#((this is also what sets him apart from spamton))
abyssembraced · 1 year
Perhaps somewhat of a rarity among Darkners, Rouxls is completely neutral toward Lightners. As the 'useless' rules card, he never received much attention from the Lightners, even before the entire classroom went abandoned. So, as a result of their neglect, he never ended up developing any sort of special admiration or respect for them. While, yes, he does know that the Lightners supposedly created the Darkners, they never really did much for him personally, so he doesn't consider them to be automatically more significant than the Darkners.
However, unlike the King of Spades, he doesn't hate Lightners, either. Nothing really changed for him when the classroom was abandoned, since you can't lose something you never had in the first place. So, he never developed any particular animosity toward the Lightners over being abandoned, either. He just doesn't care.
Because of all this, he had no qualms with supporting King's anti-Lightner policies if it meant it could put him into a position of power. However, he has nothing against Lightners personally, so he was also perfectly willing to join Kris and co. once things started looking bad for King. But, because he has no default attachment to Lightners, he also had no problem with betraying the Fun Gang later in order to serve a Darkner leader who he deemed more powerful (Queen), even if that goes against how a Darkner is 'supposed' to behave.
Eventually, Rouxls might join the Fun Gang's side permanently, perhaps because he's finally realized that, despite being a bunch of teenagers, the group is actually very strong and will probably be the winning side of any conflict they're in. Or also, if he remains loyal to Queen past Chapter 2 (which those Chapter 3 previews do seem to suggest), then he'll be allied to them by extension since Queen is on their side. Regardless, though, he won't join them just because Kris and Susie are Lightners.
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onedumbazz · 11 months
Accept Cookies?
fluff, establish relationship
also posted on ao3
The smell of cinnamon hits your nose as you enter into the apartment and take off the extra layers that protected you from the cold. A sigh leaves your nose, shoulders sags and eyes close as a wave of exhaustion and relief washes over you and settling into your body as you walk over to the couch and flop onto it, instantly feeling like a pile of putty as you do so as your muscles relax even further.
As you lie there you finally notice the sound of humming that echoes through the apartment, the tune seems faintly familiar but your tired brain can't seem to find the answer for now as you push yourself up into a sitting position and feel a small smile form as you continue to listen to his humming. Foot bobbing along with the melody as you sit there, enjoying Spamton's humming.
The humming gets louder as you push yourself of the couch and head to the kitchen, smile growing as you find yourself leaning against the door frame and watching your lover standing on a step as they are doing the dishes as the source of the smell of cinnamon bakes in the oven. His humming continues as they begin to dry the dishes, tapping his left foot along with the melody which seemingly draws you in closer and into the kitchen.
The humming stops mid beat as Spamton turns around at the sounds of footsteps behind them, face a light pink which seems to grow darker as he finds you stopping next to them leaning against the table. "am I interrupting anything?" the question ends with a small smile causing the salesman's blush to become a red hue as he stands there for a moment, mouth slightly agape before he slightly shakes his shakes their head and dries their hands while looking away shyly "N0, NO I [Just get in!] W45N'T EXP3CTING [A full house] SO [Coming Soon!]" the blush fades slightly as they look back up to you, the red cheeks slowly coming in as he tits his head.
"H0W WAS [9 to 5~]?" that draws out a sigh from your lungs as your head flings upwards "Tiring like always" your head bobs as it falls down and you're greeted with a sympathetic smile from Spamton as he places the dishcloth onto the table and begins to put away dishes "[That's rough buddy]" your eyes crinkles at his response as you also begin to put away dishes to aid him "Mmmm, but you know what made it better?" Spamton pauses and looks up to you, tilting his head with curiosity behind his glasses "WHAT?".
You lean down and places a small peck on his cheek and pull back "The thought of being near you~" Your eyes crinkle even more at the sight of the salesman freezing with the blush comes back tenfold "0H" a small giggle leaves your mouth as a hand find its place over your mouth. A sudden harsh ringing sound make both jump at the sound and snap their head to an egg timer setting off, "AH #*&/" Spamton grabs an oven mitt and opens the oven, the heat immediately steaming up their glasses as he takes out a tray of cookies and places them on the stove-top, a sigh leaves their mouth as they wipe non-existent sweat from his forehead "PHEW, That [Reader Beware you're in for a scare] ME" He turns to you as they take of the glasses and wipe of the steam "I M4DE S0ME [Accept Cookies?] WHILE [YOU!] WERE G0NE" His black weary eyes close as they sheepishly smile as you look over to the cookies, the smell of cinnamon from the freshly bake cookie makes your mouth water as the cookies glow with a blue hue and have a mix of milk, dark and milk chocolate in some cookies and some have only one chocolate, your head turns over to Spamton "They look and smell delicious"
Spamton waves a hand in your direction and looks away "YOU'RE JUST [Spit it out already] TH4T" You huff in response as a pout finds itself on your lips "No I'm not, they look absolutely divine and I would inhale them if i didn't want to keep my tongue" Spamton gives a goodhearted chuff to your response as they drag you closer by wrapping his arms around your waist and places a hand on your chin and pulls you closer. Both of your mouths just inches away, heads tilted and eyes locked, "[Canned]N'T B3 [Loosing side] T0NGUES [CALL NOW!] C4N WE?" They get closer, his breath landing on your lips "I guess not" you reply as you close the gap.
A Sweet and tender kiss is shared, as both of you pull eachother closer and hold eachother in a loving embrace. You feel all the tension in your muscle from today melt away from your body as you pull Spamton close, and pull back from the kiss and hold your gaze to the charming puppet, whose hand is now resting on your cheek and you keep it in place with your own hand. "I love you spam" Spamton freezes for a second before their smile grows "I L0VE [YOU] 2 ANGEL"
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deltaswap2442 · 4 months
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New Deltarune Au: Shadowglyph Inspired by the Aus Candleholder and The Other Puppet where darkners take the role of lighteners However unlike Other Puppet it's not a clear swap au but just places the Darkners as the lighteners and has a completely new story The secret bosses are the protagonists and the setting is trying to put them in a more realistic town sort of thing. This is also meant to be the secret bosses before they became insane. The objects replace the Darkners with the weapons being bosses, the armors being NPCs for the most part, and the consumables being shop owners. The weapons earned from secret bosses are the main bosses where the armors earned from them are the secret bosses.
Spamton is the main protagonist. He's a salesman for Queenly's tech company specifically tasked with trying to sell the new electric car the Cungadero. He's in his late 20s. He/him, pansexual. He's constantly stressed and jittery and a caffeine addict. He is also paid very poorly and has never known what it's like to have money to spend. He has very poor eyesight but refuses to wear glasses because he doesn't want to look nerdy tho he keeps a pair in his pocket in case of emergency. He also is a big Mama's boy. In the dark world he resembles his neo form and is equipped with the Dealbreaker (his glasses which cracked from falling into the shadow world and now are able to create an unstable shield) and the string scarf (a little string toy he likes to fidget with when he's nervous turned into a scarf that's able to morph into weapons mostly a blade or gun)
Jevil takes a role similar to Susie. Jevil is a comedian at the Card Kings' Casino who performs stand up comedy with his best friend Seam. He's quite friendly if a bit chaotic and is very hyperactive and has trouble staying on task. He's also a frequent alcoholic and is almost always drinking some substance. Because of this his life is starting to fall apart but he chooses to ignore his problems and uses comedy and drinking as his escape. He had a one night stand with Spamton and ever since insisted on following him around because he feels the need to get to know him (that and he's also very lonely with his only other friend being Seam and he might also have some feelings for Spamton). He likes getting on Spamton's nerves as a way of almost flirting. He's mostly the opposite of Spamton being carefree and outgoing and not having to work very hard for his success which causes Spamton to be envious by how easy Jevil's life seems to be but it's not perfect either. He's a bit older than Spamton being in his early 30s and is bisexual and gender fluid. In the dark world he resembles a jester like in Deltarune and is equipped with the Deviltail (A satanic pendant that in the shadowworld became an armor for his tail giving him magic powers) and the Deathscythe (A cane he carries for his stage acts that has become a long staff and also fused with his comb to become a scythe who's blade can be detached to throw)
Together they will banish the evil of the shadowworlds or die trying
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
Have you got any specific hcs about queen and spamton?
I have a few as someone who is obsessed with the story of the cyber world before we get there in-game.
Most mansion guests are invited by Queen after their success is seen or she becomes interested in them. Spamton was unique in that he actually pitched himself and bigshot autos to her
She was of course intrigued by this overzealous barely 5-foot ad she never ever heard of and was like "LMAO Let's See What You Got."
Queen quickly grew fond of how bumbling but determined Spamton was, kinda like a Cosmo and Wanda-esque relationship (both dummies but in different departments)
Spamton wanted to prove he could sell to anyone even the Queen herself and was shocked she actually let him in. Thought she was gonna be more strict only to see her put on wheelies and fall face first into a plate of spaghetti code.
Immediately knew there was no way to fuck this up and kinda got a crush.
Spamton and Queen weren't a thing in the traditional sense, more so buddies that were odd and didn't question each other's oddness so they got along really well
Like if Spamton asked if a shopping cart could make it across the battery acid pool with them in it Queen wouldn't think twice before ordering a cart and having the Swatchlings set a ramp
Of course, there was a rumor on what they did on private meeting nights or if the gifts they exchanged were because of profits and honor the Queen or y'know...
Drinking buddies, Spamton has a surprising tolerance for his short stature and the Queen loves any excuse to pour a big glass of battery acid.
Spamton let her vent to him. It was rare someone backed up her feelings of not liking her position and Spam of course could understand and console her
Liked to take her on rides in his Cungadero and Queen liked how average it felt like she related to her citizens more. It was a normal night on the town with someone who knew it and truly lived as a cyber citizen. She liked getting stuck in traffic with him or him almost hitting another car. She felt vulnerable and not completely implacable but not unsecured. He liked that he was finally meeting someone's expectations.
I feel like the Queen was aware of him being off as an ad but she enjoys that part of him. Like it makes her feel like she's succeeding as a Queen when even the off-citizens can prosper
Was not aware of the phone and just thought Spamton had a finicky client thought she should've asked more questions when his downfall came
Honestly, he was more like her blorbo than anything else
Like dude could get away with a lot but he never pushed his luck
She was his girl boss slay queen u_u,
If she asked he would make a car model that's whole purpose was just to blow up despite that being awful for profits
When she had to kick him out, she offered a temporary apartment or condition to let him stay if he wanted to be something more mundane. For reasons, he wouldn't explain he declined
She lets Swatch sell the bowties cause she can't seem to justify completely erasing him from the mansion.
She also kept a pipis but you'll be hard-pressed to find where.
Spam doesn't rip the poster by his dumpster completely off cause he considers it the only official picture they had taken together
To be honest I ship and don't ship them. Like they weren't in love but they were two objectively weird people who think alike but have completely different backstories on to why. They could be open and be themselves around each other even if there were things they couldn't share with each other. It was more like those two weirdly intimate friends who everyone thought were a thing only for you to ask and they both fake vomit about it. They still joke about the idea.
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grayblacklight · 11 months
Well then. That circus sure was digital. I guess I'll throw my first impressions out there, by going through what I thought about each of the main characters.
Spoilers are under the cut:
So, I'm only slightly familiar with Gooseworx- all I have is their covers of spider dance and the song that might play when you fight sans, but that's enough to not be even remotely surprised to find myself reminded of the annoying dog's games. And I think the strongest comparison I have is between Caine and Deltarune's secret bosses.
I mean, in a series about characters being trapped in a digital world, it's practically inevitable that the concept of 'freedom' would be looming over it, just like Jevil and Spamton are both tied to the concept. But there's a couple of other things too. The way Caine blue screens, lists things, and presents the circus and adventure all feel like things Spamton would say - calling it now, there's going to be an animatic for that at the very least - but it's the comparison with Jevil I find a bit more interesting.
Obviously, they are both entertainers with a lot of power that act very upbeat despite being in some form of prison. But they also both like to play up how much they can do. Much like how Jevil can't literally do anything, Caine seems to be more limited than he lets on. For instance, his 'thousands of all-seeing eyes' apparently don't see the abstracted Kaufmo, Pomni actively searching for him, or Jax somehow getting keys everyone's rooms and pulling pranky, he admits that he can't control human minds, his 'NPCs' seem to act independently from him (and one bubble eats his cake against his wishes, meaning he probably doesn't have complete control over them either), and of course he doesn't seem to have control over the exit door's random appearances. Also, while he does lean on the fourth wall when talking about someone being in the void, I'm not sure it was a fourth wall break- could just be implying that the void is where he keeps projects that aren't finished yet, which would make sense. Regardless, Caine and Jevil use their powers in the same way - to do basically whatever they want.
But the main reason I don't currently suspect him is that the main cast largely seems to trust him, even though they REALLY don't have a reason to. Most of the characters seem to be fine with the adventures, Ragatha tells Pomni to get him for help, and they help him try to keep Pomni away from the fake(?) exit door. So while there's definitely some suspicious stuff going on with this guy, I'm not ready to accuse him of being evil.
As for if he is secretly evil? Well he's probably not human, but some type of AI- although I can't say for sure either way myself - and if so he might be programmed with some malicious objectives or even to be super manipulative, but I personally doubt he's like, the big bad. I mean, it REALLY doesn't seem likely that he's the one who set up the headsets, and although we know so little for certain that nearly any information we've been told in episode one could potentially be a lie (especially since we don't know how reliable of narrators the characters are), at the same time I'm not going to try and pick them apart until I have a reason to think they are lying a and/or some more concrete facts to work off of and compare it against.
Edit one: Caine is apparently confirmed to both be an AI and not evil, so I guess I had a good read on him. He also apparently has some type of brother, which is interesting but for now not very useful info. Basically, he's not malicious, just very very bad with humans.
I don't have nearly as much to say about Pomni, in no small part because she spent so much time freaking out and responding to this situation in such a natural way that I didn't pick up a lot about her actual personality - mostly just the mirror scene and we'll, how she responds to overwhelming anxiety. We basically only have one aspect of her character and it's her reactions to fear and stress. That's not an issue or anything, it's episode one and she's the main character, we'll find out plenty more in later episodes.
The rest I could clump together for now, but I know you wanna hear about Jax first. Yeah, he's the funniest character in the show. He's like a DND character that is min-maxed into speed and charisma so he could be a coward and trickster without having everyone hate him for it. Leans on the fourth wall, causes problems on purpose, and makes a very, very interesting remark.
Getting this out of the way now, I also don't have a lot to say about Zooble, they were out of commission for half the episode. Interesting that they are the one person who explicitly isn't on board with an adventure, could have some other agenda or just be tired, I don't know. I will note that it seems like Caine did intend to for the adventure to be unobtrusive like they asked, as the groinks were largely contained to the tent, they just didn't get a chance to leave first.
Edit two: I missed the part where Zooble is to be referred to with they/them pronouns, I've edited the paragraph as to not misgender them. Seems that they're confirmed to be struggling with their identity and gender, here's hoping they work that out.
But I digress - we still really don't know a lot about Jax. Like, I suspect that the looney tunes chaotic prankster persona is a bit he uses to keep himself sane. If any character is going to get a focus episode (although given the cast and setting this might be the type of show where each episode focuses on a character) it's going to be him. Heck, I could see him acting as the antagonist for an episode, where he decides to turn the trickster persona up to 11.
Describing Kinger and Gangle as the most mentally stable people to deal with the adventure was one of the funniest bits in the episode, but I started to wonder if it's actually true. I mean, we very quickly get to see that Ragatha is very much putting up a front- I wonder Jax and Ragatha are just better at hiding their problems. Jax also admitted that he thought Kinger would be the next to lose it, so perhaps he isn't the best judge of that. It would be interesting if getting so deep into the part was part of how Kinger kept himself together for so long.
Edit three: I should clarify that I don't really think this is the case as of now, just that it's a notable possibility. Also interesting is the confirmed existence of a 'Queen' counterpart to Kinger. There's definitely some separation anxiety there. Also, Gangle is confirmed to like anime and drawing, and owns a body pillow. No character is currently specified to be on it.
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sylphidine · 9 months
[Fic Excerpt] Stars
I come bearing Yuletide gifts, gentle readers!
Have a winter-themed chapter of a longer Swatchton fic previously posted on AO3. The premise is based on Penbwl's Spamsician AU and set in the future in Castle Town. Swatch and Spamton are both elderly; the younger Swatchlings have taken over the Color Cafe. Swatch is free to create art to their heart's content. Spamton in this AU glitches in song lyrics rather than in ads and l33tspeak; he still plays piano and sings, but he's getting a bit arthritic.
One of the drawbacks of being married to a visual artist was that they sometimes dragged their partner into situations that weren't always comfortable, just so they could "soak up inspiration".
Fortunately for Spamton, that drawback was negated by the fact that the visual artist he was married to was Swatch, who also happened to be a textile artist.
And one of the many benefits to having Swatch as a partner was that there seemed to be a never-ending supply of knitted goods in the apartment they shared. This never-ending supply stood Spamton in good stead on this cold winter night as he and Swatch sat together in the porch swing set up on the balcony outside Swatch’s studio.  They were both swaddled in sweaters, scarves, hats, and afghans, with two tasques and a phearrette snuggled up on their laps. Meta4 and SimiLee each had their own sweaters in dark blue and white stripes; Slinky had a solid sweater in periwinkle stretching over the pneumatic tube that was her middle, leaving her back legs and her wire-coil tail swinging free and dangling off the edge of the swing cushion.
The sky above Castle Town was awash with the starscape that changed so slowly it seemed to never change at all, other than some lights varying their sparke. The warm lamp-glow spilling from the studio through the sliding glass doors was apparently enough for Swatch to see by, because the pencil in their hand was virtually flying over the pad of paper balanced on the knee that was not claimed by a trilling SimiLee.
Spamton loved watching Swatch work on their art; it was so different from what he did while he was composing at the piano or performing on stage. Spamton’s music burst out of him, pulled out of his bones and blood; Swatch’s paintings seemed to take form from the quiet introspective center of their mind. That wasn’t to say that Spamton’s music didn’t have moments of sweetness and delicacy, or that Swatch’s canvases didn’t have great splashes of fierceness and flamboyance.  But the sheer focus that Swatch put into their creation looked to Spamton as though his husband had to go inward rather than outward to express themself.
Tonight Swatch was sketching the sky above them, and then adding great swirls of stars and clouds. Spamton looked forward to seeing the colours Swatch would use when they transformed the sketch into paint. Silver? Gold? Blue? Purple?  Probably all of those colours and more.
Without consciously intending to do so, he started to sing a Lightner song under his breath, “Now the starlight which has found me/Lost for a million years/Tries to linger as it fills my eyes/'Tll it disappears/Could it be that somebody else is/Looking into my mind/Some other place/Somewhere/Some other time.’
Swatch turned their head slightly toward Spamton when some of the words caught their attention, but they still continued to draw as they asked their husband, “Do you ever think that there might be other worlds out there, not just the Lightners’ world? Worlds where there could be a different you and a different me?”
“Different how?” 
“Hmmmm. If each one of those stars has a world around it, how different would you and I be? Is there a world where you’re a tasque and I’m a maus? Is there a world where we’re two pirate captains on one ship? Is there a world where I’m a prince like Ralsei and you’re the rose I keep under glass? Is there a world where you’re the butler and I’m the salesman? Is there..” Swatch trailed off, lost in thought, and their pencil slowed.
Spamton didn’t have to think long before answering. “[[We may be planetary, but it's time we had some suns.]] If there are lots of other yous and lots of other mes, I’d hope they’re all [[so happy together]] as we are.” He gently took the pencil out of Swatch’s hand and leaned over to kiss his husband on the side of their beak.
The painting, when it was completed a few weeks later, showed shapes in the star patterns, shapes that resembled a multitude of Swatches and an equal multitude of Spamtons, each reaching out to one another across the vastness of the night sky.
Full fic here...
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puppetshowdown · 1 year
Any favourite info-dumps? <:O/genq
I love all of them! But here I'll share a few that really stood out to me! -The Julia one I mentioned before!: "I just….. I am love her. I was SO happy when she was introduced. Her first episode is my comfort media. Autistic representation where it isn’t framed as a bad thing is SO rare in children’s media, and “she does things a little bit differently, in a Julia sort of way” made me CRY. She is so much like me and she makes me so happy. The happy flaps when I saw her on the Sesame Street float at the Macy’s parade nearly hurt my wrist I was so happy. She is the best girl and deserves the best. Her puppet was designed to have a set of arms specifically so that she can stim, and she has a comfort toy like I do and doesn’t like the way paint feels like I don’t and loves to sing like I do and gets overwhelmed by sirens like I do and I just love her SO MUCH. (I didn’t link a picture because there are so many good ones! I like the one where she is looking at a feather, and also the one from the cover of the picture book she initially appeared in <3)" -Audrey II: "want to preface: either the stage version or the '86 movie version works, as both are portrayed by puppets! although neither is canonically a puppet in the story. i couldn't tell from the rules if this was disqualifying or not. BUT if i could get a word in for the movie Audrey II: WHAT A GORGEOUS PUPPET… or should i say SERIES of PUPPET/ANIMATRONIC HYBRIDS! there's somewhere in the ballpark of a dozen Twoies in the film to represent the different growth stages of the plant. they're all beautifully painted with vibrant detail, perfectly matching the high camp tone & setting! the mechanics of the puppet are also intricate and innovative; especially the MOUTH those lip syncs are so accurate and expressive! the largest puppets were actually so heavy that in order to remain accurate to the audio, they had to be operated along to the tracks and filmed at half speed, then sped up in editing… which means that when the actors appear with the plant in those scenes, they're ALSO performing at half speed! the stage play versions are (by necessity) less technical than these puppets, which were fabricated by the Jim Henson company btw, but lots are still really cool; a unique standout is the one from the Pasadena Playhouse production! whew. all this and i didnt even talk about the character… Audrey II is an alien plant that was beamed down to Earth and wants to take over the world. it sings some catchy songs about that. they can fit so much queercoding and slay into this plant. it's a girlboss it's a drag queen it manipulated a young man into committing several murders. we stan." -Spamton: "Hee heehee I am so obsessed with this silly puppet guy. I love how he went from an absolute snazzy lil salesman dude with his red tux, and just gradually turned into a complete disaster of himself. I like how little detail is actually shared about his past, so you're left to wonder if he was actually brought down by circumstances out of his control, or if he brought his failures upon himself and just doesn't want to accept that. I want to give him a hug and he would no doubt try to bargain for my soul in the process"
And honestly so many others! I love all the infodumps! From the long passionate paragraphs to the more silly jokey ones They're all so much fun to read!
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candysharkart · 3 years
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edgy creepy pasta au i doodled to pass the time today :) I dont feel like finishing it but i put too much effort in not to post lol..................................
here’s the whole script i wrote for mewmewstabbykilly if u want.....i ended up writing way too much cuz i was trying to emulate that kind of video.............i was just making shit up tho so idk how cohesive (or like...... good) it is n u can probably just ignore it if u want :)
The year 1997 had held such promise for former pawnshop owner, turned overnight TV superstar, Spamton G. Spamton. His hit original gameshow "DO YOU WANNA BE A [BIG SHOT]?" was being enjoyed by human and monster families alike all over the country. And his eccentric but endearing personality as the show's host, "MR. BIG SHOT", had the network calling for his own late night talk show......But on September 17 1997 Mr. Big Shot stopped picking up the phone.
When he failed to arrive to the set of "DO YOU WANNA BE A [BIG SHOT]?" that morning, the crew was concerned. Spamton had never missed a taping before in the shows 7 season run. All calls made to the missing host would mysteriously fail to go through. Wanting to keep the shows record going, producers sent a stage assistant to Spamton's apartment to see if they could bring him in.
This guy's landlord must've SUCKED by the way!!!! Allegedly this stranger stage hand walked right up to him and was like "Hey I work with your celebrity tenant! let me in his apartment!" AND HE DID!!!! LIKE???? WHAT IS THAT???? Anyway. They get the door open and BAM!!! Couple minutes later the cops are on their way. Spamton G. Spamton is dead.
Details on this case are kinda..... fuzzy!! There was like next to NO news coverage, and the only case reports I could find are like......... heavily redacted for some reason???? But from what I can put together, they found Spamton sitting on his couch next to his landline, receiver in hand, all dressed up like he was just about to head down to the lot. Only y'know. He was dead. The report also said that the phone was just emitting a "garbage noise"?? Whatever that means?? Static I guess... Is that something old phones did?? I dunno... That phrasing just really stuck out to me.
The coroner states that they couldn't determine a cause of death, but said that he was unharmed barring of course his, and I quote, "heavily mutilated face". HEAVILY MUTILATED FACE!!!! I'M NO EXPERT BUT THAT SOUNDS LIKE A CAUSE OF DEATH TO ME!!!! There isn't even a description OF the mutilation!!!! Like COME ON!!!! I'm trying to make a viewtube video over here!!!! LET ME INFORM MY AUDIENCE!!!! I couldn't even figure out what the cops ruled it!!!! Honestly, I'd seen reruns of this guy's show before, but I hadn't EVER heard of this case until someone emailed me about it......
While I was digging through old true crime forums as research for this video I managed to come across what's SUPPOSSED to be an autopsy image of the head, but I couldn't find anything to support this...... The picture was already censored when it was posted, and I..... Didn't really want to look for the original..... It's not like I would've put it in here anyway, I'm not a weirdo. But this version is PG enough to put in this video, since it's like..... the only other thing I could find on the subject. I kinda hate looking at it though hahaha.
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cobra-in-singapore · 3 years
гигантский робот убийца ходит за тобой хвостиком и жаждет твоего внимания, что может быть лучше? /или хуже?/ но что насчет тех голубых яиц? не утверждаю, что это он их снес /хотя, он сам слегка птицеподобен, так чтоо.../, но можно каких-нибудь хедов, связанных с этой темой? /например, он уже живет с читательницей какое-то время и однажды она обнаруживает на своей кровати...синие яйца, которые лежат в коконе из её одежды. и героиня просто "боже, с кем я связалась"/ можно с НЕО версией или с обычной, как вам покажется интереснее ( ´ ω ` )
Ох бог, спасибо за вопросы, я очень люблю взаимодействовать со своей аудитории, поскольку именно этот контакт помогает мне двигаться дальше и дает мне мотивацию что либо делать. Вы хотели, что б я обыграла историю с Пиписами (господи я не могу с их названия)?
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Spamton x Reader Headcanons Part 3
Today was a wonderful day! You've finally been promoted, although you don't quite understand what to do, but the Addisons seem pretty nice, they usually help you (only often after that they ask for a favor for them, but you're already used to concluding such mini-deals), and right now in high spirits you were returning home earlier than usual. When you got to your apartment and rustled the keys, you opened the door and quickly went in, closing it behind you, "I'm home!", but there was no answer. Hmm. Probably Spamton works, you decided. In the end, he was also doing business, somehow he managed to set up a business in order to sort out someone else's mail. Yeah. It's very strange. You have no idea how he did it, but someone really uses his services with mail, probably these persons just have a lot of mail and absolutely not enough time.
Taking off your street clothes, you went to your room in order to change clothes and quickly dump your body on the sofa. Your soul was buzzing in high spirits, and although you didn't see it, it was glowing brighter than usual. And so, opening the door to your room, you go in and lock it behind you so that no one bothers you. You walk forward, put your bag on the chair at the table, go to the chest of drawers with things, see blue eggs on your bed, take out your own-WHAT?!
"What the..." you stared in shock at a small pile of blue eggs in a makeshift nest of your clothes. What. NO SERIOUSLY WHAT. WHAT THE HELL. You're still standing there, a meter away from your bed, staring at those big blue eggs. They were smooth and oval, much larger than chicken ones, you assume they might be the size of ostrich ones, but it doesn't matter. There's a nest of your clothes on your fucking bed and there are eggs neatly stacked there. You raise your hand and convulsively rub your neck. Although you don't blush, embarrassment is reflected on your face. Were they... were they lay down by Spamton? God, you don't have enough words. You're VERY confused. A hundred questions immediately arise in your head, how could Spamton lay eggs? why is he laying eggs at all? does he have two sexes? Is he not a robot? Does he have more of a bird? Does this mean that all Addisons also lay eggs? WHY DID HE TAKE THEM DOWN IN YOUR ROOMVAHVYYYDARHAPH
And so, you stood for half an hour and stared at these eggs, embarrassed. It's even worse than when you accidentally sat down on a small Spamton sitting on the couch (although he squeaked quite cute but you apologized to him for a long time), but now is not the time for that. Without really changing your clothes, you broke out of the room away from these creepy eggs, trying to swallow your excitement and nervousness. You've been thinking too much about things you shouldn't have been thinking about. But before that, you still carefully took your home clothes with a plaid and went downstairs. You tried to find Spamton, but it looks like he wasn't at home, which is... very strange. All day today you knew for sure that he wasn't following you, then where did he go? You allowed yourself to be distracted by changing clothes and wrapping yourself in a plaid on the couch while watching a comedy show.
It was late in the evening when you heard the front door open with a click. Your body tensed, and you carefully got out of your cocoon, going into the kitchen and hiding behind the wall. You don't remember giving a copy of the keys to Spamton. To be honest, you were scared right now, the darkners were usually decent enough not to break into other people's houses, so all you had to do in this tense expectation was hope that you would survive.
As the door opened, it clicked shut. Heavy, but surprisingly muffled footsteps walked through the living room, but you could make out how uncertain and slightly slowed down they were, as if their legs were trying not to stumble. When you heard the soft scrape of metal and the footsteps stopped, you allowed yourself to look out anyway. When you saw your friend, you quickly left the kitchen and approached him with a worried look.
"Spamton, you could have warned me that you were going for a walk! And I wanted to talk to you about-" but you didn't have time to finish, because the robot turned around in an instant and pushed you to the floor. You let out a startled sigh and leaned on your elbows, lifting slightly only to stare at Spamton in horror, throwing your head back. He was hovering over you with his hands on the sides of your body, slowly moving his face closer to you. Your pupils were frantically darting around, trying not to look into the glowing round lenses of glasses through which they could steal your soul.
"OH MY [ANGEL, LOVE, LIGHT, MY WORLD], I'VE BEEN SO SICK SINCE THE FIRST D-DAY OF OUR [[CONTRACT]] !! I WAS SO BLIN-BLINDED, AND I DIDN'T SEE [MY PURPOSE], BUT NOW I'VE SEEN THE LIGHT! I NEED YOU, Y/N, JUST YOU! NO [HYPERLINK BLOCKED], I WANT YOU AND ONLY YOU" he approached dangerously enough, you could clearly see how much his face was and how thickly flushed, it seems that Spamton had drunk a little. You're not surprised, not when he started earning steadily, but you tried to crawl away from him, while the robot continued to rumble, his voice was confused and buggy, but surprisingly he spoke clearly. There was a weight in your chest that was trying to break out. You didn't like at all that Spamton was trying to drag you into a meeting, but not at all in order to fight with you. And to your regret and embarrassment, he didn't stop talking, and as before, you heard a sound coming from his chest like he was purring, but... was he cooing? Well, just like a bird, "I CAN'T RESTRAIN MY FEELINGS,[[ANGEL]], LET ME GIVE YOU [HEAVENLY PLEASURE] FOR FREE, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, I'LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU ASK, PLEASE ASK ME PLEASELETSMATE-", and before the darkner managed to say what unfortunately you could make out, he started twitching, a blue screen popped up on his glasses, you could even see how the glasses slightly slipped on his nose and his dark eyes opened to you, slightly distraught, and small "error" signs appeared on Spamton before he abruptly stood up and straightened up, and then he passed out, falling on his back with a motionless load.
...what the hell what the HELL WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! All this time you were holding your breath, drops of sweat rolled off your forehead. You've never been so excited, embarrassed and scared in your life. Honestly, you liked Spamton, he was a cool, funny guy, but you understood that someday you would have to leave the dark world, and you didn't think that the salesman would be able to follow you. You didn't want to break his heart, but you couldn't enter into a relationship, the last time brought you a huge pile of problems and suffering. You still blushed from such tension, and finally stopped leaning on your elbows, you fell on your back and took a deep breath, closing your eyes. God, what a day. You have just been offered to mate by a humanoid who looks both like a doll and somehow like a bird. Damn it.
After a while, you still got up and went to the disabled Spamton, he had black glasses, his face was still red, and there was a strangely sad expression. His smile dropped slightly. You found the button, and pulled out Spamton of this suit, the way he was - small and harmless. Your hands were shaking and you were still very nervous, but now you were focused on helping Spamton, so you laid him on the sofa and covered him with a plaid a little, dragging this Neo body into the back room. You forbid him to use it for a while, all this will not lead to good.
You made green tea with cybernetic honey (don't ask) and waited for your friend to wake up. A few hours passed and Spamton woke up, muttering something indistinctly, holding his head and slightly moaning in pain. The blush was completely gone, and the dark one seemed very absent-minded, however, what usually happens with a hangover.
"AH, Y/N, THANK YOU" he was drinking tea, sitting on the couch, but not meeting your gaze "ER, SO, UH...W-WHY AM I WITHOUT MY [shell] AND WHAT HAPPENED? I REMEMBER COMING HOME BUT AFTER THAT [[connection lost]]", you squinted at Spamton and he flinched from your gaze, slightly blushing and nervous "I-I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING [[[sorry, age limit]]]?"
"Well, you...", and you had a choice, to tell him, or to pretend as if this had never happened. You made your choice, "You came home drunk, Spamton, and... you passed out, falling on the floor," the seller sighed softly with relief, "And you also laid eggs in my room, didn't you?" And he choked on tea.
"I-I-I'M NOT LAYING!!!"Spamton's voice rose several octaves and became very high and loud, you winced slightly "T-THIS IS PIPIS, THESE ARE NOT MY [[children kids babys]]!! THEY APPEARED WHEN I WAS MA-MA-MAKING DEALS IN THOSE DAYS AND WAS A [[big shot]] AND NOW, B-BECAUSE I'M BACK IN BUSINESS, THEY HA-HAVE APPEARED AGAIN" The salesman's face turned red again, he crossed his arms, trying to look offended. But you knew. You knew everything perfectly well, you understood that [probably] he somehow could still reproduce and not so long ago wanted to do this with you, you tried not to betray your nervousness. Spamton could see your soul, you understood that, so during your life with him, you learned to hide it well when you wanted it, "Okay, fine, just... do whatever you want with them, Spamton. And... please don't make a nest for them out of my clothes. I'll buy more blankets so that you can make a nest for them in your room, deal?" You smiled and quickly patted the little seller on the head, from which he flushed again and smoothed his hair. Well, after that, Spamton put those creepy eggs in his room and you didn't see them in the house anymore, although now you began to notice a little more strange bird tendencies in Spamton. And you also like to scratch his head to hear him cooing softly.
He really was like a little bird, but you still couldn't sleep at night because of this incident for a while, you didn't show anything not to worry Spamton in vain, because who knows what he could have done if he hadn't poured alcohol into himself. To be honest? In general, you trusted him, you are sure that it probably wouldn't be so terrible as incredibly embarrassing, but again, you don't allow yourself to think about such things, you can't fall in love anymore. However, looking at how this little darkner snuggles up to you while you two are watching a funny show, sitting on your lap and cooing, makes your absolute protection melt.
It was short this time, I'm sorry I didn't have time to go into more detail. I will also attach the picture later, it is not ready yet "^^
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
I understand I already yelled a little in the tags under your most recent art, but I feel the need to yell still. Spades is 10 feet tall or larger. Massive. Curled up on the throne like this, in an empty space, he looks average sized or even small. His face is contorted into a scowl, but there's an element of something else there, an element of pain, sadness perhaps? As deadbeatdadjokes pointed out, he still keeps hold of the crown, even when he's trying to rest. Of course the throne is torn. The throne is torn apart. His life is torn apart. He can't escape from this even when he's trying to rest. His hatred follows him everywhere, constantly. As you said, he needs a melatonin to forget about his war crimes for a few hours. The only time he's peaceful.
Yeah, your art put me in a mood I just had to give you this mess and I am supposed to be asleep right now but I am not 😎
while i absolutely love hearing other people’s interpretations of what’s going on in my work, the emotion i drew into this image on purpose is fear.
i think what really captures me about this abhorrent character is the inherent and oxymoronic fragility of his position at the top of the food chain. apex predator is not an easy title to maintain for any significant period of time.
he is such a control freak to an unsustainable extent and so, so obsessed, he’ll gladly poison or trample everything and everyone around him with his own corrosive drive toward revenge until there’s nothing left. he knows everyone wants him gone. he knows theyre waiting for an opportunity to reenact that scene from lion king where the hyenas eat scar alive. his paranoia is deep set and destructive, but not necessarily unwarranted. he is alone, in constant danger, surrounded by people who want him dead, and it’s 100% his own fault.
this isnt the only instance of tragic irony the character represents. like spamton, king spade’s story is punctuated by an inability to break out of the role laid out for him by the narrative. he is a darkner, created and sustained only to act as a device for the advancement and entertainment of lightners. he’s one of the few darkners that actively fights against this admittedly pretty fucked up class system, and only due to some likely immense religious trauma associated with being left alone in the dark by an uncaring god that didnt even know he existed.
but, by rebuking the lightners he has merely colored his obsession with them differently, only succeeding in swapping religious adoration for seething acidic malice. even as he thrashes against the chains of predestiny and tries to flip the script, his identity is still fundamentally tied to the lightners he’s trying so hard to wrench free from. he does not see the issue with this because he is stupid<3
he also does not see the issue with being an insufferable prick to everybody around him for the sake of The Cause. he is well aware of the risks, and no doubt hardly sleeps more than an hour or two a night due to the constant threat of being fucking assassinated, but i think he thinks himself smart enough to weasel his way out of (or completely shit stomp) any potential uprising or coup. and he’s right. for a while at least.
fear is a powerful but fleeting motivator, and when it inevitably wears off and the smoke clears and everyone sees that you are alone at the top, you will be eaten by your own dogs.
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disastrouslyyours · 3 years
Okay know you have like, a mountain of drabble requests, so feel free to ignore. I am a bit tipsy coz new years, so it kinda inspired me. Okay idea: Spamton is a giggly drunk, which means extra giggles if you do a certain something with him. Ehehehe. No its not sin, get yer minds out of the gutter. For SHAME. Okay I love you friend. Buh bye.
Giggling bc im not above nor against a little sin now and again, but I think I know what you mean 😏
Also I’m bumping this one up so it stays relevant to current events (the event being New Years Day lol). I have some downtime in between my commitments and this is how I chose to spend it haha.
obvi cw of alcohol (light use) and both characters being tipsy
“You’re absolutely too much, do you know that?” You sip at your drink, trying to soothe your own bubbling laughter as you watch your friend fall apart on the stool next to you. He had just finished reenacting a scene from one of his favorite comedies; or, more accurately put, attempted to reenact said scene. He started giggling at his own joke long before you did, which made you laugh harder than the bit would’ve anyway.
“I THINK YOU’RE [Too Much].” He retorts with a couple stray giggles. He looks up at you with wide pupils behind his tinted lenses, basking in the light of your own smiling face. It’s enough to make your heart leap into your throat, so you shove it back down by finishing your drink.
“I think this place is too much, wanna head home?” You place your glass on the bar next to you and lean closer to his face.
“[Homeward Bound] IT IS!” He follows suit and downs the rest of his drink before hopping off the bar stool, swaying a little as he lands.
“Easy now, Big Shot.” You place a hand on his shoulder as he steadies himself, feeling a lightness in your head as you stand. You figure you probably could’ve done without that last drink, and feel grateful you have a short walk home.
You sigh as you enter your apartment, grateful to be out of the cold winter air. Spamton has been trying to say a whole lot of something on the walk home, but could barely get more than a couple words out before bursting into a fit of giggles. He’s still softly chuckling to himself as you glance over at him trying to unzip his jacket. You had been relieved to discover that he was a bubbly, sappy drunk, as the opposition would’ve been a little tough to handle. It’s nice to see him having a good time, even if assisted by a little giggle juice.
“Do you need help with that?” You tease as you kneel down in front of him.
“I [Got It], I’M ALL [Six Piece Dining Set], [Doll].” He furrows his eyebrows as he struggles to decode the complicated mechanism that is a zipper. You decide that he does not, in fact, ‘got it’, and opt to give him a helping hand. You place a hand on his hip to keep him still while reaching the other towards the zipper, and he jumps with a yelp.
Oh. Your light head connects the dots. You both make silent eye contact for a brief moment before you address him with a smirk.
“Spamton.” You croon and he shudders. “I think you do need help.” You place a hand on either side of him and squeeze lightly as you pull him closer to you, earning more of the giddy giggles you’ve grown so fond of.
“NO [No] [Negative], I DO N<OT.” You give a couple more light squeezes and he half heartedly pushes at your hands, more for show than as a real effort to stop you.
“I dunno, seems to me like you’re having just a little bit of a tough time.” You unzip his jacket and sneak your hands inside to knead at his ribs, earning a full outbreak of laughter from the short salesman. He leans against you for support as he laughs, his head resting on your shoulder. You feel your face flush, but blame it on your own tipsiness.
“You’re lucky you have me here to help you out.” You walk your fingers up to his armpits and he lurches. “Or else you might be stuck in this jacket forever.”
“YOU [Call Now!] THIS, AHA, H-HELPING?” He loses all composure as you wiggle your fingers under his arms, laughing heartily while pressing himself against you.
“I do.” You slow your movements before actually sliding the jacket off of him. His near-deafening laughter fades into hushed chuckles. He’s still leaning against you as he gathers himself, staring up at you with the brightest look in his eyes.
“YOU’RE RIGHT.” He says suddenly, and you look down to shoot him a quizzical look. He elaborates by adding, “I AM LUCKY.”
“Yeah.” You sigh, choosing to once again blame your warm cheeks on tonight’s beverages of choice. “Lucky you’re cute.”
While you didn’t necessarily mean to say it out loud, you can’t say you didn’t enjoy the way it turned his face bright red. For a split second you swore his pupils became heart shaped, but then again, you perhaps did have one too many tonight.
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stainedglassthreads · 3 years
Do you think that the next secret boss could be based on the flowers in trash thrown away by Toriel? The flowers do fit in the whole abandonment theme that the secret bosses all share too
Hm. I honestly hadn't considered much who the next secret boss could be, but depending on how much of Toriel's house and Hometown is encompassed by the Dark World, it's plausible. Especially with how suspicious the soul bouquet is. Good catch.
I don't know if it's guaranteed, though. Most of the Dark Worlds have been place we couldn't access in the Light World until the fountain was gone. Toriel's house is very easily explorable, with the exception of one locked room and the unplugged TV. Could be that plugging the tv was the equivalent of 'opening the door'. Not to mention, most of the secret bosses have been kinda skippable one-off things isolated from the rest of the chapter and not necessary to advance, and if Toriel becomes a party member or accompanies the fun gang... I feel like this fight would have some kind of lasting impact on her-- for better or for worse.
Because let's consider something that would set Flower Bouquet apart from other Darkners-- while both Card Kingdom and Cyber World share a theme of 'abandonment' as well (King wanting to rage against the Lightners who abandoned him, the internet going out and Queen being concerned for the Lightners), this boss fight(or Toriel in TV Dark World in general) would be the first on-screen instance of a Darkner interacting with the specific Lightner who purposefully abandoned them.
Of course, not to say that Toriel throwing away the bouquet or unplugging the tv was as bad as abandoning the Kingdom of Monsters, or being too scared and heartbroken( of losing another child or of having to kill Asgore, you decide) to go with them to confront Asgore. (And even then I tend to be just a little more sympathetic toward Toriel, honestly) If the tv wasn't seeing much use, then unplugging it saves energy, and as someone who's had people ignore me when I say 'I don't want to be in a romantic relationship', she can set as firm boundaries with Asgore as she damn well pleases. But it makes me wonder a lot what that interaction would be like-- joy that their 'Queen', the Lightner who gave them purpose, has returned? Confusion and begging to know what they did wrong? Rage that she was away for so long and now returns, not even recognizing them or where she is?
On the note of parallels... If the Bouquet does turn out to be the Secret Boss, the Secret Boss' location always seems to be under the final area. Below Card Castle for Jevil, below Queen's Mansion for Spamton. I imagine Bouquet's basement would resemble a garbage dump, which calls to mind the Golden Flower bed in Waterfall's Garbage Dump. This isn't the only thing from Undertale that may be references, tho-- of course there's the Grey Door and Clam Girl, as Gaster seems more... active... in Deltarune than in Undertale. And also... there's the Umbrella Statue.
I've heard some people note it looks quite similar to the central Titan, from when Ralsei was describing the Roaring.
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junkmail-of-eterna · 3 years
Beloved Face (Reader x My “Soft Reset AU” Spamton)
UM, so...
I don’t feel this is worth posting to AO3 because it's so insanely self-indulgent. I also don' t really know what to call this sort of thing? Just hurt/comfort doesn't cover it. It's EXTREME hurt/comfort. It's a heart-squeezer. I write this specifically to squeeze my own heart and give myself a good cry. If it works on anyone else, that's pretty great, here you go, enjoy, haha. 
CW: mentions of self-harm, self-deprecation, OOCness, tooth-rotting fluff, and the type of language used in this fic is not normal, but I'm not sure what to call it. Belittling, kind of, but in a loving way??? Seriously, is there a term for this?
Anyway, my "Soft Reset" SpamtonxReader where Reader substitutes for Kris. He hurt himself while attempting to make himself look "better", and you're here to comfort the heck out of him.  
Your heart clutched as you stepped inside. It was going to be bad, you knew it would be bad, but...it still hurt. It hurt so much. 
Spamton was lying on his back, the covers tucked loosely under his arms. Bandages were wrapped around his right elbow, all the way up to his shoulder, and you could already see tiny wounded cracks on the left side of his face. You couldn't see his eyes, since his bi-colored glasses had been slipped back onto his face, but there was a sort of sallow, sunken quality underneath them, as if sleep-deprived. Or ill. Or both. As always, his thin eyebrows were pinched with pain. 
"Spam..." Your voice was so soft as you called his name, yet you quickly hurried to his bedside. "Oh, Spam..." Knowing what had happened...it hurt even more. 
Ralsei had rushed to you with the news--Spamton had been wandering around without his glasses on, had tripped down the stairs of the castle, and severely injured himself. It was lucky he hadn't suffered too much head trauma, but his arm and the rest of that side of his body had taken the brunt of the force. Up close, you could see several bruises across his porcelain-white skin, and you hadn't known he even could bruise until now. Apparently, he really did need these glasses in order to see. 
Ralsei, along with a few Ambyu-Lances had carefully moved him to the backroom of the cafe, setting it up like a makeshift hospital. There was no way to actually give him intravenous fluids, but a little heart monitor was attached to his chest, softly, rhythmically beating. Thanks to their combined efforts, Spamton's arm had been fused back together, but it still remained incredibly wounded and fragile, so they'd wrapped it up like this to prevent it from falling apart again until it could fully heal on its own. 
It was a truly heart-rending sight, but...what hurt most of all was that you knew why he'd done it. 
"Spam, can you hear me? It's me. I'm here." Your hand moved, tenderly, lovingly stroking the top of his head, over tufts of black hair. You felt so awful for not being here earlier--you'd been in the Light World when all this had happened. You hadn't been here for him. It made you want to cry. You'd never wanted to have to leave him like this. 
"Uh...K...K-Kris? Or..." The lights behind Spamton's glasses flickered, and two round, soft orbs faded in behind them, gazing up at you. He said your name, realizing and sensing that it was you, just in the body of Kris. Unfortunately, that was what had to happen. His voice was so quiet, so weak... Oh no... 
"Yes, it's me, Spam. I'm right here." 
He extended a frail, bruised little hand towards you, and your heart felt like breaking. Oh God... Spamton...he never deserved anything like this. Trapped in a body that he didn't remember, trying desperately to cope with awful things he'd done, with no memory of them at all. In a way...you could relate. 
He looked...just so hurt, in every single sense. There was just so much pain...too much pain, both inside and out. Oh, Spamton... You wished, with all your heart that there was a way you could just...take this horrible pain away. 
Your own hand gently reached out and caught his tiny, trembling fingers in your palm. Then...little pools of clear liquid gathered below the frames of his glasses, and he turned a bit, from his propped-up position. 
"I'm...sorry. I'm...being a burden again. On Ralsei and on you... I just... I wanted to feel okay. But I just became a burden on everyone again... I only ever...c-c-cause p-p-p-p-problems!" 
An alert went off in your mind. He was getting too worked up--the stuttering was a clear sign of that--and you had to calm him down before he hurt himself even more. 
"Shhhh-shh..." You began to rub, ever so softly, over his little hand. Weakly, he squeezed back. "Shhhhhhhh, it's okay. Oh, Spam, don't you worry about that, don't ever." 
And the tears spilled over. Spamton sniffled, as teardrops began to streak down his sharp, white cheeks. "I-I just...I hate this body. I thought that maybe if I at least had my eyes back, it wouldn't...be so bad. I don't want this, I'm so sick of this, it hurts..." 
You'd known it all along, as soon as you'd heard. This poor little heart, so full of self-loathing, hurting itself so much, over and over... Dear Spamton...your dear little Spamton, so much pain inside him... 
"Spam...oh, Spam, your life... Your life is worth so much more than you think. Please...please don't hurt yourself so much like this." 
"B-But I feel it... It already hurts...hurts so much." Spamton slowly tried to wipe his tears with his free hand, but they continued to pour, right into his palm. "When I'm...outside. How everyone looks at me. How they...h-how they can't even bear to look at me. I-I-I'm...I-I-I'm horrifying. I'm d-d-d-disgusting. I d-don't want this FACE!" 
You were afraid to move him too much, but you couldn't help but tenderly, carefully sweep his trembling little body into your arms. His injured arm fell limp at his side as you pulled his torso into your embrace. His tears soaked into your scarf--a cool, sorrowful dampness. 
You'd forgotten that it wasn't just his own mind. The others...the other citizens of Castle Town...they'd also put a significant wound in this delicate little heart of his. They'd hurt him just as much, and your own heart panged in empathy. 
It just wasn't fair. Spamton...was such a wonderful little treasure. Such a beautiful, vibrant, shining life. Why could no one else see that?! Ralsei cared for him, sure, but...it always seemed like he only cared because you did. You were the only one to understand just how very special he was, and by all the power in the world, you would save him. 
"Spam...oh...oh, sweetheart. Oh, dear one. Oh, my little light..." The soft whispers fell out of you, and you began to lovingly, oh-so-delicately rub up and down his back. 
You felt his chest shudder in another painful sob...he didn't believe these words, and probably felt like he didn't deserve them, you were sure. Your hand lifted to cradle the back of his head, pushing him in closer. His long, thin nose slid under your arm. 
"You're beautiful. It's just that no one understands. But I do. You're so wonderful. And did you know? Every time I see you, my heart just lights up with joy. Oh, I'm just so, so, so happy you're here with me. Every day, I am so thankful for your precious, miraculous life. I fought so hard for this beautiful little life, and it was absolutely worth every single second." 
A tiny whine moaned out of Spamton's muffled mouth, and you held him, so close, pouring all of your warmth and love into this tender embrace. This life, this body...the gentle weight of his living, breathing, beautiful little body, tucked in against you. Here. Here, alive, soft heart steadily beating. A life recovered, saved, healed, against all odds. The most precious little life in all of this world to you. 
You gently pulled him back, cupping his sharp cheeks in your hands. The dark ovals of his eyes were wide behind those glasses, and ghostly wisps of tears still streaked down from underneath. You rubbed them away with your thumbs, especially careful around the tiny cracks and bruises. 
"Look at these pretty little cheeks. I love how they light up in rosy little dots whenever you smile. And your smile...I can tell when it's real, when it's truly reflecting the joy inside you. When your whole face just sort of glows. It's just so beautiful, Spam." 
His lower jaw trembled, but this time, he managed to hold back the tears. Oh, good, so good. 
"And I know I might never really get you to see the beauty in your own face. But it's so, so wonderful to me. This is the face of someone very, very dear to me, and I love it so. So don't you dare hurt it like this again." 
Spamton's eyes closed...and one more tear slid out, smoothing over his wounded cheek. "......Okay. I.......I won't." 
And you swept him back into your warm, safe, loving arms. 
Your cherished little Spamton. You would do anything to soothe his aching heart, and you'd stay right here for as long as it took. 
Very slowly, very, very slowly...his shivers eased away. You rubbed, down his back, over his shoulders, through his hair, down his arms... He shuffled a little, sliding to the side and resting his head on your chest. 
You never wanted to let go. And you noticed he'd drifted off to sleep, so cozy, so warm and secure and loved. Just the way you wanted it, just as it always should be. 
Your very soul was glowing inside you. And you vowed to always, always love and protect this beautiful, fragile creature. With all your heart...you would never, never let go. Your very special little light...
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
Case File Spam Stuff
Thinking of this goofy au and made up some concrete aspects for it. Just stuff about differences from canon and how I think Cyber police and criminal things work:
Due to how identical Addisons are, missing persons for them are not always looked into as it can be impossible to tell them apart at times
Of course this is fucked up but Addisons can’t do much about it as salesmen so they suck it up but Spamton immediately messed up this practice by being the white addison
Law enforcement tries to ignore it cause “oh another addison” until they realized it was the big shot and the only white addison. This of course caused outrage when folks realized other disappearances weren’t looked into for the aforementioned reasons
He has been missing for 20 years but in universe people only believed it was 18 cause it took two years for the police to look into after he was MIA
Addisons as a whole have a different self run police thing kinda like private investigation but some ads do work as official enforcement
Spamton doesn’t have a set shop like in canon but makes pop ups. This is mainly cause he is being looked for by people who both care about him and want him dead
The dark web exists and is kinda just the black market and a part of the cyber world where crime is just a constant
Lots of folks from there want to capitalize off of being the infamous person who got the big shot or wanna know how he pulled it off and leave no traces after
Spamton mainly avoids being found cause he’s more scared of the dark web guys than eager for the comfort of his old friends… also the whole “ascension” deal
He does however capitalize by leaving little notes that only he’d write. He kinda leaves opposite notes to the caller/messenger as his actually explain things and paint a picture of what really went down.
Collectors and fanatic try to piece them together but only people who know his glitch can really get what he’s saying (hint hint)
Queen, Swatch and the Swatchlings also look for him but more in a guilty “they feel bad for him possibly being dead or worse” way. They don’t work with the law cause Queen wants to keep the mansion’s involvement unknown
At some point Spam does get actually kidnapped and the Addisons realize this (this leads into the endings/continuation I just don’t know how)
Jevil is somehow involved in this au just give me time to work out how
I imagine the cyber police system is super corrupt due to how rules and policing in the internet can be very varied and confusing (police is just cyber world TOS is my mind). Jurisdiction is all over the place and as such they don’t deal with things they don’t have to and if they can sweep it under the rug that’s where it’s going. I also believe most Addisons have a whatever relationship with the dark web as some no doubt get their products from there and most if not all are scam artists of some kind. Spam simply as the misfortune of being the product most cyber darkeners want (both before and after everything with the phone).
I’ll make another post going into the potential endings later but this is set up stuff important for all of them.
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