#((get an rp partner who reads your fics and goes 'i will use this info to construct a scenario designed to cause maximum emotional damage'))
tarnishedxknight · 4 months
{out of dalmasca} I'm alive, I promise, lol. Mons-Weds this week are the worst days for the start of my summer class. On Mon the course shell opened, so students can see everything, read the syllabus, but the assignments are locked. On Tues, the assignments opened up and they can start working, also it's the first official day of class so a lot of them show up then. And then Weds they have their first assignments due, so that's when a lot of problems/questions will start happening. After Weds it'll probably calm down a bit until the weekend, when they have their first forum assignment due. So that's why I decided to just take this whole week off to give myself a break and make it easier, heh. I hope to be on tomorrow night at least part of the time. I have so much muse for everything here and plenty to do, so I'm itching to chip away at things.
I've also been re-immersing myself in Silent Hill stuff to prepare to work on my fanfic again. I haven't touched that fic since 2016, so I'm slightly rusty on lore, locations, etc. The first movie, which is how I structured the fic because it simplifies things a lot for me, leaves Netflix after 5/31, and the second is on Tubi, so I may watch them back-to-back either Weds or Thurs. The second movie is... terrible, but I like the first movie a lot. I figure I may as well watch both since that's a lot faster than replaying games, and that'll help me get back into the world and mood to write my fic.
And now some blabbing about maybe having Silent Hill as a muse, heh, and about SH in general for anyone who is interested... below the cut.
I may do some posting over on my multi at some point, since the fic concerns a muse I have there, but I am considering? having Silent Hill as a muse. The whole town, heh. Not necessarily any characters in it other than creatures, and the evil or demon or whatever you wanna call it, only because that could get crazy, there's a lot of characters who live there. But the idea would be to let people put their muses in the town and then I throw things at them just like would happen in the games, and it's... designed to push your muse into some realization about themself or admitting something to themself that they're in denial about or that's difficult for them to come to terms with. That's... the very simple way of putting it.
It does... require me to know a LOT about your muse, that's the one catch. Because I have to know what the skeletons in their closet might be, what scares them, what the evil of the town might want to latch on to in order to try to capture their soul. So it has to be a canon character or OC that I know pretty well for this to work. But hey, even if no one's interested in it, it'd still be pretty fun to just write up the info post for it, haha. Yeah, I'm that level of rp dork. I don't know, I haven't decided yet, we'll see how it goes. It may be more work on my part than it's worth and that there's interest for from my writing partners. I am going to try to finish the fanfic sometime soon, though, at the very least.
If you're not familiar with the Silent Hill movies or games, watching the first movie will give you a nice nutshell version of it. It'll help you understand the "universe" better, how it functions, the main story behind it, and will introduce you to a number of the main characters, the creatures, and the locations from the games. And the music! Silent Hill has very iconic music. It's very atmospheric, a little creepy, edgy... and the person who does the majority of the vocals is actually really cool, heh. I met her at a con once and she was just the coolest chick. But, I digress. The first movie used a lot of the music from the games, and that really helps create the same kind of atmosphere as the games. So yeah, if you want the quickest path to understanding the SH universe quickly and simply, I recommend watching the first movie... BUT...
...I do want to say... and when I post about it over on my multi I'll say the same thing... that if you do decide to watch the first movie, and you're going in cold knowing nothing about SH, please be careful! I don't want anyone to go in not knowing what to expect and being seriously triggered by it. If you have any triggers at all, assume they are in this movie. SH is a violent, heavy, emotional, and raw survival horror world. It's like the GoT of survival horror, heh. No punches pulled, nobody's safe, good doesn't necessarily win, everything terrible you can imagine, it's in there. The game and movie universes hinge on being fear factories for those trapped there. The evil in the town deliberately drives at your deepest fears and worst self-denials, that's the point. So that's why it's so intense. The origin story of how the demon/evil/"dark one" came to be in control of SH in the first place is pretty horrific and triggering too.
If you have any triggers you're concerned about and you want to check with me before you watch it, I'd be happy to let you know if it's in there. I'm only saying all of this because I would never forgive myself if I ended up triggering someone really badly because I didn't properly inform people ahead of time. So please do take care when watching or playing anything SH related if you aren't used to the survival horror genre, and to the level of gore and rough themes that are common in the SH world.
Having said this, if you're into horror imagery, horror symbolism, really fantastical creatures, life after death, and a lot of psychological commentary on human nature, hypocrisy, religion, and the definition of good and evil, then you may enjoy it. Here is the trailer, if you'd like to see, which doesn't have anything too bad in it, but just in case, trigger warnings for a car crash, fire, insects (roach-like), flashing images, and a bit of twisted-body creature imagery.
Also, if I do bring the town to my multi as a muse, of course I will not be venturing into offensive, triggering, or cringe content with threads. The goal would be more of a softened fantasy-horror experience, letting your character encounter creatures, placing them in stressful or puzzling situations, trying to test and frustrate them, giving them clues to things, etc. I wouldn't go into anything too bad, and I wouldn't do anything to your muse without asking you ahead of time. And like I said, I'm still deciding whether to take it on as a muse, or whether it's too over my head as far as amount of work. I've wanted to do it for a while, but I'm just not sure how go at it I'd be. *shrugs* We'll see.
So that's what's up with the lack of activity on here, I've just been working and revisiting Silent Hill stuff. If I'm not back here on Weds (5/29), I definitely will be on Thurs (5/30)! =)
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Move In?
Oh, let's just summarize this one with a quote:
Sir Pentious:
"I know we said we would slow things down, and I agree we should, but you spend almost every night here, and you have no other place to call home....So, I was thinking, why not call _here_ home? Here, with me." He glanced quickly at Alastor from the corner of his eye before staring even more adamantly off to the side.
Alastor’s eyes widened in shock. His heart stopped. And a little voice in the back of his head whispered, *run.*
Guess who repaired an organ and was incredibly smug about it.
A professional could probably have done it faster—and with less duct tape—and Alastor was lucky the damage hadn't been worse. He'd needed Telly to show him the basics—and go to him for repairs whenever he found a pipe too damaged—and he'd spent half his free time for the past few weeks either sneaking into other organs to see how they were put together or burying his nose in organ repair manuals—but he'd gotten it done.
A few last details needed fixing, sure—but more importantly, they'd reached the moment Alastor had been anticipating for weeks: it was ready for Telly to take it for a test run.
He *hadn't* anticipated what watching Telly play would do to his heart.
Sir Pentious
And oh did Telly play. His fingers flew over the manuals, pulling stops, pressing keys, his tail taking care of the the pedals-- luckily, there were only three, he'd gotten it down to that few.
He lost himself to the music, the sheer joy of being able to play again overcame him, and he didn't stop, not for a good while. But when the final note rang and held, his smile was wide enough to split his face. He stood, spinning to give a deep bow to his audience of one-- though he _could_ hear the Eggs clamoring outside the locked bridge doors in joy.
"What a wonderful job you did, my hart! It's sounding flawless, perfect! Oh, I am so very, very happy!!" He slithered over and took Alastor's hands, kissing the back of each.
So often the past few months, he’d found himself thinking, *god, the last time I did this was fifty-four years ago.* But it had never pierced quite as deeply as this time, like an arrow lodged in his lungs. Standing just behind Sir Pentious as he played, bent over his shoulder, watching his fingers glide gracefully over the keyboard, listening to the pipe organ thunder around them... He’d been here before. It had been beautiful then. It was beautiful now. It made him ache.
When Telly bowed, Alastor’s invisible audience applauded him, a thousand hands clapping, and he smiled so wide it hurt. “What a show! Absolutely stupendous! Goodness me, I think I felt half of Hell trembling under that barrage. You’d drown out all the trumpets of Heaven, my darling—and sound twice as divine doing it!”
Sir Pentious
If his smile could widen any further, it would at the praise Alastor lavished on him. He leaned down to kiss him, briefly, before pulling back and bringing him closer to the organ.
"Now I can show you a favorite feature of mine!" He said, smile turning oh so devious. "WATCH AND BEHOLD, BECAUSE, MY HART, THIS ORGAN....CAN PLAY ITSELF!"
With a cackle, he flipped a switch on the side and the keys began to press on their own, playing a familiar melody-- the Phantom of the Opera.
"I added that in the early 1990s when the musical was getting very big!" He set his hands on his hips and grinned-- look at him, so smug.
Alastor laughed in amazement. “Phantom doesn’t even sound this good in the theater!” He leaned against Telly. “Truth to tell, I figured out during repairs that this thing knew how to play itself—had to check out what some of the thingamabobs and thingamajigs were doing—but it really is something to see in action!” He had to raise his voice to be heard over the music, and it still felt like an intimate whisper.
Sir Pentious
"Still impressive, yes!!" He laughed, turning to place his hand on Alastor's waist, his other taking Alastor's hand, in a classic dancing stance.
"Shall we, darling?" He prompted, smirking.
His heart skipped a beat painfully. Listening to Sir Pentious play the organ on his ship, and then sweeping him into a dance? *God, the last time I did this was...*
“Of course!” He squeezed Telly’s hand and slid in close, shadows sliding in with him; the lighting went dark and strange as Alastor shifted the world, just a little bit, to let Telly dance.
And as they started dancing, he sang along to the organ, at the top of his lungs, in no way Broadway-worthy: “*In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came! That voice which calls to me and speaks my name—!*”
Sir Pentious
Telly laughed as they started to dance, twirling around the bridge, his tail sliding effortlessly across the ground. Once the song got to the Phantom's part, Telly began to sing again-- not the best, but certainly far from the worse, he could at least hit most of the notes.
"_Sing once again with me! Our strange duet! My power over you, grows stronger yet!_"
Wasn’t that the truth? *Sing once again with me...*
He made it into the duet as far as “*Your spirit and my voice, in one—*” before he abruptly stopped singing, half laughing as he blurted out, “Oh no! I took the part with the high notes! I have to sing the ending, what have I done!”
Sir Pentious
"_My spirit and your voice, in one--_" Telly stopped short too, laughing with Alastor. "Yes, you've done it to yourself! How tragic!"
He snickered, before trying to pick up again. "_And in this labyrinth, where night is blind!_"
“*The Phaaantom of the Op*—pfff, please Phantom, have mercy! I’m no Angel of Music, they wouldn’t let me in the pearly gates!”
Sir Pentious
Telly laughed, keeping their dance going at least. "Oh, come now, maybe not an Angel of Music, but certainly a Demon of Music! So sing for me, my Demon of Music! Sing!!"
“*He’s theee-he-here—*” he was almost laughing too hard to sing, “*—the Phaaantom of the O-operaaa...*” DEEP breath!
Sir Pentious
"Sing for me!" Telly commanded spinning out to be able to twirl Alastor-- not making the singing any easier, not at ALL.
He stumbled in the twirl, steadied himself, and then did his best to hit Christine’s high note.
It came out as an unholy screech of pure distorted static. He only lasted a couple of notes before his “voice” broke and he collapsed against Sir Pentious’s shoulder in helpless cackles that sounded as much like feedback as like laughter. He made a second attempt so brief it sounded more like a lone beep before laughing even harder.
Sir Pentious
And that broke Telly as well. He tried his best to hold Alastor up, but his own laughing soon brought them both down. He wheezed for breath, holding Alastor close.
He clung to Sir Pentious, fingers digging into his jacket, laughing so hard his stomach hurt and tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
And suddenly he felt something in his chest crack, and his throat abruptly closed. He kept clinging, his shoulders trembling, face hidden.
Sir Pentious
Telly was wheezing so hard he didn't even notice the change. He slowly began to wind down, one of his hands idly rubbing Alastor's back.
"That was hilarious, dear, I've never heard a screech quite like that!" Another few chuckles.
“Well—sound like that—blast most microphones, you know.” His voice was tense and tight. Sound normal, please sound normal.
Sir Pentious
That was not a normal post-laughing-fit voice. And that got Telly concerned.
"Alastor? Are you all right?" He asked, his hand now more purposefully rubbing Alastor's back, trying to sooth him. "Is something wrong?"
“Fine! Fine, I’m fine.” He nodded against Telly’s shoulder. “Just, must have—hard on my throat. That’s all.”
Sir Pentious
"Oh, darling." He wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. "Do you want me to make you some tea to soothe it? Or I could send the Eggs to get some lozenges?"
“No no, it’s okay. I’ll be okay in a minute.”
Sir Pentious
"Oh, alright." He frowned as he rubbed Alastor's back, pressing his cheek against the side of his head.
After about a minute, he asked, "Are you sure?"
He held on a little tighter. It took several seconds for him to reply. “I missed doing this with you.”
He knew he was talking to the wrong Sir Pentious. But he had to say it anyway.
Sir Pentious
Oh. _Oh._ Telly understood then, what was happening. His tail pulled up, coiling around Alastor's legs, and his arms just held him tighter, pressing his cheek harder to the side of his head. He didn't know what to say to that, but he could at least hold Alastor through it.
“Sorry.” His voice was almost a whisper. Just give him a moment, he’d be fine.
Sir Pentious
"It's fine. Take your time, I'm here." He whispered back, nuzzling against him.
It was another minute or two; but then, finally, he took a deep breath and said in something close to his normal voice, “Oh, how embarrassing! Excuse me.” He pulled back, faking a normal smile. “So sorry! It’s just... Something in the atmosphere, I suppose.”
Sir Pentious
Telly cupped his face, stroking his thumb along his cheek. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"_Alastor._ It's all right, truly, it is. You don't need to apologize." And another kiss, this time to the other cheek.
That made it frustratingly hard to keep faking a normal smile! He could feel it wavering at the corners. He just nodded in agreement, sure, if Telly says so.
Sir Pentious
Telly started stroking his cheek with his thumb. Hm, what to do to cheer up your Radio Demon when he was feeling down? Oh, mayhaps a song. Telly pressed their foreheads together and smiled, as he began to sing, softly.
“_Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face._”
A lump formed in his throat. Oh no. His heart was full of love and his eyes were full of tears. Time to hide his face again, there he goes.
Sir Pentious
It took some careful maneuvering, but Telly got himself _and_ Alastor back up and standing, all so he could sway gently with him. He continued to sing, his tailtip tapping against Alastor's leg.
"_Brush off the clouds and cheer up, put on a happy face. Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy, it’s not your style, you’ll look so good that you’ll be glad, you decided to smile!_”
That’s it, Telly’s figured out all his weaknesses. Alastor hummed and sway along. More static than usual still laced his humming.
Sir Pentious
"_Pick out a pleasant outlook, stick out that noble chin!_” He pulled back, revealing Alastor's face, and tapped a finger under his chin. “_Wipe off that ‘full of doubt’ look, slap on a happy grin! And spread sunshine all over the place, just put on a happy face!_”
He took Alastor's hands, doing a little side to side shimmy, before attempting to twirl him.
He almost tried to hide again—but then the chin tap, and he choked out a laugh instead. He was sure his eyes were still a little watery as Telly twirled him, but when he came back in he pressed his forehead to Telly’s, once more properly grinning.
“This is what it was like when—he and I first kissed. He’d just played his organ for me for the first time, and then somehow we ended up dancing and making fools of ourselves and laughing, and...” He sighed. He doubted Telly wanted to hear about Alastor’s ex—his oh-so-successful ex who’d conquered half the States—but Alastor owed Telly at least that much information. Especially if he was going to be pathetic and burst into tears over it.
Sir Pentious
Telly held him close, forehead pressed against his. “Yes, I assumed something along those lines. I….have to admit that it feels _strange_, slithering in the same tracks without knowing it. I….hrm. I’m not sure how I feel about it, to be frank. I don’t…..want to be just a replacement, you know.”
His own happy face was falling. “I’m sorry, you’re trying to tell me important things and here I am making it about me, I shouldn’t–- please, continue.”
“It’s fine. You’ve got a right to have those worries. I don’t want you to be just a replacement, either. And I never want you to *feel* like a replacement. Never.” He held Telly’s cheeks. “It’d be a bald-faced lie if I said I *didn’t* end up here because—because I want the things in you that I know are the same as the things I wanted in him. Is that *replacement,* or is it knowing that I’ve got an extremely specific type? I’m still working out the nuances myself. I—“ huff, “—I wasn’t exactly planning on this.”
Sir Pentious
Whatever else, it did feel good and reassuring to hear that, out loud. His arms wrapped around Alastor and squeezed him briefly.
“I feel like it’s more the second. It’s not like you sought me out _specifically_ to date me to replace him. No one plans these sort of things, certainly. I mean, _I_ never thought I’d be with a Radio Demon in this way, or even _friends_, honestly. Not after what happened between me and Leclerq.”
“And I did tell you—if a more successful snake slithered up and asked me to join his enterprise, I’d want to stay here. That’s still true.” He smiled crookedly. “I’ve always wondered about that bit, though—how am *I* the only Radio Demon with any taste at all? It seems impossible.”
Sir Pentious
"You did, and you cannot know how much that relieved me to hear." He smiled and cupped his cheek again, leaning in to give him a kiss. "As for the other bit, well, I don’t know. Perhaps you’re the outlier!”
Kiss! “Aren’t I the lucky one, then!”
Sir Pentious
"You are! Just to think, so many snakes and radios are missing out on this." He laughed and returned the kiss. Now that cheering up was done, he coiled and sat, pulling Alastor into his 'lap'.
"You know, I've been thinking about something for a bit now...."
“How tragic for them,” Alastor said, sighing lightly; but he couldn’t help but think about just how much his alternates would disagree. Well, lucky them, being unattached. At least he could make the most of his attachment.
He settled onto Telly’s coils, giving him his full attention. “What’s that?”
Sir Pentious
"I've been thinking about, well-- you've got your toiletries here, you've got a robe, you've been stealing my shirts to use as underwear, don't think I haven't noticed, and--" He paused and looked away, giving a little shrug.
"I know we said we would slow things down, and I agree we should, but you spend almost every night here, and you have no other place to call home....So, I was thinking, why not call _here_ home? Here, with me." He glanced quickly at Alastor from the corner of his eye before staring even more adamantly off to the side.
Alastor’s eyes widened in shock. His heart stopped. And a little voice in the back of his head whispered, *run.*
He’d been thinking about this for a while, too. Hell, he’d been thinking about a lot of things—what he wanted their wedding to be like (obnoxiously ostentatious and broadcast on every station in Hell), what he’d do if Telly offered to hire him as a full-time henchman (give the hotel his two weeks’ notice and duel Vaggie for full custody of the blog). But his thoughts had been *fantasies.* Had he expected them to happen? This soon?
This was so fast. They’d known each other less than four months, been together less than two. And God, yes, Alastor felt like he’d do anything for Telly, but how much of that was real? (How much was Telly really a replacement after all?)
He’d known Telly for days before feeling like this. He’d known his own Sir Pentious for fifteen years.
It felt wrong. It was so fast.
No, not yet. He swallowed hard. “I... really?”
Sir Pentious
Well, he didn't immediately leap off of Telly's coils and disappear into a portal, so that was at least a good-ish sign. His tongue flicked and stayed out a moment too long before retracting, a sure sign of a stressed snake.
"Yes, really. I just....I want you here, with me, but I also just want you to have a place to call yours. Somewhere for you to go to at the end of the day, that you're happy to go to." Another long flick.
"I understand if you need time to think about it-- I've had time to think, too, and you deserve that-- and even if you don't want to accept, you're always welcome here. And if you want to accept sometime in the future, the invitation is there...." He was still not looking at him, and his tongue now stayed out. Stressed snake is stressed.
Telly looked so nervous. Alastor had to look away.
It made perfectly good sense. He couldn’t argue with that. He didn’t have any official place—beds in places no one would find or places he was charitably permitted to shack up from time to time, his possessions stored in hidden rooms or concealed in a separate plane of existence entirely. He slept here, showered here, cooked here, ate here, made love here. He was practically living here already.
He mentally recoiled at the realization.
“That’s...” He laughed wheezily. “I... haven’t lived with anyone since I died. Few years with Rosie, I suppose, but... I was just a guest, not...” He was so tired of being a guest. He was so tired of being the visitor, the one who had to say *hello* and stand and wait in the lobby while everyone else walked around like they owned the place because they *did.* He was so tired of being in places where everything he saw was *someone else’s things.* Even in the spaces he’d claimed for himself, he could see his own trinkets sitting discordantly atop tables and cabinets that didn’t belong to him.
But he was less tired of being a guest than he was afraid of being a prisoner.
*Run.* “I have to think about it.”
Sir Pentious
"Of course, of course, yes. Think about it, that would be good-- t-that's what I said, after all! Hah....." He fidgeted there, the arms still wrapped around Alastor feeling odd now-- not unwelcome but just _odd_. He resisted the urge to pull them back completely, he didn't want to make it seem like it was a _bad_ thing, what Alastor had said.
But he had to ask. "Did you want me to....leave you alone? To think? Or....did you want to go somewhere to think? It's okay if you do, you know. I....hn, you don't have to stay if you need some space. I'd rather you take space when you need it."
Telly knew him *too* well. “Space would be nice,” he said, with a voice a little too reminiscent of somebody carsick on a long drive declaring that pulling over at the next exit would be just a swell idea. He got to his feet, pulling out of Telly’s arms.
And immediately missed Telly’s touch. Oh, Alastor had it bad, didn’t he? (As if he didn’t already know that.) He reached down to grab Telly’s hands again.“I’m—not sure what to say.” Another nervous laugh. “I mean I’m *really* not sure—but—thank you. Whether or not I... Thank you.” But he couldn’t stand this much longer.
Sir Pentious
Telly squeezed Alastor's hands when they took his own, and finally looked at him-- and oh, he _look_ so nervous. And Telly's heart clenched. He wanted to pull him back down, kiss him silly, and then tell him to just forget everything. But he couldn't. This was important.
Instead, he simply pulled Alastor's hands closer, kissed the back of one, and then let go. He had to trust that he would come back-- he _did_ trust that, even if the small voice in the back of his head that sounded like George told him otherwise.
"I'll be here, when you're finished." He gave him a smile, though it wasn't a happy one. "You always know where to find me, my hart."
Alastor was already smiling, of course. His wasn’t happy either. “And you always know how to call me, *mon roi.*”
He left without destroying everything, without burning all his bridges, without lying about what he felt. He left still shakily smiling. He was proud of himself for that.
(A small cruel scared part of him wished he’d destroyed everything. Then, at least, he wouldn’t still have to make a decision.)
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baratron · 8 years
Wrestling Ships Discord Chat!
Hello, here’s the masterpost of guidelines for the Wrestling Ships Discord Chat! Some of these sections are copy/pasted from this other group I’m part of, because they have GOOD RULES. Also, this group is for +18 peeps, so please understand.
This is the official post for it, and, if you are interested, like it so I can send you a link to join. And also consider reblogging this post so we can spread the word about the group, and make it bigger!
If you are interested in this group, after reading these guidelines, please message or send an ask to me, baratron, and I’ll send you a link to join! This group is open for all promotions, from WWE to CZW to whatever else you can think of! All wrestlers are welcome! I just used the wwe tags because they might have a bigger reach!
=18+ Only =Respect each other’s headcanons/ships/favs (you don’t have to agree, but respect their views and don’t bash anyone based on that!) =No Harassment
This includes via private messaging.
=No Personal Attacks
Channels will be muted if the mods feel discussions are veering into personal attack territory or becoming unnecessarily hostile beyond the bounds of acceptable debate.
=No Hate Speech
Transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, etc.
=No Vagueing/Vagueblogging
Disagreements between users should be handled either in PM between affected individuals or via messaging a mod to serve as go-between. Airing vague concerns about server policies or about other server members in public channels is a bannable offense. Warnings will be given in private if necessary.
Vagueing, name-dropping and airing grievances about specific members of fandom who are not part of the server is not allowed. Keep such topics to PM.
Please note: This is an adults-only server. Mods expect you to be able to communicate your concerns clearly and in specific terms.
The following are just guidelines. No one’s going to sneer at you if some discussion blooms outside their proper channel (except for explicit NSFW stuff outside the NSFW channels). So, please be polite when requesting a channel shift. also, these descriptions are also pinned on each channel!
#announcements Important info goes here, usually new server policies, and anything else that might be important. You can mute this (as you can any channel at any time) as important info will be tagged @ everyone. Please, do pay attention to these though, because important things will pop up.
#intros Tell us about you! Add things like name/nick, age, location (general, like country) and link to your blogs and like, what ships you like. Just a small intro will do, just so we know who you are!
#general Pretty much everything goes here. Wanna gush about Ambreigns? You got it. Wanna say how cute it would be if Owens and Jericho held hands? That’s cool too!! Or just talk about something SUPER COOL that you saw, which is wrestling related!
#prompts-n-fic-or-art-suggestions Post kink meme prompts and suggest things to be drawn or written HERE!
#fanworks Post links to your fics, fanarts, edits and so on, as long as they are wrestling related. Please, try to keep most of the discussions of things posted here to the general chat!!
#nsfw Here’s where the explicitly sexual (or the more violent) stuff goes! Sometimes, people want to talk about ships, but don’t want to talk about the NSFW aspect, and that’s cool, and that’s why it goes on a separate chat. Also, keep violence to an acceptable level. Talk about gore goes into nsfw_extra.
#nsfw_extra Not for the faint hearted! This space is a free for all in regards to content -- very little is disallowed and there may be triggering content posted without warning. Content that’s considered triggering: dubcon, noncon, bloodplay, gunplay, gore, character death, drugs, serious mental illness and other extreme things.
#roleplaying You want to find  a roleplay partner to play out your dream ship?? Talk about it here! Most probably, there’ll be no LEGIT roleplaying here, but this can probably change (or another channel can be opened for that in the future).
#maid-cafe-au Concerns headcanons and discussion about the chat's very own Maid Cafe AU. Bound to get NSFW (as the cafe doubles as a fetish place from time to time and fishy business happens at night). Feel free to post fics, fanart, headcanons, ideas, RP stuff... anything related to the AU <3
#school-aus A channel dedicated to college/high school/whatever school oriented AUs. Because this was just bound to happen at some point!
#au-development Channel for discussion of all smaller AUs in general, so they don't clog the general chat (plus, to keep things organized).
#live-spoilers For all your live needs! Discuss everything about the current RAW/Smackdown/PPV/any other live show without the fear of spoiling your fellow chat members! Keep the general channel clean!!!
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Hey, I was thinking of starting a Genesis rp blog, and was wondering what sort of advice you had considering you have such an amazing Genesis rp blog yourself.
// .___. I am a potato that goes with the flow friend, but thank you! Ahh….well ok, are you asking from the stance of you have never run a rp blog? Or have you had one before in a different fandom orrr? Kinda effects the answers really. Going with the former, one thing I will stress is have a clear info/rules page. Many people will look for this as a guide or a sort of gauge of if they feel they have the green light to go interact with you, or as a way to draw comfort that they won’t offend or misread your muse before replying if you are the one to approach first. In all reality I should change my info page to just ‘info’ and not 'basic blog info’because mobile users especially will look for ease of access in safari browsers. In all honestly a lot of my pages really need to get a facelift since I haven’t touched them since I made this blog a few years ago. Anyway, moving on! 2! Never feel obligated to go 'fancy’. There is no truly correct way to roleplay, though many of us tend to gravitate to para format or average sentence structures and not the whole *action here* form unless we’re fooling around and writing crack with one another. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s just what I’ve noticed. Don’t stress over having fancy detailed tags, or having unrelated posts on your blog. You don’t need special headers and font types, or bolded speech patterns to be considered a 'good’ or 'quality’ blog. How you reach that status is you have a clear understanding of your muse and be kind. You can be selective, you can be open, all that matters is be polite, and in some cases be the bigger person. 3! Don’t feel obligated to use icons or reaction gifs. Many of us do, I do when I am actually on my computer. Some of us don’t, and honestly I find it some real saddening bullshit when bloggers begin worrying or feeling inferior to other role players just because they opt not to use icons. That’s not what all this is about. 4: communicate! Try not to be like me in this sense. I am absolutely shit with communication at times, and this can hurt people unintentionally. Don’t be afraid to pop over to a partner and relay if you feel uncomfortable with where a thread is going, what their muse is doing, or if for some reason you don’t want to roleplay with them. But again, be polite. 5: find a friendly hub and network of people to surround yourself with. Every fandom has its bad apples and toxic corners that many people want to just punt into the void of the abyss, try and avoid these. I find myself pretty fortunate to have landed immediately into one of the very good corners upon starting this blog, everyone here has been absolutely amazing, understanding and supportive. The only drama I have ever seen was from 3rd party blogs where I knew who was involved or targeted, but I was a outside viewer the entire time. Honestly I find it a giant testimate to how good of a network I’ve landed in, that to this day, after almost 3-4 years on this blog, and 660+ followers in, I have never received a single piece of anon hate. Honestly I find it rather baffling. But I digress! Build yourself a network of positive welcoming people, build yourself a little hub of good friends, and you’re good!6: on the flip side of this. If you find yourself in a toxic area, and end up receiving anonymous hate DO NOT REPLY TO IT. Don’t post it, don’t reply, just delete it immediately, and if you need, go talk to a friend for support afterwards, cause that sort of thing understandably makes ya feel pretty shitty. As someone else in a post I saw said, replying to anon hate is what they want. Whoever was small and bitter enough to try and tear you down to make themselves feel better is going to be sitting there on their phone or at their computer. They’re going to be constantly refreshing their browser, monitoring your blog, waiting like a goddamn vulture to see the results of you getting attacked. They send those things for reactions. They feed off the negativity they spread. Don’t give them any satisfaction. Be the bigger person and ignore it. If it continues, there are ways out there to blog the IP address of whoever is sending the anonymous messages for good. Then they won’t be able to even access your blog. 7: Your muse, your portrayal. don’t let anyone else dictate how you write your character, especially when it comes to sexuality and identities since that seems to be a hot topic lately. I personally write my Genesis as being a cis flamboyant as all shit gay man, some people have him straight, I’ve seen some peg him as gender fluid, and all of these are wonderful! I’ve just learned through writing and even reading some fanfic that my personal muse has 0 interest in women. I read a very well done fic where Gen was with Aerith, and my muse was just blank the whole time, he didn’t care, he wasn’t interested. It didn’t inspire me and the character to do anything. As long as you’re writing a character, and nurturing a muse, you’re putting your heart into them, you’re giving them attention, you’re showing 'I love this character so much, I want to make their character deeper. I love them so much I’m going to build them up and expand on what their creators never showed us’. Who is to say this character wasn’t into this topic, or this hobby, in real life there are people that have interests and quirks you would NEVER expect by looking at them and learning the sheer surface of who they were, so this goes the same for our characters. 8: and last but not least ROLEPLAY IS A HOBBY. It is an escape for us, a way to have fun with other people, and you should never ever stress yourself out over it. If you get too overloaded, don’t be afraid to ask a partner if you could drop threads, take a break, anything. Because, if roleplay starts to make you stressed, it’s not a hobby anymore. It’s not a fun escape, and it should never feel like a job. Don’t be afraid if you lose your muse for a while, it happens all the time, people will understand. Don’t feel bad if you have to take breaks and leave for a while, or just lurk and stop role playing for a while. It happens to all of us! So essentially, have fun. That’s about all I can think to offer at the moment, but by all means nonnie! If you have any more questions or anything specific you want to know, my inbox is always open, and you will never be a bother.
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