izzyizumi · 5 years
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Digimon Adventure Tri ~ Edit Featuring: Taichi Yagami
“Under the withering sun, The ‘ HEAT HAZE ’ Wavered”:
  “ ‘ Don’t forget , come on , let’s go FORWARD . ’ ”
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skaylanphear · 7 years
Voltron/Digimon AU (with digimon diagrams!)
I was watching the original Digimon with my best friend yesterday, so of course this AU popped into my head. Let’s just get right into it then, shall we?
So the first four digidestined to be sucked into the digital world were Shiro, Allura, Lotor, and Matt. If anyone remembers from the original show, time in the digital world moves a LOT faster than time in the real world. I think it was one day in the digital world equals one minute in the real world. This is relevant because the first four digidestined were missing for one real-world year, which—to them being in the digital world—equals about 1440 years.
But no one knows what happened to these four kids, only that Shiro and Matt were together when they disappeared. And no one knows that Allura and Lotor’s disappearances were related.
Fast-forward that year to the other four digidestined—Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. We’ll say they’re at flight camp for the summer, because parallels. Keith and Shiro are half-brothers in this AU, so Keith probably has a good dose of angst going for him. Keith lives with their dad, while Shiro lived with his mom. Guess we don’t know where Keith’s mom is.
Anyway, they’re at camp and they get sucked into the digital world where they meet their digimon. I think it will be a situation where Shiro actually shows up at their camp, and thus Keith is shocked, but before any kind of communication can be had, the other four get sucked in as well. Maybe some giant digimonster was trying to get through the hole from one world to the other and Shiro was stopping it with his partner digimon, which is why he showed up there, but had to quickly leave again.
Shiro is there when they all arrive—maybe passed out—and so Keith and Lance and their partner digimon have to rescue him while whatever digimon was rampaging continues to do so. They probably hide until it’s gone. Hunk and Pidge eventually join them—also with their in-training level digimon—and wait for Shiro to wake up before asking for an explanation.
But I think before we get more outline, I’ll post some character profiles.
Age: Appears around 17
Digimon partner: Dorumon (rookie level)
Crest: Love
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(I gave Shiro the Crest of Love because of his strong desire to protect and save those around him, as well as those he loves--he’s got a lot of devotion. But he runs into problems with this crest when what’s “right” doesn’t align with his personal desires)
Age: 14
Digimon partner: Flamecmon (rookie level)
Crest: Friendship
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(Keith gets the Crest of Friendship because, much like Yamato in the original Digimon, he struggles a lot with the concept in general and must learn to utilize it as a strength. I also think that once he does, Keith becomes a very capable leader of their group alongside Lance. And the Digimon just seemed fitting--I mean, Tsunomon has a knife growing out of his head for goodness sake. I kind of invented Flamecmon myself--a fire version of Elecmon. And I also like that his evolutions go from red to black, color-wise. It mirrors Keith’s development in Voltron quite nicely. Also, it has the “lone wolf” idea going along with Garurumon, which gives the same nice contrast to the crest as Yamato had in the original)
Age: 13
Digimon partner: Betamon
Crest: Courage
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(Lance gets the Crest of Courage, one, because he reminds me a lot of Taichi, but also because of his relationship with Keith in the original as well as his personality, obviously. Lance is the type to make the sacrifice, but I also think he gets distracted and doubts himself. Which will give him a bit of a struggle at times with the Crest of Courage, and will make him shine that much brighter when he finally utilizes his courage properly. The Digimon choice was obvious, and I like that these evolutions come in blues--with some reds--that eventually go from the blue Seadramon to the red MegaSeadramon--it mirrors Lance’s development in Voltron similarly to how Keith’s digimon does. And yes, Lance will end up with an evil digimon the first time he tries to use his crest)
Age: 13
Digimon partner: Gotsumon (rookie level)
Crest: Reliability
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(Hunk struggles with being reliable at first because of his fear and panic, but he is the voice of reason and will become a very capable supporting pillar to the team. I gave him an earth-themed digimon at first that becomes a machine. It reminds me both of Hunk’s lion and his engineering knowledge. I did make some changes to the digi-evolution when it comes to Hunk, but seeing as it’s my AU, I suppose I’m allowed to do that, lol)
Age: 11
Digimon partner: Wormmon
Crest: Knowledge
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(I think it’s pretty obviously why Pidge would get the Crest of Knowledge, and she will get too immersed in the idea of knowledge that it will lead to bad consequences, but she’ll develop past it. I like the idea of giving her a bug-themed digimon because it’s both machine-like, but also nature related, which is very important to her character)
I altered some of the digimon, etc, to fit the characters, but not too much. I was generally able to find digimon that I liked with the characters quite well. In any case, when Shiro wakes up, he explains that they’re in some place called the digital world, but that he doesn’t actually know much about it. Keith asks if this is where he’s been this whole year, but Shiro honestly doesn’t remember. It’s been longer than a year for him there, but he can’t really tell how long. But him and Dorumon have been trying to track down infected digimon with black gears imbedded in their backs, so as to stop the downward spiral of “bad” that is infecting the digital world. To this end, Shiro’s digimon can evolve to the champion level, but no further.
Keith asks him why he wasn’t trying to get home, and Shiro admits that he was trying to find his friends, Matt, Allura, and Lotor, as well as everything else. Which of course drags Pidge into the conversation, what with Matt being her brother, and Shiro explains that they were separated a long time ago, though he can’t remember how or why. Only that he had to search the whole of the digital world and that he wouldn’t return home until he found them.
Hunk has other ideas, however. He wants to go home. He doesn’t want to be in the digital world, no matter how exciting Lance thinks it is. They eventually agree that they have to investigate some if only to figure out how to get back, and so Shiro goes along with them. Pidge wants to stay until she finds Matt, and Keith is happy to stay with Shiro. This probably causes some controversy with the team, and they go on adventures discovering stuff about the black gears and evolving their digimon to the champion level. It’s also important to note that Shiro was missing his arm prior to going to the digital world, and the prosthetic he wears now is, in nature, part of the digital world, hence it’s so technologically advanced. He has other changes as well—his hair, the scar. In a way, he explains, parts of him seem to have become altered by the digital world—like he’s become part digital himself.
They eventually learn about a princess that lives at the base of the mountain, where all the “evil” comes from. They investigate this princess, only to find that it’s Allura, one of the digidestined that Shiro knew. She’s been put in a magical sleep of some kind and they probably have to fight a digimon to wake her up. Like Shiro, she has altered features—hair color, tattoos, ears, etc… that mark her as having become somewhat “digital.” Allura also has two partner digimon who are both dragon types and somewhat like siblings.
Age: Appears abound 15
Digimon partners: Dracomon/Veemon (rookie levels)
Crests: Hope/Light
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(Allura gets the crests of Hope and Light because... well why not? Willis had twin digimon in the movie, so why can’t Allura, who is awesome? I’d considered giving Shiro the Hope crest and then making Allura and Lance related, so we get the same kind of parallels as in the original show with the sibling relationships, but I like the idea of Allura being a kind of “Princess” that grants powers as well as fights, so she gets to be the bearer of Hope and Light. She also gets dragon digimon, because I think it’s fitting. I especially like the mega forms because Slayerdramon’s weapon really mirrors Allura’s bayard weapon, and UlforceVeemon really matches her colors--I didn’t edit any of the colors on that one. Veemon also has a lot of similar markings to Allura, which I thought was a nice touch)
Allura also has the tags (what the crests go in), which were given to her by a man named Coran who seems to live in the digital world, but she has no idea where he is as of that moment. She doesn’t know how long she’s been asleep, but the digimon that worshipped her explain that it’s upwards of a thousand years. Like Shiro, she doesn’t remember how or why their original group was separated. They’re at the mountain now though, where the villain behind the black gears resides, so it’s time to face their first baddie. Allura goes with. I haven’t totally figured out how the villains are going to work, at least as far as the first one on File Island, but whoever it is (Sandakmon sounds pretty dumb, tbh), they beat them. But as they’d thought it would, beating the baddie doesn’t allow them to go home—there must still be evil to fight in the digital world (maybe there was a holograph of Coran in the castle where Allura was that explained what the crests and tags were, and how they could go home). So they set off from File Island to find the Server Continent and look for the crests that go in the tags.
It’s on server, while looking for the crests, that they encounter their next villain. He remains cloaked, but he’s an asshole (it’s Lotor) that calls himself the Digimon Emperor. They end up having to save digimon from his enslaving ways, and they find the crests (Lance finds his first and feels so pressured to not fail that he unintentionally makes his digimon evolve virus style into WaruSeadramon, like how Tai accidentally ended up with SkullGreymon that one time. That was one of my fav eps as a kid—of course I’m going to include it here). They go through the rounds, maybe there are sightings of Matt, until they eventually realize that Lotor is a puppet himself for the more sinister villain, Zarkon. Probably in a final clash, Lotor tries to force Wizardmon, his partner, to digivolve, but Wizardmon refuses and maybe sacrifices himself for Lotor just as the kids are about to make their way back to the real world, chasing down Zarkon, who is going to the real world because the crests of Hope and Light are there and he needs them for his “master plan.”
Age: Appears about 15
Digimon partner: Candlemon (rookie)
Crest: Sincerity
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(Sorry this diagram is choppy--figuring out a way to upload didn’t go all that well. In any case, Lotor gets the crest of Sincerity, mostly because I think that’s probably a problem he has with both himself and other people, and it will be a lesson hard-learned that allows him to utilize it, but once he does, he does so very well. He must be pretty sincere in Voltron to have generals that trust him so well after all. Unfortunately, his digimon will go evil before it goes good, but Piedmon is awesome, so it’s okay. And I think having a “wizard” themed digimon is interesting given his mother in Voltron. Also, Wizardmon just seems like a good fit, given his characterization in the original Digimon. Besides, who doesn’t like a good Wizardmon death scene?)
It’s very sad for Lotor once he gets back to the real world, because he hadn’t initially realized that the digital world was actually something tangible and real and that it could affect the real world. And now his digimon partner is dead and Zarkon is loose in the real world. But Shiro reasons that he can change his ways if he helps them, and so he agrees too. But him and Allura have to be careful walking around because they still look odd (the ears, the skin). Their digital alterations didn’t go away. In any case, they’re back in the real world now, but digimon are loose there too, so they have to, you know, save everyone. And of course, disasters happen, real people are effected, etc etc. It’s eventually found out that Lotor’s mother was a scientist that discovered the digital world, and in her experimentations, she accidentally released the virus that created Zarkonmon (or whatever he is). And so they “must defeat him!” They, if course, find the crests of Hope and Light, which allows Allura’s two digimon to reach the ultimate level, and through her crests, unlock Keith and Lance’s ability to digivolve their digimon to the mega level. Or maybe they have to make a choice who Allura’s digimon—who are special dragon digimon—will use this ability on and it’s eventually decided to be Keith and Lance. Thus they reach the mega level and get rid of Zarkonmon.
But now the digital world is starting to encroach on the real world because, of course, they haven’t beat the entire evil yet. Some of Honerva’s virus still remains in the digital world and so they must go back to fight it!
When they get back, hundreds of years have passed and the digiworld is all kinds of messed up. The Dark Masters and their Queen, Haggar, have turned everything upside-down. One of the Dark Masters is, of course, not MetalSeadramon since that’s Lance’s mega level digimon (unless I decide to make Lance go evil, which is, of course, always something I would do), but Piedmon is (because Piedmon is an awesome fucker and I love him) and, oh no! Piedmon is actually the virus-infected mega-level of Lotor’s digimon, Wizardmon, who was reborn and waited for him, but he never came and so he suffered and turned evil. Also, there’s a vigilante around who’s always foiling their plans. Turns out it’s Matt, who holds the secret of why the first four digidestined were separated and what happened to them (which I don’t know what it is yet, but it is important). He has the crest and tag for kindness, and has been doing all that he could to fight the Dark Masters (it’s not going too well for him). His digimon can reach mega level all on its own, without the boost of Allura’s digimon, and so all the others decide to learn to get their digimon there too.
Age: Appears about 17
Digimon partner: FanBeemon (rookie)
Crest: Kindness
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(Why does Matt get the Crest of Kindness? Because it was the one that was left, lol. His characterization in this AU would support it too. And he gets a bug digimon to parallel Pidge, but it’s a bee/wasp one because Matt is very, like, swift and dangerous in his actions in the digital world. He doesn’t mess around, so to speak) 
There’s probably an arc after the Matt arc where they fight Piedmon and turn him good again with the power of Lotor’s crest of sincerity, and so then Lotor gets an arc where he gets to reform his bond with his digimon (dunno if he reaches the mega level though or not). They eventually reach Haggar, who is a nasty digimon that is very powerful and Lance and Keith have to work together in the end to beat her. Through their awesome “friendship” (because I’m looking at Taichi and Yamato parallels here—also, I will admit that Taichi and Yamato were, like, my first ship ever, if that’s relevant, LOL), they are able to combine their mega level digimon to create Voltramon (like Omnimon), who, seemingly, beats her. But then they probably end up in another dimension or something and have to defeat her all together with the power of friendship between all the digidestined or something similar.
The digital world has to be reset as a result of all this, but it means all the digimon friends they made along the way that died get to be reborn. I’m sure Coran shows up in this more often, and maybe Alfor worked with Honerva back in the real world, and so maybe there’s a vaccine version of him in the digitalworld that tries to help them, etc etc.
But yeah, that’s a rough outline.
I will probably never write it, but it sure does make me want to watch Digimon again, lol!
If anyone wants to dabble in this AU--writing or art or anything--just let me know so I can SEE WHAT YOU CREATE! :D
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50cyg · 7 years
My Long Ass Predictions post for Kyosei (second time around :P)
I don’t know how much of this is predictions or wishful thinking :P
I’ll be retracting some of my previous predictions from my older post throughout this new one. Also, I’m painfully aware that I suck at making predictions. Out of all the predictions I made for Soshitsu, only one ended up being correct.
I look forward to being proven both correct and/ or incorrect come September 30th :D
Thus far, the issues the Chosen Children have faced in their respective movies (or throughout all the movies in the case of Taichi and Yamato), have been call backs to the issues they faced in Adventure. Usually call backs to specific episodes.
Taichi’s issues and how they are extensions of his fears and issues in Adventure are very clear (so much so that I could do shot by shot comparisons between the two, which I probably will at some point). Soshitsu had a ton of call backs to Sora’s dilemma in Adventure, and specifically homages to scenes from episode 26. Takeru’s dilemma is a call back to him loosing Patamon in episode 13 and his fears from 02. So on and so forth.
So, for Kyosei, I started by thinking of what adventure episodes are likely to be referenced in Tri. They would have to be Hikari centric episodes, which unfortunately there are not many. The most obvious ones are 37, 45, 48 and 49 from Adventure (Wizardmon’s death, the one where she gets possessed, the episode where she gets sick, and the episode where her crest gives her god like powers), and episode 13 from 02 (dark ocean).
I believe we have already gotten our call back to episode 45 through Homeostasis appearance in Kokuhaku, wherin she possessed Hikari in order to dish out information. I know a lot of people think that Homeostasis is going to possess Hikari again to attack Meicoomon but I don’t agree with this for several reasons, most importantly that the images we got of Hikari potentially possessed in Kyosei do not look like Homeostasis.
This is Hikari in the trailer:
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And this is her possessed by Homeostasis:
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I hold to my former belief that FDM will be triggered by Hikari herself and not some entity working through her. I think one of the episodes we will see strongly referenced is episode 49, wherin Hikari sees Warumonzaemon enslaving the Numamon. In this episode, Hikari sees an injustice that upsets her and she wishes for more power so she can stop it. We then see her receive this power as her whole body begins to glow, but it’s different from episode 45, she doesn’t appear to be possessed and she remembers everything that happened afterwards. Rather she is in full control of her power. I don’t want to repeat myself too much so you can read my previous long ass predictions post for more detail but I think Hikari will trigger fall down mode due to her anger with someone. I think the most recent trailer supports this as we hear her (some people think it’s Mimi but I’m working under the assumption it’s Hikari) say “Your friend (or friends) are suffering? I won’t forgive that selfish reasoning of yours”.
Now a lot of people think this will be directed at either Meiko or Taichi but I disagree. First off, I think the fact that this line from Hikari comes after Taichi’s line about caring for his friends is meant to throw us off and think Hikari’s anger is with Taichi. Also, because of the inflection on “your friend (friends) are suffering” it makes it seem like a question and not a statement. Which makes me think that Hikari is angry at someone for doing something because their friends are suffering, and Hikari disagrees with their decisions. For the record, I do think this is Hikari speaking and not someone controlling her (it can’t be Homeostasis because when she is possessed by Homeostasis her voice has a unique quality, king of an echo). Although I think it could be Meiko, I actually want to put out a theory no one else seems to have. I think this line could be directed at Daigo. Maki has pulled some shit in the last few movies and she is nowhere to be seen in the trailers but we know she is suffering as of the last movie what with her going all crazy over Bakumon not remembering her. Daigo still cares a lot for Maki and I could see him doing something stupid because she’s in pain or to protect her from harm.
So, I am retracting my previous belief that Taichi will play a role in FDM, I actually think he is going to do something reckless or dumb in response to FDM. I both want and will not be surprised if they pull an episode 20 and have him disappear into a portal of some kind, considering the fact that it looks like there is a ton of distortions going on and that I think there is going to be some moving back and forth from the digital world to the human world via portals throughout this movie. Plus, we have this picture where is looks like he is falling (could be falling or being sucked into a portal of some kind): Edit: My prediction on this has changed in light of noticing that the ground is breaking apart underneath them in the trailer. I actually think that shot is of Taichi falling into a crevice.
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(retrieved from https://michi-tamitxm.tumblr.com/post/163214476891/digimon-adventure-tri-ova-5-symbiosis-we-get-a)
I also want to reiterate that if that thing in the cloud is Zeedmilleniummon then I think Taichi might get hit by “Time Destroyer”, which consigns hostile opponents to oblivion across space and time. So far, no one who has been brushed off by this technique has returned alive from space and time. Edit: I’m still open to this happening.
Or, I could see him pulling a Yamato a la episode 44 and 45, turning against a member of the group and/ or leaving the group. It’s clear that he is very conflicted in these trailers. He questions who their enemy is, which I think is in reference to the fact that Alphamon is facing off against Jesmon and there is a clash of ideals between the two. Also, Yamato’s line “As if you could wish for our friends to be sacrificed! Taichi!” could be in reference to Taichi questioning what should be done about Meiko. In other words, his goggles are lying on the ground because he’s thrown them away.
Furthermore, I agree with what a lot of people are saying about how Taichi is probably not going to get severely injured or anything cause Hikari’s line “Onii-chan… why?” isn’t dramatic enough to foreshadow something that bad. While we are at it, I don’t think the movie will end on whatever happens to Taichi, I think it will happen before the end of the Movie. I don’t think the shot of the goggles is the final shot, or close to the final shot of the movie. It doesn’t make sense to spoil the very end of the movie in the PV.
Going back to Hikari,
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I think whatever is happening to her in this shot is going to occur after FDM has already been triggered. And I think the image we got of FDM appearing to be consumed by a dark cloud is linked to it:
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(I don’t know where this image originally came from, I got it from fairytail-tri)
Someone pointed out that the characters on Hikari’s face look like Digicode, which is an interesting observation but I don’t have any predictions concerning it. There also appears to be water reflecting on her face. I think that is to represent the Dark Ocean having influence on her, indicating that she is depressed and once again susceptible to the darkness, which is what allows her to be affected. I think it’s very possible that whatever happens to Taichi will trigger Hikari’s possession (or whatever is happening in that shot).
Let’s discuss Meicoomon and Meiko briefly. First off, I retract what I said in my previous post about how I thought the evolution on the poster was Meicoomon’s positive evolution. We know now that it isn’t and also my reasoning was incorrect. I thought the green eyes indicated a positive evolution, while red eyes indicated negative evolution, but in fact Meicoomon’s eyes only appear to glow red during evolutions, or when she has just turned evil, otherwise they are always green:
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I still think she might end up being a hero in this movie, perhaps we will see Razielmon. Though Meiko does seem to be questioning if she loves Meicoomon in the trailers, so maybe we won’t get a resolution of her arc until movie 6. Oh, obviously I retract my prediction about Meicoomon severely hurting any of the Chosen at the beginning of the movie. I knew that was wrong when we got the synopsis.
Okay so, Wizardmon. I still think he will make an appearance but I’m skeptical about my former statement regarding believing he will appear as a ghost. I don’t think Tri is beyond retcons, and it doesn’t make much sense to have Gennai specifically talk about Digimon who have died in the real world if it’s not a reference to Wizardmon… unless it’s a reference to Gatsumon and Pumpkinmon, but I doubt it. I still think that he might play a part in triggering Tailmon’s positive evolution, and also hold to my belief that we will see Holydramon as her proper Ultimate (Mega).
Finally (and thank you to @adobenchaahaato for pointing this out), I’ve now noticed that the Digimon Adventure aesthetics for the Digital World are back in this one shot from the PV:
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For reference, this is the original aesthetics:
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Vs this is what we saw in Soshitsu (Loss):
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@adobenchaahaato offered some theories in this post, but mine are different. Originally, I thought the changes to the aesthetics of the Digital World in Tri was just an animation choice but it now appears it was not. The synopsis states that the Digital World is in an abnormal state, and both Hikari and Koushiro noticed something was off at the end of Kokuhaku. So, I actually think that shot from the PV is near the very end of Kyosei, after the Digital World has been restored to its proper state.
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