#(1) kim addonizio
plusultraetc · 8 months
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"I'm not a mother anymore, Sorahiko. I never was."
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morepeachyogurt · 2 years
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i’m not easy to love, i know, i know, i know
1. Kim Addonizio | 2. yves olade | 3. @titsay | 4. Chelsea Carr | 5. l.m. dorsey | 6. @asoftwrongness | 7. nicole homer | 8. daughter | 9. downeaster
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draftmonologue · 1 year
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1. Susan Sontag—As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964-1980, 2. Phoebe Waller Bridge—Fleabag, 3. Richard Siken—Wishbone, 4. Anonymous, 5. Atonement dir. Joe Wright 6. Hot Priest Monologue—Phoebe Waller Bridge 7. Gillian Flynn—Dark Places 8. Meditation in an Emergency— Cameron Awkward-Rich , 9. Billie Eilish— idontwannabeyouanymore, 10. Stephen Adly Guirgis— The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, 11. Lioness Dewinter—Sìren Loa 12. Bernie Wrightson’s Illustration of Frankenstein’s Monster. 13. Bonnie Winterbottom—How To Get Away With Murder, 14. Sade Andria Zabala—Paper Napkin Stories, 15. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz — Love Opened a Mortal Wound, 16. Unknown 17. Miley Cyrus — Never Be Me, 18 Kim Addonizio— Wild Nights; New Poems; Pareidolia, 19. Crazy/Beautiful dir. John Stockwell, 20. I.B. Vyache, Conversations Over Sanguinaccio Dolce.
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magicinavalon · 11 months
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for @merlinrarepairfest and @merlinbingo
1. lies about sea creatures, ada limon 2. scheherazade, richard siken 3 and 4. I used to be a hole in the ground, katie maria 5. calling a wolf a wolf, kaveh akbar 6. portrait of fryderyk in shifting light, richard siken 7. you with the crack running through you, kim addonizio 8. because it's summer, ocean vuong 9. scheherazade, richard siken 10. sweet movie, alisha ditzman 11. the greatest lovers in hell, l.h.z. 12. the worm king's lullaby, richard siken
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tubborucho · 10 months
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Fred and Tubbo – Love is like wildflowers; it's often found in the most unlikely places
taglist: @pastelvangelion @smallz-o @salineroses @dynamicworms @cindersnows @deadfishisyeq @snyland @missstrawberry @frubbotoxicyuri @haloberry @thecardboardbutterfly @avianchorus @qtubbo @an-egghead @codaattheend @mikaikaika @radio-zephyr
dm me if you want in or out of taglist
1. https://pin.it/FUlkaC4
2. Quote by Sue Zhao
3. “The Elektra Complex” Joan Tierney
4. https://pin.it/swdEYqO
5. https://pin.it/6SkBdua
6. “Eurydice” Sarah Ruhl
7. “Some Are Always Hungry” Jihyun Yun
8. https://pin.it/5DYz6U5
9. https://pin.it/6lUjaPz
10. N/A
11. https://pin.it/1FfJAL2
12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXn9UHpJcMv/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
13. “Wild Nights: New and Selected Poems” Kim Addonizio
14. Albert Camus, from a letter to Maria Casares
15. https://pin.it/23wPDX8
16. “You are the warmest place I’ve ever lived in” Azra.T.
17. https://pin.it/6dQnS7E
18. “Shapechangers in Winter” Margaret Atwood
19. ig: @.wholesomeebabee
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paladinbaby · 2 years
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onion litstack, or portrait of a totally normal guy who's doing well
the graveyard book, neil gaiman / brother, madds buckley / new year’s day, kim addonizio / dear fellow traveller, sea wolf / we are surprised, ada limón / four proofs, richard siken / interesting times, terry pratchett / fireworks, mitski / orestes, euripedes (tr. anne carson) / new year, kate baer
[Image Description: Ten pictures of text.
1: “Because there are mysteries. Because there are things that people are forbidden to speak about. Because there are things they do not remember.”
2: “Oh brother, I confess / There is little of me left that could care about dousing the wildfire
And I left you alone in a house, not a home / And I watched the burning grow as my hair filled with grey / From the ashes that fell / The mountains I knew so well”
3: Most of the text is highlighted in red, the final line is circled. “Today I want / to resolve nothing.
I only want to walk / a little longer in the cold
blessing of the rain, / and lift my face to it”
4: “You said, "Come with me, boy, I want to show you something more"
You spoke my language and touched my limbs / It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again / And in our travels, we found our roads / You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose”
5: “and we cannot be lost. You and me, / are us and them, and it and sky. / It’s hard to believe we didn’t / know that before; it’s hard to believe / we were so hollowed out, so drained, / only so we could shine a little harder”
6: “Part of heroism is being able to see the future and still remain standing. If you don’t believe in God or Fate you still must believe in the narrative.”
7: “Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been fate. People are always a little confused about this, as they are in the case of miracles. When someone is saved from certain death by a strange concatenation of circumstances, they say that’s a miracle. But of course if someone is killed by a freak chain of events -- the oil spilled just there, the safety fence broken just there -- that must also be a miracle. Just because it’s not nice doesn’t mean it’s not miraculous.”
8: “And when I find that a knife's sticking out of my side / I'll pull it out without questioning why
And then one warm summer night / I'll hear fireworks outside / And I'll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry”
9: A printed script with the first line in italics. Someone has underlined the second line. “Menelaos No don’t do it!
Orestes Oh be quiet. Endure what you deserve”
10: Close up of a page of a book. “thumbed through rusted nails just to / stand for its birth. I want to say: look how / far we’ve come. Promise our resolutions.
But what does a baby care for oaths and / pledges? It only wants to live.” Look how far we’ve come is printed in italics and highlighted in red. End ID.]
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fontededesejos · 18 days
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for you
"for you" by kim addonizio / "cavity" by ashley blanton / "pretty little birds" by sza / ana teresa barboza / "#1 crush" by garbage / "untitled" by mark rothko / "for you i hold my breath" by lalleshwari (katie jane garside) / "dendrite" by ashley blanton
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“Cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul.” Sylvia Plath
1. Kim Addonizio, from ‘New Year’s Day’, Wild Nights: New and Selected Poems
2. Mary Oliver, from ‘Hum Hum’, A Thousand Mornings
3. Unknown
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Writing Update
Some pretty intensive googling happened this weekend on the treatment of partial thickness burns and tib-fib fractures. (My poor blorbos…)
I’ve been obsessively working on my Damage Control series before a tough work week hits tomorrow. Ficlets for 1x11 Scarecrow and 1x12 Faith are done, working on 1x15 The Benders as we speak.
Winchester mild traumatic brain injury counter: Sam - 3; Dean - 3
Pondering whether killing a (fictional!) horse will make me lose half of my readers
Meanwhile, Athos is over here, like “When is rescue??” (Working on it, buddy)
Had a brief hour of writers block after being floored by a Kim Addonizio poem that made me doubt I could ever use words again
Febuwhump is coming and I’m still on prompt #1 *sigh*
How’s your weekend writing going? Need a nudge? Hot cocoa?
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dk-thrive · 8 days
I am going to stop thinking about my losses now and listen to yours. I'm so sick of dragging them with me wherever I go, like children up too late who should be curled in their own beds under the only blanket that warms them.
— Kim Addonizio, from "Tell Me, Tell Me" in “Tell Me”. (BOA Editions Ltd. on July 1, 2000)
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t1ck-tick-b0om · 2 months
my favorite aspects of poetry/writing pt.1:
The American Sentence
Definition: Created by Allen Ginsberg, the American Sentence is essentially a haiku put together. An American Sentence consists of 17 syllables, and is often (but not always) ordered subject, verb, object.
"Put on my tie in a taxi, short of breath, rushing to meditate." - Allen Ginsberg
"Four skin heads stand in the streetlight rain chatting under an umbrella." - Allen Ginsberg
"This world and all the creatures in it are on fire and some of you know it." - Nion McEvoy (taken from "Ordinary Genius" by Kim Addonizio)
Importance: The American Sentence is a unique writing exercise that is often used as a starting point/base for a poem (however, it is also beautiful by itself). Because the American Sentence does not necessarily have to make sense, the writing built upon it can be messed around with.
More Info: https://paulenelson.com/american-sentences-2/
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yjessamine · 3 months
Luxury in Suede
An Adam Dalgliesh x KateMiskin Fanfic
Chapter 1: It Might Go Like This
“All poems are seductions.”         -Kim Addonizio
Dalgliesh was retiring.
Well, that certainly wasn’t the news she’d been expecting when she got home today. It had been a long one, like most of her days lately. There hadn’t been the chance to take holiday time; there were too many cases to work and they’d been short of staff.
A new group of police constables had taken the detective’s exam, so that should be remedied soon, but there was still more on the job training to do. It was rare for her to get home before 9pm most nights. She’d been thinking that something had to give. Then she’d found this invitation on the mat just inside the door.
Read it here on AO3:
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enzombie · 2 years
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Enzo as a revolutionary
1. Death Moves Pretty Fast 2. Bring me the Horizon, Throne 3. Bye, Zombies 4. Coldplay, Viva La Vida 5. Honoré Daumier, The Uprising / Death Moves Pretty Fast / Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People 6. Kim Addonizio, Lucifer at the Starlite 7. All's Well That Ends Well / Jacques Louis David, Death of Marat
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discoidal · 1 year
Top five places you like to go, top five of your own work, top five of others work? hope u are doing well
omg thats a lot of lists! ok first one
1. my own room (after being downstairs)
2. downstairs living room (after being in my room too long)
3. Any Park (with greenery!)
4. kanto freestyle breakfast (restaurant)
5. thin shady woods
my own work
1. this is how we get through this (weird fiction, tw child pregnancy & implied cannibalism: wrongdoing mag, bodyfluids newsletter, kofi, gumroad)
2. she's gone! (surreal short story: kofi, gumroad, origami review)
3. i am gaining nothing from online dating (poem, tumblr)
4. your novel and you (some silly flash, tw animal death, implied cannibalism: jake litmag, kofi, gumroad)
5. pill reviews 2 (autofiction: gumroad, kofi)
honorable mention: elsewhere (poem, aurora magazine, tumblr)
other people's work (it changes all the time, honestly! and im sticking to poetry for this one)
1. sonnet 57 by kim addonizio
2. that poem by jasmine @/candiedspit that i forgot the title of and will add later— edit: title is green taxi and it was published in bodega mag :))
3. that poem by zack @/beautifulminduglythings that i also need to find first— edit: found it! on a defunct blog tho
4. the little softness poem by sam hensley
5. self portrait against red wallpaper by richard siken (sorry for being basic)
thats it! this took forever but i had so much fun ty for the ask<33 ill edit the necessary stuff in a bit gimme a sec
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gena-rowlands · 2 years
jean's read in 2022
hello! so as university reading will take up a lot of the rest of my reading for the year, i thought i'd give a full wrap up here! i may update a few times, but this is my almost-comprehensive reading list of 2022! (insp. by @adamronans)
books in red come with moderate< trigger warnings so feel free to ask on/off anon for more info or please look up the tw's before reading!
Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh (★★★★★)
The Dumb House by John Burnside (★★★★★)
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata (★★★★)
Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu (★★★½)
Heaven by Mieka Kawakami (★★½)
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris (★★★★★)
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror (★★★★½)
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca (★★)
Clementine #1 by Tillie Walden (★★★)
Fragments of Horror by Junji Ito (★★★★)
Bliss Montage by Ling Ma (★★)
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides (★★★)
The Sluts by Dennis Cooper (No Rating)
We Have Always Lived in The Castle by Shirley Jackson (★★★★)
Heartstopper vol.1 by Alice Oseman (★★★★★)
Queers: Eight Monologues by Mark Gatiss (★★★★½)
Heartstopper vol.2 by Alice Oseman (★★★★★)
The Harpy by Megan Hunter (★★★★)
Politics and the English Language by George Orwell (★)
Little Weirds by Jenny Slate (★★★★½)
Alcestis by Euripides (★★★★)
Medea by Euripides (★★★★½)
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart (★★★★½)
Pew by Catherine Lacey (★★★½)
Pine by Francine Toon (★★)
Slow Days, Fast Company by Eve Babitz (★★★★★)
Normal People by Sally Rooney (★★★★)
The Book of Women by Dorianne Laux (★★★★½)
Flux by Orion Carloto (★★★)
Sweetdark by Savannah Brown (★★★★½)
Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass by Lana Del Rey (★★★½)
Life of the Party by Olivia Gatwood (★★★★★)
She Felt Like Nothing by R.H. Sin (★½)
Madness by Sam Sax (★★★★½)
soft magic. by Upsile Chisala (★★)
Stag's Leap by Sharon Olds (★★★★★)
The Perseverance by Raymond Antrobus (★★★★)
The Boys I've Loved & The End of the World by Catarine Hancock (★★)
Night Sky With Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong (★★★★½)
Portrait of my Body as a Crime I'm Still Committing by Topaz Winters (★★★★)
There Should Be Flowers by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza (★★★★½)
Grit by Silas Denver Melvin (★★★★½)
Voyage of the Sable Venus and Other Poems by Robin Coste Lewis (★★★★½)
Wild Embers by Nikita Gill (★★½)
Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara (★★★½)
God I Feel Modern Tonight by Catherine Cohen (★)
Diving Into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich (★★★★★)
Salt by Nayyirah Waheed (★★½)
Lord of the Butterflies by Andrea Gibson (★★★★½)
Incarnadine by Mary Szybist (★★★★)
Firstborn by Louise Glück (★★★½)
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsan Shire (★★★★)
Mules of Love by Ellen Bass (★★★★½)
What Is This Thing Called Love by Kim Addonizio (★★★★)
New American Best Friend by Olivia Gatwood (★★★★)
At Least This I Know by Andrés N. Ordorica (★★★★½)
Rail by Kai Carlson-Wee (★★★★)
The Asylum Dance by John Burnside (★★★★½)
War of the Foxes by Richard Siken (★★★★)
I Would Leave Me If I Could by Halsey (★★★★)
Bloodsport by Yves Olade (★★★★)
American Melancholy by Joyce Carol Oates (★★½)
The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman (No Rating)
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ribombeee · 2 years
2022 reads!
(*) = reread, (^) = for school, ratings are from 1 to 5
1. shipbreaking — robin beth schaer — 3
2. her body and other parties — carmen machado — 5
3. the left hand of darkness — ursula le guin — 5
4. the benevolent sisters of charity — sam johns — 3.5
5. good omens — neil gaiman and terry pratchett — 4
6. dark matter — michelle paver — 2.5
7. dancing in odessa — ilya kaminsky — 3.5
8. the math campers — dan chiasson — 4
9. gideon the ninth* — tamsyn muir — 5
10. ghost wall — sarah moss — 4
11. harrow the ninth* — tamsyn muir — 5
12. maurice* — e.m. forster — 5
13. strangers on a train — patricia highsmith — 3.5
14. their eyes were watching god — zora neale hurston (school) — 3
15. the terror — dan simmons — 3
16. universal harvester — john darnielle — 4
17. piranesi — susannah clarke — 4
18. in the dream house — carmen machado — 5
19. when i grow up: the lost autobiographies of six yiddish teenagers — ken krimstein — 5
20. the book of delights — ross gay — 4
21. wolf in white van — john darnielle — 4
22. station eleven^ — emily st. john mandel — 3
23. the norton book of science fiction — ursula le guin and brian atteberry — 3.5
24. the apparitionists — peter manseau — 4.5
25. annihilation — jeff vandermeer — 4
26. are you my mother? — alison bechdel — 4
27. the other wind — ursula le guin — 5
28. soft science — franny choi — 4
29. house of leaves — mark danielewski — 4.5
30. gustav klimt: art nouveau & the vienna secessionists — michael kerrigan — 4
31. orsinian tales — ursula le guin — 3
32. all systems red — martha wells — 5
33. the color of magic — terry pratchett — 4
34. any way the wind blows — rainbow rowell — 2.5
35. freshwater — akwaeke emezi — 4
36. christine — stephen king — 1.5
37. dracula — bram stoker — 2.5
38. ancillary justice — ann leckie — 5
39. authority — jeff vandermeer — 4
40. collected short stories of e.m. forster — e.m. forster — 5
41. non-places: introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity — marc augé — 4
42. every imagined tundra — elisa rowe — 4
43. gilgamesh — herbert mason — 3.5
44. mortal trash — kim addonizio — 4
45. small black box — mary rose manspeaker — 3.5
46. oranges are not the only fruit — jeanette winterson — 4.5
47. hangsaman — shirley jackson — 4
48. essays against publishing — jamie berrout, isobel bess — 4
49. nona the ninth — tamsyn muir — 4.5
50. surviving james dean — william bast — 4
51. cat’s cradle — kurt vonnegut — 3.5
52. the odyssey^ — homer tr. emily wilson — 3
53. nightwing volume 1: traps and trapezes — kyle higgins and eddy barrows — 1
54. booster gold: the big fall — dan jurgens and mike decarlo — 4.5
55. antigone^ — sophocles — 3
56. flag and the cross: white christian nationalism and the threat to american democracy^ — philip gorsky and samuel perry — 3.5
57. it — stephen king — 2
58. and then the gray heaven — r.e. katz
59. redacted school book^
60. the runaway restaurant — tessa yang — 4
61. redacted school book^
62. the historian — elizabeth kostova — 3
63. how we became human — joy harjo — 3.5
64. against paranoid nationalism — ghassan hage — 4
65. cities — william carney — 3
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