#((I also just. want to put faith in the writers- yknow? /hope/ to
undercoverxs · 2 years
mik09to: YO this is so cool!? i love finding little nuanced tidbits like these that often get glazed over when translating, they really speak so much personality that can say the world about a character... thank you for sharing, i'd love to read more in the future! and if you have anything on mikoto especially... 👁 i am all ears.
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(( they really do........... always happy to find more who appreciate these things >:33
I’ve been working through them more or less in order, and only just got to Mikoto, like. literally the other day. I’m very afraid to try making sense of these words tbh. But I can say that........ it’s... difficult??
okay listen so. “If I could laugh, if I could back, I’d play dead even though I’m alive, right?”   -- That’s.. it works, and it’s what the officials decided to use, so maybe I shouldn’t over-complicate it. But japanese tends not to use pronouns--  Most of the time, who the subject is is decided by context. But this is a song, and this is milgram song, and context is. hoo boy what is it actually.
the fact is, there’s no “I’ used here.
“if laugh. if return.” (I can’t pin if ‘return’ is in the sense of time or place or something else, either) “playing dead even though alive.”
I don’t know. But here’s what I’m thinking, very possibly over-complicated -- Every song so far (of the first season) has felt at least partially addressed to the victims, or referencing them in some way, or something-- but Mikoto’s at least seems to be entirely focused on himself. But, since this part in the video is the only time we see his victim at all, I’m just. curious? Exactly who is laughing? Go back to what, when, where? Playing dead, isn’t that something one does to avoid actually dying? Does the context suggest “I”, or “you”? Does it ever change? Who’s doing anything here?
What am I supposed to do with any of this?? no clue at all, enjoy
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picnokinesis · 10 months
hello!! :D I asked for a spoilerless preview of 13s seasons a while back on anon, and your answer really got me excited to finish my rewatch!! took me a while because uni doesn't allow for binging the way high school used to, but I just finished season 12 the other day! I've enjoyed chibnall's era more and more the further I got (season 11 still definitely isn't anywhere near my favorite, but liked it a LOT more than I did on my first watch, knowing the foundations it was laying), and I LOVED the first episode of season 13! SO much! I haven't gotten further but I really wanted you to know haha, it's fun, it's exciting, it's got awesome new characters -- I so wish chibnall had gotten into the groove a little sooner, because this is exactly what I hoped his era to be! imagine if we could have gotten 3 full seasons on the same level... ahhhh I'm super excited to watch the rest! especially since several of the episodes you mentioned were your favorites are from season 13 -- and the first episode isn't even one of them!
Ahhhh oh my days hi hi hi!! I am SO so happy that you've enjoyed s12 so much! I think s12 honestly might be one of my favourite seasons of doctor who (although there are a lot of excellent contenders), simply because it just inspired me so much. There's so much to dig into. And yesss I think s11 works a lot better in context of the rest of it, which is super interesting. Actually, honestly, it all works SO nicely as a whole unit, which is super satisfying - to me, at least - but I suppose that hampered it when everything first aired, because we didn't have the whole picture (but also, that is how tv works sometimes ksksk - there were and are a LOT of bad faith viewings of this era, and it makes me so sad because I know that the moment you dig into it you start to realise just how rich this era has been). But yknow, what you say about s11 is interesting, because I do know a lot of people who really love it exactly as it is and always have - there are quite a number of people who got into Doctor Who because of s11, so I think, whilst there are things I don't like about it, I reckon Chibnall did approach it in a particular way with a particular intent - and it worked for some people, but less for others. And like, in a similar vein, I've actually found myself defending Moffatt of all people lately, despite the fact that I really don't enjoy like, two of his seasons, as well as a lot of things that he tends to do. But it's because I think like....hm, I guess I've lately found it really helpful to remember that all the writers are just humans who are putting stories and art out into the world that they want to create, and are sharing it with us - it's never going to be perfect, despite how much we want it to be. And there's always something of value in each era, right? Each of the main showrunners we've had since 2005 have had strengths and weaknesses, and there's something about each era that I absolutely adore. That said, there's definitely value in expecting better in certain degrees - but then you get people making hour long videos about how the show sucks now and I get so tired skskks
BUT YEAH sorry for rambling, your ask just got me thinking thoughts - much more importantly, you've got THE REST OF FLUX TO WATCH ahhhHHH have FUN!! War of the Sontarans is next and oh my daaaaays i love that episode SO much (I literally said as much earlier today and my coworker was like 'yes taka i know you love that episode' SKKSKSKSKSK SO. YKNOW) but honestly I just adore Flux. It's got such classic who vibes - I've started watching some classic lately and it's so funny seeing what inspired a lot of the structure/style of Flux (like the STUPID CLIFFHANGERS oh my days we need MORE of those). So I really hope you enjoy the rest - and the specials too!! Eve of the Daleks and The Power of the Doctor are soooooo much fun :D Please feel free to let me know what you think when you've watched it all, if you'd like to! I'd love to hear your thoughts/what your favourite episodes of thirteen's era as a whole have been! <3
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
Hi, i'm sorry i'm super annoying and I know broken are the faithful is on hiatus and i'm not a writer myself so i don't really know if this is rude to ask and i am sorry if it is... uh do you have an idea for when it might come back? sorry i'm just like really obsessed with ur story and I am so sorry if this comes off as rude!!!
It’s fine! I have experience dealing with hyperfixations so I know the feeling lol. Send as many messages as you’d like, honestly. I’ll definitely say something if it starts to bother me.
Broken Are the Faithful is now on hiatus, which sucks I know. It’s a combination of me being in a different fandom right now and the story needing to be smoothed out a bit. I put it on hiatus cause I didn’t want to keep stringing people along with a ‘maybe soon!’ yknow?
That being said, I’m already getting back into rdr2 and falling in love with Charthur all over again XD. I’d ballpark it at about two weeks to a month (which I know is a lot :( sorry) but that’s honestly just a guess. I can guarantee it won’t take more than two months from now, but other than that I’m just run a bit ragged by other projects, so it’s hard to tell.
I’m sorry you’ve had to wait so long! I honestly didn’t expect to put it on a hiatus, considering how into writing it I was, so it was a bit of a surprise to me as well XD. But also! I adore that fic and I am 100% not abandoning it or waiting more than two months at the longest.
I hope this helps. Sorry I couldn’t give you a better answer :(
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