#(That Could Have Easily Been Momo Speaking)
koushirouizumi · 2 years
Waiting for next I0no reveal in a few hours mainly because I'm more curious about her V.A., but if that isn't Momo's ... i'M
Anyway all I'm saying is I0no and Kage-pro Momo would be acquainted and would collaborate.
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Autism Rizz Tournament
Rizz: Originally short for "Charisma", Rizz (for this tournament, at least) refers to the appeal, charm or general "ability to pull" a character has, either romantically and/or sexually. (The character doesn't necessarily need to be attracted to anyone to have rizz. If they can make others fall for them, it counts)
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Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
that girl is so autistic special interests include ducky momo and busting her brothers, the latter to the point where it impacts her day to day life with her friends because she's so fixated on it (we've all been there right.) Also jeremy is so down bad for her even though (possibly because) she's a little weird and off putting and he's SO sweet and he loves her so much so CLEARLY she has the rizz
Garnet (Steven Universe)
She is rizz personified. She managed to rizz Jamie up without even trying and then rejected him in the most autistic way ever. she has so many emotions but looks like ":l" most of the time. she thinks she knows what to do most of the time and gets really nervous when she doesn't "sorry, playing with swords. oh no, they are bleeding. they are dead. don't call again. sorry, I got nervous :/" She also tends to be really direct even when telling jokes ("danger is my middle name") "that's a lie. ....... your middle name is cutiepie", "all comedy is derived from fear." "I am much older than you."
Chiaki Nanami (Super Danganronpa 2)
the first thing that comes to mind is her tendency to speak in uncertain terms more often than other people (like following up a statement that she's mostly -- but not entirely -- certain in with "i think", as an example). It's probably a combination of literalmindedness and wanting to avoid miscommunication while also not wanting to spend too much energy finding the absolute perfect wording, since she's also noted to take time articulating responses to things sometimes, another thing which points to the idea that she takes some effort to avoid miscommunications. she usually speaks in a pretty subdued tone (probably for the same reason), but she also gets quite blunt on occasion, usually when in a stressful or otherwise chaotic situation. the least spoilery example i can think of is when she bluntly tells nagito to be quiet during the first trial, because basically everything he said by that point was causing widespread confusion and psychic damage to the other students. Also she is the Ultimate Gamer. danganronpa's ultimate talents in general tend to easily read as special interests for the characters who possess them and chiaki is no exception. something else that's notable is that the one video game genre she isn't good with is the dating sim genre. last point: facial expressions! this could be chalked up to her being kinda sleepy all the time, but almost all the facial expressions in her sprites are pretty close to a flat neutral, which is notable for a visual element designed to communicate a character's emotion. she does still express emotion with her face, but it's to a noticeably lesser extent than the other characters in the game. also to give some backup to the rizz part as well, the protagonist especially likes her in a way that i assume is intended to be romantic, though i also remember it being somewhat vague, but either way his affection for her leads to the established rules of the plot being broken in a narratively satisfying way in order for him to talk to her during the conclusion of the game, which leads him to have hope that everything will turn out okay in the end.
Reagan Ridley (Inside job)
No propaganda
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I want to see the mad hatter Retsu 🎩
I’m glad to see people love the Alice in Wonderland AU I made… so without further ado, here is Mad Hatter Retsu along with his two tea party companions! As well as the Red Knight!
Everyone kept requesting characters so I thought to just introduce them all in one go.
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
Tea Party
Kaioh Retsu the Mad Hatter, Jun Guevara as the March Hare, Kozue Matsumoto as the Dormouse, Hanayama Kaoru as the Red Knight, and reader as Alice
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You had followed a little black rabbit in a white waist coat down a rabbit hole which lead you to a dark forest. Thankfully, a cheerful cat lead you to a sign that said ‘Mad Hatter.’ He said you could ask the Mad Hatter for directions to find the white rabbit so where you were…
“Hello?” Your voice rung out as you glanced over at the tea party. Some shushes and giggles filling the air. “I was told I could find… the Mad Hatter here?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin when a man wearing a red wushu uniform came dashing across the long table in the middle of the clearing. The man doing a flip before bowing before you. His melon shaped hat not falling off his head once. A card attached to the side of it that read 10/6 on it.
“I am he. My name is Retsu.” The man scooped up your hand and gave it a kiss before gesturing to the table that was decorated with numerous tea pots and tea cups. “You must be the Alice I have heard so much about!”
That can’t be right… you just got here, how would people already know of your arrival?
“My name isn’t Alice, it’s (your name).” You smiled at the Chinese man with a smile.
“How about you join us for tea?”
“Us?” Momo glanced behind Retsu to see a handsome tanned man with brown rabbit ears sitting at the table, as well as a young woman with long black hair and black mouse ears sitting across from him. The two of them giggling as they drank tea. Why did a lot of the people here have animal ears?
“Oh yes! The March Hare and the Dormouse!” Retsu chuckled as the other two guests waved at Momo. The March Hare being the most interested in you of the two.
The man sprung across the table and grabbed your hand in his. “Meu amor! I’ve been waiting a life time for you!”
You were then swung low while he kissed you from the tips of your fingers all the way up to your shoulder. His fluffy brown ears tickling your face as he kisses up your arm.
“Do I know you?” You asked as you tried to pull your arm away from the flirtatious rabbit man.
“Well I am your future husband, Jun Guevara!” Jun laughed as he pressed a final kiss against your cheek. A smirk now on his handsome lips as he stared down at you.
“Jun! You’re scaring her!” The mouse woman shouted as she threw a tea cup at Jun. The rabbit man easily dodging and catching the cup. “I’m so sorry about that mongrel! My name is Kozue Matsumoto!”
She then thrust her hand out to you, you took her small hand in yours and gave it a shake. Her mouse ears fluttering a bit.
“It’s alright, it’s nice to meet you.” You smiled at the nervous girl before turning back to Retsu who was sitting at the head of the table pouring himself a cup of tea. “Retsu? I came to find you to ask you a question.”
“I know!” Retsu smiled at you. “You’re looking for someone right?”
“Yes I am-“
“They were just looking for me! Their future husband!” Jun piped up as he hopped on top of the table and did a little dance. “I accept your proposal-“
Kozue threw a plate at him, effectively knocking him off the table.
“Retsu is speaking, you buffoon!” Kozue hissed before turning back to you and Retsu. “Continue.”
“Yes… I’m looking for the white rabbit-“
“Oh, you’re looking for Katsumi?” Retsu quirked a brow before patting the chair beside him for you to sit. “How about you take a seat beside me and drink some tea. Take a break.”
“Thank you.” You took a seat and took the tea cup from his large hands. You hesitantly took a sip before smiling at how sweet the tea was. “This is really good.”
“Thank you-“ Retsu’s eyes suddenly shot over the end of the forest. Jun and Kozue quickly jumped into their seats and began to drink their tea. “The Red Knight is coming… here! Drink this!”
Retsu shoved a small vial in your hand that read, ‘drink me.’ You furrowed your brows before gulping it down in one go. You wanted to question him but from how everyone was acting, something was approaching.
“This tastes weird…” Your eyes widened as you began to shrink, Retsu quickly scooping you up in his hands and carefully placing you in an empty tea pot.
You began to shiver when you heard horses and hounds approaching.
“Where is the Alice?” A deep voice echoed from across the long table. You could feel your whole body shake just from the presence of the man who had arrived. You didn’t know who he was but you knew he must be someone to fear because Retsu was shaking. “I know they’re here so it would be best if you inform me of their whereabouts, lest you want your heads off.”
“I lost my head awhile ago!” Jun cracked a joke, him and Kozue breaking out into a fit of crazed giggles.
“Of course mad men like you don’t understand the simpleness of my request.”
“Why don’t you sit down and have some tea with us, Hanayama?” Retsu asked as he set down your tea pot on the table. “Everyone knows you need to relax once and awhile-“
That’s when you felt hands slam against the table, your tea pot starting to slide to the end of the table. Thank goodness someone grabbed you before you fell off the table and onto the forest floor… you were now so small that a piece of broken porcelain could more than likely severely injure you.
You glanced up and your eyes widened when you saw the face of a black haired man covered in scars. His eyes wide at his discovery.
“Hello, Alice.”
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟒: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤
Tags:7 reasons why I love you, shoto x fem!reader, angst, fluff
Even though his world was crumbling apart, you were the only one that could make him smile again
The start of December was an onslaught of emotions. There was never a verbal confirmation but gradually, the flirting and the snarky banters evolved into…this.
Evolved into his hands around your waist, with a too-sweet smile on his face when no one was looking.
Evolved into deep conversations that were his only respite in his unbreathable schedule.
Evolved into him paying attention to every detail about you, every word you told him because you always did the same for him.
Evolved into…love.
Shoto hadn’t quite grasped the feeling yet, and he didn’t think he would for a while. For now, he was just contented to listen to you rant about your day to him as he ate the bread you brought him for tea.
He would tell his father. Today. No more putting things off. No more excuses. Nothing.
Shoto was infatuated with you, every time you called him ‘Sho’, every instance he caught a glimpse of the growing tulip he gave you, your eyes, your smile and your peculiar personality, he absolutely adored—
“What are you talking about.”
Shoto’s eyes were cold as he stared up at his father unwaveringly. This has to be some sort of mistake.
“Shoto,” The princess breathed, dipping into a curtsy. “It is wonderful to see you again.”
Shoto bowed mechanically to her, nodding to her parents behind her, but his mind was spinning and he couldn’t make it stop.
“Father,” Shoto said, voice low and controlled. “What did you do.”
It wasn’t a question, an accusing voice that was barely kept in control. Shoto’s arms shook by his side. This couldn’t be what he thought it was.
“I believe you remember Momo from the Yaoyorozu family. We met them on the day of that ball we threw last month.” King Enji continued, ignoring the iciness in his son’s voice. “We have discussed it together and we have decided in order to unify our kingdoms, the both of you shall be wedded.”
Shock, Shoto realised, was an explosive volcano when it starts to erupt. Sparks of disbelief crawled all over his skin. He had felt like disobeying his father numerous times but never had the desire burned this bright before.
“May I…speak to my father in private for a minute,” Shoto said slowly, glancing at Momo and her family.
With a nod and a bow, he wasted no time in walking swiftly to the other side of the room with his father in tow.
“Why wasn’t I involved in the decision-making?” He articulated sharply. “It concerned me. I should have been present when the decision was finalised.”
His father’s shoulders squared, tension filling his gruff voice like he was struggling to maintain his composure. “This was not a matter up for debate, Shoto. We only wanted to tell you after we had a conclusion—”
“It was a matter that I wanted to have a say in,” Shoto gritted out, eyes flashing. “Not informed of out of the blue like this—”
Shoto drew back, faltering at his father’s unbridled anger.
“You’ve known that this was coming,” Enji said, teal eyes glowing petrifyingly. “ It was one of your duties as heir, and you will fulfil it, even if you feel otherwise.”
Enji folded his arms, his gold medallion heavy on his chest. “I know what you are thinking. That princess that you’ve been accompanying lately is shrewd. I will admit that she is a worthy contender for your hand—”
“She is more than that—!”
“But even so,” His father powered through, as unmoving as a mountain. “Her connection with you can be stretched far more easily than our relationship with the Yaoyorozus. Objectively speaking, she simply did not match up to Yaoyorozu’s economy and her kingdom’s strength. She is not worth it.”
Fury, Shoto discovered, made it difficult to breathe. It obliterates all thoughts and makes your hands shake because all you see now is red. Shoto bit his lip, fingernails digging into his palms. He took in a deep breath, eyes closed.
“All my life, I have lived by your rules.” He spoke, head bowed low because he couldn’t stand to see his father’s face.
“I have done everything you’ve asked me to. I have given up my life for my kingdom because Mother told me that that was what it meant to be king one day. I have done everything.”
He clenched his fists tighter. Blood seeped out of his palms.
“All I’m asking for is this. Don’t take this away from me, Father. There has to be another way.”
And for once, his father’s eyes softened.
“I’m sorry Shoto.”
It disgusted him.
“Prince Shoto?” Momo smiled prettily at him, eyes wide and coy. “Are you alright?”
Shoto stared back at her with unblinking eyes. Of course she came after him even though the meeting was over…all smiley and perfect with a perfume that was way too overpowering. He needed a break.
A break from her, a break from his intolerable father and his cruel orders he wished he could disobey.
Shoto gave her a neutral expression, nodding his head jerkily. “I assure you, I’m doing fine, Princess Momo. Now if you could—”
“We should talk over tea.” She simpered, cutting him off. “I hear that there is a lovely restaurant a 10-minute carriage ride from your palace. We should discuss details of the wedding over there.”
“Now is…not the best of times,” Shoto said monotonely, stepping away from her. “Perhaps we could speak on another occasion. I have matters to attend to.”
Momo withdrew her hand, struck by the firmness of his voice. “Of course. I understand.” She curtsied gracefully, smiling at him softly. “Until we meet again, Shoto.”
Shoto bowed, trying for a smile.
It didn’t come out right.
Shoto remembers finding you in the gardens that night and telling you what happened. You listened to him the entire time as the snow fell around the both of you as you let him pour his heart out, not interrupting him a single time.
Shoto recalls crying that night. It was a tidal wave of pent-up emotions locked up behind dams of facades, a heavy ache in his chest that dragged him down like chains would to the worst of criminals.
It was hard to breathe.
“Sho,” You said, cupping a hand on his cheek. “We’re going to be okay. You’ll be okay, I’ll be here with you.”
He was a mess of tears, and crying in the winter was face-numbing and painful.
He sniffled, leaning into your hand. “Still think I’m handsome?” He inhaled shakily, shaking his head.
You stop him, meeting his eyes. “Only the most handsome prince I’ve ever met.”
And he knew that, because it’s you, you meant every word of it.
“But I am biased, aren’t I?” You laughed, making him laugh too.
“I do not care if your father thinks I’m not worth it. He can say anything he wants about me, and truly? I wouldn’t give a hog’s behind about it.” You wiped his tears away, gentle, unlike your sharp tongue. “As long as I am able, I will stay with you.”
“Are you joking—”
“No, are being serious with me right now?” You giggled, practically falling apart in public as Shoto struggled to keep you standing.
“So you’re telling me that you scared a maid away because you tried to help her up—?”
“It isn’t funny!” He said desperately, using all his strength to make sure you didn’t double over laughing. Knowing you, you definitely would.
He was just trying to be nice, really. He saw her struggling with a basket load of laundry, and when she inevitably fell, he’d extended a hand to help her stand. Her eyes widened in shock (Shoto knew how it felt), and her face pinked rapidly, as she scurried away from him in record speed.
He couldn’t stop thinking about it all day, wondering what he could possibly have done wrong.
“She—” You wheezed. “I was wondering why I saw someone dash into the laundry room.”
“Snowflake!” Shoto tried, looking around the garden grounds. “If someone finds us like this, I will—”
“There you go again, always being uptight.” You said, calming your fits of giggles. “It looks like the inexpressive prince is finally showing he has a heart,” You cooed.
Shoto frowned. “I’m not inexpressive.”
“You were when I met you.” You sighed, gripping his sleeves tightly. “She was probably surprised that you decided to help her. From what I hear, you were always indifferent. Apathatic.”
Shoto wished he had a combat for that.
“That was the best laugh I’ve had in years,” You sighed, giving him a cheeky grin. “You amuse me, Sho.”
Shoto cocked a small smile. “You amused me first.”
You tugged onto his arms, looking up at him with sparkling eyes of mischief. “Carry me?”
Shoto paused. “Pardon?”
“I’m tired from laughing, Sho. And from walking around this big palace just to find you. Carry me.”
“You are spoiled beyond measure, Princess.”
“Oh, your Majestic Highness,” You replied dramatically. “I have brought you sustenance when you’ve needed it most—”
Shoto scoffed.
“All I am asking for, is for aid to my quarters—”
“Alright, alright!” Shoto chuckled, lowering himself to the floor. “Get on.”
Being your piggyback was as fun as it was embarrassing. You pointed forward, smiling as you yelled “Charge!” as he ran back into the castle with you on his back.
He was lucky that Momo was out of the castle, because she always took about half the population of servants to help her carry her high-end jewellery and her obsession with hats and tiaras.
But Shoto couldn’t help but think that even if everyone was watching, he’d still carry you like this if it meant seeing that smile on your face.
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lixenn · 1 month
For your khr 3.0 questions!! ⚙️, 👻, 🦟 and lastly 🎁!
How late am I to answer my own fucking questions?
As you might have guessed I did not prepare answers for my ask game in advance, so this took me ages to get to OTL
Thank you for your patience Momo, have my take on my silly questions:
⚙️You somehow, in some way ended up as a Vongola guardian. Now, what form does your Vongola gear take?
Why me? Why did Reborn drag me into his recruitment scheme 😭😭 I’m just some guy, an innocent lil bean that has done no wrong. Ignore those schmucks chilling in the ditch, they are just taking a nap. …. What? Blood? Nah that’s just ketchup, don’t worry about it, they are fineeee~
Now that I have delivered some nonsense let’s get to the actual questions:
I’m really not a jewellery person, I do have various bracelets, necklaces and some rings but the only jewellery I really wear on a day to day basis are my earrings. I mostly stick to my two trusty hoops and leave the other two holes alone simply because the hoops are the only ones that won’t bug me when I sleep.
So, my Vongola gear will most likely take the form of earrings and since I’m a Cloud (because I wanna be one lmao) I’d say I would have dangling knife earrings, where I can easily take off the knife part (maybe some magnetic mechanism? or simply Vongola gear bullshittery) resize the weapons and then dual wield them in battle. Or if I wanna go distance just throw them at the enemy over and over again because the Propagation property just allows me to duplicate my weapons for as long as I feed them my flames.
(Disclaimer: I have not reread the shimon arc in years and I really don’t have the energy for a research dive rn so I’m taking artistic liberties for how a Vongola gear works)
👻Which KHR character is your spirit animal?
This is an easy one! It’s Fuuta! Simply because I resonate so much with these panels, they speak to my soul:
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While I don’t really mind the rain unless it’s storming and I need to go places, the wonky part… I know it’s just a translation but I use “my brain is wonky” so much… Fuuta and I… two sides of the same coin…
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As for this one… that line is so fucking accurate. I often get ideas either late at night when I want to sleep, when I’m outside on a walk or even when I meditated recently. And by god if I don’t write the exact sentence down at the moment it comes to me, it will be lost to the void. I might be able to remember the basic premise (which is less likely when I have an idea while half asleep) but the phrasing will be gone unless I note it down. It has caused me much frustration and it’s the reason why I write notes on my walks or sacrifice my sleep at times.
So have this quote from my khr reread: “Fuuta is my spirit animal, my soulmate, my darling babyboy.”
🦟 There's been an "accident" and one of Shamal's mosquitos got you good. What deadly disease are you infected with?
Need… to draw… need… need to write…
Creation so near but yet so far. The longing so overwhelming it borders on obsession, alas no words bring joy, no art brings peace. For I have been struck down with maniac creative block, which compels you into wanting to create with your entire being while at the same time preventing any creation from happening via intense burnout and extreme self-doubt. Thus, eventually leading me into a pit of despair which I won’t be able to dig myself out of. RIP me 😔
🎁 bonk "Fuck!" A box has fallen into your lap. It seems like it can be opened via flames. It could be anything: a weapon, a box animal, random junk or radioactive waste some dipshit sealed away for shit and giggles. It's a ✨ mystery box ✨ What will you do with it?
I stare at the box.
The box doesn’t stare back but that was more based on the lack of eyes than anything else.
It appeared out of nowhere, hitting my head with particular viciousness like spiteful God chucked it into the mortal realm in a rage. One wouldn’t expect that a thing that small could do this much damage but the throbbing pain at the top of my skull suggests otherwise.
Now what to do with a mystery box…
Curiosity gnaws at me.
A normal person would throw this thing into the trash. They would get rid of it and move on with their life. Common sense would tell them to not interact with the box that could contain who knows what and might possibly be cursed.
However, I’m a scientist. I’m a scientist that has been handed a funky new thing, which holds countless possible outcomes in its tiny square body.
Naturally, self-preservation is yeeted out of the nearest window and I’m reaching for my notebook, phone and toolbox.
Time to pick the mystery apart.  
Khr ask game 3.0
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rewordthis · 6 months
「Your Mind Bedevilling…」
770 words Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin + SFW
Summary: Last year Sousuke inquired help from the gang in order to organise a birthday party capable of making Rin cry. He failed. And got ratted out. This year, he decided to do everything alone, but as he’s too immersed in his research for the perfect location, he’s more absentminded than usual and eventually Momo finds out. Still, he’s eagerness is what gives him away this time… and maybe it’s just not meant to be…
I blame everything on this (tumblr won’t let me copy paste links :/) post for Rin’s Birthday Story from ‘21 (that was reblogged last month) from @kudouusagi, a hell of a devoted Free! translator (Your translations have made me go from ‘that makes sense…’ to ‘that aIN’t RigHt?! But IT’s oFfiCiaL!!? 🤯’ throughout the years. lol ) and then stumbling on Rin’s 10th year anniversary pic 2 nights ago… yeah. Njoy!
And this was supposed to be just a little gathering among themselves, huh…
Sousuke should really have learned his lesson by now, but apparently him being hellbent on throwing a party worthy of tears for Rin wasn’t something he’d forget easily.
This time, everybody was in attendance — even Haru — and Nagisa and Rei, too.
And like last time, Nagisa had managed to spill the beans by the ‘hello’…
It was somewhat heartwarming watching Haru trying to shut Nagisa up when he started to speak how Sousuke had sent invitations to everyone at least a month in advance, requesting them to clear their schedules, only for Momo to pipe in that apparently the planing had started way earlier, as he had been asking Sousuke’s help with training only for him to appear at Samezuka with fliers about restaurants and clubs, trying to decide which place would be more suitable since their previous choice wasn’t much help towards the objective.
But what really made Rin tear up, albeit in mirth, was the fact that Haru even patted the man’s head, telling him ‘that it’s not his fault he’s not good at this’ with Sousuke running his hand over his face in apparent frustration and scathing embarrassment— something that Rin never had the opportunity to witness before in all their long acquaintance.
Truly a sight to behold!
Hours later, after the spirited chatting had simmered down some, Sousuke approached Rin and sat beside him; his shoulder brushed against the redhead’s while doing so.
Rin just turned and looked at him yet, he all but glanced from the corner of his eye.
“Good job.” Rin said turning his gaze again at Ai that was trying to make Momo stop drinking anymore carbonated orange juice— it’s bad for you if you’re seriously trying to be a competitive athlete.
Sousuke simply breathed. It was deep and slow, just like him. He always took a moment longer when he was serious about something…
This didn’t alarm Rin.
Then his low voice, quietly spoke up: “Well, it didn’t go according to plan so not really. In the end you didn’t cry… again…”
Rin side-eyed him, he really looked a little out of it; the way he still avoided to meet Rin eye to eye and that childish pout he was sporting ever since Momo and Nagisa ratted his plan out to him.
Rin nudged him a little and teased: “It’s exactly because of that that I didn’t cry, ba~ka.”
“Huh?” Sousuke’s head spun around to face him, granting Rin a full view of him for the first time after the party started.
“It was too planned out! Exactly like last time… I could tell something was off because everything was way too familiar from the moment I stepped into the room, man.” Rin answered Sousuke’s near-annoyed face. “Next time don’t try so hard! Or don’t try at all, ha!” He concluded, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.
After that, Sousuke just stood there, looking at him, seemingly taking in what Rin had just told him and noting it down for possibly another time…
But— it wasn’t that he was actually doing.
“Oi, Sousuke? Are you alright? Could it be that you’re going to be emotional now after all those years we know each other? Out of all the times—” the redhead asked as Sousuke’s expression gradually grew solemn.
His eyes scanned Rin for a moment longer before he finally said anything.
“Rin… did it took you long to dress for tonight?” He asked, and he seemed positively overcome with concern for a bit.
“No? Why? Is something not looking good on me? I like this shirt so…” Rin replied and glanced briefly down to check his clothes.
Sousuke tilted his head slightly as he once again, run his eyes over Rin and softly spoke in a deeply thoughtful tone: “It’s not that it doesn’t look good on you but…” his perplexed countenance suddenly lightening up, “I’m 100% sure these mesh T-shirts are what gay strippers wear for work!” 
“Hah?!” Rin’s shock was such that his voice echoed over the background music and the idle exchanges of the other guys: he even stood up without realising it.
Everybody turned to look at a fuming Rin, his face equally red as his hair: and Sousuke’s hearty laughter, filling the spaces between… 
(This man, he will never let him live it down~)
By the way, Rin never found out what went on between his two friends.
In the end, when Rin asked them about when exactly they started to get along, both Haru and Sousuke avoided answering the question…
Late, late, late! But! Did managed to post at least so… yeah! Wah! Help me understand how this works! Why is it so hard to work on phone?! Could it just be that I’m over-romanticising working on desk top? ‘Cause I don’t think so?! Also, why is it so hard to find a title after you have written something??? 😭🫠
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tokiro07 · 1 year
The other thing about the Styles that differentiates them from Abnormalities is that they have room to be mismatched to their users
As I said, Plus Abnormalities shape their user's mentality, and the user's mentality shapes Minus Abnormalities, but a Style can be taught to anyone regardless of fit
Momo's Label Style fits her in the sense that she's not a physically gifted child, so a Style that allows her to win fights quickly with minimal conflict is ideal, but nothing about her personality implies that she has any particular connection or focus on knowing peoples' names (aside from my conjecture that she's friendlier than she appears)
Mogura's Misconversion Style fits her in the sense that it's extremely versatile in combat and she's clever enough to use it to its fullest, but it's not like she speaks in a way that's easy to misunderstand or that she's speaking in wordplay as a gag. If anything, Misconversion Style's focus on double-meaning would make more sense for Nienami, who actively does use wordplay and makes an effort to get people to laugh; instead of using Misconversion Style to overwhelm her enemies with attacks that are difficult to predict, she could easily chain together attacks based on puns
Instead, Nienami has the Contradictory Conjunction Style, which at first seems to match her because she's an incongruous and illogical person, but in reality she doesn't even tend to use her Style because she doesn't like the idea of relying on such a broken power out of fear that it will make her incapable of performing without it. If Styles are meant to represent how one communicates with others, one's communication style, it's shocking how poorly each Style actually represents the personality of the one using it, instead focusing on the utility that it has for their fighting style
Of course, they might actually fit pretty well and we just don't know it because we don't get enough insight on the Stylists themselves to see how they really do fit, but the Abnormalities illustrated themselves quite easily whereas the Styles all seem to be a poor fit right from the get (with the exception of the self-proclaimed pedophile having the power to turn people into children, that unfortunately makes sense)
To give Nisio Isin the benefit of the doubt, because Styles are taught rather than inherent, they do come with the caveat that people can be taught a style of communication that doesn't actually fit them. Kind children are raised in environments defined by anger and aggression all the time, so it's extremely common for people who would otherwise be sweet and generous to say harsh and hurtful things innocuously because that's what they were taught (speaking from experience)
Fukurou's character is meant to be someone who values communication and understanding but fails to actually understand people himself, so it makes perfect sense that when he was teaching others the Styles that he developed that he would misjudge who would be the best fit for each. Of course, he didn't actually care who got what, but if he had been able to understand his students and properly communicate with them, he might have been able to maximize their abilities and he might not have been cut in half
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meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Oh definitely. I was NOT expecting the confession by Kaito down on paper. "The moon is beautiful" is quite a roundabout way of saying things in any case BUT I was not expecting it to be sketched out like this. I dunno why but I expected something like Akiho and Kaito returning to Tomoeda and in some conversation, Akiho implying that they had gotten together or her just telling Sakura that she had told him her real name or something like that. Definitely NOT a full blown confession. You know what this is? This is called growth. 😂 I am glad that Kaito can actually put his feelings across without beating about the bush. Speaking of growth, LMAO at Syaoran and Kaito's communication. What even??? 😂 These two. My first reaction to this was "why are men like this?" Especially awkward men. There were people who kept complaining about how Syaoran had become a perfect and boring Prince charming boyfriend character. Lol. This. This is our awkward boy. Communicating with another equally awkward guy (you bet the latter probably never had a friend to communicate/chat with before Syaoran). Our two moonie idiots. Also, I think Kaito feels embarrassed and shy regarding communicating with Sakura. I mean, he treated Sakura as this naive and inexperienced girl who has tremendous power and thought he could manipulate her and things around her for his own goals. Unlike Syaoran who is well known around magical circles and thus was someone Kaito thought he could outright toy with or openly bully for his own amusement because of the power gap, while he didn’t wish to hurt Sakura, it was clear that he actually didn't think much of her initially either and only wished to put Akiho under her (and her associates' protection) because she was that powerful and he was dying. It was only when Sakura offered an extremely simple solution (that is to mindwipe the Squid Clan) to an overtly complicated scenario of his own creation, while offering her protection and affection at no cost or conditions did I think Kaito actually started respecting her. The look on his face when she offers to mindwipe the clan and the association, he was so shocked. Like that was the moment I think for the first time, he looks at Sakura as Sakura, a tremendously kind and forgiving person instead of some powerful MacGuffin. He had experienced kindness and affection before, in form of Lilie or Momo or even Akiho, but I think what he experienced here was wisdom. I think Sakura might legit be the first person he actually admires. Not admires as in what he feels for Akiho, but as in someone he looks upto. Given that he has been tremendously powerful since he was a toddler and never had a person who could fill that role, I genuinely feel that his embarrassment and shyness is more akin to that an overconfident kid who made a mistake and is now too embarrassed to speak to the cool sempai in charge who solved their mistake easily. You can see the difference between his interactions with Akiho and Syaoran or even Eriol possibly with whom he is a lot more comfortable communicating with in his own style as opposed to Sakura. I think while he has gotten the growth that he needs to be more communicative with the former, he still needs space to have the growth before he can start communicating with the latter, something he probably quietly acknowledges by not writing to her (as yet) despite Sakura welcoming him with open arms Also, talking about growth, guess who hasn't grown regarding their hostility towards their BIL. Touya, if you are not dealing well with their dates even though they are in 9th grade, you are going to be in for a serious of rapid meltdowns after this. Because if things are going the way they are right now, things are going to rapidly progress and escalate between SS soon over the next couple of years if, as we both agree, SS are to marry legit right out of high school. I would like to feel bad for him but I suppose this is genetic. Truly Masaki's great grandson as Fujitaka pointed out.
Hahaha Aubretia! I'm laughing so hard at the final sarcastic remark 😂😂😂😂 Yeaaah here everyone is working hard towards their mental growth, about about we do the same, uh Touya?? 😂 of course his boyfriend cannot help but still tease him about that 😂😂 now he can do that with his "brother" in the open too! 😂😂 Ah dear.......
Switching to the Kaito topic.....ohohohh 😆 Using "the moon is beautiful" phrase can sound like a roundabout way for us abroad, but I can assure you that in Japan there is probably going to be no one who won't understand IMMEDIATELY what he means, because that phrase is THAT popular (used and overused in all kinds of media, I still feel SO STUPID for not having encountered it till Clear Card). Moreover, the fact he chose precisely the way she had chosen back in ch. 48 is an evidence of him completely returning her feelings, and also some kind of "now I understand what you meant" message passed along with the declaration.
The fact he's saying it in full daylight is even more in the face about his intentions. He probably still doesn't have the courage (or doesn't feel it's appropriate yet) to make a full blown declaration with the word suki (all the work of mother-in-law Lilie was aimed at that!!), but feels like he can use this concealed way to get the message across without forcing his hand too much. Akiho used this way when she didn't feel confident enough yet, and he feels like he's allowed the same. Maybe, who knows? He will never say it straight up with those words. I dunno, but they pushed so much over the fact that he's quite strange so he's probably going to find peculiar and creative ways to tell her every day that he loves her without using strong words, since he is an introvert to begin with and he doesn't even go about things like everybody else.
I absolutely agree with the fact that he admires Sakura immensely and this is the reason why he doesn't feel worthy of writing letters to her yet. Although I disagree over the fact that he started only in the finale. I know that Kaito can come off as arrogant sometimes (especially if all you've read is the English translation), but the words he uses towards Sakura are always kind. I always felt ever since he was introduced a peculiar reverence towards Sakura. He wanted to call her with -sama at the very beginning. He constantly praised her magical skills and watched with kind eyes Sakura's growth (even if that meant that he was backed against the wall). Not only Sakura, but Syaoran's too. Throughout the story he showed clearly how he appreciated that Sakura was kind to Akiho, especially in chapter 55 he had this monologue where he recounted how Akiho was happy to have met Sakura and the others, and he seemed genuinely happy about that. At the same time, he looks so sad while he says that, because he knows he'll have to let go of Akiho when the time to activate the magic would come. And in that activation, he took care of disrupting Sakura's life the minimum possible. He didn't remove memories or facts that weren't strictly related to his arrival in Tomoeda or Akiho's status as not-her-sister. Since now we know how much Kaito loved Akiho throughout the story, I don't think he would've ever chosen Sakura to be by his precious Akiho's side if he didn't respect her and didn't see her good heart. I don't think he would've chosen her only for her amount of powers, because he knew all too well that magic power alone can't make somebody's happiness. He knew what Akiho needed. Or so he thought. 😉
With everything that Sakura has done for them now, all the effort she didn't spare for them without asking anything in return (something he wasn't used to, that's why he made that shocked expression when she offered to solve things in her own way, using a huge amount of power), I think that admiration reached impossible levels 😂 And now he's paying her back by teaching her boyfriend a dangerous magic
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Momo <33 she's so pretty!! Actually, twice in general? So beautiful. Anyway, hope you're having a good day! I wanted to ask for a BoB ship. Thank you in advance for the ship, if you're able to do it.
Brief description of my looks; Curly hair that's brown with highlights of blonde and red. It's like a mixture of my parents' hair colours. I am 175?ish?cm tall, might've grown I don't know. Have thought of modeling! Fashion wise; I'm trying to mix elements of goth and punk. I love using fashion as a form of self-expression. My friend calls me her scary dog privilege !! Oh, I love Demonia 311s. The same friend (I love her sm) labeled my eyes sea glass. My facial expressions are either sorrowful or a bit stand-offish. No in-between.
Personality; I am an infp/type one enneagram. I am pretty quiet and find it hard to reach out to people. There's been a few times where I have reached out to someone and then been ghosted. So, I'd rather have others speak to me first so I am assured they want to speak to me... Or even like me. People have said I am therapeutic to be around and I assume it's because I am quiet and willing to listen. I tend to blush quite easily as well. I enjoy reading poetry and anything really. Even though I am quiet and even described as shy; I tend to take on leadership roles... It just comes easily. Even though I have the habit of not living in the moment, I enjoy watching others live in the moment. I enjoy cracking jokes and making others laugh. I love seeing others smile. I think the most beautiful sight is the smile of my best friends. They're so beautiful. I am Jewish. If that adds anything. Music is important to me; I love all kinds of music. I currently love echo and the bunnymen, the charlatans, stone roses, pogues, the clash... I collect records. I'm also into history and geography. Some favorite figures of mine (historical or just authors); James Connolly, Simone de Beauvoir, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and Franz Kafka. I guess something that is important is I struggle with depression? It's just a family heirloom.
Thank you for your request lovely! 💛
I ship you with…
David Webster!
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Song recommendation: About you - The 1975
- Okay you guys would fit each other so well, like I could definitely see it, both of you would be so cute together and you guys would even one another out PERFECTLY
- both of you are very chill people, I think you guys would be friends before you guys started anything romantic between each other, although Web would totally have feelings for you the whole time he’s known you, but he would rather you set the pace in your guys’ relationship
- Like I said, when he met you, he would think it’s love at first sight, you would make his heart beat 100x faster when you’re around, even though his feelings for you were super strong, he would try to keep it as lowkey as he possibly could, he didn’t want to ruin the relationship you guys already had so he could keep his feelings to himself for the most part
- All until one night when all of you guys were out at a bar, you guys separated for only a second, only because he had to go to the restroom, and when he came back m, he saw you dancing with another guy, it made his heart drop, if you looked at him in that moment you would see how heartbroken he looked, the rest of the night he avoided you, hanging out with his other friends until you finally came up to him and confronted him
- “What’s wrong with you?!” You would mad asl at him and so he would try to move the conversation outside where you guys could have proper privacy, “I-i like you, okay? A-and when you were dancing with that other dude I ju-”
- and that’s when you kissed him, a passionate, heavy kiss, this man swears he died and went to heaven, “Wait, so you like me back, do you want to go out like on a date tomorrow then?” He didn’t try to waste anytime on getting that out LOL
- every little date night or special occasion, he will write you little poems or some sort of poetry that mad him think of you, it’s so romantic and sweet, it never fails to make you blush too when he does sweet little things like that.
- btw he LOVES your style, like it’s so cool and refreshing to him, sometimes he’ll ask you, “hey babe, can you style me?” LOL he will always remind you that you have good fashion taste and that sometimes he needs your opinion on what to wear or not wear
- and when you tell him about modeling, he will agree that you do it like 10000% “hon, your so gorgeous, i’m sure any modeling agency would love to have you! Do your runway walk and let me see it” As you do your walk, he would proceed to act like a photographer and take photos of you like a model, “ You’re a natural babe!” he’s ur ultimate hype man honestly
- he is very observant of you, he loves watching you make others smile, or go out of you way to make other happy, it makes him happy, knowing that his s/o is someone who is kind, and funny and overall just so thoughtful of others, you inspire him to be a better friend and role model to others too!
- I think you guys would have similar music taste, and whenever you guys hear a new song or band you’ll recommend it to one another, you guys might even share a playlist if y’all really want to, or maybe even put a record on and dance throughout the house together
- he is always open into learning about Judaism with you and your jewish cultures and traditions, he’s always attentive when you explain to him certain things and he will always ask you questions if he doesn’t understand, he likes knowing those things because he thinks it helps him understand you better, that way he can be an even better boyfriend than before
- both of you have a thing for history and find so one things so cool and unique about it, some night you guys will just watch the, “America In Color” Together on the Smithsonian channel together and both of you will enjoy it sm (btw i recommend that show it’s sooo good and educational)
- he loves playing with your curly hair (if you let him ofc) he thinks it’s so soft and whenever he plays with your hair it’s almost guaranteed that he will get tired and fall asleep, there’s just something so peaceful about it to him, but he absolutely loves it
- he would love taking you to the cutest little dates or get togethers, like museums or parks with a nice view, every date of y’all’s is so cute and well thought out, and he always makes sure it’s as romantic as it can be
- for depression he really helps you on some of your struggles, he is honestly such a good support system for you and will always be there for you if you need it, like he just wants to see you happy and will do anything for that to happen
- canon: one day, it was raining and you guys were bored out of your minds, and David comes up with the perfect ideas of writing each other poems, “let’s have a competition, whoever writes the best poem for one another wins” “and whoever loses, they have to cook dinner” let’s just say you guys had to order take out because he ruined dinner 🤣
- but you guys would be so good for each other, y’all get along so well, and y’all were bestfriends before anything so it’s so much more easier to talk to one another and communicate your feelings, and to goof off and act silly if you want to, one thing is that you guys always have each others back and that’ll never change
Thank you again for your request! I hope you enjoy! :)) 💗
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creampuffqueen · 7 months
finished natla!
mostly incoherent thoughts behind the cut. spoilers, obvi
overall rating: solid B, 7.5/10
alrighty, that’s done and dusted. overall it was pretty decent. if you’re on the fence about watching it, i’d say go ahead and give it a shot
let’s go with my complaints first lol
- the costuming kinda bothered me for some reason. like it was all very show accurate, but it just doesn’t translate as well to live action. it all looked like cosplay to me tbh
- sidelining sokka and katara for an entire episode was. a choice. i know they were sidelined once or twice in the og show but with such a limited amount of episodes i think it really took away a lot of what could have been used for further character development
- also not a fan of how they just offhandedly mentioned the other adventures but never showed them. i think a lot of my issues with the show will boil down to them simply not being able to fit everything in with their limited episode number
- and also that atla as a premise just isn’t good for live action. it’s just not. at its soul this show is a netflix money grab trying to piggyback off the success of atla
- i wasn’t a fan of the continued idea of “the avatar must work alone”. like bro that has never been true for any avatar. sure they carry the burden of being the avatar alone, but they aren’t supposed to work alone. all of the avatars before aang had friend groups!! let aang have friends jfc
- some of the spirit stuff was kinda goofy and not in a good way. idk it just didn’t hit the same way as in the og
- and my absolute biggest issue has to be with zuko not being saved by aang in the north pole. that is such a titular moment for zuko’s development and it was just thrown out. not a fan of that choice at all
- also i really hated sokka’s flashback scene. both because it doesn’t make as much sense continuity wise since ice dodging is a coming of age ritual and sokka wasn’t of age during that time, but also because hakoda would never speak about his son that way??? not the hakoda i know, at least
- as for smaller gripes: they made suki a nepo baby??? they almost killed momo??? appa really doesn’t feel like an actual character in this show, just a mode of transport
- the cave of two lovers plot was both put in book 1, and given to sokka and katara. while i love sibling relationship appreciation, they really shortchanged kataang in this show
- aang does like zero waterbending. in the og show he’s nearly a master at the end of book 1. in this show i think he’s only bent water in the avatar state. how can he move on to earth if he isn’t waterbending
- although i really enjoyed how they went about with sukka in this show, i feel like it could have been done differently to align more with the og. even though sokka is not sexist in this (which i don’t mind, it’s not nearly as much of his character as people claim it is), he’s still insecure about his ability to protect his tribe. i would have liked to still see him humble himself to suki, because he’s at first embarrassed to be beaten that easily but then comes to respect her abilities. they sort of tried to do that but without the humbling part, which i feel is an essential starter to their relationship
okay enough complaining onto what i liked
- i think the actors all did a great job with their characters
- the fight scenes were pretty great
- the bending also looked pretty good
- i think a warm hug from gyatso would fix me
- i know some people hated all the exposition stuff but i really liked it personally
- i enjoyed getting to see azula and her girls this early. also love baby face azula, it really adds to how fucked up the situation is because like. that’s a child
- i think the producers did fairly well in combining some of the episodes. it was interesting and didn’t feel too weird
- it’s fun that the producers also have all this extra atla universe knowledge now. there was stuff included in this that was only shown in the comics or in the kyoshi novels, which is very neat
- despite my prior complaints, like action sukka really did eat and leave no crumbs. i’m very excited to see more of suki, both because she’s my fav, but also because i think her actress did a really great job!
again, overall it was a fun, entertaining watch. it’s kinda like the atla sparknotes version. you get most of the plot, some of the charm. would i rewatch? i will rewatch episode 2 just because i want to see suki (and her milf mom). otherwise, eh, probably not, i’d rather rewatch the og
though i will be adding these three things specifically to my personal atla canon:
- oma and shu are lesbians
- the 41st division 🥺
- milkbending is a thing
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momoh-chiin · 2 years
General dating Hunter headcanons
Hiii! It’s Momo hereeee, how are you all doing?? Okay, so, let’s just say last TOH chapter made me SADASFUCK and as a Hunter lover/kinnie, I wanted to write a little about him These may have spelling errors and make no sense in general, please, be patient with me. I haven’t write anything in a long time, and English isn’t my first language! Okay, off we gooo ~
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✩ Having Hunter as your boyfriend was truly something. It was like having two boyfriends with one same body, and it all depended if you were hanging out with “Hunter”, or “The Golden Guard”.
✩ With The Golden Guard, you would see him as someone dominant, wary, and, to others, even a little cold and harsh. He has a reputation to maintain, and he can’t allow himself to change too much when he’s with you around.
✩ However, you both knew that was just a half-truth. Sure, he did his best to keep acting all mighty and efficient, but that wouldn’t last long.
✩ While on a mission, you both would work on completely different things a second, and the next he would be all over you.
✩ Really, it was funny for the recruits; when they least expect it, he stopped bossing them around to just be closer to you, talking about anything while touching you somewhere (not in a kinky way, of course, more like a hand around your waist, or simply taking your hand).
✩ Damn them if they dared to speak to either of you once he decided to be alongside you.
✩ “Um, Golden guard-“ “What do you want?” “Uh… We can’t pass this trap here and-“ “Then find a way to do it. Can’t you see I’m busy here?”
✩ But do not expect that he will act the same way if he’s around a coven leader, Kikimora, or worse, Belos himself. Even if it hurt him, he would treat you as harshly as the other recruits, being the Golden Guard everyone knew.
✩ Dates would be kept short, if they happened at all, as he had a busy schedule. Being the right hand of the Emperor was not an easy job, sadly.
✩ Also, he would be a bit of a flirt; if he fell, he will take the opportunity to pose and say something as stupid as “seems like I fell for you, Y/N”. If you complimented him in any way, he would be a bit cocky, or easily say something nice back.
✩ “Oh, I already know I’m great, thank you for repeating that anyway”
✩ “Yes, my uniform looks great, but I believe you look better on yours” “Hunter, sweetie, all the recruits wear the same uniform…” “…well, yours look cooler anyway”
✩ Hunter was tender and warmer. You could never have enough of those gorgeous magenta eyes, or his cute gap tooth, or his little rebel hair, or…
✩ Well, anything really. For you, Hunter was the most beautiful person in the whole Boiling Isles.
✩ Likes to cuddle as much as you both can, and will take the chance to show you he loves you so, so much. And by that, I mean lots of hugs, kisses and words of affirmation.
✩ Remember I said that if he was around someone important he would treat you like if you were another simple recruit? Well, he will apologize so, so much. No matter how many times you tell him it’s fine, he won’t let go. He truly feels bad about it.
✩ Dates will be either big or simple. No in-between.
✩ Taking you to a classy restaurant (he can afford it, after all), on a short trip, or little dates on the library, maybe just hang around in his room (he likes his room best because that way he can hug you to his heart joy).
✩ Really, he just wants to spend time with you :)
✩ Never, NEVER forgets a special day. Anniversary? He’s been planning that since the last one. Your birthday? He has your gift and a secret date for you both on the way. Heck, he will even remember dumb things like “every Saturday, it’s burgers day”.
✩ Either as The Golden Guard or as Hunter, he will be possessive and jealous.
✩ Not in a toxic way, but rather in a sad way. He has some self-esteem issues, so he’s afraid you might find someone better than him. He might or might not sulk around whenever he’s feeling especially jealous, and, as the Golden Guard, he can be a little bit harsher than usual.
✩ This boy lost so much, he can’t afford to lose you too :(
✩Overall, no matter if he has his mask or not on, this boy loves you too much, please shower him with even more love!
Requests are open, please read my rules before anything. Have a greaat daay! <3
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liyawritesss · 2 years
so could you write some of the mha girls walking in on black male reader working out shirtless and them seeing his muscles
ᴍʜᴀ ɢɪ��ʟꜱ ᴡᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ
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Pairing: Adult!Ashido Mina, Adult!Yaoyorozu Momo, Adult!Uraraka Ochako, Adult!Jirou Kyoka x Adult!Black!Male!Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: In which these MHA girls walk in on you working out.
Warnings: none
A/N: none
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Ashido Mina
She’s so extra with her reaction, whether it’s planned or not. But you’ll never know exactly how she’ll react to something like this. Partially because despite her gossip girl nature, she’s actually very respectful of boundaries
So when she ends up walking in on you by accident while your working out, you’re thrown off guard by the loud squeak that erupts from her lips.
She herself isn’t covered up much either, sporting some spanks and a loose fitted crop tank - if anything you should be the one squeaking.
She’ll either continue on in her bashful state, covering her eyes and repeating sorries over and over as she struggles to walk away from the scene to save her own face
Or she’ll shoot several flirty compliments and remarks on how strong you are, how hard you're working out, and how you ‘know exactly how to work those muscles’.
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Yaoyorozu Momo
Momo is a flustered mess the moment she sees a glimpse of your body. She didn’t mean to see such a private sight - you being shirtless and all - she just wanted to make sure you had enough water since you had been working out for so long.
She will apologize profusely, tossing the water bottle into the room and sprinting out of there as fast as possible. You’ll have to be the one to approach her afterward and tell her its okay, because she’ll be too stunned by the imagery to speak
Will definitely have the memory in her head for a while, and wont be able to look at you straight because…..obvious reasons
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Uraraka Ochako
Similar to Momo, Ochako gets flustered very easily, and while she may have an interesting imagination, it can never compare to the real thing.
The initial glance had her shocked, she couldn’t take her eyes off of your arms especially. You had to call her name a couple of times for ochako to snap out of her head.
And once she realized the situation, her face flushed bright pink, and she zoomed out of the room faster than Mirko on bunny-nip.
Now every time she sees you, all she can see is that image of you shirtless, sweat rolling down your chest, muscles all on display….it certainly does something to her.
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Jirou Kyoka
Somewhat like Ochako, the first moment that Jirou walks in, her mind kind of blanks out on the sight. Its a pleasant sight indeed, but her mind just kind of checks out to take in the view in full.
Once you call her name a couple of times and she finally comes to, she becomes a stuttering mess, and it becomes hard for her to keep the heat from flooding into her ears.
She just wanted to hand you some water, and you didn’t notice the effect your shirtless figure had on purple haired girl until you actually grab the water from her and her hand is frozen in place
Just give her a kiss on her forehead to awaken your mind again, and let her process it in her own time. She may or may not make it a mission to catch you when you’re working out to get another glimpse of those arm muscles in action.
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
Think Before You Speak: How furious was Nedzu at Aizawa's bias and actions causing the entire mess? Especially since it could have been avoided if Aizawa bothered to check the student files and see when Izuku's quirk came in. Also, does he check the QAT for bias? If yes, how furious is he at Aizawa for singling out Izuku then?
Oh he was furious. For one thing, even though this is glossed over in the fic, in having this happen the HPSC has very good cause to stick their nose into things at UA (since Aizawa just demonstrated quite clearly the teachers can't be trusted to do their job properly/without bias). Nedzu has to be aware of their corruption, but his paws are now tied after this and he really can't tell them to fuck off, since the HPSC can also point out, especially after looking at the shit Aizawa's pulled since he first got hired, that Nedzu should have known this could happen. Also you really shouldn't be keeping on a teacher who keeps expelling entire classes. From a meta perspective it's because Aizawa is supposed to have a lot of Kakashi references, but from a in-universe perspective it makes no sense. Aizawa isn't exactly some famous, well regarded teacher who can be viewed as making completely justified decisions. He also doesn't even have the justification of being some super well regarded hero people are chomping at the bit to train with. Even in terms of say, having him be great on staff due to Erasure, in that case it would be more reasonable for him to be one of the heroics class teachers rather than a homeroom teacher.
But to go back to the fic, when Nedzu realizes how much Aizawa was targeting Izuku, and the lack of reading of the files (which would make it clear why Izuku has issues with his Quirk) he's further furious, because that easily could have culminated in All Might deciding to quit working at UA. If Izuku got expelled, All Might's got no reason to stick around and he probably would have quit to stay with Izuku. At this point in time he's got no real emotional connection to 1-A (or 1-B) and no reason to stick around if Izuku isn't there (since after all, Izuku is his successor). Also honestly even up till now if Izuku for some reason left UA he'd follow Izuku; it very heavily comes across in the 'Izuku goes solo' arc that he's not at UA at the moment and instead is with Izuku/the team dealing with the Shiggy mess.
I personally suspect in canon Nedzu actually told Aizawa he wasn't allowed to expel anyone in 1-A because it had too many kids (Izuku, Shouto, Momo, Tenya) who's expulsion to lead to serious issues for UA. See the previously mentioned stuff with Izuku and All Might, but Shouto and Tenya are huge risk as legacy students, especially in Shouto's case since he's Endeavor's kid, and Momo's an heiress. I don't see UA wanting to deal with her very wealthy and likely to be very upset parents. Also interesting detail I just contemplated; we're actually given very little indication there's too many legacy kids at UA. None of the 1-B kids seem to be, and we got nothing mentioned for the upper years.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
Things that Bakugo shouldn't be able to accomplish/get away with/should've happened:
He should've been expelled from his middle school: On the grounds of severe bullying, discrimination, coercion, and assault.
He shouldn't have been accepted into UA: He scored no rescue points and that should have been a flag for someone as smart as Nedzu.
He should've been given detention for attempting to attack Izuku and blasting him off balance during the speed test.
He should've been expelled and arrested for launching a potentially lethal attack and admitting to premeditated murder during the battle trials.
He should've had his gauntlets taken away: Reason above
He should've lost the cavalry battle: Objectively speaking, class 1-b is a lot more open minded than class 1-a. There's no way someone as intelligent as Monoma could lose to the most narrow-minded and ego blinded person in the show (especially since they had a plan to make sure that most of their class made it to the final round).
He should've lost to Uraraka: Her plan was brilliant even though it was her only one at the time. Bakugo apparently has the gauntlets to minimize the risk of using massive explosions. Then what's the point of having them if he can just whip out a massive explosion out of no where?
He should've lost to Kirishima: His quirk is literally ARMOR. He could have easily with stood the explosions until he tired Bakugo out before KOing him. But of course the show had to come up with a convenient reason as to why Bakugo is able to blast his way thorough battles and ignore his limits.
He should've lost to Tokoyami: Tokoyami's quirk is a stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures and he managed to outsmart one of the strongest and most intelligent students in class 1-a (Momo). There's also the fact that Bakugo using a stun grenade shouldn't even possible. His quirk is EXPLOSION and last time I checked, explosions can't create blinding effects brighter than Jesus Christ himself. And Dark Shadow was already weakened by the sun, so Bakugo didn't even him at his best.
He should've lost to Todoroki: The match should've been over the moment Todoroki surrounded Bakugo with ice. The low temperature should've prevented Bakugo from using his quirk since he needs to sweat to activate it.
Class 1-a shouldn't tolerate him: How can anyone in the class not get tired of his constant creaming and insults. Paired with his rude personality, realistic teenagers are going through a time of insecurities and should have a more negative if not outright enraged response from being treated as lesser just because their parents quirks didn't combine to give them an over powered quirk (except Todoroki).
If he was involved with the fight against Stain, there's no way the Hero Killer would have let him leave that alley way alive: Bakugo is everything stain wants to annihilate from the hero society. And honestly coming face to face with a serial killer specifically targeting him for his corrupt principles may serve to humble him and begin his character development.
Bakugo should've been kept a close eye on and away from Izuku: This one speaks for itself.
Bakugo shouldn't have passed his practical exam: Izuku had to be paired with Bakugo against his will and both were pit into a fight against the number one hero. During the fight he assaulted Izuku for the crime of trying to get him to see reason (which he should've been disqualified for) and through a tantrum when he realized that the only way to win is to work with someone he hates (for no reason). In a real fight, if he was forced to work with someone he didn't like and claimed that he'd rather lose to a villain rather than the easier option of getting over himself to get the job done, innocent civilians would be caught in the crossfire. After getting his ass handed to him by All Might (i personally enjoyed it), Izuku dragged his pathetic unconscious body through the escape gate. And yet Sero was dragged through the escape gate and failed despite being cooperative and willing to work with his partner. I smell favoritism.
He should've lost to Izuku during the trashy Deku v Kacchan rematch: Up until this point, Izuku has faced off against several people who are stronger and older than him and he managed to win against them. Their quirks have more uses and are more versitile than his over hyped "use larger explosions and hope for the best. Izuku should've crushed him in this fight, especially now that he has better control of his quirk.
He shouldn't have found out the OFA secret: How does it make sense that Izuku's long time bully/abuser is in on the most important secret in the world when he's done nothing to earn it. People claim that Bakugo has it difficult, but the truth is all his needs to do is throw a tantrum when things aren't going his way and the narrative will go out of its way to coddle and reward his childish behavior.
This is one post I definitely want to get back to because I have so much to say on this, but I 100% agree with each of these points.
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lemons3ason · 3 years
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BNHA HUSBAND SCENARIOS: When you mention divorce after a fight
🥦Izuku Midoriya🥦
“If I mean so little to you than why’d you ever marry me?!”
Your voice echoed that same sentence in his head over and over again, you had gotten into an argument over Izuku overworking himself and it resulted in him saying things he didn’t mean. He had forgotten that behind these walls you were a married couple not hero partners, he had chosen his job over you regardless of the promise that he made that you’d always be the world he wanted to protect and now here he was, sitting alone on the couch in shame. He had hurt you with his words he knew he did, he wanted to apologize but he didn’t know what to say or do. His ears twitched to the sound of your bedroom door opening and he stood up meeting your puffy eyes before you moved towards the door.
“H-honey...w-where are you going?”, he stuttered, a feeling in his stomach made him worry.
“Out. Just go back to work or something...you’re happier there anyways.”
His body winced to the cruel venom that laced every word, he had to apologize immediately. He slowly walked up to you reaching for your hand but you quickly snapped it away and opened the door.
“(Y/n) wait I’m-“
“If I stay by you any longer then I’ll really consider divorcing you.”, you admitted coldly making the tall muscular man freeze completely.
You walked out, slamming the door as you left, leaving Izuku alone to his thoughts. You wanted to divorce him...you were actually considering it. What did he do? What was he supposed to do, he didn’t want you to leave him! He’s the number one hero, he fights villains and faces death everyday, and yet now he’s afraid and alone. Despite his frenzied mind he raced after you, nothing else mattered right now then you. Thankfully you hadn’t gotten far but he could tell from your body language that you were crying again, you always tried to play tough even when you were truly hurting inside.
“(Y/n)!”, he screamed, you name echoing in his chest.
You quickly turned around revealing your tearful eyes, you frowned quickly deciding to run rather then face your green haired husband. Izuku wouldn’t let you go so easily, not now, not ever! He activated his quirk speeding towards you and scooping you up into his arms as he floated up into the clouds. You couldn’t do anything up here so you had to listen to him, “(F/n) Midoriya I’m sorry!”, he yelled hugging you tightly.
You didn’t respond, you didn’t say a single word much to Izuku’s horror. He pressed his forehead against the top of yours and closed his eyes begging you to look at him, “Not like this. Please (Y/n) anything but this, I don’t want to lose you. We’ve been together since high school and I love you more every day so please don’t tell me you want a divorce. Just tell me what I have to do to fix my mistakes.”, Izuku pleads were desperate and shaky. You didn’t want to deal with this broken heart of yours anymore, he always chose work over you and you were tired of it.
“I-I want my Izuku back. I married Izuku Midoriya...not Pro Hero Deku. I don’t want to be your second thought anymore I’m tired of being forgotten.”, you sobbed against his chest not once looking up at him.
That’s when he realized how little time he’d been spending with you, a simple hello and good night were all he’d ever gotten from you lately. He’d go to work early, get home late, you’d stop making him dinner all together since you knew he wouldn’t come home. The stress of him neglecting you over work had finally caught up with you and now he had to fix it.
“Let’s go home (y/n).”
“Don’t wanna. I hate it there.”, you admitted.
Even if you didn’t want to he took you home. He carried you to bed and laid you down wrapping his arms around you and talking to you until you vented out all of your feelings. Once you were asleep in his arms he grabbed his phone and immediately requested time off from the agency. He had to rekindle your love for him before anything else happened and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
💥Katsuki Bakugou💥
Your cries had finally calmed down after an hour but Katsuki’s guilt and worry were far from gone. He couldn’t even remember the cause of the argument, so he could remember were the tears in your eyes when he had grabbed your wrist to hard and accidentally activated his quirk. The unpleasant smell of burnt flesh still lingered in the room and small drops of your blood stained the floor.
“(Y/n)...open the door. Let me clean your wound before it gets infected.”, Katsuki called from the other side of your bedroom door.
He didn’t hear any noise from the other side so he assumed you were ignoring him but he deserved it. All he did was fight with you lately, the stupid stress from work was making him angrier then he already was but why would he take it out on you? He called for you again trying to get any sign that you were okay. He was hopeful when he heard the door unlock but your cold heartless expression made his blood freeze.
“I’m tired Bakugou. I’m tired of being the stupid ass sponge that you dump all your problems out on and then ring out when you’re not angry anymore. Finish filling these out, I’m leaving tonight because I can’t do this anymore.”, you sighed slamming some papers against his chest before returning to your room.
The angry blonde knew he fucked up the moment you called him by his last name, you only ever did that when you were furious so he knew he fucked up. He didn’t want to bother you anymore then he had so he left to the kitchen to look over the papers you had given him. He assumed it was paperwork for work since you both worked at his agency but his heart dropped when he realized that they were divorce papers. Everything was already filled out all that was needed was his signature of consent to start the divorce process. His mouth ran dry, his heart pace quickened, and his hands became sweaty from nervousness. He raced back to your bedroom forcing the door open to see you packing your suitcase and frowned at you. You met his eyes briefly but returned to filling your suitcase despite him wanting to speak with you.
“B-bab-(Y/n)...(Y/n) why divorce? I-It doesn’t...I-I mean we don’t-“
“You don’t love me anymore that’s why you’re always fighting with me right?”, you dared to ask holding your injured arm up to your chest.
Katsuki body froze to your assumption, is that how he’s made you feel? “(Y/n) I love you. I do, I love you just like the day I confessed to you. Just like the day I proposed to you, just like-like our wedding day.”, He confessed shaking as tears poured from his eyes. “I don’t want to let go of you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You turned to him with sad eyes taking in his stressed appearance and sighed, you couldn’t do this anymore. You were tired from always being yelled at and then suddenly being loved, you weren’t sure if he was bipolar or just being a dick anymore so you couldn’t bear to deal with this another day.
“Bakugou just sign the papers. You’re not gonna change, I’m not gonna be able to take another day of this especially if you’re getting so violent that you’d actually hurt me.”, your voice was soft and broken the more you spoke you didn’t want to leave him but you couldn’t take this anymore, “I’m not asking for anything just let me g-“
You gasped feeling him suddenly embrace you, you flinched in his arms but he just held you tighter afraid to let you go. His lips kissed yours feverishly making you reconsider your decision until he pulled away.
“Don’t do this (Y/n) I won’t be able to live with myself if I lost you. I’m sorry, I’ll get better, just please don’t leave me. Stay here tonight I’ll go to a hotel or something so you have some time to yourself and then I’ll come back and make you breakfast and if you still feel the same tomorrow then I’ll sign the stupid fucking papers.”, he admitted handing you the papers.
His hands shook violently with fear, he didn’t want to let go of them knowing that you’d probably still feel the same tomorrow. You were able to pull them out of his grip and he left to pack his bag for the night. You didn’t say a word as you watched him pack his bag for the night, he was ready to leave but not before pressing another kiss to your lip and apologizing again.
“Goodnight love I’ll see you tomorrow.”, he smiled nervously back at you watching you merely nod and wave him goodbye.
It wasn’t until now that Katsuki realized just how distant you were from him.
🔥Shoto Todoroki❄️
It was just the heat of the moment and the stress from arguing that made Shoto say what he said. Now with his hand over his mouth and new tears falling from your eyes the fighting had ended with both sides losing. He had cheated on you with his best friend, the very girl he told you never to worry about. You stared down at your feet, face heating up in embarrassment, while your vision became blurrier.
“(Y/n) I-“
You held your hand up signaling for him to stop, you went to your room to pack your suitcase and leave. He tried to speak with you but you wouldn’t listen and to make it worse he answered the phone to Momo as you packed. While he was busy talking to her you slipped out of the front door not once daring to look back. You’d stay at a hotel for tonight then move back to your home town, your mother was right to be wary of him but to think he had actually thrown you away for Momo was almost to unbelievable.
“Where did it all go wrong?”, you sighed to yourself getting into the Taxi.
You were practically at the front desk requesting a room when Shoto finally called you. An hour had already passed but it made you realize just how little you meant to him now that he had who he truly wanted. Once you were settled in your hotel room you answered him, your voice dead and hoarse from sobbing.
“(Y/n) please come back home. I-I didn’t mean to do it, I’m sorry just please come ba-“
“I want a divorce Todoroki, if you wanted her so badly that you went behind my back to do it then I no longer want to be your wife.”, you replied coldly hanging up before he could speak anymore.
You blocked his number and tossed your phone into a forgotten corner of the room. You called your mother on the room phone to tell her you’d be going back and the pain in her voice over hearing you heartbroken made her regret ever jinxing you. You heard a knock at your door and sighed believing it was room service so you put on a fake smile as you answered the door but it dropped once you saw Shoto standing before you.
“Go away.”, you warned slamming the door on him but his ice blocked it from shutting completely.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry, it only ever happened once I promise. I wasn’t thinking right it was during your year long undercover mission I-I don’t even remember what made us do it-“
You glared at him, with a heavy heart your hand met your left cheek, the sound echoed in the room before he turned to look at you again.
“I stayed loyal to you all these years and when I leave for one you decide to fall for another woman and sleep with her. I’ve always been insecure especially about women as beautiful as Yaomomo, and just when I was starting to believe you about being prettier than her you threw it all away!”, you sobbed holding yourself in your arms, “What did I do to make you stop loving me? To make you stoop low enough to cheat on me!”
God your words were killing him, each tear made his guilt worse and worse, “(Y/n) I’m sorry...I’m so sorry.”
“No you’re not. You hold back because you’re lying to yourself that you love me but even I know that you don’t. Just go Shoto...it’s over I want nothing to do with either of you.”, you sighed turning your back to him one last time. He reached out to grab you but he couldn’t seem to reach you. Even though you were so close his body wouldn’t let him move, tears spilled from his dual colored eyes as he turned to leave. You heard the door shut and sighed it was over.
🐙Tamaki Amajiki🐙
“A-Angel, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”, Tamaki cried.
You body was limp in his grasp and to defeated sigh left Tamaki fearful of what was going to leave your mouth, “If you don’t love me then why do you bother staying here? I’ll just do you the favor and set you free. Once the divorce is settled then you won’t have to deal with someone annoying like me ever again.”, you spoke softly somehow escaping his grip as you disappeared into the bedroom. Tamaki was shaking, a cold sweat washed over him and his heart was racing. He hadn’t suffered an anxiety attack this serious since high school, he wanted you to comfort him but he knew right now you wouldn’t do that.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry. P-please don’t say you’ll divorce me. I don’t want anyone else I-I just want you.”, he admitted rushing to your room to see you packing your things.
His stomach dropped when he finally realized you were serious about this. He begged for you to listen, poor excuses falling from his lips with each passing second. “Tamaki just stop, why would you want to stay with someone you don’t even love? The damage is already done Tamaki so you have to deal with the consequences. I’m going to live with my mother until I get back on my feet, I don’t want anything from you just sign off the papers once you get them.”, you sighed zipping up your suitcase as you prepared to leave.
Tamaki’s quirk activated, his tentacle finger slammed your suitcase away in a matter of seconds. Once again you were yelling at him but he didn’t care, he walked up to you and fell to his knees just at your feet and wrapped his arms around your waist latching onto you desperately. “Tamaki let go.”, you warned pushing him off by his shoulders. Not a word left his lips, he just held onto you tighter. “Let go Amajiki.”, you sighed breaking to the sound of his soft sobs against your stomach.
“I-I can’t lose you. N-not like this. S-sorry...so s-sorry.”, he hiccuped stumbling over his words, “I need you. You’re not annoying, you’re not overbearing, you’re perfect! I love you, I didn’t mean what I said please don’t leave me!”, he screamed his tentacles wrapping around you desperately to keep you in his grasp.
“You don’t mean that. The anger in your eyes as you spoke to me only proved that you don’t love me. Let go and find someone you actually love because this... this isn’t the love you need.”, you sighed.
His nose pressed against your stomach as he begged the little person in you to convince you to stay, this wasn’t easy for you. The stress from your work and being pregnant was becoming to much for you and Tamaki’s anger towards you wasn’t helping your mental state.
“Please please don’t leave me. I can’t lose both of you.”, he sobbed.
You sighed and called his name making him look up at you, his tears poured down his eyes and his face was scrunched up on despair to the situation. Another sigh left your lips, “I’m tired Suneater.”, you whispered forcing Tamaki to freeze at the sound of his hero name. His fingers returned to normal, and although the situation was still at hand you decided to stop for the night. This strain was too much for you to handle, “Good night Suneater.” Your elf eared husband sat on the floor in shock as you drifted off to sleep fresh tears spilling silently from your eyes. He didn’t love you that’s all that replayed in your mind.
🐈‍⬛Shinsou Hitoshi🐈‍⬛
You had mentioned divorce to him once after a cruel fight in return became brainwashed for several seconds and never dared to mention it again. Where did it all go wrong? Why did it become like this? You were to afraid to speak with your own husband because of his quirk, you were so bottled up from the neglect and loveless heartache bubbling up in you that you just decided that it was better to leave. Hitoshi wouldn’t even bother talking to you about your deteriorating marriage so what was the point. He’d get home, not even say hello and go straight to bed. Maybe you were overthinking things but in the end it would be the best for you, your high school sweetheart no longer loved you simple as that.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you here?”, a female voice called, you kept your lips shut until your best friend emerged from the front door, “H-Hey why didn’t you answer me?”
“S-sorry force of habit. Sorry that I had to involve you in my running away.”, you giggled nervously.
“So you’re actually gonna take this mission? It’s an undercover mission and at a minimum you have to be off grid for a year, are you sure you can handle this?”, your friend Aiko asked.
“Y-yeah...nobody will recognize me now that I’ve quit the agency.”, you smiled.
Aiko quickly grabbed your bags and took them to her car as you left your goodbye note. Shinsou’s pet cat sat by watching you carefully, “Take care of him old friend.”, you sighed leaving your goodbye note and your ring behind.
The old tabby cat nodded and rolled into a ball to sleep until his master returned, you made sure to leave his bowls filled and disappeared without a trace. The next morning when Shinsou returned home he realized that the smell of bacon or fresh coffee was vacant from the house. He believed you had maybe overslept, that was fine in a way it gave him time to cuddle with you a bit until you quietly pulled yourself from his heavy arms.
“Mocha where’s your mom?”, Shinsou yawned walking into the kitchen.
His old tabby yawned and stamped his foot on the table bringing Shinsou’s attention to the letter that his fluffy butt sat on. He quickly noticed your ring and his heart sank, for a moment he believed it was a ransom note but it turned out to be worse then he thought. He continued to read the letter until he realized that you had left him...he had lost you. The purple haired pro ran to your bedroom praying to see you asleep in the black paw print covered sheets he had bought only to see your room completely empty of any sign of you. Your clothes were gone, shoes gone, your pictures gone! You had erased your very existence from the home and it made his heart stop.
“B-baby? Baby! (Y/n) please! Stop joking around this isn’t funny anymore! (Y/n) come back out!”, Shinsou cried collapsing to his knees from exhaustion.
If only he had realized his mistake before you had left and gone away, if only.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
HELL YEAH I LOVE THIS SUIKAWARI MY HEART THING SHOUTA'S SO T H I R S T Y ok real talk deku absolutely knows who eraserhead is right??? hes an eraserhead fan right???????
"These seem kind of ...short," Izuku can't help but point out, hands coming down to tug futilely at the swim shorts that had somehow replaced his standard blue and yellow Mighty Swim Shorts(TM) he's had for years now. "And tight."
"As god Herself intended," Hitoshi mutters from where he's laid out on the concrete of the changing room floor. "Praise be to Yaomomo."
"Praise be," Izuku automatically echoes out of longstanding habit.
A beat of silence passes between them
"You know that floor is beyond filthy, right?" Izuku can't help but ask.
Hitoshi just peels one bleary eye open and stares up at Izuku silently.
"Fair enough," Izuku agrees as he goes back to fussing with his shorts.
"You nervous?" Hitoshi asks a few seconds later.
"Yeah," Izuku admits sheepishly. "Seems kind of dumb huh? Being so nervous over a charity event like this? But ... what if I look stupid?"
"Not possible," Hitoshi immediately denies.
Izuku loves his friend so much. Getting arrested together with Hitoshi at a rally really was the best thing to happen to him in a long time.
"Very possible," Izuku counters. "Highly probably in fact. Everyone else participating is super cool with super cool moves, with or without their quirk being involved. I'm just ... me."
"Look," Hitoshi says as he eels his way across the floor until he's laying right beside where Izuku's standing. "Just go out there and do exactly what you did at practice. Trust me, it'll go perfectly. Especially since Todoroki's not here to catch the vapors or the drapes on fire."
"Still don't know why the entire group had to come to that practice," Izuku grumbles just a bit. "Or why Momo had to host it. Or why Uraraka recorded it."
"Kirby's making mint by now," Hitoshi mumbles under his breath.
"What?" Izuku asks.
"Nothing," Hitoshi waves his question off lazily as he finally rolls over and pushes himself up onto his feet.
He throws an arm over Izuku's shoulder and rests his sharp chin on the crown of Izuku's head.
"Like I said before," Hitoshi reaches his hand up to poke at Izuku's cheek, "just go out there and be your regular sunshine broccoli self and do what you did at practice night. You've got this."
And by this point all Izuku can do is believe him.
Crate of watermelons firmly in hand, Izuku bounces just a bit on his toes and focuses on taking deep breaths of fresh ocean air.
Dagobah Beach is still as beautiful now as it was all those years ago when he cleaned it for Toshi-sensei at the start of his apprenticeship.
On the other side of the small, curtained off backstage area the crowd that's gathered is going wild.
Honestly, Izuku would rather be out there watching the Miruko crush watermelons than here waiting for his own turn to go on stage.
But, eventually, is turn does actually come.
"...the showstopper himself, the one, the only, the #1 Can Do Hero Dekiru."
Present Mic's announcement ringing in his ears, Izuku takes one last deep breath, does his best to smile, and moves out into view.
The crowd is deafening and Izuku has to admit that it always makes him feel more than a bit awestruck to have so many people cheering for him. Especially over something that's more than a bit silly even if it's for a collection of good causes.
He shoots the crowd a small wave as he sets his crate down.
"Show us what you've got!" Present Mic demands from somewhere to Izuku's right. "And let's give him some encouragement listeners!"
The crowd begins to chant "De~ki~ru!" and Izuku picks up his first watermelon, determined to follow Hitoshi's advice.
The first and second melons break easily enough, just as they had at practice, but the crowd seems happy.
So Izuku moves onto his third pose, the one that the others had made him repeat a handful of times a few nights ago.
A flex of his thighs and a twist of his hips and his lap's covered in sweet pink flesh and sticky juice.
"Oh god," a voice, low and husky, cuts across the crowd, "I wish that was me right now."
Even as the crowd goes abruptly silent Izuku's attention immediately zeroes in on the source.
He immediately feels his entire soul leave his body.
Because standing there beside Present Mic, arms crossed over his chest and face blank, is Eraserhead.
The Eraserhead.
The same Underground Hero Izuku's been a huge fan of since the moment he found out he existed. The notorious hell teacher of UA whose very name sends shivers of fear down the majority of his friend group's spine.
The same Eraserhead who was Hitoshi's mentor.
And who Izuku may or may not have a strange, second-hand sort of not-crush on.
In his defense, Hitoshi's stories about his mentor are always highly entertaining to Izuku. And what he's learned about Eraserhead through his friend just makes Izuku think the man is someone he'd really like to get to know.
Which is what makes being here, topless, covered in watermelon juice, and with an actual audience to witness the semi-sexual remark Eraserhead had just made about him, a special kind of torture.
Because Izuku's never admitted it to anyone, and especially not Hitoshi, but Eraserhead lines up pretty closely with what Izuku would consider his type.
The man understands heroics, and according to his capture and expulsion rate and Hitoshi himself, has a lot of personal dedication and drive. The stories Hitoshi tells about him show he's got a soft streak he keeps well hidden and he's intimidatingly smart.
Plus he's tall, has hair that Izuku admits he wouldn't mind getting his hands tangled in, and looks like he'd be mean in all the right circumstances.
All of that is probably why Izuku finds himself speaking without really giving himself permission to open his mouth.
"Ah," Izuku hears himself say, "maybe we could go on a date first though? If you'd like?"
For a long moment it's so quiet Izuku's pretty sure he can hear himself dying cell by mortified cell.
Eraserhead's face somehow manages to go even blanker.
And then, he smiles.
'Oh wow,' Izuku can't help but marvel as he takes in the expression he's seen palely echoed on Hitoshi's face a million times, 'that's ... unexpectedly attractive.'
He can feel even more heat rush to his face in response as he chews nervously on his lower lip.
"Hope you like coffee," Eraserhead finally says, "and cats."
And Izuku can't help but grin because yes, yes he does.
But he's pretty sure he's going to end up liking Eraserhead even more than all of those put together.
"Hell is empty," Hitoshi intones when Izuku finally manages to get free of the semi-rioting crowd so he can rush back into the changing room to clean himself up. "All the devils are right fucking here."
Izuku stalls out for a moment, unsure of what, exactly, he's supposed to say to that.
"You've got a date with Eraserhead," Hitoshi plows on.
The expression on his face is caught somewhere between gleeful and absolutely unhinged.
"Yeah," Izuku can't help the grin that steals across his face as he wipes himself down. "Or at least I hope he was serious."
"Oh he was serious," Hitoshi reassures him. "As serious as the heart-attacks basically everyone we know have probably collectively had."
"Do you think he's gonna like me?" Izuku can't help but fret just a bit.
"He's gonna marry you," Hitoshi snips back. "And we're all gonna suffer. Thank the gods you won't be breeding at least. Whatever the both of you are ends with you."
"That's kind of a quick jump to make but quirk science has come a long way," Izuku says absently as he pulls his shirt over his head. "Most couplings are genetically possible these days you know?"
"That was not a challenge," Hitoshi hisses, horror overtaking his expression. "I swear to god Izuku do not spawn with Eraserhead."
Izuku just waves him off as he trots back towards the door to the changing room.
He has an Eraserhead to track down and, hopefully, date plans to iron out.
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