#(Connie you KNOW I love your AU)
People talk about SQ going on a villain arc, but personally I've always thought he'd be more likely to just shut himself away for a while
He'd fall off the map, become a recluse not because he's trying to hide from his father, or his uncle for that matter, but because he's so confused and mixed up and lost he isn't thinking clearly
He finds an empty old house, one in a little town somewhere in the middle of nowhere, that he can live in. It's in much worse condition than Mr. Benedict's, and he gets to stay because he does farm chores for the nearby people who own the property
A quiet town. No one questions why this boy appeared, and as he keeps to himself no one bothers him
He comes into the general store sometimes, or maybe the hardware store. Buying basic necessities, repair materials, and asking sometimes strange questions with obvious answers in an embarrassed way
Every now and again, he stops by the pet store. Buying a small bird or two and an obscene amount of birdseed
He becomes known as a lonely artist, a mysterious figure the adults ignore for the most part and the children whisper about. He doesn't pay either reaction any mind
SQ's house is full of art
Colour splashed across the floor, tiny vines and butterflies covering the shutters, vibrant shades all over the fan blades. He etches painstakingly accurate bird footprints on every windowsill, sketches large diagrams of feathers and bird wings across most of the walls, because, who's there to tell him no?
He tries to teach himself to whittle, and there are many mishapen lumps of woods that vaguely resemble birds lined up on the back porch. (He knows they're terrible, but he can't bring himself to throw them away. He feels too guilty, after all, he's the one who brought them into existence. If he won't love them, who will?)
And he has a lot of birds. Some were wild ones he befriended, leaving food and nesting material out until they felt comfortable enough to rest in the rafters, flying in and out of the near-always open windows. Some were bird he saw, either sitting in a cage when they had no business to be, or wandering the park looking half frightened and confused. Birds that people had captured from their natural homes and probably smuggled, hoping to pass them off in a small enough town where no one would notice. Some were birds that had been "released" by their previous owners; left to wander an environment that was not their own and to fend for themselves when they'd been raised domesticated
It's these last few he feels for the most. It's not fair, he thinks. There's no one to take care of them, and it isn't their fault they were forced into a situation like this. At some point, someone had hurt them. Had taken advantage of their innocent nature, and it left some scarred.l
Some physically, like the ones who needed their wings splinted, or had lasting limps, or sometimes were even half blind. And sometimes mentally, like those that still shrank back from his touch after months of rehabilitation, or had missing patches of feathers, or would hiss instead of sing
And so he became known as sort of a wild artist. Someone who seemed to know everything about art and birds and the forest, but occasionally could be seen asking how microwaves worked or whether he would have to pay for checking books out of the small local library (He always returned them in perfect condition)
And, eventually, after he's had some time to think, he calls his uncle. He isn't sure how to contact his dad, but he isn't really surprised to hear the two are living together again. They're twins, after all
And so he tells them where he is, tells them that he wants to talk, wants to understand. And to his surprise, they come to him. And they offer apologies, and answers both
While the kids marvel at the birds and his art and the small collection of poetry and naturalist books he's been slowly building up as he shows them around, the adults confer on what it best to do
And he thinks that, if it's offered, he'd like to go back with them. But he isn't sure. And he's still caught off guard when they ask
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skbeaumont · 6 months
Texas Heat | Joel x Reader
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Chapter 1 - Worst Decision, Best Decision
Series masterlist
Chapter Summary: You've just finished a Masters back home in England, and, with little idea of what you want to do next, decide to spend the summer in Texas, staying with your mum's cousins, the Adlers. But its not the Adlers who pick you up from the airport: it's their handsome neighbour, Joel. Rating: Teen (for now) Tags/warnings: slow burn, eventual smut, age difference (reader is 25, Joel is 37), AU! no outbreak, porn with plot. Word Count: 1.7k
The Texas heat is something else. You’ve hardly been stateside more than two hours and already it feels overwhelming, cloying and claustrophobic. It doesn’t help that the air-conditioning in the airport is sporadic and patchy. By the time you make it through security, into the dry heat of arrivals, your shirt is sticking to your back, hair plastered to your forehead and you’re wondering why you ever let your mother persuade you this was a good idea.
“Go to Texas,” she’d suggested, when you arrived home from your last university term, unsure of what to do or where to begin with starting a life for yourself, “stay with the Adlers – they’re family and god knows Connie would love to see you. Spend the summer there – see what happens.”
And so here you are, too old for a gap year, really, at twenty-five, too young to commit to anything for more than a summer, dragging your suitcase – one broken wheel courtesy of British Airways – through arrivals, wondering if you’ve just made the worst decision of your life. Danny and Connie are strangers but for the fact that they’re your mum’s cousins, though you’ve seen enough photos of them to know who you’re looking for. You look out over the crowded lounge, trying to spot them.
The man your eyes fall on definitely isn’t Mr or Mrs Adler, but he’s holding a sign that bears your name (along with an assortment of hearts and two poorly drawn butterflies). He’s younger than Danny and Connie, maybe late thirties, dark hair curling around his ears, a patchy beard that only accentuates the strong line of his jaw and nose. His eyes – dark, hooded – are searching the crowd of passengers emerging from arrivals. You slow, watching the man, wondering who he is, wracking your brains to remember if the Adlers have a son or brother they haven’t mentioned before in their letters and Christmas cards, but you come up blank.
Eventually, while you’re still wondering who this man is and why he’s got a board bearing your name, your eyes lock with his. He raises his eyebrows – a question – and you sigh, start off towards him, the broken suitcase bumping against your ankles. When you reach him he holds out a hand for you to shake.
“’m Joel,” he says, voice deep, a smooth Southern drawl that you thought only existed in movies, “I’m Danny’s neighbour. They’re sorry they couldn’t be here, they had to take Mrs Adler – Nana – to a hospital appointment. I’m gonna drive you back to theirs, if that’s alright?”
“Of course,” You take the offered hand, shake it, trying not to think about how large it feels compared to your own, how much strength seems to rest in the callused palms and thick fingers. “I’m guessing you didn’t make that sign?”
Joel looks at the name card in his other hand, colour rising on his cheeks as he takes in the love hearts and butterflies that have been painted onto it.
“I can’t say I did.” He replies, “You’ve got Connie to thank for that.”
You laugh and he smirks too, mouth curving up with amusement, eyes crinkling as he does.
“I’m parked right outside,” he says, “I can take that, if you want?”
You hand him the suitcase, about to warn him about the broken wheel but he lifts it easily by the handle, the weight nothing to the shifting muscles that stretch the sleeves of his t-shirt.
His truck is huge, obscenely large compared to the cars you’re used to seeing back home in England. You clamber in, take in the toolboxes in the bed, a hard hat strewn on the back seat, large work boots in the footwell that dwarf your own battered Converse.
“‘scuse the mess.” Joel says, getting into the driver’s seat. “Been a busy week.”
“You’re a builder?” You ask.
“Contractor. Me ‘n my brother, though mostly me, if I’m being honest. You?” He asks the question without looking at you, already starting the engine, something grating in the ignition as he does so.
“Nothing, yet.” You reply, pulling your seatbelt on, “I just finished university – college – and I’m still kind of figuring it out.”
“What did you study?”
“Maths, then a Masters in Theoretical Physics.”
“Shit, smart girl.”
Something about the way he says this, his eyes lingering perhaps a little longer than they need to on your face as he does so, makes your stomach flip.
“Know what you’re going to do with it, now you’re done?”
“Not a clue,” You reply, looking out of the window as the city opens out around the truck.
“Well, don’t rush into anything. Nothing like your twenties to spend messing around trying things out.”
“That what you did?”
He scoffs out a laugh at this, gives you a sideways look. “Not exactly. I had a kid at twenty-two and spent the rest of my twenties figuring that out. Still am, really.” He pauses, flicks his sun visor down and taps a small polaroid that’s slid into the back of the mirror. “She’s thirteen now. Sarah.”
The girl in the photograph is pretty, all bright eyes and curly hair. She’s leaning back in a chair, giggling at something the photographer has just said.
“She’s beautiful,” You say, and you can see the pride bubbling up in him as he flips the visor back up.
“Smart, too. Struggles a bit with math, now they’ve started bringing in algebra. I’m not much help, either. Once you get past adding and minusing, I’m lost.”
You laugh at this, grin at him. “I’d be happy to help out. God knows I’ll have plenty of free time, and I like teaching.”
“Might just take you up on that.” He replies, giving you a soft smile in return.
There’s a dimple in his cheek as he does so, visible only through the patchiness of his beard. He seems to get more and more handsome the longer you look at him. Leaning back in the truck, you can’t help but let your eyes trace his profile, the strong curve of his nose, plushness of his lips. It’s more fascinating than the concrete jungle that’s passing by the windows of the truck.
He’s a good driver: steady, reassuringly confident. He lets one arm rest across the back of the truck’s long seat, the other gently holding the steering wheel, guiding the truck down the freeway. If you laid your head back against the seat it would rest in the curve of his wrist. You don’t, but you can feel the heat rolling off of his arm anyway on the back of your neck, warm in contrast to the cool air blowing through the AC unit. You let your eyes gently close, jetlag starting to creep up on you. Your limbs are stiff and sore from the long plane journey. The hot sun beats down through the windscreen, casting patterns on your closed eyelids. It’s peaceful, here, in the truck with this handsome stranger, and before you know it you’ve fallen asleep, head lolling back on the seat.
Next thing you know Joel’s gently saying your name, one large hand on your shoulder, rousing you from sleep. You open your eyes, squint against the bright sun. He’s parked up in the driveway of a large, brick built house on a suburban street. The garage door is open: tools are stacked up inside, ladders and racks of scaffolding. The drive and lawn are neat, a little scrubby from the heat. You turn, look over at a house you recognise as the Adler’s, the one you’ve seen in it family photographs sent with the yearly Christmas card. Your new home, for the next three months.
Joel holds the door of the truck open for you and your climb out, get your feet down on the solid concrete driveway. He moves round to the back, tugs out your suitcase like it weighs nothing, even though your arms are still aching from dragging it through security hours earlier.
“Connie left me the key,” Joel says, reaching a hand into the back pocket of his jeans and pulling out a brass key on a flowery keyring. “I’ll help you get your stuff in, then leave you to settle in. Connie and Danny should be back in an hour or so.”
The Adler’s house is nice. Quaint, a little dated, décor straight from the 1980s, but it’s homely. You feel settled immediately. There’s a photograph of your mum on the bookshelf, from back when she was a kid, long before she moved from Texas to London.
Joel puts your suitcase at the foot of the stairs, asks if you want him to take it up for you, but you’re not sure which room you’re staying in so you tell him to leave it, that you can sort it out later. There’s a whining from the back room and you look at Joel, questioningly.
“That’ll be Mercy,” He says, moving through the hall to the kitchen, swinging open the door.
A bundle of fur throws itself down the hallway towards you, tail wagging. Joel watches, grin on his face as you bury your face in the dog’s soft coat and wrap your arms around him.
“I’d better head off,” He says when you stand up, brushing fur from your clothes. “You need anything, just give me a shout. You know where I am.”
“Thanks, Joel.” You say, watching him pull open the door, t-shirt bunching up around his shoulders revealing a tanned strip of skin just above the waistband of his faded jeans. “And I meant what I said about helping Sarah with that maths homework.” You add as he steps out onto the porch.
He turns back, shields his eyes from the sun to look at you, mouth turned up in a grin. “And I might just take you up on that, darlin’.”
And then he’s gone, long strides taking him back across the lawn and towards his own house. You lean back against the closed door and shut your eyes, basking in the imprint of Joel’s handsome face etched on the back of your eyelids, wondering if you’ve just made the best decision of your life.
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huboi · 6 months
serpent’s tongue ♡.°୭̥ ୨୧
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divider by @lil-liaa
╰┈➤ summary; aot guys pleasuring you with their split tongue
╰┈➤ includes; modern! au, gn! afab! reader (reader isn’t really mentioned much), oral (reader! receiving), face-sitting, hair pulling (character! receiving), 69, vouyerism(?) in porcos’ (he eats you out in front of reiner), finger-fucking, eren jeager, connie springer and porco galliard with a split tongue, everyone’s 18+
╰┈➤ a/n; pls lemme know if you have any issues with the tags (I don’t want to make people uncomfortable, that’s the last thing I want) minors DNFI this is 18+ content!, blank blogs dni. this can be read by anyone (eg. transmascs, non binary’s, poc etc.) apologies if this isn’t the best smut fic out there, I’m a bit rusty. also HAPPY EASTER to those that celebrate! hope you have plenty of chocolate this Easter <3
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eren is DESPERATE to have you sit on his face, just place your juicy cunt on his face, he doesn’t care. worried about taking his breath away? he doesn’t gaf, sit on his face already
he knows how to use his tongue, he may not have slept around much but he’s a quick learner, so he knows which buttons to push to make you reach your high quickly, his split tongue comes in perfect for doing the job, makes it 10x more pleasurable
tug on his hair, PLEASE, he’s a whore for having his hair pulled, like he’ll full on whimper whilst eating you out if you do that, and the vibrations just add so much more to the experience
oh btw if he’s grown a bit of facial hair, you bet your ass it just makes it feel 100x better, with the feeling of his stubble against your nether regions just😫
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favourite position to eat you out is 69
he loves the feeling of your moans’ vibrating deliciously against his cock, it just gets him even more eager in the act
not only does he have a split tongue, but he also has a tongue piercing, so that means double the pleasure
loves tongue fucking you whilst rubbing his nose against your clit
he’s a very messy eater, I’m talking juices everywhere, from his entire face to his neck and chest area, you don’t know how the hell he manages to get it there but it’s hot either way
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porco is probably the worst when it comes to containing his urges
like when you’re at a party, my guy’s one minute away from tearing your bottom half clothes clean off and diving straight into that pussy
he has a massive oral fixation, like massive
one time when you guys were at reiners’, casually hanging out and porco just had to drag you into reiners’ room (he was in the living room) and eat you out there, finger fucking you whilst desperately licking at your clit with his split tongue
reiner, not knowing what he was walking into, entered the room, a blush evident on his cheeks at the sight of porco in between your legs, slurping your juices as if he was parched
you obviously noticed reiner first, feeling a rush of excitement at the knowledge of someone, your boyfriends’ hot friend, watching you in such a lewd position
porco removed his mouth, causing you to whine at the sudden halt in pleasure
“are ya’ gonna stand there, gaping like a fish? or are ya’ gonna watch?” porco huffed out, clearly pussy drunk, before shoving his mouth back where it belongs
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© content belongs to @huboi on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER
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bbytamaki · 1 year
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content: aot’s top 5 biggest munches, modern au, bed humping, spit in mouth, nsfw link in eren’s, face sitting, squirting, toys (vibrator), creampies, cum eating, consensual photography
genre: nsfw (MDNI)
note: self indulgent oops (〃ω〃)
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1. hange
hange gets off on giving you head and there’s no doubt about it. after a long and tiring day they still don’t want you to lift a finger. just give them one taste and that’s all they need to relax (but they’ll definitely ask for more).
hange has your ankles pushed up by your ears and they’re steadying you by holding their hands just below your knees. they’re the type to grind on the bed uncontrollably while eating you out, and they tend to lose control of how tight they’re gripping your thighs. what can we say, hange just doesn’t know their own strength?
2. eren
dirty, disgusting, filthy. spits on it, eats it like a man starved, then comes back up to spit it back in your mouth and give you the sloppiest kiss you’ve ever had. he has absolutely no shame. even when you whine into the pillow that this position is embarrassing, it’s not stopping him from bending you to your limits.
if you’ve ever seen that one twt video of a couple 69ing and the guy is gripping and spreading her ass while he’s absolutely going to town, you’re looking at eren. sometimes he can be polite though. his favorite way is to wake you up with “good morning” clit kisses and take you out to breakfast <3
3. connie
he’s never been above begging. like actually on his knees groveling. but once he’s in there, he’s in there and he’s not coming up for air at all. he doesn’t care about size, if he tells you to take a seat you better sit all the way down.
if he thinks eating you out in the back of his expensive car is a good enough apology he is absolutely correct. complete with kisses all the way from the ankle to right above where you really need him. he’s desperate but he can be mean like that.
4. mikasa
“squirting contest!! let’s see who can squirt the farthest >:)” it’ll always be you. no question. she’s not satisfied until you’re tapping the bedframe twice to let her know you can’t take anymore. that “can’t do it mika” is music to her ears.
she uses every available resource at every opportunity. she’s switching between her tongue and your favorite vibe every couple seconds and evil laughing when she watches your body jolt when you make a mess on her whole upper body.
5. reiner
i had to decide who was taking the last spot and reiner’s here for good reason. as soon as he gets done stuffing you like a fucking twinkie he’s on his knees cleaning up your mess. he loves how you can just barely take all of his cum at once, and he loves tasting you and him together.
he’s bending you over the kitchen counter and holding you back against his chest when he starts slowing down to make a mess all in your insides before he lets you rest a little bit. of course he has to take a picture for your private collection before you’re on all fours on the counter, cumming over and over until he’s tired <3
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oh-meretseger · 6 months
part 4 - Tease
attack on titan modern college au // Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
summary: the sexual frustration between you gets to its peak when your first kiss happens (🥹), starting a game of brutal teasing on both sides
notes: 18+! although not so much of a smut (some public touching and groping, making out hehe), mainly fluff, some cute moments before posting some disgustingly dirty smut in the next chapter lmao
word count: 4,6k
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"Sasha, stop calling me pookie bear or I'm going ballistic" Jean calmly blinked in her direction after setting the empty box of pad thai down. Sasha was already on her third portion, mercilessly stuffing her face full like she's been starving for a week.
"But you're my pookie bear, what do you mean?" Sasha's jaw stopped chewing, stunned for a moment by hearing such astonishing nonsense, as she stared back at Jean. She notoriously got addicted to every single silly nickname she made up for her friends, and used it uncontrollably until she discovered a new one.
Jean let out an exhausted sigh, but still leaned back on his bed with a chuckle as he shook his head.
"And what about me?" Connie complained loudly from the other bed with a mouth full of noodles. None of the three were giving any more fucks about the movie playing on Connie's notebook in the background.
"You're my pookie pie"
"Yeah, I like pie" Connie shrugged, giving his blessing as Sasha nodded diligently.
"I know"
"Yeah, but I'm not a bear, so how does that work?" Jean huffed, holding back a smile at how Sasha's expression instantly turned outraged, just like he guessed.
"You are!" Sasha snapped at him and Jean laughed out loud. "You're a big ass hairy animal, but still cute and huggable"
"Ah right, thanks" Jean's ironic tone did not faze her in the slightest.
"I'm deeply sorry bro, but I wouldn't say you're cute, at all" Connie's eyes were back on the movie, although his attention was fully on the brilliant, highly knowledgeable conversation in the background.
"Y/N thinks you are" Sasha shrugged carelessly while ruthlessly devouring her last bites of dinner, and Jean's heart started pounding in his chest all of a sudden.
He cleared his throat to avoid choking on his own saliva, and tried to reply just as casually as Sasha spit out this small little information.
"What do you mean?" Jean couldn't believe how flustered he became by simply hearing your name. He didn't like it. The hell is his heart beating so fast for?
"She has the biggest crush on you, don't tell me you didn't notice" Sasha giggled to herself at Jean's honest, dumb expression. She found you two idiots adorable, pretending you didn't absolutely have the hots for each other.
"The hell are you on? They're at each other's throats all the fucking time" Connie turned his head at hearing such nonsensical gibberish.
"I truly feel sorry for you men sometimes" Sasha blinked at two of the most imbecile faces she's ever seen. "Are you really that slow?! Why in tarnation do you think I left you two alone?"
Jean felt heat spread through his body as images of you popped up in his memory, your warm body against his, teeth sunk into his skin...
"They fucked?!" Connie yelled out in shock and Jean couldn't help cracking up at how serious he sounded.
"Not YET" Sasha looked at Connie with a nod of true wisdom as Jean huffed in disapproval. Although deep inside, a feeling of excitement started to make him tingle.
"Shut your silly mouth, Sasha" Jean snapped at her, holding back a smile trying to climb up on his face all the way from his heart. "You've been acting a fool since you started latching onto that canteen guy"
"My brother in Christ, you're in denial" Sasha gave up. She already knew you were bound to be together anyway. "And I've always been silly, Niccolo just brings out the best in me"
"I love that guy, he makes the best risottos" Connie agreed in his own way, still pretending to watch the movie.
"He cooks me his secret special meals" she added, her eyes literally sparkling with pure bliss as she said those words, and Jean rolled his eyes. "I'm bringing him to your party, Consuelo"
"That's literally not my name" Connie stated, not even moving his eyes from the screen in front of him.
"Okay, Conrad"
"I'm texting Marco to come" Jean grabbed his phone, verbalizing his actions as both Sasha and Connie turned their head in excitement.
"Yesss, I miss Marco!"
You were rather anxious about this party. Connie's parents lived close to the campus, and the group of people Connie invited over to their house sounded fun when Sasha listed them all to you in detail. But still, there was something unnerving about a night of careless fun, coming out of your little shell and letting yourself go in front of such new people, in front of Jean.
"C'mon, we're gonna have an amazing time!" Sasha encouraged you after seeing a small anxious frown form on your face.
"I know, it's always an amazing time with you guys" you smiled, your heart pounding hard at the thought of seeing Jean at the party. "But what should I wear?"
"POOKIE, let me help you with that" Sasha jumped up from your bed and shot straight to your closet, as you watched her with an entertained grin.
You walked down the hallway on the way to your afternoon class, Friday leaving a freeing bliss in your chest as you listened to your playlist. The always busy corridor was now almost empty, everyone having left the stress of weekdays behind to finally enjoy their free time. Anxiety turned into a small glimpse of excitement in your stomach the past few days, and you couldn't wait for it to be tomorrow night.
Your headphones suddenly flying off of your head jerked you out of being in your own thoughts, and before you could even react, a strong hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you into a narrow passageway with an overwhelming force.
Your body crashed into a much larger frame, and a familiar sense of warmth flowed through you as Jean's smell hit your nose before you could even get a look at your kidnapper.
"Hey! Give it back!" your hand shot towards his immediately, but of course with one movement of his arm your headphones were instantly removed far from your reach, as he held it up above his head. A grin grew on his face as he looked down at you, his other hand still squeezing your wrist, and once again, you felt your cheeks get warm under his intense stare. That stupid cocky grin of his...
"D'you think I should?" Jean's voice was smooth and low, enough to make your mind go hazy. You couldn't believe how fast it all could get too much. His intoxicating scent, the warmth of his body as he towered over you, his fingers' touch on your skin, his voice and beautiful hazel eyes melting you into a puddle...
You felt weak.
"Can you stop doing that? My arm is getting all bruised up from you pulling on it" you sneered up at him, not even trying to get further away as your bodies pressed into each other. Jean's eyes slipped down to your plump lips as you mockingly smirked. "And kidnapping me"
"Kidnapping you? You could definitely not move your little hands around like that, if I were to kidnap you" Jean's raised hand inched lower and lower to slowly put your headphones around your neck as your eyes desperately pierced into his. You felt yourself melt into him, his look deliberately making you go soft and mindless, as his delicious-looking lips were so dangerously close to you...
As Jean's other hand became free, it slid down on the sleeve of your hoodie to grab your other wrist. The hard grip of his hands restraining yours was enough to make you soaking wet.
And that strangely made your confidence bounce right back.
"Why are you stalking me anyway?" you stared into his eyes with a self-assured smile slightly curving your lips.
Jean felt blood rush right to his crotch at the devilish sparkle in your eyes, almost visibly turning dark as you looked up at him. What a naughty girl.
Although weakness was palpable in the air between both of you. You both knew you would fold the moment your hips pressed into each other just a tad bit more.
Jean's hands gripping your wrists moved them behind your back with a swift motion.
"Don't think so highly of yourself, Miss Important" he smiled and you felt yourself blushing again as his arms pulled your body more into his, cuffing your hands behind you. Being controlled by Jean's big arms felt... Heavenly. "You want me to stalk you, don't you?"
"Unlike yourself, I'm not a pervert, dumbass" you let the magic word slip from between your lips, and warmth filled your chest as Jean cracked up. You felt like you could stay in his embrace forever, looking at his handsome face and beautiful smile endlessly... If your pussy didn't ache from the tension of being restrained by his tall frame. "You're lucky you have such pretty eyes, otherwise I would be kneeling on your back right now"
Your obvious joke of physically overcoming him flew right over his head as your words of praise reached his ears - and a slight tint of pink immediately dusted his cheeks. From ear to ear.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Jean" your smile grew into the widest grin as the rarest species on planet Earth, flustered Jean hesitated momentarily, looking into your eyes. "Are you-"
You stopped your own words. Instantly wanting to tease him was like a natural instinct, but in a matter of moments, your urge to deepen that adorable blush on his face became overwhelming. You wanted him to know how much your lips desired his at that very moment. You wanted to make him feel good, you wanted to feel good.
Jean felt your body rise onto tiptoes under his arms as your heels parted from the ground and in a second, your face reached his, your lips connecting in a soft kiss.
You immediately melted at feeling each other's lips, sensitive nerves making your hungry minds explode with pleasure. Jean felt all tension leave your body, and let go of one of your wrists to catch you from collapsing. You literally felt your knees give out. Jean's arm felt so strong as it snaked around your waist, you barely audibly whimpered into the kiss - and Jean felt himself grow hard at the sweet sound.
"Mmph y- your lips feel so good" you mumbled against his soft lips and Jean was seeing stars. He never imagined your honeylike voice to be able to make him crumble even more in real life, than on the phone the other day. Your body so hot against his, the touch of your lips so plump and sweet on his, your scent making him feel like he was drunk out of his mind.
Jean let out a quiet moan as your tongue danced along his lower lip, then slipped into his mouth eagerly. Immediately after you granted access, his tongue answered, sliding against yours, and you felt warmth flooding your pussy at the wet sounds you two were making. Jean's one hand gripping your wrist, the other one slowly sliding on the side of your waist, finding its way under your hoodie, making contact with the sensitive skin close to your breast...
It all felt so filthy, you were turned on beyond belief.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” Jean grunted quietly after your lips parted, looking into your big, pleading eyes, but you already missed their warmth, so you softly pressed your lips back to his.
“What?” you whispered against him, your eyelids low from the heavenly feeling, and you felt Jean’s lips curve into a smile.
“You make me want to rip this off of you, right here, right now” Jean pulled on the sleeve of your hoodie, then with that same motion he grabbed your hand, removing it from its comfortable place on the side of his neck. You quietly whimpered as you felt one of his large hands gripping both of your wrists behind your back, his now free hand starting to slowly roam over your clothes. “You seem like the type of bad girl that likes the danger of getting caught”
“And you seem like the type to talk big, but do nothing” you knew exactly how bratty you sounded trying to tease Jean, but you also knew he had complete control over you. Your words were snarky, but your eyes blinked up at him with desperation, cheeks flushed with arousal.
Jean let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, you’re right” he smiled, but a sinful light flashed in his hazel eyes. Oh, you’re in for it. His free hand skimmed down to the brim of your hoodie, lifting it to expose the jeans tight on your butt. You unintentionally let out a sigh as his fingers gripped into the fabric and he started groping your ass without any shame. “I wouldn’t have the balls to touch you like that”
You felt wetness soaking through your panties at his firm touch, his breath hot on your ear as he looked at his own hand’s movements over your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t dare to pull these down” the groping stopped as a long finger creeped under the waist of your jeans, sending chills up your spine as he lightly dragged his fingertip along your skin. “What would we do if someone caught you with pants around your knees, moaning like a whore?”
“Jean” you quietly whined his name, losing your mind as his palm slid up your waist, over that stupid hoodie preventing his skin from touching yours.
“Getting desperate, are we?” he spoke softly, his hand stopping right at the underwire of your bra. Jean’s fingers moved carefully around the curve of your clothed tits, earning another whimper from you as you felt your pussy clench around nothing. “How outrageous would it be to grope your naked tits…”
You wanted him to grab them, feel the soft tissue with his hand, but Jean’s thumb just gently brushed over your nipple getting hard under the multiple layers of clothes.
“Or to take them into my mouth… Suck on them” Jean felt like all the blood in his body rushed to his groin as he pressed his thumb into the plush of your breast. Feeling you against himself, watching your eyes close in pleasure and your pretty swollen lips form an O made it extremely painful to hold his composure. Your flushed cheeks made him want to press you against the wall and do exactly what he just described. “A coward like me wouldn’t wanna get caught licking you, fingers buried in your wet little hole”
Jean felt his hard cock twitch in his pants as you pressed your hips even harder into him, desperate to feel his growing erection. His hand slid onto your delicate neck, fingers gently pushing into the sides.
“Holy-“ you mumbled, your head falling back as Jean leaned closer, his scruff scratching the sensitive skin as he earned access to your neck. His lips grazed over your skin, sending tingles down your body, and he deeply inhaled your sweet scent...
Then everything got cruelly ripped away from you in a matter of seconds.
“See ya tomorrow, smartass” you heard Jean’s voice and your eyes shot open, only to be met with his self-assured, cocky grin. He let go of your wrists and your neck, hands sliding into the pockets of his denim jacket while he stepped back, depriving you of the blissful heat of his body.
Jean felt so satisfied, so pleased with himself. You stood there for a moment, left utterly confused, your big eyes still eager, blinking towards him, swollen lips parted as if you wanted to say something, but the feeling of surprise made you catch your breath. You were so adorable, he had to hold back a chuckle.
He liked how confident sexual tension seemed to make you, but he just couldn’t help himself teasing you, making you go weak under his control.
“Je-“ a fragile little sound tried to break through the shock gripping your throat, but Jean’s reply cut you off as he turned his back to you, simply walking away.
You just stood there, astounded, your heart still racing, warmth filling your cheeks and panties damp from your wetness. Jean’s grip still burned the skin on your wrists and neck like a phantom. Your mind was so confused, you couldn’t even be mad at the man arrongantly strolling away from you like this was the most entertaining walk of his life.
And you completely forgot about the afternoon class you were originally headed to.
Frustration quickly turned into confidence as you stood in front of the mirror in your dorm after your little ice cream date with Sasha, getting ready for the party. It was a rare occasion, so you let your hair down, to Sasha’s biggest delight.
"You look sooo good, dear lord!" she exclaimed with an enthusiastic smile, encouraging you to do a little spin and she howled like a wolf.
"C'mon, it's not that special" you laughed at her excessive reaction. "But you do look breathtaking in that dress, emerald suits you"
"You think so?" Sasha looked down at herself, hands soothing the thin fabric. It was quite short, sleeves off the shoulders, showing off her delicate, pale skin. She truly looked beautiful.
"Niccolo's gonna pee his pants seeing you" you nodded and Sasha cracked up.
"He better pee his pants" she slipped her arms into her bolero. "And Jean better jizz his pants, to be honest"
"Sasha!" you chuckled as you shook your head, trying to shake off the thought of Jean orgasming, in any way, before your blushing could give any awkward feelings away. Sasha jumped to you and leaned over to pull your dress in all the right places to make it look even better. It was black and tight, its length ending right above your knees, but a longer slit letting one of your thighs be seen.
"What? You're a goddess, you better start believing that" Sasha threw her oversized leather jacket on your shoulders. "C'mon, grab your phone, let's go"
Connie's parents must be delighted to let a bunch of kids trash their house, you thought, as Sasha closed the door of your Uber and caught up to you waiting on the pavement. It seemed like a nice and quiet neighborhood, now muffled thuds breaking the silence of the street as you heard the bass of the music coming from inside.
"Bruh, Cornelius told me he invited twenty people at max" Sasha noted as you walked past a few unfamiliar faces sitting on the stairs of the front porch, drinking and cackling loudly. She swung the front door open like she owned the place, and the brutal noise hit you in your chest.
"Who the hell is Cornelius?" you asked with an amused laugh, but Sasha couldn't hear you anymore, the sound of loud music, people shouting, laughing and just generally being intoxicated deafening both of you. Sasha grabbed your hand, pulling you through the crowd.
Bumping into a bunch of strangers in a dimly lit room and loud noise overwhelming your senses was not how you imagined Connie's "friendly get together" to go.
"There he is" Sasha let go of your hand as you reached the kitchen, the lights brighter and the noise slightly less disturbing than in the crowded living room. You leaned against the doorframe where Sasha left you as you watched Sasha punch Connie's arm without a word being spoken between them.
"AARGH, are you out of your mind?" Connie jumped back from the open fridge in shock, his hand shooting towards the painful shoulder.
"You told me it was gonna be a small party! How are we supposed to order pizza for so many people?" Sasha yelled at him, absolutely infuriated about the food situation.
Non-existant food situation, may we add.
"Why should we order pizza for everyone?! I don't even know them, who cares?" Connie yelled back at her, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge. "Did you come over to ask brainless questions, or will you let me have a fucking break?"
"Hi Y/n!" you suddenly heard your name from behind and your head snapped towards the familiar voice. You were met with Berthold's smile and his usual peaceful expression, not even minding Sasha and Connie killing each other in the background.
"Hi Bert" you smiled back, happy to see him. You rarely got to talk to him at the one single class you had together. "How are you?"
"Uh, good thanks, barely holding on inside this hell of a house" he replied and you chuckled, perfectly understanding his struggle with crowded, loud places.
"You're telling me! I feel like exploding and we just arrived" you shook your head. "Where's Annie?"
"We're sitting outside on the patio, you should join us. It's a lot more quiet out there" he suggested as a large hand slapped on his shoulder. You looked up at the tall man appearing next to Bert, broad shoulders towering over you, fingers running through his blonde hair, bright eyes and a charming smile glistening towards you. "This is my friend, Reiner, by the way. I don't think you've met"
"Nice to meet you, Reiner" you nodded with a friendly smile and he accepted your hand reaching towards him, shaking it gently.
"The pleasure's mine, Y/n" Reiner softly returned your smile, and you started to feel flustered at the intense eye contact. "How come I've never seen you around campus?"
"She's pretty lame, looks like a grey little mouse most of the time" an unmistakable voice appeared next to you, and you turned to Jean sticking out your  tongue in an instant. Bert rolled his eyes with a laugh and went over to the fridge, probably getting the drinks he originally came there for.
"Who asked the blockhead?" you snapped back as Jean stopped close to you, one arm pressing to yours, grinning down at you.
Your heart secretly started racing just by seeing him.
"Dunno man, looks like a gorgeous mouse to me" Reiner said winking at you, then turned and went to join Bert pondering in front of the open fridge. Warmth spread on your face as you watched Reiner grab a beer, and you deliberately avoided looking at Jean. "You want one, Jeanbo?"
"Nah, I'm good, thanks" Jean replied casually, but clenched his teeth as he looked down at your face, blushed from his compliment. The hell are you blushing for? Is this buff jock what you're into? Reiner, really?
Jean's jaw relaxed at the thought of how you'd probably clown him for being jealous. Jealous, good lord... It was like you sensed his eyes stuck on you, you raised your face to look at him with those big, sparkling eyes.
How could he not be jealous?
"Big man's not wrong" Jean said softly, so only you could hear, his eyes glancing over your outfit, then back to your face, and you felt your cheeks burn under his look. "You look beautiful"
Your heart fluttered at his words and you couldn't help the smile instantly widening on your face. You turned your whole body towards Jean and felt your stomach flip at how his hazel eyes glistened right back at you with a warm smile.
"You look pretty handsome yourself" you grinned, moving to hold both of his hands. Jean's heart fluttered to the same rhythm yours did as the sight of your pretty smile and the touch of your fingers combined started to make him melt. "This shirt looks so good on you"
Your fingers ran along the collar of his dark button-up shirt, the fabric soft, comfy and smelling of his delicious scent.
"Don't try to make me blush, you little rat" he grunted with a low voice, making you laugh out loud, and he lifted his hands to grab both sides of your face, long fingers reaching into your hair at the nape of your neck. Tingles ran down your spine as your arms moved automatically to hug his waist as he stood so close to you. "Where are your glasses, smartass?"
"I'm wearing contacts" you blinked up at him as he stroked a few strands of your hair to tug them behind your ears.
Your stomach doing a backflip once again.
"I like the glasses" he brushed his thumb over your cheek, then looked back to your eyes, making your body burn with the familiar sense of warmth. "But you look pretty regardless"
You swallowed your reply as Jean's eyes shot to your lips. So plump and invitingly glistening with gloss. He wanted to kiss you so much.
"I like the earrings, too" Jean swiftly shifted his eyes to the little silver figures dangling from your ears. He  thought they wonderfully emphasized your delicate little neck.
"Thanks, they're ladybugs" you grinned and Jean chuckled.
"Are they your little magical ladybugs? I knew you were a witch" he watched with a smirk as you bursted into laughing. He also noticed the shimmery eyeshadow on your eyelids, and how the makeup and your jewellery complimented your look so well. Although he knew exactly how gorgeous you were without them.
"You're very attentive tonight, Jeanbo" you sneered at him and Jean rolled his eyes at your smug smile. He hated that nickname.
"He's my teammate, your ass is not allowed to use that name"
"Will I be allowed if I start beating you with a stick as well?" your smile widened at making Jean crack up.
"The hell do you think we do while playing hockey?" he laughed, one of his hands moving to grab your chin. "It's not just beating each other with sticks, believe it or not"
"Sure" you borderline didn't even know what you were talking about. Not even having a sip of alcohol yet, you smiled up at Jean drunkenly, intoxicated by how good he felt to all of your senses at that moment.
Sasha's loud sounds of excitement snapped you both out of your own little world.
"WHAT, they're filled with cherry cream?!" she covered her mouth with a hand, in a state of complete shock as Niccolo held out a tray of cupcakes in front of her.
Niccolo nodded with an enthusiastic smile in your direction, and you waved at him with an amused chuckle as Jean let go of you and walked over to them. You've already met Niccolo countless times, but you could never get enough of their emotion-filled interactions with Sasha - strong emotions about food, mostly.
"Hey!" Connie yelped as Sasha slapped his hand trying to steal from the dessert. "This is my house, give me a cupcake!"
"It's your father's house, Constance" Sasha stated seriously, and you bursted out laughing as Connie's low-lidded stare met your eyes. He was so tired of the names.
"Are you pulling these names out of your ass?"
"I'm pulling the cupcake out of your ass, if you dare to steal any of- HEY!" Sasha practically jumped on Connie's back as he rapidly grabbed one of them from the tray, trying to get away and stuff it into his mouth before Sasha could stop him.
A few people, unfamiliar with this otherwise very usual situation, quickly left the kitchen before they found themselves in the middle of a physical altercation, and you and Jean were in absolute hysterics.
"Eat it then, you fucking piece of pie!" Sasha shouted at Connie, still riding on his back, smearing the cherry cupcake around his face with her palm.
"Uh- Yo-" Connie's desperate attempts of yells were muffled as Niccolo tried to pull Sasha from him with no success. "Y'suff- You'll suffocate me!"
"Ah, feels like I never left town" a voice laughed loudly next to you, and you raised your teary eyes to look at the stranger. The tall, brunette man stepped straight to Jean, throwing an arm around his shoulders as he snatched his head in his direction.
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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— number 7 on paradis titans hockey team can get a little mean after he loses a game.
( cw ) ⸻ modern au, sports au, profanity, mean dom!jean in 4k hd ultra, female anatomy, her/she pronouns, afab, established relationship (reader and jean are married with a child), reader implied to black, creampie, impact play, oral ( f.receiving), slight spit kink, spanking, breeding kink, pet name usage (good girl, babygirl) he's just a lil salty he lost a game, i promise i ain't showing favoritism to najma lmfao, this fic was second place for the poll i posted week ago, wc: 2.1k, minors dni ! repost from old account!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀dedicated jean baby mother aka @honeybleed
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When Jean lost a game, you always seemed to walk on eggshells. The nicely decorated home grows silent as a mouse when your family enters the mansion. Your son seemed to fall asleep during the long ride from the ice rink to the house, and you only tucked him in his bed after stripping him out of his clothes. Neatly folding up the hockey jersey with his father's number on it and placing it away, you placed a loving kiss on top of his sandy brown colored curls before exiting the room. You were sure to close the door behind you since you weren't sure how Jean would react due to losing the game.
When Jean's team lost, he grew quiet. A little too quiet. His interviews with ESPN and other sports outlets weren't as cheerful and confident. You could literally see the frustration and sadness in his light brown hues. The rides home are always silent, other than the questions your five-year-old would ask randomly. As a new wag (an obnoxious term for wives & girlfriends of sports players), you always ask the other partners how exactly they handle huge losses.
Eren's wife, Emilia would only shrug, mumbling about how Eren usually forgets about the loss after a day or two before he's back on the ice, perfecting any screw-ups he made during the game. Connie's girlfriend CJ would make a subtle joke about giving him head after the game to make him forget about the disappointing end of the hockey team's season.
You walked towards the master bedroom of your home, your body leaning against the door frame as you watched Jean tug off the Grey Nike sweatshirt he wore. He tossed it in the laundry hamper in the corner of your room, now only in a white wifebeater. His toned arm flexed with each movement he made as he shuffled around the room. Occasionally, his gold necklace with your initials and your son's initials moved with each quick motion he made.
"Do you want to talk about it? I know it was such an important game," Your tone was soft-spoken and came out as if you were whispering.
"Strip." was the only thing Jean uttered as he was undoing the string on his Nike jogger pants.
Your lip gloss-covered lips parted to speak, but in the back of your mind, you were just thinking about making Jean happy. He was going through some wild emotions at the moment, and who were you to object against them. They lost the opportunity to compete for the Stanley Cup, so you knew the man in front of you was seeing complete red at the moment.
"Keep my jersey on, though. Everything else off." He huffed.
You stepped further inside the room, your back backing into the door to close it so you wouldn't wake up your son. Your fingers begin to unbutton the jeans you were wearing, slowly tugging them off your smooth legs. Soon, your panties joined them as Jean's index finger motioned for you to come here. With each step you took, you could feel the cool breeze in your room hit your bare bottom, sending a chill down your spine.
When you were face to face with Jean, he didn't say much. However, you could feel how hot he was. How frustrated he was. One harsh push on your king-sized bed caused your lips to let out a gasp. Your body hit the bed like a fragile little doll Jean wanted to play with. He's grabbing a hold of your ankle that was decorated with the gold anklet with his name on it with a cursive font. His lips placed soft kisses on your ankle, causing you to squirm under his firm touch. You expected him to treat you like a fragile rag doll that had just been snitched up. But boy, was you wrong. In one motion, he had turned your body around so that you were lying on your stomach, mumbling about how he needed you so badly.
"Be a pretty wife and get on all fours, m'kay," He said lowly.
You did what you were told, getting on all fours. The oversized jersey that formally belonged to Jean raised just a bit to be able to see the cup of your ass. A low yelp tumbled out your mouth when you felt Jean's large hands slap at the flesh of your ass before you could feel his hand massage the stinging flesh. A sharp hiss came out of you when you felt another slap on the opposite cheek; Jean once again repeated the process of massaging your ass cheeks. He's teasingly letting a coo tumble off his lips as you can only stutter out his name like a broken record.
"Just want to taste you real quick," His words were soft yet intimidating. He angled your body provocatively so you felt like such a filthy woman. "Just stay like that for me, please," he says before his callous fingertips are traced alongside your puffy lips. The teasing action caused your skin to be littered with goosebumps.
Once again, you desperately coughed up a yelp when you felt him slap at your throbbing cunt that was aching for his attention. The similar motion he did with your asscheek, Jean's multimillion-dollar massage at your pussy. This time, your wetness coated his fingers ever so negligibly. "You like it when I do that, huh?" He asked.
He didn't wait for you to respond before kneeling to taste you. The flat of his tongue collided with your puffy lips to lick up your juices formed just by his spankings. A weak whimper came out of you as you seemed to relax in his touch as he was eating you out. When Jean wanted to taste, he wanted to taste every fiber of you. Practically burying his face in the messiness between your thighs caused your toes to curl.
"Jean." You moaned out as you felt him glide his tongue up your slit. The lewd sound of him slurping up the mess he was making bounced off the bedroom walls. You could feel the sharpness of his nose poking you from the back; the man practically was devouring you at the moment. You were so close to breaking the perfect arch, but you knew what consequences were to come.
"Fuck." You moaned before you reached out, clawing at his sandy brown hair. Your fingers grabbed his hair as you rocked backward upon his kitten licks. Your orgasm was right there; you were so close to the finish line while your knees were growing hazy.
But Jean soon pulled away, letting your body fall limp like a deflated balloon that's lost all its air. Your poor cunt felt like it was pulsing, your orgasm was snatched away from you, and the lump of pleasurable despair disappeared.
"I can't have you cummin' just yet, baby girl," Jean commented. The little facial hair he had was stained with your juices. His upper lip lingered with your scent, and his tongue tasted like you. Maybe that made the man in a complete trance all over again.
His grey sweatpants grew tight at the crotch area. His dick was screaming to be released from the tight compress of his sweats and boxers. Jean quickly pushed down his sweats and stepped out of them like an over-enthusiastic virgin that was about to get a spliff of pussy for the first time. His blood was fuming, and he was still a bit frustrated by the loss. Especially considering the number of penalties he racked up during the game. His cock bulged in the black-colored Ethika boxers (another sponsorship he received for singing a multimillion-dollar contract) before he tugged them down also. His thick cock tapped at his toned torso when his boxers came down also.
Once again, he's grabbing onto you like a doll, dragging your whithering body toward the end of the bed. His hand firmly pushed your lower back to ensure your arch was perfect. It was a wonderful sight to see his beautiful wife completely exposed like this to him. A lovely ass up face-down position just so he can have his way with him.
You were anticipating for Jean to shove his cock inside you. Despite it being the same dick you've ridden, sucked, choked on, and the list goes on, you still found yourself chewing your lower lip off at adjusting to his girth. He was a grower for sure, with a slight curve that could kiss at that spot that caused your pedicures toes to curl. Your favorite part of his dick was his tip. It was a splendid sight when you would climb under the covers to suck him off when he complained about morning wood. It was a nice mushroom shape with a slit that gushed out so much cum when he wanted to.
"You know if you relax. You'll get used to it quicker." Jean suggested. With his slender digits climbing up the jersey, you had on to undo the bra you were wearing.
With quickness, you're removing your bra tossing it to the side with ease. Your hips bucking to receive any form of friction between Jean and yourself, but you could only feel his tip tap at your sopping entrance. "Don't be so fuckin' rude, and wait," Jean uttered as he grabbed a hold of his cock. He rubbed his tip at your entrance. Teasing you bit by bit before he's pooling all of the spit in his mouth and letting it drop down on his cock. His hand stroked his dick quickly before he once again was poking at your entrance.
"You want to make me feel better after that horrible game, right?" Jean questioned.
You only nodded as you were on all fours, your fingers grasping at the sheets below you before your mouth gasped apart, feeling him stretch you out. He didn't even wait until you adjusted to his huge size before he was pushing himself inside you like a madman. His hands grasping at your asscheeks just to feel upon you a little more. His thrusts weren't the usual slow and passionate filled; they were harsher. He was genuinely fucking you like he hated you. It was your fault that the team was two points short of going to the play for the Stanley Cup. You could only let out poor pathetic moans, moaning out for Jean.
"That's a good fuckin' girl; you're taking my dick so well," Jean uttered as his hips bucked forward into the plush of your ass. His eyes glowed excitedly at the sight of your pretty pussy, swallowing him with each thrust. The mixture of your wetness and the spit he coated on his coat was imprinted on your thighs like a nasty masterpiece.
He had one hand holding your back down while the other was grasping at the hockey jersey with his last name on it. He gripped the jersey severely to have some form of control over his brass thrusts. Ignoring your whimpers for him to slow down, or you would cum.
"Don't cum." Jean uttered out.
His words were more like a command, a dangerous warning you wanted to poke at until he exploded.
"Please Jean..." You whined into the pillow, which at this point was stained with your own drool and tears.
"What did I say, hm?" He questioned. His right hand slapped at your ass cheek causing you to let out a whine.
"Don't...cum," You hiccupped between moans.
Jean would only hum in agreement. His hips irrationally bottomed inside your dripping cunt before he pinned your arms behind your back. His tight grip on you caused you to chew at your lip as if it were some chew toy. "We'll cum together like it's supposed to fuckin' be," He commented.
You felt so lightheaded at the intense amount of stimulation upon your body. Your limbs felt like they were screaming for you to relax, and the burning sensation that was bubbling in the pit of your stomach was ready to burst.
Jean's hold he had on your folded arms only grew tight with each shove forward into your pussy. He could feel his balls grow heavy each time he tapped at that one spot that caused your eyes to cruise in the back of your head. Jean's eyes were shifted closed as he was so pussy drunk, the harsh groan that grumbled off the back of his neck caused his Adam's apple to move. His thick white cum filled you up to the brim as you moaned through the sensation. Jean brought the ends of his wifebeater up to his teeth, nibbling at the ends as he rocked you on his cock slowly. He could feel your pussy pulsing around his cock, milking him of every droplet of his cum. His brown hues practically glistened at the creamy sight of a white ring around his cock with each slow thrust.
When he pulled out slowly, letting the hold he had on you go and watching you collapse breathlessly on your stomach. His fingers combed through his hair, which seemed to stick to his forehead due to the intense workout.
"I feel much better now, baby, thank you."
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ukarii · 5 months
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨ STUPID CUPID୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ 
pairing: Rin Itoshi x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, strangers/classmates to lovers, fake dating, school/no bluelock au, social media au
╰┈➤ synopsis: you run a mini match making business at your school, helping your fellow classmates fall in love and find it for themselves, you've been declared the local love expert, but with senior fast approaching you're hit with the harsh reality that you've never been in a relationship ever despite claiming that you know the ins and outs of being in love, so with a little so-called divine intervention, you set your sights on a certain itoshi to save face and your business!
content warnings/tags: mild language, profanities/innuenedoes, 2000's teen rom com vibes, potentially ooc, inspired by the song stupid cupid by connie francis
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the galentines squad // dumb jocks + rin
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ACT ONE-stupid cupid you're a real mean guy
★ 01-truth walks, rumours sprint
★ 02-bankrupt
★ 03-no bitches
★ 04-a business proposal
★ 05-not weird, just eccentric
★ 06-it's a deal
★ 07-like...together-together?!
★ 08-operation: first date
★ 09-mission failed successfully 
★ 10-he's a 10 but he has a brother complex 
★ 11-i swear i can fix him 
★ 12-meeting the fam?
ACT TWO-i'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly
★ 13-family reunion
★ 14-future in laws? 
★ 15-awkward 
★ 16-heart to heart
★ 17-wedding plans? 
★ 18-fuzzy feelings
★ 19-back in business? 
★ 20-i think i'm (love) sick 
★ 21-back in business (fr this time) 
ACT THREE-i'm in love and it's a crying shame
★ 22-cupid shot herself 
★ 23-feelings? I could never 
★ 24-denial is a river in egypt (and you're drowning in it)
★ 25-love is in the air! (+allergies) 
★ 26-money, money, money
★ 27-he wants to do what now?!
★ 28-fake love, real feelings
★ 29-i still get jealous
★ 30-you know i'm bad with talking...
★ 31-...then screw talking! 
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additonal notes:
-first smau so go easy on me you guys
-comment/send an ask if you wanna be added to the taglist
-profiles dropping soon
-@latay7, @cocomi you guys should check this out :3 (this is vee btw in case it wasn't obvious)
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(OPEN) Taglist: @freyao7, @waffledforbreakfast, @kurona-theshark, @seafumes, @zestyseggsydaddy69, @rinitoshisgirl, @satoruslipbalm, @tnt-kokoo, @tttttttf, @babxtxxn-blog
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Could you possibly do: Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado for Jean Kirstein - Smut (stg he needs more love on this app)
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Pairing: Jean x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
cw: frenemies-to-lovers trope, one bed (in this case, tent) trope, modern day au, explicit language, smut – mutual masturbation, fingering, hand job
Summary: During your annual camping trip with your friends, you find out a little too late that the tent you brought with you is broken. With everyone’s already occupied, you’re forced to share one with Jean, who you don’t exactly get along with. Maybe sharing a small space together for one night will change that. 
Author’s Note: Hi anon! Thank you for your request for the y2k karaoke party! This idea is somewhat inspired by my main man AugustInTheWinter’s “Trapped in Your Asshole Friend’s Tent” (reddit link, +18)  except mine is more of a teaser if anything, since there’s no actual sex, hehe. I hope you like this one! I don’t write for Jean often, but when I do, I always have so much fun! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading! MDNI banner by @/mikeykuns.
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Your tent is busted, and of course you only find out about it as you unpack it on the campsite, finding it torn up and unusable. You turn to Sasha, panicking. “It’s broken!”
She kneels down to inspect it, looking at all the parts. “There’s nothing you can do to fix it?”
“Everything is in pieces. It’s completely useless. Do you have room in your tent?”
She shakes her head. “I’m sleeping in Connie’s. And Mikasa, Armin, and Eren are squeezing into one. Which leaves only Jean – ”
“No,” you say with emphasis. “No way.”
Sasha rolls her eyes. “Come on. You’re only in there for a few hours each night, that’s it! Set your differences aside for once! Unless you want to sleep out in the cold.”
“I think I’d rather freeze to death and get eaten by a bear than share a tent with him,” you state, crossing your arms over your chest. 
She chuckles, taking a bite out of a baked potato she has stored in her pocket. “Fine. I’ll be sure to write that in your obituary.” She walks away from you, joining Connie by their tent, helping him set it up while you stand there, defiant, and all-too-stubborn. You look over to their right to see the EMA trio working together to assemble their big tent, but still not big enough to house a fourth person. Then, on the other side, furthest away from the others, is Jean. 
You seriously weigh your options, eventually deciding that death by the elements is worse by the tiniest margin than sleeping next to Jean. So you walk up to him, tapping on the thin fabric, pretending to knock. “Kirstein,” you call out when there’s no answer.
He unzips the entrance, glaring at you. “What do you want?”
You clear your throat, putting on the nicest voice you can possibly muster. “Do you have room for me in there?” You even bat your eyelashes, feeling more pathetic that you already do.
“What?!” he snaps, standing up to confront you. 
“My tent is broken and there’s no room in the other’s, so…”
“Fuck no,” he states, a little harsher than usual. 
“C’mon, Kirstein! It’s just for two nights!”
“Then sleep outside.”
“I promise I’ll be good!” you whine, putting your hands together in prayer, pleading. “You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Oh, I’ll definitely know you’re here,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, irritated. He yells out across the way. “Sash, Connie! There’s really no room in there for her?”
Connie answers, “Nope!”
“Mikasa, how about in your – ”
“No,” she responds immediately, the other two boys shaking their heads to confirm.
Jean groans, scratching his head anxiously, as if this is the worst thing he’s ever had to consider. Eventually, he mutters a contemptuous, “Fine. But we’re not sharing sleeping bags.”
“I never said anything about sleeping bags!” you protest. 
“I’m just saying!”
Not wanting to argue more, you ease up. “Okay, okay. Thank you. Seriously, Kirstein. I really do appreciate it.” You attempt to give him the most genuine smile you can manage. All he does is roll his eyes, zipping the entrance closed.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly. After setting up camp, you all go for an easy hike on a nearby trail. Jean doesn’t interact with you, which is typical behavior from him. You can’t pinpoint the exact reason why he dislikes you so much; it didn’t start this way when you first met him several years ago through Sasha. But the more you hung out with them, the colder he’s gotten towards you. Because of this, you decided to act the same towards him, causing this hostile relationship between you two. Maybe sharing a tent tonight is a good opportunity to let bygones be bygones and finally get along.
Back at camp, you gather around the fire to roast hot dogs for dinner. Jean sits across from you, a serious expression on his face as he focuses on cooking his meal. You study him, watching the flames reflect in his eyes. He’s handsome, that’s for sure; sharp jawline, luscious brown locks on his head, an impressive stature. If he wasn’t such an asshole, you could see yourself being friendly with him, maybe even more. The thought makes you smile to yourself. He meets your gaze for a brief moment, startling you. You quickly turn your head to the side, pretending to be interested in the dirt on the ground, hoping he didn’t catch you staring. 
By midnight, with your bellies nourished with a hot dogs, potato chips, and s’mores for dessert, you all decide to call it a night. Armin and Eren put out the fire while the rest of you do a thorough job disposing any trash and putting away any of the remaining food. Everyone gets ready for bed in their designated spots around the wilderness. You especially take your time, wanting to stall as much as possible so you don’t have to interact with your tent-mate. 
Eventually, you’re the only one left outside and there’s nothing left for you to do but head in. As you walk into the tent, you quietly step inside, noticing Jean already curled in his sleeping bag to the farthest side he can reach, leaving plenty of space for you. He’s wrapped in an additional blanket, head resting on a fluffy pillow, expression the most relaxed you’ve ever seen. You grin, appreciating how cute he looks like this. 
You nestle into your sleeping bag, adjusting your pillow before you find a comfortable position to sleep in. Even with it zipped up and surrounding you, it’s still chilly enough that your teeth chatter. Holding yourself tightly, you rub your arms, hoping to create enough friction to warm yourself up.  
From the other side, you hear Jean’s familiar groan, then shuffling. Suddenly, you feel something thick envelop you. You crane your neck to see Jean near you now, his blanket covering you both. He faces you with that scowl on his face, eyes closed. “I’m only sharing so that you don’t keep me up all night,” he says.
You roll over to turn your body towards him, closer than you’ve ever been before. “Thank you,” you murmur, snuggling into your pillow. 
He doesn’t say anything else, probably drifting off to sleep by now. Although you’re warm enough, you still can’t fall into a slumber the way you want. Not with Jean so near you, pretty eyelashes fluttering, soft lips parted slightly; he is really handsome. Your chest swells, heat rushes into your cheeks. As quietly as you can, praying that he’s actually asleep, you whisper, “I’m sorry, Jean. For whatever I did to make you hate me so much.” You say it more for yourself if anything. Even if he can’t hear you, at least you’ve put it out there for the universe. 
“I don’t hate you.” It startles you when he says it in a low, gruff voice, eyes still closed. 
You swallow hard, not sure if you should continue this conversation, or let it end here. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, you decide to respond. “You don’t?”
This time, he opens his eyes slowly, blinking at you. “No. You’re annoying, irritating, always completely unprepared. But I don’t hate you.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mutter, wrapping your arms tighter around yourself. “Sorry for always being such a nuisance to you. I’ll be sure to leave you alone now.”
He sighs. “You’re not always a nuisance, okay? And besides, you’re the one who acts like you hate me.”
“I only do that because you did it to me first,” you argue. “I don’t even know what I did to annoy you in the first place. Tell me.”
“If I start now, we’ll be up all night,” he smirks, looking smug. 
“Seriously, what did I ever do to you? I need to know so I can apologize formally.” 
He stares at you, contemplating his answer. You wait with anticipation, nervous for what he’s about to say. Eventually, he admits, “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?”
More confused now, you ask, “Then why do you treat me like I did?”
He sighs again, this time even deeper. “I don’t know.”
You scoot closer to him instinctually, studying his face as if that will give you a clearer answer. “You don’t know?”
He’s caught off guard by the closing distance between you. “I don’t know,” he repeats, stammering. “I just…”
Closer now, your nose mere inches from his, the heat radiating from his body towards you. “Just what?”
He gulps loudly before leaning forward, pressing his lips to yours in a delicate kiss. You don’t immediately pull back, indulging in the intimate touch until his tongue slips into your mouth. It shocks you, not because you don’t like it, but because of how much you do. You break apart, catching your breath. “What are you…” you trail off, fixated on his lips, slightly shiny now from your spit.  
He unzips his sleeping bag, freeing his hands to reach for you, caressing your cheek. “If you don’t like it, tell me now and I’ll stop.” His thumb brushes against your skin, electrifying every nerve in your body. 
You wiggle out of your confines to touch him too, placing your hands on hands on his chest, clenching his t-shirt in your fists. Something comes over you. Curiosity, lust, temptation, you’re not quite sure. All you know is that you want to keep kissing him, keep touching him, and save the explaining for later. It doesn’t have to make sense right now; all you want is to feel good. 
“Don’t stop,” you whisper, pulling him in for a kiss. It’s sloppier this time, his tongue flicking against yours, eager for a taste of you. His hand travels down your body, sliding around your waist beneath your pajama top. It ignites your skin, forgetting any ounce of coldness that occupied your body just moments before. 
“On top,” he huffs, fingers digging into your flesh. “Get on top of me.”
You obey, spreading his sleeping bag open, seeing the prominent bulge protruding from his sweats. You straddle his lap, grinding yourself on him, rubbing your clothed pussy along his shaft. He grips your waist with both his hands, watching you rock against him, biting his lip with a crazed look in his eyes. “Fuck,” he breathes out, brows furrowed in concentration, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. If you had known it would be like this, maybe the two of you wouldn’t have wasted so much time berating each other. You could have spent the last few years doing this instead.
You lean down, kissing him passionately while you continue to ride him with your clothes on. He’s unbelievably hard beneath you now, his big cock straining against the fabric. Your arousal leaks into your panties, wet and ready for him. His hands glide to your bottom, squeezing your cheeks in his hands. Soon, his fingers are hooked on your waistband, tugging them down your thighs, coaxing you to strip. You hop off him, rolling to his side to properly remove your pants, him doing the same next to you. Both of you are naked from the waist down now, lying beside each other. You reach between your legs, rubbing your fingers on your clit. He watches, fist wrapped around his cock, stroking it feverishly. “I didn’t know you were like this,” he whispers, biting his lip to hold back his moans. “Fuck, if I had known I…I would have – ”
“What, Jean? What would you have done?” you ask, playing with yourself faster, watching him jerk himself off.
“I would have fucked you so much sooner. Make you my slut.”
“You want to slut me out? Is that what you want?”
“Yeah. But only for me. I only want you to be a slut for me.”
You reach for him with your wet fingers, replacing his hand with yours, stroking him slowly. He moans, eyes blown wide at the sight. “Come here,” he beckons, stretching his hand towards your pussy. “I want to make you feel good too.”
Kneeling beside him, you guide him to you, teasing your clit with his palm. “God, you’re so fucking wet. Can I fuck you with these fingers, baby?”
The pet name is unexpected from his mouth, but it spurs you on. You nod, lifting up slightly to sink down on his middle finger while his thumb nudges your clit. A moan escapes you, unable to keep quiet. He chuckles softly, shushing you. “You don’t want the others to know you’re getting finger-fucked by me, do you? You better be quiet.” 
You stay like this, Jean’s fingers pumping in and out of your cunt while he fucks your fist. Aching for a new position, you release him, pulling him out of you so that you can straddle his lap again, this time completely nude. 
He stammers, clearly nervous. “Oh fuck, should we…?”
There is no lube, nor are there any condoms around you. It would be a bad idea to have sex under these conditions, though temptation is testing you, especially with how far you’ve already gotten. As badly as you want to be fucked, you decide not to. “Not tonight. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel good, right?” You flick the tip of his cock on your clit, your core tight with pleasure from the intimate contact. 
He relaxes into his sleeping bag, watching you with a dazed expression on his face, moaning as you grind your pussy along his shaft, hand nestled underneath his cock, stroking him simultaneously. “Fuck, you really know what you’re doing, huh?”
“Is that bad?” you ask, slowing your pace.
He smiles, shaking his head. “Not at all. I just didn’t expect you to be so promiscuous.” He reaches towards you, massaging your clit with his thumb. 
You whine from his touch, rocking back and forth on his shaft, almost inclined to sink down on his cock anyways. “Maybe I’m only like this with you.”
He continues to grin at you, caressing your sensitive bud faster. “Yeah, maybe you are.”
You stay like this until his cock pulsates beneath you, shooting spurts of cum onto his stomach. Soon, you’re coming too with his thumb pressed tightly on your clit, rubbing deep into you, gushing all over him. When you’re done riding out your orgasm, you roll off of him, back into your own sleeping bag. Jean stays flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling of his tent, his breathing gradually returning to a steady pace. The two of you remain silent, equally confused and thrilled about what just occurred. 
You decide to be the one to speak first. “So…”
He turns to you, a kind expression on his face. Have you ever seen this on him before? It puts a flutter in your belly. “So,” he repeats. 
“Should we talk about it?”
“What’s there to talk about?” He scoots closer to you, holding your hand in his.
“This. Us,” you say, interlocking your fingers with his. Who would have though being this way with Jean Kirstein would feel so…natural?
“Right. Us.” He nuzzles his nose to yours. “The truth is, I’ve been a massive asshole to you because I’m an idiot who doesn’t know how to express his feelings.”
“So, instead, you act like you hate me?”
He points to himself, giving you a goofy grin. “See? Idiot.”
You sigh, squeezing him tighter. “So, you actually like me?”
Smiling, he kisses your cheek. “I do. I’ve liked you for a while. If you give me a chance, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. If you let me.”
You don’t respond right away, contemplating the situation. Could it really work out between you two after all the petty arguments, snide remarks, contemptuous glares? It is comfortable, being with him like this. It’s better than you ever imagined. 
You snuggle into his chest, surrounding yourself in his warmth and security. “I guess we could give it a shot.”
“Yeah?” He tips your chin up to meet your gaze, smiling big.
He brings you towards him to kiss you sweetly, cradling you in his arms. “Thank you.”
You pull away, smirking at him before you whisper, “And next time, you’re going to slut me out properly, right?”
He laughs quietly, biting his lip. “Absolutely.”
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chiriwritesstuff · 8 months
The Girl in IT - 7. The All Hands Meeting
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Summary: A look into a typical day at Miller Construction Group. Chaos ensues (naturally).
Chapter Warnings and Tags: No outbreak AU, Boss x Employee Relationship, Sugar Daddy Lite, Smut, SO MUCH SMUT, Age Gap, Older Man/Younger woman, So much dirty talk, Office sex, Desk sex, Inappropriate usage of PowerPoint, Tommy fucks around and finds out, No Beta we die like men!
Word Count: 4.4K
A/N: And the hijinks are back! I wanted to try something new this week, and it was the perfect opportunity to showcase all of our fun supporting characters in 'The Girl in IT'! I thought what better way to introduce everyone was to include their commentary, like an episode of 'The Office'! This one is a doozy, and I hope you all enjoy!
#MCG ADMIN 50 members Sarah (HR) Good morning, Team! I hope you're all doing well. I'd like to announce a mandatory All-Hands HR Meeting today at 11 am in Conference Room A, co-facilitated by Tess and me. We'll have a brief presentation, and for those working remotely, please log into Zoom to join the meeting. Following the session, thanks to Bill, we'll have lunch and refreshments provided. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon! Tommy  Sarah, are you gonna bust your Papi's balls in front of everyone for posting that naughty photo? 💀☠️🪦 Frank (Interior Design) Will there be an opportunity for discussion following the presentation? I'm eager to delve into the minds of SlackGate and understand the motivations behind their actions the other day. Connie (Reception) It's clearly because they're fucking, Frank. 🍆🍑🦪 Frank (Interior Design) Who is? Our fearless leader and our shy girl in IT? Until one of them makes it official, it's just hearsay! Is this meeting a hard launch for a new power couple? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Sarah (HR) Yes, there will be an open-forum discussion after my presentation but NO, we will not be talking about the events of the other day in detail. Connie, this is a professional space and we will conduct ourselves as such. Connie (Reception) Why am I always being singled out?? Frank started it! Frank (Interior Design) Did I not professionally conduct myself? Geez Connie, I'm not the one sending nudes to our Boss when clearly, he has a girlfriend. Wait. Oops? (Sorry Connie 🤡) Bill (Civil) Frank! What do I have to do to get you to behave for once? Frank (Interior Design) Oh, I could think of a few ways... Why don't you come and find out once you're done handling your bratwurst out there? Sarah (HR) I don't get paid enough for this shit.
"Thank you, everyone, for coming together at such short notice. While I'm aware this all-hands meeting was abrupt, recent events in the past few days have made it essential. Tess and I genuinely appreciate your presence as we address these important matters," Sarah says with a bright smile, handing out materials. "Here's an updated Employee Handbook with a few edits. I thought it would be beneficial for us to go through it together. Are there any questions before we begin?"
"Yeah!" Tommy exclaims from the back of the room, his feet casually resting against the edge of the table. "How long until we get to the part of this meeting where we discuss just how much of a bad boy your Daddy was the other day?"
Tommy Look, I love my brother, I do. He's always so serious, so noble, providing for everyone and all that, making sure we have a roof over our heads. Shit, he's gotten me out of a lot of binds in my life- [He looks a bit uncomfortable and clears his throat, nodding.] ... anyway, it's a rare thing to see my brother slip up like that, you know? Didn't think he had it in him, honestly. It's been a few decades since I've seen his twig and berries, but shit, I know he's packing! He's a Miller, for fucks sake!  [he puffs his chest out a little at that, chuckling to himself] But Sugar? She's been a fucking godsend! Never in my life have I seen my big ol brother act a fool, especially over a woman! What can I say? It's great to not be the fuck-up brother for once! I'm gonna milk out SlackGate til the end of time!
"Tommy," Joel warns through his teeth, glaring at his brother. "Cut it out."
Sarah rolls her eyes in response as she fiddles with her laptop, the projector behind her illuminating with her PowerPoint presentation. "Like I was saying, this presentation is just going to go over the changes we have implemented in the last few days, including proper Slack etiquette and conduct. You would think that as grown adults, we would know better than sending inappropriate images and messages through company property and time," she clears her throat, glancing over at Joel, then to Tommy, who winks in her direction knowingly. "...including those who decide to engage and participate in unsanctioned secret channels-"
Frank's hand suddenly shoots up, his face awash in mock outrage. "I'll have you know, the watercooler channel serves a purpose, folks! When I caught wind of this 'secret channel' gossip circulating among the Nosy Nancies in the breakroom, I was appalled! Who would dare to stoop so low—"
"Frank, you invited me to the chat just this morning," Jesse remarks, casually holding up his phone as evidence. "It's titled 'Frank's-secret-slack-chat.' I thought it was some kind of exclusive club or something."
Frank Hi, [waves to you] is this on? Yeah? Hi. I'm Frank.   Listen, Sarah was getting a little too vigilant about monitoring Slack ever since Tommy sent us a little treat last year [he laughs] so I had to do something about it, you know? [It pans out to Frank leaning against his desk chair, typing away on his secret Slack Chat.] The chat started as an open forum for discussion on the everyday going-ons of Miller Construction Group. Do we just so happen to discuss the private lives of our peers? Maybe. Do we mean any harm by it?  [He gives you a wicked smile] Maybe.
"You guys, you know, the longer I keep getting interrupted, the longer we're all going to stay here in this conference room, and the longer we have to wait to eat Bill's food. You know how he is," She looks outside of the window, the smoke from Bill's grill swirls like a plume as he flips over a juicy steak. "He hates it when he has to serve his food cold. As I was saying, it should be obvious that we shouldn't be sending inappropriate images or photos to one another through Slack or e-mail."
"Hey! It was just one time, and it was an accident!" Tommy retorts, "Besides, it was hardly inappropriate, I was just only trying to show Maria this weird rash I got-"
"What does that mean, anyway?" Connie cuts in, casting a glance your way. "Inappropriate photos? And is there a difference between accidentally sending them or doing it on purpose?"
"Yeah," you shoot her a pointed look. "Sending nude photos to someone who doesn't want them is actually considered sexual harassment," you say, raising your voice a bit and turning in your seat. "I mean, you could get arrested for that, Connie," you add with a sing-song tone, a smirk playing on your lips as you glance at her. "You have nothing to worry about though, right?" you challenge, rolling your chair towards Joel, and taking his hand in his. "Not unless you did send naked photos to my boyfriend?"
Connie Look, I didn't know that Mr. Miller and Sugar were boning. I know how this looks- like I don't believe in girl code or something. I am a girls girl! If Sugar was just forthcoming about who gave her those damn hickeys before SlackGate happened, I wouldn't have sent her boyfriend nude photos of myself! A girl's gotta try, you know? I was only trying to shoot my shot! [She looks a bit uncomfortable, picking at a hangnail.] ... but you have to admit, Mr. Miller is H-O-T hot. God. I love me a graying man in flannel. I always thought to myself, there must be a story here. How does a millionaire who looks like that be single all this time? does he have anyone? is it a sugar baby? does he have a secret love child? I mean-  [she looks over her shoulder where Joel is, arms around his chest as he winks at Sugar. There's a hint of jealousy in Connie's eyes.] Is it true, though? Is it really sexual harassment if I send unsolicited photos of myself? Do you think he's gonna press charges? 
"It's true. Sending unsolicited photos of yourself to unsuspecting parties is sexual harassment, Connie. Not to mention creepy," Sarah winces, shooting you an apologetic smile. "So please don't be sending any photos of that nature to anyone that you work with, especially not in the admin group Slack."
"Yeah, Joel!" Tommy chides. "Keep that shlong in your pants, brother!"
Sarah You would think that working for my family is a cakewalk? Please. I've been diagnosed with IBS and GAD since I started working here five years ago. I sometimes take half an edible just to make it to lunchtime.   [Her head rests on her desk, and as the events of SlackGate unfold, an endless barrage of messages from the admin Slack channel floods her monitor. She can't help but groan in response.] Listen. I love my Dad. I've never really had to worry about his behavior at work before, not like how I have to with Uncle Tommy... but what the hell was he thinking? I can't unsee that! What if Ellie was on that chat? Could you imagine the trauma? My trauma?
"Okay, let's turn to page 12, where we'll go over all the recent updates," Sarah announces, clicking through her PowerPoint. A collective gasp echoes in the room as the slide projects onto the screen, revealing an image – the image of Joel. However, where his exposed package would be, an eggplant emoji tastefully takes its place. It resembles one of those generic memes easily made with a phone app, complete with the semi-imposed words 'Keep Calm and Shlong On!' in big bold letters.
"Shit!" she exclaims, hurriedly pressing the ESC button as she tries to close out her PowerPoint. She slams her laptop shut, the tell-tell sound of a crack echoing throughout the conference room. You hear Tess silently scoff in the distance, and Sarah closes her eyes in embarrassment as the room falls silent.
... and then, all hell breaks loose.  
Tommy is beside himself, his face red, and his eyes filled with tears as he doubles over in laughter, clutching at his middle. "Shit, Henry! When I asked you to do this, I honestly didn't think you had the balls to go through with it, but I so owe you, my man!" he exclaims, enthusiastically high-fiving his nephew-in-law. "This is the best fucking day of my life!"
"Henry?!" Sarah exclaims, her face flushed with rage. "This is what you needed to do in the office at 6 am this morning?!"
Henry's expression crumbles as he witnesses his wife's ire, suddenly realizing that he's just dug himself into a deep hole. "Sarah," he stammers, attempting to regain composure. "This isn't what it looks like—"
Henry Yeah, Tommy asked me to put that meme into Sarah's PowerPoint last night. I would have done it at home, but Sarah doesn't like to bring her laptop home, you know, work-life balance? So I had to make an excuse to come to the office this morning. Was it a dumb ass idea? Yeah, probably. Did I kind of want to get back at Sarah's dad for making my life a living hell? [He looks at you awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.] Honestly, when you're like five beers in, drinking with Tommy- everything seems like a good idea. He dared me, you know? Said that I'm such a simp, trying to always please Joel. Called me a fucking pussy and everything! What else was I supposed to do? Sarah's going to kill me, huh? Do you think that she's gonna ask for a divorce?
"It's a meme. A meme of my Dad's dick pic with AN EGGPLANT EMOJI?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??! WHAT DID YOU MEAN FOR IT TO LOOK LIKE?!" she screams, pulling at her hair. "AND YOU, TOMMY MILLER!" she points at her uncle furiously, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!"
"Baby," Henry replies, his hands raised in an attempt to calm her down. "It's just a harmless prank, look—"
"No, you look, Henry! Does it seem like it's just a harmless prank?" she gestures to the room, her eyes wide. "Don't even think about coming to bed tonight. I can't even look at you! How dare you collaborate with Tommy, do you really want to go this way? Because I see you fucking around, and you're about to find out-"
"Oh come on, Sarah! you know these all-hands meetings are dull as fuck, I don't even know why you even bother, no one ever listens anyway!" Tommy exclaims, looking around the room. "Isn't this fun you guys? Come on, lighten up! It's not like y'all haven't seen my dick before! Your Papi's gonna live another day, I think we should all feel as comfortable as we want, fuck the rules!"
"...but Joel's is much bigger than yours!" someone yells amid the chaos, laughter, and banter echoing through the room. Sarah looks around helplessly in a panic, trying to grasp the situation unfolding.
"Hey! I'll have you know that I ain't small!" Tommy yells in retaliation.
"Do you think that this is helping, Uncle Tommy? I'm beginning to believe that the only reason why people don't take me seriously is because of all of the shit that you pull!" Sarah groans, looking like she's at the end of her rope. "I could mention that Tess is helping me facilitate this meeting to scare everyone but she's just off to the side, pretending to not be drinking under the table!"  
Tess [She is sitting off to the side, smiling to herself as the chaos ensues, shaking her head.] I am drinking, because who else thinks it's appropriate to call an all-hands meeting first thing in the morning? I don't even want to be here. It's so fucking pointless, trying to get these shitheads to conform to a set of rules.   [She witnesses Joel storming up to Tommy, his face full of rage and irritation, finger pointed right at him.] This is the consequence of hiring friends and family, isn't it? I tried to tell them it was a bad idea, but who's listening to me? I get it, everyone thinks I'm a bit of a bitch, and well... yeah, I am. Alright, time to rein this in— [She suddenly stands from her seat and walks over to Sarah, who appears to be disassociating into madness.]
"HEY!" Tess bellows, clapping her hands together. The room abruptly falls silent, Joel's hands frozen mid-grab on Tommy's flannel. Forty-eight pairs of eyes pivot towards Tess, a blend of shock and embarrassment spreading across their faces, reminiscent of children caught sneaking cookies from the jar by their mother. "Okay, that's enough!"
Her eyes are narrowed, hands on her hips. "This is what's going to happen. You're going to stop sending each other dick and tit pics through Slack, because as much as it is amusing," she smirks, winking at you, "I would really rather not have to deal with the fallout that comes with it," she shoots a pointed look at Connie, whose eyebrows shoot up to her hairline.  
"The next time someone tries to fuck around and find out? I'm going to take that dirty photo, print a thousand fucking copies of it and stick that shit all over the office. Every fucking inch, every fucking nook and cranny is just gonna be dick and tit central," she paces around the room, placing a warning hand on Frank's shoulder. "As for this secret Slack chat, I'm going to give you all one chance to come clean. If you don't, and Sugar's report doesn't match who outs themselves right now," She scans the room, a smirk on the corner of her mouth appearing in satisfaction. "Yeah, you didn't think that we were monitoring that shit, huh? Well, I'll throw you all a bone: raise your hands if you are in this secret group chat, and I'll consider not docking your pay for insubordination. Your choice."
Frank [Looking at Tess as she slightly stumbles from where she's standing.] Yeah, she's toast.
The majority of the room begins to raise their hands, except you, Tess, Joel, and surprisingly, Frank.
Tess scoffs. "Really Frank? Really?"
"I have no clue what you're trying to imply, and seriously Tess? Are you really going to play that card? Are you going to dock your pay too?" Frank retorts. "I mean, just last night, you were drunkenly telling me that you heard Joel and Sugar-"
"If you utter another word, I'll fire you on the spot, Frank!" Joel shouts from across the room. "I mean it this time!"
Joel and Sugar [Joel wraps his arm around your waist, leaning in to kiss your forehead while gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ears.] There, that's better. Don't hide your face, Mami; you're too beautiful to be hiding all of that, okay? Right, [he clears his throat.] You would think that people would be a little more professional around here, show me a bit of respect— [His gaze shifts to Tommy, who's engaged in laughter and banter with the team, his chest puffed out in triumph. Joel glares at him, shaking his head.] I'd like to think I try really hard to be a good boss. I pay fairly, I allow remote work, and damn it, I take pride in offering the best employee benefits in all of Austin. We even take a company trip to Hawaii every year, for fucks sake! [You squeeze his hand, pressing a kiss to his temple as he takes a frustrated breath.] Papi, if it means anything, I think you're the best boss any of these folks could ever ask for. They don't deserve you. [Joel nods.] Look, I don't know what to tell you. I got the ride of my life that morning, my sweet Mami riding my cock just right, you know? I would have been okay, going into my meeting with blue balls, just as long as Sugar got hers. Your pleasure is my pleasure... but I was just so fucking horny! I started to work out, yeah? Wanted to keep shit tight for my baby, and fuck, I was... what do they young kids say?   Feeling yourself? [Joel nods again, smiling at you.] Yeah, 'feeling myself' or whatever. Anyway, I was in the meeting, and you messaged me, right? saying that you weren't going to be in for lunch? and I don't know if was the disappointment, or if I was just too horny, but fuck. I quickly excused myself and took a quick dick pic in my bathroom. I thought I was in the right Slack channel... so I sent it, and then the guys at The H Group asked me a whole bunch of questions, and then an hour later- Chaos. The messages kept flooding in! Frank was asking about how long I was, and Connie was sending me nude photos of herself- in my fucking office! Wait, what? [Your gaze meets Connie's, nervously seated as Frank goes on and on beside her. Her hands twitch like a possum that just got run over by an 18-wheeler. Yeah. Squirm for me, you think to yourself.] Yeah! And I just sat there, in shock, you know? Like this is the kind of shit that Tommy pulls, and I couldn't believe that I was so fucking stupid! Can you imagine the kind of therapy Sarah's gonna need? What if Ellie saw this?
"Who's up for some snacks?" Tommy calls out to the team, holding a basket filled with rather sizable cucumbers, bananas, and eggplants. "Help yourselves, compliments of Joel!"
Ellie  [at the job site across town, hard hat fixed crookedly on top of her head.] Yeah, I saw it. There is not enough bleach in this world that could ever erase that image from my existence.   [she glares at Sam, who just shrugs.] Thanks a lot, asshole!
"Alright, you degenerates!" Bill booms, bursting through the conference doors wearing a 'Kiss the Cook' apron, tongs in one hand, and a tray piled high with thickly cut steaks in the other. "This steak isn't going to eat itself!" 
The team swarms Bill like seagulls spotting a tasty piece of bread on the boardwalk. Tommy grabs a t-bone with his bare hands, biting into it with the enthusiasm of a caveman.
"Hey," Joel whispers to you, his shoulder gently bumping yours. "Want to help me with something?" You nod eagerly as Joel swiftly guides you out of the conference room, heading towards the executive offices. You giggle as Joel ushers you into the room, pulling you into a kiss, his foot playfully kicking the door shut.
He moves the both of you over to where Tommy's desk is, pushing aside its contents off the tabletop in one fell swoop, the items clattering onto the floor. "Papi, what are you doing?" you ask cheekily as he bends you over the desk, lifting your skirt.  
Joel growls and shoves you down onto the desk, his hands harshly grabbing onto your hips. Your arms scramble to find purchase as you knock over a framed photo of Tommy and Maria, watching helplessly as the image of their smiling faces falls onto the floor. His palm travels across your back, pinning you in place as he fiddles with his zipper with his other hand. "Line item 6," Joel murmurs as his hands begin to travel across the globes of your ass, squeezing and spreading and slapping them until you're so wet you can feel it dripping down your thighs.  
Joel hums in appreciation. "Thats right Mami, get nice and wet for me, okay?" You can feel him pump his cock against you, notching his head at your entrance. "You gonna make a nice mess for me, baby?" he asks through gritted teeth as he strokes through your folds with his dick.
"Yesss," you moan, pushing your ass back toward him.  
Joel pushes into you to the hilt in one brutal thrust as you cry out, grabbing onto the edge of the desk as he begins to pound into you in earnest, his thrusts so hard and punishing that the desk begins to rattle. You squeeze your eyes shut as Joel gathers your hair in his hand, pulling you back towards him. "Fuck baby, I'm gonna come so fucking hard, fill this pussy up and watch as it drips out of you, maybe fuck you again if we still have time-"
You gasp, taking a deep breath as his thrusts become so erratic it pushes you up the desk, lifting one leg onto the surface as Joel angles himself higher, hitting a spot so deep within you that you bite your lip from crying out, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. You squeeze around his cock as you chase your high, hoping that Joel can maintain his composure long enough so you both can finish together. "No Mami, stay with me, come with me-"
He leans over you, pressing you onto the desk as he grabs onto your shoulders, pounding into you, his breath hot against your neck as he buries his face into it, huffing from exertion. "I'm so close Mami, I'm gonna... Fuck!" He bites your shoulder as he cums in one last brutal stroke, his hands harshly grasping your thighs as you feel his hot spend flow deep into your belly. You rock your hips onto him as his hand goes to your clit, rubbing until you are weak in the knees, your body trembling beneath his. "Fuck Joel," you say a little breathless as you slump onto the table as Joel pulls out of you, his finger probing into you as he pushes his leaking cum back where it belongs. "Come on, lets clean this up and head back before they notice-"
Joel just snorts as he zips up his jeans. "No," he replies nonchalantly as he catches his breath. 
"No?" you ask as you straighten yourself up, frowning at him.  
"Line item six says I bend you over his desk and leave a little souvenir," he motions to the mess on the floor, pens and papers scattered about.  
"He's going to fucking murder you, Joel," you chuckle, pulling him into a kiss.  
"Yeah? Well, he shouldn't have fucked around, because he's about to find out." He simply replies, taking your hand in his. "Come on, little Mami, quickly now, before he realizes we're gone..."
You share a laugh as he guides you back into the conference room. Bill raises an eyebrow at both of you, handing over a plate with steaming steak, as if he just finished cooking it. "I thought I'd save your lunches for last, figured you guys needed some extra time," he says, clearing his throat and nodding towards Tommy, who seems entirely oblivious to your brief disappearance. "You know Tommy, can't resist a good piece of steak," Bill continues, gesturing at Joel. "It's like everything around him disappears for a moment; you could rob him blind, and he wouldn't even notice," he adds with a small smile, placing a hand on Joel's shoulder and giving him a knowing look. "Enjoy your lunch, you two."
Bill Look, I wouldn't call myself a nosy person, but I am perceptive.   [He glances at Frank whispering and giggling to Connie off to the side, rolling his eyes.] Look at them. They think that they're the eyes and ears of this operation, but what they don't know, is that I. Know. Everything. I am a survivalist. I gather intel on all of my surroundings, even if I am surrounded by absolute morons.   [Bill takes another sip of coffee, subtly glancing around him before making eye contact with you, the reader, once more] So if you want to know the real scoop, the real ins-and-outs of this company, and not have to deal with the lunatics in Frank's not-so-secret shit talk club, come to me, I'll set you on the right path. At least I have snacks.   [He looks off to you and Joel, giving a curt nod as he starts to cut into his own steak.] As much as I respect Tommy, he's not the one signing my checks at the end of the day. If there's anything that I value more than anything, it's loyalty. I don't like to play around, hate it when people bite the hands that feed them. People like that need to be taught a lesson. Joel's a good man, and sometimes, we fuck up... but it's how we handle ourselves after the fact that matters. If that means I help out an old friend, well- [he smiles as Tommy walks towards the conference room doors, heading back to his office. Bill smiles out into the distance.]
Taglist: @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat @gwendibleywrites @brittmb115 @joeldjarin @drewharrisonwriter
@littlebunnybigheartfics @missladym1981 @auteurdelabre @quicax3 @casa-boiardi
@amyispxnk @untamedheart81 @paleidiot @laurrrra @la-vie-est-une-fleur29
@bbiophiliaa @thewiigers (I apologize if I missed anyone, but if you are looking for any of my fic updates, please feel free to follow my updates blog @chiriwritesstuffnotifs!)
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Some fic because I love your au, Fenton is gender brainrot, and little baby dan cracks me up. Full disclosure, my only familiarity with DC is DP crossover fanfic, and a Batman movie I fell asleep during. (If I had a better grasp on the characters I would totally write more :(( i love interactions) also sorry for the weird spacing. Idk why tumblr did that
There was an empty cardboard box on the table of the Justice League’s main conference room. Taped on the top flap, next to a doodle of Fenton’s logo, was a jump drive.
Heaving a sigh, Batman plugged it in and pulled up his screen on the projector. The drive, which was named “little baby dan’s evil playtime”, contained two files; WATCH_ME_FIRST.mp4 and its-a-secreeeet.pdf. He clicked on the video file, and immediately the projector filled with a blurry close-up of Fenton’s goggles.
After a moment of fiddling with the camera, Fenton stepped back, giving a cheery wave. His lab coat and goggles were a pastel pink, which was new. “Heeeeya, Bats! Whoever else is there! If you’re watching this, you probably weren’t there when I dropped the box off, aaand it’s probably empty.”
He clapped his hands together gleefully. “And Connie, if you’re there, this is payback for cussing around my daughter.” Batman was instantly relieved that Constantine wasn’t on base. Hopefully the situation wouldn’t require Constantine’s expertise. (Or any of the Justice League Dark. Fenton seemed determined to drive them all to an early grave with his casual refusal to acknowledge the supernatural air around him.)
“Now, as you’re all heroes, I’m sure you’re all familiar with the whole,” Fenton paused for a moment, as if searching for the proper words. “”You ate a burger on a Tuesday or something equally inane, and it kickstarted a series of events that led to you going insane and evil and murdering 95% of the Earth’s population and now you must fight your evil alternate self, because your time-controlling cryptid Peepaw said so,” shtick, so I’ll skip the backstory. Say hi to Dan!” Fenton grabbed the camera, and Batman quickly jotted down several notes about the concerning number of things the boy had just said.
The camera swiveled around to show Nightingale, holding a strange beast in a manner that reminded Batman of an “elongated cat meme” Nightwing had shown him when he was still a Robin. The creature bared a maw full of razor sharp fangs at the camera. Nightingale adjusted her grip to hold the creature’s paw and make it wave, which evoked a deep growl.
“Haha, he’d kill me if I did that. Dan likes Nightingale much more than he likes me.”
“Because the worst she has ever done is attempt to shoot me.”
The camera had moved, so Batman couldn’t visually confirm that the deep voice had come from the creature, but the voice didn’t match any of Fenton’s previously revealed companions. “Yeah yeah, her aim sucked back then.” Fenton gave the camera a toothy grin that was only slightly less unnerving than the creature’s. “Dan’s not technically me, he’s much more like Dani, actually, but the world would probably end again if we left him with his other... What did you call him?” Fenton glanced offscreen.
“Bane of my accursed existence.”
Fenton chucked. “The other half responsible for his existence.” Batman added more notes to his file. “So, yeah, Clocky left him with us for a bit to help along his rehab. But a certain psychologist-in-training I know says that repressing rage isn’t healthy, and even without a lot of his powers, he can wipe out most of a city in- what, an hour? We tested it. It was around an hour.”
Everyone present shared a look of deep concern. As if able to see their reaction, Fenton quickly held up his hands in surrender. “Don’t worry! Clocky reset it. Approximately zero people have died from Dan in this timeline.”
“Yet.” Came a furious rumble from off-screen.
“Yes, you’re very scary.” They heard Nightingale coo.
Fenton laughed. “Yeah, we need him- and all of you, -out of our hair for a bit while we concoct more evil plans, and you’re all the least likely to die to him, so you get to babysit! Thanks!”
He reached to shut off the camera before pausing and turning away. “Foley! Which of the furries is the one who really likes animals?”
“Man, do you realize how that sounds out of context?” Foley laughed. “I think Tim said it’s the little one. Damian?”
Fenton nodded and turned back to the camera. “Don’t let Damian try to adopt Dan. Or anyone. Dan will bite their hands off. I mean it!” To emphasize his point, he removed one of his hands.
Batman sighed and added “ability to remove limbs” to a list of Fenton’s powers.
“I’ll include a list of “tasks”” Fenton’s disembodied hand made finger quotes, “we gave Dan to keep him occupied. There’s some at the bottom for you guys. They’re mostly just blatant abuse of his powers for the sake of fun and science. I’d appreciate it if you’d let him mark things off the list and add notes on how it goes. Or you can do it. Or I can steal your cameras. Your choice.”
He thought for a second. “I think you’re supposed to leave, like, pizza money or something, but I don’t think you can get pizza delivered to space. Anyway, thanks for letting me blab your ears off while Dan’s probably committing war crimes for twelve minutes. For your sake, I hope he inherited my interest in space. Good luck! Thanks for babysitting!”
Waving with his still detached hand, Fenton ended the video. Batman closed it and opened the PDF as the few other members present murmured amongst themselves. Most of the pages were filled with a curling script Batman didn’t recognize. The fourth page had a huge, bolded header, reading JP TASKS.
The door opened and shut in half a second as the Flash burst in. “Superman!” The speedster wailed. “I can’t get this thing off of me!”
The Flash waved his arm around, sending small droplets of blood flying as he tried to dislodge the creature sinking his teeth into the speedster’s arm. Batman raised an eyebrow beneath his cowl as Superman quickly lent his super strength in attempt to pry the creature’s jaw open. Dan didn’t budge.
Well, he could certainly see the family resemblance been Fenton, Dani, and Dan. Shaking his head, he turned back to the list.
Task 1: Find Dan. He’s probably attacking someone.
He highlighted the text and crossed it out. This was going to be a long shift.
[Anon, this is me crying over the wonderful gift you have given me. You bastard.]
"Do you think Fenton's regeneration powers extend to his..." Green Lantern frowned, trying to remember the word the kid had used but coming up blank. "I dunno. But do you think if we cut off little Dan here, he'll heal back up with no problem?" He gestured helplessly to the scene in front of him. Flash was still screeching about the beast on his arm, and now Superman and Wonder Woman were trying to pry him off. Batman was standing to the side, silently bemoaning the lack of quiet. He just wanted one peaceful shift. Just one. Please.
"I'd like to see you try, hero. And I'm not little." Dan spoke, startling all of them. His grip on Flash's arm tightened, making the speedster squeal before releasing the man and spitting out a mouthful of his blood. Batman noticed that his mouth didn't move despite the clearly spoken words. In fact, when Dan closed his mouth, it was like he didn't have one at all.
"So you do speak!" Superman marveled.
"Of course I do. I am not unintelligent, unlike you lot."
Despite his pain, Flash still made sounds of protest that everyone promptly ignored.
Superman flushed. "I just wasn't sure. It was hard to tell in the video."
"Ah, yes. The video that the Fenton menace sent you. Was there a note for me in the flash drive?"
"Uh, no." In one of his less finer moments, Green Lantern stuttered over his words and moved in front of Batman, obviously lying. Dan merely growled and flew through both men, heading straight for the giant monitor. Batman barely suppressed a shiver. Density shifting? Might as well add it to the list. He could see Martian Manhunter, who was in the back of the room, tilt his head at the display.
Dan ignored the room as he used his entire body to manipulate the computer mouse and scrolled back up to the top of the page. Staring intently at the scribbles no one could make out, the heroes could do nothing but shoot each other nervous and confused glances. More than a few of them jumped when Dan chuckled deeply. Honestly, his tiny body was at complete odds with his baritone voice.
"Maybe rehab will be fun if he's letting me do this." Dan sneered, flashing their reflections a sharp fang. No one wanted to ask what exactly he was in rehab for. The little beast turned his gaze to Batman. "You are the one called Batman, who rules the cursed city, correct?" The dark hero nodded, not trusting himself to say anything. "Excellent. You will be my chaperone for now, just as Fenton decreed it. Good luck, mortal man. Pray, I do not destroy your home a second time."
Without any time to unpack that conversation, Dan promptly disappeared from view. Some blinking text caught his attention, and Batman scrolled back down to the English text, glancing at the next few items on the list.
Task 2: Do not let Dan read his portion of this letter until you have a way to track him. There is no containing him.
Task 3: Keep him with a chaperone at all times. (If you can)
Task 4: Do not let Dan back into Gotham unless you're fine with a sudden decrease in the clown population.
Task 5: Take him for a walk in Death Valley. He likes hunting lizards.
Task 6: Make sure he goes down for his 2pm nap every day.
Task 7: He'll ask for it, but do not give him any burgers for mealtime. It upsets his stomach.
Task 8: Dan gets ONE(1) sweet after dinner before brushing his teeth. Those green pop rocks Batman always carries will do fine; he likes those. :)
A sudden alarm blared from his wristwatch, making Batman tear his eyes away from the screen, indicating an emergency at Arkham. This time, Batman actually sighed out loud. There was more to the list, but right now, he really needed to find their new charge before he killed the Joker, from the sound of it.
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ghostfacd · 10 months
au masterlist
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“How do you know you’re in love with her?”
The question lingers through Connor’s brain like perfume. Claire had asked him after he had explained what happened in tears at their study session—which, let’s be honest—has turned more into a gossip sess instead.
“What?” Connor peeks his head up from the table, his eyes still glossy. “I just am Claire!”
“Okay, okay.” Claire rolls her eyes, clearly not expecting the boy to be so hostile. “Have you tried reaching out to her?”
“Too scared,” is what Connor mutters out quietly. “What if she rejects my apology?”
“Why are you apologizing again, Connor?” Claire asks, tapping her pen impatiently on the table. “Isn’t she the one who blew up at you because she was jealous you were studying with me; and isn’t she the one who ignored you so she could hang out with your best friend, what was his name? Ryan?”
Claire’s words are harsh, and Connor doesn’t exactly appreciate the way she describes you. His Bells. Well, he still hoped you were his.
“Her feelings are valid, Claire. I need to apologize for calling her insecure, it wasn’t right of me. But I also need her to know that she has to communicate with me in order for us to work.”
“Sounds like you’re putting in all the effort,” Claire retorts. “From what I’ve heard during all our study sessions, you seem to love and appreciate her and she’s just throwing it all out the window because she’s jealous.”
Now Connor was still upset at how the situation between him and you turned out, but Claire was in no position to claim that you weren’t putting in the effort. He knew you loved him; he knew, he just wants you to communicate.
“Stop speaking on things you don’t know Claire,” Connor spits out, visibly annoyed.
“It’s just from what I observe!” Claire exclaims. “If she’s making you this upset, it’s not worth it Connie.”
Normally, the nickname that you would call him would make his heart flutter, but when it came out of Claire Drewmor, he felt disgusted.
“Just stop, stop Claire.” Connor packs up his things, too tired to continue fighting against her little remarks towards his ex—no—current girlfriend. You two haven’t officially broken up yet.
“I was trying to help.” Claire tries to reach out for Connor, only to fail miserably. She almost bites her lip back in embarrassment. “She doesn’t deserve you.”
“Just a few days ago, you were telling me to go get her back.” Connor says, finding it unbelievable that Claire would say such things about you.
“Well that was before I knew she was such a jealous b—” but before Claire could say anything else, Ryan slams his hand on the table, scaring both her and Connor.
“Holy shit Ry!” Connor exclaims, holding in a breath.
“If I hear you talk about Bells like that again, I swear I’ll ruin you.” Ryan warns the girl, “I don’t care if you took me home that day, which thank you by the way, but fuck you bitch!”
“Okay that’s enough!” Connor pulls Ryan away from the scene before people can start to look at them. When they’re far away enough, Ryan gives Connor a hard push.
“You’re a jerk for what you did,” Ryan says, shaking his head in disappointment. “She’s been so upset, y’know? Cramming her head into her textbooks. Theo had to help her get out of her own head.”
That makes Connor’s ears perk up, the unfamiliar name leaving a bitter taste on his tongue. “Theo?”
“Theodore Coppola, some Italian dude who just recently transferred to me and Bells’ Calc class. Apparently, he’s a smartie and a hottie.”
“Okay, now it sounds like you have a crush on this Coppola dude.”
“I do not have a crush on Theodore.” Ryan rolls his eyes. “Me and this girl are talking, not like you would know because you’re too busy touching it up with Claire Drewmor over there.”
Ouch. Ryan’s words felt like a punch in the guts.
“But he might take away your girl if you keep acting like this.”
“Okay, I get it Ry.” Connor sighs. He didn’t like the way Ryan’s words seemed to be true. He was right, he had majorly fucked up with you, and now this cute Italian student waltzed his way into your life?
So he decides to put his pride aside, and get you flowers. Roses were your favorite, he remembered on your first date when you told him the pretty red colors made your heart flutter.
He knocked on your dorm room, expecting to either see you or your roommate open the door, only to frown in dismay when it’s a guy who he doesn’t know.
“Who are you?” Connor asks, already sizing the unknown guy up.
“Uh—I’m Theodore. Were you looking for Y/N or Melissa?”
Melissa was your roommate, and she wasn’t even at your dorm half of the the time. Of course he was looking for you, how dumb was this Theodore guy?
“I’m here for Y/N,”
“Ah,” Theodore opens the door wider, frowning a bit when he takes a closer look at Connor. “You’re Connor Bedard.”
“Yes I am,” Connor replies. “Problem?”
“Not at all,” though Connor’s definitely convinced Theodore doesn’t like him. He could tell from a guy’s perspective that a frown and shake of the head was no good.
“Hey Bells, there’s someone for you!”
Oh great. That made Connor’s heart practically sink to his stomach. This guy was already calling you Bells?
“I’m coming,” he could hear your footsteps coming to the door, then abruptly stopping when you realize it’s him standing there.
“What are you doing here?” You say, in the most bitter tone Connor has ever heard come from your mouth. He doesn’t like it, it makes him feel itchy and uncomfortable.
“This is my cue to leave,” Theodore says, which makes Connor let out a sigh in relief. “Text me if you need anything Bells, seriously.” Then he grabs his backpack, heading out the door in a hurry.
“I ask again Connor, what are you doing here?”
Connor doesn’t know what to say. He’s been practicing all morning about what he was going to say—what he was going to do. But now he’s here, he doesn’t know where to start.
“I—I brought you flowers.” He says, handing you the batch of roses. You don’t take it, and honestly, he doesn’t blame you. He’s been a jerk, and he’s lucky you haven’t slammed the door on him yet.
“I know you aren’t just here to give me roses,” you say, “what do you want? I have assignments I need to do.”
“I’m sorry.” He says. And then everything in his brain just spills out in a flash. “I’m sorry for everything, for the yelling, for calling you insecure, for not seeing it from your point of view. God—Bells—if you still let me call you that, I’m so fucking sorry. I love you, I do, and I’m an idiot for only realizing after the argument. I want to spend my entire life with you, I don’t care if you’re insecure or if you have trouble communicating Bells, I just want you.”
His lips wobble as he finishes, eyes not daring to look at you. “I was ranting to Claire,” he starts again, “and she said things about you that I didn’t like and I won’t repeat them now. But she made me realize that you’re the most important person in my life and that letting you go like that was the most idiotic move I’ve ever made. I know my words aren’t going to change what I said, or what happened, but please Bells, please, I can’t handle not speaking to you. I can’t handle looking at you knowing you overwork yourself in your classes. I want to be there for you Bells, I really fucking do.”
Before he could continue any further, you crush him in a hug, making him drop the bouquet of roses.
“I forgive you Con,” you say, pulling away to cup his face. “I’m sorry too. For not communicating more with you.”
“It’s okay,” he whispers, eyes glassy from the tears. “I love you either way.”
And finally, for the first time in weeks, Connor closes the distance between your lips, capturing you in a kiss.
Maybe Connor Bedard was a total idiot for what he did, but he was your idiot to begin with.
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violetarks · 9 months
'cause i got my love to keep me warm!
anime: attack on titan
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, porco galliard
summary: christmas isn't christmas without a kiss under the mistletoe!
warnings: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, second person pov, i am writing this in november guys, modern! au
↣ eren jeager:
you watched as jean hung up that plant above the entrance to the kitchen from the living room, an open doorway that definitely fit two people comfortably.
"jean... do i even wanna ask?" you huff out, sipping from your glass the sweet alcohol connie had handed to you.
"if you must know, mikasa is arriving soon and she brought desserts so she'll put 'em in the fridge, right?" he steps off the foot stool, putting it to the side. he stands with his hands on his hips, so proud of himself. "so i'll swoop in and help her carry her things and we'll kiss under the mistletoe and she'll fall in love with me."
you chuckle at his scheming, leaning against the wall beside the entrance, jean making sure to step a few feet away to not get caught with you. no offence. "i would be so flattered if someone did this for me."
"first find someone who will tolerate you that isn't sasha or connie." he retorts, stopping himself and look you square in the eyes, "or me. don't look for me. ever."
"oh i would rather gouge my eyes out." you huff, finishing your drink. the empty glass makes you frown. niccolo made such good alcoholic punch, you were downing so much of it. "hey, ymir! where's the rest of the drinks?"
"in the kitchen—ay, don't drink 'em all! not everyone has arrived yet!" she shouts, looking at you with your empty glass. she points a finger at you, as if to threaten, but you roll your eyes and waving your hand at her, leaving jean to his antics he was so proud of.
as you fill up your glass, you hear the last of your friends arrive. mikasa, armin and eren walk in, making everyone cheer and gather arround you. you were imagining jean's excitement as he saw his crush of a couple years. you sat in the kitchen and listened, preparing yourself to go out and talk to your own crush of a couple years. you were hoping that this time, eren and you could have a conversation throughout the night without him running to the bathroom or escaping to hang out with armin.
"y/n, get in here!" reiner calls from the living room, where everyone else was.
you huff back, pushing off the bench, "okay!" walking towards the exit of the kitchen, you fix your shirt and put on a smile. "it's so great to see you guys! it's been forever." you say, seeing eren walking towards you with a box of cupcakes. armin and mikasa say the same thing to you as a greeting. but you blink, seeing jean distraught as mikasa strikes up a conversation with historia and ymir, empty-handed.
"y/n. hey." eren says, giving you a soft smile.
"hi." you respond, looking down at the seal on the top of the box, "mikasa's cupcakes?"
he stops beside you, shrugging his shoulders. "yeah. can you tell which ones i decorated?" he chuckles nervously, watching you scan each dessert.
"ah... well..." you stammer, seeing the weirdly placed icing on a handful of the cupcakes, as well as the messy sprinkles. some of them were only on half of the cupcake. you give eren your best smile. "i would still choose yours over the others."
"thanks." he says back, rubbing the back of his neck. he then notices the glass in your hand. "how do the drinks taste?"
"oh, amazing. they taste so good." you admit, holding up your drink, "it's such a nice colour too. niccolo did very well—..." you held up your glass to the light to inspect the colour, but your eyes fall on something above you instead.
"y/n? what's... wrong?" he asks, looking up where you were. his ears begin to tint pink, face burning. "oh... who—who put that there?"
"jean did, to kiss mikasa." you admit, putting your glass down on the table beside you, taking the box from eren and doing the same thing. you began to feel your face heating up at well, a bit embarrassed. "it doesn't matter, just forget about it. i'll get you a drink."
but as you turn to the kitchen again, eren moves forward, trapping you against the wall of the room. you were out of sight from the rest of the party, eyes wide and staring at the man in front of you. he looked determined, eyes scanning yours.
"eren, what're you doing?" you say, keeping your hands against the wall. his were near your waist, his wrists bumping against you.
"can i?" he asks, gulping. his hair falls a little against his forehead, you watch the strands carefully. you could feel the heat radiating off his body, and see the mad blush over his cheeks. "can i kiss you? please?"
"yes." you say before you can think.
he dives forward, hand resting on your cheek to pull you closer. your hands leave the wall and you don't know where to put them. with gentle hands, you grasp the bottom of his hoodie and kiss back. eren kisses you just as softly, as if to not scare you. he was a little rough on the outside, so his delicate touches and kisses surprise you.
there was a sense of desperation that you could feel, as if he was waiting for this as long as you had. his other hand pulled you against him by your back, kissing you deeper. you let out a quick exhale, only to be pulled back into another kiss. and another. you almost couldn't breathe by how quickly he was kissing you.
"hey, you wanna' bring—WOAH WOAH WOAH!" sasha begins to yell, completely forgetting what she came in to ask you and now waving her hands around to cover her face. a few others run into the room to investigate as you and eren pull away, hands still on each other and staring back at sasha.
"what's wro—..." jean begins, stopping when he notices your position. it's quiet as armin, annie and reiner stare at you as well. you stay in your spot, still tugging on eren's shirt and torso, and eren's arms wrapped around you. jean is quiet before he begins shouting, nearly louder than the music. "WHAT? HOW—WHY ARE YOU KISSING HIM?"
"your stupid mistletoe!" you call back, taking your hands away from eren and pointing to the plant.
"oh so you stand under a mistletoe and you get to make out with someone in the kitchen," jean begins to complain as armin takes the others out of the room for privacy, "but when i do it, i get forced to kiss bertholdt?"
"that was like one time." eren sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets, brushing his face as if to wipe away his pink cheeks.
"whatever, asswipe." jean scowls, flipping the both of you off as he elaves, "enjoy your christmas, traitors."
as you are left alone, quietness consumes you. eren isn't able to meet your eye, much like you struggle to do as well.
but you clear your throat, "uh, yeah, so... thank you?"
"for kissing you?" eren hums, a bit of a smile on his lips.
"yeah? nevermind." you say, even more embarrassed. eren laughs a little, taking a step towards you again. you brace yourself before he places a gentle kiss to your cheek.
"you're welcome. i hope i can kiss you again." eren says, sending you a grin before he takes your hand, "you said these drinks were good, right? i'll try some."
he doesn't let go of your hand as he pours himself a glass. it seems like he has no intention of letting it go either.
↣ mikasa ackerman:
she watches you from the other side of the room, seeing how you laugh at something that sasha said. she grips her glass a little tighter, armin grabbing it from her in fear of it breaking.
"gosh, mikasa..." he huffs, setting it on the table and following her line of sight, "why don't you go up and talk to them?"
"armin..." she mutters out, looking at her friend briefly before he rolls his eyes and listens in to eren and jean's conversation about a recent sports game.
he couldn't be less interested, but it was better than dealing with mikasa's unwavering potectiveness.
"call y/n over here." she says.
"what?" armin says, raising a brow, "why?"
"just do it." mikasa tells him, elbowing his side.
armin winces, rubbing his ribs and waving his hand out at you. "hey, y/n!" he calls, watching you and sasha look his way, "c'mere for a sec!"
you excuse yourself, pattinf sasha's shoulder. she makes a beeline for the food table, where connie and reiner were at the moment. meanwhile, you walked over to armin and mikasa's spot on the couch, where the girl sat straighter and fixed her hair.
"hey, armin. it's good to see you, mikasa." you say, nodding at her and looking back at rhe blonde. mikasa relished in those few seconds, feeling her cheeks burn under your gaze and kind smile. "what's up?"
armin truthfully didn't know what to say. he made it sound like he needed you for something, but he was blank. "i, uh... i'm..." he frantically looked around, briefly at mikasa. she only widened her eyes a little and gave a look that said 'think of something'. he wanted to scold her. but his eyes lay on the drink he had taken from his friend. he perks up. "can you grab something for me?"
you raise your brows, hand out of your pocket and on your hip now. "uh, sure thing. what d'ya need?"
mikasa clenched her hands on her lap, silently cussing out armin. she asked him to bring you here so you could talk to her and be around her. why was he sending you on an errand run now?
"upstairs, i left some alcohol in the study that i forgot to bring down. could you just grab it for me?" he asks, actually remember that he legitamately forgot to get them, "i have to quickly check on the desserts."
"oh yeah, i can do that." you say, giving a thumbs up.
"thanks." he retorts, standing up, "mikasa, can you help her? it's a few bottles."
she blinks and stands up as well. "yeah, i—i can help." she mumbles, staring at you.
"great. just bring them to the kitchen when you're done." armin nods his head and then walks off, leaving you two alone.
you point to the stairs. "should we get going?"
"right." mikasa smiles, following after you.
the both of you leave the party in the living room, going towards the house entrance to go upstairs. it grew quieter, until all you heard was the two pairs of footsteps.
she walks up the stairs behind you, never taking her eyes off the back of your head. your hair looked so nice today, and your shirt hugged your figure so nicely. not to mention, your choice of fragrance today was enchanting. you smelt so nice...
"so, um... i heard you and that student from economics went out together..." mikasa says, trying to hide her deep rooted anger.
she had heard from eren who was told by jean, who was shown by reiner, who got sent a photo from annie, that you were seen on a date at a cafe near the university you all went to, with some random personfrom another course. by the end of the day, she had learnt who it was, what they did, what you two ordered, and that the person had only one girlfriend from early primary school.
you glance over your shoulder at her. "oh... right. well, we're just friends." you explain, shurgging your shoulders, "didn't really work out, it was only one date anyway. we're not interested in each other."
"oh, that's... that's good." mikasa chimes in, a small smile on her face. she couldn't contain her excitement. maybe you were interested in her instead.
"just these ones here, right?" you ask, holding up a few bottles in your hand as you kneeled in the study. mikasa snaps back into reality, nodding her head. "sweet. let's get 'em all."
mikasa begins to collect the alcohol as you do, being careful not to drop any. once they were all acquired, you begin on your way downstairs, making smalltalk with mikasa. about how her holidays are so far, her studies and all. you even ask about eren and armin. you were so considerate too, the way you made sure to carry more than her because you had seen her drink a few glasses before this, while you hadn't.
"you okay, mikasa?" you say from behind her. she nods her head, pleased by your concern. "good, good. i can't wait to try—fuck!"
she turns around just in time to catch a loose bottle once she's on the bottom of the stairs. the bottle doesn't go far, now laying in mikasa's arms. you steady yourself on the second last steps, clutching the alcohol to your chest. you were wide-eyed, staring at her.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry. thank you, mikasa." you say, breathless. she nods her head once and looks up to you on your elevated step, heaving the bottles safely in her hands. her eyes land on something passed you. "is something wrong?"
you follownyour gaze to see the a mistletoe hanging above you. "oh man, who put that there?" you ask, stepping down another step. you look to mikasa, who is staring bsck at you. if you knew anything, you knew the look on her face. a grin lays on your face and you sigh, "you poor thing."
"huh?" mikasa mutters, watching as you lean forward and press your lips against hers. a small squeak leaves her and she thinks she's about to drop the alcohol on the floor.
she tastes a little bitter due to the drinks she's been having, but you've been eating christmas sweets all night. the blend of the two flavours is nice. mikasa squeezes her eyes shut, and she can feel her cheeks burning as her heart beats faster.
you were cool and collected, gently moving your lips against hers and guiding the both of you. mikasa was too cute, asking you all these questions throughout the time you've known her, always finding a way to be alone with you. you ever really thought much of it, but that look in her eyes just then told you all you need to know.
when you pull away, mikasa's eyes slowly open, her lipstick now smudged and on you. you memorised her face, how her blush spread across her cheeks and her ears. meanwhile, mikasa tried to calm herself, shifting on her feet.
"you... didn't have to, y/n." she says, standing up straight.
but you walk down the rest of the stairs, pressing another kiss to her cheek as you pass her. "don't worry yourself. let's give these to armin, and then get a drink." you say, leading her to the kitchen.
she lets out a small breath, collecting herself and then following after you.
↣ porco galliard:
thank god armin was smart.
"pock! y/n is here now!" pieck announces from the dinner table. the restaurant was fully booked out and lively, piano played familiar christmas themes and the formal attire made it look as expensive as it really was. the food smelt amazing, which is why colt wanted to buy almost everything on the menu, to which reiner dismissed but truly wanted as well.
"yeah? why are you only tellin' me?" porco responds, not bothering to stand from his seat. but he searches the large crowd for your walking figure. pieck smiles, knowing of his not so secret feelings for you. when you finally make it to the table, porco sneaks glances.
"hey, i'm sorry i'm late. i couldn't find my shoes." you say, waving at everyone as they greet you too. you scan the table for a spare spot, only seeing one in between reiner and porco. your eyes lock with his, and he hastily looks away. as everyone falls into their own conversations, you stand near porco. "can i sit here?"
"see anywhere else you can sit?" he huffs back at you. you snicker, sitting down beside him and setting your jacket on the chair. everyone fell into conversation around you whilst you sat there quietly, playing with the napkin on your lap. porco stares at you for a moment before clearing his throat. "you look good. you... look nice."
your head turns to him, and a smile dawns on your face. "oh? thank you, porco. you look handsome tonight."
"thanks." he huffs, looking away. the food was coming now and he didn't want to look at your face as you stared at him. why were you so positive and sweet?
the dinner continues with small talk between the both of you and the rest of the table. zeke did his share of pushing porco and reiner's buttons, and you, bertholdt and pieck worked to mend their arguments.
as the food came and went, and drinks were topped off endlessly. colt was currently telling his own story about something funny that happened to him last week. he mentioned falco and gabi, and by the end of five minutes, porco was zoned out, drinking from his glass.
he was bored. as much as he enjoyed free food, he was so bored.
"i'm just gonna go to the bathroom." porco clears his throat, excusing himself.
he stands up, nudging against you genty by accident. but he finds himself brushing his hand against you and holding the back of your chair to stand up. you offered him a gentle smile, to which he nodded at and walked away.
"don't be too long, galliard." zeke chimes in, ellicting an eye roll from the said man, "we might miss you too much."
"suck it, jaeger." porco scoffs, fixing his collar as he leaves the table.
you watch him leave as everyone else falls into conversation. porco has always been different from everyone else, you realised. he was realistic, somewhat pessimistic, but always trying his best. you found yourself a little excited to be alone with him, but that was rare. there was never a good reason to be alone with him, and it was embarrassing to just say you wanted him to yourself.
so when you saw him pass the bathrooms and go straight to the empty balcony, you took your chance.
"i'll be back, gonna' go get a drink from the bar." you say, seeing the bar in the same direction as porco.
"damn, can't get enough, can you?" colt jokes, nodding to your empty glass.
"not all of us can be a lightweight like you." you chuckle, making your way over. it doesn't take you long til you open the door of the balcony and close it behind you. porco is leaning against the balcony railing, not hearing you until you clear your throat. "hey."
"oh, hey." he says, seeing you walk towards him.
"what are you doing out here?" you ask, standing beside him.
"gettin' some air. you?"
"followed you." porco raises a brow at you. "what? you looked lonely."
"shut up." he rolls his eyes, and runs his fingers through his hair. you catch yourself staring, then looking out to the city lights. "what're your plans for christmas?"
you lean against the railing, the night wind blowing towards you. "well, i'll go to my family's town for a few days, then come back here and celebrate myself." you explain, tilting your head, "yourself?"
"the same." he huffs, resting his hand on his neck, "marcel is expecting some souveniers."
"ha, right, right." you say, playing with your fingers. you secretly wished you could think of a more personal present for porco, you opted for a nice silver ring. you just needed a good time to give it to him before you both left. "hey, so—"
"i got you something." porco says, standing up straight. you stare at him, suddenly aware of how he looked in the moonlight and the soft yellows of the lights around you. he holds out a small box from his pocket. "merry christmas, y/n."
"porco, you didn't have to." you chuckle, taking the box from his hand.
"yeah i know. but you mentioned you lost yours. and i just so happened to be out and saw it." he claims as you pull out a bracelet that was so similar to yours that you lost. you were at a loss for words, only staring down at the gift. porco self-conciously shifted from foot to foot. "it's—it's not the exact one, but y'know."
"no, porco. i love it." you say, putting it on immediately. porco blinks and lets out a sigh of relief. "thank you so much. i... the gift i got you is actually in my jacket pocket. i'll give it to you later."
"oh, i didn't know." porco says, hands bracing the metal in front of you.
you've never had solid proof that porco liked you more than a friend, but this had to be it, right? you scan his face to see him smiling a little, before you look up and see the plant hanging above your heads. he doesn't see the red berries and green leaves, but you don't say a word.
"hey, porco?" you call.
"mhm?" he replies.
"let me kiss you?" you ask, leaning against his shoulder. porco's eyes stay on you, blank-faced. he doesn't know how to say 'yes'.
"what? you wanna' kiss me?" he reiterates.
you respond, tilting your head at him, "i've always wanted to kiss you." you say, "so can i?"
porco takes a deep breath in, looking down at your lips for a few seconds. and he nods nods head. you lean forward first, making the move to kiss porco and rest a hand against his shoulder. porco's hand is on your cheek, keeping you connected.
your fingers are hot against his arm, even through the shirt he wore. his cologne filled the air, and it was just as intoxicating as any other alcohol. as handsome as he was, the way porco took care of you was even more attractive.
he kissed you softly, making sure not to overstep and to gently brush his thumb against your cheekbone. you were warm compared to the cold air. the kiss lasted shorter than any of you would've wanted, but the look on each others' face was worth it.
"i've never actually kissed anyone under a mistletoe before." you admit, patting his shoulder.
he furrows his brows before looking up, seeing the mentioned item above you two. be then chuckles, "sneaky."
"you wanna' come to mine for christmas?" you ask, caressing his arm. porco grins a little, hair falling out of place. as he pushes it back, you hold the box in your other hand. "we can cook and watch movies. after we come back from our family's, of course."
"sounds good to me." porco says, pulling you closer. you chuckle, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. he leans closer to you, earning another smile. "another one?"
who were you to reject him?
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luxesiren · 1 year
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⸻ 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀 :: connie springer x model!reader
synopsis :: falling in love with one of your models was probably insane or unethical but he didn’t care
cw :: 501 word count, modern au, black fem!reader, established secret relationship, kissing, fluff, work relationship, friends to lovers trope
a/n :: this is inspired by @cybercandy1 ‘s thought on artistic connie, i haven’t really written for connie but i thought this idea was so cute😭 based off this post
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𝑵𝑶𝑾 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝒀𝑰𝑵𝑮 :: fashion killa — a$ap rocky
you never expected to fall in love with your designer but it was hard not to fall in love with the unserious goofball that was connie springer. you were only supposed to model his newest collection but the months working with him had developed into something more and you didn’t regret it. 
it was hard keeping the relationship out of the media but it was nice to have something to yourself, he was the sweetest to you and you loved him dearly. “connie! baby, have you seen my bag?” 
connie was upstairs in his loft designing a new pair of jeans, he looked over and found your bag sitting next to him. “yeah, ma! it’s up here, i’ll bring it down.” he got up and walked downstairs towards your shared room and he found in front of the mirror admiring your outfit. 
he placed your bag on the bed and walked behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist and planting a kiss on your neck. you instantly smiled at the gesture and rested your hands on top of his, “hi baby.” 
“hey mamas, you wearing the new jeans? they look good on you.” he said as you turned around to face him, his hands moving to rest on your ass, you rolled your eyes playfully at him. 
“you just like the way my ass looks in these jeans.” you giggled, kissing his cheek — your nails scratching at his scalp, the designs on his hair bright and colorful matching the pink dye. 
“mm you’re right.” he said with a smirk, kissing you again. he never expected to fall in love with someone like you but he wouldn’t change that for the world. he loved everything about you, your always changing attitude, how boujee you were and he would cater to every need you had. you appreciated everything he had to offer. “where you gotta go today? hm? you should be spending the day with me.” 
“con.. you know i’m going to lunch with my girls.” you said, trying to pull away from him but his grip on you too strong, not that you wanted to leave anyways. 
“c’mon ma, spend the day with me.” he reasoned, his eyes practically pleading.
“uh nuh, don’t you have something to finish?” your eyebrow raised and your arms crossed. he snorted and looked at you, laughing slightly. 
“baby, I can finish that tomorrow. c’mon spend the day with me. come on, please?” there it was, the thing that would always get you, you relented and smiled and he knew he had you right where he wanted you. 
“fine.” you responded, his answering smile was enough to make you stay with him for the next week. “you better make it worth my while too.” 
“don’t i always, ma?” his slight cockiness is always attractive, he picked you up and carries you to the bed, laying you down and kissing you softly. “i’ll always make it worth your while.” 
you were so lovesick over connie fucking springer.
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© 𝐥𝐮𝐱𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧 | all rights reserved to me, please don’t repost, steal, or copy to any other websites
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levithestripper · 1 month
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part two of how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you
warnings: gender-neutral reader, marco lives! au, marcel lives! au, suggestive in some areas.
included characters: eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirstein, marco bodt, connie springer, bertolt hoover, and porco galliard.
length: 3.6k || read on ao3 || join my taglist
part one || part two [you're here!]
request: [anon] Would you be willing to do another part of "how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you" but with gn!reader winning this time. Maybe it's luck, maybe they cheated (tickles ? Unfair move?), or one time vicrory only ? If you're up for it of course ! Loved it :>
a/n: i loved writing a part two of this for you, nonnie! i hope it's everything you wanted :) if you guys have any other requests for hcs, please send them my way! i find the guys easier to write, so i just did them! and if i didn't include one, it's probably bc the reader already won in p1 or i couldn't think of a scenario for them. if you want me to write for the ones i left out just lemme know :) sorry it took almost a year for me to get to this lmao.
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— Eren Yeager
As much as Eren likes to show off and impress you, he still takes training seriously. If he doesn’t take it seriously, how will he get strong enough to achieve his goals? He has gotten rather good at the basics of it, but he still has a lot to polish and work on, just like you, so it makes you two a good pairing. Eren has the wooden prop knife this round, and he’s winning so far. Every time you lunged at him, he’d dodge out of the way, leaving you out of breath and frustrated. You’re all for winning fair and square, but in this instance, you’re not afraid to play dirty to get what you’re after.
“Hey, Eren!” you call out to him, a conniving look spreading across your face. 
He raises an eyebrow at you with suspicion. “What is it?” He stalks you, circling you slowly, watching your every move.
You circle him as well, walking sideways, legs crossing each other. “I heard about your most recent spat with Jean the other day.” Eren doesn’t respond, so you continue with your little scheme. “Connie told me Jean decked you right in the face, giving you a black eye.” You watch as Eren touches his black and blue cheekbone with his free hand. “‘Parently you lost,” you snark. 
“I did not lose to that horse face!” Eren yells at you, gritting his teeth. “Mikasa pulled me off of him before I could defend myself! You know she always does that!”
You smirk at him. He had fallen into your trap, hook, line, and sinker. “Oh yeah? That’s not how Connie told it. He told me—well, told everyone, really—that you laid there and let him win.” You know your boyfriend well, saying the exact things guaranteed to make him snap. “Maybe Jean is better than you at sparring, too.”
That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. Eren charges at you with all his strength, yelling as he does, giving you precisely what you want. Sidestepping him and sticking out your foot, Eren unceremoniously trips and faceplants in the dirt with a groan. Smugly, you crouch down to pluck the knife from Eren’s grasp. “I win, Ren.”
“Fuck you,” he groans, still facefirst in the dirt. 
You sit crisscross beside him, your expression a mix of a smile and a smirk. “Maybe later.”
Eren looks up at you out of the corner of his eye. “I hate you.”
“You love me,” you tease, giggling. 
“You’re so fucking annoying.” Eren’s voice has no malice behind it as he sits up., rubbing the dirt and blood off his face. A rock must’ve scraped him when he fell. You’ll never admit it, but he looks hot with blood trickling down his forehead.
You kiss his dirtied cheek with a soft giggle. “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A faint dusting of blush reddened Eren’s already ruddy face. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Regardless, he returns the gesture, kissing the tip of your nose. 
— Armin Arlert
The more often you ask Armin to train with you, the more comfortable he gets. He’s less worried about hurting you, as you’ve proved to him that you’re more than capable of holding your own. It’s not that he views you as weak; he just views your safety as his top priority. He pulls his punches but comes at you in full force without you having to insist upon it this time.
Armin isn’t the best fighter, but he still puts up a good fight. You have the prop knife this round, and you’re winning. He may not have the brute strength of Reiner or Eren, but instead, he uses his brain to fight, aiming primarily for your legs and remaining defensive. All his efforts are for naught, as you’ve pinned him in the blink of an eye. Armin yields to you, just like he had in the past rounds.
“You win again,” Armin says with a smile, accepting your outstretched hand, and you pull him to his feet once more. “I lasted longer this time, though!”
You return his smile with a squeeze of your hand. “We’re both improving, aren’t we?” Armin nods. The sun has started its descent below the horizon, painting the sky a beautiful orange color. You tilt your head up to look at it. “It’s getting late. We better get going to catch a shower before suppertime.”
Armin nods again with a hum. “You know, it’ll be quicker if we shower together.”
“Oh, yeah?” you tease, turning to walk with him towards the showers. 
“Mhmm,” he smirks. To imaginary onlookers, Armin looks like he’s innocently messing with you, but the glimmer in his eyes tells you his perceived innocence is merely a facade.
— Jean Kirstein
Winning against Jean is a challenge. You’re both evenly matched in talent, so it comes down to technicalities and skill to beat him. And when that doesn’t work, you resort to playing dirty. Today’s exercise is to wrestle the other to the ground and keep them there until they tap out. Something Jean is excellent at, unfortunately. So you have your work cut out for you.
The two of you were the only ones left in the training yard, the sun setting beyond the trees. Everyone else had gone to shower and change for supper, but you were determined to beat him, even if it meant you’d both sit down for supper in sweaty uniforms. Jean has pinned you twice now, and his victories made him cocky. Perfect. 
It’s the beginning of the round, so you’re circling each other from a small distance away. Jean’s hair is ruffled, giving him an almost disheveled appearance that suits him well. You hate how he still looks good after hours of training. “Say, Jean-bo,” you say with a smirk. 
Your expression tells Jean you’re up to no good, and he isn’t even slightly surprised. “No, no, no, you’re not gonna trick me! Not this time!” 
“Awwww, do you not trust me, Jean-bo? Since when have you so little confidence in me?” you tease.
“You know when!” Jean inches closer to you. 
You shake your head no, feigning innocence. “No, I don’t think I do, Jean-y. Enlighten me, hm?”
Jean waves his hands as he speaks. “Last week, when you got me so worked up, you somehow managed to get me all tied up in my ODM gear!” You giggle at the memory. “Heyy, no laughing at me!”
“I can’t help it! You were hanging upside down!” 
“Only because you spun me around and twisted my lines!” Jean exclaims, eyes fiery. “Captain Levi made me run laps ‘till I dropped!”
Your grin is filled with attitude, knowing exactly how to effectively press Jean’s buttons and irritate him. You watch as he stalks closer and closer to you. He watches you closely, eyeing you up and down. You imagine he’s trying to piece together whatever you’re planning. Having fallen to your schemes more than he’d care to admit, Jean’s learned not to underestimate you. But you still have a few tricks left up your sleeve that Jean hasn’t cracked just yet.
“I bet it was hard coming back and finding out our superiors surprised us with meat for dinner, too,” you snark. Unbeknownst to Jean, the squad captains promptly changed their minds when Sasha practically launched herself into the ceiling. There are nail marks left over to prove it. 
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “You didn’t even save me any, either!” 
You answer by sticking your tongue out at him, playing innocent. You let him get within grappling range, his actions playing right into your evil plans. He quickly knocks you on your ass, giving Jean an easy win if he can keep you there. But his frustration made him sloppy, leaving holes in his attack for you to latch onto and exploit. 
Turning the tables, you slide out from below him and kick Jean’s legs out from underneath him. You straddle his waist before he has the chance to retaliate, pinning his arms behind his back, rendering him immobile. “I win, Jean-bo,” you grin with a laugh, reveling in the glory of your success.
“You only won because I let you!” he argues, face flushing red.
You chuckle at his reaction. “I won because you got sloppy, Jean-y.”
He rolls his eyes, scoffing, but he holds no resentment against you. “Not my fault I got sloppy; you were goading me!”
“Not my fault you fell for it!”
Jean huffs. “Will you let me up now?”
“Maybe. I think I deserve something for winning, don’t you agree, Jean-bo?” you tease.
He does his best to look at you from the corner of his eye. “If you don’t let me up, you won’t get any kisses. How’s that for your prize, idiot?” You hurry off him, not eager to discover if Jean would hold true to his threat of withholding kisses from you. Jean stands and dusts off his stained pants, pouting at you cutely with a huff. “If anything, I’m the one who deserves kisses after that.”
You roll your eyes affectionately, but you kiss him anyway. “You’re so dramatic.”
— Marco Bodt 
Marco watches as you approach him, his signature smile plastered across his features. He’s sitting in the mess hall with Jean, helping the slightly shorter man with what appears to be paperwork. Jean looks up from his work when he notices your presence, kicking Marco’s leg with a knowing smirk.
You sit down across from them, mirroring Marco’s smile with a sweet one of your own. “Hey, Marco, Jean.” Jean gives a halfhearted wave. “Whatcha up to?” you ask, leaning over the table to look at the paperwork between them.
“Not much; Jean needed help writing his debrief report, so I offered to help him with it.” Marco looks at you with a stupid amount of affection, so much you can practically see it radiating off him. Since joining the Survey Corps, Marco has let his hair grow out, his bangs falling in his eyes, giving him even more of the boyish cuteness he already possesses. He claims he’ll cut it short again, but you like to believe Marco keeps it long because he knows how much you like it this way. 
“How soon until you guys finish?” 
Jean groans at your question. “Not fucking soon enough. It’s making me wanna rip my hair out.” Marco giggles quietly at his reaction.
“Not long.” He smiles at you, nudging your foot with his. “Something you need?” 
“I was hoping you’d have some free time to spar with me, Marco,” you hum, nudging him back. 
Jean, being the dick he loves to be, makes a gagging sound at the both of you. “C’mon, guys, cut it with the sappy romantic eye fucking, already. Go and spar with them, man; I’ll be fine to finish up on my own.” He sticks his tongue out in fake disgust, hurriedly shooing Marco off the bench.
You roll your eyes with a soft chuckle, taking Marco’s soft hand within your own. He waves goodbye to his friend as he leaves and holds the door open for you as you exit. “What exactly do you want to practice? Anything in particular?” he asks, swinging your arm cutely. 
“Hand to hand, mostly. I practically got my ass handed to me by Reiner the other day, and I don’t want a repeat of it.” As you walk towards the edge of the training yard, the sun is high in the sky, surrounded by a pretty shade of light blue, not a cloud to be seen. “What about you?”
Marco shrugs, happy to go along with whatever you prefer. “Nothing comes to mind. I’m happy with whatever you want to do.”
“Okay,” you smile at him, reaching your destination quickly.
By the time you have Marco on his back and yielding to you, the sun has started to set. You help him up and dust off the dirt from his shirt. “So, you finally have enough?”
Marco nods, exhaustion written all over his face. “I don’t think you’ll have a problem holding your own against Reiner, that’s for sure,” he says tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
— Connie Springer 
Connie loves hanging out with you, even if that means he gets his shit rocked while doing it. He thinks it’s hot when you show off how strong you are, so he’s more than happy to seriously train with you instead of just goofing off.
Today’s training is melee fighting with a rifle. Something Connie hates. He’s never been good with rifles; they’re large and clunky, and he can never get an accurate shot with them during target practice. Sasha’s excellence at it drives him up the wall, so he’s adamant about improving his skills, no matter how much he hates doing it. 
“You gonna keep losin’, or should I start putting in some effort?” you tease, standing upright, holding your rifle diagonally across your chest.
Connie drags himself off the ground, white pants stained brown with dirt and mud. “You’re not gonna be winning for much longer, babe,” he says with an evil-looking grin, not giving you any time to prepare before he lunges at you, thrusting the training bayonet towards your chest. 
“Oh, yeah?” You easily dodge his attack, striking the backs of his thighs in retaliation, earning yourself a yelp of surprise and pain. “Doesn’t seem like it, babe,” Connie growls in frustration, darting behind you to land a blow on the weak points of your knees, making your legs buckle, falling to your knees. 
“You wanna take that back?” He stands over you, pointing the fake bayonet between your shoulder blades.
You turn your head to look at him, returning his smirk. You shift your rifle to your other hand and sweep it in an arch behind you, just barely knocking Connie unstable enough for you to escape the compromising position. With Connie off balance, you return the favor, kicking him in the back of his knees, and he lands flat on his face. “No, I don’t think I will,” you chuckle triumphantly, pinning him there with the heel of your rifle. “Maybe next time, love.”
Connie responds with a groan. “I swear, you and Sasha are conspiring against me.”
“Why, I have no idea what you mean! I’d never do something like that!” It’s clear that you’re lying; you and Sasha get along like a house on fire, so that’s something you both would one hundred percent do just to annoy him. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, just let me up, idiot,” Connie grumbles, shifting to lay on his back so his face isn’t in the dirt anymore. 
You hum to yourself, tapping your chin with a finger. “Hmmm, I don’t know, should I? I kinda like seeing you underneath me like this.”
Connie’s face flushes a deep shade of red. You notice his pants have tightened slightly, and you move the heel of the rifle to sit just below his belt. “Shut up.”
“What if I don’t want to? What then?” 
“Then I won’t share my dessert with you,” he goads.
You sigh defeatedly and help Connie up. “Dessert tonight better be good.”
Connie kisses the corner of your mouth, holding your free hand in his. “Maybe you’ll get two desserts.”
“Oh? I do like the sound of that,” you smirk, properly kissing him back this time. You hear Jean yell in disgust, and you both flip him the bird.
— Bertolt Hoover
“Are you sure you want to keep going? It’s dark out!” Bertolt whines, looking utterly exhausted. 
“I just wanna get this trick right!” you reply, sweat dripping down your forehead. 
He sighs. “You know I love you, but wouldn’t you fare better if you weren’t this tired?”
You ball your hands into fists and position them like Annie does. “Just one more time, Bertl, please?” you plead, and he caves quicker than you expected him to.
“Just one more, then we’re headed inside, okay?” 
You nod in agreement, and Bertolt rushes toward you. You angle your body so your side faces him. You lift your arm and fold it so your wrist touches your shoulder. When Bertolt reaches you, you grab his sleeve and pull his arm longways across your folded one, and you turn your body again so your back is flush against his chest. In the blink of an eye, you’ve got Bertolt off the ground and over your shoulder, quickly throwing the taller man to the ground. It knocks the breath out of him, but you both have a smile on your face despite it.
Between heaving breaths, Bertolt congratulates you. “You did it! Finally!”
“Finally!” You collapse beside him in a fit of giggles, ecstatic that you’ve finally gotten the hang of the move you’ve been trying to learn all day. “I’m so tired, Bertl.”
“I tried to tell you that, love.” He smiles at you sweetly. “But you had to do it one more time,” Bertolt says with a chuckle, kissing your sweaty forehead. 
“Oh, shush,” you giggle again and kiss his nose in return. “You like training with me.”
Bertolt’s tan skin darkens with a flush of red across his cheekbones. “Never said I didn’t, honey.” He kisses your forehead again. “Let’s go take a shower, yeah?” 
You nod, groaning as you sit up. As the adrenaline fades away, you begin to feel the toll the training had on your poor muscles. Everything is sore and vaguely hurts, making you even more eager for the boiling hot shower in your near future. “The baths should be empty by now, so we can take one together if you like.” Your words cause Bertolt’s blush to worsen, only serving to make you giggle again. “You’re so cute, y’know.”
“Shut up,” he whines, hiding his face from your watchful eyes. “Let’s just go take a shower, okay?”
“Okay, okay,” you grin, kissing the backs of his hands before standing up. You offer him a hand, which he accepts, even though he most likely doesn’t need assistance. “I hope there’s extra food left over from supper.” 
Bertolt keeps his hand within yours as you walk back to the bathhouse. “Probably not. You know how Sasha gets.”
“I can always try to bribe one of the cooks. They love me,” you say as your grin widens with a cute smugness.
He chuckles and shakes his head. “They’re gonna stop loving you if you keep pestering them for extra food like this, love.”
“Impossible.” You open the door to the bathhouse, but like the gentleman he is, Bertolt holds it so you can walk inside first.
— Porco Galliard
When he’s training with you, Porco’s cockiness is oftentimes the reason for his downfall as well. He knows you’re also an excellent soldier and fighter, but that doesn’t matter to him when he’s determined to beat your ass into the dirt. But that also gives you a slight advantage as well. He doesn’t underestimate you per se, but he does think he’s hot shit, which opens up plenty of opportunities for you to get him angry, then beat him at his own game once he’s let his guard down. 
“Hey, Pock,” you grin at him while he cocks a suspicious eyebrow at you. 
“What?” he questions between panting breaths. “You trying to talk your way outta this ‘cause you’re afraid of losin’ again?” Sweat drips off his chin and down his neck, making him look stupidly attractive, at least more than should be allowed for this situation.
You smirk at him. “No, dummy. I was just gonna say you look hot, but I guess you don’t wanna hear it,” you say with a shrug, watching to see if your plan works, which it does. 
Porco’s brain lags for a few seconds, giving you all the time you need to dart behind him and wrap him in a headlock. Porco yells and claws at your forearm, but you only tighten your grip on him, forcing him to either struggle or surrender. “You cheated, asshole!” he curses you out, gritting his teeth as he fruitlessly tries to break free of your hold.
“Not my fault you fell for it,” you snark back, teasingly tightening your arm around his throat. “You should’ve kept up a stronger guard, Pocky.”
“God, don’t call me Pocky. Pock is bad enough,” he groans, his short-cropped nails leaving little crescent marks in the meat of your forearm. His words say he’s angry, but the way he’s pressing against your front tells you otherwise. 
You rest your chin on his free shoulder, digging your chin into it just to fuck with him more than you already were. “Oh? You don’t like it? But it’s so cute, Pocky.” 
Porco growls at you with frustration, but he stops trying to escape your grip. “If I yield, will you stop calling me that?”
“Maybe,” you giggle, drawing out the ‘A’ sound. “Only if I get to brag to Marcel about beating you.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, ensuring you know of his despair. “You and your demands are gonna kill me one day, and I’ll enjoy the silence I get from being free of your nagging.”
You pout cutely, but unfortunately, Porco couldn’t see it. “That’s such a long way to tell me you love me, Pocky.”
“Mmm, I wonder why,” he snarks, swallowing thickly. “Will you let me go now?”
“Can I brag to Marcel about your crushing defeat?”
Porco groans dramatically. “Fine, you can brag to him, I guess.” You pepper his cheek with kisses before you free him. “I’m never hearing the end of this from either of you, am I?” 
“Nope!” you giggle, kissing his cheek again before backing away.
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taglist: @myglitteringstardust, @alicchis-badonkadonks (sorry if this isn’t you, it’s the only blog that popped up when i typed in the user from my taglist form), @nxuvillette, @killeva, @aestosia, @aangze, and @fantasy-and-love.
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neesieiumz · 2 years
°˖✧ 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑 ↳↳ 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢 ✧˖°
A wild west anthology, a collection of fics with six of the attack on titan characters in an alternate universe. each fic is a stand-alone fic with no part two but has connections to the ones before it.
comment below to be tagged in all parts!
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°˖✧ ⸻ 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚠 ↳↳ 𝚛. 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚗.
synopsis ⸻ it's not everyday a criminal breaks into your home, huh?
warnings ⸻ smut. 18+ wild west!au. part i of the gold rush anthology! bar-maid!reader. robber!reiner. black-coded reader. female reader. afab anatomy. full nelson position. fingering. a bit of dacryphilia. reiner threatens reader with a gun. the two of them get comfortable with each other really quick. reader calls her mother a bitch in this. reader was raised by her late grandmother cause her mother abandoned her. Erwin is in this, who was also raised by reader's grandmother. sheriff!erwin. erwin sees reader as neice/daughter. annie and bertholdt are also in this, but they don't matter.
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°˖✧ ⸻ 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚏𝚏 ↳↳ 𝚎. 𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚑
synopsis ⸻ when your home gets flooded out by a bad storm, it's only right for sheriff erwin smith to help you out, right love?
warnings ⸻ sm*t. fluff. minors do not interact. part ii of the gold rush anthology. sheriff!erwin. bar-owner!reader. canon-age Erwin. reader is in her late twenties, or early thirties, however, you wanna see it. afab reader. female reader. black-coded reader. soft-dom!erwin. fingering. squirting. full-nelson position (yes, can you tell I have a fantasy that I really wanna do?) soft-dom!erwin. he's also really stressed out in this. he also calls you "love" all the time. he also calls you a good girl during this as well. friends-to-lovers. p*rn with plot.
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°˖✧ ⸻ 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚛 ↳↳ 𝚎. 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚛
synopsis ⸻ despite working together for a long time, eren and yourself cannot be in a room together, too bad the two of you are stuck at the office late at night.
warnings ⸻ sm*t. minors do not interact. p*rn with plot. part iii of the gold rush anthology. frenemies. coworkers. secretary!reader. officer!eren. eren calls you angel in this. slight-pervert!eren. erwin is your boss. female reader. afab reader. black-coded reader. reciprocal jealousy. mikasa and connie are in this but have no major significance. slight hate sex. storage room sex. mating-press position, regular and reverse cow-girl position. eren and reader are both in their early twenties as well. hickeys. you may or may not get pinned to the floor. they fight a lot for dominance as well.
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°˖✧ ⸻ 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚋𝚘𝚢 ↳↳ 𝚓. 𝚔𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚒𝚗
synopsis ⸻ the years have been hard on the two of you, through it all, your love has preserved.
warnings ⸻ sm*t. 18+. minors do not interact. wild-west!au. part iv of the gold rush anothology. plot-filled. an apology for letting this series go on for as long as it did. jean calls you beauty in this. cowboy!jean. council-man's daughter!reader. angst. mentions of abuse. imperfect family dynamics. both fathers are jackasses. mentions of class disparity. friends-to-lovers. forbidden love. someone gets sent to military school. lots of flashbacks to childhood. soft/service-dom!jean. hair-pulling. cunnilingus. cow-girl position. full nelson (please y'all know me at this point)
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°˖✧ ⸻ 𝚗𝚎𝚠𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚛 ↳↳ 𝚊. 𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚝
synopsis ⸻ on a mission to become rich, city boy armin comes on a mission for gold, seems he hit the jackpot?
warnings ⸻ to be announced.
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°˖✧ ⸻ 𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 ↳↳ 𝚣. 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚛
synopsis ⸻ far away from home, zeke relishes his new life in the city and leaves what he knows behind.
warnings ⸻ to be announced.
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todostiddies · 9 months
Modern Eren Boyfriend HC
Modern AU headcannons of Eren Jaeger (my beloved) and GNReader pt2
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Eren likes to stargaze with you. He really enjoys finding all the different constellations or making out shapes of your own with you
The first time he took you on a stargazing date was on the hood of his car, somewhere far from the city lights. He tried to impress you with his knowledge of myths behind constellations (the whole big friend group takes camping tips and Historia and Armin nerd out about the Greek myths behind certain constellations) BUT he ended up forgetting or messing the stories up because he was nervous and so he just made some up that starred a beautiful heroine/hero that was suspiciously a lot like you, and a beautiful, mysterious savior that was a lot like him
Now every time yall stargaze he makes a new story up to add to the saga
As mentioned above, camping trips with the whole gang are SO much fun!!
Connie and Eren try and see who can make the most smores the quickest and then eventually switch to who can eat the most the fastest. This usually ends with both parties cheating as Connie hands Sasha some smores behind his back and Eren starts handing you some as well, and both don't even know they're doing the same thing because they're both too focused on winning AND not getting caught.
Eren will cure your resulting tummy ache with a kiss and a lil belly rub, then lift his shirt and pout for you to do the same and honestly who would say no
He sometimes gets lost in his head or overthinks about your relationship or maybe a shift in your mood, so anytime he gets that way or he knows he messed up, he will call his mom for advice and then Mikasa afterwards, which always ends up on a group call with Armin
He has taken your mom or guardian figure on a "date" at least once, and he pulled out all the stops and was so nervous be could have barfed, but on the surface he turned his charm all the way up and they loved him
He wanted to take them^ on a date after he realized he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life and wanted your family to like him
Babies like him but toddlers are sometimes scared of him??
It's a height thing, he just looks so intimidating and he has a resting RBF for fucking sure. Like to the extreme.
But after one conversation they do that cute kid thing where they pick a person and follow them around whole heartedly copying them and trying to impress them, and it's always going to be Eren.
He gets super into it too and makes sure to lead the kids on cool little adventures and hang out with them and give them some "life advice" which really isn't that deep lol but sometimes it's pretty good but it's always cheesy
He deffo screams like a girl when gaming but if he remembers you are in the room he will clear his throat with a blush and sober up quickly lmao
Bear with me on this one, maybe unpopular opinion but... he reads a book a month
Sometimes two, but never goes a month without at least one book. During high school he had some anxiety and anger issues he had a hard time first getting used to even having, and then managing as time went on with personnel stuff and high school things, so he REALLY hated having time alone where he did nothing
The worst was before bed where he just laid awake and could not sleep :( but then Armin kept going on about this book he was reading, so Eren pirated it online and read it every night before bed. And reading really helped give him something to do in those moments and actually helped him a lot when it came to accepting therapy
So I think he does enjoy reading and even has some reading glasses and likes to read with a warm drink, like hot chocolate or some decaf coffee he made, and likes to read cuddled up in the rain
Will talk to you about his book and his theories, and if an ending pisses him off or was just straight up bad?? You will never hear the end of it, it will literally sour his mood for the rest of the day and every time he thinks about it. And if you're a reader too, then you two have dates where you fill up dinner table conversations just talking about books and go on little book dates once a month too and will often read the same books (like a mini book club, fun!!)
He has annotated a book for you at least once
Going back to the therapy thing, I know a lot of modern headcanons show Eren as super termpental and with a lot of mental health issues too, and though I 100% agree that he was that way in canon, I think Modern Eren would be a lot more happy and chill and even easy-going because he didn't have to deal with all that canon trauma. That being said, I do think high school was hard for him because (in my modern AU at least) that would be when he found out about Zeke and his dads other family, which even his mom didn't know about...
His dad had a past marriage and son that didn't work out and he had an opportunity to leave for work and so he just did. It is his greatest shame and regret so though he sent money to them every year, he never wanted Eren or Carla to find out. But eventually Carla tracked the money and they found out. So in his high school years, Eren hated his father and even hated the other family like it was their fault too for all the drama in his. His parents verged divorce and he felt him and Mikasa growing apart as she crushed on Jean (they still were SUPER close and once he told them about everything going on the three of them grew even closer) and Armin was super academically busy and didn't have a lot of free time either. So because of all of this, I feel like Eren did struggle with some anger issues, depression, anxiety, and overall teenage angst during this time.
But, eventually him and his family went to therapy and they met with the other family and they eventually moved closer and Eren and Zeke ended up becoming good brothers yay
Speaking of, he gushes to Zeke about you ALL of the time
He has a strained relationship with his Dad, but he is A MAMAS BOY of course
He is very open with you about his past and his family situation and everything he felt and went through. It is easy for him to let you in on things that he has already processed and been through, but sometimes harder to fully open up about more recent things
He gets all the tea on everybody from specifically Armin, Mikasa, Sasha , Connie and Historia (the gossiping queens). Every time the gang gets together they are dishing out everyone's dirty laundry and tea and Eren brings it back to you boiling hot and he makes you both a cup of something warm while you sit on the counter nodding along with your mouth open
He loves getting your reactions so much, and you two always end up gossiping just as much and laughing, and since he loves your reactions so much he sometimes plays out his reaction to the particularly juicy parts for you too I don't condone gossiping but I also recognize it as fun and socially bonding lmao but be nice about it okay
He gives you a bite of everything he eats no matter how large or small the portion and even before you ask. He will also give you a sip of whatever he is drinking too, and if you like it more than him or are more thirty or hungry he always ends up either giving it to you or splitting it
He went through a phase where a got a slushi every single day, didn't matter what time (though he usually liked them best after school or the gym or super late at night like 3am when he can't sleep) He still likes to have them a couple times a month now
Will go on late night drives with you, driving slow with the windows down, crickets from outside and the radio playing, it's just so nice and always makes you both smile. He watches you more than the road but is a VERY safe driver, especially with you
That being said, he will also speed up to very illegal speeds at least once (on completely deserted and safe roads) just to hear you squeal and laugh
Likes when you fall asleep in the car. He will drive on the wrong side of the road or in the other line to avoid any kind of speed bumps or risks to your slumber, skips songs that are too noisy or shocking, avoids potholes at all costs, and will take the longer route home. He also gets a little distracted every time you snore or just from admiring you because you look too cute asleep like the lil passenger princess you are
Has done donuts in the car with you a couple times late at night in an empty parking lot and he LOVES the way you laugh and howl into the night while the engine nearly drowns out everything else
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That's all for now, but I have more to say soon!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you enjoyed it!!
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