#(I won't even get into the absolutely vile racist shit I've seen)
optiwashere · 6 months
That new Fallout TV show reminded me why I avoid a lot of video game fandoms lol.
Dick jokes in my Fallout? Please ignore the porn star quest line in FO2 or the variety of crude sex jokes in every single game.
Anti-war, anti-fascist, anti-nationalist, and anti-capitalist rhetoric? Well, there's surely no thinly veiled satire in the first... all of the games (other than 3, probably) that deals with the inherent absurdity of capitalism in the face of nuclear war, touching on such topics as genocide, human experimentation, isolationism, and tribalism.
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
As a POC I could not handle any longer the way they excused Lea's actions on the Glee subreddit. I left permanently because of it. It angered me the day someone on the sub said that Lea apologised. Lea did not apologise. More than enough times, I've seen Lea be defended on that sub and people get upvoted for it and I couldn't stand it any longer.
The tipping point for me was that people started to say that Santana fans can't keep their feelings about Naya separate but at the same time they're known strong Rachel fans and Rachel defenders and have shown support to Lea multiples all the while being overly-critical about Santana. It was just brewing into hypocritical territory for me.
As a teen, Naya helped me in ways that's hard to explain. Her passing affected me deeply. To see that a few people, going off of the multiple upvotes, were agreeing with comments made accusing Santana fans of mixing their feelings about Naya with Santana in an unhealthy manner was hurtful. Lea fans also double down on putting Rachel on a pedstal to not talk about Lea's past actions on the glee sub but it's not spoken about.
So grateful that you spoke up about this major issue when it comes to Lea on the Glee sub. Your willingness to speak up about the issues on the Glee sub makes me feel less alone.
Omg thank you! That's so nice of you to say. I really do try to steer away from real people on this blog because I want to be primarily media-based. But the Glee sub makes me so fucking mad. They're the definition of performative activism and double standards. Supporting and/or forgiving Lea is just shitty, no matter how many times they try to justify it.
Naya- and Heather- helped me a lot too. They brought to life one of the healthiest, most important sapphic couple of the 2010s (my username was inspired by them lol, that's why they were my old pfp). They made me feel okay to be myself and comfortable in my sexuality. Her passing affected me for a long time too, it was like I couldn't process it.
I know exactly what you're talking about, when people would accuse Santana fans of conflating Santana because of Naya's passing. Like, right after it happened. It was really an awful thing to say because a woman was dead. Her life and memory were more important than their favorite character getting shit. They're vile.
If anyone can't separate the actor from the character it's Finn fans. Cory was a great guy- people always said him and Dianna were the nicest of the cast- and he also passed while the show was still running. A lot of Finn's "likability" came from Cory's charisma and comedic timing. If Cory was still alive I really don't think as many people would defend Finn.
(Tbh, I think Cory himself would shit on Finn. His mom once said that Santana slapping Finn was his favorite scene)
I also feel like people (including other POCs) don't actually understand why Lea was (is?) racist. Racism isn't just "I hate minorities and don't think they deserve rights." It's way more complicated than that. Lea might not have been throwing the n-word around (though, she was derogatory at least towards Samantha with that "shit in her wig" comment), but she absolutely viewed her being white as being superior to her WOC coworkers.
It's a pretty common thing for Black girls. Hell, I even experienced it from girls I called my friends. They're so "down✊🏾" but will be quick to remind you how more cultured and better than you they are.
If you haven't been taught about or experienced these things, you won't know that. But attempting to shut down WOC who have experienced it is shitty. Lea fans trip over themselves to defend someone who went out of her way to bully a younger Black coworker just because she could.
(Also, she was outwardly transphobic. Not letting anyone forget that either. If she was so willing to be transphobic, what makes you think she wasn't racist?)
Lea fans have no excuse. I liked and looked up to JKR too, but the people she hurt (and continues to hurt) are more important than how much I admired her or how much I enjoyed Harry Potter. I was disgusted by her and had no issues condemning her. Lea fans are hypocritical, self-righteous performative activists
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Rant [No, I won't make this a habit I promise I just needed to get this off my chest]
People who don't know that intersectionality exists shouldn't be allowed into any community. Being near told that the experience of violence I've had doesn't matter cause of my skin tone is some of the most disgusting, vile shit I've seen in my life. And it came from a POC, someone who should OUTRIGHT KNOW why that's bad.
People get murdered by bigots for simply existing, and we have members in the Queer community who truthfully want to argue that THOSE people getting killed isn't that big of a deal cause of the color of their skin and the oppression they faced doesn't matter. I know ABSOLUTELY NO ONE wants to view racism as a mindset, but it's that. It's the idea that the suffering of some doesn't matter because of an innate characteristic they can't change. You aren't an ally if you believe that some people's suffering simply doesn't matter to your in group, you aren't an ally if you believe in acceptable causalities.
This is why I REALLY don't like anyone who is gay and is ambivalent on trans people's right to exist, this is why I don't like people who refuse to talk actual racism in favor of stoking a stereotype of all white people being innately racist. Because if your actual want is to help others, than you need to confront those issues head on, not let others take the fall for you, not relitigate racism into a more "Acceptable" form, but actually deal with the problems that exist instead of blanketing that shit under "DAE white people XD" but actually going for the issue. There's racist white people in the community, we can ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT IT, but instead it's vague BS meant to stoke division.
I'm not a perfect human being, but if anyone ever tells you that your suffering isn't meaningful cause of your genitals or your sex or your pronouns or the color of their skin, know that they are wrong, period. I've never been more insulted online and I literally have "Loser" in my bio, and I didn't think this place could rival fucking Twitter in terms of facilitating awful people.
Over 60K notes lowkey justifying why certain people being literally killed is acceptable. 60K notes basically justifying that the oppression queer people who are white may face isn't meaningful. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but good lord kindness is *fucking dead* in the world and at this point I should pack in my expectations for humanity cause even the people who have FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE WITH THESE SUBJECTS are more than willing to shield the god damn fucks cause CERTAIN people just have it coming. Like fuck being an "Ally" if this shit flies. Like I felt pretty angry when I saw how little care was given from BLM towards other minority groups who faced police brutality, but I figured a rising tide raises all ships. I felt pretty angry with how little coverage of missing Native women cause they just disappear and nobody cares, but maybe it's OK that some people got coverage when they went missing cause rising tide. But 60K notes... On a post that's justifying that certain people can't face oppression or face violence cause of their skin color DESPITE being gay, DESPITE being Trans, DESPITE all that...
Just fucking pack it up I guess, we're fucked. If 60K people just can't see why oppression is bad period, regardless of who it's at, then fucking pack, it, up. Set the nukes off, suck us into a black hole, humanity is a god damn waste of time for everyone involved because people can't even be assed to SEE how innocent people being hurt is bad. "Oh but MY oppression is worse!" OK? Good for you! You won the contest! Except this isn't a contest against who had it worse, it's a contest to prevent ANYONE from having it AS BAD AS YOU DID, and squabbling over this BS just enables the exact same division that allowed you to be treated like dogshit in the first place!
And yes, if you push the idea that queer white people can't face oppression, you are shielding the bigots who do the oppressing, full stop. You're using the exact same argument misogynistic, old, white fucks make about how women are "Asking for it" for having the NERVE to dress how they see fit. It's disgusting. Period.
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