#(I like the canon relationship between Law and Cora too or them as friends or brothers or even son and father. It depends on the scenario.)
seven-oomen · 4 years
DILF club for the ultimate ship meme?
Consider I got two DILF club requests for this meme, I’ll do The way I tend to be Universe for this one, since it’s the more canon universe. (More canon than OUAT anyway.)
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OT3 to rule all other OT3s
How long will they last? For as long as they can stand one another I’d imagine.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? I think very slowly, it’s a slow descend into love for all of them. More one of those, we’ve been sleeping together, fucking each other, and spending time with each other for months now, and oh shit, I think I might love you both... 
How was their first kiss? Passionate, heated, and in the middle of fucking each other to keep warm.
Who proposed? I like to think the three of them all had something planned on the same night and looped their prospective kids into their proposal, but didn’t clue the other kids or their partners in. And only when the kids talk to one another do they discover that all three of their dads are trying to propose to each other. So naturally, the kids band together and ‘ruin’ their fathers’ proposals but only because they have one giant one planned at lookout point where they get all three men together and reveal the jig. Naturally, all three of them accept.
Who is the best man/men? Derek is the best man, Melissa is their best ma’am. 
Who are the groom’s maid(s)/men? Malia, Jackson, Allison, Isaac, Stiles, and Mike are the groom’s maids/men. Liam is the ring bearer. Cora is their flower girl. Jordan is holding the little ones.
Who did the most planning? Peter did, he choose all the fashion, the venue, paid for the wedding, got the caterer and the florist. (though Chris tried to pay for things as did Noah, but Peter wouldn’t have it. They bought the rings and Peter’s suit for him as ‘retaliation’.)
Who stressed the most? Noah is the most nervous. The last time he walked down the aisle was over 30 years ago. What if he forgets his lines? Is this the right call? Is he doing right by his sons? By his daughter? Did he forget his ring? Oh god, what if the others realize what a fuck up he is?
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. (They rented a place, invited closest friends and family but kept it on the down-low.)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Kate, Gerard, Elias.
Who is on top? They switch, all of them like to top and bottom and they’re not picky on who gets to be on top/bottom. Things just happen.
Who is the one to instigate things? Usually Peter, but Chris or Noah (especially when they team up) can be real degenerates as well.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now (They’re not shy about their sex life and very much enjoy each other’s bodies and closeness. It’s a great way for them to strengthen their relationship.)
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head (They’re into toys, bondage, breeding kinks, biting/marking, dom/sub play, public sex, and some other milder kinks, nothing too crazy but also not too vanilla.)
How long do they normally last? Depends, if they’re fired up and excited they might not last long, 5-10 min, but if they go slow and steady they might also last for 20-30 min.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? They try to, usually, Chris has a few more than the other two, but that’s more due to Noah’s age (once he comes he can’t it up for a while. He may still be fit, but he’s not superhuman like Peter.) and Peter’s sensory overload after an orgasm. Chris is the only one of the three that can quickly come multiple times
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. (It really depends on their mood)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? Between the three of them? Peter has two (Malia with Corinne, Jackson with Margaret (Betty)) Noah has three (Identical twins Stiles and Mike;  Mieczyslaw &  Michał and Liam; Milian), Chris has one (Allison). So they have 6 children already, Chris gets pregnant with twins after their night in the cabin. That would put the tally at 8.
How many children will they adopt? Chris adopted Isaac officially in this universe. Erica and Boyd are more or less adopted as well as Danny.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Peter, and he doesn’t mind it one bit. He didn’t get to change any diapers for Jackson or Malia. And since Chris carried the twins and gave birth it only seems fair he gets stuck with diaper duty. Noah and Chris teach him the ropes. He gets surprisingly good at juggling two babies, a diaper bag, and a set of keys/other items while keeping everything under control.
Who is the stricter parent? Chris. Noah tries but is too soft most of the time or too chaotic, and Peter just can’t say no once one of the kids pulls puppy eyes. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Chris is best at stopping them, Noah tries to but due to his job can’t always keep an eye on them. Peter comes with them to let them explore but safely. He protects them while they do stupid shit.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Chris. He’s got the whole routine down to pat and is a streamlined machine in the mornings. Noah still can’t wrap his head around it. Peter’s still not used to having the kids with him 24/7 since both of his were adopted by other people, so he’s still learning the whole stick.
Who is the more loved parent? They love them all equally. Noah is the parent they go to when they need to talk about their feelings or need hugs, Chris is the parent they go to for advice and cuddling, and Peter is the fun parent who they go to when someone is bothering them. Peter also comes up with the best revenge schemes.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Peter, he loves to hear how his kids are doing in school and doesn’t mind to absolutely obliterate their teachers if he knows a teacher is picking on his kids. He lives for shit like this as the rich house husband to his two working husbands. Also, the opportunity to brag to Karen about the kids is too good an opportunity to pass up.
Who cried the most at graduation? Noah, he’s just so proud of his boys up there.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Let’s face it, it’s Noah. He technically has to make sure that the law is upheld, but when it comes to his own kids, he’s not above giving them a pass. Though he’s more lenient towards kids in general. But yeah, Noah will most likely try and bail his kids out. Peter would let them steam for a few hours in a “You got caught, you deal with it.” Kinda way and then bail them out after a few hours. Chris would let them steam for a bit too and then determine how big the offense was before bailing them out.
Who does the most cooking? Chris, he’s the most practiced and most efficient. Though Noah loves to cook Polish food and bread. Peter does it when both of his mates have to work or are too tired to cook. He’s getting better at it.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Peter. Werewolf senses mean he has a fussy pallette. He hates most vegetables for one. Though he has competition in Jackson, the little shit is a regular Gordon Ramsey.
Who does the grocery shopping? Peter, since Noah and Chris, tend to work during the day and he’s more of a stay-at-home house husband and dad. Chris gives him the lists. That doesn’t stop him from sneaking in snacks and candy for himself, Noah, and the kids. If possible, Chris likes to do the grocery shopping so there are no secret snacks.
How often do they bake desserts? At least once a week. Whether it’s for bake sales, PTO meetings, birthdays, weekends, a tryout, there’s always a baked good on the kitchen counter.
Are they more of a meat-lover or a salad eater? Peter and Noah are more Meat lovers. Chris is a mix between the two. He likes salads and meat but doesn’t have a preference over either. Unlike the other two.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Peter, he takes them out to a grill restaurant. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but the quality has to be outstanding. They get their older kids to babysit and let them order anything they want as a reward.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Once again, Peter, I feel like Noah or Chris would be more likely to be home dwellers and Peter’s the one that takes them to bars, musicals, restaurants, malls, etc.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? Noah, he’s not a bad cook, but he gets distracted by everything else and forgets he has pots/pans on the furnace.
Who cleans the room? Chris or Peter. Noah tends to leave things everywhere and though he tries his best to clean up, the other two usually beat him to it.
Who is really against chores? Noah forgets to do them sometimes, but I feel like none of them is actually against them. Peter doesn’t like to do them but he likes a clean house, so.
Who cleans up after the pets? They have eight kids, a bunch of werewolves, a banshee, a kitsune, a hellhound, a Seelie, and god knows what else running around on the full moon. You think they have room for a pet???
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? If we’re talking a literal rug, it’s Noah. Out of sight, out of mind. He also tends to stuff clutter in random drawers or closets.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Chris. It’s his training and a bit of an OCD thing. “No, you don't get it Noah my love, EVERYTHING has to be spotless...” Cue Chris running around with a vacuum cleaner and a mop. “It’s just Melissa & Derek for wine night...”
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Chris, and he puts them in the fun jar that they use to reward the kids. Once the jar is full, they go shopping or do another fun activity with the kids. Bad behavior/swearing gets money removed from the jar and into the dad jar. That money is used to give Chris/Peter/Noah an extra outing if the kids were particularly difficult.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Noah is a slut for long showers/baths. It’s his moment of relaxation.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Noah occasionally walks Peter in his wolf form. At some point, people think Peter is a K9 unit, and Noah rolls with it. Which opens up opportunities for Peter to stay with Noah at work.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Every year they decorate for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween.
What are their goals for the relationship? To love and support one another through anything and to keep a fun and raging sex life well into old age. But mostly to love and cherish one another and build each other up just the way they are.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Chris if you let him, training and habit have him up early, but his natural sleep cycle is to sleep like a log and to Noon.
Who plays the most pranks? Noah, he’s a mischievous little shit that loves to pull pranks on people and very sassy to boot. Where do you think Stiles, Mike, and Liam have that from?
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tellmewhatyouc · 4 years
any combo of Law/Cora/Doffy for both/either ship asks
ship ask memes: 1 | 2
gonna throw all this under a cut bc 1. spoilers and 2. people who do not vibe with these can just scroll on by easily
first off yes i ship all combinations oh my god
What made you ship it?
as soon as i knew there was some Fuckery going on between law and mingo, i was 👀 because i just. love whump esp law whump and god that dynamic is full of it
doflacora for similar reasons, like. it’s just plain fucked up and i knew i was gonna be into it before i even met roci. regardless of the label on their relationship, their whole dynamic is just So Terrible and Tragic and i am here for it. we love angst in this house
i had a feeling i’d ship coralaw before i even met roci, a couple of my friends were like “UR GONNA LOVE CORALAW” before i’d even read the flashbacks and they were CORRECT
and all three of them started JUST A TAD BIT out of spite bc people being like “this is Bad” or complaining about a ship just makes me curious (tho i actually really genuinely enjoy them aside from the spite and am trying to channel it into positive things instead of just getting upset over people being mean)
What are your favorite things about the ship?
doflaw: the HISTORY they have, it makes for such an interesting and fucky dynamic and i feel like a lot can be done with that
doflacora: just the terrible mess of mingo being this irredeemable villain yet his little brother still believes he can change and still cares about him and then he just fuckign kills him in cold blood and goD
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
that they are all good and valid ships and i love them dearly <3
i’m gonna do the rest of the asks for coralaw bc that’s the only one that i could write in a remotely functional or healthy way here we goooo
How did they first meet?
oh there’s so many possibilities. i can Definitely fuck w an idea closer to canon where roci met law in the context of the family, maybe they left together and everything actually worked out okay, and once law got older they came to terms with their Feelings.
but i also like modern aus where they meet when law’s already an adult, like maybe roci works somewhere and law keeps coming back or he’s a teacher  or (like i enjoy with every law ship) they meet because roci is injured or smth and law has to do his Doctorly Duties
What was their first impression of each other?
god u know it was not great in canon
i like friends to lovers with them. or like. at least friendly acquaintances to lovers. they get along well (once law gets over,, maybe his initial impression that roci is just a clumsy dumbass) and the other Emotions come later
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
gjfkdg mingo is Not happy with the arrangement, though i’ve read a couple fics where the family dynamic is a little nicer and he encourages it and i’m into that too
Who felt romantic feelings first?
law definitely, maybe he didn’t realize what it was at first because he was just a little kid but it makes more sense as he grows up
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YES <3 i am so here for the “oh god i’m old enough to be this persons father i Cannot be attracted to them” trope and that has so much potential with this ship (tho their age gap isn’t actually that big??? what is it like 13 years idk roci can still suffer)
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
i feel like law would be very >:( about the concept of soulmates and maybe roci would have a crisis but they’d work it out eventually
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
well uhhhh if u really think about it law would probably be dead and roci might be alive so. hm.
but i do think roci really like,,, Fixed law. like he showed him that there are in fact things worth living for, and even if they didn’t spend a Ton of time together, he still had a huge impact.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
i feel like law would have to do it bc roci would be too concerned about overstepping boundaries
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
i don’t think it’s anything Official like they hang out anyway and then one day it just clicks
What was their first kiss like?
law initiating it in the heat of the moment
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
oh i love the idea of roci being law’s first Everything
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
ROCI’S SO FUCKING TALL but even i a modern au i’d probably put him at like 6′5″ or taller
and i think they’re 13 years apart yeah
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
sweats next question
Who takes the lead in social situations?
i think roci is def more friendly and extroverted so probably him
Who gets jealous easier?
i feel like both of them are pretty laid back?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
law,,,he likes to egg him on
Who said “I love you” first?
roci for sure
What are their primary love languages?
in most law ships i like the idea that law shows love thru gifts, i think roci is just very affectionate but maybe also does the same
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
roci and law HATES IT
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
law isn’t big on pda but sometimes he tolerates it
Who initiates kisses?
roci mostly
Who’s the big and little spoon?
law is the little spoon but sometimes roci is too
What are their favorite things to do together?
fuckin they like to cuddle and watch movies :’)
Who’s better at comforting the other?
roci is better at comforting law naturally
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
law’s more verbal, roci is more physical
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
heart-shaped hologram gives me A LOT OF FEELINGS
also. for some reason i’m feelin in the best case scenario we’d die at the same time
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
not rlly a nickname but i like the idea that law is short for lawrence and roci calls him that sometimes and he HATES IT
also cora in itself is a nickname ig
Who remembers the little things?
hmmm i’d say they’re both pretty observant but maybe roci moreso
(taking out questions about marriage/kids bc i do not think so)
Do they have any pets?
i just wanna give everyone a cat
Who worries the most?
law probably, but roci worries about law so it all evens out
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
mostly quiet celebrations at home
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who’s the better cook?
law, roci isn’t allowed in the kitchen after one too many burns and fires
Who likes to dance?
ROCI, law does not care for it
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Back to Halloween
Derek/Stiles | G | ~1.5k | AO3 getting together, Halloween, post-canon
Summary: Derek loves Halloween. He always did, even as a kid, and costumes were always conveniently easy as long as he remembered not to visit the same houses every year. Years passed, and he didn’t get a chance to do anything for quite a few of them. Maybe now that he has a house that he can decorate, it’s time to try again.
A/N: Written for @weekendwritingmarathon​‘s Flash Ficlet prompt. 
Derek doesn’t talk about it much, like he doesn’t talk about any of the things his family used to do before the fire. But they all had their traditions back then, and celebrated on more than just full moons.
He used to love Halloween growing up. Even when he was a teenager, when a lot of his friends got to the stage of feeling like they’re too old for dressing up and trick-or-treating. He didn’t do that often once he hit his teens, but there was a lot of satisfaction in going out the first year when he was able to do his Beta shift. After that he had maybe a little too much fun handing out sweets and scaring kids with his fangs and blue eyes. Laura even made him do it after they moved to New York, and it was one of the few highlights of his years between the fire and his return to Beacon Hills.
He missed a few of those after Laura died, because of the mess that was going on in town and outside. But when everything settled, and the year rolled slowly towards October, Derek started itching to find a place that would have at least a small amount of trick-or-treaters likely to knock on his door. Though he wasn’t quite willing to settle in one place yet, still too busy roaming around the country as he was helping Scott fight against the rogue hunters, he did like the idea of a base.
“I didn’t think you’d find something in an area this populated,” Stiles tells him when Derek gives up the address and invites the pack over for a housewarming — Scott’s idea, not Derek’s.
“It’s convenient,” Derek says easily, like it’s not a big deal.
It isn’t, not anymore. He’s long past being the loner he was years ago, when he first came back to Beacon Hills. And he’s not in Beacon Hills now, instead his new house is in San Francisco — close enough that he can drive to where he’s needed, far enough to give him the freedom and solitude that he does continue to appreciate.
“It’s nice.”
“Thanks,” Derek says, ducking his head as he smiles.
It’s not the first time that the pack shows up at his place. Over the next few months, they all visit on and off, sometimes after a fight they’ve gotten involved in, other times when they’re passing through the city.
Stiles is the one who shows up most frequently, and as time flies by, his excuses grow less convincing.
“I was in the area,” becomes the norm, and Derek never calls him on the obvious lie.
Because Stiles doesn’t live in the city, and while the FBI has offices there, they’re nowhere near Derek’s house. Derek suspects that Stiles knows that Derek is aware of this, but neither of them bring it up, even when the visits grow to weekly ones. Eventually, Derek isn’t even surprised when he realizes that there are clothes that most definitely belong to Stiles in his laundry, books strewn over the office that he wasn’t reading, and that he started shopping with the plan to cook for two at weekends at the very least. He isn’t even shocked when he realizes that he spent several months in a row in the house without the itch to travel.
He does, however, find himself a little out of his depth when he ends up sitting on his sofa, Stiles’s head in his lap, comforting him after a mission gone awry. He’s not bad at comforting, he just isn’t sure where the line is with Stiles specifically. They’re somewhere in an awkward place where Derek’s been harboring a crush on Stiles for longer than he cares to admit to, and a partnership that they’ve honed to almost perfection when they’re on pack-related adventures.
“Thank you,” Stiles whispers after they’ve been there for some time, just quietly ignoring whatever it is that’s playing on Derek’s TV.
“I haven’t…” Derek starts, but freezes when he feels Stiles try to shake his head.
“You’re here, that’s enough,” Stiles says, twisting so he’s looking up at Derek, the back of his head on Derek’s thigh. “It’s just shitty when things go bad, and it’s not like I can really talk about stuff that’s classified. But you get it. And sometimes it’s enough to just… be here,” Stiles finishes.
“Yeah. It is,” Derek says.
He’s a little stiff and tense as he sits there, wondering where to put his hands and how to avoid touching Stiles in ways that might not be appropriate. Even if he wanted to, he’s not completely sure where Stiles is relationship-wise, and most definitely doesn’t know if Stiles would be even remotely interested.
Stiles was, once upon a time. When it was still way out of the realm of possibility, when Stiles was way too young and they were too busy running for their lives or ducking bullets and monsters. Not that the latter has improved even now, but they’re a little more in control of the attacks, and none of them have been at the pack specifically, not for the past year at least.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Stiles says. “I mean, that you didn’t pack up and leave us to deal with everything. That you keep coming back.”
“Did you think I would?” Derek asks, surprised.
“Kind of, I guess. I expected you to. It would’ve been the sane thing, honestly, for all of us really. Scott can’t go, my Dad won’t, but the rest of us, I don’t know, we all have sort of left, haven’t we?”
“So did I,” Derek tells him. “I’m not back in Beacon Hills.”
“Yeah, thanks, I noticed that,” Stiles says with a frown. “But the rest of us have reasons to go back there. You don’t.”
Derek lifts an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, I mean, we know that you guys can be pack without being near the pack, so that’s not why you’d need to be back,” Stiles says. “Cora is still in South America, somewhere. Not that she tells me where,” he adds, rolling his eyes. “And well, the trouble is not in town anymore.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t show up when Scott and the pack need help,” Derek tells him.
“Yeah, but you show up in Beacon Hills,” Stiles says. “Whether there’s trouble in town or not. You’re forgetting I have an in with law enforcement there,” he adds with a grin.
“I don’t go back for Beacon Hills,” Derek grumbles.
“What are you coming back for, then?” Stiles asks, his voice soft. “You don’t need to, not anymore.”
Derek hesitates. A few years ago, the answer would’ve been “Scott”. A few years ago, he kept coming back to help the pack settle and to help Scott establish himself as the Alpha of the territory. That’s not true anymore though, and he guesses that Stiles of all people knows this better than anyone else.
He’s still thinking when he feels Stiles turn around, the back of his head digging into Derek’s thigh.
“Hey,” he says when Derek looks down. “What were you planning to do for Halloween?”
It throws Derek a little, the change of topic out of the blue while his mind is still lost in thoughts about what being this close to Beacon Hills means.
“I used to dress up all the time with Scott, even when we were getting too old for it,” Stiles says, and Derek chuckles.
“I believe that,” he says.
“Free sweets, man,” Stiles says unapologetically. “Also, Dad was almost always on duty that night, or Melissa was, and it was easier to get rid of both of us than try to entertain us on a night like that.”
“When did you grow out of it?”
“Who says I did?” Stiles grins. “I still dressed up when we stayed in to give the treats out. During college, Scott had way too much fun with the werewolf thing.”
“I did that too,” Derek confesses quietly. “Even after… in New York, and in Beacon Hills.”
“Dude, can we do that? I can’t get back home this year, too many of the guys in the office have small kids, and they have priority. But I can be off duty for a few hours in the evening,” Stiles rambles. “I could dress up as… wow, I have so many more monster options now,” he says.
Derek shudders as he thinks of some of the options. But not at the thought of getting the house decorated, at having a bowl of sweets ready by the door and being prepared to Beta shift when the doorbell rings. He knows the area well by now, and he knows that there will be kids coming around the house.
“Yeah,” he says while Stiles is still lost in thought. “Yeah, we can.”
The blinding smile that Stiles gives him is proof enough that he made the right decision.
“Hey, since you’re so agreeable tonight,” Stiles starts, and Derek narrows his eyes. “Would you also agree to me taking you out for dinner? A movie maybe?”
There’s a hint of hesitation in Stiles’s voice, and his heart is rabbiting in his chest.
“Like a date?” Derek asks, unwilling to risk misreading the situation.
“Not on Halloween though,” Derek says with a small smile.
“Nope. We’ve got kids to scare then,” Stiles says.
There are a few beats of silence, and then Derek nods.
“Yeah. Yeah that would be great,” he says, and then he’s got Stiles’s face turned towards his abs, arms wrapped around his waist. He can only barely hear the muffled “awesome”, but he does, and it makes him laugh.
It’s gonna be a fun Halloween.
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