#(Ask her to say 'anemone' and you're going to get a million different pronunciations back haha. xDD)
red-hemlock · 5 months
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
Ask about River's Kid! @eclipscius
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Dagny's all about the questions, just like her mom was when she was younger though River is actually happy to provide answers. If she can't find it in a book or online somehow, she's going to come to someone with a big mental list; and she's not going away until each question is answered, or she's scooped-up and shepherded-away to some other room. So far, most of her inquiries still revolve around assistance with difficult words seen in a book she's reading or game she's currently playing... Dagny loves to use really big words in order to sound more grown-up and 'sophisticated' when she talks to other people.
Granted, she doesn't always pronounce them all correctly, but she tries. She tries.
Traveling isn't something Dagny really thinks about, though. Most of the traveling already done in her life was from when she was just a baby, and she doesn't remember anything much from before living in Gotham... Dagny knows she's not technically 'from' Gotham, but as far as she's concerned for now, she's always been there. Now, traveling is something she expects will happen once she becomes an assassin like her mom, and she's excited for it in that regard; but for now, she's pretty content staying in Gotham with River... Her mother is her best friend after all, and why would she want to be away from her?
If there's one place Dagny is interested in though, it's definitely the place where she was originally born. However, her mom is extremely tight-lipped about it, to the point of being a bit harsh in response; and she hasn't been able to glean a sliver of info out of River regarding the place.
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