjoy them). The one exception is people who can't handle the fishing mini game. But I find that dead easy (except the octopus, fuck the octopus), so... I don't need mods for that anyway x.x
My main mods are the following that I use pretty much in every game no matter what (for these to work you will need another mod called SMAPI, and sometimes a mod called Content Patcher, each mod will tell you what it needs to run in the Requirements section):
Mini Obelisks - The standard obelisks look cool but are just too damned tall. This changes the size lol.
Hudson Valley Buildings - Look, there are a ton of reskins for the buildings in the game, I just like these ones.
Vanilla Tweaks - A texture pack that re-skins pretty much all of the objects in the game (fish / vegetables / fruit / nodes / minerals etc.), it's pretty!
Simple Foliage - One of the nicest tree/bush reskins, it's just pretty.
Quality of Life:
UI Info Suite - is one of my favourite QoL mods, because it just comes with so many different things that are so useful, and my favourite are that you can access the calendar and fetch quests from your standard menu, as well as the little pop ups under the day/time which tell you if the Travelling Cart is there, who's birthday it is, if it will storm the next day, and whether or not there's a new recipe. It also tells you which of your pets need petting etc. It pretty much made my Better Ranching QoL mod redundant lol.
Gift Taste Helper - Despite having like 1800 hours in this game, I never remember loved gifts, and in the heart menu, this allows you to hover over a username and see someone's most loved gifts automatically. So useful. Saves me visiting the Wiki 400 times in a playthrough.
NPC Map Locations - Tired of looking at the Wiki for their schedules? Just use this and you'll see all the people / where they are on the map. Great for gift-giving.
No Kids Ever - Your mileage may vary on this one but I don't want children in SDV ever with any of my spouses and I don't even want to be asked. This eliminates all questions around parenthood and means you can also turn the nursery into whatever kind of room you want. You'll never have to worry about kids. This is definitely a must have for me ;)
Ship Anything - It pisses me off that I can only sell weapons etc. through Marlon's because they open from 4pm and it's just inconvenient. Ship Anything allows you to ship swords etc. from your shipping bin, and also use your recycling bin. SO useful. Can also use it for furniture / wallpaper etc.
DeepWoods - One of my favourite 'end game' places and so enjoyable (and a good source of wood and hardwood), this is very much like the Skull Caverns, but instead it's the Deep Woods and 'what if there were levels of the Secret Woods and they were easy-to-really-fucking-hard.' The levels change, there's all these cool little secrets, but a warning, some of the monsters can oneshot you even if you're late game (have all the stardrops / Galaxy Sword in the Forge etc.). There are monsters here that are absolutely way more dangerous than *anything* you will ever find in the Skull Caverns.
This is kind of a cheat because wood and hardwood become so important in the mid to late game, so ymmv on how comfortable you are with something like that. But I love the DeepWoods. Just a warning, take a warp, because once you're past level 1, you'll need to warp home.
I've also started playing Stardew Valley Expanded but that's like 10-11 mods in total and tbh anon I only recommend going down that rabbit hole once you've played the vanilla farm a few times.
These days I will also occasionally play with CJB Cheats, just because I've played like 15+ farms now the 'hard way' and sometimes I want life to be a little easier, lmao.
If I needed to go without all these mods tomorrow, I could and I'd still enjoy the game, so none of them are 'musts.'
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kedreeva · 1 year
What is a Sentinel AU? Is Sentinel a show or?? I've never heard of this x.x
Anyway, um, may I request The Final Pack for WIP Wednesday, please? Thank you!
"The Sentinel" was a TV show in the 90s with the premise that some people (called Sentinels) will be born with or come into having Extremely Superior Senses (sometimes just one, sometimes as many as all five) which are meant to be used to protect a community. This can be useful, but it can also be overwhelming, so the MC (a Sentinel) is joined by another person who knows a ton about Sentinels and acts as a Guide; helping him hone his senses, learn how to use them, learn how to stop using them if it's too much, and in general learning about the history of Sentinels. Guides protect their Sentinels while the Sentinels are using their senses, as sometimes Sentinels get so "into" a single sense while focusing on it that they lose all the rest of them (for example, following a scent but walking into traffic because sight doesn't matter). In fandom spaces, this trope is often expanded and added to, usually with Sentinels/Guides being known and often with agencies in charge of them and/or a supernatural Bond of some sort forming. It's a LOT of fun. You can read more on the fanlore page!
WIP Wednesday | Make Me Write | The Final Pack
After his sense of hearing, his sense of smell leapt to werewolf acuity, which was arguably worse according to Rhiley. He confided to Osker that with the limited bathing ability and lack of most helpful products, everyone around camp smelled awful. The group could not fix that, either; six years post apocalypse meant they were unlikely to find a secret stash of deodorant, and no one outside of their group would break protocol to use more resources just because they were smelly. They’d been smelly for years by this point.
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slimeranch7 · 2 years
*Slides in*
I have a new brainrot to share =w=
Reader is an alquemist, a real good one at that. Everyday they spent hours and hours working on whatever projects they have in mind, forgoing having meals or sleeping in favor of acquiring more trivial knowledge.
Until one day their recklessness catches up to them and they collapse from exhaustion. They wake up under the care of a doctor who reprimands them for being so reckless. But it's clear from the look of pure dread on the alquemist's face that they have learned their lesson.
The alquemist returns to their lab to study and experiment once again, but with a clear goal in mind. To make themselves immortal. What scared the so much? Well, the person who was following them around ever since they woke up.
Death, death itself was following them around. Or how she likes to be called, Hu Tao. She is playful, likes to crack up jokes and pull pranks, even if they are all morbid. She took a liking to the alquemist and decided to meet them before their time. The horror of their meeting was so great that the mortal went back to life through sheer fear. They can barely remember what Hu Tao did to make them so afraid of her and her dominion, but they don't want to find that out.
Hu Tao was a bit annoyed at this but playfully said that it didn't matter, she would have them in her collection sooner or later. This motivated the alquemist to find a way to avoid death forever.
Day after day after day the alquemist would improve their health, discovering remedies and medicine to prolong their young (yet) short life, even if every waking moment they had to listen to the voice of their inevitable end going on and on about whatever topic she wanted to share with them.
But death wasn't as friendly with those around the alquemist. Everyone who even looked at the alquemist would bring upon themselves Hu Tao's scorn, who walked up to those mortals and gently poked them, and immediately, they were mortals no longer. The alquemist couldn't ask for help, no one could see the specter. They couldn't seek comfort from their friends, Hu Tao proved herself very possessive. They weren't even allowed to have pets, as not even the doves that nested on their window were safe. The only person they had available to talk with was Death itself. Thankfully, she was very happy to oblige.
And that's all they did. Talk. Hu Tao never touched them, she only talked. She didn't have to sleep or eat, so she was always around, meaning there was no escape from her presence. The stress started catching up with reader, every day they got weaker and Hu Tao's wicked smile got wider. Until one day they found their answer. A potion. A potion that could grant eternal life.
Hu Tao looked emotionless as she watched the alquemist boast about their creation, banishing her for all eternity from their life. But as soon as they drank the potion, her smile came back and turned into a grin.
"I knew I picked the right human to keep me company."
She said coming closer and closer, coming face to face with the alquemist that was now afraid that their potion didn't work.
"Aya, it worked just like you and I wanted."
She kissed the alquemist, who noticed their mistake as soon as the light didn't vanish from their world.
It's not... written that well x.x it's 2 AM and I had to share this ASAP before it went away. I hope you liked it! And happy new year ^^
*Flops onto bed*
-Lime anon
anon i am actually so sorry this took me forever but the idea was so good i couldn't just leave it blank. happy new years and i hope you n ur fam are all healthy!!
content warnings: DEAD DOVE, threats/talks about death etc
"Where are you going?" Her saccharine voice takes on a mocking undertone. Daring. Challenging. I dare you to run, goes unsaid.
"Away." You mutter, packing a small bag of food and money. Enough to last a week, tops. But after, you'll have to figure out…
"What, from me?" She laughs, twirling her hair idly. "Do you know how silly you sound, right now?"
You do, actually... Your expression sours even more, if that were possible. "I don't care. I'm leaving."
"You're such a child. Running away when things don't work out." 
Your movements freeze coldly and yet your heart bursts into angry flames. Turning around, you muster the most furious glare you can. "I'll have you know that I am a Dastur and a honorable graduate from the Sumeru Akademiya. I don't do 'running away'."
"Was," She emphasizes and your lungs seizes itself. "But they didn't like you all that much after your little stunt, did they, doctor?"
There's not much you can do, back pressed firmly against the door while she crowds your personal space like she always did until you suffocate. You can do nothing but clutch helplessly at the little bag. "Even all those needy little villagers demanding your medicine- they weren't one bit grateful, am I right, or am I right?" She taunts, fingers now tracing your neck, a gesture that should've irreversibly rotted your skin on contact if it weren't for your self inflicted curse. But instead, your body fights with everything to undo her damage, causing a low throb.
It's… true. Your initial enthusiasm about your research as soon as you had graduated was met with scorn and dismissal. And when you pushed for funding, they kicked you out. The word of the Akademiya was worth more than the lives you've improved. No one would shelter a Dastur driven out by the Elders, and you had to rely on your own plant knowledge to survive the first few days with roots and leaves until you figured out how to hunt. 
Family and friends were scattered a across the world. You'd have a better chance getting back into the Akademiya than saving enough mora to book a cramped vessel back to your humble hometown. 
"Forget them." Hu Tao coldly implores as she struts around your shabby office like she owns it. "The moment your family finds out that you've been kicked out, they'll just leave you like everyone else. You know that better than anyone." 
"Don't talk so high and mighty. I'm sure they'll understand, they…" They what? Yes, you're fully aware that you're the pride and joy of the family for making it into the Akademiya. You've heard your parents telling your siblings to look up to you. If you returned without honor…
"They'll understand…" Your movements remain frozen, gaze fixed on the doorknob with the intent to leave, yet you do nothing. “They will.”
“They won’t. And even if you think they do, I’ll show you the truth.” She inches towards a dying plant sitting by your windowsill. It’s barely hanging onto life from neglect ever since you started focusing all your energy into your research. Her fingers gently grace a petal, and almost instantly, the remaining greens wither, granting your plant what you can no longer achieve. “I know you’re smart enough to know what I’m getting at.”
This had been the most direct Hu Tao has ever uttered a threat to your face. Even if your mother and father and siblings welcome you with open arms, you could no longer risk their lives for your own selfishness.
“It was fate that we met. I would know, because I’m always at the end of the line for everybody.” She continues, cruel and callous. “But you. It was your fault that you’re in the state that you are. If you had obeyed your orders instead of pushing for more, maybe you’d be basking in glory instead of living in this little shithole.”
She’s right. If you hadn’t pushed for funding. If you hadn’t conducted illegal, self-inflicted experiments. If you hadn’t-
“They’ll all push you away, in the end. But me? Baby, you know I’ll stay no matter what.” Now she’s back where she was before, almost pressed against you, trapping you with the door of your abode. Despite how annoying she’s been, she’s stuck with you at your lowest, and now you’ve reciprocated by rendering yourself immortal. “Why won’t you say the same to me? Why are you running from the inevitable?”
She’s right. It’s right.
Death doesn’t discriminate. It’ll take everything, regardless of circumstance. 
You’re no exception.
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arzuera · 11 months
Challenge! 20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @tathartiel!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
22. Though It would be 38 if you included all the individual one-shots in the two one-shot booklets.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
729,435 words. Which is a lot more than I was expecting! I never looked that up before.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, DPxDC mainly. I used to write for Undertale and I have written for the Rune Factory series.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Robin's Egg with 14,291 kudos. It's, by far, my most popular on AO3. Though if we bring other Fanfic websites then The Call of a Mute Heart will be the top.
Summary: While out on nightly patrol, Robin finds a very injured Danny Phantom who is about to be forced back into his core. Now that the ghost boy is entirely defenseless, how is Damien going to protect the core from others? And even harder… how is going to keep Phantom's existence unknown to his family?
"Safe" House with 4767 kudos. This is surprising to me because this is just a 2 shot that I wrote on a whim. I didn't realize it was so popular.
Summary: Tim and Damian help Jason move safe houses. What was that in the backroom?
Rehoming with 2,607 kudos. Again, this is surprising. This is basically a one shot since I haven't finished part 2 yet.
Summary: Justice League cherry picks the Fenton research on ghosts and treats them like semi-'sentient' beings.
So Many Stars with 1,626 kudos. This one is my one shot booklet so this isn't so surprising.
An Envoy for a Night with 1,570 kudos. This is also a one shot and the first time I wrote an anger management fic.
Summary: Jazz attends a Justice League party as Danny's envoy. Chaos ensues.
5. Do you respond to comments!
I do try but it's hard. Robin's Egg gets a lot of comments and I love every single one! I'm constantly refreshing to see anything new in my inbox! But considering it can get a few hundred every chapter, it's hard to respond to every single one individually. But I do read them all and I appreciate all the love you give the fics I write.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm.... I guess, since it is currently on hiatus, Stay. It's literally about a suicidal main character who is trying to find themself in a new world with humans and monsters.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That has to be either "Safe" House or That's How the Story Goes. Most of the stories I write end happy. So I'm rating on HOW happy.
8. Do You Get Hate on Fics?
Yes, I do! For a while, there was an anon that was trolling the dpxdc fics that a lot of my fellow authors deemed the 'fetish' Anon. They would go to dpxdc fics and write a hate comment about how the author was fetishizing something or other in the fic when, if they read the fic, it never happened. This was the one I received on Robin's Egg:
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Of course, none of this actually happened in the fic but it was just general trolling hate. Then there were the 4-5 anons who trolled me on AO3 AND Tumblr by demanding I write something the way they wanted too. Then the classic, YOU DIDNT WRITE THAT CHARACTER WELL!
It's been pretty calm for a while (knocks on wood. throws salt over her shoulder) but I have certainly seen my fair share of hate.
9. Do You Write Smut? If So, What Kind?
I do but none of you will see it~
I do not have that kind of courage.
10. Do You Write Crossovers? If So, What's The Craziest One You've Written?
The only crossover is DPxDC for me. I read a lot of crossovers, at least when I was more active in the Undertale fandom. Writing? DPXDC is the only one.
11. Have You Ever Had A Fic Stolen?
I have actually. My fic The Call of A Mute Heart, when it was still in the process of being written, was stolen a total of 5 times across various fanfic websites. Lemme tell you, it was hard trying to get it taken down on the websites I didn't have accounts on. I had to prove that I had the older files and everything x.x
12. Have You Ever Co-Written A Fic Before?
Yes! It's called Contractual Obligations and I was teamed up with @tathartiel for Invisobang. It was a lot of fun! Despite our different writing styles, we were really in sync in what we wanted to do and how we wanted to write it. Its a DPxDC fic where Ghost King Danny finds out he is the son of John Constantine by a demon trying to claim his soul via a soul contract. So now Danny has to make this thing void or else the Infinite Realms is in danger.
I will co-author with Tathy as many times as she wishes because it was so much fun working with her and we are already joined up to write a fic for another event.
13. What's Your All-Time Favorite Ship?
I don't really have a favorite but I do like a good Anger Management fic. I like to read lots of different ships though because its all in how its written, for me, if i will like it or not.
14. What's A Wip You Want to Finish But Doubt You Ever Will?
Anything on my Undertale list that's unfinished. I've tried going back to them. I really have but the spark isn't there anymore, unfortunately.
15. What Are Your Writing Strengths?
Mmmmm I guess my ability to make a conversation last for an entire chapter without it getting boring or repetitive. At least, from what I have been told. Sometimes exposition needs to happen but if done wrong it can bore or turn off a reader. Yet, I've only ever heard good things for the chapters that involve them.
16. What Are Your Writing Weaknesses?
Smut. No further elaborations~
17. First Fandom You Wrote For?
Technically, it was FairyTail but my true immersion into fandom was Undertale. I'd never been actively apart of a fandom until then and I still have fond memories of writing The Call of a Mute Heart every week, waiting for people to read it.
18. Favorite Fic You've Written?
You would think I would say my two biggest fics Robin's Egg or The Call of a Mute Heart but my favorite fic is It's a Case! for Rune Factory 4. I had so much fun writing it and tried my hardest to make it feel like a cutscene from the game and from the people who read it, I think I succeeded.
Now who should I tag... hmmmmmmmm.... @gilbirda and @susiron i would love to learn about you two :3
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nyanbinary-perineum · 5 months
!!! hiii red im back fjkdnsjg
can i ask what your favourite games have been lately? any you'd recommend? ^_^
Kind of a mess lately hehe
I guess one of the games I'm currently playing comes close to favorite- but most of my faves aren't things I'm currently playing :3
Lately it's been a good amount of Helldivers 2, but I'm slowly creeping away from it because my playgroup has moved on and solo / randoms is not the most fun way to play x.x
I do really love that game though ^.^
Recommendations are hard 🤔 Because I usually try to gear them around what I know the other person can play, otherwise I'll be spouting all kinds of random nonsense 😅
I guess I can throw random names and my explanations out there with zero regard for anything >:3
With the release of Monster Hunter World the series got a LOT of exposure that it rightfully deserved.... and that Capcom quickly converted into microtransactions and content skimping >:(
But a lot of people still haven't given the "old gen" monhuns a chance and I truly do believe they are missing out :3
Finding the means (emulators exist though citra getting into hot water makes that slightly more annoying) to play is worth it-
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
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THE best monhun with the perfect amount of content, the only actually good single player that balances silly and serious to be worthwhile to not mash through the dialogue (but you can!), 10/10 unique features, and the best end game of any monhun because it's just plain rewarding and fun and gives you more than enough to do until you feel sated :3
Nier Automata
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if someone wants to dwell on life and existence and sentience and cry a lot in between fun hack and slash gameplay.
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if you want to cry through a story involving the best characters ever, the best friends around, love them so much, beautiful story and great gameplay and 💜 Also Omocat is from all accounts I'm aware of, kind of a shithead, so take that grain of salt.
I'm not calling it based on their use of problematic terms years ago that haven't come up since but keep getting dragged out as "Proof!" but rather because other people who worked on the game have come out saying "Yeah, that was a really toxic environment like holy shit" so I'm more on about that. Game itself good :3 Situation makes it hard to recommend despite being something that hit my heart so hard :/
Wario Land: Shake It!
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is quite possibly THE best wii game I've ever played. The Wii has so many fucking industry defining masterpieces in it but no one ever brings up Shake It and Shake It was maybe the most fun I've ever had in a traditional 2D platformer. AND THE CHARM! THE FUCKING CHARM!!!!! Literally smiling just thinking of that game it's so good.
If anyone considers themselves a fan of pokemon as a whole and wants to try an interesting take on the genre that's a lot more
"Team Building > In Battle Actions"
"Pre-planning and letting it play passively > Active decisions"
Then PLEASE try Dragon Warrior Monsters or Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 for the gameboy color ;-; It's one(ish, I'm counting 3 games as 1 game since 2 has 2 versions lol) of my favorite games ever ;-;
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Uh, I usually don't recommend it because so few people who say they are into tactical RPGs are talking about the same thing I'm ever talking about (instead always referring to like, Fire Emblem, which has fantastic tactical gameplay especially on harder difficulties but has never once scratched the particular itch *I* have for the genre because of-)
Final Fantasty Tactics (Or War of the Lions for the PSP version)
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FFT is quite literally my favorite game. I've played it through so many times and plan to do so again in the future. It has a very quality remake that is mostly positives with only minor negatives (some complaints to be had on additional content that was added and 'some' translation changes have bothered me but it's really good!).
The sequels are...... Very Different Games both in mechanics, intended audience, and style. I spent almost every year I've been on this earth saying they suck ass, but after having beaten both of them for my game blog and sitting on it for a while after (a necessary part of the process) They Aren't That Bad. FFTA is not a game I would recommend, but FFTA2 has some stuff to offer that I would inch towards recommending. Neither are considerations for this list though.
Here's everyone's reminder to play Chrono Trigger if you haven't, if you play with your mind on and your eyes open you'll spot so many incredible things from impeccably designed encounters to incredible mechanics to incredulous story telling >:3
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Hmm. I did take this opportunity to instead yell a lot of normal or well known things instead of all my niche ideas but I uh... I really can just talk about games for the rest of my life and never get bored, just turning my head 30 degrees will show me 300 more titles to ramble about so I thought playing it a little safe was a good idea :P
Uh, y'all heard of Undertale or Deltarune? Thems pretty good gaming.
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technodromes · 7 months
Morty fidgets with the box in his hands. He has picked a paper with punk decorations to wrap it, thinking that it would be fitting his friend's tastes, but now he's starting to wonder if he should have picked something less...flashy. He's never been too good with gifts. He does his best to make them as thoughtful as possible, but that's not always enough. He has sort of made peace with it, yet he can't help being anxious in this particular occasion. Bebop and Rocksteady are the first cool people who have openly welcomed him in their gang and he wants to impress them. Well, stalling won't help him. So, he takes in a deep, calming breath and approaches the mutant. "Uh, h-hey, I mean...Hi," he stutters out, mentally cringing. Great, he's already making a fool of himself. "S-So, Rocksteady mentioned that today would be your birthday an-and...I thought that I should get you, uh, something." And with that, he hands out the gifts. Under the paper there's a slick, dark purple box, a little casket holding a collection of selected music albums. They are shaped like small, flat squares and they are obviously not from Earth. "Y-You can listen to them with...well, everything. J-Just set it on whatever device you want to use. T-The thing will attach itself to it an-and...then use the device as you'll normally do." He rubs the back of his neck with a nervous smile. "T-They are...it's alien music, b-but it's basically all rock, punk and similar. I-I hope you'll like it. H-Happy birthday!" [[ Morty for Bebop's bday! || Sorry for the delay, I ended up working super late yesterday x.x ]] @countlessrealities
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[Beedeedledee’s Birthday]
[🎸]   Rocksteady gifted Bebop a vintage set of punk badges earlier which he's already wearing proudly all over his red vest. And, after days of constant begging, Krang finally improved Bebop's arcade station with another bunch of 'brainless' games, as the Utrom would call them. (However, Krang also installed a device into the arcade that might be more than the Mutant bargained for, but that would be subject to another day).
Shredder on the other hand would organize a bunch of Foot Soldiers to leave a huge pile of pizza boxes in the Mutant's abode. It is the Ninja Master's way of making sure the 'giant baby' would stay quiet for a while instead of pestering him all day about going to a funfair for his birthday like every year.
And so, Bebop is stuffing another rolled-up piece of pizza into his snout before turning a curious gaze at Morthy. He didn't really expect any visitors, let alone more gifts. His pointy ears perk up in excitement and he yanks the box out of Morty's hands. "Woah, youse even brought me somethin'? Lemme see what'cha got!" The excitement of getting a gift wrapped in rad-looking papers is overpowering the urge to poke fun at Morty for acting like a shy schoolgirl, despite it lying on the top of the mutant's tongue.
Upon discovering the weird flat squares, Bebop tilts his head in confusion. But Morty's explanation quickly shifts his mood into pure joy again.
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"You mean like N'-sho-v? Damn Morty, we listened to that in one of those weird spaceships. Idunno where they came from, but that sound was fuckin' rad. Rock an' I named our dinosaur after it. That's remindin' me, YOU still need a gang name too, because 'Morty' ain't it! Youse know what? I go get Rock an' then we listen these babies together! Maybe we find somethin' that's fittin' you!"
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 29: Safe Spaces
Alignment: 105% Bottom Only --- I'm not comfortable doing this one for others
By now we're kinda out of "this is hot" and I'm just writing about things I think are cool. This one may be one to skip if you're following this for scene ideas and stories of things I've done with trance.
A lot of inductions, especially with older files, have you imagine a safe space. A relaxing and gentle calming place.
Therapists also do this for EMDR work which-- is uncomfortably close to hypnosis in my experience--
The idea is to turn a piece of your soul into a location of softness and tranquility and I've always found a lot of interest in that. Like a lot of folx who I get close to in the hypnosis community that I feel safe asking, I ask them to describe their place.
That is a super private thing and I will not even elude to what people have told me.
But it makes me smile. Like I get to see a piece of them.
It lets me know what they find enchanting and soothing. How they visualize safety and comfort.
Then you can ask little questions.
What do you do there?
Are there any smells to this place?
What time of day do you picture it as?
Are you alone?
Are there ambient sounds?
Though maybe phrase a little less leading? I dunno. I'm not good at guided hypnosis. I just know if you say "is there music in the air?" people will hear music because you put the idea in and if you ask "Focus on your sense of hearing, really take notice of the space. Is there anything you can notice?" then at least you're asking input.
Huh? I guess I do know my stuff. Just not performative.
I'll talk about my place in a bit but I wanted to say it has always smelled of coffee. Goddess and my former partner used to guide me through "refreshing the grounds" when I needed a boost.
The reason it's not a Miss Dawn special or anything is that when you're in someone's most precious imaginings it's difficult to tread lightly.
If you raise attention to how someone internally perceives themselves in that space, it could lead to dysphoric feelings. You could introduce new elements.
Like I don't mean to be all Inception or anything. But my space has been a consistent location for over 2 decades at this point. More than half my life the same space has existed in my mind. That kinda means any changes made in that area are important and stick.
Which is a lot of responsibility.
Fuck... I could only dream of having a place I call home for a single decade. Let alone 2. This space has been more a constant than my literal homes. Though I carry them with me.
I am so so off topic right now x.x
Maybe I should just talk about my experiences outright, then--
My Safe Space is... private and I have complicated feelings about it.
To date only 3 people other than therapists have been allowed to explore it or make changes and only one - my Goddess - has been allowed to be visualized within that space.
Until Goddess made that request, understanding the importance of this next sentence, I had never visualized anyone else in that space.
Sometimes animals from memories or imagination but even then with great discomfort.
99% of the time nothing that exists outside of my head is allowed in that space. It is hallowed ground in my mind.
The person who helped me build it abused me and hurt me. I don't want to talk about that. But I think it's important that I note it. A part of him is in the walls. There's an area that is sealed off with yellow security tape and I haven't been in that area since I was a teenager. Like a scar on my soul that I cannot escape. Goddess once asked to remove it. I like the reminder. I like the feeling of power I have over knowing it. Knowing I sealed it and him out of my life.
So... edited within the realm of privacy--- I just wanna describe some things:
It's built from memories and emotional connections to those memories. It's always night there and the sky is the sky I saw at a precious friend's home in North Wales back in 2005.
There's a camp fire that has taken on attributes from a certain backyard fire pit in recent years.
My safe space itself is a log cabin. I call it The Lodge. The person who knows why isn't with me anymore.
There's a hidden room behind a bookcase that leads to the "Room of Doors" which is a staple from Goddess' hypnotic files.
A recliner I picture myself trancing in when I am asked to imagine myself in trance.
A little kitchenette with a coffee nook that fills the place with the scent of coffee.
There are two doors and--- the blocked off area---
One leads to the bedroom and one leads to the basement.
The basement is full of bedrooms.
The bedroom will select one of those bedrooms and it will be a place of comfort. Every one of these is a place I've called home.
I have never worked out why that is there. But it is.
Minds are weird.
Sometimes cats from my married life are there. Most of the time they're not.
I don't want to describe the main floor, the colors, the way it feels, how I feel there. That's more than I feel comfortable being open about. But I really love how firm and stable it has become. How even after all these years it's still the same room.
Sometimes it's nice to have consistency. I don't have a lot of that.
If you've never done it. Really take a minute to think about yours. Really build a place you can feel is a part of your soul to rest in.
Not gonna lie? It's pretty great!
Day 28: Adoration
Day 30: VR Helmets
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 35 - apple cutting
I had a hard time with this episode first time around, especially because there is so much rambling at the beginning.
"He looked to be in his late teens, I’d guess." - This is how I narrow down Gerry's age. What's late teens? Teens go from 13 to 19. 16 would be middle, so he's definitely past that, so let's assume 18? maaaybe 17? We don't have a date of the event, but usually it's not more than a year before the statement is given. MAG 35 is given in 2002, so let's assume 2001 date of event? Can't be older than 2000, cause that's when Mastodon was formed. So Gerry is born in circa 1983/1984? That's about the estimation I like to think of^^
"He was dressed all in black, with heavy looking boots and a T-shirt with the logo of some band emblazoned on it, Megadon or Mastodon, or something like that. His hair was long and greasy, almost down to his shoulders, and looked to be dyed almost the same black as his clothes." - Metalhead!Gerry! He canonically listened to Mastodon as a teen, that is a metal band. If he's only half like the metalheads I used to hang out with, there is almost no chance he would listen to MCR. Thing is, he does have this trve edgelord vibe to him when we hear him, but I don't think he's as toxic as most of the metalheads are/were? (like holy shit, they can be toxic, that's why I said "used to"). He sounds like he's masking playing this act of hardboiled guy, but is genuinely kind and good and intelligent. So I'm not completely ruling it out, and by god, go for whatever hc you like, always! But generally, the whiny tone of emo as well as these depressing, over the top emotional themes are just something that I have seen very few of my metalhead or goth friends be into. I've been a metalhead/goth for… (oh god, I'm old) 18 years now (x.x), I did listen to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge when it came out (still have the CD!) and I was super alone with this xD (Didn't like the slight style change in Black Parade, so I abandoned them then). AAAAANYWAY Fear Factory (I mean, come on, that band name!) is the perfect band for Gerry imo and this is the hill I will die on!! xD
From this episode I did remembered very well later on, that Leitner was Norwegian.
Leitner seemed like a real asshole in that episode as well.
"Alf kept asking Rachel if the corridor was getting narrower, and every time, she would dutifully measure the width and inform him that, no, it was exactly five feet wide. I couldn’t blame him, really, I’ve never had any sort of claustrophobia, but I was finding it hard, at points to catch my breath, to dismiss the feeling that the walls were pressing on me." - Buried tunnel. Also that is a concept Jonny really likes, it seems? MAG 41, MAG 50, now, Caroline in 13 Storeys also measures the hallways.
"We came to a crossroads. Or, more precisely, a star. The chamber was small, round and featureless, but there were doorways leading out in a circle. I counted thirteen, not including the one we had come in from." It was only this May when I realized that each passage was dedicated to an Entity xD
"The “kid”, who I think it is reasonable to assume is none other than Gerard Keay, remains just as impossible to contact as he ever was. " - that is a weird way to say that they couldn't reach someone because they're dead... Always struck me as odd.
God, I love Breekon & Hope! Recognized them immediately^^
It's an episode I often forget about until it happens.
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sophierequests · 2 years
hi, love! i hope the link works this time and thank you for letting me know something went wrong with it before :)
here it is!
reading + reacting to my friends' fics // all the time in the world - zoya nazyalensky
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it worked!! thank you for sending it again, i was majorly confused when i didn't find the link in your first request x.x
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live reaction:
zoya zoya zoya
have i ever mentioned that i am a lesbian and so down bad for her?
because i am and i need everyone to know
is that an enemy to lovers trope i smell
very queer of you
oh no, a corporalki
is that a 10 things i hate about you reference??
not in this way?? oh??? I-
flirting through insults <333
a ball!!! i repeat, a ball!!
a blue dress?? 
i wonder why ;))
sdkhgfkjsdhg yes
oh enemies to lovers AND jealousy my god
‘that thing’ i died
having a private chat ohoo ;))
elliot is zoya’s numer one enemy
confessions confessions confessions 
awwwwwwwwwwww, that was so cute jsdghjkd
my favourite lines:
– Good morning, Zoya! - the very well known voice echoed through the hallways of the palace and Zoya rolled her eyes without even bothering to check who was talking. - Made anyone cry today?
– No, but you can be the first. - the general answered, fighting the urge to send the girl flying out the window.
-> i understood that reference
– Aw, darling, we both know you can’t make me cry. - Y/N continued, stopping right in front of the other girl, smoothly resting her hand on her shoulder. - Not in this way, at least…
-> and i oop-
– Zoya. - Y/N called, her voice sweet as honey and Zoya knew she shouldn’t stop. Yet, she did it anyway. With a smile on her lips, Y/N simply said. - I’ll be wearing blue.
-> dshkjfdshfdkjh
Blue was Zoya’s color and Y/N was clearly making a statement. She was claiming something and Zoya was afraid of discovering what but, at the same time, the idea of seeing her wearing something that was hers, even if it was just a color, was doing something to her. And she was hating every damn minute.
-> yes yes yes
She was absolutely perfect and she was flirting with a guy.
-> zoya is not amused
– Zoya! - the girl said, taking a step back and thankfully putting some distance between her and that thing. - You really came!
-> 'that thing' THE WAY I CHOKED
It was Zoya’s turn to smile, and she did. A big, bright smile that had nothing to do with the scaring general Nazyalensky, but everything to do with the Zoya that was in love with the most annoying human on the planet. Her Y/N. She didn’t waste any other second before wrapping her arms around the girl’s waist, pulling her close before closing the distance between them, kissing her with passion.
-> dahbgdsaljhgdsljhg
final review:
as soon as you pulled out the enemies/rivals to lovers card you had me hooked. also, jealousy?? loved it. it was so good!! i just really can never say no to a good zoya fic lgdhjd
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coralsgrimes · 1 year
I find it amusing that no one has called BB on obviously trying and failing to rewrite the last few years in interviews recently. He knows everything that’s been said since the Jules mess started and now he’s quietly trying to make excuses. Everyone assumed JH and her besties talked him into the album, but all of a sudden he’s open about it being his mother pushing him to do it— which I figured, anytime he gets pensive and serious it’s about his parents. Talking about watching a “vibrant friend” go through a low period after a breakup. The best one was him talking about a family vacation, and casually dropping that he “hadn’t been on a mountain or ski trip in at least a decade.”
August and Christmas blew up in his face, and he needs to look like nothing was ever going on, so this Peyton girl pops back up practically out of of nowhere. Why doesn’t he just get a PR manager and save himself the trouble
So first, all his career all he says are excuses and pre-rehearsed stories. It's not new but it became very fucking obvious lately is all
Next, who is the everyone who 'assumes' that fairy queen and her crowd (also kind of Benny's crowd xd) talked him into the music? Like this is first time imma hearing this? Thought the story is that his overblown ego, fangirls, unemployment blues and finally the yes people he surrounds himself with were the factors? and obvi the blessing from momma too lol not like them pushing him. He was pushing, everyone was looking at the trainwreck....
Thiiiiiiiird, ye like he was kinda off hand dropping what the inspiration was for the EP, then everyone sniffed sum shite so he started to change the story in real time. Like we all know, everyone and their neighbor dog aunt knows lol cuz we witnessed in live like?
Can't remember anything about him saying he wasn't on a lil trip but ima not interested in listening to him sooooooo also montana never happened like ye seen pictures? yer problem cuz Benny said it never happened ye gotta live laugh love with that x.x
And miss P is around FOR YEARS, she just got a pass outta basement lately and honestly still can't figure out why?
And he not getting PR team cuz he is a renaissance man with a useless degree and also an empath so he can manage on his own lol also why does he needs them for? he has no job? no one cares about him in the big world? theres only his established fans, half of which will protect him with their lives and the other part that would shit on him but forget about his misstepies in two to four weeks if he pops them two top buttons or gets cutesy with Jessie lol
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light-lanterne · 1 year
so, fun fact: exactly one year ago i started writing "the darkest eyes". i wrote most of the first chapter in one sitting (ending up around this time), then finished the rest of it throughout the week and, as you know, posted it on the 29th. as excited as i am working on other stories and concepts, this one is still my favourite and i fully intend to finish it (as soon as i can bring myself to do it).
now, not so fun fact: exactly one year ago, at this very time (at the moment i'm posting this), my dad left our apartment to go to work and then never came back. as far as i know, he died soon-ish and i can only hope it was as painless as possible.
,,,so yeah, if you ever wonder why it's been taking me so long to get chapter 7 out and all that, it's because once reality sunk in and it became clear that i'm not ever going to see my dad again, i could only associate the story to my dad's disappearance and it became increasingly harder to work on a fic that's all about hopper being a paternal figure to mike.
so there's that.
please, don't get me wrong, though. i don't feel sad or upset whenever i open up my file. i don't even feel particularly upset right now, as i'm writing this.
for what it's worth, i'm okay-ish.
i just,,, can't focus on anything as i write. dissociation aside, all i can think about in moments like these are old memories with my dad that i'd rather not discuss lest i start crying. or the fact that i barely have photos of the man (let alone recordings,,, i'm already forgetting his voice). or the obvious fact that i wish he'd been here to eat some of the chocolate cake i made a year ago for when he came back, just like the one i made earlier because i got bored and i wanted something sweet.
(funnily enough, my cakes keep splitting in two when i remove them from the pan. that hasn't changed in a year >.< )
but yeah. it's a struggle to write that one story and i can only hope it gets easier before we hit the end of the year because i do not want this story to haunt me for years to come x.x
ultimately, i'll be okei. i'll get the story done at some point, and then i'll finish the rest of my other wips and my graphics and get rid of this byler brainrot i've been stuck in for the past year, and hopefully you guys will continue to enjoy whatever i put out whenever i do it.
just maybe not today.
today i eat chocolate cake and watch silly stuff and maybe do a couple graphics if i get the energy for it, okei ?
hope that's okay with you guys.
now for something fun,,, below the cut you will find the last photo i have of me and my dad alone. neither of us has ever been fond of self-portraiture so uh,,,
yeah. derpy baby face it is.
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anyway, thanks to everyone who's been keeping me company today and throughout the year. it's really helped :]
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not-poignant · 1 year
I’m super intrigued by the worldbuilding in the Underline version of omegaverse! Are the websites Nate was reading about heats correct in their reasoning for omegas having heats? How much is the science skewed by bias against omegas?
Not me completely forgetting what I wrote and having to go back and double check so I can answer this probably x.x I would never
All right, you have hit the nail on the head though - there is absolutely scientific bias against omegas! So there's some truth, and some emotional judgement which is absolutely a sack of shit.
Let's look at what Nate finds when he researches this:
This was what heat was, the clouding of his mind, the haziness, the drive to be with someone stronger who would protect him. He used to research it once, because what was even the point of something that drove him crazy? But it made sense once he read about it. Omegas were physiologically the weakest and went into heat to compel or hypnotise alphas into protecting them and looking after them. The articles he'd read made it sound like a trick that omegas pulled, their scents and bodies changed, and alphas had to act, needed to do something about it. Even now, Nate felt manipulative. 
The statement 'omegas were physiologically the weakest' is a scientific judgement that's based purely on raw muscle size and ability and clearly comes from a world that privileges muscular strength (i.e. alpha strength) over hormonal strength (I would argue that anyone who falls / is leveled by an omega's hormones is not necessarily the 'stronger' one, and that it doesn't need to be about strength in the first place).
The statement 'The articles he'd read made it sound like a trick that omegas pulled (and) to compel or hypnotise alphas into protecting them' - strongly suggests that these articles are being written by alpha scientists who probably resent the fact that they're drawn to omegas, or that omegas in heat influence everyone around them. It also makes it seem like having to give into the hormonal urge to protect an omega is a burden, and not something that alphas take advantage of all the time to hurt or harm omegas. Omegas are positioned as unfairly manipulative, almost. This isn't fair scientific inquiry, it's strong bias against omegas, using research to justify it.
Nate could find more fair research articles, but he's not as likely to find them, because they're not as common, and they're not the commonly held views. The research articles that Temsen and Gary for example are publishing are very different to this tonally, but, they're not going to come up in the top search results. They're not going to be cited most on the Wikipedia page.
There are kernels of truth. Biologically, omegas secrete pheromones that encourage alphas to form strong bonds of partnership with them, to protect them (for omegas with uteruses, to specifically protect them during conception through to birth and beyond as well). But making judgements on this using weasel words like 'weak' or 'hypnotised' etc. is not particularly in the spirit of being fair or accurate!
I would compare the scientific representation to how women were represented in science in like the 50s and 60s, maybe a little beyond. There's inaccuracies, there's not enough research into the omega body, there's not enough appreciation that omegas are regular people who deserve equality, equity and basic human rights access to at least the same degree as alphas etc. And any articles suggesting otherwise are indicative of changes to come in the future, but are currently ahead of their time.
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