#(Echo probably let’s be honest 😅)
isurrendertoclones · 5 months
No but Echo and Crosshair getting into Epic Poking Battles
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evans23 · 4 months
Loving you is a losing game
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Pairing : Judge Turpin x Reader OC
Summary : The Judge Turpin has married you by buying your hand to your father. Determined to not let him get close to you and even less reach your heart well kept under ice and resentment, you keep on to push him away. But after having been told that loving you is a losing game, something new seems to awake inside of you.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Forced marriage. Assault.
A/N : Hello dear 😁 here lay my first Turpin fiction. I didn't really know where I was going with it but here is it. I didn't proofread it so there are probably some mistakes, sorry for that. I forgot to mention I am not the one who came up with the name Richard. I read this name in the terrific trilogy “Judged and Sentenced” from @deepperplexity. Since then I saw the name pop up here and there and so, I suppose the name is sort of canon now 😅
Part II
Read also on AO3
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You couldn't put up with the fact that he had bought you. But it wasn't really him, your husband, that you despised for that. It was your father. The man you thought you could always count on.
You had had quite an easy childhood with not too many constraints, which were rather rare at that time. You had been taught to read and to write. And you were a good writer. Such a good one that one day, a publisher from a local and independent Newspaper from London made you sign a contract to edit some of your short stories in his Sunday paper. And as he was well known in the literary sector, he put you in touch with a book publisher. This is how you became "Alexander Bryant" in the eyes of the public. Of course, you weren't able to be published under your real name. A female writer ? What an offense !
But you didn't really care as you were able to make some money from the sale of it. Some really good money, a rarity for a woman. It was fortunate as, for the biggest desperation of your father, you weren't, in any way possible, a good maid. You couldn't sew two points in a raw correctly, your cooking wasn't palatable at all and if you appreciated living in a tidy house, you couldn't spend more than one hour or less doing that.
But you didn't have to worry about it now as you had been married for two months to no one else than "The Death's Judge".
"How did it happen to me," you muttered to yourself, looking at you in the mirror without really seeing your reflection.
In fact, you perfectly knew how it had happened. You didn't know how and you didn't know where, but Richard, your now husband, had noticed you one day and since then, your faith was decided.
He came one day to your house with a bouquet of flowers for you. You had looked at him suspiciously. You knew who he was. His reputation preceded him of course but you also had a glimpse at him one day when you were at the court with your publisher and one of his associates to negotiate the terms of your new contract with a solicitor.
At that time, you didn't think anything peculiar about the man. You vaguely remembered having thought that he was quite handsome with his hooked nose, his tall frame and his charismatic presence. If you hadn't been forced to marry him, you would have admitted that you had found him alluring.
But here was the point : your father had sold you to the man.
That day when he came to your house with his bloody flowers and his absolutely not appealing smile. He had asked to talk with your father and you had fetched him as quickly as you could, afraid that he was in trouble.
He wasn't in trouble, nevertheless, the call of the money echoed deeply in him when Judge Turpin offered a generous dowry for your hand.
"I apologies to have to tell you are in the wrong Judge Turpin."
The man had looked up at you with a frown.
"This is the woman's family who have to provide you with a dowery and unfortunately, no one here is in measure to give you a penny."
It was half a lie as you kept your money in security into a chest under your bed. You weren't quite honest about your earnings with your father as he was quite a spendthrift. So, you helped him by giving him a small amount of money, keeping preciously the rest away to constitute a nest egg for later.
Absolutely not bewildered by your interruption and your statement, Turpin had grinned before announcing that you were the one making in mistake in this particular case.
"I had the sincere desire to marry you and as I just said, I will give a compensation to your father for the loss of his precious daughter."
You had retained a laugh, persuaded that never ever my father would agree to such an obnoxious offer.
You were so wrong. The Judge had let you some days to think over the offer he had laid on.
Tempted by this important amount of money Turpin was willing to pay to ensure that your father handed over your hand to him, your thoughtful father didn't need to think too long to accept his offer and in the blink of an eye, you were betrothed.
You had protested, swearing that you would prefer to kill you rather than marry the man, the deal was sealed without you having a say. In any way, no one was willing to listen to you.
During the ceremony, you were full of apprehension, afraid about your wedding night. But for your biggest surprise, nothing happened. After the party, the both of you retired in the privacy of his opulent mansion, he showed you your room and left you alone.
Your new house was daunting, not up to your expectations. The exteriors were quite imposing, displaying the wealth of the Judge, but the inside was… not really gloomy but also not really lively. It was as if the house was uninhabited. And you discovered later it was the case. Turpin, Richard as he asked you to call him, was seldomly at home. He departed for the court early in the morning and came back late in the night. Since your wedding, you didn't share a meal together and your only company was your maid.
For such a big house, he didn't have nearly so much staff as one could expect of a man of his stature would have. A cook, three maids, whose one had been hired exclusively for you, and the Beadle. You didn't really know who the man was and what clearly was his function beside your husband but you couldn't stand him. His ratty face didn't inspire you any confidence. He seemed deceitful and ready to betray his own mother if it could bring him any advantages.
"Like Richard," you said to no one as you were looking out the window at the crowd running around the city.
Hadn't you been so resentful about the latest events, you would have admitted that your life wasn't as bad as you imagined it would become after your wedding.
He didn't touch you that night nor any other after that. He didn't try anything which could have distressed you, didn't restrict you from any freedom you thought you would be longing for. You were allowed to write, he was more than happy to furnish you the papers and the ink you needed and he had arranged a room for you to make your office. You were allowed to go out, only on the condition to stay in the richest part of the town and you could visit your publisher when needed without his approval. His only wish was that you let your maid know when you were leaving the home. You weren't dupe, you knew that as soon as you set a foot outside, he was informed. But even if he was aware of each of your movements inside and outside the mansion, you were still able to enjoy your freedom, a privilege a lot of women lost after being married.
He also lavished you with presents. Valuable jewelry, the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen, books, flowers. Not a week had passed without an attention for you. In the beginning, you hesitated between bringing the presents into his office to let him know you didn't want to have anything to do with him but well aware of his reputation, you had been afraid of infuriating him. After all, you didn't really know the man and he could retake what he had given you at any time.
So was what you told to yourself rather than admit the truth : you were flattered and pleased to receive such beautiful gifts. Should someone have utter that maybe you could come to appreciate your husband you would fervently have denied it. After all, how could you become accustomed to him without having the opportunity to speak with him ?
The only moments shared together were on Sunday. Richard wasn't a fervent believer in God and neither did you, so you had a lazy Sunday at the mansion. It was the only time during which you ate lunch and diner together and during the afternoon, he systematically invited you to join him in the parlor but you rarely spoke to one another. In general, both of you were reading. Sometimes, you brought with you your ongoing book and he would ask you random questions about it. He had once admitted to having your previous literary work.
"And what did you think of it ?" you had asked with a feigned indifference.
Your stoicism hid your nervousness. You couldn't fathom why you felt nervous about his opinion about your work, but you were.
"Well my dear, It is unusual for a woman to write about such things as a vampire. Even less a love story like this one. Does the sexual tension between the human lady and the vampire make on purpose ?" he had asked bluntly.
You had nodded once, your cheeks flushing at the mention of some somewhat suggestive scenes from your book.
"Well, I am impatient to read the next part of it."
And that was all.
Mustering up the motivation you were lacking to officially begin the day, you pulled yourself away from the window and asked the help of your maid to get ready to go out. You had to go see your publisher and then, you expected to have a walk in the park to make the better of the sunny day, which began to spread ahead as the hours passed by.
But nothing happened as you had planned. While you were walking in the street, you took a side road to reach faster your destination. It was a dark, filthy little street dwelt with drunkers and dwellers. You weren't really scared as you had taken this path numerous times in the past and as long as you minded your own business, you weren't really in danger. At least, it was what you thought. How wrong you were, you realized when a callous hand had fallen on your mouth.
"Your lost little beauty ?" asked a raspy voice.
You shivered, trying with all your strength to get away from the man but his grip was strong.
"Don't make it difficult little beauty, you will like it."
You bit his hand to blood, which earned you a ferocious slap on the face. You fell on the ground, a bit dizzy, trying as hard as you could to pull yourself together but you didn't have the time than his hand clenched at your hair, pulling you violently towards him. Standing you up roughly, making you let a squirm escape your lips, he pushed you against the wall, a hand on your breasts, another trying to find his way under your skirt.
Totally paralyzed, you were unable to move or even scream. Your breath became heavy as you stayed motionless even though you knew what would happen next.
He has approached his face from yours, his foul breath caressing your lips, making you want to throw up, when a snicker was heard.
Not really moved by the onlooker, the man had run his tongue across your cheeks, which had the effect of waking you up from your trance.
You tried to slap him but he was faster and knocked your head with his fist.
"Constable !' shouted a voice.
In one instant, the man was pushed down to the ground by two constables. Behind them were the Beadle. The snicker-man.
"Having dared to touch the wife of the Judge Turpin…" he muttered, enjoying the moment.
"It is something that will send you right through your death," he added with a horrendous laugh.
You have been brought back to the mansion by another policeman while Beadle escorted your assaulter to the prison, clearly enjoying what he had witnessed and the fate of the mongrel.
When you arrived, Richard was already torn, the worry imbued all over his face.
"[Y/N], dear, are you well ?" he asked his voice full of concern.
He tried to take your hand but you pushed him away before holding yourself tightly to retain your shivers.
He didn't follow you as your maid came towards you to lead you to the bathroom where she ran a bath for you. You soaked in the water until it was cold. Then, you called for your maid. At any other time, you would have dismissed her as soon as your bath was ready. You didn't like having someone around you to help you with something as trivial as drying you off but you were exhausted and could barely keep your eyes open. But it's not your maid who entered into the room. It was your husband.
"Richard…" you whispered, not daring to look at him.
You felt suddenly wide awake, the tiredness dissipated and replaced with something else. You felt ashamed about what had happened. You knew it wasn't your fault, for that man had acted with malignancy and it couldn't have been the first time. At this thought, you bristled.
"[Y/N], let me help you," he said, stepping in carefully.
He dropped a thick towel around you but when he tried to rub you in the aim to bring some heat to your cold skin, you backed away.
"Don't be afraid [Y/N]. I just want to help you. I will protect you."
He tried again to approach you but then again you backed away, trying to shut him out from trying to break through your shell.
"[Y/N]," he said almost desperately.
You shook your head, muttering for him to go away.
"Leave me alone," you said with anger.
"No ! I want to help you," he replied, looking with disapproval at the bruises which began to form on your face.
"I don't want your help ! I want you to go out. Let me be !" you shouted.
"No ! You are my wife, my place is by your side."
"I'm not," you retorted.
"What ?" Asked Richard, his own anger boiling up quietly but surely.
"I am not your wife," you said with defiance.
He made one step towards you and this time you didn't move, holding his gaze with fury.
"You are my wife. We had wed in front of our families and of God !"
"God has nothing to do with our marriage. You have bought a wife as we bought a dog."
"I asked for your hand because I am in love with you."
"How ? How could you be in love with me ? We have never spoken together !" you shouted totally oblivious that the staff could hear you. "If you were really in love with me, you would have courted me properly."
"Would you have agreed ?"
You didn't respond as the answer was obvious. Never you would have paid the slightest attention to his advance, but there wasn't the point.
"So, no matter what, you get what you want by fair means or foul." you spit out.
"My patience grows thin, woman." he warned you.
"And what are you going to do ? Giving me a beating ?" you asked brazenly.
He clenched and unclenched his fists several times. Never would he have laid a finger on you on the purpose of hurting you but you were clearly unnerving him far more than anyone before you had dared to.
"I try [Y/N]. I try very hard. You are the one unwilling to make any effort to come to me and get to know me."
"Buying a hand doesn't mean you buy a heart !" you retorted coldly.
You were about to add something else, something you wish was hurtful but you didn't have time as he cut you off.
"I tried to talk about your writing, about your childhood, your hobbies. You always answered me with monosyllable, always with a bored look on your face. I gave you space, I didn't coerce you to oblige to your marital duty, I let you go out alone as a proper lady shouldn't do. And this is how you thank me each time. By pushing me away. Again and again and again. Each time I try to show you kindness, you answer with meanness."
He had said that in a calm, poised voice but his anger could clearly be heard. He had talked with the calm severity of a teacher who doesn't need to raise his voice to make his disobedient pupils obey.
"Richard," you whispered.
"Loving you is a losing game but things are going to change, woman ! I am not to let you mess with me anymore. Yes, mark my words, things are going to change for you woman !" he growled dominating you with his imposing presence.
His baritone voice sent some shivers along your backbone.
With one last look at your bruised face, he quit the room, slamming the door behind me.
You stayed there for a while, stunned by what had just happened. He was right. Now that you thought about all the moments he had passed with you, never had you let him reach you farther than the cold surface layer that prevented the world from knowing the real you.
You were so angry about having been bought like an animal that you had never tried to be more acquainted with him. He was right, never ever he could have had your attention, even less your friendship and certainly not your heart if he hadn't barged in your home. And if you were totally honest, you would admit that you begrudged far more your father than Richard for the deal that was made that day.
"But He still didn't have my heart." you reasoned with yourself.
But inwardly, you felt as if it weren't true anymore. Not totally. You couldn't tell you were in love with him but for the first time, you were ready to recognize that you felt something for the man.
Loving you is a losing game, had he said but at this precise moment, you felt as if you were the one losing the game you had settled the both of you in. You were losing the game of hatred in favor of love. And this night, whilst you were staring at the ceiling, you found yourself hoping that he take back his words, that he came to the conclusion that loving you was worth it.
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inquisimer · 6 months
HEY BB if you had to pick 5 fics you’ve written to make a “crash course” and sum up your writing personality, which would they be? I must know.
thank you for the uno reverse, MWAH
it's only fair that I have to turn this lens on myself but DANG was it hard to be like "what is my writing personality?" I think it really boiled down to: platonic relationships, grey wardens, a just a hint of Lore™️
Gen'adahl - Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford, Rated G, 1485 words
this was one of the first ever DA fics I wrote; I remember scrawling it out in a notebook at my last job where I wasn't allowed to keep my phone at my desk. And I was so proud when I finished it! For me, it represents the proof that I can finish pieces, no matter how long it takes
to be seen feeling - Male Mahariel/Morrigan, Rated T, 5039 words, a gift for @dreadfutures as part of the 2023 DAFF DIscord's OC Swap
writing this fic was not only an absolute joy, it was a pinnacle for me: if I could write a fic that captured the depths of Blue's OCs, I could probably do anything. And I did! And I can! It was exactly what I needed at the time and also a reminder that however blase my own knowledge or fandom experience feels to me, it will slot into what even the most knowledgeable fandom personalities know in surprising ways.
Shards of Glass - Female Brosca & Rica Brosca, Rated G, 3304 words
One of my first toe dips into the gray area of lore! It was so fun to imagine an alternative for Brosca's origins, to give her a deeper connection to the Stone, to play in the absolute barren wasteland wide open sandbox of Bioware's dwarven lore. Beyond that, this piece highlights my Sibling Bias™️ and how much i love exploring the DAO origins before the Blight, in general.
nothing hits the ground without an echo - Alistair & Bethany Hawke, Rated G, 1045 words
My first Dragon Age canon/canon fic! Absolutely wild to think that before I got into Dragon Age I was vehemently anti-oc in fanfic 😂 I'm so glad I outgrew that and can love and celebrate all of our OCs. At the same time, it was a joy to return to my canon x canon roots and play up the Grey Warden lore and happenings at Vigil's Keep that seemed to die in game after Awakening ;-;
I carried my own ashes to the mountain - Zevran Arainai & Female Brosca, Rated G, 1202 words
Nothing particularly poetic to say about this one, to be perfectly honest, I just like the Vibes™️. I think the humor and sarcasm suits my writing personality, and the lighthearted overtones that are haunted by unnamed pining and angst are Very Me :3 Also Nika not recognizing her face and yet reluctant to let go of it until someone gives her permission is something deeply personal to me, that I didn't even realize until after I'd written this. I look back on it and go, yep, yeah, I see you now, past mer😅
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi! I just found your blog and I am obsessed with your headcanons! I think you really capture their personalities so well (and I may or may not have indulged and read almost everything in only a few days 😅 it’s just so good!) anyways, if you are still looking for ideas, how do you think the guys would respond to Y/N proposing a threesome, either MMF or FFM (I’ll let you decide)?
Aloha! Glad you found me, and very happy to read that you like my stuff! 😊
Okay, I think that's a tricky one, because I'm sure a lot of people out there have their own, "thirsty" image of this. But then again, my HCs are usually what I honestly think of the guys, unless smut is specifically requested. So at the risk of being a killjoy, I'll take the honest approach. If you had something thirstier and not necessarily 'authentic' in mind, let me know. I put 'authentic' in quotation marks because, after all, these are fictional characters whose preferences I'm only guessing at.😅 So this is not a Smut-fest, it's just their reactions/answers to the threesome proposal.
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - The Threesome Proposal
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Warnings: Suggestive/Sexual Themes/Mention Of Sexual Themes/18+
Just a little side note: Neither of them would be willing to have a threesome with another brother. I know I've written something like this before, you know thirst thoughts, but my honest guess is that neither of them would really feel comfortable doing that.
He's surprised, to say the least. Depending on how long and deep this relationship is, he might consider your proposal.
He is not necessarily directly averse to the idea, in fact it has a certain appeal for him, but he is also realistic. Hunter doesn't like to share your attention, and your body even less. He's afraid he might get jealous, even if you assure him that your real feelings are only for him.
Even if Hunter were not jealous, he fears you might regret it afterward and perhaps be jealous yourself. On the whole, he doesn't want to jeopardize your relationship, and he doesn't want to bring any unrest into your relationship, which has been going really well up to now. Therefore, he will think about this for a long time and discuss all his concerns with you in detail.
Only if both of you can honestly rule out all fears regarding jealousy and the like, he will be willing to give it a try.
Echo is a bit shy, but also quite honest and open with you.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, Mesh'la."
"Why not?"
He shrugs and says, "Well, in a fantasy it might be quite stimulating, but the implementation probably feels very different. Besides, I don't quite know if I want to share you with anyone at such an intimate moment"
"So you don't want to try it?"
He sighs softly and says, "Rather not, if I'm honest. Look, I don't want to be a killjoy, but I don't want to jeopardize our relationship either. Honestly, as much as it looks interesting in the holomovies and in fantasy, putting our happiness at risk isn't worth it to me to try."
He looks at you gently and asks, "Can you be understanding about this, Cyare?"
Well? Can you?
So, in general, he is not averse. Wrecker has a healthy self-confidence, he does not get jealous easily, and he is quite open-minded in general.
Your suggestion will fall on open ears as long as everything has a certain respectful structure. He will not allow the other participant of your threesome to dominate you, this is something he is reluctant to do. He just can't get over his protective instinct. Other than that, however, he is open to almost anything.
Whether another man or woman participates in your tryst doesn't really matter to him, his focus is you anyway.
"Whatever makes you happy, Cyare".
If you really want to make this proposal to Tech, then you better wait with it until your relationship is really solidified, and he has opened up to you completely, physically, intimately.
He takes a long time to warm up, physical affection is a very shy subject for him at first, even if he eventually turns out to be a passionate lover once you bring him out of his shell.
However, since you have been in a solid relationship for quite a while now, your proposal tickles his curiosity and eagerness to experiment. Tech likes to try things out, and basically he wants to see you satisfied and happy.
"If we both agree that our real love is only between you and me, we don't have sex with other people separately, and this remains the exception rather than the rule, then I don't see a problem."
He doesn't really mind the gender of the third party, either.
This is more complicated. Actually, he is anything but uptight, but he is also very jealous and, contrary to the impression you probably have of him, quick to unsettle.
More than anything else, he'll wonder why you're suggesting it.
One brow shoots up critically.
"Am I not enough for you?"
"What? No, that's not the point at a-"
"Then why do you want to do this?"
A helpless shrug and the words, "curiosity," aren't really explanation enough for him. But being curious himself, sooner or later he gives in. However, he has a huge pile of conditions.
You may not touch the other person, but you may be touched. The other person is not allowed to kiss you, at least not on the mouth. Should the other person be male, he is not allowed to cum inside you, and your pussy belongs to Crosshair alone. If it is a woman, he has no problem watching you get eaten out, though. Fingering is not allowed without his explicit permission (and your consent, of course). Apart from him, no one is allowed to dominate you, neither male nor female. All three have to agree on a safe word (This last one is actually very reasonable and probably for the best).
If you agree to all his conditions, he will give it a try. As long as you both stick to agreed-upon rules, this could work out quite well and may not even remain a one-time thing, depending on your preference.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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elizmanderson · 2 years
15 mutuals*, 15 questions
*if I can come up with that many mutuals' handles when my brain is doing like. dial-up noises rn. can I even answer the questions? let's find out!
thanks to @vcaudley for the tag!
there are (as you have probably noticed) more than 15 questions, so feel free to pick and choose (or just not play, because a tag is not an obligation)
I did 15 plus a bonus question about whales
Are you named after anyone?
my maternal great-grandmother on my grandma's side, who lived to be a hundred
2. When was the last time you cried?
oops, at the end of my yoga class this morning, for no discernible reason :,) just suddenly got the Big Sad and had to go stand in the bathroom for a couple minutes until I calmed down
3. What’s your eye color?
4. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings, we are too soft for scary things in this household
5. Any special talents?
6. Where were you born?
7. What are your hobbies?
8. Have you any pets?
halloween the cat, who enjoys a basket of warm laundry fresh from the dryer and wants to know why you're looking at him all funny when he is simply making use of what is currently the coziest place in the house
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9. What sports do you play/have played?
lol under duress, basketball and track. under my own steam, archery.
10. How tall are you?
shorter than the internet thinks I am, apparently
11. Favourite subject in school?
12. Dream job?
gonna echo @vcaudley's "the honest dream is to have enough money to not need to work"
like I don't have a dream job really? obviously I want to have a career as a writer, but...I would rather not depend on it for my income, given how fickle the industry is even IF you manage to sell multiple books, which at this point in my career is no guarantee
so for a day job I'm doing admin work. after a decade of working in grocery stores, I'm happy just to have a full-time job that pays sort of halfway decently, actually has benefits, and doesn't leave me exhausted or keep me constantly working outside my scheduled hours. the millennial dream lolsob
13. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos?
(d) all of the above
14. What is your favourite soup?
a tomato-basil soup that in the family we just call winter soup. it's like an extra-hearty tomato-basil soup with carrots and onions and a roux, and you eat it with croutons and sour cream and parmesan
15. What is your favourite…rock (idfk)?
16. Choose a familiar: 1) very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever 2) a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants 3) a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
I will take the dog and simply always tell him to do bad things so he never does bad things because he disobeys my every word. if he loves me I will get cuddles and also I will not have to deal with shrieking.
17. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them?
uranus, obviously
actually that was mean
sorry, uranus
18. if you were a worm would you love me? this worm question courtesy of ✨ @/legiomiam✨
no bc I don't know you but I'm sure you're a lovely person
19. Least favourite type of clothing?
20. You are now in a horror movie—so sorry. Chance of survival?
probably zero since I'm very soft and also have to investigate every noise bc it's better to get up and find out what's making it than lie in bed being scared of an unknown noise 😅
21. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
22. What do you think of whales?
I think they're neat
tagging for optional gameplay: @victoriacbooks, @mslanna, @erinfulmerwrites, @avery-ames-personal, @amarajlynn, @wordsofrablack, @chatterboxprotocol, @danaiwrites, @doom-inique-writes, @gryffindorkswin, @luv3horse, @lucymason217, I think this is less than 15 but oops I'm also tagging you, if you're reading this and waiting for someone to tag you so you can play
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cyrusstarchaser · 2 years
Different anon and no need to respond if you don't want to because I know I've seen people get horribly harassed for even just talking about this user by name which is probably why most people are super hush-hush about it and just make vague references to them but the user that's been accused several times over the last few months is neckspike. I have seen several of the victims say they have contacted the police or filed reports but from what I can tell, none of these victims seem to live in America while the groomer themself does which could be a problem, and I hear of online groomers all the time but I've never heard of any being arrested so I don't know if it'll do any good to report them anyway?
Especially since in this fandom there seems to be more people defending neckspike than defending the victims and the people who defend the victims seem to get harassed just for doing that, there's a gif maker on here who is only 15 and has been getting violent threats for months now and yet a lot of people in the fandom don't seem to care for whatever reason especially now that another user like flowers has come out to echo neckspike's talks of all their victims who accuse them of multi-account harassment being terfs when not a single one is by saying her harassers are all terfs when it's probably once again just neckspike using multi-accounts like they infamously did to their other victims.
It's a pretty messed up situation, and I guess anyone who doesn't follow any of the victims or any of the people defending the victims would be pretty left in the dark, so I don't blame you if you don't know about any of this! I just wanted to help explain a little bit because I do follow one of the victims and I keep up with the conversations about all this😅
Once again I am assuming good faith and answering in kind, and I do thank you for offering some info.
1) Have the victims offered any proof? I apologize anon but I am not gonna believe someone just because they said something on the internet. But also it's most important to report to someone who can do something about it.
2)You absolutely can report some one for shit even if they live in another country. The VAST amount of countries take this very seriously, so you can report to local authorizes and also American ones. And to be clear: this is why SWATTing works - because you can 100% report 'crimes' committed by Americans even if you aren't one. Hell you can report some for cyber harassment as well, which I ALSO recommend people do if they feel like that's happening to them. If there are multiple victims with SOME sort of proof then a case should be easy to make. To be clear: if you or anyone has proof you can do something about this - something real.
3) As a queer in this day and age I see the term groomer hurled at pretty much anyone, for any reason so quite frankly I am leery of this whole thing from top to bottom. Gonna be honest: folks are innocent until proven guilty, that accusation has simply been slung onto too many innocent people for me to accept at face value with no proof.
4) Not every single person arrested makes the news. If some one WAS arrested why do you think people would learn about it? Unless you know the person irl then them disappearing and them being brought up on charges would look the same right?
5) I hope I don't have to say this but of course it sucks a kid is getting harassed or worse, but making tumblr posts will not get that to stop.
And let me super duper clear here: If any of the accused are guilty then I hope they get brought up on charges and the victims find peace - but that's only if they are found guilty. And I am in no way condoning harassment of anyone, I am instead encouraging the victims to seek actual help. Accusations with no proof should be paid no mind. And also to be clear: I OR ANY OTHER TUMBLR USER am not who you need I convince nor show proof to IT'S THE FUCKING COPS. If the bastards in blue have one redeeming feature the this is it. ANY countries CPS will do something about this with proof.
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chopper-base · 2 years
ARCs at a Cost
Fives and Echo
Based on this post
Echo and Fives are painting their new ARC armor. They both know their squad would be proud of them but it's hard to know that their brothers can't see where they stand now.
Also, never leave the Domino Twins unsupervised with paint-
@same-heart-same-blood @the-echo-in-the-room down for a trip down memory lane? (Sorry for tagging you but I really want to know what you think😅)
There is a dash of sad and then a whole lot of fluff
Fives carefully dragged the brush over his helmet, leaving a thin blue line behind as the Rishi eel began to take shape. He dipped the brush back in the paint, carefully adding detail after detail.
Across from him, Echo sat with his chest plate settled on his crossed legs, his eyes glued to the blank chest piece that seemed to be staring back at him.
Fives knew what his twin was thinking about without having to ask. The handprint that decorated his original armor was originally put there by Captain Rex, in the blood of the very eel Fives was painting onto his brand new helmet. The same eel that stole one of their brothers from them. The same day the rest of the Domino squad fell.
The twins had made it far since that day and the proof sat right in front of them. They were ARC troopers now. Part of the 501st under the very Captain that helped save their lives on Rishi moon.
Fives set his brush down, leaning it against the paint can so as to not dirty the floor too much. "Hey, Echo?"
Echo looked up from his armor, his eyes falling on his twin. "Hm? What's up?"
Fives stared down at his helmet, his eyes following each brushstrokes that made up the design of the eel. "Do you think they're proud of us?"
Echo was slightly surprised by the question but he didn't show it much. He just let his eyes glide back down to the bright white armor that sat in his lap. "Yeah," he let a small smile appear on his face. "I think they are."
Fives tightened his grip on the helmet in his hands, his eyes never leaving the eel. "I-" he took a deep breath, calming the emotions that threatened to spill over. "I wish they were here to see this." A thought popped into his head causing a laugh to escape his lips. "Though," he looked up towards his twin. "I don't think Rex would be able to handle all five of us."
This caused a laugh to escape Echo as well who looked up to meet his twin's gaze. "Rex would have probably marched all of us back to Kamino asking how to return our dumb asses."
Fives couldn't stop the amused laughs from coming out as he set his helmet in front of him. "Can you imagine, though? All five of us? We would be absolutely chaotic!" Fives exclaimed as he threw his hands out. "Everyone would know of the Domino Squad! No amount of clankers would have taken us down!"
Echo continued to laugh, reminiscing on the memories that started to surface from when they were only cadets. Cutup and Fives were always getting in some sort of trouble, Hevy just gave up trying to stop them. Droidbait would always call them di'kuts but would usually end up doing something stupid right beside them. Echo was always more of the rule follower but he had to admit, he got dragged into some stupid trouble by his twin on more than one occasion. To be honest, Echo was probably the reason they didn't get in more trouble than they did. Domino squad quickly learned that lying was something Echo was scarily good at and no one ever questions the one with the reg manuals memorized.
Fives noticed through his laughter that Echo was still staring at the blank chest piece, a small smile still plastered on his face. An idea popped into Fives' head and he held his hand out. "Hey Echo, hand it over!"
Echo look at his brother then to his outstretched hand in confusion. "Uh, ok?" He reluctantly handed the chest piece over, almost not letting go as his twin pulled out of his reach. To Echo’s complete surprise and utter confusion, Fives dunked his entire hand in the paint. "Fives! What are you-?"
Before Echo could finish, Fives pulled his hand out, shaking off a little access paint before pressing his hand down on the chest plate. Echo sat there, mouth agape as Fives removed his hand, wiping it on his already paint covered thigh. "There!" He exclaimed, handing the chest piece back. "Now you can stop staring at it like it offended you."
Echo took the armor, holding it out in front of him as he examined the blue handprint that now decorated it. He couldn't help the smile that worked its way back on his face. Echo turned back to his twin, about to thank him before bursting into uncontrolled laughter at the sight.
Fives looked at him confused, his head tilting to the side as Echo dropped the chest piece, grasping his sides as he doubled over in laughter. "What did I do??"
Echo attempted to take a breath to explain but it only made him laugh harder. "Did- did you forget you had paint on your hand?" Echo gasped out between giggles.
Fives looked at him confused before it clicked. Fives had just wiped his face with the hand still covered in paint. "Kriffing-" he sighed defeatedly which caused Echo to fall into another round of giggling.
Fives smirked, an idea popping into his head. Echo hadn't expected Fives to dunk his hand again and he also didn't expect his brother to suddenly lunge for him. Echo let out a high pitched squeal as Fives smeared the paint across Echo’s face and hair. Echo tried to push his twin away but Fives had him pinned down, continuing to smear paint across his face and chest.
Echo reached up, grabbing Fives' sides, beginning to tickle him. The reaction was instant as Fives immediately yelped, reaching for Echo’s wrist to attempt to halt his attack. Echo used this to his advantage, pushing his twin off of him and flipping to pin him to the floor. Echo continued to tickle him as Fives practically howled with laughter, attempting and failing to stop the bombardment.
"E-echo ple-please!" He managed to gasp out between his unending laughter.
"Nope!" Echo popped, continuing his attack on his twin, managing to pin one of his arms under his knee. Fives continued to squirm, laughter echoing through the room.
The hiss of the door behind them had Echo immediately freeze, looking over his shoulder to see who walked in. Fives was trying to catch his breath beneath him, not even attempting to look at the newcomer.
In the now open doorway stood Captain Rex followed closely by Commander Cody, both had an amused look on their faces.
"I see painting your armor is going nicely," Rex mused, crossing his arms over his chest. The Captain couldn't stop the laugh that escaped him at the sight of the two paint covered ARC troopers. One of which was still struggling to breathe and pinned underneath the other. "Don't let me stop you." He waved his hand in a dismissing manner. "Seems like Fives did something to deserve it,"
Fives started to squirm desperately beneath him again. "Echo! Don't you da-!" his plea was interrupted by the attempt to draw in a breath as Echo began to tickle him again.
A smirk was plastered on Echo’s face as he continued to tickle his twin. The laughter from his two commanding officers behind him only made him tickle his brother more.
Fives was gasping now, pleadling between breaths of laughter for some sort of mercy that Echo was not giving.
Unfortunately, Echo was unaware of the scheming that had begun behind him til strong arms suddenly grabbed him from behind. It only took Echo a second to realize it was his Captain who had grabbed him but he didn't expect him to wrap his legs around the younger clone's waist. "Sir-?!?" Was all he managed to get out before Rex began tickling the young ARC Trooper.
Echo immediately started to struggle to get free from his Captain's grasp as Fives sat up, howling with laughter as his twin's predicament. "Payback!" Fives yelled in victory.
The victory was short lived as Fives was totally unprepared for the Marshall Commander to suddenly pounce at the unsuspecting clone. Cody had Fives pinned within seconds, immediately starting to tickle the young trooper.
Both twins were now pinned by their commanding officers, being tickled with absolutely no mercy. All four clones were now laughing and gasping for air. Echo and Fives were at the complete mercy of their older brothers and there was nothing either could do about it.
Eventually Rex released Echo, pushing the young clone off as he gasped for breath, his arms wrapped protectively around his middle. Cody followed suit, releasing Fives to let the younger catch his breath. Fives sprawled out on the floor, his limbs laying limply out in a starfish position as he greedily sucked in air.
Echo slowly sat up, still giggling. He met Rex's gaze who had an extremely amused smile plastered on his face. He wrapped his arms around his knees, looking over at his twin who was still sprawled across the floor. Cody, who was still sitting behind him, slowly got to a standing position before offering a hand to Fives who quickly accepted.
Rex followed suit, standing up and offering Echo a hand, pulling the ARC to his feet. Rex slapped his hand firmly on Echo’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly. He turned so he was facing Fives as well who had Cody's hand on his shoulder as well. "Welcome to the 501st, boys!"
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