#(also just a note: it's absolutely unfair that it's spock who's first when kirk is the MC :P)
lenievi · 1 year
TOS-tober day 16 (triumvirate prompts)
Favourite Spock headcanon.
No matter what is happening, no matter how stressed he is, no matter if he has time to eat or not, he will always, always shave. His mid-20s is a period he would really like to forget.
Spock didn’t move out of his quarters since he started to serve on the Enterprise. All bridge crew’s quarters/officers’ rooms are the same size, so it isn’t logical to move all of his things just because he’s moved up in ranks. His quarters are perfectly satisfactory. And it wouldn’t feel right to move into the room that used to be Una’s.
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Divine Me A Masterpiece Challenge
♦ About
Welcome to my 1000 follower challenge!!! With there being a lot of seasonal challenges right now I thought I’d do something a little different. I thought that maybe we should get in touch with magic that’s in the air right now ;)
So for this challenge we are looking at tarot! First I’ll go over the rules and expectations, then gloss over tarot, and finally round out this post with the characters and prompts. So let’s get started :D
♦ Rules
To Enter
You must apply through my ask box so no anons. If you are using a side blog and don’t want your main shown to the world tell me so in the ask and I will not post it publicly. 
Every entry needs to be inspired by a Major Arcana card and must be focused on a character or ship I listed.
Each card is limited to one person!
Entries must be sent by ask and will be posted publicly!
I have bonus prompts listed at the bottom of this post; you need to use at least one (1) and you are limited to three (3) total! Sentence prompts are all first come, first serve! The majority of the AU prompts have a two person limit.
What your ask should include - the tarot card you wish to claim, the character or ship you wish to write for, and 1-3 of the prompts/AUs I have listed (You need to use at least one from the list).
All angst must have a happy ending and no cis-swapping.
I am accepting - fics, fan art, moodboards, edits, and playlists (you need to make a cover for it).
Note: I work second shift so please don’t panic if I don’t respond in the afternoon/evening hours.
November 24th, 2018 - I currently am just shy of 1000 followers and will not be posting a due date for these until I get 1000 followers. I will tag all who entered when that happens.
When Posting Your Work
All entries are due on February 22nd, 2019. Please do not post before then.
Make sure to list - the character/ship you wrote for, any warnings, and if it is nsfw.
Tell me how you interpreted the card for your work.
Make sure to tag me @goingknowherewastaken and @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets (Ashley is my assistant during this challenge)
Please use this tag within the first 5 tags - #DivineMeAMasterpieceChallenge
If your work contains nsfw content please make sure to tag it accordingly.
Please send me the link to your work through my ask box!
♦ About Tarot
We’ve all seen the decks of cards with beautiful designs used for helping find possible answers to questions we may have, but not everyone knows what’s going on with them. I will gloss over the bare minimum of info here, but I encourage you all to read up on tarot if you are unfamiliar with it.
Tarot cards are used for uncovering possible answers to questions we have about our lives - from love to career. Cards can be drawn and placed in a certain layout (spread) and are then read in a specific order. They are meant for enlightenment and what they tell in the spread is not set in stone - they are cards and you can ignore their take if you wish.
There are two ways to read the cards depending on how they appear in a spread - upright and reversed (upside down). If the card is revealed to be right-side up you are to read the card as is and if it is reversed then it’s meaning is reversed.
Depending on the deck, the description of the card can vary slightly, but overall they are similar. Also, the meaning behind the card is affected by the other cards in the spread. For this challenge you will only have to worry about the card you selected.
Because there are in total 78 cards in a standard deck (divided between the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana), we will only be using the Major Arcana which totals 22 cards.
Please read up more on the card you select!!!!!
The Tarot Cards (the words listed are just brief overviews of the cards that I gathered from Biddy Tarot)
Fool - @haveyouseenmymind 
Upright - beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Reversed - naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking
The Magician
Upright - power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Reversed - manipulation, poor planning, latent talents
High Priestess - @frostingsfics 
Upright - intuition, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind
Reversed - hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice
The Empress
Upright - fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance
Reversed - creative block, dependence on others
The Emperor
Upright - authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation
Reversed - domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility
Hierophant - @bsotstory 
Upright - religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs
Reversed - restriction, challenging the status quo
Lovers - @the-goddamn-queen 
Upright - love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices
Reversed - disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
Upright - control, will power, victory, assertion, determination
Reversed - lack of control and direction, aggression
Upright - strength, courage, patience, control, compassion
Reversed - weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline
Hermit - @auduna-druitt 
Upright - soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
Reversed - isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
Wheel of Fortune - @kjs-s
Upright - good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Reversed - bad luck, negative external forces, out of control
Upright - justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Reversed - unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
Hanged Man
Upright - suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
Reversed - martyrdom, indecision, delay
Death - @captainsbabysitter-blog 
Upright - endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition
Reversed - resistance to change, unable to move on
Upright - balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
Reversed - imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision
Devil - @bookcaseninja
Upright - bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism
Reversed - detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
Tower - @haveyouseenmymind 
Upright - disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation
Reversed - avoidance of disaster, fear of change
Star - @filatarcangelus
Upright - hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Reversed - lack of faith, despair, discouragement
Moon - @resistance-is-futile81
Upright - illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious
Reversed - release of fear, unhappiness, confusion
Sun - @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
Upright - fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality
Reversed - temporary depression, lack of success
Upright - judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Reversed - self-doubt, refusal of self examination
Upright - completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Reversed - lack of completion, lack of closure
♦ Characters And Ships
Characters (for reader inserts)
Jim Kirk (AOS)
Leonard McCoy (AOS)
Spock (AOS)
Scotty (AOS or TOS)
Steve Trevor
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
Peter Quill
Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Nicholas Devereaux (The Princess Diaries 2)
Cinderella’s Prince (Into The Woods)
Bernie Webber (The Finest Hours)
Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit)
Toby Howard (Hell Or High Water)
FDR Foster (This Means War)
Dr. Alex Murray (A Wrinkle In Time)
Robert the Bruce (Outlaw King)(I can’t help it he’s too precious with Elizabeth!!)
Vaako (The Chronicles of Riddick)
Gavin (Pete’s Dragon)
William Cooper (RED)
John Kennex (Almost Human)
Vincent Stevens (The Loft)
Kirill (The Bourne movies)
Jim Kirk x Eomer
Jim Kirk x Vaako
Jim Kirk x Scotty (Scirk)
Owen Grady x Charlie Weasley (from Harry Potter)(I know no one will use this ship but I have to have hope ya know?)
Napollya (Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin from (T.M.F.U.)
I have expressed interest in other crossfandom ships in the past that involve one (or some) of the characters listed above so if you have an ship in mind ask me about it and I may grant an exception to it (no sp*rk though so don’t even try that)
♦ Other Prompts
Sentence Prompts (gathered from around tumblr)
“I…think I’m in love?” - @the-goddamn-queen 
“Are you scared? Don’t be. ‘ll protect you from today onwards.” @haveyouseenmymind
“It’s crazy, isn’t it? Two complete strangers who know nothing about each other being brought together like this.”
your car slid into a snowbank and i’m the mechanic that comes to tow you
i hate the holidays more than anything in the world and you drive me nuts because you love the holidays more than anything in the world and this is why we aren’t friends (enemies to friends to lovers hello)
i’m constantly dragging all my friends to your hockey games because i think you’re so much fun to watch and i don’t think you’ll ever notice me
you knit me a sweater for christmas and i realize i am in love with you @bsotstory 
your birthday lands on christmas so no one ever remembers except this year i’ve asked everyone to delay their holidays to throw you a proper birthday bash
I build a fort in the college courtyard and have been throwing snowballs at people passing by and you are not impressed
our first date is spent walking around our small town holding hands and talking as soft snow falls around us @resistance-is-futile81 
I mean life is full of surprises. You could find the love of your life tomorrow, but you could also wake up bald. @the-goddamn-queen 
Will you press pause on your SHIT for 5 minutes? @the-goddamn-queen 
“Let’s not confuse healthy eating with a hot dog.”
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like a half hour okay?”  @auduna-druitt
“So MacGyvering this out of my tuckus right now.” @captainsbabysitter-blog 
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.” @frostingsfics 
“You screw with me, I’ll screw with you.”
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
“Why is there a picture of Steve Buscemi in your bathroom?!”
“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“Are you ready to dance with the devil?” @bookcaseninja
hey i just moved into the house next door and i just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? what do you mean that’s a cat????? that’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat) @haveyouseenmymind 
The postal worker delivered your package to my place accidentally and I was expecting something so I totally didn’t look before I opened it and… wow that is um… quite an interesting thing you bought and I’m here to return it
our dogs are in love with each other and it’s making things awkward at the dog park AU
I injured myself doing something stupid at a holiday party and you’re the doctor at the emergency clinic AU
I just moved into a new apartment and went to buy groceries, but I bought more than I could carry back. I’ve stopped to catch my breath when I hear someone asking if I need help and I look up and the sun is literally making you glow like a damn angel. @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
where one person is actually famous and sets up a dating account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…
i have a soft spot for cats so i always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet @filatarcangelus
“ur just a random stranger and i’ve been ranting to you for like 20 minutes about how much i hate this one band but now several groups of people came up to you asking for pics and autographs, and oh shit it turns out you’re in the band i’ve been going on about” au
You’re a famous viner and I constantly witness you doing the weirdest things AU
“I went to see you live in concert and was front row and you went into the crowd and I grabbed your hand, but started freaking out so much that I was touching you that I couldn’t let go to the point where security had to physically tear me away from you and now you’ve invited me backstage literally what” AU
AU Prompts (each of these (baring the Soulmate AU) has a two person limit)
Soulmate AU (there will be no limitations on this prompt) - @frostingsfics 
Shop AU -
Book shop,
flower shop,
coffee shop/cafe,
ice cream shop,
boutique/antique store
Professors/Teachers AU
Wings AU - @bookcaseninja 
Supernatural Creature(s) AU
Magic/HP AU - @haveyouseenmymind 
Celebrity/Famous Face/Hollywood AU
Fake Relationship AU - @captainsbabysitter-blog 
Youtuber/Viner AU
Circus AU - @kjs-s 
Roommates AU - @auduna-druitt
Historical AU
Fairy Tail/Disney AU
Spy/Secret Agent AU
Royalty AU - @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
Classic Novel Pride & Prejudice AU
Tagging those interested: @musicmandy1991 (tumblr won’t let me tag you????) @haveyouseenmymind @outside-the-government @tardisoftheshire @bookcaseninja @miraclesoflove @exiledtime @cynically-optomistic @frostedej
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