#(_ _ ) ꗃ caju drabbles ¡
haitanni · 3 years
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— manjiro "mikey" sano, sanzu haruchiyo, kakucho hitto, ran haitani, rindou haitani, hajime kokonoi
— how i headcanon the bonten members on the dorama 'round 6'/'squid game'
— warnings: mentions of death
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if you haven't watch the show, i will try to explain how the games work
i will try to not spoil, just will explain how the rounds prolonged
FIRST: there is a robot doll with cameras on the eyes, the players have ten minutes to reach her, but they only can approach when she's singing a little song and not looking at them. the players cannot move when she's not singing, if they make any move, they die.
SECOND: the honeycomb; they receive a biscuit made of pure sugar with a geometrical form in it, they have to cut off the form without breaking it, if it breaks they die.
THIRD: the players separete themselves in groups of 10 and then play tug of war, the team that loses die, this one is simple.
FOURTH: they choose a duo, each person get a bag with ten marble balls, they have 30 minutes on this game. they have to create a game by themselves without any violence, in the end, the one who gets the marbles from their opponent wins. the loser dies.
FIFTH: there are two bridges with only glass plates, and there are two types of glass: common — which breaks with impact — and tempered — which can support at least two people over it. it's a 50/50 game, the players go on an order to cross the bridge. those who got in the ending of the line have advantage — not commiting the others mistake — and wins who has the best luck. if you fall on the common glass, you die. when the time is over, all the glasses explode.
SIXTH: the squid game; theres some lines on the ground forming the shape of a squid and there's two teams: the defense and the attack. the defense tries to push the others from entering the squid, and the attackers have to step in a triangle on the squid's had. the loser dies. the winners leaves with the money prize.
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manjiro "mikey" sano
— somehow he would survive the marjority of the games
— i think he would watch what the others are doing, copy the things they did right and improve their mistakes
— he would be so concentrated in the honeycomb game, like just a kid playing with his friends, he wouldn't lose this one btw
— he would be one of the finalists, not to say that he'd be the winner
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haruchiyo sanzu
— one of the first to die
— he only survived the first game because mikey grabbed him by his shirt, or else he would fall on the ground
— i really think i can compare him to minyeo (the girl with curly hair), if he survive, he'd survive so long that everyone is shocked
— he would've failed the bridge game cause he would have gone running like a crazy frog, and boom normal glass
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kakucho hitto
— he is smart, he'd watch what the others are doing and copy, and he doesn't get in trouble with the wrong people
— the first game would've been easy to him, and does the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth, no one can beat this man
— i don't think he would win the last game, the squid game, i think the other player would've mislead him and take advantage over him
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ran haitani
— the first to be dead
— like literally
— the doll caught him moving and shot, not everyone got how the game works, he didn't know he couldn't make any move
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rindou haitani
— he saw his brother being the first to get fired, only sighed and continued to play, although he was panicking inside
— he survived the first game!
— maybe the honeycomb game would got him, he is smart and strong, all analytical, but he may get stressed and break the biscuit
— if he maneged to win, he would lose on the tug of war, but he did tried the best he had
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hajime kokonoi
— oh gosh
— he would do, like, anything to win the prize, even sacrifice his comrades
— he got the first two easily, on the third he maneged to get a strong team, he would've cheat the fourth
— maybe the five got him, he would desperate and run through the glasses, or someone may push him
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436 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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"babe, can we break up on november 18th?" you hugged shinichiro from the back, he was busy cutting onions for the lunch and stopped as soon as his brain processed your question. he turned to you, his face was so confused that you could almost see a question mark above his head.
"why- why would we do that? i wanna know what you're thinking" he cleans his hands with a dishcloth and hugs you back, looking you in the eyes. his glare made you feel shy, but you're set on your goals and sure that it's going to be worth it.
"the new adele album releases on november 19th and it's full of songs about break ups, i wanna suffer with the songs but i can't 'cause our relationship is perfect, i wanna feel the beat!" you hold your urge to laugh as his expression changes, the more you say the more he understands, and he is quite convinced that it is a good reason.
"let's fake a fight near that date, and then we can break up, so it will be sadder. but how long is it going to take? can i come back to you in the same day?" he moves both your bodies calmly, waiting for your response. he thought it was an excellent idea of yours, but he didn't want to break up, not even as in a joke.
"until i finish listening to the whole album, i'll let you know when i'm over" you give him a kiss, he smiles and kisses you back, turning again to his cut onions task.
"we can do that, but stay here for now, let's finish cooking together so i can enjoy more time with you" you couldn't see but he blushed while saying that, you smile and pat-pat his back, going to the stove to check on the rice.
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295 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
inspired after this
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"oi! y/n-san! this is for you!" mikey shouted before running with his basketball in hands, dodging from baji and then throwing the ball to the basket. he went with all the confidence he had, only to miss it so bad that the ball had hit a car far away. both you and your boyfriend laughed at his little brother running the opposite direction of the damage he just made, baji was holding his belly from how much he was laughing at his friend.
dating shinichiro means that you'll get four younger siblings to take care, two of them are almost angels, izana and emma were playing with the girl's dolls while the other two beasts — kids — were playing basketball. shinichiro took the ball and runned to score a three points for you, "y/n, this is for you!". just as mikey, he missed, even worse than the other boy. now both manjiro and baji are laughing at the oldest sano, shin came back to sat at your side and gained a kiss on the cheek for his attempt.
"hey! y/n-san!-" that was all baji could say before tripping on his own feet and fall above the ball, even if mikey was the closest to him he couldn't stop laughing at how stupid his friend looked. baji stood up like nothing happened, running after mikey for not helping him before. while they were busy chasing each other, izana lifted emma on his arms for her to get the basket, they both smiled at you and shinichiro while the other kids shouted saying that it was unfair.
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333 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— sanzu haruchiyo x gn!reader
— your husband is afraid of insects and you get to save him from that
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chaos. that's everything that can be heard on the ground floor of your house. you were having a good sleep but the sound of something breaking woke you up. your husband was a bonten executive and the second in comand, you shouldn't fear anything like an invader, right?
he wasn't in the bed with you, so he may be fighting whatever dared to enter your sweet home. your thoughts were abruptly changed when a very terrified scream echoed the whole house, it was so thin that looked like a horrorised woman shouting. you rushed downstairs and turned the lights on, you were carrying the gun sanzu kept on the bedside table, in case something might happen.
and here he is, crouched above the kitchen island, almost all the chairs were on the ground and some glasses were broken all over the room. he screamed even more when you entered the kitchen, but calmed as soon as he recognized that it was only his s/o.
"what is wrong, haru?" you approached and he pointed to a bowl upsided-down on the floor, you gently picked it and a cockroach started running. you got scared for a second and heard your husband screaming in pure panick as the insect got near to him.
you chuckle and quickly kill the horrendous beast treading it, he sighs in relief and gets down the island with puppy eyes, all clingy over you. you laugh even more as he hugs you tight, looking for comfort.
"thank you so much, i don't even know what could've happen if you didn't arrive in time" he said it so seriously that almost seemed like a joke, but his face was so relieved, you just hugged him back and passed your hand by his hair.
"it's alright now, let's go to bed and have a good sleep night" he nodded as you said that and both of you went upstairs, leaving the disaster on the kitchen to be cleaned on the next day.
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281 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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"hanma shuji!"
he knew he fucked up, he didn't know what happened, but he definitely knew you would scold him for whatever he did. hanma heard heavy steps coming downstairs to his office, he was waiting for your figure to appear on the doorframe while his boss kept talking nonsense things on the phone.
his attention was no longer on the work, kisaki only sighed and disconnected the call, he would write the important things for hanma to do later. when you finally came, holding a wet towel in hands and with a very pissed off face, hanma shuji knew he would have to sleep on the couch.
"how many times do i have to tell you to not let your wet towel on the bed?! specifically not on my side! damn, shu, you're a grown adult, you understand perfectly what i'm saying!" your emotions were switching between anger and disappointment, it was the fifth time he did such thing. "the next time, i swear to God, i'm gonna stick this damn towel on your-"
your words were cut off by a scream and you flinching to the floor, hanma looked at you confused, but then he saw a cockroach flying over the room. "kill it! hanma, kill it!!" you shouted running out of the place.
he chuckled and killed the insect with his own foot, all the scary aurea you once had was definitely gone by what just happened.
"done, babe, come back here" he said and you came back, then threw the towel on his face, not wanting to look at him in the eyes as he just witnessed shameful moment of yours. "i'm sorry, doll, i really am. it won't happen anymore, okay?"
"i forgive you because you saved my life, but you are going to sleep on the wet side, understand?" you said, he giggled and hugged you tightly, placing a kiss on the top of your head. you embraced him back and laid your head on his chest, a visible pout still making presence on your face.
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reblogs are appreciated!!
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haitanni · 3 years
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— rindou haitani x reader
— fluff
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"babe, you're pregnant of how many weeks?" Rindou asks as he enters the bathroom looking at his cellphone, you were brushing your hair and that question made you frown, you gave him a look through the mirror and he was acting as it wasn't a big deal, not even looking at you.
"what do you mean? i'm not pregnant, there's no way i could be, i take my bir-" you stoped talking as you remembered that you didn't buy another medicine pack of your birth control.
"darling, i did a medical school and i can say when i see someone pregnant- wait, you didn't know?" he put his phone on his pocket and come closer to you. you were not facing the mirror anymore, you were facing your husband in disbelief, asking yourself so many questions, and Rindou was so convict in his words.
"i'll buy a test, i'll be back soon" he said and gave you a kiss, you were leaning on the sink of the bathroom, with a hand on your chin and didn't paid attention as he leaved the house, you were busy rambling to the voices from your head.
you two were married for four years, you did have the conversation about babies, but didn't put it in practice. you were in your thirties, and just now you remebered you're a grown adult and not a teenager running up and down with your boyfriend all over roppongi.
the time passed running and here he is, your boyfriend from your young days, except that now he is your husband, and apparently the father of your child. he handed you the tests and went out of the bathroom.
it didn't take long to show the results. your brother-in-law was running at your house shouting that he is going to be an uncle, and god knows how the fuck he got in there in such a convenient moment because neither of you or Rindou told him anything. your husband was hugging you from the back with his hands above your belly, and yours above his, both of you smiling as two idiots and ignoring the other Haitani.
and it didn't take long for your coworkers in bonten to show up at your penthouse as Ran texted them about how he was going to be the best uncle ever. everyone was happy for you and Rindou, it was still hard to believe, but you two couldn't be happier.
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286 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— ran haitani x reader
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"you should've saw it, it was like karma, sanzu ended his phrase and ran beated him" rindou laughed as he threw himself on the couch, and groaned as his wounds received the impact. he and his brother were so fucked up, you couldn't believe they were standing up and laughing if you hadn't seen with your own eyes.
"he was like 'no matter how strong you are, it's easier with an weapon' and pow!! my weapon reaching his face" ran laughed too but made a pout as the bruises on his face hurted by his movements.
you listened their words, smiling about how excited they were even though they were full of pain. they didn't care about that, they were happy to know that the guys they beated were worse than them.
rindou was holding an ice pack against his face while waiting for you to finish taking care of his brother. both of them were good friends of yours and the fact that you took classes of nursing was a magnet for them, it makes they come to your house after any fight.
even if they weren't too bad, ran dragged his brother to your house just to see you, just to ramble about how he triumphed above the other gangs. their gang lost this time, but he is happy to get to see you again. he loves that you first check if they aren't too hurt so you can scold about how irresponsible they are, you would punch their arms and slap their heads. but if it was serious, you'd look at them worried and treat every little bruise, then bake a special cake just for them, just to make sure they would eat properly.
the sound of the kettle whistling made it way across the whole house, whenever the Haitanis came to your place, you'd make their favorite tea, it was routine. "wait here, i'll be right back" you patted softly ran's head and went to the kitchen before all the water evaporates.
"rin, i'm gonna be honest, i won't die until i marry them" the eldest confessed to his brother with a hopeless romantic face, rindou laughed at how pathetic ran seemed, but he was really happy to see him in love, he trusted you and knew you would take care of him. and as your best friend, he knew the feelings were reciprocated, but it was funnier to see you two struggling to each other when it comes to this subject.
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200 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
— warnings: soft curse, needles
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"it's not gonna hurt, right?" sanzu lifted his head a little to face you, with a pout and puppy eyes. he was laying on the litter with a plushie on his hands, he wanted to hold your hand but you were the person piercing him. not that he is afraid, even worse, he's terrified.
"of course it's gonna hurt, but you asked for a piercing for about one whole semester, it's not now that you're gonna regret it" it wasn't going to hurt, not as much as you made it look like, but seeing him widening his eyes and almost crying was fun. he took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, cursing the old him that had this idea.
"you're ready?" you asked and he nodded, you laughed at how funny he was making it to be, and with no ceremony passed the needle through his nipple, and the pink piercing with skull lockers. "i am 30% more attracted to you now"
"it's already done!?" he raised up in a jump, looking at his new jewelry, you laughed and patted his head. he got up to see himself on the full lenght mirror of the studio. "damn it, i look hot as fuck" he posed while admiring his body, completly ignoring the fact that his soul was almost leaving his body not ten minutes ago.
you hugged him from behind, resting your head on his shoulders — because of his height, you needed to be on your toes for that. "next time i'm gonna pierce your dick"
he looked at you through the mirror, opening his mouth to say something exasperated by the shock look on his face. but then he looked at himself, looked down, again at himself, again at you. "say that to the not-sober me, he'll agree with you"
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162 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— shinichiro sano x gn!reader
— fluff <3
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"where do you want to go now, babe?" Shinichiro asked you, you two were hanging out all over the city, going to everywhere you said you wanted to go, doing the things you loved. that fact made you question if something was wrong, why was your boyfriend making such an effort for you? not that he doesn't do that, but something seemed different, and you were worried about that.
"shin, wait, may i ask you something? why are we hanging all over the places i love? it's not a commemorative date for us, did something happened?"
he stopped and struggled with his actions, acted like he was looking for the exact words to answer you. he was nervous, and that made you start to get nervous. so you were right, something did happen.
"i- i bought you a ring, remember that rapunzel ring you were dating when we passed by that jewerly? i wanted to make a surprise for you, but yesterday when i was coming back home i lost control of my bike and the little box went flying, it fell on the river. i know how much you wanted that ring and i'm feeling so stupid right now, i'm sorry."
you coundn't contain a smile as he told his story. god, you were so in love with him, and every little action he made was so adorable for you. you hold both of his cheeks and gave him lots, lots of kisses, not caring that you two were in public. he laughed and when the attack came to an and, you held his hands together. "you don't need to worry about that, really. i'm happy that you told me the truth, i'm not mad with what happened, i would love you forever even if you bought me paper rings made with post-its."
he looked you with wide eyes and starting looking for something on his pockets. as it was meant to be, he handed you a pink paper ring and placed it on your ring finger. "why do you keep reading my mind? i told the issue to my friends and takeomi made me those rings, isn't it perfect?"
you chuckled and admired the ring on your hands, thinking about how delicated it was. "i wouldn't ever imagine that takeomi was able to do something like that."
"i'd say that his sister told him how to, but she is so feral that coundn't be true. this man knows a little bit of everything, it's amazing." he laughed and took your hand, both of you exhibiting your pink paper rings as you walked the streets together.
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182 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— ran haitani x reader
— fluff
— idea by @togacaffe
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ran haitani was the type of person that absolutely struggle demonstring and showing his feelings for someone, it is hard even when it comes to his brother, so don't expect him to be a clear and readable person.
but he always, always loved writing. he started a secret journal when he was younger to write the things he was insecure to say out loud. his writing skills are so passionate that you can't even imagine that he is the actual writer. but he hides it as he's hiding a government secret, absolutely no one has any clue of his skills.
but he got a feeling for you, he made sure to sit behind you when you had classes together, that way he could tease you and admire how cute you looked angry at him. he knew you were just pretending cause when you could not hide the fact that you were smiling.
everyday he wrote a little letter and put it on your locker when no one — really, he stayed there for minutes waiting to be completely alone — was seeing.
you didn't knew who was your secret admirer that would put a love letter in your locker everyday, but you were so afraid to reject whoever this person is, cause you started to get feelings for the teasing bastard that sits behind you. you only found out when you saw him putting the daily letter there.
he completely widened his eyes when he saw you, and you where in relief that you wouldn't need to reject your secret admirer, cause he was the person you were falling for. he stayed as a statue as you approached your locker, and he only relaxed when you gave him a kiss on his cheek, picking the letter from his hand right after that.
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216 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— bonten headcanons
— how i headcanon that our dear ran, with long braid pigtails, got his hair to be short in bonten arc
— crack ofc
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Ah, the great old days in Bonten. Their reputation was getting higher and higher as the days passed by, and of course Ran Haitani was always worrying about his appearance.
Ran is handsome as hell, and he knows that, he knows that very well. And he knows how he is known all the city by his braided pigtails, it was almost a charm of his, his signature where he passes by.
But this day, this fateful day. Rindou was messing all around the building with Sanzu, both of them throwing slime balls at each other, these things were disgusting and sticky. The older Haitani was busy flirting with some ladies and having fun making them smile at his words.
The two idiots passed near them, Rindou threw one shot at Sanzu while he was running to hide somewhere. He missed. The slime got on Ran's perfect long hair, near the scalp.
"You fucking jerk, you better start running for your precious life" Ran said through gritted teeth, saying sorry to the ladies with a fake calm face. As soon as he spotted Rindou, he runned as his life depended on it.
Sanzu was just watching and laughing his ass off, Rindou didn't waste time on start running as he saw the shit he made. It was a long afternoon, and Ran did not stop until he beated his brother and he begged for forgiveness
After that, Kakuchou proposed that the best way to get the slime off was shaving Ran's head, and that is exactly what Sanzu is doing right now. He was having so much fun messing the Haitani's hair, Rindou was sitting on the back, recovering from the earlier fight.
Mikey saw what they were doing and stealed the hair clipper from Haruchiyo's hands. Ran was in silence since he entered the room, and the leader of the gang finished doing the job on his hair, giving him a patpat on the head and a low 'I'm sorry' leaving his lips.
Ran kept silence from Rindou from one week after that, Rindou had to say sorry so many times that this word even doesn't make sense to him anymore. Sanzu, of course, just laughed at the looking of the oldest Haitani.
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232 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— ran haitani x gn!reader
— fluff
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"you dribble when you sleep" was the very first thing you heard when you opened your eyes, your boyfriend took — stealed — the sit beside you and was watching you sleep through the classes. he was with his hand on his chin and elbow placed on the desk.
"you're so romantic" you said cleaning the desk and your face. you stayed all the night studying for a test and couldn't even pay attention to your classes, eventually you just fainted on your table. you seemed to sleep so well that no one dared to wake you up. Ran asked politely if the person beside you could switch places with him, even if he was kind while doing that, his aurea and reputation precedes him, so the person almost ran for another table to let him do whatever he wanted.
"i took some notes for you, i know you like this subject, and i'm sorry for my horrendous calligraphy" he handed a notebook for you, although he said that, everything was pretty readable. he wasn't really looking at you, because everything he did for you made him shy and hopeless in love, but he was paying attention to every movement you made.
"you didn't need to- thank you so much, really, i owe you" you said while taking pictures of what he wrote, so he could take his notebook with him
"don't say that, you already do so much for me, that's the least i could do" he smiled and the bell rang, announcing the end of the classes. "let's hang out together, we can go to that ice cram parlor that you love"
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189 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— rindou haitani x gn!reader
— crack
— tbh i'm tired of summarizing my writings, just read you will love it
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Oh, the snow is falling, it was such a pretty night, you and your boyfriend were walking on the streets and appreciating the moment. It was almost Christmas, some places were decorated for the occasion, some kids were playing snow ball fight on the closed streets. It was very entertaining to watch they having fun.
Without letting you see, Rindou picked a sort of snow and threw into your head. As you look at him, he acts like he wasn't the guilty. You made a snow ball, threw at him and started running.
Both of you tripped sometimes but continued the little war, without giving up nor having mercy on each other. His purple hair is now filled with some snow flakes, it was so adorable in your conception.
You can hear some music being played in a store nearby, you throw your last snowball and let your boyfriend behind, all confused by the strike he got on his face. You just follow the song and start dancing, vibing and feeling the moment.
Rindou approaches you with a smile on his face, which turned into a giant laugh as you slip and falls onto the wet floor.
"I don't know the full reason why I'm in love with you, but this is definitely part of it." you smile as he says that, but you pull his leg to make him fall by your side and jump over him, hugging him tightly.
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158 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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— ran haitani x gn!reader
— crack
— summary: your husband is the worst person to share the bed
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If there is someone you can't complain about, this person is your husband, Ran can be the cockiest person ever to his coworkers, but to you? A real gentleman, a prince that came from a fairy tale, you love everything about him.
Except one single detail: he can't sleep straight on the bed, he moves all the night, kicks, punches and pushes the blanket with all his strenght.
Sometimes you give up and go to sleep on the guest room, or you send him to sleep anywhere but your shared bedroom.
Today everything was fine, you were having a good sleep, and your dream was getting more and more interesting. The Haitani was sleeping with his mouth open, all outstretched on the bed.
Everything was fine, right? Too early to say. A strong slap reaches your face and you wake up scared. Ran was the guilty, but it seems that he was all fainted, in his best sleep.
You just massage your temples and looks at him incredible, without thinking twice you push your husband out of the bed. He woke up with the impact, and when he was about to ask what happened, you gave him your middle finger. That was enough for him to know that he may have punched you while sleeping — again.
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248 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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"mama, can i braid your hair?" your little daughter said, making the puppy eyes she learned just from you. one of the things on you that most got yuzuha's attention was the fact that you were absolutely perfect on persuading people, and of course you teached that to your girl. the thought of she being a miniature version of you made your wife smile softly. aiko was laid on yuzuha's chest while the two of them were watching cartoons, all dressed on comfortable matching pajamas, waiting for you to finish your work join them.
"'course you can, come here" you heard yuzuha saying, she made a movement to lay her head on your daughter's legs, being careful to not weight too much. the little girl giggled and started her new art piece, entangling your wife's strawberry hair. aiko learned how to simple braid hair with you and wanted to show her new ability to everyone, that means her mom would be her guinea pig on every new experiment.
you were able to watch the scene behind the screen of your laptop, even if you had your own office, sometimes it was better to just spend time on the same room as your family, enjoying the atmosphere. their laughs and rambles were just like music to your ears, maybe even more satisfying.
after some time — that seemed like years — you were finally allowed to shut the laptop and rest your mind from anything related to work. the only thing that could be heard on the living room was the low tv noises and somes snores coming from the girls on the couch, they both were cuddling together in a heavy sleeping. yuzuha's hair was braided on a simple way but was absolutely adorable, the prettiest hairstyle ever. you let yourself admire them for some time, rambling about how you loved your life with them.
you covered them with a soft blanket, giving them both a kiss on the top of their head, the fact that the two girls smiled at the touch made your heart skip a beat on how cute it was. "i love you so much" you said in a whisper, then laid on the other couch with your own cover and the warmest feeling on your heart.
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91 notes · View notes
haitanni · 3 years
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exames weeks are always a giant pile of stress, and final exames can be really worse, you just want to take good grades to finally have some proper rest on the vacations. but there's nothing that a night awaken and three mugs of coffee won't be able to crash, you are sure that you'll take the necessary points and finally have the right to not worry about anything.
there's twenty minutes until your class really starts, you're leaned on your table reviewing your notes while eating a protein bar, nothing seem to need your worries, you have all the formulas on the tip of your tongue and are ready to fight any question.
"y/n, there's a weird guy on the window looking for you" one of your friends called out, removing you from your own world. this was really something weird because your class is on the second floor, how could someone be able to be standing outside the window and waiting for you?
the answer is really simple: your boyfriend managed somehow — probably threatening — to convince his brother to lift him up, he wasn't allowed by the college to be on the dependences of the campus, but there was absolutely nothing he wouldn't do to see you in person.
"ran, what are you doing here!? they said they were going to call the cops on the next incident" you said laying on the window, the boy smirked at you and took your hand to place a kiss on the back of it, a simple act of his that he would do every single time he sees you.
"i'm here to check on my love, and to wish you good luck on your test, you will have the best grade and take note on my words!" he said proudly, which made you blush a little. you took some seconds to wonder how you managed to get such an awesome man that worships everything you do, even if he is wanted by every single cop on the country — he would do literally anything for you, even getting his own life on risk.
"are you done already? you are heavy as hell, asshole" rindou exclaimed, he was completely able to carry ran but the only thing he wished for that moment was his warm blankets and a good amount of sleep. ran gave him a slap on his head, the act made you laugh on how silly the both of them were.
"the class is almost starting, i'll text you when it's over, be careful on your way back home" you said smiling to your boyfriend, the two of you stayed for seconds admiring each other and not wanting to leave the other's gaze. the bell ringing made you fall out of your thoughts, you smiled at him and as you were ready to leave he protested.
"there's one more thing i have to mention!" he shouted, you stayed on your own place waiting for anything next to come from his mouth. he grinned and finally said "i love you, bye~"
you laughed because as soon as ran said that, rindou dropped him on the ground and screamed for them both to run, the guards were chasing after them and threatening to call the cops.
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