#(I also don’t think the clones would ever be a ‘one size fits all’ in these beliefs like there’s probs at least a dozen of them who do want
mutalune · 4 months
my clone culture headcanon is that they have almost no traditional mandalorian ties, they picked up almost nothing culturally/linguistically from the mandalorian trainers, but the one thing they DID get were endearments/affectionate and-or comforting words/etc.
b/c 1) that was the only way the trainers could somewhat express affection for their favorites without getting dinged for being too attached to them since no one there actually spoke mando’a 2) kaminoans would be Unhappy if the clones expressed affection openly so secret language words were the only way to safely verbalize caring and loving, so they picked up on those few kind words VERY quickly
(The way I see it working is that the trainers had favorites, would occasionally say something like “chin up, hang in there, good job kiddo,” and said favorites picked up those terms without actually ever getting Direct Translations of what they mean. So they get the words and some context but have to jumble it together themselves and pronunciation and meaning change the further away it spreads from the original favorites - because all of this is spread in private, quietly, until it grows its own legs in different iterations with different battalions imho
like they know adding -‘ika to a name is affectionate and feels like a diminutive but they don’t know what it means exactly and sometimes plug it into names in grammatically odd ways, so instead of “Trap’ika” you get “Trapper’ika” which sounds more like “Trapperka” when you’re talking fast.)
(i’m just a fan of gentle soft pet names and showing affection quietly and how love finds a way and how the clones can take what little scraps they were given and make it their own)
#starlight fandom#star wars#clone troopers#clone trooper culture#mandalorian culture#the clones didn’t get much of anything they had to take and mold what little they did receive#the few kind words they received would be hoarded and built upon I feel that strongly#and I’m v much a ‘I don’t see them getting much of mandalorian culture even if the trainers had tried to teach them’#which I don’t think they would#but even if they did I think the clones would have enough ‘the galaxy doesn’t care about us we are our own people’ that they#would create so much of their own beliefs and culture based on their circumstances rather than what little they were fed by others#all of the posts about clones picking up Jedi beliefs make me feral tbh because the thought of them choosing Jedi compassion -#after being bred for war is very chef’s kiss to me#(I also hope this doesn’t come across anti-mandalorian that’s not what I’m aiming for at all)#(I just don’t think the clones are mandalorian and I don’t think most of them would want to be)#(I also don’t think the clones would ever be a ‘one size fits all’ in these beliefs like there’s probs at least a dozen of them who do want#mandalorian culture and a handful that would want to be more traditional and a handful that would want to melt beskar down for scrap)#(I just find it unlikely that there would be one overarching clone culture after they left kamino I think there would be a base/foundation#but they’d develop in different directions and different dialects and different beliefs almost immediately due to 1) war 2) separation#3) sped up aging that means their development is fast tracked - a month in war is like aging 10yrs for them I bet)#anyway I’ll shut up now this is my personal headcanon supported not at all by canon I just like playing in the sandbox :)
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Summary: Twelve years ago the animal representing your soulmate appeared in your home. You finally get to meet him when his battalion arrives to help defend your planet from the droid army.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: NSFW, smut, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, injuries, brief mention of animal injury but it's not serious, a bit of angst, reader is a BAMF but it doesn't really get shown cause I'm garbage at action scenes, some mentioned PTSD at the end.
A/N: Sooooo this may be my sign to stick to only writing for the Bad Batch boys cause this is garbage. Turns out I'm not good at writing other clones. Also I wrote the smut before eating breakfast so if it's entirely indecipherable please forgive me.
Also Mide is pronounced Mee-deh.
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It’s become a sort of legend within the GAR. 
The clone who rides into battle on the back of a Nexu. 
It’s a bit ridiculous. He doesn’t ride the Nexu. But, they are never far from each other.
No one ever dares to ask. 
Most of them already know. 
The others are too scared. 
The only one that had asked was the General, which was forgiven since he probably didn’t expect his second in command to be closely trailed by a Nexu when they met for the first time. 
His soulmate link, Wolffe had explained to his General. One of the rarest, where each soulmate is accompanied by the animal that represents their soulmate. The Kaminoans had been rather shocked when shortly after he was taken from his growth chamber, a fully grown Nexu appeared in the room. The feline had been entirely tame, until the Kaminoans had tried to separate them because clones were not allowed to pursue their soulmates due to some of the early clones deserting for their soulmates. 
Separation hadn’t worked, as the Nexu proceeded to rampage through the halls of Tipoca City until she was reunited with Wolffe. Only Wolffe could seem to control her, and so the Kaminoans begrudgingly allowed the Nexu to stay. 
She learned quickly, coming to Wolffe’s defense even during training. It didn’t take long for Wolffe to teach her how to fight, and how to take down droids. She never hesitated, even after the war started, fearlessly following him into even the ugliest battles. 
He had spent much of his free time thinking about his soulmate. They’re obviously a fierce fighter, given the predatory nature of Nexu. Strong and brave. He often wondered what kind of animal they have that represents him. 
The last thing you had been expecting twelve years ago was a loth-wolf pup to show up in the middle of your home. 
It had appeared out of nowhere, startling both you and your parents. You hadn’t known what it was at first, until a quick search had directed you to the supposedly extinct loth-wolf. Why it had appeared suddenly in your home...that was another quick search. 
Your soulmate link. 
You had always wondered what it might be, seeing as you had no mark or strange dreams, or any of the other typical links between soulmates. Developing this late, though, was confusing. You didn’t think much about it, though. Fate was not something to question. Everything would make sense eventually. Your people believed that fate drove every decision, every event in your life. Everything happens for a reason, all directed by fate’s design. 
Already twice the size of a tooka, the pup grew quickly, outgrowing your parents hut. It grew big enough to ride within a couple years and you often did. When you moved into your own hut, you built it big enough to fit you and your wolf comfortably. 
You often wondered about your soulmate. Who they are, what they’re doing, what kind of animal they have. You wonder how you’ll meet. Will they come here? Your people don’t leave your planet often. Aside from the few who show great prowess for politics and get sent to represent you in the senate, not many else leave. Your people prefer simple, quiet lives. Though you have technology, most of your food is grown or hunted, and your medicine is a practice that’s been passed down for generations. 
You had thought perhaps you were meant to leave, that you would meet your soulmate somewhere else. Your strength, however, was not in politics. You were a natural fighter. So instead you stayed on the planet, defending your village and hunting to provide food. Maybe you weren’t meant to find your soulmate elsewhere. Perhaps your soulmate was in one of the other villages. 
You think that, until the war starts. 
Your planet is mostly untouched for two years. There was no strategic reasoning to invade your planet, other than simply being part of the Republic. It keeps your planet untouched, at least until the Separatists begin to get desperate. 
Word reaches you one morning of a droid army approaching one of the neighboring villages. It had landed two days ago and it was slowly burning its way through village after village. They had already reached out to the Republic for assistance, but they were already stretched as it was. 
You don’t give up hope. 
You’re right not to. 
Two days after the message had been sent, they arrived. The roar of gunships is loud as troops drop in at the next village over from yours. You were already there, preparing defenses for when the inevitable attack began. They’d already burned through the village to the North. You had scouted over the hill earlier, and had spotted the dust cloud kicked up by the army’s movements. Fighters from surrounding villages have gathered, but it’s not nearly enough. 
The clones arrive like a blessing from the Maker. 
You’re glad to see them, even if some of them stare and whisper as you pass. You know they’re not staring at you. They’re staring at your wolf. Loth-wolves are supposed to be extinct, so actually seeing one would be a bit shocking. Even more so, seeing one outside of Lothal. 
You had been called to the village leader’s hut, which was being used for battle planning. The village leader had chosen you as her second in command, since you were one of the best fighters. You were also one of the few still alive that had seen battle before. 
Not every village on the planet was as interested in peace as the others. One such village had decided to attack a neighboring village out of nothing but greed shortly before the galactic war started. Fighters from across the planet had been called to aid in the fight, and you had been one of them. The most battle you’d seen back then had been on hunting trips. Though you were skilled, you’d never actually fought before. 
It had been terrifying, but you had quickly proved your skills and your ability to stay calm under pressure. You had made a name for yourself, and had carried that still to this day. 
Most of the more experienced fighters had been sent ahead to try and aid other villages, but it had been fruitless. The droid army had wiped out both the fighters, and some innocent villagers caught in the crossfire. 
This village had been evacuated, and it was going to be the last stand against the droid army. If they couldn’t be defeated, then the planet was lost. The arrival of the clones to aid you had renewed hope in the possibility of securing your planet and its safety once more. There would be a lot to do, a lot to rebuild after, but now there was hope you would get to do so. 
You make your way towards the hut, your wolf running ahead. It’s strange, usually he never left your side unless you told him to. He had been acting strangely all day. You had blamed it on the nervous energy in the village, and the approaching army. Everyone had been a bit on edge, and being an animal, he could likely pick up on it more than anyone. 
You hear a commotion as you approach the hut, finding your wolf cornering one of the clones. Your eyes widen, thinking the worst, and you hurry over. Some of the clones are laughing by the time you reach them, and you realize your wolf is licking this clone. 
“Mide,” You pull on the fur at his neck to try and get him to stop. His tail is wagging, creating a breeze behind him. “Mide, stop.” 
The hair at the back of your neck stands straight, a loud growl reaching your ears. You turn, eyes widening as you stare into four red eyes and a wide mouth full of sharp fangs. 
You scramble back, the Nexu following you. You’ve never seen one in person before, only read about them. They’re not native to this planet, so how did this one get here? And why doesn’t anyone else seem afraid of it?
“Cabur.” The stern voice of the clone reaches your ears. “Cabur, stand down.” 
The Nexu doesn’t respond, crouching as it prepares to pounce. Do you run? You can’t outrun a Nexu. Why isn’t anyone trying to help? Why isn’t Mide helping? 
The Nexu pounces, knocking you off your feet. You close your eyes, preparing for those teeth to sink into your skin, rip away at your flesh until you bleed out. 
Something wet and rough drags across your skin from your shoulder to the top of your head. Your eyes snap open in surprise. Is the Nexu...licking you? 
It licks you again, leaving a wet, gooey trail along your skin. 
“Easy, girl.” The clone pets its head, trying to nudge it back. 
It steps back reluctantly, its own tail swishing back and forth as it watches you. A hand appears in your line of sight and you take it, the clone hauling you to your feet easily. You brush the dirt off, wiping the Nexu spit from your face. 
“Sorry about her.” The clone says. “I don’t know what’s gotten into her today.” 
“It’s alright. Mide has been weird all day too. He’s never run away from me like that before.” You stare up at him, taking in his face. 
His face is stern, pinched a bit in focus. There’s a scar stretching from his forehead to his cheek, his eye having been replaced with a cybernetic one. He’s handsome, as you assume all the clones would be. 
“Is she yours?” You ask, breaking the silence between you. 
“It’s my soulmate link.” He says. “I’ve had her since I came out of my growth chamber.” 
“Oh.” You say, blinking in surprise. “Mide’s also my soulmate link. Appeared about twelve years ago.” 
“Really.” He says, giving you a strange look. 
Before you can continue the conversation, the village leader and who you assume is the Jedi General approach you. 
“I see you two have already met.” The Kel Dor says. 
You glance at the clone for a moment as the village leader introduces you to General Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe. 
“Come,” The General says. “We have much to discuss, and little time to do so.” 
“What’s her name?” You ask as you and Commander Wolffe make your way into position. His Nexu is walking beside you, trotting along happily. Mide is walking beside Wolffe, looking perfectly content. 
“Cabur.” Wolffe answers. “It’s Mando’a. It means guardian or protector.” 
“Fitting name.” You say. 
“She’s saved my life a few times.” He pats Mide’s side. “What about him?” 
“Mide. He’s a mythical warrior who protected our people. He rode to war with the sigil of a wolf on his helmet.” 
The corner of Wolffe’s mouth lifts. “Aptly named.” 
You both stop, having reached the point you have to go separate ways. You mount Mide, looking down at Wolffe. “See you when the battle’s done?” 
Wolffe nods, patting Mide’s neck. “Take care of her.” 
Mide huffs out a breath, nodding his head just slightly as if agreeing. He would, even without having to be asked. 
You know. Even without having to say anything you know. Just Mide’s reaction was enough to tell you. The link is so rare, and to have someone else with the same link suddenly appear on your planet like this...
It’s not just a coincidence. 
Mide runs to your position, and you watch as the cloud of dust that the droid army was kicking up gets closer and closer, flashes of blue and red gradually disappearing as dust envelops the valley. 
You’re covered in dirt, but you’re alive. 
With the help of the clones, you had stopped the droid army from advancing much further, protecting the village. It had been a long battle, lasting into the night. The stars are out by the time you return to the village, weary after a long battle unlike any you’ve ever been in. 
No squabble between villages will ever compare to that. 
You had seen Wolffe shortly after your return to the village, nothing more than a passing glance across the fire as you’d helped both injured villagers and troopers. You’re both alive, you’re both alright. You had spotted Cabur slinking around the village, unharmed due to her training in fighting droids. Mide’s white fur is streaked with dirt, his feet and nose scratched from the droids, but he’s otherwise uninjured. 
You’ll give him a big, juicy cut of meat later. 
You’re cleaning the cut on his nose when you hear the footsteps approaching. Mide’s head lifts, ears perking and tail wagging as he sees who it is. Something brushes against your side, Cabur purring as she makes herself comfortable next to Mide. Wolffe approaches you, and you take a moment to look him over. His armor is streaked with dirt, but he’s otherwise uninjured. 
“Good to see you.” You say, smiling softly. 
He steps right up to you, gloved fingers grazing over the bandage wrapped around your arm. 
“It’s just a scratch.” You say, skin tingling as his fingers continue to trail down your arm before dropping back to his side. “We’re not used to fighting droids.” 
“You’re, uh...quite the fighter.” He says. “I think a Nexu was the perfect choice.” 
Your cheeks warm a bit. You think the ferocious Nexu might be a bit of an exaggeration. It’s a compliment, though, that he thinks your skills are worthy of that representation. The loth-wolf is the perfect representation of him. He has the same dangerous gaze as Mide, the same fierce loyalty. The stern and serious battle-ready commander.  
“Us clones...it’s forbidden for us to initiate the soulmate bond.” He says. 
Your stomach clenches a bit at his words. You hadn’t even thought...you hadn’t even considered. You hadn’t had time to. Everything had been happening so quickly. You had never given consideration to the idea that your soulmate might not want you. Much less that he might have to reject you. All those daydreams, all those thoughts about what your life could be like with them...they’ve been nothing but fantasies and they might never be anything but. 
“Most of us don’t agree.” He continues. “We all have an agreement not to say anything, not to report anything.” 
“But...what if someone finds out?” 
“We have to be careful so no one does.” He takes your hand, slipping something into it. “We’re preparing to leave. We already have our next orders.” 
Your shoulders sink a bit. Of course they’re very busy. The war has been taking a turn. The attack against your planet is just proof of this. Having time with him right now is just another fantasy. 
You walk with him to the gunships, taking your time as troopers load up around you. He turns, patting Mide on the nose as you reach one of the ships. Mide lets out a quiet whine, his ears falling. 
You squat in front of Cabur, petting her head. “Take care of him, yeah?” She lets out a quiet sound, licking your cheek once more. You stand back up, facing Wolffe. “Come back? When the war’s over?” 
He nods once and you stand up on your toes, kissing his cheek. He stares down at you long and hard for a moment before stepping away, sliding his helmet on. You watch as he boards the gunship, following it with your eyes as long as you can as it disappears into the sky. 
You open your hand, looking down at what he’d slipped into it. A smile tugs at your lips as you stare at the item. 
A comm device. 
It’s been almost a year since the battle, since you met your soulmate. You’ve spoken as often as you can through the comm device, but for the last three months it’s been very quiet. You’ve gone stretches without speaking, but never this long. 
You try not to worry. 
The war had ended three months ago, around the time you had seemingly lost contact. You suppose with the restructuring of the Republic into the Empire and the sudden end to the war, things have gotten complicated for the clones. It could just be he hasn’t had a good time to step aside and secretly contact you. Despite your attempted reasoning, you can’t help but feel nervous about the sudden silence.
You’ve been keeping yourself busy helping the survivors from the destroyed villages resettle with other villages. While the army had been destroyed, the valley had become a wasteland of destroyed droids and the remnants from the battle. New huts were built and families integrated peacefully into new villages. The Senate had sent some relief, but it could only do so much. Homes could be rebuilt and crops replanted, but lives couldn’t be replaced. 
You’ve buried far too many dead. 
You try not to think your soulmate may be one of them. 
He’s not. You know he’s not. You would have felt it. Mide would have died with him. Still, the thought haunts you. How easily he could be taken from you, and you barely got to know him. 
Fate will make it work in the end. You try to remind yourself of that. 
You’re out hunting when it happens. 
Nearly four months since the end of the war, a year since you met your soulmate. You had been scouting the hills when you’d heard it. You’d moved your binocs to the sky, watching as a starfighter streaked across the sky like a smoking comet straight towards the trees just a few meters away. 
The crash is loud, the trees shaking with the impact. Mide immediately takes off, darting into the trees. It’s not like him, still always sticking close to your side. 
“Mide!” You call, immediately running after him. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest. It couldn’t be...could it? You hadn’t seen any identifying markers on the ship, the smoke too dense around it to see. It could be anyone, or anything. 
If it wasn’t, Mide wouldn’t have run off like that. 
You duck into the undergrowth, following the path broken by your wolf. You freeze instinctively as a low growl reaches your ears. You know that growl. 
Your breath catches in your throat. “Cabur?” 
The Nexu steps out of the bushes, tail swishing as she looks at you. It’s her. You know it. You drop to a knee, patting her head as she greets you. 
It’s him. It’s really him. 
Mide breaks through the bushes, dragging a limp body with his teeth. He drags the body over to you, letting him go gently. Wolffe’s body lays limp on the ground. There’s charred marks on his armor, likely from the crash. You push him over onto his back, staring down at his helmet. You trace the markings with your fingers, the same markings you remember. 
A sob threatens to tear from your lips as you slip your fingers under the edge of his helmet, tugging it off. You cup the back of his head, lowering it gently to the ground. 
He’s unconscious but still breathing. 
Mide lays next to Wolffe, looking at you sadly. Cabur nudges his foot, letting out a quiet whine. He’s injured, likely worse than it looks if he crashed a starfighter. You need to get him back to the village, and soon. 
You’re sweating by the time you maneuver him onto Mide’s back, climbing on behind him. You hold him as Mide runs through the trees and back up the hill towards the village. Cabur keeps pace easily, miraculously mostly uninjured from the crash. 
You guide Mide into your hut, easing Wolffe off his back and onto your bed. You begin the tedious process of removing his armor, figuring out how to get each piece off and carefully stacking it in the corner. You peel the body glove off next, revealing his chest covered in bruises.
You head to your kitchen, grabbing herbs and a bowl, beginning to mash them into a paste as you’ve done a hundred times. You mix a tonic as well, moving back to his side before spreading the mixture across his chest, making sure to cover each bruise. You place bandages over each spot, letting the herbs do their work. You cup his neck, lifting his head a bit to help him drink the tonic. You can feel it, the pulsing energy from where your fingers are pressed against the skin of his neck. 
He’s really here, right in front of you. Crashed right out of the sky, practically into your lap. 
Mide curls up on his blanket, Cabur making herself comfortable beside him. You sit by Wolffe’s side, tending to him as you let the medicine work its way through his body. You only leave to make dinner and feed the animals before you’re sitting back at his side. 
You grab his pauldron, tracing the image of the wolf with your fingers. The grey paint around the edges is slightly worn, more than it had been the last time you’d seen him. It’s hard to believe he’s really here. After four months of nothing, no sign that he’s alive and alright, no word on what’s happening aside from what was broadcasted on the news...four months of thinking the worst. 
You trace his face with your fingers, allowing yourself to feel him. He’s really here. He’s real. 
You stay by his side through the night, changing out the herbs as they dry. You nap a few times, trusting the animals to alert you if something happens. 
He begins to stir around sunrise. You’d been checking his wounds, already mostly healed. You put a gentle hand on his shoulder as he shifts, his eyes cracking open. 
“It’s alright.” You say, tracing gentle circles on his skin with your thumb. “You’re safe.” 
He breathes your name like a prayer, his eyes slipping closed for a moment as he relaxes. 
“I’m here.” You whisper, sliding your hand up to cup his cheek. “I’ve got you.” 
“I said I would.” He murmurs, turning his head to kiss your palm. “I said I’d come back.” 
You shush him gently. “And you have.” 
You get him sitting up, leaning against the wall. You feed him some soup after both Mide and Cabur greet him happily. He tells you about everything that happened since the war ended. He tells you about the Jedi and the inhibitor chips, deserting the Empire and getting his chip removed. He tells you about his fight to get here, and almost not making it. 
You try not to think about it, relishing in the face he did make it. He is sitting here with you. You can see the pain in his eyes, the guilt. You can practically feel the sadness radiating from him. Your heart aches for him. He’s lost so much, and so much has changed so quickly. You can’t even imagine what it must have been like. What it must feel like for him. 
You hold him, wrapping yourself around him. His bruises are almost completely healed, his strength returning as he holds you, his face pressed against your chest. Cabur creeps her way over, stretching herself out across your laps. Wolffe chuckles, patting her head. You tangle a hand on her fur, holding Wolffe with the other. 
Wolffe settles into life in the village easily. He’s welcomed, not only as your soulmate, but also as a hero who helped save many lives. He accompanies you on hunts, learning as much about your culture as he can. 
You settle into life with him easily too, adjusting to his presence like he’s been there the whole time. You’re glad your hut is on the edge of the village, as you’re both also rather insatiable. You have a year to make up for. A year of yearning and longing to make up for. 
And you certainly do. 
A body presses against yours as you finish loading the dishes in the sanitizer. You can feel him, every bit of his body through his thin shirt and soft pants. He’s softened a bit from the hardened soldier that had crash landed back into your life. You won’t complain. After the things you’ve heard, you’re happy he’s finally healthy and well taken care of. 
You can also feel how hard he is against your ass. 
His arms snake around your waist as you toss the dish towel on the counter. His lips trail up your neck, dragging along the soft skin. 
“Miss me that much?” You ask, pressing back against him teasingly. 
“Always.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss below your ear. 
One of his hands snakes under your shirt, slowly sliding up your stomach, straight towards your breasts. You’re glad you ditched your breastband earlier as his warm hand cups your breast. He hums against your neck in approval, skilled fingers plucking at your nipple as he paints your skin with marks from his teeth. 
“Wolffe,” You sigh his name as he switches breasts, giving the other one equal attention. 
His other hand slips down your stomach, dipping into your pants. You’ve been wet in anticipation since his arms wrapped around you, his fingers gliding through your slick folds. Your legs tremble as he slowly circles your clit with the rough pads of his fingers. 
“So wet for me, cyare.” He murmurs against your neck, slipping two of his fingers into you. 
“Yes,” You breathe, tilting your head back against his shoulder. “Only for you.” 
He growls quietly against your neck, pulling his hands free. He tugs your pants down before lifting you onto the kitchen counter. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it to the floor. He tugs your hips closer to the edge, kneeling in front of you. Your fingers tangle in his hair, still kept in the regulation cut. He sometimes lets his stubble grow out, and you’re still trying to convince him to grow a beard just to see how it would look. 
He licks a stripe up your clit, hands pressing against your thighs to keep them open for him. His tongue swirls around your clit, his eyes lifted to stare at your face. Your lips part in a moan as he closes his mouth against your clit, sucking hard. Your free hand grips the edge of the counter, holding on as he eats you out. 
Your first few times together had been awkward and fumbling as you tried to figure each other out. It had taken lots of practice, and many laughs, to learn each other’s bodies. What you like, what you don’t, what he likes. How to make him putty in your hands. He’s still just as stern and dominating as he had been as a commander, but you know deep down he sometimes needs someone else to take control, someone else to give the orders. Someone he trusts. 
Your legs are shaking around his head, your own head thrown back in pleasure as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. The noises are absolutely obscene as he slurps at your drenched pussy like he’s gone days without water. 
He pulls away before you can cum, making you whine in protest. 
His chin is slick with your juices, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. You reach forward, yanking his shirt over his head. Your fingers trail along the soft curves of his body, lips pressing kisses against his skin. His hands undo his pants, letting them drop to the floor. 
You bite your lip, your hand wrapping around his hard length. His hands drop to your thighs, resting there as you pump him. You meet his gaze, staring into his eyes as you guide him forward and into your heat. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him all the way in. A moan tumbles from your lips at the stretch, your arms wrapping around his shoulders to hold him as close as you possibly can. 
His arms wrap around your back, lips pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. You both breathe for a moment, enjoying being so close, so connected to each other. You bury your face in his neck, breathing in the scent of him. Musky and sweaty from being out in the warmth of the day working. 
He adjusts his grip on you, holding you up as he begins to move. You meet his thrusts, tilting your head up to kiss him. It’s slow and soft, quiet moans passing between your lips. You hold onto him like you’re afraid he might disappear if you let go, like you might suddenly wake and find this has all been a dream. 
His own fingers indent your skin, sharing your same fears. You know he’s here, you know it’s real, and he knows it’s real, but still, neither of you can forget the year you had been separated, the many times he could have died, the many times he could have been ripped from you. 
“‘M close.” You murmur against his lips, nails breaking the skin of his shoulders. 
“Gonna cum for me?” He growls, snapping his hips into yours. “Show me how pretty you look when you cum?” 
Your head falls back, lips parted as you cum around his cock, moaning loudly. He watches you, memorizing your face. He’ll never forget it, but he commits it to memory every time. 
A few more thrusts and he’s cumming with a growl, snapping his hips into yours a final time as he releases inside of you. You hold him against you, both of you riding out your highs together. 
His hold around you is tight, clinging to you. You’re both breathing heavily, breaths mingling as he presses his forehead against yours. Your hands gently rub his shoulders, working your way up his neck and into his hair. 
“You’re right here.” You whisper, lips brushing his. “I’m right here.” 
He exhales shakily, fingers tightening their grip just slightly. 
You press a soft kiss to his lips. “I’ve got you.” 
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@stressed-cherry, @6oceansofmoons,  @ladytano420 @spicy-clones, @dangraccoon, @bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @stunkbiggu
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lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E14 Reaction
Gosh. I really don’t want this all to be over 😭 (at the same time, I kind of need the stress to be over 💀). I was white-knuckled by the end of this episode, I’ll tell you that.
- They really just out here hanging out upside down
- This ship is definitely like the one Cross and Omega escaped on
- Wow my boys look good in black 🖤
- “At least listen to him!!” 🤣
- So Echo is straight up wearing Star Wars jeans now - @ladyzirkonia 😏 - andddd wearing brown leather pouches…remind you of anyone 🥹
- Oh no. Of course Hemlock was going to find out they were coming *sigh*. I guess it makes sense. That lieutenant would have filed a complaint the second he woke up.
- Hunterrrr whipping that ship around like it weighs nothing
- These clouds look perfect
- “Hang on” Hunter you’re starting to sound like your brother
- “Your concern for the specimens is showing” Emerie don’t leave them with *her*!!!
- Crosshair looks really nice in this outlined armor even though I miss the softness of the grey and red
- So Hunter has his own drift and slide move, huh? 👀 🥵
- They are literally plummeting to the surface right now dear lord
- Yeah I don’t think Hunter can call Tech or Phee out for reckless flying ever again 💀
- “You don’t want to know” — Narrator: he did, in fact, very much not want to know 🤣
- The seat folding back like he did for Batcher needing to get out in episode 3–he’s come such a long way
- Rampart
- Screaming
- Like
- A
- Girl coward 😆
- Let’s be honest though I’m terrified of heights in a directly physiological way so I honestly can’t blame the man AT all
- Meanwhile Wrecker having the time of his life lol
- Rampart. Honey. Maybe don’t LET GO of the cable you’re hanging onto for dear life with one hand just to make a talking point
- Oh no. Echo be careful!
- The landscape of Tantiss in this episode and the lighting and the sky and the trees and the river are just 🤩🤩🤩 STUNNING
- Atta boyyy using the storm trooper armor to blend in (his scomp looks so weird poking out of the vambrace though!)
- “I’d rather not do either” my baby boy 😭😭😭 I hate that they’re making him go back!
- They did the Spider-Man standoff 🤣🤣🤣
- “Unfortunately yes” lmaooooo
- “We’ll take our chances” that is giving callbacks to a parallel I do not want to make (Jyn’s speech in Rogue One—“we’ll take our chances until they’re spent.”
- It’s still just wild to me that Rampart is with them for this
- Oooh why did Echo’s scomp get stuck??
- “Thanks for the hand” Echo you and your dry sass 🤣
- You know, I’m just realizing—part of the point of the clone troopers was that they were identical. That included size. At first I thought “oh course Echo would fit best into stormtrooper gear bc he’s a reg” but—stormtroopers are supposed to be all kinds of random people. How are they all the same size?? How are they producing gear en masse to accommodate different people’s body types? Why do they all look the same height and weight on screen? Space opera plot hole I guess
- Jax’s hair sticking up
- These precious babies don’t know what “cover me” and stalling means! Shows how Omega has led such a different life
- Man they are just shoving Rampart all over the place. I meannn he deserves it but also it’s just going to piss him off
- Rampart just said the quiet part out loud. About himself. He doesn’t understand Crosshair in the slightest. He’s only seen a tiny sliver of who Crosshair is and he thinks it was the true version. It was not. And yet Crosshair has gained so much confidence in himself that he doesn’t even need to argue back with Rampart at all. Just a simple “I’ve changed” THAT’S MY BOY
- “Sure you have” what the HELL does that mean?? Why does it sound like foreshadowing 😭👀
- Echo can just take the hand off 💀
- Yep, told ya, Rampsrt is getting mad. Calling him dead weight doesn’t really help matters either
- ….yeah let’s just go lean against the nearest fluffy, warm, GIANT wall of flesh in the nearest vicinity and not realize it’s a creature 🤣
- Rampart’s face here is priceless
- Lovely. Now the scary blind hedgehog hyena bear is looking for lunch
- Okay yeah maybe you guys really should be running
- Wrecker 😭😭😭
- The boys helping him up 😭
- Rampart you clown. Pull yourself together man
- Oh man. He’s totally going to be a problem next episode isn’t he
- Crosshair takes babysitting duty very seriously
- The babes don’t know how to stall very well but 10/10 for effort. Dr. Scalder just keeps living up to her name with the callous burns too
- Omega girlie pop you better get back soon
- 😱😱😱
- I repeat
- My love for Metamorphosis in season 2 is being so validated right now you have no idea 😁
- How dare Hemlock torture that beautiful creature like this I hate it
- Seriously Omega get back down there now
- Phew
- Oh my
- She knows his name?? Emerie recognized Echo?? And from Omega telling her about her (their) brothers you’ve got to be kidding me 😭😭😭
- Ohhh Echo is not happy to see her 🤣👀
- Ohhhh Emerie. Her facial expressions look so much like Omega here. The guilt is just oozing out of her
- Ohhhhh. The helmet came off. The neural brace is gone. Okay, so when Echo first started eyeing that stormtrooper to take his gear, the first thing I thought was “but your head brace won’t fit under that kind of helmet!” And sure enough, they had him leave it behind. I repeat—Echo left his entire kit of armor AND the gear that most likely keeps his modifications running smoothly, helps decrypt and smooth out the sensory jumble of the neural implants put in him by the Techno Union, the one thing we’ve never seen him without since TCW, that most likely is not easily replaced—Echo left it behind, most likely never to retrieve it. For Omega. For his brothers. The lengths these boys will go to I just can’t 😭
- C’mon Emerie, put your loyalty where it belongs—with your family!
- “What children” poor boy almost had a heart attack. That man is never frazzled and he almost dropped his hand in shock 😅
- Atta girl 😱🤗 Emerie Echo rescue duo let’s goooo
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starqueensthings · 1 year
If It’s Not You, It’s Not Anyone.
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Ficlets inspired by song lyrics: part two.
Pairing: ARC Echo x GN!Reader
POV/WC: 2nd, but from Echo's perspective, 2082 words
Rating/Warnings: Teen. Overall fluffy but with significant mentions of anxiety. Seggsy time is implied a few times also.
A/N: while this isn’t my favourite song in the world, I’ve never been able to listen to it without this kind of imagery floating through my mind. I love the lyrics, especially when I fit them into an ARC Echo sized box. Not proof or beta read (and I’m notorious for making up my own words when I can’t think of the one I want… fair warning.) ENJOY. 
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“Forever’s not enough time to love you the way that I want, because every morning I find you, I fear the day that I don’t. You say that I won’t lose you but you can’t predict the future ‘cause certain things are out of our control. If you ever move on without me, I need to make sure you know: you are the only one I’ll ever love… if it’s not you it’s not anyone.”
[Anyone - Justin Bieber]
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He wasn’t a betting man anymore, the days he’d found himself brazen enough to wager his belongings were long since outgrown, and now merely a memory of the past brought up too frequently atop relentless jeers from his brother, Fives. The purgatorial hours after curfew but preceding sleep, saw Domino Squad sprawled across a table, discarded face cards tossed aside as the boys bickered with each other over who lay claim to the prize pot anchoring their fun. Echo was only too miserable to watch his prized possessions float from his clutches, lost to the treachery of one bad poker hand after another, the certainty of his impending win often betrayed by Hevy’s nearly inscrutable bluffing skills. “Just lucky, I guess,” the broad shouldered soldier would coo across the table with a wink, smirking as his fingers draped themselves eagerly around the mountain of contraband that he’d won.
Time and experience had seen a shift in priorities. Life… war… had quickly reinforced the notion that the distribution of Lady Luck’s attention was entirely unpredictable, and trying to elucidate her choices could send a man spiraling into an anguished insanity. It was far simpler to just swallow the bitter pill of unreasoning: sometimes you simply had her favour, and sometimes you did not (and Hevy, somehow, seemed to always have it).
Departing the protective bubble of Kamino’s isolation had proved less of a challenge than Echo anticipated thanks to the unexpected comfortability of their first posting. Surveilling the Rishi system from the stillness of a desolate moon was barely a challenge for the squad’s capable hands, especially after years of conditioning had endowed their expectations with images of carnage and violence, but despite the perceived insignificance of their objective, their overseeing officers were no less regimented or dogmatic than those whom had raised them. Tactics and strategy continued to be encouraged at every possible opportunity; obedience enforced, and discipline expected. “Segregation from the front lines is no excuse for complacency,” their sergeant would iterate repeatedly. “Any brother would be lucky to have landed this posting. Take it seriously.”
Between inappropriately fluffy songs, Clone Nation Radio recounted the events of battles fought across the galaxy, perfectly mirroring the sergeants continued pleas. Seemingly the only squad member willing to heed the advice, the quiet hours on the distant moon saw Echo pouring over schematics, the memorization of regulation manuals presenting him with the perfect shield against the potential chill of Lady Luck’s cold shoulder. His brothers’ snide remarks about indulging in this new ‘strange’ habit, simply rolled off his armoured shoulders. “We’ll see who gets the last laugh when these ‘dumb manuals’ help me out-survive all of you,” he would always chirr back with a roll of his eyes.
Yet his incessant need to retain information had unknowingly only sharpened a double-edged sword. In his earnest to ensure a complete competency, his shield of preparedness had rendered him protected on one hand, but preoccupied on the other, with the unknown shift in his awareness exposing a notion shared by many troopers: that the monster of mortality is all-too happy to lay-in-wait long enough for him to be forgotten about, pushed to the back burner a overly confident soldier's mind.  
The Rishi posting was quiet… until it wasn’t. Kamino seemed a fortress impenetrable to external threat… until it wasn’t. Both events had struck Echo with a hard blow of realization that tactics can only ensure a portion of one's safety, schematics will not prevent an invasion, one must learn to expect only that which is unexpected, and there are variables far outside any one man’s control. Lady Luck will ultimately always get to play her game…
And sadly, he’d seen too many brothers had crumple at his side, their torches snuffed in a fraction of a blink, many of them with packs and pouches full of treats that they’d won in a game the previous night. Why is it that Luck had caressed them then, only to fatally betray them hours later? 
No, his betting days were behind him… and then there was you.   
Now? He’d have bet everything he ever owned that your hair was the softest the universe had ever seen. Even after hours of fervent frolicking between the sheets, your bodies entwining with the desperate desire to reacquaint after so many rotations apart, and each strand having been tugged, bunched, knotted and tossed in the name of a passionate routine so mesmerizing that time itself seemed to pause, it still felt like silk draped between his fingers. 
He’d have wagered every credit in the galaxy that history had never seen a hand fit more perfectly into another like yours fit into his. It was as if the Maker had initially sculpted your bodies as one, only to have it fall from Mortis and fracture, the pieces seamlessly fitting together to reestablish his physical rendering of love. 
And he’d have bet that, in all the systems he’d traversed, none of them orbited a sun even remotely as radiant as the twinkle in your eye. A luminescence shining from deep inside of you unrivaled by any charted celestial body; a lighthouse that he was all-too willing to let endlessly guide him into your embrace… back home. 
Definity now seemed attainable. He had never been surer of anything or anyone in his entire life, and such a certainty had been achieved without the memorization of manuals, and without the aid of instructions, tactics, or strategy. Embedded with the impenetrable protection of your belief in him, his shield now seemed the perfect match for redirecting every potential blow of Lady Luck’s unpredictable tantrums; his irrefutable love for you unwavering despite the external chaos. 
But always a double edged sword, the 'distraction' of your love ensured that the undoubtability of your union walked hand-in-hand with unpredictability… with fear and anxiety. The monster of mortality, while frequently concealed behind dense clouds of bliss and enamoring twinkles of light, was never again truly absent from Echo’s awareness, and the harrowing chirp of a deployment transmission ringing from his wristcom acted as a stark reminder that the monster was always waiting patiently for an opportunity to rob the universe of such beauty.     
“What’s on your mind, love?” you would ask in those moments, when the surging heat of your frenzied entanglement subsided and the stillness of the night exposed his resurging anxiety. But your query needn’t ever be spoken; the cause of the deepening crease between his brows and the frown tugging at his lips was a mystery to no one, and part of him wondered if you only uttered the question aloud knowing that the sound of your voice would soothe him in a way that nothing else could.
“You are, Cyare,” he would always answer, too aware that the unnatural smile hitched to his lips would provoke nothing but a skeptical cock of your eyebrow, yet too willing to deny his fear its chance in the light.   
This routine transpired only a handful of times before you’d successfully pulled the truth from him, his desire to remain a pillar of strength simply no match for the knowing twinkle in your eye, its majesty quickly summoning the anxiety from the depths of his gut and out past his lips.
The truth finally spoken: that he was scared to lose each other, to lose you, intensely fearful that every sorrowful departure preceding a deployment would be the last. His tactical mind was painfully aware that the probabilities of him safely returning home varied largely from one mission to the next, the chances laced with a risk that was incalculable… unpreparable despite his every effort.  
But even fatality seemed a welcome alternative to his greatest fear of all: that he would return home from a long deployment to find the twinkle banished from your eyes, that he would find a person no longer blind to the fact that a life built on the shoulders of a soldier was one laden with an unavoidable and potent neglect, and that you’d become a person no longer willing to suffer the solitude that accompanied his absence.  
“I’m not going anywhere, Echo,” you would always reassure him. “It’s you and me, my love. Until the end of the universe.”
The mantra never lost its purity despite how often you chorused it to him with your fingers intertwined tightly between his, or your forehead pressed to his in a motion of complete connection, but tonight felt… different. Despite your recited promise and the intimate swaddle of your body around his, Echo could not shake the feeling of dread simmering in his gut. 
“What is it?” you probed in barely more than a whisper, your hands stalling their thoughtless swirls atop his skin, fingers instead nestling themselves between the swells of his heaving chest. 
“Nothing, Mesh’la.” He couldn’t quite quantify the intensity of his anxieties tonight, for even unspoken they seemed baseless and irrational. How could he express that the gnawing of his upcoming deployment felt more formidable this time, when he knew his words would serve no purpose other than plaguing you with worry? He had no desire to let his malignant fears rob you of the listful peace that he so badly longed for in these moments. 
You hummed quietly, toes shifting to gently glide along the top of his foot, the sensation grounding him enough to tighten his grasp around your shoulders. “I’m not going to call you a liar,” you snorted as you nuzzled into his side, “but it kinda smells like your pants might be on fire.” 
He should have expected such a response; you’d always been quick to wit, quick to humour, quick to ensure that, even in the enshadowed bedroom where the only light came from the patchwork quilt of a million other windows scattered from here to the horizon, he felt utterly seen. 
A small sigh stalled his explanation, his plagued mind still attempting to grapple for some semblance of justification. “I don’t know,” he posed, pausing to press his lips to your forehead, the familiar fragrance of your hair wafting into his nose easing only a fraction of his worry. “Something feels… weird. I can’t shake the feeling that something is going to go amiss during this next one.” 
“Sounds like a bad case of the ‘send-off scaries’,” you chuckled, shifting your head on his shoulder to watch your fingers resume their mindless doodles across his skin.
“No, Mesh’la,” he protested, the ghost of misunderstood frustration dancing across his tense features as he retracted his arm from around you and pushed himself into a seated position. “It’s more than that, but… I can’t explain it.” 
You shifted your posture to mirror his, scooping his hands into yours and squeezing his palms tightly to prevent him from shielding his face. “Perhaps it’s because this one is a little riskier than some of the others?” you proposed, trying to catch the eyes that he’d deliberately averted from you. “You were saying the Citadel is pretty heavily fortified, right? Maybe it’s the fact that the archive maps are dated and incomplete that has you a little more anxious than usual.” 
“Yeah… maybe,” he sighed solemnly, only barely resisting the urge to shake his head and argue.  
“You and Fives are an unshakable team,” you persisted. “Especially with Rex and the General beside you. You all have an innate call to protect each other. Just have faith… trust your instincts. They’ve never led you astray, my love. In fact–” a gentle guiding finger under his chin pulled his anguished gaze back to you, “–they led you right to me.” 
There it was, dancing in your eyes as if fueled by starlight, the twinkle that reminded him time-and-time-again that nothing could rob him of his home… of his home in you.
“You’re right, Cyare,” he conceded, leaning in to graze his smiling lips against yours. “I love you. It’s you and me to the end of the universe.” 
No, he wasn’t anymore… but if he was a betting man, that lingering moment of quiet assurances with breath dancing atop each other's cheeks and lips moving to convey an unspoken message, he’d have wagered that the very stars aligned the night he met you. He’d have bet there wasn’t a force anywhere in this galaxy stronger than his connection to you… and you can bet that if only an ounce of his courage remains intact when he returns home from that wretched fortress, the first place you’ll find him is in your doorway, perched on one knee with a ring in his hand and a plea in his eyes. You can bet that, if Lady Luck’s cold shoulder ever robbed you of each other, his love for you, and only you, would be a promise more steadfast and unwavering than time itself.
taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hello! I’m not sure your character limit so I am so sorry if this goes over it you can always get rid of a few!
Can you do a Redson,Mk,Mei,Swk,and Macaque x a Chubby S/O (they/them)? Like head canons!
If not that completely fine! It’s not really a very specific request but I would like it if it was fluff and just headcanons of them having a chubby S/O and if they would mind
That’s basically it! Sorry for the weird request! Take care of yourself! Have a nice week!
Not weird at all! And no worries, it's not past my character limit. It just reminded me that I should probably put one on my intro post lol! Enjoy the hc's!
Redson, MK, Mei, SWK, and Macaque x Chubby!GN!Reader HEADCANONS(romantic)
Redson - honestly prioritizes personality over anything else. He’s a demon, they literally come in every shape and size! He thinks you’re perfect, and you’ll have to try and hold him back if someone tries to make fun of you. ALSO, would definitely get fancy clothes in your favorite styles and colors TAILORED so they fit you perfectly!! Bc it’s what you deserve!!
Mei - uses you as a pillow a lot. You’re so nice and warm and soft, how could she not?? If you’re ever having a day where you’re not feeling super confident, she will HYPE YOU UP. Your biggest cheerleader 1000%! Since she’s canonically a streamer I could totally see her gushing about how gorgeous you are to her chat, and then when they see you for the first time, they lose their minds because she was so right
MK - he doesn’t care how your body looks, he thinks you’re the most good-looking being to grace this earth! Because of his powers he can definitely lift you up at any given moment, so be prepared for that! Probably really loves cuddling up with you when you sleep over with him. Also draws you a lot cause he thinks you’re that good-looking!
SWK - he’s chill with whatever to be honest, if you had three heads he’d probably kiss each one so some curves don’t make a difference to him! He probably brags about you to the other monkeys or even to MK. “Look at them! Heaven better look out, cause one of their angels is missing!” Hypes you up a lot, but again, he’ll chill out if you want him to. Also, bc he’s crazy strong, he will also lift you up from time to time, mostly so he can bridal carry you. Whether it’s fun or an inconvenience is really a matter of opinion!
Macaque - he doesn’t care what you look like, he’s just happy to have you in his life! He’s flirty by default though so prepare to be flustered…he knows exactly how to make you blush, especially when it comes to complimenting your appearance. He won’t necessarily show you off, but by the gods you can see how proud he is to be with you and how you both look amazing together. His shadow clones love ganging up on you and flirting with you to the point where he’ll have to step in lmao.
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rhetoricandlogic · 10 months
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Noumenon Ultra – Every Ending Is A New Beginning
And so here we are, at the end and the beginning of a journey started a few years ago with Noumenon. Now, I had reviewed a few books prior to reading that delightful novel, but Noumenon may have been the book that really sold me on continuing to read and review new books. It is a special book in my heart, and my affection for the series only grew with Noumenon Infinity. Marina J. Lostetter seemed to have a special touch for writing humanity into the big question of “why are we here?” While she never provides an answer, her ability to explore the question through vignettes over centuries and millennia is astounding. If you’re wondering, does the third book encapsulate the things I mentioned in my previous adulations of Lostetter’s work? Of course it does, and it does so much more, making me reflect on why they feel even more important in the world of today. Noumenon Ultra is a near perfect capstone to the trilogy, offering deeper and more personal ruminations on our place in the universe with the perfect blend of scientific anomalies and personal struggles with them.
Ultra starts where Infinity leaves off, which, as readers of the series know, means absolutely nothing. I don’t want to get into too much detail, as it would inevitably spoil the other books, but needless to say humanity in all its forms are spread across the stars in search of ancient super structures and unlocking their secrets. After the considered “success” of the original Noumenon mission, there are still questions about the nature of the machines that are being found, constructed and activated by human hands. Characters from previous novels make their return along with new ones, with ever more distinct lives and even more questions.
First off, I absolutely adored this book. Second, there is one thing readers might be turned off by, but if you’ve liked the books to this point, it will be a non-issue. This is a slow burn meditation on what it means to be sentient without purpose in the universe. Lostetter’s prose sometimes feels like it meanders, following the thought patterns of the character as they tell their story. It’s easy to get lost in, and it might be off putting to those who are looking for something a little more concise. But again, I think this is true of all her work and fits nicely with the themes she explores. It also never gets overly bogged down; the story is broken into nicely sized vignettes that can be read on their own or in succession. So now those are out of the way, I feel I can gush a little more.
One of the things I praised previously about Lostetter was her ability to write characters and imbue them with significance even though they usually only exist for a chapter. I feel she has only gotten better at this, as each character still feels distinct, with their own issues, but they all feel even more tied together. There is a prevailing sense of loneliness in each character that once you see it, it’s impossible not to notice. Every one of them has their unique problem from the child who physically ages exponentially slower than they do mentally, to the clone of a long dead man who lives life back and forth over and over again never dying, while losing his memories of previous lives. This loneliness, while all-encompassing, never felt insurmountable. This is where Lostetter succeeds in her storytelling. While the big things in the background are shifting into place, these unknown scientific marvels being pieced back together for unknown purposes, these people are living their absurd lives, finding out who they are, and coping together.
What continues to perplex me about Lostetter is while she can do the smaller stories, she is also a master of mind bending scale. The size and scope of the artifacts she writes about is nearly unfathomable. The effort that the characters put into understanding and reconstructing these ancient behemoths is ludicrous. Smartly, she doesn’t spend too much time on the details of the construction process, instead focusing on their import to the character’s lives. Lostetter also takes the chance to explore design philosophy and scientific concepts with these artifact sections, providing insights to our world while presenting problems to her characters. There might be some dissonance with some of the examples, however, as they seem a little too on the nose, but it didn’t bother me too much. There is a reasonable in-universe explanation for the seemingly anachronistic analogies. Either way, Lostetter made me think about these concepts in new ways in and outside the book.
On its own, Noumenon Ultra stands tall, but it does require the shoulders of its predecessors. If you haven’t picked up Noumenon and you’re looking for a fresh and exciting dive into time- and universe-spanning science fiction, I highly recommend this series. Noumenon Ultra serves as a fantastic finish, pushing the boundaries of the previous novels, while adding new insight without overshadowing them. Lostetter shows a lot of growth book to book, digging deeper and finding more empathetic and meaningful ways to engage with science than previously explored. Lostetter feels more determined than ever to explore the connections between humanity and science, exploring the benefits as well as the consequences. There is so much more I could say about this series, especially Ultra. However, if there is one word that sums up this series, it’s human. Lostetter wonderfully captures the human experience in all its absurdities, trivialities, and grandiosity, never forgetting the importance of an individual’s ability to affect the universe at large.
0 notes
visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“i hate your old friends”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: language, kissing, misogyny 
word count: 2500+
a/n: just something i was thinking of this morning, it’s probably very tapped but we move
summary: in which bakugo gets a visit from some old friends, making remarks about you and the other girls, a much more angrier bakugo realises that his past friends never grew up in the past months and he as sure as hell wasn’t letting some idiots talk about his girl in that way
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The late afternoon had brought an unknown chill to the class, you all had decided to go into town after a long training day against each other. Bakugo’s arm was around your shoulder, holding onto your much smaller frame. Your head leaned against his side which fit perfectly into him, talking to Kirishima who was complaining about how injured he felt after being knocked into a wall by you.
“That’s why my girl is so much better than you, shitty hair.” Bakugo mocked laughing with his head tilted backwards. The walk was short enough, the class converging into little groups themselves.
“Your girlfriend is an exact copy of you fighting wise.” Sero remarked remembering how you truly were a sweetheart but when fighting you became a Bakugo clone with anger and shitty talk to back you up with your ferocious quirk.
You turned to the boy pouting, “you don’t need to be so mean.”
Sero laughed along with the other boys a scowl on Bakugo’s face at the implications, “hey, you should be glad you’re a copy of me.”
Giving a disgusted face he rolls his eyes grabbing you closer towards him. His body always felt so warm, soft even but the look of disgust at being dragged along was evident in his scarlet eyes. “We’ll meet back in an hour.” Momo said as everybody began going their own way.
Bakugo and you were the only ones left, he had let go of your shoulder, putting his hand out for you to take. “Where do you want to go shitty woman?” He muttered knowing for the next hour he would just be dragged around.
“I want to buy some new shirts and I need to get some manga’s that have come out…” You began to think what else you needed to get, “oh yeah, I need to get some jewellery as well, we can get you some rings, they’ll look good on you.” You had said the last part touching his fingers with your other hand.
“Whatever.” He grunted dragging you into some stores, helping you pick out new tops and other jewellery, it was all a lot calmer with the boy. He tried to make you buy an ugly red and yellow shirt, but you refused at how gross it looked.
“Suki it literally looks like someone puked up on it.” He had put it across his chest as you were carrying some bags.
“And I’m the one who gets shouted out for being mean.” He grabs the bags in your hands having chucked the ugly shirt to the side and re-grabbed your hand.
“Hey.” You punch his arm as he shakes his head. “There’s rings over there.”
Dragging him along, he follows a lot more unwillingly, you look through the silver rings, and necklaces. “This would look nice on you.” He holds up a ring with a red diamond inside, it was all cheap jewellery, but it did look nice.
“Yeah, I might buy it.” You said attempting to grab it.
He stops you as you tilt your head in confusion, “I’ll get it for you.”
He interrupts you, “I want too, it might not be that much but one day I’ll buy you a real diamond.”
You smile at the boy, a grin even at the boy who  hadn’t looked back at you, continuing to skim through the rings. But all you could look at was him, how his eyes were fixated on the rings, they were all pretty but on his veiny calloused fingers they’d be immaculate.
“I want these.” He takes out the rings, the silver that would fit nicely across his fingers, he just wanted your approval and your nod indicated that you liked them as well. “Come on, baby.” He takes your hand, grabbing you closer to his body as you stand in line.
You leant your head against his broad chest, his arms around your waist as you held the items. Maybe you had gone overboard with buying clothes, but the look of love Bakugo had when you had worn each item made you want them all. He grabbed the bags from the floor as you went to the counter putting them across. Taking some cash he passed it and took the bags for that as well, he definitely looked like a man being dragged by his girlfriend. Your empty hands as he held the bags and your hand looked like a scene, but he didn’t care if he looked like some sort of simp because it was all for you.
“We only have about 10 minutes lef…” You were interrupted by the sound of two boys, you didn’t recognise and by the look on Bakugo’s face neither did he.
“Bakugo.” They both shouted, both turning around to be met with two boys, one with grey black hair that went up to his shoulders and another with much shorter hair.
Bakugo looked confused as ever and he hated how his time with his girlfriend was being interrupted. “Bakugo it’s us.” The one with much shorter hair said.
Bakugo remained ever more confused, “who are you again?”
The look of confusion between the three boys was evident at how Bakugo had clearly forgotten who they were , “we went to middle school together.” The other boy said.
“Oh yeah, extra #1 and extra #2.” You tried to hide the small laugh at how Bakugo really remembered them as that and even then, probably only remembered having two friends and not who they actually were.
Before you could ask their actual names, you heard the shout of Mina running up to you with a lot of bags. “Mina don’t you think you went a bit overboard.”
“Really me, isn’t your boyfriend the one carrying your 10 bags, some of us aren’t lucky enough to have a man.” She fake wiped a tear before showing you the shirts she had, one catching your eyes, the ugly red and yellow shirt. Maybe it would work on her, maybe.
Momo and Jirio were the next to reach the two of you, “who are they?” Momo questioned pointing at the two boys who were trying to converse with an unamused Bakugo.
“Some extras I used to know in middle school.” Bakugo muttered back.
Momo turned to you and you shrugged looking at what she had gotten, in what seemed like less than a second, the whole class seemed to have come back, and you could see Midoriya eyeing up the two boys. You stood along with the girls unable to show your items at how Bakugo’s grip remained tight on the bags. Midoriya began walking over and you watched the scene take place.
“Kacchan, oh hey guys.” Midoriya, always the sweeties walked with a smile on his face, he’d grown a lot since his crying days and even then, through the tears there was always something strong to him.
“Woah Bakugo, you actually hang out with this loser.” At the sound of the one word you all looked wide eyed. Iida was about to say something but Bakugo spoke up instead.
He looked at you and you nodded, “I was with my girlfriend before you shitty extra’s interrupted us.”
“Woah, which one’s your girlfriend.” They both scoured the group of girls, eyeing each of you up and down like a piece of meat. They reminded you too much of the little grape head who had been trying to sneak into the bags to see if you had bought any lingerie.
“It’s got to be the one with the biggest boobs.” All your eyes flickered red; anger filled through the girls as you wanted to kill them in a flash.
Bakugo seemed pissed, not only had they looked at you with their disgusting eyes, but they were making remarks about his girlfriend's chest size. “We should all get going.”
Midoriya tried to calm down the situation, seeing the fury between the girls, specifically in your eyes but also the anger that looked to boil along Bakugo’s face. “No, why don’t we invite our old friends to UA, show them how an actual pro hero is made.”
You knew what Bakugo was doing, he was pissed. He knew he was better than them, he knew he had it all, the flashy quirk, the looks and even the girl but here he was in front of two random guys and he felt like they didn’t understand how much better he actually was.
“Katsuki, why not leave it fo…” You began to speak but he interrupted you once again.
“We’ve got time and the rest of the day off Y/n, we can show them the dorms, have a little chat.” You knew what the little chat indicated, him beating them to a pulp if it was necessary.
They looked between you and Bakugo and you were worried, it was easy enough to get them through if they came in with other students but the idea that Bakugo might hurt them worried you. You didn’t say anything and Bakugo started walking ahead, the two boys following behind him. It felt like a glimpse into the past, they were never his friends, you could tell, more an entourage who encouraged the behaviour.
Walking over to Midoriya you began asking him questions, “what were they like back in middle school?”
Midoriya hesitated scratching the back of his head, “umm…well I guess…mean really, don’t get me wrong Kacchan is a lot better now mainly because of you but back then he was a bully and those two would follow him around just as they’re doing now.”
Bakugo had noticed you talking to Midoriya, but so fuelled with anger he began to think you’d see his old side, even if little had changed, he’d become better around you, nicer to you. But the two extras following behind him, it pissed him off. “Wow Bakugo, the girls are really hot, you can’t just be sticking to one when you have such a wide range.”
Momo felt disgusted being talked about in this manner and Ururaka tried to bring comfort but being talked about as if you were a flavouring of ice cream was pretty unsettling. “You’ve got to admit it, the one whose around Midoriya is the hottest, why would she be around a loser like him though?”
Bakugo’s knuckles became whiter at the sound of them talking about you, his brows furrowed together and the bags in his hand would snap if he held them anymore. “Katsuki.” You whispered walking quicker to reach him up ahead, the two boys had noticed this action watching at how you stood beside him, even saying his first name. “Are you okay? We don’t have to do this; we can just leave them.”
The entrance of the dorms were near but even then, you could always tell them to fuck off, but Bakugo stayed adamant. Overhearing more of their conversation as your face fell white, “even if Bakugo could get her, she looks like a slut, she’s probably slept with the whole class.”
It was the final straw for the boy, just outside the walls, Bakugo dropped your bags. Giving a small look of apology before grabbing the two boys collars with both his hands and pushing them into the concrete. “If you ever speak about my fucking girlfriend like that ever again, I will kill you.” He lifted the two up before hitting them back onto the concrete.
“Katsuki, leave them.” You tried to calm him down, but he looked even more pissed. Those words they had spoken, you a slut, his girl, his gorgeous girlfriend was worth so much more than they are ever. “They don’t mean anything.”
You grabbed his hands, rubbing circles around his fingers as Kirishima helped the two boys and with Denki sent them off to leave. They seemed scared, pissed even but the look of horror at the class who seemed to acknowledge Bakugo’s strength spoke out more. They had realised Bakugo had grown a lot in these months, that to you he would never act the way he had acted prior.
Kirishima was the one to speak up first as everybody had started walking towards the dorms, you grabbed some bags and Bakugo took the others. He didn’t meet your eye but listened to the red head, “those friends of yours are real dickheads.”
You nodded in agreement, walking through the doors to feel the warmth surround you. “I hate your old friends.”
It was an acknowledgement that Bakugo was glad he felt as well, “they were never my friends, just stupid extras, you’re my friend.” Bakugo admitted to Kirishima who gave a toothy smile.
“Of course I am, we all are.” He smiled before excusing himself seeing how Bakugo needed some sort of comfort.
“Let’s go up to my room.” You put your hand out, it was a hand that had brought so much love and warmth in the months you had been dating. He grabbed it bringing it to his lips, kissing each and every knuckle individually.
Walking to the room in silence, you finally dropped the bags, the boy collapsing onto your bed in a heavy sign. “Kirishima’s right, they are dickheads and you’re worth so much more than them.” You spoke comforting him; he opened his arms out allowing you to rest on his chest, his arms around you.
“I shouldn’t have let them say all that shitty stuff, I didn’t care what they said about the girls or even the brat Deku, but they spoke about you as if you were replaceable as if you were some sort of whore and I just couldn’t stand for that. 
It was a confession, something that made the blond vulnerable in your arms, but the soothing pleasure he felt having you in his arms would relieve all the pent-up anger. “They don’t deserve to even have known you baby, you have all of us and I’m never leaving you for anybody. You’re stuck with me.”
He smiled, not a smirk or coy look, a genuine smile at the girl he loved, “i guess, if I have to have you forever.” Giving a small chuckle at the boy, you looked up to his face, lifting yourself up to encase his body between your arms and moving your face to face his own.
“Was this all a ploy to get me into bed?” He gleamed as he lifted his head up to make your lips touch.
The kiss was faster with pace and lust, he still needed to discharge all the anger and what better way than through you. His perfect little girl who’d do anything for him, who loved him and made him, the man who had been incapable of caring for another person, love. He held your arms before flipping you onto your back, his own mouth still attached to you. But now his body trapped yours underneath, as much as he hated having you on top, seeing how perfect you looked on top had become an ingrained image now in his head.
Tongue against tongue, mouth against mouth, hands in hair and others on your bodies. It was love in the purest form, no words only actions and it was the only way for Bakugo to prove that you were his and nobody would ever treat you like that ever again. Oh so help anybody who ever dared to see you as anything other than his strong independent girl.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
if you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just reply to any post and i’ll add you xx
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Hello! I just wanted to say I love your writing especially your clone headcanons and such! I was wondering if you'd be open to writing what the clones and bad batch would think if they had a chubby/thick S/O ? Idk if you're accepting asks rn but if not I completely understand! I've just read all your other ones and was wondering what you'd come up with for them in such a scenario :3
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I'm combining these 2 requests because they're pretty similar, hope that's okay! And thank you both for being such lovely supporters of my clone writing, it really means the world to me 💗
Fox, Fives, and Hunter are high-key attracted to their partner's size. They're so soft and luscious and give such wonderful hugs ugh, these boys' hearts just may give out if they think about it too much. They love every curve on their S/O and can't fathom how the larger culture could ever criticize this body type as less-than-ideal. They'll be loud and devoted defenders of their S/O's beauty.
Rex, Wolffe, and Echo are low-key attracted to their partner's size. They may not have known this about themselves before they got together with their S/O, but now it's obvious what gets them going. Whether it's specific body parts like thighs, chest, rear... or if it's the whole package... they like them some thicc-ness. They won't vocalize it much, but when they do, it's clear their praises are genuine.
Realistically, Jesse and Dogma would've had a bit of a learning curve if they fell for someone of a larger stature. I don't think they were completely shallow before, but it wasn't ever something they thought about. Since being with a larger S/O, though, they've realized that looks are subjective and they were wrong to not consider that before. They love their S/O and wouldn't dream of pushing them away just because they don't fit some arbitrary beauty standard.
Hardcase, Crosshair, and Tech are into all shapes and sizes, so appearance wouldn't really factor into whether they get together with someone or not. Once they like a person, they'll see every part of them as beautiful, and won't be attracted to anything else. It will bother them if their S/O is not confident with their body type, they will immediately counter any little negative comment with a dozen reassurances to the contrary.
Kix, Tup, and Cody will only really be concerned about their partner's health. They know that things like weight and curves aren't always an indication of someone's inner health, so once they know there is nothing to worry about on that front, then they will wholeheartedly accept their S/O just the way they are. If their S/O did want to change some things, though, they would help without judgement.
Wrecker is a big guy himself, so not only is he 100% accepting of a plus-sized partner, but he's also incredibly empathetic. While some of the other clones might take size for granted and not realize how life can be different in some ways if you're larger, Wrecker does not. He gets it. But he's never let unfair stereotypes stop him from enjoying life, so he'll ensure his S/O isn't held down, either. They will be one heck of a power couple.
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sepublic · 3 years
Kikimora the Dragon Palisman?
          Consideration- Dragon Kikimora was Belos’ Palisman, back when he was a giant monster around the size of King’s father.
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          Looking at what is likely Kikimora in a draconic form, it seems about the size of the Bat Queen, if not a bit bigger- Fitting given how Belos seems a bit taller than King’s father… I’ve considered the idea of the Bat Queen being Belos’ Palisman, but her bat wings feed into a nocturnal motif that might be more fitting King’s Father, who is aligned more with the protagonists like King, but also Luz with her Starlight motifs, and especially Eda who is an Owl, a nocturnal creature of the night!
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          Kikimora being the Palisman that Belos casted spells with would be interesting- Given how King claims that ‘he’ was struck down by a magic spell at the beginning of Echoes of the Past, perhaps Belos cast a powerful spell through Kikimora that allowed him to strike down King’s father! There is that theory that I put forth about how Kikimora is the Mystery Hand related to ‘King’s downfall, and we see that same hand briefly return in Echoes of the Past, so the animators obviously didn’t forget about nor change it…
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          Not to mention, the giant monster that is obviously Belos is depicted as breathing fire, which is what dragons are known to do- So a Dragon palisman would be fitting, especially since Belos’ castle has a giant fire burning on top of it…
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          In fact, this giant metal chimney/stake we see, sticking out the top of the castle? Perhaps THIS is Belos’ original staff, for which dragon Kikimora would’ve been situated at the top as his Palisman! But when King’s Father presumably wounded and weakened him (we don’t know how long King was in that egg, and/or Belos can only use this form every once in a while), Belos shrank, like that theory of demons becoming smaller after being hurt.
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          As a Palisman, Kikimora would have her own source of magic, hence her ability to cast spell circles- And Belos, he can’t wield her as a Palisman anymore, because he literally can’t hold the staff she goes with. Perhaps as a dark parallel to Eda and Owlbert, Belos encouraged his palisman Kikimora to individuate, to become her own person so she could function as an ally and minion of his, rather than a soulless tool he can’t even use properly.
          Kikimora’s smaller form, the one we’re familiar with- That’s a voluntary transformation, and/or the result of the ‘weakened demons turning small’ theory. Which, that theory could apply to the Bat Queen to make her original form –and by extension her owner- even BIGGER than we believed… But regardless;
          As a trusted Palisman who’s been wielded by Belos since the beginning, Kikimora has since acted as a loyal servant and speaker on his behalf. She might actually be the narrative counterpart on the Emperor’s side to Owlbert, rather than Hooty or King; Interesting… And, Kikimora having been Belos’ Palisman would add a whole new meaning to her likely role in Hunting Palismen, wouldn’t it?
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          She’s a Palisman who betrayed the rest, and likely helped Belos in harvesting her kind, as well as the wooden material used to create them. That’d make Kikimora kind of a traitor in a sense, a Palisman hunting other Palismen; And it’d put her in an interesting dynamic between the Bat Queen, who’s probably going to appear in Hunting Palismen as well. They were both the Palismen of their respective, gigantic owners who fought and wounded one another…
          So who knows? Seeing Kikimora and/or her true form might help to jog up the Bat Queen’s memories, especially if Kiki brings up their mutual past after all! I don’t think we’ve ever seen the actual soles of her feet, so we don’t know if there’s an interlock or not… We’ve seen the soles of that illusion made by Gus, but Gus doesn’t know a whole lot about Kikimora, does he?
          Of course it’s possible that Kikimora’s interlock is only present in her true dragon form… Would her tiny form be more an illusion she cast on herself? That’d make the gag of Gus impersonating Kikimora with an illusion a bit of clever foreshadowing, because an illusion depicting a tiny, hair-headed gremlin really IS what the Covenscouts have been used to obeying!
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          We know that Illusions can physically alter things for real- They made Willow’s plants stronger, they allowed Emira to grow longer legs, and they caused one kid to make her face disappear on accident! Coupled with Gus’ Illusion clones being able to physically interact with objects, it makes you think…
          Then again, Kikimora WAS threatened by Luz’s fire glyph at the end of YBOS, so she’s probably been physically weakened since her last usage as a Palisman. Or maybe the Illusion forced her into a weaker form- Unlike King, Kikimora WAS a victim of a spell that shrank her, though whether or not this is some form of control by Belos, or the result of perhaps a spell cast by King’s father through the Bat Queen herself, who knows?
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
Oooo tell us more about Pup!
Ooooo thanks for asking. I have a lot on him so this is a pretty long post. I hope you enjoy it though, he’s one of my fave OC clones.
When he was a cadet, he was very talkative. He loved interacting with everyone he could. In fact he was nicknamed Natter. But the Trainers and Kaminoans felt his personality wasn’t suited to being a soldier.
The Kaminoans reconditioned him (though something went wrong during the process and screwed up some of his memories as well as being far more of a change than they’d planned) and ever since he’s been shy and quiet, he’ll hunch his shoulders and make himself small and keep to the shadows and out of the way. He can get anxious in a loud room with too many people or when he’s singled out for being different.
He kept his bookish want to learn everything personality, but went from being talkative and wanting to tell people to being isolated and keeping it to himself.
He’s still a very skilled shot and fighter and passed all his tests, but he was very isolated and would far rather sit and read than spend time hanging out with his vode. It was a complete 180 and not much more desirable than Natter had been. Of course he didn’t remember being Natter, and he was placed with a different squad. He had a lot of issues on Kamino, never fitting in. He was always a little lonely and never felt like he fit in.
Not only is he shy, but he’s also 2 inches shorter than the rest of the clones. They don’t know why, but he’s closer to Fett’s height than a normal clone’s. Fix will later theorise it had something to do with the decommissioning gone wrong, the mix of chemicals and the issues they had with it, but at the end of the day it was a miracle that he managed to get through Kamino without being decommissioned.
All of these things are reasons he was sent off to the Guard, but it was better than being decommissioned, which would have been the other option, Jedi intervention or not. (You think the Kaminoans really stopped after the Jedi showed up).
When he first showed up he was assigned to be a Senatorial Guard, but within a week he was reassigned to the ARF unit.
He’d been on shift and he’d been singled out for being small, including jokes by the Senator talking about sending him back to Kamino because clearly he wasn’t done growing yet, and as soon as he’d been able to get off shift he’d found a supply cupboard and shut himself in and curled up behind the items in there to cry.
Hound had been walking past with Grizzer and Grizzer had stopped by the door and started pawing at it. Hound of course investigated and met a shiny having a panic attack. He helped him through it and sat with him and made sure he was ok and knew he was safe and that his brothers wouldn’t let him be sent away for his defects.
Grizzer curled up on his lap and he kept himself calm by scratching behind his ear. Hound asked if he’d be more comfortable with the mastiffs and being a part of the ARF and that was that.
His siblings had never put him in harms way before, and a few even tried to cover for him, but he’d never fit in and they’d never gone out of their way to help before. So he latched onto Hound.
Within a month most of the Vode had nicknamed him Hounds little shadow. He’s always a few steps behind him.
Hound trusts him with everything, including his plans to help his vode. Pup is the last person anyone would expect to be a part of anything like that. The library card and access to reading resources was for him more than anyone else.
Whenever Pup finds something that catches his interests, he’ll learn everything he can about it. That’s nothing new, but since his reconditioning he’d keep it all to himself. He didn’t even remember Natter, but he knew the holes in his personality and shaking hand and problems he had came from having been too talkative. Hound is always willing to listen no matter how random it may be and proves himself that it’s safe for Pup to talk. That nothing will happen to him if he does.
It’s actually helped Hound with cases or saved his life more than once. He never thought he’d need to know the difference between yellow tipped giant butterflies and yellow point hawk moths but it saved Hound and a dozen civilians. He gave Pup the biggest hug and a bag of chocolates in thanks.
Pup loves the Mastiffs. The first time Hound ever saw him smile properly was with them, and for too long it was the only time they’d see him laugh or talk. That he’d talk to the mastiffs about everything, conversations his vode were horribly upset to realise he’d never have with them. Hound had noticed, but the others also brought it to his attention. They worried about him, but Hound assured them he’d open up in time if he wanted, and that if they proved they’d listen, he’d start to talk. There were more important things than conversations anyway, and making sure every member of the CG feels safe and comfortable at the very least with each other is a large part of that.
Pup got his name, as previously stated here, after a group of rowdy drunk GAR soldiers made a scene on shore leave. Hound and Pup were on patrol and stepped in. The other clones started mocking them for being paper pushers and spending all their time playing with the doggies and one of them recognised Hound.
They all started making jokes about Hound and his new little pup, mocking his size and the way they stood with Hound slightly between him and them in case they proved a threat. In the end Hound and Pup arrested all five of them, (two taken down by Hound, 2 by Pup and 1 by Grizzer) and they were all thrown in the drunk tank.
While filling out the paperwork Hound called him vod’ika and he relied with Pup.
Hound just smiled and offered a hug.
Pup went back to that supply room for panic attacks or just to be alone and think more than once after that first time, but was more and more willing to call Hound for help. Eventually Hound cleared it out and added other things so he could go there if he needed seclusion without the chance of someone accidentally walking in looking for the supplies.
The Guard is very isolated from the rest of the GAR, but they try to make sure no one ever feels isolated within it. Finding out that Pup had felt that way upset them, but they understood it and understood that sometimes Pup wanted to take some time for himself.
There’s a difference between isolated and taking some time for yourself.
They’re all fine with Pup being on his own when he wants to be, but they want to make sure he never ever feels isolated or alone. That he always knows his siblings are there for him. He slowly started opening up to them too, and he still keeps to himself, but he’s not lonely anymore. He has people to go to and talk to if he wants to now.
It wasn’t long after he got his name that he started to help vode after nightmares. He couldn’t sleep and had been reading when one of his vode had woken with a cry. He’d remembered what Hound always did to Gelo people, and did the same. He’s not sure when it stopped being him going to help and started being their coming to him, but he doesn’t complain. He didn’t want to.
He loves helping them because it’s right and because they accept him and love him. He’s never lonely anymore.
Pup, as I said, is 2 inches shorter than normal clones. His eyes are the typical amber and he kept his hair regulation cut at first, but started to grow it out so it could be longer and curly once he settled into the Guard. He’s wanted to dye it more than once but can never decide on a good colour and as far as the rest of the vode know (except Inky) he has no tattoos. Inky did one on his inner ankle of a mastiff pup. He has a lot of scars, many from trainers on Kamino for growing slowly or hesitating of anything he did wrong. He has scars he doesn’t remember earning he thinks Natter earned. He also has a few from the Guard including missing a chunk of his ear and a scar on his lip. He also has some scary ones on his neck he refuses to tell anyone about. He’s missing two fingers on his right hand, the pinky and ring, but he found a way to pad the glove in his armour so as long as he’s wearing gloves no one ever knows. His medical file states he lost them in a training accident, that’s all he’d tell Fix anyway. (Fix knows he came from a Senators office and not the training yard, but he doesn’t push. Pup isn’t the first to lie about an injury dealt by a Senator who hates the clones, he won’t be the last.)
His favourite colour is the CG red, he painted little paw prints on his armour along with the typical cog and gear designs and his helmet has similar grey and red markings to Hounds but the red and grey are in opposite places. In an act of defiance he painted the two missing fingers on his gloves red too, the rest of the gloves are black.
So anyway, that’s Pup. He’s one of my fave OCs and deserves love. :-).
Thanks for asking. I love talking about this AU and my characters within it.
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Season 2 Ezra with a S/O who is super forgetful? (I’m an Ezra simp so get ready for many asks)
Relics - Ezra Bridger x reader
Requested: yes!
Warnings: preprare for some strong feels if you catch the reference! It came to me in a dream and now you all have to deal with it. You're welcome.
A/N: It's no problem at all, please, fill my asks with as many ideas you want! Sorry this took so long as well, i wanted it to turn out really good but my teachers had other ideas. Hope you like it?
Pronouns of reader: she/her
*ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! I make mistakes just like everybody else 😉*
-"And you did all of that just for one meiloorun?" - You look back at Ezra, guiding him through the packed streets of the open market in a strange planet Hera had landed to refuel, and he gave you a smile. Your question was very serious, though: there was no way that was really the origin story of the 'Commander meiloorun' inside joke he and Zeb shared.
-"Funny enough, that's exactly what that trooper asked" - you snort at his reply and stop at the front of a busy stand of off-world fruits, grocery list in hand and bag of credits at your side.
-"welp, hopefully this time we can find some that are actually avaliable for buying"
Their selection was truly impressive. Not just the stand, but the market as a whole: jewelry, souvenirs, toys, books and foods all found themselves mixed and admired by people who had to yell louder than their neighbour to sell something today.
Ezra continued with his story, examining the apples as you'd instructed him, but you only paid half-attention this time: something had caught your eye, and you couldn't believe how lucky you were that no one had found it sooner.
A genuine DC-17 hand blaster was sitting beautifully two stalls to the right of you. For the looks of it, it was genuine, at least. The sign also advertised it as such, so it was truly a wonder no one with the minimum of firearms knowledge had grabbed it before.
Ezra said something that vaguely sounded like a question beside you, and you nodded, absent-minded. He then handed his shopping bag to you - probably to be able to bend over the table and get a few kiwis from the back - but you didn't turn to him.
-"I'm going over there, take a look at something real quick" - you announced, but didn't wait for an answer before navigating the sea of people to meet the woman selling the blaster.
Firearms weren't reallly the only thing she was selling, you noticed. There were holo-shields, vibro-blades, shoulder paudrons, darts and- was that a kama?
-"It's a nice arsenal you've got here" - you strap Ezra's bag to your shoulder and carefully take the folded fabric to analyze its flexible leather. It was lacking a utility belt to secure it, but seemed to be in very good conditions for something that old; you notice how the style didn't match with any of the ones you'd seen mandalorians wear, much less one of the native fighters from Rotas V. Which means it must have been worn by a clone trooper of the old republic back in the Clone War.
-"It's a keen eye you've got" - the lady retorts, setting down her datapad -"but that's not a skirt, you know that, right?"
She looks amused, almost like she's testing to see if you know the real value of the things offered here. You've got to hand it to her, everything seemed legit; wich only makes you question even more how did she get those things in the first place. She stares at you for a few seconds and briefly reaches for something from below the small counter, placing it on top of a pile of restraining bolts.
It's a dark grey and blue kama, the same size as the one you're holding, though it seems like it has seen better days. The pattern's more detailed in this one: diagonal lines that meet in the middle, forming an arrow-like shape framed by a black seam. The colour reminded you of a worn-out shade of blue similar to the one Captain Rex uses to paint the last pieces of his armour - and you wonder if it's just a sad coincidence or probably the last remainings of a fellow soldier from the 501st.
-"Straight from Coruscant, my great-uncle got a hold of it few days before the Empire became... well, the Empire" - her tone was something you'd been told to avoid using in public when speaking of the Empire. Perhaps it was that courage that had gotten your full attention in the end. Was she with the rebellion in some way as well?
-"Hasn't been worn ever since it was stripped from a dead clone's body" - she continues, checking you up and down - "and maybe it's a bit more your style".
-"Looks decent enough" - you comment and she nods her head in aknowldedgement - "but it does raise the question: how and why are you selling these things... here?"
-"Well, for starters, it's harder to get caught out here. Some of these aren’t exactly... legitimate purchases, as one would say.” - you raise an eyebrow and she chuckles - “this is a legitimate business, I swear. It’s just that my family’s been having difficulties and we're having to sell some relics.”
You can see she's telling the truth as she takes back the kama you'd first grabbed to the side, folding it again. You reach for a different credit pouch out of your pocket: your personal credits.
-"I see. Well, I do need a new blaster, and this one looks like the best i've ever seen in months. Despite the clogged barrel, of course."
-"shall we start negociating a price, then?" - she takes the datapad back and types a few numbers. Before you can say anything, however, you turn back to see Ezra rushing towards you looking desperate.
-"Oh, thank the Force, there you are!" - he brushes the long hair out of his forehead, not sparing a glance to the lady behind the counter -"you just walked off! I didn't know where you were!
Faced with a confused expression from the both of you, he scowls
-"I was at the bathroom! You didn't hear me telling you to wait for me?"
You look at him, suddenly tuning back to reality. All of those relics seemed to have filled you with a melancholic sadness you didn't know, but you managed to snap out of it the moment Ezra came back.
-"Can't believe you forgot me just because of this old junk" - he grumbles, a bit offended. You take his hand into your own.
-"I didn't forget you, Ezra, I swear. I was just distracted for a moment, that's all" - you reassure him, placing some credits on the tray where the lady collected them.
-“I'll be taking this, please” - you take the purse back off of your shoulders and hand it back to Ezra - “you can start taking this back to the ship. I think the list is over, I'll just be taking this and go."
-"wait, Hera didn't tell you to buy this, did she?"
-"It's a personal purchase, with my personal credits. I think I'm allowed that much, right?" - you give him the money bag again, and he shoves in his jacket.
-"Well, can you at least get me something as compensation for forgetting all about me back there?" - you scoff and let go of his hand to slap him on the shoulder
-"Just go along Bridger. I'll be there in a minute"
You turn back to the vendor, who's placing the pistol in a bag with the holster that came along in a slightly larger bag ithan necessary. You also notice the shape of the folded kama peaking though it.
-"Wait, wait! I didn't buy that, I don't have enough credits for that!"
-"Just... consider it a gift" - she smiles and winks - "this specific piece here doesn't really fit anyone's style, anyway. It's better off with you, trust me."
Before you can mutter any type of 'thanks', Ezra calls for you again, making sure you didn't forget your own head back there. You run off to him without looking back, ready to smack him Zeb-style before taking his hand again, reminding him gently he'd never have to worry about being abandoned by you.
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uponrightful · 3 years
You brought this on yourself 🤣 I love how you give Crosshairs point of view so often, but I gotta admit, I was wondering what Dutch was thinking here…it’s all about the spicy longing for me… so
Carefully he wrapped his arms around her, and covered her hands with his own; Caging in her upper body to stabilize the little shake of the gun by taking some of the weight off her arms.
“Confident?” He asked with a hint of mockery to hide his weakening resolve.
She settled back against him tighter, and with a resolved breath she answered;
“With you…? Definitely.”
Such a good fucking girl. He sprawled over her hips with his own, and pulled himself tight against her. Steadying his breathing just long enough to make sure she could follow it easily enough.
“Then take your shot.” He ground out heavily against the shell of her ear.
Crosshair watched the shot leave his rifle, and could already tell she’d made a direct hit. It was actually perfect, and he couldn’t help but loose his concentration from the sensation of her body jolting back against him. She’d handled it flawlessly, but he didn’t miss the little whimper that escaped her when the gun rocked back into her shoulder once again. He wanted her to take one more shot, begging for another just one more excuse to feel her underneath him. To Cross’ utter shock, Duchess began laughing happily at the mere sight of finally hitting her target.
Commentary Track for Coriolis Effect
Copy 500 words -or more- of any of my fics and I'll give you my thoughts/rambles on what was going through my head -or the character's- when I wrote it!
* send one in here *
*cracks my knuckles* "Ask and you shall recieve my loveley" I say as I chuckle deviously. In no way does my fianceé send a worried look in my direction as I start typing furiously.
To begin, Dutch chose to lay prone for a reason. It's actually not the best position for herself -fundementally- and she chooses to ignore that because it's how she pictures Crosshair doing it. That mental image of his shooting like this is ingrained in her mind, and Dutch has too much interest in him to try and position herself any differently. His rilfe is longer than standard, weighs at least six pounds more, his trigger is softer, and the scope sits a little too high to see from it clearly at this angle. All of that comes within seconds of holding it, but Duchess ignores all of that against her better judgement. It's a taunt, as much as it is an impulse to put herself in his preverbial shoes. She can literally feel Crosshair watching her, and althought that's a very distracting thought, Dutch is set on impressing him.
Note: This choice -of positioning- was made not just for logistics, but also because it fits her personality. Duchess isn't shy, and she is certainly not inexpereinced. I thought about this being a "standing" scene but Dutch wouldn't let me. 😅 Although she is extremely independent, her character's biggest weakness is a strong desire to impress -or be accepted. This stems not only from her time with Phantom Squad, but also from the lack of times in her life that someone has told her "good job". When she chooses to lay down, she's literally opting out of the security she would have of making an accurate shot, just to take a chance on impressing Crosshair. That's a risk/guess... But Duchess isn't afraid to try anyways.
The whole time she's actually a lot more concerned with making her shots than anything else. Constantly checking her form and doing anything she's learned in the past to prove that her size isn't a limiting factor like Crosshair says it is. Her shoulder hurts, and although it would otherwise be enough to make her stop -she has her own career effectiveness to worry about- Dutch isn't leaving until dominates this gun. It's not until she hears Crosshair's sigh that it clicks in her mind that he's still watching her struggle, but not taken the oppertunity to stop her from continuing.
Note: Weapons mirror their users. And when I created Duchess, I made the serious decision that a lot of her ability to characterize others would come from their armor and weapons. That's just who she is, and what she knows best. So, in this scene... Dutch is literally equating Crosshair's rilfe, as to a part of him. If it's harsh, that means he is as well... If it's a sensitive model, that says something about Cross. If she can't control it easily, that's an indicator of the man who wields it. Really pay attetion to the way I compare Crosshair to his 'Puncher throughout the fic. I do it with extreme purpose, and although it's not always easy to spot, there are many times I allude to their symbiotic nature.
The moment Crosshair is close enough to touch, all of that subtle teasing about his weapon from earlier is gone. Ultimatley, Duchess can have a smart mouth, and know how exactly how to use it. But Cross presents a whole new kind of intimidation that she doesn't know how to handle. For Duchess, power only comes in two ways: Physical Prowess, or Rank -wheather that by government facilitated, or sibling rank due to the Phantoms. She's never experienced the way Crosshair acts twoards her. Duchess knows he respects her -because of he he listens to her seriously- but he also challenges her to do things she'd be otherwise criticized for with a hint of disbelief. (Like mouthing off, or betting that she couldn't shoot his rifle, despite that being against regulation.)
The moment he puts his leg between hers, Dutch is a ball of nervousness. Sex is nothing new to her, but that kind of confidence in particular, is completely foreign. Normally she's the one who initiates things like physical dominance in personal space. Dutch is so caught off guard, and her whole body freezes up, because she's realising that she likes Crosshair doing that. It's a release of power that she's constantly holding up, and that kind of vulnerability is hard to let go of after making such a habit of about being the strong one. After all, since Phantom Squad, she's had to depend on herself alone.
It's when he grabs ahold of her jaw and tells her to relax that she's really down bad. 🥵 She knows it should be nothing but a technical comment on her form, but he's commanding about it . Literally ordering her to let go, and release that tension. That feels fucking amazing to hear and feel, coming from a stoic guy like Crosshair. She knows his rifle is harsh, and occasionally he is as well; But that's becoming all the more desirable the more he directs her. Pushing her down against the floor, guiding her back against him... Doing simple things, but silently demanding she follow his orders. Duchess doesn't have to do anything -or think about anything- other than letting him take the lead, and she's daydreaming about if he's like that in other areas.
Note: Duchess takes a fully submissive role here. She's fully receptive to Crosshair's leadership, and it's because she enjoys being thought of as weak -or little- on occasion. Her background is full of war accolades, and confidential missions she knows to be successful. All of it culminating in this unspoken war register of a badass woman who fights like a clone trooper. But that's not realistic to uphold all of the time. Everyone likes to be taken care of sometimes, and Duchess just happens to really like someone taking control every once and a while. And with Crosshair, she feels safe enough to let that happen, and also enjoy the sexual aspect she's been thinking about all this time as well.
Duchess admits to feeling confident with him here for two reasons. Number one, she's still trying to be a little teasing. It's natural to have a little fight in her all the time, and with Crosshair, she thinks that flusters him. (She's right by the way...) But secondly, it's her desire to show trust. Crosshair might be fit right up against her, whispering sexual innuendos in her ear, but Dutch ultimately feels safe like this . The rifle isn't going to hurt as bad, she's going to hit the target, and Crosshair's weight is emotionally grounding. They might be attempting to do some target practice, but Duchess is literally getting the equivalent of a weighted blanket and reassurance that her true self isn't unworthy of attention. Plus, it's coming from a man who otherwise appears completely disregarding of anything with a noticable flaw... That's something Dutch will never forget. The best sniper in the GAR is helping her... And he's happy to do so, by getting as up-close and personal as a man could get.
His hands cover her own, rough and calloused, but they're unbelievably gentle. Cross is almost hesitant, and Duchess can tell he's actively trying to ease her tension. The way he speaks is soft, and quiet... Making her feel like jelly. Being asked to follow his breathing pattern, his arms tight around her, legs somewhat twisted into hers, his thigh tight against her core... It's all seductive, and essentially surrounding her body with him. And Dutch can't help but eat it up. She wants more. No one has ever done something so simple, but effective in drawing out her desire to think of herself as something worth coddling -in a sense.
Duchess might hit that target in the end... But the only reason she did was because Crosshair had relaxed her enough so he could aim . (She didn't make that shot. Crosshair did all the work, she just pulled the trigger.) It was the first time Duchess felt like she was being tended to fully, and that's that had her acting so lighthearted at the end.
I fucking love writing these. Please don't ever stop sending them in!😅🤍
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lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E13 Reaction
- Ooooh, Tantiss has light on it again for the first time since the beginning of the season 👀 that is hopeful. Omega’s presence is bringing light back to this desolate place
- We haven’t seen male scientists before have we?
- Scrunchy nose and scowly eyebrows. Baby girl is in full blown revenge mode 😎
- I have to point out that every time a tv show has characters be given perfectly fitting outfits in a new environment (especially something like a prison) it cracks me up to no end. There’s no way Omega and Bayrn sized prison jumpsuits were just laying around somewhere.
- Omega has grown SO MUCH 😭 physically, emotionally, rationally. At the start of this season she made that doll to keep herself sane and now she knows that she doesn’t even need to mention that fact to Eva. She is so confident and focused in her mission and in showing up as a leader and example for these kids. I’m so freaking proud of her
- And to juxtapose that with Bora Vio, where Omega was captured by Cad Bane and confronted by Fennec about her fears of becoming an experiment in a test tube—AND where she got herself out and where the boys could pick her up. Chefs kiss
- Echo!! I love their brotherly handshakes
- Hunter and Echo are not playing around sassing Rampart around lol.
- This shuttle looks very similar to the one Crosshair and Omega escaped in at the beginning of the season
- Why does Crosshair’s “yes” sound like someone screwed up on the sound mixing side? It’s so weirdly quiet and whispery
- The little tappy taps on the uniform and “I can’t wear this” “you’ve been demoted” I’m DYING 💀
- The grid layout of these prison cells reminds me of the Box episodes in TCW where Obi-Wan becomes Rako Hardeen
- Scalder is definitely trouble
- Yeah Emerie stand up for yourself and the kids!
- These kids voices 😭
- And Omega’s voice 😏 allll her training is paying off
- They stripped their armor 😭😭😭😭 all of their individuality and expressiveness gone. I do not like this
- Alright, I can see why the hair and beard trim is driving everyone wild, but it’s still not for me 😆. The bitchiness is endlessly entertaining though
- Okay this is now infinitely nerve-wracking
- Hunter putting his hand on Rampart’s shoulder and him immediately wiping it off is so hilarious 🤣. I think there is a modicum of respect that is established here though. Hunter is warning him but also giving him the clone sign of respect with the shoulder grasp. Rampart is still fastidious with his uniform but begrudgingly admits that he’s in on this mission even if it’s because he has no other choice, letting them know that he will handle himself properly.
- It’s interesting that many of the imperials this season have had beards. Last season most of them were blond and clean shaven, and now they’re dark haired and bearded. Coincidence? Trying to reuse facial models? An extra cold winter and Tarkin didn’t get his hands on the dress code protocols? 🤷🏻‍♀️
- I LOVE when the Empire is just flaunting one’s rank and bring an asshole to get things done. It works every time
- “I’ve missed this” 🤣 honestly it’s too bad Rampart isn’t willingly on the right side bc he would be steadily becoming hotter if he was
- Surely Echo appreciated the regulation drop 😅
- Ruh roh. Does no imperial ever see the “invite you into the ship and then hit you in the back of the head” thing coming??
- Echo’s always “working on” encryptions
- They’re going to have to go straight there?? 😱
- I have to say, I do feel for Rampart here. He genuinely didn’t sign up for this. Neither did the rest of them really but they don’t have a choice.
- “Wonderful. We’re all going to die” pls no 😭😭
- At no point did I ever worry that Rampart was going to give them up though. He might be pissed but he knows he’ll be sent directly back to prison if anyone in the empire recognizes him. He was sentenced by Palpatine himself. There’s no coming back from that. Whatever he chooses to do going forward, I think he knows it will have to be something he carves out himself, and trying to betray the Batch won’t help him at all in that process. Hopefully this remains true for the rest of the episodes.
- These overhead shots are insanely beautiful
- Bayrn is just a baby 🥺
- The perfect amount of suspense 😱 and Omega knows how to sound perfectly innocent
- Dr. Scalder is feeling like Nurse Ratched right now 👀
- “Our way out” “One way out” aghhhh let’s go!!
- And we get another “Echo is the baddest badass ARC Trooper ever” sequence and I LOVE it
- The droid chute lowers for the little mouse droid 🤣 adorable
- Echo 🤝 Omega doing what they need to do in the nick of time
- Wrecker wearing the tiny hat I can’t 😂😂😂
- Cue the hyperventilating
- This is so nerve-wracking
- Omg if Echo had gone out that way 😭
- “Negative” SIR 🥵 🥵 🥵
- In the last possible second!! The very warranted trust they have in Echo after all they’ve been through! Rampart’s quite reasonable fears and yet their crazy plan working as the Bad Batch does! And Crosshair catching Rampart so he doesn’t fall even though he doesn’t have to!
- I was officially white-knuckled by the end of this episode 😱💀
- Can we take a minute to appreciate Hunter’s leadership and piloting skills here? His choice to make this jump is insanely brave, his ability to fly has been proven to be capable and daring when needed, and his calm, proactive decision making that has largely been missing since their military days is back in full force. He’s on a mission and he’s not stopping until he gets his girl back for good.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
(Clone Wars- Bad Batch) One of These Things is Not Like the Other: Chapter 1
-A batch that doesn’t quite fit in with the rest.  Pair them with a jedi that doesn’t quite fit in with the rest.  It can only result in something extraordinary- 
Notes: Eventual Hunter x Reader...
Reader is assigned to an elite squad for a mission to Geonosis to investigate and hopefully confirm the termination of the Geonosian queen that was caught in the collapse of a tunnel.  It’s a risky mission.  Little does Reader know that the squad she’s teaming up with are not the usual troopers.  It’s okay, though, because she’s not the usual jedi.
   The gunship roared as it carried you to your next destination.  You shifted in place, casting a curious glance at the squad that you had just been assigned to work with.  They were unlike any squad you’d seen before.  The largest “Bad Batch” member, Wrecker, was the strongest soldier you’d met.  When being introduced, he had greeted you with a firm handshake that was just a little too tight.  Crosshair hadn’t said much, but the rifle that he kept on him and the tattoo of crosshairs on his right eye said a lot about his special skill.  He acknowledged you with a quiet nod.  The one they called Tech wore goggles and seemed to carry a lot of gear.  You learned that he handled a lot of intelligence and technological matters.  The leader- whose name you learned was Hunter- more closely resembled the soldiers you’d worked with in the past.  He remained a mystery.
   The Bad Batch seemed to be equally as curious about you.  A few times you caught Crosshair blatantly staring at you, dark eyes flickering to the deactivated lightsaber at your hip.  Wrecker met your gaze and simply gave a wide grin.  You weren’t sure what he was smiling about.  Either way, it was somewhat contagious.  You found yourself returning the grin, internally shrugging off the interaction.  His size was intimidating at first, you admitted to yourself, but he countered it with his easy-going nature.  Like Crosshair, Tech was staring at you through those goggles, except his gaze wasn’t as intense.  In fact, he was the one to break the silence.
   “We should be arriving at Geonosis quite soon,” he said.  “According to my databanks, there have been a few major battles here.  Have you ever been, Commander _________?”
   “Just _________,” you corrected.  “I haven’t gone by Commander in a long time.  And no, I was fortunate enough to avoid this bug-and-worm-infested planet up until now.”  You grimaced.  “Seriously, the things I’ve heard....”
   “Ah,” Tech nodded.  “You’d be referring to the Geonosian worm phenomenon.”
   Wrecker frowned.  “The what?”
   “Geonosian worms were a tool the Geonosian queen used to control the minds of their hosts.  They were first discovered by Jedi Luminara Unduli, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker while in pursuit of the criminal Poggle.  An incident also occurred where some of these worms managed to get aboard a ship on course to pick up medical supplies.  Fortunately, it was discovered that these worms had a weakness to the cold, and the situation was under control.”
   “Yes, that would’ve been my friends Ahsoka and Barris,” you said.  They were younger than you, but close enough in age that you spent some time training with them briefly before you moved on.  Ahsoka and Anakin in particular were famous for their unusual battle tactics, and well, you had that in common with them.
   “The GAR has issued a warning to all to keep an eye out for these Geonosian parasites,” Tech added.  “And since we’re heading into the belly of the beast, so to say, we need to be extra careful.  I’ll be doing regular scans of you all.”
   “Great,” Hunter muttered.  “Just what we need- more killer bugs.”
   You shrugged.  “This planet is all kinds of weird.”
   “You’ve got that right,” Wrecker agreed with a snort.  “It’s too bad we couldn’t have a mission somewhere nice, like Naboo.  I hear it’s reaaally pretty this time of year.”  He gave Crosshair a nudge, to which the sharpshooter rolled his eyes.
   “You just want to meet the Naboo senator,” he muttered.
   “Guilty as charged,” Wrecker grinned.
   You chuckled, thinking how very unhappy your friend Anakin would be to hear how this conversation went.  “Who knows, maybe we’ll end up there next time.  For now, we get the dust and the bugs.”
   Hunter shifted his stance.  “Just think of all the bugs we get to blast.”
   “And study,” Tech added, holding up an index finger.  “Part of my job is to collect more information if we do find any of these worms or even the queen.”
   “Oh, great,” you mumbled.  “I’m liking this mission a little less now.”
   “Don’t worry,” Wrecker clapped a hand on your back.  “We can handle it.”
   “I don’t doubt that.”  You gave him a smirk.  “I’ve heard lots of good things about this squad.  I’m just not crazy about dark tunnels.  Or mind-controlling worms.  Or undead Geonosians.”
   “You know,” Hunter spoke up again, catching your gaze.  “We’ve heard quite a bit about the jedi.  Even met a few.”  He stood there with his hip jutting to the side as he eyed you quizzically.  “But you’re different.”
   You met his gaze.  Underneath the composed exterior, your heart ached at the mention of your former order, and yet you were satisfied that you had successfully distinguished yourself.  The sergeant remained fixed on you as if waiting for some sort of explanation or response.  Finally, you offered a slight smile and said, “I am no jedi.”
Chapter 2
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david-talks-sw · 4 years
About the supposed “dig  at Rey” in the Mandalorian finale.
So a lot of people have taken to YouTube and social media, saying that Luke’s line about “talent without training (being) nothing” is a dig at Rey “bEcAuSe ShE’s A mArY sUe who’s good at everything and never trained!!”
Quick recap: The Mandalorian is created by Jon Favreau, and he develops it with Dave Filoni (who created The Clone Wars with George Lucas, invented Ahsoka Tano, and created Star Wars: Rebels), among others.
As far as Dave is concerned, Rey is no different than Ahsoka, she’s not “OP”, she’s not a “Mary Sue”. He’s all for strong, independent, female characters.
He talked about this at the National Center for Women & Information Technology, you can find his full speech here. If you want to see the extracts specifically about Rey and female character in Star Wars, you can find it here (though I’d advise just ignoring the intentionally-triggering title and seeing the video for what it is).
All the backlash he saw about Rey? He saw it for Ahsoka too.
“Oh, she’s fighting Grievous and she’s only, like 13?! That’s so OP!”
“She feels like a Mary Sue written for a prequel based fan fiction.”
“Oh, she disobeyed an order from Yularen on Ryloth?! She’s so snippy!”
“Ugh, I hate her and her stupid voice!”
“She’s always pointing out stuff other characters have missed, like she’s so perfect! She's a Mary Sue with an annoying voice and personality.”
And honestly? I remember that period. People hated Ashley Eckstein and Ahsoka, just like they hated Hayden Christensen, and most Prequel-related content.
So no, that line is not a dig at Rey. If you expect that to ever come from Dave, big chance you’ll be disappointed. He is all for Rey, as a character (as am I, tbh). There may be issues with how she’s written, but none of it is related to her being too strong, or her being good at everything. Guess what? Captain America and Goku are good at everything too.
What The Mandalorian tackles, with that line, is a debate with bigger implications than just Grogu.
We get two sides of the same debate, from both Ahsoka, and Luke.
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“I cannot train him. His attachment to you makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger. I’ve seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight. To the best of us. I will not start this child down that path. Better to let his abilities fade.”
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“He is strong with the Force, but talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect the Child… but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.“
The subject they really subliminally tackle is:
Should Anakin Skywalker have been trained to be a Jedi?
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On the one hand:
Anakin has the potential of being the most powerful Force-user in galactic history, as the Jedi know it. It’s just a matter of time before he accidentally Force chokes someone in a fit of anger, or when submitted to extreme stress. He needs to be trained to hone his skills so he’s not a danger to himself and others.
Jedi Training would also help him get over the trauma of growing up as a slave on Tatooine, as it is aimed at keeping your emotions under control, whereas Anakin isn’t even acknowledging their existence (he pretends he’s not afraid in front of the Jedi Council, and seems to be the only person in the room to think that he should hide his fears). His hidden fears, his anger… Jedi Training would teach him to confront them.
Also, there’s a big chance the Sith are back! If they let this kid just go out into the wild, who knows, maybe the Sith Lords pick him up and make him one of their own. Better to keep the boy close.
Anakin is a good boy, raised by a loving mother, with a kind heart. If anything, he’s got the drive to do good as strong as that of any Jedi’s. Him being down-to-earth more than your average Jedi can potentially make him the best out of all of them. He could bridge the distance between the Jedi and the Senate, he could lead the Jedi into a new age. If anyone could be the next, better and improved Yoda, it’s Anakin Skywalker.
On the other hand:
Jedi training is for Jedi only. AKA, it’s perfect if you’re raised in the temple at a very young age to be a diplomat/wizard who upholds the values of the Republic, in control of your emotions and in Balance with the Force. But if you’re not? Then the strict rules of the Jedi Order will basically seem like an insurmountable (bordering on unreasonable) obstacle.
Any normal person will see these rules as attempting to turn you into a sociopath. Because if you’re a normal person, they might. For all intents and purposes, Anakin is a super-powerful normal person. If they take Anakin in, 10 years old, with the attachments he’s formed (his mother), the emotions he represses, the trauma from his upbringing - all of which, in a normal person, are totally fine and common - and try to force him in a mold he just won’t fit in, that’s just a recipe for disaster.
Of all people, Qui-Gon Jinn - Mister “I’m always right because I follow the Will of the Force and you don’t” - who is not the most forthcoming of people, as opposed to Obi-Wan, is insisting that he should train the boy. You give a chaotic Master a chaotic Padawan? That’s adding extra ingredients to the recipe for disaster.
The BEST thing to do would be Qui-Gon leaving the Order with Anakin, and raising Anakin as his surrogate son, teaching him his values, rather than training him as a Padawan and teaching him the values of the Jedi (which he’s too old for and which essentially make the Jedi the Senate’s lapdogs). But Qui-Gon’s insisting that he train him as a Jedi.
Anakin’s mind is too fragile as it is. If they add the stress of being a Jedi to that too, there’s a big chance he won’t be able to take it, and bring about the destruction of everything they are, stand for and care about.
And, to be honest? Both points are fair.
Because Anakin was both…
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… the best of them…
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… and their destructor.
But then, should Grogu be trained?
In my (and Luke’s) opinion? Yes.
Ahsoka’s logic makes sense… but it only applies to how things were before, back when the Jedi served the Republic as Force-sensitive diplomats/ambassadors, making decisions that impacted whole planets and their billions of inhabitants, keeping the peace through mediation, and occasionally investigating a crime.
But in Grogu’s case… things are a bit different.
The Republic is gone.
The Jedi’s mission of upholding its values seems to be gone with it.
So literally any surviving Jedi, has a new mission: just help people.
Be it Ezra & Kanan helping the Rebellion during the Dark Times.
Or Cal Kestis, saving the Force-sensitive children.
Or Ahsoka, helping the village of Calodan, after the fall of the Empire.
Or Luke, literally being a space-vagabond/Jedi archeologist for 10 years and helping out wherever and whoever he can.
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The Jedi no longer have to deal with planet-sized problems, or mediations, or investigations, because the New Republic hasn’t included them in its government, seeing as they have their rangers, now.
So now, the pressure of “upholding the Republic’s values” and “going on missions which impact billions of lives” is gone.
Now, the Jedi operate at a smaller scale and just help people out. As they did, before they became Republic officials.
Sure, they still keep their emotions in control, but that’s simply for the sake of living a healthy life, rather than for the sake of objectiveness and diplomacy.
In these circumstances? It’s totally fine for Grogu to be trained, as he should be.
The line was about the fact that training Grogu to hone his skills is fine, and should be done, before he becomes a danger to everyone around him.
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