#(also his literal first day out of prison aswell but lets not talk about that)
We, as a community, don't talk enough about how Hannibal in wotl got shot and then proceeded to fall in the most whorish tinder-esque way possible, had eye sex with Will and then sassed Dolarhyde as he was preparing to kill him.
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dinglesugden-af · 7 years
I'm so down for this adam theory more then ross tbh. In terms of vadam and this storyline it could literally make sense of so many things y'know and cause so much drama. Like we all know it was November last year vadam decided to try for a baby but it wasn't until rebecca found out she was pregnant they reopened that again. like the day ashley died it obviously shown rebecca walking past the house which made so much sense in terms of 'as one life ends another begins' but it also shown vadam who are trying for a baby in the bedroom. they made a point of adam finding the test. not ross or robert it was adam. that's what caused vadam to get fertility tests done but why only do that when rebecca is pregnant? they'd been together for ages. adam might have been told he's infertile but you should always get a second opinion on those things and he was told he needed further testing which he never went for. It was the fact they couldn't have a child that tore vadam apart resulting in him kissing vanessa. adam never wanted a kid but he decided to do it because it makes victoria happy. If adam turned out to be the dad it would make so much sense to certain things. Victoria has featured heavily in this storyline far too much if I'm honest. I know roberts her brother but seriously when someone's sibling is expecting a child when does the person become so heavily involved with everything? they don't. When it all came out Adam wasn't judging Robert nor did he give him grief but laughed when aaron threatened rebecca. then all of a sudden switched. he hated robert but was around rebecca stood at the bar talking and having a drink with her. I know aaron self harming didn't sit well with him but he became such a hypocrite from that moment. when the pregnancy came out rebecca wasn't for anyone BUT victoria. adam hated how close they got. rebecca was so adamant she wanted to do it on her own but moved in with her child's supposed auntie. the first time she went for a scan who did she take? victoria. who told robron about it? adam. rebecca always looks so uncomfortable around adam like she shifts around him or ends up looking at the ground. to me it's so weird how adam suddenly became okay with rebecca. yes rob isn't innocent but why suddenly just blame robert?? like rebecca pointed out to liv it takes TWO to make a baby. It takes TWO to have sex. since robert took his intentions on ruining the whites victoria has suddenly forgotten she's becoming an auntie but she reunites with adam talks adoption and suddenly she was back at home farm on friday. they have an adoption meeting this week and once again their baby storyline is happening right as something to do with rebecca does. they've decided adoption right before she gives birth. when it comes to the barton brothers it's not as if they don't share woman is it or attempt to crack on with the same woman?? Adam being the dad opens up so much drama. Victoria his wife desperate for a baby taking pity on rebecca. How betrayed would she feel? Knowing that all along she was playing auntie to her stepson. When Rebecca returned why was it Victoria she rang? Why not Chrissie? The last time she saw Victoria was when she had a miscarriage scare so there wasn't exactly a tight bond between them there as they was having a little tiff but at that time it wasn't victoria she was relying on it was chrissie. after the miscarriage scare she was so quick to get away but returned within two weeks. If she so wanted to leave and be away for good she would. If she really wanted to go to OZ she would of. She wouldn't of told anyone. But she told Victoria. The one person desperate for a baby. The one person who she knows is a massive part of both robert and adams lives. Aaron. He's his best mate. Adam has been so hypocritical regarding Robert and he was actually out of order the way he encouraged pete to keep his affair a secret and how he would of still kept it from vic if he had the chance. Robert. Not only has this destroyed his life and his relationship but it would of broken his sisters heart and everyone knows how protective he is of her. He's protective of aaron too and he knows how it's destroyed aaron. Adams exit whether it's going on the run because he's up for murder or going to prison it still wouldn't make sense for him to just go. He's got victoria back and she sure as hell wouldn't let him go unless he'd done something to hurt her? Aaron sure as hell wouldn't let his best mate go on the run without hating him because he knows what it's like and as much as adam does annoy me he is a massive part of aarons life. for adam to leave (whichever way it happens) something big has to happen in terms of taking him away from the people he loves the most. Look at Andy for example. When he went on the run they sort of separated him from his family and he was never around them. Diane and Victoria never knew about the framing until November so up until then in their eyes andy did it. There's so many things Adam has in that village that he wouldn't just leave. He has a wife. A business. A best mate. A new brother. A struggling mum. Even if he was innocent if his exit is what I think it is (him being framed for emmas murder) then surely he would actually stay and fight for those things??? They only had andy go on the run last year and rakesh going on the run this year I don't see them having another person going on the run. In terms of him getting arrested that's the first arrest so no doubt it won't be long before someone else is in the frame. It seems everyone besides Victoria has so much going on in their lives/coming up that their focus won't be in adam. Moira has post natal depression aswell as a newborn. She won't have the time to fight for her son. Aaron has this current storyline he seems to be getting back into next week aswell as the big christmas/new year stuff aswell as liv also having her own storyline. Who's the only one without her own story that we know about? Victoria. All three of emmerdales most current popular couples all involved in baby stories. I know ryan mentioned earlier this year how they need more sugdens but that's just a second name (even if they are the most iconic family in emmerdale) but realistically there are no sugdens left. Their all part of their own families now and not around each other much. Coira and Robron - the most popular couples. One brings a baby together but one is keeping them apart. In terms of the bartons so many have gone. Within a year, 4 have died. As much as he has his mum they'll need something that can always bring adam back to the village (if rebecca stays) which is his son. Like andy he went but his kids were returning so he's always got his kids in the village. It seems their putting the bartons at the forefront of the show a lot recently. Two Bartons die. Two bartons become parents? 😉 Everyone seems so preoccupied with their own stories if adam was framed for emmas murder and he got sent down or on the run their focus wouldn't be on clearing his name it would be on their stories. Vadams baby storyline only ever seems to come when something is happening/going to happen with rebeccas pregnancy. The adam theory is exactly what emmerdale need to go with in terms of creating the drama we all know they can. I'm so down for Adam being the Dad. Victoria seems far too obsessed and involved in her 'nephew' compared to how involved she actually is with jack and sarah. She's been happy throughout this storyline. Rebecca's been happy throughout it. What better way for this storyline to go then the two people who have been happy the most get the shock of their lives? Victoria for taking rebecca in. Rebecca for loosing her only friend in the village. Every ssw story from 2016 is over besides robron. What kicked off their story? Rebecca. She tried to kiss Robert and he realised he wanted to marry Aaron. Aaron ended up kidnapping lachlan for threatening robert but why was he threatening him? Because he was sniffing around Rebecca. Aaron and Robert argued. Why? Over Rebecca. Up until she arrived aaron never worried about robert around other woman since they made it official. Rebecca was the main reason for their story in ssw and considering all the other stories have ended they won't keep her in their orbit. Adam and Rebecca leaving because they've caused a lot of trouble and lost all the people their closest to? Yes I'm down for that.
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