#(BUT IT WAS SO Worth It)
emile-tb · 10 months
just learned how to use toon boom :DD
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maggie44paint · 9 months
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Hades and Persephone
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isatohlee · 24 days
Victims of Circumstance
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bread-cat-luna · 9 months
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GOD I love these two, I have not stopped thinking about them for like a week
side note I accidentally queerbaited my friends with this one, it's not my fault pete looks so pretty
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lunarcloak · 4 months
Blue Lock Chapter 262: Visual Storytelling
Can we talk about the visual imagery this chapter?? Kaneshiro is always cooking but Nomura cooked extra hard this time with his own illustrative storytelling
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An almost entirely white panel. Except for the black spot of Kaiser's hunched figure. Almost as if he's the stain on an otherwise perfect game from BM right now. (He's thrown off balance.)
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Here, in the first picture, this is Isagi's view of where Kaiser is right now. On top of a puzzle piece— a symbol of Isagi's power, and also a symbol of how off kilter he is. The second picture is part of a larger paneling of how he's being left on the ground as Isagi runs past him in a flurry of puzzle pieces. Almost as if Isagi's kicking the pieces of his perfect puzzle astray, leaving him to rebuild them from scratch. (The theme of this chapter.)
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You can tell he's only barely listening. Eyes are always a huge indicator of visual storytelling— i picked this up from looking at BSD panels for too long. Here there's virtually no pupils, smaller, wider eyeballs because he's not listening to Ness's words. They're going in one ear out the other. Because Ness's words are superficial— He's trying to help, he is, but that is desperately NOT what Kaiser needs right now. He needs to figure out how to FIX this. Not to retreat back into the safety of his cocoon so that he can pretend he's still the star on the field.
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NOTICE HOW EVERYTHING IN THE SECOND PANEL CAN DIRECTLY BE RELATED TO ISAGI. The offer from Reale— what if Yoichi gets it instead of me? The throne in this team— what if Isagi takes that, too? Am I about to lose everything I worked to get myself? The whole world is watching my worst performance in years. I can't lose here. I can't be defeated here. Not here, of all places, in Blue Lock.
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Negative colouring. The previous, prominent memory I have of this is when Rin went to his "flow" state. It's specifically to emphasise the "HUMAN" wording. It's usually used to showcase a very prominent moment, in this case it's Kaiser realising exactly what the core of his worry is right now. It isn't the defeat, not beating Isagi, not anything. At the moment, he's afraid of losing the very humanity he had thought he clawed himself into. To emphasise this, the black and white being reversed are to indicate that time almost freezes, completely changing his perspective and line of thought at that moment.
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Less dramatic, still negatively scaled panel. Emphasising how he's really digging into his psyche here and going "Oh, I'm scared. I'm afraid of losing everything I've got for myself." The last time this happened was when his secret money stash was found— he didn't care as much then, because there was nothing to lose that he hadn't already lost. But now? Now, it matters a lot more. Because he's built himself up on an entirely shaky foundation. Note how he's also sliding below here, losing his footing, like he's lost the stable ground he thought he had.
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The angle of this panel makes it look like he's climbing upwards, and he's just lost his grip on the wall before him, and is in the process of falling. It's extremely well done.
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Plenty people have already pointed this one out— yeah Isagi's just reached a height that's similar to Noa's. The position Kaiser thought he used to have, but now he's not even on the staircase to victory and the treasure he thought he would attain soon is now inching towards his most challenging rival to date.
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You will never see him this tired, this defeated, or this melancholic ever again. At this point, his eyes are no longer that wide, shocked stare of not seeing. Now he's comprehended his stance, and he's come back into himself.
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Each petal is a memory, a visual representation of the crumbling of the rose he once held. It's gone now, there's no rose in his hand anymore (nothing for him to hold onto anymore). When you have no roses in hand, you grow a new bouquet. When you have nothing, there's nothing to lose if you go reaching for something to hold onto again.
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But HERE, the petals can be interpreted in two ways— either he's being reformed from the petals of a new rose (blank petals, not representative ones). OR, you can interpret it as those very petals dissipating from his being, leaving him as this black, blank slate to rebuild himself. Zero— as in no colour, no petals, no gardens to flourish anymore. Only way to move now is up.
Also I'd like to draw your attention to the negative paneling again— inverted this time, the exact opposite of the previously conveyed emotion. Now he's the one in the black, working to redefine himself. He's already redefined the external aspects.
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Your Zero— Your Beginning. I LOVE this page, even if it's a repeat. It conveys so much. Kaneshiro and Nomura are such a GOOD TEAM
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A black hand clasps around the core memory— the memory of when he truly had only his football. He can't let that petal float away, that's one he wants to keep. That's the idea he wants to hold onto. He crushes the petal into his hand, assimilating it into his new beginning. That's the one he'll hold onto, to recraft the person that is Michael Kaiser.
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flowerprintundies · 6 months
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Jeffrey Combs, Doc Haggis art doll~♡
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tarutaruga · 1 year
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Monday - Face Paint
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nichiperi · 11 months
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moonjxsung · 2 months
Just got home from Lolla can confirm that unfortunately the men I write fanfiction about are real 💔 I guess I’m in this shit for life or something ‼️‼️
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meraarts · 4 months
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She offers you a black bubbling potion and tells you to drink wdyd?
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rozeliyawashereyall · 3 months
Korey's new design goes brrr-
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Genuinely so happy with how this came out?? Like I'm stupidly proud of it
I went overboard with the lightning symbols to show her following to Daz but hush you can never have too many thunderbolts
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pricknim · 23 days
honestly I don't have any particular art requests but any more rarijack content from you would be incredible heheh. Soft or spicy, any in between heh. (Rarity touching AJs muscles or smth idk 😩)
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I present the result of whatever possessed me last night (just cleared up the sketch tonight).
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negativ3cr33p · 1 year
Erik Character Design
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Version with unnecessary notes below:
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kafus · 2 months
i really think the best way to learn to code as a hobbyist is to just… start projects you don’t know how to do. being careful not to be too overwhelmingly ambitious of course, starting small is good, but at least personally, it’s very engaging to sit down to code something, not know how to do it, and pick up new skills while doing the research necessary to make the thing. and then at the end you have the thing you wanted to make!
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live-from-flaturn · 2 years
Y’all better appreciate how much fucking time I put into this stupid video because I cried laughing on my final watch-through. I think Rufus would be proud.
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ghost-t-cryptids · 3 months
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He just has the worst luck
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