#((also;;; lowkey some Miss Jackson vibes))
asstroyess · 1 month
saw hadestown last night and knew about it except the like basic summary, heres some things that i loved
- Everyone, including orchestra, toasting together
- (Jordan Fisher’s) Orpheus trying to hold (Maia Reficco’) Eurydice’s hand and missing so she had to scramble to grab his hand
- The show just suddenly starting with the entire cast running in, having a good time, and then the story starting as (Stephanie Mills’s) Hermes begins to narrate and Orpheus and Eurydice run out and back in. Really showed how this is just a tale they tell over and over again
- (Tara Jackson’s) Persephone’s entire drunk dance
- When (Philip Boykin’s) Hades gave Persephone a flower the entire audience aww-ed,
- Hades’s crazy deep voice, literally shook my bones
- The Ensemble, in general (especially during scene where finally able to see, all their individual reactions were unique and lowkey made me emotional)
-Orpheus, Hades (and maybe Persephone) harmonizing quickly during a ‘laalalala’ lyric
- Every single time Orpheus sang any version of Epic and all the lights lit up as the ensemble joined, seriously I felt I was seeing into heaven
- The lighting immersing you far into the world with blinding light, absolute darkness, sudden flashes onto characters, etc.
- The stage suddenly just opening up even more??? like what?? and it spinning and going up and down and omg whoever designed this stage is a genius
- the subtle fourth wall breaks that feel like their really speaking right to you
- Persephone death-glaring at Hades from behind Orpheus and Eurydice when he’s deciding whether or not to let them go
- the costume design
- Orpheus just suddenly running in from the audience like two feet away from me
- Hermes both narrating and also being a big part of the story, the one who raises Orpheus and tells him how to get to the Underworld, also being an entire vibe
- (Jessie Shelton, Brit West, KC Dela Cruz’s) The Fates being huge bullies and having a fantastic time doing so
- Everyone singing so beautifully, I know this is a Broadway show, but still!! The harmonies, the solos, the duets, the polyphony’s, going from singing so softly to having a sudden rasp or becoming loud
- Persephone singing a song with Orpheus on the guitar at the end of bows
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imaginespazzi · 6 months
Niviii babes i miss you!! I be filling out my bracket and i need ya babe, gimme some upset picks 😂 Also, be real with me, how far you got uconn going? 👀
Hi babes <3
I'm like the worst person at brackets. I pick the wrong upsets, bet against the wrong teams and always choose UConn to win it all. 😭
However my potential upset picks based on nothing but vibes really:
FGCU upsetting Oklahoma in the 1st round
Fairfield upsetting Indiana in the 1st round (this is wishful thinking but I need this for multiple reasons)
Princeton upsetting WV and then Iowa in the 2nd round (Carla Berube supremacy)
Louisville upsetting LSU in the 2nd round (HVL is giving them fodder and lowkey I never bet against Jeff Walz in March)
Tennessee "upsetting" NC State in the 2nd round (they do this or get blown out like that's just TN for ya)
Duke upsetting OSU in the 2nd round (I don't have a reason other than Sarah Strong needs to see UConn vs Duke)
Vanderbilt/Columbia upsetting Baylor and then V-Tech (based on Kitley not playing and also because I lowkey want either of these teams to make a run)
As for UConn, this is probably one of the best situations that could happen to us. My biggest fear is actually that first round game because Jackson State has three 6'5 players and well...
But other than that, nobody actually feels that hard (famous last words). I don't think we'd lose to OSU again like Paige and Aaliyah would not let that happen. And if it's Duke, well, we're not losing to them. And USC just doesn't move me idk. All that to say that we have a clear issue with defending good guards (look at all our losses) and obviously there's plenty in our region but I'd like to think we've learned. So for now, I have them in my final 4 on a little more than just vibes.
Also: Paige Bueckers
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inimoo · 2 years
actually hot take tho, i think that fnaf could make a good tv show but not a good movie like i've been thinkig and do u think that stranger things could be pulled off as a movie and have it not look like a knockoff of some random 90s sci-fi horror movie?
stranger things and fnaf i think are like in the same ballpark of general vibes and fnaf has just so much to look at. the relationship between the adults in the franchise (Henry, William, their lovers, parents etc.) and then the relationship between the kids and the effects of what happens to them bc of the deaths and missing childrens incident and also just the lore and the idk lowkey romance they could throw in, the trauma, the whole fucking missing children's incident
like srsly u cant put that all into one movie
the percy jackson approach would work best for a lot of series imo: 1983 - the events of sister location in season 1 (but also some flashbacks to give some depth and context yk) then season 2 would be everything before fnaf 6 and season 3 would be, yk, just fnaf 6 and boom the whole fire scene is The End
super simple imo
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery' Liveblog!
Sorry this is a few days late!! I moved across the country this weekend, we drove like 13 hours within 2 days and we did a lot of heavy lifting. I'm exhausted, but the boxes are slowly emptying and I've been wanting to watch this episode so gd bad, so LESGO
Over halfway through the season!!!! That's absolutely surreal
1:11 oooh they're getting their royal fitting
1:22 LMAOO WTF 😂😂 Princess Diaries vibes
1:52 Alfonse is a perfect name for that guy HAHA
2:05 Nathaniel, my guy, you've made some points
2:11 "do you feel your power?" POWER RANGERS, GO
2:24 no no hesitation just prolly thinkin bout how he was caught cheatin
2:39 "can you not allow yourselves luxury?" okay fr I feel that I get Nice Things Guilt(tm) too easily
2:52 dayummmm let's talk about Sticky being a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, mans is brave as fuck under extreme pressure and loyal to the point of putting himself on the line
3:15 bro Sticky getting some recognition. Love to see it, he deserves it
3:19 "is that a coincidence? Or written in the stars?" IS DR. CURTAIN CATCHING ON THAT THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE OR LIKEEEE
4:09 why doess the action of Dr. Curtain putting the sash on them seem so nefarious
4:36 I dont really understand the whole pastel yellow, blue, and pink palette of the school but the boys both look pretty okay in their vest-sash getup
4:42 THE OPENINGGGGG. This shit slaps.
5:41 Kate and Constance look so fucking cute in that shot, dont ask me why but hnnggggg
5:54 sash rope 😂😭 kate, honey, that's a reach
6:09 it might feel buttery, but, my guy, it also looks buttery. It's literally the color of butter. Get yourself some crisco
6:24 I find it kinda interesting that they made up new riddles for the show, I'm almost positive that that one wasn't in the book. Correct me if I'm wrong though
7:03 "I'm not gonna apologize for knowing things" the sass. the ✨confidence✨. living for it
7:03 If they build on that it sets Sticky up really nicely for the arc in the second book where he starts to show off a little
7:15 tiny Constance who is constantly dressed in pink with cute little braids is the perfect medium for the most morbid comments 😂😂
7:55 Martina's hot in her uniform. Can't prove me wrong.
8:15 why does that make me sad 🥺 eat with your friendssss. iirc they only talked about eating at the Messenger table in the books
8:26 dipshits forgot their lunches. Seems Constance is holding the communal braincell atm
8:50 anyone have Guiness on speed dial? Reynie and Sticky have a submission for them
9:25 oh hello this was alluded to in the preview!!! Morse code is compromised, rip
10:05 so are Jackson and Jillson stuck with night guard duty all the time?? They've been outside at night a lot
10:18 ahhhhhh the little blinkie light, stopppp
10:25 so is this the point where he starts staying on the island with them????
10:39 so are they just like "fuck it we'll do it right before sundown" ???? Like Jackson and Jillson are still gonna be on the lookout, they aren't gonna chill just because it's not fully dark
10:50 did the kids.....just not tell them that Mr. Bloom was on the island 😂 nice oversight guys
11:05 remind me to tell you guys a story about Madge, I may or may not have done something irl a few years ago that would make y'all proud 😂😂😂
11:16 idk why but it makes me so happy that they kept Madge as a peregrine falcon
11:37 Rhonda, my love, you have my heart in your hands
11:46 roll credits
12:06 Awww man, I was so excited for Milligan to be on the island .-. He must have been scoping out the inlet
12:07 "they're quite regal" A. I read the subtitles as "legal" the first time and that's somehow really in character for him, and B. IS MILLIGAN GOING TO NAME HER???!? HER MAJESTY???? PLEASE I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH
12:15 his grimace KILLS ME
12:17 the hard cut from Nicholas in a brown setting and brown suit to Nathaniel in a blue setting and blue suit was lowkey striking
12:36 are they looking up Morse code 😳 can you imagine if they wrote down the message and are now decoding it
12:41 omfg all that for a HAT 🙃 I feel stupid
12:51 two things: 1. Those walls are atrocious, and 2. Yeah, talk about Morse code in a louder voice Connie girl, you're just in a public hallway
13:03 I'm sorry but those orange pillar things are not the vibe
13:03 the golden gate bridge called, they want their arches back
13:10 please let Kate climb the tower before the end of season 1. please.
13:22 y'all are about to be flying something else 😎
13:33 cleansing breaths
14:06 what the heck is that teal pole for 😭😭
14:12 blindfold timeeee
I'm so sorry but I'm exhausted, it's 11:30 pm on Sunday night right now, I'll finish this episode tomorrow morning after I get some sleepies
Good morningggg lesgetatit
14:50 "vomit of metal" ashhdjdjd
15:16 a wild Martina appears!
15:36 and if you folks look to your left, you'll see a wild Constance being the voice of reason once again
15:57 "lose the bucket" "I'm not gonna do that" HELL YEAH KATE
16:07 I get not having the bucket on the court lolol, I thought Martina was telling Kate to lose the bucket in general. Like, yeah, good luck convincing her to so that
16:35 show!Kate is much angrier than book!Kate and I'm still deciding how I feel about that. The Kate we've known from the books is a sunshine baby with looots of repressed trauma.
17:03 ......what is that. why is that.
17:15 HI MADGE
17:41 the grand swell in the music makes me think it's going to go comically wrong
17:51 she's majestic because she's a queen 🥺
18:14 Rhonda and Number Two getting at each other is such a sisterly thing to do 😂😂😂
18:37 ohhhhh? Someone's approaching? Miss Perumal perhaps????
19:22 THEYRE SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭😭 I feel like I've been subconsciously starved for her and Mr. Benedict's interactions
19:36 died at that line in the one trailer
20:00 so Miss Perumal pulled a Sherlock Holmes. Love that for her
20:20 Cheri Tupintown??? Of all the aliases they could pick, Cheri Tupintown???
20:33 "Power in Truth Inc" that HAS to be something Rhonda came up with
21:01 you can literally watch Mr. Benedict realize that this is a woman not to be fucked with and he is CORRECT
21:23 "he's fine. Perfectly fine." At this, Mr. Benedict's pants caught aflame.
21:52 something about Constance sitting in on practice!!! It scratches an itch!!!!
22:19 "incorporate the helix. Live in the helix." Lord Helix is pleased with this offering.
22:26 so what I'm hearing is Kate is going to blow up on Constance for messing with the bucket
23:13 unrelated but Jillson'a shoes are cute
23:29 why does this room give off Johnny Depp's willy wonka vibes
24:13 that looks like a chair from a doctor's office waiting room 😭
25:29 they do be egg heads tho
26:02 baby girl, I have no idea why you're crying at weird art but let me dry your tears 🥺🥺
27:27 okay Indiana Jones, go off
27:46 why did that kinda sound like Miss Perumal
28:43 the return of everyone's favorite, "enjoyable"
29:05 not that I'm not loving the ice breaker questions and the one-sided conversation, but I'm not loving it
29:22 oh so we're getting right into it aren't we
29:54 his eyes being open again makes this infinitely creepier
30:36 "where's your proof?" Miss Perumal doesnt fuck around!!!
31:29 you're telling me Constance has been there all day?? And Kate went to find her???? 🥺
31:58 oh so we're getting right to it then?? Kate addressing her independence and trust issues arc????
33:29 NEWS!!!!
34:04 okay, so they opened the murder hole, what are they gonna do now
34:59 Italian? 🤨 m'sir that is so fancy
34:59 fun story I learned Italian diction in college, so I know a little bit
35:16 "take your time" the whisperer says, immediately repeating the prompt to get the answer sooner
35:31 theeeeere it is
35:46 SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHISPERER SAYING "YOU ARE HOME" 😭😭😭 the show really played up the cult shit!!
36:02 Kate being protective of Constance 🥺
36:20 ohhh shit is it time for Connie girl to have double Reynie? Double Sticky?
36:36 STICKY
36:52 "what kind of nonsense?" HAVE THEY NOT ASKED THAT BEFORE THIS?????
37:14 "and your tiny brain can somehow pick it up!!" KATE STOP 😂😂😂
37:16 "I knew you had to be special in some way." WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
37:51 she's right, this is disregard for their safety. The show made Mr. Benedict and his team a lot more back-alley and dishonest, and Miss Perumal has every reason to be pissed
38:30 oh good they finally remembered he has narcolepsy
39:38 and the best mom award goes to:
40:38 I was gonna say that this hallway is how I imagined the KEEP in riddle of ages but then I remembered that (spoilers) the Institute is the KEEP
40:46 oh, hello propoganda
41:10 that's the other person Rhonda couldn't contact, along with Mr. Bloom. This has to be the brainsweeping process
41:22 yeppppp
41:44 this dark doctor's office theme gives me horror movie vibes
42:22 ohhhh, so that's how they replaced that scene where the four of them jump in a crate to hide and Sticky drops his glasses in the open
42:47 and so we've come to the part of the story where Sticky and Reynie become infinitely more conflicted
42:47 and since we've reached that point..... can we have the white knight scene? Pretty please? Please Disney I'm begging you-
43:12 so Reynie just figured that out without Constance? :/
44:03 love the manipulation
44:31 I'm sorry, the farm?
44:35 farm and forest????
45:16 "the Emergency has served its purpose" 😳 well okay then murder man
45:39 "one thought, one purpose" the hive mind rises once more
46:07 "what have you done to earn anyone's trust?" VALID
46:26 "please do!" WHY AM I EMOTIONAL
47:06 "we still have the falcon" that you do 😂
47:19 AYYY HERE WE GO!!! Time for Milligan to stay on the island??
47:49 ohhhh Constance, casual telepath strikes again
48:16 "stop it, Kate!" OOOOHHHHH
48:53 that line ("it would be nice to be unburdened") would be funny as shit if not for the fact that Constance is a telepath unbeknownst to herself and can both subconsciously perceive people's thoughts and hear the subliminal messages
49:20 HI MRS. PERUMAL!!!
49:25 wow, she's really going through with it 😳 not that I doubted her, but still, that's dedication
49:39 OH SHIT
50:17 oh, so he's an asshole to SQ too. Got it. Torches and pitchforks? Ready to kick his ass?
50:40 "for the moment, anyway" FUCKIN WHAT
This episode was really good!!! They covered a LOT. I hope Miss Perumal comes back to the group and talks about her findings, I hope Milligan goes to get the kids and they tell him no, and I hope they get that classic 4-person Society brainstorming and binding time that hits that sweet spot
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy season 17×06 Review
(How the f**k they just gonna leave me on read like this till March 4th)
The episode was a rollercoaster but something tells me the real ride is going to happen from the next episode.
I knew Winston was gonna show up in person at some point or the other. When he dropped the long distance wasn't working line and put the phone down in her ear so he could get some 'eggs' I knew he was in Seattle, good for her she's going to need him to lean on seeing that Mer freaking crashed again. At least she'll have somebody there for her because all her other support is personally attached to Meredith as well.
Besides Winston turning up, treating Tom and her being understandably giddy at Mer being awake there was also a scene where she educated Amelia on some things now I won't get into the details again but I'm just in love with the fact that Grey's isn't afraid to touch on controversial topics, they use their large platform to raise awareness and their speeches are always on point.
(She needed the time off more than Bailey did tbh)
My God was it satisfying when Richard literally just tore into her. She put herself in the situation and is now taking her anger out on others which is really in poor taste. Poor Helm, I hope she didn't take it personally. At this point it's her time to annoy me, I miss the season 6 Teddy, hopefully she redeems herself soon. After being torn apart by Webber's words she then proceeds to make things worst by revealing yet another big secret to Owen at work. (At least this time it was on purpose.) She just needs to take some time away and think on what she really wants and needs to reflect before spontaneously starting potentially life changing conversations. First it was telling Tom they had a chance then it was telling Owen that she still loves him and the kids while also revealing that she named their daughter after not only her best friend but also the woman that she was very much in love with. Pick a struggle Teddy at this point she's seeming confused more than anything else.
For the past few seasons Owen was one of the characters getting on my nerves but lately he's been fine. He hasn't redeemed himself yet but his probation is going fine. Watching this show really shows how good of a person a doctor has to be in order to follow the ethical guidelines. If I had that scum bag for a patient I would have literally just pretended to fail at saving him and let the guy die, (guess that's why the Lord made me suck at Chemistry and Physics) his response to Bob about him being at the devils barbecue was badass, gave me serious season 5 Owen vibes or vibes like when he punched that guy out for disrupting the ER when he was chief, Major Hunt reporting for duty.
As for him and Teddy I can get why he was upset, her he was about to attempt to make amends at probably rekindling a friendship or maybe their relationship and she revels that your daughter is named after her lover, she could have atleast told him that when they were in the naming process, he deserved to know exactly who his child was being named after. I'm kinda a bitch but there was no way I'd feel comfortable having my child named after my partner's lover. On the other hand he should hear her out he has literally cheated twice and both times he sat and was able to share his side of the story and the woman he was with listened to his explanations. Teddy deserves as much, it might hurt but he did the same and Karma unfortunately is still a bitch.
(I just wanted to give her a hug the whole night.)
She has a really unhealthy habit of working through her grief, first her miscarriage and now through the death of her mom. I'm honestly sad that Ben had to be the one to comfort Tuck and tell him his grandmother had even died (she's always so busy, Ben is pratically the one raising him at this point.) And I'm also upset that I haven't gotten to see Ben being there for her either. I'm assuming it might be a protocol on the sets.
At least she took time off of the cases, I understand why she didn't want to go home as a doctor she has the highest risk of transporting the virus, but her mind understandably wasn't going to be in the doctoring game. I really thought they were gonna make her freeze up and accidentally kill a patient or something, but at least they didn't go down that line. And what even happened to her dad? did he take the Covid test? Wheres he staying now? Is he safe?
The conversations between her and Deluca were sweet, it's another unexpected friendship, before the only one she really disclosed any details of her life with was Richard but now they're opening her support group which is fine. I'm also glad that Deluca was able to look past the whole fiasco last season and hold no grudges. She has now fully redeemed herself completely, she's still my all time favorite character but from season 13 to probably mid season 16 she really had some storylines and scenes that irked me to watch and made me question some things, but now she's back on track at least to me.
Also I know that Richard is the chief of chiefs but how are they just gonna let him take back over the surgery unit like that again? I mean I did miss him as chief but now Bailey just basically seems like a regular old surgeon with a fancy office, idk it just seems kinda weird to me.
Not only carrying on the work and teachings of Mark Sloan but also using his boatload of cash to rescue a patient's mother from racist police who should have been the ones actually in prison. That was basically it for him though.
Oml I honestly almost forgot she was even really in the episode. She had so little screen time. She's still in the middle of transitioning to OB. I have no issue with that because OB's still can do surgery, so we'll still get to see her and she'll be happy again plus it's about time that Grey's cashes in that Regulars card on Carina. We see her on Station 19 as an accessory I want to see the Jo and Carina tag team.
Not really much in this episode. No content with Link she just did surgery to save the scum with Owen. They may have made a mediocre couple but they work good as friends. Also I'm assuming she's off of maternity leave now? Did they mention that I'm not sure but she's back now.
Not much of a storyline, he made the decision to put Meredith on the Vent and is busy running the hospital as the chief of the hospital again I guess. And also spitting the much needed facts that Teddy needed to hear.
They're finally showing more of Tom's good side, I mean I always liked him and saw the potential in his character but they never really showed his soft side for a prolonged period like they did today. May I just say I enjoyed his and Meredith's friendly banter they have the same lowkey dark humor and at least it would have taken their minds off of being sick especially for him because he basically has no one else. Hearing him open up about his son and expressing how he'd do anything to hear him say dad again was sad I can only imagine his pain. Meredith was his reason for holding on especially after he had to witness his roommate die from Covid, the same thing he's suffering from right before his eyes and now Mer back unconscious this time with a tube down her throat I'm just really hoping that he keeps the faith, the last thing we need is a death right now.
(God damn it Mer all you had to do was stay awake.)
For a few brief moments all was right with the world Meredith was awake and everyone was happy and then she just had to go be Wonder Woman and over exert herself, but that's the thing they would have probably needed armed guards at the doors to keep her from putting someone else's life above her own, its one of her best qualities and at times one of her worst. I knew it was too good to be true when she was awake and laughing. It was giving me Mark Sloan final episode vibes. They better not kill her off that would be the worst ending for me, what about the kids? Step off the damn beach Mer you've gone through too much to let Covid take you out. On the other hand this gives us more beach scenes. It's more unlikely to have a live character return but there's still lots of dead ones to choose from, her mother is always a likely suspect, Denny loved being on the show and I think Breaking bad had its final season, Mark is a toss up based on how he cut ties with the show and Lexie is also a toss up because she is filming Supergirl in another country, however anything is possible with Grey's. I thought the beach scenes were over because she was waking up but look how wrong I was. All I hope is that they don't kill her off its unlikely because she's the main character but still its Grey's they like to go out with a bang.
I left him for last because to me he really did have the biggest storyline of the night.
Firstly I'm glad to see that at least part of the earliers season's Deluca has returned. I loved him as the passionate, badass and almost cocky guy as well but I always missed his more compassionate and softer side more. I'm glad to see it back and I'm also glad to see that he's taking his meds and resting, and I can confirm that having support is a needed factor in treating mental health. As strange as it was seeing the Bailey and Deluca chat it's good that they both have each other. They both suffer from mental illnesses and can relate to each other on a different level. They have me wondering now if they're going to use his mental health issues as a way to separate him and Mer, or use it as the reason why he pursued her, kinda like how they tried to blame Amelia's tumor for her bad decisions and then used it to break her and Owen up. I guess we'll just have to see where Merluca will go from here or if it will manifest Merhaynes instead.
Now onto the big stuff, the whole sex trafficking thing the whole episode I was literally yelling at the tv for either Deluca, Bailey or Carina to see that bitch, the moment it was connected that the kidnapper was involved in trafficking and she showed up I knew shit was about to go down. My heart was racing when I saw her with Schmitt. I really thought she was going to attack him with how sus she was being, luckily she had to go to avoid further suspicion. They need to put security on those girls' door. They've been through enough. If she goes to finish off Bob then no one cares but the girls don't deserve to go through anything else and Deluca after seeing her decided to go after him himself instead of calling the police, granted the police wasn't doing anything helpful but the last thing we need is for him to go after her himself like Superman and trying to save the day. At least Carina went with him so she can help talk him down if necessary but there's only so much she can do.
There are too many damn superheroes in that hospital.
My questions are:
• Will both Tom and Meredith make it out of the Covid sickness or will one or even both of them die?
• Will Teddy finally make her mind up so that the Teddy, Tom and Owen love triangle can finally have an ending?
• Who the hell is coming to the beach next? And can they tell Meredith to get her ass off of the beach and never return until she's like 80?
• Will Superman, I mean Deluca save the day without needing medical attention afterwards? Or worst yet needing a casket?
• Is Jo actually switching specialties?
• Are they going to go after the girls or kill Bob instead?
• How is it going to go with Maggie and Winston now that he has arrived in person?
• And lastly and most importantly what am I supposed to do with my Thursday nights until March 4th.
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9hwa9joong · 4 years
My Top Songs [2020]
Hi all!
As 2020 comes to an end (thank whatever higher power there is), I wanted to share a list of my favorite songs! (the following are songs RELEASED this year) (I’ve included a list of songs that I heard this year, but weren’t released in 2020, after it). These are mostly korean/chinese.
Alright, this is in NO particular order, just my favorites. I’ve mostly included one song from a group/solo act and added their other great releases in description. It is mostly music that I listened to, so if your favs are not here, feel free to rec me good music! ENJOY!
(the list ended up becoming quite long, so read under the cut)
Black swan(orchestral version) by BTS
BTS had a great year musically. 2 korean albums, 1 japanese and lots of solo stuff. My most played songs are Dynamite (listen, she did what she had to do), Stay Gold (if gold had a sound, this would be it), Black Swan, Blue and Grey (i live for melancholy), Life Goes On (spring day’s successor), Filter(park jimin is a threat), Friends (my feels!), Louder than bombs (TROYE SIVAN), UGH (murder music), 00:00, Moon (jin solos are beautiful always) and Your Eyes Tell (honestly, show me one bad japanese single, i dare you).
Ghosting by TXT
I got into TXT a lot more this year, as opposed to being a casual listener that I was last year. Many people say they have a no-skip discography and I believe it’s true. My most played songs were Blue Hour (i ADORE this song), We Lost the summer, Wishlist, Can’t you see me (the song that made me a stan), Fairy of Shampoo (ethereal), PUMA (choi yeonjun is a threat), Eternally (an ATTACKK!) and their f2020 cover.
Answer by ATEEZ
Ateez is another group i really got into this year, mesmerized by their performance abilities. My most played : Star 1117 (i’m very soft for this song), To the Beat (a true bop), Inception (holy jongho vocals), One day at a time and Good Lil Boy (does hongjoong ever have a bad rap verse?). Their Black Cat Nero cover also blew me away!! (i’m lowkey obsessed).
God’s menu by Stray Kids
I’ve been keeping an eye on Stray Kids ever since hellevator came out and this is my favourite song by them, so far (yes, i had a heart attack when i first saw Hyunjin). Most Played : Back Door (the beat drop gives me life, the choreo is probably my fav), All in, Easy (do they ever have a bad chorus?), GO LIVE (the beat??!! killer), Another Day (i am a slow jam hoe) and My Universe.
Pacman by eaJ   
I didn’t think it was possible to love him more after day6 but Jae’s solo music has proved me wrong. Yes, i love Pillows (with Keshi) to bits but pacman is my first love. Most Played : It just is (Seori and their golden vocals), LA TRAINS (vocals!!!), Pinocchio (the mv is adorable, the beat is so fun), 50 proof (the vibes man, it's the VIBES) and TRUMAN.
Left & Right by Seventeen
Another group with amazing releases this year, I’m slowly getting into Seventeen more these days. Most Played : Fallin’ Flower (so beautiful, the vocals), 24H (the beat change?!!???), 17 (Joshua, DK and Pink Sweats) and HOME;RUN (this is a brand of fun that is entirely their own).
Not by the moon by GOT7
I am no stranger to GOT7, i’ve liked their music for years now but this is one of their more lyrical releases this year and i adore when GOT7 does this type of music. Most Played : Poison (jackson opens it and the vibes are immaculate), Last Piece (the way the vocals flow into the rap) and Thank You, Sorry.
So Beautiful by DPR IAN
This is literally the first song i’ve heard from this artist, please rec me more. I also adore No Blueberries with DPR LIVE and CL.
Eight by IU, Prod. SUGA
IU is an indisputable vocal queen, and her music always comforts me greatly so when i heard she was having a song produced by Yoongi, i promptly lost my shit. It was everything I expected and more and embodies sorrow and pain with great grace. Give you My Heart from the ‘Crash Landing on you OST’ was also a loved song this year.
Cry for me by TWICE
How do i talk about the queens? TWICE is the group i go to when I want fun music with good vibes but this song has such bad b*tch vibes that i am in love. Most played : More & More (a bop), Don’t call me again, I can’t stop me (i love the way it flows), Handle It (the vocals??? How pretty this song is???) and Say Something (seriously, eyes wide open is an amazing album).
Criminal by Teamin
Where do i start with Lee Taemin? I love almost all his solo stuff. He grabbed me by the neck ever since ‘Move’ and hasn't let go. Criminal is SO taemin that i don't think anyone else could have delivered the concept with such grace and grit. Most Played : 2 Kids (the chorus is so good), Clockwork, Idea (i love the vibe) and Pansy (i'm a ballad hoe).
Maria by Hwasa
Listen, i loved Twit when it came out but i love Maria as her sound so much more. Most Played : I’m bad too (feat. DPR LIVE) (i love the beat, the vibe and the flavor), LMM and Orbit from ‘The King: Eternal Monarch OST’ (as soon as her voice comes in, i loved the song).
Breath by DEAN, Rad Museum, Mokyo
I’m not aware of many DEAN releases this year, please feel free to rec me if I missed any.
Dear my friend by Agust D ft. Kim Jong Wan (NELL)
D-2 was everything expected from the second mixtape off Agust D and yet it brought a fresh wave of singing and melodies, once again proving the man’s production genius. This song is so reminiscent in it’s lyrics and still so real, its my favorite off the record.Other songs I loved : People, Deachwita and What do you think? (i DID love the complete mixtape though).
Given - Taken by Enhypen
Yes, I watched  I-LAND. Given-Taken was a better debut then I expected at first. 10 months (the chorus and beat) and Flicker off their debut album were also played a lot. 
I just want to stay with you by Zion.T
The King: Eternal Monarch was a much awaited drama for a lot of people and it’s OST is one of the best ones this year. Zion.T’s amazing vocals really did an amazing job of expressing the love in the story. Other songs I really liked from this album were Gravity by Kim Jong Wan and the Hydrangea Instrumental by Lee Geon Yeong.
The purge by Jay Park, pH-1, Woodie Gochild, Sik-K, and others.
H1GHER: RED TAPE is my hype album of the year. All artists involved did an amazing job. Seriously, get yourself some bomb ass beats, as a treat. Other loved tracks : Telefono Remix (Woodie Gochild is great at his flavour of delivery), Closed Case and The Arrival.
Soul by Lay (zhang yixing)
Yixing’s album LIT was his best project till date, no arguments. He’s really evolved into such a refined musician, especially with how well he merges traditional chinese instruments into Hip Hop/RnB beats and I adore the vibe of this album. Although the album is great entirely, Soul is my favourite for how softly and prettily it flows. Other loved tracks: Eagle (the BEAT), Fly, Boom (bops on bops on BOPS) and Call My Name.
100 ways by Jackson Wang
It is astounding how well Jackson has formed his own style of music ever since starting off with Papillon. He’s also sort of come into himself as an artist and it has birthed some great music. Other loved tracks : Pretty Please (i love the vibe of the song!) and Should’ve Let Go (ft. JJ Lin).
SUGA’s interlude by Halsey 
Idk how else to explain it but Halsey and Yoongi have great music synergy. There’s something about their song/lyric writing that matches very well and needless to say, I adore the song. Blueberry eyes by MAX is also another great Yoongi collab.
In Your Time by Lee Suhyun
It’s Okay to not be Okay had an OST that was dreamy, gritty and very fairytale-esque, much like the drama itself. Among a bunch of great songs, this one is my favourite. Other loved songs: You’re Cold by Heize (always delivers!), Breath by Sam Kim (OST angel), Hallelujah by Kim Feel (chills!), In Silence by Janet Suhh (literally how angelic is her tone??), I’m your Psycho by Janet Suhh (it’s creepy in a dreamy way) and Brother | Her World | Through the dark Tunnel of time | Butterfly - all amazing instrumentals by Nam Hye Seung and Park Sang Hee (seriously, go listen to the album).
By my side by Junny
Another great discovery towards the end of the Year, Junny has vocals for DAYS and admirable delivery. Other loved songs: AURA ft. pH-1, edge (this is so hypnotising in it’s beauty) and I will. Please feel welcome to educate me more about this artist!!
Make a Wish by NCT
NCT always provides bops and NCT U is my favourite sub-unit, for their unique style of music, so when they came out with this song I was ready and they delivered! Most Played : 90’s Love  (the old boy band theme was so well done), From Home (i’m a sucker for slow songs), Nectar (yes, i adore WayV’s music), MAD DOG by NCT 127 and Kick It by NCT 127 (this is the flavour of NCT i LOVE).
Zombie by Day6
Day6 has always been in my daily otations and as always, they put out good music after good music. I loved both the original Korean and the English versions of this song (they do rock well, what else is there to say?). Other loved songs : Tick Tock (oh the vocals, the way the beat moves!), Love me or Leave me, Day and Night... actually the whole Album is great, go listen to ‘The Book of us: The Demon’.
Fearless by Ma Di [other chinese songs]
Chinese songs have been a surprisingly pleasant addition to my daily rotation. Fearless from the “Go Ahead” OST takes the top stop because of how well it embodies the struggles of stepping into adulthood, the melody and MaDi’s amazing vocals. Other Chinese songs I loved: Praise for Red Plum Blossoms by Xiao Zhan (the perfect welcoming of spring paired with  such expressive vocals), Remaining Years by Xiao Zhan (Joy of Life OST) and his OST for the Oath of Love.
The following is the list of songs I heard in 2020, but were not released in 2020. Please let me know if you like them, or if you know other similar music! (I know, I know, I’m late to the game) Enjoy!
DEAN - Sometimes I hear Howlin' in my head 
Zhang Jie/Zhang Bichen - Simple Wish 
Li Ronghao - If I were Young
JJ Lin - What I Miss
Ateez - Mist | Twilight | Wonderland | Say my name | Thank you 
Stray Kids - voices
Seventeen - Trauma
Loona - Hi High
Day6 - Shoot me 
GOT7 - You calling my Name 
RADWIMPS - Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?
Baekhyun - UN Village
Taemin - Goodbye | want
Aquillo - Silhouette
Talos - To Each His Own
Cigarettes after sex (literally everything)
I know this was long, if you read it till the end, I hope you all enjoyed it still.
Have a smooth year in 2021,
-love, c.
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loudmouthcd · 4 years
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✰— 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 , 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ; shutup g .
ANY NICKNAMES?: g is my nickname hee hoo .
PRONOUNS: she / her 
WHAT’S YOUR ZODIAC SIGN?: im on the cusp of cap and sagg i think
MBTI?: enfp 
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S)?:  as many have said . .fleabag from fleabag . scott mccall from teen wolf , oz from buffy the vampire slayer , veronica mars from veronica mars , logan echolls from veronica mars , zuko from atla , manny santos from degrassi, michonne from the walking dead , nellie crain from haunting of hill house , clementine from the walking dead game , rebeca from elite  , diego hargreeves from the umbrella academy . amy dunne from gone girl .
ANY FAVORITE SHOWS?: veronica mars , fleabag , degrassi , the haunting of hill house , big little lies , nathan for you 
FAVORITE MOVIES?: ten things i hate about you , short term 12 , her , perks of being a wallflower , moonlight , 21 / 22 jump street , the duff , gone girl . 
FAVORITE VIDEO GAME?: the wolf among us , until dawn , the walking dead !
FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST, ALBUM, OR SONG?: frank ocean . sza . cherry by harry styles . lorde . mystery of love by sufjan stevens . kiana lede . 
FAVORITE BOOK?:  the great believers by rebecca makkai . one of us is lying by ashley elston . a good girls guide to murder by holly jackson . the kite runner by khaled hosseini . perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky .
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: noooo i wish 
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD YOU GO?: spain would be nice . or italy . or greece . i wanna run away and live on a vineyard and make my own wine .
WOULD YOU RATHER FIGHT ONE HORSE SIZED DUCK OR 10 DUCK SIZED HORSES?: i would befriend the horse sized duck . it would be like befriending psyduck irl . thats kinda a vibe . 
FMK ( BARRY BEE BENSON, SHREK, OR THE ONCELER ):  i have no idea who any of these chars are except shrek . so i guess ill fuck , marry then kill him . sorry dacre montgomery . . 
ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE TO LINK? THINK YOUR PINTEREST, MAIN, W/E: hee hoo im over at @pocmuzings​ 
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RPING FOR?: for personal reasons i will not be answering this ( almost 10 years omg . .. )
DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE TYPES OF CONNECTIONS? ( THINK FRIENDS, ENEMIES, ETC. ): i LOVE wholesome friends . someone else mentioned found family and i agree ! i love a sunshine and grump type of connection . i love chaotic friendships that literally are just . . disaster after disaster . i will never say no to a ride or die . . also do i love a slow burn ? you bet ! even tho im impatient af ! 
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE RP EVENTS?: is it just me who lowkey misses au events . . bc i do . i miss when rps used to do those . they were always Fun .  i do love a good spookyish sort of event , like a halloween party , or a ‘ murder mystery ‘  / whodunnit themed thing . i won’t lie i always love a date-auction event bc theyre so stupid and fun and throw some wild pairings into the mix . somebody mentioned a bonfire event and i agree ???? or tbh just any event where everyone is super Drunk and dumb as heck ! 
DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE RP TASKS?:  i like tasks that are about npc’s in ur characters life , like family or a an old neighbour . i do also love music related tasks bc i’m a Hoe for music .  i also like tasks where randomizers assign u someone to thread with ! gives chance to rp with someone new and break out of a mould a lil !
ANYTHING ELSE?: if u read all of this . . wow . . get a life ! no im kidding , thank u . mwah have a great day and drink some water !
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ladylesso · 4 years
thea obsesses over ros vs
up to chapter 8! im not a simp i - i swear @pumpkinpaperweight
chapter 1's title just made me fall in love w this fic already kate what kind of magic -
they all got their mother's height :')
i love these character analyses keep em comin
omg ros' power is illusions this is going to be FUN
"she uses the line between passive aggressive and rude as a skipping rope" i adore ros
ros reads trashy romance novels!!!
omg ofc tedros would exaggerate how a war was fought over his good looks
chinhae is a bottom
ros not interested in any of her suitors gives me bad bitch vibes
agatha bout to murder some bitches who think they could just infiltrate her mother's house damn right MURDER THEM
i knew it! ros is sophie's favorite!
yes! the school master is nicola! kate delivers even if soman fails :')
"the intense feeling that she didn't belong with her family. that she was a fraud or a failure or a wrong part" </3 awh ros ur makin me cry
im part of the marcus protection squad and we WILL fuck u up
ros not only wanted to go to the school for evil but is also striving to be class captain??????? let me swear my fealty now
this conversation between ros and agatha discussing the philosophies of good and evil is something i never knew i needed
"there’s lots of different ways to be Good, you know.” she’d looked thoughtfully at her. “and lots of different ways to be Evil” agatha knows ofc she knows ros is her daughter <3
kate is a musician - she knows just the strings to pluck my hopeless tagatha heart
imagine tedros and ros going on shopping trips lsjdljdlsdjfd <3
i love the details of ros' journey to be herself more
ros is nervous breaking the news she's going to evil but she’s holding marcus' stare because that's her twin and marcus smiling his rare smile bc he's so proud hits different 
can u believe im tearing up im so emotional over ros getting into evil and seeing everybody's reactions
omg what's the coven's reactions im excited
i want everybody that bullies marcus to spontaneously combust into flames
the nevers celebrating that they got the precious rose of camelot onto their side makes me grin so hard it makes my face hurt
ros is going to be such an impressive never i can see it now
ros: sorry, old man im not really planning to murder u
tedros: of course ur not who'd buy u clothes if i was dead
"trying her best to sound polite and not as if she wanted to fight this woman on her mother’s behalf" i've missed alex :')
"raiden resisted the urge to grab jackson’s head and squish his face" marcus AND jackson protection squad
ros comin in hot and fashionable :D
omg tedros and agatha are back at graves hill im jittery
tedros saving a book for marcus bc he knows he'll be interested in it :'''''')
agatha and tedros reflecting on how young they were when they went through all that trauma hurts my heart. like tedros was fifteen when he was nearly dying and wasn't even eighteen before the series finally ended. u know how crazy - and sad - that is? they were just kids that were forced into difficult, traumatic situations that forced them to grow up too fast. that's messed up
im so so glad that kate delved into the aftermath of callis dying bc we all know soman wouldn't. it was brutal and realistic  - and it made me tear up. u did wonderfully kate xx
raiden lowkey flirting w everybody is my new religion
raiden and sam????? oh??????? enemies to lovers???? my favorite trope?????? kate's not the mailman she's the entire post office
jackson???? crushing on marcus????? GIVE ME INTERACTIONS NOW KATE
ros coming to amelie's defense :'') rip out his throat ros!
"he needed to write to his mother" ref to the last sentence of alex vs!
im reading the letters kate generously provided us w and oh my goodness??? is the entire coven ros' godmothers??? this is everything i’ve ever wanted and more i - 
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headlinestalks · 4 years
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━━ posted 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟐𝟖𝐓𝐇 , 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎.
these articles feature the following, isadora miller, aurora moon, benjamin parker, calypso stephens, presley bellerose, claudia conrad, jackson griggs, charlotte vaughn, sebastian bellamy, valeria de firoe, eloise sampson, ande mars, poppy yoon, alessia ward & oliver bu.
this week has been crazy for some of our newly C-LIST celebrities. tensions are high, romances are sparking and rumor has it someone just might be pregnant ? word was heard around that sebastian bellamy and valeria de fiore are expecting a child after a run in that had not been long after valeria had spent the evening with benjamin parker earlier on in the week. with these rumors come gossip and we’ve received audio of a conversation between charlotte vaughn and ande mars these are all just rumors, but with recent word around the house we have reason to believe it might not be all talk around the house ! meanwhile calypso stephens seems to be big and bold when kissing and telling ! not only have we got suspicion that she’ll be confessing her strong feelings for ruben seeing that the pair have quite the complex relationship going on. 
there’s tons of strange scenarios going on like the never forgotten kiss that ruben rousseau and sebastian which seems to have worked out in a break up to make up sort of way ; we’ll see how miss stephens responds knowing sebastian would more than easily sleep with ruben. watch out miss charlotte vaughn, looks like someone’s aiming to keep your ex well entertained while you’re shacked up with sebastian who isn’t really even that into you. alongside the lowkey flirtationships we’ve noticed like benjamin and lazaro foley , alessia ward , and whatever lucky bachelor/ette aims to appease this wreck ; some have even made word that benjamin is he most eligible of the household. while these gorgeous ladies seem to be getting comfortable with a plethora of people around our villa, drama still goes on between everyone. sebastian, ruben and benjamin still have their hateful trio going on with no budge of change while, as well as calypso and sebastian. 
with the very different vast relationships with people it’s very confusing to know who’s together, who still hates one another and so on. with other flirty conversations going on like benjamin and alessia ward but also him and other ex band-mate poppy yoon. loads of our viewers are giving kudos to benji for his adoration for all these gorgeous women and men of color ! although poppy had been overheard flirting with benji, she’s also been heard yearning to hook up with oliver bu ( a house member we’re shocked is starting to get out there some more than innocently vibing with other member eloise sampson ). new house member isadora miller close friend and dance partner of calypso stephens seems to also have the quality her friend does with tons of curious flirting alongside some risque hookups as well on the low ; i.e calypso and sebastian alongside enemy of ruben. without much word, these c-list house members are keeping things interesting but also not bothering whether they’re recklessly ruining relationships while they’re at it. some members such as aurora moon remains rather modest ( up until her hook up with ande alongside her flirty nature with benjamin as well ) and out of trouble while also remaining at comfortable distance from everyone else nevertheless. we are rooting for her ! another storyline we’re following is lottie and jackson griggs seeing as the pair aren’t coming off so friendly with one another ; at least not on the swedish fashion designer’s side ! maybe it’s the different celebrity status and she’s a lot more in tune with the business than we thought she was. 
in other news , claudia and sebastian seem to have a close-knit relationship going on. maybe even more so than his friendship with charlotte ? we’ll be asking her for her word on this matter later on in other articles , but until then we’ll just have to see whether or not sebastian actually manages to exit the friendzone !
perhaps as the weeks go on, roommates changing but also some celebrities roaming outside of the house we shall see if they can keep things as interesting as they have been in the first couple of weeks. we do pride ourselves in making sure everyone’s having the utmost best time , but also keeping in tune with their dramatic sides. without much else to say , stay tuned for weeks to come on the piping hot tea our villa has to offer with the rising & falling of their careers !
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twyt-podcast-blog · 5 years
❝tea with yours truly❞
—grab your cups and let me serve you some hot pipping tea.
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today’s episode: the mgas.
unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what time it is. it’s been five seasons now. it’s the freaking mgas. mnet global auditions that never feel global but who cares? am i late to start talking about it? no. why did i decide to wait? because, i’m over it. i’m over survival shows. i’m over having a heartbreak and being an emotional wreck when my faves are eliminated. that’s why i decided to wait and to stalk. lol. i binged watched freaking four episodes of it. even then, i did not miss the entire season. i was a bit impatient. everyone’s talking about it. everyone’s balls and ovaries are bursting left and right. my bad, if you thought that this podcast is suited for work, you’re listening to the wrong podcast.
before anything, i just want to say that i’ve caught myself listening to luxe’s every night. it was really a good song. y’know, royal, trc, sphere, kt and...nova...are going to recruit new trainees for their companies, but what about the groups that they already have? see, royal’s luxe haven’t been around since march. their main rivals are still fresh in the memory. i’m talking about trc’s k.arma and kt’s eclipse. eclipse even got a summer comeback. the best time to come back honestly with all the festivals. sphere’s convex came back in april. that’s not too long ago. then, you have nova ( /sighs;) i guess that nova is in need of trainees so that they can one day debut something. anything. didn’t i ever tell you guys that, as a little child, was obsessed with jewelry. i didn’t have their talent though.
anyways without further ado, here’s my opinion, as if anyone really cares about it honestly, about the first four episodes of the mgas. i got my notes. it’s all opinions. my opinions. yes, i’ll be biased; however, i expect y’all to bother to check the episodes and performances to make your own opinions and faves.
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oh, i almost forgot, today’s drink is starbucks’s matcha frappucino. it’s summer. we drink our tea cold, but doesn’t mean that what we are spitting isn’t pippin’ hot.
episode one started with a nice little shot of the places where the auditions were taking place. cute. there’s a lot of hopefuls. then, we get to see the ceos that we love so much ( /chuckles;) then, they do some lowkey scripted chitchat. you know “oh, it’s a new season again” “i know right.” “i can’t wait to meet the contestants and sign trainees who will probably never get the chance to debut” lol. speaking of contestants, there are 100 people. let me tell you who caught my attention. first, there’s this one named kim seungmin? seunghun? legit, he was imitating animals. like, top pick of the episode. yes, i’m weird like that. to be honest, the entire episode, the ceos were savage. but, i don’t blame them, because sweeties it’s freaking season 5 so you’re supposed to bring it. period. you’ve seen the show at least once, you should know. lot’s singing, dancing, rapping. y’know. it’s what you expect. by the way, an ex-member of convex freaking showed up. i was shook. like, i remember that there were redemption stories since mga season 1. but, it was usually former contestants given a second chance or trainees. a freaking ex-member. it’s freaking romeo under a new alias? i mean you guys know the rumors...but he left allegedly for personal reasons. i have the highest of expectations on him. like, i feel for his fans from back when the season two of the mgas happened. the rollercoaster ride of emotions. i feel for y’all. i’m not gonna lie to y’all. the first episode...i mean...i’m binge watching so i didn’t really take the time to really find my top picks.
let’s move on to the next episode.
episode two: the way episode two started was weird. i mean i can’t be the only who watch that little moment involving...let check my notebook for the names..ah yes, choi yena, wang jackson and son hyejoo. it’s been five seasons... doesn’t the mgas have the budget for seats for all the contestants? as for the skinship moment, y’all know that the fans are out there being like “i ship hyena or yejoo”. anyways. moving on. episode two is, in a nutshell, more singing. more dancing, more rapping. it’s also leads to the first round of eliminations. as i mentioned before, i’m not here for the heartbreak. i know that through binge-watching, i’m not getting emotionally attached to nobody. i’ll cry moving forwards from episode four and onwards. rappers who come up and perform their own stuff. i support you. i kinda expect rappers to be able to pen and to have the courage to take the stage with their own work. does that discredit the other rappers? no, i just happen to love the creative rappers and we all know tiger jk love them too. over the years, the rappers with creative genius had more chances to land in trc. it’s just how it is. so, yeah, choi yoona caught my attention. the whistling rapper, na jaemin too. i like him. recycle boy, hwang minhyun seems to have left an impression because they replayed his clip. oh, and, see, the girl hyejoo who had a moment in the beginning of the episode had another highlight moment. she switched from dancer to rapper and promoted a self-made song. should i make her a top pick? i mean she fits what i like. maybe, if she’s still around in episode four. i’m just gonna say one thing...that guy...park jinyoung. yes. biased? maybe. i mean give me a man with a guitar and that voice. mhm. so, at the end of the episode, they go through the elimination. they also reveal the top three for each category. who am i not surprised for? freakin’ minho.
up to this point, the people i got my eyes on are still alive. there are two episodes left tho. like i said, i didn’t dive into everything. i’m playing catch up. on top of that, i had to have my eyes on my picks. anyways.
i’m taking this moment to take refresher but also talk about our sponsor. so, we are sponsored by this lovely game reminiscent of that one otome mobile game that destroyed our sleeping patterns. if i love you is nice f2p game where you decide to use a dating app. you will be texting, chatting, going on dates and receiving phone calls from waifu or husbando. the upside is that you don’t have to set alarms and to miss on work or school. now back to the mgas.
episode three: so, isn’t just me or interviews are meh. i mean maybe it’s because i just want to reach episode four as quickly as possible so that i can get into the social media aspect, but, some of these interviews...chile. y’all sound so cocky and cocky isn't cute. i could also blame the editing, because it’s mnet. you can’t expect a snake to be nice. it’s the duo performances. man, it’s a staple since the first mgas. i am watching and i’m loving every single second that i am given. the groups overall are really strong. i already brought up names and they didn’t disappoint me. i’m not going to go to deeply on episode three, because episode four is right down in the corner. i kam already seeing myself getting attached, but i can’t deal with a double heartbreak back to back. i need to calm down. i am betting after watching this top 3 that minho is simply gonna ride smoothly. he was in the top in season 2. he bet it’s gonna be the same for season 3. like, everything he did was great. it’s like everything he touches turns to gold. also, two of my picks were eliminated. i’m talking about jinyoung and yoona. see, i should have waited until i reach episode four before i freaking choose the people i’m rooting for. anyways.
all this binge-watching without a chance to really watch highlights on naver as led to the last episode to have aired.
episode four: my children, we made it. all caught up. it’s essentially the second round of the duo performances. they were nice. i want to say that i feel genuinely bad for the contestant lee nakyung. so, first, the ceos commented on how she had been throwing away her jacket every performances. i got to admit that you can’t use the same trick over and over and over again. then, they said that she had better chemistry with minho? that was sad. the way it was edited it pretty much gave the vibe that nakyung is nothing without minho. he was the partner. i feel like everyone who will partner with minho, who’s a vet, might get similar backlash that minho is their saving grace. the girl’s talented. mnet, i know that the comment was about her lack of chemistry with her new partner, but your editing really sucked. sorry, i had a lot of feelings about this above all. anyways, like the hopefuls are very good this season. like, i see no holes. at the end of the day. it is still a competition. then, my friends, they panned on two empty seats. so they brought back the people who were eliminated, bitch. my eliminated faves were separated, but, y’know what, i’m okay. also, i’m sorry that wang jackson was not on list, but then, he did that with park jinyoung. they did that. also, i didn’t give ryujin or sia the attention they deserved. i had to go back and watch their performance to understand why they were top three. ladies, yes. yes. YES. i hope i conveyed my opinion well. minho, again, top three. no surprise there. so, back to the returning kings. they are my picks. y’all know that i’m jinyoung biased at the moment. i got other people on my radar. i’m sad that hyejoo was eliminated. was rooting for her. nakyung, i’m gonna shield her and protect her from harm. i will fight. now, i can finally get into it. maybe some of you were expecting your names to be shouted out. moving forward with episode five, i will be able to really go in-depth with the performances and the people. i also get to check their social media and to see what kind of people they are. 
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gyeommine · 8 years
GOT7 As Roommates
So I was reminded of the one I did for BTS (which you could find here) and I thought this would be a cute thing to do <3
(gif credits to the original owners)
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(hot ass)
he strikes me as a dad type
like he’ll be kinda protective of you, making sure you don’t stay out too late and come home at the right time.
he’ll say that it’s to keep a watch on you but he lowkey misses you.
typical dad always ends up falling asleep on the sofa.
so you always have to shake him to get him to actually go to bed.
you’ll feel really awkward when you accidentally call him dad bc he basically is
“is this a new fetish or something?” “shut up im jaebum”
also just another gross male that you have to deal with.
“leader of got7 or president of the US i don’t care, just wash the dishes”
people often mistake him for your boyfriend bc you guys are weirdly comfortable around him.
he’ll probably just walk around half naked with no shame
you’ll just throw his dirty laundry to get him to put clothes on.
does get a lil’ awkward if you’re ever upset.
will shyly admit he ordered take out to cheer you up and you chill for the rest of the evening.
he’ll get quite angry if someone has upset you or work is giving you a hard time but won’t show it.
since he’s a dad for thot7 as well, just expect the guys to often be over.
reliable dad friend roommate beom ™
you always make him cringe or make fun (in a friendly way okay)
you’ll be over sitting in a weird position on the sofa you’ll just be like “the a teaser, amirite” and poor boy would die of cringe.
with that weird dinosaur laugh he has
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(oh wow i am blind from staring at the sun)
he’s so quiet you’ll honestly forget he’s home.
he’ll just be coming out the bathroom and you’ll jump out of your skin bc when the heck did this boy get back from tour ??
it’d be a strangely quiet house.
he’s more often than not tucked away in his room on his phone.
ngl, he’d probably text you instead of shout out.
but when you guys do stuff together, there’s so much giggling than can be heard from 2 flats above and below.
you guys are organized and on it.
you got that chores and housework rota down and you both know who cooks on what days for the two of you.
you’ll be best buddies with jackson
sleepovers with the three of you !!!
he’s quiet, but boy’s trustworthy and reliable (aka the perfect roommate)
no milk ?? mark’s probably already spotted and bought 3 more cartons.
you’ll be film and music buddies.
you’ll just both be in the kitchen and you’ll hear.:
“hey (y/n) listen to this!”
and you’ll be jamming around for a few hours
you guys will also have a list of movies you wanna watch together.
and when he comes back from tour: a movie night ensues. 
overall you guys would have such a chill vibe.
if you had had a hard day at work, even just entering into your apartment would relax you completely.
if you were ever stress, he’d probably suggest going on a drive.
so at like 3 am, you’d get your guys’ chill playlist up and just drive for a while.
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(the purest)
such a caring roommate and best friend.
he’s always checking on you and asking whether you need anything.
he’s always the first guy there to give you a friendly ear or a shoulder.
he sometimes just goes on for 30 minutes with random life advice.
it’d be super endearing.
the flat would be super loud.
it’s bc he’s so excitable about everything which makes him the cutest friend to have around.
everyone knows you guys have the liveliest flat.
and you’d always wonder how this idol that works all the time has SO much energy ??!
but such charisma wow - can charm his way out of anything.
if he breaks something, he knows exactly what to do.
fills the fridge with random organic shit.
you literally pull 3 new organic smoothies out of the fridge each day.
“where the hell are you buying all this?”
he won’t even need to label it bc you know it will always be his.
he’s also kinda protective of you.
he’ll send you like a million texts bc he’s super worried that you’re not home yet and you need to be safe
it’d be a stern side that you’d rarely see from jackson, but he cares about you a lot.
he sort of feels like it’s his duty to take care of you, bc you live under the same roof an’ all that.
“jackson you’re more strict than my real dad sometimes.”
but he’d prefer it if you saw him more as your big brother or something greasy like that.
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(should i be offended by this ??)
he acts like a stressed middle aged mum with 5 small kids 24/7
but it’s just you along with the 5 kids he has with jb
the flat will always be perfection, spotless, 10/10, flawless.
he’ll live passive aggressive / sassy sticky notes to remind you to close the cupboard door or something like that.
sometimes you’ll wonder why he’d ever wanna share a flat with anyone bc he could easily thrive alone.
but he lowkey loves the company you give him.
y’all could be sitting in a room together for hours and not speak and he’d love it.
idk i could also see you guys going on walks together.
but if you ever ask him anything he’s just give you a sassy response - as if it’s a chore to live with you.
dw doods, he’s lying. that’s the middle aged mum sass.
he’ll tssk, roll his eyes a lot. 
but he’s a v good listener, and would happily let you rant about your days’ work @ him and he’ll have no complaints.
you guys will have deep convos all the time.
you’ll wake up bc the kitchen light’s on at 3 am and there’s jinyoung, sitting with a glass of water.
“what are you doing jinyoung?” “i can’t sleep.” “lol neither. so what’s the meaning of life?”
and you’ll be talking until like 6 am, by which point the glass of water has magically turned into a strong mug of coffee.
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this is another loud apartment when it comes to the thot7 bois.
he honestly just needs protecting, someone to keep an eye on him.
he laughs a lot and it literally lightens the flat, it’s such a good vibe.
but sometimes you don’t see him for days.
he’s either writing some sweet ass music or playing video games.
but he always appreciates you checking on him, even if he gets too shy and bumbly to admit it.
he always knows how to make you feel better even if that means just smiling and curing the world of its sins
probably wants to include you with got7 outings
he doesn’t want to make you feel left out or leave you at the flat by yourself.
and if you lightly scold him for something once, he’ll be careful to always do it and he’d be such a sweetheart.
you probably do the most work within the flat but he tries every once in a while.
he’ll get super nervous if he breaks or loses something and you’ll receive an odd text from him.
so you call him to make sure he’s okay, and he’s like “oh no, i just lost your headphones” and the relief you’ll feel.
you’re always there to reassure him if he ever feels insecure about his career or anything in life.
and it’s chill bc you know he’d do the exact same for you, it’s all around a pleasant and healthy environment.
you’ll also sneak in coco even if the apartment block doesn’t allow it.
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(he looks so soft here. i highkey loved this hair on him)
do i even need to say that this flat is gon’ be loud as fricking heck
he’d just make random loud noises most of the time and you’d have to give him a “??? wtf” look.
don’t even get me started when yugyeom comes over.
ear muffs come free with the roommate.
i joke, but its’ actually always a hella good mood boost.
our resident meme cannot stand the thought of you ever being down in the dumps so is running around the flat doing dumb shit.
you can’t go anywhere with him bc he spends 3 hours getting ready.
“bam pls we’re only going to the grocery store just wear-” “NO”
then you contemplating going to the grocery store by yourself because bam “flawless model” bam needs to like 10/10.
but you always tell him you’ve seen him without makeup or high brow clothing and he still looks great.
pranks, pranks and more pranks.
did i mention inside jokes? plenty of those.
you guys will be like kids with your own secret handshake and a password you yell before entering the apartment.
“bam why’s the door locked?” “password.” / “but bam i-” “passWORd”
and you’d sigh, and yell “I like to dab with moose” and you’re in.
let’s just imagine the mortified look mum and dad (jjp) have when they come over for the first time and you yelling that.
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(omg it’s me @ kim yugyeom aka the loml)
just accept the fact you’re going to be hearing music all the time.
you guys will have like a playlist of your fave songs and you end up just stupidly dancing and singing around the house.
sometimes he’ll clear the space in the living room and just dance.
he’ll get hella blushy and shy when you walk on him though.
that’s basically how the hit the stage dance got spoiled for you.
he’s so loud as well.
he’ll probably just yell “PABO” really loud from the other side ot the apartment to get your attention.
and you run over asking yourself why you moved in with such a child.
he’ll smile wickedly as you ask him “what’s wrong”
“nothing!!” he’ll say cutely. “KIM YUGYEOM I SWEAR TO-”
oho you guys will do a lot of childish shit, prank each other.
one of those roommate situations that everyone questions why you ever moved in together bc you’re both a bad influence on the other.
but you guys are obvs like the best of friends for sure.
it’s not fun for mum and dad (jjp) when you call them dumb names and get your ass beat.
you guys are partners in crime and it’s the cutest sHUT UP NOBODY TOUCH OR TALK TO ME.
you better believe you’ll be sitting right next to each other and still be screenshotting memes, giggling your asses off.
but you’ll be so proud and gushing over his performing and how far he’s come and awwww.
but you guys will be having the 10th pillow fight before you could admit to such mushy feelings.
HONESTLY GUYS ! i got so warm and fuzzy bc i wanna be best friends with bambam and yugyeom like you have no idea. also, i am also jinyoung. i write passive aggressive sassy notes to my brother all the time bc he does dumb shit. hope you guys enjoyed ! <3
SIDE NOTE: one of my closest friends and are I are sort of like bambam / yugyeom cross friendship. but i am so done with his shit, and he’s so done with mine  - it’s chill.
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